world-of-sunit · 2 months
Constant lightning? No rain to go with it? Are there any other interesting weather phenomena on Sunit?
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Flan: Other than that, most of the weather is fairly normal. It storms where it gets wet and humid, it snows where it's cold.
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thecollectibles · 1 year
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Dune Character Illustration Series by Chezka Sunit
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leopardmuffinxo · 7 months
*boops your nose* send this to ten blogs you think are lovely and deserve a boop on the nose!! 🥰💖💖
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no u 🥺
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Little bits of trivia that amused me: Sunite priests apparently tend to write their own leitmotifs and hum them while doing things (a comparison to the James Bond theme song was made).
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clericofsune · 2 years
Piety Boons for DnD 5e: Sune
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Sune is the Faerunian Goddess of love, beauty, and passion. She holds sway over the whims and desires of mortals, driving them to love, crave, and create. Her highest ranking priests and priestesses are known as Heartwarders. The Order of the Red Rose is her faith militant, which safeguard the temples and clergymen devoted to her. Though her primary sphere is love and beauty, she is also the patron of all artists and craftsmen, blessing them with skilled hands and wondrous imagination. In this way, she ensures that life is beautiful in all ways, and she pities any who would deny themselves of their passions out of fear or shame. Her two primary Exarchs are Liira, the goddess of Joy, and Sharess, the goddess of cats.
Her alignment is Chaotic Good. Sune values above all else freedom. Freedom to be, do, explore, and create whatever one pleases, and follow where their heart leads them. Even clerics devoted to the goddess are known to step away from the church to pursue other desires without ever incurring the goddess’ wrath. As the goddess of beauty, Sune abhors all things which mock and tarnish the beauty and pleasure that is a mortal existence. Fiends, undead, and anything rotted, diseased, or mutilated disgusts her. However, her anger can be misguided, such as her displeasure for scars and physical imperfections, which can cause her to come off as superficial and judgmental.
Seek out and enjoy life’s pleasures and revel in your passions
Follow your heart wherever it may guide you
Compose or commission works of art
Impart knowledge of fashion, art, cosmetics, and etiquette to others
Destroy anything which tarnishes the beauty of this world or its people
Destroy armies which threaten the stability of the world
Restore and beautify damaged structures, landscapes, and communities
Bring lovers together, or help lovers overcome social obstacles to love
Build or restore a temple to Sune
Deny yourself your passions out of fear or shame
Practice necromancy and other unholy arts
Tarnish the beauty of the world or the creatures within it
Willfully upset the balance of the world for personal gain
Willfully tarnish your outer appearance, especially through necromancy
Consort with Baalzebul, Ssendam, Evil Gods, other fiends, or undead
Condemn the love, relationships, and passions of others
Tear lovers apart, stand in the way of love, or deride the value of love
Destroy or desecrate a temple to Sune
3+ = You can cast Charm Person or Color Spray (choose only 1) 10+ = You can cast Hypnotic Pattern. 25+ = Friendly creatures within 30 feet gain +2 to their AC as well as their INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws. This includes you. 50 + = Increase your CHA or WIS by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2
Far Traveler
Guild Artisan
College of Creation
College of Eloquence
College of Glamour
College of Valour
Conclave of the Fey Wanderer
Oath of the Ancients
Oath of the Crown
Oath of Devotion
Swashbuckler Rogue
Archfey Patron
Celestial Patron
School of Enchantment
Divine Soul Origin
A ritualistic morning bath in scented water is preferred, though if water or perfumes are scarce, a ritualistic washing of the hands can suffice.
Sunites that wish to commune with their goddess must stand in water and look into a mirror or reflective surface lit by natural light or candle light.
The Feast of Love is held every Tenday. Dine on exquisite delicacies, whether exuberant or humble as time and availability allows. Even just stopping to savor a pastry or a slice of cheese can suffice in the wilderness.
The Grand Revel is hosted once per month from dawn to dusk, with Sunites displaying artwork of great beauty, donning elaborate costume and hairstyle, performing beautiful works of music, dance, or recitation, or engaging in pageantry and showmanship. This event is open to the public.
On Greengrass, the first day of Spring, Sunites take their jubilations outdoors to engage in picnics, romantic strolls, amorous dalliances, playful chases, and public performances to celebrate the rebirth and liveliness of spring.
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lavender-sunhaven · 6 months
sup it's me I've been playing sun haven again. Can anyone tell me something relatively simple Lucius likes? I don't necessarily want to trawl the wiki for spoilers but I need to get my heart numbers up with him so that I can break into his house. Preferably not fish related (unless it's a super common sun haven fish) because I have a hard time grinding those but I can do most anything else.
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vyrantium · 7 months
happy happy birthday!! i hope that you had a great day today! 😊💖
thank you so much!! 🥰
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wlwaerith · 7 months
oh my gosh, happy birthday, ophelia!! 💗 i hope that you have a day as wonderful as you are and that the upcoming year treats you kindly.
this is so sweet!! thank youuuu momo
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bulkvanderhuge42 · 9 months
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sundere1181 · 2 years
Snake Hair Lady OC headcanons time!!!!
I decided that she's a Mojave rattlesnake, and therefore a lot of her personality was based off that.
her name is Maia (yes, it's Greek, I wanted a Greek name because yk Medusa inspired)
She/her demisexual lesbian
She has anger issues and is VERY easily startled
Meat Eater
16 years old
(more hc and physical description under the cut i dont want it to get too long)
Physical desc (because I cannot draw):
She's about 6'7" tall, the snakes on her head are the tails because rattlez and they go to about mid neck. They're multiple shades of brown with diamond patterns and white bands. She really likes them and thinks they're super pretty (they are)
Yes, she has fangs AND venom, which is very very dangerous and she constantly has nightmares about biting one of her friends on accident.
