#supergirl s5 spoilers
azurecanary · 1 year
Alright, since i haven't to hand in anything else for college (yet) I'd figure I'd spend some time developing some fics I've had bubbling in my head for a while. I can't guarantee a length of time that they'll be written and published, but this gives me The responsibility to start working on one or more.
So i thought I'd place a poll of the different fic ideas i have to see which is more popular so i can decide which gets priority. The options are:
1. Agents of SHIELD S5 (and maybe 6&7) rewrite (includes Ben as a mainstay character and defocusing on Fitzsimmons among other changes that I'II happily elaborate if asked)
2. Tyler Lockwood/Josh Rosza fic (basically Tyler sticks around for all of S1 and he and Josh bond and get together, focuses on those two as protags)
3. Post TVD canon wherein Bonnie and Jeremy break away from the MFG and get some more exploration in terms of powers and romance Bonnie explores more uncommon types of magic and meets a female witch, Jeremy learns he can still see Tyler and now has a connection to a deeper afterlife
4. Young Justice Season 5 stories mainly focusing on the Outsiders (Cassie/Wonder Girl, Tim/Robin, Jaime/Blue Beetle, Virgil/Static, Bart/Kid Flash, Ed/ El Dorado, Courtney/Stargirl, Steph/Spoiler, Kara/ Supergirl)
5. Protean City finale in Apocalypse Sonata style tying up all the loose ends and character arcs that the podcast deprived me of (istg, if only one person votes for it I'll still write it, cause let's be real this fandom is basically an endangered species atp) (focuses on Night Owl, Puck, Arcana, Crosswind, Sohcahtoa and Frequency and the assorted ships within)
I can't promise they'll all have a single cohesive story, in fact there's a good chance it'll be anthology style, but I have not written before so this is completely new territory.
And one more reminder, i can't guarantee WHEN these will be made, this is just so i know what people want the most.
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m00n-pr1sm · 2 years
Throwback to when I ranted to my friend about Lena and Raiden ei parallels, stupid cross fandoms rants are my thing (I haven’t even dropped the banger that is the idsmile supercorp rant) anyways yeah this is really banking on Lena’s s5 arc but so are like 80% of my thoughts on her
Firstly starting off with the typology parallels before moving on into the narrative, broader parallels.
So they’re both Intjs, with an 1 fix in their tritype (and also melancholic dominant and RLOXI) which plays a lot into how they behave and the thought processes behind their actions
But that’s meaningless bs to most people so narratively they both have done extremely similar things
1. ei following the death of her sister makoto decided to implement her idea of eternity, basically an unmoving stasis and locked herself in the plane of euthymia (completely withdrawing from the world to meditate for like 500 years lol), and began to lock down inazuma and enact the vision hunt decree to maintain her own idea of eternity (really she just became a tyrannical ruler), and ofc I’m going to be referencing Lena’s s5 arc with non nocere (obligatory s5 spoilers), following the reveal that is Kara is supergirl (brought upon the death of lex) , it could be viewed as a metaphorical death of Kara Danvers bc following that big fallout in s5e07, Lena never again refers to her as Kara, only supergirl
But the main point is her idea of non nocere to fix and reprogram humanity using q waves (ironically she also institutes a blank slate with the sole goal to enact their goal (basically Raiden shogun, hope parallels too ig)), while non nocere is presented more heavily under the guise of “for the greater good”, it’s still a deluded goal which Lena does terrible things to achieve (stealing myriad, kidnapping, a lot of deception, etc).
Tldr: ni-se, te-fi axis, deluded goal that would’ve have never worked out in the end but they both do terrible things to try and achieve it before realizing that it would never work
2. I can probably think of more but it’s been months since I did ei’s 2nd story quest 😓, just generally kinda similar based on virtues of typology
Oh and a big part of their growth is them moving forward from a huge loss in their life, Lena with her biological mother and her entire arc in s6 is basically to become her own person free from both the luthor name and her mom
Ei is with makoto and basically to move past her idea of a stasis eternity and with that a new future for inazuma is in bloom
Also they’re both in love with a certain lighter haired best friend
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light-miracles · 4 years
Brainy meeting Death of the Endless
Brainiac 5 and Death of the Endless belong to DC Comics!
