#supercharger vs turbo
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Music: Skeler - ID
After checking in with Mara, and restocking on supplies from his safe house tucked away in Santo, Jack gets into his modified Mitzutani Shion and makes for the nearest Hyperlane entrance.
Setting the Hyperlane auto-driver to the Northern Industrial District Sector 12 exit.
The steering wheel retracts, his seat moves and leans backwards to a 45 degree angle as the vehicle engages it's mag-lev guided system and launches forward, pulling 2gs, pressing him into the syn-leather seats. The skin on his face distorts ever so slightly, but only takes a few seconds to adjust to this new accelerated norm. 300 mph, driven by a supercharged BMW E30 engine, a swap out from it's stock 5-cyclinder; a twin turbo aspiration for better usage in his races as opposed to a single which would be better off the line. Lastly, the piece that makes this all possible on the Hyperlane, a mag-lev system installed on the bottom of the car that acts like a rail-gun accelerator. Using an advanced Electro-magnet, it works in tandem with the Hyperlane's electro magnets built into the road. I would direct you to this link for in-depth information on how Mag-lev propulsion works if you're not familiar.
It'll be 20 minutes before he reaches the NID at this speed. With the Hyperlanes having a diameter of roughly 100 miles give or take a dozen here and there.
During this time, Jack call's Gordie "Optic" Dockett. A Media out of Watson's mega-building 10. He'd done work with him before, specifically the Dynalar gig with Mara, and the guy seemed capable. Though he didn't like the idea of splitting the pot.
The holo rings…."Jack, Mara tells me you might need a hand?"
"Yea I've got this guy in NID that owes a bookie in Watson money."
"Bookie in Watson? Who?"
"No idea, wasn't in the deets. Anyhow, I'm not sure what I'm walkin into so if you don't mind being an extra body.."
Gordie cuts him off, "I got you Jack, no worries. Just slide a piece of that 10 thou when you're done."
Jack curses to himself. Why the fuck did Mara tell him how much it was?
"Sure, let's call it a flat 2 and see where it goes from there."
Jack rolls a 17 for Persuasion vs. Gordie Dockett's 23
"Woah woah. 20%? Maybe it's cause we haven't worked together enough but I ain't some hired muscle. You call me, shits getting done. I want 40 flat, and 50 if there's issues."
Jack grits his teeth. He rolls a crit success 20 for Cool. He avoids being argumentative.
"Gouging me man. Alright whatever, fine 40 it is. I'll see you there."
Jack sends him some meet-up cords in NID and closes the call.
Jack messages Mara
Way to hand out too much info. The guy is takin half the pot …just let me explain the deets on the gig next time please.
Well fed hands, Jack. He did a lot of work pro-bono for me on my next gig.
For you. This is my gig with a different fixer. Just saying respect the boundaries.
Mara sends a confirmation but doesn't reply.
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vividracing · 1 month
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/corvette-c8-supercharger-comparison-magnuson-vs-procharger/
Corvette C8 Supercharger Comparison - Magnuson vs ProCharger
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When the Corvette C8 was released, it was one of the biggest automotive changes to come in a long time. Taking the traditional front end shark looking body targeted to a 40+ demographic, Corvette said, “well Ferrari, McLaren, and Lamborghini seem cool, lets try this too…” Although not a real quote, what GM did was open the Corvette market to a huge audience of enthusiasts. Sadly though, besides bolting on an exhaust and needing to have the 4 different valves work and maybe an air intake, there was NO big power mods. For years enthusiasts have strapped big supercharger and turbo kits to these LS engines to hit the drag strips and make serious power. But GM said, nope we are going to lock this ECU down tighter than dorm full of Catholic school girls. 
Over the past couple of years we have seen some YouTubers strap turbos and fuel computers to the cars to make some power, but its not really that reliable. All it takes is one person to unlock that ECU and then things get crazy. HP Tuners came out swinging and cracked the encryption which lead to mass insanity of making big power by tuning the C8’s actual ECU. Enter the picture of Magnuson and ProCharger, two of the largest and most renown supercharger manufactures. Having had a Magnuson Supercharger kit on my Tundra, I know what these are capable of when strapped to a V8. That roots style blower delivers immediate power where the centrifugal spools up a little like a turbo. But there is a reason for both… So we made a video a compared them!
Are you ready to strap on some big power to your Corvette C8? Check out the options we have here – https://www.vividracing.com/index.php?keywords=Corvette+C8+Supercharger
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annadaisy06 · 2 months
The P-38 Lightning vs. Focke-Wulf Fw 190: Clash of Titans in World War II Skies
World War II witnessed a clash of titans in the skies, as iconic fighters such as the P-38 Lightning and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 battled for supremacy. With powerful engines propelling them into combat, these formidable adversaries epitomized the technological prowess and strategic significance of aerial warfare. This narrative delves into the epic confrontation between these two legendary aircraft, exploring their design, capabilities, and pivotal roles in shaping the course of history.
