#I showed up at the airport. 6 am. to make it to my flight at 8.55
marnikula · 5 months
Hey! I was wondering if you would be able to write a post about a Derek x reader where Derek is in the hospital after getting shot and the reader is just so distraught and bursts into his room, but plot twist, no one knows that they are in a relationship except for Garcia, who let the reader know, and they are all so confused.
Also, I imagined it as a female reader, so if you are comfortable, could you do that?
Hey! Sure, I can do that for you😊
Not my best work, sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy none the less
CW: Injury, female reader, mentions of gun shot, hurt / comfort, talks of deatb
You have never felt your heart drop so quickly and so violently into your shoes before that moment. "He just went into surgery, I don't know how long it's going to take for him to come out, I called as soon as I could."
Derek was shot. He was in surgery. He was shot. Shot. He could be dying. He could be dead.
Shooting out of your seat you grabbed a bag and flung all of your necessities in it, letting Garcia know you were on the way before hanging up the phone. He was in California, 6 hours away by plane and you hadn't even bought tickets yet, you didn't have anywhere to stay. You knew you were being rash rushing to the other side of the country without a plan, but you didn't care. The love of your life was on an operating table and you weren't there.
Hailing a taxi to the airport you finally took the time to book a flight, thanking whatever higher power there was for the fact that the soonest flight out was in less than an hour and praying that you would be able to make it.
Rushing into the hospital, your bag still in hand, you ran up to the front desk.
"I'm looking for Derek Morgan's room, he was shot, can you tell me where he is" even to your own ears your voice sounded frantic, like you were hanging on by a thread. And to be honest you were, you just needed to know that Derek was okay. "What is your relation to the patient?" "I'm his girlfriend"
After getting his room number from the nurse you practically flew up the stairs, not having the patience to wait for an elevator. Seeing his room you moved even faster, breaking into a sprint and almost knocking a tall and lanky man over in the process. Shouting your apologies behind you, you were met with a door, slowing down just in time to not run against it.
You were in such a flurry of relief seeing Derek alive and awake that you didn't even register the rest of the people in the room as you rushed in, dropping your bag at the door and enveloping him in a hug. His good arm reached around you and hugged you back as tightly as he could muster, which was still pretty tight considering he had just woke up from anesthesia.
Kissing the top of your head Derek spoke the first word between the two of you: "Hey princess, what are you doing here?" You shoved yourself out of his embrace, still sitting on the bed and letting the agitation you felt show on your features
"What am I doing here?! Seriously? You got shot and went into emergency surgery and you're asking me what am I doing here?!" "Whoah baby, calm down, I'm fine, doctors said I'll make a full recovery, no lasting damage except for some scarring" your reply followed, with a smack against his good shoulder as well "Don't you ever, and I mean *EVER* do that to me again, do you understand?! I was so scared that I would loose you" "Baby, I'm so sorry that I scared you, but I'm fine now, and I promise to try my best not to get shot again. It ain't exactly fun you know. Now do I get a kiss or what?"
A loud clearing of a voice broke the two of you out of your little world. "Are we perhaps interrupting something?"
"Rossi, man, I respect you and all, but please, get your and everyone else's asses out of my room so I can spend some time with my girl"
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drdemonprince · 4 months
I went to visit my friend from high school for spring break in college one year. I'd had a crush on him in hs, it was not reciprocated but we remained close. I was also a late bloomer sexuality wise so it wasn't until college that I even would have been up for anything physical. ANYWAY. Decided to visit, figured this was my shot to try and act on that crush again. On the drive from the airport he came out to me as gay so, I figured, that's that. Explains why he wasn't into me in hs and why he didnt really have a reason back then.
I'm determined to hook up w someone on this trip though, so that's always simmering. We hang out with his local friend who is having a will-they-wont-they thing with a guy in their grad program. She is desperate to hook up but he's hot and cold.
We concot a plan to bait him with a possible threesome, spend an evening texting and sending him pics of us making out in a pool. (It's Miami, it just seemed like the thing to do lol) This guy is into it but he's busy that night and nothing comes of it.
A few days pass then it's my last day in Miami, my flight leaves at 6 am the next morning. She calls my friend after dinner like, holy shit it worked, he's coming over now, can you guys get here?
I'm like, fuck it, let's go. I'll bring my luggage and you can just drop me at the airport at 4 am or whatever. Forgot to mention, my friend from hs also has a crush on this other guy, so he's been down to help however he can haha
We arrive, the other guy isn't there yet, the three of us are drinking that whipped cream vodka that was popular at the time while we wait. Dude finally shows up AND HE BROUGHT A FRIEND. Unclear if he warned her ahead of time. Friend is... less cute but whatever, they brought weed. We smoke and dance some bachata and flirt etc...
Tbh my memory gets a little hazy here but somehow she ended up taking grad school guy and his buddy up to her bedroom, and I'm alone w my hs friend, we are smasheddd. I ask him, hey I know you're into guys but do you wanna fool around anyway? And we ended up making out in the bathroom, I tried going down on him but he was too drunk to keep it up so we petered off, then decided to go check on the others bc we realized we left this girl alone w two dude we barely knew.
Well they we having a merry little threesome upstairs and when we came to the door they invited us to join in!
That is how I ended up with my ass in the air getting railed by two strangers while I ate this girl out like a starving person. Grad school guy actually did us a solid w his friend bc that guys cock was huge. My only regret is I didn't get a chance to suck that guy off ;(
Eventually, they headed home and my hs friend and his friend stayed up w me until 3 am when I called a cab to the airport (idk why I ever thought we'd be sober enough to drive). Again, this was Miami but I'm fairly sure I won skankiest person in the supershuttle, which the exhibitionist in me loved. Slept it off on the plane home!
No regrets, best spring break of my life, opened my eyes to group sex and I still got to hook up w my hs crush :) and we stayed great friends!
ANON this is the most late 2000's story fucking ever. pinnacle whipped cream vodka. messily negotiated threesomes. people showing up to the sex party with surprise extra guests. gay guys fucking women. everybody being notionally bi but also not really. near drunk driving. i've been at parties exactly like these. my first apartment in college in 2007 had a pool and we were skanking it up in there miami style all the time. cheers dude
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transboysokka · 9 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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gunnerfc · 9 months
🎄WOSO FICMAS: Dec. 19 - Stina Blackstenius🎄
Stina Blackstenius x Reader (Arsenal & USWNT) | WC: 751
Dec. 19 prompt - getting snowed in
-> all translations from google!
-> woso ficmas masterlist can be found here!
You were excited to be spending Christmas in Sweden with Stina and her family, having spent the last Christmas in America with your family. The two of you have spent the past two days packing, wanting to make sure you didn’t forget anything essential or anyone’s presents.
You planned to leave for the airport in the morning, wanting to arrive in Sweden a few days before the holiday to have more time to spend in the country. With packing done and bags by the door ready to go bright and early, you and your blonde girlfriend both exhausted from running around all day decided to go to bed a bit earlier, opting to get as much sleep as possible.
It was around 6:30 am when your alarm went off, signaling it was time for you to get up. With a tired groan, you reached for your phone, trying to turn the annoying alarm off. You smiled down at your sleeping girlfriend, hating to have to wake her up.
You lifted your hand to move a piece of blonde hair from her face, leaning down to give her a quick kiss on her forehead before whispering her name a few times. Your smile grew as you watched her eyes finally flutter open.
“god morgon min älskade (good morning, my love),” you whispered, your voice still heavy with sleep.
“god morgon älskling (good morning, darling),” Stina whispered back, sitting up to give you a quick kiss.
The blonde sat up fully to stretch her arms before getting up to go get ready for your day of travel. You watched her the whole time, You're sure you looked like the human version of the heart eyes emoji. When the bathroom door closed, you picked up your phone to double-check your check-in time at the airport. Instead of a flight confirmation, you were met with a cancelation, the reason saying “weather-related cancelation.”
With wide eyes, you shot up from your bed, moving to look out the window. Pulling back the curtains that kept the light out, you were now looking at the ground heavily coated in snow and it continuously falling from the sky with no sign of stopping.
“Babe!” you shouted, eyes still wide in shock over the amount of snow that had fallen while you were asleep. You had checked the weather the night before, not seeing anything about potential snowfall. The bathroom door flew open, your girlfriend’s eyes just as wide as yours.
“Vad?! (what?!)” Stina’s voice full of concern.
“I don’t think we’re going to Sweden,” you mumbled, eyes still trained on the white-covered yard.
You heard your girlfriend mutter a quiet “what” as she walked to the window, coming face to face with the snow. You held up your phone to show her the cancellation of your flights. These fights were found last minute and with no idea of when the snow would be melting, you doubted you would be spending Christmas in Sweden after all.
As you watched your girlfriend’s eyes scan your phone, you saw her bite her lip in an effort to stop tears from forming in her eyes. You pulled the phone from her hands, tossing it on the bed and pulling the blonde into your arms.
“Jag är ledsen, älskling. (I’m sorry, darling/babe.)” you said softly, knowing how much Stina was looking forward to going home for the holidays with you.
