#sunflowers: symbolize loyalty-love-devotion-admiration
jesmeraki · 1 year
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Sunflower angel🌻
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 months
Naruto ships & flowers 💐
Sasuke & Sakura — daffodil
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Symbolism: forgiveness • memory • hope • joy • rebirth
Naruto & Hinata — sunflower
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Symbolism: loyalty • adoration • happiness • devotion
Ino & Sai — stock
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Symbolism: lasting beauty • bonds of affection • contentedness • happy life • promptness
Neji & Tenten — camellia
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Symbolism: longing • admiration • noble death • eternal love • perseverance
Shikamaru & Temari — ixora
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Symbolism: passion • prosperity • wellness • inspiration
Karui & Choji — azalea
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Symbolism: abundance • positivity • gentleness • light heartedness • care
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noxturnals-void · 2 months
Flowers I would give slashers:
(With loose flower symbolism)
♥️ These are just my opinions on what flowers to give to different slashers, take em or leave em ♥️
Characters include:
Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt, Hannibal Lector, Jesse Cromeans, Asa Emory
Michael Myers:
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Whatever you give him he’d probably throw straight into the trash, but if you wanted to try…
The red and orange roses symbolize desire, fascination, passion, and obsession.
The hydrangeas have been dyed orange, so this can be taken as orange or white. At face value, orange is energy and strength. Under the surface, white hydrangeas are a symbol of superiority.
The miscellaneous black foliage can mean power, mystery, and death.
Jason Voorhees:
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He’s definitely a wildflower kinda guy. Anything simple will suffice.
The light blue delphiniums symbolize deep emotion, dignity, rebirth, and protection.
White veronicas symbolize devotion, loyalty, and everlasting love.
The white daisies symbolize innocence, friendship, and adoration.
The miscellaneous green foliage can mean resilience, growth, and vitality.
Thomas Hewitt aka Leatherface:
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Would probably love whatever you gave him, but he especially loves sunflowers.
Sunflowers represent loyalty, admiration, resilience, and comfort.
Feverfew symbolizes protection and strength.
The blue sage symbolizes gentleness, health, and wisdom.
Bunny tail grass can represent love and growth.
The miscellaneous dark green and brown foliage can mean vitality, warmth, safety, and stability.
Hannibal Lector:
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He’s frequently enjoys the finer things in life and wouldn’t be called a simple man by any means. That said, he does love his sophisticated, but unique roses.
White roses symbolize loyalty, love, secrecy, silence, unity, fascination, and purity.
Jesse Cromeans aka Chromeskull:
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Anything pricey-looking would impress him, but he does have a thing for black.
Burgundy roses symbolize beauty, deep passion, obsession, luxury, and commitment.
Black roses represent eternal love, intense emotions, power, mystery, and death.
Asa Emory aka The Collector:
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He’s does enjoy the occasional gift, but he’s not much of a flower guy. Red roses would likely be just fine with him.
Deep red roses symbolize beauty, passion, desire, obsession, and deep emotion.
Baby’s-breath represents sincerity and undying affection.
The green foliage can mean growth and resilience.
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l0uterstella · 7 months
YOUR MELODY: Analysis, Merold's Manipulation
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(Parts are still incomplete like the flower language) full english lyrics, Ever Red theory (MUST READ TO UNDERSTAND THIS POST) Updated: Feb 25 2024
Flower Language
(thanks to my friend Lux for finding most of them)
Rimicha - sunflower, birds of paradise Sunflower: Symbols of joy, adoration, and loyalty. There's a story in Greek Mythology of a nymph who turns into the flower after losing her lover Birds of paradise:  Symbols of joy, paradise, freedom, and a sense of exploration
Hallritt - red periwinkle - symbol of purity, everlasting love, loyalty to friends, and hope
Merold - white and pink easter lily, white chrysanthemum, baby's breath, white spider lily, white and pink rose, hyacinth - together as a bouquet, all these flowers symbolize devoted love and loyalty, feelings of strong familial love and homesickness, positivity, happiness and admiration for the receiver, along with "seeking forgiveness/deep regret" with the hyacinths
Mirror flowers: lily, daisy, carnation, 4th still unknown - Together as a bouquet, these flowers represent celebration/hope for happiness, love and connection. Some flowers also share a meaning of rebirth or missing someone
Broken Mirror
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Broken mirrors typically symbolize a shattered self-image, fractured identity, and a sense of loss. I'll most likely be covering the voice drama in another post, but in the first episode, Hallritt is seen easily defeating a seed in one hit. Maybe Merold feels like his role as the strongest knight is being challenged? Which is why he accuses Hallritt of being a failure as a knight in the teaser for episode 2. In another scene, these two frames are right next to each other. Instead of the diamond flipping around like it did before, Merold just completely replaces Hallritt.
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The MV also had multiple "waves"/glitches, which recently has been a recurring theme of Seed's presence.
Hallritt also feels a bit "off" in the MV. It's possible that it's Eldritch Hallritt/Eldritt/The "original Hallritt" currently present. It's a bit confusing to tell which timeline the MV is set in, but it might make more sense with the System Hallritt headcanon. Eldritt formed as a protector and gatekeeper who used to hide the truth from the "current Hallritt", before deciding it'd be beneficial if he knew the truth and did something about it. Following this, the MV is in the 2nd timeline as my timeline theory suggests (with the voice dramas being the 1st timeline), and Eldritt is simply fronting instead of Hallritt.
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There's also this scene where Hallritt sings: "As if two hearts are on top of each other, I want to be connected by the same rhythm"
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Merold seems to know about the 1st timeline. He holds a ribbon, which is what represents the memories of that timeline in Ever Red. He is also seen multiple times with a corrupted version, possibly hinting at him having an Eldritch (seed corruption) form as well.
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The lyrics seem to have him hinting at the 1st timeline to Hallritt. If you corrupt the future, you echo its dark history.
To summarize: Merold is threathened by Hallritt's strength, yet he also knows the truth of what he did/will do. He wants to get rid of him somehow, or at least keep him in his place. He put up a face to seem trustworthy, but someday, that facade will shatter like the mirror.
1. Merold losing his vision? Really not much proof here aside from this quick frame
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2. blob people. idk who or what they are yet
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3. there's one transiton where something that look like vines turn into (angel? dove?) feathers and another one with a broken crystal. could it be referencing cielomort's death? is it his crystal strawberry from aozora?
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(Why? Why?) This heart (Why? Why?) It's fragile (Why? Why?) No matter what, I love you most (Why? Why?) It's overflowing (Why? Why?) These desires A melody just for you
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looking very closely at the website neighborhood and here's some little things i noticed (plus some overthinking & flower symbolism):
~ the only butterflies on the "map" are the ones outside of Frank's house, and the single one outside of Eddie's.
~~ i think the flowers outside of Eddie's are either hyacinths or lavender. given that the flowers are different colors, they're probably hyacinths. which is a Fascinating choice to me, because hyacinths can symbolize regret, devotion (especially beyond death), love, forgiveness, and jealousy - depending on the flower color. Eddie has light blue, dark blue, and purple. The butterfly is landing on the purple one (sorrow, mourning, forgiveness, regret, devoted love).
