vakavanhasaatana · 1 year
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scumlafeccia · 2 years
"Suden Morsian" (the wolf's bride) is such a cool book, the descriptions are wonderful, I'm certainly not capable of fully enjoying it since the last translation in my mother tongue was made almost a century ago, and I don't know Finnish good enough yet to read the original, also i can't help but take the "evil" side and see the good christians as the bad guys, but hell if it's amazing
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lyhytkertomus · 2 years
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Sudenmorsian on yksi lempikirjoistani ja sain lopultakin luettua lisää Aino Kallasta. Valitsin tästä kokoelmasta Reignin pappi (1926) -nimisen tarinan, sillä muistelin sen olevan kauhukertomus. Ei se kauhua ollut, mutta viihdyttävä kuitenkin. Reignin pappi kertoo äkkipikaisesta papista, joka murhasyytteen takia joutuu pitämään seurakuntaa syrjäseudulle, missä vanhat pakanalliset uskomukset vielä elävät vahvoina. Hänen mukanaan muuttaa nuori vaimo, Catharina, joka hyveellisyydestään huolimatta rakastuu papin apulaiseen. Nautin erityisesti upean kiemuraisesta vanhan Testamentin kielestä, jolla Aino Kallas kirjoittaa. Se tuo tarinaan niin paljon lisää, varsinkin kun minäkertojana on puhiseva ja paasaava pappismies. Sudenmorsiamen luin tosiaan ihan vakavalla naamalla, mutta pappi Paavali Lempelius oli kertojana niin sokea omille heikkouksilleen, että välillä nauroin melkein ääneen. En oikein usko, että tekstin tarkoituksena oli tehdä pilaa tästä miehestä (joka syyttää virheistään horoskooppimerkkiään!), mutta minulle hän oli ehdottomasti kertomuksen antagonisti, vaikka hän luuli koko ajan toimivansa oikein. Tästä aiheesta saisi varmasti monta kiinnostavaa lukupiirikeskustelua aikaiseksi. ”Sillä vaikka minä tosin en mitään varmaa tiennyt, ja kaikki vain minun omia ajatuksiani oli, niin ei kestänyt enää kauvan, ennen kuin Epäilyksen kyykäärme ennätti poveeni pesiä ja siellä seitsemän poikaansa siittää, kuin ovat nimeltänsä Epäluulo, Luulevaisuus, Mustankipeys, Mielikarvaus, Viha, Epätoivo ja Murhanhimo. Ja tämä viimeinen, ehkä heistä kyllä nuorin, on myös heistä väkevin.”
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cuntstable · 2 years
hmmm read a book about a woman werewolf written in 1920 i must
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Love Is Patient - Snippet
She sniffled and slipped her arm through his to guide him back toward the carriage. “I don’t want to move back with Mama and Papa yet.”
“You aren’t being made to leave yet, are you? They’ll wait to see if you’re having a boy to inherit.”
“They won’t make me leave the main house until afterward, no. And I don’t know which of the properties I’ll inherit. But I’m sure Mama won’t want me to be alone.”
Alec helped her into the carriage and followed. “I’ll stay. You know I will. I’ve practically lived here the last few months anyway.”
“You have to find a wife, Al.”
“I have to keep close to you. You’re my sister, my twin sister at that. I need to be here for you.”
Athena rested her head on his shoulder. “I just want to sleep forever.” The tears came again.
Tagging those that have interacted with the previous posts:
@lemonluvgirl @mollywog @b-boop5 @sudenmorsian @ldyglfr62 
If anyone wants to be added, please let me know.
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akai-no-tsuki · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.
1. Gardening (part of my job)
2. Arts (doing and consuming)
3. Games (good for leisure time)
4. Good weather (and nature in general)
5. Friends and family
@darkestabsol @kakarinlin @gaymelie  @oneleggedflamingo @ofthebluemoon @raventhekittycat @chuthulhu @sudenmorsian @a-pollojustice @uzurunner
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teal-skull · 6 months
Suomenkielisiä sanoituksia jotka vaan iskee eri tavalla
"Syreenien kanssa sä voit jäädä nukkumaan / enää ei tarvii jaksaa" -Haukilahden rantaan, SANNI
"Mulla yksi pyyntö ois / älä vie lapsuuttani pois / anna mun nauttia aika tää" -Pyyntö, Klamydia
"Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta / mitä ikinä keksitkin pelätä / ei ole sellaista pimeää, jota minun hento käteni ei torjuisi."
