#sunn trio
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on English stoner/DOOM metal band ELECTRIC WIZARD, during their "Let Us Prey" era, performing live at the Scheld'apen (1998-2013) cultural center in Antwerp, Belgium, on 08/05/2002. 📸: @jan.crick.39.
Tim Bagshaw (fuzz bass, effects),
Mark Greening (assault & battery)
Jus Oborn (guitars, vocals, FX)
Long live the mighty Wizard (1994-2002), their power trio daze -- DOOM OR BE @$!#*&% DOOMED!!
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3233237891274124186.
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oliveraiku · 2 years
for the psychoanalysis
yukimiya, bachira, karasu
How does it feel to be always teasing others and get away with it? You're one to touch and go, toccata and fuga, never to be caught. You like your own freedom, you like to be independent and have a serious problem when it comes to fulfil duties that have been ordered. You don't like to be told what you have to do, so authority means nothing to you.
You're confident, and people think of you as arrogant, but that's just a facade. You're trying to overcompensate for the fact that you do not think you're all that, but fake before you make it right? There is nothing wrong with pretending to be strong when you're not. It's okay to also rely on someone, from time to time. Maybe it is a good chance to finally get out of your comfort zone and realise that a mask might be as thick as a warrior's shield, but it will not protect you from your own feelings.
Bright, good sense of humour, but not a lot of friends to share it with. You're complicated, and there are many layers to uncover - and you revel in it. There are a few to might grasp your nature, but even then, do they know the real you? Or is that also a reflection you project with calculated indifference and the fear of being truly seen?
If someone manages to outsmart you, to outwit you and crack your appearance good luck. There is no way to hide from your own heart.
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sonicasura · 1 month
Ok hear are the stages we know so far for Shadow
- Ark
- A twisted combination of Westopolis and Radical Highway
- Rail Canyon
- Kingdom Valley
- Chaos Island
- Resistance Base, Sunset City ?
Trainer's stages will be
- Isle Of Armor
- Mt. Coronet
- Sky Pillar and The Surronding Islands
- Split-Decision Ruins and The Dynamax Tree
- Citadark Isle
- Poni Island with the focus being on Vast Poni Canyon and the Alter Of The Sunne And Moone
Mission Structure
Select Stages
All stages will always begin with only one of the Main Trio being able to enter, when one of the Main Trio reach the end it will allow all of the Main Trio to enter
These Will Be 1 Act
Trio Stages
The Main Trio will form a team of 3 with choosing one of the Pokemon to accompy them. Shadow will lead with Omega and the selected Pokemon at Shadow's side as they traverse the stage Sonic Heroes Style
These Will Have 2 Acts
Battle Stages
These stages are a brawlers with there being swarms of both Sonic and Pokemon Remnant enemies. Everyone of the Main Trio will be there, Trainer will send out 3 Pokemon to fight alongside Shadow and Omega as they advamce through the stage
I imagine these stages being like Kingdom Hearts styled fights from like 2 or 3 if you ever played or seen gameplay of that.
These Will Be 1 Act
Rivals And Bosses
Since the full game is still a ways of this will be speculation for some of Shadow's fights
Shadow Bosses
- Biolizard
- Metal Overlord
- Egg Wyvern or Egg Emperor
- Dark Gaia
- Hyper Eggrobo
Shadow Rivals
- Infinite
- Emerl
- Any ideas for the third rival?
Trainer's Bosses
- Cyrus
- Lusamine Nihilego Fusion
- Eternatus
- Greevil
- Ai Professor Sada
Trainer's Rivals
- Paul
- Bede ( This would be N, but the story of Black and White has yet too take place or maybe I should add N and change up the timeline a bit?
- Kieran
Boss Stages
The Stage these fights take place on is unstable so all Heroes may enter too fight the boss, same goes for the rivals. Each fight however will be drastically different as the Bosses and Rivals are controled by the remnants of The Time Eater and Black Doom, teamwork between the Main Trio will be the pathway to victory
This will be a big adventure for the Main Trio, as they face the remnant of The Time Eater and Black Doom. A lot is at stake and it will force our Heroes to face the one that brought Shadow's world to the brink and the one who tears apart Space-Time too stop both from fulfilling the end goal of the plan
Thankfully Ultimate Lifeform, The Most Powerful E-Series Robot, and The Frontier Brain will fight back this catastrophe and at the end find out quite a lot about the others past
Any Suggestions or Changes?
Shadow's third rival should be Mephiles as it's perfect for a mirror match between the two. For N, I say the clash is wrought because Trainer has the Black Stone. This enemy actually belongs to the Pokemon that been slumbering beside our unaware heroes: Zekrom.
An illusion bringing out a twisted form of Reshiram which causes the opposite to awaken in fury at the duplicate. Plus it further expresses Trainer's character to our Team Dark members. They are a person of ideas who doesn't care about the dark truth behind their companions, only who they choose to be.
So what if Eggman made Omega or Shadow is part Black Arms? They chose to follow their own paths and are Trainer's friends. A powerful heartfelt sentiment that convinces Zekrom to fully help the group without a required battle(like in Pokemon White game).
Plus it gives Trainer reason to explore the Unova region as to learn more about their newest companion.
Completely unrelated but I also thought about Zekrom awakening in the KN8 crossover. Why not give the cast(especially Kafka) a fucking heart attack than to witness Trainer battling a Legendary Pokemon as they want to test their strength. I won't be surprised if Zekrom been watching them while slumbering in Black Stone state.
Or for the Defense Force's jaws to drop when the Pokemon bows afterwards and Trainer catches them. The shock value would be immense if this is before the Tachikawa Base invasion. Like imagine their faces seeing a big dragon disappear into a tiny ball?
Although it might put a target on Trainer's head that No.10 could change his attack plans. How mean would it be if he goes for Reno's house instead? Or Trainer on their own during a night outing because that's Mina and Kafka's worse fear right there.
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Part 2 of the pokemon theory let's go! The first part covered the main categories of the theory, let's start with the first one: ultra space is a space between universes that can be accessed through ultra wormholes. Now, what are ultra wormholes?
If we go with how warm are theorized to be in out world, they could be many things. A tear I'm space-time, a collapsed black hole, or even an area where space-time is thin. But there's something that makes ultra wormholes significant different from how they may act in our world; they do not seem inherently dangerous. Wormholes in the real world are theorized to be highly unstable and highly radioactive.
Since there is this difference, we need to look at how ultra wormholes work to figure out whats going on.
We see ultra wormholes/space-time rifts form at multiple points.
The first method is via pokemon
While these gifs are from the pokemon anime, theses scenes also happen in the games.
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We see Lunala, Solgaleo, and Necrozma all create ultra wormholes. The first time we hear of an ultra wormhole is most likely when Nebby teleported him and Lillie out of Aether Paradise, which can be inferred since there was sparkles of similar color to what is associated with the ultra wormhole. Later, in Sun or Moon, Solgaleo or Lunala respectfully will open up a wormhole to follow Lusimine into ultra space, who used Cosmog to enter it.
Later in USUM Necrozma tears open an ultra wormhole to attack Solgaleo or Lunala. Then the player chases Duskmane/Dawnwings to Ultra Megapolis through a wormhole.
But these are the obvious times we've seen these wormholes, told through the color and pattern of the Ultra wormhole.
One theory i have is that many legendary/mythical pokemon can create these wormholes, such as the space-time trio, Arceus, and Celebi.
This may seem far fetched but let's look at where ultra wormholes have taken us while in Alola.
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In USUM, ultra wormholes take the player to where you can catch rare pokemon, including ultra beasts. Guzlord ends up showing an apocalyptic version of Hau'oli City, the first large city we see in Alola. It has been crushed and destroyed by Guzlord but when returning from the wormhole, Alola is fine but you have Guzlord. What happened here? Alternate universes that the ultra wormhole allowed us to go through.
There's another instance of alternative universes on pokemon. The multiverse theory and how you obtain cosmog in Sun and Moon.
For Sun and Moon, after the championship, you can return to the alter, where a rift is and if yoy enter it and go to the lake of the sunne/moone, you'll find Cosmog. And this if only accessible if Solgaleo or Lunala are in your party.
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The rift will be where the sun or moon symbol is. But it is easy to assume that you enter the parallel game as an alternate universe due to the alter and lake being switched.
This all goes to show that ultra wormholes are a) created by pokemon, and b) a gateway to other places, such as alternate universes. maybe even other times (which as to do with the Space-time trio, Arceus, and Celebi thing I mentioned earlier but as of right now, those notes are a mess.)
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mxstball · 4 months
[Past Dealings] Giving Chase
Ruins of the Sunne, Ruined Kingdom
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Nyx had been perching in the ruins for a few hours now. It was her usual spot to rest and relax in between hunts, even though since Friede's death, successful hunts have been few and far between. Nyx lightly sharpened her nails before taking a good look at them. She then sighed and looked into the sky.
Nyx thought about the day Heidi made herself known -- if only she knew just how much this one measly Latias would change everything! Her consistent playthings are gone, one of her prey got away because of her, and now the only individual that Nyx willingly listened to -- Friede -- was in the ground because of her. She even gained the heart and attention of that traitor, Nergal! What was so special about her, anyway? She was just a Latias, and a rather soft one at that. Heidi was just like any other entity that met their unfortunate end -- optimistic, friendly to a fault…. It made her sick, and and thinking about her only angered Nyx more. Maybe she should go to the other world and give Heidi a piece of her mind! Or, better yet, maybe she should kill that stupid dragon once and for all to prove that she's not all that special. Oh, if only she could find a way to do that, she'd--
Nyx stopped her line of thinking as she started to smell something… something living… something familiar. Nyx jumped off the rock she perched on and slowly walked down the debris.
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Tor looked around as she finally exited the cavern leading to the Ruins. The once great Altar had been subject to great disrepair ever since the Light Trio fled from this world prior to Ragnarök… and it had only gotten worse due to the incident. The stench of death and the aura of despair had spread to here, after all. Tor walked over the frozen body of a Kommo-o as and started looking around. The Soul Dew should be around here…. The dragon took a couple of steps upward, hoping to eventually spot it--
--but stopped as she noticed the other creature coming down.
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Nyx started to laugh. "Oh? What's this? I was just thinking about you~"
Tor nearly froze in fear. To think that Nyx was already here….
Nyx looked around her. "Hmmm… and without a single annoying Shiny Pokémon in sight. Just the way I like it." Nyx continued to slowly walk down the stairs. "Let me guess: you came to retrieve your brother's Soul Dew, didn't you?"
"..." Tor took a step back. She was ready to run at any moment.
"Oh? Not all that talkative today, are we?" Nyx bore her claws. "That's fine. All of my prey scream and beg eventually, just like your brother once did." Nyx laughed.
"...!" Tor winced in disgust. How dare she say something like that! If only she was strong enough to take this entity head-on….
But now wasn't the time for that. She needed to flee. Tor took another step back… before turning and fleeing back into the cave.
"You think running will save you this time, Tor!?" Nyx let out a loud screech before flying after her. "It's the end for you, just like it was for him! Now, get back here!"
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mysteriis-moon666 · 1 year
ORME – Orme
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Orme est un trio de drone-doöm psychédélique dont son premier album disponible en CD/cassette/numérique via Trepanation Recordings est dans les sentiers battus par maître cornu fumant une pipe à eau de LSD.
Le power trio le plus lent du Royaume-Uni a réalisé un premier disque d'une durée de 95 minutes avec deux morceaux très longs, et c’est un euphémisme.
Il est fort probable que les contemplatifs soient les uniques personnes a accepté ce disque. Outre le fait que noyer toute sa musique dans une immersion de combustion lente nécessite au préalable une condition assez prédominante pour la méditation sonique. Orme élabore en 2 titres une hypnose de brume anglaise avec la sonorité de Sunn O))), le sarcasme de Venom, les prières de Bathory.
C’est l’un des disques les plus diaboliques de l’ère 2.0, c’est l’ouverture vers les ténèbres rugissantes qui s’ouvrent à vous, littéralement.
De fait, le titre « Nazarene » est une porte d’entrée vers un lieu unique, mugissant dans sa théâtralité la proclamation tempétueuse et envoutante d’un drone maléfique, et surtout terrassant. Chant bestial, riffing
Le titre « Onward To Sarnath » est onctueusement psychédélique, il baigne dans un lac de LSD, il rassemble autour d’un langage primitif, une ode païenne avec un riffing de grumeaux au magma de lave intense.
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burlveneer-music · 6 years
Sunn Trio - Fayrus
"There's a woozy, heatstroke feel to the band's innovative blend of surf rock, free jazz, mystical drone, and world music.Consistently recording and releasing material via self-distributed cassettes, the Trio's sound mutates in concert, with fantastic flurries of distorted guitars butting up against mantric psychedelic saxophone runs and looping bass." - Jason Patrick Woodbury   
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
well anyways now that everyone is giving me attention. i'm thinking about planhz and i think you guys should join me in this
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hisprophetsagain · 4 years
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our record shop had a great safe black friday plan (distanced line outside, you fill out a menu, they retrieve the discs and check you out outside) so i stopped in and picked up some fun stuff!