~~ its also Fascinating because the myth behinds hyacinths is about the greek god Apollo and his (male) human lover, Hyacinthus. they were playing discus (metal frisbee). Apollo threw the discus too hard, and it bounced back and hit Hyacinthus, killing him. devastated, Apollo grew the hyacinth flower from Hyacinthus' spilled blood. SO THE FACT THAT EDDIE, GAY PUPPET EDDIE, HAS HYACINTH FLOWERS OUTSIDE THE POST OFFICE IS UM. INCH RESTING!
~~ (also also in the myth, Apollo wanted to rescind his immortality to join Hyacinthus in his death. and in an alternate version of the myth, Hyacinthus was technically murdered, because Zephyrus was jealous that Apollo preferred a mortal over him & purposefully blew the discus off course to strike Hyacinthus. things to think about. yes, in this whole myth metaphor im viewing Eddie as Hyacinthus and Frank as Apollo. do with this what you will)
~ All of the trees in the neighborhood are in the same general style, except for the tree outside of Sally's home, which is a pine tree. i wonder why!
~ the only buildings with second floors are Barnaby's, Frank's, Sally's, and Poppy's homes. rip the "wally falls down the stairs" memes
~ there's a teeny tiny Home in the post office display window
~ Julie's house has quite a lot of heart symbolism. like, a weird amount. an amount to the point where i now have an entire theory around what her role and arc might be. i Will talk about it with minimal prompting.
~ one of the swingset balloons has a happy face balloon with its eyes closed, which stands out to me (and fuels my julie theory)
~ the only neighbors who don't have flowers outside of their buildings are Sally, Julie (disregarding decoration), and Howdy.
~ Poppy has daffodils, which symbolize rebirth, new beginnings, resilience, and hope. however, they have a negative side of selfishness.
~ Barnaby has red, yellow, and blue tulips. red means undying love, admiration, and truth. yellow means "there's sunshine in your smile", joy, happiness, friendship - But it can also mean unrequited love or jealousy. Blue means individuality, trust, and good luck
~~ note that there's a dead/trampled white tulip. white tulips symbolize sorrow, "my condolences", apology, honor, purity, faith.
~ Frank has sunflowers, daisies, and some others, but those i think are more generic, unspecific flowers for added decoration. i couldn't find a "red flower on vine" that fits the general look of the ones on his house. now, sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, longevity, happiness (also, might i add that these flowers are from another greek myth about apollo, this one where Apollo turns a jealous nymph into a sunflower for snitching on his mortal lover, which got her (the lover) killed. inch resting indeed.)
~~ also blue daisies, which i am assuming are the blue flowers outside his house, symbolize freedom, trust, loyalty, confidence, and honesty. lots of positivity surrounding Frank's house!
~ Wally has daisies. these symbolize innocence, purity, new beginnings, hope, and affection. it can also symbolize the ability to keep a secret. a fun fact i found interesting is the word daisy comes from an old english word meaning "day's eye."
~~ do i believe these flower choices were purposeful? maybe. probably. it does seem strange that there are specific, distinct flowers drawn in equally specific parts of the "map", while a couple of generic "cartoon" style flowers are sprinkled throughout
~ three green apples are growing on the tree next to Howdy's Place
~ it stands out to me that the bodega window above the fruit stands is completely blacked out. no window shine or nothing
~ Sally's "yard" is weirdly barren. everyone else's buildings (excluding Home) has several things decorating the surrounding area. all she has is a spotlight and a tree.
~ Barnaby's house having paint all over it (and a paintbrush & can next to it) is just cute to me. it makes me think that he wanted to paint like his lil' buddy Wally and just went ham with it. or it was a team effort between them<3
~ it took me a while to notice the tiny "Eddie's" painted above Post Office. it gives the vibe (to me) of him tacking on the "Eddie's" to make the office feel more like his. maybe he saw the sign "Howdy's Place" and decided to paint his name on his building to make himself feel more established and at home
~ there's something on / part of Frank's roof. i don't know what it is. if anyone has an idea please tell me its driving me insane. at first i thought it was a chimney but theres two? making an additional symmetrical structure? idk!!
~ there are only three buildings with straight up rainbows. Eddie's post office (hanging from the roof and in the window), Sally's house (the entire front), and Frank's house (butterfly on the door wreath. i almost didn't catch it, it's a sneaky one!)
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dylanblakesgal · 6 days
The Types Of Flowers They Give There Lover Resident Evil Characters
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Dylan Blake Lavender Ocean Song Rose
A sense of tranquility and peace. Love and enchantment. Symbol of the force of nature and origin of life. The Ocean Song Rose can evoke feelings of calm and relaxation making it a good choice for conveying harmony and a peaceful atmosphere. The lavender color and gentle fragrance of the Ocean Song Rose can symbolize love, romance, and devotion.
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Leon Kennedy Sunflower
Cheerful appearance can bring joy to people. Faithfulness and loyalty warmth, love, and admiration. Sunflowers can convey these feelings without the need for words.
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Barry Burton Daisy
Cheerfulness Daisies sunny disposition and bright faces can uplift spirits and spread happiness. Daisies soft white petals represent purity and innocence.
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Jake Muller Lily
Lilies can represent new beginnings. Lilies can represent life and remembrance. Lilies can symbolize pure and everlasting love.
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Karl Heisenberg Rose Mallow
The Rose Mallow has been a symbol of resilience and survival, and is linked to healing in folklore. The rose mallow's lush petals have been symbols of elegance. The rose mallow has long been a symbol of romance.
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rachthepoet · 4 months
Sunflower, Vol. 6 Analysis
My baby, my darling, my decadent Sunflower, Vol. 6. Is this post just an excuse for me to gush my heart out over it? To write a self-indulgent love letter to my favorite song? Absolutely. But won't you entertain me with your time? Sunflower Vol. 6 holds genius on all levels the mind can conceive, lyrical, musical, and not to mention how it induces a flush to my cheeks in its romanticism! Ahhh. Yet it still remains the most underrated piece of art. Harry's use of extended metaphor here is something I'll forever love, for he knows how to execute it well, and this song feels like a masterclass in the technique. Oh, my bad. Am I getting too ahead of myself again? If it wasn't clear, the sunflower is our metaphor here, with many layers to unravel from it, petal by petal.
Here's a deep dive into Harry Styles' Sunflower, Vol. 6, from a poet. And a self-proclaimed resident sunflower connoisseur.
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The Song Title 🌻
First, let's talk floriography, a grand love of mine.
Floriography is the language of flowers. Every flower out there holds different meanings, often based on the species, variant, color, characteristics, or all of the above in combination. Floriography then, also, is the art of communicating through flowers. It was popularized during the Victorian Era, though it's been around before then. A way to communicate without saying much at all. People would carefully select and organize flowers in a bouquet/floral arrangement to convey a specific sentiment to the recipient. The choice between a single flower and a bouquet also held significance and could convey very different messages, adding more nuance to this subtle means of communication.
Sunflowers in floriography will be our focus, though. Sunflowers symbolize loyalty, love of life, adoration, and devotion. The symbolism derives from the knowledge that sunflowers are heliotropic -- the flower's tendency to follow the sun across the sky as a natural part of its growth cycle. And, this leads perfectly to my first theory about the addition of the Vol. 6 in the song's title.
