#super weak 2 capitalism
Dragon Rok Soo AU where, when the switch between Cale and him happens, KRS’s soul fires off in the wrong direction, and lands in a small, deep cave, the bottom of a giant and complex cave system… inside of an ancient dragon egg.
A small, wine red dragon. So small and weak that, for a dragon, it’s a pathetic creature. In the original story, this fragile and decrepit existence would’ve died alone and unable to escape.
Cale’s 40 yr soul did end up in Rok Soo’s body, so what happened to the Cale that Rok Soo was meant to transmigrate into?
That’s right. The small fragile dragon. It’s intelligence is that of a dragon, and after quietly observing the Henituse household, it steals the clothes of a worker, changes its appearance (because, obviously, it’s a dragon and its use of magic is connected inherently to its soul), and disappears from the Henituse house like he hadn’t been there. As a dragon, escaping even Ron’s expert assassin eyes is child’s play.
Meanwhile KRS, whose soul is far from that of a dragon and cannot use mana nearly as intrinsically, uses small explosions to slowly make his way to the surface. His body is weak and he barely escapes before starvation makes his body succumb.
He discovers that, 1) he’s in the Forest of Darkness, 2) Choi Han must have gone through this area recently because it’s full of corpses, 3) there’s this weird giant rock?
His soul can accept the Super Rock, which confuses the Ancient Power, but KRS enters the house and sleeps in the largest bed after finding something small to kill and eat outside. It’s disgusting, but even rolling around in cow shit would be better than death, so KRS endures.
Ofc KRS would then go and get Vitality of the Heart next, (because his baby body is so weak that he prioritizes it over the Indestructible shield) send Cage and Taylor in the direction of the capital, and make his way through the plot in a scattered and random manner because now he’s a DRAGON. To save Raon he needs those clippers for the mana restriction device, which means he’ll need a way to communicate with Billos, which means he’ll need money.
Those wrinkles will need ironed out but I just love the idea of a small dragon being Rok Soo, who isn’t actually a scary powerful dragon but because of their reputation he scares everyone into thinking he is anyway.
Plus he’s a small cute creature so he can ofc manipulate Choi Han into doing whatever he wants (protecting people COUGH COUGH) so KRS can peacefully turn his tiny weak dragon body into an intense ticking time bomb by adding strenuous AP’s to it.
(Drafted: January 8, 2023)
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ur post abt the vampires + making art YES SAY IT AGAIN to me personally the idea that “vampires can’t make good art” is so fundamentally flawed bc ok call me pretentious but i will now go down the rabbit hole of like. what is “good” art what is “bad” art what do those things even mean really. but aside from that are we really trying to argue that vampires fundamentally lack “humanity” and more essentially that some sort of “humanity” or “soul” or whatever is necessary to make “good” art ?? Think about what ur saying!! Louis’s relationship w photography did speak to me as a metaphor for his relationship to his “humanity” as that is one of his major struggles but crucially imo it has nothing 2 do w his actual “inherent” skills/creativity/ability; its all coming from his own head. like, the things that art critic says must be taken w a grain of salt for sooo many reasons lmao read the room. it’s not about any of what he says, it’s about Louis’s own insecurity. he’s impatient he’s eating his subjects etc. i think if anything Louis’s art may suffer because it is coming from a place of trying very hard to be something or perform something that he doesn’t quite believe in earnestly, deep down. again this is the vampire/human conflict he feels. Like, he wants to be of humanity so bad. but then he listens to people’s thoughts to determine when to take a picture. he can’t be of humanity bc he eats those people. Anyway. Sorry for ranting in yr inbox tldr this theory abt vampires being bad at art is I think a super flawed idea but the thing abt the photography IS inextricably linked to vampirism vs humanity but only bc that is Louis’s big conflict lol. like. of COURSE Louis of all ppl is focusing on all these reasons for why his photography must be bad.
Yeah no I agree also i can’t help but feel like if he stuck with it he might well have improved and found workarounds for the problems he was running into. Like it’s sort of a well known phenomenon at least in writing and drawing that when you first start being creative in a new medium you think everything you make is great because you’re excited about your ability to Make Something at all and the medium is new to you and you don’t have a very discerning eye yet. And as you continue working in that medium you’ll start to see flaws in your work and you’ll start to see that amateurishness of it and you’ll start to hate everything you do bc you’re actually becoming more well versed in the art form. And if you push through and continue to work on the skill and work on your weaknesses you will improve and start to like your own work again
I kind of feel like Louis hit that first “seeing flaws in your own work” thing and didn’t push through it partly bc like, plain and simple I think show Louis is every bit as chronically depressed as book Louis even if he hides it better and that makes it way harder to like, trust the process and keep working at something when it isn’t fun. And partly bc the person who told him his work wasn’t that good also told him that his real talent was in appraising and that fit with pre-existing notions he had about himself from his human life and his upbringing. So like A there was way more instant gratification dopamine hits from becoming an art dealer than becoming an artist himself and B he was like “yeah this makes perfect sense. Capital accumulation is what I’m good at it’s what I’ve always been good at”
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Still losing my mind over how well Ahab's disability is handled in Moby-Dick, a novel from 1851 that handles a bunch of other topics on a wide scale of okay/good to very very bad, like????????
The way his prosthetic and disability are always a very visible, audible, notable thing about him but they don't subtract a milimeter from his incredibly powerful, commanding presence??? Even when he pities himself, the narrative itself never frames him as weak or incapable.
He's in constant pain, sure, and he has physical limitations, but he's also massively capable, capable enough to join whale hunts and put down a mutiny with a flaming harpoon and eventually drive a ship of 30+ people to their graves. He is powerful, he moves the narrative. His disability does not make him lesser than.
The way even when his leg breaks, when he has to be supported by Starbuck, or when he can't climb the mast himself and needs to be lifted, or other kinds of accommodations, the narrative backs him up in lending him support and power. It still sees him as whole and commanding and powerful, even though he needs help. What an insane concept from a christian American novel about capitalism like????????? needing help for being disabled doesn't make you less worthy???? HELLO???
The way he also has a super relatable disabled moment where he gets too excited and jumps onto a rope ladder before like. realizing his pegleg can't get a grip on that thing and he can't climb up gbdjxjdj LITERALLY the disabled experience of forgetting ur disabled and being like "oh fuck. help" is SOOOOO FUN, and even that isn't treated with disdain! He has his 'oops' moment, then gets properly accommodated, and 2 seconds later he's triumphantly crossing prosthetics with another captain, not the slightest bit emasculated.
