#I considered staying there but then I realized that’s over 12 hours in the airport and my grandparents live 15 minutes away
sweet-citrus-candy · 2 years
airport crush ft. lev haiba
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summary: at the airport you spot a cute silver haired boy and you absolutely must get his number! but as you walk run away you realize you forgot to ask for it :(
warnings: none! but i do sometimes add little comments in parentheses- i can’t help it lmao (also this is during high school era!)
this is another silly little fic based off a dream i had (in my dream the lady at the gate’s desk had a vision of the plane crashing but it never did thankfully)
*beep beep*
“eurgh what’s that sound? it’s so loud and annoying,” you think to yourself groggily.
fumbling your hand around with your eyes still closed, you find the source of the irritating noise. instead of opening your eyes to press one of the buttons on the phone screen, you silence the alarm by clicking the power button.
turning onto your side and adjusting the blanket, you sigh and then mutter to no one in particular, “five more minutes.”
you doze off once more until,
*beep beep*
you wake up again, but this time you begrudgingly sit up even though the comfortable bed calls to you and urges you to stay asleep.
“man, how do morning people exist??”
as you sit there wondering why in the world you would choose to get up at 8 in the morning, you realize that you have a flight today. wait a minute… you have a flight to catch?! at 8 am?! no wait- the flight is at 12 pm, so you have plenty of time. your heart calms down; no need to panic (too late for that lmao)! although getting ready 4 hours early seems ridiculous, you want to make sure there’s no chance of you missing the plane (which is some sort of phenomenon that seems to overtake dads- someone should do a study on this behavior…).
opening your phone, you read through your notifications and double check that the person dropping you off at the airport and the other person picking you up are still available. rolling out of bed and putting on cozy slippers, you trudge over to the bathroom to do your morning routine. washing your face helps you wake up, and you feel more ready for the day’s events.
when you walk back into your room, you put on the outfit you decided to wear to the airport. sweatpants and a t-shirt will be comfortable to wear during a long flight, and you make sure to have a sweatshirt as well in case the person next to you decides to blast their ac. perhaps it isn’t the most fashionable, but it doesn’t really matter as many other people also dress for comfort on long trips.
grabbing your phone, you head downstairs to the kitchen to eat breakfast. when you finish, you double check to make sure you have your ticket and passport, and that your suitcase is entirely packed. the few items that aren’t packed yet, like your toothbrush, will go into your carry-on.
your friend drives you to the airport and hugs you goodbye with promises to keep in touch until you see each other again.
inside the airport, you check in with the airline and go through security. now you have a little over two hours to explore before having to board the plane. as you ride the moving walkway, you wonder where you should go to pass the time. in the distance you see an array of stores, ranging from selling souvenirs to books and magazines. you don’t feel the need to buy any souvenirs yet, but you still want to look around. there are a lot of fun trinkets to look at and play with, and it’s always a fun game to see if any of the keychains have your name on them.
as you look at the variety of magnets to consider adding to your collection, you notice something bright red out of the corner of your eye. you turn your head, curious as to what caught your attention. the thing in question turns out to be a jacket. a sports jacket to be more specific. the back reads “nekoma”.
you wonder whether or not you have seen that name before. after pondering for a good minute, you remember seeing a section in the newspaper mentioning the school. something about a “garbage war”. or was it a “trash fight”? “dumpster battle” maybe?
sneaking another glance at the person wearing the red jacket, your jaw drops. he’s so tall! and his legs seem to go on for miles! “he must be an olympian or something” you think, amazed by his height.
you turn to look back at the magnets after admiring his tall figure when you do a double take. how did you not notice his hair the first two times you stared at him? it’s a beautiful silver color, making you wonder how you could have missed a detail like that. not a lot of people have entirely silver hair at a young age.
your staring must have made the person feel like they are being watched, because the next moment he looks up and tries to figure out who was looking at him with such intensity.
you don’t react quickly enough, resulting in your eyes meeting. you can feel your face heat up instantly, but the person only smiles and waves. not only that, he starts walking in your direction?!
“hi, my name is lev! were you looking at me?”
“uh yeah haha,” you say a bit nervously because you got caught, “i’m y/n.”
your breath is taken away as you notice his mesmerizing emerald green eyes and sharp facial features. “damn is he a model or an olympian? or both?” you mutter to yourself.
lev heard you and laughed; “neither actually! i do play volleyball at school though! i’m a first year!”
“WHAT? FIRST YEAR? NO WAY!” you exclaim. more calmly you add on, “i’m also a first year”.
“so what school do you go to? i go to nekoma high in tokyo!” lev says excitedly.
“oh, i go to ________ (any of the other schools besides nekoma),” you respond.
“no way! their volleyball team is really good! i’ll make sure to beat them though as soon as i’m nekoma’s ace!”
“woah you must be pretty good then! the only times i played volleyball was in gym class hahah. must be more fun to be on an actual team, right?”
“sure is! i’m what they call an outside hitter, or a spiker. a lot of people prefer to be called outside hitters, but i don’t mind either one. they both sound cool!”
“oh wow that position is really admirable! i would love to see it in person sometime!”
“you should definitely come to one of my games! we have one coming up pretty soon actually. i’ll send you the details as soon as i get them. here’s my numb-”
“LEV! are you in here?! come on we’ve got to go now or we’ll miss the plane!” someone calls out from the entrance of the souvenir store.
“oh shoot, that’s right! nice meeting you, but i’ve got to go! bye!” he waves smiling.
“have a safe flight!” you respond cheerfully.
remembering that you also have a flight soon, you pull out your phone to check the time. oh no, they’re going to start boarding soon! as you exit the store and run towards the gate, you realize that you didn’t get a chance to exchange numbers with lev.
there wasn’t anytime to worry about that though, since they had begun boarding the passengers. the best solution you could come up with at the moment was to just keep an eye out for any upcoming matches via the internet.
you reach the gate which luckily wasn’t too far away, and pull out your ticket and passport.
“will group c please board the plane. group c. thank you,” comes a voice on the announcement intercom.
this is your group. group a is for priority flyers such as first class whilst group b is for business class. groups c and past are for economy.
you give your ticket to the person scanning them and show them your passport. they confirm your registration and tell you to have a safe flight.
you take a seat near the back of the plane and turn your phone on airplane mode. you rummage around your carry-on looking for a book before placing your bag on the ground under your seat. you decide you’re going to read and listen to music for a bit before putting on a movie to entertain yourself during the long flight.
the flight attendants begin to make their mandatory safety announcement, so you close your book and place it beside you on the empty seat.
as they’re nearing the end of the buckle demonstration, your line of sight is interrupted by a silver blob in the seat a few rows ahead of you. you blink a few times. it’s still there. you lean forward a little to try and see what it is. wait… why does it look familiar? lev? no it couldn’t be. could it? you decide to wait until the light indicating seat belts must be worn turns off before investigating.
when you’re allowed to get up, you start moving towards the silvery blob, pretending to go to the bathroom. you can’t see the person’s face well from the angle you’re at, so you tap the person’s shoulder.
“excuse me, but-“
“oh sorry am i-“
“it’s you!” both of you say at the same time.
you didn’t recognize lev at first because he had changed out of his sports jacket and into a cozy sweatshirt.
“i can’t believe you’re on my plane! it’s like fate since we didn’t get a chance to share numbers,” he says beaming.
“yeah! i’m really surp-“
“hey kiddos, sorry to interrupt but you’re hogging the aisle,” says a sweet old man.
“oh i’m so sorry! i didn’t notice!” you respond hastily, “come sit next to me lev.”
“won’t we get in trouble for switching seats?” he asks while getting up (no hesitation whatsoever- head empty. he’s ready to do whatever you say).
“not on this airline. don’t worry i’ve flown with them before and they allow it.”
“can i have the aisle seat? it’ll be easier for me to get up if i need to go to the bathroom or something.”
“yeah sure. i don’t mind at all,” you say.
you place your book back into your bag and sit in the previously empty seat.
“thanks for keeping my seat warm,” he teases.
“anything for you, your majesty,” you joke back.
you continue talking to lev and cracking jokes for a good hour or so. honestly, you’re not sure how much time has passed, and you don’t really care. the two of you eventually put on a movie, and although you don’t usually fall asleep during them, you start to feel your eyes close. it was a busy day today, and you’re exhausted.
“can i lean my head on your arm?” you ask.
“hm can i hold your hand if i let you?”
“mm yeah,” you say as your face heats up.
you’re glad that you decided to browse the souvenir shop before boarding the plane. meeting lev was definitely worth waking up incredibly early.
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payservewomen · 7 months
I’m tempted to say “I’ve hit a new low”😔 but in reality, I’ve been at rock bottom for…a very long time. Years I suppose.
But at least a few years ago, I interacted with women outside of work. But now? I don’t even leave my bedroom on my days off from work.
I sit on my bed, watching humiliation clips; calling ignore phone lines; taking embarrassing photos of myself; edging myself, oftentimes for many hours(almost never less than 4hrs. up to 12hrs)
The one newer development is- I’ll edge for a while, but then the sadness/anxiety makes me go limp….or i’ll be semi hard but my loser penis only grows slightly larger.
It’s like i’m trying to keep in as small as possible, because I know it should be teeny tiny. It CAN grow to 7in but considering how pathetic I am, part of me wishes I had a microdick. Then I could forget these thoughts i have of becoming a normal person again.
Then I could search 24/7 for a superior woman who wants to use and abuse me.
I fantasize about meeting a woman and dating….Getting comfortable with her to the point that I’m able to do the best I’m capable of in making her orgasm…. But then we open up and share kinks etc….and i know as time goes on, there will be many times my dick doesn’t work.
Slowly over time, she realizes just how much of a beta i am, and begins flirting with real, confident men.
By this time, we’re living together; Maybe one month she asks me to cover all the rent, then bills and spends her money on going out….Then a “friend” of hers(maybe with a unisex name that’s usually a woman’s name)is coming into town; she offers our place to stay….Tells me to make dinner etc saying “ali loves lobster tails and filet mignon! I know ur low on money, but it’s ok! I’ll still have enough left until ur next paycheck! Thanks sweetie! Maybe we’ll meet at the airport, then I’ll let you know when we’re on our way, flight gets in i think about 5pm but who knows if it’ll be on time”
I get off work, begin prepping everything….texting her asking if ali’s plane arrived at 5:30….”it did but we’re tryna find the luggage etc. With traffic it’ll take quite a while, plan for a late dinner!”
By 6:30, still nothing, so i text then call to find her phones off.
I figure she’ll probably be walking in any minute….So i check the “find my iphone” tryna be extra sweet and have everything timed perfectly. I see it moved from the airport towards home and begin making dinner….Until i realize another hour has passed. I check it again to see it’s been somewhere between home and the airport for 2 hours now!
Next thing i know, it’s 10, then 11, then 12 midnight!
I’m dozing off and finally see a text “Omg babe i’m sorry! I lost track of time! Ali said getting a hotel room would be easier, and we’ve just been catching up but ugh it got so late and you know how i don’t like to drive at night anyway, so I’m just gonna stay here tonight, see ya tomorrow!”
I just fall asleep, and wake in the AM to see several weird video texts from a number i don’t know….I hear giggling and a man’s voice….almost seeming like someone’s trying to record something and my gf saying “no stop don’t! that’s mean ali!” There’s at least 4-5 clips like that, the last one ending with my girlfriends sexy belly on the screen. I figure ohhh they’re just having fun i guess? But it did give me a bad feeling in my stomach….
Those vids were sent at about 1am. Then at 2am, just a close up of what i’m sure is my gf’s skin, but i can’t tell what part of her body…..but the audio on it was simply my gfs voice sounding like she’s whining or moaning or something? and saying “mmmmm ohhhhk fuck it”
Then 30mins later the clip begins blacked out, but with clear audio…just sounds like licking and slurping….Then a man’s voice “yeah worship it bitch. Now, say it” then the phone moves, showing an arrogant looking man smiling, then it slowly pans down over his entire perfectly fit muscular body….very slowly, stopping on each part of his stunningly perfect body….i mean this guy had an 8pack! Absolutely chiseled in every way. Then it stops to show his abs and v-lines, and then slowly shows his balls…I didn’t know balls could actually be that big!
Then slowly as possible, the camera moves to show the thickest cock i’ve ever seen!
Then the vids stop…but there’s a text at 4am with only an address….my gf knows i wake up for work at 4am…
i call and text her but her phones off ofc. I go to work, and finally around noon, my gf calls saying she’s going shopping with Ali, saying she didn’t bring any of her credit cards asking if i’ve got any money left…i tell her i’m not sure how much, but i’ve got $500 in a sportsbook app from winning the night before…”omg babe that’s perfect! Don’t worry i can move it from there, is it your normal password?” I answer yes, and ask her just to leave at least $100 or so….
And ask if theyre gonna be having dinner tonight…”yeah sweetie we are! I’ll let you know when we’re on the way”
I ask her wtf all those vids were. and who that guy was and she replies “huh? Wait what? You’re telling me you got videos from a random number?! And it had a perfect man’s body with a horse cock?! Lol babe i dunno what websites you’ve been visiting but i’d imagine it’s something to do with that!🤣 What?! u think i’m cheating on you with an old friend or something?! jk! Love u babe”
I hang up the phone and immediately get the same text with the same address, i look up the address to find a really really nice hotel is there. Then another text comes through simply saying “penthouse suite, beta cuck”
Then another text….just a screenshot of a receipt from stub hub for tickets to the nuggets game that night, 5:10pm. 2 tickets, $250 each, wow, better than i’ve ever had for sure.
Then one more text again with the hotels address, saying “ur welcome to stop by whenever, but i suggest you either wait for us to get there or something. not getting up to open the door if we busy fuckin. Can’t wait to see your bitch ass cry🤣”
This one hits me like a ton of bricks and it’s feeling more n more that it’s gotta be exactly what it seems….but no way she’d do this to me!
The great part of our relationship is complete and total honesty and openness! My gf, allison is kinky and loves to be a dirty slut, and we have talked about her fucking others, maybe even a gangbang!
But we’d only done a handful of super kinky things….we’re both submissive so it’s kinda hard to push it and try really crazy n kinky things….we both need that more aggressive attitude!
But i know she loves me deeply. We’ve such an intensely strong emotional connection, more than either of us ever have!
Still no word from my gf and it’s 8pm. At 9pm she finally texts me but it’s the exact same as from the other phone number and it’s just the hotel address and room number…..I call her back, and it rings and rings until going to voicemail. Maybe she didn’t hear it, i call again…it rings 3-4times, less than the last time, then goes to voicemail. I try again and it rings twice then voicemail….Again, same thing. I call yet AGAIN, prob the 6th time and it goes straight to voicemail!
I check the phone locator app and see her phone was at ball arena(nuggets play there)the length of the game….and moved to exactly where the hotel is.
I get dressed, now fearing the worst, but thinking “ok this makes no sense! Either she’s playing some joke on me; something weird like that or some surprise for me?”But i do realize that the most likely thing is…maybe she’s been partying with her friend, she cheated and isn’t sure how to deal with me…..But what’s up with the pics etc? ofc she’s aware of my pervy kinks etc, and she’s prob making it seem like she’s cheating on me, i’m hoping!
I walk to the light rail station, and get on the train….Ugh yeh don’t have the money to get an uber…i checked my bet365 account to see its at zero!
Wtf?! I had some futures bets….ones i could cash out for about $250 total, but they were all just cashed out! i’ve not one bet at all and no money here!
I see that $800 was withdrawn and my bank account was credited $800! But $500 used for the tickets, and $300 spent at some weird fancy store downtown.
Ok that’s it i’ve gotta see what’s up as i’m sitting on the train, mind running wild. Fuck, i gotta get off and walk 20mins, then get a bus!
I get off the train, walking to the bus stop…..Bus finally comes and oh fuck, as i’m tryna buy a bus ticket on the app(for $2.75) It dawns on me “fuck i don’t have enough money in my account” i look at the driver and say “i’m not sure why it’s not working” he looks at it and says “yeah cuz you’re card is being declined, sorry” and closes the doors.
I’m defeated and want to cry. Looking at google, i see it’ll take 2.5 hours to walk there….
It’s now almost 10pm and i consider going back home, but then wtf?! I can’t just sit at home wondering wtf is going on!
So i walk and walk…i watch the clip again and again of the perfect man’s body, fantasizing that the woman i’m in love with is cheating on me in the meanest way possible….Finally, it’s after midnight and I arrive at the hotel….I ask the front desk how to get to the penthouse, and she tells me “the elevator is right over there, but Sir, there isn’t anyone staying there right now”
I thank her and walk away tryna figure out what to do.
I text my gf asking why she texted me that address. she texts back right away with another address! I lose it and call a few times, each time it’s sent to voicemail. I text her back yelling “OK WTF is going on?! What’s your problem? Tell me what’s happening right fucking now!”
She texts back “i’m sorry sweetie, i didn’t mean to upset you! Just having fun with my friend, sorry guess i didn’t realize….I’ll be home tonight, but we’re out, omg babe i’m so drunk! I’ll see you at home, probably late!”
So i begin to walk back home…and remember the light rail isn’t running anymore….Now, I’ve got a 3.5 hour walk!
Finally i arrive home, it rained a little and i’m soaked, socks wet, and miserable and exhausted….
I open the door and hear slurping sounds and my gf giggling. My heart sinks and i already know what’s happening….I yell “wtf are you laughing about?! The fuck is wrong with you, ur being a fucking bitch!”
And i see the same man from the clips emerge from my bedroom, butt naked….he’s holding my favorite shirt, sweat dripping off his immaculate body and he wipes it off, then wipes his asshole with it, now it has skidmarks and throws it at me, saying “wtf did you say bitch?”
I ask who he is and what he’s doing at my place he replies “whatever tf i feel like doing faggot!” I say no it’s my place, and no i’m not gay” i emphasize gay, since i’m not a fan of bigotry and homophobia…”yeh didn’t say your gay, but you ARE a bitch ass faggot! Wtf you gonna do about it, huh? that’s wtf i thought, now, on your knees…obey or i’m gonna beat you up so badly….maybe you’ll get outta the hospital by the time i get out of jail, but it’s your choice” while making his pecs bounce in a very intimidating way. he walks up to me cracking his knuckles saying “ya know, i really DO hope you put up a fight; nobody ever wants to fight me” I look him up and down, knowing he’d kill me quickly….He’s gotta be a foot taller than me….im 5’9 and he’s gotta be at least 6’6!
I ask if i can take my shoes and wet socks off first and he laughs then slaps me in the face, open handed but hard, immediately followed by a left handed slap, i lose my balance and stumble to my knees, then i say “ok ok” on my knees looking up at him.
“Thank me for bullying you. Do it bitch” i thank him, he laughs, spits on me and gives me a wedgie….i make noise indicating it’s hurting, and he proceeds to give me an atomic wedgie…laughs then demands i take my clothes off but keep my wet socks on….
He laughs hysterically at my dick and shouts “baby, how tf were you actually fucking THIS?! omfg, ok come on slut”
And i see my love…she’s crawling on all fours..crawls up to this greek god and begins kissing his feet. She works her way up his legs, as she kisses and licks literally every inch of his perfect body.
Ali then says “ok now, don’t make me tell you again”
She looks me directly in my eyes “Bobby, keep looking in my eyes, ali says we must keep eye contact and he’s in charge here, ok? Please listen to what he says, i don’t want you to get hurt, i really don’t…not physically anyway. I say that because i i i DO want you to get emotionally hurt. I am sorry but when Ali told me he wanted to fuck me, i told him about you. Over months he kept teasing me for fucking such a loser; i love you but you are a loser. He’s been sending me pics of him, and the girls he fucks and omg babe, they cum so hard, and I fondly remembered being fucked by ali. I broke up with him cuz he cheated constantly and i thought that wasn’t ok, Now i realize how superior he is. It’s a small price to pay to be allowed to touch a superior man, im sure you understand. After i admitted how badly i wanted him he began insulting you and making fun of you. He made me take pics and record our sex, and that’s why i haven’t cum in so long, he said i wasn’t allowed with a loser like you. Ali is a sadist, he loves to make women worship him and loves nothing more than breaking beta men like you. That’s not an insult; you’re a beta, he’s an alpha, ya know?
He’s been planning for months to do this….it’s his masterpiece of destroying a loser!”
By this time i’m crying, tears streaming down my face…
“now bobby, we’re recording all of this and you’re now going to thank ali for making your fantasies come true. I know it hurts; the goal is to break you. Ali and i will marry, and you will work for us and live in a tiny room in the basement. U will be used and abused. I know it hurts but this is your new life now. Sure you can run away or something, but then ali will send all the vids and clips to your entire contact list.
But right now you’re going to beg ali to let you eat his sweaty asshole, do it you fucking piece of shit!” By this time ali is rubbing her pussy with his foot and it’s making her horny af….mmm fuck, i fucking hate you loser!” And she spits on me, confusing and hurting me.
I begin to beg to eat his asshole….
And wow, I began this planning on just whining about being so sad and pathetic but then wrote all this…wow i’ve got issues
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gatorinator · 2 years
One of these days being an idiot is going to get me killed smh
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cali-holland · 4 years
Under the Stars- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Prompt: When you invite Tom and Harrison to go to a cabin in the woods with your old college friends, Tom devises a plan to finally confess his feelings for you. Little does he know, the cabin belongs to your ex-boyfriend, and he’s also seeking your attention this week.
Word Count: 12k
Warnings: slow burn (ish), swearing, sexual themes (jokes/references), the reader kinda gets sexually harassed (nothing actually happens), fist fight + some blood, tom being a simp
A/N: this was a nine month process, so i hope you enjoy :) also thank you to @duskholland​ for being so supportive and reading through this fic and editing it. love you hannah! + Also reposting this because the tags didn’t work the first time :/ and tag list will be in a reblog!
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Moodboard is mine, pics used are not *
When you walked into Tom and Harrison’s house, you weren’t expecting to hear odd grunts coming from the living room. You’d heard many strange noises made in that house— a good amount of their sources were still unknown, but you’d never heard such aggressive grunts. For a moment, you considered slowly backing out of the house and knocking on the door. It would be easy to pretend like you didn’t have a key so you didn’t have to walk in on anyone doing anything gross in the other room.
But then Harrison walked into the entryway, smiling at you as a greeting, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey,” You replied, closing the front door hesitantly behind you. You pointed towards the living room, “Do I wanna know what’s going on in there?”
Before he could reply, there was a loud bang from the living room, followed by a string of curses. Forgetting all worries of what may or may not have been the cause of the noises, you hurried into the other room with Harrison trailing behind you.
Tom laid on the floor, groaning in pain as he clutched his foot. Tessa, who had been checking up on her owner, popped up happily when she saw you, rushing over to greet you at your feet. Tom looked up at you and Harrison in the door, forcing out his best smile. You stared at the large tent that was currently taking up most of the space in the living room, questioningly.
“Why do you have a tent set up?” You asked. Tom hopped up off the floor, standing beside the tent.
“Well, our camping trip is this weekend, so I thought I’d make sure it’s still durable.” Tom said proudly. He put a hand against the tent in an attempt to be smooth, but the tent came collapsing down, making Tessa bolt behind you from the sudden loud noise.
“And he wanted to make sure he could actually set up a tent, which clearly he can’t,” Harrison stated, and Tom glared at him in response.
“Were you going to tell him?” You laughed, turning to the blond beside you.
“And miss the opportunity to see him struggle setting up a tent for forty minutes? No, I didn’t tell him.” He smirked, only making Tom more frustrated and embarrassed.
“Tom, it’s a cabin. You don’t need a tent unless you don’t want to stay with everyone else.” You explained. “I just said camping because it’s easier to call it that.”
“Fuck you, mate.” He grumbled to Harrison, flipping him off before starting to put away the mess of a tent. You stepped in to help him, and Harrison just laughed to himself before leaving.
“I really thought you would’ve known. Did you really think I’d invite you and Harrison to spend several days in the woods with me and my college friends in tents?” You joked, “Besides, I didn’t think you’d come if it was actual camping.”
Tom paused his movements, but you continued to undo the poles, taking no notice of his action, “Why wouldn’t I go if it was actual camping?”
“I don’t know.” You shrugged, looking at him with your usual charming smile, “You’re not the outdoorsy, camping type. You don’t exactly go out and rough it in the woods on the weekend, like Will or Tyler; you play golf with Harrison and your dad.”
While your words were well-intended and teasing, Tom couldn’t help but take them to heart. He took everything you said to heart.
It was hard for him to be so helplessly in love with you, his best friend (besides Harrison) from BRIT school, for the past few years while you were completely blind to it. Normally, he’d do little things to impress you because he still wasn’t sure if he wanted you to know about his feelings— if you knew, there was a chance you’d reject him, and Tom wouldn’t know what to do with himself if that happened. Recently though, he’s started to feel like his heart was going to explode if he didn’t tell you soon, but that didn’t mean he knew how to tell you.
So when you asked if he wanted to go on a camping trip with you, of course he said yes right away. His mind told him that, no, he really wasn’t the outdoorsy, “roughing it” kind of guy, but his heart told him it was a chance with you. He was a sap and thought that maybe he’d pluck up the courage to tell you how he felt under a moonlit campsite, maybe even the two of you could share a tent, maybe he could kiss you in the lake— god, did he want to kiss you.
That had all come crashing down when he’d realized it wasn’t a romantic camping getaway. You’d invited Harrison and a few college friends, friends that neither Tom nor Harrison had ever met. And there was one friend in particular who Tom never wanted to meet— Will, your ex-boyfriend. You two ended things mutually, but Tom couldn’t stop himself from feeling like he needed to compete against Will, especially when he discovered it was Will whose family owned the land you’d be camping on; Will who took you on hikes all around your college town; Will who taught you how to fish and how to kayak with the lakes nearby; Will who one time got bitten by a rattlesnake and sucked out the venom himself; Will who could climb any mountain and come back unscathed. Will was an outdoorsy “roughing it” badass fucker that Tom despised.
And now, you had just furthered proved that Tom was a delicate flower compared to the lumberjack prick that was Will. He didn’t care about being compared to Will’s best friend, Tyler, who (from what you’d told Tom) was in a serious relationship with your other friend, Jane. Besides Jane, the other person accompanying you all to the cabin was Rose, your best friend and Will’s sister. Needless to say, Tom was very grateful that Harrison was coming along too— he didn’t think he could handle a Will-centered week alone.
“We can just leave this for now. I know I promised you Nando’s before we leave.” Tom said, getting up from his spot on the floor.
“Are you sure? We can just get it on the way to the airport.” You said, looking at the tent mess before you.
“Come on, it’ll be fine.” He held a hand out to you and you took it, so that he could pull you up. Before you two could make it out the door, Harrison arrived downstairs with a loaded hiking backpack in hand.
“I know you’re not trying to sneak to Nando’s without me.” He said, and Tom glared at him from behind your back. Harrison was very well aware of Tom’s feelings for you— everyone was except for you, and he took every chance he could get at being a little shit about it, which included ruining quality time for Tom to spend with you.
The three of you left to grab your last meal in the UK before heading back to their house. Tom finished putting away the tent, and Harrison loaded up Harry’s car with your bags as well as his and Tom’s. Harry (through bribery from Tom) drove you all to the airport for the first step in your camping trip.
Since you went to school in the US, all of your friends would be meeting you across the pond. Will’s family cabin was located in Maine, so the flight wasn’t too bad for the three of you— though Tom wished it was longer so he could devise a more accurate plan to impress you this weekend. He had to prove that he could be the outdoorsy badass guy you wanted. He had to outcompete Will.
“Why would you have to outcompete him?” Harrison asked Tom after hearing his dilemma. Fortunately, you were getting the rental car for the three of you to make it to the cabin.
“Because it’s clearly a competition.” Tom stated, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he looked over at you across the way. “She told me I’m not outdoorsy like Will- that makes it a competition and I have to beat him.”
As much as Harrison loved to see his friend fail at keeping it together around you, something felt wrong about telling him, ‘yeah, it’s totally a competition, so go beat up her lumberjack ex’. Instead, he tried, “I don’t think that’s what Y/N meant. You do golf more than you go camping.”
But Tom took no notice of his advice, “Just watch. I’m going to be the manliest man this weekend.”
“Hey guys,” You smiled, coming up to them, making Tom jump very unmanly-like in the process. “You ready to go?”
The journey to the cabin was a fairly long one. After a couple of hours of driving, you parked the car in one of those reserved parking lots off the side of the road. Tom and Harrison both looked around in confusion, spotting nothing but trees and a gas station.
“Why are we stopped?” Tom asked you as you got out of the car. Tom and Harrison followed you out of the car.
“We gotta hike in.” You replied. “The cabin’s down by the lake, so there’s no actual road to get there. It’s only about a mile and a half hike in. Be ready for lots of hiking. I think tomorrow we’re going to hike 12 miles.”