According to the National Sunflower Association & seen in the official sunflower production handbook, a sunflower has 9 stages of reproductive growth (R-1 to R-9). But, for the sake of time, let's skip ahead to stage R-6, or, if you will, the sixth volume of a sunflower.
"Flowering is complete and the ray flowers are wilting"
This is the peak of the sunflower's reproductive growth, as its seeds begin to ripen, signifying the sunflower reaching maturity. R-1 to R-5 is from seedling to fully formed. R-5 is the stage where you can cut the flowers down, arrange them in a pretty vase, and display them on your windowsill or as a centerpiece at your dining table. Which is beautiful, for a time. But, the flower cut will never progress to R-6, and will never complete the full cycle. It's the catalyst for the seeds to be harvested and replanted for one of nature's circles to continue.
Now, let's use this knowledge of the sunflower cycle to translate it into a metaphor for a growing relationship! Within said metaphor, stage R-6 would be the height of the relationship -- a time filled with ecstasy, admiration, and realization. And, pulling from our now shared knowledge of floriography, where sunflowers communicate loyalty, love of life, adoration, and devotion ... a theorization is that the relationship at the song's heart was one that he thought could last and sustain. It's in this stage R-6, the sixth volume, of the relationship where it peaked, maybe one of many peaks. But also has the possibility of going downward, as it parallels how the sunflower's seeds will soon be ready to fall. But in this cascading, there can be rebirth (as in, letting the natural cycle continue). The 6th stage is the catalyst for the cycle's fate. He could've chosen to let this person go, to cut the quote-en-quote "sunflower" down and put them in a vase to only fondly look upon, as his past. Rather, he wants them to make it to the next stage, and want to try and complete the cycle to continue to come back renewed. Ok, deep breath now, Rach.
Though the growth stage theory is the one I'm most fond of, I do have other thoughts and theories about that pesky Vol. 6 addition that never fails to leave my mind. Because, well, it's always good to have your backups! So let's run through them, shall we?
Numerology: The number 6 is considered the most harmonious of the numbers, holding close to representation of home, harmony, nurturing, and idealism. It's an embodiment of the heart & can represent unconditional love. Don't know if Harry has ever read up on numerology, but! I still feel as if it's a possibility of one of those odd things he'd pick a book up on. If we look at the number 6 in love, the numerology personality is a devoted lover, which ties back to sunflowers symbolizing devotion. And, I'll end this bit off by quoting a paragraph from Astrotalk:
Erik Erikson: Erikson's theory of Psychosocial Development has a total of eight stages -- and stage 6 is the psychosocial crisis of intimacy vs isolation, with the developed virtue being love. Those who chose intimacy foster deep meaningful connection, which is something that's been explored as an aching desire within Harry's songs previously. Within this 6th stage, the core question asks: "WILL I BE LOVED, OR WILL I BE ALONE?". This leads the path to an enriched life if intimacy is chosen. And, if this stage is ignored, it can manifest into a fear of rejection, and can detrimentally impact the other stages. Frankly, I could even stretch to think that this core question can be applied to the song itself.
The 6th Song About This Person in FINE LINE's Musical Repertoire / Continuation Chapter: A shorter one, and a more personal theorization that I have already convinced myself people might not see, but that's totally okay! The structure of Vol. 6 led me to a mindset of books. Not a very hard mindset to get me to, but I digress. Which, then, made me consider it being a continuing chapter or the next book in a series. Golden, Watermelon Sugar, Cherry, Falling, To Be So Lonely, and then Sunflower, Vol. 6. In my head, when I listen to the album, these all have this connecting red string to them. And that's all I'm going to say for now, for an elaboration would be a whole new dissertation here.
Just Five Other Volumes Exist: Admittedly the most mundane and easy explanation out of the many, but there could very well be just five previous versions of the song in his personal vault. Because, sometimes, you have to go through many versions before arriving at a final version you like. As a poet, I get you, Harry, and I feel you in that respect.
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Lyric Pull Apart 🌻
[INTRO] Sunflower
Though sounding like gibberish at the top, this intro sets the foundation for all the genius to bloom. It's Harry saying the word sunflower, but reversed, which sets us up for a cyclical experience -- much like the natural growth cycle of our beloved little flower. Or, the cycle of the rising & falling of the sun. Or, the flower looking & the flower following. The relationship behind the song will circle back around, never truly wilting or fading away. Embedded in the stylistic choice of the circular structure, this love transcends the standard timeline, moving beyond chronological order. For it's always circling back around to its heart, to its peak. To its sixth volume. [Hint: listen later for the tense changes.]
We've already solidified the sunflower's meaning through floriography, yes? Devotion? Now, I'm going to offer you another perspective on the saccharine symbolism of Harry's sunflower, a comforting nickname for the person he's addressing throughout the song. And, I'm going to bring in some poetry. Oh boy, am I. Sunflower Sutra is a poem by Beat poet Allen Ginsberg that I can vividly imagine Harry reading & stashing away to his inspiration bank. Ginsberg right beside Brautigan. There's always been a fond love inside me for the Beat Generation, how their writing is dirty, down-to-earth, and weird in the best ways you could fathom. How the only right way to read their work is to rant it out. It's always about being alive, every part of it -- and, truly, I see FINE LINE the same, a celebration of being alive, every part of it. And my baby Sunflower, Vol. 6? You're a part of it.
"A perfect beauty of a sunflower! a perfect excellent lovely sunflower existence! a sweet natural eye to / the new hip moon, woke up alive and excited grasping in the sunset shadow sunrise golden / monthly breeze!"
In my interpretation (to which you are free to disagree or add to), Ginsberg's sunflower represents something that's been tarnished and battered, but can be redeemed and grow in beauty again -- all this he ponders alongside Kerouac. An anti-industrialization poem at its core, I think it could've inspired Harry in some ways for this piece.
I believe Sunflower, Vol. 6 can be heard as a romantic reassurance hymn when studied through the lens of Ginsberg's poem. Something, or rather someone, beaten down but with the potential to bloom out of hardships. I see this narrative & nuance running rampant through the song and its core relationship. And, I believe we again find ourselves back at the circle concept (wow). The relationship at the forefront of Sunflower, Vol. 6 continues to come back around to domestic comfort, a stabilizer despite their hardships, and I believe this to be a more fleshed-out reason behind the tense shifts we'll see soon. Though we've been beaten down by these outside forces, we will rise again -- with the lesson of not letting our circumstances make us believe we're something we're not.
"Poor dead flower? when did you forget you were a flower? when did you look at your skin and / decide you were an impotent dirty old locomotive? the ghost of a locomotive? the specter and / shade of a once powerful mad American locomotive? / You were never no locomotive, Sunflower, you were a sunflower!" 
The natural vs. the unnatural. The natural here is Harry and his sunflower, of course. The unnatural being encompassing of whoever and whatever that is a negative outside force impacting the health of the relationship. Think of infected soil. Sunflower, Vol. 6 invokes such joy when listening, and that's because it's supposed to! It's a happy reassurance of love. Harry reassures his sunflower that there will always be this sense of devotion, even when things fall. It circles. Like the sun. Like the flower.
