#sumthing we both like
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6ix9inewiturmom · 5 days
Hair Dye- Christopher Sturniolo
Summary: chris was about to leave for the Versus tour but wanted to do something dramatic for his fans for the tour! you dye his hair and he dyes yours!
warnings: nothing :)
A/n: i was watching the video where chris dyed nicks hair and i thought it would be cute if i wrote a lil sumth based of this!
Chris and I have been dating for roughly about 3 years. We had met not long after their YouTube became popular and quickly we both had made it official. Considering I was Chris’ first ‘real relationship’ because he had commitment issues and I swore off dating till college, we both moved to LA because we couldn't do long-distance.
“I can't believe we're going on fucking tour” Chris’ excitement squealed out of him as he's getting his bags ready for the Triplets ‘Verus Tour’
“What am I gonna do without you, I got this big ass house and big ass bed with no Chris to share it with,” I say sprawling in a starfish position.
“You could always invite Tara over, you two can do whatever you two do best together” he chuckles shoving some socks into a deep pocket of his suitcase.
“So drinking and partying?” I laugh out sitting up and resting my weight on my elbows.
“Please do not get drunk for over a month straight i would genuinely check you into a Rehabilitation center” Chris chuckled throwing his arms up.
“Don't worry I'll probably just chill here most of the time and eat, sleep, watch Gossip Girl for the 30th time, and occasionally go out with Tara,” I reassure him flicking my hand up and down brushing his comment off.
“I wanna do something crazy before tour,” he says as his lips curl up into a smirk.
“Like what? You guys leave in like 3 days” I adjust my body sitting up crisscross.
“I wanna dye my hair orange, 'cause you know each of us has a color for our team so like half of my outfits for tour consists of orange,” he says walking towards the bed sitting next to me.
“Chris normally I would be supportive of your impulsivity but dying your entire beautiful virgin brown hair orange? I won't support that one” i laugh running my nails through his long wavy brown locs of hair.
“Okay, maybe not my whole hair but maybe like the tips of my hair?” he says grabbing a small piece of hair and pointing at the tip of it.
“Chris it's 8 pm and no hair salon takes last-minute hair appointments and I only trust my hair stylist Hazel” I laugh sitting back and leaning my head against the headboard of the bed.
“Then why don't we do it? Walmart is still open and they have hair dye, right? I mean I've dyed Nick's hair before with the help of Maddie but how hard can it be?” he moves closer to me shooting me a smirk.
“I have dyed my hair before. Fuck it let's do it” I stand up off the bed smiling at Chris whose smirk turned into the happiest smile on his face.
We both chuckled and made our way downstairs to discover Matt and Nick giggling while looking at their phones.
“Where are you guys going?” Matt's head peaked up looking towards us.
“To get hair dye” Chris laughs and spoke before I could
“Oo Y/N what color are you dying your hair this time?” Nick shimmies his shoulders smirking.
“Well Chris wanted to do something crazy before the tour so he wanted me to dye the tips of his hair orange and I'm dying the underneath of my hair orange as well” I nervously spit out gripping Chris’ hands.
“Okay that's actually disgustingly adorable” Nick laughs out
“Well be back in like an hour” Chris and I walked out together, hand in hand, and made our way to my car.
We're currently sitting in the car, cruising down the road on our way to the nearby Walmart laughing at the possible situations that could happen.
“Are you sure you know what you're doing” Chris asks propping his feet up on the dashboard of the car.
“Chris it's gonna be fine” I reassure tapping his thigh laughing softly.
As we arrive at the Walmart parking lot, Chris steps out and stands in front of my car, his hand outstretched, waiting for me to take it as I step out of the car as we enter the store.
“What about this one?” he says “Splat is a cool name” he chuckles
“NO” I exclaim “That is one ingredient away from being fabric dye”
“Oh my god why would they make this stuff” his eyes go wide as he laughs and throws the box back on the shelf.
“Okay here, this is Manic Panic, Nick used it when he dyed his hair, it's pretty good” I say holding two jars of the dye.
“Okay, so how much do we need?” Chris gives his little sassy side eye when he's confused which happens to be a lot of times when I have to over-explain myself.
“Well you don't have a lot of hair to cover and since I'm only dying the back of my hair and maybe my money pieces then maybe two” my voice raises with question.
“Two it is” He nodded and smiled, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he reached for the hair dye. As he took my hand, a rush of warmth spread through me, and we made our way to the register together to check out.
The car ride home was filled with laughter and comfortability within each other. In the 3 years, we've been together, I can't remember a single time where we had ‘small talk’ or ‘chit chat’ we could always talk about something big or small for hours. It was always one of the things I loved about Chris, he was a yapper but we could always bounce back and forth with nonsense.
As we entered the house, we couldn't contain our laughter and giggles, our voices echoing through the halls as we made our way inside.
“Why are you two so disgustingly cute” Nick spits smiling at both of us.
“You acting like we're a new couple” Chris chuckled.
“No, but still so sickening how cute you guys are together even after 3 years of watching you two be together” Nick shrugs popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
With a chuckle, Chris leads me into the bathroom we both share. “Do you want me to use one of my old shirts to cover up with?” he asks leaning against the counter “We can just share the shirt too”
“Do you even own a shirt you don't care about?” I softly laughed.
“You know how many wife beaters I own, why question anything” he throws his hands up in defense laughing as he grabs a black tank top from his room and quickly swaps his shirt out.
“Okay sit between my legs” I smile up at him as he nods and sits Indian style between my legs.
“So how does hair dye work? Like what makes the color stay? Who invented it?” he questions as I start to apply the dye on the tips of his hair blending it out to create an ombre effect.
“Chris I'm not sure about any of those questions i just know that I use it, and I hope this will come out, or else Hazel is gonna be really mad at me” I chuckle out.
“So you don't know how it works? Or who invited it?” he leans his head back facing me as his big blue doe eyes stare at me.
I smile but lightly push his head back down to dye the back and the bottom of his hair. “You know I don't always know the answer to everything, I may always be right about most things but it ain't nothing to just go on Google and type it in,” I say softly laughing
“I know but why use Google when I have a super-smart girlfriend” he shrugs his shoulders smiling.
I carefully completed the styling of his hair, ensuring that I covered all the sections he wanted dyed and coated them with a vibrant orange color.
“Now we wait 45 minutes” I smile helping him up off the floor.
“YOUR TURN” he squeals holding his hands out for me. “Now you can sit between my legs” he smirks moving his shoulders.
“WAIT, let me section my hair because I don't want my whole hair orange,” I stand up go to the mirror and section my hair in a ‘Halo’ hairstyle. “okay here you go just dye the parts that aren’t in the bun up here” I smile sitting back between his legs.
“got it” he smiles back at me beginning to rub his fingers that are coated with orange color through my hair “If I pull your hair too hard let me know” he lightly pulls my head back to look at him before giving me a little peck on my lips.
He made sure his hands were gentle through my hair and made sure it was coated on every strand and maybe even overly coated. “I'm putting a lot of dye on your hair but only to make sure it is coated properly” he smiles moving my head to the side to get the side of my hair.
