#superior kpop music is why too
beautifulpersonpeach · 5 months
I won't pretend to totally understand what's going on with sm (other than that they seem to have shat the bed), but in terms of how hybe had tried to buy them earlier and how it's often accused of trying to be a monopoly, do you think there's a point where hybe could get too big in a way that's detrimental to the rest of the industry? Ik they're not literally a monopoly and that there are much smaller companies than hybe, sm, yg, and jyp (hybe is also small compared to the rest of the music industry) but do you think there's any truth in the anger at how big of a chunk of the kpop industry hybe controls or is it just jealousy at them outgrowing the original big 3?
I feel like you answer your own question within your ask… because if we think about it: as of January 26, 2024, HYBE’s market cap is ~55% more than the rest of the Big 4 combined. HYBE is itself a hub of ‘mid-sized k-pop companies’, one of which is BigHit, which drives roughly half of their topline. Meaning, the primary driver behind HYBE outperforming and dwarfing the better capitalized and more prestigious competition, is BTS.
It’s simply a fact that HYBE is the biggest company and BTS is the reason why. Like, it’s so obvious there’s no tactful way to highlight it. And it’s a fact it pisses off a lot of people here.
If you ever get into a conversation with a typical k-pop stan, before long, unprompted, they will tell you HYBE has no really, talented idols and that whatever prestige or talent the company has in vocals or dance, was technically bought by acquiring Pledis. It’s not particularly a big deal, just something funny I first noticed in k-pop discourse about 2 years ago, once the idea of HYBE, and Seventeen as a HYBE group, started settling in with k-pop stans.
The average k-pop stan doesn’t really know how to think about HYBE in general, because HYBE is structured nothing like the rest of the Big 4, from its ethos down to its operating mechanics, and so the points of reference k-pop stans have in the Big 3, don’t always apply to HYBE, in my opinion.
Anyway, yeah there’s this weird resentment that often manifests in the misplaced superiority complex you see in some stans of Big 3 groups. In a sense, I don’t blame them. It’s the nature of this industry for there to be a hierarchy. It’s sport after all. But like I’ve said, the politics this space creates is highly toxic, the tribalism is entrenched and the primary thing k-pop stans do in fandom is stoke unending feuds, and shit talk other groups and idols. Some groups are acceptable targets for everyone to dunk on. BTS from debut was designated as one such group, but from the jump it was clear they weren’t going to settle for anything less than the top spot. BTS wasn’t supposed to be the group, to breakout. They didn’t have k-pop approved vocals cred, they didn’t have the typical idol visuals, their rapline never went on Show Me The Money, so how could they be legit?
BTS was a group that did things their own way from the start and that by default pissed off a lot of people. Most of those people are still here. And because people are predictable, some of that latent dislike of BTS bleeds into everything connected with BTS and so, HYBE.
And, not to keep wacking this horse corpse, but I want to point out yet one more obvious thing.
When people talk about Big 3 privilege, something they’re talking about is the latent buy-in those three companies: SM, JYP, and YG will always enjoy in this space. Groups from those companies will always enjoy support from a sizeable army of company stans. SM entertainment has the most, followed by YG, then JYP. This is why Big 3 stans are the people who set the temperature for what dominates the chatter in k-pop. K-pop stans will always tune in to groups and releases from Big 3 companies and are generally pre-disposed to always giving their stuff a chance on the assumption their idols are more talented.
The size of those company stans dwarf the stans of smaller companies like Cube, KQ, Pledis, and until some years ago, BigHit Entertainment. Except for BTS and ARMYs, none of these companies have company stans big enough to rival Big 3 fandoms, and so the cache of these companies are seen as inferior to Big 3 agencies. And as HYBE is simply a collection of mid-sized companies (who on their own couldn’t stand a chance compared to the Big3), examples include: Pledis, Source Music, KOZ, Be:LIFT, ADOR, then the groups from HYBE are implicitly seen as less talented than their Big3 peers. Plus they get the additional ddaeng for being linked to BTS, specifically.
All of that felt very silly to type out but it’s what I’ve observed. Watching the logical conclusions of this political dynamic in k-pop fandoms play out in real time during the SM-HYBE-Kakao drama (1st season) was super fascinating lol. It confirmed practically everything I think about k-pop stans and BTS.
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solarwynd · 2 months
This fandom includes either a bunch of immensely intelligent people or straight up dumb asses who don't understand even simple normal things.
Idk what this fight and all was going on on twitter, i did saw it on my tl but i just can't into their stupidity. I thought armys were fighting with other fandoms regarding music promotions and the gun gesture and all.
When i saw the real a day ago all i thought was "wow" and i moved the heck on. The only other thing that thought was "oh they can film themselves while wearing army clothes that's good". That's because i know they're not allowed to film content while serving and can't get their voice recorded hence no military member was shown in any bangtan bomb.
Idk when people are going to get over military. see it was written that they were going to serve in the military the moment they were born as a South korean, Doens't Matter if they're BTS or what not. although i do believe the government should have taken into consideration how much BTS benefits the country and exempt them but that didn't happen and we already accepted it. I don't get this crying and throwing up everytime they see members. it's one thing you missed them it's another to always start some old discussions on tl every single time. Let those things rest bro. Do people not have common sense? Am i too old for these things? I'm 23 and idk if I'm being dramatic or it's them who's being dramatic.
I love jimin with my all heart, i treat him like he's my baby and feel protective towards him alot, he triggers the motherly instincts in me and i wouldn't want to see even a small thing hurting him, but i know he has accepted it even if it's forced. We can't keep going back to the same discourses again and again. Most of the times now days the crying on tl seems fake even. The same way armys have admitted to fake some extravagant tweets where they have literally accepted that they don't even feel those feelings they just tweet it. Those weren't regarding military of course but I'm saying some people are just doing it for the sake of it. They don't know what they're doing, don't know why they're boycotting, they want to boycott yet they're selling out all the merch like actions are just contradicting. others are following things like a ship who don't think for themselves and move in the direction majority is moving.
Idk why a video of the man dancing in his uniform be causing some guns and all kinda discourse as if all of them haven't held it during their training for the first two months. Like watch it and move bro it's NOT that hard.
“When i saw the real a day ago all i thought was "wow" and i moved the heck on. The only other thing that thought was "oh they can film themselves while wearing army clothes that's good".
Literally my same thought. I got happy because maybe that could mean jimin could promote pjm2 when the time came through a vid or something. Even though I feel like he probably wouldn’t. But anyway.
