#summoning the dmc community
cocosnows · 1 year
A Lone Sword
This is an AU that explores a different outcome on the incident at the twins’ house, as well as insights on Vergil’s attachment to the Yamato and overall a new perspective on their brotherhood.
NOTES: It is super self-indulgent and might be out of character/I got the DMC lore wrong. English is not my first language and I have no experience in writing, so excuse me if it’s poorly written.
Thank you for reading! ^^
Chapter 1
“Life had always been this way… and it will always be” — a young Vergil pondered as he walked around his house. He had always thought Dante was a spoiled brat. Even as twins, he felt Dante always did whatever he wanted whenever he said so; and the worst part was that his Mother always gave him the right.
The silver haired boys were both 12 years at the time. And they didn’t seem to get along too well, as they both seemed to differ in energy levels and preferred activities. But somehow, Dante, seemed to always win the arguments whenever they fought (which was very often, by the way). This bothered Vergil greatly, as he felt it unfair.
“When am I ever going to get MY time…”, Vergil pondered.
“It’s always do what Dante wants… but why can’t I do whatever ~I~ want once in a while”
As the child thought this, an idea popped up in his mind. He thought it would be a good idea to watch over the books of the local library as he usually did, to keep those stressful thoughts away; and have that desired alone time after a long day of dealing with Dante’s carefree whims.
When Vergil arrived to the library, the shopkeeper was actually joyous to see him. It seemed that the child’s visits came more and more often as time passed— and the librarian loved his enthusiasm and curiosity towards the books, which was rare amongst the children of that small city.
The child couldn’t stop looking at that one specific book: a collection of poems written by William Blake. The librarian felt some sort of deep compassion and understanding for the child, and turning to him in a gentle voice he said:
“Do you like that book…?”
The child turned to see the man and nodded with a worried expression. The man smiled, and told him:
“It’s ok… you can have it. It’s all yours”
The child’s face lit up.
“Really?! Thank you so much!”
The child picked up a pen and drew his initial on the cover of the book, much to the librarians’ surprise. After he finished drawing, he told the librarian:
“My twin brother… he’s always grabbing my stuff… so I have to make sure this is mine”.
The librarian let out a soft chuckle as he witnessed the innocence and spontaneity of the child.
Vergil thanked the shop owner and took off to his home. The librarian watched over him as he walked away with a fond expression.
After some time, Vergil arrived home. He was greeted by his twin brother’s usual high energy, which rarely ever matched his own. Today, he was carrying the wooden swords they use to play with. Vergil’s face instantly turned serious.
As soon as Dante opened his mouth, Vergil already had an answer:
“No, Dante. Not now. I want to read right now, so don’t disturb me”.
Dante frowned and told him:
“You didn’t even hear what I had to say!”,
to which the other child answered:
“I don’t care Dante! Just leave me alone!”.
Dante dropped the wooden swords in an instant and threw a slap to Vergil’s face. After this, they just kept on throwing punches to each other in a very common scene for that family… just until Eva arrived.
“Children! Oh my… what did I tell you about fighting? Look at you, you’re bleeding!”, said Eva to the boys.
The twins, having all sorts of bruises on their faces, stood up in a jolt as soon as they saw her.
“He did it! He started it!”, Vergil exclaimed, pointing at Dante.
“He didn’t even listen to me, mom! He was so rude!”, Dante answered.
The woman just sighed in distress, as she has dealt with these same quarrels countless times, and said:
“Vergil, please don’t ignore your brother—”
Just as she was about to continue, Vergil let out a loud groan.
“It is ALWAYS my fault and never HIS, I am SO DONE”, Vergil exclaimed as he ran away from his family and into the house’s garden.
“VERGIL!” Eva exclaimed, but the child refused to listen.
Dante looked over to the floor and saw the book that Vergil had brought. He picked it up and kept it. His mother decided to leave Vergil alone for the time being, so he had time to unwind. She escorted Dante back inside, while thoroughly scolding him for his aggressiveness and behavior.
Vergil walked over to a little playground and sat down on one of the benches.
“It’s always the same… he gets his way and I’m the one at fault. I can’t stand it.”
Vergil groaned.
“I wanted to read that book so bad and now he completely spoiled my mood.”
The child crossed his arms and pondered for a short while.
“It’s all Dante’s fault as always…”
Just as he was thinking this, he felt a dangerous presence behind him. In just a second, he had a swarm of demons wanting to kill him behind his back.
He swiftly dodged the demons’ attacks, but as he ran towards his home he found a grim scenario that made him froze: his home was burning in a pillar of flames. The moment he stopped in his tracks to watch the horrible scene, the demons took the opportunity and attacked him.
They pierced his body countless times with their long, slim swords. His chest, arms, legs, hands… all pierced by the demons’ weapons.
“It hurts… it hurts… it… HURTS…!”
The child was silent, but under his painful expression lied a yearn for help.
“Someone… anyone… please… help me”
The image of his mother and brother appeared inside his mind…
But no one came to his aid.
And the demons were ruthless in his endeavor, as they pierced his body until they left him unconscious.
After some time, the child woke up. His body ached and everything burned. But even so, he stood up and was determined to walk towards his home. His mind was fuzzy and the tears rolled uncontrollably down his face, but something made him go towards the house- towards his family.
As he walked, he felt some of his wounds closing and healing due to his demonic lineage, which made him able to survive such ruthless and deadly attacks. This allowed him to move a little more freely with each step.
However, the moment he picked up his pace, a second horde of demons approached him. But this time, something unexpected happened: the legendary sword Yamato appeared right before his eyes as if summoned by his desperate cries for help. He picked it up from the ground and wobblily started fending off the attacking monsters.
The boy was panting and grasping for air, but he kept walking towards his burning home, holding the Yamato close and using it to help him walk. His clothes were all ragged: he was left shirtless and covered in his own blood.
As he got closer to his house, he thought of his mother, his brother, the demons… the emotions were overflowing and he couldn’t stop crying. He thought to himself as he sobbed uncontrollably:
“I’m alone… no one is here anymore… Dante and mom… they must’ve fled… they’re… gone… … maybe mom didn’t even—”
Just as he was thinking, he heard a distant sound that made him stop in his tracks. It was a voice… a faint voice. The child’s expression changed from helpless to worried, and he turned desperate to find the source of the sound.
He walked even closer to the house and heard the faint voice again:
The voice was followed by several coughs.
The child’s eyes turned very big as he let out a big gasp. He exclaimed his brother’s name, hoping for an answer. He ran towards the main entrance of the house, but as soon as he was about to enter, the door busted open.
A sobbing, coughing child came out of the door, extremely agitated.
“VERGIL!”, the child exclaimed as soon as he saw his twin brother, and ran directly into him for a hug.
Vergil was suddenly petrified.
He looked behind his brother, and caught a glimpse of the grotesque scene that occurred inside his home. Dante noticed and immediately ran to close the door, sobbing profusely.
“N-no, Vergil… *hic* y-you can’t see! *hic*”, he exclaimed as he blocked the door with his body.
Vergil, with a somber expression, and tears rolling down his face, asked his brother:
“Dante… what… what happened?”
Dante started sobbing even harder. It was hard for him to catch his breath, as he inhaled a great amount of smoke. He gathered a little bit of air and, just when he was about to speak, a demon peeked behind his brother.
Dante peeled his eyes as he screamed his brother’s name.
The child’s reflexes activated instantly, drawing out the Yamato and fending off the demons in a whim. Vergil turned to Dante again and exclaimed:
“It’s not safe here, Dante. We have to go, NOW!”
Vergil’s expression turned serious and determined, but Dante was still inconsolable. Vergil grabbed Dante by the arm and dragged him out of the house.
“With the Yamato…”, Vergil thought, “no demon… no… nothing can hurt us”.
And thus, the silver-haired children ran away from the burnt house that was once their home… with no destination and nothing more than their own company and a lone sword.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
The Intricacies of Demon Culture
(or a bunch of loosely based on DMC Canon headcannons and theories, take your pick)
Demons come in many different flavors, and the word 'demon' is essentially the same thing as saying 'rectangle; it is a broad category with smaller subsections within it.
Devils are inherently smarter and more powerful demons. The main way one can tell the difference between a lesser demon and a devil is the capability to speak a human language; devils often wish to at least interact with (kill) a human in their lifetime, so they go out of their way to be able to communicate. This is not always true, but it works as a good rule of thumb.
There are also artificial demons, but their classification is a little bit more broad then you would think. There are demon-made demons (Trish, Nightmare) and human-made demons (Lucia, all of the antagonists from DMC4) in this category, but this category also includes demons that do not naturally exist. Malphas is actually in this category due to her being a fusion of two separate demons (which was shown in Nico's notes)
Human blood is seen almost as a drug, as it gives demons power. However, non-devils tend to go crazy from too much, almost like an overdose. It is an issue in the demon world.
There are two main types of groups in demon culture: Family groups and Political groups.
Family groups function like extended families, with a priority on continuing the family line. Demons like Empusa fall into this category, with their priority on collecting blood and serving the queen, who furthers the line.
Political groups are when different species or multiple families group together for some reason. Mundus' army is a great example of this, but another great example are the Cerberus devils. They are referred to as a 'tribe' not a pack, so there must be multiple families within said tribe. The existence of a King Cerberus also implies some sort of political hierarchy, most likely based on power and age.
There are also groups of demons who merge these two categories, where different species co-exist in a family setting. The Cerberus tribe is another example of this, as KC refers to the Cerberus from 3 as 'kin' despite them looking nothing alike.
The Spardas are officially option 3 due to their already mixed heritage and the amount of different 'beings' they hang out with. Two artificial demons, 3 full blooded humans, the descendent of a demon summoner, and Kyrie, who Nero would say deserves her own category.
Everything with demons is physical. They disagree you? Be ready for a fight. They hate you? Be prepare for them to kill you. They do like you? They are still gonna fight you, but at least they aren't actively trying to take off limbs.
Sibling demons are known to fight constantly, both to shown superiority, and, in more close-knit demon families, to help each other become stronger.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
"That day, if our positions were switched... Would our fates be different? Would I have your life, and you mine?"
While standing on top of the Qlipoth in DMC 5 Vergil posed a very interesting question that got many people wondering: How would the story of DMC go if Dante and Vergil's positions were switched?
That is what I am asking you now to answer. How does this story go in a world where their positions are switched?
Hi, dear DMC anon, always happy to get your messages!
I`d like to start this reply with recommending some very good videos/fics that explore this topic, as my opinion on the matter is affected by them, but also in case anyone reading HASN`T seen these, and more people really should!
Champion Analysis has done amazing videos on this exact alternate universe scenario (the term ‘alternate universe’ feels very justified here) videos – two speculative character analysis videos and one voice-acted retelling of the story of the switched twins in DMC 3.
Blood Red Brother by TheWritingSquid – a oneshot about ‘switched’ Dante running into a ‘reunited with Dante at the end of 3 and raising-Nero’ Vergil and their first and last interaction.
Devil May Cry D by Strawberry_Hope is an amazing fic in russian, this is a ‘switched’ twins retelling of the story of 5, and I LOVE it. This thing is huge, it has everything you wish to have in a long fic – good plot with some mystery, characters interact with each other a lot (as Vergil does NOT let Dante out of his sight, unlike the game which has Dante basically flying off the rails after his twin), and some good angst and drama (as is customary for DMC). maybe I should do a masterpost of my fav ru dmc fics, because they have some amazing stuff I have not seen in english-speaking community, or have seen very very little of it.
Hopefully, everyone is familiar with these (baring Devil May Cry D, as it is very optional because of language requirement), otherwise I highly recommend you check them out if this AU ever remotely interests you.
With that out of the way, I believe the Switch AU is quite unique, because global games-wise I don`t think it would change much. Vergil would work great as a (classic anime) protagonist – an elder twin, who tragically lost his entire family, and is the (only surviving) heir. Vergil is honorable, badass and actually a cheeky bastard, just as his brother, so he would make a great protagonist for the games. Story-wise in games, I think the only one we can expect to have huge changes is 4, as it revolves around Nero. There is pretty much nothing on The Fortuna Woman to base speculations around, sooo it could be a teen dad Vergil after 3, or he could encounter Nero only in the boy`s teens as original Dante did. Same as canon, I don`t really care for The Woman much, and I don`t see her having any effect on the story. (also everyone wants Nero and Vergil to have good father-son relationship, so it`s obvious which scenario out of the two the fandom and I lean towards)
This is...not much changing really, we just move the Nero&Vergil relationship earlier on the timeline, but so far that`s pretty much it
except it`s not
because I fully believe ‘switched’ Dante cannot be redeemed.
