#suna rintarou drabble
forusomimiya · 1 year
Virgin!Suna is a horny mess. Whenever he sees you he gets a hard-on and has to run to the bathroom to jerk off and imagine that you are there between his legs, sucking his balls and cumming later on your face. Virgin!Suna fantasizes about you in every possible way. You're always on his mind, whether it's on his face or on his cock. He often wonders what your cum would taste like, and the mere thought of it makes him get hard again and go get some toilet paper to jerk off again. Virgin!Suna will come up behind you at the party and rub his cock against your ass like a fucking dog in heat. He'll whisper in your ear the wonderful things he could do to you if you were at home. Meanwhile, you'd be slumped over his shoulder, struggling with the heat and the shiver his dirty words send down your spine.
"I bet if you let me taste that little pussy, you'd end up on your knees in front of me begging for more, don´t you? What do you think about it?"
Virgin!Suna would despair and take it out on you for not fucking him that night in the cruelest way. A picture of his red cock, with cum all over his belly would ignite your desire and leave you horny for hours. "Look at what you've done to me…. So miserable and proud that you won't help a poor virgin to milk his cock…. I hope it's a lesson for you next time, I don't let just anyone play with me".
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taintedtort · 3 months
Hello!!! Can you do this request with kenma, tsukishima and suna pls???? 🥺🥺
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summary. you wipe their kisses off (pt2)
characters. kenma, tsukishima, suna
warnings. gn!reader, none!
a/n. i love this prompt, it’s so easy to write :P
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☆ kenma isn’t usually very physically affectionate, but he likes to kiss your hands a lot. it’s simple and quick, and not that noticeable to other people. however, this particular time he kissed the back of your hand, you wiped it on your sweater directly after. he noticed, but didn’t really say anything because he hadn’t thought much of it at the time. but as the day went on, he realized that you were doing it every single time he kissed your hand. he knows you though, and he’s quick to catch on that you’re messing with him. he’s mildly amused at best, but doesn’t really get the point. you’re trying to provoke him, right? it kinda worked… he‘s not necessarily annoyed, but he doesn’t like that you’re wiping them off.
"quit it."
☆ he notices and instantly scowls at you. it was kind of your fault for making it so obvious though. he kissed your forehead and you immediately wiped it off with your hoodie sleeve, a disgusted look on your face. it was clearly fake and all a joke, seeing as you laughed right after, but he got petty nonetheless. you apologize through giggles when you see his annoyed expression, but he only rolls his eyes. he eventually gives in, like he always does, but you have to make it up to him by kissing him literally everywhere.
"fine then, wipe my kiss off. see if you get another one."
☆ he was taking some selfies with you, and he gave your cheek a kiss for one of them. he was sort of rapid fire clicking, so he actually got a picture of you wiping the kiss off directly after. he looks at you with a confused expression, saying something like "the fuck was that?" you wave him off, but he just pulls up the picture he got and starts examining in. he doesn’t say anything else, just looking at you with an expecting look, silently telling you to explain yourself. you crack and tell him it was a prank, just to rile him up and see what’d he do. he rolls his eyes and places another kiss to your cheek, watching to make sure you don’t wipe this one off too.
"you trying to be cute?"
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heich0e · 17 days
"can i call you later?"
the wind bites at your cheeks, but the sting you feel is as much from the smile on your face as it is from the chill.
"dunno," you muse, pursing your lips as though you're contemplating the question deeply. "can you?"
rintarou groans, but the sound isn't half as plaintive as it ought to be. you watch as his head hangs down defeatedly where his frame is folded over the railing that lines the front of the train station, his body pitched forward over the barrier like he's trying to reach you on the other side.
you've been saying goodbye for the past twenty minutes—or, you've been trying to. sort of. maybe. the train you'd planned to catch has already come and gone, and the next is set to soon arrive. one more and it will be the last of the night, but not even knowing that fact seems to be moving you closer towards the door to the station—content to stay here, like this, as the wind of the late fall night nips at your cheeks and the two of you muddle through your goodbye with the inelegance of two people who couldn't be less committed to it if they tried.
rintarou lifts his head to meet your gaze.
"i mean it, though." he says. "can i call you tonight?"
your stomach flips when he looks at you this way. when he keeps looking at you this way.
"we just spent hours together," you remind him, but your words are too breathy to make impact. too elated to be reproachful.
you've been on three dates with rintarou now. you think they're dates anyway, though it's never explicitly been stated. his invitations are always casual, sandwiched in between all the other texts he sends to you these days, so you might be reading into things too closely for your own good. but dinner doesn't just feel like dinner when rintarou has this way of looking at you like you're the only person he's ever laid his eyes on.
"i know," he answers. it's not an explanation, or an excuse, or even an apology. it's plain acceptance. a shamelessness you find wretchedly endearing.
you glance back at the station behind you, biting the inside of your cheek to temper your delight.
"my train is coming," you say.
he looks a bit crestfallen. laughably glum, considering the circumstances.
you drag the heel of your shoe back ever so slightly, not quite a step—at least not in any meaningful way—but inching in the direction of the doors at a glacial pace. continental drift seems positively hasty in comparison to your retreat.
"bye," he calls, his tone dejected. you watch as he lifts his hand weakly, still slumped over the railing, and waves at you with only a few fingers raised.
you want to laugh, but your chest is so full of something else—something syrupy and fluttering and good—that it's like there's no space for it underneath your ribs.
you call back to him just before you step into the station.
there are other people around, stepping between and around you both—rushing into the station to escape the cold, or moving briskly as they brace themselves and step out into it—but you hardly notice them when your eyes meet.
you smile.
"—call me later."
he calls you almost every night after that.
even as the cool autumn winds change with the seasons; carrying flakes of snow as winter blankets nagano, warming with the spring, turning heavy with humidity in summer, and then repeating the cycle anew.
even as your reluctant goodbyes turn from late nights outside of train stations to early morning words whispered under blankets as rintarou leaves for practice or away games.
even as the uncertainty of whether or not you're getting your hopes up—of whether those meetings were even really dates at all—melts away into nothing more than a memory.
you're not even sure what the two of you manage to spend so much time talking about on the phone. nothing, really. everything in its own right. rintarou's phone calls are something you come to look forward to at the end of a long day. something you anticipate when you have exciting news to share. a comfort when you're missing him and a relief when you need him most.
"is that the last one?" you ask, turning just in time to see your boyfriend—your live-in boyfriend now, officially—flop back on the sofa after he drops the last moving box atop the stack piled near the balcony door.
"yeah," he wheezes, evidently winded from the exertion—from the exhaustion—of moving house. you laugh a bit to yourself as you shuffle over to the sofa, leaning over the back so you can peer down at him where he lays sprawled against the cushions.