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porlockstompf · 3 years
~ too lazy to sing ~ ALL BOMBS 2021
the short list:
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01 bill orcutt "a mechanical joey" [lp]  
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                                              02 crash toto "the riptoffer ep" [s-sided lp]
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03 shizuka "paradise of delusion” [lp]
04 akiko hotaka, takuya nishimura & ikuro takahashi "live" [lp] 05 lsd march "the night" [lp]
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06 perhaps "4" [lp] 07 sunn o))) "meta, benevolence bbc 6music:                     live on the invitation of mary anne hobbs" [cd] 08 oren ambarchi "live hubris" [lp] 09 model home "both feet en th infinite" [lp] 10 new age doom & lee 'scratch' perry      "lee 'scratch' perry's guide to the universe" [lp]
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11 keiji haino & the hardy rocks "keiji haino & the hardy rocks" [dl] 12 la jungle "fall of the apex" [lp] 13 amt & infinity rising zero & perhaps "in search of highs vol IV" [lp] 14 temple solaire / france "voyage spectral" [lp] 15 milan knížák, opening performance orchestra "aktual univerzita" [cd]
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16 dirk schaefer "peter tscherkassky: all the sountracks [2005-2021]"      [lpx2 & flexi 7"] 17 the dead c "horror stories" [dl] 18 vapour theories "celestial scuzz" [lp] 19 mainliner "dual myths" [cd]      + mainliner "eventual survivors in osaka 2021" [dl] 20 acid rooster "irrlichter" [lp]
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21 monocot "direction we know" [lp] 22 steven r smith "into the spires" [lp] 23 stefan christensen "cheap things" [lp]      + stefan christensen "circular ruins" [k7] 24 goldblum "of feathers & bones" [lp]      + lewsberg "in your hands" [cd] 25 palo alto ft richard pinhas "the tears of nietzsche" [7"]          
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  26 akira rabelais "à la recherche du temps perdu" [cdx4] 27 john zorn "bagatelles" [cdx4]      + john zorn "bagatelles II" [cdx4] 28 julius eastman, ensemble 0 & aum grand ensemble      "femenine" [cd] 29 richard youngs "CXXI" [lp] 30 dylan carlson & lori goldston "feral angel" [12"]
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31 czlt "junkyard" [lp] 32 zement "rohstoff" [cd]      + zement "schleifen" [lp] 33 jah wobble "metal box - rebuilt in dub" [lpx2] 34 spiritual mafia "al fresco" [lp] 35 nightclub "live at practice" [dl]
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36 the forrest gray "feel good [skipped the class]" [dl] 37 the bug "fire" [cd]      + kevin richard martin "red light" [dl]      + kevin richard martin "white light" [dl]      + kevin richard martin "return to solaris" [lpx2] 38 david nance group "wfmu 11-6-18" [k7] 39 godspeed you! black emperor "g_d's pee at state's end" [cd] 40 lee ranaldo / jim jarmusch / marc urselli / balazs pandi      "churning of the ocean" [cd]
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41 urthona "amid devonia's alps II" [cdr]      + urthona "full bore..." [cdr]      + urthona power trio quartet "no-fi alive!" [k7] 42 li jianhong 李劍鴻 mountain fog 山霧 [cd] 43 taavi suisalu "mürafoonia muruniidukitel / noisephonyof lawn mowers" [10"] 44 tbwnias "shedding the albatross" [cdx4] 45 slift "levitation sessions" [lpx2]   
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                                  46 the escalation "the escalation" [lp]     47 chris corsano bill orcutt "made out of sound" [cd] 48 body / dilloway / head "body / dilloway / head" [lp]                                 49 foudre rockeur "cafeteria sessions" [dl] 50 brian ruryk "hopeless case" [k7] ex aequo with      giovanni di domenico "nero assoluto" [lp]
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(2021 long list continued after the break) 
the yearly bowery eclectic [matthew bower & samantha davies]:
skullflower "return to forever" [dl] skullflower "points of silver star blood" [cdr] skullflower "reality mastr'd" [cdr] 
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skullflower "the golden laughter of abraxas" [cdr] skullflower "alice in the black lodge" [cdr] skullflower "a crispy void" [cdr] skullflower "live! at club maldoror" [cdr] skullflower "swamp musicke from the high places" [dl] skullflower "xipe totec" [dl] skullflower "territorial earthing" [dl] skullflower "junk bonds & corporate raiders                   [music in the hour of the wolf]" [dl] skullflower "black and blue [dl] skullflower "shards from the land of the thunder dragon" [dl] skullflower "winterreise" [dl] skullflower "a bustle in your hedgerow" [dl] skullflower "haitian vibrations" [dl] skullflower "eternal sunshine of the well tuned honeysuckle mind" [dl] skullflower "rollin' bones / sun & stee"l [dl] skullflower "spiritual aristocracy" [dl] skullflower "twin serpens" [dl] skullflower "verdant serpens" [dl] skullflower "affirmary" [dl] skullflower "rainbow affirmation" [dl] skullflower "solstice shadow fire" [dl] skullflower "shivalingam" [dl] das forger "compact-bargain" [dl] forager of ye lunar saltes "the moon is a harsh mistress" [dl] the forger of 3 am dreams at the border of the violet marsh  "jammin' with the bear" [dl]
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& other baker street irregulars:
no gigs this year (due to covid & chemo)
most pleasing non-2021 purchases:
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01 alterations "up your sleeve" [1980] [lp]
02 prophetc four "escape" [1981] [12"] 03 peterlicker "nicht" [2011] [lp] 04 splendor mystic solis       "heavy acid blowout tensions live" [2003] [lp] 05 watery love "decorative feeding" [2104] [cd]
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06 scanner "nomadic concrete" [2017] [dl] 07 musique concret "bringing up baby" [1981/2004] [cd] 08 ronnie & natalie with stumpwater       "6 times b/w turn me on woman" [1972/2016] [7"] 09 negative space "the living dead years" [1970/2000] [cd] 10 twitch "mess'n with the bull (gets the horn) b/w spunk"       [1976/2016] [7"]
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11 ed banger "kinnel tommy" [1978] [7"] 12 timmy thomas "why can't we live together b/w funky me"       [1973] [7"] 13 "de ergste smartlappen" [2013] [cd] 14 quelques fiers mongols "led zeppelin en fanfare" [2002] [cd] 15 baby buddha "music for teenage sex" [1981] [lp]
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16 automatic cherry "slow burner" [1997] [cd] 17 zwarte maria     "als jij mij liefhad b/w het moest maar zo goed niet zijn" [196x] [k7] 18 ligature "plays aa's suicide fever" [2019] [k7 & dl] 19 joe berluck [deejay in love] [1978] [7"] 20 coco van babbelgem "hymne national bruxellois" [197x] [7"]
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& - with eternal excuses to my son - 
little arthur "mammie ik zie tranen in jouw ogen b/w vadertjelief" [1970] [7"]
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release raté:
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mv & ee “green ark” [cdrx6]
(the extra administrative costs on top of the taxes make the already expensive usa orders nigh impossible ! ... sigh ...)
annual postal piss-offs:
skullflower “the golden laughter of abraxas“ [cdr] ... LOST BY BPOST chair-o-planes “play internal organs” [k7] ... LOST BY BPOST carnivorous plants & daniel j gregory “fsa skies“ [k7] ... LOST BY BPOST
the many, many re-releases shortlist:
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01 sperma "sperma" [1979] [12"] ex aequo with      lydia lunch  "the war is never over:      an audio companion to the motion picture" [dl]
02 bardo pond "shadow puppet" [rec 1996] [dl]      + bardo pond "amanita" [1996] [lpx2]      + bardo pond "volume I" [2000] [lp]      + bardo pond "volume II" [2001] [lp] 03 the new age steppers "stepping into a new age 1980-2012" [cdx5]      ex aequo with      the pop group "y in dub" [cd]
04 come "rampton" [1979] [lp] 05 pere ubu "taking shape '76 [with bonus '75 track]" [dl]
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06 pierre henry "galaxie" [cdx13 boxset] 07 iannis xenakis "electroacoustic works" [cdx5 boxset] 08 die krupps "6.6.81 the big industrial bang - the yuzuru agi tapes" [cd & dvd-v] 09 mainliner "mellow out live in 1995" [dl] 10 john coltrane "love supreme: live in seattle" [rec 1965] [cd]
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11 dirty three "ocean songs [deluxe edition] [rsd]" [1998] [lpx4] 12 can "live in stuttgart 1975" [lpx3] 13 "strain crack & break music from the nww list vol II germany" [lpx2] 14 "wizzz french psychorama 1966-1974 vol IV 4" [cd] 15 "oh! you pretty things: glam queens & street urchins" [cdx3 box]
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16  boisen t hansen "blues & ecstasy i nordjylland" [2008-2009] [lp] 17 "jon savage's 1972-1976 [all our times have come]" [cdx2] 18 "jogibs presents knock out sounds straight to the head" [cd] 19 kongkong "ℊuiTAr n⊙iSE ⊙veRD○se" [cdr] ex aequo with      girls on fire [leslie singer] "confessions of a shit addict" [1983] [k7] 20 i feel like a bombed cathedral "γένεσις" [2018] [dl]
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favourite bootlegs:
nick cave & warren ellis “regent theatre ipswich 120921 [dl]
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favourite bootlegger:
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favourite artwork:
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the new age steppers "stepping into a new age 1980-2012" [cdx5]
favourite record sleeve:
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as always:
the dream dates “the mess you're in b/w search & destroy” [7''] (1979)
favourite label:
tribes tapes
.... taking me back to the spirit of the early fm bssl days when audio studio improv sessions with the unforgetable roland de buyst (https://www.discogs.com/artist/146134-ICU) took us well all through the night into early morning hours ...
favourite radio:
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01 the brian turner radioshow
02 kawaguchi masami related samui kiri no asa cloudy ku radio show     180121 03 outsiders otoroku every first thursday of the month kiosk radio bxl 04 lee 'scratch' perry radio hour 250821 05 tonstartssbandht best of sinner's crossroads II wfmu 221021
the fall in fives radio show
favourite podcast:
01 new age steppers roots of the steppers on-u sound records      [dl] 110621
02 bombart [mark stewart & peter harris] pop group dub special      with dennis bovell 210821 03 feels like making dub [mark stewart essential dubs] mix      [exiled] 040921 04 sniffin' glue #21 with dennis tyfus retreat radio 151121 05 lange jojo tribute onda sonora 071221
f.a.l.l.o.u.t.p.o.d.c.a.s.t jamaican passport scratch is alive podcast 151121 bombart tribute to scratch podcast (a two part show) 201121 dusted & social blog mixes on-u sound mixcloud mixes adrian's sherwood on-u sound fat city vinyl videocast 260921 mixmaster morris the pop group bristol xx1021 exiled mixcloud mixes swallowing helmet kiosk radio podcasts kiosk radio disco dystopia radioshow with jonny zchivago japan special 050221 
2021 summer hit:
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as always:
youpy youpi yeah “youpi youpi yeah” (2010)
favourite humourstompf:
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01 nick helm "phoenix from the flames" [rec 2019] [gfs]
02 sofie hagen "boyband fan" [sofiehagen.com]    + sofie hagen "bumswing" [sofiehagen.com] 03 simon munnery "the manchester experiment [gfs]
04 james acaster "make a new tomorrow" [vimeo] 05 bridget christie "mortal" [bbc radio 4]
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06 tony law "an hour & some (& more)" [rec 2008] [gfs] 07 marcel lucont "for a captive audience" [bandcamp.com]    + marcel lucont "lockdown verses" [gfs]    + marcel lucont "n° dix" [rec 2019] [gfs] 08 fern brady "power/chaos" [bbc 1] 09 tom binns "actually psychic" [gfs] 10 john luke roberts "stdad up" [rec 2015] [gfs]
(hélas not enough jeroen leenders ... https://soundcloud.com/jeroenleendersexperience )
honorable mention:
those rare all too rare glimpses of the best fun ever @ acms !
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bo burnham "inside" sarah callaghan "live at the arista comedy festival" phil wang "philly philly wang wang" russell howard "lubricant"
favourite bilderstompf:
favourite blog:
so pleased 2021 saw some activity again at
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best interwebs:
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. may your home be safe from tigers now more than ever ! x leroy
HNY & stay hungry!