Stina pulled away from your body, giving you a small smile and a whispered “it’s okay.”
The Swede moved to get her phone from where it was plugged up on her nightstand, leaving the bedroom to call her family to let them know about the change of plans. You could hear the sadness in her voice as she spoke over the phone. You might not have been able to go to Sweden for Christmas but you were determined to bring ‘Christmas in Sweden’ to London.
You spent the rest of the day googling different Christmas traditions and even texted your other two Swedish Arsenal teammates to get their opinions. You spent the rest of the days leading up to Christmas making sure that your girlfriend felt at home as much as possible. And when Christmas morning rolled around, you made sure to get up first to video call Stina’s family. It wasn't the same as actually being in Sweden but Stina was grateful for the effort you put in to cheer her up. The two of you could always go next year.
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kickthecan-revolution · 4 months
My friend from Seattle Mike and I have this kind of spooky relationship where he reaches out with something for me after his prayer times. He’s a deeply spiritual person who helps vulnerable, marginalized people be well in their body, mind and spirit. He’s such a good guy. We aren’t close friends but it’s been happening for years, when I need to hear from Gcd the most, Mike shows up in my Facebook messenger. He even wrote about it in his book. It doesn’t happen with any of his other acquaintances. It even happened the night of my first mammogram and when I found out the tumor was bigger.
So when he let me know he was in town to give a talk to a group of people from a church, I decided to go. I haven’t been around Christians in years, pretty charismatic ones, I have a rocky relationship with that group and they always make me feel a little uncomfortable I’m not really a Christia, I don’t think I ever really was but there is some thing that deeply resonates about the Holy Spirit for me and always has since I was little. I just don’t understand all of the other stuff around it, so I stopped going to church because I just felt like I was using it and using all the people who build such a lifestyle and have such a commitment to it. I felt disingenuous and I’ve always felt super uncomfortable and organized religion as a result.
I was in Seattle Thur-Fri and decided to triple check the time of the gathering and realized it was Saturday morning, not evening – so I was able to change my flight to take a 6 AM flight home to make sure I could drive the hour for the 10am start. I got up at 3:45 AM to make sure I got to the airport so already a long day before I even got there.
I walk in and it’s this guy’s apartment and there’s maybe 15 or 20 people there. I don’t know anyone, they are mostly Chinese or Korean – obviously part of the very specific community, very Christian. I felt uncomfortable, but it was so great to see Mike, and people were generally nice. Some people had actually flown in from other places to hear Mike and I teased him for being kind of a big deal.
The pastor of the church was there and Mike ended up giving kind of a talk back-and-forth. I was immediately annoyed that the pastor talked so much and didn’t give Mike a chance to speak. It was an interesting topic - identity - and the question and answer time I talked a little bit about how I found it very easy to hide from myself in church culture – that I actually didn’t deal with my pain, it probably didn’t have anything to do with the people around me, but more about me wanting to hide and not having a commitment to change and to do that. Ultimately, I found Church mostly very lonely and i’d experience the most personal growth through my friends who were atheist. I was careful not to blame them, because I don’t think it’s their fault – it just wasn’t my place, it wasn’t my way.
The discussion then moved to a concept called soul ties – the person that you feel a connection to that is keeping you stuck in growth, the conversation that you constantly have in your head and always talk about. The groove you can’t get out of in your mind. So we broke up into small groups and talked about our soul ties and prayed for each other – I was a little uncomfortable, but was with the sweetest young man and an older woman who again, wouldn’t stop talking. She wasn’t vulnerable at all, she was exactly the type of person who did a lot of scolding about Harry Potter and witchcraft and blah blah blah. I was totally annoyed. When it was my turn, I talked about my soul tie I wanted freedom from and they prayed for me – and in the quiet the young man Leo said “Diane, I think God wants you to know that he trusts you.” I have no idea why, but that hit my heart so loudly and I burst into tears. I’m still processing why.
After lunch, there was a time for prayer. I dug in stubbornly and told myself that I’m not going to ask for prayer, that if I was meant for it, somehow it would come up in the room with all of these strangers. I had this picture of the paralyzed man from the Bible being dropped down by his friends, and even though those weren’t my friends, that was the only way I was going to be prayed for. There’s something about having cancer that you want to tell everybody and you don’t want to tell anybody all at the same but when you say it – it’s a real party stopper. It almost feels kind of manipulative to talk about it.
So the pastor asked, “who would like prayer?” and immediately this random guy said I just feel like we need to pray for Diane”. Remember, I don’t know any of these people they were total strangers – I looked at Mike and asked if he had said anything and he looked bewildered and said no. I absolutely burst into tears in the whole room to me and I told them what was going on – they gathered around me and prayed, and one of them said Diana’s like the paralyzed man that was lowered down to be prayed for- that actually happened.
I said all of it out loud how I feel like I’ve done this to myself, and I’ve hurt my friends and my family and a process. All that guilt and shame just poured out and the fear of being mostly alone during the treatments. I told them I was not going to ask for prayer but that I had the picture of being dropped down on the mat in that room. I think they were all freaked out as I was
Afterwards, I met two women from my area who could go to a local church. I grab their numbers. I’m still pretty suspect of Christians and their role in this world but I think two things can be true at the same time. Regardless, it was a remarkable experience, and between that and the peace of being in Seattle I’m as ready as I’m going to be.
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iam93percentstardust · 7 months
*insert french laugh* Did someone say to send a prompt? Ahoy! Have no fear for I am here. How about stevetony kiss prompt with the dialogue "i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me"? Could Steve be the one to also say it? <3
naferty fren!!! yesss always happy to write steve for you <3
@soliloquent-stark also requested this prompt + "If you win, I'll kiss you" so I rolled y'all into one
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
Steve does follow his physical therapy plan religiously, and sure enough, by the time the next season—his final season, as a senior now—rolls around, he’s declared fit to play. And, fuck, does he play. Determined to prove himself even better after his recovery, to prove that Rollins couldn’t get him down, he leads his team to victory after victory and then to the playoffs and now to the championship.
Tony ducks into the locker room before the game, ignoring the good-natured wolf-whistles and catcalls from Steve’s teammates as he picks his way through the equipment littered across the room. It’s been an open secret for ages that Steve was seeing an omega, and after his injury last season, it became an open secret that Steve was specifically seeing Tony because he kept showing up to fuss over him, but none of them would ever turn him in. They have too much respect for their captain and quarterback, and anyway, most of them think the zero fraternization rules are just as ridiculous as they do.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Steve says, beaming at him. “How was your exam?”
Tony makes a face. He hadn’t flown over with the team yesterday, being required to take an exam for one of his courses—something about mechanics, which Steve had listened to all the ranting about, nodding sympathetically since that was about as much as he understood.
“That bad?” Steve asks.
Tony scowls. “No. It was boring. If you’re gonna make a big deal about this exam being the ‘hardest exam of the entire semester’—” he adopts a suitably dramatic tone for the quote—“then it should at least be difficult, right? I overstudied way too much for that thing. I don’t think it took me more than about ten minutes.”
“Maybe that’s just because you’re impressive.”
“Or maybe Dr. Kean’s not nearly as scary as she thinks she is.”
Steve hums. He doesn’t completely agree—no one knows how smart Tony is better than he does after years of listening to Tony telling him about his inventions—but he’s not going to argue the point. He wasn’t there; for all he knows, everyone was done with the exam after ten minutes.
“I’m glad to see you here,” he says instead. “I wasn’t sure you’d make it.”
Tony makes a dismissive gesture. “What’s a little light sprinting through the airport to catch the next flight?”
“And the TSA let you?”
“I told ‘em I was going to support my alpha, and they practically made a hole for me themselves. They’re big Steve Rogers’ fans, you know.”
It’s Steve’s turn to make a face. He doesn’t know how he feels about having fans. No, that’s not true. He knows exactly how he feels, and he doesn’t like it.
Tony laughs, “Yeah, exactly.”
Steve hears the coach starting to round people up for the pregame pep talk and says, “You better get out there. Don’t want you to miss the kickoff.”
“Hmm, yeah, probably,” Tony agrees and starts to walk away, grinning when Steve reels him back in. “What?”
“Don’t you think you’re forgetting something?” Steve asks.
That innocent look on his face isn’t fooling Steve one bit. He reminds him, “Kiss for luck?”
Tony thinks about it, then gives him a teasing smile. “Hmm, I’m gonna have to go with no.”
Steve blinks at him. “No?”
“Yeah, no. But if you win, I’ll kiss you then.”
He darts away before Steve can catch him to kiss him himself, cackling like mad as he dodges his hand. Steve watches him go and shakes his head fondly. Well, now that Tony’s laid a challenge on him, guess he’ll have to win.
Looking back on it, he’ll be able to remember the game in excruciating detail. He’ll be able to sit down with Tony and watch the highlights and comment on what he was thinking at each moment of the game. Today though, it feels like barely a minute has passed before he’s standing in the winners box, looking at Tony beaming from ear to ear while someone asks him how he feels.
“Amazing,” he says honestly. He almost says something about Tony, but stops himself at the last second. That moment feels too private, too them to share on national television.  He gives another couple of soundbites before the mic moves to Peter, who’d made the winning touchdown in the last second, literally.
