#sung jin woo x igris
isu-desu · 5 months
Daily Sung Jin-woo day (58/100)
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white-eden · 8 months
Haneul: do i look fat? *pose for him*
Jinwoo: Sarang… you’re pregnant..
Haneul: but do I look fat?
Jinwoo: you look beautiful
Haneul: answer me before I kick you out of this room…
Jinwoo looks back at his shadows:
The whole shadow army left the chat.
Jinwoo: …
Haneul already holding a slipper and ready to attack: do. I. Look. Fat…?!
Jinwoo: no
Haneul: …
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shadow-sovereign · 4 years
Devotion -- Ch 2
Pairing: Beru/Sung Jin-Woo/Igris
Rating: Explicit
Summary: From the novel, ch. 124 “Jin-Woo’s heart pounded powerfully right at that moment when the ant’s shadow swore his eternal loyalty. He placed his hand on his chest to somehow calm his wildly beating heart.”
What if it had been more than just excitement Jin-Woo had felt when Beru swore his loyalty?
(Now with a part 2, Beru/Jin-Woo/Igris)
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qwertyheidi · 3 years
a solo leveling oneshot (jinwoo x gn!reader)
warning: suicide attempt, cheating
lowercase are intended
you know, i didn't think my life would turn a hundred and eighty degrees after meeting him.
that man, that handsome man. i thought he was perfect. i thought we were gonna grow old together and live a happy life. just that one sense of happiness with him was all i ever wanted. all i wanted.
but here i am. a sad, miserable person.
we met when we were kids. he introduced himself as sung jinwoo. oh, that name. i thought it was a handsome name that partnered with his handsome face.
we were happy kids. we were partners in crime.
"y/n, look! i made a sword!" jinwoo's high pitched voiced rang out in the room, his hands held a sword as he showed it to you. he grinned and said, "now we can raid dungeons together!"
you let out a small laugh, pausing on what ever you were doing. "that's an ugly sword, jinwoo. that would probably make the monsters go after you more!"
"hey! as long as you're with me, we can defeat all of them!"
"all right. we're gonna be the best hunters ever!"
that all changed when jinwoo's father died. that look on his face when they announced it to him. he was so heartbroken. his father was always there for him, always close, and now he was gone.
i remember him going to him, sobbing about how he felt lost. i just comforted, always be there for him and his family. we were teenagers when that happened, for like 13, 14 or so.
you know, he was always talking about dungeons and guild. if you say something that correlates to that, he will immediately open his mouth. i always find that cute.
so when we're adults now, his mother got sick and he and his sister can't afford the money for her treatment. poor jinah, that girl was trying to finish her education and now her one and only parent is sick. i always insisted that i was going to pay for the treatment but jinwoo always decline them.
he then told me he became a hunter.
"congratulations, woo! you must be excited then?" you exclaimed through your phone as you leaned on the kitchen counter.
"not really, but thanks." you blinked your eyes and your face looked slightly concerned. his voice sounded so, hollow, so glum. you took a deep breathe and asked, "woo, are you okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine. just feeling nervous, that's all."
"you'll be fine, woo. just know you're doing it for your family." and for me.
then, that incident happened.
oh, i blamed myself for that. i blamed myself for not being there for him. i was in my apartment, writing for an article. then the phone rang. jinah's voice was shaking, her sniffling went through the phone.
"y/n, jinwoo's in the hospital."
well, i got there as fast as i could. seeing him laying on the hospital bed made me heartbroken knowing that he might've died. and i sat there beside him everyday. everyday until he wakes up. when i see his eyes, i just had this feeling that something in him changed. his eyes looked so cold. so indifferent.
and that, he changed, so was his body and his personality. no longer he was the timid, short jinwoo i knew. he changed but he's still the same. he was cold but still cared for his family. and me.
oh, i remember the day he confessed to me. i thought he was gonna tell me with his cold voice, but he was actually still that timid jinwoo.
"y-y/n, i have so-something to say to yo-you." jinwoo's voice stuttered, he tried to compose himself but that feeling of nervousness still crept up to him.
"is something wrong, woo?" oh that voice of yours, that made him want to melt when you said his name. he cleared and said, "let'sgonadate!" he said it so fast that it made you laughed at his nervousness.
"i said sure, let's go on a date."
well, that made my life happier than ever. he was so sweet. so perfect. that first date was so perfect, it's still in my mind just resting there. and when he became famous, oh he made sure that i was safe and protected.
that shadow people of his, they were all lovely, and loyal. but, one of them, igris. i was close with him. every raid jinwoo went, igris would be there for me. we would talk and talk and talk until jinwoo come's home. oh, igris was a gentleman.
you were on your desk, typing away. you didn't heard the bedroom door opening as jinwoo walked behind and kissed the back of your neck. "my love, it's already late. you should come to bed now." his deep voice whispered to your ear.
your face went slightly flustered but you continued to type. "i'll be there when i finish this." you said, your voice already sounded so tired so jinwoo slammed your laptop shut and lifted you up.
"hey, let me down now." you shouted at him but you laughed as he attacked you with kisses. "stop, stop! alright, fine. i'll go to bed with you."