By the time you three got to the little a-frame cabin, it was already dinner time, which was great because that meant you three could sleep soon. The five hour time difference was already starting to hit. Before you could even step inside the cabin, your best friend met you with a bone-crushing hug.
“You’re here!” Rose smiled, stepping out of the hug after a moment.
“We made it.” You laughed. Your other friend, Jane, stepped up next to hug you. “I missed you two so much.”
“We missed you too.” Jane replied. You caught their eyes trailing over to Tom and Harrison behind you, and you remembered that they hadn’t met before. 
“Oh, girls, this is Tom and Harrison; guys, this is Rose and Jane.” You introduced the two parties with a smile. After a polite exchanging of handshakes, you looked at the two girls curiously, “Where are the boys?”
“Will wanted to get in a light swim before dinner.” Rose laughed, and Jane made her way back to the kitchen. “Come on, I’ll show you your rooms.”
Rose gave the three of you a little tour of the cabin. The front door had placed you all in a little entryway room with a simple, wooden staircase taking up most of the room; a fireplace sat beside the stairs with a small loveseat across from it. Besides a rather large bookshelf, it was relatively empty, but elegantly simple nonetheless. There were four doors downstairs, all intricately designed with the same light wood color as the stairs. The first door on the left was explained to be Will’s room, and the second was Tyler and Jane’s. The third stood as the main bathroom, as Rose described it. The fourth door led to Tom and Harrison’s room.
It wasn’t very big— neither of the rooms were according to Rose, but that was the a-frame style of a quaint log cabin. A bunk bed sat on the side of the room with a small wood dresser across from it. There was enough space for the two boys to coexist, and Tom was just grateful he didn’t have to bunk with Will of all people; he was glad he had his best friend with him.
The upstairs of the cabin held the open space of the kitchen and the main living room. With large glass windows covering one of the walls, the living room had a magnificent view of the woods outside, and three couches were set in place to overlook it. Under the couches sat a large bear rug, one which both Tom and Harrison eyed suspiciously at first before Rose laughed it off, reassuring them that it was fake. Behind the couches, the dining room was situated beneath a beautiful antler chandelier and set for eight places, completing the rustic vibe of the cabin. The kitchen, while it was small, seemed to be just as well put together as the rest of the cabin, complete with a breakfast bar. The smell of Jane’s favorite lemon salmon filled the air, making you even more excited for dinner.
Next was your own room, which was just past the kitchen. A queen bed was pushed in a nook with only the foot of the bed accessible. Unlike Tom and Harrison, you and Rose didn’t mind sharing a bed, which is why they got the smallest room downstairs. Right beside your bedroom door was another bathroom.
“You brought stuff for s’mores, right?” You asked Rose as you walked with her, Tom, and Harrison off the cabin’s porch to the nearby shed where they kept all of their hiking and lake gear.
“Yes, absolutely!” She eagerly replied, a happy skip in her step.
“S’mores are a real thing?” Tom questioned in disbelief.
“Of course! You can’t camp without—” You let out a shriek as you felt cold, wet arms wrap around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around. You laughed, immediately knowing it was Will. “Oh my god, Will! Put me down! You’re all wet.”
Will chuckled, setting you back down on the solid ground, “Well, if it gets you wet.”
“Fuck off.” You scoffed, smacking his chest playfully. It was then that you realized he was shirtless— shirtless and dripping wet from the lake and gloriously tan and somehow more built than the last time you saw him. Tyler, on the other hand, was still Tyler; still an attractive young guy, but not attractive to you and that most likely has to do with him dating Jane for as long as you’ve known him.
“Ty!” You smiled, hugging him tightly, not even caring if your clothes got wet and gross anymore. You’d just change later when you could.
Tom straightened up a bit, already feeling uneasy about Will’s presence. Will looked like the lovechild of Zac Efron and Chris Evans, with a hint of Scott Eastwood; he was perfect, there was nothing wrong with him. It made Tom question why you two broke up. Even though Tom knew you’d said it was mutual, he also knew it took a lot for girls to walk away from guys that look like that. Meanwhile, Harrison just bit his lip to keep from commenting on his friend’s ridiculous territorial issues. 
“So, you two must be Tom and Harrison.” Will held out a hand to them, smiling politely. Tom took his hand, trying to subtly shake it sternly as if to prove he was better than Will— childish, Tom knew it, but he already hated this guy with his six pack abs and perfectly white smile. Will didn’t back down though, squeezing Tom’s hand equally as hard. Noticing both guys tensing up, you looked between them awkwardly, having never seen either of them put on the tough guy act.
With introductions out of the way, you all trekked back inside the cabin. While Will, Tyler, and even you changed into dry clothes, Rose helped Jane finish dinner, leaving Tom to frustratedly rant to Harrison in their room.
“God, he’s so annoying.” Tom scoffed.
“He said two words to you.” Harrison stated, “Try to play nice. I don’t think Y/N wants you two to keep having a ‘my dick’s bigger’ contest.”
“But mine is and I know it!” He exclaimed, before realizing he didn’t know how thin the walls were- and how odd that implication was, “Whatever. He’s stupid. This trip’s stupid.”
Harrison was too busy laughing  to even attempt a response to his friend. Instead, there was a knock on the door, pulling both of them from their conversation. Tom opened the door and immediately softened when he saw you, clad in one of his old sweatshirts that he didn’t even realize you still had. It gave him a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, he didn’t need to worry that much about Will this week.
“Nice shirt.” Tom commented with a smile.
“Thanks,” You smiled back, “I’ve actually been meaning to give it back to you.”
“What? Why?”
“Is dinner ready?” Harrison asked, cutting off the two of you and reminding you both of his presence. As if on cue, his stomach growled loudly.
“Yes, it is.” You laughed, almost embarrassed from forgetting why you had been at their door in the first place. You tugged on Tom’s hand, pulling him out of the room. Harrison grumbled something dejectedly, but you paid no mind to it. Tom sent his friend an apologetic look, though he made no attempt to make Harrison any less of the unofficial third wheel on the journey upstairs to the dinner table.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Tom how you sat beside Will, even if Tom got the free seat beside you. Harrison slipped into the seat next to him with Rose to his right. The dinner of salmon with potatoes, salad, and bread seemed simple enough, but it was still quite possibly the best fish you’d ever had.
“Did you get a bone?” You asked Tom, seeing him awkwardly moving his mouth like his tongue was fishing out a hard piece of salmon. Blushing from you calling attention to his struggle, he held up a napkin to cover his mouth, trying to spit out the bone without it looking too gross.
“Yeah,” He admitted sheepishly, muffled by the napkin.
“I thought you got them all out.” Jane said, looking at Tyler expectantly.
“Don’t look at me, that was Will’s job.” Tyler laughed as he used his friend as the scapegoat.
“Must’ve missed one.” Will shrugged, before joking, “You’re still welcome that I caught these.”
“You caught this salmon?” You said, “I thought you only did catch and release?”
“I still do, for the most part, but this salmon was too good of an opportunity to pass up.” He explained. Tom was already boiling with embarrassment, and now he had jealousy bubbling over- of course this perfect fish was caught by the perfect outdoor man beside you.
“So, Tom, Harrison, we were talking about going for a run around the lake tomorrow morning. Want to come?” Tyler asked.
“Sure. How far?” Harrison replied, and Tom nodded in agreement.
“The loop’s about five miles.” Will answered.
“Are you going to run with us?” Tom asked you, knowing back home in Kingston you’d sometimes join Harrison on runs. Tom wasn’t the type to just go out for a casual run like his best friend was, but he wasn’t about to back down from this.
“Nah, you two can keep up with the cross country runners.” You joked, “I’d much rather save my energy for the hike.”
Once dinner ended and no one choked on any more fishbones, you all migrated to the couches. Much to Tom’s chagrin, you sat in the middle couch between Will and Rose, while Tom and Harrison sat on the couch opposite a very cuddled up Jane and Tyler. The fireplace in the corner crackled, keeping the room comfortably warm. When Rose suggested you all play charades, the entertainment for the evening was decided, especially considering the cabin had very weak cell-signal and no television.
“What are the teams?” You asked, sitting dead in the middle of everyone with three friends to your left and three to your right.
“Let’s do 3 against 4, so you choose who you wanna be with, Y/N.” Jane suggested as Rose stood up to get a boxed set of charade cards from the game cabinet near the kitchen. You looked between the two sets of friends. You wanted to lean towards Tom, Harrison, and Rose, because the two boys were incredible at charades, and Rose was your go-to partner for Password at least.
“Come on, you know you wanna be with us.” Will teased, throwing an arm over your shoulder.
“Just for that, nope.” You laughed and took his arm off you. You stood up from that couch and squeezed in between Tom and the arm. To make room for you and to mock Will, Tom casually put his arm on your shoulder and you made no effort to take it off.
Rose returned with the box of cards and the game began with you and Jane pantomiming first. The words ranged from silly ones like centipede to more inventive ones like lapdance; either way, you all were laughing and enjoying the evening. Tom was highly appreciative of the humor because more than once, you laughed so hard that you fell into him, clutching his knee or completely falling over into his lap. It wasn’t anything out of the usual for him to see you so effortlessly happy, but he enjoyed all the little touches.
“Okay, okay.” You breathed out, doing your best to compose yourself. You stood up from the couch with Tyler so that you two could read the answer and continue the round. Reading over the card, “Catch 22”, you began to think about what you could do to act out the card. As if it wasn’t impossible enough to describe it with words, you had to act it out. But then the lightbulb went off- you had a secret advantage and he was sitting right in front of you, as long as he could figure it out.
“Ready?” Tyler asked you nervously, and you nodded. Tyler started with the usual way of beginning: how many words and what it is. You immediately pointed at Harrison.
“Me?” Harrison spoke in confusion, and you nodded before pointing to your stomach, doing your best to act his death from the series.
“Catch 22?” Tom offered, and Harrison looked at him dumbfounded, still trying to connect how it was him as your main clue.
“Ah, thank god.” You smiled, cheering as he guessed it right. Tyler and the others sighed.
“How the fuck did you get that?” Jane questioned.
“Haz, here, was in the show.” Tom replied, proud of his friend. You were surprised by your college friends’ collective shock, but you were most intrigued by Rose’s reaction.
“Oh my god, I thought you looked familiar.” She said, impressed.
“Wait, you actually saw it?” Harrison asked.
“Yeah, I think I might have cried when you died.” She admitted, brushing a loose hair behind her ear, and that’s when it clicked for you- she was totally into Harrison.
“And you’re an actor too, Tom, right?” Will spoke up, casually taking a drink of his beer. You eyed him skeptically; he knew Tom was an actor. Back when you two were dating, you’d talk about your best friend’s accomplishments, so why was he now asking? Your only answer was it would clearly get a rise out of, at least, you, if not Tom as well.
“Yeah, only been in little indie movies. Nothing anyone’s heard of.” Tom played it off jokingly, causing you to smack him on the arm a little, your hand resting on his bicep.
“My mom loves that movie you did with Ewan McGregor.” Rose commented.
“Ah yeah,” Will laughed, “The one where you’re like 12.”
“I wasn’t 12, but thank you.” Tom replied sarcastically, and you could tell he was biting back a scoff. 
“Well, we’ve all seen the Marvel movies so you can brag a little about those.” You teased, making him blush.
“I know I cried when everyone was getting dusted.” Jane stated in a way to poke fun at Rose’s previous words.
“Never saw them.” Will shrugged carelessly.
“Yes, you did.” You corrected him immediately, and you felt Tom tense a little under your touch. While Tom liked that you were being supportive about this, he couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong.
Will acknowledged Tom’s clenched jaw and decided to press it a bit further, “Babe, if you’re talking about Infinity War, then, no, I didn’t pay attention.” He chuckled, “Don’t you remember we were in the middle of something?”
Tom wondered, at first, what he meant exactly. You dropped your hand from Tom’s arm and covered your face in embarrassment, but before you could comment, Rose let out a whine, “Gross, I was right next to you two.”
“Not like you’ve never gotten it on in a movie theater.” Tyler joked.
“Can we please not talk about this?” You groaned, getting up from the couch. “I’m going to bed. I’m tired.”
“That’s not a bad idea.” Jane stated as she stood up with a yawn. You closed your door, escaping to the privacy of your room, not wanting to think about how your ex just told everyone about that night- in your defense, you’d already seen the movie before so you weren’t missing anything.
Tyler and Will followed after Jane, leaving Tom, Harrison and Rose as they cleaned up the few cards that were left out. Feeling the awkwardness radiating off of Tom, Rose delicately spoke up, “Will’s just being a dick.”
“It’s fine.” Tom reassured her.
“Did you really cry when I died?” Harrison asked her the question that’d been on his mind since the second she’d made the comment. They started talking about the show, and Tom took that as a sign to leave. He thought for a moment about knocking on your door and checking in on you, but then he realized it might be too uncomfortable for you to talk about. There were times, like tonight with charades, that Tom considered maybe you liked him back, based on all your little touches here and there, but then, with Will’s comments floating around his mind, his thoughts were plagued by the doom of the friendzone. Tom didn’t know if he’d be able to sleep tonight knowing that you and your annoying ex ‘got it on’ in the theater during his own movie- what if he was dying on screen but you were too enraptured in Will to cry like Rose had cried over Harrison dying?
Tom only had a few minutes to himself before Harrison came back into their shared room, asking him, “How’re you feeling about the run tomorrow?”
“It’s going to kill me.” Tom sighed, and Harrison shrugged before climbing into the top bunk.
“Should’ve been running with me.” He laughed, “It’s not even that far.”
“I haven’t run five straight miles since Jake nearly killed me at the gym.” He replied, tidying up his bag.
“Why are you cleaning?” Harrison asked, looking down at his friend. “Are you worried Y/N’s going to come into the room or something?”
“Shove off.” Tom grumbled. Harrison took off his sweaty socks that he’d neglected to remove before getting into his bed and threw them down at his friend. One missed Tom completely, and the other clung to his shoulder. “That’s fucking gross.”
“If you’re cleaning, then clean them up.” He snickered. Tom threw the sock back at his friend, but it missed and weakly fell to the ground. A knock came from the other side of the door, and Tom opened it, smiling when he saw it was you, his absolute favorite person on this godforsaken trip. While you looked rather cute in your casual summer pajamas, he frowned when he saw his sweatshirt in your hands.
“Are you returning it?” He asked, and you laughed.
“It doesn’t smell like you anymore.” You said quietly, hoping Harrison didn’t hear your words. You held it out to Tom, “I figured I can give it back to you for a time, and then steal it once it smells like you again.”
“Wait a second.” Tom took the sweatshirt from you and disappeared into the room, rummaging through his once neat backpack to grab out another sweatshirt. He handed it to you, “Maybe this could suffice for now?”
Smiling, you sniffed it a little before tugging it on, “Thanks. It’s so cold upstairs, I don’t know how I’d sleep without it.”
“You could always bring your own.” Harrison said from the top bunk. Tom turned and chucked the other sweatshirt at him. You rolled your eyes at his words.
“Watch it, Osterfield, or your mattress is going to end up in the middle of the lake with you still sleeping on it.” You playfully threatened.
“I’m quaking with fear.” He laughed, laying down on the bed out of sight.
“Well, I should go.” You told Tom, “Thank you for the sweatshirt. Good night.”
“Good night, Y/N.” He smiled softly at you. As you walked away, he slowly closed the door, pleased with himself and his choice in sweatshirts. He turned to finish getting ready for bed, just in time for Harrison to throw the sweatshirt back at him.
“I will kick you out of this room.” Tom grumbled.
“I’d like to see you try.”
You didn’t sleep well that night. Even with Tom’s sweatshirt, your room was unbearably cold, and it didn’t help that Rose snored. With only a few hours of sleep under your belt, you woke up the next morning to the sun streaming in through the large window behind the bed and Rose already up and out of the room. You padded into the kitchen, making yourself some tea with the rustic teapot that was set out on the counter. Spotting Rose and Jane standing out on the balcony, you made your way outside.
“Good morning.” You said through a yawn, coming to stand beside Rose.
“We were wondering when you were going to wake up.” Jane teased. You looked at your two friends quizzically, taking a sip of your steaming tea.
“You already missed part one of the gun show.” Rose joked, sitting up straighter to look over the edge of the balcony, “They should be back any second.”
“Oh God.” You laughed, remembering the boys and their run this morning.
“I know I’m with Tyler, but damn, Y/N.” She teased, and Rose nudged you playfully. “Here they come.”
Seeing motion through the trees, you looked over at the runners. It was obvious they were racing the last bit of the run, considering how triumphant Harrison looked when he arrived first with Will right on his tail. And then came Tyler, and finally Tom. There was probably only a few seconds between their arrival, but it was still amusing to spy the looks on their faces. They were all shirtless and glistening in a layer of sweat, and they hadn’t noticed the three of you on the balcony at all- not that you were complaining. You’d rather not have them catch you all checking them out so unabashedly.
“Look at that. 24 abs right there.” Jane let out a small sigh. While her comment was for all four boys, her eyes stayed trained on Tyler. Rose, on the other hand, had her eyes on Harrison’s figure, which you noted to tease her about later. But you, you couldn’t help but check out Tom’s bare torso- there was a reason you didn’t watch either Spider-Man movie with him- you always ended up a little too focused on his shirtless scenes.
“Enjoying the show?” Tyler called up to the three of you, a cheeky smirk on his face, as they all made their way up to the cabin. You could’ve sworn you saw Tom blush a little when he met your gaze before Harrison playfully shoved his friend, making Tom lose focus on you and shove him right back.
“Boys.” Rose laughed quietly to you. You bit your lip, nodding in agreement.
“I’m glad I didn’t miss part two.”
The boys made their way into the kitchen, seeking out some water and gatorade as you and the girls went back inside to greet them. The sweet smell of salmon from last night was gone, overthrown by the ever lovely smell of sweaty men.
“It smells like a gym in here.” Rose gagged in disgust.
“I would’ve gone for sweaty ballsack, but yours is much nicer.” Jane laughed.
“Janie would know.” Will teased, clapping Tyler on the shoulder as he drank from his water, making the other choke a little.
“So how was the run?” You asked Tom as he and Harrison came over to you, Tom’s bottle of gatorade almost gone already. The other four got engrossed in their own conversation.
“Just a small workout, nothing too bad.” He replied, brushing it off.
“He was dying.” Harrison stated, making you laugh. “I told him he’s got to run with me more.”
“Well, you won, Haz, so congrats.” You replied.
“How did you know we were racing?” Tom asked. His ears turned pink from thinking that you knew he came in last.
“The four of you act like teenage boys; of course you’re going to make a race out of a casual run.” You teased.
“We should probably go stretch before our muscles tighten up again.” Harrison said, already backing up towards the stairs. Tom made his way to follow him, and you spoke up.
“I’ll come with.” You offered, setting your mug of tea on the counter. You followed them downstairs and out to the patio, feeling like you might as well spend some alone time with your two closest friends.
“You two think you can make it on the hike today?” You teased, already seeing Tom walk a little funny.
“Yeah, yeah, we got this.” He reassured you, sitting down on the solid ground to start stretching his legs. You started to stretch with them, and Harrison looked at you funny for it.
“Why are you stretching?” He asked with a laugh.
“It helps with flexibility.” You shrugged, switching legs as they did, all three of you mirroring the same poses. “How was the lake?”
“It was nice. We weren’t exactly looking at it though.” Tom replied with a chuckle.
“I don’t know, you were going so slow, I thought you were.” Harrison joked and Tom kicked his foot out, hitting Harrison in the leg.
“It’s shit like this that made me believe you were racing.” You laughed.
“I don’t do long distance running. I like focusing on my abs a lot more.” Tom defended himself. You flicked your eyes down to his abs, nodding a little, but Tom was so focused on his stretching that he had missed your small action, whereas Harrison fully caught it. He laughed, sending you a wink, and you flipped him off. Tom caught that exchange though, “Did I miss something?”
“Nope.” You replied quickly, only making Harrison laugh harder, “He’s just being a dumbass. Onto hamstrings.”
The three of you laid down to stretch your hamstrings, and you heard Tom let out a small groan from beside you. “I can’t do this. I fucking hate leg day.”
“Need help?” You offered. Before he could protest, you were already on your feet. He held his leg up as high as he could, and you pressed on his foot to stretch his hamstring even more.
“What if I need help too?” Harrison pouted, even though he was stretching his leg just fine.
“Sorry, Haz, it’s just you and your hand.” You joked, making Tom laugh.
“I see how it is. Ha ha, it’s me and my hand, and Tom and your hand, Y/N.” He sarcastically replied, as you dropped Tom’s leg and he bent his knee for you to lean on his shin. You helped him to deepen the stretch through his leg.
“Someone’s jealous.” Tom said, before grimacing a little.
“Was that too far?” You asked, loosening your hold on his leg, not wanting to overstretch his hamstring.
“A little.” He replied.
“God, Y/N don’t be so rough on him.” Harrison piped in, still having no issue stretching on his own.
“Haz, if you’re going to be a pouty baby about not having a stretching buddy, talk to Rose. She was totally checking you out earlier.” You stated, trying to change the conversation off of Harrison’s unnecessary innuendos. You let go of Tom’s leg and reached for his foot to stretch his other hamstring.
“Wait, really?” He asked, dropping his leg to peer at you with a serious look on his face.
“Yeah, why would I lie to you about that?” You laughed, “Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her read a book, so I think she was lying about Catch 22.”
Flustered, Wide eyed and blushing, Harrison mumbled something about grabbing a shower before bolting off. You exchanged a curious look with Tom, but he followed after his friend.
You made your way inside after them and went to fix yourself another cup of tea. When you saw Will alone in the kitchen, you momentarily considered changing your mind and going to your rook, but it was too late, as he had already seen you.
“Want a cup?” He asked, holding up the coffee pot after he finished pouring himself a cup.
“No thanks.” You replied and made your way to the kettle.
“Enjoy the show earlier? Tyler and I started this new training routine that’s supposed to help with bulking up.” Will said. It took everything in you to not roll your eyes at his words.
“And how’s that working out for you?” You asked, not even trying to hide your disinterest. You still hadn’t forgiven him for his immature comments last night. Plus, the more you saw Will interact with Tom, the more justified you felt with your annoyance.
Will stepped closer to you. Slowly, he took one of your hands in his and pressed it to his abs, and you’d be lying if you said you couldn’t feel every part of his toned stomach. As much as you hated to admit it, you felt like you were falling under his trance again. “There’s more where that came from. Why don’t you come by my room tonight?”
He dropped your hand, and you were pulled out of your foggy state. You stepped away, turning away from him to continue getting yourself some tea. You felt his body envelope yours from behind. His head rested on your shoulder and his hands smoothed over your waist. Pressing a kiss to your cheek, he murmured, “I miss you.”
At his words, something inside of you snapped and you jolted away from his embrace, slapping his hands away. Firmly, you said, “I don’t miss you.”
Will left the room without another word, and you were left to ponder what the hell just happened as you stood alone in the kitchen.
It wasn’t until a few hours later that you all left on the hike, trailing through the towering trees to make your way to a nearby peak. You all stopped a few times for water and some food, and to even just enjoy nature. Between Jane’s ornithology degree, Tyler’s botany background, and Will’s forestry knowledge, identifying the different birds, plants, and trees around you was relatively easy.
“Can you imagine if we studied something environmental too?” Rose joked, nudging you in the shoulder as Jane mindlessly went on about the bird that had flown past nearly ten minutes ago.
“God, it would never end.” You laughed.
“What did you study?” Harrison asked Rose, making you look at Tom and roll your eyes at your friends.
“I’m a nurse.” She replied, and the two got swept into their own conversation.
“You sore yet?” You asked Tom, poking him in the side as you all continued the hike uphill.
“Me? Sore? Never.” He laughed. He shook his head to try to hide the slight hurt from the question. First, you didn’t think he was outdoorsy enough and now you think he can’t handle doing some mileage. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Oh sure.” You smiled at him. Tyler pointed out a specific plant as you all passed it, talking about the intricate properties of the shrub.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more confused about nature.” Tom mumbled to you quietly. Since you two were far enough behind Tyler, Jane, and Will, they couldn’t hear his comment.
“Don’t worry. I have no clue what he’s talking about either.” You reassured him before letting out a small yawn.
“Did you not sleep well last night?” He asked, looking over at you in concern.
“Someone was snoring a bit too loud for me to sleep.” You said, loud enough for Rose to hear. She stopped and spun around to face you, face red in embarrassment.
“It’s a nasal condition! You know how I get when it’s cold!” She defended. As much as she tried to sound angry, she still had a small smile on her face.
“Love you, Rose.” You blew her a kiss, laughing at her reaction. She and Harrison turned back around and continued their conversation about who knows what.
“I think Harrison’s got a nasal condition too.” Tom whispered, making you stifle a laugh to not draw attention back to the two of you.
“Rose doesn’t even snore that loud.” You admitted quietly, “Even with your sweatshirt, I was still too cold to sleep.”
“I can give you another one when we get back. You can double up.” He offered, “But it was pretty cold last night.”
“Thanks. I’ll probably take you up on that.” You smiled softly at him. “You know, I’m really happy you came.”
“I’m happy I came, too. Thanks for inviting me.” He replied, and you nodded in response. Tom paused after a moment, stopping his tracks to look at you with furrowed eyebrows, “Wait, did you not expect me to come?”
You looked at him in confusion, before answering, “I mean I did, but-“
“But I’m not outdoorsy, so you didn’t think I’d actually be here.” Tom grumbled in agitation, beginning to walk again quickly to catch up to the group. You ran up after him.
“Is that what this is about?” You questioned, your voice unintentionally raised, “That I said you weren’t the camping type back home?”
Harrison and Rose turned to look at the two of you, and Tom just bit his tongue to keep from exploding about the sensitive subject. He knew he shouldn’t have asked, but he just felt so inadequate with Will going on and on about trees and shit.
“What is going on with you?” You questioned with a huff of frustration.
“It’s nothing. Let’s just keep going.” Tom stated, shaking his head.
“I’m not going one more step until you tell me what the hell is up.”
“What’s the hold up?” Will called back when he noticed the stop in your hike. Tom went to step forward to continue the journey, but missed his footing on a particularly slick patch of leaves. 
A collective, concerned shout came from you and Harrison as Tom hit the ground. He groaned in pain, and Rose came to his side. All frustration at him slipped out of you as worry flooded your system.
“Tom, oh my god- are you okay?” You asked.
“I think I rolled my ankle.” Tom said, cradling his ankle in his lap.
Rose looked at it briefly, no noticeable swelling or bruising yet. “Can you stand on it?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.” He replied before pushing himself to his feet. He bit back a grimace, standing on his ankle as normal, and you didn’t seem to be the only one to notice it. “Let’s finish the hike, yeah?” 
“You’re not hiking on that.” Rose shook her head with a small laugh.
“I don’t want to hold you all back. I can manage it, really.”
“It’s fine. We’ll continue on. Y/N can lead you back.” Jane spoke up, a little smirk playing on her lips.
“I’ll go with.” Harrison offered.
“As the house nurse, I feel obligated to walk back with him.” Rose added, and you caught the blush that touched her cheeks.
And just like that, it was settled. You, Rose, and Harrison would walk back with Tom, who was doing his best not to limp, which everyone saw through. Rose and Harrison made conversation the whole walk back, while you and Tom just stayed awkwardly silent. By the time you all made it back to the house, he still hadn’t spoken to you. You went to put away your hiking gear and found Tom a few minutes later, sitting on the porch as he looked at the forest before him, an ice pack on his elevated ankle to help with potential swelling.
“I meant what I said.” You spoke up quietly as you sat in the chair beside him. When he just continued to look straight ahead and not physically acknowledge your presence, you continued, “I am really happy that you’re here, Tom. I didn’t say that because I didn’t think you’d want to come. The only reason I wouldn’t expect you to come is because you’re always busy. I guess what I really meant was that I’m grateful you were able to make time for me this week, especially because I know the countless other, more fun things you could be doing right now. It really means a lot.”
After another brief silent moment passed between the two of you, he looked over at you with a small frown on his face. “Why would you think I wouldn’t make time for you?”
“Like I said, you’re busy. You do one movie after the other, and I feel like we hardly see each other anymore. It’s,” You trailed off, searching for the right word, “comforting that you’d want to spend your free time with me.”
“You’re my best friend. Of course, I’d want to spend time with you.”
You knew his words were sweet and that he meant every single one of them, but you still felt a small, subtle twist in your gut.  Another unnatural silence fell between the two of you until Rose came outside like a true savior.
“We’re planning on making s’mores tonight, are you down?” She asked, a cheery smile on her face.
“I’m offended you’re even asking me that.” You stated, and she rolled her eyes at you. You turned to Tom, smiling, “You’re going to love them. Just don’t burn yourself.”
“Burn myself?” He looked at you as if you were crazy, making you laugh.