“I think I just kind of blacked out when I caught that last ball,” Peter says blankly, still clearly in shock. “I just ran for it. I’m lucky I moved at all.”
Everyone chuckles and then they’re finally allowed down off the stage. Steve makes a beeline straight for Tony, vaguely acknowledging the people who try to talk to him. Tony is waiting for him with a softer, more teasing smile.
“Congratulations, quarterback,” Tony says once he reaches him.
“Thanks,” Steve says, grinning at him. “Now, if I remember correctly, I think this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.”
“Oh, is that what part this is?” Tony asks, arching his eyebrows.
“Pretty sure. I did win, after all.”
“Well, if you won,” Tony says exaggeratedly, but grabs ahold of Steve’s jersey and yanks him in. He smiles again, bright and warm and so, so proud, and then leans up and kisses him. And it’s a perfect moment, the best way to cap off the best season Steve has ever had. Steve wraps his arms around him, holding him close, and kisses him and kisses him and kisses him.
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kaininja2 · 2 months
Travelling experience in a 6 and a half hour flight.. with 2 of us who don't like plane restrooms. (If the response on this is good I'll give more detailed things if they happen xD)
We both had drinks before our flight—she had coffee, and I had a strawberry lemonade about 1.5 hours before departure. Used the restroom, found a place to sit and waited for the boarding process. As we boarded, I felt the urge to use the restroom but decided to wait until we were on the plane.
I'm already feeling it. I have to go soon. I brush it off, I'll just get on the plane and use the restroom when she says she needs to go too (which is usually the case).
My bladder feels heavy as soon as I sit in the middle of the four seats on the plane, surrounded by two people occupying the aisle seats. The day the belt was set up tight, I could physically sense it pressing against my bladder as I put it around my waist. It takes a long time to board, and as we take off, I finally fall asleep.
When I wake up, my bladder is definitely letting me know I need to pee. I lightly press my bladder— it is full. I am wondering how the coffee hasn't made her pee yet, but she seems at ease. She keeps drinking water.. I cross my legs and decline her offer of water.
It had only been 45 minutes, but all I could think about was how strong the urge was growing. As I listen to music, my main concern is when she asks me whether we should get up to use the restroom.
I begin repositioning myself on the seat in an attempt to reduce discomfort. I remove my belt. I never do that typically. I have to go soon. I consider asking to use the restroom, but then I decide to give her some time to relax. I'll wait another hour before asking.
Time goes by, and I don't ask. Time seems to be moving more slowly than before as I sit there with my legs together, trembling, trying to ignore the urge. Food comes and goes. I gently rub my palm over my lower abdomen. If I were at home, this would feel like a dream. I try to watch movies, but all I can think about is what might happen if I get up and pee myself. I get turned on and begin to think NSFW things.
I place my arms on my bladder.. it already had a blunt ache now its being pressed even more.. the tray table comes down and i have limited space to move.. as she sleeps i moan in desperation. Throughout the flight just continuously exhaling sharply and letting out soft moans.
As the flight nears its landing, I'm shifting my weight since my abdomen feels sore significantly. Suddenly, she says, "The moment we land, we need to look for the restroom. I desperately have to go." I agree, and those comments make me feel turned on. When we land I'm pushing her out of the aisle so we can go.
We notice a restroom as soon as we arrive, but there is a problem with arrivals, and our connecting gate is across the airport via a bus journey. She fortunately states, "Let's go to the toilet; I need to relieve myself so bad it's coming out. It's begun to come out a bit," while I'm attempting to be calm. Don't turn me on just yet, Mnh.
It's uncommon that I've seen both of us look so relieved after using the restroom.
I can still clearly recall my thoughts. I'll attempt to record them.
I need to go to the restroom. Why won't she get up? There is no way that the coffee hasn't filled her bladder completely. (I lightly strike the side of her stomach.) She just sleeps and watches shows..how... This is the actual test for your bladder, and it feels so amazing. God, it's about to come out. Ahhh, if I don't go soon. Of course, I'm switched on throughout the flight, but I would love to do this at home. *Put ideas of omo.. nsfw.. scenarios in my head*.. *Desperate panicking*
Just really wanted to share this with someone.. I've got more stories.. I even remember those switched on thoughts... I can post em depends
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zmagpie · 1 month
I once deviced a metric to measure how strong my feelings for someone was.
whether I was willing to take an international flight for them.
it's such a fun party opener "never have I ever taken an international flight just to see someone I wanted to date" and I'd see who drinks to that. I would evaluate and dissect the party into two groups, the romantics - the flight takers, the risk takers and the rationalists, the realists, the ones who see reality so clearly that they'd never want to commit the treason of ever predicting incorrectly. and for the rest of the party, I gravitate towards the romantics because I understand them a bit more. while I'm not social engineering dynamics at a party, I spend my free time thinking about what it really means. to catch a flight for someone.
it comes down to, the cost of sheer inconvenience. the inconvenience is outweighed by your emotions. to feel that deeply. and to show that deeply. only the brave can. and as they have said, bravery is indistinguishable from stupidity at times. they're not wrong. it's about knowing this and choosing to be brave anyway.
anyone can chase someone down an airport. move over romcoms there's a new standard. here's what I am proposing. you procrastinate on chasing them down the airport, think it over for 6 more weeks, weigh out the pros and cons, and finally realize that the sheer agony of living without them is unbearable. then you take time off for an impromptu trip, sheepishly explain your situation to your employers stating a personal emergency, clear up some savings, and if you're from a country like mine you also face the trudgeries of acquiring a valid visa. "confess undying love" is hardly seen as a valid reason.
you do all that. and you show up.
you pray they haven't found some other hot stud by then to canoodle with.
you show up, not even knowing if they'll say yes. not just yes to sharing a sweet kiss down at the bistro in a foreign country together, because that's not what this implies.
this means, hey look at all this inconvenience I went through for you. do you want to change our lives in drastic ways and make it logistic hell for both of us for a couple of months, because that's how much I want to see this through?! do you want to be with me as much as I have clearly shown you I want to?
that's the intention, anyway.
so whenever I start entertaining a crush I ask myself "is this someone I'd take a flight for?". the answer to that usually tells me how invested I should be.
because if the answer is yes...
then the journey becomes more important, more beautiful, more pure than the destination. the act of taking the flight, you have proven to have done your karma, you've been brave, you've honoured your emotions, strong emotions deserve to be respected.
taking the flight itself is self actualization. that's all you can control. and your duty as a romantic, ends there. your responsibility is to find joy in the act of trying. that's it my dude.
Catch Flights and Feelings, A Post-Modern Metric for the Contemporary Romantic
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madiomens · 11 months
Just Pretend [n.s.]
Chapter Nine
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It's as if the more sex Noah and I have the more possessive he gets.
Almost the entire show the next night I could feel his stare on the side of my face as I worked. Anytime a crowd surfer got close to hitting me when going over the barricade his voice would waver as he sang until he knew I was ok.
Not that I'm complaining or anything. It's hot.
After the show we had to break down the equipment and load it before going back to the Airbnb to pack our stuff and head to the airport so we could make it to The UK. The packing the Airbnb part took a little longer than planned when Noah fucked the life out of me on the bathroom counter while the guys packed the house.
Once again, not that I'm complaining or anything.
It was just an hour long flight, for which we slept all of, and we landed in London at 6 AM after sitting in the airport for three hours. We had another Airbnb for the four days we would be here and had early check in so we went straight to the house to unload everything and knock out for some hours. 
Around 1 PM we all emerged from our rooms still groggy with stomachs growling to try and search for some food. The Airbnb provided some snacks and groceries so Noah and I whipped up more "family noodles" as they called it. We sat around the large couch silently munching on the food and trying to wake up more so we could go by the venue to begin setting up for the shows there.
Our bedrooms weren't connected with bathrooms unlike the other Airbnb so I made my way to the bathroom in the hall to take a quick body shower from sleeping and traveling. I went to close the door when Noah's tattooed hand stopped it so he could slide in with me. My eyes widened as he shut the door behind him and I grabbed his arm.
"Noah, this is not our bathroom anymore. They'll see us leave together." I whispered.
He shrugged. "We will just tell them I had to pee or something."
"When there's three other bathrooms?" I said deadpan.
He nodded. "Or," he started, slowly placing his hands on my waist. "we could tell them we were having hot passionate sex in the shower."
I snorted a laugh and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Not happening. We have thirty minutes before we have to leave and I need an actual shower." I said through quiet laughter as he attacked my neck.
He groaned against my shoulder and picked his head up to drop it backwards against the door, causing me to chuckle at him. "Hey." I said, raising my hand to put on his cheek and causing him to look down at me. "Come here, you needy man." I said, pulling his face down to mine.
He placed his hands on my cheeks as our lips met, slowly moving against each other's. I pulled away and met his eyes with my own, bringing a hand up to rub his cheek. "You are something else." I said with a breathy laugh.
"I think you like me, though." He said with his own breathy laugh.