Original`s Vergil story is tragic, and it forced him to make horrible decisions, however his intentions have always been in the right place. Vergil, fundamentally as a character believes in results over the methods used to get them, so no, he Doesn`t care that his summoning of demon tower killed a lot of innocent people, and might have passed down his own childhood trauma on the new generation of children of Redgrave, he wanted to use it to finish off the demon lord, and it is a noble goal so everything works out. This makes the original Vergil a tragic, but misguided and lost character. Vergil as V was the perfect replica of all of that, and he needed someone to show him a better way – and Nero did. He showed crumbling and desperate Vergil compassion and a kind-of friendship, which was exactly what Vergil was looking for all these years, but too afraid to acknowledge it. After that, original Vergil can be shown the error of his ways, and he might try to make amends (starting with his brother), which will, in time, redeem him.
 Dante is, as always, a perfect opposite of his brother. He is compassionate by nature, and his heart of gold is his greatest tormentor over the years, as he cannot accept the loss of Vergil and always yearned for his brother back. To take this emotional person with a bleeding heart, and to have him raise a demon tower as Vergil did in dmc 3? That requires breaking his foundational compassionate nature, and replacing it with ‘goals over morals’ mentality, and I don`t think that kind that damage can be reversed. Blood Red Brother fic I mentioned captures this perfectly – Dante, with goals over morals, also remains a thrill seeker and a kind of adrenaline junkie, this combination of traits, paired with demonic heritage, is extremely volatile, and could lead to terrible bloodlust.
All of this would make 'switched' Dante a truly horrifying sadistic psychopath, who would only seek massive demons to battle (which would also make him an amazing villain), and there is no way he could be redeemed after that.
Thank you for the ask, as always!
(well, there is an alternative scenario where Dante fights only demons, and doesn't harm humans, meaning he cannot get the power boosts orig Vergil got, and loses to Mundus spectacularly. still, I feel like 'antagonist' Dante goes against his nature and would alter him greatly, but perhaps he could be redeemed after that)
p.s. maybe I`ll make a reblog talking about DMC D fic as it has some amazing takes on this AU, but I don`t want to mix the authors original ideas with my ramblings
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silverstream2 · 1 year
Book Incident bonding things:
-One of the annoying puzzles they have to solve to move forward early on is one that it takes two people to activate/unlock. I'll work out the details later, but it's probably something timed. Probably in three parts, to make running between them to get to the last lock more of a pain in the ass.
So, they split up. Abbie insists on it, and Vergil gets annoyed at her for it. Largely because demons attack you after each activation.
Abbie: "Just keep me covered in and shielded by your Summoned Swords after I active my part of the puzzle, and I'll be alright."
Vergil: "Keep you covered in and shielded by Summoned Swords? From that far away?"
Abbie: "Yes."
Vergil: "Do you have any idea how difficult that's going to be?"
Abbie: "No, but I'm sure you can do it."
Vergil, dryly: "Really?"
Abbie: "Yes. Because I've seen you do a number of insanely difficult things already, and with just that sword. And the Summoned Swords, too, obviously. And you've made them look easy. But this takes two people to do this. Just work with me on this, alright? Or else we'll never get out of here."
Vergil, hating to admit that she has a point: "... Fine. Just don't die on me before you do your bit, alright."
Abbie, grinning at him, despite his sour mood: "That's the plan! Now, lets go!"
They'd probably need a radio or some other communication device to stay in contact between the two locks. Maybe something magical, like the Key Items you always find around DMC games? I'll go ahead and say it was something that was left there by some previous devil hunters/victims, just because I can't think of a reason that the demon of the book would give it's victims such a useful item.
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keeroo92 · 5 years
How would all four DMC guys react to their female S/O admitting they were in love with them the first time?
This is such a sweet thought I can’t!!!! :’) Thank you so much for sending this, I hope you enjoy the fluff!
Word count - 1,497
“You know I love you, right, Nero?”
The young warrior choked, spraying droplets of water across the plastic table separating him from her. Where the hell did that come from? One second she was talking about workplace gossip, and the next…
Still coughing, he tried to wrap his head around it. Love. A heavy word, one he ‘d always used sparingly, if at all. Come to think of it, when was the last time he’d used it?
Shit, not the time for that!
His Adam’s apple bobbed repeatedly as he struggled to recover. The slight burn in his throat told him how close he’d been to having it come out his nose instead of his mouth and he thanked his lucky stars he managed that much. 
When he was finally able to breathe again, he met her eyes to find a guarded expression. That was fair, she probably hoped for a more coherent response than him spewing water everywhere…
“Uh, sorry… you kinda caught me off guard,” he murmured, scratching the back of his neck. “Love…”
It terrified him to realize how right the word sounded. Somewhere between their casual dates and laid-back laughter, this got serious. How hadn’t he noticed? Was he really that blind? When did her voice become so musical to his ears? 
“Love,” he repeated, testing the word for himself. 
It tickled on his tongue and sent his stomach into free-fall, but still… it sounded so perfect. He reached out and took her hand, lifting it off the table to avoid the mess. She didn’t speak, still waiting for his response far more patiently than he deserved.
Love… yeah.
The first time he said it properly, his voice barely reached his own ears. Damnit, why was this so hard? She said it first, that was important, right? Where was a demon attack when he needed it?
Nero cleared his throat and tried again, rewarded with a slightly louder recitation. “I love you, too.”
The smile that spread over her face left him giddy, thrumming with pride that his words summoned such joy. He said it again, barely below his normal tone. Maybe one more time?
“I love you, too,” he said with a goofy smile, marveling at the rush speaking the words brought. 
Her hand tightened around his as laughter spilled from her lips; not mocking, but euphoric. He’d never seen her so happy, nor had he ever before felt it so strongly himself.
“I love you, V.”
Warmth bloomed in his chest, accompanied by an unfamiliar tightness and a pleasant tingle. The black-haired man swallowed, stifling the sensations as best he could; now wasn’t the time to fall apart. She loved him. She loved him. Incredible. 
A shaky breath rattled past his lips as his trembling hand cupped her cheek, thumb stroking the soft skin. How he treasured her face. Slowly, her lips stretched into a smile and nearly stopped his heart. Nothing could ever be so precious to him.
All his life, this was what he’d been missing. This warmth, this comfort and affection. This feeling of trust and safety, or respect and understanding. It was everything he’d ever wanted and more, far more powerful than his imagination had the power to conjure.
He smiled softly and pulled her close, cradling her against him in a loving embrace. This chance would not come again, he knew. Few were fortunate enough to experience love like this even once in a lifetime, and luck had never been on his side. He refused to squander it now.
Line after line of classical poetry crashed through his thoughts, but all fell short. As much insight as Blake had into the nature of humanity, his words lacked the impact V required. 
I must use my own.
It came to him like a lightning bolt. For an instant, he felt more connected than ever before to the poets of the past, united across the ages in this one emotion and the power it held to both inspire and destroy. How fortunate he was to be human and to have the opportunity to experience it firsthand.
“You are the light that burned away my darkness. I love you, too,” he murmured, voice hoarse and tongue thick in his mouth. Ridiculous; she’d just said the same words to him, he had no reason to be nervous. 
Her arms wrapped around his slim waist, her face nuzzling into his body as if she wished to share it. Another swallow, the damned tightness was returning, both in his chest and his throat. 
Yet despite the myriad of strange reactions taking place within him, the poet knew no more sublime moment would occur in his life. 
I shall never take this for granted.
The legendary devil hunter squinted at her, certain he misheard. “Sorry, didn’t catch that.”
Her cheeks tinted and her eyes darted to the side, as if what she was about to say embarrassed her. Weird; nothing embarrassed her, not even his raunchy jokes.
“I said I love you, idiot,” she said.
His arms twitched, mouth falling agape in shock. No way, she had to be teasing him again. Sure, they had fun together, but he was half demon. Who in their right mind would fall for that? Not to mention all his other faults.
Plus, someone as beautiful and funny as her could do so much better. 
“Are you sure?” he asked incredulously.
He watched her face carefully, noting the split second of indecision before it hardened into resolve. Standing her ground, like she always did. A warrior, just like him. 
“I’m sure, Dante. I love you.”
A rush of exhilaration pulsed through him, not unlike the first time he managed to fly. He was soaring, lifting off and streaking through the clouds, heart hammering in joy.
Several heartbeats passed before he remembered he hadn’t responded yet. Shit, what the hell did he say? The obvious didn’t seem like enough, there had to be a better way to tell her he felt the same. 
Yet Dante knew he wasn’t a wordsmith. Actions were his method of communication, far more than speech. Maybe that was the way to go? 
Without bothering to think any longer, he scooped her into his arms, bridal style and pressed his mouth to hers. He’d always made it a point to leave his partner gasping, but this time he wanted to go above and beyond. He poured everything he had into that kiss; his energy, enthusiasm, passion and love, leaving nothing out. 
Luckily for him, she knew him well enough to understand.
“I’m in love with you, Vergil.”
Her words froze him in his tracks. Love. What a strange concept. To care for another to the point of self-sacrifice. For their well-being to mean more than your own, and to wish for nothing more than to see them safe. Why people glorified such a thing never made sense to Vergil.
Until now.
He’d known for weeks that he felt something different for her, a sensation he steadfastly ignored. Affection served no purpose; it only brought weakness. That was one lesson he didn’t need to learn again. Surely if enough time passed, the effect of her smile would fade. 
And yet, it only grew stronger. 
Like a stubborn weed in cracked pavement, no matter how many times he talked himself out of caring the feeling refused to diminish. All it took was a touch, a laugh, just a glance from her lovely eyes. A single syllable from her lips, and his chest fluttered for the rest of the conversation.
And now, this…
She stood a mere stride away, earnest eyes staring into his. Such vulnerability; on anyone else it would’ve curled his lips in disgust. On her? He simply wanted to ease it away and annihilate its cause. 
“I- I’m sorry, I’ll just go,” she muttered, edging away. The pain in her eyes drove a blade into his heart.
Still, he didn’t fully understand why his arm extended to block her path, nor the source of the urge to pull her into an embrace and never let go. Emotions were such tricky things, how did one apply logic in situations such as this? 
Perhaps one did not. 
Vergil swallowed thickly. What absurdity, why did his hands shake and his brow perspire? He’d been calmer in duels to the death. And when did it get so warm in here? It must be the heat of her body, an inferno only inches away. Did he dare to touch the flame? 
How could he not?
“I… I do not know what I feel for you, exactly. But… it is stronger than I imagined possible.”
And then there it was, her smile. Twisting her lips and crinkling the flesh by her eyes. Something in his chest jumped; was that his heart? 
“That’s a good start,” she murmured, entwining her fingers with his. Another hiccup in his chest, was he ill?
No; illness didn’t feel this good.
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leviathan-dee · 4 years
DMC Week 2020: Day 6: You Belong Here
(Here’s another small wholesome piece. I really wish we had more interactions with the entire crew in DMC, but the community provides enough to sate that need for wholesomeness). (All prompts were used for day 6). (Alcohol mention, and one use of a curse word lmao).
Family was never a word that Dante had to use too often in his vocabulary. Decades of separation and neglect seemed to stretch, until he finally found where he belonged; in this drunken celebration with his slightly dysfunctional family.
Word Count: 1,755
Characters: Dante, Vergil, Nero, Kyrie, Trish, Lady, Nico
Read On AO3
The scorching July sun seemed to boil every living being which dared step foot outside, merciless rays beating down upon the Earth. Whoever escaped the confines of their four walls were bound to become crispy at the sheer thought of the sun. There were, however, some fools who tempted fate, and proceeded to have an entire barbeque outside.
The Spardas, alongside the Devil May Cry crew, were said fools.
Of course, no one could deny Kyrie, the kindest, most gentle creature to ever grace the planet, a day outside. Especially during a celebration. Especially on a pregnant Kyrie’s birthday.