"aren't you a professional athlete?" you tease him. "shouldn't you have better stamina?"
rintarou cocks a brow, something sly swimming behind his gaze.
"i need better stamina?" he drawls. "you're usually complaining about the opposite."
you roll your eyes in the wake of his remark, grabbing a throw pillow from beneath his head and yanking it from under him unceremoniously, only to press it lightly against his face.
you shuffle back towards the kitchen where you'd left the box you were unpacking abandoned. you grab a plate from inside the cardboard and turn to place it on the shelf you'd decided would house your dinnerware.
"it's late," you tell him, reaching for the next plate in the box. "you should go wash up first."
you don't get a reply, and that surprises you. you creep over to the sofa again, only to find rintarou staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought.
"hey," you laugh a little, leaning on your elbows against the back of the couch. "where'd you go?"
rintarou's gaze snaps back to yours. he still looks at you like he did on your first date. like he did outside the train station on your third. he smiles, bit it's a bit sheepish.
"sorry, was just thinking," he answers quietly. he reaches up from where he's lying on his back, brushing his thumb against your cheek. his smile turns a little bit giddy, then. boyishly charming. "can't believe we finally got a place together."
you lean into his touch, huffing a little breath through your nose—halfway to a laugh.
"guess you won't have to call me anymore," you joke, and rintarou's expression changes—falls slightly—but only for a moment. you realize what you've said, or at least think about the implications more, and you sort of understand the shift.
you fell in love through those phone calls.
you'll miss them—the ritual, the familiarity, the comfort—even though you know they've been replaced by something better.
you turn your face, pressing a fleeting kiss to rintarou's palm. "go wash up," you tell him again, heading back towards the kitchen and your (now twice abandoned) box of plates.
he seems to heed your advice this time, peeling himself up off the sofa and shuffling off in the direction of the washroom.
"don't use all the hot water!" you call after his retreating frame, and you hear him reply noncommittally under his breath before the door clicks closed behind him.
you've only got three dishes left to unpack before your box is emptied, but the shelf you'd been organizing doesn't seem to want to accommodate all of your bowls in the way you wanted, so you're left arranging and rearranging them as you try to find a way to get them to fit.
in the back pocket of your jeans, your phone begins to ring. with three plates balanced in one hand, you reach for it with the other—the movement muscle memory now, instinct more than volition, after all this time. you answer the call without even looking at the screen, holding the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you continue juggling the dishes in front of you.
you pause after you answer the call, realizing for the first time that you shouldn't be getting a call at all. not at this time of night. not in this apartment.
the line is quiet, just the sound of breathing that you could recognize anywhere to be heard from the other end of the call.
"why are you calling me?" you ask rintarou, but the words are light. too fond to be reproachful.
you hear rintarou laugh—from the other end of the call and from the other side of the bathroom door.
"just wanted to hear your voice," he answers you (the same way he has a thousand nights before when you've asked him that same question.)
"you're ridiculous," you tell him, completely enamoured.
"i know," he replies.
it's quiet for a moment as the two of you stand on opposite sides of your apartment. on opposite ends of your call.
you shift a stack of bowls a little to the left. it all fits now. just the way you wanted it to.
"y'know, the hot water won't run out as fast if we shower together—"
you hear the bathroom door open, and when you look over your shoulder, rintarou is peeking at you from around the edge of the door—his phone held to his ear, a smile on his face you know is mirrored on your own, and a look in his eye that's never once wavered.
he tilts his head.
"—wanna join me?"
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satorisoup · 4 months
ᰔ CANDY GRAMS ft. rintaro suna
ʚ CW : secret admirer. manager! reader.
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ʚ hq valentine’s series mlist ಇ
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every year on valentine’s day, your schools student body sets up a booth for candy grams. $2 to send a cute little message to your loved one with little lollipops and candied hearts. the line would stretch all the way down the hall with students eager to buy one, the end of the line grumbling at their time wasted when they heard the shout of “sold out!”. it was a huge tradition that the students never failed to miss, as it would always cause an uproar of excitement along with the funds being donated to whatever cause.
it’s your second year at inarizaki highschool, and you were luckily privileged enough to become the manager of the volleyball club during the second half of your first year, being a new student, despite the insane amount of girls who had applied for the spot. you had made it extremely clear that no, you were not interested in the twins, no, this wasn’t a plan to get one them to fall in love with you, and no, you weren’t a secret spy for a fangirl instagram account trying to gather information. all things accounted for, you were accepted into the position.
now as a second year, you had kept your word on not falling for the infamous volleyball twins who in reality were just dumb teenage boys that talked your ear off with their constant nagging and immature jokes. however, the one who had caught your eye was the middle blocker with the #10 jersey, rintaro suna. they never said you couldn’t have a little crush on him, right? and even despite having quite the interest in him, you would never act on it, as you seemed to be good friends with him along with the twins, not daring to ruin the friendship or break the trust with the club.
suna was a nice person to be around, his sense of humor was infectious and he was a good, more tame break from the rambunctious person known as atsumu miya, even though they did tend to occasionally get into mischief when together. he was blunt in the ways he showed that he cared, and you recall the moment you realized you had feelings for him when you had accompanied him at the store to get a snack before practice. he had asked you if you wanted anything, and you had told him you didn’t have any money with you.
“i didn’t ask if you had money. i asked what you wanted.”
it left you blushing for the rest of the day, walking out of the shop with a cookie in hand and hearing “why didn’t ya pay fer me?!” fall out of atsumu’s mouth in complaint. you knew in your heart you definitely couldn’t deny it now, you had fallen.
the date marked february 14th, valentine’s day, and just like last year, the halls were bustling in delirium as the line stretched from one end of the courtyard to the other. you slung your bag over your shoulder and continued to walk to your designated class, overhearing the cheers of the people who finally made it to the front of the string of students. making your way to class and taking your seat, you prepare to take on the day as if it were any other.
eventually, the period before lunch had rolled around, and the person passing candy grams from each class had reached your door. you could feel the anticipation of your peers as the student began dropping each one off to certain desks. 1 here, 3 there, 5, wow that’s quite a few.
after most of the class had received their special gifts, whispering the notes their partners had left for them to one another, you had expected the deliverer to make their leave and be on with it.
your assumptions hadn’t been correct, when you see that they had made their way to your desk.
“10 candy grams for miss l/n, here you go!”
wait what?
you caught a few quiet gasps and small whispers from some of your classmates as your desk had been filled with a whopping number of 10 candy grams. even you had wanted to gasp yourself, but you really did not want this attention on you.
after everyone had quieted down a little more, you took the gracious opportunity to check the pink slips of paper on each packet of treats.
“to: y/n.”
again, you checked another slip. then another, and another for good measure. to your upmost confusion, every single slip you had was completely nameless. before you could comprehend exactly what was going on with these mysterious sweets, class was being dismissed for lunch.