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the long list
10 000 russos "superinertia" [lp] anna simic & andy griffiths "nick the stripper" [dl] -amt & the melting paraiso ufo "in the light of destiny live at indoyo" [dl] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "levitation sessions" [lp] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "zero diver or puroto guru" [lp] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "love the bomb from uranus" [cd] + amt & the melting paraiso ufo "blues for alleluia" [dl] atmosphere "word?" [lpx2] autumns "dyslexia sound system" [lp] big brave "vital" [cd] birds of maya "valdez" [lp] boris "no: world tour 'in your head'" [dl] + boris "live amplifier worship" [dl] + boris "japanese heavy rock hits live: 25th anniversary show" [dl] cloud fortress "fearsome critters" [cdr]                                             --- pic --- david gahan & soulsavers "imposter" [cd] de fabriek / lost affair "music for different people" [k7] diamanda galás "die stunde kommt/live at the murmrr theater brooklyn 311017" [dl] earthless "live in the mojave desert vol I" [cd] expo seventy "evolution" [lp/cd] + expo seventy "live at midwestern music april 5th 2013" [cdr] + expo seventy "mystic caravan" [lp] eyehategod "a history of nomadic behavior" [cd] fm einheit "sprechgitter [fm module XX musicaeterna]" [dl]                            --- PIC --- fosco/rolin "glacier" [dl] giovanni di domenico "decay music n° IV downtown ethnic music" [lp] gnod "la mort du sens" [cd] gotou "gotou" [lp] greathumour "let's all go to the lobbyists" [k7]                                       --- PIC --- headroom "rubber match" [7"] hibushibire "official live bootleg vol VI" [cdr] + hibushibire "official live bootleg vol VII" [cdr] -ian william craig & daniel lentz "frkwys vol XVI in a word" [lp] -ignatz & de stervende honden "saturday's den" [lp] + ignatz & de stervende honden "dork star" [dl]                                       --- PIC --- jah cuzzi "chainsmoker" [k7] john zorn "new masada quartet" [cd] kawaguchi masami "self portrait" [lp] keiji haino, oren ambarchi & jim o'rourke "each side has a depth of 5 seconds..." [lp] + keiji haino, bill laswell, oshihide otomo, tatsuya nakamura "tokyo rotation 4 day 1 set 1" [dl] + keiji haino, bill laswell, oshihide otomo, tatsuya nakamura "tokyo rotation 4 day 1 set 2" [dl] kikagaku moyo "live at levitation" [lp] kira skov "spirit tree" [cd] -kombynat robotron "-270°c" [lp] kongkong "yet untitled / nearly abandoned & removed" [cdr] konstrukt ft thurston moore "turkish belly" [lp] le jungle "le jour de cobra / feu l'homme" [12"] + le jungle "belgica [astafford mods remix]" [dl] leda "covid ”music” i made with my guitar" [k7] low "hey what" [cd] mark stewart "feel like making dub" [dl] -mark vernon "magneto mori vienna" [cd] mienakunaru "blood sun" [cdr] mono "beyond the past: live in london with the platinum anniversary orchestra" [cdx2] + mono "pilgrimage of the soul" [cd] mv & ee "burn out soundboard live in brattleboro vt 12-02-16" [dl] natural information society with evan parker "descension [out of our constrictions]" [cd] norman westberg & jacek mazurkiewicz "first man in the moon" [lp] of thread & mist "static hymns to no one" [cd] one arm "mysore pak" [cd]                                                       --- pic ---   pak40 "bunker" [k7] paper birch "morninghairwater" [lp]                                               pärt, helsinki chamber choir & nils schweckendiek "passio" [cd] peter hook "dreams [joy division orchestrated]" [dl] -pierre bastien & tomaga "live ateliers claus" [dl] prurient "gotham steel gardens" [k7] richard skelton "a guidonian hand" [cd] shem "II" [lp] sick to the back teeth "straight to hell" [swan covers] [dl] sneers "tales of violent days" [dl]                                                      --- pic --- -soursob "soursob" [12"] stefan christensen "looima" [k7] steve von till "a deep voiceless wilderness" [lp] strapping fieldhands "across the susquehanna" [lp] sunburned hand of the man "pick a day to die" [lp] sunken "the four eyed" [k7]   LISTEN terry gross "soft opening" [lp] the band whose name is a symbol "stellar remnant" [lp] + the band whose name is a symbol "4 minds, 4 winds" [dl] the body & big brave "leaving none but small birds" [cd] + the body "i've seen all i need to see" [cd] the jonny halifax invocation "heavy meditations ep " [k7] the limiñanas & laurent garnier "de película" [lpx2] + golden bug & the limiñanas "variation sur 3 bancs" [12"] the lord & robin wattie "needle cast" [dl] the lovecraft sextet "in memoriam" [cd] the man from atlantis & the moon of deliverance "kali ma rama lama fi fo fi fum" [k7] the scientists "negativity" [lp] thisquietarmy x n "zerstoeren" [k7] usa/mexico "del rio" [12"] usurabi "remains of the light" [lp] vulgarator "III" [dl] warmduscher "wild flowers" [dl] wax tailor "the shadow of their suns" [cd]                                                   --- PIC --- wet tuna "eau'd to a fake bookie vol IV" yann gourdon "yann gourdon" [lp] zach kleisinger "their symposium" [cd] zahn "zahn" [cd]
the even longer list:
75 dollar bill "live ateliers claus" [dl]                       --- ev 1 hoger --- a place to bury strangers "hologram" [12"] alan licht "a symphony strikes the moment you arrive" [k7] anla courtis & stefan neville "roots of a knob" [k7] arno et sofiane pamart "vivre" [lp] artifacts & uranium "artifacts & uranium" [lp] babylon 23 "the bible in dub" [dl] ben bertrand "dokkaebi" [lp] bill nace "a-1238" [k7]                                         --- ev 1 hoger --- bob vylan "pretty songs" [dl] boris "tokyo wonder land" [dl] + boris "reincarnation rose" [12"] brigitte g "secret earth" [7"] cabaret voltaire "bn9dron" [cd] + cabaret voltaire "dekadrone" [cd] + cabaret voltaire "shadow of funk" [12"] camera "prosthuman" [cd] cancervo "I" [lp] carlton melton "night pillers" [12"] civic "future forecast" [lp] daniel bachman "axacan" [lpx2] + daniel bachman "lonesome weary blues [dl] dave phillips "humanity is the virus" [k7] david nance "duty now for the future" [k7] distant animals "the frequency of the heart at rest" [k7] eugene chadbourne & jim mchugh "bad scene" [lp] garcia peoples "live at sony music hall ny 210221" [dl] ghédalia tazartès & rhys chatham "two men in a boat" [lp] + ghédalia tazartès, quentin rollet, jérôme lorichon "quoi qu'il en soit" [cd] giovanni di domenico "musica per insiemi" [lp] + akira sakata & giovanni di domenico "and life also same" [lp & 7"]                               ignatz "you can't see me" [7"] jac berrocal & riverdog "fallen chrome" [cd] jason williamson "artits only" [vinyl postcard]                 --- ev 1 hoger --- keiji haino "an unmistakably mistaken subject now in use" [dl] kevin richard martin "melting point" [dl] + kevin richard martin "bedroom loops" [dl] + the bug "blue versions" [dl] kid congo & the pink monkey birds "swing from the sean delear" [12"] krupoviesa "default" [dl]                                                              --- PIC --- landing "monthly subscription series 001-011" [dl] leila bordreuil "not an elegy" [k7] "led zeppelin in jazz: a jazz tribute to led zeppelin" [cd] lee 'scratch' perry & scientist meet ral ston "to conquer the evil duppies" [dl] lisa cameron / sandy ewen "see creatures too" [k7x2]                                  --- ev 1 hoger --- loretta lynn "still woman enough" [cd] lugubrum "bruyne kroon" [lpx2] luke shaw / tuha tuimaka "nihilist dinner party" [12"] mach-hommy "pray for haiti" [lp] mark lanegan & skeleton joe "dark mark vs skeleton joe" [lpx2] mark stewart vs lee 'scratch' perry vs peter harris "alpha [adrian sherwood mix]" [dl] + lee 'scratch' perry, mark stewart, & fritz catlin "dr jeckhell" [dl] matt walker "head up high" [dl] max eastman "dark was the night" [k7] + max julian eastman "pygmalion styled & out of vogue" [k7] moin "moot" [lp] moor mother "black encyclopedia of the air" [cd] motor corp "second demo" [k7] + motor corp "demo db#13" [k7] "motörhead's ace of spades torenfestival weert 170721" [video/dl] negativland "no brain" [7"] + negativland "aux brain" [dl] nh meth "unknown gen" [cd] nick cave & warren ellis "la panthère des neiges [ost]" [dl] old saw "country tropics" [lp] olivia jean & april march "palladium" [7"]                                           opening performance orchestra "plays phill niblock four walls full of sound" [cd] orchestra of constant distress "concerns" [lp] otay:onii "ming ming" [lp]                                                                 --- ev pic --- p wits, duane zarakov, william henry meung "wits / zarakov / meung" [cdr] pays p. "ça v aller" [lp]                                                                 --- ev 1 hoger ! --- phew "new decade" [lp] + phew, john duncan, kondo tatsuo "backfire of joy" [lp] richard youngs "blue thirty-nine" [k7] sammartano "waterfront" [cd] scanner "earthbound transmissions" [k7]                                                    --- ev 1 hoger ---                             sex tide "ohio" [lp] skogar "paradise city jams" [lp] sleaford mods "spare ribs" [cd] soup with john zorn "shinjuku pit inn" [dl] splintered "bell harry's lament [unfinished]" [dl] sun kil moon "lunch at the park" [dl] sunburned hand of the man "live burn 8 - tv eye - queens, nyc october 17, 2021" [cdr] susan howe & david grubbs "concordance" [lp] the obits "die at the zoo" [lp] tonus "modulation grid II" [k7] troy von balthazar "courage, mon amour!" [lp] uncommon nasa "only child" [lp] void fill "wipe" [dl] warm drag "butch things" [7"] white manna "first welcome" [12"] white suns "the lower way" [lp]                                       --- pic / ev 1 hoger ---
the long long list
aesop rock x blockhead "garbology" [cd] angel bat dawid "hush harbor mixtape vol I doxology" [k7] -amyl & the sniffers" comfort to me" [lp] apartment house "john cage number pieces" [cdx4] armand hammer & the alchemist "haram" [cd] barn sour "belgian gelding" [k7]                                                           --- ev pic --- big blood "quarantunes series n° 027" [lp] bonnie 'prince' billy & nathan salsburg "sing & play max porter three feral pieces" [s-sided 12"] + matt sweeney & bonnie 'prince' billy "superwolves" [cd] + bill callahan & bonnie 'prince' billy' "blind date party" [cdx2] + bill callahan & bonnie 'prince' billy / johnnie fierson "miracles" [7"] brain damage meets big youth "beyond the blue" [cd] bridget hayden "transmissions" [dl] carnivorous plants & daniel j gregory "fsa skies above" [k7] + carnivorous plants "solo guitar II" [k7] christina kubisch "three pieces for electromagnetism" [lp] cia débutante "dust" [lp] + cia débutante "music for small rooms" [12"] + cia débutante "pier" [7"] circuit des yeux "-io" [lp] come aka the come club "preaching the blues b/w sex beat [gun club]" [7"] cut hands "sixteen ways out" [dl] daniel o'sullivan "fourth density" [12"] david grubbs & ryley walker "a tap on the shoulder" [cd] distant animals "constancy blooms: an abridged history of rust" [k7] dry cleaning "new long leg" [cd] + dry cleaning "bug eggs b/w tony speaks!" [k7] dubinator "police in helicopter" [dl] èlg "dans le salon du nous" [lp] emergen "who controls the past [adrian sherwood dub remix]" [dl] famous mammals "famous mammals" [k7] félicia atkinson & jefre cantu-ledesma "un hiver en plein été" [lp] florida man "florida man" [dl] fred frith & ikue mori "a mountain doesn't know it's tall" [cd] garcia peoples "live 7/21/21" [dl] + garcia peoples "the relix sessions" [dl] gate "foreign lawns" [dl] + michael morley "flags battered by cold winds" [dl] gnod & jk flesh "gnod vs jk flesh" [12"] gods & punks "the sounds of the universe" [dl]                                       --- ev pic --- heavy relic "the apparition of the grand cabala" [dl] + heavy relic "heavy electric sounds" [dl] howard stelzer "your own working class will bury you [suburban observances vol IV]" [cdr] giovanni di domenico "dust bunnies" [cd] + howard stelzer "i've told you once [suburban observances vol II]" [k7] + howard stelzer "shaking off the metaphors [suburban obervances vol I]" [cdr] greathumour "diane di prima" [k7] health plan "health plan" [k7] hilary woods "feral hymns" [k7] i n s t i t u t r i c e "cohortes" [12"] ian wellman "on the darkest day, you took my hand & swore it will be okay" [cd] ian william craig & kago "split series #24" [12"] ilyas ahmed & jefre cantu-ledesma "you can see your own way out" [lp] jack howard's epic brass "epic brass live at the gershwin room" [dl] jack russell's great white "great zeppelin II: a tribute to led zeppelin" [cd] james johnston & steve gullick "we travel time" [lp & book] jd twitch "caverns of dub [mixtape]" [k7] jim haynes "when the sky burned" [k7] john murry "the stars are god's bullet holes" [cd] john waters "prayer to pasolini" [7" & dl]                                             --- PIC --- juan d'oultremont "avant l'incident" [lp] jusell, prymek, sage & shiroishi "yamawarau" [cdr] + jusell, prymek, sage, & shiroishi "setsubun" [cdr] + jusell, prymek, sage, & shiroishi "natsukashii" [cdr] kafari "blanket of black" [k7]                                                           --- ev pic --- kohoutek "jurad" [lp] kristof