feliciawolfpaw · 6 months
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SSO Promptober 2023 ↪ day twenty, sleep
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fallen--embers · 10 months
Some pics of my OCs in Warrior Cats Ultimate Edition (Roblox)
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Ripplechaser, Fallenwoods, Foxglovebush, Newtdust and Sundust
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spiritgamer26 · 11 months
Garden Simulator
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Des légumes frais, des fruits sains et de belles fleurs - vous avez maintenant la possibilité de vous occuper de votre propre jardin et de récolter les produits. L'ennui à la maison appartient au passé - aujourd'hui, vous profiterez de la nature. Cultivez votre propre jardin virtuel, prenez soin des plantes, récoltez-les et vendez-les.Avec Garden Simulator, vous obtiendrez votre propre parcelle de terre, placerez des éléments de décoration et soignerez les plantes avant de les récolter. Plus votre récolte est riche, plus vous pouvez vendre et plus vous pouvez dépenser d'argent pour améliorer votre coin de paradis. Avec d'innombrables fonctionnalités à débloquer et du contenu supplémentaire, votre main verte sera mise à rude épreuve !https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPAek55Vk8E
Cultivez votre paradis virtuel et récoltez les fruits de votre passion
"L'amour du jardinage est une graine qui, une fois semée, ne meurt jamais" Gertrude Jekyll Avec Garden Simulator vous aurez la possibilité de prendre soin de votre potager ou de votre jardin et de récolter ses fruits (littéralement !). Ce jeu vous permettra de vivre la passion et le travail qui accompagnent la création d'un magnifique jardin.Dans Garden Simulator, vous serez récompensé par un beau terrain que vous pourrez aménager selon vos préférences et vos goûts. Vous devrez non seulement prendre soin des plantes et des fleurs, mais vous pourrez également ajouter des éléments décoratifs tels que des dalles de pierre ou des fontaines pour créer une ambiance unique dans votre petit coin de paradis.En plus de l'aménagement, vous devrez vous occuper des êtres vivants qui peuplent votre jardin virtuel. Nourrir les plantes, les faire pousser et finalement récolter les fruits seront au cœur de votre expérience. Vous pourrez même vendre les produits de votre jardin pour gagner de l'argent et investir dans de nouvelles améliorations pour embellir encore plus votre espace vert. Avec de nombreuses fonctionnalités à débloquer et du contenu supplémentaire, Garden Simulator offre de grandes possibilités pour tester votre instinct de croissance dans une nature contrôlée mais luxuriante. Votre pouce vert sera mis au défi alors que vous créez et entretenez votre oasis de verdure.Plongez dans un cadre magnifique et relaxant, immergé dans la nature virtuelle de Garden Simulator. Mais attention, ne vous laissez pas trop distraire par la détente, car pour maintenir votre jardin luxuriant, vous devrez continuer à travailler. Sinon, la beauté verdoyante de votre espace risque d'en souffrir.Le titre réussit remarquablement bien à offrir une expérience complète qui combine avec succès le soin de la nature et l'organisation de l'environnement artificiel. Vous avez le pouvoir de trouver l'équilibre parfait entre ces éléments, en suivant votre instinct et vos préférences personnelles. Garden Simulator offre une large sélection de fruits, légumes et fleurs que vous pouvez choisir et semer, tout en ayant la possibilité de décorer votre jardin avec une variété de couleurs et de fleurs éblouissantes pour une satisfaction esthétique maximale. Tous les êtres vivants dans votre jardin doivent être traités avec soin, en observant attentivement leurs différentes phases de croissance jusqu'à la récolte des fruits. Que ce soit des fraises, de la laitue ou une multitude de fleurs, la diversité des plantes disponibles vous permettra de créer un jardin unique.En plus de la plantation et de la croissance, vous avez également le pouvoir de concevoir votre jardin selon vos préférences. Vous pouvez placer des fleurs et des massifs où vous le souhaitez, en les entourant de différentes clôtures, haies et meubles. Avec une multitude d'objets disponibles dans différents designs, vous pouvez réellement façonner votre jardin de manière unique, transformant ainsi un simple lopin de terre en un petit coin de paradis. Cependant, gardez à l'esprit qu'un jardin n'est pas statique et nécessite un entretien régulier. Le nettoyage est essentiel pour maintenir la beauté de votre jardin. Dès le départ, vous devrez nettoyer la zone en enlevant les déchets accumulés. Même pendant le jeu, vous devrez continuer à entretenir cet aspect pour être récompensé par une végétation luxuriante. Des tâches telles que la tonte de la pelouse seront nécessaires pour maintenir votre jardin en bonne santé.Le nettoyage de la zone est crucial pour permettre à vos plantes de pousser vigoureusement et en bonne santé. Cette condition est essentielle pour obtenir des fleurs colorées et des fruits juteux que vous pourrez vendre, gagnant ainsi des pièces pour investir dans de meilleurs outils, de nouvelles variétés de plantes et bien plus encore. Garden Simulator vous offre une expérience immersive où vous pouvez récolter les fruits de votre travail et de votre passion, créant ainsi un jardin prospère et gratifiant.D'un point de vue technique, Garden Simulator propose une physique réaliste qui ajoute une dimension amusante et expérimentale au jeu. Vous pouvez vous amuser à lancer différents objets et outils, à les positionner selon vos préférences, à construire des tours, des clôtures et des haies, laissant libre cours à votre imagination pour personnaliser votre jardin. Cependant, les modèles polygonaux sont plutôt simples et, sur la Switch notamment, l'approche réaliste peut souffrir d'une restitution visuelle moins détaillée des éléments du quotidien. De plus, les textures peuvent parfois sembler plates et ne pas restituer de manière optimale la diversité des matériaux présents dans les outils, les objets et autres options disponibles, créant une impression d'incomplétude.Le frame rate est généralement stable, mais il peut manquer de fluidité et ne pas atteindre des niveaux très élevés. Les temps de chargement peuvent parfois être longs, ce qui peut limiter l'expérience en mode portable. Cependant, le jeu reste agréable, notamment lors de sessions de jeu en plein air, où vous pouvez profiter de l'immersion dans la nature d'un véritable jardin.Dans l'ensemble, Garden Simulator offre une expérience technique solide, bien que certaines limitations visuelles et de performance puissent être présentes. Cependant, l'aspect réaliste de la physique et la possibilité d'expérimenter et de personnaliser votre jardin contribuent à créer une expérience amusante et immersive. Read the full article
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parkeryangs · 14 days
man the ballroom thieves has NEVER put out a bad song
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ameliiorate · 29 days
☀︎ — closed starter for @wildhcrses
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"Damn it, I can't believe I let him get away," Wesley curses the fact that he had let the darklighter escape his grasp, pacing around the living room of the house. "We have to get to Katie before he does," he names off the name of the innocent mortal that is next on the darklighter's kill list. One that has yet to earn her wings. "Have you got ahold of your sisters?" Turning to Shiloh, he has to remember to breathe through the yearning churning in his chest. Since the reveal, the time they have spent alone has been minimal, preferring to interact when her sisters are around to be a buffer. With neither of them around, he's left with no other choice. With a shaky exhale, he extends his hand, ready to break a rule. "C'mon, I'll orb us to her house. If she's not there, we'll check her work." They have no choice. They have to act fast.