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The P-38 Lightning: America's Twin-Engine Wonder
The P-38 Lightning emerged as a marvel of American engineering, boasting a revolutionary twin-engine design that set it apart from its contemporaries. Powered by two turbo-supercharged Allison V-1710 engines, each generating over 1,000 horsepower, the Lightning possessed unmatched speed, altitude performance, and versatility.
One of the most distinctive features of the P-38 was its twin-boom fuselage configuration, which provided exceptional stability and control, even at high speeds and altitudes. This design, coupled with a centralized cockpit and heavy armament, made the Lightning a formidable adversary in both air-to-air combat and ground attack missions.
In the hands of skilled pilots, the P-38 proved its mettle in theaters of war across the globe, from the deserts of North Africa to the skies over Europe and the Pacific. Whether engaging enemy fighters, escorting bombers, or conducting reconnaissance missions, this iconic aircraft played a pivotal role in securing air superiority for the Allied forces.
The Focke-Wulf Fw 190: Germany's Versatile Workhorse
In response to the Allied air threat, Germany unleashed the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, a versatile and deadly fighter designed to outclass its adversaries in speed, firepower, and maneuverability. Powered by the potent BMW 801 radial engine, the Fw 190 boasted impressive performance characteristics, including high speed, agility, and rate of climb.
The Fw 190's compact airframe and innovative design features, such as its sleek elliptical wings and streamlined fuselage, contributed to its exceptional aerodynamic efficiency and combat effectiveness. Armed with a formidable array of weaponry, including machine guns, cannons, and bombs, this German fighter struck fear into the hearts of Allied pilots.
In combat, the Fw 190 proved to be a formidable opponent, capable of outperforming and outmaneuvering Allied fighters with ease. Whether engaging in dogfights, intercepting bomber formations, or providing ground support, this iconic aircraft demonstrated remarkable versatility and adaptability on the battlefield.
Clash of Titans: The Battle for Air Superiority
The clash between the P-38 Lightning and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 epitomized the intensity and ferocity of aerial combat during World War II. In countless engagements, these iconic fighters squared off against each other, each seeking to gain the upper hand in the struggle for air superiority.
The Lightning's superior speed, altitude performance, and heavy firepower made it a formidable opponent for the Fw 190, allowing American pilots to engage their German counterparts with confidence. However, the Fw 190's agility, firepower, and innovative design features posed a significant threat to the P-38, forcing Allied pilots to adapt their tactics and strategies accordingly.
Despite the formidable challenges posed by the Fw 190, the P-38 Lightning ultimately proved to be a decisive factor in securing victory for the Allied forces. Its versatility, firepower, and exceptional performance characteristics played a crucial role in turning the tide of the war in favor of the Allies, ensuring that the skies remained firmly under their control.
Legacy and Impact: Shaping the Future of Aviation
The legacies of the P-38 Lightning and the Focke-Wulf Fw 190 extend far beyond their wartime exploits, influencing the course of aviation history and shaping the future of aerial warfare. These iconic fighters served as testbeds for new technologies, tactics, and doctrines, paving the way for the development of modern-day warplanes.
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Moreover, the stories of bravery and heroism associated with these legendary aircraft continue to inspire generations of aviators and aviation enthusiasts, reminding us of the sacrifices made by those who flew and fought in defense of freedom and democracy. As we reflect on their remarkable journeys, let us honor the legacy of these iconic fighters and the courageous pilots who flew them into battle.
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noahhsmustangs · 2 months
Turbos vs Superchargers
When it comes to increasing an engine's power, there are two main options: turbos and superchargers. Both systems work by forcing more air into the engine, but they do so in different ways. Turbos use exhaust gases to power a turbine that compresses incoming air. Superchargers use a belt-driven compressor for the same job. Turbos are generally more efficient and provide better power gains at high RPMs. However, they can suffer from a delay in power delivery known as "turbo lag." Superchargers deliver more immediate power gains and are easier to install but can be less efficient and create more heat. Ultimately, the choice between a turbo and a supercharger depends on personal preference and the vehicle's specific needs. Some people might prefer the smoother power delivery of a supercharger, while others might choose the high-RPM power surge of a turbo.
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jlbtuning · 5 months
Turbocharging vs Supercharging: Which is Right for Your Car?