hahn "preludes" [dl] + kristof hahn "six pieces" [cd] la jungle / za! "i eat faces & i love it b/w somos todos" [7"] lee ranaldo "in virus times" [mini cd] les filles de illighadad "at pioneer works" [lp] lumerians "fuzz club session n° XVI" [lp] lustmord & karin park "alter" [cd] m sage & friends "wants a diamond pivot bright" [lp] map 71 "belladonna sunsets" [cdr] marisa anderson & william tyler "lost futures" [cd] marissa nadler "instead of dreaming" [cd] + marissa nadler "the path of the clouds" [cd] melvins "five legged dog" [cdx2] + melvins "working with god" [cd] miminokoto "mayoiga" [lp] mogwai "as the love continues" [cd] + mogwai "take sides" [dl] + mogwai "fuck off money [alessandro cortini rework]" [dl] mosquitoes "reverse drift b/w reverse charge" [12"] my bloody sex party "vol II" [k7] + my bloody sex party "vol III" [k7] naked flames "an evening of certainty" [k7] new order "education entertainment recreation" [cdx2] nick cave & warren ellis "carnage" [cd] + nick cave & warren ellis "grief" [7"] night beats "levitation sessions" [dl] + night beats "outlaw r&b" [cd] om unit "acid dub studies" [lp] orchestre tout puissant marcel duchamp "we're ok but we're lost anyway" [cd] orchid spangiafora & glands of external excretion "couscous bizarre" [lp] oren ambarchi "MMXX/16" [s-sided lp] origamibiro "miscellany" [cd] p wits "candle" [k7] papa dee "sir pinkerton investigates another murder in red hut studio: in dub" [lp] porest "cancer in the soft breeze" [lp] posset "i was involved somehow, yes" [dl] + posset "elvis died and everyone is..." [k7] phurpa & queen elephantine "ita zor" [k7] rakta "live at novas frequências" [cd] + deafkids & rakta "live at sesc pompeia" [lp] richard skelton "four workings" [dl] robert plant & alison krauss "raise the roof" [cd & dl] roy montgomery "rhymes of chance" [cd] + roy montgomery "that best forgotten work" [cd] + roy montgomery "island of lost souls" [cd] samara lubelski "mertens violin tape" [s-sided k7] sammartano "otto rovesciato" [dl] sarah mary chadwick "me & ennui are friends, baby" [cd] six organs of admittance "the veiled sea" [lp] sky burrow tales "seafarin' & backporchin'" [lp] sly & robbie vs roots radics "the dub battle" [dl] smote "bodkin" [lp] snakes don't belong in alaska "the eternal electric landscape" [lp] snowdrops "inner fires" [cd] soft shoulder "formerly on fluorescent paper" [lp] "songs for tres" [lp] -sonny vincent "snakepit therapy" [lp] sorrow family band "tiger bites" [k7] space afrika ft tibyan mahawah sanoh "untitled [to describe you] [ost]" [10"] squid "bright green field" [cd] steve argüelles, pierre bastien, benoît delbecq "4 hands 1 breath" [dl]                 --- ev pic --- steve von till "harvestman: 23 untitled poems" [cd] sunburned hand of the man "the air itself" [dl] + sunburned hand of the man "vulgarisms" [cdr] susan alcorn, leila bordreuil, ingrid laubrock "bird meets wire" [cd] suss "night suite" [dl] sutcliffe no more "domestic" [cdx2] tantric death "cold steel embrace" [k7] + tantric death "tantric death" [k7] + tantric death "risk aware" [k7] tanz mein herz "quattro" [lpx2] the bamboos "hard up" [cd] the black angels "live at levitation" [lp] the colorist orchestra & howe gelb ft pieta brown "not on the map" [cd] the devils "beast must regret nothing" [cd] the drin "engines sing for the pale moon" [k7] the limiñanas "the world we knew [ost]" [lp] the lord & william duvall "we who walk in light" [dl] the nether dawn "raining saturday, sunday too" [dl] the nightingales & stewart lee "ten bob each way b/w use your loaf" [7"]               --- PIC --- the paul kidney experience "psychlic" [lp]                                             --- ev 1 hoger --- the wanted "strange flight" [cd] the william loveday intention "blud under the bridge" [lp] + the william loveday intention "the bearded lady also sells the candy floss" [lp] + the william loveday intention "they wanted the devil but i sang of god" [lp] + the william loveday intention "blud in my eyes for you ep" [7"x2]                      CHECK DEPT COMPIL !!! thurston moore "screen time" [cdx2] tindersticks "distractions" [cd] tom morello "the atlas underground fire" [cd] + tom morello "the atlas underground flood" [cd] tomahawk "tonic immobility" [cd] tonstartssbandht "petunia" [k7]                                                        --- ev 1 lager --- -upper wilds "venus" [lp] veik "surrounding structures" [lp] x°=1 "the art of k7 vol 1" [k7] you said strange "mourning colors" [7"] zero gravity tea ceremony "zero gravity power trio" [k7] + zero gravity tea ceremony "ritual shitgaze" [k7]                                    --- titelpage ??? ---
the almost longest list:
adam stone, dead sea apes & black tempest "dataland" [lp] + adam stone, dead sea apes & black tempest "skull pilot" [10"] aili & transistorcake "genki" [12"] alex louloudis "words" [dl] alfredo costa monteiro & gustavo costa "luminosa esfera" [k7] + bruno duplant & alfredo costa monteiro "soleils noirs" [cd] amenra "de doorn" [cd] bill orcutt "empire of hurt feelings" [dl] blowers "blowers" [lp] -bombay lunatic asylum "mad song" [lp] brian eno "film music: science/fiction" [dl] burial & blackdown "shock power of love e.p." [12"] campbell/mallinder/benge "clinker" [12"] "canto 20 carnevale di aliano [uscita delle maschere cornute] [canti magnetici]" [k7] chris watson "station chapelle" [dl] christopher alan durham "peacetime consumer" [7"]                                         --- ev pic --- comité hypnotisé "dubs pour oh la la" [lp] cult of dom keller "they carried the dead in a ufo" [cd] david fenech & klimperei "rainbow de nuit" [lp] dee gees / the foo-fighters "hail satin / live" [cdr] delphine dora & jackie mcdowell "the dream of change" [k7] dennis bovell meets dubblestandart "@ repulse reggae classics" [cd] der "normal" [7"] dirty honey "dirty honey" [lp]                                                             --- ev 1 pic --- dove "eight letters b/w what is best in life" [7"] electric eye "horizons" [lp] engine kid "special olympics" [flexi 7"] fuzz "levitation sessions" [lp] g36 vs jk flesh "disintegration dubs" [dl] giancarlo schiaffini / sergio armaroli "deconstructing monk in africa" [cd] grandbruit "toile vierge" [k7] + grandbruit "ville inerte" [k7] grant-lee phillips "rag town b/w pink rebel" [7"] -heavy metal "live at the gas station fighting the devil" [lp] hun bed "brood II" [k7] jacob kirkegaard & niels lyhne løkkegaard "descending" [lp] john duncan & stefano pilia "try again" [lp] jupiter 5 "h bomb" [dl] klass "somewhere in the aftermath" [dl] louis armand !!! kneeling in piss "music for peasants" [7"] + kneeling in piss "types of cults" [dl] langham research centre "tape works vol II" [k7] les baxters "les baxters" [12"] lords of altamont "tune in turn on electrify" [lp] mabh "nothing but night" [cd] malcolm hill "robin bird" [dl] material girl "drujjha [mixtape]" [cd] model home "splash on the canvas" [dl] øjerum "slægters gang" [dl] oneohtrix never point & elizabeth fraser "tales from the trash stratum" [dl] paul grémare "night by the fireside" [k7] polychronopoulos / polymeneas-liontiris / pavlopoulos "widdershins" [dl] ponomarev / obrazeena "massacre massacre" [lp] re-201 ft doug wimbish & dellé "another one bites the dust [ep]" [dl] regis "the floor will rise" [12"] richard pinhas "t1v1 cleveland" [dl]                                                  --- pic --- rocky & the sweden / boris "up in smoke b/w ghostly imagination" [k7] smote "drommon" [k7 & dl] some became hollow tubes "unhealthy for sensitive groups" [dl] sparkle division "classified" [dl] t gondii en sex howitzers "keihard" [7"] taqbir "victory belongs to those who fight for a right cause" [7"] teodor wolgers "distractions in a capitalist world" [lp] ft hägglund !!! the notwist "vertigo dubs vol I" [10"] the oscillation "untold futures" [cd]   the professionals "snafu" [cdr] tout debord "rester là" [k7] violette noziere "ming aralia" [k7] vivien goldman "next is now" [cd]                                                    --- pic --- wine lips "mushroom death sex bummer party" [lp]
finally... the longest list:
69 cats "seven year itch" [cd] a a williams "songs from isolation" [lp]                                         --- ev 1 hoger --- a certain ratio "acr:epa" [12"] + a certain ratio "acr: epc" [12"] + a certain ratio "acr: epr" [12"] a m "nylon string guitar vol I confuting dead space" [dl] + a m "nylon string guitar vol II a little dream of light" [dl] + a m "nylon string guitar vol III bottled dust of parchment" [dl] -a ritual sea "a ritual sea" [cd] a winged victory for the sullen "invisible cities / le città invisibili" [cd] a writhing mass of eyes & teeth "the death march of the old gods" [k7] abstract nympho "demon sex dreams" [cd] acid dad "take it from the dead" [lp] + acid dad "levitation sessions" [lp] adderall canyonly "stand alone and burn" [k7] + adderall canyonly "a quick race to the super nova" [k7] adolf hibou "princess barely legal" [k7] al karpenter "musik from a private hell" [lp] al wootton "maenads" [12"] alabama 3 "step 13" [cd] alex maas "levitation sessions" [lp] alkerdeel "slonk" [cd]                                                             --- ev 1 hoger --- allen ravenstine "nautilus / rue du poisson noir" [lp] andrea penso "organic shelter" [dl] antietam "his majesty's request a wink o'bannon select" [dl] -alpha omega "monster killer" [dl] alva noto "hybr:id I" [cd] amanda lear "tuberose" [cd]                                                        --- PIC --- alien nosejob "paint it clear" [lp] amelia cuni - parampara festival 13.3.1992 [lp] amen dunes & sleaford mods "feel nothing" [dl] amigo the devil "born against" [lp] amy cutler "gutter" [k7] + amy cutler "the ends (also end) of (the) earth & variants" [k7] andrew tuttle & padang food tigers "a cassowary apart" [lp]                        --- ev 1 hoger --- anji cheung "annihilare" [cdr] -andrew w.k. "god is partying" [cd] ann margaret hogan "funeral cargo" [lp] anna b savage "a common turn" [cd] anna gillis ''...'' [lp] anthony moore, dirk specht, tobias grewenig "the april sessions" [lp] arnaud rebotini "shiny black leather" [12"] årabrot "norwegian gothic" [cd] + årabrot "the world must be destroyed" [10"] -arthur h "mort prématurée d'un poulaire dans la force de l'âge" [cd] ashtray navigations "x-ray six: before you play this" [lp] augusteyns, badenhorst, thielemans, pawlowski "de god van ongeveer" [dl] -azmari "samā'ī" [cd] bad temper joe "one can wreck it all" [cd] bad trips "from beyond" [k7] bardo todol "canciones para la luna" [dl] barry adamson "steal away" [dl] beastwars "cold wind b/w i'm the king" [7"] belle isles "more demos" [dl]                                                             --- ev pic --- ben chasny "the intimate landscape" [cd] bibione "bibione" [dl] bird people "winter's haze" [k7] bitchin bajas "switched on ra" [k7] + bitchin bajas "cuts IV" [k7] black bones "night drives" [12"] black dice "mod prog sic" [lp] -black light animals "playboys of the western world" [lp] black patti "satan's funeral" [cd] black tempel pyrämid "ancient hymns & incantations" [k7] + black tempel pyrämid "infinite tombs" [k7x2] black twig pickers "friend's peace" [lp] black mass "mind killer" [lp] + blanck mass "in ferneaux" [lp] blasting rod "III" [lp] -bloedneus & de snuitkever "fume fiume" [dl] bobby jewell "songs to the cistern" [k7] bonnie 'prince' billy & broeder dieleman "love is the first law" [7"] + broeder dieleman "wijzang [get on jolly]" [dl] -bookworms "alternative group" [k7] boris "noël" [dl] bow ether group "cyclones of magnetic man" [k7] brandstifter & arma agharta "in leatherstockings" [k7] + brandstifter & diurnal burdens "an alpine drama" [k7] + brandstifter & diurnal burdens "warum?" [cd] + brandstifter & diurnal burdens "fireabend" [cdr] + brandstifter & diurnal burdens "manchmal auch nicht" [k7] -brian damage "yesterday's slime" [k7] -brilliant swords "everything anywhere anytime" [dl] brin, dntel, more eaze "futurangelics" [cdr] burial "chemz / dolphinz" [12"] buridane"bye-bye" [dl] bvdub "hard times, hard hearts" [cdx2] byron coley, ted lee "as seen in your wildest dream" [k7] -caroline shaw, dawn upshaw, gilbert kalish & sō percussion "narrow sea" [cd] cassandra jenkins "an overview on phenomenal nature" [lp] chair-o-planes "play 'internal organs'" [k7] cephalic index "disfamil tunes" [k7] charlie marie "ramble on" [cd] chicago now "hex-mas enduction hour" [dl] chris abrahams / mark wastell "a thousand sacred steps" [cd] chris dooks "lessons learned in the königsforst" [dl] chris korda & the church of euthanasia "six billion humans can't be wrong "[cd] christian fitness “hip gone gunslingers” [dl] christine ott "time to die" [lp] church of cash "flowers for june" [cd] clint mansell "in the earth [ost]" [dl] -cold water swimmers "holiday at the secret lake" [cd] coletivo nslo & friends "news" [dl] cousin silas & t.r.i.v.m. "deep space probe" [dl] + cousin silas "submerged" [dl] + cousin silas & kevin lyons "the worlds of cousin silas & kevin lyons" [dl] craig elliott "film noir [ep]" [cd] craig stewart johnson & fraser burnett "days by the sea" [k7] crass "normal never was IV [remixes]" [12"] crazy doberman "'everyone is rolling down