Armys have prided themselves (and BTS) on being the most conscientious fandom and group. In retrospect a lot of it was for their own gratification and lauding it over kpop fandoms out of self righteousness, but the outcomes were usually positive. Like the organizations that sprung up, the donations, raising awareness etc. So you know, fine. But just like kpop stans, the majority of armys also don’t really care about things until it starts to affect to their stanning experience or reflect on bts to the point they start feeling guilty. So some of them become obsessed with appearing morally superior, hyper analyze and need BTS to be infallible for their own piece of mind.
And some of them indeed are following the crowd mainly because they don’t want to get “canceled” for not actively being involved. Like what good is your so called activism if it’s only to keep a following on SOCMED? Being socially aware and taking initiative will never be a bad thing, but it really just looks like trying to upkeep a certain image that they made for themselves and it’s never been entirely genuine.
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trolagygirl2022 · 7 months
i find it hilarious that kpop stans think their faves are somehow superior to blackswan as if they’re korean themselves like 😭😭 helloooooo if anything y’all should be supporting blackswan tf
LITERALLY THEIR MUSIC SLAPS, THEY ARE BALANCED WITH A GREAT DANCER, VOCALIST, RAPPER AND VISUAL (and a great vocalist too) and they have great chemistry! Koreans love them, why do yall hate them sm???
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qu0rky · 1 month
The hate hazbin fans have been getting is actually crazy (cough, specifically from tiktok, cough)
Like there's a clip that's been trending of a Youtuber Morgan Terry, that has them reacting to Angels S/A scene and crying, and people are making fun of them for it??? I've seen people harass them and even purposefully misgender them, calling them she, or even worse "it"
Like oh if it was your favorite character you would cry about it too, but suddenly because it's from a thing you don't like suddenly all emotions towards that show are invalid
Like why are they watching people reacting to hazbin anyways, you shouldn't care what other people like, it's their choice, and whatever you like is your choice, trust me, just because someone is actually feeling emotions towards something they like doesn't mean the universe will fucking explode
Right! I’ve especially seen kpop stans take that clip to replace the episode they were reacting to with a kpop m/v… some of my mutuals have done it and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. ESPECIALLY since kpop stans also used to be viewed as “losers” for enjoying the music, we are on the same boat, let’s not act like you’re superior now. I 100% think that if the person in that clip was conventionally attractive and was reacting to something less hated there would not have been as many memes made about it. The normalization of bullying on that app has completely chased me off it, and i’d much rather have discussions here than with rage-baiting loser trolls.
Regardless of wether Viv is problematic or not, Hazbin and Helluva will get hated on because people see it as “cringe” and they cannot stand to see something new become a shared interest for a lot of people. They do it in the name of chastising a problematic creator (who, by the way, has done far less than the things she’s getting blamed for) but won’t account the young teenagers just trying to enjoy a show. Every media is somewhat problematic if we only look at it with the thought of wanting to criticize it, so this picking and choosing looks really dumb and hypocritical imo. Let people fucking enjoy stuff, that, for the 50th time, is not harming anyone.
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I’m sorry if you already discussed this, what are your thoughts on the narrative "BTS has been/is being mistreated by the music industry" that goes around in the fandom? as much as I am a fan, and I do see some eyebrow-raising stuff + obvious examples of racism and ostracism, I feel like this idea of "Bangtan against the world/they’re been sabotaged" sounds lowkey conspiracy-ish at times. Are they really? Maybe I’m naive, I don’t know. I’m especially lost when it comes to streams and platforms such as Spotify/YT filtering the streams. I mean, the fandom is so huge now and people are playing songs on repeat for the sake of it, it does not seem like a really faire competition to me… they’re not the only ones doing this for sure as it seems to be a common thing in kpop fandoms but it seems like a taboo topic to question it… I guess I’m too old for this, lol (33 yo), i don’t get why people are so obsessed with the ranking and it seems like it keeps feeding the idea that it’s Army the savior of poor mistreated BTS against the whole mean industry (which is probably a pithole anyway). Every time I’ve tried to introduce my friends around my age to kpop, the first thing they always say is that they have a bad image on the genre because the fans are completely unhinged which does not make the music very welcoming unfortunately. I find it sad that fans don’t realize that they’re actually probably doing more harm than good.
Anon 2
My god, BMT, have you seen the whole Spotify/Lisa/ARMY fiasco on Twitter? When will these fans accept the fact that BTS aren’t victims—haven’t been for a long time—and they don’t need ARMYs protection? Then again, of course the behavior will continue when BTS encourage (James Cordon, “got ARMYs right behind us when we say so”, blah blah blah). It’s embarrassing and disgusting 💀
I've said times multiple times and nothing happened to change my mind as of today, but Army is still victimizing BTS because it's an integral part of the fandom's raison d'etre. They need to fight, they need to be the savior. And how many times have I not seen I-Army calling out the Korean fans for not streaming enough which once again, is done as a way to put themselves on this superior position in which the foreigner knows best and is the only one able to save and truly love an uplift this Korean group. But this overall mentality is found across the board. Of course it's dumb.
I saw the tweets for the past two days and honestly, it looks like desperation to me, for something that truly doesn't make any sense. Army is still there in the trences for an imaginary war that has long been won already and they are on the winning side, except they don't want to recognize it because without that war, they have no purpose. In 2022, is BTS a group dependent on streams? Really? Is that a main concern? They made it. They made a long time ago, which only makes this even more ridiculous. For this fandom, numbers will always matter most and not the quality of music, despite preaching that it's the most important aspect they're interested about and the reason why they "stan" BTS. Except they fail or won't admit that this is also about them and how they're in competition with every single person on this planet who is not BTS or BTS-approved.
They make BTS as victims when these so-called victims get to have a stage at Lollapalooza, debut one song on a stadium tour in Argentina, sing at the World Cup and without being a well established solo artist, a place at NPR Tiny Desk. Those are opportunities that came because as a group, they reached a certain level of success and fame that opens those types of doors. They are not debuting a solo song on Music Bank, but on world stages. And somehow, they still need a fandom to fight insignificant battles.