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kanatamour · 4 months
hi tora!! another blog, another request from me~ today im hoping for headcanons "how do they act when they have a crush and how would they manage to confess" with nayuta, kanata, reo & hajun!! i don't know how many characters you do at the time, so if that's too much just nayuta & kanata are nice!! thank you so much hehe <3
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Because ‘I love you’ is written in every single one of his actions, but he needs to tell you properly.
ft. Yatonokami Nayuta, Yatonokami Kanata, Maruyama Reo, Hajun Yeon x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, love confessions, some angst.
Hello, Jules, dear and thank you so much for sending in another request here ! I’m sorry this took a while, but I still hope you enjoy it and that it can make you smile <3 I ended up making it in time before the year ends, so happy new year !
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“You came along, and my heart smiled. So, get rid of those doubts, my love, I’ve been waiting for you.”
— With Nayuta, you realize he’s in love because of his smile.
— His usually apathetic, even melancholy expression, is replaced by an upwards curve to his lips, brimming in a sweetness that is hard to place.
— To anyone who deigns to observe where his iridescent eyes keep looking, they’d find you at the end of the lane.
— It is easy to see, when you two are together. His gaze is a little brighter, that difference that makes you discern dusk from dawn; he seems more energized, the lilt to his voice a tad more upbeat, particles of sundust shining in the words he addresses to you.
— And perhaps everyone notices, and Nayuta hopes you do too.
— And maybe you already have, but alas, fear seems to follow humans in crucial moments, confusing the heart, leading it through twisting alleys that echo the unsavory sounds of ‘what if’.
— What is it’s just all in your head. What if you’re overthinking and reading the signs the wrong way.
— The sighs he lets out, alone, in the dead on night are the unheard confirmation that his feelings for you are real.
— And yet, miles separate you, each of you lying on your side in the blue light of a faded moon.
— But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining.
— Nayuta just will have to tell you directly, then.
— Or rather, show you.
— You find yourselves on the topmost floor of his secret hideout, the sun casting in coppery hues the thousands of piled up buildings below; a beautiful contradiction, how the slums had a beauty to them at golden hour.
— But so did your moments with Nayuta.
— You found him, the one you hold most dear. It didn’t matter if it was in a place this world had forgotten.
— Because you could never forget Yatonokami Nayuta.
— Nor the kiss he gives you when you turn towards him at the call of your name.
— You can taste the remaining sweetness of the popsicle he was just eating as his hands land on either side of you, stabilizing himself when he leans in further.
— And because there is no way your mind is making up the cool softness of his lips on yours, you kiss him back, hands cradling his cheeks, strands of silken moonshine reflected on puddles after the rain tickling your fingers.
— “Is it clear now, that I like you, my cute [Y/n]?” Nayuta utters, in the sunset lit instants between his kiss and the second one you initiate as an answer.
— You don’t trust your voice right now, so you’ll speak in the language lovers do when words are superfluous.
— And you can be sure, he’ll be asking for more.
“Your petals were bloodied amidst the storm and you still shined. When I next realized, I was the thorns, and you, the only rose.”
— Kanata doesn’t know what is it he feels for you.
— And what’s more, he doesn’t know why.
— Weren’t you another one of those rich brats to begin with? It was your fault that day you were in trouble in the rain, being robbed by some troublemakers.
— And yet, the moment you resisted to give them your pocket money and one of the attacker’s hands closed around your wrist, something in Kanata snapped.
— He doesn’t know how, or the reason behind which he found himself throwing punches until those bastards were running away.
— But he knew he didn’t like the sight of the cut they somehow managed to land on your cheek.
— “Thank you for that, but are you okay?” You asked him, checking for bruises on your nameless savior.
— You are the one bleeding and yet, you ask him that.
— “You shouldn’t be here.” Kanata spats, turning away.
— “Wait! What’s your name?” You asked, running to catch up with him.
— He ‘tsks’. Why can’t he leave you alone in the rain? Why does the sight of blood running down a stranger’s face sit so wrong with him?
— Annoyed, he drapes his jacket over your head.
— “You don’t want to know.” Are the last words he tells you, before running off.
— You stand there, dumfounded, the boy’s hoodie shielding you from the rain.
— You’ll be back here tomorrow.
— The sky dyes in shades of peach and lavender, reminding you of the sweet scent of spring. Ironic, in such a cold evening, and even more so in this district.
— You have a feeling you’ll find him again, so you wait. His jacket is neatly folded over your lap, as a stray kitten rubs itself against your leg.
— Then you spot him. Short sleeved t-shirt on, hands buried deep in the pockets of his pants.
— “Put this on, at least!” You call, throwing him his jacket. “Catch!”
— Eyes not unlike the color of the sky widen at the sight of you again.
— “Thank you for yesterday, whatever your name is.” You softly tell the young man, reaching where he stands with the small cat in your arms.
— It meows at him. Extending one of its paws.
— “See? He wants to know your name too!” You pout, holding one of the kitten’s white paws in your hand.
— “Ugh fine! It’s Kanata, okay?”
— “Nice to meet you, Kanata.” You giggle, as the cat paws at your hero’s face.
— And somehow, the way you call his name… It’s pleasant, a sweet melody shining in a world of gray.
— He wants to see you again.
— So, next time, he’s the one to seek you out.
— You always meet at the same place; the street where the white kitten lives. Sometimes it goes home with Kanata, though, and others you bring him to your apartment.
— Time is fleeting, and days become months, with December snow fading to rays of February sun, auguring an early spring.
— And then one day, Kanata isn’t there.
— You wait, with your cat friend, who meows sadly at you, climbing on your lap when the first tears begin to fall.
— That evening you leave, matching cups of ramen left to the freeze of a lonely night.
— However, someone saw this hurtful scene.
— “Care to explain yourself?” Nayuta asks his brother, slamming the door behind him.
— Kanata turns slightly around. “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
— “Oh, you… You know very well. Why didn’t you go today?”
— To which Kanata shrugs.
— “Fine. I hope you know they left crying.” His younger twin points out. “Will you just face your feelings and accept you’re in love and that they love you?”
— “That’s…” Kanata’s shoulders slump. “They deserve better…”
— “Silly!” His brother intercepts, with a soft flick to his forehead. “And what? They want you. So you better get it together and go find them now!”
— And well, for some reason, Kanata doesn’t need to be told twice.
— Luckily for him, a small friend is there to help.
— Following the kitty, they both manage to locate you.
— “[Y/n]! Wait!” The boy who saved you that night calls, putting a hand on your shoulder.
— “What do you want, Yatonokami?” You ask, tone cold, without turning around.
— It hurts him. The way he’s hurt you, the way you won’t face him, the way you use his last name instead.
— “I’m sorry. I just… I’m stupid, okay? I couldn’t come to terms with- the thing is- I… I… Oh, to hell with it! I like you, okay? And I just didn’t know how to act around you or what to do and I thought you deserved better and so I just stood you up and I messed up.”
— A chuckle is definitely not the answer he was expecting.
— “You are cute when you blush, Kanata.” You murmur, wiping away a stray tear, smiling sweetly at him.