"So I grabbed up the skeleton thick sunflower and stuck it at my side like a scepter, / and deliver my sermon to my soul, and Jack’s soul too, and anyone who’ll listen,"
[VERSE 1] Sunflower, my eyes want you more than a melody
Once you realize how much of a music nerd Harry can be, you'll come around to see just how fucking adorable this line is. He wants to see his sunflower in person more than he wants to write a song or discover a new melody. His life's passion. Like?? Oh, he's so loverboy for that. (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.)
[VERSE 1] Let me inside, wish I could get to know you
Get out of your dirty mind now! Urban Dictionary has rotted too many brains. He harbors this desire to get to know his sunflower on a deeper level. Wants to be let inside their head and thoughts (like they're already in his?), their heart (because the sunflower is afraid of love?), and their world (desire to be invested in all that is them, all-consuming type of infatuation). But, it's the phrasing that piques my interest. Wish I could get to know you. Saying wish implies hope, something hard to obtain, a dream almost. It gives off the notion there's some distance -- maybe physical, maybe emotional -- like there's a reason behind him not being able to fulfill this desire for transparency (something he consistently asks for in his music, despite his own character flaw of miscommunication)? And, that's exactly what this is to me, another yearning for transparency, trust, and open communication (themes in the sophomore album). Maybe, just maybe, this is something they're still working on, a hardship they're still trudging through. Maybe Harry doesn't feel as if he has that agency yet, still working on peeling back his sunflower's leaves.
[VERSE 1] Sunflowers sometimes keep it sweet in your memory
He holds onto the good of the relationship rather than focusing on the pitfalls. The growth over the destruction. His memories of his sunflower remain sweet and sunny by his conscious design. However... there's always been a way I've heard this line and I'm here shamelessly wondering if anybody else has heard it in this way, too.
I hear this lyric in two separate intervals: "SUNFLOWERS SOMETIMES" and "KEEP IT SWEET IN YOUR MEMORY", as if they're both interrupting the other. Has he gone tongue-tied, like he's just about to admit himself to? Almost as if he's going to say something negative, but stops himself with reassurance instead. The reassurance in question is how he'll keep it sweet in his head, in the melody, in a means of preservation, rather than dwell on the bad. This, then, ties back to the discussion of Ginsberg's poem leading us to believe it's a song of reassurance, one where he keeps getting oh so tongue-tied...
[VERSE 1] I was just tongue-tied
And speaking of getting tongue-tied! This term is used when people can't find the words to communicate and struggle with communication is a common plight scattered all across Harry's oeuvre. Also, this could be an allusion to kissing. Tongues intertwined with each other in passion. And, we adore that, too!
[PRE-CHORUS] I don't wanna make you feel bad But I've been trying hard not to talk to you
In what I believe to be a continuation of the line before, we witness more struggles with communication. We love an artist with a common theme. Harry makes it clear that it's not his sunflower's fault, yet feels some intimidation knowing that he won't be able to stop himself from falling like a little boy (TBSL CONNECT / HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE). Maybe he's had moments where he's tried to disengage out of bad habits but doesn't want his sunflower to ever feel guilt around his actions. Sometimes he pulls back because of his feelings of embarrassment from being so tongue-tied, sometimes he pulls back because he has moments of fear. Just as his sunflower does, as well.
[PRE-CHORUS] Sunflower (Sunflower, Sunflower!)
A return back a comforting nickname to soothe them, which brings us further into the Ginsberg-influenced perspective that this is a song of reassurance in romanticisms.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore
Don't know about you, but I think this is such a beautiful way to say I love you. And, there's such a giddiness about it, such joy in this part, in the choruses. As mentioned before, he keeps returning himself to domestic sweetness, these sunny memories, and you can feel the shift, even as the rest of the song rings joyfully. It's just a different kind of joy here, indicated by different instrumentals, by the way.
We also have found ourselves sinking into another moment of reassurance, reminding his sunflower how much he desires. And, once more, more signs of devotion.
[CHORUS] Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor
Oh, this line. How I love it so! Kissing in the kitchen is a very sweet and domestic imagery that emphasizes a commitment to building up a long-term relationship. Which is, you guessed it, another example of devotion! The added implication is that he wants to move forward, continuing this growth cycle with his sunflower.
This could be a reach of connection, but it reminds me of Two Ghosts from Harry's eponymous debut, specifically the lyric: THE FRIDGE LIGHT WASHES THIS ROOM WHITE / THE MOON DANCES OVER YOUR GOOD SIDE. Revisiting an older song, reflecting on past relationships, and reflecting on past emotions, then proceeding to flip it on its head. Feeling the improvement and the more healthy situation he's in now.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore Tonight (Tonight, Tonight, Tonight)
Then, we repeat the signal of devotion, this desire that can be both physical and emotional. Devotion also can lend itself to reassurance, as I believe both of those are interwoven with one another. And, can't not give a shoutout to the Queen vibes I get from the echoing repetition of "tonight"!
[VERSE 2] Wondering, headshake Tired eyes are the death of me
Wondering, still getting to know things about one another often, there are still things left to mystery in regards to his sunflower. Headshake, a moment of disbelief. He can't believe his eyes, his luck, shaking his head to make sure it's not a dream or hallucinatory. Then, his sunflower's tired eyes are the death of him, he swoons as they wake up together, in a moment where both are unguarded. Implications lead us to assume that they've spent nights over at other's abodes, painting intimacy. Domestic intimacy, specifically, is what we return to. Sleeping next to one another, waking up next to each other, ending & starting the day together. The rising and falling of the sun. A cycle, perhaps?
[VERSE 2] Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you
A further continuation of the domestic intimacy laid out before, as we remain in the same scene I believe. I adore the visual I get from this -- honeymoon phase, where he sneaks out of bed to brush his teeth before his sunflower wakes up. And, with the line, BEFORE I GOT TO KNOW YOU, it does seem to be an earlier stage. Much like the honeymoon phase. Yeah?
[VERSE 2] I've got your face hung up high in the gallery
We revisit adoration, found representation back in the flower itself (floriography), alongside devotion, etcetera. His sunflower's face is hung up high (GOLDEN CONNECT), in a gallery where he's studying them, in a gallery like they are precious art to be looked upon in wonder. Up high with implications of importance. In this, I believe, he's saying that he'll never forget his sunflower's face, almost memorializing them and their relationship. The sixth volume of the sunflower is the catalyst for determining the fate of the cycle. Will the flowers be cut down and preserved in a vase temporarily? Or, will the flowers continue with the natural cycle, in a consistent death and rebirth? He reassures that he'll never forget them, and finds himself putting his sunflower on a pedestal -- but not having himself hung up high beside them, for he's the one in constant admiration (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.). A manifestation of his appreciation for his sunflower's beauty & sublimity. From the gallery, Harry can admire them, like one admires & studies a piece of fine art for hours and hours on end. Harry holds such great adoration for them, yet they still manage to mystify him.
And, we can't ignore the echo back to Cherry, and how these two songs contrast in both meaning and context -- so, to include a line that connects them to one another is a clever move on Harry's part to highlight the stark differences intentionally. As we move step-by-step through the stages of grieving set up for us through the structure of the album's tracklist, but I digress, for that's a whole other discussion to be had.
