#sugar daddy wen ruohan
truly-morgan · 10 months
[Awkward meeting at the restaurant]
RuoCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 26-04-2021
[#ruocheng – awkward meeting] 
Jc and wrh were out on a date, both because wrh wanted to take him out but also because jc was interested in that one Lanling oriented restaurant in Qishan. He hadn’t been much in Lanling before and he was curious about their specialities. This would do for now. 
They had just gotten inside the lobby of the fancy restaurant when a very familiar voice caught jc attention, short footstep running closer to him. “Jiujiu!”. This made him tense, turning around to find little jl running to him, crashing into his legs as he giggled, seemingly pretty happy to see him. 
An amused smile drew itself on wrh lips, clearly wondering who the little one was. “My sister's son” he says with a small smile, looking up to indeed see jyl and jzx getting inside too. When jyl gaze crossed his he saw how surprised she was to see him (although the tension of seeing her son running off as this went away). “A-li” he smiled, feeling a bit tense himself. 
He had only told wwx about him and wrh (not without being bothered about it before doing so). But he was not exactly ready to tell anyone else. He trusted wwx to not tell a soul about it (the same way he also kept some secret for wwx). 
It wasn’t that he didn’t trust jyl not to tell, but he felt like she would be more likely to tell-
them if she was worried about wrh. Jfm had very much /not/ painted a good image of wrh, he could see why she would worry (he would probably be too if he didn’t know the man himself). 
Jc patted his nephew's head a bit, the young boy not leaving his side even as his parents get to them, even requesting to be lifted up. He ended up indulging, as it had been some time since the last time he actually saw jl. 
“We didn’t expect to see you here” admitted his sister, looking then to wrh before greeting him politely. “And in... good company” she added, looking back at her brother. 
Wrh gave him a discreet look, clearly showing he was leaving him place to tell what he wanted. The older man understood jc nervousness about telling his family about them and he respected his choice not too. He simply didn’t want to mess it up. 
“Yes, we are celebrating my latest good grades” he replied, which wasn’t /fully/ false, it could be seen as a date to celebrate that too. 
“I didn’t know you and wen-xiansheng were acquainted” admitted jzx after greeting wrh too. He wouldn’t be surprised; it was probably known in the business world their fathers were in that jfm and wrh were not exactly on the best of terms. At least, for jfm, he didn’t really remember wrh saying anything about his father other than critic how he was treating him.
“Yes... he helped me when I came back to yunmeng and we ended up keeping in touch, we became friends from there after often stumbling on each other” jc said with a small smile. It was really far from the actual relationship they had, but friends would be enough for now. Jc could see jzx still seemed a bit lost as to /how/ they ended up this close (after all, wrh was much older and not someone close to the jiang family).
Yet he didn’t push further, simply offering a small smile at his answer. “Then I hope wen-xiansheng is taking good care of my little brother” smiled jyl as jc was handing back jl to her. “I sure will keep on taking /good/ care of jiang cheng” answered wrh with a smirk, something totally different shooting into jc mind as he flushed a bit, turning to him. He was offered a (not so) sorry smile. 
“It was good seeing you here” finally cut jc before this could go anywhere else, “But I am sure you three want to get to your reservation too, I wouldn’t want to delay your diner more”. They simply make their goodbye, jc promising jl he would come soon to visit them (which clearly made the young boy happy). 
Soon they were being led to each of their reservation, not without jyl stopping a bit to look back at her brother, wrh hand on jc lower back as her brother seemed to be whispering something to him while blushing. All the while being directed to a more private room. 
She seriously started to doubt they were /only/ friends.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 3 years
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So, @wen-ruohan-events gave me the most wonderful excuse to indulge in a pic for a ruoyao/wenyao fic I’m working on, a modern fake dating sugar daddy AU eventually ft. surrogate baby Wen Rusong 😌
Prompt: Family day.
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thebiscuiteternal · 3 years
My “Give Modern!Huaisang his fucking birds” agenda, except he doesn’t even appear on camera in this one, oops!