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thewomaninlilywhite · 9 months
Broadway Flea Market 2023
Final result: I spent $57 total
note: I'm currently trying to weed out my collection a bit, so if there are any playbills you're on the hunt for from recent years (say, past 10ish?) feel free to ask me if I have it -- pricing is donation-based, but appreciated as I cover all shipping costs out of pocket <3 *the findings listed below are Not For Sale*
Raffle Tickets: 2 tickets to Aladdin 2 tickets to Friends, the parody musical 2 tickets to Titanique much more successful at the TDF table than in years past; I will have a fun time at any of these shows. Originally got tickets for Jaja's African Hairbraiding, which upon further research sounds like it could be an interesting/enjoyable play; but I offered them back because I'm kinda in London the date the tickets were for; and the lovely lady gave me another set (wound up being the aladdin ones) to replace them, which i was Not Expecting at All, I just didn't want the tickets to go to waste! <333
Vinyls: The Pirates of Penzance Film Soundtrack The HMS Pinafore* Cats OLC (the superior recording, in my opinion) Follies OBC Gigi Film Soundtrack Candide (1982) *Pinafore is supposed to be a multi-disk set but it only came with one, which I'm a bit miffed about because they were still selling it at the same price as other stand-alones; but considering how much records usually cost $25 for 6 isn't too shabby
Playbills: The Woman in White OBC (did NOT think I would actually find this, have been on the hunt for years !!) Dracula (wasn't even looking for it, but I had to nab it) Assassins 2004* Lestat* Othello (1982 bway revival with some GOATS in the cast) The Scarlet Pimpernel (I might own one already, I wasn't sure; but it was $1 so I figured why not) Brigadoon (Encores! Revival because come ON) The Frogs OBC KPOP the musical (because I was sad I didn't get to see it) *since Chris Peluso just passed away, I really wanted to get a playbill with him in it (if you didn't know, I saw him as Glyde in the Woman in White revival in 2018) -- and I accidentally found two, so that made me really happy <3
All in all I was very satisfied with my haul, and proud of myself for staying well within my $100 budget yay!
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n-agiz · 2 years
imma be honest - other than exo and got7 (mostly the 3rd gen bg's) boy groups nowadays aren't really my type. nct used to have an amazing array of songs, so much talent (especially with Mark and taeyong and ten, DONT GET ME STARTWD ON WAYV ARGHHH) but fuckkkk now with their new sound like sticker - it's driving me batshit insane. its just plain not doing for me unfortunately
usually when I hear a song, I prioritise coherence and good grammar, which most songs nowadays don't really have - new jeans, twice and stay c !!!!!!! arghhhh they really hit the nail so well !!!!! ALONG WITH G-IDLE TOO !!! GYU I MISS SOOJIN SO MUCH TBH !!!!! ahhh my kpop era was definitely a little cringy but auahahahah there were so many good memories there! 💗
waaaaah i agree with you on basically everything here wow ! i can't say much for got7 since i've never really taken the time to listen to their stuff, but exo reallyy has a superior discography idc what anybody says ! i've seen ppl compare them to bts and other groups and i'm always just like ? ? no hate to bts ! their older stuff is good ngl, but exo are literally on a league of their own lmao, there's no other way to put it yk.
and aaaaah i def get what you mean abt nct ! ! i've been a sticker + 2 baddies enjoyer since day one lmao but i have no problem in admitting that their discography has def seen better days ! ! nct as a whole has been so mismanaged lately it's insane :/ sungchan + shotaro debuted two years ago and are stil unitless. i think they're gonna debut soon in a new unit with the smrookies, but even then idk how much i actually like that idea bc although i really freaking want to see those two finally get under the spotlight, i can't help but wonder if a new unit won't just make everything worst ! mark + haechan haven't stopped since 2020 between dream & 127 schedules, nct 127 went basically one entire year without a comeback and had what ? two weeks of promotions ? once they finally got one ? i'm not even gonna talk about the fact that wayv haven't had any comebacks since early 2021 and we're still waiting to know if they'll continue as 6 or as 7 or what the heck is gonna happen with them in general. it makes me so mad seeing all these guys with so much potential and talent get left behind AND BY SM OF ALL COMPANIES ! you'd think such a big company would be exactly the one to be able to handle such a huge project but ig not.
boy groups in general but specially 4th gen ones i feel like have been leaning sm towards the noise music lane lately and although there's a select few that do it kind of alright, most of them are basically just making fans drift away from them. that's why i think all these girl groups have been doing so well ! their sound is experimental in it's own way and they all have their own vibe, but that just goes to show that you can do something new that will separate you from others while still producing good music. newjeans got where they are bc their sound was something new, (g)-idle try so many concepts and still manage to do amazing every time, ive, le sserafim, stayc ALL OF THEM have something unique that sets them apart but their music is still good and liked by most people, unlike what we've seen with boy groups yk — they'll have something that sets them apart but not for the best of reasons lmao.
kpop has been so insane lately and i honestly wonder why i haven't given up on it completely yet bc this industry is absolutely too much lmao. there's so many gems in it but companies nowadays only care abt money and, maybe without realizing, all they're doing is ruining their groups. we need more good music, not tiktok tunes and challenges AND VERY MUCH NOT US VALIDATION ! although i think it's great that 4th gen is so focused on making kpop a global genre instead of it having such a limited audience, i also think it's so stupid to have topping on the us charts as your main goal. idk maybe i'm wrong for this but it's just what i've been noticing as someone who has kind of been just listening to kpop and looking at it from afar instead of actually being super engrossed in the fandoms yk
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ihophashbrowns · 1 year
2022 is ending and the public needs to know what your most & least favorite kpop releases were this year! there was good stuff, bad stuff, underwhelming stuff, growers, etc. lets hear yours! :D
the way it would be easier to count the stuff i liked vs the stuff i disliked 😭😭 anyways here's my favorite releases this year...
20. generation - tripleS
fun, upbeat, the mv has a nice laid back "aesthetic" feel to it. the only ppl who didnt like it were miserable newjeans stans! 😭
19. hair cut - xdinary heroes
i actually liked the chorus... doesnt have much replay value but i do listen it whenever it comes on
18. antifragile - le sserafim
i DID love this one, it had to grow on me but its catchy af! 😭
17. forever 1 - snsd
this one had to grow on me too! but its super cute and sweet!,
16. mascara - xg
people who said they didnt like this are liars!! have you considered not messing with your mascara..?
15. nabillera - hyuna
there were a LOT of growers this year! even when i first listened to it i thought she was going for babe pt.2 and when i started liking it i knew that was in fact the case!
14. stupid cool - dawn
i got it on the first listen. i love the beat and i thought the lyrics were absolutely adorable :(
13. talk that talk - twice
pop perfection! the chorus is everything
12. aria - yerin
u either get it you dont! the two gfriend soloists deserve so much better it surprised me how much buddys slept on this release. but i was SEATED!
11. dice - onew
father was fathering through the whole album IDGAF!!! like every song is so good and well made, well sang. this is the superior kpop song named dice that was released this year. lol.
10. maison - dreamcatcher
its catchy af and the message is so REAL! ngl at first i thought they made that word up for the song but i looked it up and its french for "home" so 😭😭 extra points for making me think they came up with that word themselves
9. illusion - aespa
its cunty! catchy! i definitely got it on the first listen! (points off for the yummy yummy yummy in your tummy tummy tummy line tho)
8. bop bop! - viviz
if u hate this song you hate fun tbh! the thing i loved about this song is that it felt less like a debut song and more like a comeback song. we love you viviz.