Querl Dox of Colu, a proud member of the Legion of Superheroes, finally stopped feeling his arms. And with that he lost all sensitivity of his body.
The strangest thing is that he had not lost control of his mind. At least the radiation had not affected his most valuable possession, he had always feared dying mindless, unable to think clearly. It was the only comfort he had left after realizing that his sacrifice would not be enough to help his friends. No, he thought of a sudden burst of anger. I won't die here in this pathetic casino. I refuse to let Lex manipulate me. I have to find him, he thought as he tried to force his body to move, but the power of his privileged mind was suddenly not enough to move his fingers. I won't let him win!
"Need a hand?"
In front of his eyes, above him, appeared the face of a girl with dark eyes and messy black hair, with a kind smile on her calm face. He briefly considered the idea of ​​being hallucinating, before dismissing it as absurd.
"It's okay, Brainy. Take it easy. I'll help you stand up, alright?"
Before he could say anything, the girl leaned towards him and helped him to get up, holding him by the hip and shoulder. Standing felt strange, he still could not feel his body but at least the pain was gone. Brainy took a moment to observe his unexpected and strange savior. She was young, wearing black clothes similar to the rock singers Alex liked so much. But an irrational thought was trapped deeply in his mind. The illogical certainty that he already knew her, despite being sure he had never seen her.
"Do you feel a little better?"
The question caught him by surprise, but he nodded immediately. "Yes, enough to walk." Querl was about to open his mouth to ask who she was, only to close it immediately, something primitive, crude, that he could only describe as instinct ordering him to leave immediately. "I have to find my friends."
"Brainy, you don't-"
"I have to go."
Querl turned to leave, beginning to think of a plan to attack Lex. But he stopped at that moment when he saw his own body lying on the floor, green blood staining his mouth, eyes open without looking, motionless. He stepped back in horror when he finally realized what was going on. At the end it had been too late. No one had come to save him, the radiation had killed him.
"No," he said, shaking his head. "No, not yet. This can't be happening."
"I'm sorry, Brainy," said the girl dressed in black with empathy. "It rarely happens the way people want, but that doesn't make it easier to process."
Brainy stared at her then, resisting the tears that fought for escaping from his eyes. He studied her as if she were the most important thing in the universe and he needed to understand it. "You are a god of death," he said, feeling slightly comforted in his logic. "And you're here because I'm dead."
"I'm not a god of death, Querl, but I'm flattered you think I look like a god," she said smiling. "I'm Death, nothing more and nothing less."
"An anthropomorphic personification of a concept almost as old as time."
"I can't die yet, I have to save my friends."
"I'm afraid not, Brainy," she said looking at him sadly. "There's nothing you can do anymore."
"I need a Lazarus Pit," he said, ignoring her, looking around the room as if there were a pit hidden there. "No, the Crisis erased them all. I need magic. That magician, Mr. Constantine, he will know how to help me."
"Magic can't bring you back to life, Brainy."
"Then you do it!" he exclaimed, too desperate to control his emotions. "Just a moment! I have to warn Kara. I have to apologize to Nia. I have to..." The words got stuck in his throat, painful in his chest. A couple of tears ran down his cheeks. "I have to say goodbye. I can't leave without thanking them, without apologizing. I have to say goodbye."
Death was silent, just looking at him compassionately, raising her hand to stroke his wet cheek with her ridiculously warm hand. Querl could not stop staring at her, wondering why she remained in silence, why she did not get mad at his weakness or just take him away.
"That's not going to happen, is it?" Brainy shook his head. "I've been away from my friends the last few months, lying to them, and I can't fix it anymore because I'm dead, right there, covered in my own blood. I'm dead and I can't tell them what happened. And you know what? It's not fair!" he yelled angrily. "What about all the good I've done? Am I really going to die alone in this absolutely unpleasant evil lair? Really? Is that all I get?"