“buying candy grams for yerself? that’s pretty depressin’.” atsumu bellowed at you when you had walked up to your friends, arms almost overflowing with your gifts.
“im not that cheap, you idiot…there’s 10 here, and ALL with no name.” you scoffed back at him.
“maybe it’s yer stalker.” osamu had countered, eyeing the bags.
“oh yeah, how lovely that would be. quit trying to scare me, osamu.” you deadpanned. “where’s suna?”
“dunno. so, ya gonna share that candy or what?”
“really miya? you’re both holding an entire grocery bag of them. i’ll see you guys at practice.” you walked off, still pondering on the thought of who it could be.
you still hadn’t managed to find suna within the midst of this entire situation, wanting to get his input. despite the so called “thrill” of having a secret admirer, you didn’t really seem to care. you wanted suna, and you wanted it to be him who was sending you stupid pieces of candy and dumb notes. that however, is a wish that could never be granted no matter how bad you yearned for it.
it’s the last half of the day by now, most classes having been visited by the deliverer, disregarding a few. mostly extra candy grams were being passed to the people who didn’t receive them before lunchtime. you practically ignored the lesson your teacher was explaining, too caught up in your thoughts to listen. 10 candy grams, no name, suna has practically disappeared. when class had been dismissed, you passed by your locker in hopes of putting the treats in there for later, but when you opened the latch, you had yet another surprise waiting for you.
10 more packets of candy dribbled out of your locker, a couple landing by your feet as if to mock you. you scamper to pick them up with a huff, and when you start to shove them in with the rest in your locker, miserably failing to fit them all inside, you come to an immediate realization.
atsumu is the only person who unfortunately knows your locker combination, back when you had held his lost textbook for him until he could get it back.
it dawned on you in an instant, of course, this was atsumu’s idea of humour, a perfect valentine’s day prank.
you roll your eyes at the idea of the twins antics, but also began to feel a tinge of sadness when you came to your conclusion, a hint of hope in the back of your mind that maybe, it was the one your heart had longed for who was up to this, but you’re quick to shut it down. with an upset slam of your locker, you head to the gym.
feet that slowly skid onto the concrete stairs was all that could be heard, and your shoes squeek against the vinyl flooring of the inarizaki gym when you enter. as you prepare to tell off atsumu, a voice interrupts you.
“what’s up with you?”
it was suna, his head cocked to the side with a slight furrow in his brow.
“im trying to find atsumu, he’s really done it this time…”
“and what did he do?”
“he thought it would be a funny idea to prank me! on valentine’s day of all days! sending a mountain of candy grams that won’t even fit in my locker…there wasn’t even a name on them. and it made me think…” you interrupt yourself before you accidentally say too much, “it’s just dumb yknow?” you huff.
“i figured you would think something dumb like that.”
“… huh?”
suna starts to dig into his bag, hand reaching in and then back out. one of his arms extended out to you, holding one of the same cellophane bags that had been taunting you all day.
this one held a cookie, the same kind as that day back at the store, and when you open the note, you can feel yourself grow lighter.
“to: y/n.
you’re kind of a dunse.”
and this time, there’s an indicator of the sender on the slip of paper, in the same handwriting as all of the others.
“R. S.”
you look to suna with widened eyes and a growing blush to your cheeks, your mouth slightly ajar when you ask him,
“…it was you?”
suna softly smirks at you, his hidden facade of mischievousness breaking as he replies,
“yeah, you should really think before you trust a miya with your locker combo.”
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satoruzlove · 2 years
thinking ab bf suna who holds your neck from the side of u and kisses your temples firmly
thinking about bf suna who puts things on high shelves just so you ask him for help
bf suna who takes videos of you doing mundane things like putting away your hair iron, and when you ask him to stop he simply pouts, “ but you’re so cute doing everything, just pretend you don’t see me”
bf suna who just gives anyone else who flirts with him the stink face, because ever since he met you he can’t find anyone else attractive
bf suna who has a necklace with a heart pendant that has your name engraved into it. whenever he does an interview, he puts it on. sometimes the interviewer asks him about what keeps him motivated, his passions outside volleyball, but he simply makes eye contact with the camera and kisses the pendant gently - “ my lover. they’ve always had this way of making me a better man, and if that’s not worth working for then i’ll simply just wither away.”
bf suna who bites back the urge to bite you whenever you say something kind to him, smiling so hard that his cheeks redden and then getting close- mumbling a , ‘you’re so perfect,’ into the skin of your lips
bf suna who bumps his hips into yours when you cook, then turns away and pretends he’s never done anything wrong his entire life
bf suna who hears wedding bells as you talk shit about him with his sister
bf suna who turns to osamu when you walk down the isle, not because he’s laughing or trying to be calm, but because there are tears pricking at his eyes. osamu’s eyes widen , and as you make your way to your fiancé he sniffles. “ thank you, yn,” he smiles down to you,” for being with me, for choosing me, promise i’ll take care of you, ‘kay? forever.”
bf suna who uses your perfumes when he’s away- even if he smells like ‘sweet sugar cookies’ he doesn’t care. it makes him feel closer to you.
bf suna that earns a ‘🤨’ from your parental figure because they fear that suna knows you better than them. he’s got everything about you memorised thanks to your mutual pining during college.
bf suna who rubs his face against you like a cat randomly when you two hang out in silence.
bf suna who would light himself on fire if you were cold [ his words, not my own 🤞🏻]
bf suna ☹️<3
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mavrintarou · 1 year
[3:19 PM] - Suna Rintarou
Gotta head out - be back later to edit... or not. Enjoy!
Warning: smut . Aside from volleyball, Rintarou was naturally gifted with the camera.
He had captured some of the most exquisite and breathtaking photographs of Y/n, making it look like they were professional shots.
He also possessed a collection of the most embarrassing shots, which he kept strictly to himself. There were also a few special ones that were meant for his eyes only, capturing intimate moments between them.
He was a very active Instagramer – posting quite frequently for his million followers, but he kept his relationship out of public eyes.
When Rintarou created a TikTok account, his followers grew by the day.
He would capture a wide range of videos, from documenting his volleyball training sessions and games to showcasing the delicious lunches Y/n packed for him. He even recorded moments of making his coffee, creating a collection of glimpses into his daily life.
Each time he makes a video, Y/n gets a notification, and she entertains herself with them.
“My baby made me some Korean food today,” he sniffs his bento, groaning. “I told her I’ve been craving some Korean food, and… she loves me so much.” He stuffs his mouth with a Kimbap. “You guys ask if she makes me lunch every day – yes. Does she not work or… is she a stay-at-home partner?” He shoves another Kimbap into his mouth. “She’s definitely an independent woman who earns her own money and won’t allow me to support her like the best boyfriend I am…” he narrows his eyes directly at the camera, “she always watches my videos, so – please tell her that it she needs to let me treat her like a queen.”