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When it comes to enhancing the performance of your car, there are two popular options that stand out: turbocharging and supercharging. Both technologies aim to increase engine power, but they achieve this in different ways. In this blog post, we will explore the key differences between turbocharging and supercharging, helping you make an informed decision on which option is right for your car. Turbocharging: Unleashing the Power of Exhaust Gas Turbocharging relies on harnessing the energy from exhaust gases to drive a turbine connected to a compressor. This compressor, in turn, forces more air into the engine, allowing for a greater fuel-air mixture and ultimately resulting in more powerful combustion. The primary advantage of turbocharging is its efficiency in utilising waste energy from the exhaust system. Pros of Turbocharging: Efficiency: Turbochargers are more fuel-efficient since they use exhaust gases that would otherwise be wasted to generate additional power. High-End Power: Turbochargers are renowned for delivering extra power at higher RPMs, making them ideal for high-performance applications. Better Fuel Economy: Turbocharged engines often exhibit improved fuel efficiency, especially during cruising or light load conditions. Cons of Turbocharging: Turbo Lag: One common drawback is turbo lag, a delay in power delivery, which can be noticeable before the turbo spools up. Complexity: Turbocharged systems tend to be more complex than superchargers, leading to potentially higher maintenance costs. Supercharging: Direct Boost for Immediate Power Supercharging, on the other hand, involves a mechanically-driven compressor, usually powered by a belt connected to the engine's crankshaft. Unlike turbocharging, superchargers deliver immediate boost, providing increased power at lower RPMs. This results in a more responsive and instantaneous acceleration. Pros of Supercharging: Immediate Power: Superchargers provide instant power without the lag associated with turbochargers, making them ideal for low-end torque. Simplicity: Supercharger systems are generally simpler than turbochargers, leading to easier maintenance and potentially lower repair costs. Consistent Performance: Superchargers offer consistent performance across a wide range of engine speeds, making them well-suited for everyday driving. Cons of Supercharging: Fuel Efficiency: Superchargers can be less fuel-efficient than turbochargers since they are driven by the engine's crankshaft, consuming some of the engine's power. Heat Generation: Superchargers tend to generate more heat than turbochargers, potentially impacting engine cooling requirements. Choosing the Right Option: The decision between turbocharging and supercharging ultimately depends on your driving preferences, the intended use of your vehicle, and your budget. If you seek high-end power, are willing to manage turbo lag, and prioritise fuel efficiency, a turbocharger might be the better choice. On the other hand, if you crave immediate power, enjoy a more straightforward system, and prioritise low-end torque, a supercharger could be the ideal solution. Conclusion: Turbocharging and supercharging each have their unique advantages and disadvantages. The decision should be based on your driving style, intended use of the vehicle, and personal preferences. Whether you choose the efficiency of a turbocharger or the immediate power delivery of a supercharger, both technologies promise to elevate your driving experience and unleash the full potential of your car. For more information on getting your own engine or gearbox tuned please visit https://www.jlbtuning.co.uk for a Custom ECU Remapping service. #ecutuning #performancetuning #ecuupgrades #ecuremapping #ecutuners #gearboxtuning #bmwcoding #adbluedelete #hampshire #jlbtuning Read the full article
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4x4enginespecialists · 7 months
Land Rover Single Turbo Engine vs Other Types of Engines A Comparison
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Land Rover is a well-known brand of luxury SUVs that offers a range of engine options for its models. One of the most popular choices is the single turbo engine, which is a type of forced induction engine that uses a single turbine to compress air and increase the power output. But how does the single turbo engine compare to other types of engines, such as naturally aspirated, twin turbo, supercharged, or hybrid? In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each engine type and see how they affect the performance, fuel efficiency, reliability, and cost of Land Rover vehicles.
Naturally Aspirated Engine
A naturally aspirated engine is the simplest and most common type of engine, which does not use any form of forced induction to boost the air intake. Instead, it relies on the atmospheric pressure and the engine's design to fill the cylinders with air and fuel. The main benefits of a naturally aspirated engine are its simplicity, reliability, low maintenance, and low cost. However, the drawbacks are its lower power output, lower torque, and lower fuel efficiency compared to forced induction engines. A naturally aspirated engine is suitable for drivers who prefer a smooth and consistent driving experience, but not for those who seek high performance or off-road capabilities.
Twin Turbo Engine
A twin turbo engine is a type of forced induction engine that uses two turbines to compress air and increase the power output. There are two main configurations of twin turbo engines: parallel and sequential. A parallel twin turbo engine uses two identical turbines that operate simultaneously and share the same exhaust manifold. A sequential twin turbo engine uses two different-sized turbines that operate in sequence and have separate exhaust manifolds. The advantages of a twin turbo engine are its high power output, high torque, and high fuel efficiency compared to a naturally aspirated engine. However, the disadvantages are its complexity, higher maintenance, higher cost, and higher risk of turbo lag or failure. A twin turbo engine is suitable for drivers who want a powerful and responsive driving experience, but not for those who are concerned about reliability or cost.