“This is nice” My lips curl upwards in a smile as my body becomes relaxed. “I enjoy these little bonding moments with you”
“Oh believe me I enjoy this more” he smiles “okay turn around so I can get your shorter pieces of hair”
As I turned around to face him, I noticed his eyes brightening with excitement as he carefully applied the dye to the shorter pieces of my hair.
“Okay now we wait” he smiles sitting next to me.
I pull out my phone and get a picture of Chris and me with the wet dye in our hair so we can remember this moment. “You're so beautiful ma” he smiles at our picture. “God I'm gonna marry that woman one day,” he says pointing at the picture on my phone.
“Chris you're so corny” I softly laugh out softly pushing his shoulder.
“You're gonna miss my corny jokes when I'm gone” he raises his eyebrows smirking.
“Chris you sound like you're dying, you're just going on tour, and we're gonna face time like every night, and I'm gonna come visit you obviously” I playfully roll my eyes.
“I won't let you not visit, you're gonna visit” he softly says placing a kiss on my cheek.
After 45 minutes had passed, Chris and I carefully rinsed out the dye from our hair and then proceeded to blow dry it. Chris wouldn't stop staring at himself in the mirror touching his hair and making goofy faces at himself.
“God we look fuckable” he smirks at me in the mirror.
“Christopher Owen” my jaw goes slack as the words come out of his mouth.
“I'm being honest we look hella good right now” he smiles “WE NEED TO POST THIS ON INSTA” he pulls out his phone taking a couple of pictures of us with our hair.
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Liked by Nicolassturniolo, Matthewsturniolo and others
Christophersturniolo: Tour ready 🧡
Matthewsturniolo: i would give you the menu but yall already ate
> Matthewsturniolo: i don’t know why i said that..
Sturnioloteam: #theverustour
LuvY/N: we fuckable
> christophersturniolo: oh but it’s okay if you say it ✋😧🤚
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mintkookiess · 10 months
It started out slow (Miles x fem!reader)
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I saw someone post about writing a fic where Miles is cheating on Gwen with us (I reblogged it like before this post) and I just had a surge of "HOLY SHIT LET ME COOK SUMTH" So here we are I made this like straight out of bed at 7 am.
Not proofread as I was hurrying to squeeze the creative juices out of me before it runs out. Hope yall still enjoy!
Summary: Miles had garnered a new friend, but didn't know it would cost his relationship, and start a new one.
Tags: Miles x fem!Reader, Miles x Gwen, cheating au, kind of fast paced, idk what else to put here
Word count: 1.7k
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It started out slow.
You first saw Miles at a supermarket and thought nothing of it, thinking it’s just the ordinary stranger you see around the city.
But then you suddenly just see him everywhere.
Like fate wanted the both of you to meet so bad.
You were both given so many chances; finding out you sit beside each other in the movie theater? To find both your families eating in the same restaurant? Or you’d see each other at the supermarket again but with a more familiarity and peculiarity at the same time.
So it started out slow.
With the casual curious glances, or catching the other staring then immediately looking away.
When fate has finally had enough, it forced Miles to accidentally pour juice on your white dress in a crowded mall.
“O-Oh crap, I’m so sorry!” Miles had exclaimed, mentally slapping himself for being such a klutz. You hadn’t even minded a bit in the least when it happened, but you did finally get the name of the boy you’ve been seeing everywhere a lot lately.
“I’m uh Miles. Sorry about the juice.”
You had shook your head at the time, a polite smile on your face as you said that it was fine and that he didn’t have to worry about it. You introduced yourself and that was that, you both became friends.
That polite smile of yours had become friendlier.
When you find out you both were neighbors and you spotted him by his apartment building’s entrance with his mom smooching his cheeks as he was ready to leave for school, you couldn’t help but stop and watch in amusement.
He catches your eye and he grows red with embarrassment, you nonchalantly walked towards them as his mom spotted you and asked if you both were friends earning her a nod of affirmation from you.
So suddenly, you’ve been invited to dinner.
And almost every week after that.
What he didn’t tell you though, was that he has a girlfriend, Gwen Stacy.
You didn’t think much of it, since you were content with being friends with Miles, but there were times where you knew your presence was causing a little rift between them.
He had introduced her to you at one point, but the girl was immediately playing in the defense with you, and you weren’t entirely sure why at the time, till you overheard them in his bedroom one day when you decided to help his mom with her groceries.
“I know you like her Miles,”
“Me? Gwen you’re my girlfriend why would I like anyone else?”
“I’m not blind.”
You immediately knew it was about you, because you were the only other friend he had other than Ganke, and you’re a girl.
You didn’t worry about it since you know you haven’t done anything wrong.
Until you both did.
The kiss was magical.
Miles had swung you on top of a building when he told you about his Spiderman identity. He was so excited to tell you, wanting nothing more but to show you a cooler side of his.
The two of you watched the sunset for a few minutes until you both were hyper aware of this strange tension between the two of you.
You thought something was bothering Miles, and he thought the same with you,
“Are you okay?” You both had said simultaneously, but only made the two of you laugh, the sun seemingly making your faces glow a tinge of orange.
It started out slow.
The way his fingertips touched yours, and his smile faded into a more serious look as his hazelnut eyes stared into yours.
You hadn’t even seen it coming, but the next thing you know your lips were enveloped between his. You remember your mind making siren noises, warning you that this was completely wrong.
He has a girlfriend. But the girl he was kissing right now, definitely was not said girlfriend.
And it all went downhill from that.
Or uphill, depending on who’s perspective you’re looking at.
The two of you were awkward after that kiss, not talking to each other for a week, and Mama Rio of course notices this but doesn’t pry.
But when Miles couldn’t take it any longer, he swung to your window and immediately apologized for what he did.
You had apologized too, wholeheartedly, but…
Neither of you regretted it.
You haven’t said that part out loud and neither did he, but you two knew by the way your eyes danced around each other between the silence and darkness of your bedroom.
The next days were full of poor attempts from the both of you to salvage the normalcy of your friendship, but at the same time wanting nothing but to repeat that kiss again.
But the both of you knew you’ve done something terribly wrong.
Miles had been torn ever since, getting extra jumpy whenever Gwen would suddenly appear in his room unannounced, kissing his girlfriend hello but it felt different.
He couldn’t help but compare your lips to hers. Gwen’s lips were so different from yours, from the feeling to the taste, how soft it was, and how much he wanted more of you.
He knew he was being a terrible boyfriend, but fate had different plans for him apparently.
Falling for someone other than his girlfriend was definitely not a part of his life plan, but here he was, back in your bedroom window once Gwen had left.
“I’m so sorry, I’m so freaking sorry.” He had said, before strutting inside with no greeting and immediately grabbing your waist to pull you against him, lips instantly smashing together.
He didn’t know why he was apologizing exactly, there’s so much to be sorry about and he just wanted to say it out loud maybe to feel some sense of humanity. Like he’s showing the world how sorry he actually was but internally wasn’t at all.
This second kiss was more urgent, held more longing from the both of you.
You had held out for as long as you could, but the moment he was on you once more, all that willpower you had mustered to distance yourself from him faded into dust in seconds.
It started going fast.
The way his hands gripped on your hips as the both of you made out in the middle of your bedroom. So many words hung in the air, but neither of you spoke up.