Y/n burst out laughing and clicked on the comments.
Suna’s girlfriend, please allow Rintarou to treat you like a queen!
Can we get a glimpse of her?
She is so lucky!
You’re so lucky; your food looks so good!
Y/n narrows her eyes at the first comment.
You’re so hot, Rin; please fuck me!
Y/n clicked on the person’s profile of a young woman.
Curiosity got Y/n going through Rin’s other videos to view the comments. She saw the same account commenting on every one of Rin’s videos, saying something inappropriate.
Rin checked his phone as he slipped his shirt on.
He was still waiting for a message from Y/n.
Though it wasn’t unusual, it felt odd that she didn’t text or react to his video.
She always commented or reacted to his video.
Did she not see it?
But it clearly said Read 2:35 PM underneath the message.
Without wasting another moment, he made his way toward their apartment, a sense of urgency guiding his steps. Sitting behind the wheel, waiting at a red light, he drummed his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel. The unsettling feeling gnawed at him, the sense that something was amiss between them weighing heavily on his mind.
While they didn’t frequently engage in conflicts, he made a conscious effort to minimize arguments, fully aware that disagreements are a natural part of any relationship. Over the course of their four-year journey together, they encountered only a few instances where tension escalated. However, despite needing some time to cool off, they always found a way to come together and discuss their concerns. They were committed to understanding each other’s perspective and exploring ways to grow and improve for the sake of their relationship.
And have hot makeup sex.
Rintarou jams the button to his floor in the elevator impatiently. Of all days, it seemed like the elevator door was being an asshole and taking its merry time to get him up to his floor.
“Y/n!” He shouts once he enters his apartment.
“Yes?” her sweet voice calls from the kitchen.
She doesn’t sound upset or mad, he thought. He quickly toes off his shoes and drops his gym bag in the living room to head to the kitchen. His heart relaxes a bit, finding her in the kitchen preparing dinner.
But he was still a little nervous and wasn’t entirely convinced she wasn’t upset.
He goes to wrap his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek and resting his chin on her shoulder. “How was your day?”
“Good,” she answered, “you?”
“Tired,” he answered as usual, “but a little… nervous.”
She finished whatever she was doing before washing her hands, the both of them doing a funny dance towards the sink because once Rin clings on to Y/n, it is no use trying to get him off.
“Go wash your hands and sit down; let’s eat.” She hears his sigh before he lets her go, and she watches over her shoulder as he pouts towards the sink to wash his hands and takes a seat in his usual spot.
Y/n leans against the counter, watching him zone out sitting there. Rintarou may be hard to read on the court, but Y/n could read him anytime.
Something weighed heavily on him, and his emotions spilled out much like a toddler’s when they couldn’t express their feelings.
He doesn’t realize Y/n has yet to set the table, “why are you nervous?”
He gazed up at her with a lost expression, his voice barely above a whisper. “You didn’t react to my video,” he murmured, seeking an answer with a hint of disappointment in his tone.
Y/n arched an eyebrow at him, suppressing a chuckle. “What?”
“You didn’t react to my video today… did you not watch it?” he inquired with a  tinge of concern. “Did I say too much in the video about you?” The renowned and notorious Middle Blocker for EJP Raijin resembled an anxious child, desperately seeking reassurance if he had done the right thing.
Y/n furrowed her brows, a realization dawning upon her as she acknowledged her lack of response to his video. “Oh, Rin,” she chuckled softly, moving closer and straddling his lap. Tenderly cupping his face, she pressed her lips against his pout, kissing it away. “I did watch it, but I must have gotten carried away reading the comments,” she explained, her tone apologetic. Her eyes narrowed as she mentioned one particular fan. “There was this one fan who was quite vulgar towards you,” she continued, her voice hinting disapproval. “I didn’t like it one bit.”
Something flickered in his eyes, and Y/n couldn’t help but roll her eyes, anticipating his reaction. “Are you… jealous?” he asked a hint of amusement in his voice.
There it is.
“No, I’m not. I don’t need to be jealous when I already have you.”
Rin kisses her throat and nips the skin there. “You’re right; I’m yours, all yours, just as you’re mine, right?”
“Hmm,” Y/n runs her fingers through his hair before gripping a fist full and tilting his head back. “All mine.”
His eyes widen for a split second before they squeeze shut when Y/n trails her tongue along his jaw and down his neck. She was not one to mark him in prominent areas, but tonight, she showed no mercy to his neck.
“Y/n…” Rin groans ten minutes later. His hands grip her hips, desperately guiding her to rock herself over his lap. “’nough…”
She pulls back and admires her work; now she knows how Rin feels. She leans to peck his lips and lifts herself, “all right, let’s eat!”
“What!” His grip on her hips tightens, “no way, you can’t leave me like that.” He looks down at his crotch; the outlining of his thick cock is visible against his joggers.
“But… our food will get cold?”
Rintarou chuckles, “no way, baby, food can wait… not me.”
Y/n squeal when he pushes her onto the table, grabs the end of her yoga pants, and tugs them off in one go. He pulls her panties aside and pulls cock out enough to slowly thrust into her pussy.
“Ah… Rin,” she moans, gripping the edge of the table. “Fuck… yes…”
His thrusts are slow and deep. “You had me worrying for no reason…” he leans over and grips her jaw to kiss her deeply, “I’ll show them – “ he speeds up his thrusts, “I’ll show them I’m yours… only yours….”
All the rubbing and rocking over him stimulated her, and Y/n was close until Rin pulled out of her. “Rin?”
He maneuvers her onto her front side and smacks her ass before getting down on one knee. He pulls her panties off and smothers his face into her core, slurping, sucking, and biting.
He squeezes her cheeks hard, taking a bite on each side before standing back up, “need to mark you as mine too…” he guides his cock back home and thrusts fast and hard.
Their kitchen echoes with skin slapping skin and the kitchen table squeaking.
“I’m so… I’m so close baby…” Rin groans, and seconds later, hips jerking and cock spasming as he cums inside.
Rin withdraws; his eyes are fixated and anticipating as his cum drips out.
A minute later, after catching each other’s breath, Rin whispered, “baby?”
Y/n turns to look over her shoulders, clearly in bliss. “Yes?”
“Yes, please…”
“Today, my baby packed me my favorite… jelly fruit sticks!”
Y/n sipped her morning coffee and tapped the heart on the video before clicking on the comment button.
Those are my favorites too!
You’re like an excited schoolboy about their lunches!
Is no one going to talk about it?...
Suna-san… what are those marks on your neck?
Are those… hickies?