-Minä suojelen sinua kaikelta, Ultra Bra
"Aina oikein uskoa ei jaksa ihmiseen, kun ihmiskunta tekee itsemurhaa"
-Viidestoista yö, Juice Leskinen
"Joku hullu on keksinyt ikuisuuden" -Autiotalo, Dingo
"Syvälle syliisi lasken teidät lapsikullat / laulan viimeiset tuutilullat / heitän päällenne kepeät mullat / Menkää rauhassa " -Kepeät mullat, Mokoma
"Pihamaalla katsoo miten kaunis voikaan olla maa / vaikkei ole Jumalaa"
-Rakkaus on lumivalkoinen, Yö (tän koko biisin vois laittaa)
"Vesi oli mustaa kuin aikakin" -Lumi teki enkelin eteiseen, Hector (tän koko biisin vois postaa koska se on se kokonaisuus jota iskee jonnekin syvälle)
"Lumi on syönyt kaiken / routa raiskaa tämän maan / joutsenetkin jäätyy kiinni jaloistaan "
-Joutsenet, PMMP
"Mä en tiedä mitä teen / on kai pakko laittaa lapset laitokseen / eikö elämässä riitä mikään? / eikö hellittäisi hetkeksikään mieletön kierre?" -Elina mitä mä teen? Leevi and the leavings
"Kipu kuolee huutamalla / Alastomana lattialla "
-Koneeseen Kadonnut, Apulanta
"Ei käsin tunnu pimeys niin tummalta, jos kosken aamun kastetta" -Sudenmorsian, Korpiklaani "Tähän päättyy paljon hyvää, paljon kaunista / jonka raajat kuolleet on / tän täytyy mennä näin / vaikka tahtoisin kieltää / koittaa säilyttää / mutta tiedän et on turhaa armoo viivyttää."
-Armo, Apulanta
"Jotka kuuluu siihen kulissiin, mitä peloissaan kodiksi kutsutaan ja jonne haaveet haudataan / miksei ikinä riitä että toinen on siinä ja jakaa tämän hetken sinun kanssasi" -Maailma on tehty meitä varten, Haloo Helsinki "Täällä pohjantähden alla hiipii sieluun asti halla ja tunteet tappamalla rikki repii sydämen " -Täällä Pohjantähden alla, Petri Laaksonen
Saa Lisätä!
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March 2023: 1920s
Time for the roaring twenties!💃
(You can read more about the Reading Through the Decades reading challenge on my post introducing the challenge. Basically, it’s a year-long reading challenge where we read books - and explore other media - from the 1900s to the 2020s, decade-by-decade.)
It’s funny because I feel like I have such a vivid picture in my head of what the 1920s were (supposedly) like (flappers and drinking and smoking and the like), but then I actually sat down last week and tried to think of recommendations for this decade, and... I really couldn’t come up with that many. What has influenced and shaped my perception and understanding of the 20s? It’s anyone’s guess 🤷
My Recommendations for March
🎬 항거: 유관순 이야기 (2019; A Resistance), dir. Joe Min-ho 📖 The Paying Guests (2014), Sarah Waters 📖 Emily of New Moon (1923), L. M. Montgomery 🎬 The Banshees of Inisherin (2022), dir. Martin McDonagh 🎬 The Mummy (1999), dir. Stephen Sommers 📖 Sudenmorsian (1928; The Wolf’s Bride), Aino Kallas 📖 Orlando (1928), Virginia Woolf 📖 Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928/1960), D. H. Lawrence 📺 Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (2012-2015)
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amatesura · 3 years
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Aino Kallas, The Wolf’s Bride, 1928
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finlitfanclub · 2 years
Oon kerännyt tähän mennessä kuuteen kotimaiseen kirjasarjaan liittyvää fanitaidetta ynnä muuta oppaiksi instagrammissa. Jos siis olet lukenut jonkun näistä kirjoista ja satut olemaan etsimässä siihen fanitaidetta, suuntaa tänne.
Elina Pitkäkankaan Kuura-trilogia ja Aino Kallaksen Sudenmorsian:
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Sini Helmisen Väkiveriset-sarja:
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Susanna Hynysen & Dess Terentjevan Neonkaupungit ja Arja & Emma Puikkosen Äänihäkki sekä Löytölintu:
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Elina Rouhiaisen Väki-trilogia ja Sini Helmisen Hurme:
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Oon osan postannu kans tänne tumppuun, mutta instagrammin puolelta löytyy enemmän ja päivittelen oppaita sitä mukaa kun lisää fanitaidetta julkaistaan ja ite jaksan taas värkkäillä.