Idk man I see disabled characters treated with less respect TODAY than Captain Ahab was in fucking 1851 and it kind of astounds me. 10/10 for this particular bit, Melville
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lesbomination · 12 days
Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja Season 1a
Liveblog for Episodes 1 through 26; chronological release order.
Last Stall on the Left: Decent opening episode. It gives you a good sense of who the characters are and what they’re up against when dealing with McFist. Leaves The Sorcerer unnamed yet a visible, clear presence.
Lesson Rating: “Believe in the weapon that is in the suit”. Randy was on to something when he thought he had to believe in himself; taken literally, the lesson feels more lackluster. 3/5. Episode Rating: 4/5.
Got Stank: Real funny expressions, okay episode. Introduces the Sorcerer’s power but not his name.. Could have swapped with the next episode had the show been more focused on chronological events.
Lesson Rating: “The Evil Funk possesses the vulnerable using that which he holds most dear”. Literally a fact, no deeper meaning. 1/5. Episode Rating: 2/5.
So U Think U Can Stank: Another weak episode but it finally introduces the Sorcerer and his motivations, plus raises the stakes by giving Randy multiple objectives this episode.
Lesson Rating: The Story of The Sorcerer. No lesson but it gives a much better picture of our greatest antagonist. 5/5. Episode Rating: 3/5.
McFists of Fury: Randy is not immune to capitalism, even when it tries to kill him.
Lesson Rating: “Beware the enemy who wears a hero’s mask”. Absolutely could come in handy later. 5/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Gossip Boy: Oh, Howard..
Lesson Rating: “The way to forget is to remember”. The advice could go in a different direction, say learn from your mistakes, but is honestly quite clever & creative in having Howard force himself to be distracted by something else. I can’t even be mad at that. 4/5 Episode Rating: 3/5
House of 1,000 Boogers: A nasty but creative premise.
Lesson Rating: “A Ninja must master the art of stealth: Reveal, conceal; conceal, reveal”. Very important for a showman like Randy. 4/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Monster Dump: I always like it when Bucky shows up. Very neat how Viceroy follows the same lesson! Surprisingly cute episode.
Lesson Rating: “A Ninja must never endanger the innocent, but he must always defend the defenseless”. Another very important lesson for Randy specifically. 5/5. Episode Rating: 4/5
Attack of the Killer Potatoes: The ADHD of it all. Not a huge fan of the toilet humor but the subsequent jokes made me chuckle. Bash’s lines kill me. I did like the potato monster’s animation, actually.
Lesson Rating: “When faced with a mighty enemy, counter with a mightier force”. Preferred the lesson for the first fight, not so much the second – but what can you do, the show thrives off absurdity. 4/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
The Tale of the Golden Doctor’s Note: Yay Julian! Love this guy, he’s so silly. Ngl I’m enjoying the Sorcerer more with each appearance. I strongly emphasize with Randy and Howard, I too hated high school gym class. Loved all the dynamic poses in this episode.
Lesson Rating: “The best way to avoid an attack is to avoid an attack”. Could be read as avoid provoking your enemy but in actuality the lesson is to just do something even though you don’t want to. Also to avoid unnecessary hostility. Good for combating laziness. 3/5 Episode Rating: 4/5
Dawn of the Driscoll: The Driscolls are so funny. Another grade-based episode I emphasize with, I was not good at science classes; however, I did NOT abridge procedures and raise the dead. Shoutout to Marlene “I like dangerous men” Driscoll. Silly Halloween episode.
Lesson Rating: “Forbidden knowledge of the shadow warrior; the art of healing” / “Don’t take shortcuts”. The actual lesson Randy learns isn’t spelled out in the Nomicon but it is valuable. 5/5 Episode Rating: 3/5
Night of the Living McFizzles: Second Halloween episode. Literally how long are nights in Norrisville. Super funny to me how Howard and Theresa dress up as real people they know. Extra points for Michael Jackson Zombie and The Shining hallway. Not a fan of the vomit solution.. 
Lesson Rating: N/A. Episode Rating: 1/5
Viva El Nomicon: Okay episode. Bash’s lines kill meeeee. Good to know Howard is near-fluent in Spanish now.
Lesson Rating: “The only knowledge the ninja can possess is the knowledge that he possesses no knowledge; when he realizes he knows nothing, the ninja is ready to learn everything”. SOLID plot-twist. 5/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
30 Seconds to Math: The implied ADHD strikes again. Shoutout to Julian and his theremin. Fun episode!
Lesson Rating: “Friendship is a weight the ninja cannot carry” Heartbreaking implications! 4/5 Episode Rating: 4/5
Monster Drill: Makes a lot of sense the school would have monster drills. Also realistic how the teens would diss their hero. Wickwhacker is growing on me, is she single?
Lesson Rating: “Respect is a key that opens all doors”. Adore this lesson so much; respect your history, take it seriously. 5/5 Episode Rating: 3/5
Silent Punch, Deadly Punch: Winter Holiday episode. Bucky, my love. Neat blackmail conversation between ninja and McFist this episode. The Ninja Rage/tengu power appears out of chronological release order but I’ll let it slide.
Lesson Rating: “Smoke Bomb is a tool of strategy not a toy for a show” / “Only from the sap of the Skunk Pine can a ninja craft a bomb of smoke”. Hooray ninja lore!! Another good lesson for Randy not to abuse his power and tools. 5/5 Episode Rating: 4/5
Stank’d to the Future: Shows how responsible freshman Randy is when it comes to ninja duties compared to upperclassman-at-the-time Mac Antfee (ninja of 85). Poor Dickie got stanked TWICE. That’s the thing about stuff! Solid episode, very cute ending.
Lesson Rating: “The knot not tied unravels” aka FINISH THE JOB. 5/5 Episode Rating: 4/5
Wave Slayers: Okay episode. Randy’s behavior was a bit frustrating.
Lesson Rating: “When a ninja does wrong, he must own up to his mistakes” Crucial lesson, Randy was just willfully ignorant for a minute. 5/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Sword Quest: Very neat episode, S Ward Smith is probably my favorite ally.
Lesson Rating: “In the realm of the Ninja, a swordsmith crafts blades in a cauldron of fire” / “Ninja weapons are for ninja business”. The former adds nothing but facts, while the latter is much more valuable. 5/5 Episode Rating: 4/5
Nukid on the Block: Meh. Another okay episode.
Lesson Rating: “The most dangerous enemy often wears the mask of an ally”. Very strong advice for the ninja overall. 5/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Weinerman Up: Fun, creative episode. Lots of insights on the city map.
