#sunsetofdoom on blog
man--eater · 21 days
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It's already that time of week again...WIP Wednesday! Time to share a piece of whatever you're working on, writing or art, for Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss. Tag your friends, and if you see this and want to participate, consider yourself tagged even if I don't know you! Feel free to use the banner.
This is a WIP smutty drawing for Alastor and my OC, Daphne. Turns out that when Alastor is edged within an inch of his life, he blushes and begs so prettily...
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Tagging @sunsetofdoom @oakishdelights @michaelasworlds-blog and anyone else who wants to play!
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
❤️ Are they romantic? and 🧡 How do they confess that they like someone?, for Nova?
Nova is an absolute hopeless romantic.
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BUT he's very bad at expressing himself through words, so if he likes someone, he will use his actions to speak for him. He'll get gifts for them and if his gestures don't get noticed then he will attempt to write a note or poem.
He ended up getting lucky that Talen confessed to him first.
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vihola · 4 years
Follower Meme: Merkara
How would your character act if they were an In-Game Follower/Companion?
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Tagged by @sith-shenanigans​, @mimabeann​, @starknstarwars​, and @raven-of-domain-kwaad​, thanks! 💜
Class: Sorcerer (Lightning)
Weapons: One-handed purple lightsaber, Force abilities
Selection line:
I’m not following you, you’re following me. 
I’m bored, give me attention. 
*flirtily* I will stay if you ask me nicely. 
I’m a delight!
Battle Lines:
*hums a lighthearted tune*
*hums something that sounds like a creepy lullaby*
Ugh, don’t bleed on my clothes. 
Don’t you know I’m a god? 
Touch me and I will tear you to shreds.
Exiting Battle:
It’s not murder if they deserved it.  
They never learn. 
Why fight them if you could manipulate them instead? 
Aw, I was just getting started. 
KO'd/Low Health:
Fair warning: I never stay dead. 
*breathlessly* I… will… repay. 
I’m immune to death, you fool.
Well, I had this coming. 
I told you that I don’t stay dead.
Don’t worry, I was chilling with the ghosts.
*excitedly* Back from the grave!
*cheerfully* They hurt me today, I will destroy them tomorrow.
Misc. Click Lines:
Scanners show beautiful life forms in this area…Oh, it’s only me.
Want to hear a joke about paper? Never mind, it’s tearable. 
Accidentally buried someone alive. It was a grave mistake.
Two egotists started a fight. It was an I for an I!
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a cantina…You can't tell me that's just a coincidence!
Bad puns… it's how eye roll.
Want to join a cult?
Love: Cultural artifacts
Oh, I could kiss you!
You know how to make a girl feel appreciated.
*in a singsong* Here comes my next research!
Favorite: Luxury, Courting
Ooh, shiny!
I know you love me.
Like: Imperial Memorabilia, Republic Memorabilia
Little precious pieces of knowledge!
Aww, you do care.
I guess it’s the thought that counts. 
Uh... thank you?
Likes: Revenge, attention, forbidden knowledge, flirting, cleverness
Dislikes: Slavery, using power against the weak, prejudice
Tagging @rainofaugustsith, @sunsetofdoom, @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond, @actualanxiousswampwitch, @palepinkycat, @starlightjedi, @goldleaf-blog, @cyrraluu, @swtorpadawan, @nusaran, @opalxempress, @kyber-heart, @hothian-snow, @shabre-legacy, @a-master-procrastinator, @gothwarlocks, @berriku, @wilvarin-chan​, @storyknitter​, @greyias​, @chaosandwonder​, @villainship​, @darth-bagel​
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dvrthncx · 3 years
tagged by @starknstarwars love u for always tagging me in things even tho i’m the worst
np tags for: @sleepswithvillains @sunsetofdoom @opalxempress
Nickname: irl? don’t have one.
Zodiac: aries
Height: 5′4″
Last movie I saw: The Adam Project
Last thing I googled: El Paso Boots 
Favorite musician: Hildegard von Bingen? Does she count? Imma say she counts
Song stuck in my head: I Burn for You - Bridgerton Unofficial Musical. What can I say? it’s fire.  