Those are definitely hickies… wow… his girlfriend is kinky…
. . .
@hellatrashdontask @queenelleee @wrongimagine @eadyladlegard @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @satoritendoucultsacrifice @yourgonvermnethooker @littlemochi @cloud-lyy @pana-dolle @basmamme @haitanifxn @itsroseally @warrior-of-justice @jmnfilter @captainchrisstan @omissanitizerlol
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shaisuki · 1 month
goddddddd bully! atsumu, bully! osamu and bully! suna who goes too far with teasing their manager! chubby reader is so fucking delicious. maybe osamu wouldn't be much of a participant but the other two are vile 🧍🏽
I love when they have to try a-z methods just to reconcile with chubby!reader again 🤌🏽❤️
ugh, the trio are the worst combination of it all. the bullying's not complete and ineffective if you aren't crying. see the tears welling up in your eyes and your voice cracking up telling them to stop.
stop what?
atsumu's crude and damn loud about pointing your insecurities aloud. pinching and groping where he deemed that pokes too much. the waistband of your pants squeezing your stomach and showing that cute muffin top in your shirt, god forbids he won't be touching that. pinching the flesh and groping it and atsumu comments how big it was that it hurts. it started to leave bruises and imprints of his hands in that. laughs everytime you move and see your fat jiggle like it was the funniest thing he had ever seen in his life and there's his twin.
osamu isn't the extreme in the physical but knows what buttons to push to get you bothered and later sniffing on your own to hide the tears. backhanded compliments and comments are made when you do something simple as eating. “'yer going to get bigger than already 'ye are.” then shrugging it like nothing it was and offers you more food and you're questioning your sanity after that.
suna doesn't comment much but his gallery is littered with your embarrassing pictures that he had taken from the previous meetings. your photos are in weird angles and some are taken with awkward poses you didn't even know about. wether it was refilling water bottles or placing the stray balls back in the storage bin. some are made to look your body to be deemed worst and he would crack a smile from it and atsumu would join. tears in his eyes while he comments on how wide you are.
it doesn't make much of a difference to them and when you gathered the courage to tell to stop it only ends in worst. saying that you're too sensitive and a killjoy. they were only having a good laugh about you and then the winds change when you ignore them for the rest of the day and shutting them down in practices.
they tell you they're sorry and delights you with small tokens of gifts. osamu makes you food. cooing how you eat his food well and it makes him happy that you love his food that much. atsumu lays down on the teasing and tells you how much he loves your body in his hands and suna just... you know the silent treatment. they do it so well that you think they've changed and only for them do it again. cause where's the fun if there's no tears and the cute sniffles you always made for them. your soft, plush body trembling while they teamed up on their relentless teasing.
they always take it as challenge on how far you can endure it and the cycle never ends. hope you have a replacement or find a way to leave the volleyball team.
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prodkatsu · 9 months
youtuber ⨾ suna
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youtuber!suna who roasts people on his channel, reacts to various things, gives his review on many topics and sometimes shows the mundane things in his life.
youtuber!suna who is a well known content creator and has almost 2 million subscribers.
youtuber!suna has a big fanbase because boys admire him for his attitude and think he's cool while girls love him because he's pretty and well spoken.
fans of youtuber!suna go batshit when they get to know their favourite youtuber is in a relationship. they calm down when they see how happy suna is in his relationship and how nice you are.
youtuber!suna likes to keep his private life aside but he loves it when you support him from behind the camera or accidentally appear on the video.
youtuber!suna keeps the shots of you mindless coming into the room he's recording and asking him about dinner.
youtuber!suna never publicly talks about you but during livestreams on instagram if people ask him about you he'll reply to them.
youtuber!suna makes you sit by the camera where people can't see anything except your shoulder or your legs that are draped over suna's lap while he caresses them.
youtuber!suna who is sharing his views on a topic and he would ask you about your opinion and would listen to them intently.
people know what you look like because of your various accidental and sometimes intentional appearances on youtuber!suna videos.
youtuber!suna would make you watch certain videos with him so you two can react together and cringe and laugh at them.
after gaining a lot of fans youtuber!suna gets more comfortable in showing his relationship and asks you to do more frequent appearances if you're comfortable.
youtuber!suna now lets you take over his youtube channel for a day. you vlog your daily life with him and how you roast the man who loves to roast people.
fans of youtuber!suna makes cute edits of the interactions between you, how he treats you with utmost respect and love, how your eyes light up whenever you're talking to him, the heated gazes and soft kisses before you leave him alone to do the rest of the video. everyone loves you two because you two are just the prettiest and perfect couple out there.
youtuber!suna now talks more freely about his relationship with you and tells everyone how you have been with him since highschool. he shares your memories with his fans and tell them how you've always been his number one fan.
years into the gig youtuber!suna posts a video of him proposing to you. you saying yes to him and him crying while hugging you.
youtuber!suna becoming a household name around the world and everyone is happy for how he has grown. now a father to a twin with a lovely wife who loves him a lot and he loves her too with the same passion as day one.
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© prodkatsu — do not plagiarise, translate or repost my work on any other sites. the characters that i write about are not mine (sadly), they belong to their respective creators.
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heathsuii · 4 months
| valentines special bcs i missed writing :')
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you sighed as you sat beside exseatmate!suna during break, before proceeding to lay your head against his back.
suna hummed, an acknowledgement to your deflated mood.
you sighed again, only this time louder.
"something bothering you?" he says plainly.
"well..." you plucked off flowers from the ground.
"it's just that... valentines is tomorrow."
"and?" he replied confused, stopped whatever he was doing, ears perked up.
"i never get anything..." you sadly explain, making a ring from the flowers you plucked off earlier.
"that's easy for you to say," taking his hand.
"you get them easily, be it valentines day or not."
"guess so," making the teenager shrug.
suna didn't mind it one bit when you placed the flower ring you made on his finger.
the next day, you walked into class and saw a huge pile of gifts on atsumu's desk.
while you were about to take a few sweets, knowing the faux blonde wouldn't mind, you noticed another desk with just as the same amount of gifts to your faux blonde friend.
glancing between suna and the gifts.
pursing your lips, seeing suna unfazed from the valentine gifts infront of him.
putting back the chocolates you took from your sestmate's desk, and returning to your desk.
only then, did you noticed something on yours.
one ferrero rocher surrounded by a pompompurin bracelet.
a tiny paper rose bouquet that had a message written on it.
a baby blue and lilac paper flower.
a small penguin plushie.
and a flower ring, identical to what you gave suna yesterday.
while you were glancing between suna and the piles of gifts infront of him,
you failed to notice him covering his mouth with one hand,
suppressing his laughter with his hand,
the hand which was wearing the flower ring you absent-mindedly made yesterday.
i hope you're all doing well~ take care of yourselves! :D
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forusomimiya · 1 year
Suna Rintarou likes to jerk off while scrolling through his gallery and going through of all the videos you sent him on Snapchat reminding him how much you missed him while cumming on your own fingers.