"You get what everyone gets, Brainy," said Death squeezing his shoulder. "A lifetime."
Slowly the pain in his chest began to dissipate, to be replaced by a bitter resignation. "Is there really nothing I can do?"
"I'm not going to lie to you, some people do come back from the dead. Sometimes it happens. It's not a big deal, as you'll guess I have a lot of work," she said with a shrug. Querl could not help but smile for less than a second. "Everyone ends up coming back to me sooner or later anyway."
"Then I can still go back."
"It doesn't depend on you," she smiled slightly. "Maybe Kara will make the decision to try to get you back. Maybe she'll let you go. But either way your time is up, Querl."
"I don't think I'm important enough for Kara to try to get me back," he said ruefully. Accepting the fact that he was no longer in control of his own existence was easier when he had no choice. "What happens now? Where are you taking me?"
"Well, I'm not sure."
"Hard to believe."
"I'm Death, Brainy, I'm impartial. I don't decide what happens to you. You know that the afterlife exists. Heaven, hell, Colu's Collective Brain. But I don't decide where are you going. My job is to help you to find out for yourself."
"This is really happening."
Death nodded, extending her hand. "Take my hand, Brainy. It's time to go."
Querl knew, from the bottom of his heart, that he could refuse to go with her. He could simply not take her hand. Fight a little more to stay.
But he was dead. There was nothing left to stay for. Nothing he could do. No way his exceptional mind could save him from the one thing that was universally inevitable. So he spent a few seconds thinking about his friends, remembering a bright smile and a pair of beautiful blue eyes, and then took that absurdly warm hand, suddenly hearing a curious sound similar to the movement of wings before allowing himself to fade into oblivion.
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doublepyroz · 5 years
Honestly, the more  I think about this the more it doesn’t make sense to me. So, you are telling me, Lena Luthor who has multiple PHDs and own a 500 company does not know her best friend was Supergirl?
Kara Danvers is not the best of all liars, like hell, she even told Lena she flew to her office on a bus. SHE FLEW TO HER OFFICE ON A GODDAMN BUS. I mean like okay, I let Lena write it off as Kara being a goof, that she is. But! listen, how many times Kara suddenly disappear then comes Supergirl to save Lena or how many time somehow Supergirl knows something only Kara would know. As the proclaimed genius Lena Luthor is, and you are telling me she cannot put the two and two together? Plus, Lena is Kara’s best friend. They spend a questionably amount of times with each other. Are you telling me that Lena did not ever, ever notice how similar Kara and Supergirl speech pattern is?
Lena knows about Jonn’, Alex, Brainy, Nia and Sam. shit wait also James too, I forgot. Are you telling me that she never assumes that the whole friend group somehow all know this mystery blonde that’s flying over National City who looks ridiculously like her best friend that she might or might not be in love with, but Kara Danvers, an ace reporter who is known for digging up the truth, does not know about the whole alien organisation? Not to mention, Alex, the director of said organisation is Kara’s sister.
Are the SG writers trying to make Lena dumb? I mean the one reason I can personally come up with is that “love is blind” but Lena and Kara's relationship is supposed to be purely platonic. So, what is the reasons that Lena can figure out Sam was Reign (and cure her from being a world killer) but not Kara is Supergirl? Like look me in the eyes and tell me, Lena never recognise those blue eyes behind the glasses are the same that are sporting the red cape?
You know what pisses me off the most? Okay. Lena never suspects a thing. The way she’s reacting is, well... reasonable, yet a little bit too salty for her? Like isn’t she suppose to be logical? To not letting emotions to get in her way? Okay. From the way they put it, Lena does rewatch the clip that Lex reveals Kara’s identity with. And tell me that most or even all of the times that Kara didn’t use her powers to keep Lena safe? Because she did. The most ridiculous one was the one Kara risked her own safety and her secret just to fly Lena to the hospital asap? I mean... be mad but that girl was only trying her best. Like Lena said, she never makes herself as a saint, and neither does Kara. Supergirl is like a god because the people of National City made her. Kara has always been nothing but humble, as Supergirl or not.