— “I’m not-“ He starts, cheeks blooming in crimson roses.
— “I said it’s cute. You are cute.”
— Droplets of thin rain begin to fall.
— “I like you too, if that wasn’t obvious.” You softly say, with a kiss to his cheeks.
— Much like the night you met, rain surrounds you. This time, it’s his cheek that burns, not because an open wound, but because of the searing sensation of a kiss he won’t forget.
“What is the point for a rainbow to hide? Let’s write our love in the sky.”
— Reo is a cutie and he definitely has a way with flirting.
— So that’s exactly what he does.
— He is not shy about it in the slightest, often complimenting you on your new clothes, telling how sweet you are or giving you hugs out of nowhere.
— Of course, all of the above, always that you are comfortable; Reo is very cheerful, but he knows how to read your emotions and pick up what you like and dislike.
— And at first, you didn’t think much of it. Sure, he is very affectionate with you, but he is with everyone else too, right? It’s not like you are receiving special treatment.
— Which, in turn, frustrates Reo more.
— Is he doing something wrong? He’s being pretty obvious, right?
— Or maybe… you don’t feel the same way?
— No, no, no, he can’t fall into negativity.
— He has to take you to a nice date and tell you how he feels directly.
— So, he puts together some money he’s been saving and chooses his cutest outfit. This is a special occasion and he wants to make you happy.
— When you arrive at the accorded spot, Reo is already waiting for you.
— Sure, he is a sunshine, but you didn’t expect an amusement park date, seeming how he and his gang usually preferred to hang out at the ramen place.
— “Hello, [Y/n]!” He greets you, those eyes of his mirroring the sunset clouds lining the horizon. “I got cotton candy hehe. One for you and one for me!”
— You take the sweet treat from him, eyes sparkly at the delicious sugary scent wafting around you.
— “Woaah! It looks so tasty! You’re the best Reo…” You thank him.
— And maybe, just maybe, because this is a date, you leave a cotton candy kiss on his cheek, giggling at the pink remnants left behind.
— To which the boy grins mischievously, bringing his fingers to it and tasting the sugary treat.
— “Hmm… Your kiss was sweeter…” He ponders, as your cheeks heat up. “What if we repeat it, properly this time?”
— And at that moment, beneath the lighting of dusk and attractions, your lips touch for the first time; a memory written over cottony clouds in rosey glaze.
— “I love you, pretty.” Reo utters, nose brushing against yours, when he parts.
— “I love you too, Reo.” Are your words, before you initiate a second kiss.
— Little did you two know, Iori and the rest of the gang are looking from afar, proud of his youngest member (Suiseki is a little jealous, but that’s another story).
“I’ll erase the piercing words that were etched into your soul that day.”
— This man’s way of flirting is teasing you (change my mind).
— With his fans, he is all smiles and charming phrases, but when he really loves you, you get to see a more… naughty side of him.
— When he teases you, he doesn’t do it out of malice, no.
— He’s been hurt in the past, and even if his infatuation with you grows by the day, a part of him is still afraid he’ll be discarded again.
— The words ‘you are not needed anymore’ still resound inside his mind, no matter how much he smiles or tries to look perfect on the outside.
— So he’s wary of diving into a new relationship.
— But at the same time, you are so lovely… The way you pout when he’s teasing you, or how you call him and wave at him whenever you see him at uni…
— Hajun would really like to spend more time with you.
— “You should.” Anne tells him, when they finally get Hajun to spill the beans. “I know you’re afraid to trust but… Isn’t it lonely, to keep the one you love at a distance?”
— It is, yes.
— It’s painful if he stays away. And the variant of getting hurt hangs in the air if he tries to get closer.
— But, as they say, ships were not made to stay at harbor.
— So he’ll take this chance and hope for the best.
— And for that, you know he’ll use his charm.
— A cute cafe date here; dinner at his place that he cooked himself using organic ingredients there; and of course, the occasional expensive gift you had been eyeing, mysteriously arriving at your doorstep.
— You like all of this, and especially, you like him.
— However, a part of you can’t help but wonder: what does he want with me? What does he get out of all of this?
— With those thoughts, you lie in bed, listening to his music in the new noise canceling headphones you’re sure he’s bought for you.
— You’re so not sleeping tonight. Maybe tomorrow you’ll ask him about what ‘ulterior’ motives he has.
— The model’s vibrant eyes widen slightly behind his glasses when you utter the question.
— “Why me, Hajun? What are you planning?”
— It hurts him. How it seems he’s not the only one with trust issues here.
— So that’s how you think of it. Some kind of twisted game he’s playing to get something out of you.
— “I’m serious here, Hajun.” You insist, tone stern, when all the answer he gives you are the subtle expressions of his face.
— And for once, he decides to be honest. No mask of perfection obscuring the words he next speaks.
— “Because I’ve fallen in love with you, [Y/n]. Because I was afraid to trust, to be left behind, thrown away. But then you came around. And I wanted to spend more time with you. This is no game, not one that I plan on ending anyway.” He whispers that last part to your ear, a knowing smile on his lips as he feels the heat on your cheeks.
— “Hajun… You… You mean that?”
— “More than anything.” He vows, placing a kiss to the back of your hand, the one adorned with the set of silver rings he gifted you, never once breaking eye contact.
— Your fingers slot in between his. You suppose it’s alright to let your heart take command and test the waters.
— After all, you can’t keep denying you’ve been in love with him since the beginning, too. You just never thought he’d end up reciprocating.
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rancidpancakebatter · 2 years
In the Name of Good | Prt 2 -[P.P.]
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Pairings: Dark!Yandere!Peter Parker x Female!Reader
Summary: The cat's out of the bag, so how do you proceed?
Word Count: 5.2k words
Content: MINORS DNI: 18+
Swearing, Mentions of Murder, Mentions of emesis, Smut, Oral (f and m receiving), P in V sex, choking, multiple orgasms, Daddy Kink
( Part 1 | Masterlist )
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A/N: The long-awaited sequel which is really just porn with a plot. I'm not sure if this will be a complete story but I may update it every now and then.
Peter's darkness is much more subtle in this piece so there are no major warnings this time around.
Happy Holloween you whores <3
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The early light creeps through your window, the golden rays kissing your skin. You stretch your fingers toward the carnelian beams and let your fingers dance in the sundust. You bask in the peace of the morning. As the sun rises it brings a new dawn, a new day. Who knew what you would do today? You could do anything. Today felt like a shopping day. It seems nice out and you could feel stress sitting in your bones, a deep ache pulling at your muscles. 
You stretch before opening your blinds. That’s odd, you don’t remember closing them. You look at the house across the street. Peter’s car sits in front of the house; if you squint your eyes, you can see him through the window. He sits perched in his desk chair, twirling a pencil as he examines a piece of paper. 
Something felt…off about this morning. It was something you couldn’t quite place but this morning brought a certain uneasiness. It was something you hoped a hot shower could fix. 
You let the steam ease your tired bones as you soaked in the eucalyptus sent. As you scrubbed your brain spiralled. What had happened? Why couldn’t you remember? Your brain felt fuzzy as flashes of intangible moments congested your mind.
