#sulli deals
eywaseclipse · 3 months
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Because fatherhood looks good on you Jake💙🥹
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zethsmo · 3 months
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fairy kiri for a collab im doing w my friend :33 also letting yall know im lowkey gonna turn this into a multi account 🙏🙏
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introspectivememories · 4 months
nah cause like you dont get it!!!! the sully kids and spider are a unit!!! they're puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. the very definition of "the gang is what i trust"!!! they're together their whole lives and then spider gets taken and all of a sudden the puzzle is in disarray. kiri's so spacey cause she doesn't have spider to bring her back down to pandora. lo'ak's acting out cause he doesn't have his usual partner-in-crime/fellow outcast to make light mischief with. neteyam is like two seconds away from a heart attack/stroke the whole movie because the other kid he used to parent his siblings with for the past like decade is gone!!! and spider on the other hand? is completely alone. at least the other four have each other. all spider has is his alien racist, genocidal, imperialist dad dragging him on the world's worst war crime road trip. there's no kiri to get him out of his head. there's no lo'ak to to be outcasts with. there's no neteyam to have a quiet reassurance that they're in this together with. there's just him and his stupid, fucking mind. and then they blend his brain at bridgehead and it's over for him.
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malinka624 · 10 days
Мини комикс по моей ау (rda Ло’ак)
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«(Что здесь делает наездник на икране?)
(Норм связался бы со мной, если бы кто-то нас искал)
(Стоп. Этот икран выглядит знакомо…)»
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«- Ха! Они никогда нас здесь не найдут
Если, конечно, Куоритч не отследит…
- Ло’ак? Это ты?»
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«- Как ты здесь оказался? Тебя Норм послал? Одного? И даже не сообщил нам, что ты нашёлся? И что вообще это было?! Ты знаешь, как мы с твоей матерью волновались?! И Тук! Она плакала днями!
(Она почти не плакала из-за Ло’ака, зато плакала после того как они переехали, потому что так работают дети)
- Почему ты вообще решил, что сбежать будет хорошей идеей?! Во время того как идёт война! Ты не подумал о своей семье?!
- Не трогай меня!»
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«- Что… Ты как со своим отцом разговариваешь?! Что это вооб…
Где ты это взял? Погоди… ты сказал Куоритч? Он тебя схватил?!
Ты в порядке? Что он с тобой сделал?!
- Это не…
- Что?
- Это не твоё дело! Когда ты вообще вдруг начал обо мне заботиться? Когда я исчез?!»
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«- Ло’ак… ты знаешь что я…
- Нет не знаю!
Для тебя я всегда был просто неудачником! Позором семьи! Не то что мой идеальный брат или сёстры, которые не могут сделать что-то плохое!
-Ло’ак! Нет, сынок, подожди, вернись!
-Ты хочешь знать, что со мной сделал Куоритч? Дал мне что-то, что ты никогда не давал! С ним я не чувствую себя неудачником
Спаибо, что напомнил, почему я сбежал. Я больше не забуду
- Я сказал стоять! Сейчас же! Ло’ак!
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- Нет… Нет нет нет…
(Что я наделал?…)
(Всё таки Куоритч был прав…)»
Контекст: В этой ау, когда у Кири случается приступ, Ронал справляется сама, и Норм с Максом не летят к Меткайина. Следовательно, RDA не знает, что Салли прячется среди рифовых на’ви. Через некоторое время Ардмор даёт Дежа Блю новую миссию (не придумала ещё какую, но что-то связанное с рифовыми на’ви, может что-то дипломатическое). Так что рекомы просто выполняют миссию, параллельно отдыхая с детьми на море, плавая и играя в прятки на икранах - что и проис��одит в комиксе.
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icequeenlila · 1 year
The Bro Guard
Lo'ak: Piss off!
Aonung: Or what?
Or this:
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Don't mess with the little bro. Neteyam will break you.
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natjennie · 4 months
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not sully having to stand up because he's so stressed.
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goaliekisses · 1 year
“he could coach forever” 🥺
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princess-nobody · 7 months
Trying to find fcs for an avatar fic and it's making me lose my mind how many of them on Pinterest are supposed to be fully bred 100% na'vi but have eyebrows and makeup on, like holy fuck is it really that hard for y'all to make na'vi that look like na'vi and not cutesy human girls in cosplay
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puppycharmz · 1 year
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hee hee giggles (with murderous intent)
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imeanwhynotbruv · 2 years
Possible Idea For Soldier Boy Spider au
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<<for anyone who who doesn’t know this is about my SoldierBoySpider au where the RDQ raised Spider as a weapon>>
So, I can’t draw people but I think you can get the point of how the scar would look ^, just imagine him with a buzz cut because he’s the RDAs little soldier and none of them would let him grow his hair. (If anyone who can draw people would be willing to actually draw this it would be very appreciated😅) (but again, you get the gist)
I idk if I’m actually going to add this to the au but if I do, here’s some the idea.
Spiders always had his hair shorn really short, like he only has a little bit of fuzz on top (Tuk is obsessed with it when they first meet) and he only starts growing it out when he’s with the Sullys.
I was kind of interested in giving Spider a scar a bit like Quaritch’s except it wraps around his head a bit more.
Maybe he got it during one of those training exercises where the RDA just left him in the forest for a few days to find his way back. Here’s a quick idea, if I’d actually do it, it would sound better than this 😅:
Spider had almost found his way back when he heard it, a ferocious growl coming from behind him. There, in the gleam of the plants that lit up the forest with their ethereal midnight glow, were vicious yellow eyes staring at him with a deep, primal hunger.