7. good boy gone bad - txt
i had to pretend like i didnt get it on the 1st-and-a-half listen bcuz i was still very much in my txt anti era. but now im normal so i can appreciate what this song means to me ❤
6. jikjin - treasure
why were so many people pretending like they didnt fuck heavy with this song. perhaps broaden your mindset like. [korean korean] jikjiiiiiiinnnn woooooooooooooo. anw it feels like pop rocks to my brain and in the best way possible so its here.
TOP 5. These were the objectively best releases of 2022!
5. last sequence - wjsn
thats gay clubbing music baby! something about this song feels so... not 2022. more like i opened a time portal and went back to mid-2017. idk why. but i love that vibe.
4. shut down - blackpink
the lyrics, production, that violin, everything about this song was an instant hit. no im not just saying that because blackpink was my first group. their comeback this year ate and served cunt severely. we love you blackpink.
3. 2 baddies - nct 127
i like thot music! the way ppl complained about it was so 😭😭 its an nct song what were you expecting. shut up. you either rock with it or you dont. like the song was made BY baddies FOR baddies. so if it isnt hitting...
2. pop! - nayeon
ms. im nayeon put the POP in kPOP with tjis song! and it was her SOLO DEBUT? PLEASEEEEEEE........ i love the girly cutesy bubblegum-y fun of this one. so. so. so. much. like everything about it SO iconic. she not only solidified herself as a capable soloist but as a pop princess too!
1. brand new - xiumin
are you surprised? im an exol after all! but fr this song had me GAGGED since the mv TEASER dropped! everything about it is so good, the beat, the lyrics, the vocals... everything! when it comes down to the mv minseok had $10 and a dream but he still made it work. that song was MADE to be a hit!! when i heard it i knew NOTHING ELSE released this year was gonna top it!
very honorable mentions that didnt make the list for lack of space :( (imagine they are in 2nd place with pop by nayeon)
i don't even mind - chen, invu - taeyeon, hurdle - suho, feel my rhythm - rv, candy - nct dream, gasoline - key, gingamingayo - billlie, loveade - viviz, dreamers - jungkook 🤪,after like - ive
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adotrevsleft · 2 years
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Random post #4
Things I don't like about my fav K-pop groups:
Red Velvet - the fandom mainly. They have a superiority complex that is through the roof, however it has been growing less over the years as the fandom gets older. Also, the small mismanagement of SM with Red Velvet, there have been so many times especially in this year where they say oh yh here's an activity that will happen with rv and then it gets cancelled, like what? This doesn't happen, or at least not as much, in other K-pop groups under SM, I'm tired of it.
IVE - Unnecessary hate that the members get. Like ong where is it all coming from? It's too much. Sometimes, I may understand it but like sometimes it just gets out of hand. Especially with Wonyoung, the strawberry issue was ages ago and people are still angry over it like chill. Liz is getting unnecessary hate for weight gain like are u actually angry about someone gaining weight? You must be bored af. Gaeul got some hate in June for someone on Twitter saying that Gaeul said the n word yet there was never any evidence in the first place for her saying it and these claims were false in the end. The hate is so unnecessary many times. Really. Also, there are rumours that Starship only wants Yujin and Wonyoung (possibly Gaeul as well as she was supposed to go with Yujin and Wonyoung to pd48) to shine and I can see where that comes from. Btw, mini album when? I'm getting tired of only 2 songs each comeback... Another thing is the tension between the girls, it's clear that there is not complete good communication, clearly Yujin and Wonyoung are upset about Iz*one disbanding and they're not over it yet, so it's sad. They communicate with each other not as people who are close but like co-workers almost.
Seventeen - this was difficult to decide because in my opinion everything about Seventeen and the fandom is near to perfect. However, the only problem I have is that they're too perfect. They're too good to be true and I'm scared that we will get a twisted and ugly truth when all of seventeen ends. They have been in barely any controversies and the ones that they have been in were not that big as well. So, I'm just afraid it's going to backfire on the whole load of us, carats, yk? Because no one is perfect and you know it. But, I'm going to enjoy them while it lasts yk?
TXT - I think a lot of MOA's feel this way but the huge change of direction of music, it's too much almost. HYBE really needs to know how to change concepts smoothly so the public isn't shocked when it comes to them, especially the fans. Tbh, I really liked the emo punk they were going for but this new bad boy concept is cringy and annoying in my opinion. Don't get me wrong I love my boys all the way, they're my favourite 4th gen BG atm but yk it hurts to see the inconsistency. It's one thing to experiment with music and another to be inconsistent, they didn't have enough time in my opinion to solidify their sound and that's why it becomes worse, the songs don't sound like TXT and ever since gbgb I've become quite distant from TXT.
NMIXX - scared of the beat drops and the overall superiority complex from people that are obsessed with nmixx and with people that are obsessed on hating nmixx with all their might. Other than that, I love that a lot of people are aware of how talented nmixx is, because the music may not be to everyone's taste but we have to admit that they are really talented especially for rookies. But even that doesn't allow nswers to have such a superiority complex within the fandom, and no we are not going to win roty, I think that's pretty obvious, if it was because of talent, yh we would win but through achievements, no we aren't.
Newjeans - I mean probably obvious but it's Min Heejin and the audacity she had to debut a group filled with minors. I also hate the fact that people try to brush off the fact that they are minors because they are "talented". Don't get me wrong they are, they're your average kpop rookie girl group, and still quite talented but they're minors and talented or not, it puts them in a lot of danger. The world of K-pop is not for children unfortunately, it's very easy for them to be manipulated or exploitation.
Twice - either the fandom is toxic (small minority tho) and the fights with blinks that are completely stupid. Anyway, also ig it's how much they being overworked, I mean they are at least, the second biggest K-pop girl group internationally, but it's still hurtful to see them getting worked so much especially now that they are growing up as adults. Some people can't even accept the fact that they have grown, some people think Jeongyeon is fat on purpose, she's not even fat, that's the normal weight a human being should weigh. She's not fat. Also, JYP old use Jeongyeon as an actual lead vocalist thank you very much.
I'm sorry that the majority of these us about the fandom but I, and many others, don't know a lot about the idols themselves or how they work or what they do in general and it's none of my business anyway.
