#sure Terence
mooremars · 9 months
Having finally finished The Once and Future King, I feel the need to share the incredible reasoning for why Guenevere can never actually love her husband and falls for Lancelot instead:
She thinks Arthur is "so old" and on the "verge of senility" because she is a little baby 22 and he is a decrepit, ancient 30. Which yes is exactly how a 22 year old should feel about a 30 year old trying to be in a relationship with them but also is just deeply hilarious to me. T.H. White did not have to go so hard and I respect him for that.
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depressedcitron · 7 months
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How they are towards each other in front of people vs when they're alone together
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r-yui · 11 months
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I hc that in Origin, Terence got infected by akashic aether. But damn he had never been this happy before, because now he can save Dion.
Bonus: Kihel is with him. turns out she's the healing bearer that can stop akashic effect to spread in a body, temporarily.
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beliscary · 9 months
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look at him. he hasn't slept in three days bc he isn't ...impolitic about the emperor like his boyfriend is and he knows that when you strike at a king you must kill him
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moonilit · 9 months
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Aww the side story of the barbie (not date) but from Shouta’s POV, this is the cutest by @cyanoscarlet
Alliance in Pink - Side Stories, First art
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tommypatters · 9 months
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Ok so this is literally my first time writing anything other than an essay but honestly its criminal that theres not a single dion x male reader fic so i am being the change i want to see in my world ;3
So uh not sure how i do this well uhm tags!
Terence bashing(i love him dont @ me its just the best plot i could think)
slightly possessive reader
bad plot ;3
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“ Hunh! Hah! Hyah! “ Grunts and the cold clash of steel resounded within the training grounds of the palace in Oriflamme, two figures locked combat with one of them being driven back relegated to only dodging and parrying in obvious disadvantage, one figure belonged to Terence a dashing man with a gaze of steel and also the second in command of the imperial dragoons and the other being the crown prince of Accordo, [Y/N] Claustra and also the Dominant of water, host of Leviathan and occasionally referred to as the Hydrean
“Come now is this truly all that the mighty vice commander has to offer!?” All that Dion’s little lover has to offer!? As you jumped thrusting your trident towards Terence making the vice commander dodge rolling into the ground in order to evade your furious attack, the ground quaked as you landed your trident in the ground, your hands tightened around the trident in anger as you looked up to your opponent
This wasn’t the first spar you’ve had with the vice commander, in truth you didn’t do this for fun or out of a wish to improve but out of jealousy, ever since you had arrived in Oriflamme you had heard the rumors about the Prince’s “Trusted aide” how’d they would be alone for long periods of time, how he favored, even just thinking about it was enough to make leviathan peak his head in your form, so when you finally met this man the first thing you asked him was to spar you didn’t even know why you did it, perhaps you wanted humiliate him or maybe you just wanted to feel superior to him make Dion notice how much stronger you were not that you’d think the prince was shallow enough to give his affection based solely on physical strength
the truth is you were smitten with him ever since you were boys something always drew you to him whether it was his handsome features or his chivalrous personality that matched those of knights in story books, you were always together exploring the castle, sparring, or out on misadventures in the capital but unfortunately for as much as you would’ve liked to stay a carefree boy you had duties and responsibilities back in Altissia the capital of your kingdom and so the length of time you could stay in the imperial capital in your diplomatic missions slowly shortened and after you both turned 18 you only saw and spoke to Dion a couple of times with the rest being only some letters the two of you exchanged, you never dared to express your feelings to him romantic relationships between two men were not exactly commonplace or looked upon favorably so you bottled your feelings fearful of what his reaction would be
But after you heard the rumors that the prince and Terence the man whom to this moment you had ever only considered as a part of the background as just another soldier with perhaps some special favor as the prince’s friend was actually the prince’s lover well everything came crashing down on you now full of jealousy and fury you gripped your trident as you looked up to the man that had taken your beloved
Terence readied himself defensively positioning his lance, the vice commander was one of great valor and might but even a man of his skill and prowess would be little match against the might of a dominant, you approached him lifting your trident when suddenly a voice ranged out
“Halt!” Both you and Terence looked to the side “Your grace!” the vice commander exclaimed, dropping his weapon and kneeling “Dion” you stated flatly not wanting your voice to betray the vortex of emotions you were feeling just a moment ago, putting your trident to side, you looked at the imperial prince “Prince [Y/N] forgive my intrusion but there’s an important matter of state we haven’t have had the chance to discuss”