You had been afraid. You remember the nausea that accompanied it. The knocked-over bottles on the sink were all too real to ignore. Peter was there. Had you been afraid of him? No! You shook your head trying to fling that thought to the farthest corner, somewhere it couldn’t hurt you again. Along with thoughts of dog tags, of headphones, of a twisted smile warped by shadows. 
Peter was here. Or rather you were there, with him, in his room. It was dark. Flashes of white cloud your mind. Harsh lines against the wall, you could feel them on your skin. As if somehow a part of you, intertwined with your being. 
You wiped the fog from the mirror and felt that familiar feeling of dread. It wasn’t a nightmare. Peter had…hurt people. He had killed them. And he- he hurt you. Purple stars on your shoulder, constellations woven into your skin to tell a tale of horror. You traced the bruises in abhorrence, the pads of his fingers left behind as a warning. 
You fell to the floor as everything washed over you once again. The chilled ceramic did nothing to soothe you. Like Eve, you had been brought to your knees by the tree of knowledge. Was it worth it? Every question you had ever had, answered by a cracked doorway that you carelessly ploughed through. You had tasted the flesh of the apple against your lips and now it was too late to go back. 
You paced your room as your mind reeled. Peter was a murderer. You should then turn him in. You knew, you had the evidence, you should turn him in. But would that be enough? Would it be enough to stop him? Would it be enough to absolve you?
As much as you hated to think about it, you already knew. You had recognised there was a darkness in Peter even when you were children. The way his reactions almost seemed rehearsed. The way he wouldn’t bat an eye at someone else’s misfortune. But you had labelled it as bravery. The way he would blindly charge into danger if you were in harm's way. The way he would run to May’s aid, big or small. The way he would clean your bumps and scrapes with nothing but a smile on his face. 
You looked at the pictures that adorned your bedroom wall. Peter had insisted on helping you hang them up. He had given you two stacks of photos one day in the warm July heat. You sat in your room between fans and your open window ushering in the humid breeze. Peter’s presence was a comfort then, as you looked through memories frozen in time. 
Now as you looked around all you saw was him. What was once a comforting remark now haunted you as you gazed into his empty eyes. “This way I can watch over you. I can always be here. I can always see you.” 
I can always see you. You felt suffocated under his dead gaze. There was nowhere you could go, nowhere you could hide. He was everywhere. 
You moved to open the window, hoping some fresh air would help. The light of the sun cradled you in a blanket of warmth. The chirping birds sing in melodies and harmonies alike as they skate through the sky. You close your eyes focusing instead on everything else. 
Peter watches in wonder as you absorb the world around you. He had been trying to give you space. He knew you would come around, he just had to give it some time. Let you wrestle with this for a bit before catching you in his arms. He knows that you would never leave him. He knew it was only a matter of time before you would call him or knock on his door. He just had to wait. He could do that. 
He sat camera faced at you, watching as your fingers pulled out the braid he had carefully crafted for you. He watched as you paced your room, hugging yourself close. He watched as you stared at the wall, tracing the shape of his face with a shaky hand. He watched as you went to the window, ripping it open and gasping for air. 
He joined you there, a street away. Your eyes were closed and your hair billowed in the wind as you drank in the sunlight. You were what ancient poets wrote of. You were his Ithica. His rock, his home, his love, his life. And you were so beautiful. 
You raised your head, opening your eyes, only to find Peter staring right at you. You felt a swirling of emotions in your gut. You were looking at pure evil, someone who killed to kill, someone who liked to kill. You were looking at someone who a few hours ago had no qualms about killing you. 
Your stare was expressionless, something that perplexed Peter. You usually wore your heart on your sleeve and every thought on your brow. But now, as he looked into your eyes, he couldn’t tell what you were thinking. He didn’t appreciate being out of the know. You had suddenly become an unknown variable in an equation he knew quite well. 
You tried to look at him objectively. You took in the way the sun seemed to melt into his skin, leaving stark shadows by the bulb of his nose and under the cut of his jaw. If someone told you that he had been carved from marble at the hands of Michelangelo, you would believe them. He was well-defined, every muscle and bone clear in the rays of the sun, but there was a softness to his edges that made him look feathered, almost holy. 
You had never stared Peter down before. He was seeing in you a boldness that he had yet to experience. He wasn’t sure if it was something he liked. You held a certain coldness that he was unfamiliar with. How odd. 
Peter tilted his head and you mindlessly mimicked it. You were attempting to break him down to a microscopic level, to judge his very molecules. Peter was dark but was he evil? This is what you were trying to solve. As you stared at him you thought back to every moment you had shared, tearing each memory to shreds, looking for anything that would tell you Peter was bad. 
You came up with a lot of ambitious greys. He had killed someone, several someones, but some of those murders were somewhat justifiable. He had killed pets. That was not good but better than killing people. He had been fascinated with the macabre but that made him fantastic to watch horror movies with. He had been cold to others but always showed you great kindness. He could display tremendous violence but you had only seen it in your defence. A vicious knight in shining armour coming to rescue you with bared teeth and bloody knuckles. 
You pulled away from the window leaving it open as you made your way down the stairs. Peter watched in curiosity as you marched your way across the street, not sparing him a single glance. He heard your determined steps and opened his door to you. 
You wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your head in his shirt. You couldn’t separate Peter from his actions. To lose any of him would be to lose him all. Your nails dug into his back as you blinked back tears. No. You were not going to lose him. Not today, not ever. Your Peter. 
“Aw, little lamb. What’s wrong?” He pulled you closer as you shook your head. How could you put it into words? How could you tell him that he was every boogeyman you feared but also the only solace from this waking nightmare? 
You pulled away with tears of anger. He looked at you confused and everything spilt over. You banged your hand against his chest. 
How could he? 
You brought your hand down again. 
He did this
And again.
You did this
And again
He did it for you
And again
And you let him
And again
For years
And again
You let him
You raised your fist another time, not nearly close to done, but Peter grabbed your wrist, stopping you. You struggled against him but his hold was strong, too strong to fight. Your wave of anger passed and left you with true exhaustion. You collapsed against him, small whimpers falling from your lips. 
He held you to his chest as you continued to cry. You focused on the beating of his heart, his hand tracing shapes on your back, his breath on your shoulder, the sweet cooing in your ear. This was Peter. This was the boy you loved. The one holding you and telling you everything was going to be okay. 
It wasn’t enough. You needed more. More of his gentle touches and reassuring words. You needed to feel him, to know he was real and here. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he caught your legs as you jumped. 
“It’s okay, little lamb, I gotcha.” And you believed him. He always had you. He always made it better. If you were with Peter everything would be okay. You buried your head into the crook of his neck, inhaling the woodsy smell of pine and cedar. It still wasn’t enough. You pulled yourself closer, your hands now in his hair and legs trapping him in a vice grip. You squeezed and squeezed, knowing he could take it. You just needed more. 
You felt a hand on your head and another wrapped around your back. It seemed like he was trying to reciprocate and the thought brought you a sliver of serenity. He moved to the bed, sitting you down on his lap and continued to pet your hair. All too soon he was breaking away and you couldn’t help the cry you let out. His hands found your face, lifting it to meet his gaze. 
“Little lamb, I can’t help you if you don't tell me what’s wrong.” The knot in his brows seemed real, as did the way he tensed his jaw. 