Suna Rintarou likes to remind you on his kitchen counter that you can't show a wild animal its food and not feed it.
Suna Rintarou will leave you wanting and wait for you to go after him and then fuck you back twice as hard.
So you'll remember that with Suna Rintarou, you don't mess around.
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iuspired · 22 days
confessions - suna rintarou
about: DEFINITELY ooc but we don’t talk about that 😙 just you nd ur bsf sunarin catching up as per usual with tea to spill from the past 😝 we love to see it!
a/n: i wrote this awhile ago actually🫣 im fully done w finals………. idk what to think im so scared for the future. also trying diff formats and will actually work on my navi post during the summer so bare w me lol. anyways thank u for all the love on my last post mwahhh <3
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“you know i used to have a crush on you?” you say, in between bites of your food.
you and your childhood best friend, suna rintarou, are at your promised monthly hangout, which ended up only being every couple months because your universities were far away from each other, so you both settled to meet up whenever your breaks overlapped. but it didn’t matter to you either way because you texted each other almost every other day. whether it was a tiktok link or an 8 ball.
“you used to what?” he replies, mouth agape as he sets his chopsticks down.
“i mean, it wasn’t a huge crush,” you say, … “maybe i was gaslighting myself but we were really close back then y’know?”
“oh? why didn’t you ask me out then?”
“mmm not sure. i guess..” you think about it. it was probably because starting high school, girls were all over him. it was also probably because those same girls would come up to you. passive aggressively ask if you were his girlfriend. you’d reply with a lighthearted laugh, “noo! we’re just close friends. he’s all yours if you want him.” maybe it was because he wouldn’t reciprocate any of the interest and love he received. he always replied, saying something along the lines of ‘oh i’m focusing on school” or just a simple, “i’m not interested”
it was mostly though, because you thought he’d reject you if you initiated something. and not wanting to ruin the relationship you had already built throughout the years, you suppress your feelings.
“you guess?”
“fear of rejection?” you laugh nervously.
“you think i would’ve rejected you?” he asks. he tilts his head, raising his eyebrows, giving you a look as if you were supposed to know.
“you had no interest for anyone so… i mean. i-” you stammer. fuck, why did i even bring this up?!
“well, believe it or not, i too, had a crush on my bestfriend.”
and just like that, you almost spit out your drink. “sorry, you- you liked me?”
“and that’s so surprising because?” he questions.
he really cannot wrap his head around this, huh. “you turned everyone and their mother down? mr. i’m too focused on school and i’m not interested? i could only assume that i was not wanted.”
“but did i ever directly say that to you?”
“no, but you wouldn’t need to. i listened when you rejected their advances, i can take a hint y’know.”
he sighed. “if you had asked me out back then, my answer would be different.”
“really?” you ask.
you raise your eyebrows as you sip your drink.
“don’t believe me? you can try me now.” he smirks, flashing the smile you had fallen for back then, and you almost fold right then and there. though despite his confident demeanor, the slight rosy tint on his cheeks gives his nervousness away.
“oh? it’s almost as if you want me to ask you out.”
he playfully rolls his eyes. “okay, so maybe i do, but only if you want to..”
you do your best to suppress a smile as your cheeks turn into the same rosy color.
“here goes. ahem.. i uh-” your mind goes blank.
“wait so.. how do you ask someone out?”
“well, i’ve never asked someone out before because they always ask me” he winks.
you playfully roll your eyes.
“don’t overthink it. it’s just me right?”
you almost forgot. it’s just rin. the same rin who’s always there for you. but this is different.
“right.. i say this in almost all your birthday cards but you’re truly my rock in life, and i reaally want to be yours, and maybe more so.. may i be your girlfriend, suna rintarou?”
“well, if you insist i guess,” he shrugs.
“wooooww.. i see how it is” you say, crossing your arms teasingly.
“r-rin..” he catches you off-guard as he takes your hand in his.
“yeess?” he grins.
you remove your hands, immediately missing the warmth from his hands.
“first date jitters?” he chuckles.
“this is our first date?”
“technically, i guess, but-“
“no way this is our official first date. i’m wearing sweats!” you exclaim, looking down at what you’re wearing.
“i don’t see an issue, you always look pretty in anything you wear.”
“th- thanks,” you blurt out. well that’s new.
but it’s something you could deeefinitely get used to.
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heich0e · 3 months
"are you like... into that?"
you tear your eyes away from the screen a few seconds after rintarou says it, too rapt by what's unfolding in the movie scene to look away too soon.
"what do you mean?" you ask, glancing over to the other end of the sofa where he's seated. he's slumped down in the corner of the sofa, nestled right into the valley between the cushions where he always sits—which has resulted in a permanent sort of vaguely rintarou-shaped indentation that you hide using throw pillows when company comes over.
he's watching you very intently from his side of the sofa, too intently almost. you'd thought you'd felt his eyes on you while you were watching the movie, but you aren't exactly sure how long he's been staring, and now it leaves you wondering what exactly he's up to.
rintarou nods towards the television on the other side of the room, you look back at the screen once more and see the male lead still at the centre of the scene. he'd just gotten into a fight—shirtless, glistening with perspiration, and a strangely erotic trickle of blood trailing down his philtrum. you swallow a little as you become engrossed in the movie again, forgetting momentarily that you were ever asked a question at all.
your eyes snap back to rintarou—who's still focused only on you, but with a slightly more disapproving look this time.
"what?" you ask him, a bit huffily. you're still not even sure what he'd been asking you in the first place.
"you've been ogling that guy since he got the shit kicked out of him," rintarou says pointedly, lifting a hand and gesturing towards the television. "you into that or something?"
there's something kind of accusatory in his tone.
"wha—hu—no," you stumble over your words in your haste to defend yourself. "i've told you i'm not into hardcore stuff. and that would constitute like... doctorate level BDSM."
rintarou's lips purse slightly. "do you think that guy's hot?"
"i mean... yeah," you answer after contemplating it for a moment. "i didn't really think so before but he's kinda sexy in this scene."
"he just got the shit kicked out of him," the boy at the other end of the sofa responds flatly.
"so you've pointed out," you answer. you turn back to the screen, watching as the battered male lead winds a roll of bandages around his ribs, then drags his knuckles roughly across his lips to clear away some of the blood that clings to them. your tongue peeks out to moisten your own unconsciously. "don't you think there's something kind of hot about a guy with a bit of blood on him?"
"is this a trick question?"
you look back at rintarou again, and find him still fixated on you rather than the film. he's pouting a bit, and it kind of makes you want to laugh. instead, you push yourself up from your own little nest at the opposite end of the sofa, crawling down towards him.