I shrugged. "You're alright." He dramatically gasped as I pulled away to start the shower, causing me to laugh as I started taking my clothes off. "If you can behave I'll let you shower with me."
I couldn't even finish my sentence before he was stripping his clothes off as well before hurrying to me and picking me up once I was naked, causing me to smack my hand over my mouth to quieten the laugh that escaped me. 
The shower consisted of me swatting his hand away from my ass and boobs, bribing him with being able to wash my body if it meant we were on time to the venue. We rushed to dry off and get dressed before preparing to head out with the rest of the guys. This show doesn't have VIP but the guys do perform tonight so we had to rush to set up. I grabbed my makeup and my concert clothes, stuffing them in a bag and deciding to let my hair dry into its natural waves before we were heading out of the house and into the van.
We pulled up to the venue and greeted some of the fans before we rushed inside to set up the stage and do a soundcheck. Matt and everyone else had already begun setting up so we jumped in to help finish everything. While the boys did a soundcheck I sat criss cross on one of the boxes and started doing my makeup, swaying back and forth to the songs they were singing. I finished up my makeup and headed backstage to change as they wrapped up their singing, joining me backstage so they could also change. I quickly pulled on my clothes and put my hair into two buns on top of my head.
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"How cute are you." Folio said as I walked out of the bathroom.
I laughed and did a dramatic spin. "Why, thank you kind sir."
Noah walked around the corner wrapping his hands and lifted his head to look at me, pausing his actions."Hi, Maddie."
The corner of my mouth twitched. "Hi, Noah."
"You look good." He said, eyes roaming over my body even though my oversized flannel covered most of it. I tend to wear flowy items on my top to cover my stomach.
I chewed on my lip to hide a smirk. "Thank you. Need some help with that?" I questioned, gesturing to his hand wraps.
He smirked. "You know how to wrap hands?"
I cocked a brow at him and walked up to continue wrapping the hand he was working on. "Can't be much different than wrapping a sprain."
I noticed him watching me intently from my peripheral vision and I cleared my throat to get my focus back, forcing myself not to look up at him. I secured the wrap and put my hand out for his other hand, making the mistake of meeting his eyes with my own. I swallowed as a jolt shot through me at the intensity of his gaze. My fingers grazed the back of his hand as I began to wrap it, not breaking our eye contact. I worked off muscle memory of the many wraps I'd done while working in the ER as his gaze darkened more the longer we held eye contact. A camera flash broke my eye contact and I blinked harshly, not realizing how dry my eyes had gotten. 
I looked over at Bryan who was grinning at his camera. "You two are about to break the internet with this picture. Even more so than the ones I posted of Maddie."
He brought the camera over as I quickly finished Noah's last wrap, giving his hand a slight squeeze before dropping it. Bryan turned the screen around to show us the picture he took. Noah and I were intently staring at each other as I cradled his hand in mine, the tension surrounding us jumping through the screen.
"Hot." Folio said as he poked his head between us to look at the picture. "Maddie, your eye contact is enough to make a person sweat."
I laughed and bumped his shoulder with mine before turning around to grab my perfume out of my bag and spray a couple spritz's, taking the time to take a slow deep breath to calm down my heartbeat. I fastened my bag and walked over to the guys to wish them luck for the show. They all gave me hugs, Folio picking me up off the ground and causing me to laugh. He set me down and pat my head before I turned to Noah, wrapping my arms around his waist for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, resting his chin on the top of my head as his scent engulfed me. I took a deep breath through my nose, taking in as much of his cologne as I could and holding him tightly a big longer than I did the other guys before forcing myself to pull away. He looked as if he didn't want the hug to end either when I looked up at him. 
I reached up and pinched his chin with a grin. "Good luck out there."
He grinned down at me. "You too. Be safe. Watch out for crowd surfers and drunk idiots."
"You kidding me? That's a normal shift in the ER." I said with a chuckle.
He laughed and squeezed my shoulder before I turned away and make my way in front of the barricade. I smiled at the security guards standing around before checking on everyone at the barricade as the room filled up. A few girls asked to take pictures with me and I happily obliged, still not used to people asking me for pictures. It's funny to me. The tour nurse getting thrown into pictures just because I know the band.
The opening acts performed without a hitch and before I knew it, the crowd was deafeningly loud as the boys began walking onto stage. They made it to the brief intermission and I made my way across the barricade, handing out waters and cool packs to whoever needed them. The boys began filing back onto stage as I handed out another water, grinning and clapping with everyone. 
A girl was fanning herself with her poster a couple people down from me so I made my way over to her to see if she needed a water or cool pack. "Hi! Care for some water?" I questioned, holding the bottle up.
She looked me up and down with disgust. "Get out of my way, you fat pig. I can't see."
I cocked a brow at her as people surrounding us began to exclaim in protest at her words.
"Hey!" Noah's voice shouted over the mic, causing me to jump and turn to face him. "If you think you can treat Maddie like that and get to stay at our show then you are mistaken. Who the fuck do you think you are?" He said angrily into the mic. The girl's face drained of color as she stared up at him, stuttering over her words. "Get her the fuck out of here." He said to security, crouching down so he could stare the girl down until she was escorted out. The crowd cheered around us as she was removed, the people at the barricade apologizing for something that wasn't their fault.
I laughed and nodded at them, the rude girls words not fazing me one bit. Noah jumped down off the boxes in front of the stage to stand in front of me. "You okay?" He said, rage on his face. 
I nodded and pat his chest. "Nothing I haven't been called before." I said with a grin. He shook his head and clenched his jaw, anger still seeping out of his pores. "Hey," I said, getting him to look in my eyes. "I'm fine. Promise. Now get back to your show." I said, reaching around and smacking his ass, causing everyone around us to laugh.
He nodded and hopped back up on stage, grabbing his mic stand to place it in front of him. "If anyone has anything else to say to Maddie that isn't respectful, feel free to go through me. I don't put up with that shit." He said, the crowd cheering at his words.
I chuckled and shook my head at him before making my way back to the box I normally sit on. The rest of the show went off without a hitch and I took a couple more pictures with people before walking backstage to meet the guys. I was instantly tackled with a sweaty group hug, causing my nose to scrunch up at the smell of them.
"You guys smell like shit." I said through laughter as they rubbed their sweaty bodies dramatically on me.
"You should've socked that girl in the face." Folio said, causing Nicholas and Jolly to agree as they pulled away from the hug.
I laughed. "If I punched every catty girl in the face anytime they were rude to me then I would never stop punching people. It's hard to hurt my feelings."
The guys kept shoveling out the possible scenarios of me kicking that girls ass as I roamed my eyes around the room, looking for Noah. I noticed the bathroom light was on and the door was cracked so I made my way over to it, softly knocking. I pushed it open to see Noah bracing himself on the sink, hanging his head and staring at his hands. I turned around to make sure the guys were still preoccupied before slipping in behind him and firmly shutting the door. He lifted his head up to look at me through the mirror before his eyes widened and he quickly turned around, placing his hands on my cheeks.
"I am so sorry about earlier. I promise not all of our fans are like that. You should've punched the twit in her face." He rushed out, eyes roaming over my face.
I laughed and placed my hands on his. "I promise I'm fine. That's the first rude fan of many nice ones I've met. And definitely not the worst thing I've been called in my life."
He sighed deeply, closing his eyes and calming his anger down. I placed my hands on his cheeks and watched his face as it softened under my touch, a soft smile appearing on my own face. I'd never had a man stick up for me as much as he did tonight.
His eyes slowly opened to meet mine, my smile widened. "You like me." I teased.
His face instantly turned red as he turned around so his back was to me. "Shut up."
I laughed and pat his back before grabbing his hand to turn him back around. I reached up to pull his face down to mine, placing my lips on his in a soft kiss before pulling away and smiling at him.
"It's okay, I might like you too."
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yourcalamity · 4 months
the first time i tried edibles i didnt touch them again for ~6 months because i was living in cali at the time had a flight to visit family in az the next morning it was new years eve my roommates friends bring 25mg thc capsules try it cosmo lets get fucked up cosmo ill make my flight regardless well we did get fucked up and my roommates were very fucked up and also drunk and roommate #1 starts having a panic attack and thinks shes having a heart attack her wife roommate #2 pukes everyone is crying roommate #2 is flipping the fuck out the friends who brought the weed capsules appear VERY. uncomfortable! third roommate is calling 911 somehow i am roped into helping roommate #1 with breathing exercises knock knock whos there FLASHBACKS WHILE HIGH!!! i get rounded up into my bedroom the ambulance shows up. roommate #1 is fine. she had a panic attack. everyone is telling me this and im still high and im like THEYRE LYINNNNNGGG THEY DONT KNOWWW THEY DONT KNOWWW panicked all the energy out and im asleep. she was fine in the hospital the next morning and my coworker gave me a ride to the airport. i did not want edibles again for a while. little did i know i just needed to take them around people who are not californian.
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payservewomen · 7 months
I’m tempted to say “I’ve hit a new low”😔 but in reality, I’ve been at rock bottom for…a very long time. Years I suppose.
But at least a few years ago, I interacted with women outside of work. But now? I don’t even leave my bedroom on my days off from work.