It was July tenth, the weather being arid and overly vacant of any breezes. This only made the heat far more excruciating. Kyrie didn’t seem to feel the blazes, her skin absorbing the rays to form a honeyed tan which complimented the amber glimmer in her eyes. Whereas Nero, unfortunately, panted like a rabid dog. His skin seemed to turn scarlet at the mere thought of summer. Evidently, the situation turned even worse for the boy since he had to man the barbeque, grilling burgers, as well as sausages, meanwhile being inevitably covered in helix coils of smoke. His beloved watched him apologetically, whilst he continued to sweat up a storm, beckoning the children to pick up their mouthwatering meals.
Dante sat beside an orchard, the apple trees being a godsend for shade in his time of need. Although the Sparda twin could withstand blazing temperatures, it was only for a short period of time; Not an entire day. Brushing his white, sweat-soaked locks away from his brow, Dante grabbed the neck of the beer bottle, letting the bubbles gently glide down his throat. He basked in the sensation for what seemed a whole eternity, whilst the sound of bickering and giggling children filled his ears. It was blissful, to say the least. To feel like he belonged. To have family.
He had hoped Verge felt the same about this reunion.
Thinking about his twin brother, Dante turned to the blue devil, noting that Vergil’s usual scowl was wiped clean off of his visage. Instead, his face was soft, bereft of any tension. He seemed… happy. Relaxed. It was refreshing to see. Albeit his quiet nature, the elder twin continued to lift the corners of his lips, reacting to the children, as well as Nico’s vulgar comments and Kyrie’s deathly glares at the gunsmith. Trish and Lady were the other pair to cause a ruckus, making Vergil smirk anytime they were told off by Nero for using non-family friendly language at the dinner table.
“Aww shit, we’re out of ketchup.” As a slightly intoxicated Lady let the curse word slip, she squeezed the condiment bottle harder, making it spurt out a less-than elegant bowel movement noise, and a pathetic dollop of tomato sauce. The children fell into hysterics, Nero and Kyrie unsure of whether to reprimand the woman, or giggle alongside the kids.
Dante continued to watch the spectacle, a warmth blooming in his chest.
Vergil was happy. In turn, so was his younger brother.
“So, Verge, enjoying yourself?” Sipping on liquid courage, Dante turned his head to his twin.
“Hmm. It appears as though I am.” The blue devil assumed a somewhat distant stare, turning his gaze towards his busy son at the grill. His eyes softened at the sight of Nero. If there was a trace of bittersweetness in Vergil’s expression, it came and went almost instantly. However, Dante knew him better than anyone, and could recognise his elder brother’s ghosts of guilt and regret quickly.
As a sudden breeze eased the tension of blanketing heat, Dante sighed, and recalled a nostalgia fueled memory.
“Remember when mum and dad brought all of their friends to the manor for a barbeque? We ended up playing with the other kids, whilst the grown-ups got drunk?” The scarlet devil sucked air in through his teeth, the memory almost too painful to relive. Vergil recoiled at the sudden recollection.
“I reminisce about those days often.”
“You were a damn sprightly kid, Verge. Always running off and hiding to read. Me and the others had to search for you, only to find you up on that gnarly tree, chomping on some apple.”
Dante continued with the mental memoir, his lips curling upwards. He could almost hear the voices of the children and Vergil’s adamant refusal to climb down. He could smell the delectable cuisine of his father's famous burnt burgers and his mother’s soft laughter. Even the gentle grass lapping at his ankles was as vivid of a memory as the display of giggling children before him.
“And now…” Dante inhaled deeply, a ghost of a bittersweet smile gracing his lips, “now we’re the ones sitting, getting wasted, whilst the kiddos play.”
“What are you getting at, Dante?” Vergil uncrossed his arms, running his fingers through his hair, a tell-tale sign of either annoyance or discomfort. Dante simply waited to collect his thoughts, the image of past times being too much. In retaliation to the thoughts, he inhaled the scent of sweetened smoke, inching himself to the empty seat beside Vergil. He let out an almost elderly sigh as he landed in the chair before continuing earnestly.
“We made it, Verge. We've come full circle.”
Vergil's reforming thoughtful brow wrinkle made its famous comeback, his mind processing Dante's statement.
So they did come full circle.
Dante was so adamant on having something dear to hold onto, he was finally rewarded with a family. Finally rewarded with what he longed for since he was eight years old. Though it was a screwed up little group with issues that would take a few more decades to sort out, it was his family. Vergil was very much a part of that family. It warmed every cold crevice of the blue devil’s beating heart, the melodic rhythm becoming even prouder.
"Christ, Vergil. You have a son, can you believe it? In fact, you're going to have a grandkid. You're going to be the youngest looking gramps to have ever lived." Dante attempted to pinch his brother’s cheek, earning him an irked scoff, alongside a hearty slap to the back of the head. It seemed as though they returned to their youthful selves, ignoring the wrinkle lines that arose with age, and the exhaustion inflicted violet splodges beneath their eyes.
They were kids again, trying their best to catch up on the lost years of brotherly bickering.
The air began to cool off as the evening drifted. Nero was unchained from his duties, sipping a chilled beer, pleased hums and sighs resounding from his chest. Kyrie cuddled into Nero’s side, the both of them entangled behind the table. Viewing the spectacle, Dante turned to Vergil once more.
"I think mum and pops would be proud." The statement came out of the blue, yet did not startle the blue devil. Instead, his visage was graced with a saccharine smile, the type that Dante had rarely seen in the man. In fact, it was only witnessed during their eventful, albeit brief, childhood.
"Hmm… I hope so." Sighing, contentment written all over Vergil’s features, he craned his neck up to the trees, breathing in the tender breeze of the summer evening.
Dante continued to reminisce about his nephew, and the love of Nero’s life. Seeing the shy ‘couple’ back in Fortuna, he never anticipated to witness this decade-long result; A great-nephew. Kyrie seemed to glow as she nuzzled into her beloved’s side, with a five month bump becoming a prominent addition to her frame. It was a wondrous thing to Dante, knowing that their little dysfunctional family was ever-expanding. The fuzzy feelings appeared to bloom at an exponential rate, which the scarlet devil attempted to gulp down with bubbling alcohol.
He was proud of them. Proud of the tiny group. His family.
A boisterous Nico interrupted any thoughts, eclipsing the view of the couple with her presence.
"So, 'nother beer for ya, gents?" She offered to provide more drinks, with Dante gladly accepting and Vergil politely declining. Whilst the Spardas’ intoxication was low, Lady and Trish were completely sloshed. Their joyous dancing was evidence of the fact.
Nico turned to the middle of the garden where the pair were swaying their arms about as if they were attempting to fend off mosquitos.
“Lady is gonna regret all that booze in the morning. Not sure ‘bout Trish though.” As the young gunsmith twirled on her heels to approach Nero and Kyrie, the dancing pair of intoxicated women began to beckon Dante.
“Hey! Give us your iconic MJ dance!” Trish slurred not a single word, Dante noting that she was playing the drunk to accompany Lady.
“C’moooon Mr. Sparda. Please?” Lady, however, slurred every word. It wasn’t often she had the time or the energy to let loose, so the evening was some well deserved alleviation of pent up stress and frustration. In the distance, Kyrie giggled at Lady’s tipsiness, earning the birthday girl an amorous peck on her button nose from Nero.
The scarlet devil stood from his seat whilst giving Nico an impish smirk, before summoning Dr. Faust into his palm. It appeared as though the cowboy hat materialised from countless twinkling coils of demonic energy. Nico returned his mischievous smile with her own, silently fist bumping the air. Nero simply sighed and clicked his tongue, mirroring his father’s own mannerisms of annoyance and exasperation.
“Not again…”
“YES AGAIN! HIT IT, DANTE!” Nico joined in on the two buzzed women on the garden dancefloor. As a natural performer, Dante swished the headpiece upon his crown, assuming a pose that could wow the crowd.
For hours, the party continued, each member of the crew joining in on the song and dance. Even Vergil pranced into the centre, grabbing a wasted Lady to waltz with him. Toasts were made, followed by treasured tears trailing alongside the speeches, each word weighing the world. Their love for each other, and this little makeshift family, could not be altered or demolished in any way possible. For each of these members lost someone close to them. Whether it was a father, a mother, a brother, or their entire livelihood. They ultimately found a group of like-minded individuals to fill the void. Nothing could separate them.
‘You belong here’ a tiny cherished voice uttered in the back of Dante’s mind. For the first time in decades, he was happy. He felt like he belonged.
Hell, he did belong. 
And nothing could change the fact.
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celticmess · 4 years
#44 With our bicker-til-death-duo Ro and Nate from DMC? Because I could see this comment going both ways.
You got it! this was nice actually, no angst for once :p
Characters and AU from @devil-may-care-series
Ro loved the Roadhouse. It was her baby. She also loved her hunters that stopped by regularly, even if they did park in her spot. She especially loved Matthew, who was like a brother to her. Ever since they first met, they had just clicked. And of course, that love spread to his wonder of a wife too, Stephanie. The most caring woman she had ever met, with fire in her too. Then there was Nathan Smith. The kid with an attitude that had blundered into her bar clueless, turned everything on its head and then left without a second thought. It was almost like a special skill, his ability to not make friends in the hunting community, if you could call it that. But the past was in the past now, she had put all anger over her precious Iso Grifo behind her. Mostly. She reserved the right to remind Nate about it regularly, it was only fair after what he did to it. 
As if thinking about him had summoned him, that same Nathan Smith sauntered in through the door of the Roadhouse. It was a usual day, business as usual. The regulars were hanging around, and a few spared Nate a glance as he walked in but none were too bothered by his appearance as he sat down at the bar. You know what they say, speak of the devil and he shall appear and all that. She walked over, putting the washcloth she was holding down behind the bar.
“Nate! I’m guessing you’ve picked up the stuff from town?” she asked, already pouring him a soft drink.
“Yep, and I've put it exactly where you told me to.” he added “So don’t go complaining that I did it wrong again.”
“I would never, it’s not like you drove my car off a cliff or anything.” she commented, sliding the glass of coke over to him.
“I’ve already apologised for that a million times!” he complained, and Ro grinned as he took a sip from the glass. 
There was silence between them for a few seconds before Nate spoke again.
“So I have an idea.” he began with a look Ro knew all too well. She rolled her eyes and turned away to pick up the washcloth “Wh-why are you rolling your eyes? I haven’t told you what it is yet!”
“Because I know you, Nate.” she said simply, wiping down the bar surface as he scoffed.
“My ideas are great!” he exclaimed, and Ro gave him a pointed look.
“If your ideas are so great, why do half the hunters in the state hate your guts?” she asked. Nate hesitated first a second, proving Ro’s point as she went about her cleaning.
“Hate is a strong word.” he said eventually, but his tone suggested that he knew she was right.
“But it’s the correct word.” she put the cloth down, folded her arms and looked at him. “Your ideas are brash, half-thought and reckless. You know, like crashing my car?”
“Oh come on, that was years ago! I said sorry!” he huffed, looking away. “I did it for you, anyway…”
“What was that?” Ro asked, missing the last part that he mumbled.
“Nothing. Will you listen to my brilliant idea now?” he asked, changing the subject. With a sigh, Ro nodded.
“Go ahead.”
“You let me do work behind the bar instead of labour.” he proposed, and Ro laughed, shaking her head.
“No.” she said, smiling like he had just told her a really funny joke.
“Why not?” he asked, pouting like a child.
“Because you would find a way to put me out of business! You’re not a people person, we’ve established this. And any other time you’ve been behind the bar, it hasn’t ended well.” she pointed out, and Nate shrugged.
“Who said I had to talk to anyone?” he said, and Ro arched an eyebrow at him.
“Work behind a bar without talking?” she repeated, and he realised how stupid that sounded.
“I mean… yes?” he said uncertainly, and knew he had lost the argument.
“Sorry Nate, I can’t have my bartender starting bar fights with the patrons.” she pointed out, and he focused on his drink.
“They start it.” he mumbled, and she gave him another pointed look.
“Here’s an idea, take these drinks to that table.” she said, handing him a tray filled with beer pints. Nate looked at it in surprise, not realising that Ro had been pouring drinks during this time.
“When did you?...” he began, but she waved for him to shush.