[VERSE 2] I love this shade, sunflower, sunflower
Continuing on from the gallery visual, this cute little line... hmm. I have to admit that it's stumped me for quite a significant portion of time, trying to draw out any hidden coding. But, this is what I've concluded for myself. Referencing the shade cast on him from their face hanging in the gallery, he doesn't mind being the one looking up in admiration. In fact, he loves it and relishes it. Much mirroring the nature of the sunflower following the sun up in the sky. Then, we turn back to this comforting nickname, sunflower, the soothing and reassurance that comes along in tow with it.
[VERSE 2] Your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody
Let's bring our minds back to the chat about the sunflower's growth cycle for a moment, yeah? Remember how we talked about the significance of being in stage R-6? Flowering is complete? What comes after is the beginning of the seeds ripening to be harvested, for which the flower has to die to make it so. Even in a sunflower's death, they are still celebrated and cherished as new life & new possibilities are found in the seeds that fall. And now, remember. How the sunflower's growth cycle metaphorize the circle Harry and his sunflower are in? Oh yeah!
YOUR FLOWERS JUST DIED is the first half we're going to focus on. What do the flowers represent? Hopes? Dreams? Something beautiful? Something that couldn't grow or bloom anymore? Possibly representing the ups & downs of life, but the two will find a way through it. The flowers died, but the plant is alive. And still the same kind of flower. Not losing sight (GINSBERG PARALLEL).
PLANT NEW SEEDS IN THE MELODY is the second half, and then we'll piece them together. In what melody? Well, in this melody, silly goose! He's using this melody, this song for his sunflower, as a reassurance (!!!) that they will both get through the hardships because his devotion and adoration runs deep. And, put these together now. When you plant the seeds gathered from the wilted sunflower and plant them into the ground, you bring up a new flower that'll run through the cycle anew.
[VERSE 2] Let me inside, I wanna get to know you
There's no more wishing, and, now, a bit more agency is gained on Harry's part. No more wishing, no more hoping, he is here and wants this. He's begging his sunflower to let him inside, then mirroring how earlier in the same verse he said BEFORE I GOT TO KNOW YOU. It's all a circle, a cycle, that goes around and around.
[PRE-CHORUS] I don't wanna make you feel bad But I've been trying hard not to act a fool
Can I just say that I love this depiction of him? HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE. Present eloquently in this song and others. He reiterates how he doesn't want his sunflower to take on the guilt for anything. He doesn't want to get it wrong, he doesn't want to say something foolish, but, shit, they are really making him lose his mind.
[PRE-CHORUS] Sunflower (Sunflower, Sunflower!)
To be expected, we come back around to the comforting nickname for the song's subject, his sunflower. We see reassurance each time this is brought back into the melody, with new seeds planted for hope each time. And this repetition in itself creates a cyclical effect, which, if you hadn't noticed, we always return to for this song.
[CHORUS] I couldn't want you anymore Kiss in the kitchen like it's a dance floor I couldn't want you anymore Tonight (Tonight, Tonight, Tonight)
More repetition, in specifics the repetition from the chorus before. Proclaiming love, domestic intimacy in the visuals, proclaiming love again. Repetition is to circling, and circling is to a cycle.
[CHORUS] Kids in the kitchen listen to dancehall
Is this a look into the future, the hope for the future he planted before? Or is it a reference to Harry and his sunflower themselves? As well as being a continuation of domestic visuals from the sweet kitchen we got, either interpretation has a lovey connotation to it.
Picturing kids in the future: He's planted the seeds for a future together, returning to the feeling that Harry believes that what's between the two is something that could last. So much so that he's picturing settling down with them, with dance parties in the kitchen to joyous music he introduced them all to.
The two as children: This could be a proper extension of the other visual in the other variation of the chorus, where Harry's referring to himself and his sunflower as the kids in question. Kids in love, fools in love (HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE.). He just keeps picturing domestic bliss for the two of them, kissing & dancing in the kitchen together as he shares parts of himself, what he loves, with them.
[BRIDGE] Sunflowers just died, keep it sweet in your memory
Even when something in life has come to a close doesn't mean it isn't something you can look upon fondly, and even in death doesn't mean there can't be rebirth. With the shift from YOUR FLOWERS to SUNFLOWERS, it's like he's directly addressing his own metaphor, his own symbolism. A return to the core's devotion, the romanticism of the circle of the sunflower, and the parallel circle of the relationship. Sunflowers represent spectrums of the life cycle (youth, vitality, hopefulness, etc). Even in their death, they are celebrated as their seeds promise new life.
Through this song, Harry is celebrating the beginning, the middle, and even the possibility of an end to his relationship with his sunflower. He's cherishing when they were blooming with love, immortalizing that vibrant time in these melodies we can listen to in this moment as the audience. When they were growing, blooming, flowering with idyllic dreams of domesticity, but simultaneously memorializing when they hit moments of ruin.
[BRIDGE] I'm still tongue-tied
This purposefully mirrors the line I WAS JUST TONGUE-TIED, furthermore completing that cycle that I know I'm getting repetitive reminding you of. But it's important, ok? He still can't find the words, he feels he still can't express his devotion to its fullness, and this entire song was him trying to explain it all! And, even in the song, he finds himself stumbling. No matter how long or how short this relationship lasts with his sunflower, he will always be tongue-tied, baffled, and utterly lovestruck. His adoration for and his devotion to this person take away all his self-control, wondering, headshake in constant disbelief.
[OUTRO] Sunflower, sunflower Sunflower, sunflower Ayy, woo, ow Woo-woo, woo-woo (x3) Yeah! Ooh, woo, ooh Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo
Oh, the outro! How it fills me with such joy! The outro mirrors the intro with the last (full) words he says being SUNFLOWER, SUNFLOWER before we lean into the random noises that further show HARRY, THE FOOL IN LOVE. And, it's so fun to try and sing along to, and we become a fool in love right beside him. This non-verbal section, raw emotion bursting through the seams, closes off the song with a moment of euphoria. Dipping down to go into WOO-WOO or BOOP-BOOP ... which is us listening as he plants the seeds to nurture the flower (the relationship) as we continue to spin in this cycle of love and hardship. With added reassurance. And added devotion.
We, again, oh I'm getting annoying, return to our knowledge about sunflowers, and how they're celebrated in their vitality, but also in their death because of the seeds they provide, even as they wilt. Harry is planting the seeds in the melody, in Sunflower, Vol. 6, to grow more, to bloom more, to maybe start anew with a perspective more rounded out than previous.
The sunflower that has fallen can rise again, celebrated in death as much as in life. Even if this ends, Harry is left with seeds of knowledge -- of love, affection, and devotion -- that he can plant to start a rebirth and rejuvenation in himself and even further, whether it's both theirs or not. The sunflower, his sunflower, has taught him a lot about how vibrant things can be, and how much of a fool in love he can be, even after all the moments of heartbreak and grieving. I stand behind my claim that Sunflower, Vol. 6 is one of Harry's most romantic and most genius songs. I mean, you can't even deny it -- this is a boy who loves love. A fucking fool in love. And I adore him and his romanticism of devotion so badly. Told through the subtle messaging of a flower metaphor? Oh my goodness.