“Well, fuck, that was fast.”
“What was?”
“The Wen and Jin clans have already moved in to carve up the Nie territory.”
Wei Wuxian leaned his chair almost upside down to look at his brother, who was scowling at his phone. “You’re shitting me. It’s been a day.”
“Yeah, and Wen clan’s already killed off one of his two lieutenants.”
“Which one? The cousin?”
“Mm. Jin Guangshan’s poached the other.”
“That sounds gross.”
“It is gross. Turns out he’s one of the assorted bastards, so he got the “loose ends” ultimatum.”
He made an exaggerated gagging noise. “Can’t blame a guy for wanting to live, but if those were my only two options, I’d take the bullet.”
Jiang Cheng snorted, but didn’t disagree. “And then there’s the matter of the brother-”
Wei Wuxian snapped to attention, nearly tipping the chair over from sitting up so fast. “Whoa, whoa, back the fuck up. Chifeng-zun has- had- has a brother?”
“Seriously? You’ve met his brother, dumbass.”
“At that whole fucked up mess at the southside docks last year-”
“Wait, you mean that weird animal trafficking whatever the fuck that was?”
“Yeah. He was with the wildlife rescue they had to call in. The one you thought was an airheaded bit of camera fluff before he ripped a couple of cops a new one for dropping a cage full of parrots.”
“Oh... Oh, shit, him. Short and Scary! Okay, yeah, I can see some family resemblance there. So what’s the problem with him?”
“Loose ends again, at least as far as the intel your boyfriend-”
“Our boss.”
“-your sugar daddy gave us. He may not have been doing anything for his brother, but that hasn’t stopped Wen Ruohan from marking him to be brought in alive. Dead only if absolutely unavoidable.”
“But if he’s not involved, why would Wen Ruohan be so- you know, for the sake of my sanity, I’m stopping the train of thought right there.”
“First smart thing you’ve said today.”
“Shut it. Huh. Guess we’re getting sent on protection work soon, then. I doubt our bosses want to find out how fast bird cages burn.”
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i need to rant about my boy!!!!!
my awful wonderful boy!!!! 
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Jin Guangyao!!!!
with dimples deep enough to drown your sugar daddy for his money in!!!!
he’s just! he really is That Bitch! decades of scheming, educating himself to blend in with the gentry, setting his sights on whichever powerful man was in the best position to get him what he wanted and breaking out the puppy eyes every time things looked bad and just cute-ing himself out of whatever trouble he was in!! the skill!! the dedication!!!
and, on a more serious note, he did it all because he wanted more than what he was born to. he didn’t want to be no one, to be the disgraced bastard child that everyone mocked. there’s something very Gatsby about his story, the social climbing, the desperate need to garner power, prestige, and respect in spite of humble origins, to do terrible things in pursuit of that goal, and even so, to only be the “son of a wh*re” every time you slip up, no matter your accomplishments. he’s condemned from the moment he’s born, for circumstances he can’t control, and when it’s revealed that he’s become the monster they all told him he was from the time he was only little, his persecutors can only look into to his eyes and see themselves, they did this, they pushed him to this point.
meta continues under the cut because rambling…
it’s strongly implied that Yao endears himself to powerful men through very intimate, emotional and possibly sexual manipulation and i can’t help but think of Yao as a child, young and innocent, born in a brothel and learning from a tender age that sexual desire was a commodity, a tool to be whetted and wielded. and in a brothel where women are owned, i daresay he saw his share of violence as well, including sexual violence. it’s so obvious that there’s something wrong with him, a damage that lives deep within him…a child in that environment, i can only imagine what that damage might be.