Your arms locked around his neck, your head tilting slightly and he took this as a silent permission to deepen the kiss. Next thing you know he was pushing you down on your bed, hovering above you as his hands started to roam your sides.
That night went by blissfully, being in each other’s arms without a single word being said and just letting your bodies do the talking. You both knew what was happening.
But you two weren’t ready for the consequences.
The next weeks were full of hidden kisses, secret meetups, or whenever Gwen was sure to be in another dimension fixing anomalies.
There wasn’t a day where you had thought of how shitty of a person you were, and the same could be said with Miles. But the heart wants what it wants right? And fate had both your hearts twisted around each other into something that was just too complex to just suddenly cut off.
Miles had tried. He definitely did.
Tried to destroy his feelings for you as he couldn’t handle the guilt. Gwen had known something was up since he was acting strange, but he’d blame it on Spiderman duties. He was still too scared to tell her, not really ready to lose Gwen.
But also wanted so much more of you.
It started to slow down to a halt.
How the time seemed to have stopped, the world stopped turning, and the both of you with the same horrified expression as Gwen stood by the doorframe of his bedroom door, watching as he was positioned above you, hands on the hem of your shirt.
The color seemed to have drained from his face as he scrambled to get out of bed, chasing Gwen out of his apartment and left you in his bed with tears streaming down your face.
It had finally happened, the thing that the two of you were dreading the most.
You stayed seated, covered by his blanket as you leaned against the pillows, staring at the ceiling as more tears fell down silently.
Miles had come back after two hours or so, you couldn’t really tell as you were busy wrapped up in your self-hatred.
He had told you how Gwen broke up with him, and you could tell it was bad by how his eyes were bloodshot and puffy, his nose still sniffing and his lips held a frown you rarely saw on his face.
The two of you didn’t know what to do, but before you could make a decision to distance yourself from him, fate had other plans as he beat you to it.
He wrapped his long arms around you, and the both of you cried that way for the remaining time that the night allowed you until you were sure it was getting quite late.
“Don’t leave me, please.” He had begged, his voice barely above a whisper as he buried his face in your hair. You thought he’d want to push you away for ruining his relationship, but it looks like you thought wrong.
“I need time Miles.” You replied, staining his black shirt with your tears and you felt him nod in silent response. “It’s okay, I’ll wait. No matter how long it takes.”
Soon, it started to move again.
The two of you had ignored each other for months after that, or more like he gave you as much space as you needed. But it was the biggest, fattest mistake you’ve ever made.
You longed for him more than anything despite everything. You know you should be wallowing at how you broke up a relationship, but wanted nothing more to be in his arms once again, and he did too.
You both agreed to meet at the cafe you both had grown accustomed to going to together through the duration of your friendship. You ordered your usual, and he ordered his.
The silence was defeaning, and the noises of the customers around the both of you seemed to have drowned out.
You wanted to say something but as always, Miles beat you to it.
“Can we, start over again?”
And you had nodded, tears forming as a smile danced across your lips. “I’d like that.”
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Taglist: @ii01vp @laylasbunbunny @missusmorales @fiannee @faeriesberries
(If you want to be on my taglist pls let me know!)
More of my Miles content here babes!
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girlboypersonthingy · 4 months
hi!! i love ur writing sm :D
do u think u could do a pidge x reader where reader is english/history smart and pidge is math/science smart, so they became academic rivals (but they always secretly respected and even admired eachother), never saw eachother after pidge left for the garrison and THEN somehow find themselves together again on the castle ship. (maybe reader helped keith save shiro or sumthing like that?)
kinda a classic academic rivals to lovers thing
i daydream diff scenarios with her too often lol
sorry if i didn’t leave a lot of room for imagination :( but i’d love to see ur take on it if possible!!
THIS IS SO ADORABLE YOUVE GOT TO B KIDDIN ME RN 🥹💚💚💚 I love my little Pigeon girl, they are my fav Paladin by far. Also sorry, I bounce between she/her and they/them for Pidge. Idk it’s a habit…also LEE PLZ FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING NEARLY A YEAR TO GET TO THIS 🥹
Academic Rivals to Lovers w/ Pidge
So it all started when Pidge and you were both new to the garrison. You both kept hearing about this super smart person that was new to school and, in typically cocky fashion, you both assumed everyone was talking about you, as in yourself. But then…Lance started teasing Pidge about how there’s another new crazy intelligent kid and telling her she has competition now.
Immediately upon hearing this, Pidge takes it upon herself to figure out who you are, what your deal is and if she should consider you friend…or foe
The first time you two meet, it’s a bit awkward. It’s sort of like…both your friend groups helped yall finally meet and get to talking. They figured you guys could keep up with each other in convo, both being so smart and well spoken. As your friends all stood around, obviously clueless as to what yall were talking about, your friendly banter quickly escalated to you and Pidge very loudly debating which is more interesting and essential to the evolution of human life and knowledge, English and history OR math and science.
Everyone else around yall: 🤔😥🫠
From that point on, it became a competition, it was all about who could finish their test first, who could finish their book first, who got the higher grade on their essay or quiz.
Then, Pidge started trying to one up you by learning even more about YOUR fav subjects just to rub it in your face that she’s smarter and better than you in EVERYTHING AND EVERYWAY. (Not really, she’s actually just trying to impress you but also playfully tease you about it)
And guess what…you do the same. Y’all are basically like Keith and Lance with that love hate, frenemies type relationship.
And secretly…yall are pining so hard for each other, not so much annoyed at how smart the other is…but more infatuated with learning more about what the other is really into. You complimented each other well. You had a lot in common while also being total opposites in some aspects.
Pidge finds herself in bed at 2am one night with a book she saw you reading once. It looked fairly interesting and she wanted to see what the hype was about. As she read more and more, she began daydreaming about you as her eyes scanned over page after page, her mind focused solely on you as the words she read seemed blurry, not sticking in her brain…you were taking up too much space in there atm.
You found yourself trying to read about and learn how to code and work on tech. You found yourself totally lost and out of your element. It kinda made you smile…thinking about how she was already a science and tech wiz and now she was really getting into history and English thanks to you. Maybe…she was smarter and…maybe it’s all very important.
Before you could gather the nerve and swallow your pride and go apologize to her for treating her less than kind and being an annoying snob…
Shit hit the fan…
You helped Keith save Shiro, ended up in space in what felt like the blink of an eye and suddenly, you and pidge were attached at the hip.
It was like the severity of the situation and Pidge’s fierce determination completely erased your guys’ past together. Now, it was time to band together for the sake of everyone and everything. For the sake of her family.
You and Pidge began spending A TON of time together, often helping each other with tasks, codes, anything the others needed help with. Y’all were the puzzle solvers, the hackers, the ones Lance and Keith came to when they didn’t understand something, the cutie little nerd duo 🥹
With each time you two hung out, you found yourselves both relaxing more, joking and laughing more around each other, bonding more.
Pidge began coming to you all the time to show you new inventions or test out weird stuff on you. You were kinda flattered she always came to you first.
You began often running to Pidge after every book you’d read from the library in the castle. You’d be all excited about something new you just learned about Altean history, zooming through the halls with a huge smile as you look for your girl.
