#sufin family
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i rewatched hotel transylvania
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brain worms go brr
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cawe-sama · 1 year
*murmurs of expectation*
Sato's 2023 queer drawings!!
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This year I went absolutely crazy don't ask me why rzyfzyrzyeyzryzrs6
If you have any question about a flag, ask away! And if you have any hc you wanna share, go ahead! Just be sure to be respectful.
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jormvngandrr · 1 year
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sometimes a family is just a big autistic man, his adhd son, his autistic son, his ambiguously neurodivergent bf and his ridiculously small dog.
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95jezzica · 6 months
What is your opinion on SuFin from a Swedish perspective?
I think I've talked about this in the past, but I don't mind going into it again with hopefully mentioning at least SOME things I haven't already mentioned.
Now, I should start with the fact I personally really like SuFin, but used to HATE the pairing in the past because how the fandom portrayed them both. Nowadays I mostly keep to my own corner and only really talk with a few people, so I've grown to love SuFin more based on canon and my own ideas for them.
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To be honest I tend to focus more on the Hetalia characters as persons in general with a few historical references/trivia, but honestly, they have a lot of potential together.
Sweden is sweet and shy, but he has mischievous and rebellious sides as well. He also cares a lot about the people around him. (This can especially be seen with how he constantly defends Iceland and how he interacts with Sealand and Ladonia). Though his feelings for Finland is canon he also doesn't pressure Finland for an answer/feelings in return.
Meanwhile Finland is a caring and kind person, and he's not afraid of constantly standing up to people who finds Sweden intimidating. Finland is the person who constantly recognizes that while Sweden "looks scary", Sweden is also a very kind person.
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Now, in canon, we actually don't know if Finland returns Sweden's romantic feelings, but it's obvious they still care a lot about each other a great deal.
With that said, if they became a couple I think it'd happen closer to modern time, and while I personally headcanon Finland loves Sweden back, I also think it took Finland a long time to decide if he even wanted a romantic relationship despite his own and Sweden's obvious feelings.
Now, I don't believe (hws) Sweden himself would ever do something to hurt (hws) Finland, but we also have to keep in mind the Swedish leadership and government haven't always been very kind to the Finnish people. Being in the Swedish Empire wasn't great for (irl) Finland - for a long time it was just better than being under one of the other countries in the area.
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Anyway, at best there would be a weird power imbalance between (hws) Sweden and Finland if they had a romantic relationship somewhere between 1000-1900, even if Sweden himself never intends/intended for it - not to mention homosexuality wasn't even accepted or acknowledged at the time as something fairly common.
Most people hc Finland as Bi or Pan, so Finland could likely "pass" in the past by showing interest in women and ignoring any of his feelings towards non-binary people and/or men. But Sweden is canon homosexual, who only really have shown romantic interest for Finland in canon. It's more likely Sweden (tried to) bury his feelings deep, deep inside to not literally get killed by people for who he is.
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Fans also (STILL) love to joke/bring up Sweden calling Finland his wife, but in canon Sweden only did it ONCE and then stopped when Finland protested against it. No matter what you think Sweden's reason was for calling Finland his wife, he stopped after Finland told him No.
I repeat, Sweden STOPPED.
He respects and respected Finland. Sweden listened when Finland said he didn't want to be called "wife".
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So yes, I think they'd work really well together and have a sweet and loving relationship - but it would take a long time for them to make anything official.
We have a LOT canon moments between them. Everything from them adopting Hanatamago together, Sweden getting kids, to them constantly visiting each other, and Finland constantly defending Sweden from people who finds his looks intimidating - just to mention a few things.
Honestly, they'd probably be an "inofficial couple" for YEARS before they became official, but they'd get there eventually. Through both good and bad they've been there for each other for +1000 years at this point.
They're nations, and they can afford to take it slow.
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backwardd · 6 months
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Drawing on phone is harder than I thought, but I was eventually able to draw something???
Perhaps phone drawing is best for doodles... Anyways, have a happy new year! I hope to draw more next year!
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Well. I did it. I finally broke down and made a carrd for this blog (gotta keep up with the youth of Tumblr and its trends, I guess). I have linked it in my pinned post at the bottom. Please read or at least skim through it for rules, guidelines, and other important information.
I will link it here as well: x
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alumi-san · 1 year
Congrats, Sealand and Ladonia, your parents win the eurovision 2023!