I sit on my bed, watching humiliation clips; calling ignore phone lines; taking embarrassing photos of myself; edging myself, oftentimes for many hours(almost never less than 4hrs. up to 12hrs)
The one newer development is- I’ll edge for a while, but then the sadness/anxiety makes me go limp….or i’ll be semi hard but my loser penis only grows slightly larger.
It’s like i’m trying to keep in as small as possible, because I know it should be teeny tiny. It CAN grow to 7in but considering how pathetic I am, part of me wishes I had a microdick. Then I could forget these thoughts i have of becoming a normal person again.
Then I could search 24/7 for a superior woman who wants to use and abuse me.
I fantasize about meeting a woman and dating….Getting comfortable with her to the point that I’m able to do the best I’m capable of in making her orgasm…. But then we open up and share kinks etc….and i know as time goes on, there will be many times my dick doesn’t work.
Slowly over time, she realizes just how much of a beta i am, and begins flirting with real, confident men.
By this time, we’re living together; Maybe one month she asks me to cover all the rent, then bills and spends her money on going out….Then a “friend” of hers(maybe with a unisex name that’s usually a woman’s name)is coming into town; she offers our place to stay….Tells me to make dinner etc saying “ali loves lobster tails and filet mignon! I know ur low on money, but it’s ok! I’ll still have enough left until ur next paycheck! Thanks sweetie! Maybe we’ll meet at the airport, then I’ll let you know when we’re on our way, flight gets in i think about 5pm but who knows if it’ll be on time”
I get off work, begin prepping everything….texting her asking if ali’s plane arrived at 5:30….”it did but we’re tryna find the luggage etc. With traffic it’ll take quite a while, plan for a late dinner!”
By 6:30, still nothing, so i text then call to find her phones off.
I figure she’ll probably be walking in any minute….So i check the “find my iphone” tryna be extra sweet and have everything timed perfectly. I see it moved from the airport towards home and begin making dinner….Until i realize another hour has passed. I check it again to see it’s been somewhere between home and the airport for 2 hours now!
Next thing i know, it’s 10, then 11, then 12 midnight!
I’m dozing off and finally see a text “Omg babe i’m sorry! I lost track of time! Ali said getting a hotel room would be easier, and we’ve just been catching up but ugh it got so late and you know how i don’t like to drive at night anyway, so I’m just gonna stay here tonight, see ya tomorrow!”
I just fall asleep, and wake in the AM to see several weird video texts from a number i don’t know….I hear giggling and a man’s voice….almost seeming like someone’s trying to record something and my gf saying “no stop don’t! that’s mean ali!” There’s at least 4-5 clips like that, the last one ending with my girlfriends sexy belly on the screen. I figure ohhh they’re just having fun i guess? But it did give me a bad feeling in my stomach….
Those vids were sent at about 1am. Then at 2am, just a close up of what i’m sure is my gf’s skin, but i can’t tell what part of her body…..but the audio on it was simply my gfs voice sounding like she’s whining or moaning or something? and saying “mmmmm ohhhhk fuck it”
Then 30mins later the clip begins blacked out, but with clear audio…just sounds like licking and slurping….Then a man’s voice “yeah worship it bitch. Now, say it” then the phone moves, showing an arrogant looking man smiling, then it slowly pans down over his entire perfectly fit muscular body….very slowly, stopping on each part of his stunningly perfect body….i mean this guy had an 8pack! Absolutely chiseled in every way. Then it stops to show his abs and v-lines, and then slowly shows his balls…I didn’t know balls could actually be that big!
Then slowly as possible, the camera moves to show the thickest cock i’ve ever seen!
Then the vids stop…but there’s a text at 4am with only an address….my gf knows i wake up for work at 4am…
i call and text her but her phones off ofc. I go to work, and finally around noon, my gf calls saying she’s going shopping with Ali, saying she didn’t bring any of her credit cards asking if i’ve got any money left…i tell her i’m not sure how much, but i’ve got $500 in a sportsbook app from winning the night before…”omg babe that’s perfect! Don’t worry i can move it from there, is it your normal password?” I answer yes, and ask her just to leave at least $100 or so….
And ask if theyre gonna be having dinner tonight…”yeah sweetie we are! I’ll let you know when we’re on the way”
I ask her wtf all those vids were. and who that guy was and she replies “huh? Wait what? You’re telling me you got videos from a random number?! And it had a perfect man’s body with a horse cock?! Lol babe i dunno what websites you’ve been visiting but i’d imagine it’s something to do with that!🤣 What?! u think i’m cheating on you with an old friend or something?! jk! Love u babe”
I hang up the phone and immediately get the same text with the same address, i look up the address to find a really really nice hotel is there. Then another text comes through simply saying “penthouse suite, beta cuck”
Then another text….just a screenshot of a receipt from stub hub for tickets to the nuggets game that night, 5:10pm. 2 tickets, $250 each, wow, better than i’ve ever had for sure.
Then one more text again with the hotels address, saying “ur welcome to stop by whenever, but i suggest you either wait for us to get there or something. not getting up to open the door if we busy fuckin. Can’t wait to see your bitch ass cry🤣”
This one hits me like a ton of bricks and it’s feeling more n more that it’s gotta be exactly what it seems….but no way she’d do this to me!
The great part of our relationship is complete and total honesty and openness! My gf, allison is kinky and loves to be a dirty slut, and we have talked about her fucking others, maybe even a gangbang!
But we’d only done a handful of super kinky things….we’re both submissive so it’s kinda hard to push it and try really crazy n kinky things….we both need that more aggressive attitude!
But i know she loves me deeply. We’ve such an intensely strong emotional connection, more than either of us ever have!
Still no word from my gf and it’s 8pm. At 9pm she finally texts me but it’s the exact same as from the other phone number and it’s just the hotel address and room number…..I call her back, and it rings and rings until going to voicemail. Maybe she didn’t hear it, i call again…it rings 3-4times, less than the last time, then goes to voicemail. I try again and it rings twice then voicemail….Again, same thing. I call yet AGAIN, prob the 6th time and it goes straight to voicemail!
I check the phone locator app and see her phone was at ball arena(nuggets play there)the length of the game….and moved to exactly where the hotel is.
I get dressed, now fearing the worst, but thinking “ok this makes no sense! Either she’s playing some joke on me; something weird like that or some surprise for me?”But i do realize that the most likely thing is…maybe she’s been partying with her friend, she cheated and isn’t sure how to deal with me…..But what’s up with the pics etc? ofc she’s aware of my pervy kinks etc, and she’s prob making it seem like she’s cheating on me, i’m hoping!
I walk to the light rail station, and get on the train….Ugh yeh don’t have the money to get an uber…i checked my bet365 account to see its at zero!
Wtf?! I had some futures bets….ones i could cash out for about $250 total, but they were all just cashed out! i’ve not one bet at all and no money here!
I see that $800 was withdrawn and my bank account was credited $800! But $500 used for the tickets, and $300 spent at some weird fancy store downtown.
Ok that’s it i’ve gotta see what’s up as i’m sitting on the train, mind running wild. Fuck, i gotta get off and walk 20mins, then get a bus!
I get off the train, walking to the bus stop…..Bus finally comes and oh fuck, as i’m tryna buy a bus ticket on the app(for $2.75) It dawns on me “fuck i don’t have enough money in my account” i look at the driver and say “i’m not sure why it’s not working” he looks at it and says “yeah cuz you’re card is being declined, sorry” and closes the doors.
I’m defeated and want to cry. Looking at google, i see it’ll take 2.5 hours to walk there….
It’s now almost 10pm and i consider going back home, but then wtf?! I can’t just sit at home wondering wtf is going on!
So i walk and walk…i watch the clip again and again of the perfect man’s body, fantasizing that the woman i’m in love with is cheating on me in the meanest way possible….Finally, it’s after midnight and I arrive at the hotel….I ask the front desk how to get to the penthouse, and she tells me “the elevator is right over there, but Sir, there isn’t anyone staying there right now”
I thank her and walk away tryna figure out what to do.
I text my gf asking why she texted me that address. she texts back right away with another address! I lose it and call a few times, each time it’s sent to voicemail. I text her back yelling “OK WTF is going on?! What’s your problem? Tell me what’s happening right fucking now!”
She texts back “i’m sorry sweetie, i didn’t mean to upset you! Just having fun with my friend, sorry guess i didn’t realize….I’ll be home tonight, but we’re out, omg babe i’m so drunk! I’ll see you at home, probably late!”
So i begin to walk back home…and remember the light rail isn’t running anymore….Now, I’ve got a 3.5 hour walk!
Finally i arrive home, it rained a little and i’m soaked, socks wet, and miserable and exhausted….
I open the door and hear slurping sounds and my gf giggling. My heart sinks and i already know what’s happening….I yell “wtf are you laughing about?! The fuck is wrong with you, ur being a fucking bitch!”
And i see the same man from the clips emerge from my bedroom, butt naked….he’s holding my favorite shirt, sweat dripping off his immaculate body and he wipes it off, then wipes his asshole with it, now it has skidmarks and throws it at me, saying “wtf did you say bitch?”
