beardedmrbean · 2 years
In case you missed it, here is the Dingo Pictures adaptation of 'The Hunchback of the Notre Dame' in it's entire glory: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=i6ziLob-iso
I was just guessing that's what it was, glad I was right and even more glad that you sent it to me so I could cringe my way through what looks like a pure masterpiece of celluloid.
This'll go up there with the Finnish version of The Hobbit I'm thinking
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The reason as to why I finally ended up making a Tumblr account in 2022
Nobody is probably going to end up reading this, as is the nature of a first post made without followers. I'll probably pin it. But here it is anyway: The reason as to why I finally ended up making a Tumblr account in 2022.
Obviously I've known of Tumblr a long time. It's been around. I've seem most popular posts and memes and consider myself to be pretty well informed about the overal culture. A lot of it through the TumblrInAction subreddit at first, but now I've spend years and years lurking and reading old posts.
I've made an account before for porn and forgot the login, ignored the site for years, finally made a serious account and posted twice, got locked out of it in the middle of a discussion I was losing, and had to hang my head in shame ever since.
I've been hesistant to make an account again. The internet just hasn't been good to me the past decade. I only spend summer vacations on 4-chan (but I was adamant I was not a summerfag), I deleted Facebook (and national equivalents), never had Twitter and abandoned Reddit after KotakuInAction stopped being enjoyable (I stuck out long though, moving to KIA2 and such before just abandoning Reddit altogether. It wasn't fun anymore.) Most forums I used to visit have long been abandoned or have become Social Justice fight pits or have gone down altogether. In some ways it seems like I have betted on the wrong horse, I really should've gone for Newgrounds instead of Gamemaker.nl/Yoyogames.com.
Most of my teenage years spend making, fixing and talking about games have now all gone down the memory hole. I even lost the harddrive with all my old games so I can suck on that too. I do have some gems saved (just not ones I made myself) from before the site went down so that's something.
Reddit was fun for a while (I have a staggering amount of internet points), but the ever encroaching censorship and the left's inability to keep Trump out of every unrelated discussion soured it for me. TiA was fun, but after it grew it became clear that most of it's commenters just didn't get it. I left after I saw a guy unironically getting dumped on for not believing in witchcraft.
Then KIA was a whole other mess. The mods became power hungry, the community divided, and it was all pointless since the main goal had long been reached. The mainstream video game media is a joke now. No one looks at you weird when you tell them it's a joke. Way more popular youtube personalities treat them as a joke. They are unethical hacks, as per the The Society of Professional Journalists. The battle has thouroughly been won. Although that's just on the #GG side, the overal culture war is obviously a losing battle. The leeches don't care and will suck the joy out of everything that exists and the masses will loudly clap for them while they do it. I have a lot of thoughts about this but in short I think it will take at least 20 years for things to return to some form of what we uptil now have considered normalcy.
Sadly though, it has become hard to delve into early GG history, a lot of my own sources (which I should've saved the archives for) have become defunct and it has become harder to properly source #GamerGate events, although that can also just be search sites becoming more unreliable by the minute. I should do a deep dive into my #GG history, I've been there since before it started and sat through the whole ride.
Deepfreeze.it keeps being a valuable resource though, that alone usually get's the point across.
But #GG has become irrelevant. We see the same methods we observed during the media response to #GG but on a global level. The 24-hour news cycle has made an already tenuous profession, journalism, completely obsolete. It's more efficient to get your news through opinionated sources since you at least know what the angle is. I still read too much news yet trust none of it, there is always something going on.
Which brings me back to Tumblr. I dropped Reddit but I kept reading Tumblr. My mobile browser has a bunch of them saved, I visit them regularly and they have become part of my daily life. It's more fun to learn about current events through a meme or an opinion than through a heavily propagandized news article. Neither are trustworthy but at least one of them gets to the point. It is discouraging to just have excellent users dissapear though, it makes me fear this whole blogging affair is pointless. I've gotten a lot of you back but does anyone know what happened to @noblepeasant ?