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miikoissant · 10 months
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Sauce: Hetalia World☆Stars episode 12
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nordickies · 9 months
Welcome back! I missed your art a lot. I was scrolling through your posts and saw one post where you said that you have an unpopular dynamic for SuFin. If your dynamic for SuFin is based on their history together, I might have the same unpopular dynamic as you too.
I'm not a fan of the fanon SuFin that is perfectly wholesome and "the ideal relationship" because it ignores how history would have affected their relationship, and also has the uncomfortable implication that Finland enjoyed being under Swedish rule. I think that in the modern day, Finland would still struggle with feeling insecure and too competitive with Sweden. Sweden would be quite oblivious to Finland's feelings and offend him without realizing it. But that's my Swedish perspective on their relationship. What are your thoughts about their dynamic?
Thank you! Happy to see you as well! And yes, you're pretty close to how I view them! This is going to be a long one, so my answer will be under the cut <3
As a disclaimer; I will not judge or shame anyone for enjoying SuFin as the perfect domestic husbands with a dog and kids. Heal that inner child desperately clinging to happy fictional families, hehe. Besides, unless you ship a totally random crackship in this show, every single relationship is going to be flawed based on historical context. And at the end of the day, SuFin isn't even the worst case of this issue, so you can ship them without worrying about being "problematic" (whatever that word means nowadays). I'm just saying this because some people like to claim that SuFin is so inherently toxic, and I strongly disagree with that! There is no right or wrong way to enjoy these characters, and you can apply as much or as little historical context to the characters as you like. Have fun with them!
To me, ignoring all the historical context behind Finland's and Sweden's relationship would be impossible, though. We're talking about 600-700 years of living together and the additional 200+ years as separate countries. And I love overthinking things. Whether or not you like SuFin as a ship, you can't exactly ignore their shared past. I see the Nordics as a found family above all else. I really don't ship them with each other (but I don't judge those who do). Sweden and Finland are just kind of tricky because of the way the canon portrays their relationship. It's impossible to see it as purely brotherly. But I don't vibe with them being lovey-dovey husbands either. Best friends, sure, but then again, Finland and Sweden would have a different dynamic than Sweden has with Norway and Denmark. Or the dynamic Finland has with Estonia.
The way I see it is that they used to grow up as one, meaning that they both acted as the personification of the same land. Sweden was just in charge of the West, and Finland was in charge of the East. They both had similar responsibilities, jobs they were expected to do, and the people they were expected to obey. They really did everything together. And they were everything to each other because sometimes it felt like it was them against the rest of the world. And honestly, I don't see Finland as a subordinate to Sweden during those times. He was just extremely passive and ignored most of the time. But Finland's interests usually aligned with Sweden's, and he had complete trust in his ability to run things for both of them. But as time went on, his ability to trust was put to the test many times, which ultimately would cause problems in their relationship.
Eventually, they were separated by forces outside their control, and they had to figure out who they were without one another. And it must have been a traumatic situation for both of them. Until then, they didn't have to think about such things; they had always been together. But while Sweden lost his best friend/partner, Finland lost his entire identity. Obviously, as time went on, they both went in very different directions, which made them grow apart quite drastically. It definitely wasn't easy, and the pain caused by that situation made them even butt heads a few times. Ultimately, they made peace with it and could be friends again. Actually, they really needed that separation because otherwise, they would have never evolved as individuals. And their break made their relationship healthier and more equal. It just came with growing pains.
And yes, I agree with what you said. Because Finland has always had the shorter end of the stick, he feels a bit jealous. In his eyes, Sweden always got it so much easier. Also, figuring out his own identity was way harder for him once they got separated. He depended on Sweden a lot more. Fin did truly feel let down by him in the end, which made his relationship with Sweden for the following decades even saltier. For most of his life, he was seen as Sweden's eastern sidekick, so he sometimes tries to desperately create some distance between Swe and himself. He wants to be seen as his own person, and show his capabilities, which manifests in him being extremely stubborn. Ironically, he constantly compares himself to Sweden because that's how he measures his success. If Sweden can do this thing, he should too. And that's why Finland will get very passionate about any chance to be better than Sweden at something. In his eyes, it's the only way to measure his worth.
Sweden, on the other hand, can be oblivious to Finland's need to have his own thing. He doesn't get what's the issue since they used to be inseparable for so long. It's not malicious, but just a bit ignorant. He doesn't have similar experiences, so he doesn't really know how to relate to what Fin is going through. In some cases, Sweden can act annoying in Finland's eyes, being a bit patronizing or not understanding Finland's feelings. One moment, they might be fine, joking around - but then the next, Finland requires some time alone. It's confusing, but Sweden tries to understand it. He has learned that it's just better to give him his space and definitely don't try to solve Fin's problems. Swe has to kind of know his place with that one, even if it can be frustrating. Occasionally, he finds Finland's competitiveness and excitement over small wins a bit ridiculous, but he plays along. At the end of the day, Sweden understands why Finland has such mixed feelings about him. And he knows that in the past, he could have done way better, and he has lots of regrets about it.
