#surveillance use marvellous technologies
How do private investigator surveillance experts use top-notch tools?
Private investigation is a witty field, so to stay ahead, you need to take the measured step. Most importantly, the investigating companies must rely on the top-notch surveillance technology. They need to gather information that is precise and accurate. For that, private investigator surveillance is a must. Therefore, let's see what cutting-edge tools are generally used.
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Using high-definition cameras and video recorders
Well the private investigator surveillance use marvellous technologies. In that regard, high-end discreet and compact cameras no doubt steal the show. They help the investigator to get a precise, detailed picture of the whereabouts. They offer the most accurate and best footage of the objects. Also, capture other activities in detail irrespective of the distance, lighting condition, or challenging ambience.
The investigator relies on GPS trackers for correct information
The private investigator surveillance professionals always use GPS, which is one of the vital modern surveillance tools. These devices can be placed secretly in the personal assets or vehicle to track the whereabouts of the suspected individual. The best part is that you can get accurate time information on the activities and behaviour here.
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Drone Technology is quite an indispensable equipment
When it comes to private investigator surveillance, of course, the contributions of drones are undeniable. With this, you can get the aerial footage and perform supervision. Basically, drones have inbuilt high-resolution cameras fit on the tip that gives advanced insights into the detailed view of the subject's location.
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Final Talk
Thus, these are some of the best facts about the private investigator  surveillance providing company. They also conduct tscm sweep as well.
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anemoiashifts · 4 months
humanizing your desired reality.
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made one of these months ago on tiktok so im remastering it for here (˵•̀⤙•́˵)૭
harry potter ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ getting up early for class.
✧ working with dangerous objects / spells.
✧ navigating schools layout.
✧ living beside a forest with potentially dangerous beings.
✧ school being linked to multiple (students) deaths.
✧ pulling all nighters to study for exams & homework.
✧ being separated from non-magic folk.
✧ seemingly strict with large punishment.
marvel ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ putting life at risk.
✧ unreliable scheduling.
✧ seeing friends, family & people getting injured.
✧ the balancing of two lives.
✧ always feeling like something is coming / something always being after you.
✧ lack of (openness in) therapy
✧ inability to open up without endangering loved ones.
supernatural ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ endangering self & others.
✧ survivors guilt.
✧ lack of permanent home & space — always moving & traveling.
✧ little to no personal space.
✧ little time to mourn d3ath.
✧ being on call 24/7
✧ little sense of security or safety.
hunger games ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ being exposed to death & violence so young.
✧ starvation & dehydration.
✧ weaponizing your loved ones.
✧ physical & emotional stress / trauma.
✧ possible imposture syndrome.
✧ heavy surveillance, always being watched.
✧ never being able to predict what's going to happen.
✧ never being able to 100% trust the people around you.
the walking dead ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ never knowing when "the end" is coming.
✧ injury, infection.
✧ watching yourself & others deteriorate & not being able to do anything about it.
✧ abandoning your home & shelter.
✧ lack of stable / scarce food & water supply.
✧ the smell.
✧ discomfort of bodily horror.
stranger things ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ the stigma of therapy / asking for help.
✧ dealing with virtually unknown creatures.
✧ knowingly endangering yourself on your own or simply by association.
✧ fear of the unknown.
✧ the feeling of "never ending" & not knowing what else is coming.
✧ managing school onto of saving the world.
✧ the adjustment of not having modern technology
american horror story ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
— mixture of / general for all seasons
✧ never knowing what's coming.
✧ having to cope with supernatural.
✧ never truly being alone.
✧ possibly never getting answers.
✧ not being believed.
✧ loved ones / friends turning against you.
✧ lack of evidence.
✧ people dismissing your experiences.
✧ dying & being attached to a space, never allowing you to leave.
✧ bodily horror.
fame dr ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
✧ constantly having eyes on you, being judged.
✧ lack of privacy.
✧ social pressure.
✧ stalkers & paparazzi.
✧ not being able to do things that you're used to — target shopping, out to dinner , going on vacation — without attracting groups of people.
✧ being a safety hazard.
✧ being seen as a character or brand instead of a person.
✧ lack of free time.
✧ words being twisted.
✧ little sympathy towards you, dismissal of problems.
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visit-new-york · 1 year
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Has the Brooklyn Bridge ever undergone significant renovations?
The Brooklyn Bridge, an iconic symbol of New York City, stands as a testament to engineering brilliance and architectural marvel. Since its completion in 1883, the bridge has played a crucial role in connecting the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, witnessing the evolution of the cityscape over the decades. In its long and storied history, the Brooklyn Bridge has indeed undergone significant renovations to ensure its structural integrity and adapt to the changing needs of a bustling metropolis.