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counterspelling · 3 years
Jaina 💜
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS
ship with: Jag!!!! I will literally never get over their first meeting, Jag walking past everyone in the ceremony he was supposed to greet and giving only a cursory greeting to the uncle he'd never met to complisult her flying lmao. They should have gotten married immediately!! Why did we waste 20 years on love square drama!! It was so stupid and she deserved so much better than to have storyline after storyline about love interests!!! Especially when Jag was the only good one!!!
friendship them with: Jacen!! Mirta!!! Tenel Ka!! Tahiri!! Mara!! I want twin bonding and lady friendships and helping Tahiri past her grief for Anakin and mentoring her niece and cousin and heckling her bounty hunter friend
general opinions: I love her!!! She is just truly the pinnacle of characters for me. I think about her at 16 getting knighted and hearing frankly an incredibly bleak prophecy about how she's going to be alone forever but it's going to be okay bc she's a natural protector, all in the wake of losing her youngest brother, in the midst of the worst war the galaxy has ever seen... and yet she never falters, never gives up, and instead gives of herself over and over and over again. God, I fucking LOVE her
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igor-shestyorkin · 3 years
Super dumb question, but what does it mean that he's on waivers? Is it a prelude to him getting traded?
Not a dumb question at all!! And he won’t get traded at this point, the waivers are the last option AFTER trying to trade him! Basically any team can claim him from waivers (theres a bunch of rules but this is the basics) or if he clears waivers then he’ll probably go to the rangers AHL team or get bought out so he’s not in the rangers org at all
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scumlafeccia · 2 years
manifesting getting to talk about Sudenmorsian at my exam Tuesday. idc abt anything else right now I just need to be able to rant about it and criticize Christianity and praise its prose in front of someone who actually knows what I'm talking about
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hiidenneiti · 5 years
you, an intellectual: sudenmorsian on kertomus naiseudesta, riivaavasta intohimosta, suvaitsemattomuudesta, lihallisuudesta ja vapautumisesta
me, a dumbass: varhaista furry-kirjallisuutta
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doubleminor · 4 years
you’re so talented!!! ❤️
why is this making me so emotional tysm ilu 🥺 🥺 🥺
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daniwritessometimes · 11 months
It Is Not Proud - Love Never Fails 5
This is the 5th book of the Osborne series. I actually have never written a single word of this one until now. Sebastian has evolved over the years, so this one should be interesting.
Sebastian slowly opened his eyes. His head was pounding and his throat was scratchy. He looked up at an unfamiliar wooden ceiling.
“You’re awake!” An excited female voice said.
He looked over to see a young blonde girl poke her head out the open door and call for someone to fetch the doctor. She came back and smiled down at him.
“We thought you’d never wake again,” the young woman said. Her accent was hard to follow and his head was pounding just trying. “The doctor said your heart was strong and your lungs weren’t full of water–”
Sebastian interrupted, “Where am I?” His voice was so raspy.
“Lamb Head Broch.” [Orkney Island; placeholder for now]
“Water, please?”
She poured some water into a tin cup and handed it over and helped him to sit up. “I’m Elizabeth.”
“Sebastian.” He drank the water down and then collapsed on the bed once more. “What happened to me?”
“All we know is you washed up on the beach last week. You have a broken leg and there was a very nasty gash to your head. You kept asking for your mama, but we couldn’t get anything else.”
A young man with a pronounced limp came into the room. “Hello, I’m Doctor Smythe.” He put down his bag and started pulling out instruments. “And you are?”
“Sebastian Osborne.”
“Ah, a Londoner! I got my medical license there.” He looked over Sebastian and examined his head.
As the doctor poked and prodded, he could finally feel the concentration of the pain just at his temple. He hissed at the doctor’s fingers poking at the wound.
A gruff voice said from the doorway, “You know how you got here?”
Sebastian tried to shake his head, but it hurt too much. “Last I remember, I was on a ship headed north from Liverpool.” He squinted out the window. “It’s winter.”
“A keen eye, that one has,” the gruff man said.
“Pay my father no mind,” Elizabeth said, “Does winter hold significance?”
“It was the end of spring when we set sail,” Sebastian explained.
The doctor looked him over. “Royal Navy?”
The doctor nodded. “I’ll send word. They’ll have listed you as missing.”
Tagging all the lovely people who were previously tagged and adding any extras who have interacted with the other posts:
@lemonluvgirl @mollywog @b-boop5 @sudenmorsian @ldyglfr62 @bfinleyb @alexandramo24 @wizardwix @kyloknightren @broken-everlark 
If I tagged you and you don’t want to be tagged, please tell me and I will take you off. If you do read this and want to be added to tags, let me know.
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