“I- I can’t-” You gulped helplessly for air but it felt as though someone had poked a hole in your lung. “I-You can’t- You can’t leave me!” 
You were gripping wildly at his shirt, trying to bring him closer, but his hold on your face kept you far away. He brought his lips to your forehead and everything stopped. For just a moment the clouds had parted and your mind cleared, but then he broke away and the fear swallowed you whole. 
In an act of delirium, you moved a hand from his shoulder to his neck. You felt the small goose bumps under the pads of your fingers, the drum of his steady pulse under your palm. It soothed you. You moved your hand lower, stretching his neckline as you reached for his pec, his heart. 
“Hey, hey, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” His hand on your wrist stopped you once again and you wanted to scream. His touch brought back that semblance of peace and in the quiet of your mind, you were able to piece together what you needed. 
Your eyes were filled with desperation, for what Peter couldn’t tell. He wanted to fix it. He could hear your heart thrumming, the small thing fluttering in your chest. 
“Please I…” Your mouth felt dry and your tongue heavy. “I need to feel you.” 
Peter froze. His mind was picking your words apart, dissecting each syllable. He thought he would explode. He looked over your frame, your heavy breathing and shaky hands. This is it. This is what he’s been waiting for. You would fall in love with him today. He was determined. 
He let go of your hands, placing his own on your waist. “Do whatever you need.”
You reached for his shirt and he helped you get it off. Your fingers traced the muscle and scars. He was so pretty. You needed more, more contact. You moved to take off your shirt and Peter watched in awe as you revealed yourself to him. 
You wrapped yourself around him, hands tracing the planes of his back, massaging the muscle under your palms. Peter’s hands were running up and down your back in comforting circles. 
His fingers began toying with the clasp of your bra listening for your reaction. He noticed the way your heart beat faster and your breath caught in your throat. He slipped the annoying fabric off your shoulders and gathered all the strength he had. You were on his lap, pressed against him. All of his late-night fantasies were coming to fruition and he had to stop himself from pinning you to the bed and fucking you like an animal. He had to be slow, and careful. 
You pulled yourself closer, head buried in his neck as your nose played with his pulse point. Peter trailed his shaking hands to your ass, squeezing it. You let out a soft moan and Peter could scream. He could feel you against him. He could pick up on the small pulse in your clit, the new warmth in your core against his waist. 
He trailed his hand down further, rubbing at your thigh, and you whined again. His fingers found your chin, lifting you to see him eye to eye. His palm flattened against your cheek and you nuzzled into it, lost in the warmth of his touch. Peter’s willpower was hanging by a thread and you were doing very little to keep him strong. 
“Little lamb, do you want me to make you feel better?” His other hand skated a path on the inside of your thigh. “Do you want me to fix it?” 
You nodded your head, the sheer force of it rattling your brain. He was gonna fix it. Peter knew you better than anyone and you knew he would give you what you needed, even if you weren’t sure what that was right now. But Peter would know. He always knew and he always fixed it. 
He brought his lips to yours and you felt the rapture in his touch. His grip on your thigh grounded you in the moment. His lips were dry and cracked, the dead skin threatening to cut you open but god if it didn’t make you feel things. His thumb pulled at your chin, opening your mouth to him. His tongue explored forth and you pushed yours forward trying to meet it. The kiss was awkward and lacking a certain grace but neither of you cared. 
He turned to the side, placing your back on the bed and slotting himself between your legs. You tried to pull him down and he let you guide him. With all of his weight on you, you began to feel a little better. Peter was becoming more and more tangible. 
His hands skated across your ribs then in towards your boobs. You moaned at the feeling of him holding you in his big hands. Peter’s kisses left your face to join his deft fingers. You had never felt like this before, like you were on fire but also like ice was running through your veins. Peter was both dousing the fire and adding petrol to the flames. It was intoxicating. 
He took a nipple in his mouth and worried it with his teeth. He was delighted when he felt you buck underneath him. He marked them as much as he could, while his hands worked on getting your jeans off. He wanted everyone to know they were his. Not Noah’s, not Micheal’s, not Morrissey’s, and certainly not Blake’s. 
No, no, this was all Peter’s. You belonged to him, well before this moment. You were always his. He knew he would make it so, that one day he saw you sitting on the curb. He knew then that you would be his. He spent years instilling this thought in your head. Years of meticulous planning and discreet word choice all leading to this moment. You would be his forever. 
He pulled down your jeans like he had many times before, but this time a new aroma surrounded him. It was all-consuming. Peter’s eyes darkened and you almost didn’t recognise the man in front of you. Without a single warning, he was gripping your thighs, pulling them apart to make space for his face. 
You felt his tongue against the crotch of your panties and it felt like he had shocked you with a twelve-volt battery. You gripped the sheets as he started making out with clothed pussy. His name tumbled from your lips and he had never heard a more sacrosanct sound. It brought him back to the moment. 
He had almost forgotten that you were awake. He didn’t have to be careful, he could indulge in everything you had to offer, and he planned to drown. He ripped your panties, the elastic snapping under his powerful grip. He placed his thumbs on your mound, pulling your lips apart to fully soak in the treasure before him. 
He ran his nose from your quivering hole to your clit, breathing in the aphrodisiac that is you. Your hips bucked again and Peter couldn’t help grinding into the mattress. He ate you out like a starved man at a Golden Coral. 
You couldn’t keep track of where he was. He was sucking on your clit, then thrusting his tongue inside you, then he was in both places at the same time. Your brain was melting in pleasure and Peter could tell you were close. He wasn’t exactly sure how but he just knew and the thought spurred him on more. He brought a finger to your cunt and watched as your toes curled. 
“Petey, I feel, I feel weird” Peter could have came just then. His imagination ran wild at the thought of you never coming before. And he would be the first person, the only person, to make you do so. 
“It’s okay little lamb, you’ll feel better I promise. Just let it go.” He put another finger in you and it hurt, but the way he was pumping them so fast had your mind spinning. He went back to attacking your clit and you felt an unfamiliar snap in your abdomen. It was like you were seeing colour for the first time. You let out a scream as you came and Peter slowly came to a stop. 
You saw him grinning between your legs before he dipped his head down once again. He pinned down your legs to keep you from squirming as his tongue entered you again. You could feel the muscle as it scrapped against your walls. He brought his thumb back to your clit and started running it in a circle. You couldn’t breathe. 
“Pete, Pete, it’s too much.” He just went harder and your back arched. Your hand flew to his hair, tugging on it, trying to pull him away. You felt him grunt into you as it reverberated through you. You felt that feeling in the pit of your gut again and you focused on Peter’s instructions. You felt your legs start to straighten and you were panting, music to Peter’s ears. You came again and Peter wasted no time licking it up. 
You lay there lifeless against his pillows, trying to catch your breath. You felt Peter stand and you turned to watch him slip off his pants. He stood before you, a Grecian god. His hard-on was reaching to his belly button, red and shiny. 
You sat up immediately. You had never seen a penis before, not in person at least. A few years ago Peter had introduced you to porn but it wasn’t really your thing. 
“Look what you did to me little lamb.” Your heart fell through the floor. He grabbed your hand placing it on the shaft. It felt heavy in your palm, and you started stroking it. 