"that's more like it, love. i already miss you." he said as he kissed your mouth one last time.
and then i met that woman that jinwoo was working with. cha hae-in. i envy her, and i felt bad for it. she looks so perfect, she was everything that i wanted to be. perfect face, perfect body. i'm so ashamed of myself for it.
i always tell myself that, "y/n, they're just friends. just co-workers who raid dungeons together. they're hunters."
jinwoo cancelled all our dates, he missed our first date anniversary. i waited for him that night. i made sure it was special. and when he came, he excused it that he and hae-in lost time talking to each other. i accepted it, but deep down i was disappointed at him. at my self.
i wasn't supposed see it. i wasn't supposed to see the two of them. i'm already having thoughts of jinwoo and cha hae-in but i always tell it that it's just my insecurity getting the better of me, so i shook it aside.
but i was wrong. i was walking down on the sidewalk, just done getting groceries. and there, i saw a portal, or gates i think that's what they're called. some people in suits were surrounding it. it was blue and bright, like some star that came unto earth.
i saw some people walking out of it, some looked injured and bloody but made it out alive. then jinwoo came out, followed by hae-in. i relieved to see the two of them okay. and they kissed. the two kissed. i tried to tell myself it's not real, that it's just my mind playing tricks on me.
but the sound of a car passing by loudly and a hand pulling me by the shoulder just snapped me out of it. i guess my body controlled itself and decided to tell me that this is just a dream and that maybe getting hit by a car would wake me up from this nightmare.
that day and everyday, i pretended that it didn't happen, for the sake of keeping that man happy and content with his life.
i guess that huge discovery changed me. every raid that man attends, i drink and smoke. cry and just stare at the wall, trying to find some answers on what did i do to make jinwoo do that.
of course, igris was there. he was there watching me indulge in these wretched things that i never find myself doing. oh, he made some attempts to try and stop me but he gave up, and i'm grateful for that.
igris watched as his master's partner light up another cigarette and poured another drink. he saw their eyes red, tears running down on their face. the sound of chopin's nocturne op. 9 no. 2 echoed throughout the apartment.
igris didn't know why this is happening. for the past few months, days, they were happy and now they're drinking their sorrows away. a few minutes later, you went back to the living, yet wearing another clothes as you puffed out a smoke. sitting down on the couch, you called out to igris, "igris, dear, can you sit down beside me?" you soft, hoarse voice compelled him to do so. his large figure almost crushed the couch.
"is something wrong, my liege?"
"oh, igris, i told you to call me by name."
"but my master said-"
you waved your hand at him, "nonsense. we're friends, so it's natural for you to call me by my name." igris just looked at you then nodded. "okay, y/n."
you didn't looked at him but smiled softly. "that's more like it." you sniffed as you pursed your lips. you two didn't talked but it was comforting enough. chopin's music still played on repeat.
"you know," your hoarse voice spoke out. igris turned his head to you. "i'm planning to move away. to the countryside with my parents."
"with master, y/n?" you shook your head. "no. i don't want that man to come with me."
igris heard your voice turned cold, he was concerned as to why is that. "why is that, y/n?"
you poured a drink unto a glass. "that man did a despicable thing." you said, your face looking oh so indifferent as you drank the whole thing. you turned your head to face him and said, "don't tell him that. i don't want him to find me. please, igris." your voice started to shake on your last sentence.
igris was hesitant but decided to agree. for your sake. you rested your head on his body. "i don't know what to do now, igris. i thought we were perfect together. all those memories we had."
"it'll be okay, y/n. i'm here."
"promise you won't leave me?"
"i promise, i'll always be here for you."
oh i'm always be grateful for him. igris was really there for. that, man was really a kind man.
jinwoo was on a business trip for three days. so, i took the liberty to start packing my things. i barely remembered any of my time with jinwoo as i put my clothes in my bag and luggage. i just left all of the things jinwoo gave me. they gave me bad memories about him.
"i'll miss you, igris."
"me too, y/n. be safe on your travels."
the sound of birds chirping outside of your home and water splashing by the lake. you stared at the man in front of you as he write on the paper and you holding a cigarette close to your mouth.
"what really made you go here to talk to me?" your voice snapped out the man from his writing. he looked up and stared at you.
"well, uh, many people are talking about you after hunter sung jinwoo mentioned you in one of his interviews, i guess that made people really curious about you. and also the fact that i heard from my colleagues that you turned down so many reporters."
you puffed out a smoke and let out a deep breathe. "then i guess that makes you special then. you're the first i one i ever let you interview me."
"i, uh, also want to let the whole world know about your personal life and the time of you being together with hunter sung. many people are talking about you being a gold digger because of hunter sung."
"and if i don't talk about my personal life, they'll interpret it as true?" the man just stared at you, his pencil ready to write on his paper. you let out a sigh and added, "my life isn't that much, exciting, to say the least. my parents worked hard for me to have a normal life. they didn't earn that much but i'm always grateful for them. they taught me to cherish things that you worked hard for. jinwoo always gave me expensive things, but i stored them away, never actually using it because i'm guilty for jinwoo. and i tried hard to also give him something, you know?"
"yes, i understand." he started to write on the paper.
"you know, this article of yours will bring you a great deal of attention after you published it."
"well in that case, any advice for me?"
"yes. don't date a man named jinwoo."
he let out a amused chuckle as he continued to write.
"are you afraid that i might cry again?"
"no, i, i see you more likely to scream."
"scream what?"
the man looked at you.
"i deserved better."
