cosmicnovaflare · 4 months
a mix of Thai/Japanese/Chinese traditional clothing would look so cute in Cinder. The draped piece with sequins and embroidery from Thai dresses would look so pretty with Lunar details and moons and stars. actually all of these would look pretty on her with details of Luna
Yes, I love the concept! Thai/Cambodian clothing was the first thought I had when imagining non-aristocratic sectors of Luna before Wires and Nerve came out. Or even for some of the higher nobility that don’t participate in the aristocracy at all. I’d still imagine the palace with Nagara temple-style architecture (because Cypress Blackburn has a god complex and all) too if it weren’t for the beautiful art they had in Fairest (though Wires and Nerve ignored that too) but at least we can still speculate on the inner decorum. Hindu and Gaelic inspired interiors could still fit even if we include Wires and Nerve.
But yeah, now I want to focus a lot on what Lunar clothing could look like. Wouldn’t it be cool if tons of unique attire evolved over time throughout sectors outside of the capital? I won’t speculate on Artemisia too much since the nobles have and will take, appropriate, and throw away anything in the name of beauty, but what if there was a mining sector with traditions similar to Miao Silver? As Artemisia doesn’t seem to have a lack of anorthite, or compounds mixed with anorthite, perhaps this may be a tradition in one of the outer sectors.
If it takes place in a mining sector, imagine hair pieces, earrings, necklaces, pins, aglets, etc. made of Lunar Anorthosite that can be passed down throughout families. Not only would it look beautiful, but could you imagine the folklore behind it? Marissa didn’t drill in just how symbolic it is to have the royal crown be made of crystalline anorthosite. Anorthosite, the Genesis Rock. Rare on Earth, and likely the mineral that surrounds the outer walls of Artemisia Palace. The rock that was the final key to piecing together the formation of a celestial object 1/80th the size of the Earth, the rock that explained the evolution of the moon, and the first thing the majority of people think of when talking about the Apollo 15 mission!
If it is still unlikely that a mining sector would be allowed to keep any anorthosite, then maybe let’s speculate on regolith solidified by impact shockwaves. The dark grey/black would have a bold contrast with much of the building stone in the Capital. Maybe this could be a tradition in a sector that uses electrolysis to mine oxygen or water, a sector that uses fusion with helium 3, or even ra sector that explores the terrain outside of the domes that simply finds this regolith in areas with high meteor impacts.
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bedoyabean · 5 months
Goofy ahh moment 🗿😭
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high-petroleum · 7 months
I’ve lost so many comrades in Melevalon Creek, the trees speak binary over there.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 years
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enterprisewired · 7 months
Astronomers Uncover “Super-Earth” in the Habitable Zone
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A team of astronomers has recently identified a fascinating celestial body named TOI-715b, a “super-Earth” located approximately 137 light-years away. This intriguing exoplanet, larger than our Earth, orbits a red dwarf star that is cooler and smaller than our sun. The discovery was made possible through NASA’s TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) mission, highlighting the satellite’s crucial role in expanding our understanding of the cosmos.
Unique Characteristics of TOI-715b
TOI-715b is estimated to be one and a half times wider than Earth, completing a full orbit around its star in just over 19 Earth days. What sets this discovery apart is its position within the habitable zone, the region around a star where conditions are conducive to the existence of liquid water on a planet’s surface. Dr. Georgina Dransfield, lead author of the study from the University of Birmingham, emphasized the importance of the conservative habitable zone, which minimizes potential errors associated with habitability calculations.
Potential for Further Exploration
Given its proximity, TOI-715b presents a unique opportunity for in-depth atmospheric investigations. The exoplanet’s frequent transits, or passages in front of its star, make it an optimal candidate for observation with the James Webb Space Telescope. This advanced telescope, operating in the infrared spectrum, could reveal crucial information about the exoplanet’s atmosphere and composition, providing valuable insights into its potential habitability.
NASA announces new ‘super-Earth’: Exoplanet orbits in ‘habitable zone,’ is only 137 light-years away
The Quest for Earth-like planets Continues
Astronomers are eagerly exploring the possibilities of finding Earth-like planets, particularly those orbiting stars similar to our sun. The most common stars in our galaxy, red dwarf stars, often host rocky planets. TOI-715b’s star, despite being a red dwarf, has shown minimal flaring activity, raising hopes for its stability. However, questions remain about potential stellar flares and radiation impacting the habitability of planets around such stars.
Future Endeavors and Anticipated Discoveries
As scientists delve into the mysteries of the universe, upcoming missions, including the European Space Agency’s PLATO, offer promise. PLATO, scheduled for launch in 2026, aims to study Earth-like planets in habitable zones around sun-like stars. The mission’s 26 cameras will provide a unique perspective, potentially uncovering planets similar to Earth. Dr. Dransfield expressed optimism about the coming decade, anticipating groundbreaking discoveries that could shed light on the prevalence of Earth-like planets throughout the cosmos.
