#surely this won't backfire in any way whatsoever
daz4i · 1 year
besties i'm gonna be honest for a sec. things are not good 👍
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ridiasfangirlings · 6 months
Yata trying to convince Saruhiko to eat vegetables and other spices by letting him make the food without them. Saruhiko does so, and feels disgusted with the appearance and taste of the food. (He still won't eat vegetables.)
Honestly I’m not sure this would work, Fushimi is known to like bland things so he would probably be like ‘perfect, just as I like it.’ Imagine Yata is getting fed up with Fushimi always complaining and refusing to eat his vegetables, Fushimi says it isn’t his fault that they taste bad. Yata doesn’t even understand how Fushimi can live like this, like you know food is supposed to taste good, it’s supposed to have flavors, you’re not supposed to just eat meat and snacks. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says his nutrition needs are being met so there’s no problem, Yata’s like you don’t get to say that when anyone can tell at a glance that you’re seriously unhealthy. 
Yata decides if Fushimi’s going to be that way he’ll just turn the tables and see how Saruhiko likes really bland food. The next time he makes Fushimi a meal Yata makes sure to use absolutely nothing that would enhance any flavor whatsoever — not just vegetables but no sauces besides the bare minimum needed for cooking, no spices, not even the usual pineapple. He offers it to Fushimi and Fushimi is like good you’re learning. He starts to eat and at first Yata thinks that this backfired, like does Saruhiko really like his food this bland. Then Yata notices that Fushimi is eating awfully slow and keeps making faces with every bite and Yata gets hopeful, maybe it worked after all. Finally Fushimi’s like ‘Misaki…’ and Yata’s all ‘yeah?’, hoping Fushimi will admit he’d like some vegetables. Fushimi takes another slow bite and then grudgingly says ‘…next time you can put the pineapple in.’ Yata groans all not just pineapple, you need vegetables, vegetables! Fushimi just says ‘pineapple’ and Yata facepalms all you are impossible you know.
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flightfoot · 3 years
What’s the Best Miraculous Fanfic you’ve read? If you can’t narrow it down to one can you narrow it down to a couple? Like fanfics you still go back and read.
So starting off is a one-shot of the single funniest reveal I've ever seen.
Why Marinette Needs A Lock On Her Door by Ricardian Scholar Clark-Weasley: Alya and Nino walk into on the blindfolded Marichat trope and immediately assume the worst. Adrien and Marinette's attempt to explain only make things worse and Plagg is absolutely no help whatsoever. Neither is Tikki really.
Seriously, I busted a gut reading this one. Adrien and Marinette are both fumbling for believable excuses and coming up empty.
Won't Tell A Soul and its sequel, The Weight of Jade, by @thelastpilot sold me on the Guardian!Nino idea:Nino accidentally runs head long into the biggest most stressful secret he can imagine, but now that he knows the truth about Marinette he is determined to help her in any way he can.
Chapters 8 and 9 I've reread REPEATEDLY. Nino's shipping Ladrien and trying to make sure Chat doesn't interfere, and Chat's just touched his friend thinks so highly of him as Adrien. Also Nino freaking out when he learns the full extent of the Lovesquare is PERFECT.
Scarlet Fever by @chronicallylatetotheparty :Papillon Écarlate has managed the impossible. He's akumatized Marinette. Now with an army of supervillains and no Ladybug to stop him victory seems inevitable. Unless Adrien can stop him. But will he be enough when his own mentor doubts him?
It's an AWESOME fic, particularly for its action sequences, something most Miraculous fics aren't great with. Also just a lot of Adrien being badass, while still being himself.
Gabriel's Big Mistake by LilacEnthusiast and Mr_BlackCat: Gabriel makes a bad decision, and it backfires horribly. Shenanigans ensue.
It's not very well-known, unfortunately, but it's funny and serious at the same time. Gabriel performs a ceremony to try and obtain more power, but accidentally ends up turning himself into a butterfly, discovering that butterflies can't write very well, getting his wings shredded by a bird, and subsequently becoming Nino's pet butterfly, Subwoofer, who he brings to akuma support meetings and who Marinette knits tiny hats for.