“Multitasking is a brilliant skill, now get! They’ll get angrier the longer you take.” she warned, and Nate rolled his eyes before taking the tray and heading off. She shook her head in amusement as he watched him go. She had tried helping him years ago when he first turned up on her doorstep. Maybe she could try again.
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synchronmurmurs · 4 years
12, 23, and 41 for all the girls?
Omg this took literally all day for me to do, but these were a lot of fun, so thank you Nights! 💖💖
12. What’s a skill or craft they would like to master, but haven’t?
Liviere: How to funnel demonic power into things. For reasons. 👀 She doesn’t end up having the resources/space for it, but someone else does, and maybe she ends up with a few new toys. And not the sexy kind either, but that’s not entirely off the table.
Punchy: Muay Thai. 🤤 Punchy’s never really had any formal training. What she knows how to do (which is some bizarro amalgamation of MMA, judo and uhhh various pain compliance holds) she learned on the streets and through experience... and maybe a couple movies. 😌👉👈 So really, learning any martial art in an official setting would be pretty fun for her!
Rosetta: More offensive spells. Rosetta dabbles mainly in summoning for uhhh her own purposes, so she doesn’t really have any magics on hand that could protect her if she finds herself in a pickle. That’s sort of Mynoghra’s territory. Might be something she needs to look into.
Assistant!Reader: How to crack a safe. She’s made decent headway with a stethoscope before, but it’s time consuming, and harder than it looks. When she figures it out properly, Nero says he wants to learn. He’s already a half decent pickpocket.
Evette: How to actually be completely impartial. It’s part of her job, but it’s a bit hard for her to stay out of what she sees. I mean she eventually starts to interact with Fortuna’s “””guardian angel””” on a regular basis. 👀 Also card tricks.
23. What’s the most important object they own?
Liviere: Probably Caliburn? Liv got rid of most of her older belongings because she was intending to leave Fortuna and start a new life literally anywhere else. Caliburn is the last bit of proof she has of what she used to be, but also where she’s heading.
Punchy: Easily Grendel. He opened doors for her that would have been near impossible otherwise.  He is her 100% irreplaceable partner. I’ve mentioned before that Grendel is capable of communicating to Punchy. He doesn’t actually speak often, but he does project a general feeling - anybody more spiritually attuned can probably feel it too. And in that sorta way, they understand one another on a level that doesn’t really need any real form of communication.
Rosetta: The item she used as a catalyst to (partially) summon Mynoghra when they formed their initial pact. What item is it? I haven’t decided yet kalsjdfh but she keeps it as memento of that defining moment in her career. More than anything, it’s the moment she truly felt like she was a witch. Because Mynoghra ain’t just any regular walk in the park. 👀 You gotta properly appeal to her to get her to like you.
Assistant!Reader: Okay so it’s sappy and cheesy, but maaaaaybe Credo gifts her with a cute little dangly hairpin. Her skills back on the mainland made her an important asset to have handy, but nobody really gifted her anything; everythng she owned, she obtained herself. But it’s nice to have someone go “I saw this and thought of you”. She wears it everyday.
Evette: A signed photograph from Frank West 🤣🤣🤣 He’s still her idol, even if his fame sort of dropped off a cliff after he covered the appearance of the Temen-Ni-Gru. God I cannot believe I’m taking this weird semi-crossover angle but loOK, EVETTE EXISTS AT ALL BECAUSE I BINGED A HUGE CHUNK OF DEAD RISING AND FRANK WEST GOT DONE DIRTY AFTER DR2. SO I’VE DECIDED HE LIVES IN THE DMC UNIVERSE NOW OK AND THOUGH SHE TRAVELS LIGHT, SHE KEEPS THAT PHOTO WITH HER AT ALL TIMES. 
Barring that, it’s her camera. If it’s not around her neck, it is almost always within arm’s reach.
41. What is the dumbest way they’ve ever been injured?
Liviere: Was adjusting the strap of her satchel on her shoulder once. Her hand slipped, and she ended up punching herself in the face. (Confession: this happened to me, and when I tweeted about it, some company that sells those flat rubber grips you put on shoulder straps replied to it like “if you had one of these, this wouldn’t happen! :D”)
Punchy: Since Punchy’s burned off most of the nerve endings in her hands, she has almost no sensation in them. Because of that, she’s had a few instances where she’ll grab something out of the oven, or touch the hot handle of a pan and not notice she’s burning herself until way after, and she’s like “hmm there is less skin on my hand 🤔🤔🤔”
Rosetta: She has never been injured, Mynoghra sees to that.
Assistant!Reader: Clipped some skin on her hand on the break mechanism on Durandal once. Those swords are large, and are also built for larger hands (Fortuna and all...), so she pinched some skin in that little junction where the break mechanic pivots. It hurts about as much as you think.
Evette: She hurts herself on the job a lot as it is, and is constantly patching herself up. Lotta tumbles and scrapes and bruises. It comes with the job. In this way, almost every time she hurts herself is the new dumbest way she’s ever been injured.
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skvaderarts · 4 years
Apocrypha Chapter Twenty: Respite
Masterlist can be found Here! Thanks!
Chapter Twenty: Respite
Note: Wow. Chapter twenty and were probably only half way through this fic! It's been a blast so far, and I'd like to take a moment to say thank you for forty total chapters and just shy of 150k words so far in this series. And to top it off, DMC5SE is coming in the future?! What a time to be alive and part of the DMC community! (unless you're on pc like me because screw us, I guess. At least we get Vergil, but still). Thanks for coming along for the ride so far! I hope it's been worth it. A metaphorical toast to the first twenty and here's to twenty more!
Dinner had gone relatively well, all things considered.
Finding a restaurant that was willing to accommodate such a large group had been a respectable challenge, but in the end they settled on a small outdoor establishment. While they had to push two tables together in order to sit as a group, it had all worked out just fine in the end.
While the vast majority of the conversation that took place was between Patty, Nero, and the other girls, Dante occasionally joined in with a few witty rejoinders of his own, normally at Vergil's expense. V simply attended the dinner, eating quietly and mostly keeping to himself. Despite the fact that he had agreed to attend dinner, it was due more to a sense of personal obligation than anything else. He'd be lying if he said that he had been very hungry. The events at the beach had basically annihilated his appetite.
Once back at the hotel, everyone was more than ready to turn in for the night. There were still two days left on their trip, and everyone was eager to have a chance to explore the town and experience everything it had to offer. Well, at least for the most part. Kyrie was certain that she wanted to go back to the beach, at least for a few hours. She'd enjoyed herself in the bathing suit they had picked out for her, and she was going to take every opportunity that she could to wear it. Doing so in Fortuna would be a bit… scandalous. Through no fault of her own, she simply had the misfortune to live in a place that was more than a bit old fashioned, especially when it came to the way people were expected to dress. Most of them had probably never seen a bathing suit before.
As the group was going their separate ways in the lobby, Nero stretched and rubbed his eyes slightly, garnering a similar response from V who substituted stretching for a badly concealed yawn. He seemed painfully aware of how everyone was looking at him for trying to do so. Who tried to conceal a yawn?
Much to V's relief, Vergil broke the silence between them, seemingly unwilling to stand around the entire night and watch everyone watch everyone else. He stepped forward, his arms folded around himself as he glanced in the direction of the children. The oldest child, Julio, seemed more than ready to go to bed; now sufficiently tired and unwilling to stay up much longer. Kyle wasn't much better. He seemed to be just a few minutes shy of falling asleep on his feet, swaying back and forth as he blinked heavily. Carlo on the other hand was still just as full of energy as he always was. While he wasn't exactly hyper, the abundance of other people around to provide attention to him wasn't something he was willing to overlook. But as always, he gravitated towards those he knew best and chose to linger close to Nero and V, a decision that put him in the middle of their walking path and made him nearly impossible to overlook.
Honestly, his eagerness to hug the legs of everyone in the lobby was adorable, something that Vergil had experienced first hand himself earlier that day. The small child stopped darting between Kyrie and Nero's legs and stole an occasional glance at the much taller man, earning him a curious look and resulting in a few playful giggles. Vergil sighed. This was going to be a long night. While he found the child's behavior… typical for someone his age, for perhaps the first time since his return from the underworld, he felt an immense desire to simply go to sleep for the night. He didn't feel like fighting a small child the entire night to do so. But he wasn't backing down from his agreement, either. As far as he was concerned, that would be just as bad, if not worse, than simply refusing to do so in the first place.
"... Is he always like this," Vergil said as Carlo darted away from Nero and over towards V. The summoner in question was leaned against a nearby wall, seemingly waiting for an opportunity to disappear up the stairs and into the waiting blankets of his bed. The oldest Son of Sparda could only assume that Dante was going to be voted out of the bed due to a combination of his oldest son's inability to sleep on a couch that small and his youngest son's inevitable refusal to do so. Part of him was honestly irritated that he wouldn't be there to watch him suffer pointlessly, but the other part of him that didn't participate in such petty foolishness was actually glad that he probably wouldn't have to share a bed with any of them. Despite the undeniable closeness of their blood relation to one another, if anyone so much as bumped him in his sleep, they were likely to be skinned alive. That would be terribly inconsiderate towards the cleaning staff come mourning.
V shared a glance at Carlo, seemingly taking a moment to assess the room. Once sufficiently sure that no one was watching him, V took the opportunity to fluff the small boy's head and pat him on the shoulder, earning him a leg hug before he ushered the excited child back towards the rest of his family. Vergil couldn't help but notice the level of peace that seemed to wash over him as he watched the little one toddle back across the room, the young summoner seemingly pleased by the attention that Carlo always made time to show him. Where else was he going to obtain such high quality hugs from? Certainly not from Vergil. Maybe Nero? Dante would probably humor him, but he'd make it as uncomfortable and lengthy as possible. That was simply the way he was.
It was an interesting revelation to him that V was so good with Nero's children. He'd seen him interacting with them at the beach earlier that day, critiquing their little sand castles and pretending to be thoroughly impressed. He'd even shared one of his snacks with Kyle and allowed Julio to take shelter from the heat under his umbrella, ignoring the sopping wet mess he'd made out of the beach towel he'd brought to relax on. It was a wonder to him that someone who didn't have any children was so at ease interacting with them. For a moment, he considered the idea that he'd been involved with them to some extent in the past, but dismissed the notion. V wasn't very adept at social interactions with anyone. He just seemed to have a soft spot for Nero's children.
Perhaps if he wasn't so perpetually single…
Vergil's thoughts returned to the matter at hand. He had no reason to dwell on what V decided to do with his personal life. While an observation was perfectly fine with him, dwelling on things he had no say in and no influence over was futile. He would return to his current obligations and leave his consideration for V's crushing and no doubt ceaseless loneliness for another time. If that kind of future was in the cards for him, then he would cross that bridge when he got to it. Vergil himself had never planned to…
He needed to find something to force him to keep his mind on the trial he'd forced himself to undergo. Perhaps proving to Nero that he wasn't entirely awful would gain him some sort of footing in their future conversations. At the very least he hoped that it would alleviate some of the hostility between them. While they were indeed talking now, he couldn't help but notice that Nero made a point of constantly calling him out on his shortcomings. While he wasn't foolish enough to believe that he didn't have that much coming, he dared to allow himself to be optimistic about the possibility that there could be more to their relationship in the future. 
Truly, he wanted Nero to attempt to talk to him in much the same way that V did. He'd proved that he had the capacity to do so in the lobby of the hotel earlier that evening before Dante had interrupted them. As much as he loathed delving into his emotions and the scars and misadventures of his past, he knew that doing so was inevitable if he had any hope of Nero actually moving past his current feeling towards him. The Darkslayer knew that this was a test. It was the first one Nero had bequeathed him, even if he had done so as an extension of V's request. And he had no intention of letting both of his sons think any less of him than he imagined they already did. Such negativity was how they had arrived at such a dark and painful place to start with…
"Yea, basically. He's not really hyper, but he asks a lot of questions," Nero said as Carlo tucked himself under his legs and giggled senselessly. Nero shook his head and reached down to snatch the small boy off of his feet and into his arms, finally ending his wild behavior." Kyle and Julio are basically dead on their feet, so I don't think they are going to put up much of a fight. That and they are probably not excited about sharing a room with a person they know can toss someone halfway across a beach with one hand."
