hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Hello~! I also would like to give you my friend application🫣
I’m 23, I like to doodle here and there but not as much, and uh… I literally do nothing but go to work and come home to read fanfics of Eddie😭😭literally been doing this after I finished s4 2 weeks ago. The amount of Eddie merch I was finally able to grab ahold of is hella rewarding eheh. I mainly reread your fanfics and ngl you inspire me so much to try to get back into writing. I used to write fanfics during my ✨Wattpad era✨😂
I’m still a bit new to the fandom since I’m mainly in the anime community, but everyone seems so chill here and you seem so nice and sweet 🥺 I hope we can get to know each other🫶
Hi, love! Consider it accepted :D
We have the same life. Wake up, work, come home, Eddie, haha. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one being consumed by this dude! Just a cycle of buying shit related to the show and reading fanfic in the meantime whilst awaiting these deliveries! What have you purchased so far, I gotta know?!
Omg, I'm gonna cry that's so cute wtf?! Thank you! Thank you for taking the time outta your day to read my stuff, and I'm stoked to hear that I'm inspiring you, you totally should get back into writing and then send me links so I can hype you up! <3
I'm new to the fandom too, don't worry. I'm a little lost but doing my best to befriend all the good eggs that I come across :) Thank you so much for thinking so highly of me, I won't let ya down! We can totally get to know one another, you should give me some anime recommendations cause other than DBZ and Pokemon (both of which I watched in the late 90s) I haven't watched any other than Sailor Moon, so... Recommend away :D
Join the gang! <3
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Ahhh I love how your writing flows so well with these prompts, keep up the good work!✨
How about one with Eddie somehow surviving the demobats and everyone including the reader nurse him back to health. And with the amount of scars he’s gotten from the bats, he grows self conscious with himself, so the reader reassured him of how their views on him haven’t changed all the while they kiss his scars😭
You are so cute, thank you so much! :(
I have finished that up and you can read it here!
Let me know what you think, pls. All the angst got me in my feelings so it became a little longer than intended, oops?
Send me prompts to write about!
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
Beautiful Remains.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x (female) Reader
Summary: Six months pass since the doomsday with Vecna, your boyfriend Eddie has become more recluse and you feel that you are losing him. What will it take to get him to trust you again? To believe you still love him, scars and all.
Warnings: The only warning here is that there is a line at the very end (literally the last couple of sentences) that hint at the idea of having children one day. It doesn't go into any detail, but I have been asked to put a trigger warning for tokophobia and I am more than happy to oblige to ensure I don't make anyone uncomfortable! <3 Other than that this is purely angsty/fluff content. Unless you count a couple of curse words or mentions of Eddie's bat scars as needing a warning? Idk, I haven’t written fanfics in like 8 years so I’m a little rusty…
Note/Request: Requested by @sugoiisa. “How about one with Eddie somehow surviving the demobats and everyone including the reader nurse him back to health. And with the amount of scars he’s gotten from the bats, he grows self conscious with himself, so the reader reassured him of how their views on him haven’t changed all the while they kiss his scars😭”
Word Count: 3.2k
Send me prompts to write about!
It had been six months since everything went down… Six months since “the earthquake”, six months since Max had been hospitalised, six months since you thought you’d lost Eddie. It had been the longest six months of your life, and you knew the pain and healing was far from over, both figuratively and literally. School had been cancelled for the rest of the year and everyone was promised an honorary graduation diploma, you had suffered enough so this was the first victory for your group.
The town was still in the very early stages of fixing itself back up again, most people had been discharged from the hospitals, the mayor granting everyone financial aid so they could put a temporary pause on all non-essential employment so people could assist in the hard work to rebuild Hawkins.
Max was… well, she wasn’t great. Your once bubbly and attitude ridden little friend was now a sad and quiet individual, she kept to herself and didn’t talk much outside of the nurses running checks on her. She had officially gone blind. Most of her bones still broken, but healing. That was the important part. That was the miracle. She was healing, she was doing better day by day, that’s all that mattered to you.
Lucas hadn’t left her side once and you could tell that even in this state, their bond was only growing stronger. It was a pure testimony of love and will, that the two young souls had found comfort and security in the protection of one another, it was admirable.
Dustin was getting better, gradually. His ankle had healed up but the emotional trauma still lingered, as you would imagine. He thought Eddie had died in his arms, and for a couple minutes he technically had, your second miracle. You’re not sure what god you prayed to, all of them perhaps, but you were granted a small miracle in the doctors being able to revive him back in Hawkins.