Lesson Rating: “A Ninja must know when winning is losing and losing is winning” Another crucial lesson for Randy and those like him. 4/5 Episode Rating: 3/5
Evil Spirit Week: One of my top 3 episodes of season 1. The bird gags kill me; Howard hallucinating in detention made me scream-laugh out loud. Love Randy’s outlaw costume.
Lesson Rating: “The ninja and the tengu are forever linked; their strengths are shared”. The Tengu is my all-time favorite spirit/power. 5/5 Episode Rating: 5/5
Der Monster Klub: Average high school antics. Really cute friend-group episode! Julian was ruthless lol. Personally, it was really interesting how Theresa could also be considered an outcast and was proud to join the Klub!
Lesson Rating: N/A Episode Rating: 3/5
Grave Puncher: The Movie: Shoutout to Heidi still quizzing herself on driving etiquette while walking to the theater. I would kill to see a movie in 6D. Does this count as a McFist episode even if the monster was unintentional? Return of the Tengu suit! Very fun episode, I enjoyed it a lot!!
Lesson Rating: “Deceit often comes at a price”. I mean, yes, if it’s malicious deceit as opposed to keeping one’s non-ninja identity hidden. 4/5 Episode Rating: 5/5
Escape from Detention Island: Isn’t this the plot of a Danganronpa game? Anyways, I love Morgan, she’s so cool. “Everyone, quick! Squeeze through my crack!” I SWEAR TO GOD THIS SHOW.. Neat lighting during Bash’s trials!
Lesson Rating: “Let the warrior who holds the weapon fight the battle”. Ohhh Randy, my friend; let people fight their own battles. 4/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Bash Johnson: 11th Grade Ninja: So McFist was straight up about to kill his stepson, huh? and Randy almost died too?? Marci mama bear moment, even if it was off-screen <3
Lesson Rating: “Once the ninja is known, he can never be unknown”. Exercise in being SO careful with your secret identity. 3/5 Episode Rating: 2/5
Shoob Tube: Absolute 14-year-old dumbassery from Randy and Howard. Jacques, I love you. Really neat 3D animation with the parking lot performance.
Lesson Rating: N/A Episode Rating: 2/5
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supervisormeero · 2 months
Five things you enjoyed writing the most?
And, more random one- five favourite birds? (If that's too many birds I will accept a smaller number lol)
1. Blue jays. They’re beautiful, and smart, and their feathers are the best color, and they swoop in for peanuts the second you set them out. They imitate hawks to trick other birds into flying away from feeders, which is maybe an assholish thing to do, but they’re so smart.
2. Crows. They’re beautiful, they’re intelligent, they play pranks on each other and hold “funerals” and are absolutely not deserving of the hate they get.
3. Chickadees. They’re cute, they’re friendly, and they’ll eat seed out of your hand just because they’re curious and trusting.
4. Sandhill cranes. They’re so regal and graceful. They mate for life and return to the same places every year after they migrate. Also, it’s obvious when they’ve come back in the spring because the noise they make is SO loud and distinctive.
5. Red-bellied woodpeckers. They’re just funny. One of them tries to eat from my parents’ window feeder but that feeder isn’t set up for woodpeckers, so he hangs awkwardly off of the bottom of it and has to crane his neck to reach for a peanut. He gets it after a few tries.
Okay, now five things I’ve most enjoyed writing:
1. Syril and Dedra getting together in Frictious. I just love how unrefined it is. Dedra’s not wearing her uniform, Syril’s in his pajamas, she’s there to apologize but also not to apologize because she would never stoop so low. It’s intentionally messy because these two are so pristine, and I had a great time writing it.
2. Eedy and Dedra’s conversation in Consequences. That fic never really took off the way I’d hoped, probably because it was too lengthy and I wrote it too late to capitalize on the “Dedra meets Eedy” momentum. Seriously, though, I do think there’s more to Eedy Karn than meets the eye. It’s fun to write her as a nagging, harsh thorn in Syril’s side, but I have to wonder if she’d see Dedra and think of how much she has to lose if she falls for the wrong person. If it’d cause Eedy to reflect on much she, herself, “lost” when Syril’s father left. I do think she would treat Dedra differently than Syril because she’d respect her, whereas Syril is always falling short of her expectations.
3. Dedra watching Syril sleep in To Live By Nightfall and Die By Dawn. She simply doesn’t get him, emotionally. They’re across the galaxy from each other when it comes to affection, intimacy, and openness. Nonetheless, she’s transfixed by him - he’s a problem she can’t solve, and she hates being unable to put him right or eliminate him. She doesn’t understand why he loves her, and she doesn’t understand love, and she doesn’t understand vulnerability even though he’s the only person who’s seen her be absolutely vulnerable and chosen her even when she’s at her lowest point. I’m also admittedly super weak for her wearing his robe and sitting at his table to work. The domesticity!
4. Their wedding in Imperial Matrimony. Mostly because I love their vows, and Mosk as their witness, and the kiss. But also because I love Dedra slowly grasping the severity and extent of her plan… marrying someone to ensure their unrelenting loyalty is still marrying them, and that doesn’t really hit her until she’s standing at the altar.
5. Dedra’s “I love you” in Imperial Matrimony. I personally believe she’s capable of saying the words, but she’s not connected enough to her emotions to be cognizant of whether she means them. When she tells Syril she loves him, she’s trying to protect herself and the operation she’s about to embark on. But it also sort of rips her apart to say it, which she hadn’t anticipated. In her way and in that fic, at least, I do think she loves him. Never more than her duty and standing, of course, but she’s at least fond of his presence and would rather he stay than go.
Ask me my Top 5 or Top 10 anything!
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ohbo-ohno · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
thankssssss @ceilidho for the tag <333 i'll tag anyone who sees this and wants an excuse to do it lmao (also @vanderilnde)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
a measly 10
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
a less measly 215,864
3. What fandoms do you write for?
call of duty!!! + a couple wips from a couple scattered fandoms, but really just cod
4. Top five by kudos.
kinktober, don't leave me locked in your heart, i'll eat you whole, run until you feel your lungs bleeding, and then my collection of x reader drabbles
5. Do you respond to comments?
i kinda wish i did more, and i usually respond to my friends! but tbh i noticed when i first started posting that i would feel like crazzzyyyy guilty if i didn't respond to every comment, so i decided it was better to respond to none. also i kept saying the exact same things again and again
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
personally i think it's either "run until you feel your lungs bleeding" or "i'll eat you whole", just because i feel like both of those have my meanest version of ghost? so it feels angstiest to leave johnny/reader with him lmaoo
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ummmm maybe my price x reader meet cute drabble? or this kinktober gaz x reader? could be this 141 x reader kinktober drabble?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no!!! not on ao3! i've gotten a few comments here and there that are pretty clearly making fun of me, but never a straight up capital-h Hate comment
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover.