Vergil didn't miss the slight glare that accompanied that statement. Nero wasn't over that yet, it seemed. Apparently Dante was quicker to let that sort of thing go than his son was. Then again, they regularly impaled one another and attempted to render one another invalid, so they were not the best role models in that regard.
Kyle and Julio stumbled over sleepily, seemingly more than ready to find out why they were not in bed yet. All the conversation going on between the adults in the lobby was exceedingly dull to them, especially when all they wanted to do was flop down into a soft bed and take a trip to dreamland.
"Can we go to bed now," Julio asked as he tugged at Nero's sleeve, his best pleading look spread across his face. He was in no mood for this." I'm tired and so is Kyle."
Kyle said nothing, still skirting the line between acute sleep deprivation and face-planting on the floor in a fully comatose state. He seemed to register that they were talking, but couldn't care less about what they were discussing. If it didn't have to do with sleeping, it was of no interest to him.
Nero gestured towards Vergil with a tilt of his head, obviously agreeing that it was time for them to turn in for the night. "You're going with Vergil. Don't give him a hard time."
The oldest of the three young boys pivoted slowly towards Vergil, giving him a sideways look before turning back to Nero with an almost concerned look. He clearly wasn't sure how he felt about the change in arrangements. After a moment, he sighed and yawned sleepily. His body and the adults had made the decision for him. With a conformation glance at his little brother Kyle who only shrugged in disinterest, he glanced back up at Vergil again and rubbed his eyes sleepily.
"I guess we're okay. I just wanna go to sleep."
Vergil didn't think he'd ever agree with a five year old, but life was strange sometimes.
Without warning, Nero hoisted Carlo into Vergil’s unsuspecting arms, sufficiently taking the older demon slayer by surprise. Vergil received the giggling boy, but shot his son a conflicted glance, eyebrow raised. He hadn’t signed up to be slobbered on.
“Yea, you're gonna want to carry him upstairs. He has a hard time with stairs.” Nero said, taking a few steps towards V. He was warming up to the idea of going to sleep, especially after seeing his older sibling yawn yet again. V seemed to be lingering in the lobby out of courtesy.
Vergil held the small child up under the arms, looking at him as though he were a wet puppy who had just tracked mud through the house. Carlo continued to giggle to himself, reaching his short arm out to boop Vergil on the nose. The blue devil blinked in momentary disbelief before closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly. This was going to be a long night.
"Goodnight friend! I'm gonna sleep now. Bye bye!"
Vergil cursed every fiber in his body, both human and demon, that this child had so much energy. He was starting to wonder sarcastically if he'd dodged a bullet by not being present during either of his children's childhoods. Well, at least Nero's. If V's current personality was anything to go by, he was probably an easy child to handle. Nero on the other hand was probably much like this boy. Insatiable and unwilling to let him rest regardless of his level of willingness to compromise with him.
First, he'd tried talking to him when he'd started asking him a million unintelligible questions. Then he'd carved out of a desperate desire to sleep and allowed the child to sleep at the foot of his bed like he'd been so keen to do, a compromise that he was now totally regretting due to the fact that the little boy couldn't seem to stay still. Nero possessed far more patience than he had originally figured, and he was slightly horrified to see just how little he possessed himself. Had that been the point of this entire endeavor? To make him suffer in the same way that he had made them suffer himself? If so, it was definitely working because he was about two seconds from throwing himself out for the window to the cold embrace of the pavement and perhaps finally some form of rest.
Unfortunately death had never allowed him to escape his problems, so he wasn't sure how well that plan would work out. For now, he seemed to be stuck with the hell he'd made for himself. And he was not the least bit pleased. Somehow sleep always eluded him when he actually wanted it, but this was another thing entirely. Never before had a creature so small had such a profound ability to drive him absolutely insane. He couldn't help but shake his head slightly at the moment of clarity that overtook him at the realization that his must have been what his own parents felt like when they had been forced to grapple with him and his trouble-making twin as children. How they had ever kept their composure and not carted them both off to some remote tropical island in a produce crate to be eaten by wild animals was beyond him.
And yet, he couldn't bring himself to be angry at the child.
It was truly strange, but he just couldn't.
While he'd been laying there questioning what crime he had committed that had cursed him in such a manner, little Carlo had clambered up towards the head of the bed and flopped down next to him, taking the opportunity to try and tuck in his little stuffed animal. Vergil hadn't noticed the type of animal that it was, but he knew that it was half as big as the child that owned it, and he apparently refused to sleep without it. Due to the attack on their house just a few months ago that he himself had perpetrated, the little boy was scared to sleep without something to keep him company. The stuffed bear had apparently been a gift from Kyrie to help ease his fears.
Perhaps it was guilt from the fact that he had emotionally scarred a child that was just shy of three years old. Maybe it was the exhaustion setting in. Or maybe, just maybe Vergil had come to the realization that he just couldn't be bothered to combat the child any further and had finally met an opponent that he couldn't defeat. It didn't matter anymore. Carlo had won, and Vergil was going to have to tolerate the tiny child hugging him the entire night like he was an especially long body pillow. He could only hope that he didn't snore or drool, otherwise he just might stab himself.
And he couldn't even find it in himself to be angry.
There was a part of Vergil that wanted to laugh at how preposterous the entire situation was to him. He, the legendary Darkslayer and oldest son to the Great Dark Knight Sparda; usurper to the demon throne and defier of death itself… was but a plaything in the hands of an infant. And for some horrifying reason that he couldn't even begin to care about, he was entirely content with that fact. How had things taken such a drastic turn?
The entire point was moot. He would worry about it in the morning after he returned the little usurper to his legal guardians. His bed might be a bit less cold and might contain fewer pairs of stray socks, but he was sure he would survive. After all, he'd been through much worse. He was willing to tolerate the actions of an adorable curly haired child, at least for one night.
Wow, this chapter was so fun to write! Thanks a bunch for that comment about Vergil spending time with his grandchildren, Rawrbox! It led to such a fun writing experience! I actually strapped the original version of this chapter and chose to go with this. RIP the extra 600 words that I’d written before I read your comment! I hope everyone has a good day, and I’ll see you again on Friday! 
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cocosnows · 1 year
A Lone Sword
Devil May Cry AU
This is an AU that explores a different outcome on the incident at the twins’ house, as well as insights on Vergil’s attachment to the Yamato, and a new perspective on their brotherhood.
It might be out of character or I might get the DMC lore wrong.
English is not my first language.
I have no writing experience so excuse me if it’s poorly written TT.
Thank you for reading! ^^
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buns-with-a-book · 5 years
Into the Spardaverse 3 - A Tale of Two Worlds
Donte and Dante talk, Cassandra and Reboot Vergil talk, lots of talking but expect some action in the next chapter.
Fandom: Devil May Cry, DmC (Devil may Cry) Characters: Dante, Reboot Dante, Vergil, Reboot Vergil, OC Tags: @nimnox @furyeclipse @synchronmurmurs @harlot-of-oblivion @queenmuzz
Summary: Dante and Cassandra hear the tale of the brothers of Limbo City. 
Dante looked around the safehouse the punk found for them. It seemed to have once been a nice apartment but now it was in ruins, sprayed with sigils and spells to deter demons by someone who came here before them. In the presence of them, he could feel a slight tingling. It was similar to Cassandra, when she summoned the orbs of light to either light the way or burn off the face of a demon. It never burned, at least not enough to slow him down, but it always kept him focused on the task at hand. 
“Hey.” The punk’s voice rattled him from his thoughts. He looked back to him, seeing what looked like a salvaged bag of food set out on the tiny table. There were a couple cans of tuna, some mayonnaise condiment packages, some sliced bread, and plastic utensils. The punk had taken an orange from the bag and was quietly peeling it open. Dante frowned at what was available, a frown that made the punk huff in irritation. “Look, if you’re gonna keep on going to find your sis, you’re going to need to eat.” 
“No pizza?” He asked, walking over to the worn couch and flopping down. 
“Nope.” The punk crossed his arms. “Haven’t had pizza in years.” 
“Jeez, what kind of life do you live?” Dante huffed, opening one of the cans and mixing the mayonnaise with the tuna. “Next thing you know, you’re gonna tell me you haven’t had strawberry sundaes.”
“Bleh, strawberries. Don’t like em.” 
“What!?” Dante stared at him. “They’re the best thing ever!” 
“I don’t like the seeds. They get everywhere and it’s distracting.” The punk replied. “I prefer oranges anyway, especially in orange sherbet.” He added, taking an orange slice and popping it into his mouth. Dante made a face, thankful that he didn’t turn out like this punk. He couldn’t fathom a life without his beloved sundaes. He quickly made a sandwich of tuna and mayo and chomped in, wincing at the taste. It wasn’t pizza...but it would do for now. 
“So, kid, how long have you been hunting demons?” Dante asked between bites. 
“...since I was a kid. I was tossed around from place to place, fighting off demons that hunted me down.” Dante noticed the softness in his tone. His hand reached up to hold a necklace, rubbing the red jewel. Dante could only presume that it was the Perfect Amulet, in another form. “Everywhere I was sent to, there were always demons trying to kill me.” 
‘Ain’t that a familiar story.’ Dante mused, staring at the punk. 
“What was your mom like?” The punk asked suddenly, rousing Dante from his thoughts. 
“Your mom. We’re obviously more alike beyond looks and names.” The punk said, sitting up to face him properly. Dante took another bite of the sandwich.
“Well...only if you go first.” He waved his hand. He could feel the scowl that the punk was throwing at him before he let out a sigh. 
“My mom was an angel.” He said softly. “From what I remember, she held off Mundus’ armies as long as she could while Dad fled with us.” 
“Wait, Sparda was with you?” Dante interjected. “Lucky. My dad was never with us when...that happened.” He winced at the memory of smoke and flames, of the final scream from the mother he wasn’t strong enough to save. “Nor was Verge.” He raised an eyebrow at the punk. “Speaking of him…” 
“What about your mom.” The punk hissed. It seemed that the topic of Vergil was a sore subject, not that Dante could blame him. For years, Vergil was a subject that he didn’t want to think of, especially after what happened on Mallet Island. Dante let out a sigh.
“Ok, ok. My mom…” He closed his eyes, pushing past the memories of ash and smoke and blood. “She was a witch, as I recall. Familiars, potions, the whole shabang. Don’t really remember my dad much...I think he visited a few times before he just...disappeared. Everybody talks about him like he’s the hottest shit that ever walked around. Hell, even a whole town worshiped him like a god.” He chuckled at the thought of Fortuna. The punk listened quietly, shifting in his seat. 
“The Sparda I know...that I remember, he was just a really good swordsman.”
“Sounds like some things never change.” 
“He used to be kicking until recently...until the Demon King found him and killed him.” Dante winced at that. Some things never changed indeed. “I wanted to meet him, before he died, but…” He let out a sigh. “So much for that. Shit.” He hissed. 
“I understand that feeling kid.” Dante finished the sandwich and stood, walking to the window. “There’s a lot I wanna say to my old man, a lot I wanna ask...but I can’t.” He sighed, leaning against the windowsill. He looked down the street and blinked, watching as a tiny golden butterfly fluttered down the street. It stood out from the bleakness of Limbo City. He smiled, knowing exactly what that butterfly was. He held out his hand, letting the spectral butterfly land in his palm. His hand bloomed with warmth, reminding him of the sun that was shrouded behind grey and green clouds. He looked up, out the window, and felt a sense of direction. It was northward...and it was nearby. An image of a mansion flashed in his mind, guarded by a gatekeeper made of twisted metal and appearing like an angel. A flicker of his own demonic energy melded with the butterfly, giving its wings a bright-red glow. 
“What was that?” He heard the punk ask behind him. 
“The way me and my sis communicate, if one of us is in danger.” He said, letting it flutter away. “I know where she is.” He pointed out the window. “Up that street, a couple lefts, and we’ll end up at a big ole mansion. That’s where she is.” The punk let out a frustrated sigh. “Hm?”
“She’s at The Demon King’s Palace. Fucking great.” 
“So, we’re going to kick the ass of a jackass?” Dante laughed dryly, looking back to the punk. The laugh died off at the sight of him, looking more vulnerable than he ever saw. There was also the fact that he hadn’t seen Vergil at all, neither his own brother or the brother he knew the punk had. 
