#sungjin   ;   answered.
agustd-png · 2 months
I keep coming back to your Sungjin fics because out of all the (unfortunately few) Sungjin ones there are, you capture his personality the best :)
Aw thank you so much, that's very kind of you to say 🥰🫶 i try hard to get personalities correct, so i am happy to hear that!
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sstarlostt · 2 years
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jayflrt · 7 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 04. the world of the elite
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The first was the chilling realization that he was actually going to a Yale party. He hadn't been to a party in over a year (save for Jungwon's birthday party where they had to call the fire department when Jake almost burned the kitchen down), so Jay wasn't expecting to end up at this scene again in his new, fake school. (Could he even call this fake if he was actually earning a degree while his tuition was paid for? He could hardly tell what was real and what was fabricated anymore.)
Secondly, was it really wise for him to get close to his target like this? He hadn't dealt with assignments where he had to follow people around, so this was all rather new to him. He realized, however, that he managed to befriend you, his mission could get a lot more complicated.
Third—he had no idea how to talk to rich people.
There were times when Jay had to entertain particularly wealthy guests when his parents brought coworkers home. But it was so excruciating even then because wow, how shallow could someone get? The depths of his conversations with all the rich people he had met were not promising at all, so he didn't have much hope for his social battery tonight.
But Jay was probably on par with some of them now, so he had to adjust to this new lifestyle. There was no way he could lie about his upbringing, though, so he framed a story of him having a rich aunt that was over-the-moon when he got into Yale.
Moreover, he was so confused as to why Shin Yuna approached him. It wasn't like he looked well-off with his clothes that he thrifted years ago. Jay couldn't tell if Yuna was just being nice, or if she had other intentions that he was supposed to be concerned about.
"Whoa, nice jacket," Sunoo complimented once he let his eyes sweep Jay's outfit. "You'll be lucky if Yuna lets you out of her sight."
His eyes grew wide. "Is she expecting me to be by her side the whole time?"
"Probably. You still have time to back out, if you want."
He was conflicted. This was the perfect opportunity for him to get close to the people around you and get some information out of whoever was the most drunk there; at the same time, if Yuna was going to keep her perfectly-manicured claws on his shoulders the whole time, this whole night would be counterproductive.
In the end, Jay decided to go. He figured that if worst came to worst, he would just find the right time to ask Yuna some questions about you.
"Is Heeseung's place close?" Jay asked. The truth was that he already looked up all possible routes to the location when Sunoo sent him the address earlier; he just needed to ask as a formality.
"Down the block here," Sunoo replied. "His dad bought him an entire penthouse. Isn't that sick?"
He fought down a bitter remark and said, "Man, that must be nice. What do his parents do? You said Sunghoon's dad owns Park Pharmaceuticals, right?"
"Yeah, and his older brother, Sungjin, is taking over the company. And Heeseung's dad is a hedge fund owner," Sunoo answered. "They only made it big recently, like four or five years ago. I remember Heeseung used to be way different back in freshman year. Now he's more... subdued. I guess he didn't know how to handle being rich back then."
Jay could see the flashing of blue and purple lights from the windows of the penthouse down the street. He carefully watched the two figures on the terrace talking by the railing. At first, it seemed as if they were just talking normally. As he got closer, though, Jay realized from the faint sounds he picked up that they were, in fact, arguing.
It was you.
Jay had been looking at pictures of you all week, but seeing you up on the terrace was different. It seemed to just sink in that what he was doing was real, and seeing you in the flesh was all he needed for cold reality to seep into his veins like poison.
The man next to you must have been Park Sunghoon. Even from how high up the two were, Jay could tell that the man next to you exuded an overwhelming presence.
But he wondered what they were arguing over.
"C'mon," Sunoo said grimly, clearly having taken notice of the commotion above, "it's just up these stairs."
Jay felt his stomach sink deeper and deeper with each step he took. When they reached Heeseung's door, there was a bouncer guarding the entrance—probably some freshman Heeseung paid to keep watch. Jay stopped in his tracks, wondering if he was even allowed in since he had never met Heeseung, but his friend simply opened the door and walked right in, as if his arrival was expected, and the bouncer paid no mind. (Perhaps it was expected? Jay was starting to believe all these people had history that he didn't even understand the extent of.)
"Jay!" came a shrill cry from across the room. Jay turned to see Shin Yuna all but tackle him, draping her arms across his shoulders. He could smell the alcohol on her breath already. "I'm glad you made it."
"Thanks for the invite," Jay replied, gently prying Yuna's hands off of him, which she allowed him to do but grabbed his hand again right after.
Jay sent Sunoo a help me sort of look, but his friend seemed to greatly misunderstand the message he was sending across. Sunoo gave him a sideways grin and a thumbs-up before signaling that he was going to catch up with some friends in the kitchen.
"Come on," Yuna slurred, dragging Jay over to a sectional couch in the corner. "I'll introduce you to my friends."
He recognized some of the faces while he was looking into you—Karina Yoo, whose mother owned a private jet company; Choi Yeonjun, who landed a few minor movie roles with the help of his Golden Globe award-winning mother; Giselle Uchinaga, whose father was an investment banker and mother owned a nightclub; Kim Chaewon, whose mother revolutionized stem cell research; and then there was Lee Heeseung in the corner, who had his arms folded across his chest as he sized Jay up.
From what he gathered, this was most (or all) of the people in your inner circle. Heeseung and Sunghoon appeared to be more than that to you, though; childhood friends had a bond more special than the rest, he supposed.
Jay then wondered how Heeseung felt about his two childhood friends dating and now arguing on the balcony.
"Guys," Yuna started with a grin, motioning to Jay with a dramatic flair of her hands, "this is Jay, the new transfer student."
"Hey." Jay waved to the group, his mouth suddenly feeling extremely dry.
His greeting was returned by a few tight smiles from the rest and a chorus of unenthusiastic words of acknowledgment that he didn't feel too great about. Maybe he had to give up on his chance of entering your circle.
"Don't mind them," Yuna whispered to him as she pulled him over to sit on the couch with her. They were seated exactly across from Heeseung, whose stare made Jay feel even more uncomfortable. "They're all in a bad mood 'cause Y/N and Sunghoon got in a fight before you came. God, why do they always kill the vibe?" She was talking awfully loud, causing Karina and Giselle to shoot her warning glares. Jay had a sinking feeling that she was making the situation worse if she kept opening her mouth. "Seriously, I mean, we're here to party!"
Not that Jay was particularly avoidant with physical touch, but being touched and fawned about in front of everyone was slightly unnerving, especially when he didn't know Yuna all that well. Nearly half her body weight was on top of him, and Jay was pretty sure she would end up sitting fully on his lap if she took another shot.
"Are you... drunk?" he asked her warily.
She gave him a strange look before giggling. "Uh, yeah? Did you want a drink, too?"
"No, just—"
"Hey, so you've really never seen me online before?" she asked, tilting her head in a way that Jay had to admit would've been rather cute if he wasn't so overwhelmed and put-off by everything else. "I'm, like, TikTok famous."
"Oh, that's nice," he replied, sort of distracted as he tried to catch a glimpse of you out on the terrace. He saw a flash of your glittering silver romper, but then your boyfriend stepped in front of you again.
"Transfer student," Heeseung called out. He had his elbows on his knees, but once Jay looked at him, he started to stand up. "Let's get you a drink since the rest of them are being miserable."
Jay assumed it was a joke, but only he (and probably Heeseung) seemed to think so. Karina let out a sound that sounded partly like a laugh and partly like a scoff.
"Way to make it awkward, Heeseung," she sneered.
"He's the one who probably feels so awkward with you all being so quiet," Heeseung said, patting Jay firmly on the shoulder to get him to stand up. Jay had to gently peel Yuna off of him before he got up to follow Heeseung. "We'll be back."
While Heeseung and him were making their way past groups of students packed together, Jay couldn't figure out what the hell to say to him. When he first walked in, the look in Heeseung's eyes made him think he was a piece of trash stuck to the bottom of his shoe, but now he was just lost.
"I haven't heard of you before," Heeseung said once they reached a long table with bottles of alcohol strewn about.
"I didn't expect you to. Today's my first day, anyway."