“Don’t scare him.” Rose teased, “Besides, my money’s on Harrison burning himself first.”
“I heard that!” He called from inside the cabin through the screen door.
Just as Rose was about to leave to go back inside, Tom spoke up, raising his hand a little, still confused, “How do you burn yourself on s’mores?”
Several hours later, he got his answer.
“Ow, fuck, shit, ow.” Harrison cursed, dropping his burnt marshmallow into the dirt.
“That’s how.” You laughed as Rose clinked her s’more against yours.
“How do you know when it’s ready?” Tom asked, eyeing the marshmallow at the end of his stick. He slowly rotated the stick in his hands just as you had told him to do.
“Golden brown are the best, but they’re tricky to make because you can burn them instantly, which is what Harrison did.” You teased your blond friend beside you before taking a bite of your perfect s’more and turning back to face Tom on your other side. “Burnt ones aren’t bad, they just have a more burnt flavor, obviously.”
“So is it ready yet?” He questioned, but he was looking at you not at his roasting marshmallow.
“No,” You giggled. You finished off your s’more with another bite and scooted closer to him on the log. You placed your hand on top of his on the stick, twisting it so that the marshmallow was a few inches above the flame instead of right by the firewood. “And you just keep rotating it. You can see there’s already a gold hue to it.”
You smiled, looking over at him to find him already gazing at you with a soft smile of his own playing on his lips. The light from the campfire made his brown eyes sparkle with specks of gold.
“It’s burning!” Jane exclaimed, and you quickly retracted the stick and marshmallow, blowing out the fire on the now burned marshmallow.
“Well, it’s golden on one side, but burnt marshmallows are an essential part of the s’mores making business.” You said as you passed the stick back to Tom. You gathered the two parts of a graham cracker as well as some Hershey’s chocolate and set it up for a s’more.
“I think I need help with this part.” Tom admitted with a chuckle.
“So you put the marshmallow here.” You pointed at the graham cracker topped with a piece of chocolate. He moved the stick to put the marshmallow in its proper position, and then you put the other half of the graham cracker on top. Grasping the two graham crackers with the marshmallow in the middle, you finished, “And now pull out.”
“Hah, pull out.” Tyler laughed at the innuendo through a face full of his double stacked s’mores. Tom did as told, his eyes lighting up in excitement when you presented him his very own s’more.
“Ta-da. It’s real rocket science, isn’t it?” You joked, and Harrison elbowed you, still grumpy that he had lost his first marshmallow and burnt his hand trying to catch it.
“Burnt and fallen marshmallows are just casualties of s’more making.” Rose said.
“S’mores have to be the thing I miss most about living here— the U.K. just doesn’t do camping quite as well.” You stated, shaking your head a little in disbelief.
“How could you miss s’mores more than us?” Will asked, a playfulness in his voice, but you could recognize the serious undertones of his words.
“I’d miss s’mores more than I’d miss you.” Rose teased, saving you from having to actually think of a response.
“Hand me a marshmallow. I’m ready to try again for a golden one.” Tom said to you, and you reached over into the marshmallow bag beside you, slipping him the soft treat.
“Good luck.” You encouraged him with a laugh.
Tom’s second attempt ended up burnt as well, and you gladly ate it while he made his third one. By the time it was golden brown and ready to be eaten, Jane, Tyler, and even Will had retired for the night.
“That tastes so much better not burnt to a crisp.” Tom said, impressed by his own marshmallow-roasting skills.
“Camping heaven.” You agreed, finishing off the s’more he’d burned earlier.
Rose stood up with a small sigh, stretching her arms. “I think I might head to bed.”
“Me too.” Harrison stated, getting up after her. Tom looked at him questioningly, and you bit your lip, giving Rose a teasing look. She rolled her eyes at you, smiling to herself as she turned to head towards the cabin.
Noticing how Harrison’s hand caught hers once they were a decent distance from the campfire, you called out to them, “Good night!”
“Night!” They chorused back.
“Haz and Rose seem to have hit it off.” Tom commented once they were inside. Your eyes drifted from the dying fire up to the starry sky overhead. 
“Yeah, they really have.” You nodded, caught up focusing on the twinkling lights above you. Quietly, you admitted, “I’ll never get tired of looking at the stars.”
“I bet your neck will.” He joked, making you shake your head.
“They’re just so beautiful.” You mumbled.
“Really beautiful.” You heard Tom murmur under his breath. Your eyes flickered over to him, noticing how he was definitely staring at you and not the stars in the sky. When he turned to face the campfire, your eyes diverted back up to the stars, trying your best to suppress how fast your heart was racing.
“I used to know all of the constellations too. Will and I used to camp a lot, and I’d just study the stars until I fell asleep.” You confessed, attempting to strike up a conversation to keep you from your thoughts. When Tom said nothing in reply, a small sigh escaped your lips, and your eyes trailed back down to Tom beside you. Staring right into the dying campfire, he looked deep in thought.
“What’s on your mind?” You asked him, nudging him a little with your shoulder.
“It’s nothing.” Tom shook his head, but his attempts to play off his thoughts didn’t work on you. After a moment, he spoke up, barely meeting your eyes as he did so, “Did you and Will really— you know— in my movie—“ he trailed off, not wanting to finish his question. He was already apprehensive about the answer, and yet he couldn’t help himself from asking.
“In Infinity War?” You asked, laughing lightly at his question, or lack thereof. Looking up towards the sky again, you replied, “Unless you count the fastest handjob ever, no, we didn’t.”
Tom was silent, making you look back over at him. His shoulders were shaking as he bit his lip, doing his best to stifle his laughter.
“Shut up.” You scoffed, playfully hitting his arm. “It wasn’t like you were dying in the scene or anything. You weren’t even on the screen.”
“I didn’t say anything.” He insisted, before breaking into a fit of laughter, unable to contain it any longer. In that moment, you felt complete tranquility. Tom’s laughter broke through the silence of the atmosphere, making your heart flutter in happiness. His eyes were shut, and you could count every crinkle by his eyes. With the fire illuminating his features just right, he was positively glowing. If you wanted any moment to last forever, it was this one. Tom settled his laughter, “Sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing, but it’s just-” He paused, and his smile faltered momentarily, “It’s a relief.”
“A relief?” You repeated before you could help yourself, and Tom realized his words.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, thinking on his feet of an explanation, “It would’ve been really awkward if I was dying, and you and Will- yeah.” He stopped himself short, and a comfortable silence overcame the two of you.
“How’s your ankle feeling?” You asked, not wanting the conversation to end. If it ended, then that meant the night was over and your precious alone time with Tom was over.
“It’s fine, now. Honestly, it didn’t hurt that much.” He replied with a bit of a nod. You watched as he sucked in a tight breath, “I’m sorry about what happened earlier on the hike. I got frustrated and a little jealous. I was so determined to prove that I could be like Will that I just ended up being a dick.”
His words took a moment to sink in, but you found a small smile breaking over your face as you understood the layers of their meaning. You reached out and touched his knee. Softly, you admitted, “You have no reason to be jealous over Will. I’d never want you to be like him. The main reason that I broke up with him was because, well, he’s not you.”
You could see Tom think about your words for a moment before, ever so slowly, he started to lean in. Tom’s lips seemed to fit perfectly with yours, tenderly moving in sync as you both caved into your suppressed feelings. With one hand cupping your cheek, Tom’s other hand moved to your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You paid no mind to the uncomfortableness of your position on the log, too lost in the kiss to think straight. For the second time that night, you wished that this moment would last forever.
But it came to a quick, bittersweet end as Tom pulled away. His face stayed close to yours, his breath fanning over your face. A smile crossed his lips, “That took us way too long.”
“Way, way too long.” You agreed. He went to pull you in for another kiss, but the sudden cold of the dying fire pulled you two back to reality. Almost reluctantly, you said, “I guess we should probably head inside.”
It was far too cold for either of you to want to stay outside without the comforting heat. Gathering the food and putting out the last of the fire, you two walked back to the cabin, hand in hand.
“Thank you for the s’mores.” Tom said quietly to you, aware that most likely everyone in the cabin was sleeping. He placed the last couple bags of marshmallows and graham crackers on the kitchen counter (the chocolate was all eaten long ago), and you made a mental note to take care of it in the morning. 
“Any time.” You joked softly. Tom leaned in to give you a quick, but just as sweet good night kiss.
As he made his way over to the stairs, he spoke up again, “Don’t get too cold tonight.”
“Good night, Tom.” You laughed lightly, turning towards your bedroom door.
“Good night, Y/N.” 
With one last exchange of soft, sleepy smiles, you both turned to go your separate ways.
When you entered your quaint cabin room, you were met with Rose’s snores, a sharp contrast to your favorite sound that was Tom’s laughter from moments ago. You quietly maneuvered around the room, getting ready for bed. A smile ghosted your lips as you tugged on Tom’s hoodie. The familiar warmth and scent enveloping you comfortably.
You waited for sleep to overcome you on the cold bed; it felt like hours (when really, it was probably only ten minutes) before you finally decided to get up. With a small sigh, you shuffled out of the bed. Maybe the couch would give you more peace than your shared room.
As you made your way out of your room, you heard a door downstairs open. Curiously, you peeked down the staircase to see Tom emerging from the bathroom, in nothing but basketball shorts.
“What are you still doing up?” Tom asked you with his voice just above a whisper. You silently made your way down the stairs until you were in front of him.
“Couldn’t sleep. The room hasn’t gotten any warmer since last night.” You admitted, subconsciously crossing your arms.
“Come here.” Tom slowly uncrossed your arms, taking one of your hands loosely in his. He led you to his room. The door creaked open and shed some light into the dark bedroom. Wordlessly, he brought you over to his bed and dropped your hand to shuffle the blankets.
“What about Haz?” You whispered as Tom slipped into his bed, laying sideways and as close to the wall as possible to make some room for you.
“It’ll be fine.” He reassured you. You slid into the bed, finding comfort under the blankets. You laid on your side facing Tom, and it was then that you realized just how small the twin bed was— you two were close enough to each other that you could feel his minty breath fan over your cheeks, which still made you nervous even though just ten minutes ago he’d kissed you.
“We’re never going to fall asleep like this.” You teased softly. Tom let out a quiet laugh, shuffling so he was flatter on his back, giving you room to lay in his arms. With your head pressed to his bare chest and his strong arms circling around you, you finally found warmth.
“You’re really warm.” You mumbled into his chest, snuggling into his embrace and letting your legs tangle comfortably with his. It wasn’t the first time the two of you had cuddled, but it was the first time the two of you have cuddled on a tiny bed and with him being shirtless.
“Makes me the best cuddling partner.” Tom mumbled, his chest shaking lightly underneath you as he chuckled. You hummed in agreement, a smile forming on your face.
“Do you two ever shut up?” You heard Harrison question from the bunk above you.
“Do you always have to ruin a perfectly good moment?” Tom replied, and you subconsciously snuggled deeper into his embrace.
“I better not wake up in the middle of the night to noises.” He grumbled. The bed shuffled as he flipped over in his bed to get comfortable.
“Haz, that’s just you snoring.” You teased. He muttered something incoherent and you whispered to Tom, “Let’s wait until he starts snoring and then move his mattress to the lake.”
Unfortunately for you but luckily for Harrison, you drifted off quickly, listening to the sound of Tom’s heart beating underneath you. You couldn’t help yourself; he made for the best pillow and the best heat source.
The next morning, you woke up with a start, hearing a loud thud from right beside you. Blearily, you leaned over the edge of the twin bed to find the source of the sound; when you saw a groaning, half-asleep Tom on the floor below you, a fit of laughter overcame you. The blankets were falling off the bed, all tangled up in his legs.
“Did you fall off the bed?” Harrison asked, even though all three of you already knew the answer, and you looked up to see him peering over the edge of the bunk bed.
“It’s not funny.” Tom muttered, frowning in faux annoyance at your continued laughter.
You held your hands out to him, offering to help him up even though you were in an impossible position to really help, still laying in the actual bed. Teasingly, you asked, “You got an owie?”
Chuckling, Tom reached up and grabbed your hands, pulling you off the bed. You let out a yelp as you landed on top of him, in a similar position to just last night. Your legs subconsciously fell on either side of his to somewhat straddle him, and you lifted yourself up on the palms of your hands to look down at him properly, a smile etched on your face. The familiar intoxicating pull from last night returned; you almost forgot Harrison was in the room— key word, almost.
“Get up before I come down there and join in.”
And with that, you quickly got off of Tom, and he scrambled to his feet. As Harrison came down the bunk bed ladder, you and Tom put the blankets back onto the bottom bed. You pondered where last night left the two of you, and you weren’t sure how to approach the subject. You were clearly more than friends, but were you more than friends in front of the others?
“What’s for breakfast?” Harrison asked, cutting you off from your thoughts. 
Over the course of the next few hours, you tried to somehow be alone with Tom to talk things over. It felt odd how things ended last night— not a bad odd, but odd nonetheless. Between the guys going for yet another run and you all spending time at the lake together, it just seemed like the opportunity would never come.
“God, I can’t believe it took you that long.” Rose teased, a giddy smile on her face as she cut off your recounting of last night. The boys were outside chopping some firewood while you, Rose, and Jane prepared dinner.
Jane winked at you jokingly, “What was it like?”
“What was what like? The kissing?” You asked, and she nodded.
“We want all the details!”
“In all honesty, it was the best kiss of my life.” You admitted, the butterflies you felt last night returning at just the thought.
As the three of you continued to talk, coo, and gossip about the four boys outside, they were hard at work. The late afternoon summer sun was bearing down on them, and they had stripped away their shirts earlier. Tom decided very early on that he didn’t like chopping wood, even if Harrison was somehow worse at it than him. While Tom and Harrison mainly kept to themselves, Will and Tyler had their own conversations going, despite the others clearly within earshot.
“You and Jane— I don’t know how you do it. One girl for all those years?” Will commented, and Tyler laughed with a shrug.
“It’s been so long, I don’t know what I would do without her. Plus, she’s the best fuck I’ve ever had.” Tyler said crassly, making his friend laugh.
“Mine was by far Y/N.” He stated, loudly, as if to ensure that Tom would hear it. At the sound of your name, Tom and Harrison both began to listen in on the conversation.
“It’s been years. Surely, there’s been someone else.”
“Nope.” Will protested, stopping his work to lean on the axe handle, “She was supposed to come over last night, but she must’ve gotten lost.” Tom couldn’t stop himself from scoffing at his words. Hearing the sound, Will turned to face Tom, “Got something to say?”
“Yeah, I do actually.” Tom said, dropping the axe. Holding himself up straighter, he made his way closer to Will. Harrison hesitantly stepped closer to Tom as the brunet continued, “She didn’t get lost, she just had a better option.”
“Better option? You mean you?” He bit back. “Yesterday, you couldn’t even do a simple hike without hurting yourself, and you’re shit at chopping wood. You may think you’re hot shit in London, but this is my turf, movie star. I’m the one who gets the girl here.”
Harrison went to grab Tom’s balled fist, but he was too late as Tom had already swung, nailing the surprised Will right in the nose. Will responded quickly, throwing a punch back at Tom. Tyler and Harrison exchanged questioning looks, silently wondering if they should break up the fight or just let them go at it, but the pair decided the former was probably a better idea.
Aware of sudden commotion outside, you, Rose, and Jane all rushed to the balcony, wondering what could possibly be happening. The fight between Tom and Will was ending as Harrison and Tyler both successfully pulled their respective friends away from the other. Even from the distance, you could see the new bruises on Tom’s face and Will’s bloody nose; it was most likely broken, but you didn’t have it in you to care. The boys were unaware of you and the others, until Harrison looked up at the balcony. He gave you a sad smile, and Tom was next to look up. Ashamed, he didn’t dare to meet your eyes and, instead, grabbed his shirt from a nearby log and trudged his way down to the lake.
Your eyes flickered to Will, and a pit of anger flamed inside you. Just by the look on his face, you didn’t even need to question who was the antagonist. Not bothering to say a word to Rose or Jane, you marched downstairs and out to where Will, Tyler, and Harrison remained.
“What did you say to him?” You questioned Will angrily. 
“Nothing he didn’t already know.” He replied nonchalantly.
“That’s bullshit, Will. This is all just bullshit. Every chance you get, you bring up something to antagonize Tom and embarrass me. And, every time you do that, you just remind me that you’re half the man Tom is.”
“You’re acting like I was the one to start the fight. News flash, princess, your man threw the first punch.” Will said, bitterly.
You stepped closer to him, your eyes hardening, and you swore you saw fear flicker in his eyes. “Believe me, if Tom hadn’t broken your nose already, I would break it myself.”
Without another word, you turned on your heel and headed down to the lake. You knew they were all watching you-- Harrison, Tyler, and Will from the ground and Rose and Jane from the balcony. The sun was already starting to line the tops of the trees across the lake, and you felt your anger slowly dissipating as you saw Tom sitting on the dock. With his legs swinging off the edge, he looked at peace, but you knew him better than that; a storm was brewing in his head.
You didn’t say anything, and Tom made no effort to look away from his hands in his lap as you approached. Silently, you sat down right next to him at the end of the dock. Now that you were beside him, you noticed the bruise forming on his eyebrow and the cut on his lip. Will definitely got a few good shots at him, but you could tell Tom had gotten him worse. Your eyes trailed down to his hands; his knuckles were red in agony. Slowly, you reached your hand out to grab his injured one.
“It doesn’t hurt.” Tom mumbled, but you could tell he was holding back the truth. You tenderly placed a kiss on each of his red knuckles before intertwining your fingers.
“Wanna talk about what happened?” You asked him quietly, fearing if you spoke too loud the fragile moment would somehow be ruined.
“He was talking about you like you were just a good fuck and nothing more.” He replied, his voice just as soft as yours.
You couldn’t help but smile at him, your heart fluttering at the thought that he was defending you. You let go of his hand and turned to properly face him. The smile never left your face as you cupped his face in your hands. Confused, Tom asked through a laugh, “What are you doing?”
You kissed his bruised eyebrow before responding, “Well, I’ve got to kiss it better, don’t I?”
“I think you missed a spot then.” Tom pointed to his lips with a cheeky grin. You pressed a chaste kiss to the cut on his lip, before teasingly pulling away. You didn’t get far as Tom’s hand went to the back of your neck, bringing you in for another, deeper kiss. Caught up in the moment, you somehow forgot about his cut; it wasn’t until you nibbled on his bottom lip, accidentally catching the cut, that you remembered and Tom pulled away with a quiet groan.
“I’m sorry.” You said through a laugh, though you were still genuinely concerned about him. Your fingers traced lightly over the agitated cut.
“It’s okay.” He reassured you. One of his hands trailed up your arm to your own hand, and he brought it to his lips, kissing it just as gently as you had kissed his knuckles. “You’re cold.”
“Guess my personal heater isn’t working.” You teased.
“Come here.” Tom beckoned you closer to him. You slid into his side, snuggling into his warm embrace. With his arm hanging around your shoulders, you slipped your fingers through his, smiling at the ease of it all.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.” You mumbled, looking at the beauty of the lake and the sunset before you. It was like a scene from a painting, a scene you wanted to memorize forever.
Tom pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you in closer to him. “We can stay here as long as you’d like, darling.”
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thran-duils · 3 years
And Those I Can’t Charm, I Can Kill (P.1)
Title: And Those I Can’t Charm, I Can Kill (Part One) Summary: Fem!Reader x Mafia!Tony Stark. Too many fringe gangs were making ties and your father noticed. He reached out to the Stark mob for an alliance, offering up a piece of his territory at first. When Stark told him he had enough land, your father offered up the next best thing: you. He knew Stark needed a wife and what better way to solidify a relationship between the two mafia families? You were not naïve, you knew the life and you were trained with guns and negotiations. Your father had made sure of that. The two of you had seen each other on multiple occasions at mafia get togethers and knew of each other. Stark accepted the transaction but little did he know he was going to get a little hellion handed over to him that would not kiss the ground he walked on. He would grow to love it too. Words: 1,656 Warnings (more WILL be added, I am sure): Eventual smut, power dynamics, sexism, smut, public sex, fingering, dom/sub powerplay, kidnapping, violence, death, knife kink, gun kink, angst with a happy ending
Author’s Note: READ the intro! This chapter starts there.
Introduction || Part Two || Masterpost mobile || Fanfic masterpost
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You barely remember the wedding ceremony. There had been no courting, no engagement whatsoever to speak of between you and your now husband, Tony Stark. Your marriage was a business transaction between him and your father. The ceremony had been short and sweet, the reception being the thing people were most concerned with and between your father and Tony, the food and drink had been exceptional. You had kept your head about you, not drinking too much, and turning down drugs that had been offered. Tony had done the same, much to your surprise. He was being as cautious about you as you were being about him in turn; neither wanted the other to get the jump on them.
A town car, driven by one of his men, had come at the end of your night to take the two of you to the airport to your honeymoon. On the drive, the car was quiet, the pair of you on your phones or looking out the window, with small comments about the reception sprinkled in. Neither of you were pretending this was anything more than it was at this point; you were practically strangers, only having crossed paths a couple times a year before now.
Plus, you were not inclined to speak with him considering what you had been told by one of your bridesmaids. Tony had apparently been bragging about how he was going to get you into bed on the honeymoon. One of your girlfriends had happened to overhear him speaking to a handful of his men in what was supposed to be a private conversation. There had been comment from another about your ‘rack’ looking ‘delectable’ in your wedding gown and that term had made you gag. Another told him it should be ‘easy’ to get you on your back considering your reputation for clubbing. You despised the men in this business sometimes.
He had not gotten you into bed on the honeymoon. Much to his extreme annoyance; he had trouble hiding his temper, that much you had figured out already. You had kept yourself occupied with local attractions and the pool for the weekend.
His mansion was foreign to you and even after a month, you had still not settled in. And he was still trying to strong arm you with his comments and behavior to be submissive. Just like he was doing right now with his trying to order you around to get him and his men drinks. Fat chance. You stayed relaxed on your floatie, hearing June, your personal favorite of the servants because she was not an idiot and could hold a good conversation, gathering up the champagne to take over to them.
Later in the evening, you came out of your closet, finding Tony walking into his. He was uncuffing his dress shirt and he stopped seeing you.
“That’s a nice dress,” Tony commented, his eyes running over you quickly, eyes only lingering at the tight fabric around your hips for the briefest of moments. “Mind telling me where you’re going?”
“Y/N.” There was warning in his tone.
He had an annoying habit of tracking you whenever you left the house. Whether or not he thought you were going to betray the marriage deal, cheat on him, or he was just a control freak – the last being very likely considering the sexism in the mafia – you were unsure. But it drove you up the wall he wanted tabs on you all the time.
Sighing as you dug through your clutch to make sure you had everything you needed, you told him, “I’m going out with my friends.”
“Where?” he pressed.
“The Bungalow,” you answered seeing your friend texted that she was outside. “It’s in Santa Monica.”
Tony chewed on the inside of his cheek, staring you down. You looked up at his silence finding the glower being aimed at you.
“What?” you asked exasperated.
“Be back by midnight.”
“You’re not my fucking parent, Tony.”
Tony rose his eyebrows in annoyance at your tone. “No, you’re right. I’m your husband. And as your husband, I’m telling you I want you back home by midnight. It doesn’t look good if you’re out partying until 3:00 in the morning all the time. That shit is gonna stop sooner rather than later.”
“It’s almost 8:00 and it takes a half hour—”
Tony cut in, “Then it sounds like you better stop arguing with me and get going.”
Clenching your jaw, you turned away from him and stomped out of your bedroom.
“Maybe invite your friends here next time! It’s not like there’s not a bar and pool here,” you heard him call after you.
You were suppressing the urge to scream as you descended the staircase. Just because you were married did not mean your life had to end. In the hall, you ran into one of his guys, Bucky, meandering with a drink in hand. He spotted you and gave you a smile. You forced an extremely fake one for a split second before storming past him out the front door.
Instead of forcing your friend to have to drive you home so early in the night and cutting their fun short, you risked taking an Uber by yourself back home. There were still cars outside which meant mafia members were still over. It was ten after midnight. You had had half a mind to invite your friends home, prepared to throw Tony’s words back at him about the pool and the bar. But you were afraid that the mafia would still be here and that had proven to be a legitimate fear. Plus, if Tony had lost his temper, you did not want to put your friends in that awkward position of witnessing that.
You slammed the front door as loudly as you could and immediately made your way towards the kitchen to make yourself a stiff drink. Throwing your clutch onto the kitchen island, you kicked your shoes off as well, leaving them haphazardly on the tile. You could hear music and voices coming from down the hall in what you assumed was the billiard room.
The vodka cran was stiff just like you wanted, and you took a huge gulp, leaning on the counter.
Natasha walked into the kitchen, and she paused seeing you before smiling; you returned it weakly.
“Looking for the chip stash,” she told you as she moved towards the pantry. She rummaged around in there and emerged with a couple bags. She asked, “Are you going to join us?”
“No, thank you though,” you told her. “I’m gonna watch Netflix. That’s what people do when they’re forced home before midnight, right?”
Natasha looked uncomfortable and said, “I… suppose. Well, if you change your mind then we’re in the game room.”
“Thanks,” you said again and she left you there, like she could not wait to exit that awkward conversation.
Tossing the chips on the table, Natasha told Tony, giving him a cringing look, “You really pissed Y/N off. You gave her a curfew?”
Bucky rose his eyebrows as he grabbed one of the bags. He slowly opened it, waiting for Tony to respond.
Tony looked down at his watch and realized it was in fact almost 12:30. He had lost track of the time. “She’s home, then?” Natasha nodded and he smirked in triumph. “Good.”
“So, did you?”
“She doesn’t need to be out dancing in clubs all the damn time now. It’s embarrassing and frankly insulting for me,” Tony responded. “She’s not available and she shouldn’t be acting as such. She’s got to respect me. If my own wife won’t, then what’s stopping everyone else from not doing it either?”
Natasha chewed on that and shrugged. “I can see that. But maybe you shouldn’t be so gloating about the fact she obeyed your rule. You should thank her for listening to you. Just my opinion. Might help melt down the ice a little bit.” Tony scowled and she pressed, “You know I’m right. Her coming back when you asked should build some trust, right?”
Tony said after a few beats, “In the morning.”
“No, now.”
“Who is whose boss, here?” Tony asked her, cocking his head incredulously.
She nudged him and he let out an exasperated sigh as he got up from the couch, putting his drink down on the table.
“You said you had next game right?” Rhodes asked as Tony walked by. He was playing against Wanda at the pool table.
“Yes, and I’m going to kick whoever’s ass it is,” Tony answered, leaving the room.
Tony walked into the bedroom, finding you under the covers, watching Netflix.
You told him scornfully, “I know, I know. I was ten minutes late. I’m sorry. In my defense, I took an uber home because I didn’t wanna make Jasmine leave early. So, they got lost for a few.”
He held up his hand, his brows raised. “Easy, tiger. Ten minutes is not a huge issue. I was just… coming up to check on you.”
“Well, I’m fine,” you muttered, eyes going back to the television.
He pointed at your glass and asked, “Want a refill?” You eyed him suspiciously and he said, “Just asking.”
“No, thank you. I had enough at the bar, and this is gonna be my last.”
Tony nodded and said, “Right. Well, be sure to drink water before you go to bed. And thanks by the way… for listening to me and coming back on time.”
“You’re welcome��” you told him, confused as all hell at his out of left field behavior.
He nodded again and clapped his hands before turning on his heel and walking out.
“What the fuck?” you said under your breath to yourself.
Since when was he that calm?
Slowly, you sunk back into the pillows. You shot another look at the door, wondering what had gotten into him.
Marvel tags: @coconutqueen21 @undecidedsworld @holl2712 @agustdowney  @biiskuitx @buttercupfangirl
Fic tags: @patheticallysentimental​
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laurie-stark · 4 years
Get up and get out
Summary: Sort of part two to Unwanted. A year after fighting in Germany, y/n has to deal with the insufferable Peter Parker being around the house all the time. 
Pairings: Peter Parker x stark!reader, tony stark x daughter!reader, Natasha Romanoff x daughter!reader. 
Warnings: swearing, angst? i guess? mentions of blood. mentions of panic nightmares 
A/N: Again, I want to make it very clear so there isn’t any confusion: Y/n is Tony’s biological child, however, being raised also by Natasha, Steve and Pepper, she calls them Muma, Pops and Mom. Hopefully that makes sense LOL oh and also i’ve never written like...kiss scenes before so just go with it okay?
He was here again. Third time this week that he has come barging into my home and taken over my training center. Okay, to be fair, it was not my training center but still. Peter Parker will never stop being a pain in my ass. Ever since that stupid trip to Germany, he has been coming over and training for hours, or working with Dad. Three times just this week I’ve had to endure listening to Peter talk with his stupid little voice and walk around my house like he owns the place. Who does he think he is? And every time I have to sit through another dinner of Dad blabbing on and on about what a miraculous boy he is.