It's definitely Finland who has the problems and insecurities in their relationship. Like, even if you think about the canon (which is rich coming from me), Finland is always clarifying that he's not affiliated with Sweden in a romantic sense while simultaneously defending everything Sweden does, telling everyone that they have misunderstood his sensitive persona. And Sweden silently suffers on the side, not wanting to push his boundaries or make Finland uncomfortable. 
But I don't want to make it seem like they don't get along - they absolutely do! Maybe being ridiculously close at times, communicating almost telepathically at this point. Not to mention their vast cooperation in work-related settings. So, whether or not Finland wants to create some distance - he can't. He always finds himself glued to Sweden's side, looking for warmth. And no matter how much Finland's competitiveness tires Sweden, he can't help but admire the persistence. Maybe they're one of the things they both actually deep down like about each other; who knows. There are no hard feelings between these two, though sometimes, the old pain and confusion might pop up in unexpected situations. But in the end, they always work through it.
I think that Finland does legitimately love Sweden, but due to their shared history, he gets uncomfortable with how others might view their relationship. It would be fine if it were literally anyone else than Sweden he had these feelings for. I can see them having some kind of romantic relationship, but it would be very private and a topic they don't like publically discussing. That doesn't mean they're the best at hiding it, though.
Anyway, that's how I view it. I have to say, I do like SuFin as a ship nowadays. It's cute! And a source of endless possibilities. I just don't like reducing Finland and Sweden to "the married couple," especially when my blog is about all of the Nordics. There is so much more to discuss about these two, so many sides people rarely explore. That's why I like to focus on their lives and personalities outside of their romantic relationship. It could also be because I'm not a passionate shipper overall. Or because it's hard to find non-SuFin content out there. But, even with that said, exploring SuFin from time to time is fine. Discussing headcanons for them is fine! They're allowed to exist as a ship in this blog. But I don't want it to be the only thing they're defined by. Let them have a life outside of each other! <3
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hetadoujinarchive · 1 year
List of Dj’s on This Page
[Btw I will block you if you look like a p/rn bot]
[Last updated mid June]
[Currently organized in this order: GerIta, SuFin, RoChu, FrUK, Other Ships, Non Ship]
A Day On The Planet (85 pgs; dark)
Becoming Friends (17 pgs; dark, gun; nudity but nothing shown)
Beginning's Tone/Hajimari no Onshoku (27 pgs; dark)
BMMB Winter Comiket Issue (5 pgs; cute)
Canal Grande (14 pgs; somber; censored nsfw)
Catharsis When The Country Awakes (74 pgs; dark)
Cherry Boy Blues (21 pgs; dark)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59 pgs; only the gerita one is sad)
Dream Draws A Dream (33 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Eternita (32 pgs; neutral-somber)
Gift (25 pgs; light drama; censored nsfw)
Goodbye My Little Girl (53 pgs; dark)
Hiraite Musunde Isshuukan/Red Shoelaces (28 pgs; light)
I-Logik (32 pgs; light)
I Won’t Let You Call Me Gattino (32 pgs; comedy)
La Sposa de Adria (51 pgs; somber)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 1 (59 pgs; bit dark)
Lei Chi Sono Dolce pt 2 (49 pgs; dark)
Lettera D’Amore (37 pgs; cute)
Life Is So Beautiful (30 pgs; dark, tw)
Little Sheep/Counting Sheep (44 pgs; dark)
Marriage Press Conference (34 pgs; comedy)
Messenger Of Happiness (39 pgs; bit somber)
Night Watch (48 pgs; dark; censored nsfw)
Oggi Sposi (19 pgs; comedy)
Passato Ed Ora (32 pgs; dark)
Passwort Sirup (14 pgs; dark)
Playing House/Futari Gokko (120 pgs; dark, war)
Siamo Felici (24 pgs; comedy)
Sweet Home (30 pgs; dark)
The Defeat Of A Certain Man (60 pgs; drama; censored nsfw)
The Windowsill That Loved Him (30 pgs; sweet)
What If (12 pgs; dark)
Ai Suru Hito (27; light)
Diamond, Diamond, Diamond (30; mostly light)
Good Night, Good Dreams (14; cute)
Happy School Days (14; cute)
Kemuri wa Doko e Iku no Kara/Where Does The Smoke Go (22; dark, smoking)
Oh Family (18; cute)
Pihatonttu (75; cute)
Second Stage (20; somber)
Bloom Of Flower (18; dark)
Da Small Town (39; light drama)
Drowned Prince/Oboreta Ou (24; neutral)
Eternal Happiness (28; light drama; censored nsfw)
Guo Jie/Border (28; somber/neutral)
Little Song Maker (15; comedy)
Deus Ex Machine (25; neutralish)
Diamante (multi-ship; 59; only the gerita part is sad) 
Drive Me Crazy (58; light drama; censored)
Fairy In My Mind (43; light; censored)
My Dearest, The British Empire (19; light)
Shiki/Fuyu (45, dark)
Yoru no Mori, Anata to Futari (37, darkish?)