You bust into the room like “HEEYYYYY! OH MY GODDDD GUESS WHAT!!! Soooo, I just found out-“
Cue you rambling for at least 20 minutes while Pidge just smiles and nods along (occasionally she watches your lips move as you talk, only for a couple seconds before she looks back into your eyes)
As time went on, you found yourself becoming increasingly protective over Pidge, especially when out in battle. You…just like her and don’t wanna see your friend hurt or scared.
The first time she ever got hurt, or even got close to getting caught by the galra, she came back to the castle to see you waiting for them in the lion’s hangar, tears streaming down your face. You thought she would be in worse shape and even tho she looked perfectly fine, you were still distraught.
Y’all never really touched besides playful nudges and when you’d ruffle her messy hair but that day…yeah, you hugged her hard that day….
She was a little confused. No one else was this concerned for her so…why were you so freaked out? She was fine, actually more calm than you were atm.
You were so comforted and lowkey entranced by her soft embrace that you didn’t even notice Pidge was now on their knees, bringing you gently down into the same position, as you squeeze each other tighter down on the floor.
“Geez, (Y/N)…you alright?” she mumbles as she pulls back to look at you, worry present on her face.
“I’m sorry, I just…you’re like my best friend. I don’t know if I can do this without you. You…you need to be more careful!”
She was…frozen…watching your lip quiver.
You called her your best friend. The ‘best’ part really made her stomach drop. She was glad you two were closer now and not in a constant academic battle…and it’s not that she doesn’t consider you her best friend, she just…didn’t know you thought so highly of her.
Your friendship and relationship are a slow burn.
For months upon months, y’all just hang out, stay friends, bond over space tech and space history, occasionally cuddle, once in a while you’ll hold hands. Oh shoot, are yall falling asleep in the same bed? Whoa, wait…she’s started hugging you every single day. OMG SHES SO CLOSE TO YOUR FACE AS SHE LOOKS OVER INTO THE BOOK YOU’RE READING AND D A M N YOU REALLY WANNS KISS HER FRECKLED CHEEK RN, WOULD THAT BE WEIRD???
It’s a slow burn…until it isn’t anymore.
You’re the one to confess to her and Pidge is looking at you like 🫤 “oh uhm…I thought we…already kind of established that we…like each other more than friends…?”
You feel kind of dumb but excited nonetheless!!! SHE LIKES YOU BACK!!!!
The rest of the team is even like “Wait, yall hold hands and sleep in the same bed most nights. You’re not dating yet??? Hello?”
And from then on, you guys are absolutely love sick besties together. Not so much love sick in a physical touchy sense but just very emotionally supportive and kind and sweet to each other.
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cosmicwhoreo · 1 year
Hear me out your art was on Pinterest
And people were saying that you did not read the story nor black pearl cookie’s bio. So idk in the past that you made black pearl cookie x captain caviar cookie that you made black pearl cookie romantically fell in love with captain caviar cookie so uh.. it’s somehow disappointing that I was reading through the comments that black caviar is a pro ship and more and I was traumatized so question. if you don’t play cookie run and randomly ship black pearl and captain caviar in the past then why is black pearl a mermaid instead of a siren/sea monster?
Fucking what? Pro ship? They're both sentient, adults, aren't sibs and I'm into the slow-burn enemies to friends to lovers. So idk where in fuck they got that idea. OH! And if they're talking about how BP's strictly a lesbian, so it's homophobic or sumthing; (before i speak any further, i myself also like ladies. Glados, pls call me back bb) We don't even know the gender of the ancestor BP fell for or even BP's orientation. (I headcanon Pan) For all we know, they're nonbinary. Which is how I'm treating them now. That idea only came via the first theory that our Oyster was the one who done did betray BP. Which I didn't believe even before the dreams event because of 1- Oyster's asking of Caviar to go find out why shit was disappearing in Duskgloom in the first place. I mean, if she knew her personally, why ask in the first place? And 2- Caviar mentioned seeing different eras of oyster ships littering her terf. not to mention her Bio, that I have read, stated her wrath was over a century old. So bugger off with that. And I'll have them know I have read her bio (and caviar's) AND their story event thingies and more, because I do research before I go obsessing! Even if I have never (and will never) play the game. And I want Black pearl to be happy again because that poor bitch has been through a lot- And I DO treat BP like a sea beast, not strictly a mermaid. Then again, aren't mermaids and sirens kinda the same thing just different moral alignment? They're fictional creatures of the sea, not to mention the recent info about BP's backstory describes her as a mermaid- BUT I'M GETTING OFF TOPIC! TLDR; They're stupid and just don't like my ship for dumb reasons. to which I say, look somewhere else or cry harder in someone else's sandbox.
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sanderchu · 2 years
you (a faceless streamer) and dream have had a lil sumth going on between the two of you for awhile
One day you decide to face reveal and dream watches!
He's absolutely dumbfounded by your beauty and just blurts out his feelings for you
In a discord call
During a live stream
Mask off 
Note: i really dont have title names anymore omg- 
Reader: gn!reader 
{writing} or hcs 
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Dream watched as the premiere on the screen countdown just like his. A week after his face was revealed it was now your turn thanks to the support and consistent pleading by your friends. Now you see dreams but he's never seen yours. Unlike him you didn't call anyone you just announced it on your socials and to anyone you choose privately and dream was one of them. ‘3…2…1’ the screen turned to black for a split second before it showed you but standing still with no face. 
Before we get fully into the story, you and dream have been close for a while almost like a couple making people think you guys have something going on no matter how much you deny it. Seeing your face was an accomplishment to him no matter if he's not the only one seeing it. Secretly dream did adore you by your voice, humor, way with words and so much more in just your simple voice. 
“So hey everyone” you laughed in the pre-recorded video. You started making a little speech before finally giving in, “alright here we go.” and just like that you bent down to reveal your face making dream speechless and the premiere cast in chat. Dream quickly examines your features practically being head over heels for you 3 minutes into the video. You began to make a little speech again but to dream it was all a blur and he kept looking at your features and couldn't help but be as flustered as ever. 
1 week later —-------
A week later you decided to stream with your face to answer questions and really get people used to your face. So like any other stream you booted it up but with noe starting screen and just started immediately. But this also included dream, since you guys were both faceless you guys decided to answer the questions and confess some struggles leading to your guys face reveal. Dream couldn't help but zone out half way through admiring your features through the discord call. “God no wonder I love you” he blurted out without meaning or warning. Everything went silent as the chat filled with demand for answers from dream. He even went silent himself and just left the call. Instead of feeling weird you laughed and texted him 
‘You didn't even let me say it back, how sad ;)’
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l0ves1ckf0ol · 2 years
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sweet hcs - romance/fluff
bitter hcs - angst
astringent - platonic
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you spend most of the time in miguel's house to play games or watch movies
carmen is a-okay with having you at their home
miguel convinced you to try out for cobra kai once but you were creeped out by the slogan on the wall
you both ask each other's type and tease each other for it.
meet each other in the convinience store after kata class when he was still in cobra kai
exchanging traumas
he can convince you to go anywhere
you've had your fair share of opinions on both sam and tory
miguel's love language is either quality time or gift giving (i say giving rather than recieving bc he gives off the vibe)
denies being touch starved but literally melts in your arms
loves when you take care of him after a tournament/fight or a slight inhury that happened in one of their training sessions.