Initial Construction:
Designed by renowned engineer John A. Roebling and completed by his son Washington Roebling, the Brooklyn Bridge was a groundbreaking feat of engineering in its time. However, even with its sturdy construction, the bridge needed to adapt to the increasing demands of a rapidly growing city.
Early Renovations:
In the early 20th century, several renovations were undertaken to enhance the bridge's stability and accommodate the ever-increasing vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The original wooden walkway was replaced with a more durable concrete surface, and the bridge's cables and support structures were reinforced to meet modern safety standards.
Mid-20th Century Upgrades:
As the mid-20th century dawned, the Brooklyn Bridge faced another wave of renovations. The emergence of automobiles as a dominant mode of transportation prompted the need for wider lanes and reinforced roadways. The bridge's signature Gothic towers underwent meticulous restoration to preserve their historic charm while ensuring they could withstand the test of time.
1980s Rehabilitation:
In the 1980s, the Brooklyn Bridge underwent a comprehensive rehabilitation project to address the effects of wear and tear from decades of heavy use and exposure to the elements. The project included the replacement of deteriorating stones, repainting of the bridge's steel components, and the installation of modern lighting to enhance visibility and safety.
Post-9/11 Precautions:
In the aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001, the Brooklyn Bridge, like many other landmarks, became a focus of heightened security measures. The city implemented additional safety features, including surveillance systems and increased police presence, to safeguard this critical piece of infrastructure.
Contemporary Maintenance:
Even in the 21st century, ongoing maintenance is crucial to preserving the Brooklyn Bridge for future generations. Regular inspections, repairs, and technological upgrades ensure that the bridge continues to serve as a vital transportation link while retaining its iconic status.
The Brooklyn Bridge stands not only as a physical link between boroughs but also as a symbol of resilience and adaptability. Over the years, the bridge has undergone significant renovations to keep pace with the evolving needs of a dynamic city. From its initial construction in the 19th century to the comprehensive rehabilitation efforts of the 1980s and the ongoing maintenance in the present day, the Brooklyn Bridge remains a testament to the commitment of New Yorkers to preserve their heritage and ensure the safety of this architectural masterpiece.
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asma-al-husna · 5 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Baari’ — The Originator, The Maker, The Evolver— on three ocassions in the Quran. He is the One who creates form out of nothing. Al-Baari’ creates with no model or similarity and evolves that which is in perfect proportion and harmony without any fault!
The Originator, The Producer, The Inventor
Baari’ comes from the root baa-raa-hamza which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to create and to form out of nothing and the second is to evolve, using pre-existing matter. The third main meaning is to be individual and free and clear from another, and from fault and blemish.
This root appears 31 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms. Examples of these forms are tabarra’a (“will disown”), baraa’atun (“is an exemption”), baree’un (“free”), and al-bariyyati (“(of) the creatures”).
Linguistically, scholars mentioned two concepts related to the root ba-ra-‘a: bari’a, which means to be free from or distant from something and baree’a, which means creation. In the context of Allah ‘azza wajal Al-Baari’means He is the Creator, the Originator, the Inventor who distinguished all creatures from each other by their detailed characteristics!
Al-Baari’ Himself says: He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names [Quran, 59:24] and . . . That is best for [all of] you in the sight of your Creator. [Quran, 2:54
The fly in the Quran
Allah al-Baari’ makes a parable: O mankind! Here is an example for your understanding, so listen to it carefully. Those deities whom you call besides Allah, cannot create a single fly, even if they all combined their forces, rather, if a fly snatches away anything from them they cannot even get it back; how feebleminded are the suppliants and how powerless are those whom they supplicate! [Quran, 22:73]
Allah ‘azza wa jall revealed specific knowledge to the Prophet salalaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, for example in the field of science, and the believers must be certain this is truth. In this ayah Allah al-Baari’ is challenging anybody, including modern-day scientists, to make a fly and they are not able to. A fly is a complete living being with a tiny yet comprehensive flight management, guidance, and surveillance system without turbines or propellers— a marvellous nano-technological design.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Have firm confidence in al-Baari’.
Let this divine attribute of Allah ‘azza wa jall restore your confidence in times when modern science tries to divert you away from belief in a Creator. A Bedouin who lived in the desert and who expressed it most eloquently, when he was asked, How do you know your Lord? He said: If you see the camel dung you know that a camel has passed this way, and if you see a footstep you know that a person has passed this way, so the heaven with its stars and the earth with its mountain passes and the oceans with their high waves all point to the existence of the All-Hearing, All-Seeing. Let this inspire you in yaqeen (certainty) and faith.