Supercharged Engine
A supercharged Land Rover Engine is another type of forced induction engine that uses a compressor to compress air and increase the power output. Unlike a turbocharger, which is driven by the exhaust gas, a supercharger is driven by a belt or chain connected to the engine's crankshaft. The main benefit of a supercharged engine is its instant boost and minimal turbo lag compared to a turbocharged engine. However, the main drawback is its lower fuel efficiency and higher emissions due to the parasitic loss of power from driving the compressor. A supercharged engine is suitable for drivers who want a fast and exhilarating driving experience, but not for those who care about fuel economy or environmental impact.
Hybrid Engine
A hybrid engine is a type of engine that combines an internal combustion engine with an electric motor and a battery pack. The hybrid system can operate in different modes depending on the driving conditions and the driver's preference. For example, it can use only the electric motor for low-speed or stop-and-go driving, use only the internal combustion engine for high-speed or highway driving, or use both for optimal performance and efficiency. The main benefits of a hybrid engine are its high fuel efficiency, low emissions, and reduced dependency on fossil fuels compared to a conventional engine. However, the main drawbacks are its higher cost, higher weight, lower power output, and lower reliability compared to a conventional engine. A hybrid engine is suitable for drivers who want a green and economical driving experience, but not for those who seek high performance or durability.
Single Turbo Engine
A single turbo engine is a type of forced induction engine that uses one turbine to compress air and increase the power output. It is similar to a twin turbo engine in principle, but it has only one turbine instead of two. The main benefit of a single turbo engine is its balance between performance and efficiency compared to other types of engines. It has more power output, more torque, and more fuel efficiency than a naturally aspirated engine or a supercharged engine, but it has less complexity, less maintenance, and less cost than a twin turbo engine or a hybrid engine. However, the main drawback of a single turbo engine is its potential for turbo lag or failure compared to other types of engines. A single turbo engine is suitable for drivers who want a versatile and balanced driving experience, but not for those who demand extreme performance or reliability.
What is the difference between a turbocharger and a supercharger? A turbocharger is a device that uses the exhaust gas to spin a turbine that compresses air and increases the power output. A supercharger is a device that uses a belt or chain to drive a compressor that compresses air and increases the power output. What is turbolag? Turbo lag is the delay between the moment when the driver presses the accelerator pedal and the moment when the turbocharger delivers the boost. Turbo lag occurs because it takes time for the exhaust gas to spin the turbine and for the compressed air to reach the engine. What are the benefits of a hybrid engine? The benefits of a hybrid engine are its high fuel efficiency, low emissions, and reduced dependency on fossil fuels compared to a conventional engine. What are the drawbacks of a hybrid engine? The drawbacks of a hybrid engine are its higher cost, higher weight, lower power output, and lower reliability compared to a conventional engine. Read the full article
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vimejias · 1 year
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mtcmotorsport · 2 years
Charge Pipe vs. Downpipe: Know How Both of Them are Different?
A turbocharged or just turbo engine has various advantages. One is that because it takes in more air, it produces more power. You can bike more quickly and efficiently thanks to the extra power. A turbo engine is also lighter and smaller than an engine that produces the same amount of power without one.
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  However, we won't continue this conversation right now. We'll discuss two turbo engine parts that a lot of us find confusing. For example, how do the functions of a charge pipe and a downpipe differ from one another? We have what you need if this is what you're looking for.
Downpipe vs. Charge Pipe 
A charge pipe and rs3 downpipe are crucial parts of a turbocharged engine, as we've already mentioned. Both are essential for ensuring that the engine in your car runs smoothly and efficiently. Each, however, has a certain function to do. So what do these roles entail? How do they improve engine performance?
The engine of your car heats up as you drive. Generally speaking, a turbocharged engine suffers from the heat. For the car to operate as efficiently as possible, there must be a mechanism to combat it. 
How Do Downpipes Work? 
The exhaust air from a car's turbine housing is sent to the exhaust system by a downpipe, which is a segment of tubing. To put it another way, a downpipe is attached to the turbocharger's turbine housing to allow exhaust gases to exit the engine. Downpipes typically have constrictive catalytic converters.
If you want to push your high-tech, supercharged car to the utmost, you need to upgrade its stock downpipe. Keep in mind that an aftermarket one boosts the engine's performance and effectiveness. Additionally, you might want to swap out your catalytic converter for a more effective (high-flowing) model. 
After changing your turbo to function at a higher boost pressure, you might also want to update your downpipe. Your car's downpipe aftermarket might potentially increase noise levels. That's because louder turbos result from wider pipes allowing more exhaust to enter.
Unquestionably, an audi rs3 downpipe and a charge pipe are two distinct but equally important parts of a turbo application. The former is an intake manifold and intercooler-connected tube that has been mandrel-bent. It delivers the engine's turbocharged air. On the other hand, a downpipe is a piece of tubing that joins the exhaust side of the turbocharger to the vehicle's exhaust system. It aids the engine's exhaust vapours in leaving. However, both share a certain trait. They aid in boosting a car's overall efficiency and engine output.