There was a bartender on the other side of the room, but Jay figured that Heeseung brought him here for a private conversation. Without even asking Jay about his preference, he let his hand glide over the handles before he picked out a bottle of tequila. Jay wasn't much of a drinker but he let Heeseung pour him a shot.
"What do your parents do?"
Jay couldn't stop himself from barking out a laugh, shaking his head fervently. "Oh, no, they're"—he shook his head again—"they're no one."
"They can't be 'no one' if they managed to get their son into Yale."
"They didn't get me into Yale."
"They still raised you, didn't they?" Heeseung raised a brow. "My mom's a preschool teacher, and my dad was unemployed up until my sophomore year of high school. Not the professions you expected, huh?"
Jay's brows raised in pleasant surprise. Here he thought that Heeseung was judging him, but maybe it was the exact opposite. He really didn't expect a sincere response from someone like him, but perhaps he just misjudged the junior.
"My mom's an office worker, and my dad used to be a firefighter before he got into an accident," Jay answered. "Now he has a corporate job."
"And you're..."
"I'm what?"
"What're you trying to be in the world?"
Jay took the plastic shot glass that Heeseung handed out to him. Before downing it in one go, he answered, "Someone."
Heeseung laughed. "At least you have more of a story than most of the people in this room." He shot one of the cluster of students a sideways glance and said, "Let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if most of the people here bought their way into Yale."
Jay swallowed hard. He couldn't say anything when he was technically one of those people, too. All his life, he slogged harder than anyone else for a place in the world. He worked at restaurants illegally since he was thirteen, studied tirelessly to get free rides to universities, and gave up a social life just to balance multiple jobs to get bills paid. It felt strange to be one of the people who didn't have to lift a finger for extraordinary opportunities.
For a moment, he wondered if he would get in if he tried applying on his own. There was no use in pondering, though; this was all simply for the assignment—nothing more, nothing less.
"You made it here on your own, didn't you?" Jay asked with a flickering, newfound respect for Lee Heeseung.
"I didn't even think I'd be able to pay for college when I was in high school," he answered. "Of course I needed to work hard. Getting a full ride into an Ivy League isn't something you get by fucking around. Even though Hoon and Y/N were set their whole lives... I couldn't just be the only one who didn't make it in."
Jay wondered why Heeseung was telling him, a total stranger, all of this. He didn't bring it up, though, in case the question sobered him up to the point of not revealing any further information.
But he had to ask, "So why'd you drag me out here for a drink?"
It was a fair question. There were bottles of alcohol on the table next to the sectional couch. If Heeseung really wanted to just pour him a drink, he could've done so then and there.
"Thought I'd save you from Yuna," he said. "She gets a little messy when she's drunk."
"Oh." Jay almost shuddered at the thought of what could've happened if he was still sitting on the couch.
"Sorry. Are you interested in her?"
Jay's eyes grew as wide as saucers as he shook his head firmly. "N-not at all. I just met her today."
The alcohol started coursing through his blood, making his limbs feel less like muscle and more like jelly. Yet, he strangely felt more comfortable in his body.
"Good." Heeseung leaned against the table and crossed his arms again. "I would've felt bad for you if you were actually into her. She definitely thinks this'll make me jealous somehow." He suddenly stiffened up. "Don't mention this to the others, though. I don't think Y/N would be happy if she found out."
He arched a brow at Heeseung. So you didn't know about your own friend's feelings toward your childhood friend? Even though you were in a relationship yourself? Interesting.
But even more interesting because Jay swore he saw pictures of Heeseung and Chaewon together on his Instagram. Pictures that seemed to imply that they were a couple. Their little inner circle seemed to be more convoluted than Jay initially thought.
"Haven't even met her," he told Heeseung. "I'm not the kind of person to spread people's secrets like that."
Unless I'm paid to do so, he thought bitterly.
Heeseung smiled slyly, and Jay wasn't sure if it was one of friendship or as if he had just heard an enticing business proposal. "I hope my feeling about you is right." After grabbing the handle of Clase Azul on the table, he added, "Let's go back before they accuse me of scaring you off."
Jay followed after him, wondering if he had just accidentally gotten himself in Heeseung's good graces, or if he just made a grave mistake.
Jay decided to ask, "Hey, by the way, do you know about the Order of Kryptos?"
Heeseung stopped in his tracks immediately, spinning around so fast that Jay nearly stumbled over his feet.
"What about it?"
"Well, I just—I don't know—I was thinking of, uh, joining."
"You can't just join. You have to be invited." Despite the shame that burned under Jay's skin for sounding like an idiot in front of the junior, Heeseung's eyes twinkled. "But... I know someone you could talk to if you wanna get your foot in the door."
"You do?"
"This isn't like a frat where you have to rush. See, all these people here just target members of the current class and suck up to them until they get tapped. For example, Hoon's practically guaranteed a tap since his brother's in the Order right now."
"Then do you think I even have a chance?"
Heeseung shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. There's only fifteen seats, so it all depends on how much you impress them." He grabbed Jay by the shoulder and pointed out one of the seniors laughing with a couple other boys in the kitchen. "That's Jeong Jaehyun. He's probably the chillest in the Order—doesn't really give a fuck about prestige and background, or whatever. I'd talk to him when you get the chance."
Jay, wildly amazed with how big of a help Heeseung was being, returned the gesture by patting him on the back firmly. "Thanks, man."
"No worries. You should work fast, though. They start giving up their seats next semester."
Next semester. Jay was certain he could get on someone's good side by then.
This whole thing was rather frustrating for him, though. All Jay wanted to do was lay low and carry out his assignment properly, but to do so he needed to get close to you and your friends somehow. Impressing you meant impressing a senior to get into the Order. There seemed to be far too many hurdles he needed to cross just to uncover some dirt on you.
When he and Heeseung returned to the sectional couch, everyone seemed a smidge more lively. Yeonjun waved Jay over to introduce himself properly, claiming that he couldn't say anything earlier because Yuna was hogging all the attention. Yuna, on the other hand, seemed to have already blacked out on the couch, but none of her friends were exactly paying much attention to her. Jay wondered if this was a frequent occurence with her.
While Jay was in the middle of telling Yeonjun and Giselle about the school he transferred from, you came out from the terrace with Sunghoon, but there was an icy distance between you two.
Jay had spent the past week looking at pictures of you every single night. Almost every picture you had on your Instagram was burned into his brain.
But seeing you up close in the flesh was almost earth-shattering. All the details your camera couldn't capture were like the missing pieces that made you glow even brighter. Jay was almost amazed that Park Sunghoon could even fight with you when you looked like this.
"Y/N?" Karina called, but you were crossing the room in the direction of the bathroom. She threw a nasty glare at Sunghoon, who sat down on the couch with a heavy sigh.
Giselle raised a brow. "You're gonna let your girlfriend walk away?"
"She needs space," Sunghoon answered curtly.
"Oh, I bet she gets plenty of that from you."
"Watch your mouth, Giselle."
Jay wasn't sure if Heeseung was making the right decision when he stood up and offered, "Hoon, chill. I'll go check on her."
Chaewon was quick to grab her boyfriend's hand, frowning as she said, "I think one of the girls should."
Heeseung pulled his hand away, and Jay noticed the crumbling look in Chaewon's eyes before he pretended to be more interested in a loose thread in the couch. He felt bad for her; she was practically being humiliated in front of everyone else.
"I'm the host," Heeseung replied. "I should check on her."
Karina shot Yeonjun and Giselle a withering look. "Our Uber's almost here. I don't think she wants to go home with"—she motioned to Sunghoon with a jut of her chin—"you know."
"I'll ask Ryujin to take her home, but we should probably tell her before we leave," Yeonjun said. He lowered his voice to add, "Yuna's wasted. You know Heeseung's gonna get pissed if she crashes here."
Giselle snorted. "That's probably what she wants."
Jay looked down at his lap. So everyone was aware of Yuna's semi-hidden feelings toward Heeseung except you? Why was it a secret from you, anyway? This friend group—if Jay could even call them that—was messier than he had anticipated.
Jay, who was seated in the middle of the trio, started to feel rather awkward. Surely, they must have known he could hear everything they were saying.