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withleeknow · 12 days
the stars aligned for you being a june bangtan baby!! . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ for me still with you reigns as his superior single ✨️ that specific jk/jin take two pre-chorus GOD the lyrics and harmonisations still give me butterflies 😭 (🥺💌 = https://we.tl/t-Mfc5dpyl4d)
[🍙's note-to-self: I'm so ready to indulge in your bangtan works] + no pressure at all with your semi-hiatus; when inspiration comes it'll come gracefully in time ♡ also the way you've updated me on your skz-WIPs like your own teaser schedule ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
lmao how stacked is this multistan sandwich getting, no way you're also an aespa girlie 👀 ok svt lowkey give me a headache IN A GOOD WAY! ONLY BC! there's so many of them to be entertained by their chaos 😭 I'm mostly a dk (&dino) girl - that iconic heeseung effect lowkey happened with these two 😫 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVP98fn/ I found this during my hs-rabbithole and I genuinely haven't been the same since
+ today's hyperfixation: cue “go little rockstar” https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeVP7DxY/ he's radiating black cat energy (tmi: I'm the black cat in the golden retriever dynamic with my bsf which might explain why im extra fuzzy towards this man) 🖤
ONIGIRI HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AAAAAAA "per request from the artist" HE'S NOT EVEN HOME YET AND HE'S ALREADY MAKING ME CRY 😭 oh the envy that i have for the people who get to attend... how does it feel to be the first fans to see and HUG kim seokjin after he's been away for 18 months 😭
god i really do love still with you so much. jungoo absolutely kills it with his artistry and i hope we'll get to see him be more hands-on with his music when he gets back
ahh i actually only started listening to aespa very recently. up until a few months ago i thought they were 3rd gen idols lmao for some reason i always thought they debuted not long after red velvet 😭
i love dk !!!!!! wonwoo is probably at the top of my thirst list but dk is the most precious and endearing and funny 😭 i have never seen them in the same frame before akldakjfdsa that is certainly.......... something 😳 you're really influencing my heeseung brainrot here. i've been watching fatal trouble vids since you mentioned it the other day and i just- *eyes bulge out of head*
god he really is just so sharp from every angle.. biting my fist and whatnot.. i never thought i'd be into enha like that but here we are 😭 omg me too my friends tell me i'm a black cat !! you really are my other 🐈‍⬛ half 🥹
i had to save the best for last bc WHAT THE HELL IS THIS
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i adore you to the moon and back, i truly think you're one of the best things that's ever happened to this blog and i'm so happy you stumbled across my little space here 😭 coming back to kpop after a decade really is an experience that not many can relate to but i'm really glad that i get to share that with you :((( tbh once upon a time i also couldn't see myself being a kpop stan past a certain age (twt stans think everyone over 20 is on the precipice of turning into dust lmao), but now being a kpop stan as an adult is so much more fun and fulfilling! getting into bangtan 2 years ago let me reconnect with my creativity and it's really helped me a lot, not just in terms of it being a comforting lil hobby but it made me realize what i wanna do for my career yk (i wanna be a graphic designer or at least work in media lol). and getting to buy merch with adult money! and meeting wonderful pocket friends that can turn into real life friendships! maybe i was meant to be obsessed with kim taehyung 2 years ago and that made me return to kpop bc otherwise i would be missing out on all of these joys 😭 this got so rambly lmao i'm sorry tldr i love you 🥹
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Hi, I know you're resting now, I wanted to share my opinion about the album. I noticed that there are five tracks in Face and they are so similar to the 5 stages of acceptance. What do you think about it? Perhaps my question is incoherent, I am writing it through a google translate.
Ask 3: Which remix is your fav?? I think beans and toast won this won
Ask 4: Bpp Imma need to go to SK and hold Jm hostage…I need him to make more music…Im going crazy Hes not my bias or my bias wrecker but hes wrecked me…I cant believe that he made my soty my aoty…I just wish the album had more songs…Like crazy is crazy good!!!!
Ask 5: BPP, hi!
I was hoping JM would show us a bit of his true self in his new album. And did he, huh? That MV and song reeks of homosexuality. I know it's simething ARMYs do not talk about. But... What do you think?
Ask 6: So did Jimin really end kpop for you BPP? Which song is you’re favourite? ☺️ He’s blown my mind at least. It’s Instant AOTY for me!!!!!! I hope Like Crazy is promoted really harf because I think it has really good potential It’s my favorite in the album ☺️
Hi Anon(s),
Before we get into it...
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...I have a bone to pick with Jimin.
I don’t understand what Jimin thinks he’s doing not putting Letter on Apple Music or Spotify. Like, why does he think that’s a good idea? Does anybody know? This song is so perfect - Jimin's lush vocals harmonizing with Jung Kook's is beautiful - Letter needs to be available on as many platforms as possible. See, these are the kind of choices the tannies make that just causes me to laugh because yeah these hidden songs are 'gifts to fans' but it's also a crime against all that is good and honest in this world to keep it off channels those fans will gladly pay for? The fact Ddaeng is still stuck in Soundcloud purgatory is reason enough to kidnap Bang PD's nephew and sell him to the mafia, far as I'm concerned. The only reasons I haven't done it yet because kidnapping is illegal in my country, the Cosa Nostra require a blood oath, and Jin wouldn't like delays to his game update.
Letter is Promise all grown up, a little wiser and more developed, and I hope in every subsequent album Jimin releases for the rest of his career, that there is a version of Promise, a song that feels like Jimin - comforting, easy, warm, simple, and beautiful. Listening to it I'm so thankful Jimin exists. (Yes Jimin, I'm that fan who is simply happy you're alive - Pixid reference, so for anyone who hasn't watched it yet I've linked it here).
FACE is a solid 8.1 / 10.
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(Are you streaming?)
It's a great thing Jimin has been so forthcoming in talking about the process and his reasons for making the album, the songs on it, as well as how he had key input on the choreography. I strongly suggest everyone watch his live (linked here - I should probably also mention the English subs aren't up yet, just FYI). Jimin has been very clear about what he's communicating in FACE so I won't tarry on it.
My favourite songs in order of least to most:
5) Like Crazy
4) Face Off
3) Letter
2) Alone
1) Set Me Free Pt 2
Something about each song in reverse order with the exception of Letter - for Letter, see mafia case above.
Set Me Free Pt 2
This is the best song on the album.
There are two reasons why SMF Pt 2 comes out on top over Alone though Alone in many ways is the superior song. (1) The production (including the use of autotune) in SMF Pt 2 is incredible, and (2) because Alone ends on too disturbing a note for me to dwell on, knowing that it has come from Jimin.
Everything about Alone is perfect. The way the song begins with piano, then guitar, and then drums. Jimin’s voice. That man’s voice seriously fucks with my head. It’s the way I feel every time Yoongi twitches his voice when he’s being particularly nasty. Or anytime I hear Joon’s adlibs in a song. Or what happens in my head every time Hoseok slathers his vocal inflections with grit. I don’t know if I’m making sense, but what I mean to say is that Jimin’s voice during the entire song feels like a gift. It draws you in. And then you hear what he’s singing about...
It’s heartbreaking.