“Very well, Vice commander it seems like we’ll have to cut our match short” You looked at the vice commander with disdain “Yes your grace” He replied bowing to you, in some way deep down you felt guilty about your actions you realized he knew almost nothing of you aside from what was publicly known and he was probably confused as to what he did to incur the Hydrean’s wrath or perhaps he just thought you a brute that had no qualms of using his power or abusing his lessers
“Lead the way, your grace,” you said following Dion, the both of you walked in silence along the marble halls of white wyrm castle until you reached a door you recognized to lead to the castle gardens, he opened the doors walking in directly to a table that had a pitcher and two goblets, you saw him pick up the pitcher and serve wine in both of them “Well I have to wonder what sort of “matters of state” would be discussed here, beautiful as it is” Dion walked towards you and raised a cup offering you to take it “In truth there are no “matters of state” to discuss,” he looked at you, you took the cup from his hand “ Forgive me I simply wanted to have a moment with you… Its been a couple of years since we last saw each other, It feels as though we are strangers,” he said in a soft tone
“Come on Dion “Forgive me”? Really? Well I’ll have to agree we are like strangers but only because you treat me as one, I for one remember the mischievous boy who would have us brave the streets of Oriflamme in order to see the performance of a famous bard” you said looking at him with a slight a smile, he chuckled softly “Forgiv-“ you looked at him raising your eyebrows in friendly annoyance, he looked down slightly ashamed smiling at his own over-politeness, you chuckled at him long you tried to bottle up your feelings but now you just couldn’t help but to notice how handsome he was
The two of you would continue to walk around the gardens catching up on the happenings of both your lives, eventually the sun started to set and the both of you were sitting in a clear patch of grass little ways off the path of the gardens, drinking and laughing “Hah says you! do I need to remind you it was whose idea was to sneak out to watch that bard or the time you had us hide in the kitchen to wait for the servants to go because you wanted more cake?” you said smiling taking a sip from your wine “ Well at least I didn’t almost drown myself in a river trying to win a bet!” he jokingly pointed an accusing finger at you “I GENUINELY THOUGHT I COULD BREATHE UNDERWATER!” you exclaimed laughing “Terence had to drag you out and bring you back to land!”
and there it was all the happiness you felt extinguished in an instant, you looked down to your cup your smile fading “ Speaking of which care to tell me what poor Terence has done to incur your wrath? Don’t think I haven’t noticed how you “spar” with him” he said still smiling not yet noticing your sudden change, for a split second you felt the worst you’ve ever felt you desperately wanted to bite down your tongue and not say anything but in that split second you lost all control of your emotions and softly blurted out
“He took you away from me” Dion didn’t seem to understand what you meant as he chuckled “it’s true Terence is a dear friend but that doesn’t mean you’re any less dear to me” you looked at the prince wind blowing on his blonde hair, his brown amber eyes looking back, you stopped caring, jealousy had consumed you ever since you stepped back in Oriflamme every night you would think what you could’ve done different what you should’ve done, you stopped caring and dragged your hand up to the prince’s cheek your hand felt as weighty as your trident the world felt like it had slowed down and so you repeated
“He took you away from me” Dion stared at you eyes wide mouth slightly open “Y-YN, I never….” It seemed like he couldn’t finish what he wanted to say, he looked down, and you withdrew your hand “ Forgive me Dion I don’t know what this means to you but whatever it does I swear to you I’ll respect it… Please…. Don’t be afraid to shun me” you said softly “ I know I’m not the most responsible or mature but I promise you I will hold no grudge and both our realms shall continue their relations as usual” you said fully prepared to bear whatever words of disappointment or rejection he would have for you, he looked up at you and you saw his teary eyes
“shun you…?” he put his hand on top of yours “ [Y/N] I’ve long desired to hear you speak words of affection to me…. to feel your arms around me….” he said softly, you didn’t know what this meant and it seemed like he wanted to continue talking but this was enough for you, you put your hand on his cheek and closed the distance between the two of you, you felt his soft lips touch yours, he didn’t back down he kissed you back and you continue kissing until he was laying down on the grass, he put his arms around your neck and you continued kissing for what felt like centuries you couldn’t get enough of the feeling of his soft lips, of the feeling of his hair between your fingers, until you finally withdrew from him he looked up at you with those beautiful piercing eyes of his you could only softly mutter “I love you”
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it took me like 5 hours to write this and halfway i redid it cuz it was all gonna lead up to smut and then i realize i suck at writing smut BUT I WANNA DO IT SO BAD CUZC BDHUSGB DHSUBG DION BBY PLS also terence is bae i love him i swear ill write a terence x dion to atone for this monstrosity
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ghostlyarchaeologist · 7 months
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"Notify Battalion 9 and LAPD that Rescue 77 has been... misappropriated... as in stolen."
Rescue 77 S01E03 A Bumpy Ride.