Other blogs: @nxart @labellestrange
Blogs Following: 322
Amount of sleep: 7-8 hours typically unless I have to get up early for some ungodly reason
Lucky Number: 43
What I’m wearing: sweater, jeans, timberlands
Dream Job: My current job - researcher 
Dream Trip: This changes a lot bc I travel so frequently but rn I really wanna go to Austria & South Korea. One of those will happen sooner than the other.
Languages: English, French, German, Latin, Old French, Old English, Middle English, Middle High German, Medieval Dutch, and I’m learning Classical Arabic & Lebanese
Favorite Food: Gosh. Salty: Moghrabiyeh. Sweet: Cheesecake. Umami: Ramen.
Favorite Song: Changes a lot but rn it’s Meet me on the Battlefield I think.
Random Fact: For Mechthild von Magdeburg (13th century nun) and several of her contemporaries (male and female), the “ideal” human state (the way we were in Paradise, the way we were meant to be) is sexless & genderless in total equality. Basically sex & gender (and its subsequent oppressions) were never supposed to exist according to some medieval religious thinkers, they only happened because of original sin as part of humanity’s punishment. I think this is amazing and more ppl should know about it. 
Describe yourself as an aesthetic thing: dark academia probably, minus the racism & misogyny that get associated with it bc just no.
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dragonheart-swtor · 4 years
5 Works Meme
RULES: It’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought  into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want  (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
I was tagged by @sleepswithvillains; thank you!! I’ll tag: @elaphaemourra, @sith-shenanigans, @opalxempress, @sunsetofdoom, @swtorpadawan, and anyone else who wants to do this!
In no particular order:
This one I actually liked enough to make my avatar - it’ll probably eventually get replaced, but for now I still really like it. The lighting came out well, I got practice with back muscles and butts which are both things I’m bad at, I still really like her expression, and I got to learn a new technique for doing scars. 
Leave It Up To Me
And this one ended up as my blog header. I’m sensing a theme here. I’m super proud of this art; I’m terrible at backgrounds and I don’t usually bother with them, so doing a background-focused piece was a real challenge for me. And then I did it mostly lineless, for some reason, because I thought trying to do all the details in linework would kill me. I’m not sure if that choice made it easier or harder, but it sure did turn out well considering. And then the rim lighting/backlighting on Garen turned out super well too, and just... the whole feeling of the piece came through, I think. (And then it got zero notes, because I had no followers when I posted it and there was an external link so it didn’t show up in the tags. Sigh.) Fun fact about this one: usually there’s one overlay layer with a gradient on it to help pull my digital pieces together color-wise, but on this one there’s three - one for the background only, one over Garen only, and one over the whole thing.
Duserra in a suit
I spent too much damn time on this for it not to be on this list. The gold filigree detailing. The texturing on the tailcoat. The vest pattern. The colors I struggled with, and I went through I think five or six different test palettes before I found one I really liked, but I think I pulled it together well. My one regret is that I forgot to give her tie the same texturing as her tailcoat.
Of Blood And Ghosts
A one-shot that ended up almost twice as long as most of my others. Honestly, it might not be my best writing ever, but I’m proud of myself just for finishing it - usually I write/draw something in one or two sittings or I never finish it. This piece took me weeks of work because I kept getting stuck. I’m proud of myself for pushing through and finishing it. ...and then it got almost no attention on AO3, probably because of the awkward length and the sort-of-self-harm content. Sigh. Oh well. I really enjoyed getting to explore what Force rituals might look like (and feel like), as well as looking at the Force from two different characters’ perspectives and getting to throw my poor Zabrak sisters at each other again.
And my crowning pride and joy,
The Sith Lullaby
(Click the link if you haven’t heard it yet. Do it. /e)
I almost never write music because it’s time-intensive, labor-intensive, and a skill I haven’t spent that much time honing. Making up music isn’t difficult for me. Making it good, and putting it on paper, is difficult. Or tedious, at least, and my dumb ADHD brain doesn’t do well with tedious tasks. But something possessed me to write this, based on one off-handed comment I made about a scene idea for a fic I don’t even talk about here. I spent three days pretty much doing nothing besides writing English lyrics, translating them into Sith, writing the melody, making the Sith lyrics fit the melody, and then finally putting it all together on paper. And I have zero regrets. The result is my pride and joy of the last year of Star Wars content, my crowning achievement thus far in this fandom: a lullaby written by me and then played and sung by me in the Sith language, an absolute bastard of a conlang that’s just filled-out enough to be difficult without being complete enough to not force me to make up probably 90% of the words in that song.