To know more, visit: https://mtcmotorsport.co.uk/
Original source: https://bityl.co/DS3S
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evaninocom · 5 years
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Supercharger vs Turbocharger – Why Supercharged Car is Better than Turbo Supercharger vs turbocharger and why supercharged cars are better than a turbo car. Supercharger and turbocharger explained with Scotty Kilmer. Cars vs cars ... source 798194
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srtlife · 4 years
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VIDEO: Camaro ZL1 vs. 2 Boosted Coyote Mustangs! | Ford vs. Chevy @speed.fx Click link in bio for full video! www.torquetube.net #chevy #chevrolet #camaro #mustang #ford #coyote #turbo #supercharged #cars #racing #streetracing #dragracing #streetoutlaws #hoonigan #1320video #camarozl1 #camaro_porn #camarosonly #mustanglife #mustangsofinstagram #mustangnation #mustangs #jukeboxdc #lsfever #fftv #srtlife #torquetube https://www.instagram.com/p/CEQC-RDnXD_/?igshid=dpa5tsvdq67q
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masinud-blog · 7 years
Supercharger vs Turbo
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laflechanet · 2 years
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/honor-x7-vs-honor-x8-cual-es-la-diferencia/
Honor X7 vs Honor X8, ¿cuál es la diferencia?
La línea Honor X está llamando mucho la atención pero con tantas opciones puede ser difícil elegir entre uno de los teléfonos. Así que hablemos un poco de la diferencia entre el Honor X7 y el Honor X8, dos de los teléfonos de la línea X con una gran relación costo-beneficio y que pueden traer dudas entre sus diferencias para el usuario.
Especificaciones de los modelos Honor X7 y Honor X8
Hablemos un poco de las especificaciones generales de los dos dispositivos y las principales características de cada uno.
  Honor X7 Honor X8 Pantalla La pantalla del Honor X7 es de 6,74 pulgadas y tiene un sistema IPS – LCD con una relación pantalla y display total del 84,8%.
La frecuencia de actualización de la pantalla es de 90 Hz, es decir, la pantalla tiene una visualización fluida. 
La pantalla del X8 cuenta con el sistema FullView, es decir, la pantalla ocupa casi el 93,6% del frontal del celular. La cámara frontal está dentro de la pantalla y, a pesar de eso, toda la pantalla es plana y muy delgada.
El tamaño total es de 6,7 pulgadas y el marco es de solo 1,1 mm.
La frecuencia de actualización de la pantalla es de 90 Hz, lo que garantiza una mejor imagen y también se actualiza a 90 cuadros por segundo.
Batería El dispositivo cuenta con el sistema SuperCharge que hace que la carga del celular sea más rápida.
La batería es de 5.000 mAh y dura muchas horas, incluso en reproducción de vídeo.
Con el sistema SuperCharge, es posible cargar el teléfono con hasta 22,5 W, lo que garantiza una carga mucho más rápida. La batería es de 4.000 mAh y permite al usuario tener aún más libertad. Procesador El procesador del dispositivo es el Snapdragon 680 de 6 nm de bajo consumo. El procesador del Honor X8 es el Snapdragon 680, un procesador de alto rendimiento de Qualcomm. Tiene una eficiencia energética de 6nm. Esto hace que el teléfono móvil responda más rápido a los cambios de página y al funcionamiento de los elementos. Diseño Con un diseño más juvenil, el Honor X7 está disponible en tres colores: Azul Cometa, Negro Interestelar y Plata Cosmos.
El peso es de 198 gramos y los bordes son redondeados.
El diseño del X8 es muy elegante y puede garantizar mucha comodidad para el cliente al que le gusta una pantalla grande. El dispositivo pesa alrededor de 177 gramos y tiene bordes redondeados. Es posible encontrarlo en tres colores: Titanium Silver, Negro noche y Ocean Blue Memory Es posible encontrar el Honor X7 en dos versiones: 4GB + 128GB o 6GB + 128GB.
El usuario puede elegir el que desee y luego comenzar a disfrutar del celular.
La memoria del teléfono es de 6GB+128GB y cuenta con la función Honor RAM Turbo que mejora el espacio haciendo que el dispositivo alcance casi los 8GB de memoria. Sistema operativo Android 11 – Magic UI 4.2 Android 11 – Magic UI 4.2 Cámaras Hay cuatro cámaras traseras y una cámara frontal. La cámara principal es de 48MP. Hay cuatro cámaras traseras y una cámara frontal. La cámara principal es de 64MP
  ¿Cuál elegir? ¿Honor X7 o Honor X8?
Tanto el honor X7 como el honor x8 son excelentes celulares, con excelentes funciones y agregan mucho a la vida del usuario porque cuentan con tecnología de punta.
El valor de los dispositivos tampoco es alto y este es un punto extremadamente positivo. Entonces, si existe la posibilidad de gastar un poco más, el Honor X8 puede ser el dispositivo ideal para tener un diseño más atrevido y una mejor cámara. 