I ask who he is and what he’s doing at my place he replies “whatever tf i feel like doing faggot!” I say no it’s my place, and no i’m not gay” i emphasize gay, since i’m not a fan of bigotry and homophobia…”yeh didn’t say your gay, but you ARE a bitch ass faggot! Wtf you gonna do about it, huh? that’s wtf i thought, now, on your knees…obey or i’m gonna beat you up so badly….maybe you’ll get outta the hospital by the time i get out of jail, but it’s your choice” while making his pecs bounce in a very intimidating way. he walks up to me cracking his knuckles saying “ya know, i really DO hope you put up a fight; nobody ever wants to fight me” I look him up and down, knowing he’d kill me quickly….He’s gotta be a foot taller than me….im 5’9 and he’s gotta be at least 6’6!
I ask if i can take my shoes and wet socks off first and he laughs then slaps me in the face, open handed but hard, immediately followed by a left handed slap, i lose my balance and stumble to my knees, then i say “ok ok” on my knees looking up at him.
“Thank me for bullying you. Do it bitch” i thank him, he laughs, spits on me and gives me a wedgie….i make noise indicating it’s hurting, and he proceeds to give me an atomic wedgie…laughs then demands i take my clothes off but keep my wet socks on….
He laughs hysterically at my dick and shouts “baby, how tf were you actually fucking THIS?! omfg, ok come on slut”
And i see my love…she’s crawling on all fours..crawls up to this greek god and begins kissing his feet. She works her way up his legs, as she kisses and licks literally every inch of his perfect body.
Ali then says “ok now, don’t make me tell you again”
She looks me directly in my eyes “Bobby, keep looking in my eyes, ali says we must keep eye contact and he’s in charge here, ok? Please listen to what he says, i don’t want you to get hurt, i really don’t…not physically anyway. I say that because i i i DO want you to get emotionally hurt. I am sorry but when Ali told me he wanted to fuck me, i told him about you. Over months he kept teasing me for fucking such a loser; i love you but you are a loser. He’s been sending me pics of him, and the girls he fucks and omg babe, they cum so hard, and I fondly remembered being fucked by ali. I broke up with him cuz he cheated constantly and i thought that wasn’t ok, Now i realize how superior he is. It’s a small price to pay to be allowed to touch a superior man, im sure you understand. After i admitted how badly i wanted him he began insulting you and making fun of you. He made me take pics and record our sex, and that’s why i haven’t cum in so long, he said i wasn’t allowed with a loser like you. Ali is a sadist, he loves to make women worship him and loves nothing more than breaking beta men like you. That’s not an insult; you’re a beta, he’s an alpha, ya know?
He’s been planning for months to do this….it’s his masterpiece of destroying a loser!”
By this time i’m crying, tears streaming down my face…
“now bobby, we’re recording all of this and you’re now going to thank ali for making your fantasies come true. I know it hurts; the goal is to break you. Ali and i will marry, and you will work for us and live in a tiny room in the basement. U will be used and abused. I know it hurts but this is your new life now. Sure you can run away or something, but then ali will send all the vids and clips to your entire contact list.
But right now you’re going to beg ali to let you eat his sweaty asshole, do it you fucking piece of shit!” By this time ali is rubbing her pussy with his foot and it’s making her horny af….mmm fuck, i fucking hate you loser!” And she spits on me, confusing and hurting me.
I begin to beg to eat his asshole….
And wow, I began this planning on just whining about being so sad and pathetic but then wrote all this…wow i’ve got issues
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enumchase · 1 year
Okay as my all-time favourite Ted lasso artist and blog; what are your honest thoughts about the finale episode??
i've still only seen the episode once but just for you, sweet nonnie, i will rewatch it for more thoughts, but for now:
LOVED probably 80-90% of the episode and it was bittersweet and emotional af
every single one of the callbacks made me so happy especially the offside and nate's play
the so long, farewell scene?? are you kidding me???
trent. TRENT. my sweet gal. my little guy. i'm glad we got a final few ted/trent scenes in there and so grateful for the crumbs and mr lance's wardrobe.
i'd hoped for the whole season they weren't gonna do the love triangle thing with roy & jamie again, but unfortunately they did and even left it till the finale which was disappointing, but i did like how they resolved it, even if the throuple didn't happen (:/ or at least didn't happen onscreen)
i needed more nate this episode - i was hoping he wouldn't return just as a kitman and i wanted to see how that conversation went, but as always nick delivers on the stuff he DID get and i'm eternally grateful for his presence in the show
seeing the full diamond dogs just brings me so much fucking joy god i love six (6) men
barbara is such a little freak i love her and everything about her
one final triumph of tony head's rupert was incredibly satisfying to see i love old men. but WHERE IS BEX. i needed to see the rebecca/bex/ms kakes revenge storyline
re. the tedbecca of it all, i really thought they were gonna do it till the airport scene and am still surprised they didn't, which meant that the first fakeout scene was absolutely uncalled for and felt really in bad faith after the fact, even as a person who does not actively ship them
now for the stuff i REALLY. really. did not like, as evidenced by a number of dozens of tweets and two long stern worded replies in brendan's ama: absolutely unbelievable that beardjane were endgame when basically no other established ships/relationships ended up being endgame. very disappointed about the direction the show took them in and the writers' not realizing how harmful it can be to celebrate a toxic and abusive relationship. most important i think beard deserves better than jane but maybe that's just the beard fan in me talking.
i wish ted & beard would've had a deeper conversation re. jane & leaving london before they literally got on the flight, and gave us more resolution with these two men whom i dearly love and want to see more of - it does NOT help when brendan says they "don't see each other for years" because cmon. this is a feel good tv show. you don't have to bring your "real life friendship" stuff into here. make us feel good about ted leaving please.
and finally, ted leaving, which i definitely expected. i just didn't expect that the people trying to make him stay to not have any effect on him at all. i agree with others that ted seemed quite distanced and detached for the whole episode, but they'll most likely never end up addressing this ever again. i wish he'd explored more options than just "leave permanently and never come back" - and ended up being the same place he started before he came to london, but i appreciate the effort he is making for henry.
as for the future of the show, i hope there'll be a spin off with maybe some of the existing characters but definitely a whole new showrunning/writing/creating team, i would love to see other's interpretations for the characters & universe i've grown to love over the past year and a half.
so yeah, that's about all i can think of re. the finale. i was holding out for the last 15 mins of flashforward montage to be a dream sequence but brendan debunked that theory pretty definitively yesterday, so there's that. i appreciate the show for what it was to me and forgive it for what it wasn't, and i will still be enjoying the bits i enjoyed from it wholeheartedly - it was not a perfect show, but it was a great show to have enjoyed over the past year and a half and to have shared with the rest of y'all. i cannot wait to see what the universe, and everyone who was involved with the show will go on to do next and you'll be damned if i wasn't gonna follow jimmy lance's career until he is fully out of work. richmond till we die <3
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broughtandborn · 1 year
Vacation recap, feel free to skip
Andy and I spent seven nights at a Sandals resort in Curaçao and it was incredibly expensive and so, so great. 5 stars, would recommend.
The resort is the newest Sandals resort, and apparently their opening a few years ago was delayed and pretty rocky because of covid so early reviews were decidedly mixed. Everything seems to have been ironed out and from our perspective everything was super smooth.
We flew out from a big airport an hour away at 6 am so the trip started with dropping the kids off the night before and getting up at 2. We were at the resort in time for a late lunch and they had our stuff brought to our room and a cheese plate and wine and balloons and a card for our anniversary in the room when we got up there. The staff were incredibly attentive and they all seemed invested in keeping the guests happy. They all were cheerful and pleasant and went out of their way to make things as easy for us as possible.
Our room looked out over a gorgeous garden with a peek of the ocean beyond and a sort of lazy river pool below us, which was incredible. It felt secluded and the garden was always abuzz with tons of birds and butterflies. We spent a bunch of time in the mornings out on the balcony with coffee watching the hummingbirds and these big yellow butterflies that were the exact same color as some of the flowers, so it looked like the flowers would just pick up and flutter away.
The resort is pretty large so they have bicycle racks scattered around and you can just hop on a bike and leave it wherever you decide you're done with it. The main pool was lovely and they have entertainment going next to it all day. The "quiet" pool isn't actually far enough away from the entertainment to be quiet but there are other smaller pools scattered around that are very quiet. The beach is on a channel, protected by a dock, with tons of beach chairs and palapas. There's another area of beach to walk on that's too rocky and rough for swimming but it's very pretty to look out at -- pure turquoise water that drops of suddenly into dark blue.
The food and drink are all included and very good. There were a few perplexing things (a "charcuterie tray" that included one very thick slice of garlic bread and slices of salami wrapped around chutney to make little pouches???) but there's a solid variety and the service was usually very good, especially for the number of people they're feeding. They have three tiny restaurants in food trucks that are open most of the day and they were so good. Each restaurant has its own style (sushi, Italian, Greek, South American, etc.) and they do a great job with the menus. We were asked at every single meal about allergies or food issues and they took it very seriously. There is room to improve in their desserts but my standards there are very high. There are bars scattered all over and most of them have signature drinks that are delicious.