Other Ships:
Fubin 2 (Gakuen PruHun; 20; light; censored)
Gap Moe (PruHun; 30; comedy)
Omoide Jenga (PruHun; 27; dark)
Always By Your Side (Giripan; 33; light drama)
Neko Netsu (Giripan; 22; dark, war)
Do You Remember Me? (RusPrus; 78; somber; censored)
My Name Is Your Night (RusPrus; 57; somber; censored)
Diamante (LietPol, RusAme, etc; 59; only the gerita part is sad)
Koi To Wa Donna Mono Kashira/What Is It Like To Be In Love? (AusHun; 18; light drama)
Million Lies (DenNor; 72; dark, violence)
The Nation And The Maiden (FraJoan; 33; dark)
A Happy Friendship Day (Hungary & Poland; 14; light)
Cradle Voice/Yurikago no Koe (Italy & Austria; 14; light)
Dreaming (Child America &Canada; 17; light)
Fubin 1 (Gakuen England, Japan; 14; comedy; censored nsfw)
Heart Ni Hyoutai (Russia; hints of LietBel and RusLiet; 14; somber; censored)
Hide, Hide, Hide! (Child America & Canada; 29; cute)
I Am Here, It Is A Very Wonderful Day/Sayonara Sankaku, Matakite Shikaku (Belarus; hints of LietBel; 47; dark)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (censored v) (Japan & China; 28; war)
Moon For You/Anata e no Tsuki (uncensored v) (Japan & China; 28; dark, blood, war)
My Dearest, The British Empire (tech FrUK bnr; 19; light)
Nihonchi (axis vs ame & uk; tech gerita & itapan bnr; 25; comedy)
Passwort Sirup (hints of hretaly/gerita; 14; dark)
Summer Apparition/Natsu no Mamono (axis; 14; somber yet wholesome)
The Golden Age of Sea and Sky (Turkey & Greece; 25; neutral)
There Is No End (nordics; 27; dark)
The Sound Of A Heart Falling/Shinzou No Orihiru No (Belarus & Russia; 17; dark, tw)
Tomato! Tomato! Tomato! (tech spamano bnr; 20; cute)
World Wide Love (main cast, mcdonald, miku, shinatty; 21; comedy)
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family, part 2
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icebear4president · 2 months
Going through my old Hetalia Pinterest and dear lord the amount of pins
CanUkr- 31
The Frying Pangle- 40
PruAus- 62
Vietnam x Taiwan-19
And don’t even get me started on characters:
FACE Family-616
NA Bros-412
German Family-347
Italy Brothers-116
Axis Trio-93
Germany- 65
Switzerland and Liechtenstein-75
Bad Touch Trio-46
Stray Trio-60
Tomato Gang-20
Asian Family-92
Awesome Trio-9
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grimanonrexwrites · 2 months
ooh, what ships make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? friendship and romantic ships, whichever you feel like talking about
Ohhohoooho this is a question I will very much enjoy answering, thank you! I will go fandom by fandom from most recent hyperfixation to past ones that I still love and regard fondly as one might a nice ornament on the mantle piece
Ghosts, specifically Cap (romance/queerplatonic):
Capvers: a classic, 99.9% confidence interval on being canon, love fics which explore it in the timeframe or in modern AUs. Can’t go wrong with it
PatCap: the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one. 10/10. They’re both human, they both have faults and they love each other because of them and not despite them.
Caphrey (or deCAPitation, source unknown for this genius name): Humphrey can smooth out Cap’s rough edges in a different way to Pat. I love Humphrey, he tried so hard. So did Cap. I love their potential for comfort and understanding in a different way to others.