               “Really y/n, I think you two would be great friends,” I rolled my eyes as I picked at my dinner. The rest of the family ate in silence around the table. The last thing I wanted to do is spend more time with stupid Spider-boy. On the afternoons when he was here, I tried my best to stay out of his way. I would stay on my floor and he stays on his. Simple. I don’t need a new friend.
“…And he’s coming by again tomorrow, so I was thinking of showing him A.P.R.I.L. if you wanted to join us-” Dad continued.
What the hell? I thought. “No!” I snapped. “No way. A.P.R.I.L. is mine, I don’t want him messing with her.” Dad frowned at me. The rest of the table looked up in my direction. My shoulders tensed up as I faced my father. A.P.R.I.L. is my baby and I was ready to go toe to toe with him if I needed too.
“What do you mean no? I thought you’d be excited to share that with him,” he started.
“Well I’m not, so back off,” I sneered. The shift in his expression made me want to bite my own tongue. “Please.”
“I seriously do not understand what your problem is. You’ve been complaining for years how there’s only adults but the second a kid your age comes by you’re all “oooh no don’t talk to me Peter!””
I scoffed. “Sorry, I guess I just don’t want to bother you and your new best friend.”
“There it is. Why are you so jealous of him? He’s not that cool. He hasn’t made a fully functioning A.I at the age of 15. He just spits sticky stuff out of his fingers. Honestly y/n, you’re making zero sense right now.”
“Whatever, I’m over this,” I said, pushing my chair back from the table. I grabbed my untouched dinner plate and headed towards the kitchen. “I’m not hungry. And don’t show him A.P.R.I.L., I mean it!” I dumped my plate in the sink and marched right down the hall towards the elevators. My dad was right. I wasn’t making any sense. Ever since I made A.P.R.I.L I’ve used every excuse I could find to shove her down people’s throats. Anyone who would listen to me, I would tell them. Tell them all about how I programmed her to have realistic personality. How she’s running through the walls of this place, through my room, even inside the bracelet I never take off. All I knew is that I didn’t want Peter Parker anywhere near her.
I shut the door to my hard, and flopped onto my bed. A.P.R.I.L. reminded me that slamming the doors usually results in a punishment. I acknowledged her with a half-hearted grunt. I started programming A.P.R.I.L. when I was thirteen. Or rather, reprogrammed. A.P.R.I.L. was made from an older prototype version of F.R.I.D.A.Y. The base stuff was already there, I just moved some things here, recoded there until she was perfect. I don’t know why I got so defensive about Peter meeting her. Or why I had to pick another fight with my dad.
It was easier these days. To fight him, I mean. I suppose I never got over the whole “Peter is better, I choose him over you, blah, blah” thing as much as I thought I did. So, I would pick fights. Fighting over Peter was the simplest way to go, considering he was the reason I was so angry in the first place. Sometimes we would fight over him, other times we would fight over silly things. Like how I keep forgetting not to put my coffee grounds in the garbage disposal. Most of the time it was all just bickering that would blow over in thirty minutes, give or take. Sometimes it was explosive, like today.  I took in a shaky breath and sprawled out across my sheets. Sometimes this family is a fucking nightmare.
Dad didn’t come by this time. It threw me off for a second because he always comes by. Even if it’s six hours later and neither of us should be awake, he still comes by with a box of milk duds that we share in silence before one of us apologizes first. That’s how we work. When it finally sunk in that he was not planning on coming, I put A.P.R.I.L. on the job. I figured perhaps he left the compound, maybe took Mom for a nighttime stroll.
“Your father is on floor B, Miss Stark,” A.P.R.I.L. informed me.
“Jesus A.P.R.I.L., how many times have I said to cut the formalities,” I muttered.
“My apologies, y/n.”
Floor B. What the hell is he doing on floor B at…12:00 in the morning? Floor B is strictly for members of household and other Avengers. There are a billion different training rooms down there. Weight rooms, boxing, a huge pool, stuff like that. Not to taint his image, but I can safely say the last time my father willingly worked out for fun was probably before I was even born. Why was he down there? Unless…
“A.P.R.I.L. who else is on floor B right now?” I asked. “Throw it on the hologram, would you dear?
The sounds of the hologram starting filled the room. A.P.R.I.L. pulled up the security map of floor B, like I’d asked. There was my dad, floor B in the boxing room of all places. Pops and Sam looked to be going at it in another one of the combat training rooms. My confusion only rose when another nametag popped up on the screen. My brows furrowed.
Peter Parker
What was he doing here? Why was he boxing? Why was he not in his own home at midnight on a Thursday? My mind was spinning with questions. A knock at my door startled me.
“Come in…”
Natasha popped her head through the doorway. “Hey there…whatcha doing kid?”
I swiftly swiped away the hologram screen and sat up straight. “Nothing. What’s up?”
“Well, we’re getting a little worried about you,” she said. We being everyone else at the table who had to witness my brawl with Dad. She sat down beside me. “You haven’t fought back like that in a long time and I’ve noticed you’re fighting with him a lot recently. You want to tell me what that’s all about?”
I wanted too. God, I wanted too. I hadn’t told anyone what my father said to me that day after the airport, not even my mom. But it didn’t matter. I’d get over it sooner or later, so there was no point troubling anyone else with my problems…right? My eyes started to well up but I blinked away the tears. “No. Everything’s fine,” I put on a smile.
Natasha tucked me in under her arm. “Okay then. Maybe tomorrow.” That was Muma for you. She never pushed me to talk but knew I would come around at some point. In the meantime, she just held me. I cried into her embrace. She let me cry into her shoulder for a long while, until I was empty. After a time, I let go and she got up, giving me a kiss on the head before wishing me a good night.
I rubbed my hands over my face, brushing off any remaining tears. “A.P.R.I.L. bring the hologram back up please.”
“Are you sure y/n?”
Peter was still in the boxing room but my father was not. Upon further digging, I found the nametag reading Tony Stark on my floor. He’d gone to bed. I pondered to myself as to whether or not I should venture downstairs. What is the worst thing that could happen? Peter is secretly a Hydra spy and kills me? No, I shook my head. Don’t be ridiculous. Another minute passed and I’d made up my mind.
“A.P.R.I.L. engage “I am definitely here”,” I commanded.
“”I am definitely here” protocol engaged. Volume minimized to 5% and your tracking tag will be pinned to this room,” A.P.R.I.L. responded. “Good luck on your mission small agent.”
“Oh shut up,” I chided. I closed the door to my room as softly as I could. It was nearly one in the morning, most of the hall would be asleep. Or at least they should be. The hallway was silent, except for the soft noise of my socks padding along the floor. I cursed myself for looking so ridiculous. If anyone caught me, I could easily say that I was just getting a midnight snack. Not sneaking down to spy on Spider-bitch. Boy. Whatever. Sneaking added to the excitement.
I made it downstairs all in one piece. Steve and Sam nearly passed me in one of the halls, but I had ducked into a briefing room. I could totally be a spy. Maybe I’m a Hydra spy. I thought. And they sent me here as a baby to take down the Avengers from the inside. What was I going on about? This was why I should really be in bed, I was clearly delirious. Once again, distracting myself in my thoughts led to me getting startled. I hadn’t even realized I was outside the boxing room. I would have walked right in if not for the handy wall that I smacked into.
Peter was in the ring, practicing his punches. He’d lowered down one of the punching bags from the ceiling and it was close to ripping at the seams. He was really going ham on it. The questions piled on. So, he came over to my house at midnight to…train? Something he had all afternoon today to do? God, he was weird. I suppose I didn’t quite know what I was going to get myself into when I finally walked in to confront him.
“What are you doing?” I asked, arms folded tightly across my chest.
Peter started and looked down at me. Sweat was dripping down his face. He looked exhausted. “Training,” he said bluntly. He returned to treating the punching bag like it had run over his dog.
“At one in the morning? And after you spent like six hours today doing just that?” I was not letting him off that easy. Peter ignored me and continued punching. “Your form is shit.” I mocked.
That made him stop. “Funny coming from the girl who never leaves her room. When have you ever trained? Like ever?”
“I still beat your ass.”
“Yeah like, a year ago when I was barely an avenger.”
I rolled my eyes. “You still aren’t.”
“What do you want?” Peter spat.
I shrugged. “Dunno.” I stared him down with a smug look on my face.
“You are always such a bitch, you know that?”
I faked a pout. “Aw…bite me.”
Peter was chewing the inside of his cheek in anger. “If you’re going to stay here and pester me, you might as well get a few punches in.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Consider it a rematch.”
I studied his physique for a moment. He’d grown a lot since Germany. He’d also trained a lot since then as well. I had done little of either. I knew that entering that ring would probably end up with me losing my dignity and maybe even a tooth. But I was not going to let him stand there with his stupid, sweaty face and get away with it. This is not a good idea, I thought as I took off my socks. I moved the ropes and stepped into the ring, standing a foot in front of the boy.
“I’ll still win.”
“No powers either.”
“Deal.” Not like I’ve touched my powers since…since the incident.
Peter took his stance and I did my best to mirror him. I realized in that moment that I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know the first thing about boxing. Or sparring. I didn’t know how to fight without my powers. Oh, sweet Jesus.
We kept our distance at first, fists up. He threw a few punches and missed. I followed in suit. I finally got the first hit, a nice throw to his chest. He took it like a champ and didn’t flinch. Or rather, I couldn’t hit for shit and it didn’t hurt. He threw a punch to my left, only to miss on purpose and punched me square across my jaw. Ow. I chuckled lowly. The taste of blood filled my mouth from the fresh cut on my lip. I wiped the back of my hand across my mouth. All I could see was white rage.
Forget form, forget rules, forget everything. I lunged at him with everything I had. Lunged at him for all the bullshit he had brought into my life. For all the bitter things I had to hear my father say that weren’t even Peter’s fault. He was clearly not expecting my attack because we both fell to the ground. We fought tirelessly on the mat. He was physically stronger than me, so by default he was winning. He wrestled me until I was pinned under him. One hand was pinning my hand above my head, the other arm pinning down my body. In any other circumstances I would be amused to find myself in such a scandal. I looked in his eyes briefly and I could already tell he thought that he was winning. If there’s one thing I learned from Nat, it’s to always step on their moment. I hooked my leg around his knee and used all my force to flip us over. I had him pinned down now, my hair falling around my face. We were both breathing heavily.
“Told you,” I taunted. I was mentally preparing him to punch back but he didn’t. He snapped his arms out from under me and shoved me off him, hard. I fell back against the mat. He rose to his feet, brushing his hands off on his pants. “What the hell?” I exclaimed. I jumped to my feet while his back was turned to me and gave him a taste of his own medicine. He stumbled a few steps after I pushed him. Slowly, he stretched back up to reach his full height.
“You’re right,” he turned to face me and extended a hand. “Shake on the truce?” I took his hand, accepting his surrender. Only, he was not really surrendering. The moment my hand touched his, he yanked me towards him. I tripped over my feet and fell into him. My chest crashed onto his. The world was a blur as he grabbed me with force and spun us around, so he could push me up against the ropes of the ring.
“Stop, Peter get off me you bitch!” I fought back. I flailed my whole body around, trying to break loose. One hand reached up to grab the back of my head, pulling my hair and forcing my head back. I froze. His face was dangerously close to my exposed neck. His shift let my opposite arm break free. I took a breathe and reeled it back, ready to smack him in the across the face. He caught my wrist in time without taking his eyes off mine.
He lowered his head to whisper in my ear, “I win.” His breathe trickled down my neck. He had won, but he wasn’t moving. One hand was still in my hair, the other was pinning me against the ropes. His chest breathed heavily against my own. His grip on my head loosened slightly and I was able to look him straight on. He had that same smug look pasted across his face. His eyes moved from mine, trailing down my face, my neck, my body, before they settled on my lips. I momentarily lost the ability to breathe.
He kissed me hard. I tensed up slightly before giving into him completely. It tasted like blood and sweat and I felt like I was losing my mind. He pulled me closer, if that was even possible and claimed my mouth with his until my knees gave out. A newfound wave of warm washed through me. The hand in my hair gave a slight tug and my lips parted while that same hand moved to cup my jaw. For all I knew, the entire compound was wide awake and watching but I did not care. I brought my fingers to his hair, tugging at the ends. I smiled cunningly when he groaned into my mouth. He kissed me greedily and fully. Like he hated me. And I hated him.
We broke apart, limbs numb and chests heaving. The moment had passed, and our actions sunk in. What. The. Fuck. He lifted the ropes for me, and I climbed out of the ring. My head was still spinning from that kiss and my lip stung. Consequences I suppose, for kissing someone with a busted lip. I silently pulled my socks back on and Peter handed me a towel. Neither of us said another word. I left the room and didn’t look back. I could hear him behind me, but I was in no rush to have to look him in the eye ever again. What just happened?
 I woke the next morning to A.P.R.I.L. alerting me that “Father Dearest” was outside my door. He came in and sat on the edge of the bed. We both stayed quiet for a while.
I spoke first. “Where were you last night? You didn’t come by after…” I let my words trail off.
“I was going to, I swear. But then something came up with Peter and I had to go take care of that,” Dad answered.
I frowned. “Typical. Peter over your own flesh and blood, right?”
Dad inhaled sharply like he was going to bite back, but changed his mind. “That’s not true and you know it. Peter is…he’s going through something and I knew how to help him. Not everything is about you, you narcissist,” He said, joking at the end.
I had to push down my own smile. “Yeah well where do you think I got it from?” I sat up and leaned into my father. He brushed a hand down my back. “So, what’s wrong with Peter then?”
“I really shouldn’t tell you, it’s personal.” I looked up at him with my doe eyes. He rolled his eyes and sighed, nodding a silent defeat. I felt like I was nine again and he was gossiping with me about the latest secretary. Like every fight had been forgotten in this moment. “He’s been having some nightmares ever since DC. You remember the ones we used to get after Loki?” I nodded. “Now you, you always amazed me at how you handled those. But for me and Peter, we needed a different outlet. So, I let him come over in the middle of the night. I didn’t think anyone would notice.” I hummed in response, not sure what to make of that information. I mean, I kind of felt bad for the guy. He was still a bitch, but those dreams suck. No one should have to deal with them. “He really isn’t as bad as you think, you know.”
“Yeah,” I hummed. “I think you’re right.”
tag list:
@runawayolives @ creation-magician @ eridanuswave @ markhyucksmells @ beep-beep-losersclub
343 notes · View notes
songofsaraneth · 3 years
an incomplete list of the Bullshit ive gone through this year (2021 only), for personal edification:
I am in grad school trying to do research as well as TA a lab class during a global pandemic
My car is broken into in late February outside of my apartment. $1700+ of my backpacking/camping gear and personal items were stolen from it. Ironically they did not find the $20 cash I had. 
Car battery begins mysterious dying if left overnight and have to call for rescue from AAA 4 separate times over the course of March. I suspect it is related to being broken into but can’t prove it without a mechanic’s diagnostics.
First mechanic I bring my car to does nothing for the entire MONTH they have it, except break my air conditioning of all things. I live in a desert. It is now 90º every day. At one point they call me to say they can’t get the back doors to open. I walk 2 miles back to them from campus and demonstrate how the automatic doors work on a 2005 minivan. I begin to have regrets about my mechanic choice but the sunk fallacy cost keeps me there for several weeks.
Mid march I also wake up one day to severe jaw pain/a weird “loose” feeling, like my mouth is slanting sideways. It is midterms and I do not have time for this, so I take a lot of ibuprofen and eat soup for a week. After 3 days I shove pillows and blankets around my face one night to keep my jaw aligned and when I wake up the next morning it is severely tight instead of loose, and I have to carefully stretch it open whenever I leave my mouth closed for more than an hour. I guess I just have TMJ now.
At this point I am walking everywhere until bike supplies arrive to fix my flat tire since the bike store is too far away to walk to; including walking back and forth to campus since I can only bring 2-4 out of 8 students into the lab spaces at a time and so effectively have to run each weekly lab 2-4 times per week; as well as going back and forth for greenhouse experiment monitoring/helping undergrads on our NASA contest project
Early April I go to the dentist for a crown on one of my back molars, which I must pay for out of pocket because my new dental insurance purchased when I moved last September has a 1-year waiting period and so will not cover it ($1200). Stretching my jaw open so far for the procedure reignites my new TMJ back to high pain levels.
While still waiting on car in mid-April I have a severe averse reaction to the second dose of the Covid19 vaccine, resulting in painful ulceration of all the soft tissues in my body (mouth, stomach, genitals). It is a very bad time for 3 days and I book an urgent care appointment for the first time ever.
Urgent Care nurse-practitioner does not believe me when I describe what’s happening, and misdiagnoses me with herpes.
I am still biking everywhere but now I’m extra mad and in pain about it so take car back from mechanic so I can get groceries etc. I make an appointment with the dealership but it will be a week until they can take it. In the meanwhile I have to drive it every 8 hours so it won’t die which means getting up at 2am to drive it for 20 minutes in the middle of the night so it will still turn on in the morning. 
I have a terrible reaction to the numbing cream given to me for the painful open sores over my body, because of a lifelong mint sensitivity, resulting in an even greater amount of pain
The dealership can fix my car over the following week but its $1800 and now insurance isn’t sure they want to cover it after all
Herpes test comes back negative and nurse apologizes profusely and recommends a non-mint OTC numbing cream alternative that works (yay) and a numbing spray that does not work because it turned out to use an alcohol based propellant which should not be combined with open wounds esp on the genitals (ouch ouch ouch). I try to tell the nurse why I was right about my diagnosis and she was wrong but she still believes it was a latent virus of some other variety and and not an immune response alone, despite the published case studies I have brought to back me up. I decide I have bigger hills I need to die on right now and stop arguing. Sores persist into May but eventually do go down and numbing cream keeps me moderately functioning.
Car is fixed and I can drive again but it takes 2 hours of crying on the phone to my insurance company for them to agree to cover the cost of repair
I make a primary care appointment for the first time in years so I can have a doctor in this state if something like this happens to me again, in June I do intake/bloodwork/set up appointments to check out some other issues ive been having
Grad school finals happen which i wont get into but Yeah. Finals stress triggers another outbreak of canker sores, but mostly clustered in my mouth and only 2 on my vulva rather than 8-12. I eat only soup for another week. 
I get a referral to the local mental health clinic and call about setting up an appointment for an ADHD evaluation. They tell me to download and send in some paperwork and they will call when they have available appointments
I am supposed to be doing all my labwork over the summer but the committee member I need escapes my clutches and we don’t manage to set up a meeting to plan it out/for him to explain the protocols until late June
Bloodwork shows I am critically low in vitamin b12 and low in D, which may explain some of why I am so tired all the time
Ultrasound shows a 1.8cm mass in the adnexa near my left ovary. There are several options for what it can be (folicular cyst, other kind of cyst, tumor, ectopic pregnancy i nearly laugh at my Dr and reassure her the last one is not possible if nothing else). It may go away on its own or it may not. Follow up scan in 2 months
I remember I was supposed to email forms to the mental health clinic and finally send those in mid July. It seems cruel to make me be the one to remember this considering I am calling about a formal ADHD diagnosis.
I also finally pin everyone relating to my labwork down and have a follow up meeting + make a list of what we need to order, but the staff who place orders are on vacation and when they get back several reagents are backordered
I have my follow-up ultrasound. The tech takes lots of photos which indicates the mass is still present, but I won’t know any details until my next PCP appointment when they send over the analysis to her in mid-August
Beginning of August the reagents I need for the first steps of the process arrive exactly 1 day before I leave town for a wedding and the lab manager is about to leave town for the entire next week
After the wedding, severe thunderstorms and tornados trap me in Chicago for 4 extra days. I spend a lot of time at the airport or on my way between the airport and my parents house. A facebook friend gets video of the funnel clouds which at least gives me something to sadly email my advisor and committee members when I have to join our planning meeting from my gate at O’Hare
I lose my drivers license at the security checkpoint on my last trip through the airport and don’t realize until I am boarding the plane because of course that is happening to me now
On the shuttle from El Paso back to Las Cruces after this ordeal the driver stops and picks up a box labeled HUMAN BLOOD and puts it in the trunk and i am too tired to care anymore
I stay up all night making the world’s most pitiful r graphs for my meeting the next morning and everyone takes pity on me and does not call out how useless they are
I spend the weekend trying to motivate myself to actually go into the lab and start my procedures, and fail to leave my apartment. This reminds me it has now been a month (Aug 15th) since I sent in my paperwork and the mental health clinic has still not called me back about up an appointment
I get overwhelmed with Everything and make this list
So that’s where I’m at at the moment. And this doesn’t even include anything from 2020 thats just been continuous like, y’know, a global pandemic and having a bad breakup of a 4 year relationship and moving to a new city where I know no one for grad school etc. I feel like I’m falling apart/unable to do all the shit I need to right now but you know what? Actually its been a really bad time and maybe falling apart a little is justified ;_; 
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egcdeath · 4 years
a blip in the reader-verse
chapter 4: going once, going twice
summary: you meet an interesting character while attending a charity auction.
warnings: soft moments, angsty moments. asshole ransom, soft ransom. you’ve been warned.
pairing: ransom drysdale x reader, overarching steve rogers x reader
word count: 3.4k
author’s note: before anyone asks, i don’t really consider this cheating since it’s just steve in a different universe. but i’d skip this chapter if it won’t sit right with you! 
p.s. i had to google translate some french, please don’t hate me if you speak french and it’s awful🥺
previous chapter / series masterlist
Sounds seemed to be the first thing you noticed as you entered a new universe. This was absolutely no different.
Well, except for the fact that the first sound you noticed was the announcing of your own name.
From the moment your eyes opened, you were met with a blinding yellow light, and the urge to stand up. You glanced over at the table that you’d previously been sat at, and received raised brows from Aaliyah, who’d been sitting at the white, round table across from you, along with a hand gesture that shoo-ed you away.
You timidly walked up to the small and raised platform of a stage, and stood next to a person who vaguely resembled your old boss from your main universe.
“Alright, ladies and gents! Our final lady of the night, well, not a lady of the night, is the gorgeous Y/N L/N! Starting at $1,000, do we have any takers?”
You looked out into the ocean of round tables, and watched a decently handsome man, with dark hair and a beard raise his paddle, “1,500!” he called out.
The man received a death glare from someone else at his table, and looked up at both the stage and you to raise his own paddle. “2,500,” he responded in a bored tone.
After getting over the extreme ego boost that was being bid over, you let yourself take a good look at the second man who’d offered the cash, and,
Holy shit.
It was Steve, but it definitely wasn’t Steve. 
His hair was slightly darker, he was wearing a cream sweater and long, multicolored scarf that your Steve would never be caught dead in. He held an air of confidence and cockiness that you could see from miles away, and according to his bidding style, he was loaded.
After seeing him, you desperately wanted to find a mirror and find out if your own appearance had changed at all.
“Fine, $4,000,” the bearded man offered, glancing back and forth between you, and this alternate version of Steve.
“$5,000!” A new contestant jeered, this one a rather old man whom you could tell you wanted nothing to do with.
“Old fucking geezer,” the alternate Steve muttered. “$7,000.”
There was a gasp, and a silence throughout the audience. 
“$7,000 for Hugh, going once, going-”
“15,” the bearded man lifted his paddle once again. You glanced over to Aaliyah, whose eyeballs seemed to be bulging out of her head at this. 
“Fuck it, 30,” Hugh sighed.
The bearded man threw his hands up in defeat, and set his paddle all the way down on his table.
“45, final!” The old man called out.
“75,” Hugh glanced around the audience, a rather smug look on his face.
“Oh wow, $75,000 going once, going twice… sold to Mr. Hugh Drysdale! Miss L/N, is there something you’re not telling us about the nature of your date?” The auctioneer passed the microphone to you, and you laughed awkwardly into it.
“Nothing that I know of,” the rest of the crowd seemed to laugh with you at this, but you couldn’t help but feel the growing discomfort in your stomach. 
“Well, I’m sure the folks over at One Mission will be very happy at this sizable donation. Can we get one more cheer for Miss L/N?” You gave a friendly wave before awkwardly stepping off the stage while the people around you clapped.
You’d had a decent idea at this point of what was going on, but you couldn’t quite piece together why this Hugh character had decided to bid so high on someone he’d never even met. You sat back down at your table, and slipped your phone out of your pocket to look at yourself. Yep, same you. 
“Okay, what the hell was that?” Aaliyah asked you, a mixture of confusion and excitement present in her tone.
“Hell if I know,” you sighed, and scratched your neck nervously.
“I mean, I get it, you’re hot. But the price of a luxury vehicle for a date? You’re gonna have to let him finger you at least,” she giggled.
“Shut up,” you groaned at the thought. You were still feeling pretty confused about the fact that the Steve in this universe wasn’t actually Steve at all. You so far, you’d only really met Steves that were well… Steve. 
You internally lamented the situation, until you noticed someone plop down at the open seat at the table, causing you to turn and look at him. 
“This seat taken?” Hugh asked, and you shook your head. “Great, now it is,” he quipped.
“I’ll give you two a moment. I’m gonna go find my own socialite,” Aaliyah bantered, slipping up from her chair and following through on her comment.
“So you must really love those kids you just donated to,” you awkwardly chuckled.
“Oh hell no. Fuck those kids. I just hate losing, and I absolutely was not gonna let those douchebags win,” he looked down at his hands and played with his pinky ring in an extremely bored manner. 
“Oh, okay,” you nodded slowly. This man was a complete 180 to the type of Steve that you were used to. Your Steve was warm and caring, but this man seemed cold and apathetic. Your Steve would gladly lay his life on the line for anyone, and this man didn’t even seem to have the emotional capacity to hold the door for someone else. “So Hugh, what do you plan to do on our date?” You lifted up your glass of champagne and took a little sip.
“Call me Ransom, only the help call me Hugh. We’ll probably just go to Europe or something.”
You nearly spat out your drink at this. In fact, you felt a little carbonation in your nose. Then again, Ransom just spent ¾ of a hundred thousand on a date with you. “Jesus,” you murmured. 
“Think you can head out tomorrow?” 
Waking up in the bedroom of the apartment you seemed to share with Aaliyah taught you two things. One, you could apparently sleep in these universes and not wake up elsewhere, and two, the walls of your apartment were far too thin.
You glanced over at the clock on your bedside table, and noted the time. You had about an hour before you needed to be at the airport. 
You quickly threw a mixture of clothing, a phone charger, a packet of birth control, and some skincare products into a suitcase before heading out to the kitchen to grab a granola bar. You chewed half the bar before hopping into the shower, then tossing on some ugly, but comfortable travelling clothes. 
Maybe you spent a bit too long checking yourself in the mirror that morning with the newfound knowledge that you were now worth at least 75,000 dollars. Frankly, having multiple (attractive) men fight over you was the greatest boost to your pride that you’d ever been given.
Glancing down at your phone after the matter, you realized that you only had a few minutes to order an Uber to pick you up, unless you wanted to be late and miss your flight. 
You had your baggage checked, stumbled through TSA, and showed the screenshot of your plane ticket a boatload of times to a multitude of people before you finally reached the lounge, and found Ransom sitting on a sofa with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“Why the hell are you dressed like that?” Ransom asked you as you approached, looking up and down at your outfit of a college sweatshirt and loose joggers.
“Because I want to be comfortable, you dick. Do rich people not like being comfortable?” You sat down beside him on the sofa, and slumped into the chair. Who knew travelling throughout the multiverse could be so tiring? “Besides, you have like seven holes in that sweater. I wouldn’t be talking about anyone else’s clothes if I gladly let moths have a four course meal on my things,” you scoffed.
That seemed to shut him up for a bit.
Eventually, your flight number was called, and you, along with the few other first class flyers piled into the plane. 
You sat down next to Ransom in a soft chair that seemed to lower back into some sort of makeshift mattress, and slipped your phone out of your pocket to send your friends a message that you were taking off.
“You excited?” You asked Ransom while he began to slip a pair of Beats onto his head. 
“Yeah, I like Nice,” he nodded, then grabbed his own phone to connect to the headphones.
“So you’ve been there before?” Ransom nodded, clearly trying to ignore you. “Do you have a plan on fun places to take me?” He shrugged.
You got the message, and huffed as you sat back in your seat. Right before takeoff, you received a message back from Aaliyah of a picture of her cat, and that was enough to bring a smile to your face. 
About 7 hours into your flight, you noticed Ransom picking out a movie to watch, and you found the idea intriguing. 
“What’cha watching?” You asked, leaning over a bit into his space. 
“Nothing,” he said stiffly, and you rolled your eyes.
“Porn?” You joked, glancing up at him to see if it landed or not. It did not. 
“You know what? You’re a lot prettier when you’re quiet.”
You slunk back into your seat at this and turned your head away from Ransom. The words really bit at you, considering that it sounded just like your Steve, and if you squinted enough, it looked like him too. But your Steve would never say something like that to you, right?