Pero eso no descalifica de ninguna manera al Honor X7, que, como se vio anteriormente, tiene algunas de las mismas especificaciones que el Honor X8.
Lo mejor que puedes hacer entonces es revisar tus necesidades para tomar la decisión que más te convenga, sabiendo que en cualquier caso el usuario se lleva a casa un gran celular.
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smoothshift · 6 years
A beginner's guide to Audi models via /r/cars
A beginner's guide to Audi models
T = turbo
TT = twin turbo
d = diesel
Td = turbodiesel
Avant = Wagon bodystyle
Cabrio (Cabriolet) = 2 door convertible bodystyle
Coupe = 2 door hardtop
Sportback = 4 door hatchback (similar to the A7)
Spyder = Convertible (R8)
There will be a note the bottom of the A3, A4, and A6 sections if Avant/Cabrio/Sportback models are available in addition to the sedan/saloon bodystyle.
The Audi Quattro, introduced in 1980, was the first vehicle with Audi’s AWD, quattro system. It is often referred to as the Ur-Quattro (with “Ur” meaning “first” in German)
All subsequent models using the word “quattro” spell it with a lowercase “q” in honor of the Ur-Quattro.
Generation - model years
Model Displacement/ Cylinders/ Horsepower Notes/
Aspiration Configuration (bhp) Years in production
80 B1 - 1973-1979
Fox 1.5 I4 55hp (1973-1979)
Fox 1.6 I4 83hp (1974-1976)
Fox 1.6 I4 78hp (emissions) (1977-1979)
*The Fox was available as a two-door and as a four door*
80 B2 – 1980-1986
4000 1.6 I4 76hp (1980)
4000 1.7 I4 74hp (better tq.) (1981-1987)
4000 5+5 2.1 I5 100hp (1981-1983)
4000S 1.8 I4 102hp (1984-1986)
4000CS quattro 2.2 I5 115hp (1984-1986)
*4wd 80 first available in 1983*
80 B3 - 1988-1992
80 (FWD) 2.0 I4 108hp (1988-1990)
80 (FWD) 2.3 I5 130hp (1991-1992)
80 quattro 2.3 I5 130hp (1988-1992)
90 2.3 E 2.3 I5 130hp (1988-1989)
90 quattro 20v 2.3 (20v) I5 164hp (1990-1992)
Coupé quattro 2.3 (20v) I5 164hp (1990-1991)
*There was a sport package available for the 80 quattro including sports seats and additional gauges*
80 B4 - 1993-1994
90 2.8 V6 172hp (1993-1994)
*In the United States, only the Audi 90 was sold, whereas in Europe, only the Audi 80 was sold*
C2 100 - 1978-1988
5000 2.1 I5 103hp (1978-1983)
5000 Turbo 2.1T I5 130hp (1980-1983)
5000 2.0d I5 67hp (1980-1983)
5000 2.0Td I5 84hp (1983)
C4 A6(?) - 1994-1997
Audi 100/S4 2.2T I5 227hp
4.2 V8 286hp
TT Mk1 - 1998-2006
TT 1.8T I4 180hp
TT 3.2 V6 250hp
B5 A4 - 1994-2001
A4 1.8T I4 150hp
A4 2.8 V6 190hp
S4 2.7TT V6 261hp
RS4 2.7TT V6 375hp (Europe only)
C5 A6 - 1997-2004
A6 2.8 V6 190hp
A6 2.7TT V6 250hp
A6 4.2 V8 300hp
S6 4.2 V8 335hp
RS6 4.2TT V8 444hp
*The 2002-2003 S6 was also offered as an Avant*
D2 A8 - 1994-2002
A8 2.8 V6 190hp
A8 3.7 V8 230hp
A8 4.2 V8 295hp
S8 4.2 V8 355hp (5 valves per cylinder/40v)
*W12 A8 not yet released in North America*
B6 A4 - 2000-2006
A4 1.8T I4 180hp
A4 3.0 V6 217hp
S4 4.2 V8 340hp
*No RS4 this generation*
*The B6 A4 1.8T, A4 3.0, and S4 were also offered as Avants and Cabrios*
TT Mk2 - 2008-2014
TT 2.0T I4 200hp (2008-2010)
TT 2.0T I4 211hp (2011-2014)
TT 3.2 V6 250hp (2008-2009)
TTS 2.0T I4 265hp (2009-2014)
TT RS 2.5T I5 335hp (2012-2014)
8P A3 - 2005-2012
A3 2.0T I4 200hp
A3 3.2 V6 250hp (2005-2010)
*8P A3 only offered as a Sportback in America*
B7 A4 - 2004-2008
A4 2.0T I4 200hp
A4 DTM 2.0T I4 220hp (2005-2007)
A4 3.2 V6 252hp (2004-2010)
S4 4.2 V8 340hp
RS4 4.2 V8 420hp
*DTM: Special edition made to celebrate Audi winning the DTM championship in 2004…
A4 DTM includes: carbon fiber lip spoiler, unique wheels, front and rear bumper with air intakes and carbon fiber trim, larger exhaust, more power and tighter suspension.