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Thank you for reading, you're absolutely incredible!
If there are any songs you'd like me to make an analysis of, please send your request to my inbox! Along with any questions or insights you might have yourself!
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A bouquet of yellow rose, plantain lily, amaranth, heather and sunflower VS Sunflower 3
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of yellow rose, plantain lily, amaranth, heather and sunflower
Meaning and why those flowers were chosen: Yellow rose (friendship. I'd also argue that the idea of it representing new beginnings also fits her both after her arc. Also yellow, which is her color) | Plantain Lily (devotion and once again friendship. The devotion is the big thing here though) | Amaranth (immortal, unchangeable love, which I think is a very her idea) | Heather (often used to represent loneliness, a very her thing, but also represents admiration and protection) | Sunflower (loyalty and admiration) Description: Funny little time looper who really just can't face the future! A previous life of solitude which was interrupted by having friends with the same interest made this character very afraid of what would happen when everybody graduated and parted ways, so, to protect everybody, time loops were used as the perfect way to not confront those feelings at all, even if nobody else actually wanted the time loops! This character is also a bit morally questionable, especially following the main plot of the media she's from, since this character acts very cold in that to progress the plot, and gets up to a lot of overprotective bs, but is also very silly and full of love
Check her post here
Now, let's talk about the sunflower 3
Meaning: Unwavering faith and unconditional love Why this flower was chosen: They are packed with symbolism in his media Description: Hes just a sweet little boy whose mom died when he was ten. his brother dissapeared at the same time. Then he went on a quest with a thief with a limping leg, a princess (who is. really gay tbh) and his dog!
Check his post here
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winniblog · 7 months
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Choosing flowers for an anniversary is a wonderful way to express love and appreciation for your partner. Here are some popular anniversary flower choices, along with their meanings, to help you pick the perfect bouquet:
Roses: Roses are classic and timeless, symbolizing love, passion, and romance. Red roses are particularly associated with deep love and desire, making them perfect for a significant anniversary like a milestone year.
Lilies: Lilies are elegant and symbolize purity and devotion, making them a meaningful choice for celebrating years of commitment and fidelity.
Tulips: Tulips come in various colors, each with its own meaning. Red tulips symbolize true love, while white tulips represent forgiveness and worthiness, making them suitable for renewing vows or reaffirming love.
Carnations: Carnations convey love, fascination, and admiration. Different colors of carnations carry different meanings; for example, red carnations symbolize deep love and admiration, while pink carnations represent gratitude and appreciation.
Orchids: Orchids are exotic and symbolize love, luxury, and strength. They are perfect for expressing refined beauty and enduring love.
Daisies: Daisies are cheerful and symbolize innocence, purity, and loyalty. They are a lovely choice for celebrating the simplicity and sincerity of love.
Sunflowers: Sunflowers symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity. Their vibrant and cheerful appearance can brighten up any anniversary celebration.
Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas symbolize heartfelt emotions, gratitude, and abundance. They come in various colors and are perfect for conveying appreciation for years of love and support.
Peonies: Peonies are lush and romantic flowers symbolizing prosperity, honor, and romance. They are ideal for celebrating a long-lasting and passionate relationship.
Irises: Irises symbolize faith, hope, and wisdom. They are a beautiful choice for reaffirming commitment and trust in a relationship.
When selecting anniversary flowers, consider your partner's preferences, the significance of the occasion, and any special memories you share. Personalizing the bouquet with a mix of meaningful flowers can make the gift even more special and memorable.
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keenanblogs · 8 months
The Language of Flowers: A Guide to Choosing the Right Blooms for Your Message
Flowers have been a timeless form of expression, communicating sentiments and emotions without uttering a single word. The symbolic language of flowers, also known as floriography, has been cherished across cultures and centuries. In this guide, we'll delve into the enchanting world of floral communication, helping you choose the perfect blooms to convey your heartfelt messages.
Roses: The Universal Messengers Roses, with their myriad of colours, are perhaps the most renowned messengers of love and affection. Red roses symbolize passionate love, while pink signifies gratitude and admiration. Delve into the language of roses and discover the subtle nuances behind each hue.
Lilies: Elegance and Purity Lilies are the epitome of elegance and purity. Unveil the meanings behind the different types of lilies – from the regal white lily symbolizing virtue to the vibrant orange lily conveying passion.
Tulips: Declarations of Love and Happiness Tulips are more than just vibrant spring flowers; they are declarations of love and happiness. Explore the various colours of tulips and their unique meanings, from red symbolizing true love to yellow representing cheerful thoughts.
Orchids: Exotic Beauty and Refinement Exotic orchids convey a sense of beauty and refinement. Understand the meanings associated with orchids, such as elegance, strength, and rare beauty, making them perfect for expressing admiration and appreciation.
Sunflowers: Radiance and Adoration Sunflowers are the embodiment of sunshine and adoration. Learn how these cheerful blooms symbolize loyalty, adoration, and a bright disposition, making them an ideal choice for uplifting occasions.
Daisies: Innocence and Friendship Daisies, with their simple yet charming appearance, convey innocence and friendship. Explore how these flowers symbolize purity, loyalty, and the joy of friendship.
Chrysanthemums: Honoring the Departed In many cultures, chrysanthemums are associated with honouring and remembering the departed. Uncover the significance behind chrysanthemum colours and how they play a role in funerals and remembrance.
Carnations: Expressing Fascination and Devotion Carnations, with their ruffled petals, carry meanings of fascination and devotion. Discover the diverse symbolism of carnations, including the different colours representing love, admiration, and remembrance. As you embark on the journey of selecting flowers for your special moments, keep in mind the rich meanings of each bloom. Whether it's expressing love, sympathy, or admiration, the language of flowers adds a poignant and timeless touch to your heartfelt messages. So, the next time you google “flower delivery KL” to send a bouquet, remember that it's not just a collection of flowers but a beautiful expression of emotions.
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
tmf characters as flowers
sorry for yelling lol. anyway. the music freaks characters as flowers!
(may contain spoilers for recent episodes. read at your own risk)
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yes, yes. it’s not a peach blossom. but! look! sunflowers fit him aesthetically! brown centre like his eyes, gold yellow petals like his sunny hair...
Sunflower meanings include happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, admiration, and devotion. The sunflower possibly surpasses all others in terms of its universal power to bring joy to people.
its meaning fits him quite well. Hailey pointed out that he’s horrible at lying, he helped bring a smile to everyone’s face in the music club by helping them out, loyalty to both his friend groups (okay, he’s trying his best here).
yes, this is based on my Jake = sun and daisy = moon thing. don’t judge.
deadly nightshade
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looks a bit like him, doesn’t it? dark purple hair/petals, and black berries/hoodie. also the name.
In art and poetry, it represents danger and betrayal.
eheh..... well. not much to say about that, actually. he’s... well, toxic, I guess.
blue plumeria
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not that many cyan flowers, but hey it works. she pretty cool.
new beginning, new life or birth, charm and grace, beauty, spring
new beginning. well, she let Jake audition and join. aw yea, pretty singing voice go brr
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yeah, yeah, okay, okay. before you call your subjects to rid me of my head, I swear it’s pretty cool. (I'll put an alternate to satisfy you too or something.)