Dustin had started seeing a counsellor to deal with his grief, and over the next passing months you could see the light slowly returning back to his eyes. He started to make jokes again, wanting to hangout more, still broken but he was working on it, and you couldn’t be more proud of him.
Steve was improving, his wounds had healed up for the most part, leaving him with a small scar that he would even brag about as being his “Battle Wound, only heroes get these.” Him and Robin had lost their jobs, again, due to the order of non essential businesses to close, so they volunteered to continue providing assistance for younger residents.
Steve was hired to drive kids two and from places to make sure they got there safe, he would pick up odd jobs here and there; laundry, kitchen work, even babysitting. Yeah, he’s always the god damn babysitter.
Robin was the same, but she worked more closely in the kitchen to make sure everyone who was displaced in the explosion had their weekly food supply boxes sent out to them. If she knew the family had a smaller child, she would always sneak a cookie or two into the box, freshly baked by Vickie. They wanted to bring a little joy to the children so in their downtime they baked cookies. It wasn’t on the list for items to include, but no one needed to know about that.
Nancy and Jonathan were going strong, they seemed to be closer than ever, he had cleaned up his act and was far more present and open with his thoughts and feelings. Since everything was closed down, Nancy deferred her college application for a year, giving them the much needed time to work things out and decide what they actually wanted. The acceptance letter merely a backup plan after the dust had settled.
Mike and Will? They seemed to be okay, still on edge as the threat of Vecna was always around the corner, but they went back to normal in terms of how they acted around one another. Eleven was doing better too, surrounded by the love and support of Hopper and Joyce (who had since moved in together), they were playing happy families.
Joyce’s job had shifted more into calling numbers on lists provided by the mayor to organise relocation for those who had lost everything. Hopper was always working, trying to locate the last couple of missing people to no avail, but he never gave up hope, he never stopped looking.
Eddie? He’s…. Sigh. Eddie, your poor Eddie. Out of everyone in your group, except Max, he was the worst off from all of this. He tried to play the hero, and paid the price for it. You’re not even sure how it happened as you’d blacked out most of the trauma, but you knew you’d somehow gotten him back to Hawkins with the help of the guys, rushed him to hospital where he was induced into a coma and had emergency surgery. He spent the first couple of weeks still in the coma but the doctors had promised you that he would pull through.
Those first couple of weeks, you visited him every single day. You brushed his hair, read him articles from his favourite magazine, kept him company and even slept beside him on some nights. He was bad. Really bad. Most of his body was bandaged up and you knew the damage had been done, you were terrified of how different life would be after everything he had been through.
You and the guys did everything for Eddie from the moment he regained consciousness up until present day. Dustin had let Eddie have his Mattel Electronics - Dungeons & Dragons handheld console whilst he was in the hospital, wanting Eddie to still get to enjoy his hobbies without exhausting himself with playing the full game himself. Eddie had complained about how nothing could replace the love and effort he put into the real thing, but he was incredibly grateful for the gesture and played late at night when he couldn’t sleep.
The other kids would come to the hospital and make sure he had snacks to eat, keeping him company until they were kicked out from visiting hours being over. Robin, Nancy and Steve would come by and make sure he had fresh clothes and get him anything he needed that the kids couldn’t get hold of. You were all his care and support team, and he’s never felt more loved and wanted in a town that once wanted him dead.
Eddie had only been home for about a month at this point, they kept him in longer than any of you expected due to the severity of his wounds. They had to do testing to make sure there wasn’t any horrific venom of sorts in the bites, and he had such a high maintenance routine that it was easier to keep him at the hospital where he could be checked on every couple of hours.
His wounds had somewhat healed, they were no longer open or needing to be bandaged, but they looked gnarly. Eddie had become far more recluse and insecure, he never took his shirt off around you, you never showered together anymore, you hadn’t even had sex in months (not that that was important, you just knew before this all happened you’d be doing it almost daily so it’s a shock that Eddie hadn’t even made attempts to do more than kiss.) He still made sure that you knew he loved you, he just didn’t feel confident enough to be intimate around you at all, you couldn’t blame him.
You were currently stepping out of the shower of Eddie’s trailer, wrapping a towel around yourself and combing through your hair with your fingers as Eddie sat in his bedroom reading a magazine. You dry yourself off and change into comfy clothes, a pair of red shorts and a white t-shirt with some band you don’t remember the name of plastered on the back, hair in a loose bun whilst it dried.