couldn't do it, sorry!!! however if someone out there wants to write a moon knight x hannibal crossover where will is one of marc's alters, link it to me and i'll give you my life savings
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? but i've had at least one uploaded into an ai bot, which i count as stealing personally
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not! i would be totally totally willing to, if i could get over my personal crazy low writing self-esteem lmaoo
14. All time favorite ship?
klaus and caroline from the vampire diaries and it's not even close. i don't think it's a lie to say i've read over 600 fics of them. they're my everything
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
an old abandoned konig x reader. gave up on it about 2.3k
16. What are your writing strengths?
i genuinely could not tell you lmaoo. i've got a really negative view of myself so i have a crazy difficult time evaluating my strengths and weaknesses!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i really struggle with anything that doesn't actually lead to sex, as much as it makes me sound like a gooner lmaoo. i have a hard time moving Plot along without it feeling super obvious that that's what i'm trying to do
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i hate hate hate when it's not translated immediately. sorry, even when the perspective character isn't supposed to know, i get really annoyed when i don't know what a character is saying lmao
19. First fandom you wrote in?
god, maybe shadowhunters? i tried my hand at writing a few pages for pretty much everything i liked when i was younger, so i'm really not sure what was really the first one. could be shadowhunters, grey's anatomy, five night's at freddy's, harry potter, percy jackson.... any one of those is totally possible
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
it's probably my least popular fic but i wrote a werewolf soap x monster hunter ghost drabble that i still love so much. but i also really really love i'll eat you whole still :)
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fon-master-ion · 1 year
Go nuts, buddy
HI :) disorganized Octopath thoughts: GO! If this ends up in the main tag for some reason I’m sorry this is a birthday exclusive infodump
Octopath traveler 2 is a JRPG available on the switch, PC, and PlayStation released in 2023 :) It follows 8 different protagonists, each with their own unique story that all intertwine into a much larger plot :) Each character is a different class!!! You pick a guy to start with and then go around the world map to pick up everyone else, this was my order as well as their stories
Hikari (warrior)- A kindhearted prince from the nation of Ku, who’s bloodline is cursed/possessed to intrusive thoughts of violence and bloodshed. After being framed for the death of his father, the king, by his brother Mugen and shunned from Ku, he journeys to raise an army to take back his nation and lead it to a future without bloodshed.
Castti (apothecary)- found at sea with no memories, the only clues she has to who she was are a bloodstained journal and an apothecary’s satchel. She’s caring and compassionate. Meeting a strange apothecary named Malaya, she journeys to recover her lost memories.
Partitio (merchant)- a warm, sunshine-y country boy from a silver mining town. After his town became overtaken by capitalists, he experienced the horror of poverty firsthand. He journeys to see the world and end the cruel clutches of capitalism through commerce.
Agnea (dancer)- A small town girl with a big heart and bigger passion to make people smile through dance. After saving enough money to travel the world, she journeys to bring joy to the world, like her late mother did.
Ochette (hunter)- An energetic beastling, a race which lives in harmony with nature. After the feared “Scarlet Night” threatens her island home, she journeys to bring the three guardian dieties of the land back to the island.
Throné (thief)- a cutthroat assassin from the underground organization known as the Blacksnakes. Despite how she can take a life faster than tying a shoe, she despises the scent of blood and longs to be free. She journeys to take the life of the leaders of the Snakes to earn her freedom.
Temenos (cleric)- sharp-tongued “inquisitor” of the church of flame, who functions as a sort of detective. After a dastardly murder of the pontiff and tensions between the Sacred Guard, he journeys to find the truth of the church’s intrigue.
Osvald (scholar)- A gruff, stoic man. He used to be a magic professor, but was framed for the murder of his wife and child and sentenced to life in prison. He journeys to kill the man who took everything from him, Harvey.
The gameplay is turn based with a focus on exploring weaknesses in order to get foes into a vulnerable state. It’s also pretty big on setting up! The biggest thing though is known as the boost mechanic that powers up your moves in 3 increments, timing your boosts right combined with buffing and breaking foes results in super satisfying gameplay <|:•)
Each characters story is separated into chapters, depending on the character there’s different amounts of chapters! For example Hikari has 5 chapters, but Temenos only has 4 because his chapter 3 is separated into two routes (like 3a and 3b) while Ochette only has 3 because her chapter 2 is separated into three routes. Besides a recommended level, you can literally play them in any order! You can focus on one characters story or do one chapter for each traveler, it’s whatever you want!!! And besides your main traveler, you can switch out the members of your party and organize them any way you’d like!!!
Each character has “path actions”, where you can interact with NPCs as you explore the world. You have different actions based on if it’s day or night. For example, Hikari can challenge NPCs to a one on one fight to gain access to new skills in battle, and at night he can spend money to bribe NPCs for information. Throné, however, can steal items from NPCs during the day, and knock people out at night. Many path actions intersect in use (Osvald, Castti, Temenos, and Hikari all have a path action to gain information) but they vary! Osvald’s is percentage based (ex. 80% chance to obtain information), Castti’s is level based (ex need to be level 30 to gain information, but it’s guaranteed) Temenos’ is battle based (must break an NPC in battle to gain information), and Hikari’s is money based (need to have the money to bribe people and gain information)
You don’t need to know anything about the original octopath to play it, but there’s cool references and the like
Ok I think that’s good for a basic overview. Bonus LGBT headcanons :)
-Agnea: Bi trans ace (she/her)
-Throné: Trans lesbian (they/she)
-Osvald: #straightosvaldsaturday + ace spec (he/him)
-Castti: Sapphic ace (she/her)
-Hikari: non binary bi ace spec (he/they)
-Temenos: queer non binary (any pronouns)
-Ochette: Agender aro (any pronouns)
-Partitio: Trans bi (he/him)
-Crick: Gay man (he/him)
Speaking of headcanons I have over 13 pages of them. Oops. Every time someone likes this post I’ll share one ok bye
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autogynocrat · 2 years
thivvy what's your opinions on nespresso coffee?
i will start by saying nestle is a fundamentally evil company and i try to boycott them however i can. yes, no ethical consumption under capitalism etc, but i think nestles practices are bad enough to justify trying to avoid them.
now let's separate the art from the artist:
ALL coffee pod systems carry with them the problem of sustainability. each cup you make with them generates plastic or aluminum waste from the pods. this doesn't sit right with me personally.