JuliCap: the Captain deserves to feel good and feel sexy and I think this Julian would be a great for exploring his sexuality in a more adventurous way. I have a real soft spot for JuliCap and have made tentative plans for a beast!Julian and beauty!Cap fic in the future.
CapRroh: Robin has just so much depth to him, he’s seen a lot and he knows the Cap has been through it too. So much comfort potential here (bonus points for JuliCapRroh polycule, absolutely delicious)
CapThorne: I just think it’s neat! Let Cap be wooed! Let Thomas be moved away from his infatuation with Alison and realise that he’s in love with the idea of being in love with her and not actually in love with Alison herself!
Special mention to Alison and Mike to being a genuinely wonderful on-screen couple, Chess Husbands, Pat/Julian and Annie/Mary (my beloveds)
Non-romantic (friend/found-family)
Kitty and Captain: their friendship means so much for me. Kitty and Cap finding a reassuring and understanding presence in each other, learning with each other, overcoming their trauma’s together and just finding safety.
Cap and Fanny: the gin and gossip society of Button House. Also regularly joined by Humphrey (who is also a massive gossip).
Kitty and Fanny: I can’t put this into words other than to say that Kitty would drag Fanny kicking and screaming into the future. Fanny doesn’t call Cap or Robin for tech support, she calls Kitty. Mary too.
Nanami Kento/Gojo Satorou: this ship makes me feel so many things. God I love it.
Also I love the different dynamic of mentor-student relationship between Nanami and Yuji, very much coloured by what happened to Haibara.
Nanami Kento/Hiromi Higuruma: tired grumps with a strong moral code. 10/10.
SuFin, GerSu, EngSwe. Ahh Hetalia, what can I say.
Geralt/Jaskier and Eskle/Jaskier. I have never watched the Witcher but I love these dynamics.
King/Saitama; Mumen Rider/Garou; Iaian/Atomic Samuri (One Punch Man)
Ash Williams/Herbet West/Dan Cain (Evil Dead x Reanimator)
Hope that answers your question and thanks so much for asking! ❤️
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olympeline · 3 months
Funny Comics
Funny Pics
Funny Posts
Not Hetalia
Hong Kong
Roman Empire
British Isles:
Northern Ireland
Baltics & Scandis:
New Zealand
AUs & Misc.:
Britannia Angel
Creme de la Creme
FACE family
Magical Strike
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95jezzica · 1 year
Nor & Swe
From a Hetalian view, it’s really surprising Norway and Sweden don’t have more canon and fandom content just interacting with each other - and not about or with the other Nordics.
And no, I’m not talking about shipping content either, though I guess that too if you ship them, but what I’m mainly talking about is them... Just getting to interact with each other? Hanging out? Talking? Just... Interacting in general without the other Nordics in the same room/place.
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Not only do they have one of the longest connected history among the Nordics, but also have you looked at a map of the Nordic countries?
The borders have obviously not always looked like in the example map I posted above, but through good or bad, they have always been connected one way or another. So why isn’t there more Hetalia content with them? Both for canon and fandom? Even if it should just be them hanging out and talking to each other. I honestly don’t know why there aren’t more of it.
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pyrrhocorax · 4 months
💦💖💢I don't care about which fandom
this is the hetalia blog you dumb fuck (note: this is my close friend i can call them that). what do you think i am gonna answer. 💦 - Ship that is taboo spamano and usuk don't appeal to me personally, i don't really accept either into my broad personal worldview in any scenario. i think their dynamics are interesting character-wise but i am not interested in them as a typical ship someone i know said that they saw usuk as not even related and the closest they saw the two interacting with each other was like they were two office workers chatting at watercooler and to me that is SO much more interesting and compelling an idea than what most people go for. i do like them as estranged once close now distant family a little bit, but them as just being two guys who chat sometimes is soooo funny to me. why ship them when you could do that. 💖 - Ship that needs more love: i think austria and norway are extremely interesting as a duo and have a potential hysterical dynamic. please more of that. 💢 - Ship that is most misunderstood: i am not sure since i have been unplugged from the fandom space for a very long time and i am only starting to seep back in marginally and slowly. people DEF got lietpol and sufin TERRIBLY wrong most of the time in like 2008 a lot of the time but idk how it is now as a whole fandom wise. things seemed to have matured/gotten more wacky with it some but i also don't know if that could just be who i mainly interact with now (which is a slowly growing but still fairly small circle of people, in part b/c i am. literally dying irl right now.)
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