In the language of flowers, daisies symbolize new beginnings and rebirth, in addition to love, cheerfulness, beauty, purity, innocence, hope, fun, and affection.
new beginnings again! okok so spoilers for latest episode here:
we saw Jake get his precious music book back because of daisy (my beloved <33). she was probably the first person who told him that his passion for music was actually really cool, and not lame! she gave him an opportunity for a second chance by convincing him to join the music club, and helped him shine again. (and people were actually looking forward to hearing him sing, too!)
whether it’s platonic or romantic, she sure does love Jake and Sean. also, main love interest go brr.
oh daisy my beloved. so sweet, so kind and caring. let’s hope she hears Jake out in the rest of the finale too. never trust angst creators. I am platonically proposing to daisy. anyway
daisy gave Jake hope! she’s willing to help out with the situation, showed him support when it looked like no one was there to help.
“this is hopeless,” he said. SIKE there is daisy! (daisy my beloved <3) when the sun sets for the night, the moon comes to take its place. light in the dark sky. daisy. daisy I love you. sorry off track again.
the cutest example of affection like ever:
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or an alternate flower:
don’t murder me.
It is such a wonderful symbol for the growth potential of our soul and personality when we are faced with challenging and difficult periods in our lives.
ehe. well.
“[in the music club], I've never seen you shine so brightly,” she says. she guided him there to see him shine, because you don’t cover up gold; you wipe the dust off and hold it to the light to show its worth.
she helped him by telling him that his passion was worth something. she helped him to see hope. she’s there to fight off the metaphorical thugs that cornered him after falling in a dumpster. (wrong fandom. ah well. maybe someone will get it.) oh daisy, oh daisy, my beloved... <333
hmm. I think I'll leave it at that for now, actually. I'll continue with a part 2 sometime. cya local populace of Tumblr!
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hamatos-talk · 20 days
How do you say ‘pay attention to your girlfriend because she loves you and wants to spend time with you, dumbass’?
- Pen
Red Roses:The classic symbol of passionate love and desire. A bouquet of red roses screams "I love you" and "I want you."
Pink Roses: Represent gentleness, sweetness, and admiration. They're a perfect choice to show your girlfriend you appreciate her and care for her deeply.
White Roses: Symbolize purity, innocence, and new beginnings. They're a lovely way to say "I'm committed to you" or "I want to start fresh."
Lilies: Convey devotion, purity, and majesty. They're a grand gesture that shows your girlfriend how much she means to you.
Sunflowers: Symbolize happiness, optimism, and loyalty. They're a cheerful way to say "You brighten my day" and "I'm always here for you."
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muhammadyahya1 · 3 months
The choice of flowers for birthdays often depends on personal preferences and the message you want to convey. However, some flowers are generally popular for birthdays due to their symbolism, colors, and beauty. Here are some of the most popular flowers for birthdays:
Roses: Roses are classic and versatile, available in various colors symbolizing different sentiments. Red roses symbolize love, while pink roses represent admiration and gratitude.
Lilies: Lilies are elegant flowers that symbolize purity and refined beauty. They come in different varieties such as Stargazer lilies and Oriental lilies, each with its own unique charm.
Gerbera Daisies: Known for their cheerful appearance and vibrant colors, Gerbera daisies are popular for birthdays as they symbolize happiness, joy, and innocence.
Tulips: Tulips are graceful flowers that come in a variety of colors, each with its own meaning. They generally symbolize perfect love and are associated with spring and renewal.
Sunflowers: Sunflowers are bold and bright, symbolizing adoration, loyalty, and longevity. They are perfect for adding a sunny touch to birthday celebrations.
Carnations: Carnations are long-lasting flowers available in a wide range of colors. Pink carnations symbolize gratitude and admiration, while red carnations represent love and admiration.
Orchids: Orchids are exotic and elegant flowers that symbolize love, beauty, and strength. They are unique and often associated with luxury and sophistication.
Daffodils: Daffodils are cheerful flowers that symbolize new beginnings and happiness. They are perfect for birthdays in the springtime.
Chrysanthemums: Chrysanthemums come in various colors and symbolize joy, optimism, and long life. They are particularly popular in Asian cultures for birthdays.
Alstroemeria: Also known as Peruvian lilies, Alstroemeria symbolizes friendship and devotion. They come in many colors and are long-lasting, making them a great choice for birthdays.
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flowers11a · 5 months
Beyond the Rose: Alternative Flowers for a Special Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is a time to honor and celebrate the incredible women in our lives who have shaped us with their love, wisdom, and care. While roses are a traditional choice for this occasion, why not consider something a bit different this year? Explore the world of alternative flowers that can convey just as much love and appreciation as roses, while also adding a unique touch to your Mother’s Day celebrations.
1. Peonies
Known for their lush, full blooms and delightful fragrance, peonies are a favorite among many for Mother’s Day. These flowers symbolize prosperity, good fortune, and a happy marriage, making them a perfect choice for sending to your mom. Pick the perfect shade to suit your mother’s personality and send peonies to brighten her day.
2. Tulips
Tulips are elegant and graceful flowers that come in an array of colors, making them a versatile choice for Mother’s Day bouquets. Each color of tulip carries its own meaning, from affection to forgiveness and new beginnings. Send tulips to express your gratitude and love to your mom this Mother’s Day.
3. Orchids
For a truly exotic and sophisticated touch, consider sending orchids to your mom this Mother’s Day. Orchids symbolize love, beauty, and refinement, making them a wonderful choice for honoring the special woman in your life. With their stunning blooms and long-lasting beauty, orchids are sure to make a lasting impression on your mother.
4. Sunflowers
Bright, cheerful, and full of warmth, sunflowers are a great alternative to traditional Mother’s Day flowers. These bold blooms symbolize adoration, loyalty, and longevity, making them a perfect choice for expressing your deep affection and appreciation for your mom. Brighten her day by sending sunflowers to show her how much she means to you.
5. Lilies
Lilies are elegant and timeless flowers that convey purity, virtue, and devotion. With their graceful petals and sweet fragrance, lilies make a beautiful choice for Mother’s Day bouquets. Send lilies to your mom to express your love and appreciation for her unwavering support and love throughout the years.
6. Carnations
Often overlooked but full of meaning, carnations are a wonderful alternative to roses for Mother’s Day. Pink carnations symbolize gratitude and appreciation, making them an ideal choice for honoring your mom’s unconditional love and support. White carnations symbolize purity and love, while red carnations convey admiration and deep affection. Send carnations to show your mom just how much you appreciate everything she does.
7. Gerbera Daisies
Vibrant and cheerful, gerbera daisies are sure to bring a smile to your mom’s face on Mother’s Day. These playful flowers symbolize innocence, purity, and cheerfulness, making them a wonderful choice for celebrating the joy and happiness that mothers bring into our lives. Send gerbera daisies to brighten her day and let her know how much she is loved.