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astranne · 2 years
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crossover (jjk x sl)
series (Through the Multiverse)
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“Allow me to introduce myself.” Deep, dark, powerful.
“I am Ashborn-” Deep, dark, powerful, dangerous.
“-the First Creation of the Absolute Being, Greatest Fragment of Brilliant Light-” Deep, dark, powerful, dangerous, inhuman.
“-the Shadow Monarch, King of the Dead.” Deep, dark, powerful, dangerous, inhuman, divine.
“And I have joined the mortal world once again.”
Oh fuck, the three sorcerers thought.
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rarepears · 3 years
Mace Windu is Igris's son
I mean, purple, darkness, loyal, a stickler for the rules...
Mace Windu is somehow Igris' son. Yes a Igris X Jinwoo AU where they somehow create a son together. (I'm not going to break my head over thinking how a child would be born from such a union.)
Jinwoo popping in to check on his son Mace at the Jedi temple.
Mace's lightsaber being purple because his mana is purple like his dads'.
Jinwoo having Mace grow up at the Jedi Temple because he was told that Mace would get extra training in this weird Force power (and because Mace would be able to grow up without being stalked by the media). Plus Jinwoo and Igris can sneak into the Temple whenever without detection.
Perhaps it's out of self preservation that Mace purposefully cultivates a reputation for being a stickler about the rules to hide all his parents' rule breaking (and so that whenever they kidnap him to visit Aunt Jinah and Uncle Beru, other Jedi think he's away doing Jedi Council work).
Jinwoo's shadow summons popping out of Windu's shadow when Windu goes to arrest Chancellor Palpatine for being a Sith.
Why are all my ideas nowadays a Star Wars X Solo Leveling crossover...
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katsukavi · 3 years
"OH SHIT!" part 1
It's an Omega Jin-Woo x Alpha Male Reader. It's titled "oh shit" because they keep falling into more and more pain, but end up falling for each other. This is part 1!
THE STRONGEST HUNTER, Sung Jin-Woo was mistaken to be an alpha with his build and strength but he was an omega. It made sense back then when he was an E-Rank hunter, but now that he changed greatly and it was nearly impossible to distinguish him from Alphas from a glance.
That was the S-Rank (L/n) (M/n)'s mistake. He had thought that his best friend was an Alpha his entire life, going on a 'sleepover' and going out to drink. Stupid move yes, but male omegas are rare — making it less likely in (L/n)'s head for Jin-Woo to be an omega.
Anyways, this.. this was a horrendously severe mistake an Alpha and an Omega could do. Two idiotic adults spending time alone.
"What the hell?" (M/n) rubbed his eyes, his other hand trapped underneath Jin-Woo's waist. He could feel bare skin underneath the blanket, making him retract his hand almost immediately.
'What the fuck?! What the fuck!?!' he thought repeatedly, confused on why he and his friend were naked. Sung Jin-Woo groaned, taking the blanket and covering himself in his sleep; the only thing he could do to stay warm.
(M/n) took a deep breath, turning away from the sight and walking away. "Nothing happened. We just got drunk.. Definitely. 100%.." he told himself, trying to stay optimistic as he slid something on— continuing with his morning routine.
But it still lingered at the back of his mind, even while making breakfast. What the hell happened that night?
"What time is it?" Jin-Woo exited the room, groggily scratching his stomach. "It's 11am.. Aaand, it looks like you found my favorite black shirt.." (M/n) mentioned, putting eggs on his plate.
"My clothes are missing so I'm borrowing this for a while," Jin-Woo rested on the table, his head and body aching in pain. "Eat this. It's good for hangovers," (M/n) threw a banana towards him, Jin-Woo catching it easily.
(L/n) sat down, glaring daggers at Jin-Woo in silence. The Shadow Monarch didn't spare any concern, still chewing on his fruit. Or was a banana even a fruit? It was like (M/n)'s dilemma, was the banana sitting across him a fruit(Alpha) or a vegetable(Something else).
"H-Hey.. Jin-Woo," (M/n)'s hands trembled, doing his best to seem composed. "...What are you?"
The question was vague, both of them sitting in silence before Jin-Woo swallowed his meal. "I'm an S-Rank Hunter."
(L/n) calmed down, trying to forget his worries. It's impossible, someone as strong as Sung Jin-Woo couldn't be an omega. Besides, they were both male so it's not possible in the slightest. The possibility was slimmer than a sheet of paper.
Sung Jin-Woo, a powerhungry bastard did not know why his friend acted so unnerved that day. In fact, he just didn't care. With his immunity to alcohol, he could remember a few glimpses of that incident and just accepted it.
It is what it is. If it's not a fight, he does not care.
It's not like he could get pregnant. (L/n) (M/n) was more of a Beta-type person if he said so himself. He was neutral with everything and is less agressive than the Alpha males he's met. He was a chill dude overall. He calms Jin-Woo down like a beta would.
Besides, he confirmed that on (M/n)'s hunter wikipedia page. They were totally safe.
That's what he thought.
"Holy Fuck—!!" (M/n) stepped back, watching Sung Jin-Woo vomit his lunch right in front of him. "Are you okay?!" He dropped his rapier, immediately rushing to aide his companion. He used his skill, a bright red blast defeating all the monsters in the vicinity.
"My Liege?!" Beru shouted, worrying about his health. Other shadows gathered around, worried about their master's condition. "I'm fine.." Jin-Woo said, wiping the spew from his mouth.