the machines themselves are expensive. and per cup coffee pods are more expensive than beans or grounds.
the coffee itself is bad! super stale dark roast. why pay more money for worse coffee? convenience??? you can diy pods with your own coffee inside but then why? you give up the convenience and you just end up with a keurig that thinks its an espresso machine. and its not even good espresso.
real espresso has around a 1:2 real of grounds input to coffee output. usually 20g in 40g espresso out. nespresso pods have like 4-10g of coffee but output a similar amount of liquid. nespresso is watery and weak like my cum after i started taking estrogen but i think my cum probably has better taste and more caffeine than those beans.
depending on what you want theres a lot of better choices whether you want convenience, espresso, or just coffee. also nestle is ontologically evil dont buy from them on purpose
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fulgurbugs · 2 years
ok i’m about to go to bed but i’m like halfway thru the main stories of everyone and here’s my octopath 2 thoughts so far:
Hikari go brrrrrrr. this guy hits like a damn truck
also, i learned how concoct works finally and i am now a true concoct beliver. luv u castti <3
a lot of stuff was nerfed for some classes, some of it i like, some of it i miss
-no more 8stack reflect magic damage, RIP. cleric final ability is no longer a double cast but instead allows the target to take an extra turn after everyone else (i like this one, opens a lot of cool stuff you can do, but you also need to manage bp more if you wanna max your damage or casts instead of just getting double. cleric also now has an SP stealing staff move, reflect is replaced with a shielding move that prevents a % of damage based on boost, and also gains a physical and elemental buff. overall really good changes to the class.
scholar no longer has double hit spells. i kinda miss these, i really didn’t get much use out of the new skills scholar has, except for elemental barrage, which can be good for scouting weaknesses or big damage if solo targeting. but it means enemies with primarily magic based weaknesses are more annoying to break.
i think those two classes got the biggest overhauls. everything else of the 8 main classes seems to have its biggest tools intact (leghold, donate bp, etc) so i was pretty familiar with how to setup and beat bosses pretty efficiently. i do miss the generic multi hit wind and dark spells a lot tho….
otherwise, despite overall nerfs to some of the stronger more abusable strategies (i’m told runelord tressa equivalent is still in the game tho) latent power is balancing that out by being also busted as hell and fun to use. all of them are unique and a fun extra management tool that can make or break your turns. (poor castti tho, if you have enough money, hers is kind of irrelevant.)
ok. don’t really like how casttis chapter 4 boss has basically the same gimmick as alfyns, with max hp reducing poison. i think this fight is harder than alfyns by a little bit tho.
Hikaris final chapter is. super long. there’s 3 whole boss fights in the last chapter, so be ready for a lot of those in a row. i found the second boss harder than the third fight tho.. lol. it’s again also kinda similar to olberics ch4 so i already knew how to cheese it a bit, though it wasn’t as easy to set up on this guy.
partitios ch4 was piss easy, just did not hit very hard lol. and i don’t think the boss has that much health
throne ch4 was also pretty easy, but had a pretty cool unique mechanic. makes you play a bit different with it because of it, so you gotta get creative sometimes or compromise on your damage etc. good stuff even if it wasn’t too bad on me.
casttis story was ok. didn’t like it as much as alfyns in ot1 but it wasn’t terrible. i think i’m just usually not that big on amnesia plot lines. i like castti a lot in her travel banters tho, she’s actually pretty funny compared to how serious she always is in her story chapters.
hikari was pretty alright too. i think his evil demon blood is probably tied to galdera in some way, but they never actually explain where it comes from in his route and i was kinda waiting on it the whole time. kinda funny he becomes king and all, gets crowned, and then we’re off to go to partitios silly capitalism project with the new king of ku in tow.
partitio himself is probably my favorite traveler so far, but i think his story falls a little flat at the end. mostly because mr roque gets literally no comeuppance at the end despite literally ruining multiple towns worth’s of peoples lives by putting them in abject poverty and extorting them. partitio just goes i’ll hire you and we’re back to hunky-dory. kinda wish he didn’t accept defeat and suicided or was killed by his own creation or something more fitting, partitio never even confronts him for scamming his family and altering the contract. like come on man.
Throne. i don’t know how i feel about this one, the chapter 4 is. insane. you will never predict how the fuck her story wraps up, so i actually won’t even say even with the spoiler warning. just go fucking play the chapter 4 lol. i like the stuff in her chapter 3s with mother and father tho, even if it’s edgy and whatever. throne also has some fun travel dialogues, i like her well enough. it’s just that the chapter 4 is so bonkers i can’t decide how i feel about it and her lol. idk
looking forward to the other 4! i think all the stories are solid despite if it seems like im saying otherwise here, they’re definitely on par with the first game, which i think had quite a bit simpler plots lol. cant wait to get to the cross character chapters as well!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 115
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Tonight’s Episode: Kefla Whoops Goku’s ass!
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Last time, Goku had defeated Caulifla and Kale, but they had a secret weapon up their sleeves!  Well, I think Caulifla was keeping hers in her belt/sash thing, really.  Turns out Champa gave them Potara Earrings before the tournament started, with instructions to put them on late in the tournament.  So now we’ve got Kefla, and if she’s anything like Vegito, then Goku is in deep trouble.
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Kefla’s only real weakness seems to be that it takes her a bit to get used to how overwhelmingly powerful she is.  When she leaps at Goku, she overshoots him, for instance.  But it doesn’t take her long to get used to her body.  Come to think of it, Vegito had a similar period of adjustment. 
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Although... when Vegito returned in Episode 66, he was ready to rock right out of the gate.  I guess that only makes sense, seeing as it was the second time Goku and Vegeta fused.  Still, it’s kind of weird to think about how Vegito remembers being two different guys, then being Vegito, then separating again, then being Vegito again after a number of years.  I guess it’s no different from all the times Gotenks has shown up, but I’m used to thinking of Gotenks as a temporary thing.  Vegito is too, apparently, but I still think of him as this one-and-for-all deal that just happened to cancel out. 
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Anyway, Kefla’s putting the boots to Goku, and she’s only in base form. 
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What’s she doing--?  AW SHIT!  IT’S THE GIANT SWING!
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Okay, so she does have the hair tie from Kale.  I’ve seen fan artists draw Kefla with her hair “down” and I never understood what they were getting that from.  Anyway, the audience is counting the swings.  Goku’s dizzy as hell right now! 
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Arrgh! The centrifugal force!  Chris Jericho tapped out to this once.  But Goku won’t because he’s not fighting Cell this time he knows Universe 7 is counting on him!
She just keeps swinging his ass!   While we’re waiting, here’s KISS with the hit song, “She”. 