he learned to feign innocence, to be simpering and affectionate. sweet words and soft smiles and averted eyes to draw people in. Nie Mingjue, Lan Xichen, Qin Su…they all seem to adore him. Mingjue was obviously singing Yao’s praises in letters to Xichen, otherwise how would Xichen know him in Cloud Recesses? and when Yao’s betrayal is revealed, Mingjue is horrified and weeps openly while taunted by this boy he has raised up from nothing. Qin Su too appears to love her husband deeply, until she learns the truth of their parentage, and then is so horrified that she can only end her life. i have to wonder how he may have used these skills on others. how did he garner such blind loyalty from Su She? what did he have to do in order to prove his trustworthiness to Wen Ruohan? and what might his father, his depraved, lascivious father, have done to him once Yao was in his home, under his control, and so desperate for approval? Yao knowingly impregnates his half-sister after all…and the way he killed Jin Guangshen was so perverse…
and then there’s Lan Xichen. poor Xichen, who, even after seeing the truth of Yao’s crimes and schemes and abhorrences laid bare, still can’t bring himself to kill Yao. he can’t help but defend Yao, to listen as he cries and begs and gives excuses for his horrific actions. and in the end he still tends to Yao’s wounds, still wants to give him a second chance. i believe that Yao really loved Xichen, that he never wanted to hurt him, that if Yao’s love had been anything less than true, Xichen would not have been so devoted to him in return.
gods i love this story. this twisted, tragic character…sacrificing his morality, his soul even, for want of love, only to die at the hands of the one he loved most
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sweetchikacherryco · 4 years
WangXian is definitely my otp of the fandom, but also consider these 2 Wei Wuxian rare pairs that have invaded my head.
Two charismatic af people trying to outdo one another in sass and power moves. I think if Wei Wuxian was older and had all his shit together he could have snatched him a nearly immortal sugar daddy. He could have kept Wen Ruohan's eyes on him and off his power hungry goals.
Da ge is Da ge. Who doesn't want da ge and his cadberry egg personality. He has a strong, rich, protective outer shell with a gooey sickly sweet inside. Huaisang brings that out of him, but imagine if Wuxian could too.😉
If you have any rare pair fic recs send them my way!
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[JC has daddies]
AllCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 10-04-2021
[#allcheng - modern]  (cw: has nsfw-ish parts) 
Jc knows jfm has somewhat given up on him, or at least on him ever wanting to take over the company one day. He knows very well that jfm never really want /him/ to take his place anyway, wwx had always sounded like his first choice, if not for yzy he would probably have long since decided to make him the heir. 
Jc just got tired of always failing in meeting expectations and broke away completely from the vicious cycle he had been stuck in for years. Getting his hope up on something, working hard to do it well, waiting to see if he did good, receiving no positive reaction to his success, feeling like a failure. Rinse and repeat again and again. 
So he stopped that, deciding to study something that sounded much more interesting than what had been planned for him probably-
even before he was born. And if he couldn’t get his love and recognise from his father, then he would find it else. 
And else he did. 
With many people. All people his father knew actually (either old friends, business friends or rivals). 
Lqr was one of the first. He was one of the two who tried picking up the first broken jc who had officially started a new path of study /by himself/ for /himself/. This is where the worst blow had been given, his mother clearly disappointed and jfm... nearly indifferent, as if it didn’t matter anymore. one of the two who tried picking up the first broken jc who had officially started a new path of study /by himself/ for /himself/. This is where the worst blow had been given, his mother clearly disappointed and jfm... nearly indifferent, as if it didn’t matter anymore. He had always thought the older man was severe and stoic, but he was actually rather nice and gentle, making sure jc was doing good both mentally and physically. It had been weird to see someone so attentive of his wellbeing, it had not happened in years. 
Wrh was part of this- duo helping him up. Maybe jc had simply wanted to rebel a bit against his father and decided one of his business rivals would be good. Although the man had always intimidated him, he was surprised by how affectionate and passionate the man could be by moment, all going against the idea he had of him. He helps in pulling jc back up, trying to shove in more self-confidence and some more boldness so he could speak what was on his mind. He was also the first one with whom he had any kind of sexual relationship. 