a hilll' or the journey..." [lp] crazy doberman "two tales of lost witness marks" [lp] + crazy doberman "the royal tuning kit" [k7] creed fisher "go out like hank" [dl]                                        --- pic --- + creed fisher "whiskey & the dog" [dl] cris mantello "dirt" [cd] cronies "cronies" [k7] cruel diagonals "carapace" [k7] crys cole & oren ambarchi "gallivant" [lp] "cult dubs phase two [multi culti]" [dl] cyanide tooth "tentative identity" [k7] cyril cyril "frankie" [dl] czarface & mf doom "super what" [cd] dalot & sound awakener "departures" [cd] dan wilson & the counterfactuals "false positives" [k7] danielle de picciotto "the element of love" [12"] dark bird "out of line" [lp] das synthetische mischgewebe "les troubles" [7"] dave graney & clare moore "everything was funny" [cd] david tibet "ferelith" [cd] de golden lepel "de golden lepel" [cdx2] de haan "chagrijn is een kleine hondenvestje [ep]" [dl] dead meadow "levitation sessions: kive from the pillars of god" [lp] dead neanderthals "rat licker" [7"] deep purple "turning to crime" [cd] delphine dora "la chasse à l'enfant" [dl] delving "hirschbrunnen" [cd] demain sans faute "panier de fruits" [12"] dennis tyfus "skins, brains & guts oi in eupen" [10"]                                     --- pic --- deux filles "shadow farming" [dl] devendra banhart & noah georgeson "refuge" [cd] die krupps "songs from the dark side of heaven" [cd] dirk serries "recloose" [dl] dirty dave "osti retro-sonic blues train" [cd] django django "glowing in the dark" [cd] djinn "transmission" [lp] dominik scherrer "the serpent [ost]" [lp] dreems "flying tyger [ep]" [dl]     drew gardner "drew gardner" [k7]     during "birds of juneau b/w big farmer" [7"]                                                   eating the internet "delivery n° 2" [k7] eight point star "eight point star" [lp] elliott sharp's terraplane "century" [cd] einhet för fri musik "ömhet & skilsmässa" [lp] electric yawn "dopamine farm" [dl] + electric yawn "spice must flow" [dl] elko blijweert "de nor des hoofds [prison of the mind]" [12"] eluvium "virga II" [lp] emma ruth rundle "engine of hell" [cd] ensemble de cadavres exquis "the warlock tapes" [k7] eric mcfadden "hail to hell: an acoustic tribute to alice cooper" [cd] erieza royal & the summary lynch "erieza royal & the summary lynch ep" [12"]         --- PIC --- erik trauner "i had the wrong mojo" [cd] es war mord "in der miesosuppe" [7"] eugene carchesio "no place I" [dl] + eugene carchesio "no place II" [dl] eugh "cassingle #1" [dl] + eugh "cassingle #2" [dl] evil moisture & expose your eyes "avant stupid" [k7]                                 --- ev 1 hoger --- + expose your eyes / james worse "widdern" [k7] extnddntwrk "questions b/w dislocar" [dl] fabio orsi "waltzing the dune" [cd] + fabio orsi "reverse diverse" [cd] fast blood "fast blood" [k7] fatboy slim "everybody love a mixtape" [k7] fatherfigures "any time now... and high time too / lockdown remixes" [cdx2] field patterns "field patterns" [k7] field works "cedars" [cd] + field works "maples, ashes, and oaks: cedars instrumentals" [cd] fleeting joys "all lost eyes & glitter" [lp] fletcher pratt "dub sessions vol V" [k7] fluisteraars "gegrepen door de geest der zielsontluiking" [12"] forest management "ep" [dl] + forest management "layover" [dl] foudre! "future sabbath" [lp] françois j bonnet & stphen o'malley "cylene suisse redux" [lp] froid dub "an iceberg crusing the jamaican coastline" [lp] + froid dub "dubs & beats from an iceberg crusing the jamaican coastline" [lp] future museums "harpoon of light" [lp] + future museums "heart pup" [k7] + future museums "pre-form" [k7] garbage pail kids "knocking over wheelie bins & rooting through the contents" [k7] gaute granli "blusens fasong" [lp] germ house "record the mistakes" [7"] -gg king "remain intact" [lp] ghouls overcome "violent streets" [k7] gilles larivière "attends-moi" [cd] graeme jefferies "the marxophone demos: the single" [dl] grandbruit "l'équilibre est nécessaire" [k7] grindhouse "sex punk power" [lp] grouper "shades" [cd] growing "diptych" [cd] gudrun gut & mabe fratti "let's talk about the weather" [lp] guido belcanto "in de kronkels van mijn geest" [cd] gum takes tooth with wayne adams & deaf kids "servitude b/w psy-op" [7"] gustavo costa & alfredo costa monteiro "luminosa esfera" [k7] hackedepicciotto "the silver threshold" [cd] + hacke, de picciotto, & o'shea "tricephalus" [dl] hagen stoll "wo seid ihr" [cd] haig fras "sea pen b/w labadie banks" [lathe 7"] halsey "i'm not woman [remixes]" [dl] hans teeuwen "lockdown lul" [dl] hans dens "crossroads between orbits" [dl] hans-joachim roedelius & dallas acid "mind cinema" [lp] -hawkwind "somnia" [cd] he wields a sword, but alas, he's addled "tangerine, but with no pith [pt1]" [k7] helena celle's correspondence table "glasgow decentral" [k7] hellvete "voor harmonium" [lp] + hellvete / phantom horse "split" [12"] heta bilaletdin "nauhoi" [lp] high strange "woe upon man" [k7] his golden messenger "quietly blowing it" [cd] + hiss golden messenger "the sounding joy: hiss golden messenger meets revelators on south robinson street" [dl] + hiss golden messenger "o come all ye faithful" [cd] holy other "lieve" [dl] honey radar "play-box relay" [12"] + honey radar & violent change "split" [7"]   hoo "we shall nver speak" [lp] hooverIII "water for the frogs" [lp] + hooverIII "lazy susan b/w rules" [7"] horace andy "broken beats II" [cd] howlin rain "howlin rain demos" [lp] + howlin' rain "the dharma wheel" [cd] iceburn "asclepius" [lp] ilitch "white light" [lp] ilyas ahmed & jefre cantu-ledesma "you can see your own way out" [lp] -iron maiden "senjutsu" [cdx2] jah light "almighty zion keepers" [cd] jah wobble "guanyin" [lp] james mcmurtry "the horses & the hounds" [cd] jeb loy nichols with cold diamond & mink "jeb loy" [lp] jeffrey alexander & the heavy lidders "elixor of life" [lp] jesse malin "sad & beautiful world" [cdx2]                                        --- ev pic --- jim o'rourke "steamroom 52" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 53" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 54" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 55" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 56" [dl] + jim o'rourke "steamroom 57" [dl] + jim o'rourke "too compliment" [dl] + jim o'rourke & jos smolders "additive inverse" [cd] + jim o'rourke / apartment house "best that you do this for me" [cd] joep pelt "the lomax sessions" [cd] jóhann jòhannsson "gold dust" [dl] john [aka john timestwo] "nocturnal manoeuvres" [cd] john, paul, george, ringo & richard "das ist die zukunft - aber nicht deine!" [lp] john americus witt "lychnobite" [dl]       john grant "boy from michigan" [cd] john zorn "gnosis: the inner light" [cd] + john zorn ft bill frisell, julian lage, gyan riley "teresa de ávila" [cd] josh landes & sore dream "soured ambrosia in the presence of suffering" [cd] josh medina "drifting toward the absolute" [k7] juju "fuzz club session" [12"] junior dread / interdimensinal dub band "junior dread playing by interdimensional dub band" [dl] justin johnson "bootleg series vol III - son of a witch" [cd] + justin johnson "bootleg series vol IV - delta moon" [cd] ken verhoeven, lieven martens "10 friendship songs" [cd] ke'so "jalito" [dl] kevin morby "a night at the little los angeles [sundowner 4-track demos]" [lp] kid millions & jan st werner "imperium droop" [lp] king buffalo "acheron" [cd] king dude "beware of darkness" [dl] king gizzard & the lizard wizard "butterfly 3000" [lp] klein "harmattan" [lp] + klein "now this is what i call r&b" [dl] kode9 "the jackpot b/w rona city blues" [12"] kombynat robotron & korb k"ombynat robotron & korb" [10"] kreng & svarte greiner "the night hag" [cd] kungens män "den nya skivan" [lp] kurt vile "speed, sound, lovely kv" [12"] la femme "paradigmes" [cd] lambchop "showtunes" [cd] landing "third sight sessions" [dl] + landing "live at terrastock 2006" [dl] + landing "live at wesleyan 2004" [dl] laughing gear "freak lemons" [12"] -lauren anderson "love on the rocks" [cd] layten kramer "dear apathy" [dl] -leadfinger "nobody knows" [dl] lee chapman & paul hermansen "assless chaps" [dl] lee 'scratch' perry & the spacewave "dubz of the root" [dl] + lee 'scratch' perry ft zebra forest "forestic journey" [dl] lennert jacobs "enthusiasm" [lp]   les clopes "deu" [cd]                         li daiguo "xiao gong" [cd] lifeguard "receiver b/w sun ra jane" [7"] + lifeguard "lifeguard on audiotree live" [dl] lip critic / omnibael "lip critic / omnibael" [lp] little simz "sometimes i might be introvert" [cd] lolly wish "je ne veux pas rentrer chez moi seule" [dl] loren connors & oren ambarchi "leone" [lp] los pirañas "infame golpazo en keroxen" [lp] lou barlow "reason to live" [cd] l$d fundraiser "beware of the bourgeoisie masquerading as precariat artist" [k7]    --- pic --- + l$d fundraiser "today will be the greatest day of your life" [k7] + l$d fundraiser "coming up after going under" [k7] lucy adlington & mike vest "prima materia" [k7]                                    --- pic ? --- ludovico einaudi "midnight" [dl] luke haines "in... setting the dogs on the post punk postman" [cd] luminous foundation "spontaneous archive vol I" [dl] lyckle de jong "is het nu over" [k7] machinefabriek "with drums" [cd] mako sica, hamid drake ft tatsu aoki & thymme jones "ourania" [lp] marcia bassett & thomas dimuzio "losing circles" [lp] marianne faithfull with warren ellis "she walks in beauty" [cd] marie france "paye pour moi" [dl]                                                  --- pic --- mark collie "book of my blues" [lp & s-sided lp] marka "terminé bonsoir" [lp]                                                       --- VIDEO PIC --- marta forsberg "tkać" [lp] mary lattimore & growing "gainer" [dl] matteo martino "musiche dell'adolescenza" [s-sided k7] maurizio bianchi "lastfirst" [cd] menk "II" [cdr] meskerem mees "julius" [cd] michael berdan "human error" [k7] mick harris "drones / tones / drifts & feedbacks pt1" [dl] + mick harris "hednod nine"  [dl] + mick harris "hednod five" [dl] + mick harris "hednod six" [dl] + mick harris "hednod seven" [dl] + mick harris "hednod "eight" [dl] middex "let the engine-loud apocalypse play havoc with your soul" [k7] modeselektor "extended" [dl] mold omen "milk can't die" [k7] monobrow "a decorative piece of time" [lp] monsieur pompier's travelling freakshow "teatime terrors" [lp] montparnasse "la vie revolver" [cd] moon duo "like stone remix [matt berry]" [dl] mouth painter "tropicale moon" [lp] mr marcaille "no snare no headache" [cd] mt mountain "centre" [lp] mungo's hi-fi "antidote" [lp] muun bato "paraphonic vapors" [cdr] my expansive awareness "taste of blood" [lp] myriam gendron "ma délire: songs of love, lost & found" [k7] mythic sunship "wildfire" [cd] neil young & crazy horse "barn" [cd] neotantrik "241014" [lpx2] neu drone "world under drone" [3" cdr] night miasma "exhausted" [7"] nonconnah "songs for & about ghosts" [lp]                                            --- ev pic --- not waving, silvia fendi "what is normal today" [lp] nov3l "non-fiction" [cd] noveller "red room" [7"] nun gun ft mark stewart "stealth empire indub" [lp] nurse with wound "3 lesbian sardines" [cd] + nurse with wound "opium cabaret" [lp] o yama o "bruxelles" [dl] o.b.f., charlie p / aza lineage "fufu lala / rebel daawatz rmx" [12"] ōgon batto "browse" [lp] øjerum "cette mer qui est en toi" [3"cdx3] + øjerum "spor af intet" [k7] + øjerum "sølverhvide skyer" [k7] olan mill "citation index" [cdr] old king neptune "demo II" [dl] old million eye "the incandescent switch" [lp] + old million eye "warm alliance with the outside" [k7] olivia block "innocent passage in the territorial sea" [lp] + olivia block "en echelen b/w kein" [dl] om init "flux [ep]" [10"x2] one key magic "worldly noise & electronic atmospheres" [k7] oneohtrix never point & rosalia "nothing's special" [dl] øresund space collective "relaxing in the himalayas" [cd] + øresund space collective "live at fuzz fest tobakken 210521" [dl] p wits & l xerox "x" [cdr] + wits, r-g, xerox "object-space" [cdr] + p wits & tom smith "the of technique" [k7] + p wits & luke shaw "coma" [7"] pal "music for hikers" [lp] papal bull "let's call it fun time" [k7] parrenin / weinrich "jours de grève" [lp]                                             --- ev pic --- pascal comelade "hymne du miam" [7"]                                                  --- pic --- paul harrison & neil campbell "pneul" [cdr] + neil campbell "fog octember" [k7] petbrick / usa nails "my body b/w vieux bolonge" [7"] peter broderick "the wind that shakes the bramble" [lp] + peter broderick "let it go: blackberry sunrise mix [ep]" [dl] pg six "live at the tavern" [lp] phosphorescent "the bbc sessions" [dl] pierre vervloesem "2020" [dl] + pierre vervloesem "tâla shit" [dl] pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs ft lovely eggs "hot stuff" [dl] pilot voyager "nuclear candy bar" [dl] pink room "putain royale" [lp] pink skull "taki chrome b/w strummer maxxx" [7"] plankton wat "future times" [cd] pony bradshaw "calico jim" [lp] pop. 1280 "museum on the horizon" [cd] possum "lunar gardens" [lp] power flower "electric drug fuck up" [k7] predator "spiral unfolds" [lp] primal scream "live at levitation" [lp] psychedelic source records "nagykörű sessions" [dl] + psychedelic source records "in search of ancient mysteries" [dl] psychic markers "psychic markers remixes" [dl] pure shit "the world on fire" [dl] r.l. burnside "introducing r.l. burnside" [dl] rachel sassi & victor de roo "paysages tristes" [7"] rachele bastreghi "psychodonna" [cd] radikal guru ft junior dread "overcome dub" [dl] + radikal guru "radikal dub" [dl] ragk "breathing architecture" [k7] -raising ravens "malaise" [dl] ranking joe & donovan kingjay meet jah schulz "stay far b/w chanting flute" [7"] razen "blue rot" [lp] razorlegs / maximum ernst "split" [k7] redox reaction "live at petersburg art space berlin" [dl] reverend freakchild "supramundane blues" [dl] richard chartier "interferences" [cd] + richard chartier "interferences II" [dl] richard dawson & circle "henki" [cd] richard lynch "my guitar drips country" [dl] richard pinhas / duncan pinhas "sources" [lp] + richard & duncan p "brittania" [dl] richard youngs "holograph" [lp] + richard youngs "iker" [cd] + richard youngs "gaizka: music for tape loops & spanish guitar" [dl] + richard youngs "solo guitar" [dl] + richard youngs "even if i am sad" [dl] + richard youngs "as always after" [dl] + jane sayer & richard youngs "noel nouvelet" [dl] richard skelton "sutr" [dl] + richard skelton "stur" [dl] + richard skelton "talus" [k7] + richard skelton "the hollows" [dl] rider/horse "select trials" [lp] robert atyeo "i have a pencil" [dl] roger fakhr "fine anyway" [cd] ron s peno & the superstitions "everything has changed" [dl] roots of creation "dub free or die vol I" [dl] ruth mascelli "a night at the baths" [lp] ryan j raffa "we have always existed" [k7] ryley walker & kikagaku moyo "deep fried grandeur" [lp] + ryley walker "course in fable" [cd] sage alyte "paume de pierre" [12"] sally folk "ô psychologue" [cd] sandro mussida "decay music n° III: rueben" [lp] sarah davalchi & sean mccann "mother of pearl" [lp] + sarah davachi "antiphonals" [cd] sarcastic burn victim "blood & stomach pills" [k7] satomimagae "hanazono" [cd] scanner "wing pinger" [dl] schliebrandton "showroom dummies" [k7] schneider tm "the 8 of space" [lp] schwund "oh nee! bootleg" [k7]                                                      --- pic --- scientist / marcel-philipp "marcel-philipp meets scientist" [lp] + scientist meets sly & robbie ft mykal rose "dub morning" [dl] sei still "el refugio" [lp] semmosta "the zealots" [k7] + semmosta "noni" [dl] + semmosta "kraut husker" [dl] sendelica "and man created god" [lpx2] + sendelica "transatlantic underground" [lp] senko issha "live at taipei arena" [dl] + senko issha "senko flashback" [dl] senyawa vs black to comm "alkisah versi hitam" [lp] + senyawa "alkisah [12" & cd] shame "drunk tank pink" [lp] sick to the back "teeth intellectual property" [dl] simon h fell / alex ward / mark wastell "bailey: with apologies to g brecht" [dl] sindaco "cannibalism begins at home" [k7] sindre bjerga "steam powered giraffe" [k7] singapore police background "coxcomb radar unit" [k7] + °singapore police background "singapore police background" [k7] sleaford mods "i don't rate you [orbital remix]" [12"] slight layers, predictions "diviner blues sessions" [lpx2] + slight layers, predictions "initial visions" [dl] sly & robbie "red hills rd" [lp] smirk "smirk" [lp] + smirk "smirk ep" [12"] + smirk & friends "spring mixxxtape" [dl] some jerks "summertime funtime" [cd] sonic boom "almost nothing is nearly enough" [lp] sons of kemet "black to the future" [cd] sourdure "de mòrt viva" [cd] space afrika "honest labour" [cd] spaceslug "memorial" [cd] + spaceslug "the event horizon" [dl] splintered "bell harry's lament [finished]" [dl] spoor "music for dogs" [cdr] steinar raknes "the songs of bob dylan" [cd] stella research committee "a proposed method for determining sanding fitness" [k7]       --- ev pic --- stephan barrett & matt atkins "still" [k7] steve gunn "other you" [cd] + steve gunn & ryley walker "drzwi doors" [k7] steve ignorant band "crass songs live in notts 2021" [cd] + mark mob / steve ignorant "witch hunt b/w life kicks in" [7"] stuart chalmers / distant animals "live at cave 12" [k7] tabby sensibilities "hands free for three" [dl] taku sugimoto & takashi masubuchi "live at otooto & permian" [cd] taras bulba "sometimes the night" [cd] tarotplane "horizontology" [lp] teeth of the sea ft rachel davies "love theme redux" [dl] teletron ensemble "composition for two hemispheres" [lp] tendinite "neither / nor" [lp] territorial gobbing "toxic by britney spears" [k7] the 69 cats "she's hot" [dl] the answer lies in the black void "forlorn" [cd] the archives "carry me home: a reggae tribute to gil scott-heron & brian jackson [dub versions by i grad dub]" [dl] the begotten "temidden laaghangende wolken" [lp] the black heart death cult "sonic mantras" [lp] the cowboy "riddles from the universe" [12"] the dead mauriacs "the ghost of man ray visiting his own exhibition" [dl] the disciples "freedom of dub" [dl] the dollyrots "breed" [dl-s] + the dollyrots "one more sleep" [dl-s] the fabulous courettes "back in mono" [cd] the guru guru "it's a (doggy dog) world [ep]" [cd] the holy family "the holy family" [cd] the master musicians of joujouka "live in paris" [k7] the modern folk "primitive future II" [lp] + the modern folk "primitive future - the lyran group" [k7] the mountain goats "dark in here" [cd] + the mountain goats "the jordan lake sessions: volume III & IV" [dl] the oscillation "time-lapse" [dl] + the oscillation "forever knowing" [dl] the ons and ons "vanishing act" [dl] the psychedelic freaks "passing through the doorways of your mind" [lp] the rolling stones "a little bang [bigger bang tour ep]" [dl] the shadracks "from human like forms" [lp] the specials "protest songs 1924-2012" [lp & 7"] the stranglers "dark matters" [cd] the swamp boys "dark country vol II" [dl] the underground youth "falling" [cd] the utopia strong "ninth art" [dl] thisquietarmy & away "the singularity II" [lp] + thisquietarmy x hellenica "houses of worship" [cd] todd anderson-kunert & gx jupitter-larsen "hydrology suspended" [dl] todeskino "debutante" [k7] tom carter "beautiful saviour" [dl] + tom carter "golgotha" [dl] tone generator & the body without organs "normalisation of response" [cdr] toshinori kondo ft ruben van romp "ethereal resonance" [dl] treacherous jaywalkers "babylon music & art oak harbor wa 280888" [dl] trees speak "vertigo of flaws" [cd] tropical fuck storm "deep states" [lp] tsirihaka harrivel "la dimension" [lp] tuluum shimmering "marquee moon" [dl] + tuluum shimmering "sun bird" [cdx4] + tuluum shimmering "emerald trees of mottled green" [cdr] + tuluum shimmering "pitched like a stone into the flowing water" [cdr] + tuluum shimmering "the bright moon emerges" [cdr] + tuluum shimmering "waterfall arcing in the still of night" [cdr] + tuluum shimmering "translucent carriages" [dl] ty segall "harmonizer" [cd] új bála & carrageenan "split" [10"] unda fluxit "stone ringing sorrows" [k7] unschooling "random acts of total control" [10"] vatican shadow "sr-71 blackbird survivors" [k7x4 & s-sided flexi 7"] -vanity productions "allegory" [dl] venediktos tempelboom "the empty chair" [k7] + venediktos tempelboom "het ruist" [dl] vibravoid "dance on mars [flying saucer mix]" [dl] victor de roo "de dag voor de dag zonder gisteren" [dl] volk "cashville" [cdr] vomit heat with international music "heute b/w tortenarchiv" [7"] wasted cathedral "i'm gonna love you 'til the end of time" [lp] weeed "do you fall ?" [cd] whettman chelmets "joan" [cd] + whettman chelmets "eli chen" [cd] + whettman chelmets "for..." [k7] wild billy childish & ctmf "where the wild purple iris grows" [cd] wldv "the countess ep" [dl] + wldv "past has gone ep" [dl] + wldv "we believe [ministry] [wldv body edit]" [dl] + wldv "addiction [skinny puppy] [wldv edit]" [dl] + wldv "i want you [cabaret voltaire] [wldv edit]" [dl] + wldv "beers, steers & queers [revolting cocks] [wldv edit]" [dl] + wldv "demonic forces [shakti] [wldv body edit]" [dl] + wldv "voces en la jungla [los monaguillosh] [wldv edit]" [dl] + wldv "of thorns (twilight fields) [kirlian camera] [wldv edit]" [dl] william shatner "bill" [cd]                                                                --- PIC --- willie nelson "the willie nelson family" [cd] xfeverfewx "winter blood" [k7] xiu xiu "oh no" [cd] yat-kha "we will never die" [cd] yilan "suddenly i am falling" [dl] yoo doo right "don't think you can escape your purpose" [cd] zaäar "magická džungl’a" [lpx2] zad kokar & les combi beyaz "mold grows" [lp] zane trow "why echoes" [dl] + zane trow "traces" [dl] + zane trow "still life" [dl] zbigniew, tetsuo furudate, & zeitkratzer "world as will III" [cd] zero cool "720p" [k7] zebularin "hermetic topography" [k7] + zebularin "prismatic ceremony" [k7] + zebularin "semantic radiation" [k7] 堀池ゆめぁ "夢の冒険" [dl]
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Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Trio - Royal Festival Hall, London, England, April 19, 2010
A night of deep noise! Will this tape of Lou’s Metal Machine Trio ease your worried mind? Maybe, maybe not. But here it is if you need it. In the mid-2000s, Lou joined forces with Sarth Calhoun and Ulrich Krieger to bring his classic 1975 double LP Metal Machine Music to the stage — at long last! Like last week’s Zorn/Anderson collab, this is Reed reclaiming his avant-garde roots, leaving songform behind for the moment and heading straight into the heart of the sun. 
How’s it sound? Pretty good! It’s intense and ominous, the three musicians generating wave after wave of rippling, reverberating vibrations. This isn’t just free improv; there’s a focus, an intention. Metal Machine Music is indeed invoked, but the music here is often something different altogether, sometimes calling to mind the doomy drones of Sunn O))) (Hey, Lou used Sunn amps for a bit back in the Velvet Underground days, right?). Suffice it to say, after an hour of punishing sonics, Lou and co. do not encore with “Sweet Jane.” 
But the crowd generally seems to dig it! According to the Guardian, it was a star-studded event, with Nick Cave and various Bad Seeds, Primal Scream's Bobby Gillespie and My Bloody Valentine's Kevin Shields all in attendance. Shields in particular probably loved it; he had just been doing a similar thing during “You Made Me Realise” with the reunited MBV. 
Lou Says (2010): I'm just a rock and roll person who likes loud guitars and feedback, so what could be better than lots of guitars feeding back? I'm so simple, it's actually scary. Believe me, it's not as complicated as you think. I didn't really consider Metal Machine Music to be a brave thing to do. I just thought — I know — just float in a sea of guitars. Won't that be amazing?
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
Chatting with Austin’s Shitbag
~Doomed & Stoned Interviews~
By Shawn Gibson
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In his never ending quest to find the filthiest bands from around the world, Shawn Gibson brings us face-to-face, virtually speaking, with frontman Keith Young from Austin, Texas trio SHITBAG. The band dishes out a harsh blend of crust, grindcore, hardcore, and sludge, a sound you may already be acquanted with if you've heard their new EP Burden on Transylvanian Recordings. (Editor)
So why are you a Shitbag? What's the name all about?
I guess when I came up with the name, the thought was that Shitbag was a person I didn't want to be and I lived in fear of becoming. It's a catchy two syllable band name. (laughs)
Oh very catchy!
Half of it's just taking the piss right?
Oh yeah.
People think it's great or they think it's really fucking stupid.
I love the name Shitbag. It grabs your attention. It is so fitting for your style of music, the sludge-grind duo.
Definitely. The idea was to get a very dirty sound from the start. The name stuck with me. You can tell from some of our earlier releases to hone the sound but you can see that it's falling into place. I think we were zeroing in on the sound on the album we put out last year.
Which was 'Furnace,' right?
Your latest release 'Burden' is out now.
Yes, that's now through Transylvanian Records.
Awesome, they are a good label! I have definitely heard of them and have some of their artists' music. So is 'Burden' your third release?
I guess it's our fourth, if you count the first EP. We don't really push that one out anymore.
Furnace by Shitbag
'Furnace' is a really good album! I think I bought all your digital albums on Bandcamp.
Oh, thank you.
I definitely fell in love with the sound! "Emasculator" is a great sludge song from the record Can you tell me a little about that one?
It is about castration. The riff was a fun thing I kind of threw out there. I told Eli our drummer this is in 4/4 and he said" it is absolutely not, I can try to play along to it anyways." As usual, he did. the different pieces kind of fell into place. The bass guitar always stuck out to me on that one. The speed of the song and the mix we got on those recordings allows the bass to shine through I think. Also, I think that might be one of my favorite vocal performances off of Furnace as well.