"rintarou, are you jealous because i called the bloody guy sexy?" you ask him as you pause at his side, resting back on your haunches.
he nibbles on the inside of his cheek—a habit he's had as long as you've known him—and for the first time in possibly the entire 54 minutes this movie has been playing, he averts his eyes from you.
you do laugh then, swinging one leg over his lap to perch yourself atop him.
"you're being silly," you say to him as you balance yourself with your hands on his shoulders. his own come slithering up to settle at your waist, and his grip is a little tighter than you expect. he's still sulking though, refusing to look at you.
there's a loud crash in the film playing on the screen behind you, but you don't turn to look at it—you doubt that would help the situation at hand very much.
"rin," you coax him, making your voice as sweet as possible.
he doesn't look at you, but he does seem to bite the inside of his cheek a little harder now.
you dip down close to him, your mouth hovering over his and your eyes level. "rin-ta-rou."
he finally looks at you, his lips parting in surprise at your sudden nearness. you're so close that your mouths brush slightly thanks to that subtle movement, and he leans into the warmth of your lips to kiss you properly after getting such a small taste of it.
rintarou pulls away after one long, deep kiss, slouching back into the sofa again—but this time pulling you down with him into his little him-shaped indentation—holding you tightly to his chest as he gets you both comfortable. you let him maneuver you however he wants to, placating him with your docility to make him feel better, and keeping any comment about his jealousy to yourself—at least for now.
the two of you eventually find a comfortable way to rest, entwined together on his end of the sofa but both with a clear view to the screen to resume your spectating of the movie.
"what's so hot about a guy with a nosebleed anyway? i used to get them all the time when i was a kid," rintarou mumbles bitterly after a few moments, and you feel the words reverberate through his chest as you rest with your head upon it.
you laugh lightly, and your boyfriend's arms tighten around your waist.
he pipes up again after a few moments more pass in the film.
"you don't want me to start fighting or anything, do you?" he asks you skeptically.
you've effectively lost track of the movie's plot now, but you don't really care that much.
"no, rintarou, i don't want you to start fighting," you reply, patting his chest reassuringly. "you'd get your ass kicked anyway."
"well, apparently you're into that," he mutters.
"will you be quiet and just watch the movie, nosebleed boy?"
(a week later, rintarou sends you a photo from practice—having gracefully taken one of motoya's receives to the face—with an angry red welt on his cheek, blood dripping from his nose, and an obnoxious smirk on his lips. unfortunately, you are kinda into that.)
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ravenslvt · 4 months
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☆ suna x reader ☆
☆ short and simple suna drabble, implied fwb, i’m in a suna phase.
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“you’re a dick”
“you’re so pretty when you’re mad”
your face immediently scrunches in annoyance. suna is peering down at you, leaning against the wall to face you as you waited for the vending machine to spit out your drink.
you stayed straight faced eyes forward. he pouts besides you.
“come on, ignoring me is just making me want you more” he teases
you roll your eyes, glaring at him. (though you loved his attention, you knew you’d be back in his dorm room tonight)
your drink finally lands in the slot and you reach to grab it, but he quickly snatches it first. you give him a look.
“suna” you warn.
“suna? what happened to what you were calling me last night?” he smiles, handing you your drink.
“shut up” you glare, turning to walk away down the hall.
“i’ll see you at eight?” he speaks as your backs turned to him. you flip him off and only turn your head slightly.
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masterlist check out my other suna stuff!
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strwbrryeyes · 6 months
𖦹°。⋆ suna as a best friend
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⟡ cw: fluff, mentions of alcohol, denial of feelings, college aged (20s), friends to lovers, anything else i missed bc im still bad at content warnings
⟡ a/n: im bad at writing i apologize im trying to get better i swear. also this was longer than i expected but i was too lazy to edit. anyway sorry this is bad oops.
⟡ best friend series: atsumu, osamu, kita, aran, || masterlist
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best friend suna who you've been friends with since your first year of high school at inarizaki when you met him during volleyball practice (you were the team manager)
best friend suna who follows you to college because he doesn't trust you to make smart decisions without him.
best friend suna who will not take his eyes off of you the entire night at a party while you drink.
best friend suna who will take you back to his place after the party because he knows you hate waking up alone when hungover.
best friend suna who has a drawer of your clothes at his dorm room because you often leave your belongings there (he also has a drawer of his things in your dorm).
best friend suna who gets teased by the miya twins because they think he has a crush on you.
best friend suna who denies it but secretly does have a crush on you but is too scared to admit it because he doesn't want to ruin the bond between you two.
best friend suna who agrees to move in with you after college.
best friend suna who knocks on your door in the middle of the night just to annoy you.
best friend suna who hugs you after volleyball practice because you hate when he sweats and touches you.
best friend suna who can suprisingly cook good (he actually took cooking lessons from osamu)
best friend suna who realizes that he has to admit his feelings sooner or later because living with you is making it harder for him.
best friend suna who confesses to you randomly while watching kiki's delivery service with you.
best friend suna who cant believe his ears when you admit you have a crush on him too.
best friend suna who immediately kisses you.
best friend suna who is now boyfriend suna who of course takes a bunch of pictures to post on his instagram story to commemorate the moment.
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mavrintarou · 6 months
[Daddies in December] Suna Rintarou
Sorry, I slacked off the last couple of days. The holiday got super busy and honestly, I was going to write for Kakashi but it got toooooooo long and I felt like maybe it should be a story of its own lol. With a few days left in December, I'll try my best to share a few of my other favorite characters, of course, I couldn't leave my favorite boy out. Kept this short but sweet. Happy Christmas (wherever you are depending on the time zone)
Warning: fluff & small description of smut (can you believe I was able to keep it short)
Every time Rin leaves the house, he has to stop by his Christmas tree and have a moment of silence with the new customized ornament Y/n put up.
They have been married for three years and have spent three years traveling and enjoying their lives as married couples. Both their careers are demanding and it is a cherished moment when they are allowed synchronized time together.
“Can’t wait to meet you,” he murmurs, tapping the ornament frame of an ultrasound picture. “I’ll see you and mommy soon.”
Getting in his sports car, a thought suddenly comes to mind, with a baby on the way, he’ll have to get a car that will be family friendly. He never thought of getting rid of his baby, but with a real baby on the way, he had never felt so excited to go to the car dealership.
But that task would have to wait as he needed to go to the airport to pick Y/n up.
It still makes Rin chuckle about how he had discovered that they were expecting.
Four months ago, they had decided they would try for a baby, to start a family after waiting for a few years. The following month, Y/n went off her birth control and they began trying to conceive.
Rin was a sucker for cumming inside Y/n. He believes he was the most excited when it came to trying to make a baby.