Lxc came rather soon after them. Probably he had heard from lqr, probably he was just worried about for the kid he had seen many times when their families would go to the same events. He was similar to lxh in his love, although he was easier to give out praise and was freer to take him places than lqr was. Jc was happy to see the two men didn’t seem to mind sharing him. 
Nmj came after lxc, and the first time he really had any contact with him was because of lxc. Of course, he knew the man, he had been acquainted with nhs for many years now. But its only from there that he developed something with either of the nie brothers. There was something really comforting with them, maybe it was the familiarity of nhs that had made him at ease like this. He like the attention that was given to him, different from how lqr or wrh would do, less father-figurely or nearly as a sugar daddy by time. 
Sex soon became something he would do often with them, very rarely with more than one at a time really. Lqr was someone who would go painfully slow, yet it was still good, always making sure he would feel pleasure despite not being as rough as wrh could be. Although his age made it that he was not as energetic as jc could be (bit his crazy strong arms and hands would probably always surprise him). Lxc is a bit rougher (probably because he picked up jc likes it) and has obviously more stamina, so he fills in where lqr cannot always when he’s over at the lans. 
Wrh is one of the best (not that any of the others are bad, there’s just something). He has also made jc realise he maybe had more kink that he would have ever thought he had more kink than he would have ever thought he had, exploring with him newer things he feels comfortable doing. He feels like he can just let himself go and forget everything, only needing to follow whatever wrh says. And despite also not being young, wrh still has a lot of stamina, making jc wonder where he gets it. 
Nmj is a mix of both, starting all slow before things get rougher as he seems to lose himself in the pleasure with jc. Nhs is the only one jc tops, although nhs can be a bit of a power bottom (which he does not mind). He sometimes even had both brothers at the same time. It was admittedly a bit weird at first, but being stuck in a sandwich between them had been extremely good. 
All of them were providing for jc, helping him out monetarily (although he did find a job, not wanting everything he has to have always been given to him) and with his studies. He gets all the love and care he needs from all of them, more than he has ever received in the past years. 
All this lead to this night, where jfm is getting to a restaurant with his family, minus jc who apparently had something planned already, jzx joining in this time with jyl (“jc won’t come this time and it a five persons reservation, you might as well bring you fiance”). 
As he’s waiting for jzx and jyl to arrive, he notices a familiar car, his suspicion of who it is confirmed when he sees wrh getting out. He scoff to himself, wondering who he brought here this time, knowing this was somewhere wrh seems to like bringing his latest conquest. 
His shock when he sees jc getting out from the passenger seat, joining the man. He can barely believe it, is his son with wrh? Why do they wear clothing that nearly looks like they were meant to match? Everything about his appearance seems a bit... off, as if he had seen everything somewhere. 
From the nearly matching clothing, to the necklace which split into a double necklace with two pendants that he /swears/ normally belongs to the Lan family, to his hair he has let grown longer and now arbour some neat braid leading to a bun. 
He's distracted from his observation when jzx and jyl arrive, trying to put to the back of his mind what he has just seen, forcing a smile on his face. But this doesn’t stay long, because once they are seated, he realised that they are in the /same/ area as wrh and jc, half listing to what everyone is talking about, looking at them. 
They join nmj, which makes him wonder since /when/ does the man even enjoy wrh company. They are even joined by lqr after a while, only making him more confused. What is this weird meeting including his son? 
They are all talking happily, his son smiling and looking happier than he has ever seen him before, he would probably never have seen it was jc if he had not seen him outside. 
He tries to stay on whatever they are talking about in front of him, yet his eyes often shift back to jc, still unsure what he was doing with such a weird miss-match of man. 
He nearly chokes on his wine when he sees wrh arm moving closer to jc, leaning closer to whisper something that makes his son blush heavily, nmj and wrh laughing a bit at his reaction while lqr seems a bit amused. Jc seems to argue something, only making wrh grin widen. 
Then his eyes meet wrh across the room, the man clearly having seen him. He shoots him a smile and that look in his eyes is one he had seen before, the “Too late, this is mine now” look. 