And who knows? Maybe I’ll do it again someday...
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semper-draca · 4 years
Author Interview
I got tagged in the author interview meme by @tishinada... a while ago lol Sorry it took so long to do this :(
Name: Semper-Draca (shorted to ‘semper’ for most casual chat). I started this blog as a Harry Potter blog approximately five bajillion years ago before I got into swtor and I originally had a latin url because... harry potter. When I swapped away from HP, I wanted to keep the latin but I was also using the blue eyes white dragon as my profile pic for a lot of other things at the time. Hence Semper-Draca, which translates to ‘always a dragon’. Dragon is usually ‘draco’ but I did a bit of declension fiddling to make it feminine instead of masculine. 
Fandoms: SWtOR! I post other things here too, but that’s my main obsession. I also post a teensy bit of Dragon Age, a teensy bit of Star Wars at large, and honestly I don’t know, probably just a melange of whatever I happen to be into at the moment. 
Where do you post: I post all my SWtOR fanart on tumblr, and I used to maintain an artstation account that I’ve let fall into disuse. In terms of writing, I post things like short prompt responses on tumblr, but nearly everything I post to my AO3, in part because all my writing is way too goddamn long to fit tumblr’s format. 
Most popular one shot: Dreaming, which was a quick little soulmate prompt response, where when you sleep, you dream of whatever your soulmate is doing. 
Most popular multi chapter: Iustitia. It’s Gimrizh(F!SW)/Quinn, currently sitting at over a million words, and it’s basically my magnum opus of a fic. It veers away from canon storyline frequently at the beginning and has since abandoned it entirely. Give it a read if you’re not intimidated by wordcount. 
Favourite Story written: Honestly, Iustitia. I’m really proud of it and it’s the thing that got me back into writing. I hadn’t written since my early years of high school and took about a three year break before I started writing the original version of Iustitia. That fic really made me the writer I am today and I’ll always love it for that reason, even if time makes me judge its writing more harshly. 
Fic Nervous to post: Gonna be honest, I’ve kinda run out of fucks when it comes to posting fic. I’ve got a number of pwp one shots up and I kinda wasn’t nervous about posting any of them. That said, I do have some work up that I published anonymously...
How I choose titles: I open up my trusty copy of Wheelock’s Latin Dictionary. That’s pretty much it lol
Do I outline: Sort of. Before starting a chapter I’ll write a blurb outline at the bottom. It’s mostly incomprehensible to anyone besides me, and it’s usually only a single paragraph long. Sentences in that outline are usually in the variety of “sexy times happen” “The Fight Scene you know how this goes” “Scourge says ominous shit” ect
Complete. Apart from one shots, the only thing I have that’s complete right now is Nivalis Osculum aka that vampire au that I wrote a few years ago. In my head it’s a trilogy, but it’s kinda being shelved as fanfic for a while in the hopes that I can eventually convince my agent to let me work on it and try to sell it. If smeyer can rake in the $$ from her mormon superhero trash, I should be allowed to publish gothic queer vampires lol
Coming soon?: The next Iustitia chapter. It’s going to be a solid 75% fluff, happiness, and Good Things Happening. 
In progress: I promise I’m still working on Anima Mea, the daemon au. I’m plodding through Pierce’s first chapter right now. Apart from that, all my in progress work is for original novels. 
Prompts: I always like doing prompt memes and stuff, either for art or writing, although I admit it often takes me a while to get to them. I totally am not ignoring you, I’m just slow.