"Yeah right! I just saw you vomit Niagra Falls right there. You're going home," (M/n) grabbed his shoulders in a commanding manner, feeling that someone so valuable shouldn't be in dangerous territory that moment.
"Igris, take him home.." (M/n) looked back, the aura around him turning heavy. "But Igris is my shadow—" Jin-Woo tried protesting, the dark knight obeying (M/n)'s order instead of his. Jin-Woo wanted to continue fighting too, but he couldn't defy (M/n).
"Eh? (M/n) Hyung, where's Jin-Woo Hyung?" Yoo Jin-Ho came from around the corner, seeing (M/n) alone in that cave. "I sent him home. The bastard was sick," he responded, grabbing his precious rapier from the floor.
He couldn't believe he dropped his beloved sword on the floor like that. He didn't even let anyone touch it with their disgusting hands.
"But he's an S-Rank Hunter too? This isn't even an S-Rank dungeon.. He's fine by himself."
(L/n) (M/n) froze in between putting the blade in it's sheath. Jin-Ho was right, why the hell did he send an S-Rank Hunter home? He even had his own system and multiple shadows, it wasn't like he would die in a measly A-Rank dungeon.
He knew how powerful Jin-Woo was based on his own experiences with a System. That's how they met in the first place. A system collaboration.
"...Just shut up," (M/n)'s voice was sharp, making the Beta tense in fear. "Y-Yes Hyung!" Jin-Ho responded, never seeing the laid back hunter so serious before. Was he finally acting like an Alpha?
[The Orion System applauds the 'Predator; (L/n) (M/n)']
[( ' ▽ ' ).。o♡]
"Why are you applauding me?" (M/n) glared at the yellow boards of notifications in front of him. He moved the screens away from his view, looking at his ceiling as he felt the empty space beside his bed. 'Jin-Woo was here just four weeks ago..'
His (e/c) eyes went wide, facing away from that empty space. 'He's my friend! I shouldn't be thinking of him like this. He'll probably think I'm weird...'
[You rn: (*♡∀♡) ]
[lol ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)]
"Fuck you Orion or whatever your name is... damn system," (M/n)'s face flushed, hiding himself under his covers. 'Jin-Woo's scent... It smells really good.'
Sung Jin-Woo's condition started to get worse. He drank a few health potions but none of them seemed to be working— only amplifying the effects of it. He tried looking if it was an odd debuff or curse, but none of them seemed to be the cause.
Since he could heal anything himself, he was almost sure not even the hospital could find out what it is. He was absolutely afraid this 'curse' could affect his work life.
"Have you gone to the hospital?" (M/n) asked all of a sudden, making him freeze. "That won't do anything.." he sighed, resting his head on the restaurant table — not feeling the least bit hungry.
"We should go just in case though," (M/n) grabbed some of the meat on his plate, deciding not to waste them. "It's a condition not even a health potion can fix. It probably won't be anything simple to fix by going to a hospital," Jin-Woo murmured.
"There you go with being negative again.. You've been really moody these days, huh Jin-Woo?"
"I wanna die.."
"Mhm, you've been saying that for the past week," (M/n) patted his head, comforting him a bit. "I'm going to eat the rest of your food," he said, trying to taunt some life into Jin-Woo.
"Okay, I'm not hungry.." he said, ignoring (M/n). 'Oh gosh, this is so serious that the power hungry Shadow Monarch gave up on eating??' (M/n) felt a little sorry for the male, continuing to eat his lunch. "Let's go to the hospital."
"You are 2 weeks pregnant. It looks like you have to get on hiatus for at least five months. I know you're an S-Rank hunter, but please think about the life inside you as well."
"Jin-Woo, you're an omega?"
"And you're an alpha?"
❝ OH SHIT! ❞
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truyenvn · 4 years
Truyện Tôi Thăng Cấp Một Mình: Top 9 Ma Thú “Đông Fan” Nhất
Truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình có lẽ là một trong số ít các tác phẩm có thể biến phe phản diện thành phe chính diện, đầy kịch tính, đầy máu và nước mắt cùng vô vàn pha hành động chất lừ! 
Bài viết dưới đây sẽ cho bạn đọc cái nhìn tổng quát nhất về các Ma thú được cho là mạnh mẽ và thú vị nhất tính đến thời điểm hiện tại của webtoon.
Ant King
Vua Kiến là một Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ, là nhân vật phản diện chính ở arc Jeju, nó có thể dễ dàng giết chết các thợ săn hạng S như một trò đùa, một số người đã ngã xuống khi đối đầu với Vua Kiến là Goto Ryuji, đánh văng thợ săn Cha Hae In. 
Vua Kiến được sinh ra từ quả trứng của Nữ hoàng Kiến – Ant Queen ở đảo Jeju. Đây là một trong số ít các Ma thú có thể giao tiếp với con người.
Vua Kiến là một trong số ít những “đứa con” mà Nữ hoàng Kiến đã dành nhiều ma pháp nhất để có thể trở thành một Boss mạnh mẽ nhất. Đáp lại “thành ý” này, Vua Kiến đã giết không ít thợ săn của Hàn Quốc và Nhật Bản – thứ hạng đa phần là cấp S. 