Meanwhile, Beerus complains about the use of Potara being illegal.  Champa doesn’t see the problem, and the Grand Zenos think it’s cool, so that makes it legal. 
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So Beerus demands to use Potara earrings himself, and mugs Shin. Whis points out that there’s a risk to this.  If Androids 17 and 18 fuse, for example, they might get an incredible warrior out of it (Shin calls this “Android 35″).  However, if that fused fighter makes a mistake and gets eliminated, then they lose two fighters in one stroke. 
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Meanwhile, Vegeta is still fighting Top, and he keeps getting distracted by how powerful Kefla is.  Top offers to eliminate him so he can watch the action from the bench, and then he puts the squeeeeeeeeze on Vegeta, which is nice, because it’s always fun to see him get worked over.
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Meanwhile... yuck!  Gohan and Piccolo are fighting U6′s Namekians, and Pilina does the long-arm bit, and Gohan just stomps right through it!  That’s messed up!
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I mean, he can grow it back, of course.  They’re just like the U7 Namekians.  Really, the only awkward thing is that Pilina wears gloves, which means he has to go find his severed arm and get the glove.  Well, maybe he Clothes Beamed himself a new glove.  All we really see is him putting it on. 
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Meanwhile, while Universes 3, 4, 7, and 11 aren’t interested in exploiting fusion, Universe 2 decides to give it a shot, and Helles tosses Potara earrings to Zarbuto and Rabanra.  Things immediately look bad when Zarbuto can’t get his on because he’s too dumb to remove his helmet. 
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Then Kefla charges through them while fighting Goku, and the Potara are shattered.  Easy come, easy go, Helles concludes.
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Meanwhile, 18 has an owie, and Catopesra shows up to capitalize.
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But 17 shows up to bail her out.  Aww...
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Meanwhile, Goku finally manages to reach Super Saiyan Blue.  As before, this is probably something he wasn’t quite ready to try yet.  Remember, Jiren kicked Goku’s ass in Episode 110 and he’s been fighting Caulifla and Kale to try to get back in the groove as he recovers. So he’s not just sandbagging in lower forms to drag this fight out.  He probably couldn’t turn Blue until somewhere around this moment. 
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But Kefla turns Super Saiyan, so Goku’s probably still at a disadvantage here.  That’s the power of fusion.  Speaking of fusion, the dub keeps referring to it as “merging” in this episode, which seems odd to me, since they called it “fusion” almost exclusively before.  It’s like there was some directive from Toei about it, but I can’t imagine why.  Maybe someone wanted to restrict “fusion” to the Fusion Dance as opposed to the Potara thing.
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Not a whole lot for me to say here.  They shoot rapid fire ki blasts and go to town on each other...
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Vegeta finally manages to overpower Top, but he doesn’t eliminate him, so either he knows Top’s still got a lot left in him, or he’s too distracted by Super Kefla to think straight.
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Eventually, Goku has to use Kaio-ken to keep up, but he still keeps up.  At one point he does an Instant Transmission to fake Kefla out, then reappears in the same spot to land a blow.  Nice twist on the technique after Caulifla had his usual tactics scouted. 
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But ultimately, Kefla gets the better of him, and lands a heavy kick to the side of Goku’s head. 
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He’s down.  Kefla congratulates him for putting up such a great fight, but it’s over, and all that’s left is to throw him out of the ring.
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Or.... not.  Goku rises to his feet and says he won’t give up.  He’s still got some fight left in him.  So Kefla throws some more ki blasts at him and...
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Hello! I was going through your old posts and realized you have AUs called “Beta” and “No Straight Alternatives!” If possible, could you elaborate on those two AUs? Thanks!
Yeah sure! Pretty sure you're talking about THIS post.
Second on is really easy. No Straight Alternatives turned into Failed Revolution! It was initially an AU that was supposed to keep 1010 in a very robotic style with little real human traits. Things like fully metal skin and hair, and limited facial movement. I quickly forgot about that name but kept the main component. It turned into Failed Revolution soon after which stuck in my head until I started posting about it.
Beta AU is literally me thinking of making an AU based off the beta designs of the characters. Like, literally everything is basically the same, but people just look like their Beta selves. It's not really something I put much thought into beyond that post.
Since you brought up that old post, I'm gonna use it to talk about my other AU's lol :3
Fun fact about No Straight Magick, it's basically abandoned, but only in the sense that I split it into 2 different AUs in my head. The original thought about NSM was to put a focus on the elemental version of people and give magical capabilities to those elements. However, even though I put a lot of work into the world building and junk, I got tired of it real quick because I was basically trying to make a hard magic system for it when I personally prefer soft magic systems.
So I split the AU into 2 separate versions! I took the main magic component and created a world of magic but all the characters are human. They have no physical elemental aspects at all really but have elemental magic. Though they aren't heavily tied to that magic like I was doing for NSM. Honestly, this one is also a combination or at least another version of my human AU. I have my regular human AU where there is no magic and I pretend to be in when bored at school, and then my magical human AU (or I guess witch? idk) that I think of when full on daydreaming.
The other AU that split from that takes the elemental versions and basically changes them to fictional creatures/myths. Basically my Magical Beast AU. Like Rin is part dragon, Mama and Yinu are like spriggans from Elder Scrolls Online, Nova is a thing I call a StarChild (probably a different or already established thing but I made up some of my own species to fit my idea, some don't have names like Neon being a kind of shapeshifter and Martha being a creature that feeds on love and magic). So this AU doesn't have the same magic in the sense of casting spells (except for some creatures) but everyone has their own kind of magic to some degree.
Then there's also my Swap AU which I need to do a lot of work on as I am unhappy with the way it went. I still like space 1010, but I want to change a lot of other stuff because it was a complete mashup of different swap concepts and it has a super weak premise and roles honestly. But basically it's just NSR with the characters in different order, though I never capitalized on how that could affect things.
So yeah! My main 5 AUs in my head are OG, FRAU, Swap, Magick, and Beast. Though now I am kinda adding an AU with Neon's bro alive in my head, and not that you mentioned it I might start thinking about a Beta AU a lot more lol. I definitely have more AUs, I just can't think of any more of them right now.
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maburito · 2 years
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I posted 2,564 times in 2022
That's 64 more posts than 2021!