In the ever-expanding quest for knowledge beyond our solar system, TOI-715b marks a significant milestone. With advanced technologies and upcoming missions, astronomers are poised to uncover more celestial wonders, bringing us closer to understanding the diversity of exoplanetary systems and the potential for habitable worlds beyond our own.
Curious to learn more? Explore our articles on Enterprise Wired
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trendingnowlive · 8 months
NASA discovered a super-Earth at an interesting location. Explore TOI-715 b, a super-Earth in a distant solar system, and join the quest for alien worlds beyond the stars. Click here
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ainews18 · 8 months
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helldivers-2 · 7 months
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lorcanaloser · 7 months
I have no supporting evidence for this theory but that's never stopped headcanoners before
I don't think SuperEarth is the real Earth. I think after horrible capitalist practices destroyed regular Earth we found a paradise world and mass-colonized it, only to find out the new SuperEarth had horrible mind control fungus that connected humanity into a nebulous, vague hive-mind that we interpret as democracy.
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luxudus · 1 year
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Here's my celebration of 2023's femboy day! back when i was first drawing out the celebration in 2022 i was originally intending to use one of these guys, but due to time constraints and a bit of motivation I went with the sophonts seen in last year's celebration. This time i brought back those original concepts and fixed up their designs Some where slight tweaks and other complete redesigns. Lastly for reference they're all around 1.8 meters / 6 feet tall
The Mm-Kca't't are a sophont species of crustacean-like centaurs from a world named C'tok-Uur.
A blue moon orbiting a jovian world. Despite it's sheer blueness, C'tok-Uur has no major oceans but dozens of seas and lakes, it is dominated by savannahs and deserts where plant life takes on a deep blue hue. The dominant form of fauna are 4 limbed crustacean-like invertebrates with a single compound eye stretching across the face.
The Mm-Kca't't are heavily derived from that group, the "upper body" is actually an elongated head with the brain at the base, with their arms evolved from a pair of mandibles and the mouth is located at the center of the chest, males have large megacerops-like horns while females have a flat disk head. They are competitive obligate herbivores native to the savannahs of C'tok-Uur, males will spar with each other over potential mates. The motion dazzle camoflage helps their herds become indistinguishable to predators. They communicate through hums and clicks, and live in hierarchal herds, and living such social lives and with such surprisingly dexterous arms paved way for sapience
The Mm-Kca't't are somewhat advanced, they had just invented nuclear energy and are experiencing an atomic revolution as and are just beginning the construction of the first satellites. A popular facet of their culture involve male Mm-Kca't't denouncing their "masculinity" by cutting off their horns, modifying their diet, and present themselves more femininely while still identifying as "male"
The Hsh'shhh are a sophont species of mollusk-like flyers from a planet known as Sss'Shaa
Their homeworld is a humid superearth with an incredibly dense atmosphere and 6 moons. The planet has a wide axial tilt, coupled with the dense atmosphere, allows heat and light to distribute evenly across the planet. Giving ideal conditions for plant life of all photosynthetic processes to evolve and thrive, giving the surface of this world a "rainbow" hue. Fauna come in the form of external gilled, 4-eyed, slug-like pseudovertebrates that established an aerial ecosystem stretching into the clouds.
The Hsh'shhh evolved in the emergant layer of Sss'Shaa's rainforests. Descending from a line of "bipeds" that evolved their external gills into a set of wings. They eat with a radula located through the slit on their chest. Their red-pink facial disk act as ears while the blue fans act as a nose and rudders. They use their entire head and neck as a single arm to manipulate their envrionment, and their middle "finger" isa derived from a genital sheath. Their extremely vibrant coloring and black stripes help break up their outline when flying over the multicolored landscape, and their countershaded underbellies blend in with the sky. They live in order-less flocks and communicate through hissing.
Their society is surprisingly advanced given the higher gravity and greater air resistance of their home, but through the construction of several heavy duty space elevators and the establishment of 2 dozen space stations built for construction, they were able to bypass the limitations of their homeworld and colonize the rest of their star system, effectively becoming a kardeshev type 2 civilization comprised of independant nation states occupying different worlds. Their society is egalitarian and environmentalist and are currently terraforming their nearest interplanetary neighbours.
The concept of "femenine" males has been a cultural staple across Hsh'shhh history, and the idea is so prevelant that they and "masculine" females are categorized as their own entire genders
And the Vonzullt are a sapient species of mammal-like hexapods from a cold planet named Toiazuul.
Their homeworld is somewhat earthlike and is the only one supporting a breathable atmosphere. The major difference is that all landmasses are converged into a single supercontinent, and the planet is in the middle of an ice age that freezes any part of the planet 30 degrees away from the equator. flora on this world is yellow in color and technically wam blooded. The dominant fauna come in the form of jawless segmented vertebrate-like hexapods with 4 patches of layered photoreceptors that act as eyes.