One of the days we were there we hired a guy through a local tour company to take us all over the island and it was amazing. We saw a million things we'd never have known to even look for and we snorkeled with sea turtles and got fresh coconuts and ate an amazing meal at a little hole in the wall kind of place. It was supposed to be eight hours but we were having a great time and he kept wanting to show us other stuff so we were out for ten full hours and were exhausted when we got back.
The trip home was annoying -- delays and multiple gate changes on both legs of the flight, so we got home at 3:30 a.m. instead of midnight, but it could have been a whole lot worse and we were already planning on the girls spending the extra night at my parents' so we were the only ones impacted by it. The girls had a great week with my folks and it seemed easier on them than we expected. We FaceTimed with them for a few minutes every day and that def helped.
The best price you'll ever get at a Sandals is if you book another trip while you're still there, so we did. You can book up to two years out and you can change your details for most of that time so we have almost two years to figure it all out, but this trip was so lovely that we both very much want to do it again. It's wildly impulsive of us to commit without blocking out budget and childcare and stuff ahead of time but this trip was so great that we were like "we'll figure it out, let's just do it."
Overall, it was an incredible week, and it was really great to have so much time with Andy to just hang out and have fun. I'm so glad we did it. The end.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 2 years
if ur still doing spotify wrapped fics, 5 pls!!
This is more Del Water Gap - Alone Together. You didn't pick a pairing, but this is screaming Maxiel at me. This is angsty and a little bittersweet. Previous F1 Journalist Daniel and Driver Max. (This got out of hand.)
Sometimes Daniel is in an airport and he catches a flash of a Grand Prix on a TV in a bar or he'll be out with some friends and he'll run into someone he knew from college and they'll ask hey, I thought you were doing that racing thing and Daniel will shake a little bit.
Sitting on a barstool in LA, waiting to meet-up with one of the kid's on the American USA team, he feels it now, the ache where F1 used to sit - the ache where Max used to sit.
But he gave it all up when Max gave him up and -
The kid shows, fresh-faced and eager and shakes Danny's hand. The article will be good, of course. Daniel charms and weasles and prods at all the right places and that's why he gets paid the money he does - in America, for sports he doesn't actually care about.
It makes him sound so dramatic, he circles back around to thinking of Max that night in his hotel - like he always fucking does when he's alone.
Max working up the courage to ask Daniel out to dinner throughout the entire season - Daniel accepting out of pity - Daniel falling hard and fast and furious and then basing his life around him - the man that was going to bring glory back to Red Bull.
It didn't matter how many times Daniel laughed it off and said don't die while Max was sneaking out of his hotel room and it didn't matter how many times Max and Daniel said it wouldn't happen -
Max went off and needed to play house with some nice girl and Daniel spent three GP's in a row hiding from him and he knew he had to go.
Because Max was the missing piece of him or whatever romantic bullshit he used to think about the two of them - the mirror of his soul, the person who saw the worst in him and loved him anyways.
Because it was the worst in the end. Daniel begging Max not to go and Max telling him he had to just for them to switch positions the next morning. Daniel shouting at him to just fucking go while Max cried on his chest and Max and Daniel shouting the awful bits of hateful shit at each other they had gathered up over a three year relationship -
Daniel puts on his running shoes and goes down to the gym so he can forget forget forget.
After LA, Daniel goes to New York before spending a week in Nashville and then he catches a game in Denver before flying home - to Australia.
Grace asks him four times if he's seeing anyone and then Michelle asks much softer if he's talked to anyone from the paddock lately.
Daniel books an earlier flight to his...well, he guesses it's his home.
There's a cabin in fucking Montana. Everyone had thought it was a joke until he did it - bought the damn thing.
Daniel has a joke about how he had traveled for years in flashy circles, but the truth is that he's an idiot pressing gauze to an oozing wound.
It had been a thing with Max. My contract will end when I'm only 28. I could...we could escape to America. Live in the middle of nowhere Montana, yes? All this money has to be good for something.
No one knows, of course. Someone would have intervened, probably. Scotty. Scotty would have intervened.
He's here until Christmas. Alone and working on the book he's supposed to be writing and - he's here until Christmas and then he'll fly to Hawaii and get ready to interview some flashy American Football College Kid.
He tortures himself and watches the last race of the season - wakes up at 6 AM to flip it on and text steady, ribbing commentary to Sam about his own commentary and Max wins, of course.
Daniel turns off the television before the podium.
He's in town buying a couple of propane tanks and more rock salt and some food. He does have to do that occasionally when Janet asks him you know who bought Gerald's old place? Daniel frowns and shakes his head. Thought it might be one of your fancy athletes. Moving in here because you can't keep your trap shut.
It's gentle, but only a half joke. It took Janet a full year before she would talk to him in more than one syllable answers.
He goes home - works on his book. Ignores the text Scotty sends asking Daniel to call.
Max Verstappen on standing in his driveway, hands shoved in the pockets of a puffy coat at 10:28 on a Thursday. Daniel knows the set of his shoulders and the slop of his face even this far away. No one else will ever look like him. No one else will ever have this kind of intrinsic draw on Daniel's entire being.
Daniel steps out on his front porch, wearing socks and a hoodie, absolutely freezing.
"What do you want, Max?" Daniel hears how exhausted his own voice sounds and he wonders if Max can hear it too.
Max is still walking towards him. "Scotty talks a lot when he's drunk."
Fuck. "Yeah, well. Everything he says is shit." Daniel says - finally talking because Max is at the bottom of the staircase, head tilted up to look at Daniel. "What are you doing here? Where's your car?"
Max shrugs, hands still in his pockets. Daniel hears his coat make that slick crinkle noise. "Don't like to drive."
The pieces fall into place for Daniel now. "Gerald's old place?"
"If you're talking about that luxury cabin down the road, yeah. It's mine." Max laughs at his own joke.
Fucking Scotty. Daniel's socks are wet. "You'd better come inside. You'll freeze to death and Christian will have my head."
Max is knocking his snow boots against the porch and he gives a little dry laugh. "What was it you always said? I was selling my 20's? Well, not anymore."
Daniel spins two steps past the doorframe where Max is. They're too close. Far too close. "What."
"There's never been anyone else, Danny." Max says in that voice. The one that preceeded something that would wreck him entirely. "I know you don't - but, maybe if you still -" He shrugs again.
Daniel sees it there. In his eyes. The love they had managed to carve out together back then - before when Daniel thought love could conquer all, when he wasn't so bruised by the hiding and the secrets and the way they had beaten each other against the rocks of F1.
Before they had become the water that broke on that rock.
"Danny," he says again, slipping a hand from his coat. "I retired last week."
Danny breaks this time, curling his head down into Max's chest and heaving a great big sob.
"I didn't have the courage then," Max whispers into his hair, hand on the back of his neck. "But I think I'd like to have the courage now."
"I'm not moving into that house, Max. It's half haunted." Daniel chokes out in between tears.
Max brings his other hand out of the jacket, wrapping it around Daniel, finally bringing their bodies together. "That is fine, Daniel. I already set up the New York Times subscription for this address anyway. I can do the crossword and you can cook me real bacon now since I am not in training."
Daniel laughs now because it all may change, but damnit if it all doesn't stay the same.
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brettyimages · 6 months
year to date little adventure journal, in case you care
jan 28: edinburgh, nadine shah. spent my sunday afternoon shopping for the important things (bed sheets and bath sheets) and the fun things (hair dye, book club novels). had a ramen lunch at the yo sushi on princes st watching sushi plates sail past the scott monument. dinner and drinks with friends then centre barrier at the assembly rooms. my 9th time seeing nadine, 3rd time since she started teasing the new album so 3rd time hearing topless mother, even light and greatest dancer live. she was sensational. always is.
jan 31: glasgow, depeche mode. as soon as i got back from seeing nadine i was on ticketmaster looking for a cheap seat. had to work on the train and in waverley station but worth it. arrived to find myself in the back row of the hydro but i loved it. nadine supporting was stunning, first time i've seen her from the back of a room and her voice filled the place. depeche was amazing too, a couple of hours of songs i adore including strangelove, behind the wheel, somebody, in your room, just can't get enough, policy of truth, black celebration, etc etc etc. i got up when they started walking in my shoes and danced through the entire show from that point on, safe in the knowledge that there was nobody behind me as i flailed around. it's given me the last-minute trip bug.
feb 9: glasgow, the 1975. a long trip with many connections to get to my airport hotel and then back out to the hydro. early entry door was so slow that i got in as the normal doors opened, damp from the rain, but i got a good spot down the front. didn't know the japanese house were making upbeat tunes now so their set was a surprise. still... at their very best was much like the show last year but loved it, especially the surprise of bagsy not in net. i swear matty made eye contact with me a few times; he's so good at that. staging was beautiful, as always. mad rush to get back to town for the airport bus.
feb 10: london, suedemas. a couple of months late this year because of tour in december. early flight to luton and a morning in maida vale, an afternoon in highgate wandering aimlessly in waterlow park and hanging out in the boogaloo. italian food and gossip and gifts at paddington, drinks then trekking across to hackney for an indie club that played 6 AM songs in the hour we were there. heartwarming to spend the day in the company of dear friends.