Ghost of You by its_just_iori is my favorite sadfic: It finally happened. The akuma attacked at the wrong time. They weren't prepared. For the first time, there was a casualty. Someone was killed. Marinette doesn't care that her identity was exposed to the world; she can't stop blaming herself for what happened. If only she'd been ready... if only she'd done more... There's nothing for Adrien to say. There's nothing he can do other than stay by her side and help her through this pain.
It's not very long - under 2000 words - but it's beautiful. It's got a twist ending which I thought was executed really well.
Hope you like these recs! I tried to pick fics that weren't too terribly long, since those can get intimidating. Plus, I don't reread super-long fics very often.
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All I can see when I saw this was from Pet sementary
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OH~ I just love backfire angst.
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I'm glad you brought up Pet Sematary, Tia :))) I'm sure it won't come up in any way whatsoever :))))) this is just a normal fic :))))))))))
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shaylybaby2032 · 5 years
Foolish Hearts
Rated: NSFW/18+
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Gabriel x OFC
Warnings: Smut, fluff
Word count: 9,511
A/N: Please do not copy my work to any platform without my permission, even if giving credit.
Summary: Audrey stops in for a visit with Sam, Dean, and her favorite Archangel on April Fool's Day. Pranks backfire and feelings are called out. Will Audrey and Gabriel be able to come out on the other side of this holiday with each other or will they foolishly let love slip through their fingers?
Audrey had known the Winchesters for years, and the friendship she had built with the two men meant the world to her. When Castiel, Gabriel, and Jack had joined the family it just seemed to make things complete. She loved each of them dearly, however the life of a hunter kept her time occupied. She didn't get to see them anywhere near as much as she would have liked, save for Gabriel, who liked to pop up to check on her often wherever she may be.
Those times when he would randomly show up and jump into whatever it was that she was doing, whether it be a hunt or just hanging out in some no star motel watching bad TV, always made her smile. Aside from some playful flirting, that she knew was just Gabriel being Gabriel, he had never shown any interest in her other than friendship. Still, she couldn't help the flutter that happened in her heart when he looked at her with those mesmerizing golden eyes of his and smiled at her with that turn of his lips that showcased his dimples. She couldn't stop from melting just a little when he called her one of the pet names he had seemed to reserve just for her.
She always made sure to keep those feelings locked down deep. Her friendship with the Archangel meant way too much to her to ruin it by revealing her feelings to him, especially when she knew he did not feel the same way about her. How could he? Why would an Archangel have any interest in her whatsoever?
Audrey's dark blue eyes lit up as she pulled up to the front of the bunker the Winchester brothers called home. The younger of the two was standing outside waiting on her with an excited smile on his face. She placed her vehicle in park and shut off the engine as she tucked a few errant strands of her chestnut brown hair behind her ear. A bright smile overtook her face as she turned to see Sam already opening the door for her.
“Sam!!!” Audrey squealed as she jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around his midsection.
“It's great to see you, Audrey!” he replied as he returned her sentiment, winding his arms around her tightly.
As they pulled away from one another, she shut her door and he slung his arm around her shoulders.
“So what brings you our way?” Sam asked as he guided her toward the bunker’s entrance.
“Had a case in Colorado. Couldn't resist swinging by to see my boys on the way out.”
“Well, we are all really happy you're here. Though, you may have picked a bad time.”
She looked up at him with a furrowed brow. “What do you mean?”
“Tomorrow is April Fool's Day,” he stated simply. “You know how Dean and Gabe get.”
“Oh, Gabe is here?” she asked, trying to sound nonchalant about the subject.
Truth be told, she knew exactly what day it was, and that it meant her favorite Trickster Archangel would be around plotting out his pranks on the eldest Winchester.
“Yeah, he's here,” Sam confirmed, an annoyed look taking over his features. “They are both already paranoid of each other. Cas took Jack on a road trip to get away from it.”
Audrey laughed happily as she took in her friend's expression. “We'll get through it together, Sam!”
“Yeah, you say that now. But wait until you get pulled into one of their pranks!”
The two continued chatting as they entered the bunker and made their way to the kitchen where Dean was taking a beer from the refrigerator. When he turned and saw them he smiled widely and crossed the room to hug Audrey.
“It's been too long!” Dean said as he pulled away and started toward the fridge again. “You want a beer?”