"Uh," he started because he was starting to feel like he was obligated to chime in, "I can call an Uber for your friend, if she needs one."
"Aw, Jay, you're too sweet," Giselle cooed, but then her face of adoration turned completely serious. "But you're a man. We don't trust you."
"That... that's fair."
"Oh, but he's Sunoo's friend," Yeonjun added. "Sunoo would get her home safely."
"Just ask Sunoo or Ryujin—whoever's still here," Giselle said.
Karina, who was on her phone for a majority of the conversation, spoke up to confirm, "Yeah, their locations are still here. I'll text them to make sure Y/N's taken care of." She stood up. "Let's just get going and check up on her later in the group chat."
"God, how are we gonna drag Yuna out of here?" Giselle whined. She gently maneuvered the unconscious girl to make it easier for them to lift her up. "Yeonjun, you get her other arm."
After much effort, they were finally able to get Yuna barely stumbling forward as her arms were around their shoudlers. They said their goodbyes to Jay and Chaewon, but Sunghoon only got one from Yeonjun.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and moved to sit next to Jay. Chaewon was completely sidelined at this point as she picked at her nails and waited for Heeseung to come back.
"Sorry for that mess," Sunghoon said. "I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Park Sunghoon."
"Jay," he greeted. "Nice to meet you. Heeseung told me a bit about you."
"Oh, really?" He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I hope it wasn't too awkward."
Jay grinned. "All good things. Don't worry."
"Great, uh..." He fumbled for a moment, reaching into his pockets and then handing Jay a pink iPhone. "Do you think you could hand this to my girlfriend? She should be somewhere in the house."
Although Jay took the phone from him, he grimaced. He didn't even know you, and he felt bad already. Your own boyfriend was sending a stranger to give you something when he could very well do it by himself?
And why did he have your phone in the first place? Jay wondered if Sunghoon had taken it from you during the argument, and the very idea made him feel cold.
"I really think you should give it to her."
His small smile stretched into an awkward grin. "I don't think she wants to see my face right now."
"Oh... sure—will do."
This time when Jay crossed the room and pushed through the packs of students, it felt slightly more intimidating. He felt like a lone fish amongst schools of them, and the few shots he took had definitely worn off by now. Not to mention the recent turn of events were incredibly sobering.
Heeseung's penthouse was nice. Nothing he could ever dream of affording before his anonymous client sent him more money than he would've ever made in his life.
When Jay stepped into the narrow hallway that led to the bathroom, he could hear Heeseung's gentle voice echoing.
"—talk to me, please," he pleaded. "I don't know what Sunghoon said to you, but—"
"Heeseung, just leave me alone." Your own faltering voice was treading on desperation. "You don't have to be here to comfort me. You're not my boyfriend."
And then it grew quiet. Jay was afraid that he was about to walk in on an uncomfortable situation.
Seconds later, the door opened and Heeseung was stony-faced, walking past Jay without even noticing he was there. You didn't even close the door after he left, so Jay inched closer to make sure nothing bad happened to you.
There you were, sitting on the edge of the bathtub and crying into your hands. There was an odd, disconnected feeling in Jay's chest. He had seen so many pictures and posts of you looking like you were having the time of your life, but the sight before him caused all of that to come crashing down, catching on fire.
Back outside, looking up at the terrace, you were so high above him, as if he would never reach you. Now, you were shattering to pieces before him, leaving broken shards scattered around you that Jay was hesitant to tread on.
Once you took notice of his presence, your head lifted up slowly, and Jay really felt bad for you now. Streaks of mascara were under your eyes and your red lipstick was smudged.
"Can I help you?" you asked flatly, sniffling every now and then even as you tried to act like you hadn't been caught crying.
Jay simply held your phone out, and you grabbed it from him once you recognized it was yours.
"How'd you—"
"Your boyfriend told me to bring it to you," he answered, and your eyes welled up with tears again. Jay sighed as you started breaking down in front of him, but he really wasn't all that annoyed as he sounded. He grabbed a tissue from the box on top of the toilet and ran it under water for a brief second. "Here."
Jay leaned down in front of you and blotted the tissue gently under your eyes, wiping off the residue of your mascara that stained your skin. You tried to resist his gesture at first, but when you realized what he was doing, you relaxed. If his eyes weren't tricking him, maybe you were even slightly embarrassed?
Then, he moved to your lips, using the other side of the tissue to carefully dab at where your lipstick was smudged. Jay tried especially hard not to stare at the curve of your lips, wondering what dark secret you could possibly be hiding behind the corners of your mouth. After he was done, he tossed the tissue aside and stood up.
"Thanks," you murmured.
"No problem," he said, backing up to the doorway. "You should probably keep the door closed if you need some alone time, by the way."
But one look at your expression, and he could tell that you were hoping that someone else would come looking for you.
"Y-yeah," you stammered out, standing up to close it yourself.
"Also," he continued, pressing his lips together in a thin line. Just walk away, Jay. This is none of your business. Just turn around and keep walking. "Your friends are worried about you, so..."
There's people out there who wouldn't make you cry like this.
He couldn't get the rest of the words out. Who was he to speak on a relationship he had only seen for a brief moment, anyway?
Before Jay could turn on his heel, you called out, "Wait! What was your name again?"
His eyebrows raised in surprise. "Jay Park. I just transferred here."
"Jay... oh, the transfer student." You said his name so gently that it was almost like you were handling glass. Then, he saw the first smile on your face tonight, and oh, he had never seen someone smile so bright. "I'm Y/N. See you around."
After you closed the door and Jay had headed back to where everyone else was, the loud, booming music grounding him back into reality, his heart sank with the realization that he had already been thrown into a world that he wasn't sure he liked very much.
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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luvkyu · 1 year
wadduh it me again but anon version😈 dowoon x 5th member male reader where dw has the biggest crush on reader (im delulu) and literally admires him during mv filmings, photoshoots or even just normal shit SO the other members notice this behaviour and teases him about it HAHAHAHAHAHA
so let's love ( yoon dowoon )
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dowoon x male!reader
dowoon can't hide his definitely-not-platonic love for his bandmate.
content : 0.4k words, fluff, idol!dowoon x 5th member!reader
( a/n ) MMMMMM DAY6 ( i'm obsessed ) this is rly short im sorry,, i rewrote it like three times and im still not that satisfied with it but its FINE
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"he's doing it again.." sungjin mumbled toward wonpil beside him.
"dowoon," sungjin clarified, "he's doing it again."
wonpil looked over at dowoon, who was a few feet away on the photoshoot set. the group was currently taking concept photos for their next album, and dowoon's gaze was stuck rather obviously on y/n.
"i don't know what else you expected," wonpil replied. "he's obsessed."
"who's obsessed?" younghyun chimed in after just getting his makeup touched up.
"oh. with y/n?"
wonpil and sungjin nodded.
"then yes," younghyun agreed.
y/n continued to change poses and expressions in front of the camera. dowoon felt mesmerized. he was supposed to go after y/n, but he didn't know how well he'd do in front of the camera after watching y/n. he might as well have fallen in love all over again.
"yoon dowoon!"
dowoon snapped out of his trance. he looked over at the rest of his group with raised brows. the color on his face turned to a deep red as he realized they'd been watching him stare at y/n. sungjin waved him over, but dowoon almost felt like ignoring him. he knew the three were bound to tease him.
dowoon walked over to them after taking one more glance at y/n, who finally met dowoon's eyes and sent him a quick smile before looking back at the camera. dowoon felt his heart skip in his chest. he looked down at his feet as he walked before stopping in front of his friends.
"so when are you guys gonna kiss?" younghyun asked.
"never, at this point," wonpil answered.
dowoon blinked, "what?"
"tsk. you and y/n. we're waiting for you and y/n to finally get together," sungjin explained.
dowoon looked back at y/n one more time.
"what do you mean?"
small sighs and groans of disappointment sounded from the others.
"you suck at being subtle dowoon. make a move on y/n already," wonpil urged while sungjin and younghyun nodded along.
"i don't think he sees me that way," dowoon protested a bit shyly.
"shut up, you two are basically each other's favorites."
"there's no way he doesn't like you too."
"dowoon, respectfully, open your fucking eyes."
dowoon continued to watch y/n as his bandmates talked. he really hoped they were right.