Spider felt his blood run cold as he clutched his gun tighter. He didn’t dare move,should the creature take it as a threat and strike.
Another growl sliced through the cold air, as large claws tore away at the mud beneath them.
Creatures that big shouldn’t be there. He’d been too close to the bace to be on high alert, nothing had ever followed him that far. Hell, he could see the lights just up ahead, barely flickering between the trees.
The creature growled again.
He should have been more careful.
He’d been to comfortable, too trusting in the false sense of safety that had surrounded him.
The creature lunged for him, it’s gigantic claws swiping as his mask. The glass shattered to pieces, cutting the skin of his face whilst the deadly claws tore away at his head.
The force of the blow had thrown him to the side, smack against a tree. It had taken every survival instinct, every memory of hours spent painfully training his lungs, for him not to take a breath.
Spider had to fight back the screams of pain bubbling in his throat as blood cascaded down his face, filling his left eye leaving it useless, leaving him with another weakness.
Spider knew he wouldn’t be able to out run it, not with the exhaustion in his bones and searing pain in his head,but he’d have a better chance if it was distracted.
Spider steadied his gun as well as he could against his knee as took his aim. He released the bullets with absolute accuracy into the creature’s eye, it’s weakest point.
The beast howled in pain as Spider took his chance.
Using every bit of his sheer will to live, Spider fought his way through the plants on the forest floor. He could feel his lungs burning, threatening to give out, when he’d finally breached the trees.
The airlock was just ahead of him, a few more minutes and he’d reach it.
Then he fell.
The force of the ground hitting his chest caused him breath, to suck in the poisoned air around him.
This was it. Spider was going to die.
Spider had resigned himself to his fate when the world turned to black, ready to die choking on the air and bleeding into the grass.
Then he felt it, cool gentle hands brushing away the pain from his wounds, the burning from his lungs. It was as if all worry had left him as strong arms embraced him.
“Hush my child. All will be well soon, for I am with you. I see you Spider.” A voice, like a thousand whispers echoed softy around his ears.
It felt like decades later when Spider woke up in the med bay, bandages wrapped around his head and an oxygen mask secured to his face.
Everyone told him it was a miracle he’d lived, that he’d been able to open the airlock. But he knew he hadn’t. He knew he’d fallen before he’d reached the door. Something in him had told him not to tell them that, so he hadn’t.
Ever since that night, Spider had only ever heard the voice again in his dreams. The soft words comforting him in sleep, only to be lost by day break. The voice that lived in his memory, never once gaining a face.
After that moment, Spider could no longer fear the forest at all. The tiny fears that had once lived in the back of his mind vanished without a trace. In fact, he found himself seeking it out. Desperate to find the warmth he’d felt that night again, to be held securely in those arms again. It was only in the forest that felt a strange sense of calm, of safety.
Spider couldn’t fear the forest, because Eywa would never let it end him.
So yeah something like that. I honestly hadn’t planned having Eywa in it (btw Spider doesn’t know it’s Eywa yet) but at some point it just started doing it’s own thing 😂
Also I love that Neytiri would have to get over the fact that Spider’s scars are so similar to Quaritches. The possibilities for hurt/comfort are wonderful✨
You know Mo’at is going to feel Eywa all around this kid, she’s going to be so interested and just accept him as her grand baby whilst everyone else is struggling to be around him 😂(in the beginning)
So yeah that’s my idea!
I’m so tired😅 I need to sleep better! I’m really hoping the sentences make sense but I’ll just check later…….probably
Let me know if you like it or want any more😂 my asks are always open to you!
Hope you enjoyed my lovelies.❤️
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moe-broey · 10 months
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Lucina thoughts 😔
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songs-of-stones · 5 months
Things I was not expecting for DnD last night:
one of our players to bring his new kitten to sleep on his shoulder while he played
the DM to his us with a TPK
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Sully sibling wallpaper 😍 I appreciate them so much 💗
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nightlyteaandpaper · 1 year
Another thing I find funny about the narration of Avatar 2 is the fact that no one in the village has tried to parent Spider after his foster parents dipped off planet.
Do you mean to tell me that all these people, Na'vi, Human, and Avatar, watched this little boy grow up from a tike to a teen and didn't form an emotional attachment to him? I have watched distant cousins grow up from a distance and still feel love for them, and I don't see them for YEARS at a time. These people had that little boy in their faces every single day, and none of them looked at the Sullys and said "ya'll foul for how you treat this kid."
Better yet, knowing how the Na'vi value family and how they value children, I have a hard time believing that Neytiri can't separate Spider from his father and is callous enough to not want him around. She doesn't have to like the kid, but in the comics, she's damn near abusive. I have a hard time believing that she believes he will grow up like his father because, if we were to use that logic, all of her children will be traitors at some point in their lives (because Jake was a traitor to both the Humans and the Na'vi.)
She doesn't have to like the kid but let's be for real.
Anyway, Support my Fanfiction.
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muu-kun · 8 months
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On that note, I'm here to remind everyone that I'm absolutely not kidding when I say if someone is having trouble getting him to comprehend their language towards him, try adjusting the phrasing to what one would use towards a young child. While he absolutely can mask and power through his comprehension deficits, to do so takes an incredible amount of cognitive, emotional, and physical strength all at once to manage even for small amounts of time. He is more inclined to be himself at his baseline. His livelihood at twenty six going on twenty seven is simply not ever going to be completely like everyone else's around him, and that's okay.
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Here’s some Andi from the South Africa game before I clock out for everyone, closing Tumblr shift complete
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