#i have no problems with this framing
mooremars · 9 months
Having finally finished The Once and Future King, I feel the need to share the incredible reasoning for why Guenevere can never actually love her husband and falls for Lancelot instead:
She thinks Arthur is "so old" and on the "verge of senility" because she is a little baby 22 and he is a decrepit, ancient 30. Which yes is exactly how a 22 year old should feel about a 30 year old trying to be in a relationship with them but also is just deeply hilarious to me. T.H. White did not have to go so hard and I respect him for that.
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stratos-ane · 2 months
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hey guys i kinda did A Thing
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skitskatdacat63 · 2 months
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Okay now where's the Seb teddy bear so I can make them kiss each other!?
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sage-nebula · 5 months
Picked up my replay of the OG Ace Attorney trilogy again and I have to say, the real criticism that needs to be made about Manfred von Karma is that he was such a little wuss back in the days DL-6. "Waaaah I got a penalty, I need to wander around the courthouse in a melodramatic daze for hours and murder someone over it, waaaah." Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it. I get penalties in these games every other day in court and you don't see me having dissociating episodes and orphaning children over it, smh. Honestly pathetic behavior. What a gigantic wuss. "Most feared prosecutor" my ass. This man is so stupid he hand wrote instructions so a letter could be traced back to him with his handwriting. He's such a doofus he suggested cross-examining the parrot himself. He could let a bullet sit in his shoulder for 15 years but he couldn't take one measly penalty like a man. He's a joke. Absolutely pathetic. "But I got a penalty!" BFD I've had three penalties since the recess and you don't see me crying about it, sit tf down and put away the taser you big baby. Smdh.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
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Have you seen him :)
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911 3x06 Monsters and the award for funniest B-plot goes to: adult man terrorized by small bird
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thelassoway · 2 years
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Ted Lasso Season 2 » Paved Court
#Ted Lasso#Shannon Hayes#Jason Sudeikis#Hannah Waddingham#Brendan Hunt#Sarah Niles#*mine: gif#*mine: TL Scene#*mine: TL theory#1k#at the beginning of Season 2 I was thinking about the office scene angle/framing with Ted and other characters gifset I made#with that in my head while watching season 2 I thought this was similar#I'm always interested in the framing and choices for scenes#the first time they go with Shannon here because Beard is having relationship problems#next episode (bonus episode) we have Ted and Rebecca I mean something something relationship going on a date#episode 5 Beard wanting to know the ending of the joke from season 1 about owls something something that's a long time to wait#Dr. Sharon Fieldstone coming to Ted who is having a panic attack...in episode 10#something something relationships with our parents.........#Last episode 12 Ted alone after the article#just breaking these 5 scenes down tells a lot but I had a feeling that first time with Shannon that this alleyway was going to be important#don't get me wrong I giffed Paved Court for season 1 which shows up 5 times there#but those scenes don't feel as big as these ones#I thought about putting all the gifs together in one set but originally I only giffed the season 2 bits#that was where my head was with this but figured I should do season 1 too#so really it was an after thought#wait maybe the season 1 scene here are just as important#or it all means nothing and I just watch things a bit differently#I still have only watched season 2 three ties through and I've lost count on season 1#note to self you still need to make that Coach Beard and Ted set and making a Shannon one
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randombook4idk · 4 months
"i love complex characters" y'all can barely handle the characters parents.
EDIT: This post is about characters parents who care about their kids and do their best but make mistakes and parents who aren't great and have flaws but get mischaracterized way worse in fanfiction
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genericpuff · 5 months
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y'all I am NOT making this up and neither is OP, literally go to the Canvas section on WT and click on a genre, esp romance, comedy, or fantasy, they're getting BOMBARDED by p0rn bots right now, it literally looks worse than Tumblr Live, THERE ARE MULTIPLE PAGES OF THIS SHIT
congrats Webtoons, you've now officially become "that" unsettling backdoor back alley app that promotes shovelware content and gets exploited constantly by bad actors with zero moderation, huh?
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Girl, help, the book authors are trying too hard to be "hip" with the fleeting "teen lingo" and trends again, immediately dating their works before they're even released
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trashfactorysstuff · 5 months
My ass was so bored one day that I decided it was a good idea to make X-Rays from MK with my favorite BES characters. I didn’t have the energy to animated it and do more sorry.
Anyways, TW for very graphic violence I guess.
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I had to turn them all into gifs but I hope it works. De nada, vuelva pronto.
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nancywheeeler · 11 months
‘Eddie Munson should have died at the hands of the government instead of the Upside Down’ please expound on this your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
okay, i am finally gonna release from the vault a text post i had drafted months ago about how reductive and bland i find eddie munson's "heroism" arc.
from a characterization standpoint, i totally understand why eddie declares himself a coward for running after witnessing chrissy (and later, patrick) die. his image of himself as a proud outcast willing to brandish a middle finger at societal norms, bolstered by playing a "satanic" game about misfits coming together to bravely face great evils, is completely shattered. however, from our viewpoint as an audience, eddie does what just about any of us would have done after watching someone die in a horrific, unexplainable manner and not knowing if what happened to them is about to happen to us.
