allofasudden00 · 1 year
I saw that you wrote something for the legend of korra, are you thinking of coming back to Encanto any time soon?
That is a difficult question to answer. I still love the fandom and the movie itself, however a lot of my fixation and brainrot has disappeared for it. And I also have a lot of bittersweet memories with the film now that make it a bit difficult to look back on and re-watch. Don't get me wrong, I still love the film with all my heart, but I think I am going to move on, at least for now.
Sorry if that disappoints and it wasn't the answer you wanted, but it is the answer I can give.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
I just wanted to say thanks for responding to me.
I have very high anxiety and your the first person I’ve been able to actually ask a question to on here and your response was really sweet, kind and helpful.
So I just wanted to say Thanks for being you! ❤️
I love questions so it was totally no problem :)
I've been away from this site for a long time so coming back and having a calm and normal question, is very nice.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
I just wanted to say your work is AMAZING I absolutely Love your writing!
Thanks for the new Julieta and Agustín content!!
Oh! Also are you ok with people reposting your stuff?
Thank you very much for the compliment 💛
Reoposting? I am fine with people reblogging my stuff or making sure to tag me in things that are mine :) But simply reposting my stuff is gonna be a no from me.
Thank you very much for reading
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Hey ^_^ <3
Personally I think your mostly like Agustin mostly
And a mix with Kristoff from frozen 2 👀
Your hobbies however show an extent to your imagination and width in character that I can't tell any other that I know
I don't know much about other characters that can possibly be closer to your personality since I haven't been to many Fandoms but I love this 😊
Agustin and Kristoff 🥺
I shall take it! I love both of those characters and that is a big compliment.
Thank you so much 🥺💞💞
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
I’m the one who asked about the reposting.
Thank you for letting me know I just joined tumblr a few months ago so I didn’t really know if it was ok to reblog or repost.
Thanks again! ❤️
It is no problem! Reblogging is always welcomed 💛
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Deep Red ( I’m in love with you as I'm making sure for you to know) ,Red (no no I ADORE u),Pink,Blue,Rose (you're the most attractive person I know), Purple,Plum,Violet,Aqua ,Lavender,Orange,Tangerine
Leaving love messages in incognito,love is legal🌬💞💓
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
cream - we should talk more :'(
Sorry, I'm not on tumblr much anymore dear Anon, but I am fully willing talk to you! (If I knew who you are 😂)
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Do you think Agustin passed along any of his allergies to his girls? We know Mirabel got his coordination.
That is a very good question.
I love to think each of his girls got something from him. I 100% believe his girls got at least one of his allergies. Now in the film we only see him being allergic to bees, but in my HC he is allergic to shellfish. I HC that he gave that allergy to all of his girls, but since Julieta's gift can heal any allergic reaction, they never noticed lol
I imagine they finally go into the city and eat at a restaurant, only for Agustin and all his girls to get a red rash and swell in the face a bit as Julieta watches in confused horror. Not a deadly allergy but something that is very noticeable.
He has given his girls one trait from him, Mirabel has his coordination, Isabela has his large ears, and Luisa has his nervous ticks. (I also 100% HC that Julieta snorts when she laughs and all her girls do that too.)
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Do you have a favorite Encanto artist?
Of course, @daliceus is queen and I'd happily lay down my life for her, her art is amazing!
However, @the-little-robyn has amazing art of baby Mirabel that give me life! And @encantoartdump has some amazing OC art alongside canon! Also @sketchnwhatevr is just amazing! I realize I don't follow that many artists.
I could be forgetting quite a few because I'm on a lot of meds that could kill a toddler. It literally took me 10 minutes to type my password in to get into my account. I couldn't find a single letter.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
The all about me
And error 404 are so cute one you like more 😩
A little attention never hurts
Dolores is never one to get sick. Unlike Camilo and her Mama, she is always the last person in the house to get sick. She could count on both hands how many times she’s been sick in the 21 years of life she’s lived. The whole family dislikes being sick, everyone except Dolores. It’s not that she enjoys the heaviness she feels in her chest, or how her nose is stuffed up. She does, however, enjoy the attention that she gets from being sick.
Dolores being sick is so rare that everyone gets slightly panicky whenever she does. When she woke up feeling awful today, she informed her Mama who immediately peppered her with worried kisses and told her to stay in bed. After she missed breakfast, her nap was interrupted by Julieta coming in with a bowl full of her favorite soup. Her Tia gently placed the bowl in her hands and kissed her forehead and left with a quiet “There is a lot more of that. I’ll bring you another bowl if you want.”
Dolores smiled to herself and enjoyed her soup in comfortable silence. That is another thing she enjoys about being sick. The silence. Her family never fails to be as quiet as possible when she is sick. Her day went by quickly, but she was visited by the entire family throughout it. Camilo had come to say hi and give her the laundry he finished (today it was supposed to be her job to do it, but she got out of that too.). Isabela came and decorated her room with plants and flowers so that Dolores can smell them when she gets better. Abuela came in and they talked a little while Abuela mindlessly dusted the bookshelves and organized the books.
Mirabel came after lunch, with Antonio close behind. They brought with them small sandwiches and sweets. Dolores and them had a little picnic on her bed and Antonio gave her one of his stuffed animals to cuddle with. Luisa and her talked about a book they’ve been reading together and had fun theorizing what will happen in the next chapter. Agustin popped his head in and informed her he finally got around to fixing the hole in her favorite dress. Her parents were the last to visit when nighttime was rolling in. Despite Dolores’ protests, her mama insisted on helping her with her hair and getting ready for sleep. Her papa made her laugh with his stupid jokes while her mama went through her closest to find a fresh nightgown.