“That jackass...is my brother.” 
“Jeez. Everything just has to get more complicated.” Dante muttered, running a hand through his silvery-white hair. It didn’t help that the Demon King was the punk’s brother...who slew their father as well, he could never see Vergil doing that. It was those thoughts that he mulled over. In the distance, he swore he saw a blur of neon blue, like lightning across the cloud-covered sky. He smirked and stood up.
“Come on kid, we’re gonna meet someone at jackass’ mansion.”
“Who?” The punk quickly got up.
“My brother.”  
Cassandra hummed softly, watching the orb of sunlight she summoned bounce around at the mere gesture of her hand. While this little bitch that called himself Vergil was searching for her Dante and Vergil, she was passing the time as his prisoner. She had settled herself on the edge of the bed but dared not take a nap. It was too risky, especially with the Demon King lurking in the very walls of the mansion that was his palace. She had no idea how the demons of Limbo City operated, if even sleeping in their realm would damn her to a hundred years of slumber. 
‘When all else fails, assume their rules are the same as the Fair Folk.’ She thought. The handle of the door twisted before opening, revealing Vergil entering her prison cell of a bedroom. Behind him was a demon on spindly legs, holding a tray of tea. She stared at the demon, unsure how to react to it aside from disgust. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked, struggling to sound as neutral as possible. 
“My agents are seeking out your allies, Rose. It will not be long before they come.” An unsettling grin crept on his face. “And with their arrival, they shall be destroyed.” She noticed his unsettling confidence, as if he knew they would be crushed by him. Did he know what the Dante and Vergil she knew held? Did the power of Sin Devil Trigger exist in this world? Or was it impossible, a lofty unreachable standard? She didn’t dare ask, not wanting to spoil the powers she knew they had, to catch the Demon King off guard. 
“So…” She hummed, glancing around the walls. “Nice sigils you got on the walls. Are they supposed to do anything?” Vergil looked at her in surprise. He carefully pulled off his gloves, walking over to her. She stood up, backing away from him. “What are you doing!?” He took her hand, ignoring her recoil from the touch. 
“Perhaps you are no angel…” Cassandra bit back a scathing comment, trying to tug her hand out of his. He let go after a few moments, Cassandra quickly pulling her hand close to her. “Would you like tea?” And he had the gall to ask if she wanted tea!? He gestured to the demon who had been standing in the room. The demon looked towards her, tilting it’s faceless head. 
“...no thank you.” She whispered, trying to keep her voice even. She dared not ask about his mother, she was certain either Mundus killed her or he did it himself. “I...I don’t have the appetite at the moment.” 
“Suit yourself, Rose.” He sighed and stepped back, walking to the demon. He picked up a teacup and began to sip the tea. Cassandra stared at her hand, gently rubbing the skin. She didn’t dare try to activate her healing Crest, not wanting to attract any more of his attention than she already had. “Who were your parents?” Vergil asked. She frowned. 
“Soren and Eos Greensleeve. If you’re asking if they were human or not, they were human as far as I was aware.” 
“They’re dead.” Another half-truth. Stella was dead and Nyx was dead to her. Vergil hummed quietly at the news.
“My condolences. I know what it is like to lose your parents.” She raised an eyebrow at that. 
“Eva...and Sparda, correct?”
“You know of them?” He asked, turning to face her. She swallowed. 
“I’ve heard of them, how Eva sacrificed herself to save her sons. Sparda’s last gift, Rebellion and Yamato...all rumors and legends. I wonder how Sparda would react, seeing his son as the Demon King?”  
“Quite interesting that you speak of a dead demon, a demon who did not bend to my will. It was a shame I had to kill Sparda.” Cassandra stared at him, her body frozen from shock. “He was half-mad from Mundus’ torture, it was a mercy to kill him.” 
“You speak of mercy but I doubt you were ever capable of it.” She whispered. “You only killed him because you could do it.” The look she got from that, a look of casual disinterest in her shock, told her more than he could ever say. 
‘This bitch is a fucking madman!’ She thought, narrowing her eyes at him. She wished she could run from the Demon King, she wanted to, but she had to wait for a distraction from the outside. Preferably named Dante, but any distraction would do at this point. She noticed he was walking away from the window, to the door. 
“Where are you going?” 
“To the library. I will find out who you are, Rose. You may not be the angel I originally pinned you to be but you are someone of interest. I just need to find out who.” The spindly demon trotted after him docily, stepping out of the room before Vergil closed the door and locked it. 
‘You won’t find out, because I don’t belong here.’ Cassandra thought, walking to the window. ‘And by the time you figure it out, I’m gonna be kicking your ass.’ She opened the window, watching as a blue spectral butterfly fluttered to her. She smiled at the sight, taking it into her hand. ‘Make that both of us, you little bitch.’
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shes-claws-deep · 5 years
Consensual non con with your DMC boy of choice? 👀👀👀
At the time of counting, V was in the lead. In regards to this story, negotiations have been done beforehand and safewords set. Don’t do con noncon without extensive research, trust, communication, and planning. (I realise this is more dubcon than noncon but oh well, i’m not gonna rewrite the whole thing.)
“Wake up, little summoner~”
V groans as he stirs, hands raising to his head to rub at his head, to shield his eyes from the light he can feel around him. At least, he would have if his wrists weren’t tied down by his head. If he could only open his eyes. Wait-! “I-What is this darkness?!” His eyes are wide open, wider than they’ve ever been, yet there is only darkness greeting his sight. V swings his head around and he struggles so hard that he can feel leather and metal bite into the meat of his thighs, waist, chest, and biceps. Even his ankles and knees can’t move more than an inch in any direction. 
He’s good and pinned as he is, rendered almost immobile atop what feels like a gynaecologist’s chair. A cool breeze feathers across his exposed ass and makes him jump, makes him snarl into the air.
“Don’t touch me!” He can’t pinpoint your location.
“Why not?” Comes your amused voice. “I paid good money for you, pretty slave.” The words swirl around his head, comes from all directions, confuses him as to where you are. It sounds like you’re walking around him, circling him, and yet he can’t hear a single footstep. “Oh yes, you’ll make such an excellent addition to my collection.”
V freezes. Slave? Collection? Fuck. Fuck, he has to get out of here! His struggles start anew, using all the strength in his skinny body to try and get out of his restraints. Alas, they hold tight, abrade his tattooed skin until he can feel it turn raw under the leather restraints. He’ll bleed if he keeps this up, he knows it, but what’s a little blood if he can get free? If he can wriggle free.
“What do you want from me?” V’s lip trembles a little as he asks this. The tattoos on his body hum with energy but it stops there, preventing him from summoning Griffon, from summoning Shadow and getting himself out of this. Shit, power seals? He’s in real trouble.
“What I want from you?” Your voice draws closer and V tenses, the hair at the back of his neck raising. “What I want from you is very simple.” He jumps as you trail your fingers over his bare chest, circle around his perked nipple, pinch it and squeeze it until he grits his teeth to hold back the yelp that threatens to spill out. “I want your body, pretty slave. I’ll claim what’s mine.”
Before you even finish your sentence, V is shaking his head vehemently. Trying to arch and flinch away from you. Trying to avoid your touch. “I refuse!” He bares his teeth. “Do not touch me!”
You laugh and smooth both hands over his skinny chest, inching upwards until you have both hands around his neck. Around the collar already locked around his slender throat. “Mmm, I don’t think so.” Both hands squeeze lightly, fingers pressing on the sides of his throat rather than on his windpipe. Making him feel lightheaded rather than choke. His hands struggle and he throws his head this way and that, trying to dislodge your hands to no avail. But the longer he struggles, the faster he falls. “I’ll touch you wherever I want and you can’t stop me.”
When V’s struggles wither away to frantic panting, you take your hands away to his relief. But unfortunately for him, you return with something clinking in your hands.
“Stop! Don’t come closer,” V pants out, shaking his head weakly. “No-no don’t-” Your fingers jam into his mouth and forces it open enough for you to slip a metal bit between his teeth. Immediately, his tongue slips around it, tries to push it out of his mouth to no avail since you buckle it around his head so quickly. His teeth clink at the metal, drool starts to slip from his lips, and he shudders in humiliation when you coo at how pretty he looks.
“Mmm, perfect. I like your voice, slave, but I like it when they don’t scream for mercy at every turn,” you tut at him and pad around to fit your body between his spread legs. Pressing your clothed pelvis against his bare ass and balls. God, he’s so pretty. Worth every single dollar you paid to capture him. The tattoos are stark against his pale skin, wrapping down his body and down his legs, forming a happy trail towards his half hard cock lying against his hip. 
“I wonder what you’ll sound like when I take your ass for the first time?” You hum and stroke his cock in an exploratory manner, slipping and sliding your dry hands all over him until he softens his posture and starts to moan hesitantly. “Bet no one’s ever gone here before, huh?” With a couple of pumps of a bottle near you, you dole out dollops of lube into your hands, rub it around to warm it up so your fingers are absolutely dripping with it. Coated through and through so you can smear it all over the darker skin of his ass crack, his asshole, his perineum. 
“Not there! Please, not there!” V tries to cry out but it sounds more muffled and garbled than anything, the bit preventing him from speaking properly. “I beg you!”
Alas, you ignore him, choosing instead to grin and enjoy his increasingly panicked sounds as you press on the tight star of his asshole. “Good thing I had someone clean you out. This ass looks delicious.” Your free hand paws at his balls, slicks up his cock, dries off the excess lube on his inner thighs and ass until he looks like he’s been oiled up thoroughly. “Fuck, I can’t wait to break you in.”
B-break him in?!
You catch the alarmed look on his face and laugh, patting his ass patronisingly as you slowly slide one finger inside where no one has gone before. V’s cries are like music to your ears, the deep tones of his voice slipping into a higher octave when you pump that finger in and out, in and out until he’s coated with lube inside and out. Until he’s trembling and clenching around you with incredible heat as you twist your wrist and curl your finger towards you. Finding his prostate with little difficulty.
“Yes, slave, I’m going to break you in. Make you the biggest anal slut this side of the country,” you moan and slide another finger inside his resisting ass. Ignore his head as it shakes from side to side to focus on stretching his virgin ass open. “I hope you won’t disappoint me.” 
“S-stop, stop don’t-!”
But he can’t stop you from using both hands to open his ass. From slipping two fingers from each hand inside, to pull and make him gape just for your eyes. V trembles and whimpers pathetically, drool already soaking his face and the leather under him, his eyes wide open and unseeing under the blindfold. He can’t stop you, even with wriggling hips, from squirting lube right into his clenching ass, from sliding around the impossibly huge plug you’re pushing into him.
“It’s too big. Too big! Remove it! Remove it, please-I-!” V’s cries are cut off by the deep, guttural groan as the plug slides in all the way to its base, his ass swallowing it up and clenching tight around the invasive glass. “G-gggg-full-!”
With the glass deep inside him, he can feel every little vibration as you tap on the base, as you plug in something, as the wires sway. Though he’s floating in a sea of pain and pleasure, he’s still aware of you reaching over to flip a few switches. At least, he thought he was because he’s yelping at the top of his voice as something jolts in his ass. He contracts around it involuntarily, dancing on reflex as the electro butt plug flares to life.
While he’s jumping and moaning at the new sensation, you’re stripping your bottoms off and eagerly climbing atop his body. Now that his cock is nice and hard and leaking precum, you happily take his cock in hand and rub his head against your throbbing clit. You can feel him flex each time the plug forces him to contract, can feel him tremble when he feels you slide just his head into your pussy.
“D-don’t-please?” His pleas take on a softer tone, as though begging for you to continue rather than to stop. “Stop~”
You laugh derivatively and slowly slide down his impressively big cock. For a skinny man, he’s packing a decent schlong. One that’s veined, thick, curved just right, and long enough for him to fill you properly once you’ve slipped him in balls deep. “Oh, yes, your cock is perfect. Gonna make such good use of you, pretty slave.”