What is happening?!
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truly-morgan · 10 months
[JC's daddy meets JFM]
AllCheng (RuoCheng focused) | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 10-04-2021
[#allcheng (slightly ruocheng focused)- modern] 
Of course, jfm couldn't leave it at that and he/ needed/ to know. So he may or may not have learned what his son had been up to all this time and that he had never told him after snooping around (even wwx seemed to know some of it?!). 
To say he didn't like the idea was an understatement. He hated it. How could his son not only be with an older man, but /five/ of them at the same time, one of which was an old business rival of his! 
He tried contacting jc, but he was either too busy to talk (which now he knew /why/) or wouldn't pick up, so he decided to go to his apartment without notice. The semester had restarted, he shouldn’t be travelling around too much now, was he? 
He had to ask wwx for the address, coming rather late in the morning to make sure his son would be awake, having no clue if the young man was working on the weekends. He was surprised by how big and expensive the place seemed to be, wondering how he could afford it (although he had his own suspicion). 
He still went for it, only to not have his son open the door for him. Oh no, far from that, he wished it had been anyone else. 
Wrh was standing in the doorway, only wearing pyjama bottoms, looking as if he had woken up only moments ago. There was a silence when they suddenly got face to face, only for wrh to smirk a bit. “How can I help you, jfm?”. Jfm doesn’t really have the time to argue anything when a voice comes from deeper in the apartment, footsteps coming closer to them. “A-han is it lxh? I thought he said he would pass only tomorrow to help me with my homework”. 
Then an even bigger and more awkward silence fell on everyone when he finally saw his father, suddenly feeling that the only thing he was wearing was wrh shirt (which thankfully was too big and hide him rather well even though he was wearing underwear). He asked what he was doing here, trying not to sound too bad, seriously surprised because he did /not/ remember ever giving him his address (not that jfm ever asked about it in the first place). 
“Can’t I visit my own son to make sure everything is alright?” he receives, clearly eyeing wrh, which jc doesn’t know /how/ to explain his presence, even less with all the scratch marks on his back (he really did that?) and the hickeys he had been allowed to place on his chest. He was probably no better, wrh just loving leaving tonnes of marks on the inside of his tights, knowing there were probably still some leftover marks from the restraint he had the night before. 
It would be hard the deny what he had done. 
He wanted to just say he had things to do, but jfm kind of forced his way in, telling him he /knew/ what he was up to. This only made jc nervous, thankfully wrh was here to keep him relaxed, moving them back to the kitchen so they could sit down. Clearly, jfm was not going to let it go and it was probably better if jc could just sit down and not worry. 
It was hard to do when pictures were slapped on the table, showing him with his different lovers, either too affectionate or straight-up kissing in some. He was so screwed, jfm knew and now he was so disappointed He was taken out of his panic by a hand gently going through his hair, still wavy from the tight braid he had the day before. It helped him relax, going back to what he had settled for in the past months. 
So what if jfm was disappointed? It had always been like this and now he was living /for himself/. 
The following request for him to stop all this and stop acting in such ways wasn’t really that surprising. He was pretty sure jfm was probably even restraining himself not to say he was acting like a whore (he knew some people would think like this, but he didn’t care, he loved all of them the same anyway). 
“And why should I listen to you? I thought you had made it clear enough that you didn’t care much about me anymore, I don’t see why I should care about your demands”. He tried sounding confident in his words, yet his hands were shaking under the table, so unused to talking back like this and outright /refusing/ anything his father was telling him. 
The effect was good, as jfm looked rather stunned by his words, only once had jc really gone against him and it was when they argued after the young man changed his study course entirely without telling them. 
“/you/ decided I wasn’t worth putting any attention and love into, I simply found people who saw my worth and decided to do what you never did: love and appreciate me without intendable expectation,” jc said, starting to feel much more confident now that jfm wasn’t immediately adding anything (and that wrh was sitting close to him). 