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kbandtrash · 7 months
Okay lol let’s get some fluffy day6 thoughts going because for the 25th valentine’s day in a row I am single :D quarter of a century strong let’s go
Going in age reverse order because I love park sungjin too much to put him first. Best for last baby
Dowoon turns into Clifford the big red dog when you present him with your valentine’s confession treat of choice. Blushing incoherent mess like there are words coming out of his mouth but he’s so happy they’re unintelligible. He asks “this is really for me?” (there is no one else around) and all you hear after that is his excited giggles and that Busan satoori bobbing up and down, and you’re pretty sure he’s telling you he’s liked you for a long time and he can’t believe this is real life, but then out of nowhere he has your gift in one hand and your hand in the other, barely meeting your eyes, and he’s asking you in the sincerest deepest shiest voice possible if that means this is day one
Wonpil takes a minute to form his response but while he does it he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, hiding his smile behind his hands, finding it hard to even look at you because you just look so dang cute. He finally breaks his silence to tell you exactly that with a grin so wide his cheeks are hurting and he’s afraid his face will freeze like that. He asks if he can hug you and it’s impossible to tell him no and then he holds you so tight you can hardly breathe but he’s just so excited to find out that his crush isn’t one sided that he can’t hold back his affection
Younghyun is floored. He doesn’t even realize he’s coming off as if he doesn’t like you and doesn’t know how to say it—he’s genuinely just surprised because how could he, a master of love songs, not have seen this coming? He meets your eyes, his mouth still hanging open as you awkwardly let your arms drop from offering him your gift, and as he sees you become flustered, he realizes that you think he’s rejecting you. So he stops you by grabbing your hands and asks if you mean it, this isn’t a prank? And the way his smile lights up his entire countenance makes up for his awkward initial reaction
Park Sungjin this silly man. He thinks you’re being friendly. Because he’s just a guy like how could he be the object of your affections? Even when you explain to him that no, you mean it, you like him, you would like to date him, even, he has to sit down for a moment and just say “oh wow!” because he’s not quite used to being Perceived like that. He likes going through life and making connections with people and more than once he’s thought he might like to experience life by your side, and now that the idea of holding your hand could become a reality, well, it’s just a little strange to him. He needs a little more time to think, but it’s not because he’s not sure his answer won’t be yes. He knows it’s yes already, and from the way he looks at you when he tells you this, you know it is too
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smileyyoungchan · 2 years
Callin’- P.S.J.
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SungJin x reader
Song for this one: Callin’ - Super Junior
Genre: Angst
Warning: none I think, but let me know if I missed something
Summary: SungJin falls out of love, or at least that’s what he thinks
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Two hours ago.
That’s when Sungjin walked out of your shared apartment.
Since that moment you sat on the couch, trying to call his phone- that he left on his bed table- while he was walking, walking and walking.
He didn’t even knew where he was heading to, he just felt the need to clear his mind, his thoughts.
‘Is it all over?’ It was the only question he had on his mind.
He then came to the conclusion it really was over, your relationship, but he just didn’t wanted to admit it cause he was just so used to stay beside you, that his life just didn’t made any sense without you in it.
But then again, why was he feeling like he really had to end everything?
When his watch showed ‘10pm’ and the lights on every single house was on, SungJin decided to come back home, with more questions in his head, and possibly any answer.
The door opened and you jumped up from the couch.
“SungJin!” You half screamed, ready to hug him.
He wasn’t a person who loved physical touch, and you learned to read his behaviour before he even said anything. And that’s why, that time, you understood he wasn’t in the mood for an hug.
You slowly retired your arms and watched as he took off his shoes and jacket.
“You stayed awake” he said then, facing you.
“Of course, I was worried about you”
Wasn’t it obvious?
He wouldn’t have done the same?
“I have to talk to you” he slowly said, his eyes fixed on yours.
You felt your stomach drop, cause his expression promised nothing good.
“O-okay” you said in a whisper, not really sure of your own words.
He lead you to the couch, where he sat down, and once you’ve done the same, he took your hand.
He stared at your connected hands for a while and chuckled.
“I like the way your hand fits in mine” his smile was bright, but his eyes- that he didn’t even dared to place on anything else if not your hands- were sad.
“SungJin, what’s the matter?” He surely didn’t want to talk about your hands size.
He looked up, and he wished he never did that.
How he was supposed to tell you everything, when you looked at him like he was your entire life?
SungJin wasn’t even able to find the right words.
Was he supposed to make it sweet for you to take?
Was he supposed to go straight to the point?
But the most question he had was: how he was supposed to react when you were going to cry?
Cause he hated seeing you crying, and he had always been ready to fight whatever made you sad, but this time the reason behind your sadness was going to be him.
He was never going to forgive himself for that.
“I don’t love you anymore” he said, quietly.
“What?” You asked, in disbelief.
SungJin was too good for you, that’s what you always thought, but you two worked out pretty well.
“I said-
“I don’t need you to say that again” you tried to break every contact your body had with his, but he didn’t let you take off your hand.
“Please listen to what I have to say” he begged.
His eyes were teary as well, but your were a complete mess.
“Leave me alone”
“No, I-
“SungJin, please, leave me alone” you asked again.
He understood. He woke up, went to grab his phone and then took another quick glance at you.
“I’m at YoungHyuns if you need me” he said.
That was the last time you saw him.
SungJin cared about you too much and always asked your friends how you were doing.
“Bad- Jae once said to him- but she’s trying to recovering”
That broke his heart.
He was too selfish, and for his own good he destroyed your relationships.
He wasn’t happy anymore, but now he made you unhappy.
How he wished to turn back time and fix everything, but it wasn’t possible, and he knew it too damn well.
He also knew you were stubborn- a side he always loved about you- but this time he wished you weren’t, cause he knew if he tries to talk to you, your stubbornness wouldn’t have let him.
SungJin always dreamed of you, how your hair glowed on a sunny day, how your smile always reaches your eyes, and the way they squinted, how your voice reminded him of his favorite melody, how your hand caressed his cheek when he was about to fall asleep, and you stared him like he was your favorite piece of art.
He still loved you, he just realised that too late.
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kwanisms · 2 years
profiles: 01 || 02
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summary: Moon Byeoli lives in Busan with her best friend Jamie Park and works at the aquarium. Their next door neighbor is Park Sungjin. Growing up, Byeoli has never really believed in the supernatural always finding a logical explanation for things that go bump in the night. Her life is about to be thrown out of control when new neighbors move in across the hall. What will happen when Byeoli befriends them and learns they aren’t exactly… human.
ch 35 - 16 missed calls
wc: 2.7k
pairing: sungjin x oc x hyunjin
warnings: mentions of cops (i felt it was necessary to add this warning. There aren’t cops, just two nameless characters suspicious of cops. rightfully so), Jamie worrying and Mark comforting, some closure of sorts with Jaebeom (he’s been such a minor character but at the start of the story he was totally still in love with Byeoli), and i think that’s all?? Let me know if i missed anything.
updates every weekday @ 7PM CST
a/n: times and dates DO NOT matter!!
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@yoonguurt @x-woozi @lachinitaaaaa
“Are you sure they came to Haeundae?” Yeonjun asked, peering over Jamie’s seat as she sent yet another text to Byeoli’s phone. She nodded, eyes not leaving the screen. “Minho said they were at the beach,” she answered. Sungjin glanced in the rear view mirror, catching Soobin’s gaze. He could tell by that simple look they shared that they were thinking the same thing. Minho had said the beach, he hadn’t said which beach.
Unfortunately, Yeonjun had the same thought and spoke up.
“Did he specifically say they were at Haeundae?” He asked, causing Jamie’s eyes to snap up, looking forward out the windshield before her head slowly turned to look at Sungjin. He glanced over and could see the panic in her eyes. “Oh my god,” she whispered. Sungjin shook his head in response.
“Don’t do that,” he interjected. “Don’t start over thinking. “I’m sure he meant Haeundae,” he added. Jamie shook her head this time. “What if he did this on purpose?” She hissed. Soobin leaned forward, poking his head between the two. “What do you mean ‘did this on purpose?’” He asked, brows furrowed as he looked at Jamie questioningly. Sungjin shook his head. “We can’t really talk about it,” he started, turning into the parking lot.