feb 22: leeds, nadine shah. filthy underneath on repeat on the train down. a little shopping time before dinner but the second hand record store prices appalled me. over at the brudenell there was no queue for the show so i hung in the lobby as nadine soundchecked her new songs. front and centre in the main room, 6 songs: the three she'd been playing at all her pre-album shows, plus keeping score, hyperrealism and french exit. stunning, again. she spotted me wearing her merch and gave me a big grin and wave. i love her.
feb 23: birmingham, the blackout. a huge french toast brunch at moose coffee, a train to brum, a wander round the bullring. ready for a weekend of big nostalgia seeing the band who defined my student years and first flush of independence; found myself singing along to the songs and doing all the little actions as if it had been weeks and not years since the last time. ended up on the barrier for the last couple of songs and snoz immediately pointed a drumstick at me with a grin. saw some old friends, waited a long time in the freezing cold to get a chat with each of the 6. lots of big hugs, catch ups, a "fucking love you!" greeting from Gavin. so special.
feb 24: london, the blackout. trains to kentish town, bumping into matthew on the way to the flat. an afternoon with my besties, tokyo diner bento, hot chocolates, the Cute exhibition. we hung out in the hello kitty disco and pretended to have a sleepover in the hannah diamond installation. seeing an old band with a new band friend - same set, different side of the stage. waited out in the cold to chat again, more big hugs and catch-ups including a long conversation with sean. so much easier to chat as adults when i pretend we're old friends and not a girl with the singer from the band she has a huge crush on. a perfect weekend.
mar 9: galashiels, swim school. a local gig, a band i barely know but have high hopes for. the kind of show where i can have a normal day and then hop on the bus in the evening; macarts, a place that feels like home now. swim school and her picture both great bands, the kind of gig where i didn't know a single song but wasn't wondering how many songs they had left.
coming up: sprints. a week of adventures with a brett anderson cameo or two. nadine again. olivia rodrigo. for one night only, the ninth wave. finally, eventually, being in front of suede again.
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miwakosatoru · 2 years
The White Bag - A RedStarling Pre-Canon Fanfiction
Cast & Main Pairing: Shuichi Akai (26), Jodie Starling (22)
Rating: T
Genre: Rom-com, Fluff
Words: 1224
I do not own Detective Conan. Jodie Starling and Shuichi Akai belong to Gosho Aoyama. The others are supporting characters I created.
This is Shuichi and Jodie's flashback story, 6 years prior to the main timeline when they were still dating and Jodie was still a junior agent.
That day is the last day for the FBI team to be in the Albuquerque desert area after an outdoor mission to fall out of a criminal syndicate. Since morning, they prepared to leave the temporary headquarter area using a Jeep and headed towards Albuquerque International Airport. Jodie herself has settled up and is ready to go. While she packed her things, someone came closer to her. It's her boyfriend.
“You ready?” Shuichi rests his hand on her shoulder.
“You'll ride with me, right?”
“But, Shu... I'm sorry, Andrea invited me to ride with her, along with Vanessa and Grace. Andrea will be the driver.”
Shuichi didn't say anything. He's looking at her with a flat gaze, as usual.
“Okay. Take care.” He rubbed her shoulder, making her blush.
“Thank you, Shu. See you!” she smiled.
No one knows they're now together. At least, their colleagues have yet to be made aware of it. Both of them preferred to keep their relationship private. They never did any PDA or something. But Shuichi always cares for her even in public and shows affection in his way, while trying his best not to get attention from others. The others already knew that they were close, but not as lovers.
Shuichi then left her, headed to the 7th Jeep, and sat in the driver's seat. Jodie kept her eyes on him until her colleagues from the 12th Jeep, the last one, yelled her name.
“Starling, come in! We're about to go!” Grace shouted. Jodie walked fast towards them, then placed herself in the 2nd-row passenger seat on the Jeep beside Vanessa.
Just right before they departed, Jodie's phone rang. A stranger's number called her, but she answered it anyway.
Jodie: Hello?
Someone: Hello, is this Agent Jodie Starling?
Jodie: Yeah, what's up?
Someone: A white Chanel handbag, with a rose keychain, is this yours?
Jodie: What? Yes, it's mine, but I believe I brought it with me!
Someone: I found it. Then, I left the bag near the reception table. I am unsure if it's yours or not. Just check it by yourself.
Jodie: Okay, hold on! I'll be right there.
The call ended, then Jodie immediately released her seatbelt and headed to go.
“What's wrong, Jodie?” Andrea asked her.
“Someone found my cosmetics bag, but he's unsure if it's mine or not. I think I should check on it.”
“Okay, we'll wait for you.”
Jodie left the car, going back to the headquarters. While she was gone, Shuichi came to face passengers on the 12th Jeep.
“Hey, Andrea! I think your car's oil is spoiled!”
“What?” she was surprised and checked it immediately.
“Ah, no fucking way! I need to hurry! I'm the one who booked the flight tickets! I have no time to fix this.”
“What if we exchange cars? I might stay here longer because I gotta clear some things up.”
“Whoa, is it okay, Shuichi?”
“It's okay. I can take it. My car is number 7.”
“Thank you! Okay, guys, let's move!” Andrea led her colleagues to move to Shuichi's car.
“By the way, you can keep all your luggage here. It'll be so much space since I drive alone,” said Shuichi.
“Eh, how about Jodie? We need to call her and tell her we'll move!” Vanessa uttered.
“Andrea is hurrying, right? It's okay, I'll take Jodie with me. She's a junior agent. She has nothing to hurry.”
“Alright. See you, then!”
Andrea, Vanessa, and Grace got out of the car and headed to the 7th Jeep. Minutes later, all of the Jeeps left the headquarters one by one, except the last one.
Meanwhile, Jodie desperately searched for her cosmetics bag. The housekeepers said they'd cleaned every spot in the reception room and found no bag. She then concluded someone had just taken her bag, kept it for her, and decided to return immediately.
When she arrived back at the parking area, she was so surprised when she found out only her Jeep was left there, and the others were gone. She felt guilty because her colleagues had to wait for her.
As she opened the car door, she yelled. “Ah, I'm so sorry to make you wait- Shu! What are you doing here?! Where's Andrea and the others?!”
“Stop talking and get in here,” Shuichi opened the car door for the passenger seat beside him.
“But, how?! What happened here?!” she sat on the seat but was still confused and startled.
“Where have you been?”
“Finding my cosmetics bag. Someone called me, he found it and put it somewhere on headquarters' reception desk, but when I searched for it, I found nothing,” Jodie breathed deeply, putting her hands on her head.
“You mean this?” Shuichi showed her the white bag she was desperately looking for.
“What?! How the hell my bag is on you?! You... Wait...” her expression changed from shocked to puzzled, full of confusion as Shuichi chuckled.
“Don't say it was your plan...”
“I'm amazed you noticed this earlier than I thought.”
“So it's true?! But... the one who called me... He didn't sound like you at all!”
“I paid someone to call you.”
“See, Jodie. You ended up with me anyway.”
Jodie's cheeks reddened, realizing although Shuichi can be categorized as a cold-blooded man, he is also very sweet. He tricked her, fooled their colleagues, and made some effort only to be with her. If he had wanted to be with her so badly, he could've asked her one more time and forced her a little, and she wouldn't have refused. But, no. Shuichi would do it in Shuichi's way. He's a man of service, not a man of words.
“How did you manage to exchange car with them?!”
“I tricked them, said that this car oil spoiled. Whereas I spilled out the oil by myself.”
“Shu, you're ridiculous!” Jodie laughed. A pure, genuine laugh. So heartwarming and full of joy, like how she is in Shuichi's eyes. Shuichi then realized all the tricks he had done were worth it to make her laugh like that. She unintentionally gave him a ray of sunshine for his thunder, and he needs nothing more to heal himself after going through a hard mission.
Even though she was quite flattered by his actions, she felt a little bit of displeasure. “But you got me a heart attack, Shu! I can't lose this bag!” she gummed, crossing her hands.
“My apologies,” he grinned a little. “Is the bag contains holy grail or something?”
“My cosmetics and skincare, which cost around $1000 in total. And most importantly, I just bought this Dior lipstick last month for goddamn 50 dollars, Shu. It's still full. I ain't losing it for nothing!”
“You using it right now?”
“Yeah, why?”
Without thinking and considering any hesitation, Shuichi suddenly catches Jodie's lips with his and kissed them passionately. Jodie was startled, her muscles are stiffen, not ready for the surprise. But she enjoyed it eventually, especially when she began to taste the mix of tobacco and Bourbon in him. Time stopped for both of them, as their kiss is getting deeper, and deeper.
“Mmmh... Not too bad for 50 dollars,” said Shuichi after he broke the kiss. Jodie, however, was still processing what had just happened, while Shuichi started their Jeep and rode away toward the airport.
*Note: This is my first English fic, I'm so sorry for any grammar mistakes :“)
-Hagirara, 2023-
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