8. Hydrangeas
With their clusters of delicate blossoms and lush foliage, hydrangeas are a charming choice for Mother’s Day bouquets. These flowers symbolize gratitude, grace, and heartfelt emotions, making them a meaningful way to express your love and appreciation for your mom. Send hydrangeas to your mom to show her how much she means to you and brighten her day with their beauty.
This Mother’s Day, step beyond the traditional rose and explore the world of alternative flowers that can convey just as much love and appreciation. Whether you choose the lush blooms of peonies, the graceful elegance of lilies, or the vibrant cheerfulness of sunflowers, your mom is sure to be touched by the thoughtfulness of your gesture. Let your choice of flowers reflect the unique beauty and love that your mother brings into your life each and every day. Send flowers for Mother’s Day and make her feel special and loved.
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kookykitsu513 · 7 months
I’m not trying to win you back. Just a small penance for all my destruction.  Despite your intentions, your actions initiated profound growth, and self-discovery. You have inspired my devotion to living a new life of integrity and authenticity. I endeavor to be as patient, thoughtful, and caring in life as you. So, I must thank you and acknowledge that I’m forever grateful. Although, I do deeply regret my part in your pain and suffering for so many years. Your kind and generous soul didn’t deserve any of that. It was wrong, and selfish of me. Regardless that it’s really over, I want you to know I did mean every word of love. Clearly, I needed to learn how to show it appropriately. “Lightening strikes once, maybe twice”. If I am ever lucky enough to find love like we had once more, I’ll make sure to never make the same mistakes again. You should have never had to endure such torture bc of my weakness, insecurities, and fear. I appreciate how very very hard you tried. Even though you despise me, please know I’m always here for you.
I hope you have found a renewed sense of peace in your life and healing from all the trauma. I hope you have found or will find the everlasting true love you deserve. I hope it’s full of passion and devotion. I hope she caresses your face and hair till you fall asleep, and shows you endless affection. I hope she speaks to you kindly always, and is good at handling disagreements. I hope she takes good care of you. I hope she loves you so well that you’ll never need reassurance. I hope she finally feels like your home. Wishing you nothing but sunshine, laughter, warm embraces, amazing food, discovery of more cool rocks, great shots with your new camera, safe abandoned building exploring, thrilling off-roading, good health, deep conversations, endless curiosity, fulfilling friendships, and as many incredible adventures as you can manage throughout the rest of your life.
P.S. figuring out the tattoo. Firstly, as a reminder to my commitment to live by my true values of integrity/authenticity going forward. But more importantly though, to honor what once was a profound love, and my deeply meaningful time spent with you. Grateful for all that I’ve learned. 🖤 🌻
Sunflowers - “It is often seen as a symbol of faith and devotion, radiating positivity and hope. Their ability to turn towards the sun is seen as a metaphor for the human quest for enlightenment and self-realization.
In addition to their association with positivity, sunflowers are also symbols of loyalty and devotion. The sunflower's ability to track the sun's movement throughout the day has been interpreted as a sign of unwavering loyalty. It represents the idea of staying true to one's values and remaining dedicated to a cause or person.
This symbolism of loyalty and devotion is often tied to romantic relationships. Sunflowers are commonly given as gifts to express deep love and admiration for someone.”
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Sending Love and Beauty: How to Send Flowers to the Philippines
Flowers have a universal language that transcends borders and cultures, conveying love, affection, and heartfelt sentiments. If you're looking to send flowers to the Philippines, this guide will help you navigate the process, ensuring your message of love and appreciation reaches its destination with care and beauty.
The Philippines: A Land of Floral Beauty:
The Philippines, with its diverse climate and rich biodiversity, is a country of abundant natural beauty. Its tropical climate supports a wide array of stunning flowers, many of which are unique to the region. From vibrant orchids to fragrant sampaguita (the national flower), the Philippines is a floral paradise.
Why Send Flowers to the Philippines:
Sending flowers is a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions and express emotions. Here are some common reasons to send flowers in the Philippines:
Celebrations: Flowers are a staple for celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and other special milestones.
Condolences: Sympathy flowers offer comfort and support during times of loss and mourning.
Romantic Gestures: Nothing says "I love you" like a bouquet of beautiful roses or other romantic blooms.
Get Well Soon: Sending get-well flowers is a thoughtful way to wish someone a speedy recovery and brighten their day.
Gratitude: Expressing appreciation with a bouquet of thank-you flowers is a heartfelt way to say "thank you."
Choosing the Perfect Flowers:
Selecting the right flowers for your occasion and recipient is essential. Here are some popular choices when sending flowers to the Philippines:
Roses: Classic and timeless, roses symbolize love and affection. Red roses are synonymous with passion, while pink roses convey admiration and appreciation.
Orchids: Exotic and stunning, orchids are a symbol of beauty and refinement. They make an excellent choice for elegant occasions and to convey respect.
Lilies: Lilies represent purity and devotion. White lilies, in particular, are often used for sympathy and condolence bouquets.
Carnations: Carnations are versatile and come in various colors, each with its meaning. Red carnations represent love, while white ones are associated with purity and luck.
Sunflowers: With their vibrant and warm appearance, sunflowers symbolize happiness, adoration, and loyalty.
Tulips: Tulips are known for their elegance and grace. Red tulips represent love, while yellow tulips symbolize cheerful thoughts.
Chrysanthemums: Chrysanthemums are associated with respect and honor in the Philippines. They are commonly used in funeral arrangements.
How to Send Flowers to the Philippines:
Sending flowers to the Philippines is made easy through the following steps:
Select a Reputable Florist: Choose a trusted online or local florist known for their quality and reliability. Reading reviews and getting recommendations can help you make an informed choice.
Choose Your Bouquet: Explore the florist's selection of bouquets and arrangements to find the perfect one for your occasion and recipient.
Add Personal Touches: Many florists allow you to include a personalized message or a greeting card with your bouquet. This adds a meaningful touch to your floral gift.
Select Delivery Date and Address: Provide the recipient's address and choose the delivery date. Some florists offer same-day delivery for those last-minute surprises.
Place Your Order: Complete your purchase by providing payment information and verifying the delivery details.
Track Your Delivery: If available, use the provided tracking information to stay updated on the status of your delivery.
Flower Delivery Options:
When sending flowers to the Philippines, you have several delivery options to consider:
Local Florists: Working with a local florist in the Philippines can often ensure the freshest flowers and prompt delivery.
Online Flower Delivery Services: Many online flower delivery services offer a wide selection of bouquets and arrangements for the Philippines. They provide convenient order tracking and delivery options.
International Flower Delivery: Some international florists have networks that facilitate flower delivery to the Philippines. This option is suitable if you are sending flowers from abroad.
Considerations for International Flower Delivery:
If you are sending flowers to the Philippines from another country, here are some important considerations:
Delivery Timeframe: Take into account the time difference and the cut-off time for same-day delivery. Make sure your chosen delivery date aligns with your recipient's time zone.
Customs Regulations: Be aware of any customs regulations or restrictions regarding the import of flowers or plants into the Philippines.
Delivery Charges: Understand the delivery charges, including any international shipping fees.
Local Holidays: Be mindful of local holidays or events that may affect delivery times and availability.
For More Info :-
Funeral flower Philippines
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