“Rin, enough…” Y/n whispered tiredly. “We don’t have to get pregnant on the first try…”
“I know, but just one more time,” he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, telling her the same thing two times ago. He rolled her onto her back, pushing her thighs wide. He watched his cum ooze out as he slowly stuffs his cock back into her pussy. He was going to fill her up once more.
Sure enough, it must have been that first initial try that made her pregnant right away.
Y/n was a commercial pilot with an odd schedule. Between their careers and schedules, there would be some moments where they wouldn’t see each other for almost five days.
Nonetheless, they made it work and were able to stay in contact with one another through video calls.
Each year at the beginning of December, they would decorate the Christmas trees together. Trees.
When they began dating, Rin had his tree at his place, the same with Y/n. Rin had his tree that stood 7 feet tall while Y/n had her small 5-foot tall tree. They made it their special tradition to exchange ornaments each year.
When they married, neither could agree on which tree they should keep and decided why not keep both?
Rin would decorate his tree while Y/n decorated her tree right beside each other in the designated corner of Rin’s condo. There was one year when Y/n had been upset with Rin and set her tree up on the opposite corner from their usual spot.
And the moment Y/n was off to work, Rin carried and moved her tree next to his, where it belonged.
In their two and half years of dating, he has collected two ornaments from Y/n and added three additional for their three years of marriage. This was going to be their sixth year of the tradition.
But with their conflicting schedule, Y/n was left to decorate her tree first.
Rin had been so exhausted and busy with wrapping up the season of his career that he had not gotten the opportunity to go to the store to pick out his ornament or decorate his tree. By the time he got around to it, it was the middle of December already.
He returned home with a small bag, this year he chose a brown stuffed teddy bear with a red heart on the belly. He was drawn to it and after searching for his options, he settled for that one for no particular reason. It was just calling his name.
Y/n had set up the lights and ribbons on his tree, all he had left to do was to put up the ornaments he received from her throughout the years. He glanced inside the container of each of the ornaments from throughout the years and smiled.
Y/n had told him that she put her new one up on his tree already and had to find it.
He looked all over the tree and couldn’t find the ornament that was labeled 2023 as they always marked the year on it.
Grabbing his phone, he called her.
But his call went to voicemail. He frowned, she should be at the hotel in Austria.
He searched thoroughly until something caught his eye…
Rin’s yellow eyes glowed with the Christmas lights when he found it.
It was sort of hidden further into the tree branches that he got down on one knee, being at eye level with Y/n’s 2023 ornament.
He inhales as he swallows the lump in his throat.
It all clicked in his head that she had placed at the same level as her belly.
His phone rang and he immediately picked it up when he saw Y/n’s picture on his screen.
Neither said a word and he sighed, letting out a chuckle. “Well, that’s one hell of a way of telling me we’re expecting.”
His heart relaxed when he heard her giggle, “finally, took you long enough.”
“I’m sorry, this season was crazy and I just got around to it.” He tapped on the video icon, “let me see you.”
Her face appeared on the screen and Rin felt himself falling in love once again. Had she always had this glow to her? How did he not realize she was pregnant?
“God, you’re so beautiful, I miss you like crazy.”
“Are you only saying that because it took you… sixteen days and eighteen hours and thirty-four minutes to finally discover it?” Her tone was teasing but Rin knew she was half serious. He knew she must have been frustrated that he had not seen it yet. That was his Y/n, she always found a creative way of surprising him and he loved it.
“No. You know that’s not it.” He wiped his face with his hands, still not believing the moment. He reached to touch the ornament, taking it off the branches. “I love it. It is the best one I’ve received from you.”
“Next year, we’ll have to get a baby tree.”
He nodded, with a bright smile. “Yes, we’ll need to get a tree for them.”
. . .
E/n: Some of these daddies' stories, I might branch off and write more... for sure, I think we need to know more about Rin's story hehe
>>> @queenelleee @mfreedomstuff @erintaro @callmeraider @chaotic-fangirl-blog @wolffmaiden @cloud-lyy
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valeriwa · 1 year
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pretty, adorable boys :( characters: suna rintaro, akaashi keiji, miya atsumu [gn!reader] cw: petnames, post timeskip request here
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you both were napping on the sofa
it's suna's favorite thing to do after practice - napping, with you <3
you were on top of him when he stirred awake
"hey baby, you awake?" you asked, smiling as suna tried to blink the sleep away from his golden eyes. a lazy grin made his way to his face.
"you gonna get off? i can't breathe." he was just teasing you; he knew that you knew that he liked you on him, he liked the way you felt on him.
"oh, i just wanted to lay with my pretty boy but my bad." you had gotten off of him by this point with your back to him, a shit-eating grin on your face as he processed your statement.
you moved a bit farther but suna's hand shot out to grab your wrist and pull you in. you were standing in between his legs, your back pressed into his face as he wrapped his arms around your torso.
"say that again for me?"
you'd just returned from work when you saw him
akaashi, with an apron, cooking dinner
it was his day off but he's been really busy lately so you assumed you'd order food today
"babe, are you cooking?" you asked, stepping in to the kitchen following the aroma of homemade food. akaashi stopped stirring the pot, turning to look at you.
"hey sweetheart. yeah, i feel bad for being so busy lately, thought i could make it up to you?" he gives you that million-dollar smile, the one that's only reserved for you and you can feel your heart melt.
"of course, you know i'd never hold your work against you." pouting, you slide up next to him, peering into the pot to see what's cooking.
"smell nice?"
"everything you cook smells nice, pretty boy." you hadn't even realized it slipped out and you were already taste-testing the food.
"sweetheart?" you looked to akaashi, his ears and cheeks tinged red as a shy smile took over. it was then when you put two and two together to understand what happened.
"are you getting shy because i called you pretty?" your tone was a little incredulous because you're sure you compliment a lot but obviously not enough.
"you're my pretty boy, keiji. my lovely, pretty boy."
it was the end of a match and of course he won
that cocky bastard, and his cocky grin
you were so proud though :')
you rolled your eyes as you wove your way through the crowd. you could imagine his smug grin, but you couldn't wait to see it yourself.
he spotted you and waved you over, the action letting other people know you were coming and parted for you. you smiled as you ran towards him, wearing his jersey.
"that's my pretty boy!" you shout, engulfing him in a hug. you wrapped your arms around him, and he was a bit frozen. noticing he wasn't reciprocating, you leaned back to see his face.
"what happened baby?" you asked, concern washed over your features. his ears were red as he dropped his head onto your shoulder.
"can ya call me that again?"
"call you what?"
"can ya call me yer pretty boy?" your face broke out into a grin as he whispered the request. the blush across his face deepened and he was glad that you couldn't see it.
"of course, my pretty boy. the prettiest."
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