The S4 DTM just had the aesthetic modifications (bumpers, wheels, spoiler)
S4 25quattro: This was a special edition S4 made in 2006 to celebrate quattro’s 25th anniversary. 250 S4 25quattro’s were made. They had similar aesthetic modifications as the DTM A4/S4. They only came with the 6spd transmission and in the Avus Silver color. The S4 25quattro also differed in that its exhaust had custom dual tips instead of quad tips.
*The B7 A4 2.0T and A4 3.2 were also offered as Avants and Cabrios*
*The B7 RS4 and S4 were also offered as Cabrios*
C6 A6 - 2004-2011
A6 3.2 V6 252hp
A6 3.0T V6 296hp (2008-2011)
A6 4.2 V8 330hp (2004-2008, 40v)
A6 4.2 V8 345hp (2009-2011, 32v fsi)
S6 5.2 V10 429hp
RS6 5.0TT V10 571hp (Europe only)
D3 A8 - 2002-2009
A8 4.2 V8 335hp
A8L 6.0 W12 444hp
S8 5.2 V10 444hp
1st gen R8 - 2006-2015
R8 Coupé 4.2 V8 414hp (2006-2012)
R8 Spyder 4.2 V8 428hp (2011-2012)
R8 Coupé 5.2 V10 525hp (2009-2012)
R8 Spyder 5.2 V10 525hp (2010-2012)
R8 V10 Plus 5.2 V10 542hp (2012-2014)
R8 GT 5.2 V10 552hp (2010-2013)
R8 GT Spyder 5.2 V10 552hp (2010-2013)
R8 LMX 5.2 V10 562hp (2014)
**The 3.0T engine in the following cars is supercharged even though it has a T**
B8 A4 - 2008-2016
A4 2.0T I4 208hp (2008-2012)
A4 2.0T I4 222hp (2013-2016)
S4 3.0T V6 329hp
RS4 Avant 4.2 V8 450hp (Europe only)
*The 2008-2012 A4 was also offered as an Avant *
B8 A5 - 2007-2016
A5 Coupe 2.0T I4 208hp
A5 Cabrio 2.0T I4 208hp
A5 Coupe 3.2 V6 261hp
S5 Cabrio 3.0T V6 329hp
S5 Coupe 4.2 V8 349hp
RS5 Coupe 4.2 V8 450hp
C7 A6 - 2011-Present
A6 2.0T I4 208hp
A6 3.0T V6 306hp
S6 4.0TT V8 414hp
S6 4.0TT V8 450hp (later model?)
RS6 Avant 4.0TT V8 552hp (Europe only)
RS6 Performance 4.0TT V8 597hp (Europe only)
C7 A7 - 2011-Present
A7 3.0T V6 306hp
S7 4.0TT V8 420hp
S7 4.0TT V8 450hp
RS7 4.0TT V8 560hp
RS7 Performance 4.0TT V8 605hp
D4 A8 - 2010-2017
A8 L 4.2 V8 367hp (2010-2012)
A8 L 4.0TT V8 429hp (2012-Present)
A8 L 6.3 W12 493hp (2010-2016)
S8 4.0TT V8 512hp (2012-2015)
S8 Plus 4.0TT V8 605hp (2016-Present)
TT Mk3 - 2014-Present
TT 2.0T I4 220hp*
TTS 2.0T I4 292hp*
TT RS 2.5T I5 400hp
*The TT and TTS have 230hp and 310hp (respectively) in Europe*
8V A3 - 2012-Present
A3 1.8T I4 170hp
A3 2.0T I4 186hp
A3 e-tron 1.4T hybrid I4 204hp (combined) (2014-Present)
A3 2.0T I4 220hp
S3 2.0T I4 300hp
RS3 2.5T I5 400hp
*The A3 is also available as a Cabrio*
*The A3 e-tron is only available as a Sportback*
**The 3.0T engine in the following cars is now turbocharged, it is no longer supercharged**
B9 A4 - 2016-Present
A4 2.0T I4 252hp
S4 3.0T V6 354hp
RS4 Avant 2.9TT V6 450hp (Europe only)
B9 A5 - 2016-Present
A5 Coupe/Cabrio 2.0T I4 252hp
A5 Sportback 2.0T I4 252hp
S5 Coupe/Cabrio 3.0T V6 354hp
S5 Sportback 3.0T V6 354hp
RS5 Sportback 2.9TT V6 450hp
2nd gen R8 - 2015-Present
R8 Coupé e-tron Li-ion Battery 456hp (future)
R8 base 3.0TT V6 450hp (future)
R8 V10 5.2 V10 540hp
R8 V10 Spyder 5.2 V10 540hp
R8 V10 RWS 5.2 V10 540hp (RWD)
R8 V10 Plus 5.2 V10 610hp
Over the past few months I made this list for fun to show some of my family how Audi (as with most other automobile companies) share engines between models. I also wanted to show that just because two engines may look similar, doesn’t mean they are, they can have drastically different specifications. For instance, the 4.2 V8 in the B7 S4 is similar to the 4.2 in the C6 A6 (albeit tuned differently); however the 4.2 in the B7 RS4 is a whole ’nother animal.