“Sure, that would be great!” Audrey said as she moved to lean against the counter in the middle of the kitchen and rested her elbows on the surface, clasping her hands together.
Sam mimicked her actions, placing himself next to her as Dean retrieved two more drinks from the fridge and brought them over. The three of them stood gathered around the kitchen island catching up on what had happened in their lives since the last time they had seen each other. As Audrey was telling the brothers, rather animatedly, about her last hunt, Gabriel quietly walked into the kitchen.
The Archangel had had every intention of greeting her when he walked through the doorway, that was, before he saw her fully engrossed in the conversation she was having. He loved how expressive she was when she was talking about something she was passionate about, and he could watch her do so all day. The way her eyes sparkled, how her body moved with the emotion she was conveying, and the grin that stayed on her lips always had him transfixed. He recalled the last time they had been together, less than a week prior, when he had listened to her talk for two hours about her love of theatre, egging her on with questions when it started to look like she was second guessing herself on talking about the subject in the first place.
Gabriel leaned his shoulder against the door jam with an adoring smile etched into his features as she mimicked stabbing the wraith she had been talking about with a silver blade. The action had caused her to turn and catch a glimpse of the Archangel watching her intently. She stopped mid sentence as her eyes lit up and her smile grew. Seeing how happy his presence had made her made his heart stutter.
“Gabe!!!” she cried exuberantly as she ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him like she hadn't seen him in a year.
“Hey, Sugar!” he greeted as he wrapped his own arms around her middle.
The display of affection lasted much longer than the quick hugs she had given Sam and Dean, long enough that both brothers turned to each other with knowing grins on their faces. Both knew that the two of them had ceased to exist for the moment in their friends’ worlds. They let them continue for a bit more before Dean cleared his throat, causing them to break away from one another and reluctantly turn their attention back to the brothers with both of their cheeks holding a tint of pink.
“Geez you two, get a room!” Dean teased, not being able to resist furthering the embarrassment in both of his friends’ posture.
“Dean!” Sam half scolded, failing to hide his smile.
“Sam, do you think you could take a look at my laptop?” Audrey said quickly, nervously trying to change the subject. “It's been acting kinda screwy lately.
“Sure,” Sam replied with a chuckle. “Where is it?”
“In my car. I'll go get it!”
She hurriedly turned and almost sprinted out of the room with the younger Winchester following her, still quietly laughing to himself. Gabriel watched as they left, trying to bury his annoyance with Dean for his remark.
“So,” Dean started, pulling the Archangel's attention to him once more, “are you finally going to tell her?”
“Tell her what?” Gabriel said, raising a speculative eyebrow and crossing his arms over his chest.
Dean rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. “That you got a thing for her.”
Gabriel's mouth dropped open in surprise. He had thought he had kept his feelings for Audrey on the down low, burying them deep so they wouldn't interfere with their friendship. He loved being able to come around her whenever he wanted to see her. She was always so happy to see him and they always had fun together. No sense in ruining that by telling her he wanted more than friendship with her when he was certain she didn't feel the same.
“What?!” he stammered. “Dean, I don't...that's not...we're just friends!”
The Winchester barked out a laugh at his lame attempt at deflection. “Is that the best you got?”
Gabriel glowered at him.
“Come on, Gabe! You are so not subtle! You hate hunting. Hell, we have to practically beg you or be near death for you to help us on a case. Yet, you are willing to walk into any hunt with her. Not to mention, she told me about your date.”
“What date?!” Gabriel demanded. “We didn't go on a date!”
“Yeah, she claimed it wasn't one either,” Dean said with a sly smile. “But what else do you call sitting through a four hour performance of Hamlet for a girl in a tiny little black box theatre when you don't even like Shakespeare? Oh! And then there was the dinner you took her to beforehand when you don't even eat. Sounds like a date to me, man.”
“It wasn't a date!” The Archangel exclaimed defensively. “Hamlet is her favorite Shakespeare play and she was having a really bad week! I just wanted to see her smile!”
Dean's grin widened in triumph. “Exactly my point. You should tell her how you feel. She did come all this way to see you. Least you can do is meet her half way.”
“She didn't come here to see me! She's here to see you and Sam!”