81 posts created (3%)
2,483 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,697 of my posts in 2022
Only 34% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon - 274 posts
#rwby - 151 posts
#fav video - 111 posts
#monochrome - 51 posts
#weiss schnee - 51 posts
#the exile - 50 posts
#burito talk - 43 posts
#puppet history - 39 posts
#blake belladonna - 36 posts
#twc - 32 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#and she went ''why does she play more with other pokemons than me....i'll be super nice and sweet from now on so she'll play more with me!'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Man Tumblr is truly so much better than Twitter, everytime I go there people complain that Legends Arceus sucks like shut the fuck up, who cares about graphism. It's not even that bad in the first place, yall just keep comparing it to BOTW when the game was made in 1 fucking year compared to BOTW which took 3 years
37 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
I know it's annoying but I'm not done thinking about Pokémon, especially Pokémon Legends Arceus. Like the game is already a breath of fresh air in the franchise but what's really frustrating is that I know it could have been the best pokemon game of all time if capitalism wasn't a thing and the Pokémon company let their developers actual time to make good games, rather than prioritizing the numbers of game coming out in short time.
Like they really really didn't need to have the 9th generation coming out this year, Legends Arceus could have had DLCs and I know people would have been all over it.
More than anything though, if Gamefreak developpers had as much time and means for Legends Arceus as the Legend of Zelda team had for Breath of the Wild, there would have been no need for a 9th generation to come out the following months it would have probably made enormous sales
I would rather wait for a well developed game that take me hours to finish then one that was barely scrapped together so the next one could be produced and so on.
54 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
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@gisellasmoonflower gave me the best of birthday gift by making this moodboard for another of my TWC detective Louise Delaunay!! Thank you so much friend :D!
Louise Delaunay, hedgehog lovers, great baker and fascinated by history, she is a real sweetheart. But don't mistake her sweetness for weakness, sass at her and she will sass right back.
Despite her deduction skills and abilities to read people like open books, rose colored glasses can make her blind. A big romantic like herself has gotten her heart broken falling too fast for the wrong people before....
Her little hedgehog friend's name is Spikey uwu
89 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
On a scale of stupidity, are you a "takes a beloved whimsical childhood franchise and make a found footage horror movie out of your own creation" kind of stupid ?
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92 notes - Posted April 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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If you've got to that moment in the game, you know what I'm talking about
319 notes - Posted February 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kodev · 2 years
MY GOODNESS THATS SO IN DEPTH!! Love it!! Few more things sorry for putting them all in one ask
1) I have absolutely 0 previous mahoyaku knowledge so it was vaguely word salad to me like. I got the gist but if you wish to elaborate (mahoyaku for dummies)
2) Relationship chart would be awesome yes
3) I LOVE THESE GUYS. I'm shaking them around they're so well thought out and cool seriously seriously so excited to see the game!
okay first off i am so sorry for this like month late response... im currently a high school senior in the midst of college apps season haha so i havent had time to really do anything T__T my apologies again... and thank u for the questions! i will literally talk about mhyk for ages if enabled lol. word dump below
mhyk for dummies: mahoyaku is a pretty boy mobage. i am so sorry i just need to get that out there. anyways two things that *i* think that set it apart from other mobages is its not an otome so you cant date any of the characters AND its got more of a focus on non-romantic pairings i guess? idk if that makes sense but it does show and i do greatly enjoy the relationships (platonic, romantic, or whatever the fuck) between a lot of the characters since imo its very well written. even if i havent been keeping up with any of the stories. ALSO since its in a wizard universe they do some pretty cool things with gender... dont want to say they are nonbinary but the creator did confirm that gender works differently for wizards. Highly enjoyable. Also a lot of bisexuals but some of them embarass me
ANYWAYS its a wizard world... wizards are born as like um.. idk theyre pretty rare unless its hereditary i think but i would say out of 100 random human babies one of them is a wizard. this comes with neat perks like: magic! immortality as long as you dont get killed (tbf its very hard to get killed if youre magic but wtv)! trying to think of other perks but really i think thats it! it also has cons like: a lot of people fucking hate you for no reason if they find out youre a wizard! and if you make a promise and break it you lose all ur magic :(. wizards turn into mana stones when they die (pretty rocks, also the gacha currency which is really fucking funny), which other wizards can eat to gain power or humans can use to power magic tools. ppl wont find out youre a wizard unless you start using magic or youre there long enough so that ppl r like "Hey its been 50 years why is this guy not aging". (ofc u only STOP aging after u hit ur magic peak but thats only a fun bit of trivia that isnt super relevant? idk)
before i get into anything else: there are 5 countries (north, east, south, west, central, very creatively named ik ik). north is a brutal country, the idea of survival of the fittest is probably taken to the extreme there, although there are some exceptions. its "ruled" by whoever the reigning wizards are there at the time, which leads to some pretty insane northern wizards! so muchmental illness. east has probably the worst of wizard hating, very forested country and ppl there tend to be pretty isolated/keep to themselves but witch? wizard? hunts are fairly common there. probably worst place societally to live as a wizard. south is the nicest place to live out of the five sort of... i think in recent history the coal miners overthrew the feudal lords so the entirety of south is still sort of being actively developed, its kind of barren but also not? idk. wizards and humans live in harmony in south, but as a result, the wizards there are also known for being really weak and err... "softhearted" in comparison. western country is full of insane people. they also generally dont like wizards but if youre funny enough theyll enjoy you. western is sort of steampunky as a result of being like the idk tech capital of the wizard world. most western wizards are fucking insane but in a really benevolent and cute way. im skipping over an insane amount of worldbuilding btw HELP umm theres nuance to all of these places nods nods im kind of just giving the broad strokes here. anyways finally central! i love central. sort of the trading hub of the world. had a famous revolution led by wizards about 100 years ago and there was wizard jesus christ. anyways wizard jesus christ gets betrayed by his closest friend, his closest friend burns him at the stake, the revolution fails but then his closest friend rewrites history to portray wizard jesus christ as a saint and also to say that the revolution wasnt for wizards but rather against the reigning king by humans? i love central rev btw such interesting worldbuilding... sedespa and aapeli from my game aare from central rev. ANYWAYS thats probably the closest i can get to the mhyk for dummies < guy who didnt talk about the pplot or characters of mahoyaku at all.
also the moon is evil and tries to kill everyone once a year they call it the great calamity. not super relevant for my game but very relevant for mahoyaku.