I can’t abide the thought that this is something Jimin went through recently, and that I relate in a very personal way. The emotions expressed in Alone feel too raw, too scary, and too real, and while that could point to a worrying state of mind in its author, I think Jimin’s idiosyncratic bluntness and clarity of speech in Alone shows the state of someone who still reflects often, is self-aware and also resilient.
Still, it’s a sad song to hear, an even sadder one to sing, but it is one of the most powerful and beautiful songs I’ve ever heard.
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(He's a problem)
Face Off
I appreciate the vision Jimin had for this song. Starting with the gag of him playing the Flea Waltz in the intro - the song the members have teased Jimin with repeatedly by saying it's the only song Jimin knows how to play on the piano - Jimin used that common (good-natured) taunt and then weaponized it in a song putting those who have crossed him in their place. It's clear by the second verse when Jimin raps that he's pushing himself to express what he means in as many ways as possible. He's challenging himself and sending a message, and that I can respect.
Anon in ask 1 who talked about the album showing the five stages of grief, I agree sort of. If we were to assign a response to each song, I'd say...
Face Off is Anger
Like Crazy - Denial (though bargaining works too)
Alone - Depression
Letter - Acceptance
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(PJM2 will be madness)
Like Crazy
This is my least favourite song on the album because it never really develops, but it's also not supposed to. Jimin has said he wanted to express a dreamlike state in Like Crazy, and he does that impeccably well. The song leans into its 80s groove, heavy padded synths, something reminiscent of if Foster The People and The Weeknd made a song together. The thing about dreamlike states is that they lull your mind, and one easy way to create that effect is repetition and monotony. Think about why someone trying to hypnotize someone else tries to keep their voice steady, calm, and monotone. So, many times listening to Like Crazy I wanted the song to go somewhere, to become fuller or less predictable, but that would kill the trance so it didn't. While it's not my preference, I can appreciate Jimin's commitment to the idea of the song.
It's a great track even then. I sometimes listen to it right after Big Man, Little Dignity by Paramore.
Speaking of Like Crazy, there's been much ado about about Jimin's sexuality, queer-coding, etc in the song and so Anon in ask 5, I see where you're coming from.
Jimin is queer. I don't know what else there is to say about it or why even the mere possibility of Jimin being queer should generate the amount of fuss/discourse it does. It's possible I'm wrong of course, but like you Anon I don't think I saw Jimin even stand straight once during the entire MV. There’s not a single straight thing about this guy.
For the sticklers, perhaps the more diplomatic way of saying it is, 'many of us strongly suspect Jimin is queer.'
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(What a stunner)
Jimin seems very pleased with his first album and this is my favourite thing about the last few weeks. Watching him for the last nine years, it's gratifying to see how he has fully embraced himself, his limitations, his pride, his vices, his virtues... Jimin is a strong tenacious person and in making this album, he turned that intensity inwards, towards learning to love himself. The result is five great tracks, and I'm eager to see what more he will show us in the future.
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solarwynd · 2 months
When armys used to talk about leftovers I used to roll my eyes because not liking a group when they change their musical direction is the most common thing just as I found myself annoyed by their hatred for multis - do you expect everyone to not listen to or to hate every other musical act just because they stan BTS?
However as someone who used to hardcore stan JK, I finally get the leftover part a little. I talk about him a little too much and it's because I used to stan him. I think its so much disappointing when someone you used to like becomes a poster boy of selling out. But I'm going to try to make a conscious effort to stop. It's just a bunch of negativity for no reason. Unfortunately pjms talk about JK a lot - mostly because jjks talk about Jimin - and the whole cycle keeps running. To some extent I appreciate the spite-inspo they provide pjms but at a certain point I want to open my twitter tl and not see fight after fight with every fandom on twitter and a bunch of ratkooks and maidkooks or pigmins or horsie or all that bs being thrown around. I've been off twitter for a week because of this (also to catch up with my assignments) and coming back, things are worse than ever.
I don't know what the solution is but things seem more exhausting than fun sometimes. I need some Jimin content stat 😔
Armys hatred of multis wasn’t because they liked other groups it was because multis 9/10 are fake and constantly threw BTS under the bus in defense of whichever other group they stanned. And in the case If they dropped BTS completely, they’d always immediately start to shit talk BTS the moment they unstan. (Even more embarrassing when you’d pull up old tweets to see that they were professing their love for BTS or specific members not even 3 months earlier sometimes) That’s where that term came from and it’s always been fitting. The bulk of these groups in kpop wouldn’t have the fanbases they have now without the fans BTS brought in. Especially 4th gen cause 80% of them are ex armys that’s just the truth. Me personally, I had no issue with anyone unstanning BTS when I was an army if their music started to not be to their taste. That’s understandable. But to unstan then go pick a group like NCT, SKZ or BP and want to talk about quality of music or talent? Yes, I will look at you dumb cause you’re not serious.
I will say that armys do give western multis a lot more leniency because they do hold western acts to a more superior standard than kpop groups. Which is ironic because those same western multis would in turn do the very same thing armys would call kpop multis out on and then they’d even add in a hint of xenophobia and condescension ontop of that too. So it really was all just one mess of a circle.
If PJMS weren’t as productive as they are in supporting Jimin, I’d be 10x more annoyed with them. They do talk about JK a lot but like you said it’s because jjks can’t mind their business. It’s also because how JK operates almost directly correlates to how jimin gets treated so it’s inevitable. Outside of that specific type of name calling (which irks me to no end on all accounts cause the majority of the people who are doing it are grown.) It’s the constant screenshooting and going back and forth that bugs me. Like I get receipt keeping cause I do it. But then you’ll have some pjms who will literally camp on the worst jjk anti accounts like Muri for a screenshot a couple minutes after that man posts some nasty tweet about jimin. And it’s like why? Why is he not blocked for you? What will he or any jimin anti really have to say that would be new or any different from him hurling the same pig insults, SH drags or reposting that same encore vid?
I don’t think the dynamic pjms have with jjks will ever change, so the best thing to do if you’re more on twitter is just stay in your own corner or continue to take breaks. Jimin hasn’t dropped music yet so you’re not really missing anything anyway.
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drzephyr · 8 months
The anon hate made me think a lot since yesterday.
Are we consuming too much Korean content and unconsciously becoming one with the Korean identity? Like I can’t remember last time I had any interest outside the kpop world and it’s creeping me out. Also as a white people we definitely must be crossing a lot of lines.
I’m sure if kpop was an industry by black people or even middle eastern, the love and adoration for the artists wouldn’t be this much.
We think of them as these cute angels that can do no wrong, because ultimately that’s how we view Asians, as kind and polite populations. We wanna protect them, coddle them… just infantilization from all angels. While other POC are the aggressive ones, the not visually appealing and uncivilized ones. You can’t deny there isn’t double standards.