Upcoming work: Uh. *shrug*
tagging: @inquisitorhotpants @pineaberry @starrypawz @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @sunsetofdoom and @anchanted-one 
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pupcrimes · 5 years
I just realized your blog title is "Star Wars: Twink Creator" and ... Yeah.
hkdslfsaskdfjlks i like what i like, okay!!
the funny thing is i didn’t even know i was making twinks until @sunsetofdoom opened my eyes to it. you have her to thank for the blog title 
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mackerelgray · 5 years
Belated-by-a-bit Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
a big big BIG shoutout to my fren Mels/Melanocarpa!! i know at first you called me the Angst Queen but its you, You Are The Angst Queen here! your angst is so good im shaking. you’re So good at writing concon, you listen to my silly ideas, you have incredible ideas of your own, just pls never stop being you, you beautiful amazing godtier human being!!!!
@softgreysweatersbutwithfanfic - zeeb i Adore all your fanfic!! your hank and connor stuff is such Amazing Stuff it was a gateway drug to found family i swear but aLso im not even IN the fandoms youre in but i love how you write the fic? Family! Relationships! i know like two things abt the umbrella academy but you portray this family so well that im entirely just :hearteyes: and aNd your h/c and angst is so good, its emotional and heartwretching and hits me Right There and mmmM-
@emiliaf25 - FOUND FAMILY STUPID SHENANIGANS HELL YES! emilia your sense of humor is beautiful, so many of your fics have made me stifle laughter in front of people on the phone. i love love love the sibling dynamic with the rk boys, and your series with android!jack is honestly adorable! pls take my heart and my occasional random Likes on your dash shjkdfg
@dumbwaystodeviate - i love how entirely Wholesome and unafraid to be silly your blog is? all these scenarios are so sweet and they make me smile and rly brighten my day and aaaaaaa please keep up the good work yall!
@shapeshiftersandfire​ - ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST ANGST AME YOURE SO GOOD AT ANGST WTF and youre also A Awesome Friend and id gladly read more of your crack just yeet it at me my body is ready
@dximonions​ - pia you are an hdm au QUEEN god i love you, your descriptions are actively the most beautiful things ive ever seen in my life, i will gladly read 200% of your fics
@sunsetofdoom​ - aaa i really really love Burdened with a Sense of Self!! its 200% not my place to tell you to keep writing it, but i wanna let you know it fuckin resonates with me and all my interests and it has absolutely made me happier by existing in the same time as you! and Also a tumblr mutuals high-five bc fuck yeah same sense of humor!
@penny-anna​ - i dont think i ever told you this but i downloaded your whole series of lotr daemon au even though ive never read anything by tolkien and i read it all in one beautiful summer day, it was splendid and your writing is amazing and ddfgfghjjghj im love it
@featherquillpen​ - hey, hey daemorphing has changed my Life and idk how to thank you for it?? your writing is so incredibly top notch just the characterization of everyone, the yeerk-host relationships, the canon divergence sticking a middle finger to the bad parts of canon and giving us the Amazing parts, im screaming every time i open the series and i have it bookmarked and subscribed and i seriously cannot thank you enough for writing it aaaaaaaa
and finally some ppl idk are on tumblr but are on ao3 DESERVE LOVE for the fanfics they write and their presence as people on this precious earth!! - Leletha, RedWritingHood, Indig0
i have MORE LOVE TO GIVE NGL but also im absolutely trash at memory so i prolly gotta dig up more fanfic i love to screech about it, Complete win win!
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gotgifsandmusings · 7 years
Would you agree with Gretchen that Kylo Ren is "the epitome of privilege"? I thought he was a stand-in for child abuse, since Snoke had been in his head ever since he was in Leia's womb... can't help but feel for him
Yes, I 100% agree with her. But I also don’t think that sits in contention with recognizing Snoke’s grooming had an influence on him, and from what I can tell with a search on her blog (plus what she and I have personally talked about), neither does she: http://gnelliswriter.tumblr.com/post/137232344065/ohtze-anghraine-cattusumbra-sunsetofdoom-ok-i (note this was after TFA and not TLJ)
I think the two of us just lean more on the side #hesresponsibleforhisactions, rather than that he’s a hapless fascist who was fully brainwashed into doing bad things. Which I’m not accusing you of, but that’s a lot of times where this dialogue leads, since the SW fandom knows no nuance. He was influenced, of course, but then TLJ was rather entirely about his choices to continue as the story’s antagonist without Snoke, which were choices coming from a very privileged, entitled place.  