I refuse to believe that Lena Luthor would actually react this way and try to hurt the one person that she ever loved and the one person that she knows full well that loves her back. Especially, not after the heartfelt apology that Kara did and giving her valid reasons on why she did what she did. I mean Lena didn’t tell her about Sam or making Kryton or even working with Lex.
Well.... thanks for reading all my bullshit/rant.
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lisascumslut78 · 3 years
no one:
lena: kara > supergirl
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mistressvera · 4 years
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dreamdoxgifs · 4 years
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#the saddest parallel of all times
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soopcoop · 4 years
I love both Lena and Kara equally, and while I'm SO relieved that the drama isn't being dragged out anymore, their making up was sooo rushed.
Lena did some really bad, dumb shit, and I'm glad she got called out on it - but Kara's betrayal was SO much deeper than the show let on. It was so much more than one mistake.
Kara was always raising Lena up, trusting her so easily, while Supergirl was knocking her back down and questioning her motives (sometimes in the same day...) How was Lena supposed to conflate the two personas in her mind? It's fucked.
I hate that they just brushed over it. 😞
Hopefully they'll talk about it some more (calmy and in a healthy way) in S6 but I ain't getting my hopes up lol.
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alexdanversdaily · 5 years
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adora2723 · 5 years
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I love this so much. Props to Katie’s acting skills. I’m sorry I underestimated you baby.
But you can see every nuanced reaction in this gif:
*play confused and laugh it off*: “you’re Supergirl?” scoff
*tell her you already know”: “oh I know, darling” haughty
*wait, what?! she actually told me* speechless, baffled, bemused
You did so well, honey
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Okay but Lillian telling Lena she feels too much with/for Kara... that's gay
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sapphic-luthor · 5 years
lena: i killed my brother for you!
lena, internally: wait that sounded gay didn’t it
lena: …for our friends!
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holsterc92 · 4 years
Y’all wanna talk about a slow burn?? How about this 5 season long beautiful roller coaster ➡️
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Love a happy ending 🥰, even if it does suck to be the end of an awesome series!
We get this from Dreamworks studios, but we are about to be 6 seasons into Supergirl and The CW (“dare to defy”) cannot seem to realize/follow through on this slow burn?????
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karel010 · 3 years
A missed opportunity: William Dey on Supergirl
Disclaimer: this essay is entirely my own opinion. I do not claim to have any knowledge on how a tv show is being run. A character is not his actor and an actor is not his character. I do not recommend nor encourage hate to anyone, fictional or not. Everyone has his right to his own opinion. Also, spoilers for season 5 and 6.
Before I start, I have to say that I came into this fandom quite late. This was when the pandemic just started, Supergirl season 5 was still airing and I had no idea what kind of show it was. All I know was that Dr. Lexi Grey, Marley Rose and Morgana were on that show. So like most people getting bored being stuck at home, I started watching. It took me a couple of days to get through season 1 to 4 and in the mean time I found people of the fandom on Twitter and Tumblr. I was aware of how underwhelming season 5 was (at this point episode 15 was going to air), but I remember thinking “it can’t be worse than season 2, right?”
Oh boy, was I wrong.
Let’s start with the big elephant in the room: Kara’s love interests.
(Honestly this can be a whole essay by itself)
I actually liked that in season 4, Kara had no love interest and was flying solo for a while. She kind of been defined by guys (even with James in season 1) and finally there was a season where her love life wasn’t the centre of attention. Season 4 ends with Lena finally knowing that Supergirl and Kara are one and the same and so season 5 was set up. (Lena and Kara in season 5 is a whole different rant but that is for another time)
We first meet William Dey in episode 1 of season 5. Catco was bought by Andrea Rojas (Lena being the previous owner) and she brought in a new journalist to help build Catco the way Andrea wants. I have to admit that I did not mind William (and Andrea) in the beginning. I actually liked that Kara had some competition at her work and that her boss is not a friend, so she will be having a harder time slipping away to do Supergirl stuff. I mean, William was a huge ass but then again sometimes in life you will have to deal with those kind of people, especially at work. But then slowly they started to give him a story (too generous to call it that actually). As they gave him more screen time, he became worse and worse.