So while I agree that anon was a raging racist bitch, but some of what they said about the worlds view of kpop idols… are ultimately truth.
I feel horrible now and I’ll definitely try to distance myself from this industry.
Anon I'm glad you're able to step away from it since you clearly need to at this point. Korean entertainment and especially k-pop do create an eco-system where most of your emotional needs can be met: music, tv-shows, gossip, sexual attraction, shopping addiction, community, hatred for a common enemy with that community, you name it. It's understandable you might get caught up in that
I don't think white people "unconsciously become one with the korean identity", I think they (I'd hope to humor the idea that I personally don't) treat korean culture and mentality as theatrical decorations that exist for their pleasure. Korean language is there to mistify idols, aegyo is there to mock and act morally superior about, the suffocating work culture is there to make up trauma porn etc etc etc. That's partially why the infantilization is so rampant — if koreans aren't real people to you, why wouldn't you treat them as fictional characters? And who cares if a fictional character is racist if they're hot
Plus with all the colorism, blepharoplasty and new high nose bridges it's very easy to pretend idols are white enough you can't be racist to them
I responded to the hate asks a little too seriously, and while I meant most of what I said, I did end up sounding kinda smug with my wording.
Kpop hammers in the numbness that I try to avoid. When I start to ignore bigotry because I think it's entirely outside of my control I become complacent. If you actively push against bigotry you might actually feel less helpless and lost than when you're acting as if it's none of your business
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hanibalistic · 3 years
genre | fluff, meet cute au, strangers au
word count | 1781
warning | smoking ​
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with suit and tie, styled hair, minimal makeup, and a heavy name on his back, jisung realized he could not do it. he could not bring himself to enter the main scene of high school prom.
nervous sweat drenched his hands and he hastily wiped away at the side of his hips. the blinking neon lights coming through the small windows of the assembly hall doors, and the loud blasty music that belonged to none other than his very own idol group made him feel isolated in this dark, empty school hallway he has barely walked across since he got accepted into the school.
there was no point in this. there was no point in attending. donghyuck had encouraged him the most when he was debating whether he wanted to go to prom; he said it could help with blowing off some steam, and there might even be a possibility of meeting someone eccentric, like how he did when he decided to attend prom two years back. jisung had believed him, and now he realized he should not have.
he barely attended school because of his conflicting schedule as a worldwide idol. logically speaking, he shouldn't even be allowed to graduate with the number of absences in his record, but he did so with flying colors anyway. he was everyone's friend and he has no friends; there would be no one to talk to inside, and the clear superiority in accomplishment he held might make things embarrassing and awkward for him.
he understood why donghyuck would deem his experience at his prom great. it was because he knew how to talk, he knew how to charm, and he was never shy around people. jisung believed his story when he talked about the student he frantically danced with under artificial lights. for donghyuck, having met someone eccentric was merely a fortunate coincidence, if not a miracle that he met someone exactly like him.
jisung was nothing like that. he knew he was nothing like that. dealing with strangers, let alone the mysteriously off ones, was never his forte. he would just make a fool of himself, he would not be having a good time.
going to prom was a bad idea. he should leave.
"jesus–watch it!"
"ah..." his voice dimmed as he immediately turned toward the direction of where the explosive voice came from. his hurrying steps halted to a stumble before a stop, and he eyed you up and down carefully before he dipped his head. "sorry... i–i didn't mean to scare you."
"i wasn't scared, just startled," you retorted quickly, but your voice was much calmer than your initial snap. tapping the lit cigarette in your hand lightly with your index finger, you mumbled as you eyed him with mild curiosity after your angry brows faded, "you came out in a hurry. forgot you had an award show to attend to, hmm?"
"oh–no, it's not that–" jisung paused abruptly, he wasn't sure why. when you raised a brow at him, almost impatiently it seemed, he gulped down a nervous knot and scratched the back of his head. "sorry, i just.. i didn't think you would know me."
you blinked at him as you swiped your tongue against your teeth, clicking with what jisung could not tell was menace or disinterest. either way, they were both bad. taking a short puff of the cigarette, you exhaled a cloud of smoke before you mused, "who said i know you, park jisung?"
he gulped, visibly distraught and confused.
"you just said–"
"i just what?"
he gulped again when his meek sentence was cut off so quickly. not even his brothers have interrupted him like this before, at least not with the genuine intention to anyway. it seemed that at this moment, he further came to the realization just how well he was taken care of by everyone around him, because could such a simple jab to a social interaction cause him such anxiety if he was used to it?
(he was glad he wasn't used to it.)
"what is a hotshot like you doing here anyway?" you fired the sudden question, looking to him with intrigue.
you were never one to engage in idol activities. you weren't even in this school to become an artist; you were forced here by your parents who stood somewhere in the industry. one day they realized you had the voice and the range to deserve the spotlight, and here you were stuck in those shit-ugly, overdue-banana-colored uniforms, trying to be a star you didn't want to be.
but jisung—you knew jisung. everybody knew jisung. your classmates, the teachers, that random american tourist who asked you for directions in the street, that kpop warrior online who kept screenshots of netizen articles and translating them out of context. everybody knew jisung, but very few knew him enough.
you didn't care much for him, but your curiosity just had to be fulfilled now that you were seeing him in person. what was he doing here, in a suit and sweating through his hair? did he always talked this shyly or was it your typical idol persona act? were you scaring him and should you do it even more to purposefully leave a bad impression?
your stare was confronting in this silence. granted, it was his turn to speak, so he was at blame for your lingering gaze on him. "i thought... i thought maybe i could go to prom," he finally replied quietly.
you hummed in acknowledgment, then you tilted your head. you looked behind your shoulder into the school, your eyes briefly grazing past the colorful doors that were the entrance to literal teenage hell, and you jabbed your thumb toward the direction. "prom is that way, though, dumbo."
"i know that," jisung said, embarrassed. "i just... i don't have friends."
you laughed, and once again jisung couldn't tell if you were genuinely amused or it was a response of mockery. inhaling carefully, you longing exhaled the smoke as your dazed eyes looked past him, with a smile so vague it seemed unnatural.
"what are you talking about? you've got friends. you got friends everywhere!"
"i... i don't?"
"sure you do!" you exclaimed boldly as you stretched your arms out to the sky, eyes ablaze at the stars above. "they are everywhere for you, jisung. you got friends everywhere because everyone wants to be your friend. you have options, you are just not taking them!"