he's not so big on pet names so he just calls you babe but if he's teasing or in a playful mood mi amor is the way to go
"if you want to stay in we could watch movies or just cuddle or whatever orrr we could go out somewhere like golf n stuff?"
go to spot for a date: yours or his house
hugs from behind >>>
if he's upset he'll lay on your lap and let everything out (with obvious consent to rant/vent)
all couples get into fights, he has his own way of saying sorry which is through actually saying sorry or giving you apology gifts/meals.
he buys you cards and stuffed animals for your bday and if possible, jewelry.
karaoke sessions whrn you're both upset about something (im a firm believer that miguel is a swiftie at one point before johnny came around)
when you both cuddle, i feel like he'd be the type to trace your cheekbones, your nose, caress your cheek, rub your back,
"i can't believe you're actually here."
there was one time when y'all fight, it was because that he was being to reckless when it comes to picking fights with the cobra kai students
miggy would deffo say sumth he wont mean
probably would pull the "what side are you on?" and youd be like "the side where you don't kys"
little fights like this don't compare to the huge ones where it's about karate, mexico, and his father figures.
if its a huge, HUGEEE fight, like legit screaming at each other now, miguel is cussing in spanish and shi he cries when he's mad
you say something he doesn't like and you didn't mean it and before you know it he's crying his eyes out as much as he doesn't want to since he's been holding back tears the whole fight
"please, i'm sorry, shouldn't have said that... i know you care but i'm just so, so tired i'm so sorry. will you forgive me?" he rambles all these words as he tries to wrap your arms around you, sobbing on your shoulder.
eventually y'all make up bc we stan a healthy couple
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he-goes-down · 5 months
A Guide to playing GnR Mermaids - shit post
(Explaining why we do this so some of you dont look at me weirdly:
My friend and I haven’t seen eachother in years, and before I went away I was also obsessed with gnr and we did this, so it’s really just bringing back nostalgia)
- in the pool(ofc) - 2 people edition
- my storyline change it however you please
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- figure out your love interests
- 2 each
- you will be playing each-others love interests
- the member left is the clinically insane one that will make plot points ( will be in-love with both of you to make things interesting)
- aswell as make a phrase that they never stop saying
-( we chose Axl for this one and not sharing our secret phrase 🤫)
- figure out how you’re going to style your hair to show different characters
(if you dont got hair improvise)
-( for this, an example we did:
Axl: use hair as mustache
Slash: flip hair up underwater so you look like George Washington
Duff: hair up at the back, like using a claw clip.
Izzy: hair down to the side like a braid
Steven: hair fully to the side like an emo style )
- next choose your colour tails obv
- next chose your powers, including the guys
-( For this we did:
Axl: Fire
Slash: Nature
Duff: Air
Izzy: Darkness
Steven: Light ) (we actually forgot we did this part)
- lastly choose your spawning point, is it a specific oceanic place in real life, or just a simple lagoon, ect.
-( we chose Cape Town)
Chapters will now be very specific to our story line
Chapter 1:
- You spawn in
- Go to a bar/ club ect.
- make up an excuse to separate
- Whoever’s love interest is Slash, the other person has to now be in character.
- Slash comes to flirt with said person
- add details, like why he’s here, and that he’s in a band ect.
- he gives you his (shellphone) number
- friend comes back, chat about it
- other friend goes to do something
- clinically insane character comes along - say the most outrageous shit - doesnt matter how much you retaliate he keeps coming back
- tries to get your number (you can choose if you give it to him or force him to give to your so you never text him.)
- he leaves somehow
- friend comes back, talk about outrageous man, ect
- just keep rotating through meeting characters and setting up dates for when to meet up.
(- clinically insane bitch likes both of you so have fun with that as you will)
- when the insane one is in scene, maybe ask and point to one of your love interests asking for their numbers and he makes an excuse to why you shouldn’t do that
Friend - “ That blonde one over there is in your band, can I have his number?”
Insane - “ uhh he’s actually gonna die tonight cus he got this infectious disease so don’t go near him.”) (sumthing to that extent)
- i don’t remember the rest just have fun and do whatever
- make the insane guy get arrested for funzies (optional)
Chapter 2:
- next day
- find out insane one has escaped jail ( optional ) (ALL ARRESTS ARE OPTIONAL THIS WAS SPECIFIC TO US)
- bump into different characters, all love interests asking to meet at the same time. At their crib
- (example: my interests were Izzy and Duff
- Izzy: “okay 3pm my place”
- Duff: “Ive been looking for you, heres chocolate and flowers, wanna come to my place at 3?”
-someone: “thank you, but Izzy already asked me”
- izzy and duff live together
- “nah izzy wont mind.” )
- Insane one shows up running from the police
- him ready looking like he finna kill whoever gave the chocolates, flowers /ect.
- says sum deranged stuff
- (example:
“Insane: “you haven’t texted me yet *looks at you with my crazy eyes*
Someone: “uhh, my dog ate my phone but the cover with my credit card is still intact”
Insane: “oh okay, because I have you as my pfp.”
Someone: “huh?!
Insane: “Yeah it’s your perfect hair, no split end in sight.”
Someone: “oh my lord he has me as his pfp”
Insane: -to the other person- “I got your toe hairs as my wallpaper bbg” )
- add in more interactions
- we also added the crazy guy getting chased by the police and trying to take shelter in one of yours houses
- do your scheduled timings
- (example: - 3pm rolls around - my story
Someone: *knocks on door*
Duff: “Come in”
Someone: “Thank you, where’s Izzy?”
Duff: “Uh…in his room.”
Someone: “Oh okay”
- then pick a movie or something, (we chose Hamilton)
- do a house tour, his room has photos of you in but you didn’t see
Someone: “Izzy is supposed to be here, should we not go get him”
Duff: -makes excuses but you get him to take you to the room-
Duff: * unlocks door* * gets yelled at by Izzy* *Izzy drags him inside and runs out of his room locking the door*
Izzy: “Don’t worry about him, he’s like a baby, he needs a nap every few seconds”
- watch some of the movie
- make some moves
- ( we did that Izzy asked them to be his bae but you dont have to do that)
-( also they apparently fucked for 10 hours CUS MY FRIEND SAID *10 hours later* after they went to a room)
Someone: *opens the door for Duff*
Duff: *traumatised at the noises he’s heard*
- we made Duff Izzy and them a throuple
- but Izzy said to think about it and say the next morning. )
- after your adventures go home to your friend
- run into the house and start boarding the windows and doors with wooden planks because the insane one was chasing after you.
- call your baes to look after you cus the police can’t do their job
- he does get arrested tho (again)
*next day*
- insane one in prison calling one of you
- you thinking its your bae and saying some coupley stuff or whatever but make sure it’s directed at one of your interests
- * screaming, bombs, and destruction on the other line*
Chapter 3:
- to be continued
- do whatever 🫶
Chapter 3 and 4 are in my notes im just a bit to lazy to write it
Chapter 5 and up are not gonna be out for like maybe 2 years cus I wont see my friend again for that long
Don’t look at me like im crazy we laughed ever single second
This isn’t meant to be taken seriously its just some innocent fun
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tmf-confessions · 6 months
If Daisy ever gets a song in season 2 (WHICH I REALLY WANT) she should honestly sing some of Katherine Lynn-Rose's original songs like they fit so well
Like Top Off My School sort of fits her season 1 and so does price of perfection sort of (that is if she has an older sibling or SUMTH)(but they both showcase sort of a different personality then what we typically see from Daisy)
And Saving Face just fits her even better and I want it used in season 2
Like their voices aren't even THAT different (lying) maybe it could work?