The constant shaking of his head slows down as you begin to ride him in earnest, pulling moan after moan out of his unwilling throat. Making him quake and shake when you pinch and tug at his perky nipples. As you kiss around his sodden mouth. “You’re going to be the prettiest slave, V. My little pet.” You slap your hands on his chest and use it to leverage yourself and slam down on him with deep, powerful strokes. “Gonna tie you to my bed and keep you naked, free for me to use any time I want.” His cock hits your gspot just right and you cry out, lifting one hand to use it to rub at your clit desperately. “Mmmfuck-I’ll break you and ruin you. And then I’ll put you back together as my perfect slave. Made just for me~!”
He already looks wrecked and ruined, his hips arching towards you rather than shying away, his hands curling into fists as he uses them to anchor himself so that he may thrust up into you. One battle won; you have forced his body to overcome his mind. 
“I own you, slave. You’re all mine. All mine.” As your orgasm creeps up on you, you raise the dial on his butt plug and let him buck and hump into you. Helping you along with his delicious sounds and flushed skin until you’re tensing around his thick cock, thighs clamping down around his hips and nails digging into his chest. Your finger is a blur on your clit, extending your orgasm until V whimpers pathetically, begging you to let him cum too.
“I’m-I’m so close!” He whines in a choked voice, his brain still stuck on how you’re milking his twitching, hungry cock inside you. Your orgasm seems to last forever, seems to drag him closer to the edge as well, until you finally gasp for breath, your trembling body stilling against him. “No please! Please, I was so close!” Oh so very close. The plug inside him is still buzzing against his prostate, still making him jump and jerk.
“God yeah, that was great,” you sigh and slowly raise yourself off his cum soaked cock. It falls with a slap on his belly and bounces straight back up, so erect that it can’t fall flat. “Mmm, you’re definitely worth hiring that hunter.”
V is still pleading muffled pleas for you to get back on him. To ride him until he, too, reaches his completion. What a stark difference from his snarling earlier. You grin and snort, kissing his cheek and getting off him to slide down to the floor. 
“You still have to run through a couple of tests before I can let you cum. If at all. We’ll see how well you perform.”
Tests? What tests-! V moans as the plug is removed efficiently, his ass clenching around nothing and missing the solid strength of the glass. Not that he has to contend with an empty ass for long, though, because you’re pressing in something a little softer than glass. Softer but longer.
You set up the fucking machine and attach some electro-stim pads onto his soaked cock, humming when he whimpers helplessly as both are turned on at the same time. “Don’t cum, V. Don’t cum. That’s saved for my pussy only.”
Speechless as he is by the cock spearing into his once virgin ass, V can only nod shakily. 
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vitavitale · 5 years
              details re: DmC AU
Much of my V’s original canon remains the same in DmC: partial demonic ancestry, loses his mother to a demon he summoned improperly, hard youth, bonds with his familiars at the same ages, low income situation, his cane and grimoire work exactly the same, etc. He just happens to be able to lease a neglected, old little space that’s really too hard to find which he turned into a “sorcery shop” to support himself---and it’s where he lives, in the back room. Somehow he’s accommodated himself. Unlike in my classic universe canon, however, V never meets Mundus or forms any sort of link with him as he does with Urizen. So, he’s in no danger of dying from that.
The familiars were summoned directly from Hell, not needing to go through Limbo to arrive at the location of their individual rites. But being demons, they can and will enter Limbo if it’s necessary. For the most part, they stick to V. His body, mainly, but at times they must emerge and V is naturally careful to ensure they aren’t sighted by anyone. Kat will prove different, as with the nephilim. Nightmare must remain confined to V’s body almost permanently; there are too few chances in which it can be summoned to action, and V would prefer not to take any unnecessary risks by wanting to give Nightmare a little attention, which is unfortunate. However, post-game events will afford Nightmare much more freedom.
V is capable of astral projection and tends to use this to wander Limbo, much in the way Kat does. The difference being that V can will himself to do it, but he must first enter a deep meditative state in order to project. When he does succeed, he enters Limbo without his familiars as his form is metaphysical and they are attached to his body. If they are to go with him, they must physically enter Limbo separately from him. While he cannot touch, he likewise cannot be touched. He is visible there, can communicate with whomever else he may encounter, but there is little else he can do in terms of interaction. He would do well to avoid being attacked, however, as anything attempting to harm him psychically or spiritually would endanger his real physical form left widely vulnerable in the human realm. Hence it’s best if he  never travels alone as he is very much without protection if he traverses through Limbo without the company of any of his familiars. Also, the slightest disturbance he may cause may very well alert forces he’d much rather have ignore him (Mundus’ lackeys, in other words). Trips to Limbo are hazardous and V risks a lot whenever he decides to poke around. It’s also a rather exhausting experience once he’s finished; as one would imagine, the amount of focus and psychic power needed would be large and continuous.
Through his trips to Limbo, V at times gathers intelligence pertaining to Mundus and his/his lackeys' activities. It's really through word of mouth, what he hears in his surroundings than any actual research or prying. He's learned many an interesting thing, both through astral projection and his clairvoyance which affords him visions and premonitions (though less frequently and with less clarity). Truth be told, V wants to keep as far from anything to do with Mundus as possible. Unfortunately, his indirect involvement with The Order may or may not pull him into that very thing he wishes to avoid. Gently extorted/coerced by Vergil to do some of his bidding, who happens to compensate V for his services (namely those to Kat) and for whatever cooperation he may provide. No doubt Vergil finds V's astral projection extremely useful.
V knows a thing or two about nephilim through Griffon and his own studies, and what he knows of the twins he’s learned through his clairvoyant visions exclusively. So he has a little insight on them that would most likely be unwelcome by them if they’d ever discover it, but V isn’t one to divulge all. He may learn of things that they've yet to do down the road, but... that all depends.
V’s somewhat in the know in regard to the demons’ doings, their efforts to subdue and rule mankind. He wholly disagrees with it but is unable to do much of anything about it. He would not even know where to begin; and while he knows of The Order and has a sense as to the good they’re trying to do, he doesn’t want involvement with them. Their methods may not be to his liking, and... really, they are far too shady for his comfort. He is wary of Vergil upon first meeting and keeps him at arm’s length at all times. If not for Kat, whom he shares a good friendship with, he’d reject Vergil outright. As it happens, the more he and Vergil engage in one another’s company and work cooperatively, the less unfavorable V’s opinion---but not by leaps and bounds, and not quite to a life-changing level. Perhaps due to a vision of some kind, or some intuitive feeling, V simply sees something peculiar in Vergil that cannot fully allow him to relax his opinion of the nephilim. 
It’s easier with Dante whom V sees as more sincere and, therefore, easier to form a friendship with. It should be noted that Dante’s (and Kat’s, needless to say) involvement in The Order’s operations does help to soothe V’s concerns and afford him a little more comfort in regard to the group as a whole. But he would never let his guard down and, no matter who his friends are, insist that he wants no part in their crusade.
In fact, it’s when things start to look pretty hairy that V decides to leave Limbo City. He fears what may come and has no intention of getting caught in it. Mundus’ temper tantrum that leads to the beginning of the end (thanks to Vergil) is what prompts V to leave, or he may skip town prior to that happening so as to avoid unnecessary collateral harm. If he returns, it’s post-game; fresh after the fall of the demon king. 
Another course of action may take place, however (as I am not yet fully decided and this could honestly change in a thread): V does not leave the city but is instead absorbed into The Order, what’s left of it being Vergil and Dante, basically, talked into helping them out more directly. Of course, he would also feel he owes it to Kat: if he learns of her capture and her subsequent rescue, he decides he must be there for his sorcerer’s apprentice; and, second, he should like to see the city secured in some fashion, the threat eliminated so that she, along with the rest of mankind, may live freely. Thus, he is recruited by Vergil after all, aiding the twins in their duty to see the world saved.
When it comes to choosing sides, V will remain wholly neutral. Neither Vergil nor Dante would be in the right in his eyes and he’d frustrate both brothers by insisting so. However, if he were to speak with complete honesty, he’d see a little more of a flaw in Vergil’s reasoning than in Dante’s. Unfortunately. But he wouldn’t express that to either of them. Let them settle their differences on their own; he has no stake in their spat (if he’s there to witness any of it in the first place; that would also be plot dependent as, alternatively, he’d have been gone during the final battle). If V does what he must, helps Kat and mankind, then he will be satisfied and go about picking up his own pieces; try to make a life for himself again, somehow, within a ravaged city plagued by demons. Well, he’d become a demon killer in his own right, backed by his familiars as always. If he runs into Dante or Vergil along the way... he can only hope that nothing’s happened to sour mutual respect. As for Kat, he’d want to stay in touch. It’s likely he’ll look her up to maintain their friendship.
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bloodfcst-a · 5 years
I was reminded that for FFX, FFXV, and DMC I actually have some verse-type assumptions/metas for Yuffie, so you can use those going forward if it’s applicable! You don’t have to, but they’re totally available as alternatives to use.
Yufi’s the daughter of a high lord of Yevon, residing in the main temple of Bevelle. Through discipline, she’s taken the role of nun, and has achieved the skill set to become summoner. If in a location where a sending is necessary, she can perform it. However, due to being disgruntled with how the Fayth are used and then discarded ( both the Final Aeon, and in general with summoners hardly ever returning to the Fayth once retrieving their Aeon from it ), as well as the plethora of lies the Church convenes to the general public, Yufi is not a practicing summoner. Instead, her pilgrimage consists of traveling to all temples, active and not, to listen to the Fayth’s stories. She is not a Yevon sympathizer, and has no racial bias. After the Eternal Calm, Yuffie joins the Machine Faction, desiring to not choose either side, and instead seeks the history of Spira (and a few treasures) by grasping it with her own hands.
An ambassador of Accordo who, during the initial invasion of the country is sent to live with relatives in Insomnia. Due to her family’s high status and connections to the Royal Family, she has access to the citadel; but she has no inside privileges, such as the Advsior’s family or the Royal Guard. Prior to the invasion of Insomnia, Yuffie returns back to Altissia. As a member of the inner sanctum, she worships the astral Leviathan, and to some degree having studied the ancient language, can understand its words and intentions, even as it stays underneath the city. It can be assumed that when the Oracle comes to release Leviathan, she is apart of the staff assigned to evacuate citizens and to awaken the Astral from its ‘slumber.’
Yuffie lives in a rural community of shamans and spirit mediums who harbor positive relationships with those alive and dead. For spirits causing havoc, they provide exorcising services to those in need. As demons become more rampant, Yuffie takes up the sword weaponry to fight against spirits manifested in the spirit realm as well as the human realm-- the demons. She can be considered as a freelance demon slayer, though it is not her trade by default. She also can craft useful items, one-time weapons (explosives, poisons), and recovery items.
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If i get someone instred in it I may make a Rebellion/Hitoshura blog
full details under cut but there are a few users I want to aviod...mostly for my own personal helth.
So me and Angelic got to talking last night about the DMC timeline and how it actually omitted the novels and was a cut page because the DMC timelien was supose to be up to intrepretation just like the ages of voltron characters and this was done to aviod discorse on rather or not the books were legit since the novels that take place after he parts ways with Lady in the end of 3 and before he meets trish in begining of 1 around the time after Lucias death in 2. (lucia being hintead art as another one of his first demon hunting partners the other his canon feancee’ Beryl but shit goes down part of the plotline and they break up its a plot thing SO NO SPOILERS you really want to read the novel if your a BIG DMC fan. it will give you a better insite into Dantes mindset around women.)
well the “offical guyde book” was the smae deal with the timeline it was a headcanon that got published when it should not have because canon was open to individual influince (being rather or not you read the novels.
artists do this to aviod having to go into information they consider to be irrelivant and or self explanitory just liek its self explanitory that all the paladins were Students at the Garrison (under their real names at one point in time) so ergo however you see the garrison should be refelcted in how old you see the paladins. this has not happened for the very reason there was not a DMC timeline ever supose to be published.
I did some digging it turns out the misprint of the Dropped page in the DMC Trade Paperback was only printed in about 500 copies and most are listed as “destoryed” meaingn with a rateing of 2 or lower “missing pages, water damage, ripped covers and basicly a very poor quality not even useful as a reader but more as parts to repair other copies. soem were even traded in and destoryed by publisher, But GET THIS again here “Indago books” was said to have copies of this book but the book was missing the holografic centerfold the offical one had that was YOU GUESSD IT a nodd to the novel in the fact it had a full color image of Dante and his original two partners! Lucia and Beyrl in the background.
so thanks to soem fake distribtuors there are a list of 800 FALSE copies on the market.