Who all is in the band and what roles do they have?
So I play guitar and vocals. Eli Deitz plays drums and Eric Prescott plays bass.
I would say 'Burden' sounds heavier than 'Furnace.' Can you tell me about your guitars and the set up you use for writing and recording?
Oh, sure!
What are you using to get that Shitbag sound?
So first off I think it's worth noting that we recorded Burden at a different location and we had more power at our fingertips. The guitars definitely did get beefed up. For the first two releases I had been playing a Randall RH 150 with a Randall 150 amp head. It gets this really nasty distortion right out of the box, you don't need a distortion pedal, which is pretty convenient. It wasn't reliable at high volumes. That was becoming a problem more and more playing alongside Eric, as he was playing an "O-R something" Orange head and also running that through an HM2 and some fuzz stuff in front of it, as well. He gets a very loud, snarling bass tone.
He's covering the low end, but there's an intersection where the guitars and bass compete when we are playing live. So I needed something that I could crank up just to keep up. The Randall wasn't cutting it. May of last year I purchased a Sunn Coliseum 880. That was great but I needed to beef up my cabinet setup. Before I had been playing out of a Laney 4x12 with two different Celestion speakers and an old Marshall 2x15. The Celestion speakers are just not cut out for running something like a Coliseum880. At 4 ohms I think it's already at 230 watts.
Oh, wow!
That is when I moved up to a Worshipper 4x12. It's an Intown establishment, and some good friends of mine run it. They got me a new cabinet in 8 to 12 weeks. Kinda crazy to think about from what I heard from Dillon at Worshipper they had good business during the pandemic.
That is great! I love to hear that everyone's keeping up the practicing at home.
Yeah, It definitely has a silver lining. I got a 4x 12 and I'm trying to remember what speakers are in it. My technical knowledge of that stuff is a little limited, I'll be honest. I went with Dillon's recommendation. I told him what I was using currently, this is what I want out of it. I already have a 2x15 cabinet so I don't need a whole shit ton of low end power coming out of the 4x12. He kind of went with something that had the right profile and could handle 320 watts. After that was the matter of finding a distortion pedal, because Sunn Coliseums don't really have a built in distortion the way a Randall does. For a while I was a really great distortion pedal that does all kinds of great stuff the Earthquaker device's grey channel.
It has six different clipping presets, clipping diodes, and you can do just about everything from straight up gain to kind of a fuzzy effect to full-on Moss clipping diode, which does the whole balls to the wall heavy metal thing. Great diversity on that pedal but it wasn't quite hitting the right spots. I went to a Boss HM2 and was very reluctant to do so because I know everyone does those. I ran that with a Graph equalizer like I would any distortion pedal. I made it not sound like I'm playing in tuned riffs. That's my equipment set up and how it evolved from Furnace to Burden.
Awesome, thank you. Something that attracted me to Shitbag's music is the sludge is the jelly and the grind is the peanut butter that makes this great Shitbag sandwich. There are moments in your music that it is as thick as swamp mud, then the next it's firing out like bullets out of an AR-15!
Hell, yeah!
Cordycep by Shitbag
With that being said you have a song like "New Day" that's grind as fuck, clocking in at a minute long, just blasting through! Then you have songs like "Rogue Furnace" that's right up the sludge/doom alley clocking in at 15-minutes, 20-seconds. Shitbag has a really great balance between different styles in your music.
Well, thank you!
What bands influenced Shitbag's music?
Yeah, so I think the time I was getting into sludge and doom in my college days and I came across Primitive Man.
Oh, yeah!
I grew up listening to death metal and shit like that.
Me too!
The way they threw that together with just oppressive doom sound. It was something I had never heard before. I instantly heard that and said"this is the future." I don't want to shit on anything but Black Sabbath has been around 50 years and that sound has been around 50 years.
Newer and current bands are still using that sound, yeah.
Maybe I shouldn't disparage it, right? Even the stuff I'm drawing influence from is 30 years old now. Maybe I shouldn't say it that way. I think it's a matter of pervasiveness rather than how old something is. There are a lot of bands in the sludge/doom canon that are like, "Black Sabbath, hell yeah!"
You can find lots of music that was coming out of the death and grindcore scene in the '80s, '90s, and 2000s that had very slow, lurching oppressive moods. To me, it's not so much a matter of the notes that are being played or the rhythms, it's the atmosphere. So yes Primitive Man, God Flesh, they are a big one. I'm a big fan of Assuck, Dystopia, and Grief. Then a lot of older death metal shit, too. Napalm Death, Eric and Eli loved Entombed. Full Of Hell is tight as shit, too!
Yes they are! By chance have you heard of Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire?
Oh yeah, yeah.
I thought you might, being they were before Primitive Man. Great shit, as well!
Every band of theirs that the members of Primitive Man have been in that I have checked out, I have been very much into.
Vermin Womb, Many Blessings...
John put out an album with a death metal band called Black Curse last year that I thought was fucking phenominal!
I'll have to check that out! I like just about everything across the board, personally.
You are mentioning that we're striking this blend, we are not even playing the same genre through the whole EP. It's kind of like there's moments where it's one thing then there's moments where it's another. I think the more important thing is that it sounds like a cohesive thing. I hope we manage to do that.
You do! Shitbag has it's own sound that is unique to you guys!
Well, thank you!
I stumbled upon Shitbag's music on Bandcamp on Fathers Day. I saw the song title "Fathers and Sons" off of Burden and thought, "That's no coincidence -- I need to check this band out!" I was wondering if you can tell me a little about that track?
The song is about grappling with father and son relationships that are, I don't want to say estranged but you know trying at times. That was something that was a really big deal for me over the past year and a half, cause my mother passed away at the end of 2019.
I am sorry to hear that!
Thank you. When you have a death in the family like that, there is a lot of time for reflection that comes about. That's where the concept came about. I would not say that it's entirely autobiographical, there is definitely some exaggeration in there. We had the music for the song written and we couldn't figure what to write the lyrics about. I was just spitballing ideas and concepts to Eli. That was the one he said, "Yeah, I'm not really a fan of this draught but this is the concept to go with. Keep going with this."
Historically, I think I have been a weak lyricist. I would not call myself good by any means. We definitely made that part of the writing more collaborative process. Like the music has always been with us. We ironed out the words with each other so it felt a lot better. We came out with something more polished.
I understand completely.
A little graciousness opens yourself up. I think it's true with lyrics, as well. You probably don't have people say that to you very often, I imagine. I think it's especially true with lyrics when you're trying to make something that's personal and vulnerable. Having someone say, "Hey I would word that differently!" YOU MOTHERFUCKER!
Exactly. (laughs)
Take a step back from the initial knee-jerk response and just let it sit. You can really go places with that. I think lyrics are different just because people are not accustomed to making themselves vulnerable in that way.
What bands from Austin and surrounding areas that are heavy and you love to see them play or play with?
Let's see... Zyclops, really fucking great! There's bands like Glassing, Inhalants, Portrayal Of Guilt.
Yep, familiar with them.
There's a band called Godshell, they are new. I saw them play at a house show in North Austin in a living room full of people younger than myself. A crowd that was young enough to make me feel old. They played an outstanding fucking show! Those guys are rad live! There's also Metal Abortion, who is a pretty fun noise core band that Shitbag has played with a couple times. They put on a hell of a show and they have some crazy fucking records, too!
We have had the pleasure of playing many great shows with Desist on account of Shitbag and Desist being the two "Austin sludge" bands. Lucas is an outstanding vocalist and an even better human being. I don't know if Desist has been active through the pandemic but word is they have shit in the works. Another band forming a major constellation in the Austin shit-verse is the crusty blackened thrash outfit Vacha. Every show we've played with them was a fucking barn buner. I have nothing but love for all those dudes! Special shout out to Carlos for his God-like endurance behind the kit.
What makes Shitbag laugh? What's funny to you guys?
Oh, man. Eli and I have decided that a good way to get around when I bring a riff and don't know the time signature, is that we count everything in one. There 's no more time signature.That's a fairly recent joke. There are times at practice instead of playing a Shitbag riff with the distortion and everything balls out, I will go to the clean channel and push on the wah pedal and play with a funky staccato thing.
Hell yeah!
I think everyone else finds it annoying.
I have always enjoyed when the one guy in the band during practice either gets funky or jazzy, one of the two.
There is also something that Eli does that is fucking histarical. He never warns me he's going to do it. We will be in the middle of a song in the intense parts of the song he slips in the ba-dum tiss like a joke was told. When he nails it it's really a special thing.
Well, Keith that is all I have for you. Thank you again for your time!
Thank you very much, Shawn! The cassettes are available through Transylvania Recordings and Bandcamp. They are up for pre-order. I am not sure when those pre-orders will be in. There are some delays.
Several bands and labels having a tough time with vinyl getting pressed and shipping, too.
If you order the cassette you will get it eventually. I hope there is new music to announce in the near future.
We hope so, too!
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stephaniemarlowftw · 3 years
Appearing on Everything Left Inside, the 6xLP box set will be available for Record Store Day on June 12 (with additional format arriving later from Southern Lord and CD by Daymare Recordings).
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Engine Kid, the 90’s post hardcore collective featuring Greg Anderson (Southern Lord label owner, also in Sunn O))), Goatsnake & Thorr's Hammer) share the previously unreleased track "Angel Dust" appearing on their special Record Store Day 6 x LP box set release Everything Left Inside.  
About this track Greg Anderson comments, "during the process of unearthing ‘Angel Wings’ master tapes, a previously unreleased/unheard track from the session was discovered.  Our recollections of this song were extremely foggy and the reason it was left off the full-length album remains a mystery! Vitality was injected into the track by wizard producer Brad Wood."
Listen to (+ share) “Angel Dust” on Bandcamp.
The Everything Left Inside box set includes other unreleased/unheard recordings as well as hard to find/sought after albums including the “Novocaine/Astronaut” 12”, Bear Catching Fish 2xLP, Angel Wings 2xLP and Split w/ Iceburn / Everything Left Inside 12” - all remastered and with an extensive 12-page booklet.  A black vinyl version of the box is set for RSD on June 12th (not available outside the US) with additional versions of the record for the rest of the world to arrive at a later date. Digital for the time being is available via Bandcamp.
Watch the Everything Left Inside Unboxing video on YouTube.
Almost 30 years since the inception of Engine Kid, and the trio find themselves comprehending the enormity of their creation, honoring and celebrating the mountains they formed and the canyons they created.
Engine Kid was born in Seattle, WA in 1991.  The band's original lineup consisted of guitarist/vocalist Greg Anderson (Southern Lord, Sunn O))), Thorr's Hammer, Goatsnake), drummer Chris Vandebrooke & bassist Art Behrman.  The three had all been in hardcore/punk bands around town and all had a burning desire to create a sound that was unlike anything they had done in the past.   After just a few months of existence they quickly recorded and self-released the Novocaine 7”.  Circa 92’ a close friend and bassist Brian Kraft (Krafty) replaced Behrman, and at that moment the entire aesthetic and execution of sound became heavier, darker and extremely dynamic.  The power trio was picked up by local label C/Z records and set out upon recording the new music they were quickly creating. In 1993 the band had two releases on C/Z.  Their first offering was the Astronaut five song EP recorded by John Goodmanson.  The songs were primitive and exemplified the bands worship of Slint and their loud/quiet song dynamic  In the summer of 93’ the band drove all the way to Chicago to record with their hero Steve Albini in the basement of his house. They emerged with the eight song album they called: Bear Catching Fish.  Albini intuitively captured the band exactly as they were at that moment: RAW, VULNERABLE, & MAMMOTH.
Shortly after the albums’ release Jade Devitt replaced Vandebrooke on drums. This transition was extremely crucial in the “second phase” of the group. Devitt was an absolute beast and his power helped launch the band miles beyond where they had ever been before.  The sound of “The Kid” started to transform into a sound much more of their own.  The three dudes were hellbent on pushing the bounds of sonic exploration to its absolute fullest.  Suddenly there was an abundance of depth within the sounds they were creating. Eclectic influences of punk/hardcore (Black Flag, Die Kreuzen), Metal (Entombed, Carcass)  and even jazz (Mahavishnu Orchestra, Miles Davis electric era) were in a full collision course with the already dynamically heavy foundation of the band.  The levee had broken and the resulting flood of sound completely saturated everything in its path.
Engine Kid toured relentlessly.  They were constantly on the road playing every nook and cranny they possibly could.  Any moment not spent on the road was instead spent focused on making their new material as potent as possible. Early in 94' the band decided to pay homage to their mutual love of jazz/fusion and recorded three instrumental pieces that would become a split album with like minded powerhouse Iceburn. The Engine Kid/Iceburn album showcased each group's love of jazz loosely framed by the intense enthusiasm of underground music.  The album was released by Revelation records in 1994.
During the summer of 94’ the band reconvened with producer John Goodmanson at Bad Animals & AVAST! studios to record the new material that was literally bleeding out of the reinvigorated trio.  These recorded songs were much more progressive, heavier, harder and more focused than past works.  They even tackled John Coltranes’ “OLE” adding saxophone and trumpet from their brothers in Silkworm.  In March of 1995 Revelation records released these recordings as the Angel Wings album.  Unfortunately "the Kid" flew too close to the sun and broke up very shortly after the album's release.