“But it’s not important right now. What’s important is finding Byeoli,” he continued as he pulled into a parking space and cut the engine. Moments later, Mark pulled into the space beside him, parking and turning off his car. Jamie and Sungjin opened their doors as Soobin and Yeonjun hopped out, joining Mark and Jaebeom on the sidewalk in front of the cars.
The beach was littered with the occasional person but mostly it was empty.
The moon was high in the sky at this point, its reflection dancing on the surface of the glossy black water, a few stars dotted the sky, twinkling down at them from far beyond. Jamie turned to look away from the waves crashing softly along the shoreline to look at Sungjin. “We should split up,” she said, glancing around at the others who came to help find her best friend. Sungjin nodded in agreement.
“We should. You go with Mark, search the boardwalk,” he said nodding down the way. “Jaebeom and I will head towards the rocks and ask anyone we come across,” he added before turning to look at Soobin and Yeonjun.
“You two search the shoreline in case anything washes up,” he continued. Both nodded to show they understood and immediately stalked off across the sand. Mark took Jamie’s hand and pulled her away from the cars to lead her down the boardwalk. Sungjin turned to Jaebeom and nodded behind him, in the direction of the rocky shoreline he’d followed Hyunjin to the day he discovered the younger man’s secret.
Sungjin turned to look at the younger man, gauging his expression. He wondered whether or not he should tell Jaebeom what his neighbors were. They were dangerous as far as Sungjin was concerned. Especially Hyunjin and Changbin, now that he knew exactly what they were.
Sungjin turned to look at the younger man, gauging his expression. He wondered whether or not he should tell Jaebeom what his neighbors were. They were dangerous as far as Sungjin was concerned. Especially Hyunjin and Changbin, now that he knew exactly what they were.
It had been a few days after telling Jamie what he’d seen that Sungjin remembered the whole event at the beach. He blamed his momentary lapse in memory entirely on Minho. He didn’t know what the man was, but whatever he was had the ability to alter his memories.
Upon remembering, Sungjin started to do his research. He found pages upon pages on the internet about mermaids but not as much information about mermen. He also came across the word siren multiple times but when looking further into it, he only found stories about beautiful women who lured sailors to their deaths.
Hyunjin was not a beautiful woman and Byeoli was definitely not a sailor.
And it’s not as if he owed any loyalty to his neighbors. His loyalties were with Byeoli and Jamie and anyone else human, Jaebeom included. He should tell them. He should be warning them and anyone else that lives in the area. He should be shouting it from the rooftops that the tenants in 4-C weren’t human.
But then why did it feel so wrong? Outing his neighbors like that? He would essentially be condemning them to a manhunt, possibly even death. He might even be signing his own death warrant and perhaps anyone else he told. How far would they be willing to go to protect their secret? Would they kill everyone in the whole building? The whole neighborhood? And what if people came asking questions? Would they kill them, too?
How many people would have to die for this to stay silent?
Coming back to his senses and knowing Jaebeom was still waiting for an answer, Sungjin shook his head. “No,” he finally said, continuing to walk towards the rocks. “It’s better if you don’t know,” he added.
Jaebeom’s brow furrowed and he closed the distance between him and his upstairs neighbor, grabbing his arm a little more harshly than he intended. He pulled Sungjin to a stop, turning the older man around to face him. “If Byeoli’s in danger, I’d prefer if you tell me why and what’s going on,” he replied.
Sungjin’s eyes narrowed slightly, scrutinizing Jaebeom’s expression. “Why?” He asked. “Because you’re still in love with her? Are you holding out hope that she’ll come crawling back to you if you come to her rescue?” He asked, not intending to sound so cruel, but he couldn’t help it, knowing what he knew about Jaebeom and Byeoli’s relationship.
Jaebeom’s expression shifted and he suddenly looked solemn. He shook his head. “No,” he finally said, voice a little hoarse. “I’m not ‘holding out hope’. I know she’s moved on. I’m working on that, too.” Although Sungjin wasn’t entirely convinced, the tone in Jaebeom’s voice was undeniably sincere.
“Even though I’m not in love with her, I still care about her, Sungjin,” Jaebeom continued, releasing his grip on Sungjin’s arm and taking a step back. “So if she’s in danger, I’d prefer to know how,” he added. The irrational side of Sungjin told him to tell Jaebeom. To tell him exactly what they were up against.
The rational side of him knew if he said anything, Jaebeom would be in danger and he couldn’t reasonably subject him and possibly Mark and Jackson to that. If not for their own sakes, for Jamie’s sake. He wouldn’t put anyone in unnecessary danger if he could avoid it. He shook his head one last time.
“I think it’s just the unease of not knowing where she is,” he replied, giving Jaebeom an uneasy smile. “You know how Jamie gets when she doesn’t know where Byeoli is,” he added. “Makes her nervous and when Jamie’s nervous…” he trailed off, hoping his lie would sound convincing enough.
Jaebeom nodded, seemingly understanding what Sungjin was saying. “We’re all nervous,” Jaebeom replied, finishing Sungjin’s sentence. “Alright,” he continued, pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight.
“Let’s get looking.”
On the boardwalk, Jamie and Mark had stopped almost everyone they came across, showing a picture of Byeoli, even one of Hyunjin but they were met with the same answers.
“Sorry, I haven’t seen either.” “No, sorry.” “Huh? Oh, no. Sorry.”
Jamie was reaching the end of her patience and if it hadn’t been for Mark, she would have lost her shit already.
“Babe,” he said, gently grabbing her arm and pulling her into him. “You need to calm down,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around her and holding her against his body, allowing her a moment to decompress. He knew if she didn’t take it easy, she would start overthinking and if she started overthinking, she would become panicked.
When Jamie didn’t know where Byeoli was, it made her go off the wall. He knew that both Jamie and Sungjin had a habit of being protective of their friend and he knew the reason was because of his own friend’s faults and mistakes. He didn’t deny that Jaebeom did a number on Byeoli’s heart and mind, in fact, he’d been one of the firsts to reprimand his friend for the mistreatment of his girlfriend’s best friend.
He did, however, believe that Jamie and Sungjin took the protective friend roles a little too seriously. They tended to treat Byeoli as if she was incapable of protecting herself but Mark knew better. He’d seen Byeoli demonstrate her martial art skills more than once and he knew that if she needed to, she could protect herself.
He knew she was the fight and then flight kind of person whereas Jamie was just a fight kind of person.
“We’re never going to find her,” he heard Jamie say, her voice muffled by his jacket. Mark let out a short chuckle. Jamie was a caring and loving person, but she was also dramatic at times and he knew this all too well.
“Shh,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. “We’re going to find her,” he continued, giving her a comforting squeeze. “I’m sure she and Hyunjin are perfectly safe,” he added, pulling back to look down at Jamie. She looked up at him, a grumpy pout on her face. “Why do you always know what to say?” She asked.
Mark smiled, leaning in to steal a kiss. “Because I’m smart, charming, and dashingly handsome?” He asked, making Jamie roll her eyes and try to pull away. “No, you’re annoying,” she groaned but caved easily when Mark pulled her back to him. “But you love me,” he retorted with a smile. She weakly thumped him on the chest with the heel of her hand. “That’s debatable,” she answered.
“Yah!” Mark said as Jamie pulled away from him and started across the sand. “There’s a marina over here!” She called over her shoulder. “We should check there!” Mark shook his head before following his girlfriend’s footsteps across the sand towards a small building, floating on the water and attached to a dock.
He jogged a bit to catch up to Jamie, stepping onto the wood of the dock and following her as she led the way to the door.
He’d seen this marina plenty of times, living near Haeundae, but he’d never been to it before.
It wasn’t a great big marina, definitely family owned but still large enough to house plenty of boats. The main focus of the marina was the restaurant, Bayside Marina & Restaurant. The walkway across the water started back halfway up the beach, extending over a good expanse of ocean before it opened up.
To the left was the walkway to the main entrance of the restaurant as well as the outdoor seating. Mark had never been inside the restaurant before. The bottom part of the building was lined with large glass windows, allowing them a glimpse inside where plenty of couples and families were currently dining at white cloth covered tables.
