#sure enough it’s 8.55 pm
gatorinator · 2 years
One of these days being an idiot is going to get me killed smh
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Hello, love! My name is Jasmine, I’m a 22-year-old college student, and I am a tarot reader. I am a natural empath and clairsentient and clairaudient. What that means is I can naturally get in tune with the auras and emotions around me. But I’m also proficient is feeling emotions and auras through the internet. My natural gifts have been with me since the day I was born and have been passed down from generations, but I have only been reading tarot for 4 years and have been reading for people for 3 of those years.
As I build on my natural gifts I’ve learned more and more the value of my readings and how they help shape and guide people through their life, whatever their worries and concerns may be. I wish to continue giving more valuable readings to all those who seek them.
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These prices are no longer valid after January 8th, 2020. Please click on the “Reading Prices” link on my blog to get updated prices.*
NOTE: These prices will change over time and I, as the reader, have the right to change them at any given moment. 
Non-Spread Readings: These readings are for any situation and do not have a solid format/spread. Based on the number of cards, I will be able to decipher and answer any questions you have for the universe.
5 cards -$5.45 (Up to 1-2 Q’s)
7 cards - $9.60 (Up to 2-3 Q’s)
10 cards - $15.75 (Up to 5 Q’s)
15 cards - $20.90 (Up to 5 Q’s)
20 cards - $31.20 (Up to 5 Q’s)
Spread Readings: These readings follow a certain format and are for any given situation. For now, there are only spreads for a specific time frame, but more spreads will be added in the future.
Timely Spreads Seasonal Spread - 4-5 cards - $8.55 Monthly Spread - 8-10 cards - $10.60 Yearly Spread - 24 Cards - $31.20
NOTE: If you want more than one season/month/year read for you, you have to pay for each. (e.g.: 2 seasons = 2 seasonal readings and that will equal $17.10, etc.) 
Back To School Spread How Your Year Lookin’ Like - 6 cards - $12.70 How Your Semester Lookin’ Like  - 6 cards - $12.70
Color Readings TBA
Phone Readings (NEW!): In the allotted time, I will answer any questions pertaining to your topic. These reading can be done via FaceTime, Skype, & WhatsApp
15 mins w/ me: Text - $15 Call / Video Chat - $20
30 mins w/ me: Text - $30 Call / Video Chat - $40
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Tumblr and Email are my ways of communication with the world. So that means that I will give readings in my tumblr inbox, PMs, and via Phone if booked through email. I accept Paypal, Venmo, and CashApp transactions. Fees must be paid prior to your reading! 
I also ask that you put your @ name in the notes section when paying for anything but a phone reading. This is a receipt, in a way, and it helps me see who pays and when readings were paid.
Rules For Inbox Readings
You can go ahead and send in your question but I won't start the reading until I receive payment.
If you don’t mind your readings being published, you can send in your question off anon.
If you would rather your answer to your reading be private, put a star (*) at the beginning of the post. That lets me know you want everything private without taking up space.
Anons will always be published!
Rules For Private Messages
You can send in your question but I won’t start the reading until after I receive payment.
If you send in payment but you don’t send in a question I’ll just assume you want a general reading.
I would rather you talk to me about your reading via PM
I ask that you be polite in my messages.
Please do not send multiple messages at the same time. Try to get your message across in 1-2 messages.
Once I start the reading please wait until I say “Done!” to continue on with our conversation.
If you have any questions, ask one at a time, and wait for a reply. (Turn around is 48 hours).
Rules For Phone Readings
Pick - Pick the amount of time you wish to spend with me and my cards
Pay - The payment methods are linked in my bio. 
Email - My email is [email protected]. This will be my only method for booking a phone reading with me. You have to email me after you pay so that the confirmation and scheduling process can start. 
Confirm - Wait time for confirmation is 1-3 days
Schedule - Once I have confirmed that you have paid we will go on to scheduling. I do not do same day readings. Also during Schedule be sure to mention your time zone. Mine is Eastern or EST.
Call/Text - After we receive each other's information, I will call/text you on the day and time we have both agreed on.
* If for some reason you have to reschedule, please let me know beforehand and not the day of.
* If you have to cancel and you let me know in enough time, a full refund will be given. The-day-of cancelations will be refunded partially; 20% of the full refund will be taken as a cancelation fee.
*No-shows will not get a refund!
For more info on what readings I accept and other rules look at my ‘Facts and Terms and Conditions’.
If you want to see past readings that I have already done, look at my ‘Past Readings’ link.
And as always, donations of any kind are always welcome!
If you have any questions for me you can always PM or Inbox me. Both are always open to the public. Until then!
About Reader & Reading Prices (You’re Here!) - Past Readings - Paypal - Venmo - CashApp - Facts & Terms and Conditions
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