#such beautiful ideas
sga-owns-my-soul · 10 months
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no context john sheppard fan art
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ruushes · 6 months
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sleeping arrangements (not sure tara would ever actually deign to sleep in the same 20ft radius as shovel but who can resist those big shiny insectoid black eyes 🥺)
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grungeprincess2 · 9 months
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Star eyes makeup inspo
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natalieironside · 6 months
I know this audience skews young, so I wanna tell y'all something. Listen.
If it hasn't already, there'll come a day in your late teens or early 20s when you get disillusioned and relieved of a whole bunch of childhood notions at once, when you take a good look around at the life you're in or seem to be walking into and you ask yourself, "Is this it? Is this everything life is going to be? Am I really supposed to devote my life to making money for someone else day after day and year after year, with two days a week and one week a year left over to live, until I die? This is a helot's stake. This is the wrong side of the line between libertas and servitas. How can this be it?"
And when that happens, I want you to remember that you're right. It is bullshit, and it is a misery, and it doesn't have to continue. People are gonna tell you you're wrong, they're gonna say shit like "That's just how life is, kid, so grow up," and I want you to remember that those people deserve equal measures of pity and contempt.
If this makes you angry, that's good. It ought to.
And once you're good and angry, you can read up on this cool thing we got called a union.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The Dungeon Meshi crew 'leap' into action!
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roydeezed · 6 months
One thing for those who have watched The Boy and The Heron or will watch it. The Japanese title for it is How Do You Live? And Miyazaki stated he was leaving it for his grandson, saying, "Grandpa is moving onto the next world soon but he is leaving behind this film".
The deaths of contemporaries and friends such as Satoshi Kon and Isao Takahata and also the expected successor of Yoshifumi Kondo were things that have always weighed heavily on the back of Miyazaki's mind.
He recognizes the industry and the occupation for how soul crushing it was, grinding up either the spirit or the physical body of those who work in it. He loves and hates the industry he stands on the peak of and fully recognizes how it will probably be the death of him. And he knows it'll leave him unable to say a lot of things to his Grandson.
So How Do You Live? is a lesson. For his grandson. For himself. For his two sons. And probably for anyone else willing to pay attention.
Hayao Miyazaki is a flawed man that makes things so important to so many people. And I think more than any other film of his, in this you get to pull back the curtain a bit and see him at work. And what should be this giant unblemished titan can be seen for what he is, a sad old man who had higher hopes for himself and has even higher hopes for the people he makes his work for.
It's a beautiful thing to see another's humanity in their work. To look past the artifice and glam of commercialized art and find humans behind it. And humans willing to show their humanity and mortality is even rarer. And something to be celebrated. So when you watch it. Or if you've watched it already. Understand that this film is Miyazaki kneeling down, weary after years of weaving dreams and making mistakes, reaching out and saying to you that he hopes you can do better. It's an old man who's made all the mistakes of the world passing it on to you, hoping you do better, and making sure you know it's okay if you don't.
How do you Live? By making mistakes. By messing up. But still moving forward. And still reaching out.
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
this is literally the coolest gimmick blog i have ever seen, i took a genetics class in tenth grade and i’ve been obsessed ever since. could you analyze this ask too?
String identified:
t ta t ct gc g a , t a gtc ca tt ga a ’ c. c aa t a t?
Closest match: Lysandra bellargus genome assembly, chromosome: 10 Common name: Adonis blue butterfly
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cemeterything · 8 months
me trying to explain to people that being likable and/or funny and/or sympathetic and/or physically attractive are not rewards you get for being a good person but simply side effects of being a person with no inherent moral weight and that characters who are "bad people" having these qualities does not mean that the author endorses all of their actions or wants the audience to root for them
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piratefishmama · 2 months
No upside down but they still found each other AU where once they get out of Hawkins and move into a little apartment together in the city, Stobin set up a 'date night' routine once a week.
Obviously not a typical date night cause Platonic with a capital P, but they alternate each week who gets to plan the date night activities meaning they both get to do something fun, interesting, exciting, and potentially ridiculous that they themselves wouldn't have thought of.
One such date night, on Robin's turn to plan, is a relatively cheap art exhibition at a local small time independent gallery, focusing on portraits of people the artist has seen around the city, quickly sketched, then painted afterwards.
Her most recent crush had suggested she attend it as her best friend was the artist and was absolutely shitting it over revealing his work to the public that'd inspired those works, certain that everyone would hate them.
They get dressed up, ready to play the part of Fancy Art Connoisseurs, Steve ready to meet and big up Robin to this cute girl Robin had gushed about endlessly as the best wingman ever
Only for them both to wind up stuck one one particular painting titled and described:
E. Munson Angel Incognito Oil on Canvas, The most beautiful man i've ever seen in my life. I was certain i'd seen an angel.
It's Steve.
Sitting in the park, feeding the birds, painted to look... ethereal. Moles dotted with gold, sunlight hitting his soft hair just so, catching the rim of his glasses.
And Robin is immediately on a mission to be the best wingwoman ever because this is NO LONGER about her crush on Chrissy dammit she MUST find this artist, present Steve to him, and "now KISS" smush them both together like barbie dolls.
Good thing Eddie is nearby.
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poobirdy · 1 month
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xin mo did not become the demonic op sword of all three realms for this!!! for @kawouwu who asked for binggeyuan sillies! thank you for your donation to svsss' gotcha 4 gaza!
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nkjemisin · 2 months
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ID: Photo of a street corner; cars are parked on one side, and buildings on the other. Centered is a large cherry tree in full bloom, covered in pink blossoms, lit from behind by the sun.
Already posted this on Bluesky, and I like it so much you get to see too. I don't usually take good photos. That's mostly bc I'm a) too cheap and lazy to bother keeping up with the latest tech, and b) too slow on the draw to catch good shots. I always get entranced by the ephemeral moment, start thinking the kind of weird-ass thoughts that sometimes lead to novels, and then I remember to grab my cellphone ten minutes later. Anyway, this is with a Samsung Galaxy S22, portrait mode. And I got lucky.
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thatsitso · 6 months
Mizu and Taigen x that Princess Mononoke scene
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psykopaths · 19 days
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sugarsnappeases · 2 months
returning to the arms of my lover (jstor) oh how i have missed her
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jvtbaby · 2 months
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Let’s go for a drive baby 💓
ig- jewel_tudor
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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The musical episode.
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