Everything Left Inside 6xLP box set (RSD release) includes:
LORD 288.1 Engine Kid-“Novocaine/Astronaut” 12”
LORD 289 Engine Kid-Bear Catching Fish 2xLP
LORD 290 Engine Kid-Angel Wings 2xLP
LORD 288.2  Engine Kid-Split w/ Iceburn /Everything Left Inside 12”
("Angel Dust" unreleased track cover art, download hi-res version here):
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cardest · 4 years
Seattle playlist
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Seattle and Twin Peaks, all in one playlist. This is the one! Think of it as an vacation in Seattle, you spend time in the city, you dine at the Salmon House, you get around town with this playlist. Then, you head out to Snoqualmie and see the Twin Peaks filming locations, grab a bite at Twede;s Cafe and go up Crystal Mountain, coffee at a Drive thru Big Foot Java and head down to Mt St Helens, boat ride out on Puget Sound and see members of Wolves in the Throne Room doing a forest dance in the Olympic Nat Forest! This is that Seattle playlist! Enjoy! For the songs to listen to, click here at the link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC193HJs9M2yvjz03VeeChqxt
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001 Foo Fighters - Come Alive 002 Alice in Chains - Them Bones 003 Soundgarden - Loud Love 004 Heart - Crazy On You 005 Pearl Jam -  Spin The Black Circle 006 Seattle - Perry Como 007 Nevermore -  My Acid Words 008 Nirvana -  In Bloom 009 Melvins -  Honey Bucket 010 Trap Them - Hellionaires 011 Mother Love Bone -  Stardog Champion 012 Mudhoney - Touch Me I'm Sick 013 Paul Westerberg - Waiting For Somebody 014 Jimi Hendrix - May This Be Love 015 The Green Hornet   Main Theme   016 Screaming Trees -  More Or Less 017 Metal Church - Ton Of Bricks 018 Tad - Grease Box 019 Butt Trumpett - I Left My Flannel In Seattle 020 KMFDM - Moron 021 Soundgarden -  Sub Pop Rock City 022 Dinosaur Jr. - Pierce the Morning Rain 023 The Simpsons TV Show - Monorail song 024 Year of the Cobra - Persephone 025 Blondie - Under The Gun 026 Foo Fighters - Breakout 027 Autograph - Turn up the Radio 028 Neko Case - South Tacoma Way 029 Queensryche- jet city woman 030 Pearl Jam - Breath 031 Audrey Horne - Cards With The Devil 032  Blake Shelton - Sunny in Seattle 033 Swallow The Sun -  Ghost Of Laura Palmer 034 Fantomas -  Twin Peaks-Fire Walk With Me 035 VUM - Laura Palmer 036 Jimi Hendrix -  Little Miss Strange 037 Anthrax - Black Lodge 038 Willow - Seattle 039  Kenny Rogers - My Washington Woman 040 TWEAN PEAKS TV show - Falling 041 Church of Misery - I Motherfucker (Ted Bundy) 042 Alice in Chains - We Die Young 043 Temple Of The Dog - Pushin' Forward Back 044 Nine Inch Nails -  She's Gone Away 045 David Lynch -  The Line It Curves 046 Patty Loveless - Chains 047 Sir Mix A Lot - Baby Got Back 048 Screaming Trees -  Shadow Of The Season 049 ANGELO BADALAMENTI - Twin Peaks Theme 050 Nevermore - Bittersweet Feast 051 Duff McKagan - Seattle head 052 Helms Alee  - Spider Jar 053 Talking Seattle grunge band Todd Snider 054 Robyn Hitchcock - Viva! Sea Tac 055 Indian Handcrafts - Bruce Lee 056 Anti-Flag Seattle Was A Riot 057 Marcy Playground - The Shadow of Seattle 058 Presidents of the United States of America - Lump 059 Mudhoney - This Gift 060 Bell Witch - Judgement, In Fire: I - Garden (Of Blooming Ash) 061 Black Breath -  Forced Into Possession 062 The Material - Moving To Seattle 063 Lou Reed - Last Great American Whale 064 King Dude -  Satan's Ghost 065 Jane's Addiction - Ted, Just Admit It 066 Mommy Long Legs - Bitch Island 067 21 Jump Street - Theme song 068 Mentors - Rock 'Em Sock 'Em 069 Queensryche - Empire 070 Mad Season -  X-Ray Mind 071 Bloodbath - Anne 072 Heart - Heartless 073 Pearl Jam -  Go 074 Mother Love Bone -  Holy Roller 075 Old Man Gloom - Eden's gate 076 Tom Petty and the Fart Breakers - American Girl 077 Melvins - The Bit 078 Sunn O))) - The Gates of Ballard 079 My Sisters Machine - Enemy 080 Earth - Harvey 081 Alice in Chains -  Dam That River 082 Bikini Kill - Rebel Girl 083 Delvon Lamarr Organ Trio ? - Close But No Cigar 084 Bing Crosby - Black Ball Ferry Line 085 Hammerbox - Hed 086 the Accused - martha splatterhead 087 Temple Of The Dog - Hunger Strike 088 Native American Indian Artist Harold Alfred Kwakwaka'wakw Pacific Northwest Coast Art 089 Naomi Punk - Thru The Trees 090 Soundgarden -  Rusty Cage 091 Jerry Cantrell - Between 092 Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth - I Am 093 Casual Hex - Zorcho 094 Millennium - Millennium TV theme song 095 The Jimi Hendrix Experience -  Red House 096 Heart - Rock Deep 097 The Fabulous Wailers - Wailers House Party 098 La Luz - Brainwash 099 Sanctuary -  Arise And Purify 100 Soundgarden - Spoonman 101 Tad - Wood Goblins 102 Alice In Chains -  Rainier Fog 103 Attilio Mineo - Boeing Spacearium 104 Vouna  - Drowning City 105 The Monkeywrench - Flashy New Dance Steps 106 U-Men  - Gila 107 Gillan: - Puget Sound 108 Nirvana - Drain You 109 Wolves in the Throne Room - Angrboda 110 Drug Store - The Dwarves 111 CHRISTIAN MISTRESS - Open Road 112 Weird Al Yankovic - My Babys In Love With Eddie Vedder 113 Heir Apparent - Another Candle 114 Candlebox You 115 FAUNA   - The Golden Circle 116 JOHN BARRY - Game of Death _ 'Main Theme' 117 ZEKE - On The Road 118 Jimi Hendrix - Spanish Castle Magic 119 Quayde LaHüe Man In The Purple Robe 120 Hole - Rock Star 121 Beta Boys - The Zoo 122 Tomahawk - Totem 123 Earth -  Rise To Glory 124 Book of Black Earth - Cross Contamination 125 Wolves In The Throne Room - Woodland Cathedral 126 Audrey Horne -  Volcano Girl 127 Old St. Helen Song by Billy Jonas 128 Brothers Of The Sonic Cloth - Lava 129 The Bangles - I Got Nothing 130 Neil Diamond ~ Glory Road 131 POTUSA - Volcano 132 Weird Al Yankovic - Smells Like Nirvana 133 Eye of Nix - Keres 134 Mad Season - Locomotive 135 Vio-lence -  Serial Killer 136 CEREBRAL ROT - Repulsive Infestation Of Cadaver 137 Jackyl - The Lumberjack 138 Old Man Gloom -  The Volcano 139 Rbbie hill's family Affair - I just want to be 140 Nirvana - Stay Away 141 Foo Fighters - Subterranean 142 Public Image Ltd - Seattle 143 The Accüsed - Barracuda 144 Drawn and Quartered - Nefarious Rites 145 Sleater Kinney - Light Rail Coyote 146 DEATH - Crystal Mountain 147 FETID - Consumed Periphery From Steeping Corporeal Mess 148 Primus - Last Salmon Man 149 Pixies - Trompe Le Monde 150 Alice In Chains - So Far Under 151 Mos Generator - Shadowlands 152 The Lovemongers - Battle of Evermore 153 Big Business - Grounds for Divorce 154 Summoned by Giants - Ouch 155 MORTIFERUM - Funereal Hallucinations 156 Master Musicians Of Bukkake - A Mist Of Illnesses 157 Botch - To Our Friends in the Great White North 158 Tenacious D - The Metal 159 NUDITY -  Lectric Motions 160 Anhedonist - Estrangement 161 Blackouts - Probabilities 162 Wolvhammer - Clawing into Black Sun 163 Mamiffer - All That Is Beautiful 164 King Buzzo (with Trevor Dunn) - Science In Modern America 165 The Makers - I Just Might Crack 166 Forced Entry - Bludgeon 167 Sandrider - Rain 168 Soundgarden -  Let Me Drown 169 Isenordal - The Sorrow of a Shadowed World 170 Giants in the Trees + Kim Thayil - Drone 171 Theme From Get Carter OST 172 Heart - Dear Old America 173 Hole - teenage whore 174 Sunn O))) - it took the night to believe 175 Alice in Chains - secrets unknown 333 Queensryche - Anarchy-X 666 Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You
Have I left out a band or song? Let me know! Cya at Dick’s Drive-in!!
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magdalenagay · 3 years
The Haxan Cloak - RA Podcast
Otto Luening and Vladimir Ussachevsky - Incantation for Tape Sun Ra - Imagination Finn McNicholas - Why I Hate the Sea Autechre + The Hafler Trio - Hae3 Burning Star Core and Prurient - Wheel of Fortune (Haxan Cloak edit) Burning Star Core and Prurient - Hydrophiiac (Haxan Cloak edit) ø - Olematon Kevin Drumm - Snow (Haxan Cloak edit) Halim el-Dabh - Wire Recorder Piece Nine Inch Nails - At the Heart of it All Sunn O))) - Richard (Haxan Cloak edit) Boards of Canada - June 9th (Haxan Cloak edit) Plastikman - Consumed Meira Asher & Guy Harries - Torture/Bodyparts Joy O - Wade in AFX - Mangle 11 (circuit bent VIP Mix) Chris Clark - Glen Velez remix Folk Implosion - Raise the Bells
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beatdisc · 4 years
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RSD Black Friday
Confirmed list of titles for the RSD Black Friday - all available from our pop-up webstore tonight 27th November at 12:00am https://beatdisc-records.myshopify.com/
IN-STOCK & ON SALE MIDNIGHT TONIGHT Ace Frehley - Space Truckin' [12'' Picture Disc] Aimee Mann - Bachelor No.2 [2LP] Alice In Chains - Sap [LP] Baroness - Live At Maida Vale BBC, Vol. II [LP] Beastie Boys - Some Old Bullshit [LP] Big K.R.I.T. - TDT [LP] Brian Wilson & Van Dyke Parks - Orange Crate Instrumentals [LP] Chariot, The - Long Live [LP] Comet Is Coming, The - Imminent [12''] Dio - Dream Evil Live '87 [12'' Picture Disc] DMX - Best of DMX (DMX: The Legacy) [2LP] Jahari Massamba Unit (Madlib) - Pardon My French [LP] Jazz Sabbath - Jazz Sabbath [LP+DVD] Jerry Garcia Band - GarciaLive Volume Two: August 5th, 1990 Greek Theatre [4LP] Jewel - Live at the Inner Change    [2LP] KIDS SEE GHOSTS - KIDS SEE GHOSTS [LP] Lewis Capaldi - Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish Extent (Deluxe) [2LP] Lou Reed - Magic And Loss [2LP] Mick Fleetwood And Friends & Fleetwood Mac - Green Manalishi [12''] Ol' Dirty Bastard - Return To The 36 Chambers: The Dirty Version (The Instrumentals) [2LP+7''] Painted Shield - Painted Shield [LP+7''] Paul Kantner & Jefferson Starship - Blows Against The Empire: 50th Anniversary    [LP] Shadows Fall - Of One Blood [LP] Snoop Doggy Dogg - Doggystyle [2LP Picture Disc] Tha Dogg Pound - Dogg Food [2LP] U2 - Boy (40th Anniversary Edition) [LP] War - Greatest Hits [LP] Various Artists - Fraggle Rock Rock On [10''] Various Artists - Silent Night, Deadly Night (Song Soundtrack) [LP] Various Artists - The End Is At Hand: Jesus People Music (Vol. 1) [LP]  ARRIVING LATE, AVAILABLE TO PRE-ORDER FROM MIDNIGHT TONIGHT
Bettye LaVette, Billie Holiday, Nina Simone - Original Grooves: Billie Holiday, Nina Simone, Bettye LaVette [12''] Bill Evans - Live At Ronnie Scott's (with Eddie Gomez & Jack DeJohnette) [2LP] Buckcherry - Buckcherry [LP] Chris Cornell - Patience [7''] Chuck Berry - Rockin' N Rollin' The New Year [2LP] Corey Taylor/Dead Boys - All This And More (Side by Side) [12''] Curtis Knight & The Squires feat. Jimi Hendrix - No Business: The PPX Sessions Volume 2 [LP] Dave Brubeck - Christmas Lullabies [12''] Don Cunningham - Something For Everyone [LP] George Coleman Quintet - In Baltimore [LP] Grand Puba - Reel To Reel [2LP] Grover Washington, Jr. - Grover Live [LP] Herbie Hancock Trio - The Herbie Hancock Trio [LP] Jadakiss - The Collector's Edition [2LP] Lou Reed - Live At Alice Tully Hall January 27, 1973-2nd Show [2LP] Masters Of Reality - Sunrise On The Sufferbus [LP] Nick Cave - Cosmic Dancer [7''] Norma Jean - Meridional [2LP] Sonny Rollins - Rollins In Holland: The 1967 Studio & Live Recordings [3LP] sunn O))) - Flight Of The Behemoth [2LP] Various Artists - Jazz Dispensary [LP] Volbeat - Hokus Bonus [LP] Weeknd, The - After Hours (Remixes) [LP]
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