“Does it…hurt?” You had heard guys at school talking about having erections. You had heard them talking about how sometimes it hurt and how cruel these girls were for making them hurt. You didn’t want Peter to hurt. 
“A little bit,” was all he said. You bit your lip, the guilt eating away at you. 
“I want to help. How can I help?” Peter put a hand on your face, his thumb tracing the hallow of your cheek. It then tracked its way to your lip, pulling it from your teeth before quickly replacing it. 
You swirled your tongue around his thumb, sucking it in further. Peter threw his head back in a moan and you stopped. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you!” You were doing this all wrong. You had caused Peter pain and you couldn’t fix it. Why couldn’t you fix him the way he fixed you? Peter only chuckled and you couldn’t understand what was so funny about you being a bad friend. 
“It’s okay little lamb, it didn’t hurt. It felt really nice.” You beamed at him and the pride in your eyes made him feral. 
“Really?” Of course, you were a pleaser. It would only make sense. This new revelation gave him so much more ammo. God, you were too good to be true. It was like he built you in a lab. In a way he kind of had. 
“Yes, you’ve been such a good girl.” You preened at his words. 
“Can you keep being a good girl for me?” You nodded your head and Peter used his thumb to pull your mouth open again. 
“Stick your tongue out for me, yeah just like that, now breath through your nose.” You followed his instructions as he grabbed your hair, bringing you closer and closer to his member. 
It felt heavy on your tongue, and a little tangy too. You wrapped your lips around him, tracing a prominent vein with your tongue. Peter threw his head back again and this time you continued. After a bit you felt his hand pull on your hair, pulling you away from his cock before slamming it back down. You choked around him and he kept you there, his other hand rubbing your cheek. 
“There you go, there you go. You gotta breathe through your nose. Just relax, yeah. You’re doing so good for me little lamb.” You focused on his words, trying to follow his instruction. He moved your head back and forward again falling into a steady rhythm. He was hitting the back of your throat with every thrust, you could feel a sore spot where his tip kept hitting. 
Above you, Peter was a panting mess. He was babbling and you felt proud of yourself for doing that to him. He was singing you praises about how good you felt, the great job that you were doing. He looked down at you and that was his reckoning. You were peering up at him, dick in your mouth and a slobbering mess. He saw the tears running down your cheeks and it took all of his strength to pull you away. 
One day he would fuck that pretty face of yours but he couldn’t now. His goal was to make you fall in love with him. He had to show you how good he was at pleasuring you. He had to show you that he knew what you needed, what you wanted. He had to show you that he was the only person that could do that for you. 
You pulled away with a soft pop and a smile. “Was that good?” 
Peter brought you into a bruising kiss and you could taste the both of you. The blend was intoxicating. “Oh baby, you did so well.” 
He was pushing you back into the bed as a hand moved back down to your core. His fingers moved around in the slick and you purred. 
“Look at you little lamb, I just cleaned you up. Did you like sucking on Daddy’s dick like that, hmm?” You nodded your head, biting your lip in an attempt to lessen your grin. 
His lips found the side of your neck, licking and biting on the supple skin. “Well you did such a good job, I think it’s only fair Daddy pay it forward.” 
You tangled your hands in his hair, running the smooth locks through your fingers. “No, it’s okay. I wanna make you feel good.” 
His fingers found your abused clit and you arched your back into him. “Oh little lamb, It’ll make me feel so much better.” 
He pulled away as you looked at him through heavy eyelids. “Do you promise, Daddy?” 
Peter growled before attacking you. His kiss was heavy making you lose any train of thought. 
“Promise.” You felt a blinding pain in your core. Your nails racked up his back as you grasp for the air he seemed to have pushed out of you. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. It’ll feel better in a moment.” He kissed away the tears running down your face, massaging your breast. He began pulling out slowly leaving only his tip, then slammed back into you. The pain was beginning to subside or maybe it was just him working your clit and hitting something in you that made your toes curl. 
He grabbed one of your legs, bringing your ankle to his shoulder, pushing himself deeper. A moan ripped from your throat, as you felt him hit your cervix, over and over. You reached for his face, needing to kiss him. Wanting all of him. You needed to drown in everything Peter Parker could give you. 
His hand found the back of your neck once again. You clung to him as his thumb traced its way down your jugular. He could feel it drumming against his skin, he pushed against it, fascinated by you. You suddenly felt airy, your mind was swimming and your senses were heightened. Peter felt the way you tightened around him and the way your heart picked up. 
He brought his hand to the front of your throat, adjusting his grip, before applying more pressure. You moaned as he continued to piston into you. The coil in your abdomen was moments from snapping, your legs were tensing on their own accord. You were no longer in control, not that you ever were. 
Peter had bewitched you. You weren't sure when but you looked into his eyes and knew that it must have happened. Your vision was getting blurry, with tears or lack of oxygen you weren’t sure. You heard Peter whisper something to you, something you couldn't quite make out past the sound of heavy breathing and skin slapping against skin. Then his fingers released you. The sudden rush of oxygen to your brain made you feel dizzy, your nerves alight. You came with a gasp and Peter didn’t slow down for a single second. 
He continued slamming into you as you lay there limp, unable to do much more. He flipped you over on your face and grabbed your hips, setting them upright. He kissed along your spine before entering you again. You cried out into the pillows, he was so big and so deep inside you. You wondered for a moment if the constant rocking had affected your brain. 
He was using your body and you didn’t hate it. He gave you all the praise you could hope for and you got to sit there and take it. It seemed like a great arrangement. Your fingers gripped the sheets, clawing at them desperately. There was a certain element of pain present but you couldn’t bring yourself to care when he felt this amazing. 
“God, you feel so good. Better than ever before.” You let yourself drown in the words he was saying, in the feeling he was bringing you. He was fixing it. Just like he promised. It wasn’t long until he let out a harsh grunt, pushing himself even farther into you. You felt his dick twitch and a warmth coat your walls. 
When Peter pulled out he noticed you wince. He turned you around to face him and began massaging your body. His firm hands ran past the muscle of your thighs to the fat on your stomach with soothing circles. You looked devastatingly gorgeous like this. Completely wrecked, totally relaxed, entirely pliant. 
You made grabby hands for him and he chuckled as he fell into your embrace. You brought him flush to your sweaty body, running your hands through his chestnut locks. He hummed against you and you couldn’t help the smile pulling at your face. 
“Hey, Peter?” He could sense your anxiety, which is never a good sign. He was so sure his plan had worked.
“Yes, little lamb?” Your fingers stuttered in their ministrations as you fought for the words. 
“I- I was just wondering…” The words died in your throat. Peter moved his head, so he could look into your eyes. 
“Wondering if what?” You closed your eyes, feeling too overwhelmed by his gaze. You thought about what had led you here in the first place. You thought of the revelation you had as you first wrapped your arms around him. To lose any of him would be to lose him all. You couldn’t ask him to stop. He wouldn’t, he couldn’t. You felt terrible. How could you even ask him to do that? How could you be so selfish?
“Uhhh, what are we? Like now? Are we still friends? Are we more?” Peter tilted his head as he pondered your question. 
“Well, what do you want?” You felt all the air leave your body, suddenly replaced entirely with fear. 