...except the show then does this weird thing where it agrees with eddie's warped, guilty view of his actions. eddie is a coward for running. he should have...what? stayed, again not knowing if he would be killed next, tried to explain everything to hawkins pd, and gotten arrested? (which would have derailed the rest of the hawkins plot because, unless dustin & company staged a jailbreak, eddie then would have been in custody during fred and patrick's murders.) the plot demands he run, but to wring any sort of emotional catharsis out of his death, the writers want us to think "look! he's redeemed himself! this time he ran into the danger!" it equates self-preservation with selfishness and cowardice, which certainly isn't a new thing in media but it's boring and doesn't reflect reality.
and when you parallel eddie's death with billy's (and what i imagine steve's death would have been had they gone through with killing him in season one), it paints this uncomfortable picture that redemption can only be found through extreme self-sacrifice and ultimately death. boring! very boring! and again, why are we redeeming a character who doesn't need redemption?
i appreciate (and really like actually!) that the narrative dooms eddie from the beginning. there wouldn't have been a satisfying way to write him out of a triple homicide rap had he lived. that being said, i would have loved to see eddie survive the upside down, get arrested for the murders, and, while our intrepid heroes are expecting owens and his shadowy government contacts to swoop in, be killed by those same shadowy government contacts as a cover-up.
because that is all owens has been doing for the past three seasons: covering things up to save a fringe organization's ass. it's just been convenient for our gang that the cover-ups align with their interests, too, to the point they are over-reliant on owens stepping in with forged birth certificates and mall fires. only, in season four's case, eddie is the most convenient cover story. with owens left for dead in a bunker in the middle of the desert, what loyalty does the rest of this strange government operation have to the gang and to eddie that they would exert any additional effort concocting a more outlandish story than the easy one the town of hawkins has already bought into?
it would have been a great way to add additional stakes going into season five because the gang would have had absolutely no one to rely on or trust but themselves. no more clean-up crew to plant fake stories and file the paperwork. the government has never actually been on their side. it's hawkins against the upside down and the world, baby.
wow, this is so long and i am so sorry. i still have a lot of feelings about this apparently, even after all this time.
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autistic-katara · 6 months
oh my god can ppl find a reason to ship/not ship something that’s in the middle of a ship war w/o trying to make out the other character to be the worst person in existence? honest to god it’s not that hard to say “this ship doesn’t work for me bcz of xyz” u rlly do not need to go “uhhh actually no it’s not character a that’s a horribly racist asshole who thinks SA is cool (that’s so stupid wtf, they barely did anything), its character b. did u not see how they [smallest thing possible]??? can’t believe the hypocrisy u have going on here…” like seriously PLEASE u do not have to justify urself to this level it just makes everything 10x more annoying
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daftmooncretin · 1 year
star trek is great because the episode i watched last night was like: have we as humans progressed to the point where there is no longer any need for gods/faith? maybe the only thing we can and should have faith in now is each-other.
And then the episode i watched today was like: yeah so kirk has this bitch computer son thats weirdly sexist? and then kirk tells his computer son to kill himself and he and spock stick bombs to it and fling it out the window and then spocks like wow captain that sure was a great display of logic when you molotov cocktailed your bitch computer son out the window and kirks like yeah i ate that fr
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Lone Star Christmas Tree
Cross stitch ornaments
Non-cross stitch homemade ornaments
Purchased ornaments
Close up pictures under the cut
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autistic-beshelar · 3 months
ah yes dungeon meshi, the manga where an autistic man gets repeatedly bullied by people he thinks are his friends and not a single person supports him
#dont get me wrong i am enjoying this manga#but i'm failing to see how this is some great amazing autistic rep#like yeah laios is obviously autistic#and the struggles he has due to his autism are VERY relatable#but it's deeply uncomfortable that even the people closest to him are routinely awful to him#specifically for his autistic traits#and their bullying is almost always a joke#not a single person defends him#literally senshi is the only character that's never been cruel to him#well and farlyn but lbr she's also autistic and also has been in like half a chapter that ive read so far#maybe ive just not read far enough or not seen enough posts#but im not understanding why the fandom are treating it like amazing autistic rep and how it understands us so well#you could argue that the narrative tends to support laios's methods and way of thinking#but nothing else does#the scene with shuro was fucking awful to read tbh#'you're so annoying because you're autistic. how dare you think im your friend when you should have just guessed that i hated you'#and not a single person defends laios#or calls shuro out on what a fucking horrific way of treating a party member that is#like i dont know MAYBE you could have just said 'hey i don't really want to be friends'#maybe you could COMMUNICATE.#but no it's the autistic man who's the problem. for the crime of.... being too nice.#i don't have a problem with the scene.#i have a problem with the fact that shuro is framed as reasonable here. instead of utterly fucking vile.#i have a problem with none of the other characters sticking up for laios.#dungeon meshi#maybe ppl will start treating him better#i would like to continue reading#but if he continues getting bullied in EVERY fucking chapter as a 'joke' then idk man
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