I feel for him too in a sense, because there’s a tragedy to the way in which he’s a self-made villain, and because as the audience we’re invited to see his struggle. But I also have very little patience for him, and Rey slamming the metaphorical door in his face was about as perfect an ending as I could have hoped for in that context.
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thecipherlegacy · 4 years
If your OCs were in a dating sim I would almost definitely pick Nova because I am a simp for Sith purebloods RIP
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Nova will kill you with compliments the moment you show interest. He's a flirt for show, but once things get serious He grows nervous and is more about showing his love than saying it. He is loyal as can be and values any trustworthy relationship he has.
To take his route you would run into him a few times, each time he would be under a different Alias, and if you don't blow his cover he would contact you and meet up to thank you for your discretion. From there he would ask your aid in a couple missions before surprising you with a date. The man is a hopeless romantic and would confess over a candle lit dinner awkwardly. He would be very bashful, but ultimately excited to have found someone like you.
I dont blame you for having a weakness for purebloods. These ruby bastards are beautiful 💛
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captain-wereduck · 7 years
I got tagged by @captain-kiri-storm ! Thank you!
Name: Aleksandra. I both like it, because Lex Luthor (and Lexa sounds cool) and dislike it a lot, because eh, boring compared to so many cool Slavic names. Please, roll with my nickname! Thanks!
Nicknames: captain-wereduck here, yaodai is my go to nick on ao3, other writing platforms and online games
Height: 5ft4 and I had to Google it
Orientation: Ace aro
Nationality:  Polish
Favorite Fruits: uh… melons, raspberries, red currant. Generally I either go for mild or sour, I dislike very sweet fruits.
Favorite Season: That middle part for autumn that's finally not ridiculously hot but it's still kinda warm?
Favorite Flower: I really like my potted rosemary. Edible plants are best plants!
Favorite Scent: Lilac
Favorite Color: orange (and now the Naruto fandom laughs. But seriously, I like vivid colors, excluding yellow, yellow is weird)
Favorite Animal: Cats!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: I love all 3, but my liver decided that tea is the only option :<
Average Hours of sleep: I'm trying to be a responsible adult, but I have insomnia episodes and I work during night shifts so it is pretty much whatever happens..?
Cat or dog person: Cats! I'm sorta afraid of dogs I don't know well.
Favorite fictional character: Orochimaru, Darth Maul, Xellos, Ryuji Suguro, Gajeel Redfox, Raistlin Majere, Miki Sayaka, Uzumaki Karin... My favorites are a weird mix of villains, antiheroes and broken idealists.
Number of blankets: Usually just one? On the other hand if you're asking about pillows...
Dream Trip: I honestly have no idea, I think it would be neat to see some place like Mongolia, but I would get hopelessly lost on my own.
Blog Created: uh...uhhhh…? I have no idea.
Followers: 111? Some of these are pornbots, but still, I wasn't expected the number to be so high ( forgot how to check the number of followers and was frantically clicking around)
Tagging: @sunsetofdoom , @awintersrose , @eyeloch
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the-doodly-noodle · 7 years
I got tagged
By @jar-cup!
Rules: Answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs you want to know better
1. Nicknames: Uhhh......Not sure. I used to be called Birdie, and uhh.....Idk, just call me Abi :D
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Gemini!
4. Height: 5′8″? Something like that
5. Current time: 11:13 PM
6. Birthday: June 5
7. Favorite bands: Caravan Palace, Steam Powered Giraffe, Vocaloid, Mystery Skulls, Five Finger Death Punch, Glass Animals, Oh Wonder, Studio Killers, 3DG, Evanescence, Disturbed, Gorillaz, Imagine Dragons, uhh....way too many bruh
8. Favorite solo artist: George Ezra, Eminem, Lucio Battisti, Halsey, Melanie Martinez, Caro Emerald, uhh...again too many bruh
9. Song stuck in my head: Jenny by Studio Killers (I’m listening to a playlist on Youtube)
10. Last movie watched: Annabelle Creation, and IT (Both are pretty good, if you get the chance to go watch them I recommend it)
11. Last show watched: Game of Thrones
12. When did I create my blog: May 23rd, 2014
13. What do I post: Memes, art refs, my own art, just.....idk, stuff :D
14. Last thing I googled: “Just Be Friends Ren 蓮” (I was trying to find a specific version that doesn’t seem to be up anymore D: )