“I don’t want you to leave. I want you, forever.” Peter raised himself with his arms, now hovering over your body. The space between you palpable now as he searched your eyes. 
“Then you have me,” He kissed you, it was a promise. 
A Peter Parker promise was a binding contract. He chose his words with such precision, he never said something without resounding contemplation. He pressed his words into your soul, branding you for the rest of your days. 
Tag List: @andrews-lovr @brinaslittlefreak @ilovemoonknight @negasonic-teenage-asshole @preciousbabypeter @princesskittycatofmeowland @rudy-the-winged-wolf @whoreforklitz @liz-allyn and @blooming-violets this sequel is for you. Hope y'all enjoy :))
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yeyinde · 1 year
Ugh slow dancing with Price in the kitchen
and his hands are on the small of your back, rocking you back and forth. there is no music. no sound outside of the gentle noise of contentment he makes when you fall into his embrace. it's a little clumsy. a little new. but it feels right. natural.
you sway to the beat thrumming in your veins. soft cerulean blue gaze at you the entire time, his stare never wavering. he smiles. the corners of his eyes crease. his hands tighten on your waist, and he pulls you closer to his chest. the heat of him feels comforting: sundust on your skin.
you rest your head on his shoulder. he smells of smoked pine, laurel, and a little drop of scotch he spilled on himself earlier. you breathe him in, letting the smoky resinous scent of him cling to your lungs, full and heavy, and listen to the steady thud of his heart.
the brag of it echoes in the spaces between your ribs.
(you want to keep him there forever.)
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hana-pong · 2 years
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Princess and Sundust Ice Cream! bonus:
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upmost-rylan · 9 months
🍄🍄Weekly art time! Yippeee!!🍄🍄
🍄mushroom dance, mushroom dance whatever could it mean?~🍄
People love mushrooms! I’m sure they’ll appreciate it! I mean who wouldn't love to have adorable mushrooms?
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🍄Just prancing around!🍄
That's it, just a lil drawing of my oc sundust!
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🍄 Doodle page🍄
Oh wow what’s in this sketch page?
Glad you asked!
It has my piratesona based on zyphron, comic based on chat that happened to @janecat31121 ,a eepy @cielcreations ,mushroom Scott, Stanley x narrator, 2 cookies based on mcyts, butterscotch (goat),and Grian!
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feliciawolfpaw · 2 years
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SSO Promptober 2022 ↪ day twenty-five, sleepy
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yurobox · 8 months
I forgot to post..how many months has it been..
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I redesigned all of them :33
Polar- False Dream(DreamxFell) shipchild (She/her/it/it's)
Rainbow- Inkmare shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)
Walts- Colormare shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)
Scribble- Errorink shipchild (She/Her/Xhe/Xer/it/it's)
Sundust- Pixiedust(dreamxdust) shipchild (she/her)
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Risk - Reaper x Dust shipchild (he/him/they/them/it/it's)
If anyone is curious.. this is what they used to look like:
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I'm upset it has a picture limit I wanted to send scribble picture 😞😞
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madamlaydebug · 8 months
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I love art....
Artist: Sara Golish
Sundust Series
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sunwyrms · 9 months
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LAST BATCH. CRIPES. you dont realize how much art youve actually done until you have to lay it all out infront of you!
characters (left to right): Louis (@under-snow-vixen), Lari, Sugil, Basalt, and Sundust (@pilcrowponders-jpeg) Cas (@wizardlocation)
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samsi6 · 1 year
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Die Invasion der Außerirdischen begann um kurz vor Zwölf. Sie drangen über eine Sonnenstrahlrutsche in die Atmosphäre ein und glitten auf die Erde. Auf dem Grund angekommen tanzten sie Ringelreihen und waren auch sonst recht ausgelassen. Ein Pilot, der zufällig gerade zur Landung ansetzte, beobachtete die Szene und gab Meldung. Als Einsatzkräfte am Ort des Geschehens eintrafen, sahen sie gerade noch eine Schar Möwen aufstoben und davonfliegen. Weit und breit war kein Außerirdischer oder auch nur eine verdächtige Spur zu finden. Einzig eine Möwe rülpste laut im Vorbeifliegen. Das Geschehen war nicht auszuschließen, aber auch nicht zu belegen. Der Pilot versah fortan Disponentenarbeit im Innendienst. Seit diesem Tag meldete niemand mehr die Landung von Außerirdischen über Sonnenstrahlen auf der Erde. Nur die Möwen, die erzählen die Geschichte noch Heute. Eine die dabei war hat immer noch einen besonderen Glanz im Auge. Als wäre Sonnenstaub darinnen...
The alien invasion began at just before twelve. They entered the atmosphere via a sunbeam chute and slid down to Earth. Arriving at the bottom, they danced in rows and were otherwise quite boisterous. A pilot, who happened to be about to land, observed the scene and reported. When emergency services arrived at the scene, they saw a flock of seagulls take off and fly away. Far and wide there was no alien or even a suspicious trace to be found. Only one seagull belched loudly as it passed. The event could not be ruled out, but also not proven. From then on, the pilot did dispatcher work in the office. Since that day, no one has reported the landing of extraterrestrials on Earth via the sun's rays. Only the seagulls, they still tell the story today. One who was there still has a special shine in her eye. As if there was sundust inside...
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Mask and Tripping Feet (Sunshine oneshot)
Summary: The most anticipated event of the year; The Masquerade Ball finally came around; Y/n always loved this time of the year and she is determined to make memories tonight with her best friend Sunshine
Prompt: Dancing together
Request Board
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The Church's sermon room had been constructed from its usual look to give room to the most anticipated event held every year. Its contemporary blend of sleek design and luxurious decor mixed in with the old history of the church itself with its floor-to-ceiling windows offer breathtaking views of the surrounding Abbey grounds, while candles strung up in the ceiling cast a warm glow over the space. The walls are adorned with old art, and round tables decorated with cloth and table decor provide comfortable seating for the Siblings surrounding the large open space for dancing; the stage which the Papas had used for sermons was decorated also with a band hired for this event played under low spotlit people music that filled the large open space.
Tonight, the Papas host this amazing masquerade party, and the atmosphere is vibrant and electric. The Siblings arrive in beautiful gowns and trendy attire, their masks reflecting the latest fashion trends. The musicians play a mix of upbeat and melodic tunes, creating an energetic ambiance.
At the center of the room, a subdued-lit dance floor warm glow of natural colors, beckoning people to let loose and dance the night away with their partners and friends. Illuminated cocktail tables offer an array of creative drinks, each with a touch of artistry to the side next to the buffet table prepared and decorated for this very night.
Among the crowd of siblings, Y/n could be found mingling with her friends, a charismatic and confident individual wearing a sleek black dress and a mask adorned with sparkles, adding a majestic flare to her designed dress. Y/n exudes charm and magnetism as she engages in conversation with different siblings seemingly having a blast already; but her eyes are wandering, seemingly seeking someone in the crowds with eagerness.
As the party progresses, Y/n's eyes catch sight of the person she had been looking for this entire time, a striking woman in a dazzling gold dress that shimmers like sundust. Her mask is an exquisite combination of metallic and holographic elements, adding an otherworldly allure to her appearance that she already portrayed with her energy as Sunshine, one of Papa's ghouls, and one of Y/n's best friends stood off to the side talking with Cumulus and Cirrus; each wearing such as equally stunning gowns as their packmate.