Now I have an account and the app. The app sucks, you can't keep track of anything, but it's something (I'm open to suggestions for better apps). Expect shitposting, my unrequested intercedings into 'hot topic' discussions, Dutch politics and how bad things have gotten here, long long posts about Chinese, Japanese and Korean fantasy novels, the occasional horny on main and just my general unfiltered bullshit.
I've stopped giving a shit about personal information so also expect photos of local features and maybe eventually a selfie. The internet will be completely locked down in a few years (and after that it will become unreliable due to power grid failures) so just enjoy it while it lasts.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Well, the next Hunchback update will have to wait until I receive the DVD I bought, ripped it and uploaded it on youtube (or something else if it gets removed). This is way too much effort for this stupid gag but I'm comitted, and this will be the way forward until I've send you all the animated Hunchback of the Notre Dame movies I know off.
So to tide you over on this road of bad or strange children's media I'll take you to the stuff that put little me to sleep, namely the Burbank version of Pocahontas, this literally felt like a fever dream to watch as a child and it hasn't gotten better over the years. It is awkard as hell, and is actually a weird combination of the original and the very bad Disney sequel, it presents the original story through a very disjointed flashback while Pocahontas is in Londen with a child, it's certainly something.
It makes even less sense than the nonsensical pocahontas adaptations I will no doubt bother you with in the future.
I'm looking forward to the other one, but this looks just delightful too.
Oh man this one follows her to England, this is gonna be a wonderful trainwreck.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
I know just bothered you yesterday but today I'm taking a break from the hunchback and am harrassing you with a true Dutch children's media cultural relic, the song 'Dood zijn duurt zo lang' or 'Being dead takes so long'.
The following song is sung by the Dutch Sesame Street character Tommie, and is the number one song played during children's funerals in the Netherlands. The original performance lead to a big conflict between the Dutch production of Sesame street and the American one, because it let a children's icon engage with such morbid subject matter.
This isn't the version they play but visually it best gets the point across. I could do a transcription and translation if you're interested.
Oh this sounds interesting. It's never a bother either, love getting weird stuff in my asks.
that really kinda changes tone here and there a lot,
Did a quick search, this is from the Muppet wiki
Dood zijn duurt zo lang ("Being dead lasts a long time"), is a Sesamstraat song that Tommie sings. He explains that he thinks it's not okay to be dead; not because it hurts, but because it lasts so long. He wonders what it's like to be dead, and whether you can still play or hear when your mom calls. But he concludes hopefully that he isn't going to die for at least a hundred years.
That is a bit dark for a Muppet
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
I'm drunk again so here is another hunchback adaptation: https://youtu.be/pzxHmyAocoE
This time it is the Goodtimes entertainment one from 1996.
It is indeed very strange that this is the story that got so many adaptations, but there are still more.
Your URL is fairly appropriate with all this cursed knowledge you have.
All these companies trying to corner the 'well meaning but ignorant grandma' market with the cheap knockoffs of Disney films.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Since you got a surprise me button: here is another ridiculous adaptation of 'the Hunchback of the Notre Dame'. In this case 'The Secret of the Hunchback' by the Stillwater production company released in 1996, the same year the Disney version premiered, and it is definitely of higher quality than the Dingo one. And let me tell you, the secret sure is a doozy, the reveal alone is worth watching it.
I may keep occasionaly bothering you with bad children movies...
Please do bring the bad children's movies, they're a great genera.
Oh man, this is gonna be the Disney rip off one. Nice.
Still amazes me that Disney did this as a story, absolutely not a children's book I can see some jr high person reading the book after watching the movie and being traumatized.
Especially the ending
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So while I really liked the new Batman, one thing just annoyed the crap out of me.
From the start it has become clear that his armor is pretty much invulnerable to bullets. While there are some deflecting movements, he's basically just a tank.
Then why in gods name would you make it so that the climax is centered around 'these guys have kinda bigger guns'. No tension, he's a tank and while he doesn't exactly shrug the shots off it doesn't feel like a threat thanks to how firearms were treated during the duration of the movie.
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