For a moment, you twisted the watch on your wrist consideringly, wondering if you should go to the next universe, where you might gain a little more respect from your partner. Yet something told you to wait it out. If this was still, in some convoluted way, Steve, he’d come around, right?
That alone gave you enough reason to stay.
You dragged your suitcase into a hotel room much too big for just two people after nearly 12 hours of an extremely awkward flight, and even more awkward cab ride to the hotel. 
After plopping your things down into the bigger bedroom of the hotel, you stretched rather dramatically in hopes of waking up some of the stiff muscles in your body. In the midst of this, Ransom came up behind you, and set a hand on your back, scaring the life out of you. 
“What the hell, Ransom! A knock or a ‘hello’ will do it next time!”
You turned to look at him, and became a bit flustered at his shirtless, short-clad figure. It was silly, because you’d seen Steve naked a million times before, and this was simply Steve in another universe. 
“You coming to the spa with me?” He smirked as you blatantly checked him out. “Okay, yeah. You’re coming with me. I’ll meet you at the front door.”
You spent around an hour at the spa with Ransom, sweating yourself out in the sauna until you were likely majorly dehydrated, soaking in the heated pool until your skin became pruny and wrinkled, and ending the night with a massage that sent you straight to sleep.
Like, deep sleep. When you became even slightly conscious, Ransom was laying you in your pillowy soft bed. As your eyes opened the slightest bit at him, he scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Pretending to sleep, how cute,” he muttered sarcastically. You’d argue with him, but you were simply too exhausted to do so. In fact, you were convinced you’d just given him a whole monologue about how travelling makes people tired, but the most that had exited your mouth was a tiny squeak. 
You watched Ransom leave the room, before your head collapsed onto your shoulder, and you fell back into a nice rest.
When you awoke, it was not on your own will.
An overly saturated light attacked your eyes from behind your eyelids, and came all at once, snapping you out of your dreamless slumber. When you glanced over at the harsh source, you noticed none other than Ransom by your window, with a hand on the drape.
“Time to wake up. It’s like, 3 PM, by the way,” he huffed before exiting your room, not even allowing you to reply. 
You groaned in annoyance, having an off handed thought about how jet lag was kicking your ass, before rolling out of bed and trying to find something nice to put on.
By the time you left your room, Ransom was standing by the door, aimlessly scrolling on his phone. “You wanna go for a walk?” 
“Sure, I guess. I’m kinda hungry though, so maybe we can stop somewhere first?” 
Ransom shrugged and gave you what seemed like the hint of a smile, and you hurried to put on your shoes before heading out. 
The two of you ended up on the patio of some local restaurant, your eyes skimming the menu while Ransom took sips of his complimentary water. 
What seemed to be out of nowhere, a burly man came rushing over to your table, and appeared to be approaching Ransom, as he turned his head to look at the man, then quickly looked away.
The man, who you could only assume to be the owner, clapped Ransom on the back, and in return, Ransom slumped over in embarrassment. 
You were definitely going to enjoy this.
“Où étiez-vous?, Ranny?” Where have you been?
“Occupé, Henri.” Busy, Henri. Ransom clearly had a dark red blush on his face now, and he glanced at you as if you could offer him some sort of assistance.
“Trop occupé avec la dame?” Too busy with the lady? Henri asked with a smirk.
“Présentez-moi à elle,” Introduce her to me. 
Ransom sighed dramatically, then sat up from hunching, “Y/N, this is Henri. He’s a family friend,” you couldn’t help but notice how pleased Henri seemed, “Henri, this is Y/N, mon rendez-vous,” My date.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” Henri extended a hand out to you and you gladly shook it. He turned back to Ransom, and continued grilling him. “Est-ce votre cavalier ou votre petite amie?” Is she your date or your girlfriend?
“Mon rendez-vous!” My date! You don’t think you’d ever seen anyone become this flustered so fast.
“Hey Henri,” you interrupted, feeling a tiny bit left out, “any way that we could order first, then you could come back here and tell me all the embarrassing stories about Ransom you can remember?”
“That sounds fun to me,” he shrugged.
During lunch, you’d learned more about Ransom than you ever knew you needed to know. In the midst of it all, you couldn’t help but to think about how different he was compared to your Steve. His parents were extremely wealthy (no surprise there), he went to boarding school in Nice (which explained his ability to speak French), and Ransom was a bit of an art nerd (perhaps some characteristics could transcend universes).
Surprisingly, he was starting to grow on you. Which was why you were far from opposed to his suggestion of going sight-seeing around the town. 
The first stop you took wasn’t too far from the restaurant. A quaint little gift store with tiny knicknacks lining the shelves, and a relentless, old, orange cat who did not seem to want to leave Ransom alone.
“You should pet her, Ran,” you suggested, leaning down to do so yourself.
“First of all, don’t call me that. Second of all, if you pet her once, it’ll literally never stop,” He glanced over at you from where he was standing at a set of tourist-oriented keychains.
“Are you speaking from firsthand experience?” You grinned down at the cat who was now aggressively rubbing its head against your hand.
“Yes. Luis may seem nice, but one second you’re petting his head, and the next, you’re carrying him around the store, the whole time he’s whispering in your ear for you to buy more things.”
You were a bit taken aback at this, for a second concerned that the man you’d impulsively travelled to Europe with had a few screws loose, since he was apparently hearing local cats speak to him. That’s of course, when Ransom broke into laughter. It took you a second before you laughed a bit too.
“That was so weird, man. Don’t do that again,” you lightly punched his shoulder, then went to pick up Luis who was more than happy to be transported around like an infant. 
After buying a nice mug and a postcard to give to Aaliyah once you returned home, and parting with Luis who seemed to feel a bit, you suggested hopping in a cab to visit one of the many art museums Nice had to offer. 
After a bit of bickering in the backseat, the two of you compromised on the Modern and Contemporary Art museum, and you couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit excited.
Around two hours post-arrival at the museum, you realized that, maybe modern art wasn’t exactly your thing. But it certainly was Ransom’s. He rambled on and on about different pieces that seemed completely mundane to you. Who knew that someone could talk for nearly half of an hour about a canvas painted completely one color?
You noted a shift in Ransom’s attitude towards you. It was clear that you were willing to put up with his little antics, and as the day went on, he began to let down more and more of the tough guy persona he’d had up for so long. To your Steve, at least, art was something that made him feel a bit vulnerable, and you figured that Ransom held the same sentiment. This thought made you feel vaguely homesick, and go in for a half-hug from Ransom, who gladly returned it while he shamelessly effused.
It wasn’t the same, but for you, it was good enough.
You very much enjoyed the rest of your day with Ransom, hopping from interesting site to interesting site with him, and sharing a multitude of fond memories that you hoped would stick with you throughout your inter-dimensional travels.
You ended the night with him on the piano bench in the lobby of your hotel. He wordlessly played a Chopin piece while you mindlessly listened. It was a rather relaxing experience, and quite the finale of your day. You had a bit of a nagging feeling that this was the finale of your time in this universe as well.
“Today was really nice,” out of nowhere, Ransom began.
You hummed in agreement, “it was.”
“I guess I shouldn’t have taken you to all my favorite places on day one, but oh well,” he half chuckled to himself, and you pulled back to look up at Ransom.
“You took me to your favorite places? That’s.. Wow. That’s really sweet,” you glanced down at the piano, then back up at Ransom. He gave you a soft smile in return.
This was the moment, right? The silence that followed that was your perfect opportunity to be kissed. Yet, Ransom wasn’t taking it. So you decided to lean forward slightly, and do it yourself. Catching onto what you were getting ready to do, Ransom moved away from you slightly, and shook his head.
“Hey, I don’t really do that,” Ransom looked down at you, and bit the inside of his lip. 
Deep down, you knew that this was just a man who looked like your man rejecting you, but the less rational side of yourself only told you one thing.
Steve was rejecting you.
He was leaving you again, he wouldn’t even kiss you. The thought of it put you somewhere between seeing red, and seeing nothing at all from the tears that were now flooding your vision.
The one thing that had once convinced you to stay, was now begging you to leave. 
You reached down to your watch, and fiddled aggressively with it. Part of you felt bad for leaving a version of yourself to deal with the awkward aftermath of what just occurred, but another part of you just wanted to get the hell away from all of the distressing emotions you were feeling. 
That part of you seemed to be stronger than anything else. You glanced down at your watch, pressed the button on the side that you were told could make you leave, and let nature take its course after feeling the soft vibrations run throughout your arm.
next chapter
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Let Your Hair Down (chapter xv)
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Get caught up with the Let Your Hair Down Masterlist!
word count: 1,762
story summary: Harry gets more than he bargains for when he falls not only for you but your little girl as well.
chapter summary: plans change
warnings: laaaaanguage..
a/n: okay I desperately needed a happy MC and Harry in this one after the last chapter so excuse me while I go cry over how cute these two can be. okay that’s it. xx
You'd never walked home so fast in your life. Basically running with Thea in your arms towards your apartment building. You didn't want to be paranoid but you had no idea that Ryan knew where you worked. You wouldn't put it past him to know where you lived too.
Luckily, Thea had no problem being carried home from school. She hung onto your hip, arms around your neck, telling you all about her day at school. She didn't notice anything wrong with you besides the marks on your arm. You hated lying to her but you didn't want to involve her in any adult problems. Telling her you had an accident and she left the subject alone.
"Momma, can we call Harry?" Thea asked when you finally got into your apartment. You felt like you were finally able to breathe again when you locked all 3 of your door locks. A weight of anxiety being lifted off you, knowing Ryan couldn't break through 3 locks and your front door to get in.
"We'll call him in a minute." You said, walking with Thea to the kitchen. She sat her backpack on the table, pulling out her picture for Harry as you rummaged through your bare fridge to see if there was anything for you two to have for dinner tonight.
"Pizza?" You asked, shutting the fridge door once you saw it was a losing battle for dinner that night. You were too frazzled to even eat but you had to do something for Thea.
"Yes! I want extra cheese." Thea sang out her agreement, pulling out her folder of homework and getting started on it. You smiled, happy she actually liked school and you didn't have to fight with her the whole time to do her work.
"Alright, let me go order then we'll call Harry." You grabbed your phone, plopping on your couch, surprised you hadn't had any more texts from Ryan but considering it a blessing as you placed the usual order to your favorite pizza place.
Once you got off the phone you scrolled to Harry's contact. The picture of Thea and him from a little over a month ago shining bright, making you smile. So much had changed since then. You felt like you'd open yourself up so much to being happy again and now your past was sneaking up on you.
You sighed before clicking the facetime button. You knew you needed to tell someone about what happened with Ryan but you couldn't go there yet. You just wanted to forget it, pushing it to the back of your mind when Harry's wide smiling face appeared on your screen.
"Hey, I've missed ya love." His smile was contagious, making the bad day melt away from your thoughts. He had such a great way of making your anxieties fade just by being around.
"Missed you too, so much." You sighed, just wanting him to give you a hug. Long-distance sucked and it wasn't even 12 hours apart. You tried your best to not think about all of your doubts about your newly formed relationship but the look on your face must have been enough to concern him.
"Wat's wrong?"
"Nothing, just a rough day. I need a hug." You sighed again, sitting back further on the couch when you heard Thea running from the kitchen.
"Harry!" She yelled jumping on the couch to be able to see him on your phone. Her face inches away from the screen so you couldn't see his face anymore but could hear him laughing.
"Hey, sunshine. How was school?" He asked, your phone taken from your hands as Thea held it herself to talk to him.
"Good. Van asked me to be his girlfriend again but I think I'm going to ask Will if he'll be my boyfriend cause he shared his crayons with me today." She blurted out, making you laugh from beside her. Knowing the response to this was going to be priceless.
"Yer not allowed to date til yer 35." He huffed out, not finding it funny at all but making you crack up.
"Yeah no dating Thea!" You heard Mitch call out from a distance.
"Thea, stop giving Uncle Mitch and Harry blood pressure spikes. Go work on your homework." You rolled your lips when you saw her confused look on her face but she eventually agreed and handed you back the phone.
"Y'still coming Friday right?" He asked the second your face came back into view.
"Might come out tomorrow if that's okay. I got some time off and Thea doesn't have any tests this week or anything so…" you trailed off, not wanting to tell him the reason you wanted to come out sooner was because you were scared to stay alone or walk around the city by yourself.
"Really?" That stupid heartwarming dimpled smile back on his face, wider than ever. You nodded, trying your best to contain your excitement. You needed this vacation, time away from all the shit going on.
"I'll see ya tomorrow then, love."
It was probably the longest flight of your whole entire life. The whole time Thea was bouncing in her seat asking how much longer. Every time you answered with the time left she'd then lean over the poor guy beside you and look out the window. Then she'd play on her iPad for 2 seconds before repeating it all again… for 6 hours.
The guy beside you ran like a fire was lit under his ass to get off the plane and honestly you couldn't blame him. As cute as your kid could be she definitely had her moments when she was a bit much.
You understood her excitement though. You were so ready to ignore all your problems for a week, to reset and get away from everything. It was much needed. The thought of relaxing away from the stress of Ryan, who still hadn't bothered you since he showed up to your job, and the thousands of people now practically stalking you online was great.
Your mind filled with all the things you and Thea could do in California as you made your way through the airport. You repeatedly had to remind Thea that she had to hold your hand and not run off to stores as you two pushed through people to get to where Harry said he'd be waiting for you two.
You only managed to get lost once on the way there but the swarm of people eventually signalled where you guys needed to go. You sighed, pulling Thea close, debating if getting back on the plane was an option instead of dealing with all these people looking at you and Harry.
Thea on the other hand had no fear as she caught sight of Harry. She let go of your hand and charged towards him. The bodyguards you'd never had to be around before in New York perking up the second she started yelling for him and waving her hands.
"Harry! Harry!" She yelled, running full force to him causing the protective people around him to turn towards the sound.
You thought you were about to have to go a thousand shades of psycho on some bald asshole, racing after her, trying to get to her before someone touched your fucking kid and you'd have to whoop ass in front of all these cameras.
Harry's head snapped around to you guys as you got closer. Thea not listening at all to your demands to stop as she got closer to him and your protective mother mode kicked. Not only was everyone now looking at you but the fear of someone taking her or some asshole bodyguard touching her to get her away from Harry made your stomach turn.
"Whoa." Harry grabbed the guy standing beside him shoulder before he even had a chance to step in front of him. "She's mine, it's fine."
The sentence made him stop in your tracks. Did you hear him right? Did he really just say that?
You slowly walked the rest of the way toward him as Thea flung herself into his arms and giving him a hug like she hadn't seen him in a year. You smiled softly but was very aware of everyone still standing around you when you finally approached him.
"Hey." He said all laughs and smiles like he didn't just call your child his own a second ago. How the fuck were you supposed to be okay after that? You weren't sure how to feel about it but as you stood watching them together you couldn't help the tugging feeling in your heart that this was right.
"Hey." You smiled back finally giving him the hug you've needed. Thea still hanging onto him as his one arm pulled you in tightly to him.
"Let's get out 'f 'ere." He smiled down to you, dimple popping out when you nodded your head.
The three of you made your way out of the airport together. His free arm wrapped tightly around your shoulder as his other one kept Thea on his hip.
You sighed the second you got in the car and away from all the people staring at you. California felt like a different planet compared to New York. You weren't used to all the attention.
"Jus' ignore it. No one'll bother y'guys. It dies down sum jus' not used to me havin' two cuties with me." He kissed your cheek, causing Thea to snap her attention to you two.
Harry's eyes widened the second he realized he'd been caught. Your laughter erupted from you but Thea looked more confused than ever.
"Why'd you kiss momma?" She asked sitting up straighter in your seat. "Does this mean you're her boyfriend?"
His eyes looked like they were going to actually pop out of his head. You thought you could see him actually start to sweat. You had to give yourself a moment to stop laughing as Harry sat like a deer in headlights.
"Is that okay?" You asked, finally turning to her.
She just smiled brightly nodding her head. Dropping the subject completely when the car started moving.
"Holy shit. She's goin' t'give me a heart attack one 'f these days."
"You have to pay the curse jar!" She piped up again, not taking her eyes off the window.
You laughed sitting back in your seat leaning your head on Harry's shoulder as he grumbled under his breath. The smile not leaving your face as things finally felt good in your life.
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blazedgraysons · 4 years
Killing Me Softly
The one where Grayson falls in love in under 12 hours
A/N: Here’s another fic inspired by literally nothing. I am pretty proud of this one though. To all the people who said nice things about Drunk Off You, just know that I read every single one of them and you own my heart and soul. Also, I know literally no one knows who I am but feel free to send asks or messages. I pinky promise to respond. ♡
Word Count: 1.7K
Pairing: Grayson Dolan x OC (Harlow)
Warnings: nothing really, it’s pretty tame minus a lil angst towards the end. 
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“Are you B29?”
Harlow removes an earbud, looking up to meet big brown eyes staring back at her. It’s hard not to notice the rest of the man standing in the aisle.
Brown hair flops over his forehead as she moves her eyes down to appreciate the soft scuff lining his chin - not quite a beard, but not quite stubble. He’s dressed casually in a gym shirt that outlines every single bulging muscle paired with grey sweatpants and some Louis Vuitton slides. She nods slightly to his question, hoping the adonis of a man doesn’t notice that slight blush that’s appeared on her face. He offers her a gracious smile and effortlessly slings his carry-on into the overhead cabin.
“Looks like we’re neighbors then.” Harlow hums in acknowledgment, not sure why he’s so friendly. Most passengers would’ve just grabbed their seat and slept or occupied themselves, but this man intends on making himself known.
He slides into the neighboring seat, and Harlow is instantly overwhelmed. If she thought he looked good from afar, up close was even better. Here she could appreciate all the minute details — the dark mole on his chin, the expensive cologne, the 333 tattoo behind his ear. It took everything in her not to stare, so instead, she settles for quick glances hoping he would be too occupied by his phone to pay her any attention. If he did notice, he spared Harlow further embarrassment by not saying anything. She turns back to her magazine, a random Vogue issue she picked up in the airport convenience store to pass the time, mentally telling herself to calm down in order to get through the next three hours.
“ I’m Grayson, by the way. Just in case we crash, and you need to identify me.” He jokes, smiling widely and — oh shit, does he have a diamond in his tooth? Harlow is so screwed. 
Grayson’s never been a big believer in fate until now. The idea of some external force dictating a situation in your life just seemed like bullshit. Yet, Grayson couldn’t describe meeting Harlow as anything else.
He had been irritated all the way up to that point. An overbooked plane forced him off his original flight and away from his twin brother. Ethan had offered to go with him, but Grayson didn’t see a point in delaying their trip even further and told him he’d meet him in Jersey. While the airline was over apologetic and gave him (terrible) perks, in order to make the next flight, he had to sacrifice his first-class seat for an economy red-eye flight. But at least he had a shitty hot towel to make up for it.
He scowled all the way through the check-in and tarmac, vowing to never fly with JetBlue again as he passed the first-class seats that he couldn’t help but stubbornly think, ‘That should be mine.’
It wasn’t until he reached his row that he realized what he thought was a hindrance was actually a blessing. Because there sitting in the seat next to him was a beauty that could only be described as ethereal. Her long, dark hair tumbles in tight coils down her shoulders as she sits crossed-leg, hunched over a magazine, biting her lip in furrowed concentration. She bobs her head slightly to whatever song she’s listening to as she quickly flips through the pages. She tucks her hair behind her shoulder, revealing blemished copper skin that reflects the light.
A small voice in his head (that suspiciously sounds like Ethan) tells him to stop being weird and talk to her. Before he can justify themillion reasons why he shouldn’t, an annoying cough comes from the lady behind him.
He turns around to glare at her a little and asks the mystery girl her seat number with a smile that he hopes comes off as charming and not predatory.
And fuck, he knows she has to be a blessing because she looks like she was sent straight from the gates of heaven to Grayson’s heart. Ironically, the plane’s fluorescent lights form a halo around her head (‘Or maybe you’re finally losing it.’ Ethan's voice tells him.) He blinks, once, twice, three times before realizing that the girl in front of him isn’t a sleep-deprived hallucination and is actually real. He tries to act unaffected by the slow once-over her round, onyx eyes give him. Still, when he notices her eyes lingering on his chest and thighs, he swallows hard before throwing his suitcase into the overhead and sitting down. 
The grumpy lady behind him gives him a look as she moves down the aisle, and he whips out his phone for a welcomed distraction. The girl, unaware of the havoc she was wreaking on Grayson’s mind and body, continues to sneak looks at him that were a little too obvious for Grayson to not notice. He debates whether or not to ask for her name until she turns back to her magazine and Grayson figures that she doesn’t want to be bothered anymore. It wasn’t until the voice in his head repeatedly calls him a pussy (‘Shut up, Ethan’ he thinks back) that he introduces himself. And when her plump lips turn up into a smile, Grayson pretends to not notice how screwed he is. 
Conversation flows smoothly between the two of them after that. Grayson explains the situation with his original flight and his plans to surprise his mom for mother’s day while Harlow talks about her little brother and the birthday party she helped plan for him this weekend. They talk for so long that their conversation turns from typical discussion to hushed whispers to not disturb the other sleeping passengers. They finally pause for a break when the beverage attendant stops at their row.
Harlow’s honestly glad for the lull in conversation as it gives her time to reflect over what she’s learned. Grayson appears to be very humble despite being heavily involved in the influencer scene in Los Angeles, something Harlow desperately tries to stay far away from herself. Also, despite being one of the hottest guys she’s ever seen, he seems to be so shy that it’s endearing. She notices he stumbles over words, getting so excited about their conversations that he trips himself up.
“So in LA, what do you do for fun? Any friends? Boyfriend?” He asks coolly, trying not to be obvious about his intentions (which makes it so much more apparent in Harlow’s eyes) as he drinks his diet root-beer.
“I work for a high- fashion company doing PR, so I’m always there. I have a couple close friends, but since I’m working so much, I haven’t had that much time for a relationship or finding a guy worth making time for.” Harlow sighs wistfully.
“Ah, that makes sense about the magazine.” He nods, trying to hide his excitement. This situation seems to be working more and more in his favor. “And what guy would be worth making time for?”
“I don’t know honestly. It just seems that all the guys I run into in LA are beyond superficial. All my dates have just been talking about how many followers they have on Instagram or TikTok and just end in hookups. While there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just hard when you want something more, you know?” She shrugs. And as much as Grayson hates to admit it, he does know. Hell, he’s probably been that guy once or twice in his younger years. Still, as he grows older, he craves the same things Harlow does: intimacy, connection, emotion. He takes another swallow of his drink before responding.
“Yeah, I mean hookups and one-night stands are great in the moment, but it’s hard when you just have love you want to give. It’s even harder now that my brother’s dating someone, ya know. Seeing someone you’re close with have what you want; it’s kinda hard not to be jealous.” He shares, hoping she relates and doesn’t think he’s weird for telling so much to someone he met a few hours earlier.
Harlow sits with that for a second before responding, “And what girl would you want to give your love to?” She whispers.
’Someone like you.’ Grayson thinks. But before he could make the bold confession, the plane announces its descent.
Grayson realizes almost immediately that he wasn’t paying that much attention to the flight details because the fact that there was a layover in Colorado flew over his head. He lets Harlow pass by him to stand in the aisle and grabs both his and her carry-on to take off the plane. As Grayson stands behind her (and tries not to stare at how incredible her ass looks in her leggings), he does what he’s best at: forming a game-plan. He realizes that a girl like Harlow is too good to let go. So, he figures he could grab a coffee with her, get her number, and plan a date for when they both are back in LA. He smiles, already thinking of the story he’ll get to tell Ethan when he gets to Jersey. As they both slowly move into the terminal, Harlow turns back to Grayson with a bright smile. He smiles back before asking —
“Do you want to get coffee?” He can’t help his heart from swelling as she bites her lip, a habit he notices she does a lot.
“Good, I thought you weren’t going to ask.” She laughs. “Wait here though, I have to run to the restroom.”
He nods, handing Harlow her carry-on. He sits down and pulls out his phone, already texting Ethan that he met his future soulmate.
Five minutes pass: He’s got the future planned out: the wedding, the kids, the farmland in Jersey and the tiny-home in Australia.
Ten minutes pass: He starts to get worried, but figures Harlow can handle herself.
Thirty minutes pass: He considers sending someone to the bathroom to check on her.
Two hours passed: He’s already cased the domestic airline terminal twice, looking for her dark curly hair. 
It’s not until the final call of flight 437-A to New Jersey that he understands: Harlow’s not coming back for him. And he can’t help it when his heart splits into two.
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skygirl5 · 4 years
12 Prompts of Christmas - #9 Eggnog
This is a continuation of the previous chapter’s universe (behind the jump due to length) 
NINE - Eggnog
On his first morning waking up in the isolated cabin, Rick wished to sleep late, but he couldn’t because he woke up before dawn absolutely, positively freezing. His normal sleeping attire for winter was boxers and a t-shirt because he generally kept his apartment fairly warm. He’d thought the blankets on the cabin’s bed would keep him warm enough, but evidently that was not the case; all his extremities felt like ice. Rick shivered so bad he could hardly pull on his jeans and button-down from the prior day before hobbling to the potbelly stove in the main room of the cabin and fiddling with it for ten minutes before he could figure out how to get a fire going inside of it once more.
Knowing warmth would soon come, Rick grabbed a blanket and tried to lay on the couch, which was the closest place to the stove on which to lay, but he was too miserably cold to fall back to sleep. Figuring maybe an afternoon nap would be more productive, he made coffee and sat with it cradled in his hand while wearing a blanket as a cape as he tried to warm up.
Though it took an hour, the cabin soon almost became too warm, but given how cold he had been Rick chose not to mind that too much and did his best to get some writing done. He wrote a few pages, but soon found it difficult to focus, and decided to go on a walk around the lake for a distraction. He also thought perhaps he might run into Kate, the intriguing woman whose mitten he found the day before, but he sadly did not. He did bump into an older couple who had a very friendly yellow lab and chatted with them for about ten minutes, but that was all the human interaction he had.
Back in his cabin, he called Alexis once it was a reasonable hour on the west coast. Unfortunately, their conversation was quite jumbled due to very poor reception, but he was at least able to confirm that Meredith had picked her up from the airport and was taking her shopping that day.
Since speaking with his daughter reminded him once again that she was not going to be with him for Christmas, Rick distracted himself by eating the pre-made salad he’d purchased for lunch and turned back to his writing, which was actually successful that round. He found himself so “in the zone” that he didn’t even notice how late it was getting until he got out of his chair to go to the bathroom and realized most of the cabin was completely dark.
Satisfied with the amount of work he’d done, Rick decided it was time to make himself dinner. He’d purchased some chicken cutlets which he planned on stir-frying and with some vegetables he purchased and so he began rummaging in the kitchen cabinets for the tools he’d need. He found a cast iron skillet and cutting board to use to prep his food. He’d purchased oil just in case the cabin didn’t have any, which ended up being a good call because he didn’t find any in the small pantry.
After pouring the oil into the skillet, he set it on the two burner stove so that it could heat up, but when he turned the knob to ignite the burner, he heard a click, but no flames appeared. Twisting his lips to the side in concentration, he crouched down and proceeded to fiddle with the knobs and burner for several more minutes to no avail; he could not get the stove to turn on.
Not too worried at that point, Rick decided that the best thing to do would be to call the cabin’s owner, Chip. He was a friendly older gentleman who had talked to Rick for nearly an hour when the cabin booking was made. Evidently the cabin belonged to Chip’s father, who was an avid fisherman. After his father passed, Chip inherited the place, but didn’t enjoy fishing as much, so he mostly rented it out. He’d told Rick not to hesitate to call if an issue arose, and Rick decided to do just that—even though it was technically Christmas Eve.
Rick walked over to where he’d left his laptop at the table. There, he’d left his phone as well as the contact information for Chip. Before he’d even begun to dial, Rick frustratingly realized his phone displayed a “No Signal” error. It hadn’t been that long since he’d spoken to Alexis, though admittedly the call had been cutting in and out at that time.
Figuring the reception had to be better outside, he put on his heavy coat and then dialed Chips number on the phone but didn’t hit the “send” button. Then, he stepped outside the cabin and was immediately knocked back by a wall of bone-chilling cold. The stinging temperature of the air was so great that he actually yelped, but then tried to recover as quickly as he could so he could get his phone call over with. Rick wandered around the area in front of the cabin for several minutes with his phone above his head waiting for the “No Signal” to vanish and bars to appear, but they never did.
Frustrated, Rick stomped out further into the yard, chasing an elusive signal. Just one bar!! He only needed one bar!!
He was about fifteen feet away from the house when he realized that small snowflakes had begun to fall from the sky above. He glanced up briefly, but that far after dusk it was almost pitch black outside. He was stumbling around only from the ambient light of the cabin’s exterior lighting, which at that distance was minimal at best. Yet, Rick remained determined to get a cell signal.