Sau khi Vua Kiến bị Sung Jin Woo – nam chính của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – giết chết và được kết xuất bóng, đã trở thành một trong những binh lính thiện chiến nhất trong đội quân bóng của Jin Woo thì được “đặt tên” là Beru (fan Việt quen gọi là Ber). Beru là một trong những chiến binh Bóng đầu tiên đạt cấp bậc Chỉ huy Commander – nhờ vào khả năng giao tiếp.
Hồi còn sống, cũng như khi đã chết và trở thành một trong số các chiến binh Bóng của Jin Woo, Beru sở hữu nhiều năng lực mạnh mẽ vô cùng: khả năng hấp thụ năng lực, kỹ năng và sức mạnh của người bị nó ăn; khả năng bay lượn; khả năng biến đổi kích thước cơ thể tùy ý; khả năng triệu hồi các sinh vật khác nhờ quyền năng của nhà Vua…
Một trong những khả năng “khá phiền” của Vua Kiến là khả năng tự chữa lành luôn phát huy tác dụng nhanh chóng, khả năng này Beru có được là nhờ vào việc ăn một phần cơ thể của Min Byung Gyu. Cũng nhờ việc ăn Min Byung Gyu mà Beru có thể giao tiếp bằng tiếng người (tiếng Hàn, nhưng chưa thông thạo lắm), sau đó nó còn ăn thêm Goto Ruiji (thợ săn cấp S của Nhật Bản) và từ đó có được khả năng giao tiếp tuyệt vời bằng tiếng Nhật.
Trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Avaricious Vulcan được biết đến là một Ma thú cực kỳ mạnh mẽ, canh chừng các tầng sâu của Lâu đài Quỷ, cụ thể thì Avaricious Vulcan tọa lạc ở tầng thứ 50.
Ở Lâu đài Quỷ, Avaricious Vulcan là một trong những Ma thú đầu tiên có thể đem đến kha khá rắc rối cho Sung Jin Woo nhờ vào tốc độ và sức mạnh cực kỳ dũng mãnh, Avaricious Vulcan cũng đã giết được các chiến binh Bóng của Jin Woo.
Rất tiếc là khi Avaricious Vulcan chết, Jin Woo đã không thể kết xuất bóng của gã này vì linh hồn của hắn đã bị nhiễm bẩn.
Cùng với Vua Kiến, thì Baruka cũng là một trong số ít các Ma thú có khả năng giao tiếp với con người. Baruka là thủ lĩnh của một đội các Yêu tinh băng – là một đám goblin bát nháo lấy việc giết các thợ săn làm tiêu khiển. 
Baruka không chỉ là một Ma thứ có khả năng giao tiếp, mà nó còn vô cùng thông minh khi có thể khéo léo sử dụng kỹ năng tàng hình để đi theo Kim Chul như một người dẫn đường, trực tiếp trở thành người dẫn dắt để các Yêu tinh Băng có thể tiếp cận và tiêu diệt các Thợ săn.
Thông qua một cuộc giao tiếp cưới Jin Woo, Baruka đã tiết lộ rằng trong đầu hắn luôn có một giọng nói vang vọng, thôi thúc hắn đi giết hết tất cả con người, thế nhưng giọng nói đó lại không thể gáy nổi khi gặp Sung Jin Woo. 
Thứ hạng của Baruka khá mơ hồ nhưng thông qua việc hắn có thể đấu với Jin Woo trong thời gian dài kha khá, đối đầu với Iron và Igris thì có thể Baruka thuộc tầm cao nhất của rank A cho đến rank S, tuy nhiên điều này chỉ là suy đoán của rất nhiều fan đọc truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình. 
Sung Jin Woo cũng thừa nhận rằng Baruka khá mạnh và có thể là một “leader” hoàn hảo khi đối đầu với một đám toàn những kẻ rác rưởi, và dù đã cố gắng nhiều lần nhưng Jin Woo đã không thể kết xuất bóng của Baruka và biến hắn thành một trong số các chiến binh Bóng của mình.
Blood-Red Commander Igris
Chỉ huy Blood-Red Igris là một trong các số ít các Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, khi Jin Woo xuất hiện trong một hầm ngục nơi anh phải hoàn thành nhiệm vụ Job Change Quest thì Igris đã ở sẵn đó, trông chừng một ngai vàng trống.
Trước kia Igris t��ng là Ma thú phục tùng mệnh lệnh của Ashborn, mãi cho đến khi Ashborn thực hiện việc khảo hạch sự tương thích trong cơ thể của Jin Woo để truyền lại sức mạnh của ông. Để làm được điều đó thì AShborn đã phải lấy đi khá nhiều năng lượng của Igris, đồng thời để cho Igris trở thành người test Jin Woo. 
Và đó cũng là một trong những mệnh lệnh cuối cùng mà Ashborn giao cho Igris, lúc này ông cũng đã từ bỏ chiến tranh và quyết định sẽ tha thứ cho các Ruler (vì đã kết bè phái giết chết Đáng Sáng Thế), hứng thú với chiến tranh trong ông cũng nguội lạnh. 
Vì từng là một con người, một chiến binh trước khi trở thành một Ma thú phục tùng dưới trướng của Ashborn, Igris dù không nói ra nhưng lại chất chứa nhiều cảm xúc trong lòng. Đầu tiên là anh không biết mình nên vui hay buồn với quyết định của Ashborn, ngoài việc chấp hành mệnh lệnh vô điều kiện, anh đã không thể làm gì hơn. 