The list started with the B7 A4, S4, and RS4 and I got a bit carried away!
**Some notes**
I’m know the list probably isn't perfect, but this more so just for fun and for having a list right in front of you where it is easy to compare details. Most of the data in here is from the top of my head (ha, I wish), from years of reading about cars in magazines, forums, websites, etc. and of course, I had a bit of help Wikipedia.
The data in this list represents the American versions of these models; however, I included some notable models from the European market, just to compare them (or because I’m envious we didn’t get them in the United States…yes you, C6 RS6). I’d happily add more from other markets later.
For some models I have a side note saying Europe only, I know these models may have also been available in parts of Asia, Latin America, or other countries/continents; I mean no disrespect, I’m just not as knowledgeable about the availability of models in those other countries; but as I learn more, I’ll happily go more in depth about specific markets and which models are offered there.
Also, I didn’t include diesel engines; I plan on adding them at some point.
The horsepower is in brake horsepower, I know that isn’t the only thing that matters, but it’s what I have so far. Initially I was just going to put the engine configuration and displacement but I wanted to add the hp ratings to show that just because it’s the same engine configuration/size doesn’t mean it’s the same power. If anybody has dyno results or wheel horsepower numbers for any of these models that they would like to share, feel free to let me know and I’ll start making a list to add them in the future.
I am aware that my generations (B6, B7, C6, etc.) aren’t perfect and may not match up exactly. This started just as a list for the A/S/RS4 models, then I added the A/S/RS6, and then I figured I’d add pretty much everything else. I tried to fit the generations for different models/chassis’ into a similar time frame when they were using the same engines across different models.
Also I know the T and TT may not match the badging on the car (for instance the I put 4.0TT for the C7 S6 even though the badge on the fender says 4.0T). I’d rather show if it is a single turbo engine vs. a twin/bi-turbo engine than match the badging. However, I kept the T for the supercharged 3.0 V6 engine. I considered writing it as 3.0S or 3.0S/C but I figured that would just make it more confusing, especially mixed in with the S4, too many S’s. However, doing this may have made it more confusing, so I might change it to S/C down the line.
Eventually I’ll add more to this list, make it look a bit nicer, and touch up my grammar (I fall victim to run-on sentences)... I’ll update along the way!
I plan on adding more vehicles, such as Allroad models, SUVs and crossovers. I would also like to add older vehicles, such as the 4000, 5000, and Quattro. On top of that I think it would be fun to include some rally cars, but the engines and power seemed to fluctuate so much race-to-race, so we’ll see. Either way it’d be awesome to compare Audi’s production engines to engines like the crazy inline-5 in the Group-B Quattro that Walter Röhrl drove at Pikes Peak.
I also would like to add more details on the cars/engines later, such as lb-ft torque, whp, quarter mile times, 0-60 times, weight, drivetrain (for the few FWD cars and the RWD R8 V10 RWS), top speed (restricted and unrestricted), differentiate more on body styles (Avant, Cabrio, coupe, saloon/sedan, etc.), and mention if it was produced at quattro GmbH / Audi Sport Gmbh.
At some point I might color code the engines or something along those lines... I mean the initial reason I made this list was to show how different models share engines (although with slightly different tunes/internals) so it would be helpful to have the similar engines to stand out.
Finally, I am not perfect, and I whipped this together pretty quickly last night. I know I can clean it up a bit, and there may be some mistakes, feel free to let me know as I am open to constructive criticism.
Thanks and enjoy! ☺
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22madz · 5 years
#Repost @q8yrun ・・・ 5.0 aljarallah supercharged vmp Vs Corvette zo6 bolts& cam Rolling 140 _________________________________________________ #ford #fordmustang #fordperformance #mustang #mustangs #mustanggt #mustangweek #gt500 #s550 #cobra #supercharged #v8 #horsepower #fordracing #tbt #mustang_video #carshow #stang #musclecar #superstangs #amazingcars #supercars #sportscars #shelby #turbo #luxurycars #cargram #americanmuscle #carlifestyle _________________________________________________ @stanglife965 🐍 (at Kuwait) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsAxu0Yl45v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=smnvociubpqa
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usedcarshoustontx · 3 years
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