15. Do you have other blogs: On Tumblr? .........*cough* no active ones?
*there’s no 16?*
17. Why did you choose your URL: Uhh..because it’s my name and my hobby?
18. Following: 128
19. Followers: 201
20. Favorite colors: Anything between periwinkle and magenta, but there are no colors I hate :D
21. Average hours of sleep: On a good night about 5-6? Sometimes tho I just get like a half hour, insomnia sucks :3
22. Lucky number: I....Idk if I have one tbh
23. Instruments: Piano, xylophone, and I’ve plucked at a guitar once or twice
24. What am I wearing: Star Wars t-shirt, jeans, socks, stormtrooper hat :D
25. How many blankets I sleep with: 1-3
26. Dream job: Animating cartoons, maybe my own someday idk
27. Dream trip: Goooooood question! Just traveling anywhere tbh. Idk the world is a big place with a lot to see, so just visiting anywhere would be awesome!
28. Favorite food: Um......pasta?
29. Nationality: US citizen
30. Favorite song now: Aaaaaaaaanything by any of those bands/artists above?
Tagging! @hakusamia, @nepetakittyclaws, @cortezhorse, @nikki6551, @matryoshkaroderich, @that-one-fanboy, @plantsofthehouse, @justplainmeh, @musicalcatladie, @sunsetofdoom, @rainfallinhell, @cortezhorse, @8legs, @carrot--cube, @stormytitan, @snaaaaaaakee, aaaaand whoever else wants to do the thing! :D And if you don’t want to ya don’t have to!
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starrypawz · 5 years
replied to your
I tend to keep my tarot stuff to my side blog But...
I hate it when the cards get an attitude.
Basically this one deck I’m using doesn’t have an attitude as such but they do tend to be very straight talking with me.
Like ok bud ok
Same deck also threw a tower and tower reversed at me a few days before lmao
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flynnardkuwata · 7 years
Yoooo, I was tagged for this thing by @pinkustation!  Thanks, dearie <3
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people
Name: Victoria Nicknames: Vicki, Vick/Vic, Skua Zodiac Sign: Which one d’ye mean, Western (Pisces)?  Chinese (Fire Ox)?  Celtic (Ash)? :o Height: About 5′5″ Orientation: Either bi or somewhere on the ace spectrum, because I still don’t know how prone I am to experiencing attraction. :0b I am panromantic, though! Nationaity: 'Merican Favorite Fruit: Tomatoes, I guess.  I don’t eat fruit, I find it gross. :P Favourite Season: In Springtime, the only pretty ring time... Favourite Book: I like a lot of books, but the His Dark Materials series probably left the biggest impact on me (can’t wait for The Book of Dust!). Favourite Flower: Oh, so many!  But can I say dandelions purely for the joy of blowing all the seeds off? Favourite Scent: There ain’t nothing like the smell of a log fire, in my opinion!  But I also like the aromas of daffodil nectar and sea spray. <3 Favorite Colour: Reds, pinks, sunny yellow. ^w^ Favourite Animal: Oh boy, I love so many animals, but...gonna have to go with ravens, they’re so cool! Coffee, tea or hot cocoa: Soda Tea Average sleep hours: Mmm...7?  8?  Depends. Cat or dog person: Kitties!  But dogs are cool, too! Favourite fictional character: Hrm...let’s go with good ol’ Noodle, still my princess even after Gorillaz stopped interesting me! Number of blankets you sleep with: When it’s warm?  Just the comforter.  When the cold hits?  Upwards of 2. Blog created: December of 2013, but I only started posting the following month. Number of followers: 303, though it’s probably less if you take away the bots I haven’t bothered to block.