Khi đối đầu với Jin Woo, Igris đã rất ngạc nhiên với tinh thần quyết chiến đến cùng của Jin Woo, đồng thời, chính đôi mắt sắc lạnh đầy cương quyết của Jin Woo đã thoáng làm anh ngỡ ngàng và hoàn toàn mất tập trung và sau đó là bại trận. 
Esil Radiru
Esil Radiru là con gái của tù trưởng Radiru và là một Ác ma quý tộc được tìm thấy tại Hầm ngục thuộc Lâu đài của quỷ cấp S. Esil gặp Sung Jin-Woo lần đầu tiên tại tầng 79 của Lâu đài Quỷ, khi đội của cô cố gắng loại bỏ đội quân Bóng tối của anh ta, nhưng do sức mạnh của Jin-Woo, toàn bộ đội của cô đã dễ dàng bị giết. Chết nhanh nhất trong số trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình! 
Cô cũng suýt bị Jin-Woo giết, nhưng vì anh thích tính cách của cô và cô cũng đã cung cấp nhiều thông tin hữu ích nên anh đã tha mạng cho cô. Esil Radiru có tính cách cởi mở và trung thực, do cô ấy dễ dàng tin tưởng những lời của Jin-Woo. 
Mặc dù sống trong Ma giới, Esil Radiru có một tính cách rất điển hình của một cô gái. Điều này được thể hiện khi cô ấy dễ dàng đỏ mặt khi Jin-Woo nói rằng anh ấy sẽ “mượn” cô ấy và một lần khác là  khi cô hỏi tại sao Jin Woo quyết tha thứ cho gia tộc của cô. Anh main rất tỉnh và đẹp trai của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – Sung Jin-Woo đã trả lời: Vì tôi thấy cô đáng yêu!
High Orcs
Ở truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, High Orc lần đầu tiên xuất hiện trong ngục tối của Cổng Hiệp hội Thợ săn, nơi Sung Jin-Woo đi cùng với đội B của Hiệp hội Thợ săn với tư cách là một Porter.
High Orc là những Ma thú hình người mạnh mẽ được tìm thấy trong các Hầm ngục Hạng A. Các Orc thường cao và to hơn người bình thường, có mắt đỏ, da đỏ, cũng như hình xăm khắp cơ thể. Lãnh đạo của họ (và là Trùm của Ngục tối Hạng A) là một Pháp sư cấp cao, Kargalgan.
Không giống như hầu hết các quái vật ở nhiều hầm ngục khác, những con ma thú này có trí thông minh. Thể hiện trong cuộc chiến giữa Đội B của Guild High Orc và các Hunter, High Orc đã phớt lờ những người chặn ở tiền tuyết và đi thẳng vào tuyến sau. 
Nhiều chi tiết cho thấy rằng nếu đối đầu trực diện với các Thợ săn hạng A thôi thì phía thợ săn chưa chắc có thể nắm phần thắng, trừ khi Sung Jin Woo xuất hiện. Chuyện đời không như các bạn Orc mong muốn, Jin Woo đã ở đó, về sau cả đám đã trở thành một phần trong đội quân Bóng của nam chính truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình.
Ice Bear
Nếu bạn đọc truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình và cảm thấy yêu thích chiếc Bóng Tank to bự thì đây là “quá khứ” huy hoàng của anh chàng. Ice Bears là Ma thú thứ hai mà Sung Jin-Woo và nhóm quái vật của anh gặp phải bên trong Hầm ngục Cổng Đỏ.
Ice Bear tấn công theo bầy đàn và được nhìn thấy nhiều nhất trong rừng, và đặc biệt là trong các hang động. Trước khi Jin-Woo đến và chinh phục hầm ngục này thì số lượng của quân đoàn Ice Bear cũng khá hùng hậu.
Thủ lĩnh của bầy Ice Bear là một con Gấu trắng lớn với vết sẹo trên mắt trái và 2 vết sẹo lớn xuất phát từ vai và dài xuống ngực, tạo thành một chữ ‘X’. Sau khi chiến đấu hết sức cuồng nhiệt cùng với Igris thì nó đã bị giết bởi Igris và bị Jin-Woo đã kết xuất bóng, kể từ đó Ice Bear có tên là Tank – chính thức trở thành một chiếc “xe tăng” trong đội quân bóng của Sung Jin Woo.
Trong khi Tank được “đưa” vào đội nhờ công lao của Igris thì Kaisellin đã gia nhập quân đoàn Bóng của Sung Jin Woo nhờ công của Iron. 
Trong truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Kaisellin khi còn sống là một con rồng bay, vật cưỡi của Quỷ Vương tại Lâu đài quỷ. Trong lúc Jin Woo đang chiến đấu cùng Quỷ vương thì Iron đã nhanh chóng xử xong con vật cưỡi này. Sau cùng Jin Woo đã kết xuất bóng của nó và đặt lại tên là Kaisel, một chiến binh Bóng cấp bậc Hiệp sĩ hạng A.
Kamish – “ngôi sao mới nổi” của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình – là một Ma thú vô cùng mạnh mẽ xuất hiện sau khi Vụ vỡ ngục xảy ra trong một cánh Cổng hạng S đầu tiên xuất hiện ở Hoa Kỳ, nó đã phá hủy một phần phía tây của Hoa Kỳ và giết hàng trăm Thợ săn Tinh nhuệ của nước này. Kamish được coi là tai họa tồi tệ nhất của Nhân loại.