It's also copyright free as far as I'm aware
Idk it's different from the typical music used in tmf but who cares
Idk just listen to the songs they're good I already imagined detailed animatics of them w daisy especially saving face
WTmF am k even saying anymore my brain hurts who cares
confession #348
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larabiatasstuff · 6 months
Hai mutual I'd like to read sumthing about our fav clown aka sweettooth. Y/N being scared of something or distressed and hims helping us go to sleep. Hope thats ok. Luv ur stories!
Hey anon, thank you so much for your compliment. I'm always happy to hear that you like my stories. I'm absolutely excited to write that for you. I hope you enjoy. 🖤
Meeting Sweet Tooth after the apocalypse was the best thing that could have happened to me or that could have happened to us. We got along very well from the beginning and became very close friends in a short time. It was almost six months since we started traveling together and we had very much of a fun time. My only problem were the nights,when everyone was asleep and everything was silent. "It's late we should look for a nice place to stay for the night." Sweet Tooth said. "Yeah it was a long day,also you need a break Sweet Tooth." I said giving him a warm smile. After ten minutes he parked the truck behind an old barn so we wouldn't be seen from the road. We lay down in the back and after a few moments I heard Sweet Tooth snoring. He was a fast sleeper and I was almost a little jealous of him. I looked over my shoulder at his peaceful sleeping form and decided to try and get some rest myself. It took me a while but when I finally drifted off to sleep, the nightmares began. I saw pictures of my past, my family, all the bad and horrible things that happened before and after the world went to shit. I wanted to scream, I wanted to wake up but it was hopeless. "Y/N... Y/N hey wake up!" I heard Sweet Tooth's voice calling me and when I woke up I saw him sitting next to me, his hand on my shoulder and a concerned look on his face. "Hey shhhh everything is okay. Are you alright Y/N?" I sat up wiping the tears from my eyes trying to find the right words to explain myself but everything that came out was just babbling."I...I'm sorry Sweet Tooth I didn't want to wake you up.It's just... it was horrible everything was so real and..." but before I could finish I felt his arms around me. "It's okay Y/N, take a deep breath. You don't have to tell me what happened but I promise you that no one will hurt you as long as you're with me. I won't let anyone lay a hand on you." he said gently rubbing my back. "Thank you so much Sweet Tooth. I... my past is a difficult and it still haunts me in my dreams. Sometimes I'm even scared to close my eyes." "I have an idea, take your pillow and come over here." Sweet Tooth said. I did as he said and put my pillow next to him. He lay down on his back and held his arm out for me. I scooted closer to him, my head resting on his shoulder, his arm holding me close to his body." There's no need to be scared Y/N. I protect you from all the evil in this world. No one can take you away from me. I'm holding you tight and I won't let you go okay? You're safe with me Y/N." Again a few tears were running down my cheeks. His words found their way directly into my heart and being so close to him felt wonderful." I don't know what to say Sweet Tooth, I will be forever grateful for that. " he tucked us both in and started slowly rubbing my back again. "Don't worry about that Y/N, you need to rest now. I'm here, close your eyes and try to sleep a bit. You'll see everything will be better tomorrow." I closed my eyes and started to relax, the sound of voice calmed me down and it didn't take long for me to fall asleep in his arms.
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godisg4y · 7 months
yesss!! pls start posting again omg!! i love ur work, u dont understand. and i would LOOOVE if u wrote a pt 2 to the chifuyu S.I.M.P fic where they actually speak or sumth idk im not creative lmaoooo i just need ur content in my life auuuggghhhhh (no pressure ofc <3)
Ask and you shall receive my love! also i re-edited part 1 so make to check it out if you'd like! sorry if this took a while
♡S.I.M.P!I want you to worship me♡
Chifuyu x Reader part 2!
part 1 here
Note: can be read as a stan alone fic!
highschool au, cursing, sub!chifuyu, smut, 3rd person pov to 1st person pov
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The library was Y/n's only safe space, She would always go there to finally breathe, she didn't have to keep up the performance. She could just bury herself in her silly little mangas and escape reality. But one time she stumbled upon the nsfw mangas in the bookshelf, she questioned it at first. She was the student council member she should bring attention to the fact that there's nsfw books in the library right??. Then Y/n realized that the anime club she belonged too probably snuck them in along with the regular ones and the librarian probably doesn't give enough fucks to actually check them which is why it's here. As she mentally fought with herself her eyes caught a glance at a hentai manga she's read before, one of her favorites at that. It was about a shy nerdy boy and a popular girl who bullied him...
Then there was one day she accidentally reached for the same manga as chifuyu, the pretty delinquent boyof the school. (Thankfully it wasn't hentai) Y/n was startled as a hand touched hers, she quickly turned to her side and her eyes widened in surprise. It was chifuyu, had she ever noticed him in the library before?..As he raised his head and looked to the side, he froze for a second. Emeral green eyes widening in panic as he stared at her. Y/n noticed his surprised expression, she would never have expected to see an expression like that on a boy like him...he looked almost fearful, like deer caught in headlights. Y/n studied his face, His fluffy blonde hair fell perfectly with his bangs covering parts of his forhead, She was almost compelled to reach out and touch it. His green eyes were wide open and and a soft pink blush dusted over his cheeks, his lips pressed together awkwardly in athin line. Like this he looked adorable, not at all like the rude delinquent all the other students were afraid to talk to. He quickly pulled his hand back and brought it up to the back of his neck with a sheepish smile on his face "Oh im sorry!" His voiced was rushed and panicked "Uhm, you can have it i dont mind" His words were rushed and flustered. It was surprising to see but honestly she couldn't help but it cute. Truth be told Y/n never really paid much attention to the blonde boy, sure she thought about how cool it was that he defied the teachers but that was in jealousy, wishing she could do the same. Other than that she never really paid him any real attention, until this very moment where she can't help but find him attractive..His soft jawline and smooth cheeks dusted in pink..his soft baby pink lips and his big green eyes still full of anxiety... Chifuyu swiftly spun on his heel and turned around to hurry away from Y/n but as he tried to leave her voice called out, "Chifuyu?" much more soft than when she usually talks to her classmates. His heart beat immediately sped up, his throat ran dry and he gulped but willed himself to turn around nonetheless. She saw his questioning look and responded before he could speak "uhm, well it's just.. if we're both interested in it, maybe we can just look at it together"
About A week passed since Chifuyu started talking to his crush. Everytime she saw him in the library she would come sit by him and strike up a conversation about whatever manga they were both into at the moment. Like right now. She's sitting so close to him he can barely process what she's saying. He tries so hard to will his brain to listen but all he could focus on was Y/n's skirt riding up her plush thighs the more she leans into his personal space. Her pretty face leaning closer to his, soft lips, shiny with her peach chapstick moving as she talked and her pretty e/c eyes staring into his, batting her eyelashes at him. Fuck he swears she's doing this on purpose to make him nervous and it was working and Judging from the feeling of his pants tightening it was working a little too good. His body was getting hotter and hotter, the soft pink that dusted over his flushed skin at his crushe's close proximity was getting harder to hide. Suddenly he was broken from his chain of thoughts when he heard her call his name "chifyuy? did you hear me?" His startled eyes were brought up to look into her concerned ones. "I asked if you were feeling okay, you look bothered" Before the boy could muster up a reply she stretched her hand out, shifting it under his bangs to against his forhead to check his temperature. Her face only inches away from his. "Oh my god chifuyu, you're burning-" Before Y/n could finish he cut her off "im okay! im just really warm- will you excuse me for a second!" Chifuyu quickly excused himself and scurried off towards to toilets. Oh fuck. He looked down at his pants and noticeable enough there was a buldge. He looked up questioning his life. Why was god doing this to him? Then he made accidental eye contact with his own pitiful reflection in the mirror, leading him to question his life even more. Without much options at his disposal he locked himself inside one of the stalls and made a quick mental note that after he rubbed out a quick one he'd go buy a gun to fucking shoot himself with.