We wager that Tay who is a advid Anti Danshura (Dante/Hitoshura) along with one of her friends more than liekly has a fake but it should benoted the fake is MISSING the holografic centerfold that is present in all the originals.so voltron fandom; Fam dont worry you arent teh only peeps to fall for that shit. Trolls been using fakes to herass amd poke peple in other fandoms for years.
In fact I even saw the nutral ending loop endind bad ending in nocturne and yep I can confrim Naoki’s (the original name for the protagonist of nocturne) computer does get a total of 5 e-mails but only 3 are of importance One indicated the School he attending is a Combined Highschool Univrsity (not entirely uncommon japan since you have to take a test before getting into hicgschool) one is a e-birthday card form Chikai along with a “still not a date” type invite (halarious and I wish they translated these in the english version) that confirm that the protagonist is 20 years old and thelast one recived CONFIRMS the nutral ending is a TIME LOOP and he was dropped off before hte meeting to visit his “sick teacher”
Now another confirmation form teh creators Piunpoint dantes age at this time to be 25. this means its canon that HItoshura is only 5 years younger than Dante UNLESS you go with teh SMT alt True Demon ending where Hitoshura runs off with Raidou and Has never meet Dante.
In this timeline for nocturne it’s 100% possible for Hitoshura to not only be older than Dante by literaly hundreds of years, its possibel for him to be a force behind rebellions power and That got me thinking that would be an awsome muse to do but the DMC community is another brand of toxic in most instances so only if I get a dante instred will I try that boat.
clearly I would prefer Tay’s influince free because I have seen peopel liek her and relitivly have no desire to even roleplay around them they are very toxic in nature and constantly degrigating people around them to minipluate their “favs” its destructive abusive (in the miniplitive since) and assinine.
I have enough shit form this dusty person (who im not suprised they know, still have no fucking clue why dutsty is so hellbent on makeing me look liek shit thou bitch allredy reeks of entitlement of the kind that I get triggered by and do my best to aviod STAY IN YOUR FUCKIN LANE WHORE not liek im intentionaly gogint o send you requests anytime soon or at all for that matter let me have my fuckign corner and stay in yours.) I do not need her firends startign shit with me too. (and yes im wawre its been a while since you poked a contact of mine and I know who you shat on me to so thanks for beign an asshole to Lance mun. you do not want to know how I found out you were behind that crap but dusty with all due respect leave my firends alone and FUCK YOU!
bottom lien tay and her retard group (that really just need to make their gettoh asses private since they are rather agressivly exclusive anyway) If I get a dante or sparda that is game (and willign to accept that theespellweaveris indeed a posychotic troll still talking shit about me behind my back and needs to be ignored in that regard) I may make a Rebellion/Hitoshura Side blog... thou I honestly doubt I will find them on tumblr anymore given again “agressivly exclusive” nature of the “popluar BITCH” (I shoudnt even have to have deal with dusty because the misgendering was form an anonmious using friend of Evans who DID APOLIGZE for it to spite beter judgement telling them it wouldnt matter for shit and it didn’t because dusty was being an entitleasit WHORE again of the likes that use their trans status to hurt other people. in case they were wondering THAT IS WHY PEOPEL QUESTION RATHER YOUR REALLY TRANS)
So clerification Dantes timelien literaly has NOTHING to do with HItosrua’s age ratio to him since its canon in the verse where Dante is the one he meets that they are only 5 years apart. the other timeline being one where he sncounters Raidou instead and inherits time traveling powers thrugh his “Bound By Fate” relationship with the Devil Summoner.
Dusty DID recive their apoligy form the person who did misgender them and Evan agreeed with their friend that Dusty was not goign to accept it in for of continueing to attack her with their trans status whocxh is exactly what happened and I have had really really negitive esperinces with people like dusty who use their trans status to attack others before and would favor avioding users like DUSTY who use their trans status as a means to intimidate or hertass other users. gender nutral promouns used for dusty in light ofher raseing hell with Lovceismysword who contridicted the first gender dusty was refered to by evans friend since dusty themself said they were the oppsite gender. this act confirms that dusty was indeed using their trans status to intimidate and herass users.
Dusty if you are really trans you need to stop this shit where you use the fact your trans to attack people; that is why your prefrence is not being belived (also your mini bio did apprintly say at the time you prefer Male pronouns you cant not stick a correction in your rules to “test people” because your just insulting people who do not want to roleplay with you at that point because you create DRAMA and bitch about the very drama you created.
and I just know you guys are goign to see this bitch whine fuss and complaign so FUCK YOU anyway because you are more willign to listen to a kown CYBERBULLY than their victim so tryign to talk since into your lot is useless. just stay in your fuckign lanes and Tay you getto ass needs to stop pretendin to be a ex roleplay partner of mine. (ya we notice the icon change to Shiro and the claim  you made with it too. congrats you exposed your own ass because that “fact” was a HC between me and Vaguely relitive to one of our ploted verses.)
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cocosnows · 1 year
A Lone Sword
Chapter 3
After getting thoroughly cleaned, the two boys got dressed with the clothes the woman gave them. Dante wore a yellow t-shit and blue denim overalls that fit a little two big. Vergil chose some shorts and a blue button shirt.
“… Interesting decision…” Vergil said to Dante.
“It’s cool isn’t it?!”, Dante replied excitedly.
“Heh, if you say so”.
The two children went downstairs. Hank and Linda were waiting for them.
“Heya boys! Wow, I couldn’t even recognize you two! Was the bath ok?”
“Y-yes… it was nice… thanks”, Vergil replied to the woman.
“We made some breakfast for y’all, I thought you might be hungry”, said Linda.
Two plates of sunny side up eggs and bread were sitting on the kitchen’s table.
“Don’t be shy boys, make yourselves comfy, ‘kay?”, Linda told them.
“We need to tend to the farm so we’ll be out. You can go wherever, just don’t cause a ruckus, ya heard?”, the man warned them.
“Yes… thank you”, Vergil responded with a serious tone.
The couple went out of the house and left the two boys alone.
Dante eagerly sat down on the table and started wolfing down his meal. Vergil was just silent. He sat down quietly and barely ate his food. When Dante finished his meal, he looked at Vergil and saw his plate almost untouched. He got concerned and asked:
“Verge… what’s wrong? Not hungry? Lemme tell ya, this is reall-“
“Dante”, Vergil interrupted him.
“What happened to mom?”
Dante froze, and his expression drastically changed. After collecting his thoughts for a moment, he started telling everything.
“Some time after you ran away… mom and I went into the house… we started hearing weird sounds around the house. Suddenly, the kitchen was on fire, and somehow all upstairs was on fire too. Mom shoved me into the living room drawer and told me to hide… to escape, and to learn to be on my own… then….”
Vergil was looking at Dante expectantly, and extremely nervous. He didn’t want to hear it, as it pained him to even think about it. But he knew he had to know the truth.
“After she closed the door, she ran to the door… while screaming your name.”
Vergil gasped loudly.
“She couldn’t go out because… b-because… those… demons…”
Dante lowered his head, put his hands on his face and started crying.
Vergil was left speechless. He stood up instinctively because of the shock. Even though Dante didn’t really mentioned what the demons did to Eva, Vergil saw her body with his two eyes. He saw how ruthlessly they murdered her.
“So mother… she really… she… actually…”
He had always thought Dante was the favorite, the preferred one… the one she loved more, but by hearing this he realized… his mother… she was willing to lose her life just to save him.
This realization devastated him. Tears started streaming down his face while his mind was busy assimilating this information.
After a moment, Vergil looked at his crying twin.
“It’s… it’s all… your fault”
Dante lifted his head to look at his brother. With a tearful face and a shaky voice, he just replied a broken “Huh?”.
He raised his voice and shouted at his brother:
He threw his chair away and grabbed Dante by the collar, almost lifting him off the ground.
“If you had NEVER been such a spoiled little brat… if you had NEVER made me angry and bothered me in the first place… the demons would’ve never attacked me… AND IF— IF YOU HAD NEVER EXISTED… THEN MOM… SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE”
“Vergil… I… I didn’t… I couldn’t—“
Vergil tightened his grip on his brother’s neck and spoke to him in a threatening voice while looking directly at his eyes.
“You’re weak, Dante… you couldn’t protect her… you couldn’t protect yourself… you’re NOTHING”
He threw Dante, making him stumble and fall on his back.
“Those are some pretty hash accusations there, son”
The voice of a man could be heard from the entrance of the kitchen.
Vergil got startled by the presence of the man and turned to look at him. “Did he hear everything we talked about?”, Vergil thought.
“I knew you boys were pretty suspicious… and sorry for bein’ nosy, but I heard everything”
“It’s none of your business”, Vergil said with a serious tone.
“No, probably not… but I couldn’t turn a blind eye to what you said to Tony… or should I say Dante?”
The man walked over to where Dante was lying, and kneeled down to help him stand up.
“C’mon boys… what happened to you… no one coulda seen that comin’. You two… must be 12 at most. I’m not sure what happened to y’all, but those demons… we have seen ‘em. This place… it’s far from town, and those things sometimes roam around the fields. We can’t be out at night… after all… they took our little Charlie from us… in fact, those are his clothes…”
The man looked at the two children fondly, and with a hint of nostalgia and sadness.
Vergil looked at the man with a frown. “This old man’s sob story doesn’t matter to me… we are different from them… from normal humans…”
The man was still kneeling down, and Dante stood up, teary eyed.
“Whatcha looking so cocky for, boy?”, he said while pointing at Vergil. “Tell me, do you think something would’ve changed if you were in your brother’s place? Do you think you could be able to change your fates?”
Vergil was about to refute that accusation, but the more he thought about the possibilities… the more he realized the truth. Without the Yamato, what could he possibly do against those monsters? This made him frown profusely and clench his fists.
“Heh, thought so.”
The man let out a soft chuckle and Vergil turned to look at him with intense eyes.
“Look, what I’m trying to tell you is that you boys shouldn’t blame yourselves for what happened. The fact that you survived was a miracle.”
“You couldn’t have seen it coming, you couldn’t do anything about it… and that is not a sin. You two… are too young to blame yourselves for somethin’ like this.”
Surprisingly, the two boys were attentively listening to him. The fact that their demonic lineage made them survive stopped them from considering the biggest truth about their position:
What could they POSSIBLY do?
Being so young… could they even do anything about it? Prepare beforehand? Every possibility was simply out of the question.
“I’ve tried to blame myself too… to blame Linda, God and the heavens for what happened to Charlie… but I finally realized that some things are just out of our control. Accidents happen, and they hit you when you least think about it.”
“So don’t blame anyone, not even yourselves, for things that you couldn’t control”
“The only thing you can do… is learn, be stronger, be braver… and cherish your loved ones every single day… that’s the most important possession you have.”
The two boys were speechless.
They were no normal humans, yes, but the powerlessness, sorrow, fear, pain… it all made them just as human as everyone else. And what made them human kept them safe. Kept them together.
Vergil realized what he said to his brother, and how wrong he was, and with a broken voice, he said:
“Dante… I’m… I’m sorry… I was wrong…it was not your fault… it was not…”
Vergil started sobbing and was unable to speak further.
Dante started crying and threw himself into Vergil to hug him. This time, Vergil reciprocated the hug.
“I’m sorry Dante… I’m sorry for everything”
“I’m sorry too Vergil… I won’t bother you anymore… I will give you your space *hic* I p-promise”
Vergil tightened his hug. The two boys cried their eyes out on each other’s shoulders for some time, while the man just looked at them tenderly, shedding some tears himself.
The words of the man reached a deep fiber inside the twins’ hearts. Those simple words were what they needed to finally lift the clouds on their judgment… to get a new perspective on what happened, and pave a new way for what lies in their futures.
This is the end of the mini AU… if you read this, thank you for sticking with me, I really appreciate it TT. I’m planning on writing an epilogue on this series and maybe a continuation of the AU, but with a time skip straight to the DMC 3 events. Maybe it’s not gonna be a full story with diff chapters like this, I’m thinking on short stories with events of the game adapted to the AU, so… Stay tuned! And thanks again for the support 🫶🏼
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