Kamish đã từng là một trong những người lính của Dragon Monarch, như anh ấy đã thú nhận khi Jin-Woo kết xuất Bóng của mình. Thông qua cuộc trò chuyện ngắn giữa anh ấy và Jin-Woo, Kamish cho hay rằng mình thấy biết ơn vì đã phục vụ Shadow Monarch, đồng thời bày tỏ sự buồn bã khi phải ra đi.
Khác với các Ma thú khác của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình, Kamish mang một lòng căm thù mãnh liệt đối với Con người, đặc biệt là khi anh ta bị Jin-Woo coi là một chiếc Bóng, thể hiện qua việc anh ta cố gắng sử dụng một đòn tấn công cực hiểm lên đám thợ săn. Lòng căm thù đó càng tăng lên khi Kamish nhớ đến nỗi đau mà các Thợ săn đã gây ra cho anh trước khi chết. 
Tuy nhiên, hiện tại vẫn chưa rõ liệu sự căm ghét của Kamish dành cho Con người là do Lõi ma thuật được cấy vào người bởi những Ruler hay chỉ do bản thân anh ấy.
Được gọi là tai họa tồi tệ nhất của nhân loại, Kamish chắc chắn là một Ma thú cực kỳ mạnh với nhiều khả năng đáng kinh ngạc, thế nhưng trên tất cả, việc Kamish sở hữu một trí thông minh tuyệt vời không thua kém gì con người mới đáng nhắc đến nhất. 
Thể hiện ở việc Kamish đã tiết lộ với Jin Woo rằng trên thế giới có nhiều người được thừa hưởng sức mạnh của các Ruler, muốn Jin Woo đề phòng, chứng tỏ trí nhớ và khả năng phân tích vấn đề này hoàn toàn khác xa đám Ma thú bình thường.
Trên đây là một số ma thú đã xuất hiện trong webtoon hành động ly kỳ hấp dẫn này, hành trình chinh phục các ma thú của Sung Jin Woo càng kéo dài, độc giả của truyện Tôi thăng cấp một mình càng có nhiều cơ hội thưởng thức nhiều trận đấu kịch tính giữa main và các ma thú ngày một mạnh mẽ hơn.
source https://truyenvn.com/tin/truyen-toi-thang-cap-mot-minh-top-9-ma-thu.html?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=truyen-toi-thang-cap-mot-minh-top-9-ma-thu
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rarepears · 2 years
Your post about Sung Jin Woo X Superman and the bit about him having to find someone who he can trust not to break during sex made me think that he either bottoms or has his partner ride him if he ever dates someone who is not a rank s hunter
Or he finds one of those people like the healer from the jeju island that was a hunter but gave up to live a normal life
Or he bones one of his shadow summons. That's always a great option as this amazing fic with Igris X Jinwoo shows. (It's very NSFW just so y'all are aware.)
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katsukavi · 3 years
I wanted to make this a full fanfiction on my wattpad, but I didn’t want to disappoint everyone with the super slow updates (like my scumlord lol) so.. here’s crap I pulled out of my notes called arise, undead (“pretty obsessed” sung jin-woo x male, zombie reader) I also really like the options I have in tumblr lol. I’m a little embarrassed to add tags because I’m not sure if people will like it and stuff.. But yeah! This is the book cover I made for it here too! :D
Im having too much fun with these new stuff~ (please excuse me. this is my first long post and i love everything here—)
The plot is that Jin-Woo finds an undead in the woods, tries to arise him and it does work. Now they fight together because the zombie has no memories and is literally immortal (yet dead). Near the end, they discover that MC was murdered and his body was buried in the woods yada yada. Then when Jin-Woo goes back, he has to save him. But, he has to save MC as a 15 year old while MC is a 27 year old..
(I planned that part out and I think it’s a little funny how suddenly a kid approaches you like “You’re going to die if you go somewhere. Come with me, I’m your lover from the future.”
“Ah, it’s a chuunibyou.. Sorry kid, but I need to go to work—“
‘Alive or not, MC still looks like a zombie.. Why are you so overworked?!’)
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IT WAS SUNG JIN-WOO’S FIRST TIME using his new job skills, so naturally he’d get excited in testing every single little thing about it. He just exited the purple hued portal behind him, feeling like he acquired an interesting new toy to play with. Even though he was tired from the lack of sleep, his joy kept him from passing out.
Either it was that, or the rain pouring over his head. All his excitement flushed into disappointment as his shoes got muddy from the damp forest foor and his clothes getting completely soaked in rainwater. It would be impossible to pass out with the loud thunder rumbling in the background.
He cursed with every step on his path, finding it hard to walk with the slippery and uneven soil, his vision blurry from water and dark skies and his body dragging itself against harsh rain. Unfortunately, he was also already very exhausted.
Out of all the times for a thunderstorm, why did it have to be right after the job change quest?
From behind the trees, he heard a low distorted roar—forcing him to dip his head towards it’s direction. He held a dagger in one hand, trying to make out its shape from behind the trees.
It was in a humanoid shape, making him relax just a little bit. “Is anyone there?” he questioned.