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had to make this quickly sorry lol THANK U FORASKING AGAINNN
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Bad Food. These Abusers Have Always Been Obsessed. As Long As We're Here This Will Keep Happening... Btw We Played More Of Those 2 But Scary Things Happened So Couldn't Do So More Today. Not Much Happened Again. Just Like We Still Haven't Transitioned. Meanwhile We Played Only 1 Fight Everyone Was Dying Even Alain Was Super Weak Until The Rest Ganged Up On The Enemy Now He Could End Things Easily The Elves Are Super Epic With Their Entire Front Row 3 Times Wind Attacks. That's Crazy How Much Stronger They're. All The Groups Are Super Weak Just Because Those Animals Tear Trough Anything... Everyone Is Super Useless Now Omg... Even After Promotions. Btw William Afton Didn't Deserve To Die Any Times Atleast In Such A Way Because That Teaches Bigots To Be Apathetic Torwards Crazy People. That's All The Comments On Videos Of His Death Are Either He's Bad Or Uhh I Feel Soo Badd For All These Other Characters Despite The Scene Being About The Death Of A Crazy Person Potrayed As Justified By A Conservative Bigot 😝😝... Showcasing Bigothon Already Brainwashed His Child Fanbase To Be Apathetic Torwards Politics Until That Is Time To Defend Him For "Having An Opinion" And Pretty Much Any Other "Canceled" Figure. Just More Reason To Do The Opposite...
Bet They Know Excactly What They're Doing Tbh. They Already Speak And Behave Like Conservatives. And Hate Lgbt And Feminism Aswell As Crazy People And More Aswell.
100%. And Still Machines Like Isayama Want To Make Us Think Otherwise. All Manga Shit Going How Cute And Innocent They Used To Be!! Losers Crying "I Want To Be 12 Again!! Back Then There Were No Problems!!" There Always Were Actually. We Have Always Been Abused Always Suffered From Birth From This Body. Always Were Hurt And Abused And Abused At School And Other Places Other Kinds Of Evil And... Nobody Ever Cared About Us And Capitalism Always Treated Us This Way. Either They're Privledged Or They're Just Agephobic Which Is What They Already Are. This Isn't Age This Is Capitalism. Only A Showcase Really: They Just Used To Be Ignorant And Still Are. Sanism And Ableism Too. The Society's Evil "Therapy" Ideology All Wants To Make You Think Everything Is New Didn't Used To Be There You're Worse Now Look Can't You See!! When They Always Were There. And They Blame You For Their Messess. Such Nonsense Is Nothing But Abuse Of All Kinds. Only A Fool Would Allow Themselves Such Harm.
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yolacricket · 6 months
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dossantosspirit · 9 months
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Top 100 songs of 2023
100. Miley Cyrus - Flowers
99. Tirzah - Promises
98. Joesef - It’s Been a Little Heavy Lately
97. Carly Rae Jepsen - Psychedelic Switch
96. Ashnikko - Cheerleader
95. Nation of Language - Weak in Your Light
94. Janelle Monáe - Float (ft. Seun Kuti and Egypt 80)
93. Fifty Fifty - Cupid
92. The Kills - New York
91. Romy - She’s on My Mind
90. Jessie Ware - Free Yourself
89. Zach Bryan - I Remember Everything (ft. Kacey Musgraves) 
88. Róisín Murphy - Coocool
86. Squid - Swing (In A Dream)
85. Peggy Gou - (It Goes Like) Nanana
84. Shamir - Oversized Sweater
83. The National - The Alcott (ft. Taylor Swift)
82. Mandy, Indiana - Pinking Shears
81. You Me At Six - No Future? Yeah Right (ft. Rou Reynolds)
80. Tyla - Water
79. Arlo Parks - Weightles
78. Hitsujibungaku - More Than Words
77. Slowdive - kisses
76. Indigo De Souza - Smog
75. Feist - Hiding Out In The Open
74. Margo Price - County Road
73. Raye - Ice Cream Man
72. Laufey - From The Start
71. Paris Texas - TenTHIRTYseven
70. The Hives - Bogus Operandi
69. Pangaea - Installation
68. Black Belt Eagle Scout - My Blood Runs Through This Land
67. Bad Bunny - WHERE SHE GOES
65. Bombay Bicycle Club - Diving (ft. Holly Humberstone)
64. The Beaches - Blame Brett
63. Troye Sivan - Rush
62. Yaeji - For Granted
61. Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro - Beso
60. PJ Harvey - I Inside the Old I Dying
59. Margaret Glaspy - Act Natural
58. Flo - Fly Girl
57. U.S. Girls - Tux (Your Body Fills Me, Boo)
56. Bring Me The Horizon - LosT
55. Jenny Lewis - Psychos
54. (G)I-DLE - Queencard
53. Jim Legxacy - eye tell (!)
52. Bully - Days Move Slow
51. James Blake - Tell Me
50. Kali Uchis - Moonlight
49. XG - Shooting Star
48. Victoria Monét - On My Mama
47. Blur - The Narcissist
46. Fall Out Boy - Heartbreak Feels So Good
45. Amaarae - Reckless & Sweet
44. Genesis Owusu - Leaving the Light
43. Mahalia - Terms and Conditions
42. Skrillex, Fred again.., and Flowdan - Rumble
41. Baby Keem and Kendrick Lamar - The Hillbillies
40. Blondshell - Olympus
39. Sofia Kourtesis - How Music Makes You Feel Better
38. ANOHNI and the Johnsons - It Must Change
37. Billie Eilish - What Was I Made for?
36. Soccer Mommy - Soak Up The Sun
35. Hannah Jadagu - Warning Sign
34. V - Love Me Again
33. Slow Pulp - Slugs
31. billy woods & Kenny Segal - Facetime (ft. Samuel T. Hearing)
30 .Young Fathers - Rice
29. Ratboys - Morning Zoo
28. PinkPantheress - Boy's a liar Pt. 2 (ft. Ice Spice)
27. Sampha - Spirit 2.0
26. Fever Ray - Shiver
25. Overmono - Good Lies
23. Paramore - Running Out of Time
22. 100 gecs - Hollywood Baby
21. Noname - namesake
20. Big Thief - Vampire Empire
19. Fred Again.. & Baby Keem - leavemealone
18. Foo Fighters - Under You
17. Taylor Swift - Is It Over Now? (Taylor’s Version)
16. Yves Tumor - Ebony Eye
15. The Murder Capital - Return My Head
14. Julie Byrne - Summer Glass
13. Nourished by Time - Daddy
12. Wednesday - Chosen to Deserve
11. Mannequin Pussy - I Got Heaven
10. yeule - Sulky Baby
9. Sufjan Stevens - Will Anybody Ever Love Me?
8. XG - Left Right
7. Caroline Polachek - Pretty In Possible
6. Olivia Rodrigo - Vampire
5. McKinley Dixon - Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!?
4. boygenius - Not Strong Enough
3. Lana Del Rey - A&W
2. NewJeans - Super Shy
1. Mitski - My Love Mine All Mine
Playlist on Spotify
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