With excitement, Y/n excuses herself and approaches Sunshine, drawn to her captivating presence and with anticipation of spending time with her; maybe Y/n can get her to dance with the ghoulette just like they used to do in their downtime, or better yet...teach her friend how to Waltz. Y/n had wondered before if Sunshine's over bound energy could be focused enough to do something like that.
Y/n leaned over her friend's shoulder; hands resting on her arms to give them a squeeze of greetings. "You look dazzling tonight Sunny!" the girl smiled brightly at her friend when she turned around,
Sunshine laughed giving Y/n a proper hug filled with warmth at seeing her friend. "I could say the same to you! Look at you! You look amazing tonight, Y/n!"
The sister grinned. "I'm glad you think so! I saved up a lot of money for this dress." she laughed.
"You bought it?" Cumulus gaped making Y/n flush a bit and fiddle with the dress.
"Yeah...I know a lot of people just rent dresses from shops but i really fell in love with this one; I was going to make my own but uh..I didn't have time." she chuckled sheepishly.
"Wow! Well it's money worth spent then!" Cirrus replied with a warm smile before waving around the room. "Have you found anyone to dance with yet?" she added.
"Oh, actually..." Y/n slanted a look at Sunshine. "I was waiting for Sunshine. I wanted to dance with her first." the girl replied.
"Me?" Sunshine's eyes widened behind her mask. "Why would you want that? I mean, I love to dance but this party isn't appropriate for my style of dancing." she laughed.
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh I know, I figured I'd drag you to the dance floor and teach you how to waltz." she replied with a cheeky smile on her face.
The other two ghoulettes looked at each other. "Have fun, we're going to go find the guys and see if we can't get one of them to dance with us." Cumulus snickered at the thought at the pair left in search of their packmates.
"So, you want to?" Y/n turned to her friend with a nudge to her side.
"Are you serious though?" Sunshine glanced at the dance floor.
"Positive! Come on it'll be fun!" Y/n promised as she grabbed her friend's hand and dragged her over to the dance floor and got into position.
"I don't know where to put my hands." Sunshine admitted glancing around at the others nearby dancing. "Am I supposed to be the guy here or the girl part?" she asked.
Y/n chuckled and grabbed her hands. "You can be the girl part; it's easier and I'll guide you okay? No need to be nervous!" Y/n replied as she placed Sunshine's hand on her shoulder before taking hold of the other in one hand and resting her own hand on the ghoulette's waist.
"Now, just follow my lead. One step back," Y/n said softly as she shifted one foot towards the other encouraging her own foot to step back. "Good! Now to the side." Y/n expertly side stepped before taking a step back.
"It's just like your walking in a square! See, one step forward, side step to the side, one step back, step to the other side and repeat...there you go your getting the hang of it!" Y/n encouraged as she guided her friend through the steps.
Sunshine wouldn't stop looking down at their feet as Y/n guided her around the room to the waltz song playing classically in the back.
"Chin up, you don't need your eyes to dance with your feet." Y/n laughed softly as she nudged Sunshine's chin back up so they were facing each other again.
"I feel silly! I'm not used to dancing like this-" Sunshine overstepped and her foot landed onto Y/n's toes making both of them wince. "Shoot Y/N/N I'm sorry!"
Recovering quickly the sibling shook it off and guided her back into the rhythm. "All good. Don't worry about it, trust me I'm used to it. It's to be expected." she replied before letting her go and giving her a little spin before drawing her back into her causing Sunshine to laugh a bit.
"People are staring!" she hissed softly glancing at the other dancers who were glancing at them.
"So? Let them! since when do you get all shy on me? It's just your best friend." Y/n shrugged with a slight smirk of mirth playing at her lips.
"Because...we're both girls?" Sunshine offered glancing away from Y/n's face.
"That doesn't matter and you know it. We've been in much worse situations that people question our sanity." Y/n reassured as she playfully dipped Sunshine making her squeal in surprise and clutch onto her best friend's arms.
"Omg woman give me a warning next time!" they laughed as they continued to dance.
Before long, the song ended and they left the dance floor in favor of getting some drinks. "Well, you had the entire ballroom staring at the pair of yah!" Swiss grinned as he walked over with Cirrus on his arm.
"Oh hush, it wasn't all that big of a deal!" Y/n waved him off before smiling up at them; catching sight of Mountain and Cumulus dancing to a different slow dance song on the dancefloor.
"So, are we going to talk about the elephant in the room?" Cirrus added catching Y/n's gaze.
"Which is?" she raised a brow.
"Cumulus and Mountain are mates but they don't actually know that yet; thick-brained that Mountain is you'd think Cumulus would have spelled it out for him already. She's just a little nervous you know?" Sunshine nudged her friend.
"Aw, that's so sweet!" Y/n gushed clapping. "I mean, it couldn't be worse than Dewdrop and Rain's situation," she added thoughtfully.
"Oh, it could be. Mates are difficult to deal with sometimes so." Swiss shook his head.
"Well, I don't know about you but after this party; I say we spell it out for them both and get it over with." Sunshine added.
"Not until I have another dance!" Y/n pointed to her with narrowed eyes.
Sunshine blushed and looked away. "Deal. I suppose the first one wasn't half bad..." she bit her lip.
"I'm going to go get us a drink before then though! If I can get Aether away from the sweets long enough to do so; poor man's blocking my drink table." Y/n chortled looking over at Aether who was indeed blocking the tables with his darted from one table to the next as he tried everything he possibly could on the table; unknowingly blocking some other siblings who were trying to get stuff from the tables.
As Y/n left Swiss and Cirrus shuffled over to Sunshine and lowered their voice as they watched their friend leave. "So when are you going to tell her Sunny?" Cirrus asked softly as she wrapped an arm around her friend.
"That you like her!" the older ghoulette murmured.
"and that you may be mates too." Swiss added causing Sunshine's cheeks to heat up under her mask.
"Because Y/n's my best friend...I don't want to ruin anything." she murmured watching wistfully as her friend chatted up Aether; expertly guiding him to make room for others while they spoke and joked about something.
"She'd make a good mate, you know. She's worked with us for so long she knows us better than Papa." Swiss mused glancing down at the younger ghoulette.
"I know...But I'm afraid that she'll reject me or that if I tell her it'll ruin what we have."
"That's the point cupcake!" Cirrus gave her a squeeze. "Being mated to another goes beyond friendship. It's something special and unbreakable. Knowing our Y/n, she wouldn't just run away from you because of that. You're her best friend and you'll always be her number one even after you make her your mate officially." Cirrus encouraged before letting the other go and grabbing Swiss' arm.
"Just think about it. Swiss, come on. I want to go dance again!" the woman dragged him away to the dance floor leaving Sunshine alone.
The ghoulette watched her best friend from across the room; watching as her bright smile lit up her face as she made her way back over to her and her heart clenched. She'd tell Y/n the truth. She just had to wait for the right moment; but until then. She'd make her happy with one more dance.
Auth. So sorry it's a bit short! I hope you still like it!
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