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icarrymany · 10 months
i appriciate whatever genre of love this is
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torgawl · 11 months
i am so emotional with harpocrates and dion's side quest. harpocrates who blames himself for not have offered dion his friendship and support besides the knowledge he shared with him when he was once his tutor. dion who feels so incredibly guilty for having destroyed his nation, what he held the most deer, who feels deeply ashamed and scared of what the person that inspired him all those years ago might think of him and his character after his deeds. harpocrates who doesn't blame him for another's ill intent but recognizes the anguish the prince battles with everyday and who wants to atone for his sense of personal failure towards him by gifting him the flower that represents his nation and making him know he isn't defined by his roots, that he is proud of the man the prince became. dion who is so thankful for the role the loresman had in his life but doesn't feel worthy of receiving the symbol of his people before fullfiling the duty he believes he has, si he defers the flower until after he bids his life against the one who ruined his nation to atone for the crimes he committed. harpocrates who plans cultivate wyvern tails for dion's return and bids farewell with an obvious sadness in his voice. dion who's reparation of his wrongdoings has been looking a bit too much like a forever depart...
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mariyekos · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 || Wordcount: 3,864 Fandom: Final Fantasy XVI Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dion Lesage/Terence Characters: Dion Lesage, Terence (Final Fantasy XVI) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Post-Canon, Kissing, Prayer, Established Relationship Summary:
As the crystal that served as Ultima's Domain falls from the skies, Terence thinks of Dion and prays to Greagor for his lover to survive.
The next day he receives a stolas telling him of Dion's survival. He rushes forth, that he might see his prince once more.
I finished FFXVI yesterday and was so blown away that I had to write something, so here’s what a night of inspiration and frantic typing led me to. Hope you enjoy!
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the-evil-pizza · 9 months
Dion's a dragoon what's falling from the sky, i'm sure he survived that
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valiisthea · 9 months
' there’s nothing you can do to save them. ❜ - For Terence and Dion eehehehhe.
End of the World Starters || Accepting
@primalvessel || Dion (and Terence)
Dion’s hand tightens around the hilt of his halberd. Whether its from anxiety or anger, he’s unsure, but he can feel his eyebrows furrow into a glare. This is a threat, if he’s ever heard one before, and such things are not to be taken lightly.
Especially when one threatens the dominant of Bahamut.
“You are unwise to threaten me. I will allow you one chance to reconsider your position, and one chance only.”
He does not semi-prime, but he does let a flash of magic encase him with a blueish glow. His eyes lighten to a brighter golden yellow; a lingering threat of his own - if his wishes are not tended to.
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treefey · 8 months
"Terence crept nervously through the forest, glancing often over his shoulder. He was a slim, agile boy, perhaps fourteen years old-- though he did not know his age exactly-- and he moved easily among the brambles." (The Squire's Tale, page 1)
"Gawain shrugged. 'Is that so rare? Until I began traveling with you-- fifteen, twenty years ago, or whatever it was-- I never had contact with the Other World." (The Squire's Quest, page 4)
"Terence [...] said, 'About fifteen years ago--' 'Sixteen,' corrected Eileen, who had gone back to her embroidery." (The Squire's Quest, page 21)
I'm having a really hard time this reread of The Squire's Tales, and the quotes above from Squire's Quest hit hard and made me think.
I found The Squire, His Knight, and His Lady in my middle school library. I was 12, younger than Terence at the time.
Let's assume everyone's math is correct about Terence's age (I trust Eileen to be the most accurate). 14+20=34 . Terence is around 34 in Squire's Quest. I'm 34. I just moved into my own house, I've gone back to school, started a new job. It generally feels like I have plenty to do and to give. When Terence died, he was my age (or close enough to), had just been knighted, had just publicly married his love. All that potential was cut short in a violent tragedy, and a happily ever after in the Other World doesn't negate that tragedy.
I will likely (hopefully) outlive Terence. Knowing that I (hopefully) will get to be an age that Terence never did is just heartbreaking. Also wtf i've been reading these books for over two decades no wonder they're so formative to my personality
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beliscary · 4 months
pre-868 dion & terence being forced to endure a more formal greeting in a more formal setting like terence kissing bahamut's mercy (ring) and them both being soooo ridiculous about it....,..
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funforahermit · 2 years
first fic of my life update: still rewriting the setup, still too chicken to move on to the smut
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ladyminaofcamelot · 1 year
St Fans: Is Terence blond or brunet? Is Eileen's hair blonde like her yellow dress or is it just red, which still matches yellow?
Gerald Morris: Idk don't look at me I don't even know if Lancelot's hair is brown or black. His eyes are definetly blue tho
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