#sue baloo
kitsunetsuki · 7 months
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Clive Arrowsmith - Sue Baloo Wearing a Dress by Bellville-Sassoon (Vogue UK 1971)
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lyssahumana · 11 months
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nic-214 · 2 years
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Pattie Boyd, Sue Baloo and Maren Greve in a Vogue photoshoot, 1969.
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fragrantblossoms · 6 months
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Vogue UK 1st April 1973 Photo:Sarah Moon Model: (Possibly) Sue Baloo
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ben-the-hyena · 8 months
How do you feel about the Ducktales reboot as a whole? And were there any other issues you had in the three seasons?
I loved season 1, really disliked season 2 while I liked the first episodes and I didn't bother with season 3 because the clips I saw and plot points I heard annoyed me. Donald was nerfed to oblivion to be a literal joke while he was comical sure but also badass in the comics, I HATE the final plot twist and still think it is so forced, how I LOATHE this depiction of Dewey, how I hate how nobody ancient feels ancient because they all speak "yeah like whateher dupper cool" (even if I loved season 1 the mummies and Selene made me roll my eyes so HARD) and GF quirky humor and Wellon speak too much, how again it id not a DT show itself but a huge nostalgia fanservive with pointless useless crossovers everybody ate up (IT'S DUCKTALES NOT DISNEY MORNING CARTOONS FEST I DON'T GIVE A SHIT EVEN IF I LOVE GOOFY AND BALOO I DON'T WANT TO SEE THEM THERE COME THE FUCK ON), none of the kids felt like kids the most jarring example being Gosalyn who felt like a realistic orphaned 9 years old kid in the old show trying to deal with grief and loneliness while trying to stay positive and play and keep acting like a child with other children but here was edgy and somber because "omg so relatable and realistic way to deal with grief Oscar worthy show I feel smart watching it" while investigating herself about her grandpa's death and knowing nearly everything like a professional NPC who gives you the clues and is like "follow me" the whole time to everyone nearly Mary-Sue-like and being like "yeah whatever *looks up to the moon as wind flows in her hair and jacket and a tear runs down her cheek*, again Scrooge being super undertoned not to be morally grey to confront nobody about liking someone morally grey especially with how caricatural most other antagonists are which proves the show's inability at nuances, and even though I did like the episode how fucking BALLESS it was to have Scrooge's parents still alive GEEZ HOW ANTICLIMACTIC *ALSO THE MORE I THOUGHT ABOUT IT THE MORE IT MEANS THEY SWAPPED SHOW DON'T TELL FOR SHOW AND TELL SINCE SCROOGE NEEDS TO BE TOLD THE LESSON HIS FATHER NEVER EXPLAINED IN THE COMICS GOOD GOD*
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Jean Jacques Bugat - Sue Baloo wearing Pino Lancetti (Vogue Italia 1970).
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c86 · 3 years
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Taken from Vogue, February 1971
Photography: Barry Lategan Model: Sue Baloo
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Sue Baloo - Vogue US January 1973 - Photo Sarah Moon
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misslovelies · 5 years
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kitsunetsuki · 12 days
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Sue Baloo (Vogue UK 1972)
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lyssahumana · 2 years
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nic-214 · 2 years
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Pattie Boyd, Sue Baloo and Maren Greve in a Vogue photoshoot, 1969.
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byronsmuse · 3 years
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Sue Baloo by Clive Arrowsmith, for Vogue UK, 1971
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discontinuedbloglol · 3 years
The problem with Sally Acorn
NOTE: This really only applies for the Preboot Archie canon,but still counts.
Sally tends to have the issue of representing Sonic's 'corrector', someone who grounds him and points out how all his ethics are misguided over her's and when he doesn't listen he usually gets cosmically punished. There is little in the way of compromise in their relationship, Sally is the 'better half' who always knows better than him. Their future is him being tied down as king and no matter how much he complaints, it being for the best. You rarely see ANY moments Sally's methodical approach is treated as flawed in some way or Sally has to make long term compromises. Even when Sally DOES make impulsive decisions, they're usually of her own choosing and are often the rare times she is wrong about something (while at the same time NEVER treating her as a hypocrite in her criticisms towards Sonic). This really takes away the 'healthy' area of the dynamic and feels like everything in the story is enabling Sally's ethics while demonising Sonic's. She is the designated 'always right' female, sometimes even when she is wrong, she is defined as the one at the top of the hierarchy by default.I'm all for having moments Sonic's confidence and impulsiveness is treated as having flaws, it should, but not having it as a whole negative and something that is meant to be permanently quashed. Even a poorly written story like Lost Worlds I think touches this more fallible area of Sonic without doing this. They can make Sonic a slave to his foibles without making his whole stance intrinsically wrong. Like I thought SatAm worked okay until I watched Talespin, because one thing I instantly noticed is that with Baloo and Rebecca, there's a similar deal. The male lead has flaws