“Uhh Rick? Are you okay?” Rick heard after about seven minutes of wanting around in the freezing cold darkness.
“Wha—huh?” Startled he spun around until he saw the beam of a flashlight approaching, though due to the darkness he could not see the face of the person speaking to him.
“Are you okay?”
“I—who are you?”
“Oh, I’m sorry.” The woman moved the flashlight beam from the ground to point straight upwards. It barely illuminated her face, but he recognized her immediately. “You found my glove yesterday; I’m-”
“Kate,” he breathed, still a bit shocked to have met up with her by the lake near his cabin. “Yeah, I remember.”
“So…are you alright? You don’t have a flashlight…”
He grumbled. “I didn’t mean to walk this far from my cabin I just—I’m trying to get some cell reception.”
She hummed. “Well, you might not have too much luck with that, especially with this snowstorm coming in.”
Rick frowned. “Oh…I…hmm…sorry,” he added quickly when he could see Kate’s brow tightening in confusion. “The stove in the cabin stopped working and I tried to fix it, but, frankly, I have no idea what could be wrong, so I thought I’d call the cabin’s owner but…”
“Right.” Kate nodded. Then, after a beat added, “I can take a look if you want. I was just taking a little walk so it’s not big deal.”
“Oh—oh!” his tone elevated with surprise when he realized she was offering to help him, a total stranger, without being asked. Then again, he had found her glove earlier, so they weren’t total strangers, just mostly strangers. “Sure. That would be—that’d be great, thank you. Thank you so much.”
She shrugged and the followed him across the crisp ground towards the cabin. “It’s not a problem. The stove my parents had for years was…something. Probably a terrible fire hazard, to be honest. I finally made my father replace it a few years ago, because I was convinced one of the times he tried to fry up one of the fish he caught the whole place would go up in smoke.”
“Fair enough,” Rick chuckled as they reached the cabin’s porch.
He led the way inside where Kate scuffed her boots against the welcome mat and unzipped her coat as she slipped through the narrow doorway. She gazed around for a moment, but then immediately walked into the kitchen on the left. “Oh, yeah, this one is just like ours—only smaller,” she proclaimed upon looking at the stove.
“So you know all its secrets,” he concluded, hopeful.
“Let’s hope so,” she said, smiling at him over her shoulder before setting to work. Rick tried to ignore the tingles that smile sent down his spine as he leaned against the kitchen table, wanting to stay out of her way and feeling a bit awkward that he was unable to assist.
Rick watched as Kate checked dials and plugs and arched her body over the top of the range unit so she could presumably check the wall connection. Then with a quick, “Be right back,” she walked outside the cabin once more and he could see her walking around the house through the small window above the kitchen sink. She was outside about five minutes before she returned with a frown.
“Well, I have good news and bad news.”
Suspecting he knew the bad news, Rick concluded, “You know what’s wrong, but can’t fix it.”
Giving him a sad smile, she said, “No, I can’t. For whatever reason this stove uses a different fuel tank than the one hooked up to the water heater and furnace and that fuel tank is very empty. The owner must have forgotten to have it refilled; I’m sorry.”
Rick huffed out a breath. “Well considering its Christmas Eve I don’t think I’m going to get a fuel delivery
“No, I don’t think so.” After a moment she suggested, “You could make a fire?”
His immediate reaction was to cringe. “Ah… at the risk of sounding unmanly: I don’t know that I could successfully cook chicken that way without either burning it or giving myself food poisoning.”
She laughed and nodded, “Yeah, I guess I couldn’t either.”
They stood side by side in the tight kitchen silently for a moment before Rick said, “Well, that’s okay. I’ll just cut my trip a little short and go home first thing tomorrow morning, but I really appreciate your help, Kate.”
She stared at him for a few seconds before trapping her bottom lip between her teeth and glancing over to the kitchen counter, where his packet of chicken and vegetables were sitting beside the stove, waiting patiently for him to finish prepping them. After nearly twenty seconds of silence she finally concluded, “C’mon—grab your food; you can use my stove.”
Now taken completely aback, he held his one hand up defensively and stammered, “Oh—I—I wasn’t-”
“I know, but it’s Christmas, right? C’mon.”
Nodding, he hurried to the counter and began gathering what he could and shoving it back into the shopping bag it came from. “Thanks—thanks so much. Should we drive to your place, or…?”
She nodded. “Might as well. It’s only going to snow harder as the night goes on.”
Ten minutes later, after grabbing his food, other necessary cooking items, and his coat, Rick was following Kate’s directions to navigate his Mercedes towards her family’s cabin. The journey was short and she soon was leading the way into the warm, rustic space. Her cabin was significantly larger than the one he was renting. The living space was more expansive and from the length of the hall he could see in the rear, he guessed it had three bedrooms not just two. Unlike his cabin, which was decorated with mostly generic fishing or rustic décor, this was clearly a family cabin with knickknacks and family photos adding to the warmth.
“Oh, wow this is really nice.”
Kate shrugged as she took off her coat, “It isn’t much…mostly just a little escape.”
“Yeah, but it’s still great—homey.” He smiled at her for a few seconds then put his grocery bags down while he took off his coat, too. “Well, uh, I won’t take up too much of your time. Can I make you something, too? As a thank you.”
“Oh, um…” she hesitated for a moment then threw her hands out to the side in a ‘giving up’ gesture. “Sure, why not. I saw you had chicken and vegetables…”
“Yeah, I was going to put them all together in a stir fry.”
“I have some rice to make.”
For the next few minutes they both busied themselves in the tight kitchen. It was a delicate dance as there was not too much counter space around the stove, even though it did seem, as Kate had implied, that the space had been renovated recently. They managed it well enough, and after Kate started the rice, Rick chopped the vegetables and dumped them into the skillet before turning to the chicken cutlets and slicing them as well.
“So, tell me Kate, what is it that you do?”
“I’m a police officer.”
His brow arched as he pushed the chicken off the cutting board and into the pan. “Really? So you’re used to saving people in distress?”
She laughed airily. “Something like that.”
He washed his hands at the kitchen sink and then, after turning off the water, he told her. “I’m an author.”
“I know.”
Startled by her words, he did a double-take in her direction and nearly dropped the towel he was using to dry his hands. “You…do you read my books?”
Kate’s cheeks turned slightly pink as she confessed, “I might have skimmed through one or two.”
Assuming her dismissive comment was just meant to be a way to avoid some embarrassment, Rick smiled as he turned to their skillet meal, picked up a spatula, and began pushing around chicken and vegetable pieces so nothing burned.
So, Kate was, presumably, a fan of his books. How else would she have recognized him from just his first name? That also made sense. Since she was saving him from going hungry that evening he hadn’t wanted to question it, but he did find it slightly odd that a young woman such as herself would invite a strange man back to her cabin, which was isolated in the middle of nowhere. Maybe that was just his writer’s mind used to spinning dark scenarios but…well, thinking about his daughter, he hoped that she would not make the same decision in a similar circumstance for the sake of her safety. Finding out she was a police officer made a bit more sense; her training presumably made her feel more comfortable with self-defense, but if she knew him as a public figure, she would have been more likely to feel safe around him—not that he would have ever thought of hurting a woman, but sadly he knew that was not always the case with others.
Feeling in the mood to tease her a little bit more, he said, “So that’s why you wanted to have dinner with me? Because I’m one of your favorite authors?”
When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw that she eyed him skeptically. “I’m not sure that’s what I said.”
“It was implied.”
She laughed. “I see.”
Silence hung in the air for several moments before he changed the subject with, “So you live around here?”
“No, Manhattan.”
Now even more pleasantly surprised he proclaimed, “Oh! You’re NYPD?” After she confirmed with a nod, he said, “That’s amazing. How long have you been on the force?”
“Oh, not long. I graduated the academy in August.”
“Ahh well if you’re willing, I’d be all too happy to hear all your rookie stories as we eat.”
Ignoring his question, she instead offered, “Do you need help with anything? I feel bad I’m just standing here.”
“Nonsense,” he said casually. There really wouldn’t have been room for her to join him at the stove; the space was too tight. Besides, he didn’t mind. “I really enjoy cooking; it helps me think and plan my writing usually.”
“Yeah, because it keeps my hands busy, but my mind free to wander.”
“Hmm…makes sense.”
A few minutes later their meal was complete. Rick divided the stir fry and rice between two plates and then carried them over to the small dining table tucked in the corner of the room. As he set the plates down, he noticed a photo hung on the wall of a family: a man and a woman with a young girl about seven or eight standing in between them. The photo was clearly older and faded, and both adults wore sunglasses, but the woman had long dark hair and distinctive jawline and the man lighter brown hair and a soft smile. All three wore lifejackets and the lake—presumably the one located just a few feet away—could be seen behind them.
“This is you and your parents, I assume?” he asked, thumbing towards the photo.
“Where are they at? Don’t tell me they took a tropical vacation without you?”
She gave a soft smile as she picked up her fork and began to eat. “No, nothing like that.”
“You’re lucky, though—getting Christmas off,” Rick said in between bites. He didn’t imagine that was common for a rookie officer.
“I have to work Christmas day in the evening. And…I’ll be in Times’ Square on New Year’s Eve,” she explained.
“Oh! And you’re…not excited about that?” he guessed based on her tone. She gave him a look and he let out a small laugh. “Ah, right, I suppose not.”
“It’s only supposed to be fifteen degrees out!”
He nodded, sympathetic. “I know, I know; I don’t envy you at all. I’ve done it a few times as a spectator and it was never too bad as long as I’d had plenty of alcohol to warm me up.”
“I’m sure.”
They ate quietly for several minutes before Rick asked, “Did you spend your Christmases up here when you were little?”
“Mmm no. This place was usually my dad’s escape. His father and uncles purchased it when they were all young men. Now, they’ve all passed, and the cabin became my father’s, so he’s the one with the most connection to it. We used to come up here at least one week every summer to do things with the lake and just get out of the city, but almost never in the winter.”
Rick considered her comments as he slowly chewed his meal. He wondered why, if Kate’s father was so connected to the cabin, the elder man hadn’t joined her for the holiday? Furthermore, why hadn’t her mother? Sensing the question may have been a bit too personal to ask with that moment, he decided on a slight change of subject.
“I, um, I think I need to come up with some good holiday traditions for my daughter. I used to make sure I got her picture sitting on Santa’s lap every year, but this year she outright refused because she’s figured out that Santa isn’t real, so she’s a little salty about the whole ritual and refused to humor me. That’s literally what she said to—‘Dad, don’t expect me to humor you.’”
Kate laughed. “How old is she?”
Kate laughed again, harder that time. “Six?!”
“Yeah: six going on twenty. I think she’s already too smart for me and I fear that will soon be a pretty big problem.”
Kate nodded. “Yeah, it might be. Where is she spending Christmas?”
Sighing, Rick set down his fork and said, “With her mother. Last year, we’d just separated, so we tried to have a joint Christmas and it…didn’t go so well.” He involuntarily shivered at the memory of the wildly inappropriate phone conversation Meredith had with her new lover during their shared meal and their fight thereafter. “So, this year we decided to split the winter holidays: I got Thanksgiving and Meredith got Christmas.”
She nodded and said, “That must be hard.”
Unable to verbalize just how much his heart was breaking, Rick tried to stay positive. “I suppose it’s unfair of me to complain. I have primary custody, so I have Alexis nearly all the time, but Christmas…it’s my favorite holiday. My favorite time of the year. What’s worse is I had to send her to California by herself. I did get to take her through security to the gate and the assigned chaperone was extremely nice and gave her a candy cane but… it was still really hard to walk away.”
“I can’t imagine,” Kate said. When he met her sympathetic gaze, Rick did have to admit to feeling slightly better. Still, his heart was heavy.
“Sorry to bring the mood down.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “Don’t even worry about it.”
Finishing his glass of water, Rick continued with, “It’s, ah, why I came out here. Being in my apartment without her just felt like something that was too sad to bear.”
“I get that. It’s one of the reasons I’m not doing Christmas in the city this year.”
Surprised, his brow rose sharply. “You have a child?”
“What? No—sorry. Sorry. My mother…died.”
His eyes widened and his chest constricted with sorrow. Though he knew he didn’t do it directly, Rick did feel bad about bringing up a subject that was sensitive. “Oh—oh Kate I’m so sorry.”
One corner of her lip tugged upwards in a sad half-smile in acknowledgement of his comment. “This is the fourth Christmas without her. She, ah, died in January. Just after the holidays and…and my dad and I haven’t really celebrated since. He…we don’t even talk about it. We just don’t celebrate, which is…well, it is what it is, but being in the city makes it harder—walking past all the places where we made memories together as a family. And then this year…” She paused for a moment and took a deep breath, almost as though she needed to reset herself. “The reason I even got to take off work at all was because I had to take him to rehab.”
“Oh god,” Rick sighed, now feeling even worse. There he was complaining about not getting to spend a few days with his kid, who would be back before New Years’, and poor Kate had lost one parent forever and the other was struggling to the point where he was unavailable to her as well. “I’m so sorry to hear that, Kate.”
She gave him an appreciative smile. “It’s been bad for a while. I knew it. We both knew it. He’s been trying to get a handle on it on his own and been insisting he didn’t need an in-patient program, but it just wasn’t working, you know? Finally, I got him to agree to go as a Christmas present to me. Some present,” she added wryly.
“It will be if it helps him,” Rick pointed out in a soft tone.
“Yeah. Yeah, I know that. It’s just…hard.” She sat for another moment before pushing herself up out of her chair suddenly, walking over to the refrigerator and pulling out a cardboard carton, which she held up to him. “Want some?”
Even from that distance, Rick could clearly read the word “Eggnog” printed on the side and said, “Sure. Why not? It’s Christmas Eve.”
Kate poured two small glasses and handed him one. At the first sip he choked, his palate shocked by the alcohol, which he hadn’t expected since she poured it from a store-bought container and to his knowledge the store-bought kind was alcohol free. “Wow,” he croaked. “Your recipe could give my mother’s a run for her money.”
“Sorry—I should have warned you. I, uh, got a little heavy handed last night when I poured the whisky in the container.”
He shook his head in as an indication he didn’t mind, but he did make sure to take a more delicate sip the next time.
“So, your mother—will you see her for Christmas?” Kate asked.
“Ah, no, actually. She’s an actress and she’s touring with a holiday production. Their shows run through January second and she’ll come back home after that.”
“And your father?”
“Never met him,” Rick replied casually, taking another sip of eggnog.
Kate’s eyes widened. “Really? Never?”
Rick bobbed his head, knowing his untraditional backstory was a bit hard to process for most people. “Yeah; I don’t even know who he is. I was the, ah, product of a one-night stand.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
Rick shook his head. “’s okay. I’ve had over thirty years to process it.”
“Still…to never know a parent…I can’t imagine.”
He nodded. “Most can’t—and I’m glad. It’s certainly not something I would wish on anyone, but yet it’s also something that made me who I am.”
She nodded approvingly. “That’s a very healthy attitude, Rick.”
He raised his glass in salute. “Well, thank you.”
For the next three hours they drank the remainder of the quart of eggnog and chatted about an amalgamation of subjects: their jobs, the holiday season, life. Though he didn’t exactly acknowledge it at the time, looking back Rick was almost stunned how easy it seemed to talk to her about anything. Over the course of his life, he’d found himself having quick and easy connections to people he met several times, but each one was unique in its own way. With Kate, their conversation flowed effortlessly. They bounced around to a variety of topics and then back again without feeling like the conversation was too disjointed or nonsensical. It was all smooth and connected, like she was one of his oldest friends in the world instead of a woman he’d met by pure chance the day before.
Once the eggnog was finished, Kate offered Rick some water since he was driving, but he declined when he realized how long they’d been talking. By traditional standards it wasn’t that late, but he felt as though a holiday such as Christmas Eve had an exception. He didn’t want to displace whatever existing holiday plans she had for herself that night, particularly since she was returning to work the following day.
“I appreciate it, but I really should get out of your hair.”
“Ahh, yeah okay. I…I don’t think I realized what time it was,” she said with a light laugh.
“Yeah me neither. I, um, I really appreciate you letting me use your stove.”
She nodded. “Of course. Thanks for making dinner. It was…nice to have someone to eat with.”
Smiling, he agreed with, “Same,” and then stared at her for a moment, unsure of the proper way to say goodbye. A handshake seemed far too impersonal, but would a hug be too much? Deciding he shouldn’t over think it and that it was probably okay considering the intimacy of their conversation, he stepped up and gave her a brief one-armed hug, which she thankfully reciprocated. “Merry Christmas,” he said as he backed his way to the door, where he’d left his coat.
“Yes, Merry Christmas.”
Now zipping his coat, he reached for the door handle and smiled back over his shoulder at her, “Goodnight Kate.”
“Goodnight, Rick,” she echoed. Then, with a nod of his head, he disappeared out into the freezing snow-covered night.
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atemgirl94 · 3 years
Pharaoh and reincarnated Queen’s adventures pt. 2
After the tournament Britt spent time around her cousins, their names were Hathor, Gabrielle, and Makayla. Gabrielle and Hathor were around Britt's age and Makayla was younger than them by a few years. Britt would look at her deck while they were talking and seeing she was distracted Hathor snapped her fingers in front of her eyes making her blink then look at her.
"Huh? What?" Britt asked her
"I said, now that you are champ. Are you going to finally find yourself a boyfriend?" Hathor asked
"oh, uh.." Britt thought back a couple years when she was eight remembering the man's visit and his words about her destiny. "I...might. I don't know if I'm supposed to though." Britt said
Hathor and Gabrielle looked at her hearing her words "What do you mean? You're not supposed to." They said and Britt sighed.
"A few years ago, I got a visit from a man wearing robes. Mom had him come back to the house and he said something big...like I'm supposed to be for someone important." Britt said
As much as they wanted to pry they didn't because they knew she wouldn't give them that information even if they asked. Hathor on the other hand was still wanting to know so once Gabrielle and Makayla left, she more asked about it.
"Tell me, I want to help protect you." Hathor asked
"Hathor, you can't. Something big is coming...something I can't run from." She said as she'd kept her bracelet hid the entire time.
"What do you mean something you can't run from?" Hathor asked
Britt sighed a bit before she pulled her arm up and showed the bracelet to her cousin. "This Hathor. By wearing this it means that...I'm a reincarnation of a Queen that lived a long time ago." Britt said
Hathor couldn't believe all this but she seen Britt knew. She had to ask her one thing though "So is that why you reject Jake?" Hathor asked
The blonde Egyptian had been around for years, he was a childhood friend to Britt who'd had a massive crush on her for the longest time, Britt had been rejecting him due to she didn't feel the same way.
"No, I reject him because he's like a brother to me." Britt said to Hathor
The two got up and started walking to her home, they knew that eventually she'd have to come against whatever the man in robes meant. Little did they know that a woman was watching them, she had black hair and blue eyes watching as the woman was a tomb keeper who had been in charge of watching for the return of the Pharaoh and Queen.
When they walked in the house, Britt seen her parents with a letter. She wondered what they were looking at so she asked.
"Mother, Father what are you looking at?" Britt asked
"It's for the student exchange program, the school has chosen you and your sisters along with Hathor to be exchange students over in Domino City." Max said as he handed her the paper.
Britt looked over the paper reading it as Hathor was getting excited. "Domino City? That's where I heard Yugi Motou lives, he won against Seto Kaiba." Hathor said excited to meet the boy who beat the champ.
"Motou? Wait, Dad don't you have a colluge named Solomon Motou?" Britt asked
Max nod as he rubbed the back of his head "I have called him, he just got out of the hospital and said you girls can stay with them while you are exchange students." Max said
"If you like it better in Domino City, then we may consider moving there." Angela said to her daughter.
Britt loved her parents but thinking of going somewhere without them bugged her. She knew she'd have her sisters and cousin but she was leaving behind a lot. Her family, her friends and most importantly people who were always asking her to duel. That last part didn't bug her, she was glad to get away from it all. She left with her cousin as they went to her friends shop who had dresses of all sorts. Her name was Tanya and she was the daughter of the owners she helped out there.
"Britt! My favorite customer and friend. What can I do you for?" Tanya asked her
"Hi Tanya, I need a few outfits for my travels. I'm leaving Egypt with my sisters and cousin for the student exchange program." Britt said
Tanya was shocked due to she'd have Britt model their clothes now that she was champ. It brought in good business and she was more surprised on hearing about the program.
"So, you planning to pick up a boyfriend?" Tanya asked
Hathor laughed a bit "She might, but we will have to see who this special guy is she's supposed to be waiting for." Hathor said
Tanya had Britt come over as they went through, she figured for traveling Britt was looking for something nice to wear.
"So, what are you exactly looking for?" Tanya asked
"Like something to wear incase we're there for a dance. I don't want to be without something." Britt said
Tanya nod as she brought Britt around before she stopped and had her wait as she went bringing out a few dresses. One in particular Tanya handed to her "Take it, Mom made this for your prom dress when Prom comes around." Tanya said
Britt took it and she hated to have such special treatment but she modeled a bit after becoming champ and it'd increased the business for Tanya and her parents.
"Just make sure that when you meet the man of your dreams, and don't forget about us back home." Tanya said
After getting a few outfits they left and did their packing for the time. The night before they were to leave for Domino, Britt's dreams started changing in a way she couldn't explain. She would be standing in a palace in Ancient Egypt but hearing someone calling for her. She'd run down a hall but she would never make it to the end before her alarm went off.
"Morning Britt, let's go." Hathor said as she got her suitcase.
Bre and Nana had theirs and Britt slowly followed behind but her thoughts went to the dream.
'what a weird dream...and who was the man calling for me?' Britt thought
Angela and Max took the four of them to the airport. They gave each of them a hug, even Hathor because they had raised her like their own with her family away for so long.
"Let us know when you make it. Send us an email or something." Angela said
Britt nod "we will." Britt said to her parents.
Angela and Max watched as the girls went and boarded the plane. It was a long flight, 12 hours and twenty-five minutes to be exact, Britt had fallen asleep on the plane while they were on it. She'd had another dream similar to the first but she didn't get far because Hathor shook her waking her up.
"What?" Britt asked
"We're here." Hathor said,
The girls got off the plane and as they were getting off they seen an older gentleman waiting for them. They walked over to him and gave him a smile in greeting.
"Mr. Motou, I'm Britt and these are my sisters Bre and Nana and my cousin Hathor." Britt said to him.
"Britt? Oh yes, I remember you. You're the only girl from Egypt whose made it from Valley of the Kings back to her home." Solomon said
Britt nod "heh, yeah." She said, Solomon led them to his car as they got in.
The ride was brief but Britt wondered why she felt this was where she needed to be. She didn't let Mr. Motou see her bracelet, she wasn't ready to talk about it.
"You girls will have tomorrow to look around town and get to know the area. My Grandson will be able to help you around when he comes home. Tonight, we will get your living situation figured out." Solomon said
"Thank you Mr. Motou." Three of the girls said but Britt was distracted by her own thoughts.
When they'd gotten to the game shop, Mr. Motou led them in. Hathor had taken the lead with Britt so distracted, Solomon figured out where to put the girls. He had guest rooms and had them ready for them when they were to arrive. The girls were heading but Mr. Motou had Britt stop and she looked at him.
"Mr. Motou?" Britt asked
"Are you ok Britt, you seem distracting?" Solomon asked
Britt hadn't talked about it much but she turned to Mr. Motou and showed him the bracelet. Solomon looked at it and he knew what it was the moment he seen it.
"The Millennium Bracelet. So, it is real." Solomon said
"You know about this?" Britt asked
"I do, the Queen who owned that bracelet was very much in love with her husband. She'd do anything to figure out a way to stand by his side." Solomon said
"But how do I find him?" Britt asked
Solomon thought about it for a moment as he looked at her knowing his grandson had the Millennium puzzle.
"You will know in time. I am sure." Solomon said
Britt nod as she went to her guest room after that chat, she was now in Domino City away from her home. She didn't realize she was following the path laid at her feet and destiny had quite the plans. She hadn't met Yugi yet, but she would soon as would her sisters and cousin.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x reader  Chapter Summary- Y/n makes complicated weekend plans, Daniel tells her how he feels and an intimate moment between Y/n and Keanu ensues.
Warnings- SMUT/NSFW
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Chapter 12
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Y/n sat on the bright white, velvet upholstered sectional in her new living room, laptop perched on her crossed legs, papers scattered around her. Y/n had only moved in about a month prior and against the walls, labelled cardboard boxes were still packed with things she’d brought over. Thankfully, the house had been furnished and somewhat decorated before her arrival. It was a nice place, though while Y/n had previously been excited to leave her childhood home, eager for the ounce of freedom that living alone would offer, she had found that it was also incomparably lonely. There wasn’t a full staff like she’d been used to at home, instead, there were two housekeepers, one that worked during the week and another for weekends, preparing meals and maintaining the interior and all in all keeping dust off the shelves. Besides the two women, both twice her age and one who barely even spoke English, Y/n was generally alone at her new house in Brentwood. Keanu had tried to spend time with her, but lately, he’d been caught up in re shoots and Daniel had been travelling between the states and Beijing for work. The thrill of dating two men, at least in Y/n’s experience, was vastly overrated. 
So, there she was, on a Tuesday night, working alone, in her halfway unpacked living room. The television was switched off and the lights were on their dimmest setting while the hum of the air conditioner was barely audible. On the reflective coffee table, Y/n’s tea grew cold and that night, same as most since she’d moved, it had been easy to get lost in her work. Her fingers glided along the keyboard, the clicking of the keys interrupting the near silence. Y/n held her lower lip between her teeth, working without even considering the time, her burning eyes only ripping away from the screen when the automatic doorbell sounded.
Strange, she wasn’t expecting anyone, especially not that late. 
Before she even considered getting the door, Y/n snatched her phone off of some scattered papers beside her, opening the app connected to the security system. Seeing who it was, she smiled despite herself, setting the computer down and heading to the front door. 
“Daniel,” Y/n giggled quietly, falling into his arms, “You’re back early.”
Daniel took Y/n into his arms, gently lifting her off the floor, kissing her slowly before setting her beneath the threshold again, “Surprise,” he chuckled, his hands in hers.
Laughing, Y/n shook her head, “Well don’t just stand out there,” slightly, she tugged on his hands, stepping back to urge him inside, but he resisted, much to her surprise. 
“I can’t stay,” and Y/n frowned when he did, “I have an early meeting tomorrow and my parents want to see me before I head home,” stepping closer to her, Daniel untangled his fingers from Y/n’s, letting his hands land on her hips, his thumbs rubbing the exposed sliver between her soft grey shorts and white vest, “And you know if I come in, I’m not gonna leave until morning.”
Groaning playfully, Y/n looped her hands around his neck, “Fine,” she grumbled, “Well did you just come here to tempt me, or…..”
“I actually came with an invitation,” he smiled down at her, “Can you get away early on Friday?”
“I don’t know, I’d have to ask,” furrowing her brows, Y/n regarded the man in her arms curiously, “What’d you have in mind?”
“Dinner,” he offered, with a grin that suggested that it was much more than that, “In Hawaii.”
Pretending to be annoyed, Y/n rolled her eyes, huffing, “How modest.”
“I know,” he chortled. When their laughs cooled, Daniel’s hands slid around to Y/n’s back, and she looked up at him, awaiting an explanation for the unnecessary splurge, “I told you that I’d take you out on the plane sometime, and I thought it would be nice for us to get away, considering we’ve both been so busy these days. Come on, I promise it’ll be fun.”
“I…..” Y/n chewed on the offer for a minute. She didn’t have anything planned that weekend; she certainly wasn’t going to spend it with her parents and Keanu was tied up in New York. Besides, it could be fun, “Let's do it,” she agreed, standing on her toes to kiss him again.
Their lips moved in tandem with each other and they forgot that they were standing outside until a ringing phone had them pulling apart, “Shit,” Daniel grumbled, fishing his cell out of his pocket, “It’s my mom,” he huffed, “Think she’ll be mad if I told her that I came to see my girlfriend before I went to see her?”
His girlfriend. The word made her breath hitch. Y/n didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad one.
“I don’t know,” she managed to push the thought away, “But I don’t want her to start hating me, so you should see what she wants.”
“Yeah,” his smile faltered, “I should go, but I’ll see you Friday.” With one final peck, he was off, heading to his car parked in Y/n’s tiled driveway. Backing out of the spot, he waved quickly before speeding up the street. 
With a prep in her step and tingle in her veins, Y/n exuded exuberance as she made her way back to the living room, ready to pack up her stuff and head to bed while she was in a good mood instead of souring it with paperwork. Though, when she checked her phone, there were two missed calls from Keanu. They had last talked earlier that morning, before he got started at work, and suddenly missing him more than she’d realized, Y/n called him right away.
“Hey you,” she could almost hear his smile, “I was starting to think that you were already asleep.”