“/I/ decided I would live for myself and found what seemed good for me, /I/ decided to be the Jiang Cheng /I/ was, not the one you wanted me to be, which was basically setting myself up for pain and disappointment”. 
His shaking as slowly went from nervous to angry, years of repressed anger and frustration finally coming to the surface. He felt like it was now that he needed to say what he needed or he would never find the same courage to do so. 
“/you/ decided to never be there for me. Had an archery competition? Of course, couldn’t come, too busy with work, but wwx teacher was doing an art gallery for his class? Of course, you were there. Got badly sick at school one time and again you couldn’t come when you knew damn well mother was away and couldn’t either. But the time jyl was slightly sick you would come and get her, same for wwx. I never decided to push you away, you just never tried to keep me close to you as I was slowly crumbling down.” 
Jfm didn’t miss the trilled and proud look wrh had throughout jc monologue, the young man kept on finding things jfm had done to fail at being a good father. He was so proud because jc was being honest and bold about what he thought, something he had slowly pushed him towards. Talking like this had clearly been something jc wouldn’t have been able to do when he first started helping the young man. 
“I was not enough for you so I found people for whom I was more than enough, and you have /no idea/ just how much better I am doing now, having people recognise what I do and who are able to give me some praise”. 
“So all you are looking for is praises?”. 
Jc frowned at this, only to turn towards wrh when he heard him give a dry laugh “As always, you do not listen when you are being told something” he simply commented. 
Then jfm proceed to try and say if it was praise, he wanted, he had praised him before. To which jc didn’t even let him finish with a “Don’t you dare. When was the last time in the past ten years you ever praised me because you were genuinely proud of what I did and not to make wwx shine even more in comparison to me”. 
The silence and thinking were enough of an answer, making him both angry and wanting to cry. He already knew his father had given up on ever having anything good from jc for what /he wanted/ from him (because of course, jc doing good in anything else was just a waste of time). 
“How pathetic, you cannot find anything in the past years yet I can find tone in the past days?” wrh asked, clearly loving how he was getting under jfm skin with how much he seemed to know more about jc than he did (and he was his father!). “a-cheng did really great in his latest culinary test, managed to create an interesting menu for a class which was in the top five for his class, kept on working hard in his study while working at the same time” he continued a little bit more, saying all things jc had done greatly lately, many being academic because it's as most likely what jfm valued the most. 
“and you cannot even find one in ten years” he simply finished. 
There was a silence between all of them. After some time, jc simply pushed back to photos of his father. “I found people that I love and love me back, I won’t give it all up because someone who doesn’t even spare me a glance other than if it can possibly stain his reputation is asking me to” simply stated. 
He stopped him when he was about to talk again, cutting him yet another time like he would have never dared in the past. “You should go, clearly you are not open to understanding me and I am /not/ open to changing what I am doing now”. 
There was more silence, before jfm took back his papers, stood up and left. This somehow made jc both relieved that he wouldn’t argue more against the small good he had found (the first in years!) but also disappointed that he didn’t even want to put some effort into understanding his own son. 
Only when he heard the door shut that he finally stood up on shaky legs, wrh sliding his chair back a bit so he could straddle him, his arms hooking around the older man quickly, hiding in the crook of his neck, only then allowing himself to feel upset. 
This had been a bit too much for him, too much anger, disappointment and hurt at the same time. All because jfm refused yet again to see who jc was and not impose who he wanted him to be. “It’s alright a-cheng” he heard gently whispered, arms keeping him close, a hand gently rubbing his back. “You did nothing wrong, you even did very well in finally saying what was bothering you, it is not your fault he decided not to listen, we are all here for you if you need it”. He kept on gently reassuring him, whispering sweet nothing by time just so he would calm down. 
Yes, jc had made the right choice. He was truly better off with them, he wouldn’t need to change who he was for them to be happy about him. “How did it feel?” he heard after some time, still holding tightly to wrh. 
“good” he replied after a moment. 
It truly felt good to finally let it all out.
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