Eddie was wearing black sweatpants and a long sleeved Dungeons and Dragons shirt, socks on his feet as he was covered head to toe, not wanting you to see his scars.
“Hey, love.” He said, not looking up from his place on the magazine, only tearing his eyes away from the page when you’re leaning down to kiss him, to which he happily reciprocates.
“Hi, gorgeous.” He flinches slightly at the name, before he would have grinned brightly but now he doesn’t assosicste with it, feeling as if it didn’t belong to him.
You gently take the magazine out of his hands, folding the corner so he wouldn’t lose his place, before you set it on the bedside table away from him. Sitting beside him on the bed, you rest your hand against his cheek, cupping his head and stroking his cheekbone with a concerned look on your face. He sighs sadly, his hand cupping the back of your wrist whilst his own thumb swipes acros the back of your hand comfortingly.
“Baby… It’s 100 degrees outside, are you sure you wanna be sat here sweating your ass off in those clothes?” your voice tender, understanding, laced with concern rather than judgement.
He shrugs, truth he told he was already overheating in his outfit, he just couldn’t bear the thought of you seeing any part of him like this. You shuffle closer, press a kiss to the centre of his forehead before speaking, making sure to choose your words carefully as the last thing you’d ever want to do was upset him.
“Honey, it’s okay… I… I’m not going to judge you, you know? I want what’s best for you, I don’t want you getting sick from overheating, I promise you I won’t judge you” you whisper to him, seeing that he’s gnawing at his lip anxiously as you speak.
“I just don’t want you to see me differently, I don’t want you thinking I’m hideous and not being attracted to me. I don’t want you breaking up with me just cause you don’t think I’m hot anymore,” voice quiet, you can tell by the poor attempt to mask his sniffles that he had tears in his eyes.
“Never gonna happen,” your voice confident.
Pulling away, you take both of cheeks in your hands, tilting his head up so you lock eyes with one another. Thumbs swiftly wiping away any tears that happen to trickle down his face, you offer him a soft smile, caught between trying to be reassuring and not wanting to break down seeing him like this.
“I love you, Edward. Okay? You’re always going to be the most handsome man I’ve ever laid my eyes upon, you hear me? We’ve been through hell and back together, it’s going to take far more than your scars to make me not love you anymore. You’re the sweetest, most funny, kind, caring, supportive and passionate individual I have ever been around. You love everyone so passionately and you’re so proudly yourself and that’s a beautiful thing to experience. You’ve shown me what real love is like and you have not once made me question my worth or if you loved me. You’re a real man, Edward Munson, and I can promise you from the bottom of my heart that /nothing/ will /ever/ change that, I love you.” You can’t stop the few tears that roll down your cheek as you’re professing your love, his tears betraying him in the same way yours were.
“I love you,” he mumbled sadly. He knew that you wouldn’t judge him, you were the only person to truly know him inside and out, you loved every quirk and comforted him through every breakdown, you were his rock and you were his person, he felt safe with you. It’s just the insecure voice in his head trying to convince him that you don’t want him anymore, even when you prove time and time again that you do.
“I love you more, bub. Can you please just think about changing? Please? I really don’t want you making yourself more uncomfortable, I won’t make you go outside and I won’t let anyone else see you like this, okay? It’s just us, it’s just me. I promise.” you remind him.
It takes a little more convincing before he lets out a sigh of defeat and he agrees to change into something more weather appropriate. You give him the space to let him climb out of bed, legs crossed and fingers nervously playing with your nails whilst you watch him rummage through the closet for other options.
He settles on a pair of black denim shorts and his old Hellfire T-shirt, he hadn’t worn either items in months. You can see his hands shaking with nerves and fear as he even thought about changing into them in front of you, glancing at you sheepishly.
“If you’d feel more comfortable, you can change in the bathroom? I’m not going to force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with, okay? Baby steps, honey.” You reassure him.
He lets out a sigh of relief before fumbling his way into the bathroom, you look down at your hands and pick at the chipped polish whilst you could hear him changing on the other side of the door. Not long after, the handle rattled and his curly haired head popped out from behind the door, clearing his throat to grab your attention.
“Uh… can you… Can you close your eyes?” he asks, hoping to draw out the reveal for as long as possible so he can minimise the amount of time you see him for.