She has brown human skin with occasional patches of snake scales (like vitiligo)
Vertical snake eyes, very good eyesight.
Shitty hearing, not to the point where she needs hearing aids, but to the point everyone speaks louder than normal around her.
If you didn’t see my post earlier, some anatomy notes: Shes a rare yokai species that I have yet to name that are basically snake human hybrids. other than the snake hair, fangs, snake scale patches, and eyes, they look fairly human, but their bones are more fragile. Their torsos are also elongated and have a small sternum. They’re freakishly tall and slender, and very flexible. They have two jaws that split in the middle and multiple tiny sharp teeth along with the fangs. (I did lots of snake anatomy research for this like it’s insane)
other hc:
BFFs with Leo, gay and lesbian solidarity fr
Met him at a hidden city pride parade
they hung out a lot and then he introduced her to his brothers
She's taller than Raph and he's honestly a bit scared of her
Almost bit Mikey once when he snuck up on her (unknowingly) and nearly got shot by Donnie. She felt really bad.
Her and Donnie don't honestly get along very well unless they're committing crimes together.
Her, April, and Sunita have a ‘spa day’ every Sunday where they paint each others nails and do skincare and watch bad movies. occasionally Leo or Mikey join them.
Sleeps like the dead. It takes a nuclear bomb to wake her. Yes, Leo did draw on her face one time. Yes, he did regret it. (An absolutely brutal prank war ensued)
Has a younger sister and an older sibling (middle child)
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world-of-sunit · 2 months
What is Sunit like? Is it pretty biodiverse? Are there different climates in different places like earth? Or is it mainly one type of biome?
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Flan: The western continent is mostly flat and dry, except for the huge chunk of mountains and hills that connects the southwest and northwest continents.
Flan: The eastern continent is more rugged, with tons of jungle and forest. The huge dark desert is on this continent, to the north.
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infosisraelnews · 1 month
Les patriotes libanais appellent les chiites à se soulever contre le Hezbollah et à remettre les armes à l'armée
Au milieu des informations faisant état de l’évacuation des bureaux du Hezbollah dans le sud de Beyrouth, les Libanais expriment de plus en plus leurs craintes d’une guerre imminente avec Israël. Un correspondant d’Associated Press au Liban s’est entretenu avec des habitants de Beyrouth et d’autres villes qui ont décrit la panique et le réveil de vieux traumatismes laissés par la Seconde Guerre…
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leopardmuffinxo · 7 months
this might be lame, but you're such an inspiration! 💖 i look forward to literally every new thing that you post!
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kajajkakdjakjd !!!!!! < (cannot form words for the flailing i am currently doing.) MO!!!!! 😭💜 i stg i am running and tackling you in a hug and telling you how amazing YOU are. this is so incredibly sweet. 🥹
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elminsters · 7 months
4 + 5 for eurydice? 🖤
Thank you for the ask!! Questions from here
4. how do they sleep with their LI (what position, does one steal the blankets, is one too hot/cold, etc)?
Once they're properly in a relationship, Eurydice and Astarion basically take turns trancing with their heads resting on each other's chest. When Astarion is laying on her, Eurydice likes to play with his hair, and when roles are reversed he fidgets with her fingers while they cuddle. They are both blanket hogs so it also solves that problem because they're just each other's blanket 😌
5. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
Eurydice has a reddish purple coloured tent. It's pretty sparsely decorated since she travels light: her costume pieces are spilling out of a trunk, there are a few books laying around, and maybe a pair of bronze goblets. It would not be well organized. That being said she doesn't actually trance there often: any time Astarion feeds on her she just rests in his tent while he goes off to hunt. By the end of act 2 they just drop the pretence and she ditches her tent when they leave the Last Light. (I also headcanon that they just get rooms at the inn during act 2, because it's stupid that they're sleeping outside on the ground. So really she hasn't spent the night in her own tent since the mountain pass).
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mercymaker · 7 months
12 + 13 for mal? 🖤
From 20 tav questions
12. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Honestly? I kind of see Gale having something to say. I think they had a bit of tension between them for a hot second (the whole sorcerer vs wizard thing, her rejecting him, etc.) and I feel like he'd have thoughts about her that he wouldn't really be ready to share with her, but then he'd also want to talk about that with someone. And I see him having a sort of a brief moment of bitterness about the whole thing and with the tadpole stuff and the absolute and other shenanigans creating so much stress, it's only normal for all of them to not be their best selves 24/7. After the final battle? I think most of them are a bit gossipy about each other, but less in a malicious and more in a snarky way.
13. what makes them laugh? what does their laugh sound like?
God, not to be a complete sap, but Astarion makes her laugh. When they all first met, Mal was sort of drawn to him from the get-go because she found him really funny. All the bad jokes and quips and the mean, cruel stuff, all the theatrics. I think, in general, Maleane's quite fond of pretty dark humor, so it all sort of checks out. Her laugh is definitely more of a chuckle, it's usually barred behind a slight hint of a smile, sort of controlled and quiet. It's quite rare to see her in a fit of laughter, open-mouthed and out of breath.
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akultalkies · 1 year
Vaibhavi Upadhyaya, Rashmi Somvanshi, Kirron Arya, Nidhi Bisht, Anjum Rajabali, Sunit Razdan, Preeti Hansraj Sharma, Jaivardhan Verma
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