Jamie pulled open the door and stepped inside, Mark following her and thankful for a reprieve from the chilly ocean wind outside.
Inside, standing behind a host stand was a short, young girl with a polite smile. “How many?” She asked, reaching for a stack of menus. Jamie shook her head, pulling her phone out.
“We’re not dining. We’re actually looking for two people,” she explained, unlocking her screen and turning the device to show the hostess. “Have you seen either of these two?” She asked. The hostess looked at the screen before looking up at Jamie and Mark. “Are you two like… cops?” She asked, sounding slightly uneasy.
Jamie shook her head. “No, this is my best friend and her boyfriend. We haven’t been able to get ahold of them for several hours and we just want to know if anyone has seen them recently,” she explained to the young girl.
Upon hearing this, the uneasy look on the hostess’ face drop, her polite smile back. She shook her head. “No, i haven’t seen them. I’m the only hostess on the schedule today but maybe the girl at the boat rental counter has seen them? You could check back there,” she said sweetly.
Jamie thanked her and Mark nodded toward the hostess. “Thank you,” he mimicked Jamie, backing up. The hostess smiled in response. “I hope you find your friends!” She called out, sounding hopeful as Mark stepped out of the door Jamie held open.
Following the young girl’s advice, they walked back towards the walkway towards the beach but continued forward, walking around the corner of the restaurant.
On this side, a small building stood beside the restaurant. It was blue in contrast to the white of the restaurant. A large open window took up most of the front of the building. Behind, inside the building, another young girl sat at the counter, reading a book as they approached.
She looked up, marking her place in her book. “How can I help you?” She asked. She wasn’t as friendly as the hostess in the restaurant but still pleasant enough to speak to.
Jamie showed her the picture of Byeoli and Hyunjin on her phone. “We’re looking for these two people.”
Rather than looking at the screen, the girl looked up at Jamie before her eyes traveled to Mark beside her.
“You two cops or something?” She asked, looking over them suspiciously. Mark shook his head. ‘What is it with these two girls and cops?’ he wondered.
“No, just two people looking for their friends,” he confirmed. “We haven’t heard from them in several hours and we just want to make sure they’re okay,” Jamie added. The girl nodded silently, shifting in her seat and finally looked down at the phone.
A look of recognition passed over her features. “Oh yeah,” she said, nodding. “I saw them a few hours ago,” she added. Jamie looked positively ecstatic. “You did??” She almost shouted. The girl nodded. “Yeah. The guy,” she said pointing to Hyunjin on the screen. “He came by and asked about boat rentals. I told him our rates and showed him the boats. He said he’d be back and he did come back,” she said, nodding.
“He came back with her,” she continued, pointing at Byeoli. “They were really cute actually,” she added. “Holding hands, kissing when they thought no one was looking.” Jamie felt her heart tug at the girl's words. Despite knowing that Hyunjin wasn’t human, she couldn’t deny that she knew how he felt about Byeoli and even more despite Sungjin’s thoughts, it was genuine. That much she knew, but that didn’t stop her from worrying.
“He rented a smaller boat. Just a little motorboat. They left a couple hours ago,” the girl continued, drawing Jamie’s attention back to her. “And they haven’t come back?” Jamie asked, fearing the girl’s answer.
Mark watched Jamie’s expression fall as the girl shook her head. “No, not yet,” she replied.
Mark smiled at the girl, taking Jamie’s hand and gently pulling her away from the counter. “Thank you for your help,” he said to the girl who nodded in affirmation. “I hope you find your friends,” she added as they walked away, stopping at the railing to look at the water below.
“Why did he rent a boat?” Jamie asked, not looking up. Mark leaned against the railing next to her. “I don’t know Jams,” he said, using her favorite nickname, hoping it might help put her at ease. “But this is good, right? We know they were here, we know Hyunjin rented a boat and Byeoli was with him and he didn’t come back alone,” he explained. Jamie shook her head.
“I know, but where are they? Where did they go?” She asked, looking up at him. He could see the concern on her face and tears forming in her eyes. “Hey, hey,” Mark said, standing up straight and grabbing her jacket, pulling her into his arms. “Don’t start that,” he murmured, lips pressed against her hair. “If you start crying and then they come back perfectly fine, you’re going to be mad at yourself,” he said softly. Jamie knew he was right.
“And if they don’t come back perfectly fine?” She asked, pulling back to look up at her boyfriend. He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. “We’ll worry about that when we come to it,” he replied.
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day6source · 1 year
hii! do you know the link or know where i can watch youngk's dekira? i can't seem to find the link 😭
hi love!! so, there's a few ways you can watch/listen!
On the KBS CoolFM YouTube channel! I think this is probably most useful/accessible to those of us outside of Korea, they simply go live every day much like the Station-Z 89.1 channel does. Their channel is here! (I'm also about to post the VOD of today's show so you can also just click that link as well hehe)
The KBS Radio web link! I've admittedly never used it, so I'm not sure how it all works, but it being a web link means it should be simple enough based on my brief research! You do have to login if you want to partake in commenting, but there is an option for signing up if you're a foreign listener, so all should be good. A direct link to listen however is here!
A last option is the KBS Kong app. It's available on your phone and on desktop (for both Windows & Mac!)! I've definitely never used this option, but I assume it works like most radio apps, in addition to having your new fancy KBS login if you don't already have one. If you want to download: Apple | Samsung | Desktop! Both mobile options do link to the US stores given I'm American, but searching KBS Kong on the app store should pull it up if it's available.
I hope this was helpful! You can also use these options to listen to Sungjin on his radio show at 0:00 KST on Thursdays! (Sorry for not being able to answer in time for you to listen to today's show, definitely about to put that VOD up right now!) Let me know if you have any other questions!! I hope you have a great day!
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justmeandmysickies · 2 years
fluffy sick sungjin and soyong:)
this is pretty short but I hope you still like it<3
characters: Sungjin and Soyong warnings: general sickness and dizziness
Nothing else matters
“Jin?” Sungjin sighed. This was the third time Soyong had called him since he’d started making dinner twenty minutes ago.
The pair had had a rough couple of days. As a teacher, Sungjin was always at danger to catch any type of sickness floating around at school. Five days ago, he’d come home with a pounding headache, stuffed sinuses and an awful mood. The only thing he was looking forward to was getting doted on by his lovely boyfriend. That worked out for about twelve hours.
The next morning Soyong woke up sweating and nauseous and a quick check confirmed he had a pretty nasty fever, too. So the two of them tried their best to take care of each other while both of them recovered from the flu.
It’s been a couple of days now and the two were finally on the mend. Sungjin however was still dealing with god-awful body aches that practically had him chained to the couch. His boyfriend had woken up feeling lots better, so he swiftly decided to prepare the first proper meal the pair had in a week.
Unfortunately, Soyong had majorly overestimated his body’s condition and quickly found himself dizzy enough to be swaying on his feet, when trying to get a bowl from the top shelf.
Sungjin dragged himself into the kitchen, his joints screaming at him as he got up. He found his boyfriend leaning heavily onto the counter, head tilted back and taking deep breaths. He walked up to Soyong and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s stomach who immediately put his head onto Sungjin’s chest in return.
“Can you get the salad bowl from the shelf, please?” Soyong panted, still fighting the wooziness that came with his unrelenting fever.
“I don’t think cooking was a good idea, huh?” Jin mumbled into his partner’s shoulder, deeply breathing in his all too familiar scent. To Sungjin, there was nothing more comforting.
Soyong smiled sadly. “No, I guess it wasn’t.”
“Then how about we put all of this back in the fridge, go back to cuddling on the couch and then we’ll order some pizza?”
As much as Soyong was disappointed in himself for not finishing what he had started, Sungjin’s suggestion sounded heavenly right now. So, he just nodded and let his boyfriend lead him over to the couch.
The pair all but collapsed into the cushions. Sungjin was laying on his back and pulled Soyong onto chest, instinctively feeling the back of his neck. As expected, he was warm but fortunately nothing compared to the last couple of days.
“You should take some Tylenol for that fever, baby.” He didn’t get an answer from his boyfriend but he hadn’t expected one either way. Soyong was responsible when it came to his health so he’d probably already taken some Tylenol anyway.