“Of course, sweetheart.” You’re immediately covering your eyes with your palms and looking down to prove you would comply. Eddie slowly comes out of the bathroom and fumbled with his hands nervously, his rings in a dish on the bedside table as he hadn’t felt himself enough to wear them.
“Um… I… you can open…” he stammers.
You make sure that he’s comfortable with it before peeling your hands from your eyes and slowly glancing up at the older man at the foot of your bed. You try to smile reassuringly, but it falters a little at the sight of his eyes welling with tears and his body shaking.
“Baby, come here…” you offer your arms out to him with a sad tone to your voice, wanting nothing more than to comfort him in his time of need.
In a flash he’s crashing into the bed and curling into your arms, his face hidden in your neck as your arms wrap protectively around his middle. You could feel his body trembling as he let out a few tears on your shirt, your hands brushing up and down his back slowly. Kissing the side of his head, you lulled him to a silence where he was finally able to breathe again in your grasp.
“I love you.” You remind him, not letting him think for even a second that anything had changed between you both.
“I love you” he mumbled into your shoulder.
“Can I take a look? If you’re okay with that? I’ve not seen them since we took you to the hospital…” testing the waters, you didn’t want to force him before he’s ready and go back tk square one.
With a reluctant sigh, he’s eventually pulling himself from your arms and sitting up beside you in the bed once again. You shoot him a reassuring smile before he curls his fingers around the hem of his shirt, pulling it up painfully slowly to reveal the scar tissue that the bats had left behind.
“Do they still hurt?” You ask, trying to deflect the attention towards yes/no questions rather than letting him get lost in his head.
“I mean, they’re kinda tender after the shower but they’re no longer agony.” He explains with a slight shrug, you move closer and reach out towards him to ask permission to touch the skin. He agrees, so your small hand ghosts across the gentle lines of the scars to trace them, feeling him flinch under your touch.
“I still love you.” You remind him, he lets out a breath he didn’t even realise he had been holding. Eddie knew you loved him, but the fact you said it whilst looking at what he deemed to be the ‘worst part’ of him calmed his racing mind.
You convince him to switch positions with you, him laying on his back in the centre of your bed whilst his hands rest under his head. You get permission from him once again to raise his shirt, leaving he fabric bundled around his armpits whilst you straddled his hips. Small hands cupping his sides, your gaze trailing across all of the torn skin with a sad smile.
“I love you. You’re still handsome to me. Very handsome, in fact. I don’t think you understand how much I love you… You sacrificed yourself for a town that hated you, baby. You did the most selfless thing anyone could ever imagine, you’re a hero. Without you, we couldn’t have pulled off the rest of the plan… You’re a fucking rockstar, Ed. I’ve never loved anyone more than I love you, and your scars will never change that.” You confess, seeing the tension leaving his face with each passing word.
Leaning down, you press a soft yet loving kiss to every scar on his chest, whispering a proud “I love you” after each and every kiss. You didn’t stop until you had coated his entire torso in kisses, connecting your lips with his as you slide the fabric down to cover him again so he could relax. He kissed you back, with passion.
“I fucking love you, sweetheart.” His hands grabbing your face and keeping you close as he kissed between subtle sobs, unable to believe his luck that he had someone so wonderful and understanding all to himself.
You can’t help but giggle as you both let out months of pent up emotions just spiral out of you, showering one another in kisses and compliments as you felt Eddie slightly relaxing around you. Eddie was coming back. YOUR Eddie was coming back. The sound of his laugh filled your heart with joy, you had begun to fear that you would never hear it again, but this was all you could ever need.
“You’re so fucking handsome, Eddie. I’m such a lucky person to get to have you as my own. I’m going to cherish the ground you walk on until we’re old and grey, you hear me? We’re gonna get married and maybe even pop out a Mini Munson or two. You’re mine. You’re my home and I’m so fucking in love with you,” you confess through the tears and the giggles.
Suddenly you’re being grabbed, tugged, and rolled over in the bed, Eddie towering over you as he’s got a hand cupping your jaw. He’s smirking down at you as your cheeks flush pink, everything he did made you weak in the knees for him. Kneeling between your spread legs as he’s showering you in kisses, lips slipping along your jaw and down your throat as he purrs playfully at you.
“Mini Munsons, hm?” he smirks.
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hawkinshighdropout · 2 years
tagged by: @edsbug <3
slow burn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt-comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi-chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbours or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or gender bend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane
Tagging: @making-the-most-0f-it @authorlovers @abitlikemercury @spookyscaryspidermans @sugoiisa @boomhauer
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