Dean's brow raised in disbelief. “You really think she didn't know you were going to be here given our traditions with April first? I'll admit that Sam and I are a bonus, but she's here cause she knew you would be here.”
Gabriel didn't even want to think about what the possibility of her being at the bunker just to see him did to him. He pushed down the fluttering in his stomach and scoffed at the edler Winchester. “Whatever, Dean. It's just not like that.”
Dean pursed his lips, contemplating his next move. “So...you won't mind if I make a move then?”
“WHAT?!” A turbulent mix of anger, jealousy, and anxiety had the Archangel's stomach turning.
“Well, I mean, you're not interested and Audrey's hot. Besides that, she's just an all around awesome chick. Might be fun.”
Gabriel's mind was racing so fast he wasn't sure what to say. Was Dean serious?! He wouldn't! Would he? Would she? No! She wasn't interested in either of the brothers like that! He was sure of that! Well... mostly sure. She had never mentioned any interest at least. Of course, Gabriel tended to avoid the topic of her being with anyone like the plague. The thought of her hooking up with some random guy shot feelings through him, much like the ones he was feeling for Dean right now, and from the self satisfied smirk on the Winchester's face, he knew exactly what he was doing.
The Archangel and the hunter stayed locked in their staring contest until they heard the steel door of the front entrance open and close. Audrey and Sam’s muffled voices filtered through to the kitchen. Dean's grin suddenly turned wicked and he took off in the direction of the library where he knew his brother would take Audrey's computer to work on it. Gabriel was quickly on his heels and they both skidded into the library almost stumbling over each other. Sam and Audrey looked up from the table they were seated at to look at the pair quizzically. Dean quickly recovered from his almost fall and sauntered over to the woman sitting with his brother.
“Hey Audrey,” he started, flopping down in the chair next to her, “you wanna go out and grab a drink with me tonight?”
Audrey's brows knitted together in confusion, her shoulders tensing a little at how he had phrased the question. “Just you?”
“NO!” Gabriel bit out before Dean could answer. When three sets of shocked eyes turned his way, he reeled in his reaction. When next he spoke, there was a much cooler exterior to his tone. “I mean, he's asking if you want to go with us...all of us.”
Audrey turned to Sam, who seemed to have as much of a clue about what was going on as she did. A thought finally occurred to her and she turned to look at the two with stern eyes.
“I swear to God you two!” she warned. “You better not be pulling me into this dumb prank war! Sam told me about the glitter breathing dragon in the bathroom Gabe snapped up last year!”
“Gabriel is under a strict no Archangel powered pranks rule this year,” Sam chimed in, narrowing his eyes at the now grinning angel.
“Oh, lighten up!” Gabriel said. “It wasn't real, and you gotta admit: Dean's face was priceless.”
Audrey couldn't help the laugh that bubbled from her mouth as she thought about Dean walking into the bathroom for his morning shower and coming face to face with a dragon that looked like it was plucked straight out of the movie Dragonheart, thinking he was about to be roasted, only to be hit in the face with a shower of brightly colored rainbow glitter. However, she missed the swell of bashful pride that washed over Gabriel at her appreciation for his prank.
“Yeah, yeah,” Dean said in dismissal. “It was a good one. Even I have to admit that. Either way, there are rules this year that Sam and Cas made us both agree to, one of them being that the war can't commence until it is officially April first.” Dean moved to put an arm around Audrey's shoulders. “So, whaddya say? You game for a night out, Sugar?”
Gabriel had to fight back his grace from flaring in his eyes as anger coursed through him at Dean using one of his pet names for her. He desperately wanted to go over and rip his arm from her.
“Don't call me ‘Sugar,’” Audrey chided as she narrowed her eyes at the elder Winchester. “Only he's allowed to call me that.” She inclined her head in Gabriel's direction as she spoke.
“Sorry,” Dean replied quickly as he slipped his arm away.
Audrey relaxed at his apology and stood from the table. “Yeah, I'm up for going out. Just give me time to shower and change.”
Dean nodded and she moved to exit the room with Gabriel smirking in triumph as he watched her leave.
Continue reading here:
If you've read this far, THANK YOU! Also, if there is a well versed Tumblr fanfic author that knows their way around posting to here and wouldn't mind talking me through a few things, I would really appreciate it. I'm having a few issues.
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