“Hey, what kind of pizza do you want?” Once again, silence. This however was a question that kind of required an answer, so Sungjin tried again.
“Baby? Do you want pepperoni pizza?” When he received no answer for the third time, Sungjin took a closer look at his boyfriend. He had to crane his neck quite a bit to get a look at Soyong’s face, and he couldn’t help but smile when he realized what was going on.
He’d fallen asleep. In those few minutes they’d been on the couch, Soyong had actually managed to fall asleep. Sungjin wasn’t mad though. His boyfriend clearly needed it.
The pizza could wait. For now, Sungjin was more than happy to simply listen to his boyfriend’s rhythmic breathing as he slept off his fever.
Nothing else mattered in that moment. Not the fact that Soyong was starting to drool on him and not even the fact, that his back was screaming bloody murder. All the mattered was Soyong getting better so Sungjin would continue to hold him like this – forever, if necessary.
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misswoozi · 1 year
I have more questions about Taeyeon lol. What kinks do you think she is into? Also what kinks do you think Seotae are into as a couple? And what nicknames do you think Taeyeon likes to be called during sex?
I have more answers! But it might be easier if I give you my general overview of how I headcanon her and we can go from there 😂
Taeyeon is as bisexual as the day is long. She's very much a bottom, very much a sub and very much a pillow queen lmao she's got a high sex drive, she's got a BIG collection of toys (90% of which are for solo!Taeyeon, not for her and her partner) and she likes being spoiled.
I used to ship her with Tiffany (much less so now but for a while, they were an ult ship so I have a ton of headcanons for them) and with that, I thought dom!Tiffany was the type to pick out cute boys for Taeyeon to fuck while she watched. I don't ship them anymore and I don't headcanon as Taeyeon ad being into this with any other partner BUT I think it's indicative of the type of sub Taeyeon is — likes being spoiled/doted on, likes being very slightly degraded and praised (like Tiffany telling her how dirty but also how pretty she is) and likes going along with what her dom is into.
I don't think she cares for nicknames?? I'd definitely say 'baby girl' (in English of course) from Tiffany but otherwise, nah.
I ship her with Doyoung (because he worships her and she loves that), Sungjin (bc he doesn't give a shit how famous she is and she loves THAT), Key (ultimate FWBs), Seohyun (kinky gfs) and Sunny (!wives)!
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agustd-png · 10 months
peach, did you see sungjin's outfit for dekira? came straight to ur masterlist to read something thinking of him in that fit ....
Ohh wait this one?? Sungjin in a suit 👌👌👌 Hmmmm how about this possessive Sungjin drabble? 🥵
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thepixelelf · 2 years
Daisy @wooahaes tagged me in this and it looked fun!! Some questions were tuff puppy but I had a good time :)
List your top 10 biases and answer the following questions -
Jibeom (golcha)
Jinjin (astro)
Sungyoon (golcha)
Woozi (svt)
Donghyun (golcha)
Scoups (svt)
Dongyun (drippin)
Sungjin (day6)
Haknyeon (tbz)
Sanha (astro)
Q1: between 1 and 4 who would your rather kiss? Ummmmm Jibeom 😳 ((but uji is so smoochable too.....)
Q2: between 2 and 7 who would be your best friend? Maybe Dongyun? Idk friendship is so weird and nuanced idk how to answer this one :')
Q3: between 5 and 10 who has a better voice? Sanha's vocals are super sweet but I think I'd pick Donghyun because I find his voice really unique! In Burn It and Ra Pam Pam, you can really distinguish his voice during group vocal parts
Q4: between 1 and 8 who is the funniest? I'm sorry Sungjin but Jibeom is my funnyman
Q5: between 6 and 9 who would you date? (Haha 69) Haknyeon would be my sarcastic soulmate but I am absolutely boyfriending Seungcheol no questions asked
Q6: between 9 and 10 who would you do a collaboration with? I have nothing to contribute to a collaboration... maybe I could write a script for a web drama? In that case then I'd want to write something for Sanha!!
Q7: between 4 and 8 who is the better dancer? A svt (widely recognized as most synchronized kpop group) member vs a day6 (literally a band that plays instruments) member? Obviously it's gotta be my man Sungjin...
Q8: between 3 and 5 who would you most likely marry? TWO GOLCHA BOYS NOOOOOO why must I make this choice... jk Donghyun would NOT marry me I am too much of a mess lol. Guess Sungyoon is stuck with me >:) (I would do anything for him)
Q9: between 1 and 7 who would you nurse when they are sick? Dongyun is baby Jibeom can take care of himself 😪
Q10: between 2 and 3 who has a better smile? SHUP UP I COULDN'T POSSIBLY CHOOSE (low-key their smiles are kind of similar)
Q11: between 6 and 8 who would you vacation with? Sungjin would take care of me while I'd have to take care of Seungcheol... I'm bad at planning so I'm going with Sungjin!
If anyone wants to do this, tell them (ambiguous audience) I sent you!!
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jayflrt · 5 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 34. in too deep
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He underestimated how casual the gesture of tapping someone to get their attention was, and it was evident when he was looking back at Jeonghan with a confused gaze. Jay had spent the entire day freaking out over whether he was going to get a seat in the Order, and now that he was face-to-face with one of their members, he couldn't even grasp that he was being offered a spot.
Jay was in the middle of reading your frantic texts about getting a seat from Sungjin, sitting at an empty booth in the library so that he could charge his laptop. The very thought of Sunghoon being left behind had him so baffled that he could only gawk at Jeonghan for a few seconds. The senior only seemed amused, hardly even realizing that Jay had far more weighing on his mind than being tapped.
"Congratulations, Jay," Jeonghan said with a broad grin stretching across his face, "welcome to the Order."
Every word he could have used to finish his sentence died on Jay's tongue, and instead he croaked out, "I—huh?"
"Yeah, I'm not sure how else to dumb it down for you."
He wasn't sure what snapped him back into reality—maybe it was the whistle of the wind in his ear, or perhaps it was the fear that Jeonghan must have thought he was a crazy person—but Jay immediately straightened up and let out a forced cough.
"Sorry," he got out immediately. "Thanks. I just thought—"
"That you wouldn't get in?" Jeonghan finished for him. "Yeah, I thought so, too. We were debating between you and Kazuha for nearly an hour. It took a lot of manipulation to convince them that Kazuha wasn't the right choice."
The corner of Jay's mouth picked up in a grin. "Manipulation?"
"Let's just keep that between us." Jeonghan gave him a wry smile and handed over a thin, black folder with a few sheets of papers tucked neatly inside. "You can open that later. It's just a welcome letter and a notice about sending us details so we can coordinate your initiation night."
"Huh..." Jay trailed off; his mind was still stuck on his bid rather than the folder in his hands. "I didn't think I'd get in after that interview."
"Are you kidding? They loved your answers, especially when you said you'd punch Sunghoon."
"But—I didn't even know the answer to whatever seven-eight-six meant, though."
"That's the whole point," Jeonghan said. "You're not supposed to know everything! What we believe is that it's valuable to admit that there are answers you haven't found yet, but you also did your best to draw a conclusion with the little information you had."
"So... what does it mean?"
"We don't know."
"We don't know," he echoed with a shrug. "We think the founder chose it to represent us because he claimed to have decided eighteen of the characters on the Kryptos sculpture himself—on top of the ones that're already deciphered."
"Interesting," Jay replied with an inquisitive hum. He then gave Jeonghan a strange look. "Are you supposed to be telling me this, by the way?"
"Sungjin didn't want us talking with you guys too much, actually. We're supposed to just tap you on the shoulder, hand you the file, and leave." He scratched the back of his neck aimlessly. "I have to stay on campus until my next class, though, so I don't really have anywhere else to go."
"If they ask, I'll let them know that you were very, very mysterious."
"See? I told them that was what the Order needed: loyalty."
Jay felt his stomach twist. He was probably the worst example of that, but seeing that Jeonghan held him in such high regard, he couldn't bring himself to object. Instead, he brushed off the senior's words with a shy grin.
Jeonghan continued, "I swear, they were deliberating for so long that I—"
"Jeonghan—wait, Jay?"