The Vonzullt evolve from a family of mammal-like hexapodal carnivores that recently took an upright stance to watch out for apex predators. To make up for the lack of jaws, they and all other hexapods evolved a pair of chelicerae to hold onto food and "chew" on it. They live in hunting packs and evolved in the southern seasonal forests. Their intricate pack bonds and hunting strategies kickstarted their sapience, and eventually civilization as a whole
Unlike the previously mentioned civilizations, the VonZullt are far less developed, they experienced an industrial revolution a generation ago, are currently rediscovering the rest of their planet, and the concept of democracy has just developed and begun to spread.
surprisingly, the concept of feminine men is held with high regard among many Vonzullt societies, and in the case of the most prominent society, a somewhat militaristic empire. They are even given positions of power as they are seen as selflessly giving their strength to their brothers rather than hording it to themselves.
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Man, I'm starting to get sick of this unpatriotic behavior in helldivers2, people with open games kicking you as soon as you join, people avoiding sos beacons, people shooting random joiners who are unlucky enough to get sorted into the end of a mission. This is not what superearth is fighting for.
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bedoyabean · 7 months
The Halo bois are always ready with reinforcements😈
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cassanovasanchor · 2 years
♛|| The Empire of Aublion ||♛
"Greetings, and welcome to the world of Aublion: a superearth type planet located in the Milky Way galaxy, about halfway through the Carina-Sagittarius arm.Its a relatively advanced space-age world inhabited by the large beings known as Sadrids, and their much smaller planetary predecessors, Gackles. Come join me as I flesh their universe out further and explore whats waiting for us, both cosmic and terrestrial!"
                                             || Project Name ||
                                                    The Empire of Aublion
                                            || Main Premise ||
Aublion is currently being built to continue a project i started when i took what is now Aublion, from my fleshed-out-past-anything-canon, AU Homestuck based planet of Beforus. I developed a rich and complex history based on some characters i rped from that AU and the planet around them, and I wanted to do more with that setting, without being restrained by a fandoms canon. This project has technically been in process since 2016, but i began major revamping and started getting serious worldbuilding and original species information and content out in 2019.
My longterm goal is to have this be an open ended project, where people can create their own Sadrids, and plot out a story with them! (And make a webcomic with my fiancé in the setting as well!)
                                              || Image Info || The map shown below is of the entire planet of Aublion, created in Inkarnate. An interactible version, with labels is available in 4k on Aublions WorldAnvil.
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                                               || Sadrid Visuals ||
What is a Sadrid?
A Sadrid is an incredibly tall carnivorous humanoid (10'5"-16'7"), possessing venom, digitigrade legs, paws, horns, long claws and a tail. They can switch from a bipedal stance to a quadrupedal stance at will, due to their longer arms, and rear connected skull positioning.
The three subspecies outside a "standard" Sadrid ( called a Lijdroa) are called Yalvit (winged avianesque Sadrids), Edu (Amphibious water dwelling Sadrids with gills), and Hroven (Subterranean Edu and Lijdroa that have evolved to live entirely under the ground) Below are example refsheets of each species. Please click for full detail and to read the flavortext!
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                                               || Other Info ||
Aublion currently has nearly a small books worth of information about it. I have information on culture, society and how they act, foods ,examples of music that sounds similar to what they listen to, information on technology they use, an in progress language called Tábufuian that has its own script, font ive made, translator, and dictionary with nearly 4k words, information about the species themselves, and how they evolved, their two main religions, and much more! Feel free to ask about the world or Sadrids in the reblogs, comments, or, check out how to join the server below!
Thank you for reading so far, and if you're interested in knowing more about Sadrids and Aublion when this is all done, i have a dedicated discord server where i post information not yet released to the WorldAnvil, artwork, WIPs, and more with a small community i have gathered. (we also have rp spaces if you'd like to join with your created Sadrid, as well as areas you can share your own worldbuilding!!) If you would like the link to join, just send me a DM on here! If you're over 18, ill give you the link (Not really for nsfw, its mainly due to everyone being in their early-mid twenties and up, and we would much prefer to keep it to a similarly aged crowd for our hangout space!)
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freshthoughts2020 · 3 months
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unhinged-jackles · 1 year
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theclockworkjudas · 6 months
A post about Starship Troopers pointing out it's implausible that the bugs dropped a rock on earth reminded me of the Terminids in Helldivers 2.
They are seemingly large hostile insects with no technology capabilities that somehow end up on SuperEarth/other populated planets? How did that happen? It couldn't possibly be that the govt ships bugs to populated centers occasionally to wreak havoc and boost recruitment efforts. No, Super earth government is kind and beneficial.
The Automatons on the other hand seem more reasonable to fight because like, they are going to planets and taking them over, claiming them for their own and defending their territory with deadly force. It makes sense to go to those planets and take them over from the automatons, claiming them for our own and defending our territory with deadly force.
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