“Oh,” Y/n sank down, embraced by the cushions, folding on leg under herself and shoving her things away carelessly, “I was just…..in the shower,” Y/n didn’t know why she lied; Keanu knew that she was still seeing Daniel, but something about hiding the truth felt like the right thing to do. Well, the questionably right thing. 
Keanu didn’t speak for a minute, and that was how Y/n knew he was going to ask; “Are you….still in a towel?”
Snorting, Y/n rolled her eyes, “Well, aren’t you a gentleman?” She teased, knowing he’d be okay with or without a few dirty pictures. Despite her sarcasm, Keanu really was a gentleman, never pushing her to do something she didn’t want to, unless it was coercing her onto his motorcycle of course.  
“I am,” he defended in mock disdain, “In fact, I’m just reminding my gorgeous girlfriend how attracted I am to her.”
Girlfriend. There was that word again, from a different man. 
“Yeah, okay,” Y/n scoffed, “For the record I’m not.”
“Bummer,” Keanu sucked his teeth, “Hey, uh,” he began again after a moment, as if just remembering why he’d wanted to talk in the first place, “I’m supposed to wrap up filming this Thursday and the wrap party is on Saturday. I was thinking, you could fly out to New York; we could spend the weekend together and come back together first thing Monday.”
Y/n’s mouth hung agape. She’d, no less than half an hour ago, made weekend plans with Daniel. But she didn’t want to say no to Keanu either. Dinner would just be for one night anyway, right? “If you have plans-”
“I don’t,” there she went, lying again, “But I’d have to fly in on Saturday afternoon, if that’s okay.”
“That’s great,” she could almost hear Keanu’s grin, “Just send me your flight details and I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Awesome,” Y/n huffed. Slumping further into the chair, after that, she tried to pay attention to making plans with Keanu but her mind was on autopilot. Maybe she was wrong, maybe the thrill of dating two men wasn’t as vastly overrated as she’d initially thought. 
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Four Days Later Somehow, just dinner had turned into spending the night at a luxurious presidential suite at a five star hotel on a beach in Hawaii. It had been a lovely affair; Daniel had rented out a gazebo on a hillside, peppered with lush foliage and away from the tourists. Their secluded table had overlooked the ocean from afar and the worn wooden floor had been littered beautifully with red and pink flower petals while a decorative tiki torches had the place aglow.
The plane ride had been delightful too; Daniel was no doubt a versed pilot and Y/n had spent most of the five hour flight with her gaze shifting between the marvel that was him easily controlling the aircraft and the widow next to her. There was something about sitting up front that made the experience feel totally new, and Y/n, who'd been travelling since before she could remember it, felt like it was her first time in a plane; ‘oh-ing’ and ‘ah-ing’ at every landmark visible from their distance. 
They hadn’t meant to stay the night, but things had gone exceptionally well and flying back to Los Angeles at two am was far from their minds, so instead, Y/n had led them to one of her family’s hotel’s booking them the finest suite by just dropping her name. 
When she awoke at mid morning on Saturday, groggy and squinting against the sunlight, Y/n had lazily felt around the nightstand for her cell, tumbling out of bed when she’d realized that her flight to New York was leaving from LAX in just a few hours. If she didn’t move quickly and get her two-timing ass there by two pm, she’d miss it completely, which was in no way good considering she’d spent most of the week anticipating the time spent with Keanu.
After a hurried shower and half drying her hair, Y/n slipped into the outfit she’d brought with her, in anticipation of accidentally staying over. She hadn’t really intended to, but just in case, she’d stuffed a flimsy white sundress into her large handbag, along with a pair of cute underwear and a couple other emergency essentials. When she spilled out into the living room, Daniel was standing near the window, phone held to his ear as he spoke in Mandarin. Instead of speaking up, Y/n stopped in her tracks, watching him as he continued, his muscled back turned to her. He was only dressed in his jeans from the night before, his shirt still laid discarded on the nearby sofa. One hand was stuffed in his pocket, and Y/n spent a hot minute trying to figure out what he was saying, but she had never been good with languages and all she’d ever learnt in Mandarin was basic conversational phrases in passing when her parents took her to Singapore on business before she left for college. 
When she eventually gave up, Y/n went over to the serving cart, pouring some coffee into a delicate mug before adding some creamer. After swiping up an acai bowl she headed to the little dining area on the patio. The view was, as expected, serene and undoubtedly stunning. In the near distance, Y/n could see the lush green of the gently swaying palm and coconut trees and the hotel was near enough so that she could hear the crash of waves against the populated white sand. Past the horizon, were the mountains, covered in healthy greenery, looking perfectly picturesque. Y/n’s eyes were trained on the sight past the glass framed balcony, and when a hand gently touched her shoulder, she jumped. “Sorry,” Daniel chuckled, pulling a chair close to hers before pecking Y/n’s lips. Stealing a piece of mango from her bowl, he reached across her shoulder, rubbing circles into her shoulder, “I was just on a call with my boss, they need me in Beijing again.”
“How soon?” Y/n furrowed her brows, swallowing the urge to ask him when they could head back to Los Angeles. She really didn’t want to miss her flight or disappoint Keanu, but she didn’t want to seem too hurried either, lest her parents find out that she ruined another date with Daniel.“Monday,” he sighed heavily, “There were some problems with a new model and he wants me to look at it,” dismissing it, he quickly moved on, “I didn’t know you brought this,” Daniel rubbed the capped sleeve of Y/n’s dress between his index and thumb, “It looks cute on you.”
“Thanks,” Y/n bent her head, blushing lightly, “I like to be prepared, so I brought this along just in case.”
Chuckling, he kissed her cheek, “So I was thinking we could leave after lunch, go down to the beach first, if that’s cool with you.”
Y/n hesitated, worrying on her lower as she tried to find the most pleasant way to vocalize her objection, “I actually need to get back before two, I have to be in New York this afternoon, on business,” she lied smoothly. Though, technically, it wasn’t really a lie; she did have business in New York, personal business.
“Oh,” Daniel stood abruptly, doing a shoddy job of ‘playing it cool’. He could definitely tell that Y/n wasn’t being honest with him, but neither had the courage to confront the elephant in the room, or rather, on the balcony. “Okay, well I guess we should get ready,” he smiled tightly, and Y/n watched him reenter the suite through the screen doors, wishing that there was a better way to do what she had just done.
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They touched down at a private terminal at LAX, just minutes before one. Thankfully, Y/n had gotten her assistant to pick up her bags from her house and bring them to the airport. After collecting her stuff and changing quickly in the bathroom, going from her light sundress to a pair of black ripped jeans and a simple blouse with a stylish, grey, long coat over it and a pair of sleek black heels. Surprisingly, Daniel had stayed to walk her to check-in, though, when they neared the line, he stopped her, “I had a lot of fun last night,” he offered, though it seemed to come with hesitation; as if it were supposed to followed up with a cliched ‘but’.
Y/n nodded, glancing at her round-faced, designer, diamond encrusted watch, seeing that it was almost time for boarding, “I did too,” she smiled halfheartedly, trying to quell her impatience. 
“Good, good. I’m glad,” Daniel stuffed his hands into his pockets, moistening his lips, “I know you’re going to see him,” he finally admitted, “And I know that you can do whatever you want, because really, it's your life and-”
“Daniel, can we-”
“Just, let me say this? Please,” his eyes pleaded with hers, asking if she’d spare him five more minutes, “I really, really like you, Y/n and I think that we could be good together. But I don’t think I can prove that to you when I’m still trying to win you over. I’m not asking you to never see him again, and I don’t need to know who he is, all I’m asking is that you think about, please?”
Taking a steadying breath, Y/n nodded slowly, tucking some hair behind her ear, “Yeah,” already, there was turmoil in her mind, especially when the realization suddenly hit her; there was no way for all three of them to leave that situation unscathed. Someone was going to get hurt, and it was all her fault, “Okay.” nothing but their lips touched as she bid him goodbye, the click of her heels drowned out by the excitement around them, though none of it was enough to overpower her troubling thoughts.
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Even when Y/n was walking through JFK, Daniel’s words swam in her busy mind, though, it only took seeing Keanu waiting near the foot of the escalator for them to be pushed away. Nearly dropping her luggage, Y/n ran straight into his arms, giggling when he lifted her off the floor, “I’ve missed you,” she breathed into his neck, quickly comforted by his scent of cologne and cigarettes. 
“I’ve missed you too,” Keanu’s grin was wide and even when he set her down, his hands lingered at Y/n’s waist, though, after a quick look around, he pulled away, “I’d kiss you, but I don’t think that would be our best idea.”
Y/n laughed quietly; she knew he was right. Hugging was bad enough, but if someone caught a picture of them making out, she’d never hear the end of it. Careful not to look too intimate, Y/n let Keanu take her bag, walking alongside him as they made their way to the underground parking lot. 
The lighting in the garage was dim and blue-washed. They could have kissed or really, whatever they wanted, right there, but it was only after they were secured safely in the back of a heavily tinted SUV did Keanu pull Y/n to him, his lips crashing to hers. Y/n shifted, folding one leg on her seat, letting the other hang limp as she tossed her arms around Keanu’s neck. “It’s been weeks,” she sighed against her lips.
“Tell me about it,” one of Keanu’s hands tangled in Y/n’s hair, the other secured at her waist, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“So am I,” Y/n giggled, kissing Keanu again. They spent the rest of the ride cuddled close, and by the time they got to Keanu’s New York floor-through apartment, it was just in time to get ready for the party. It was a nice building, in a cushy, comfortable part of the city that was spared from loud, unnecessary noise at night, standing tall among a row of other residential buildings on one side and a hotel and a couple high-end restaurants on the other. 
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Mere hours after landing in New York, Y/n was showered and changed into a iridescent, shimmery, two piece dress with a strappy ‘x’ at the back and a fitted skirt that sported a dangerous slit on the left side. She’d even squeezed in time impeccably do her make-up and hair. Her question had come when Keanu was helping her out of the car, his hand firmly gripping hers.
“Yeah,” Keanu shrugged, reeling Y/n in as they walked through the doors of the rented out venue; a local club in the city. Just as they did, security double checked the list, ensuring that it was actually Keanu and that he’d indicated that he was bringing a guest. “There’s enough security, no paps are allowed in and we don’t have to take pictures if we don’t want to. It’s gonna be fine babe,” Keanu pressed a chaste, reassuring kiss to the top of Y/n’s head.
Y/n looked up at Keanu through her lashes, in awe that he could ease her worries with just a few simple words and a quick peck. It was one of the many things that had her affections for him growing deeper. Keanu wasn’t a lot of things, he wasn’t the safe choice, he wasn’t the logical one either. But he was the man that thrilled her by just holding her hand, the one who’d recently started calling her every night, like clock work before she went to bed and the one that was almost always on her mind
Keanu wasn’t a lot of things, but he was the man that Y/n-
“Beer or a cocktail?” Keanu disturbed her thoughts, just as they found themselves a couple seats.
“Whatever you’re having is fine,” Y/n smiled, pecking him on the lips just before he left. When Keanu later returned with a couple mixed drinks, he handed one over and they began their night; he introduced Y/n to his friends and co workers, they drank and she heard some stories from set all while losing track of time.
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When Y/n and Keanu stumbled back into his apartment, it was past two am. Y/n was still giggling at a joke that Keanu had told and after he locked the front door, they trudged to his large bedroom, the pale yellow light adding a warm glow to the rustic decor as he flipped the switch. “I’m tired,” Y/n stretched dramatically, only letting her hands fall to her sides again when Keanu came over to do the back fastenings of her outfit.
Chuckling at her behavior, Keanu kissed her cheek just before he pulled away, getting undressed himself, “Well why don’t we just get ready for bed and call it a night?”
“That sounds amazing,” Y/n slurred plopping onto the bed to get out of her heels, tossing them aside before getting up and heading to the bathroom, to take off her make-up before her shower. 
Getting ready for bed had felt like a trying process, but finally, Y/n was clad scantily in one of Keanu’s t-shirts and a pair of panties. The water had seemed to rinse all her tire away and crawling in next to him, she started peppering kisses along Keanu’s neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. 
Rolling them over so he was on top, Keanu’s hand snuck beneath the over-sized jersey, a palm splayed on her stomach gently pressing her to the mattress. Giggling at his sudden movements, Y/n crooked her legs, her flat of her heels pressing into his calves. “I thought you were tired?” Keanu smiled down at her, dark strands curtaining his face.
When her laughter died down, Y/n’s hands slid up his back, moving to brush Keanu’s hair out of his face. Sliding one arm around the back of his neck, her fingers pressing into his skin, she tried to pull him down to her, “Well now I’m not. Are you?”
“Not particularly,” underneath the navy t-shirt, Keanu’s hand found one of Y/n’s breasts, while the other held up his weight, pressed into the mattress, “What did you have in mind?” His fingers toyed with her nipple, and her back arched involuntarily, her dampening center barely brushing his crotch.  
“I think you know,” Y/n’s words were a shuddering breath and Keanu bent, sucking spots into the area just below her jaw. Her hands found the elastic waist of Keanu’s sweats, pushing them down, the tips of her toes aiding in shoving them completely off. As his lips traveled down her jaw, his trimmed beard scratching her skin, Y/n circled his crotch, rubbing him to life- which didn’t take very long. “Ke,” Y/n moaned, just as he’d gotten her out of the t-shirt, returning to his ministrations.
Keanu just hummed in response, his hand travelling to rub Y/n’s cilt through her panties just as he took one of her breasts in his mouth. She ground on his fingers and eventually, he helped her out of them, his fingers slipping into her soaked folds, his hazy vision focused on how her mouth hung open, her already cloudy mind fumbling for words.
“Keanu,” Y/n mewled, her hips bucking towards his, “I don’t wanna wait tonight,” her pleas were low and needy, “Please.”
Steadying her at the hip, Keanu entered her slowly, admiring the way she threw her head back, exposing her love-bite riddled neck, jaw slack. One of her hands stayed at his back and the pads of her fingers clung to his skin, while at her side, Y/n held a fistful of the beige duvet, squeezing tightly. As he rolled his hips at a leisurely pace, Keanu lowered his lips to hers, their noses and foreheads pressed together as he swallowed up her moans, his grunts contained in his throat.
Things felt different that night, deeper. Past the tangible, Y/n felt like there was more between them, something that gave her the best tingle in her toes and sent pleasurable shocks up her spine. There was nothing hot and heavy about the experience and while sex with Keanu was always phenomenal, what they were doing that night wasn’t just sex. There with him, feeling the friction that his throbbing cock created as it pumped in and out of her slick folds was almost secondary to the feeling of just being connected to him. It was euphoric.   
“I’ve missed you,” Y/n mumbled, his lips still a hair apart from hers, “God, Ke, I’ve missed you all week.”
Smiling softly, Keanu breathed against her lips; he’d missed her to, more than he figured he was. His waking thoughts of her had gone from being lustful to simply just wondering if she’d had a good day, and hoping that she was thinking of him too. That night, Keanu wanted to show Y/n; not how much he worshiped her body, but how much he cared for it, how something as simple as her existence made him feel. “You’re…..” his breath was ragged as he felt the first makings of Y/n’s orgasm; her moans getting louder and her body tensing up beneath his, “You’re so perfect baby.”
Pressing the sides of their faces together, Keanu breathed the scent of her coconut shampoo as she whimpered quietly, her body quaking with pleasure, her free hand flying to his back. Y/n clenched around him, her walls contracting and her breathing ragged as sticky heat spilled out of her core. Like that, he could feel the hassled thumping of Y/n’s heart and her hot breath on his neck. It was enough to throw Keanu over the edge, moaning Y/n’s name, along with a string of obscenities into her ear, as he shot his seed into her. Keanu’s thrusts went rigid as he rode out both their highs, kissing Y/n passionately. Even after they were done, they stayed like that, still tangled as their breaths slowed and it was a short while before he eventually pulled out, rolling on to his back.
By the time they were cleaned up, Y/n was half asleep, her eyes slipping shut as she curled up against Keanu, cheek over his heart, her hair fanned out on his chest and one leg hooked over his thigh. Keanu held her close, pulling the sheets over their bare bodies, his tired eyes fixed on the beauty in his arms. “Goodnight baby,” he hummed.
It took a minute, and Y/n seemed to be mostly asleep as she shifted against him, humming contented, “Keanu….” she mumbled drowsily, her eyes still shut. Keanu emitted a sound of question before Y/n continued, though he didn’t think she heard it, “I love you.” 
At first, Keanu got to thinking that his ears and tired mind had betrayed him, but it couldn’t have been anything else. Three little words that he hadn’t thought of until then. They made his heart flutter and drew a sleepy smile from his lips. Craning his head, Keanu kissed the top of Y/n’s head, he was almost sure that she hadn’t registered what she’d just said, but it was a moment he would treasure forever, and even though Y/n seemed to be sound asleep, Keanu returned, “I love you too Y/n.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​  @paanchu786​  @baphomentwolf666  @a-really-bi-girl​  @sdaff2 
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amazonlogistics01 · 4 years
Amazon Com, Inc.
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Engineers, who usually make more than $a hundred thirty,000 a yr, plus profitable choices, also welcomed the news. I don't know of one other firm with an invention monitor report nearly as good as Amazon's, and I consider we're at our most inventive proper now.
I'm excited to announce that this Q3 I'll transition to Executive Chair of the Amazon info Board and Andy Jassy will become CEO. In the Exec Chair role, I intend to focus my energies and a spotlight on new products and early initiatives. Andy is well known inside the company and has been at Amazon nearly as long as I even have.
Amazon's chief financial officer, Brian Olsavsky, mentioned on a media name that the manager change was determined in session with Amazon's board of directors. He said Bezos will stay very involved and have his fingerprints on lots of totally different elements of the corporate.
Customers use the Amazon Go cellular app to realize entry to the store by way of a turnstile. When they exit the store, the Just Walk Out know-how routinely debits their Amazon account for the gadgets they take after which sends a receipt to the app. Nearly 60% of greater than 30,000 U.S.
adults polled online this past weekend by Piplsay wish to have an Amazon Go in their space and see the idea as a menace to big meals retailers corresponding to Walmart and Kroger. Less than a 3rd of respondents have visited an Amazon Go location, however over half suppose the checkout-free format might be successful.
He had rapidly found that he had less employees assist than he anticipated, and he was deeply annoyed by Amazon’s “coach solely” coverage for firm travel. Leah says she bought, “Smart watches, walkie-talkies.” While she bought toys for herself, Leah additionally received some presents for her cousins and she or he ordered two refrigerators for her grandparents on accident.
The facility can open access to an even bigger variety of products for residents in the Interior, however it could possibly additionally affect local businesses, Jinnel Choiniere, president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, wrote in an e mail to the News-Miner. Sadeghi is now suing the company for disability discrimination, failing to provide a reasonable lodging, and wrongful termination.
Published reports even have said Amazon Go might pop up in new types of areas similar to airports and increase to thousands of similar websites. “Amazon’s entry into the brick-and-mortar section obtained an enormous enhance amid the pandemic, with its cashierless technology set to turn out to be the subsequent massive thing in retail,” Piplsay stated within the survey report, launched yesterday.
By gender, 54% of males said they'd be excited to have Amazon Go or similar know-how-enabled stores near them, in contrast with 46% of women. Meanwhile, 57% stated they might be “excited” if an Amazon Go or similar cashierless, synthetic intelligence-pushed store opened of their neighborhood.
Of the 26% not interested in having an Amazon Go of their area, half stated they like regular shops and half favor online buying. Powered by Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” technology, the Go shops use overhead cameras, weight sensors and deep studying know-how to detect merchandise that consumers take from or return to shelves and hold monitor of the objects chosen in a digital cart.
Sadeghi flatly denied the costs of misuse of firm funds, saying he may provide documentation for consumer dinners and the like. He alleges that she conducted a “outcomes oriented” investigation, was biased against him, and did not give him a fair alternative to defend himself.
In particular, Sadeghi had instructed the assistant to have the company pay for an upgrade to “premium financial system” for the 14-hour flight to New Zealand. The day earlier than Thanksgiving break, he had caught his assistant secretly recording him, in accordance with the go well with.
He didn’t know the way long this had been going on, however suspected there could possibly be many recordings. Sadeghi was settling into his job as global head of visual effects for Amazon Studios, based mostly on the streamer’s Culver City workplace.
“In the afternoon, a few of the boxes got here and then the subsequent day, much more bins got here, and the following day much more packing containers got here,” Leah says. Blackburn is the second high-level executive to leave Amazon this 12 months; Jeff Wilke, the top of Amazon’s client enterprise, retired in January.
"I wish to thanks all on your friendship, teamwork, and help," Blackburn, who had been on a yearlong sabbatical, wrote in a memo to employees. "What an incredible 22 years it has been together — I will cherish it, forever." Similarly, Kostecki mentioned that early on in the pandemic, many workers had pay bumps and different incentives that have now been eliminated.
Pay prospectsOverall, there seems to be hope that Jassy might improve pay for those at the backside end.This web site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG.
Registered in England and Wales. Shares of the tech big gained on a strong earnings report and a broader wave of bullishness. On a day when one of its transport companions received an improve, buyers were extra enthusiastic in regards to the e-commerce large.
Amazon.com is just about synonymous with online retail, promoting its own inventory while additionally offering third-party gross sales and success. It additionally has fast-rising operations in subscriptions, promoting, and Web hosting.
Wages currently start at $15 per hour, more than twice the federal minimum wage. For 2019, the median annual complete compensation for all U.S. full-time Amazon workers was $36,640, according to Levandowski. Some staff, like Kostecki, categorical concern about Covid-19 publicity at work.
Kostecki estimated that there have been “nicely over 200” cases reported at his work site. Amazon did not publicly release detailed Covid-19 infection charges till October, and has not updated those figures since, which signifies that teams of present and former staff on Facebook continue to try to discern that info. Another engineer who has been with the company for five years and was also not authorized to talk publicly by Amazon, shared related views.
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red-will · 4 years
I don't know what to do with good white people.
I've been surrounded by good white people my whole life. Good white people living in my neighborhood, who returned our dog when he got loose; good white teachers in elementary school who pushed books into my hands; good white professors at Stanford, a Bay Area bastion of goodwhiteness, who recommended me M.F.A. programs where I met good white writers, liberal enough for a Portlandia sketch.
I should be grateful for this. Who, in generations of my family, has ever been surrounded by so many good white people? My mother was born to sharecroppers in Louisiana; she used to measure her feet with a piece of string because they could not try on shoes in the store. She tells me of a white policeman who humiliated her mother by forcing her to empty her purse on the store counter just so he could watch her few coins spiral out.
Two summers ago, my mother showed me the welfare reports written about her family. The welfare officer, a white woman, observed my family with a careful, anthropological eye. She described the children, including my mother, as "nice and clean." She asked personal questions (did my grandmother have a boyfriend?) and wrote her findings in a detached tone. She wondered why my grandmother, an illiterate Black mother of nine living in the Jim Crow South, struggled to find a steady job. Maybe, she wrote in her loopy scrawl, my grandmother wasn't searching hard enough.
This faded report is the type of official document a historian might consult if he were re-constructing the story of my family. The author, this white welfare officer, writes as if she is an objective observer, but she tells a well-worn story of Black women who refuse to work and instead depend on welfare. Occasionally, her clinical tone breaks down. Once, she notes that my mother is pretty. She probably considered herself a good white person.
In the wake of the Darren Wilson non-indictment, I've only deleted one racist Facebook friend. This friend, as barely a friend as a high school classmate can be, re-posted a rant calling rioters niggers. (She was not a good white person.) Most of my white friends have responded to recent events with empathy or outrage. Some have joined protests. Others have posted Criming While White stories, a hashtag that has been criticized for detracting from Black voices. Look at me, the hashtag screams, I know that I am privileged. I am a good white person. Join me and remind others that you are a good white person too.
Over the past two weeks, I've seen good white people congratulate themselves for deleting racist friends or debating family members or performing small acts of kindness to Black people. Sometimes I think I'd prefer racist trolling to this grade of self-aggrandizement. A racist troll is easy to dismiss. He does not think decency is enough. Sometimes I think good white people expect to be rewarded for their decency. We are not like those other white people. See how enlightened and aware we are? See how we are good?
Over the past two weeks, I have fluctuated between anger and grief. I feel surrounded by Black death. What a privilege, to concern yourself with seeming good while the rest of us want to seem worthy of life.
When my father was a young man, he was arrested at gunpoint. He was a Deputy District Attorney at the time, driving home one night from bible study when LAPD pulled him over. A traffic violation, he'd thought, until officers swarmed his car with shotguns aimed at his head. The cops refused to look in his wallet at his badge. They cuffed him and threw him on the curb.
My father is mostly thankful that he'd stayed calm. In his shock, he had done nothing. That's what he believes saved his life.
I think about this while I watch Eric Garner die. For months, I avoided the video, until we arrived at another officer non-indictment. Now I've seen the video of Garner's death, as well as a second video I find even more disturbing. This second video, taken immediately after Garner has been killed by a banned chokehold, shows officers attempting to speak to him, asking him to respond to EMTs. They do not yet know that he is dead, and there's something about this moment, officers shuffling around as an EMT seeks a pulse, that is so bafflingly and frustratingly human, so different from the five officers lunging and wrangling Garner to the ground.
In the wake of this non-indictment, a surprising coalition of detractors has emerged. Not just black and brown students hitting the streets in protest but conservative stalwarts, like Bill O'Reilly or John Boehner, criticizing the lack of justice. Even George W. Bush weighed in, calling the grand jury's decision "sad." But even though many find Garner's death wrong, others refuse to believe that race played a role. His death was the result of overzealous policing, a series of bad individual choices. It would have happened to a white guy. The same way in Cleveland, a 12-year-old Black boy named Tamir Rice was killed by officers for playing with a toy gun. An unfortunate tragedy, but not racial. Any white kid playing with a realistic-looking toy gun would have been killed too.
Darren Wilson has been unrepentant about taking Mike Brown's life. He insists he could not have done anything differently. Daniel Pantaleo has offered condolences to the Garner family, admitting that he "feels very bad" about Garner's death.
"It is never my intention to harm anyone," he said.
I don't know which is worse, the unrepentant killer or the man who insists to the end that he meant well.
A year ago, outside the Orange County airport, a white woman cut in front of me at the luggage check. She had been standing next to me, and soon as the luggage handlers called next, she swooped up her things and went to the counter. She'd cut me because I was black. Or maybe because I was young. Maybe she was running late for her flight or maybe she was just rude. She would've cut me if I had been a white woman like her. She would've cut me if I had been anyone.
Of course, the woman ended up on my flight, and of course, she was seated right next to me. Before the flight took off, she turned to me and said, "I'm sorry if I cut you earlier. I didn't see you standing there."
I often hear good white people ask why people of color must make everything about race, as if we enjoy considering racism as a motivation. I wish I never had to cycle through these small interactions and wonder: Am I overthinking? Am I just being paranoid? It's exhausting.
"It was a lot simpler in the rural South," my mother tells me. "White people let you know right away where you stood."
The problem is that you can never know someone else's intentions. And sometimes I feel like I live in a world where I'm forced to parse through the intentions of people who have no interest in knowing mine. A grand jury believed that Darren Wilson was a good officer doing his job. This same grand jury believed than an eighteen-year-old kid in a monstrous rage charged into a hailstorm of bullets toward a cop's gun.
Wilson described Michael Brown as a black brute, a demon. No one questioned Michael Brown's intentions. A stereotype does not have complex, individual motivations. A stereotype, treated as such, can be forced into whatever action we expect.
I spent a four hour flight trying not to wonder about the white woman's intentions. But why would she think about mine? She didn't even see me.
In elementary school, my older sister came home one day crying. She had learned about the Ku Klux Klan in class that day and she was afraid that men in white hoods would attack us. My father told her there was nothing to worry about.
"If a Klansman sat at this table right now," he said, "I'd laugh right in his face."
My mother tells stories of Klansmen riding at night, of how her grandmother worried when the doctor's son—a white boy—visited her youngest sister because she feared the Klan would burn down their home. When I was a child, I only saw the Klan in made-for-TV civil rights movies or on theatrical episodes of Jerry Springer. My parents knew what we would later learn, that in the nineties, in our California home, surrounded by good white people, we had more to fear than racism that announces itself.
We all want to believe in progress, in history that marches forward in a neat line, in transcended differences and growing acceptance, in how good the good white people have become. So we expect racism to appear, cartoonishly evil like a Disney villain. As if a racist cop is one who wakes in the morning, twirling his mustache and rubbing his hands together as he plots how to destroy black lives.
I don't think Darren Wilson or Daniel Pantaleo set out to kill Black men. I'm sure the cops who arrested my father meant well. But what good are your good intentions if they kill us?
When my friends and I discuss people we dislike, we often end our conversations with, "But he means well."