When they left, and Dolores was finally alone, she breathed a satisfied sigh. She doesn’t feel any better, but she got to be slightly pampered and didn’t have to get out of bed. For her, that is a win. There was only one thing that could make her feel even better. She turns on her side and looks out her opened window. His voice seemingly carried on the wind, his gentle words reach her ears.
“Hola Dolores, Camilo told me you were sick.” Mariano whispers to himself while laying down in his bed and looking at the ceiling. He hopes she can hear him and she isn’t asleep already. “Sorry I didn’t visit you today. I’ll be around tomorrow. But to make it up to you, I wrote you something.”
As Mariano recites his poem, Dolores closes her eyes and smiles. She really should get sick more often. It isn’t so bad.
I feel like Dolores would be the one who likes the attention when she is sick. She is kind of the background sibling and family member, she is there when you need her and she likes watching and listening. But when she is out of commission, everyone rushes to be there for her like she is for them.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
NICU au fic??? Is it true???
"Good morning Señor Rojas, I need you to- " Julieta’s voice trails off when she looks up from her clipboard and notices Agustín slumped in his chair. His glasses are dangling in his hand and his head is leaning against his shoulder, soft snores escaping him. He looks more at peace than she's seen him in days. She smiles at him as she slowly walks out of the room and softly closes the door. She'll be back later, he needs the sleep.
Just gonna leave this here.... 👀 @daliceus
No more sneaky peeks for this fic... I don't want to release the fic... prematurely haha
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Let's not forget that Mirabel's birthday is roughly 9 months after Agustin's so...
😂 Omg ahaha
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
I’m not a Harry Potter fan but that Percy dude seems neat, got any headcanon ablit the dude or something? I like to hear your rants/pos
Percy is a indeed a very interesting character. I've read all the books multiple times and still am a BIG Potter head.
What I can say about Percy is that you either love him or you hate him. People in the fandom rarely fall somewhere between loving and hating him. He gets a lot of hate (albeit most of it is justified) but we must remember he did redeem himself in the end, not by much, but it was a decent start. As for HCs, I got a few.
1. After the battle of Hogwarts he never left his family's side. He left once and regretted it full heartily later, he has many apologizes to dish out, and sadly some people didn't live to hear them. I think that'll haunt him forever.
2. If he ever had a son he would give the kid the middle name "Fred" in honor of his brother.
3. He visits his home almost everyday to talk to his parents and siblings to make up for the time he missed.
4. His relationship with George has become stronger after Fred's passing.
If you want to hear someone rant about MORE HCs involving Percy, pay a visit to @ginnyweatherby she loves the man.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
*slides percy weasley defence posts, meta and fic over the table for your perusal* welcome to the dark side, we have nuance
The dark side you say? I'm listening 😈 I love my boy.
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
Glad you are back Kai! I love your writing! I know you have said in multiple posts that you write a lot and write many things, so I wanted to ask what are your favorite words?
Hello! This is a lovely question! I have a love for words that sound very high-brow and snobby. Since I do a lot of academic writing, these words appear in a litany of places. However, instead of listing my favorite words, why not show you? I had a short, almost Shakespearian, AU series planned that I never went through with. My idea was to use a lot of my favorite words within the writing and dialogue. I will bold my favorite words so they are easier to point out.
Alma stands with one hand on the railing and a single foot placed onto the step. Her head snaps back to him with silent judgment at his nerve to call out to her. Agustin takes a bewildered step backwards. He did not surmise she would listen to his plea. Taking a large breath and swallowing his surprise, Agustin observes the matriarch before deciding his next course of action. 
“Alma, it is a well known fact you have an immutable stance on the baseborns and bastards of this city, and that I cannot change. That is your stance and it is well within your right to uphold it for that is your choice.” Agustin wrings his hands as he pauses. He glances at Alma and her ineffable expression and worries that his dilatory actions are causing her annoyance. In his peripheral he surveys Julieta as she apprehensively walks closer to him. Her courage alleviates his sense of worry as he readies himself to continue. “However, your daughter carries a different viewpoint of this world and with her I agree. I may not have riches or titles to squander, but without her my heart is torn and thrown asunder. And it causes me great satisfaction to know that she feels the same. And I will not, nay, I shall not allow any luddite to force us away from each other.” 
Alma’s eyes widen and her nostrils flare as she turns her body fully in his direction. Agustin watches as the color drains from Julieta’s face and his stomach collapses to the floor as the matriarch marches forward. 
“How dare you postulate something so inscrutable as my stances on the people of this city?”
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allofasudden00 · 2 years
To a fellow Agustin Stan, he’s birthday is on the 19, and Father’s Day is also on that day. So imagine the blue family just so cute wholesome things like trying to make him breakfast and it’s chaos
Or just imagine Agustin and Julieta doing spicy things
That totally reminds me that I have two oneshot fics that I hopefully will be posting on the 19th or sometime close to it. One is wholesome family fun and the other one is strictly Julieta having him all to herself.
Thank you so much for the reminder that I have to write those!
Also, the girls would totally try making breakfast for him only for Julieta to step in so her kitchen doesn't burn down. They get the plate of food to him while he is still in bed, only for him to sit up and knock all the food onto the floor and somehow fall out of bed himself, and he manages to hit his head on the nightstand to add insult to injury.
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