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You stood quietly outside his stall listening to his heavy panting before hearing him breathe a small "oh fuck" followed by a whisper of your name. Chifuyu stood inside the stall trying to be as quiet as possible as his hand wrapped around his aching cock. He swears he's never been this hard before, pumping gently a few times and then picking up the pace. You couldn't help but rub your thighs together under your skirt at his cute little whimpers and moans. God it was so hot, everytime he breathed out your name you felt your insides tighten and slick pooled inside your panties. That's it you couldn't control yourself anymore. You needed something inside you so badly. "Chifuyu?~" you called out, feigning a worried voice but the slutry undertone could still be heard and knocking on the door "you okay in here?". A smirk played on your glossed lips as you heard him panic "Wha- uh- uhm yea-YEAH! IM FINE!" An array of rushed incoherent stutters left him in response. "Y/n this is the boys washroom! you can't be in her-" Before he could finish his rushed and panicked sentence his door flew open. Chifuyu was stood frozen in horror, throbbing cock still in his grip as he was met face to face with the girl. You had kicked the door in! His mouth was agape but no words came out, he looked so scared and ashamed, Fuck it was so cute.
Chifuyu stood there frozen in place, his hand still around his cock. You carefully stepped inside the cramped stall, closing the door behind your back before pushing off it and stepping towards him. He can barely process what's happening right now before your hands are on him and your mouth crashes on his, nipping at his lips and sliding your tongue into his mouth. His eyes flutter shut as he kisses back, groaning into your mouth. His hard cock is pressed into your lower stomach, he can't help but grind it against your body chasing the much craved for friction. Your hands move from the sides of his face down towards his shirt. Fingers moving quickly to undo all of his buttons but your mouth is still pressed to his, tongue shoved down his throat. Moaning into him. He can barely register what the fuck is going on but he feels so good right now. When you finish unbutton his shirt you pull away from his mouth moving to leave a trail of kisses down his jaw to his neck. He whines when you do but it turns into a gasp as you stop to bite and suck at his sensitive skin, marking him as you please. He's such a sweet boy for you, whining and moans in your ear. "Y-y/n" he breathes your name out in a silent plea yet he doesn't even know what he's asking for. You press a few more kisses onto his chest and neck and one last kiss on the corner of his mouth before wordlessly sliding to your knees. His leaking cock right at your eye level as you look up him through your eyelashes. Without saying anything you take his cock in your soft hands.You could feel it pulsating, see the pretty veins throbbing on the underside of it. so much pre-cum was already leaking out of his thick baby pink mushroom tip and down his slender shaft, he was about 7 inches thick, 3 inches wide and holy fuck was it so pretty, just like him, matching his sweet little flushed face. God he looked so hot like this, Zipper undone, His shirt left open, showing of his lean torso and soft stomach. His pretty face flushed pink twisted in pleasure in such a lewd way, eyebrows furrowed, with his cherry pink lips caught between his teeth so hard it was bruising, bleeding. His now dark green eyes droopy, clouded with lust and his blonde hair now drenched and stuck flat to his forhead by beads of sweat. Fuck he was so cute like this. Chifuyu's eyes were clouded with lust, staring down at you in awe. Your pretty face only a few breaths away from his cock. He watched as you took him in your soft hands and opened your pretty mouth, breathing on it as your eyes looked up him, fluttering with that slutry look. He couldn't help but groan, head thrown back against the wall.You drag your tongue from the bottom of his shaft up to his tip before wrapping your lips around it. Immediately he let's out a porn worthy groan with his head thrown back against the wall. Both of your hands wrap around the base of his cock strocking him while your mouth suctioned around his sensitive tip, swirling your tongue around and running it across his slit. He hissed and bit the back of his hand to keep himself quiet, the other hand curled at his side in a fist, almost as if he was still scared to touch you.
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ninjasmudge · 2 years
For entanglement au! Warning, dark topics?
It would be interesting to see MK get fucking YOINKED for his attunement with the signals much like Bai He but he's more like how Swk is able to go kaiju but just human. He's just human yet able to use the signals to mimic signals, like for ex.: red uses fireball, MK can copy it but it's weaker than the actual thing.
Or!!!! MK is able to do what swk can do, just that the more he develops his power, the more attention is brought to him despite the fact he's definitely HUMAN (or sumthing) and macaque along with swk doesn't want the same fate that they suffered be shared with mk. So they do their absolute best to keep it on the down low but LBD and mayor catches wind of MK and is like, you know what? It'd be great if we could have a strong asset to use in case things goes wrong. MK could have his limbs switched out with prosethics so that he can't disobey them and would be zapped every now and then if he does try to do anything like it. LBD learned from macaques escape and isn't willing to let go of a valuable gift from fate leave from her hands.
(Could combine both signal attuned and semi stronk mk together and it'd be a shitshow going down lmao)
Also are you planning to include Tang, Pigsy, Mo and Sandy in this au?
this WOULD be really interesting! id love to include some of these but a lot of the big points for the au are already pretty set in stone.
in this au mk is actually a monkey demon, so he has his own base magic, but he has next to no resonance with the signals and neither does red son. mei has quite a bit of resonance so she can create a large dragon kaiju, but she can only do it if she has a while to meditate and calm down first (the fact that mei does and mk doesnt is a plot point later on)
that being said, you totally right, that WOULD be a super interesting concept if he was human and had resonance
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- silly little love potion !
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prompt : quite stupid of you to make a love potion and try it on your crush.. gn reader ♡
"Lady kocho!!" You shouted. "Oh what is it ?"
"I made a love potion, or so I think..."
"Oh really, How long does it last? " I'm guessing a day!"
"Oh maybe you should try it on someone you like, if it doesn't work it means they already like you- "Oh you already left."
"Heh.. I wonder if it will work.. Oh wait I should probably disguise it as a tea or sumthing! " you thought to yourself.
Silently putting it in a teacup, you walked over to giyuu and said "giyuu san! Will you try this cup of tea?"
"...." he gently took it and drank it. "Oh nothing happened." you thought.
"Lady kocho!!!" You said as you came running to her "catch me!!" "Huh? Wait... " phew .. you're heavy.."