To Jay's relief, you walked up behind his table, looking between the two men several times before you seemed to piece together what was going on. The determination that had darkened your eyes seconds prior started to melt away.
"You got a seat?" you breathed out, and before Jay could nod, you were shooing him further down the cushioned bench so that you could sit next to him. Your gaze immediately landed on the black folder in Jay's hands. "Oh!"
There was an awkward pause. You looked up at him for a brief moment, and it looked like you had a lot more to say instead of opening and closing your mouth over and over again. Jay's throat felt tight. Your sideways look at Jeonghan made Jay wonder how what your true reactions would've been if you two were alone.
Since you clearly hadn't anchored yourself back into reality, Jay slapped his folder onto the table to take Jeonghan's attention away from how distracted you had gotten.
"What? You didn't think I'd make it in or something?" he teased you, although he was quite aware that that wasn't your intention.
"No," you insisted with a scoff, kicking Jay's shin under the table.
Jay hissed through his teeth, nudging your leg back with his shoe. Unbeknownst to Jeonghan, you two were in an intense battle of trying to kick the other; your attempts were always stronger than his.
"Oh, that's fucked up," Jeonghan joined in, leaning forward onto his elbows. "Were you hoping someone else would get in over Jay?"
He rolled his eyes, realizing that Jeonghan was just hungry for a morsel of gossip. However, anticipation was swirling in Jay's chest as he prepared himself for whatever your answer would be. After your text about Sunghoon's situation, he wouldn't have been surprised if you were more concerned about your ex-boyfriend.
You huffed. "No, I think Jay deserves it out of anyone who interviewed."
His heartbeat was somehow quicker. More intense. Jay couldn't understand why your words left little electric currents running under his skin, but he was just grateful that you couldn't see how much of a mess his head was.
"But what the hell, Jeonghan?" you continued, sharper. "Why did Sungjin give me his seat?"
Jeonghan let out a dry laugh before shaking his head. "Can't give you our reasonings."
"Weren't you just talking about mine?" Jay cut in since he was equally curious about where Sunghoon's predicament was going.
"Well, that's—" The senior cut himself off and screwed up his eyes as he processed his next words. "Okay, you're technically right, but I gave you my seat, Jay. I didn't give Y/N my seat, so I can't tell her why she was chosen by Sungjin."
You and Jay stared blankly at Jeonghan for a moment, who was slowly losing his resolve to keep quiet.
"Okay, fine." Jeonghan sighed heavily. "Tell anyone about this, though, and you two won't be having a fun initiation process." As Jay swallowed thickly at the thought of being hazed, Jeonghan leaned over the table and lowered his voice to say, "I don't know much because we don't really question Number One, but he just said that he didn't want to extend his seat to his brother anymore. Something about wanting Sunghoon to make it on his own."
Jay frowned. "Number One?"
"That's what we call our president," he replied. "Only the members of the Order know about Number One's identity for the duration of their office."
"You're really a loudmouth, Jeonghan," you sneered.
Jeonghan held up his hands in mock surrender.
"Then did Sunghoon get a seat or not?" Jay asked. "He had to have gotten a tap, right? It'd be ridiculous if he didn't."
Jeonghan only shrugged in response. "The finalized list of our new members will be emailed out tonight. You'll find out then."
You and Jay exchanged uneasy looks. Waiting to hear back from Sunghoon appeared to be their only option, and it only made Jay feel more at war with his head and heart.
For one, Sunghoon was a crucial part of the mission. Something happening to him would definitely affect you, and although that made Jay feel a twinge of bitterness, he recognized that you two had a previous connection that he couldn't get between.
On the other hand, he felt that he was in too deep—so deep that he wasn't sure how he would pull himself out when this was all over. Jay remembered it every time he turned white-knuckled when he would text his client; every time he laughed around Heeseung; every time he had to take a few seconds for his rage to simmer around Sunghoon; and every time he looked into your eyes and felt some semblance of peace.
And it made him feel terrified.
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next | masterlist | next
SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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etherealdemon · 2 years
❓+ yejun — would you rather fight one sungjin sized duck or five duck sized sungjins?
fighting one sungjin sized duck sounds cool. can you imagine it running around the apex building while i chase it around? that sounds like fun. also i honestly don’t think i can deal with five sungjins at one time, even when they’re duck sized. i probably wouldn’t make it out alive.
send me a ❓ + a question for one of my ocs and they will answer it!
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kbandtrash · 7 months
Hey so um before my sungjin fic goes up tomorrow there’s probably something I should let you guys know 😅
This is the last fic I’m going to post for a pretty long time. I’ve actually known this was coming for a while now (officially about six months, unofficially about a year) and some of you may have caught this from my tags every once in a while. Starting next Monday, I’m going to be gone for about a year and a half with no real access to the internet or social media.
Why? I’ve accepted a call to serve a full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ☺️ I put in my papers in October, and I received my call about a month later. I’ve been called to serve in the Hawaii Laie Mission, where I’ll be working at the Laie Temple Visitors Center, the Polynesian Cultural Center, and around the BYU-Hawaii campus. If you decide to visit the island of Oahu between May and next August, you should also make a stop along the north shore in the little town of Laie and look for a tallish redhead girl with a Korean name tag (probably—I haven’t gotten my tags yet, but I assume since I’ve been called to serve Korean-speaking, I would get Korean tags).
I know very well that the Church has different reputations around the world for different reasons, many of them positive and many of them negative, but please know that I would not be making this decision if I didn’t have full certainty that this is where God wants me to be.
If you believe that my membership in the Church means that I would discriminate against you for any reason, I really want you to know that that’s not true on my part. To put it simply, I believe that we’re all children of God, and I’m determined to love and respect everyone as such. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I can only answer for another week, but if questions come after that, I bet Megan would be willing to be a messenger.
Speaking of, hopefully Megan will take a more active role in running the blog while I’m gone? You can ask her for updates if you want, or if you really really want, you could ask to be put on my email list. (I try to keep my main blog separate from this one, but you can message me @dumbledavisjr if you want to talk for the next couple days)
Aloha and 안녕히 계세요!
See you on the flip side 🤙😉
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i-wish-i-was-a-joke · 6 months
Halo! Udah lama aku ngga bahas lagu. Akhir-akhir ini, aku lagi suka dengerin album terbarunya DAY6 "FOUREVER". Overall, lagunya bagus-bagus! Aku paling suka yang judulnya "Get The Hell Out", tapi kaii ini aku mau bahas last track-nya. Judulnya "didn't know" tapi kalo dalam bahasa korea, judulnya itu "그게 너의 사랑인지 몰랐어 " yang artinya "I didn't know it was your love". Udah ketebak 'kan maksudnya apa :D
Lirik verse 1 udah menjelaskan semua sih,
"I didn't know that was your love I didn't know that was how it was back then It was so natural that we were always together I didn't think it was special"
Jadi, penulis itu baru 'sadar' kalo dulu dia dicintai sebegitunya. Kok baru sadar sih? Ya, karena penulis udah terbiasa dengan perlakuan yang spesial itu—jadinya penulis nggak ngira itu cinta dari dia.
"The answer you wanted to convey I understood it until after it was over"
Penulis bilang, kalo dirinya baru sadar pas semuanya udah selesai dan udah nggak bisa balik lagi ke waktu yang lalu. Pas bagian bridge yang dinyanyiin sama Sungjin dan Wonpil, damn, it hurts so bad T____T
"There's no going back Even if I keep looking back I tell you, but you aren't here I was in love We were in love Leaving the time is far away That i can't return to"
Penulis bilang, dia juga jatuh cinta saat itu tapi udah terlambat. Waktu udah berlalu sangat jauh dan nggak mungkin banget buat kembali lagi (apalagi dengan perasaan yang sama dan bersama orang yang sama).
Intinya, lagu ini tentang penyesalan yang amat terdalam. Ya, memang sih penyesalan selalu datang terlambat. Menurutku, seumur hidup harus dengerin lagu ini sekali deh (minimal). Apalagi pas bagian Wonpil... berasa banget sakit hati :D
Mungkin segini dulu. Kemungkinan aku bakalan bahas lagu dari band lain (spoiler HAHAHA). Tschüss!
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