Apparently, William was this huge dick because he was actually undercover, investigating Andrea Rojas and her family because his friend went missing after dating her. Although in order to be undercover, don’t you have to work for someone? What was he going to do with that information? Anyway, he wanted to keep people at arms’ length. As far as I can remember (I didn’t bother rewatching) he didn’t really have any evidence supporting his theory that Andrea had something to do with his friend Russell’s disappearance, just that his friend didn’t like her family (we see that Andrea does care a lot for Russell and did anything she needed to make sure he was okay).
Then Crisis happened and William is still there for some reason? In this timeline, Andrea never met Russell, which means he never disappeared, which means William never had to go “undercover” to investigate Andrea. And this is were the writers made the terrible decision of keeping him on the show and made an even worse choice to try to pair him up with Kara.
William Dey had the potential to be a good character. Not a great one, but good enough.
Beside the choice the writers make, I think there were 2 other scenario’s that they could have gone with him:
Scenario 1: William leaves after Crisis
This would have been the best choice they could have made. By the time they started filming the episodes after Crisis, the show must have known how bad of a reception William got. It didn’t help that the actor did an interview for 5x04 where he hinted to Kara and William getting closer. Like I said before, William had no reason to be around anymore after his “original” reason for being at CatCo didn’t exist in this timeline. This would have been the perfect way to send this character away (I am aware that there a rumours that the actor got a contract to stay on the show for at least 2 seasons). His whole storyline of investigating Lex Luthor should have gone to Nia, who is also a journalist but I completely forgot because she actually doesn’t really do anything with it?
Scenario 2: William is a villain
As mentioned before, when I first met William, I thought he would be a problem for Kara (and maybe even Nia). I thought that this was a guy that would do anything to get the biggest story and doesn’t care if he comes across as a dick. Think of Spider-Man 3, where Peter had trouble with his job. This would have been a great opportunity for a storyline similar to that of Spider-Man 3, where Kara has conflict at work. They did it in the beginning, not sure which episode but Kara didn’t have time to write an article that Andrea had assigned her because she was busy being Supergirl and William used that to take over her article and write it. William could have been a great problem for Kara in her work place.
If they had to keep him around for after Crisis as well, they could have gone with the route that William was a member of Leviathan or even a hench of Lex Luthor. They could have made him friendly with the Superfriends, but only because he has alternative motives.
Honestly, there are so many ways they could have made William a better character and it’s obvious that this character only exists to be a “no homo” love interest for Kara and that the writers really don’t care beyond that point.
And then there is the actor that portrays the character.
I don’t know him personally and I can only judge on what he is willing to show through social media but man, does this guy need a lesson in PR. This fandom can already be very toxic with the different shipping wars going on. He really threw gas on a fire by that incident (even though he denies that he said it was towards certain shippers)
As an actor, you open yourself up to people forming an opinion on you. Doesn’t an actor get a job based off of someone’s opinion on whether you fit the show and the cast?
It is obvious that the actor is not experienced in being a series regular. He thinks that hate towards his character means that people hate him as well. Look, he is not the first actor on this show that gets hate. Chris Wood, Amy Jackson, Mehcad Brooks, Nicole Maines, Katie McGrath and even Melissa Benoist got/get their fair share of it. But they knew to never engage with it, since there is no point to it. Everybody will meet people who will like you and people who won’t. It’s literally a part of life.
If you came this far, thank you for reading! I really needed to vent about this since it’s been stuck in my head for a long time. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
How would you have written William Dey if you had the chance? (And yes, he has to be part of season 5)
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alina-aleksanders · 5 years
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Lena Luthor in every episode ♡ 5x02
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brainiac5swife · 4 years
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That season 5 cliffhanger tho
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