and lack of responsibilities and needs an opposite to help balance them out, and Rebecca in fact can be ten times as pushy and shrill about it as Sally. She's even officially Baloo's boss and has blackmailed him into the situation in a sense. But she was never as infuriating a presence as Sally. She always felt like a proper equal. And there's a key factor. The story is as willing to undermine Rebecca as Baloo. Like there are almost as many role reversals as there are the standard, and not just because the two have switched ethics and the same morals stand, but because sometimes Baloo's approach in all it's flaws does have good factors that aren't MEANT to be corrected by Rebecca's. Sometimes Rebecca's in fact need corrections sometimes, and BALOO can have his moments as the straight man. While Archie always dithered about suggesting Sally had an ugly side and some of his decisions made her look self righteous or hypocritical, Talespin THRIVES about pointing it out with Rebecca, mocking her ego just as often as Baloo and often pointing how 'not so different' they are, which if anything makes their relationship seem more believable despite the shipping ironically being WAY more subtle. They didn't need teen melodramas and dates to show the two they had chemistry, they just had to be willing to make a inherently flawed female character that can lose her dignity sometimes, something they really DIDN'T like doing with Sally. "Oh no you can't do that. That's not the rule. Girls don't have flaws or act like butt monkeys. That's the boy characters' job. Girls are role models, they're strong and smart and never make a fool of themselves.' Even when the comics submitted to having Sally make flawed decisions sometimes, they felt undercooked, less a development of some of her key traits having vices and more just nondescript token moments of being wrong and 'so not a Mary Sue', and even then she still always got away with contradicting herself about Sonic, that area was still a taboo. It feels like they don't really get Sally outside her beng the straight man and the right to Sonic's wrong, and I feel that's the key factor that concerns me about adapting, especially since the 'always right female' is a really common and easy to use cliche. Whenever people complain about this factor to writers or fans of Sally, they go 'WTF you talking about? Is this about the slap? It's a total elephant in the living room that no one thinks needs to change. This is something that only leaves me skeptical and unwilling to see her implemented, because no who cares to put her in really gets the fundamental flaws about her.I mean for all people complain about SEGA's character development, I actually appreciate they don't get stuck in this old cliche, the girls are just as silly and flawed and colourful as the boys, even ones like Blaze can have misguided or clownish moments. It's pretty indiscriminate.
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batman9019 · 3 years
La storia recitava ‘se trovi qualcuno che non ti guardi come un mostro’. Mi da fastidio ancora oggi che si reputi tale, mi da fastidio come pensi di essere sbagliata, non all’altezza, mi da fastidio come si sottovaluti sempre, mi da fastidio che si reputi così poco quando è così tanto. In 10 mesi l’ho vista fare tanto, in 10 mesi l’ho vista cambiare. L’ho sentita, ascoltata, capita, ho saputo ogni sua debolezza e ho trovato fantastica ogni cosa. L’ho vista cambiare, migliorare, l’ho vista anche per quel che era e mi piaceva tutto. L’ho vista stare in silenzio perchè nervosa, l’ho vista stare in silenzio perché imbarazzata da morire, i suoi tic perché in difficoltà, il suo piangere perché non si sentiva dire cose da una vita, forse non se le era mai sentite dire. Mi ricordo durante una videochiamata che le dissi ‘sei bellissima’ e lei iniziò a piangere coprendosi. Si copriva spesso. L’ho vista stare in silenzio perché era quello che voleva, perché le parole erano inutili, parlavano i suoi occhi. L’ho vista giocare con la sorella, ridere con la sorella…l’ho vista parlare con la mamma, scherzarci, litigarci e affrontarla… cose che non faceva da tanto, la ignorava e basta o ci litigava e basta. L’ho vista prendere decisioni difficili, appoggiandola in tutto…l’ho vista giocare con baloo, iniziare ad amarlo, iniziandolo a considerare il suo cane, quello a cui dare tutto, ritenendosi la sua padrona. L’ho vista mentre combatteva per le sue cose, per ciò che per lei fosse importante, per ciò che riteneva giusto, senza mollare un colpo. L’ho vista prendere il telefono e chiamare le pizzerie mentre prima aveva paura di tutto. Non mi posso scordare quando stavo a Taranto e fuori il panificio come fuori una pizzeria mi disse ‘dammi i soldi e sta zitto, faccio io’. Sono stato orgoglioso di lei, anche se non gliel’ho mai detto. L’ho vista star male, farsi problemi inutili per persone che non facevano più parte della sua vita e c’era comunque amore nei suoi gesti. L’ho vista fare sempre cose impossibili per le amiche. Ho visto in 10 mesi la cosa più bella della mia vita, dalla A alla Z e non nego che mi dia fastidio che gli altri vedano quello che ho visto probabilmente solo io. È vero, è un mostro, di bellezza
In merito a questo la cugina l’altro giorno mi disse ‘Alessia è una persona diversa oggi, è cambiata’. La mia risposta è stata ‘Alessia è sempre bella come prima, solo che non lo capisce’.
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misspeelpants · 3 years
Blue Baloo
Model Sue Baloo, brightly glowing with Revlon’s Ultima 11 Dresden Peach Cream Foam smoothed over her face and neck, then dusted lightly with Transluscent Face Powder – her cheeks learning the blues in Lapis Blue eyeshadow from the new Silk Print Eye Collection, blending into its compact partner, Sari Pink on the eyelids with Carbon Blue Lash Makeup Automatic intensifying her grey eyes. Blue…
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