AND NOW, I shall tag: @horpsesandco, @condomrandom, @softpastelnoodle, @yaki-chizu, @benneficial, @fishjellyconceptart, @mischievouss-misdreavus, @the-rose-thorn, @thequeerdeer, @theloofah, @lizardsfromspace, @brianntaire, @jollysunflora, @razias-cats, @gaymagne, @shannonssoundcheck, @sunsetofdoom, @breeeliss, @baby-kath, and @black-hat-organization! *pants* But only if you guys want to do this. ^^
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pupcrimes · 5 years
8 People I'd Like to Know Better
tagged by @sunsetofdoom
Name: Vanya but ppl on here seem to like calling me Rex and i am really not complaining
Birthday: 8 July
Zodiac sign: Cancer!!
Height: too small.. 4'9
writing (or just thinking abt it i guess)
puzzles. like... jigsaw puzzles. yeah.
star wars (the amount of time i spend on it, it is definitely a hobby ok)
i also like collecting pennies that predate 1945. i have one from 1881 which is just so incredible to me?? all the things this penny must have seen, goods and services it has been exchanged for..... ITS COOL
Favorite colors:
olive greens (think american wwii military dress uniforms, i love that color)
foresty kinds of green, of moss and algae and leaves and life
grays and silvers and black, all v good
also cyan, like the sky when it’s clear
honestly all colors have merit but i am very fond of earth tones as well as deep jewel tones
Favorite books:
uhh tbh i have a hard time with reading slow enough to absorb the actual content of most things so i haven’t actually read much of anything in a while? but these are books i love to revisit every once in a while 
Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind series, Hayao Miyazki. absolute fav!!
Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell
First Test, Tamora Pierce
The Kissing Hand, Audrey Penn
No Prisoners, Karen Traviss
Last song listened to: my youtube history says Sixth Sense by Kiss Kiss but I just remembered I was listening to Queen while on the road, i want to say the song was You’re My Best Friend
Last film watched: i actually wound up rewatching Waitress a few days after @sunsetofdoom showed it to me, it’s really good okay!! 
Meaning behind url: commie rex ok thank u for coming to my tedtalk. no but seriously my previous blog was comrade-barnes and after going through a whole slew of urls i didnt like i landed on this one.
tagging: @kaimystic, @aurrieccentrics, @theyronshan, @atinyplantexplorer
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mackerelgray · 5 years
16 Question Tag Game
I got tagged by @emiliaf25 who’s got an awesome DBH blog and hilarious fics!! Check them out!
Favourite plant/tree/flower?
Grass! It’s everywhere, we use special species of grass for so many things, it’s soft and nice to look at - grass is good!!
Favourite colours?
Grays and blues!
What do you always doodle?
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Feathery raptory dinos, like this little lad, or just wings in general! I like feathers a lot, if you can’t tell, hehe.
How do you take your tea?
Milk tea with sugar or plain Earl Grey!
Favourite candle scent?
I think vanilla!
Sunset or sunrise?
Sunset, I don’t get up early enough to see the sunrise!
What perfume do you wear?
l don’t wear any perfume! I’ve never actually tried it either, so I dunno which scents I’d like.
Favourite quotes?
I’m so sorry but
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Favourite self-care routine?
A long hot shower and curling up under a lotta blankets writing stuff angst!
Fuzzy socks or slippers?
Slippers! I prefer smooth socks myself!
What colour are your eyes?
Dark brown! Really close to black tbh
Favourite season?
Fall! The changing leaves and cool weather are really nice - also, my birthday’s in the fall, so it’s fun to celebrate!
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
Hmm, cheek? I’d prefer hugs though!
Do you want to be married?
Not really? I mean, if I met a woman I loved enough, I definitely wouldn’t object!
Cursive or print?
Print - cursive is very pretty, but I can’t read too much of it before my eyes start to hurt.
Favourite weather?
Okay, I’m gonna tag people rly quick!
@hay-and-ame @mp-golfin @too-aroace-for-this-shit @themaximummax @twizzlerrthedragon @werewitchling @silfrvarg @sunsetofdoom @swarmisazergling @subtlesilvertongue
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