"It didn't work." you said. "Oh guess giyuu san likes you~" she said teasing you
"Huh he likes me?" "Obviously, if a love potion doesn't work it means that they're already in love with the person who made it."
"REALLY?!?!" "yes. Now be quiet"
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While picking flowers in a flower field you notice giyuu was there sitting.. Why not surprise him?
"Boo!" Suddenly he jumped like a scaredy cat! "That wasn't funny."
"Well it was to me." he just stared at you.
"So you uh... want flowers ?" You said as you gave some to him. "Oh, thank you" hiding his blush. "Hey, did you just blush?" "No I didn't.."
"I SAW THAT" You said chasing him letting go of the basket full of flowers. "Come on show it~" "no i won't!!"
"Looks like someone's enjoying their free time" shinobu said watching you chase giyuu
"Hey I don't want you chase you anymore..." you said heart beat racing fastly.
you fell on the ground exhausted. "looks like someone gave up."
He stared at you looking at your face, "Oh maybe I could just leave them here-"
But that didn't happen as he also fell on the ground with you exhausted and fell asleep.
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"Y/n San! Giyuu San!, you both fell asleep hugging eachother..." said tanjiro. "Oh and shinobu San took pictures of you two-"
"HUH WHAT NO!?!?!?!" Y/n San you should get going... it's late Now! "Oh I should go now" "Come tag along sanemi!" "Yeah come we have simmered salmon with daikon and we would love to invite you" said tanjiro loudly
You took Giyuu's hand and dragged him along.
"Perhaps you should sleep here with us giyuu." you said, he just looked at you as if you were crazy.
As tanjiro went to take a look at nezuko you two were left alone
"So uh... how was your day?" "It was fine if you didn't have to chase me around the flower field making me exhausted."
"Hey!! You were enjoying it, admit it." you shouted "maybe."
"Oh right would you like this basket of flowers?" You said shoving the basket confront of his face, "Uh.. no thank you
"Oh, I'll just give it to someone else then, maybe sanemi!" "Wait!! Would you give me that basket?" "Heh you're jealous." "I'm not."
"I'll get going now..." "Sure farewell!!"
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"What's this feeling.. i can't fall asleep all I think about is them..." as he thought of this you randomly barged in!
"HELLO THERE I PROMISE I DIDN'T BARGE INTO YOUR HOME CAUSE I HEARD YOU WHISPERING ABOUT SOMEONE " you shouted. Giyuu then throws his pillow to your face , "Hey!!" You took the pillow and threw it at him.
"Okay sorry, I couldn't fall asleep." Then giyuu stopped and put down the pillow. ".... you could sleep with me?"
"YES!!" You then threw yourself over to his futon, "be quiet.."
Then you woke him up. "Hey about that tea you drank?" "What about it?"
"That was a love potion and if it doesn't work it means the person already likes you, so.. do you like me?" You whispered to him! "Yes." He said not comprehending what you just said. "Wow."
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"So you do like me you said when giyuu woke up." "No I don't" he said covering his blush.
Well What's this? You then showed a footage of last night. "Huh I don't remember that-"
"Of course you don't idiot-" "Hey!!"
He took his pillow and threw it to you. "SO YOU LIKE ME "NO I DONT"
"Married couple fighting over who loves eachother the most. I should tell this to my crow and get them engaged."
The end ♡
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theomnicode · 2 years
How long has OPM God been watching?
So like, if killing Genos to make Saitama blow up and kill Garou or destroy earth or sumthing is on the plans for God cuz God is manipulating Garou rn and manipulating shit that happens behind the scenes obv. To release or resurrect him or something.
It's quite the leap to make that killing Genos would make Saitama flip like this to the point of exploding earth if God has been watching, because Saitama is a hero and he doesn't kill people. Saitama has morals. That's a crapton of effort put into this, for a mere speculation that he would just toss morals into the bin and go head empty destroy stuff.
How does God know how much Genos meant for Saitama, to this extent that he would display enough aggression to destroy earth if Genos was to die? And this is the strongest punch Saitama has thrown by far too, to our knowledge Saitama hasn't destroyed the earth or other planets.
Genos is a friend to Saitama, but Garou doesn't know this.
To Garou, Genos is just a disciple. So that's how much God would know about their relationship.
They don't even know themselves, how does God know this? How would god know to subplant this information that makes Garou just completely ignore Blast and KNOWS it would bring forth Saitama's full power? Either his cosmic power or the Full Power as Saitama refers to being his logic defying powers. Or both, because both would serve god's purpose.
It's quite a huge leap to make based on the information God would/should have have available to him. Even if you take into account that God had been watching Saitama and Genos have a wholesome moment and made the assumption that yea, maybe these two are friends and maybe I can use this.
Or is God legit just…omniscient? Or worse. His moniker would definitely make him omniscient.
How frikken long has God been watching Saitama anyways?
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I can't be the only one who sees the compositional similarities with the top panel and God making an appearance to grant Garou powers.
Not after all the God's eye moon images popping up literally everywhere which has been shoved onto us to psychologically start seeing God's eye references everywhere like it's intentional that we should see them. Such as Jupiter's red spot.
This shit is intentional. Murata and ONE love to put lots of hints, foreshadowing, monkey's paws and artistic details into this manga for subtext and for analysis, especially when people do rereads and pick up stuff. And ONE does a crapton of research and he's read so much on psychology too.
I hate them so much for this.
It was thundering and raining that day too and the television talks about monsters first appearance 9 months before and there's a monster on screen. Just like God appeared via thunderstorm and sea (Susanoo reference).
Has God just been creeping on Sai for this long? What the fuck.
What the fuck?
Why is god so obsessed with Saitama?
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moondonky · 4 months
Let's talk politics why not, why pick a side if ur not a politician, identity politics, as time goes bye they both kinda take turns holding that bag of shame, truth would tell you its so there's a neverending argument, a constant drag off topic, tribes of division, identities of conformity, positions of community, everything dictated by money posing as the god given freedoms we trust In.. those are lawyers not representatives, those are lobbyists not senators, that's an executive dictator not a president, those are not governors those are entertainers, that's a presence for private contractors not a military, that's not money printing, that's making everything everyone has ever earned worth nothing, that's not news it's scripted propaganda and theater.. talk all your politics of your corporate regime of a government trying to take over and twist the government of parliamentary i pledged too, the one I trust in, the one I know is God blessed,, the checks and balance of we the people, not that pyramid all seeing eye of pharoahs and usery, tuballs in chains and serpent seeds trying to create sumthing better than the blessing of the able body, where atoms dwell manifesting the world, how deep down the rabbit hole of politics would u like to go.. when it comes to who controlls the world lol
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letsfloteinspace · 4 months
Hello! My name is sumthing, I'm 18, I use he/him and we/our pronouncs, I'm ficto, and this is a nsfw/nsft/ kink/ fetish account.
This account is NOT for minors, 18+ ONLY
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This is both a x reader account, and a self ship account
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My fetishes/ kinks:
Fart fetish
Scent kink (musk)
Face sitting
Slight scat kink
Thigh kink
I like anal-vore
(I may add more)
Age play
(Again I might add more)
My tags:
(Character/ media).nsft (example: fire spirit cookie.nsft, or cookie run.nsft)
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