His voice seemed to reach the stranger as they left their hiding spot in the trees’ shade. The person looked to be a man wearing a formal suit, diluted blood marking over his chest and face. Even though he looked human, he didn’t seem to breathe, just limply staring at Jin-Woo with a blank and lifeless expression.
Strangely, the stranger’s (s/c) skin was pale, like blood hasn’t been pumping through his veins. But attacking a person because they looked really sick wasn’t a good thing, it’s like attacking an overworked person because they looked so dead. It was either it was too dark or the view was too blurry.
“Hello?” Jin-Woo called out one time, staying cautious from the stranger. It lunged at Jin-Woo with a raspy growl, nearly scratching his face. Jin-Woo ducked, a small scratch appearing on his face from the speed. It definitely wasn’t human.
Sung Jin-Woo was already fatigued, at a disadvantage with the location as well. He cursed, barely dodging every slash thrown at him. “Igris!” he called out, the shadow materialising from behind him. Igris grabbed the humanoid monster, a splash of mud splattering around as it was thrown.
Sung Jin-Woo stabbed it deep in the chest, not a single drop of blood spilling out as he stepped back to breathe. He put his hands on his knees, staring at the lifeless corpse as he sent Igris back. ‘It seems pretty strong.. Should I extract it?’
He took a deep breath, getting closer to the body as he raised his hand. His posture was elegant, holding a composed expression as droplets of rain streamed down his attractive face, adding to his charm. A deep and soothing voice left his mouth, sending chills to anyone who would hear it.
Though unfortunately, the Shadow Monarch was greeted with nothing but silence and the sound of ambient rain. That’s odd, if it was a failed extraction then a notification would pop up to let him know or something. Was the system suddenly broken? If that’s the case, he should try again.
“Arise.. arise. ARISE!” he shouted multiple times, but a shadow didn’t get extracted. He furrowed his brows, squatting down to find out the cause of his skill suddenly breaking. “Why isn’t it working..?” he mumbled under his breath, getting closer to the body with a puzzled look on his face.
“Arise. Arise. Arise arise arise. Wake up. Rise and shine. Arise. Awake. Good morning. Arise.”
“I’m not dead yet, dimwit.”
Did the body just.. talk back to him?
“You didn’t hear anything,” Jin-Woo blurted out, getting embarrassed from the montage of Arise and synonyms he was saying to something that was alive. He stabbed the body once again, trying to kill it as he attempted once more. “Arise.”
“You don’t have to try again. I’m not dead,” the man just sat up like it was just his average tuesday, sliding out the blade from his chest, handing it to Jin-Woo and dusting off his clothes. The undead just raised his head towards the sky, watching clouds part as he lifted his palm, no more droplets landing on top of it. “Oh, the rain is clearing up.”
“Excuse me. Didn’t you just try to attack me?”
“Did I? I don’t remember,” the stranger scratched the back of his neck, looking bored as he yawned. “My name is (L/n) (M/n), age 27. And you are?”
“Sung Jin-Woo, 24.”
“Nice meeting you. Now where in the hell am I?”
(L/N) (M/N) HAD A NASTY SCOWL on his face, plopping the sewing kit on Jin-Woo’s bed as he angrily tried to open it with one arm. Unfortunately, someone had cut off his right arm that he spent ages trying to sew back on.
“What next, my leg?” he cursed under his breath as Sung Jin-Woo opened it for him. “Wait a minute,” Jin-Woo said, sticking the end of his arm to his shoulder. “Hold this,” he said, making (M/n) keep his limb in one place as he put the thread in the needle.
“What?” The zombie still looked very angry, knitting his brows together as he held still. “I thought you needed a hand,” Jin-Woo lightly joked, trying to make (M/n)’s mood towards him a little better. The undead male gave him his signature dead stare, tightly holding his severed upper arm before speaking.
“Jin-Woo, I am dead serious here.”
He started to lightly chuckle, noticing that Sung Jin-Woo was almost finished with sewing his arm back on his body. “Hey, you’re pretty good at this.” His remark made Jin-Woo smile as he opened and closed his hand, almost as if it was brand new.
“My clothes kept getting ripped when I was E-Rank. I learned naturally.”
“The next time you rip off my limbs, please fix them too,” (M/n) said, flailing his right hand in the air with satisfaction.
“Well next time. I’m sure I’ll make you mine.”
“I doubt that.”
///////////////////////////// (now it’s just random dialogues i pulled out of my idea dump lol)
“OH HECK! There goes my leg!”
“Oh no... He’s dead! It’s not like I’m happy about it or anything~! ...Arise arise arise arise—“
“God damn it.. Jin-Woo, could you go fetch my torso, and my arms and my legs and uh.. my head. Yes, thank you.”
“You don’t have a heartbeat and your skin is ice cold. I stabbed you 32 times. How are you still moving?”
“Dunno, ask Jesus.”
“You don’t breathe, (M/n).”
“Oh yeah, you’re right.”
“Sometimes I wonder if you want me dead or if you want me alive. Which one is it?”
“Either way is fine as long as you’re mine.”
“Gross, necrophiliac.”
“Good night, (M/n).”
“Good night, Jin-Woo..”
“Alright.. arise arise arise arise arise arise arise—“
“Once again, I am not dead.”
“You’re not useless, (M/n). Because when you die, I WILL MAKE YOU MY SHADOW.”
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