We always land here, because we want to affirm ourselves as fair, non-judgmental people who examine a person not only by what he does but also by what he intends to. After all, aren't all of us standing in the gap between who we are and who we try to be? Isn't it human to allow those we dislike—even those who harm us—a residence in this space as well?
"You know what? He means well," we say. We lean on this, and the phrase is so condescending, so cloyingly sweet, so hollow, that I'd almost rather anyone say anything else about me than how awful I am despite how good I intend to be.
I think about this during a car ride last weekend with my dad, where he tells me what happened once the cops finally realized they had arrested the wrong man. They picked him up from the curb, brushed him off.
"Sorry, buddy," an officer said, unlocking his handcuffs.
They'd made an honest mistake. He'd fit the description. Well, of course he did. The description is always the same. The police escorted my father onto the road. My father, not yet my father, drove all the way home without remembering to turn his headlights on.
Brit Bennett recently earned her M.F.A. in creative writing at the the Helen Zell Writers' Program at the University of Michigan. She is currently a Zell Postgraduate Fellow, where she is working on her first novel.
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let-it-raines · 5 years
Catch Me If You Can (30/40)
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298 days. That’s how long Killian Jones was away from a baseball field. It’s less than a year, only part of a season for him, but it might as well have lasted a decade as he alternated between physical therapy and spending an excessive amount of time sitting on his couch.
But then he came back and won the World Series.
It’s something no one saw coming, and it’s certainly not something anyone who knows about his arm would predict. Now it’s a new season with new possibilities, and anything could happen. On-field reporter Emma Swan will be there to cover it all even if she is not his biggest fan right now.
Asking her out live on-air will do that.
Rating: Mature
a/n: I am not a fan of the fact that there are only 10 chapters left. Like, not at all. Where did all of this time go? How are we at this point in the story? I feel like I was just writing it!
Anyway, it seems fitting that this chapter posts in a week where a lot of us have gone home to see family because Killian is going home with Emma to meet Ruth😘 Thanks to you all for being you and thanks to @resident-of-storybrooke​ for reading these words for me and checking my facts!
Found on AO3: beginning | current
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“Did you know that it’s Friday the thirteenth and a full moon?”
“Thank you, Alec Trebek.”
“No, seriously. That’s what it says on my phone.”
“Love, I know the date.”
“But did you know about the moon thing?”
“I did,” Killian sighs, picking his suitcase up off of the security belt and placing it on the ground while Emma grabs her sneakers. “I read about it the other day, and I am prepared for all of the haunted werewolves to come out to play.”
“Shut up,” Emma laughs before she plops herself down on a bench to tie her shoes.
It’s a little past four thirty in the morning, and JFK is nearly empty of anyone who isn’t traveling in some kind of suit. He and Emma are surrounded by people in black blazers and tailored trousers only traveling with a sleek black suitcase and their briefcase. He and Emma, meanwhile, are both in joggers with t-shirts on (Emma has on his Vandy sweatshirt over hers) and their hair tucked underneath baseball caps.
Emma got in from Detroit late last night, only taking five minutes to kiss him hello and take a quick shower before collapsing on his bed on top of the covers. The only flight they could get so last minute that wasn’t an exuberant amount of money is at the ungodly hour of six in the morning, so Killian insisted that she just stay at his place last night so that they could leave from the same place and save time. Considering they woke up ten minutes before their Uber arrived and could barely brush their teeth before they left, that didn’t exactly work in the whole saving time department.
It doesn’t help that Emma has pretty much been deadweight this entire morning until she started to wake up right before they went through security.
He, on the other hand, is wide awake. Nervous jitters run through his body, his stomach twisting in knots, and for someone who doesn’t get nervous for many things other than baseball, Killian is pretty much a wreck when it comes to meeting Emma’s family. Ruth is the last one, the final piece of the puzzle, and as intimidating as David was to meet, his mother might outrank her.
Killian both wants to spend the entire weekend sucking up to her and thanking her for taking Emma in and giving her the love she’s never had but has always deserved, but that could prove to be a bit much.
Then again, if Ruth hadn’t taken Emma in thirteen years ago, Emma would have never met David. If Emma hadn’t met David, David would have never taken her to the baseball game that truly allowed Emma to fall in love with sports. And if Emma hadn’t done that, he doubts she’d have ever gotten into broadcasting and found her passion there that makes her so damn happy.
The two of them also would never have met, and that thought sends a shiver down his spine.
It’s funny how such little things can change absolutely everything.
So, yeah, Killian is most definitely a little nervous to meet Ruth.
“You want to go find some coffee, Swan?” Killian asks Emma as he props his foot up to tie his own sneaker. “I think the two of us are in some desperate need of caffeine.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I don’t think we’ll be able to find a coffee shop in an airport. There are never any coffee places here.”
“I don’t appreciate all of this sarcasm so early this morning.”
She pokes his stomach. “You’re the one who woke me up.”
“We’re going home to meet your family.”
“I don’t see your point.”
“You should.”
“Well,” Emma huffs, standing up and pulling up her pants so that he sees a flash of tanned skin on her stomach, “you should. Onto coffee we go.”
They both grab onto their bags and start walking down the terminal, passing gate after gate and store after store, but everything is black with the lights turned off and bars pulled over the stores. Nothing is open, not even the convenience stores, and the moment Emma realizes this, she stops walking and buries her face in his shoulder.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“There are vending machines,” he soothes. “I think they have coffee.”
“But it’s gross coffee,” she wines before wrapping her arms around his stomach. At first, Killian thinks that she’s being affectionate, but then he realizes that she’s using him so that she doesn’t have to stand on her own. He’s not sure he minds either way. “I need real coffee, and I need it in an IV.”
“Okay, Lorelai Gilmore.”
Emma laughs into his shoulder, the vibrations working through his shoulder. “You’re learning. I’m so proud, babe.”
“I might have watched an episode or two.”
Emma’s head pops up then, the bill of her cap hitting him in the chin. “When?”
“While you were gone. It was on Netflix, and it just kind of happened.”
“Good choice, twenty-nine. Good choice.” Emma’s lips brush against the corner of his jaw, and he tugs her a little closer as his hand runs up and down her back while she presses up on her toes to make contact with his lips. “I need a diet coke or something, and then when the stores open, I’m buying the biggest damn cup of coffee in this entire airport.”
“Whatever your heart desires.”
The flight is only an hour and a half, Emma sleeps the entire time despite them getting her the biggest damn cup of coffee in the airport right before they boarded, and Killian spends his time answering emails before closing out the app so that he won’t see anything else work-related for this entire weekend. It’s a conscious decision, one he’s happy to make, and it’s almost refreshing to know that he doesn’t have anything to worry about for at least a few days.
Well, anything to worry about except for Ruth Nolan and making sure that he can impress her.
The taxi they get from the airport takes them directly to Ruth’s house, so Emma doesn’t get much time to show him around, only pointing out a few landmarks. They pass the minor league baseball stadium here, the Portland Sea Dogs, and Emma tells him that she’s never actually been despite having such easy access. She was too caught up in everything having to do with New York and getting there that she never really thought about it. He teases her and tells her they’ll have to go to a game, but Emma turns him down by saying that she needs a break from baseball.
He does too.
So that’ll probably be knocked off the itinerary that Killian is sure Mary Margaret has made. Luckily, though, she and David won’t be here until early evening since they both had to be at work and school for half a day, so they’re pretty much free to do whatever they want with Ruth today.
He’s still slightly reeling from his injury and their fight and everything that came from that. He’s not angry or upset, but this is all still such an adjustment. He should be playing. He shouldn’t be here, but it’s his own damn fault that he is. He screwed up on so many levels, and owning up to it all has been a tough pill to swallow.
Hurting the people he loved nearly killed him, and he doesn’t want anyone to hurt because of him ever again.
In the blink of a bleary eye, they’re pulling up to a quaint two-story Victorian home with brown and white details and bright green bushes lining the brick-paved walkway to the front door. It’s a home, undoubtedly, one much the same as all of the ones in the city and yet entirely different in that he can see vibrant green grass and flushed trees that spread out all over the neighborhood. It reminds him of growing up in Ohio, even if they were not the ones to have the spaciously fenced-in backyard, and a little fluttering of his heart takes place as Killian takes it all in.
He’s always kind of wanted a place like this – away from everything.
“So, this is the place?”
“This is the place.”
“It’s nice.”
“Yeah, I’ve always thought so.” Emma hikes her bag up a little higher on her shoulder and turns to look at him, trepidation written across her face. “We can still turn around if you want to. There are hotels around here.”
“We’re going inside, love.” He leans down and quickly brushes his lips over hers. She tastes strongly of coffee just from the little taste that he got. He’d like to kiss her more, to have the privacy of the hotel so he can show her just how much he’s missed her the past few days of her being gone, but they’re not doing that. “Besides, I believe I just saw Ruth peeking her head through the window looking at us, so it’s too late to turn around now.”
“Yeah,” Emma sighs, “I guess it is.”
Emma steps forward and begins moving up the path, Killian following right behind her, and Emma barely gets a chance to knock on the door before it’s swinging open and Ruth is lunging forward to practically smother Emma with a hug.
Damn. Ruth Nolan is a force of nature.
Then again, she was already for being a single mom most of her life and still taking in foster children, especially one as stubborn as Emma. He can’t even begin to imagine.
He fully intends on finding out this weekend. There are a million questions running around in his mind.
“Oh,” Ruth coos, shaking Emma in her embrace. A dog escapes the front door and comes to sniff at Killian’s feet. This must be Wilby. “I have missed you so much. I think I’m going to have to move to New York so I can see you more often. Do you have room in that apartment of yours?”
“Only if the couch is comfortable for you.”
“I think it may kill my back.”
“No, it’ll definitely kill your back. I have no doubt. It kills my back. Killian’s couch is super comfortable, though.”
“Well, I hardly know the man. I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to sleep over in his apartment.”
“Who cares about proper, love?” Killian teases. “I would be remiss to not let a beautiful woman sleep over at my apartment.”
The words slip out of his mouth before he’s able to stop them, and he immediately regrets them. Ruth may not be Emma’s mom, the title something that Emma still struggles with no matter how much she loves Ruth, but she’s very much a mother figure. Yet here he is spewing words that pretty much scream in her face that he doesn’t care about proper and has been fucking Emma for months now. What a smooth start.
The pit in his stomach becomes a heavy, solid weight, one that’s going to have him breaking the wood of the wraparound front porch.
But then Ruth is leaning her head back in laughter, her eyes shining brightly as her hair falls off of her shoulders, and that weight lessens a little bit.
“I’m not much of one for proper either,” Ruth says with laughter still on her lips. She releases Emma and steps toward him, wrapping him in a hug as well, even if this one isn’t quite as smothering. It likely helps that he’s larger than Emma. “Hello, sweetie. SoSo, you’re the infamous Killian Jones I’ve been hearing about?”
“From Emma?”
“No, my grandson. He loves you. I think he was probably more devastated about your arm than Emma was.”
“How did you know I was devastated?”
Ruth pulls back from him to look at Emma. “Intuition told me that you’d be upset over the fact that your boyfriend is injured. Mary Margaret gave me all of the other details.”
Emma’s eyes roll. “Of course she did.”
“You know she can’t keep a secret.”
Killian looks over to Emma to see what she’s got to say, thinking that this first meeting is going rather smoothly, but then Ruth’s eyes are snapping back to him and looking him up and down in a way that has him feeling rather naked under her scrutiny.
Obviously, it was wishful thinking for him to assume he was quite out of the woods.
“You’re much more handsome in person than on TV.”
“Thanks,” Killian laughs awkwardly as he reaches up to scratch behind his ear. “I, uh, appreciate that.”
Emma looks over to him with raised brows that are pinched together, probably wondering when he turned into a stumbling fool instead of someone who can charm anyone, and all he can do is shrug is shoulders at her. She shrugs back before squatting down on the porch to scratch behind the dog’s ears.
“Have you eaten breakfast yet, Ruth?” Emma asks, obviously trying to save him. “We’ve had coffee but not food, and we’d love to take you out to breakfast.”
Ruth waves her away. “Nonsense. I’ll cook breakfast for all of us.”
“You really don’t have to do that, Mrs. Nolan.”
She smiles at him. “It’s Ruth, and yes I do. I hear you’re quite the baker, so you can help.”
“Well, who told you that?”
“Mary Margaret. She’s where I get all of my information, don’t you know? Emma and David don’t give me nearly enough.”
“You know, Ruth,” Killian smiles, “I have heard a little bit about the two of them not sharing a lot of information. You practically have to drag it out of them. I would never do such a thing as keeping secrets.”
Emma scoffs but there’s that loving, playful smile. “Too soon, twenty-nine. Too soon.”
Ruth guides them inside and sends Emma off to take their bags to her old room. Killian raises his brow in question to make sure it’s okay for them to share a room, and Emma simply rolls her eyes before taking both of their bags up the stairs while Ruth ushers him into the living room.
It’s just as homey as the outside. Everything is covered in warm colors from the deep brown of the leather couch to the inviting green of the wall. Two windows sit on either side of the stone fireplace where the television is mounted, and that’s when Killian spots the myriad of picture frames on the mantel, as well as on the bookshelf in the corner of the room.
This is exactly what he’s been so excited about.
(Besides getting to spend a weekend away with Emma where she spent the last of her teenager years.)
There are a few photos of David as a child, ones of him alone and then ones of him with both of his parents. Most of them, however, everyone is a tad bit older. Killian knows that it’s so Emma can be included in all of the photos, and his heart swells a bit at the thought of Ruth being that thoughtful so that Emma doesn’t have to feel left out in any way.
A picture of David, Mary Margaret, and Emma sits in the middle of the mantle. David and Mary Margaret look much the same, if not younger than they look now, but with different hairstyles. Killian makes a mental note to tease David about his shoulder-length hair. Emma, though, is definitely a teenager here. Her face is rounder, far less angled, and he can see the tepidness of her smile as she leans into David in the picture.
“Are you looking at how cute I am?” Emma questions as she walks into the room.
Killian turns to look at her and at the shy smile on her face now, and he opens up his arm to let her walk into him so that her arm can wrap around his back while her head rests on his shoulder.
“How old are you here, love?”
“Um, that’s a question I don’t know the answer to.”
“Sixteen,” Ruth supplies, and Killian doesn’t miss the way she’s smiling at the two of them standing there. “That’s from Thanksgiving. Emma still wasn’t too sure about us.”
“I’m still not.”
Killian squeezes her hip. “Liar.”
“Nope, I’m serious. You’ve only just met Ruth, so I don’t think you can judge her character yet.”
“Oh no, darling, I can. She’s promised to tell me stories about you while we cook breakfast, and that’s good enough for me to love her forever.”
Emma groans and dips her head down. “Just let me sulk, and I’ll come to the kitchen when breakfast is ready.”
“Just like when you were a teenager,” Ruth teases.
The morning is mostly spent in the kitchen where they eat waffles and bacon, which is definitely not on his diet but he’s not playing right now anyways, and he gets to listen to Ruth tease Emma all about what she was like as a teenager. Emma’s cheeks are painted red, the embarrassment very clearly there, but she takes it like a champ and smiles and laughs along even when Ruth tells a story about Emma nearly breaking her arm while trying to sneak back into the house after meeting a guy who she wasn’t supposed to be meeting.
“Not my finest moment,” Emma admits as she bites into a piece of bacon. “And definitely not my finest boyfriend.”
The stories continue, and as the day passes on, Killian’s stomach hurts from all of the laughter. Everything about his time here just seems so…perfect. And he knows that there is no such thing as perfect, but the crisp breeze of the air with the sunshine filtering through the leaves of the trees tells him otherwise as the two of them help Ruth with some of her yardwork. Of course, he hasn’t done yardwork in over a decade, so he’s a little rusty. Ruth and Emma make sure to point that out to him every time he cuts a shrub in the wrong way or manages to screw up turning on the lawnmower.
It was complicated, okay?
And Killian definitely wasn’t aware that this is how they’d be spending the first part of their afternoon. It was not at all mentioned in Emma’s pitch of asking him to come here.
Not that he would have ever said no to helping. It’s good to feel useful when he’s been feeling a little useless lately no matter how well he thinks that he’s handling his injury layoff.
It’s decidedly different than the first time around. It likely helps that the injury isn’t as serious and that Killian knows that the end of it is in sight, even if there’s still bits of uncertainty that no one can answer and predict for him. Yet, it also has everything to do with the fact that the people closest to him know exactly what’s going on instead of him letting it all fester inside of him. Honesty is the better policy this time, even if his hand was the slightest bit forced.
Watching Emma easily guide him through Old Port with a beatific smile on her face may help as well.
No, it definitely helps.
She’s such a force of light in his life, even if she doesn’t like admitting that sometimes, but the fact almost seems reinforced after having been apart from her and facing the thoughts of what his life may be like without her in it outside of being someone who he works with.
Frankly, it would be kind of dim. She’s integrated herself so easily into every aspect of his daily routine, and while at first, he thought it really only had to do with her clothes in his closet and her shampoo bottles littering his shower, it’s more in the way that he’ll be sitting with Elsa and look over to see her texting Emma or the way that whenever he wakes up in the morning and she’s not in bed with him, his first thought is to check his phone for a text from her. It’s ridiculous and yet also…not.
She annoys him more than anything or anyone in the world, but he also loves her more than anything. It’s easy in a way that it’s never been before, and Killian wonders if this feeling of fluttering deep in his belly is what he was missing in the past.
They grab a late lunch at a quaint little seafood place, one he can tell is family-owned simply from the atmosphere, and instead of sitting inside, they settle down at one of the umbrella-covered tables outside so that they can have a view of the ocean with the salt-water breeze wafting over them.
He’s missed the water.
Of course, he’s been around it living in Manhattan and traveling to several places around the country that are surrounded by water. Hell, he’s even been back in it in the three years since the accident with Liam. But it’s been a long damn time since he’s sat and simply enjoyed getting to spend time near the water.
During the off-season, he and Emma are going somewhere that’s surrounded by water for at least a week, and they’re not going to let any outside distractions get to them. It’s making plans for the future, and that’s all that he wants right now.
(Some would call it baseball mating season, and while he doesn’t plan on them reproducing anytime soon, they can sure as hell practice.)
They get a call that David and Mary Margaret are nearly there when Emma is showing him some of the lighthouses while using a ridiculous voice that she calls her “tour guide” voice, so they quickly gather their things and start walking back to Ruth’s car since she absolutely cannot wait to see the rest of her family and refuses to have them be at her house before she can get back to her house.
David and Mary Margaret get there first because they are apparently the fastest drivers on the planet today.
And Leo practically tackles Ruth in all of his ten-year-old glory when he sees her.
That’s how Addy and Lucy are with Elsa’s parents too, and Killian imagines that being a grandparent is a hell of a lot of fun since you aren’t in charge of molding a little person into a functioning human being. You just have to give them candy and all of the things their parents don’t want them to have.
Or, at least, that’s what he thinks Ruth does.
(That’s what he does as an uncle and wishes his mom could have done as a grandmother.)
They all eat takeout dinner together from an Italian place that Emma and David swear by, and while it’s certainly not the best thing he’s ever had to eat, it’s pretty damn good. Then again, he’s had so much to eat today that his stomach very well may explode soon. He’ll have to get up and go for a jog in the morning.
But right now, it’s a little past ten at night, he’s been up for over eighteen hours, and all he really wants is to sleep. His body is dragging enough that he imagines he’ll have no trouble falling into a slumber as soon as his head hits the pillow.
He’s wrong.
Because then he sees Emma’s teenage bedroom and sees just how empty it is. It’s absolutely nothing like her apartment in New York full of throw pillows and blankets and every artificial plant known to man with a colorful paintings above her headboard. Everything here is rather…beige.
Emma walks out of the bathroom where she’s been getting ready for bed, and he watches as she rubs lotion up and down her hands and her forearms. “Why that glum look on your face? Are you still trying to figure out better ways to argue with David over soccer? Because that dinner conversation is long over. I thought Leo was going to climb on top of the table and start beating on his chest or something equally ridiculous.”
“Hm, no,” Killian chuckles, opening his knees so that Emma can step into them and his hands can find their spots on her waist, warm flesh against his fingertips.
“Then what?”
He blinks up at her, not entirely sure if now is the right time to ask, but then he sees the glint of his mom’s ring falling against Emma’s chest and is reassured in who he is to Emma. “I can’t help but notice that your room here is not quite as colorful as your room at home.”
Emma sighs, and he squeezes her hip in response so that she looks down at him and smile. “It’s kind of a stupid reason. You don’t want to hear about it.”
“I’d love to know more of your beginnings, Swan.”
“Haven’t you heard enough about them today?”
“There is never enough information, love.”
She smiles and reaches to push his hair back off of his head, her hands a magic touch as they move through the strands there. “I’m not a sentimental person. Or, I wasn’t.” Her right hand leaves his hair to find the chain around her neck. Killian’s heart stutters at that movement. “And I never trusted that I was going to stay in one place for very long, so if I had the chance to decorate my room, I didn’t. I kept everything I owned in a little box that was always ready to go.”
His heart may actually break for Emma in this moment, the sad reality of what she’s telling him something that’s hard for him to take in. He can’t imagine what it must be like for her to have lived that way.
“I think this place worked out for you, though.”
“Yeah, it did.” She smiles again, but Killian can see the twinge of sadness in the corners of her lips. “You sure you still want to know about these beginnings of mine when they’re a little bit sad?”
“Like I’ve said before, love, we make quite the team, sad backstories and all. I do, however, think that you need a little something on these walls of yours.”
“I think all of the home décor stores may be closed.”
Killian winks. “Well, I think I’ll just have to get a little creative then.”
His hand slides around her back to squeeze her ass before he’s pushing Emma back from him and getting up from the bed to walk out the door. Everything is darkened with the lights turned off, and since he doesn’t want to wake up everyone else in the house, he uses the flashlight on his phone and quietly walks down the stairs to find his way to the kitchen where he knows there were sheets of paper in the printer as well as a few pens in a cup right behind it. Emma is on his heels, questioning what the hell it is he’s doing, but he doesn’t tell her until he’s grabbing the paper and a thick blue marker.
“What are you doing?” Emma hisses.
“I’m making you some artwork for your wall.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“It’s endearing.”
“You say that about every weird thing that you do.”
“Because the weird things are endearing,” he corrects, looking back at her and smiling. “What kind of drawing do you want? I’m pretty talented, if I do say so myself, but it’s been awhile since I’ve drawn anything.”
“Just…do whatever you want. I’m going to fix myself a hot chocolate. Do you want one?”
“Does Ruth have any tea?”
“I’m going to make you the hot chocolate. It’s better than tea.”
Killian rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t protest as he starts sketching out what he can remember of the view of the lighthouse today. It’s rough, definitely not his best work, but considering his original plan was simply going to be writing her name out, it’ll have to do for quick work.
Strange things happen when he’s far past tired.
“Milady,” Killian sighs, picking up the paper as well as a bit of tape before walking the few steps toward Emma as she sits on a barstool at the island with two cups of hot chocolate, her mug piled up with whipped cream and sprinkles of cinnamon, “I present to you your artwork for your wall.”
Emma’s eyes glance over it before glancing up at him with a slight smile on her face. “You’ve got to sign it.”
He taps the corner of the paper where he’s scribbled in his number. “Already done.”
“Ah,” Emma laughs, “how could I have missed that?”
“You were distracted by the beauty of the picture.”
“Exactly.” Emma presses up over the countertop and leans forward to quickly brush her lips over Killian’s, and while a part of him wants to deepen it, he doesn’t want to get carried awhile while here. “Thank you. That is very sweet of you to do.”
“Endearing, right?”
“Sure.” She shakes her head and slides his mug over to him so that he can have some of his hot chocolate. “I hope today hasn’t scarred you for life, especially since you still have to survive tomorrow.”
“It’s been fun, Swan. I’ve been…I think it’s gotten me majorly out of my own head. I needed that. And I liked getting to see you be so happy. My only complaint is that I’m under strict instructions not to make your bed squeak. I don’t like that rule.”
Emma reaches over to slap his shoulder, but he moves it out of the way quick enough that she doesn’t get it. It also causes a slight twinge in his shoulder that reminds him that he needs an ice pack for tonight. He hasn’t gotten to put ice on it all day. So, he turns toward the fridge and opens up the freezer, grabbing one of Ruth’s ice packs, and placing it on top of his shoulder before turning back to Emma whose fingers are tracing over the drawing.
Emotion lodges in his throat again, something that’s been happening quite a lot tonight, and it’s what propels him forward to step behind Emma’s back and wrap his arms around her stomach before resting his chin on top of her head.
“I’m not going anywhere, Emma,” he promises, meaning every word. “Not unless you tell me to go. So, you can plan on hanging paintings and making plans and keeping little trinkets in more places than a box. I love you more than I know how to tell you. That’s not going to change.”
Emma audibly sighs, something that he feels under the palms of his hands, before leaning back into Killian and simply staying in that spot so that he can breathe her in.
“I love you,” she breathes out as her head tilts up so that her lips can move across the underside of his jaw. “Let’s take the hot chocolate upstairs and go to bed.”
“And your picture?”
“Yeah, that too.”
Killian’s arm tingles, the feeling nearly gone, when he wakes up in the morning and finds Emma’s body pressed around it. This isn’t how they fell asleep, not even close, and he’ll probably never have use of his arm again. It doesn’t seem to matter, though, and he flexes his fingers a bit before nuzzling his nose into the back of Emma’s head in an attempt to get to go back to sleep.
They were up until maybe two in the morning talking, sleep never really coming to either of them no matter how much they both wanted it, and judging from the dim light coming through the blinds on the window, it’s still early yet.
He desperately needs coffee. He’s probably not going to be able to go back to sleep, and he desperately needs coffee.
Slowly, Killian begins to extract his arm from Emma’s grip, stopping when she flinches, and after several careful minutes, he’s able to quietly get off the bed and step out of the room, leaving her door cracked so as not to make any kind of noise. He walks down the hallway and uses the guest bathroom before walking down the stairs and wandering to the kitchen in search of coffee.
To his surprise, David is already there sitting at the kitchen table with his laptop open and a cup of coffee sitting next to him, the smell wafting toward Killian.
“Hey,” Killian greets. David nearly jumps out of his chair and knocks everything over, and Killian can’t help but laugh at the shock on his face. “Did you really not hear me coming down the stairs?”
“I, uh, I – ” David is stuttering, obviously at a loss for words, and Killian can’t quite figure out what’s going on. He doesn’t think Dave is usually this flustered in the mornings. “I wasn’t expecting you or Emma to be up this early.”
Killian shakes out his arm, still trying to wake it up. “Believe me. I wish I wasn’t up. Do you always work this early in the morning on a Saturday?”
“No, I don’t, but my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing with emails this morning, so I came downstairs to see so it wouldn’t wake Mary Margaret up.”
“Ah, I turned off my emails this weekend for that exact reason.”
“You probably shouldn’t have done that.”
“What’s that, mate?” David coughs in response, and Killian steps forward to the table and sits down across from David, confusion running through him as his stomach twists and turns. “Seriously. What?”
David can’t look at him, not really, and that doesn’t help calm any of Killian’s nerves as he tries to figure out what in the world is going on with him this morning.
“I didn’t know this was happening, I swear. I’d have stopped it if I got one whiff of it, but there’s been an article.”
“An article?”
David turns his computer around, and Killian reads a headline that he’s always expected to see and yet has always hoped to avoid.
The Truth Behind Killian Jones: A Story Told by His Father.
“Fucking hell,” he murmurs, his eyes taking in the picture of his father that’s plastered on the screen. Killian hasn’t seen him in years, actual years, and yet he looks exactly the same. “What kind of shit is this?”
“It gets worse.”
“How could it possibly get worse?”
“Look at the journalist.”
Killian’s eyes glance toward the screen again, his gaze finding more words he didn’t want to see.
Walsh Osborne.
As in Emma’s ex, Walsh Osborne who she still works with at ESPN. Though, this article is decidedly not on ESPN’s website.
Holy fucking shit.
Killian’s got to go back to bed. This isn’t real. This is all some kind of messed up nightmare that he’s experiencing, and soon, he’ll wake up and none of it will be real. And yet Killian keeps scrolling through the article, skipping the words to instead look at pictures of himself that Killian hasn’t seen in years. His father shouldn’t have these pictures. Liam should have all of them. And yet, somehow, he doesn’t.
Childhood pictures are nothing, though, at least for right now, when at the bottom of the article are pictures of Killian and Emma standing in the airport yesterday with Emma’s arms wrapped around his waist as well as a picture of them kissing in his car from who knows when. Then there’s one that he knows is from the hallways of Yankee stadium in what was supposed to be a private room.
“Everyone knows about you and Emma,” David tells him. 
This is too much. It’s all too much, and he doesn’t know how to handle the reappearance of his father and the very public reveal of his private relationship.
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