"but they're not–" he licked his lower lip nervously, feeling a sense of sorrow cast over him upon the teenage loneliness he gained in trade for his success. "they're not real friends."
you paused.
real friends?
you paused; motions stopped, arms empty without strength, and eyes hallow with confused questioning. you stared at jisung as if he was a foreign creature who had said something absurd, so absurd you had to decide whether you wanted to ridicule him or interrogate him first.
what are real friends, anyway?
people who love you but do nothing about it, people who say they love you but do not, people who act upon loving you but do not? people who leave you alone at a bad time because you asked them to, people who would not leave you alone at a bad time even if you asked them to, people who knew how to juggle in between? people who comfort you because they understood you, people who advise because they could not understand you, people who try to relate to you because it was what they knew to be comfortable?
which one of those was real? were any of them fake simply because you didn't like it? when did you get crowned the decision-maker?
what are real friends, anyway? why does it matter, anyway?
why does truth matter if the lies treat you so well?
when you made up your mind to do both, you began to move fluidly again. your lips opened to breathe, and you chuckled sardonically at his naivety.
"what do you need the realness for? lies are lies only if it bothers you, essentially meaning you don't really need the absence of lies," you said. "who cares about real friends, you just need friends. don't you think you are expecting too much from humanity?"
there was sympathy in jisung that he did not know had risen. the basis of the situation, of why you came to the conclusion that people were less than gentle and kind, he knew nothing of but he was sorry for. whether something has happened in your life, or if you simply grew to be cynical, the lack of tiny joys in life must be a terrible feast.
he also knew he hasn't the energy and wit to argue himself to victory; his humanism, the desire to prove that people are good because his people have been good, would not be enough to shake you.
"shouldn't you stop smoking?" he asked, promptly changing the subject.
you removed the cigarette from your mouth, brows furrowed in annoyance now that the attention was directed toward you. you exhaled the smoke slowly from your throat, and you tilted your head up to the sky where you gently said, "maybe not. i just can't seem to die."
your god-given voice just wouldn't let off.
"do you plan to go back in after then? smelling like smoke?" he asked.
"don't mock me boy." you grinned with a glare hanging off the corner of your mouth. "and no, i am not going back in. i don't have friends, but unlike you, i just don't have friends because i am a raging asshole."
jisung finally breathed out a giggle, but it was abruptly short. he covered his mouth and lowered his head, only peeking up at you occasionally. "well, if it's any consolation, i don't think you're all that bad."
your eyes fluttered as you silently tapped your cigarette. he was just as you expected but a little more. you could understand why people like him so much now; his innocence wasn’t a drag, it was a charm. 
you gave him a silent but thankful smile before you looked away. "yeah. thanks."
jisung thought you looked less angry now; eyes at the stars, wishful and longing to be above. the blush that blossomed on his cheeks remained despite the faded nervousness, maybe it was because he felt a fondness toward you he usually wouldn't toward the people he spend his time around; you were a classmate, someone his age, someone who could understand him if allowed.
an eccentric stranger that donghyuck suspected he might meet.
maybe it was a good idea that he never went to prom.
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louisshomesharry · 3 years
hi!! what exactly do you mean by „stan culture“ from the post with new fans?
up until 2017 (beginning of) most fandom were just full of fans who (most of them) would do their research and “know” the person they were stanning.  Then from late 2016 and start of 2017 there was a shift in fandom culture where fans became obsessed with numbers/streams and their fave being the best!!!!! while also denying truth/facts and not using context to create argument. 
I blame: 
- trump’s presidency which led to plenty of people not caring about the truth and stating things as fact just because evidence of it not being fact didn’t exist; ie the same way I could say hogwarts exists bc there’s no evidence it doesn’t exist!!!! - kpop: I believe it’s the first fandoms that were really everywhere and were truly aggressive and screaming about their fave being better than everyone else. This being said the fans aren’t faulty for that. the problem is coming from labels who decided to get into fandom space and manipulate it enough to get as much profit as they could. ie: producing fan wars so fans would stream more to prove their faves are the best thus bringing more revenue to labels/music industry businessmen. I believe Western companies saw the whole thing working well for kpop people so they decided to bring that energy in western fandom spaces. 
Which lead us to now with all these stans running around being toxic, thinking that they are good people bc they send death threats to other fans and defend their fave’s heterosexuality. Just bc they are stans of x celeb so they have the right to act superior bc only x celeb deserves respect bc x celeb has /that/ number of streams.
Stans believe they have to say “yes amen” to everything the person they stan say and do and bully everyone that gives constructive criticism about their fave.
What annoys me the most about stan culture is them bullying people over topics they know nothing about. I don’t know if you went on twitter this past year but people are vile towards larries and they aren’t even fans of louis and/or harry. they know nothing. it’s just trendy to harass us, so they do it.
Stan culture makes “real” fans quit fandom spaces. I believe a reason so many tumbl larries left and why so many of us have a hard time in fandom is bc we’re used to the 1d fandom and how it worked. we liked it, we do not want to change, we do not want to become toxic or mean or make our whole fandom experience about being hateful so it’s getting hard to be surrounded by people who 1) don’t care about facts 2) who’ve bullying us for years without having any real counter argument 3) who we cannot have a conversation with, bc as soon as we start giving our arguments and giving them facts they ignore it and start insulting us 4) who just don’t know how to have fun and be in a fandom.
when I came into this fandom it was a great community to talk about the boys but also so many topics I had never heard about or knew nothing about. I arrived here as a baby gay and had so many people ready to answer my questions and just be welcoming. I think about all these minors who come on here to shit on us and think how much better their experience would be if they had learn to do research, listen to other people and to themselves to. A lot of adults turned really toxic too. I don’t understand why people can’t act decently online? it’s not hard not to be an asshole....
tldr: stan culture is killing fandom spaces and celebrities will only have themselves and their bosses to blame when they’ll have lost all their fans and the hype around them will die down bc stans will have find more interesting people to stan.
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commajade · 2 years
i often see people say "kpop is just pop music in another language" and i think i agree in general and i get why people are saying it. i was wondering if you agree or if there are in your opinion aspects that definitely differentiate it from western/us pop? and i don't just mean stuff like that the bg/gg format influences the structure of a song etc. but more like if you think that there are explicitly KOREAN aspects to it? (not just musically)
music wise that's exactly what it is. the artists are korean and the language is korean and the culture has developed around the tastes of korean people tho that is becoming less true. it's just pop music. the statement is in response to huge amounts of racialized shame about enjoying kpop outside of korea (honestly plenty of korean ppl r embarrassed about enjoying dance pop too or think US pop is superior). what makes it different is korean people and their history and context, which is the wider context of the skorean celebrity sphere and entertainment industries.
things like groups over soloists, genre diversity, sound experimentation, importance of aesthetics, promotion schedules r all because of korean tastes and precedence and audience. that's it.
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