2. Disassociate yourself from the bad.
Distance yourself (baraa’a) from the haraam and those who do bad, are corrupt, or cause mischief. But don’t stop there, distance yourself from bad first, then enjoin good and forbid evil. As a believer you should always be pro-active and strive for ehsaan (excellence) in whatever you do in society. Al-Baari’ said: Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma’rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful. [Quran, 3:104].
3. Know that everything besides Him is created.
The Messenger of Allah salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: There is no obedience to the creation, in disobedience to the Creator. Obedience is only in what is good. [al-Bukharee] Be very honest with yourself and look at how many occasions in your life you’ve actually tried to please the creation instead of pleasing al-Baari’. Then renew your intention (niyaa) to strive for the pleasure of Him only.
4. Ponder the creation of al-Baari’.
Look at the morning or evening sun, at tiny insects, flies, plants, and flowers. Study science and do so with the intention of pondering His creation. Also seek cure in the places Al-Baari’ revealed to His Prophet, for example by studying the book: Medicine of the Prophet by Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyah.
5. Spread the message.
Use your knowledge of this powerful name to give da’wah to those who do not believe in their Creator. Ayah 73 in Surah al-Hajj is an amazing example for you to use! The Messenger of Allah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali radiyallahu ‘anhu: If Allah guides a person through you, it is better for you than all that is on the earth. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Let this motivate you to daily carry out an act of dawah, from showing good manners to conveying even one ayah, as the smallest deeds can be part of Allah’s guidance of someone to Islam.
O Allah, Al-Baari’,we know that You create and form from nothing. Make us confident in our belief in You as the Originator of everything and let us worship you alone; guide us to obey You, distance ourselves from bad, enjoin good, and forbid evil. Help us ponder Your creations and appreciate Your power and greatness and give thanks to You, and maks us of those who carry the da’wah of Your Oneness to others in the best way, ameen!
And Allah knows best.
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Batman!Steve begins
Oh god, guys. I love Steve being Spider-Man (never enough of him, the fanarts, fanfictions, everything, please give me more), but have you forgotten about one very beautiful superhero possibility? Maybe someone already thought of this and I'm sorry if that's the case, but this fandom is a space rocket and I'm a measly slug sticking to its side.
Steve Harrington is Batman.
Big mansion? Check. A damaged rich boy? Check. A gaggle of crime-fighting children? Check. Let me tell you a story that was supposed to be a bunch of points but then my brain said no...
The Harringtons were an established family in Gotham and came from the old money. Steve was born as an only child, into a huge empty house. His parents loved him, considered him their pride an joy, but they were never around. Their love was less of the warm and cozy family time and more of an idealistic "let's make a difference in this city so our son has a better life" type. Their company invented and manufactured marvels of technology, surveillance and personal safety, in hopes that one day they could turn Gotham into a safe place. Steve knew they were good, admirable people, but it never made the loneliness easier.
He was young when they were killed, a robbery gone wrong, right in front of his eyes. He felt it was his fault, he still does - it was his birthday and he begged them to spend it with him for once, to take him to a movie theatre. He didn't really care where they'd go, he just wanted them to be present for him. To give him the most valuable gift of all - their time. And the first time he was given it, everything was over. The culprit ran away and left him standing there, in a pool of his parents' blood.
He couldn't make any sense of it, couldn't connect it in his head - how could such pure, wonderful, selfless people die, how those ideals, the limitless energy shrunk to two coffins, cold and impersonal. He thinks of the flowers his mother loved, the ones she grew in the botanical gardens in Gotham, in their garden too. She would have hated seeing them cut, laid on her grave, but nobody asked him. It wasn't a fair exchange - someone like him for his parents who spent their whole lives making a difference.
Steve just went through the motions for years. All the money in the world couldn't stave off the creeping loneliness and guilt. And just as he was about to snap, fall into the early teenage trap of drugs and alcohol, he was sent a guardian angel. Well, two of them.
Claudia Henderson used to cook for his parents and she never left her position, no matter how often Steve refused to eat, ignored her. She never pushed too hard, leaving the tray with food in his room without forcing him to eat, patiently waiting for him to come downstairs. "I'll be in the kitchen if you want to talk. Or if you want something else to eat, dear," she would always say and smile at him. His chest hurt at the maternal tone and it took weeks before he joined her. He'd stop on the top of the staircase, staring down and thinking how he didn't deserve that, didn't deserve her kindness. But every day he took another step and when he finally opened the door, half-convinced she'd be gone, that he took too long, he was met with her wide smiling face. "Hi there, Steve," she smiled and dusted off her apron. "Would you like some cocoa? It's getting chilly, the heating in this house is atrocious, I'll tell you."
The second guardian angel was Wayne Munson. The ever grumpy maintenance man seemed rough around the edges, almost crass, but he was just as kind as Claudia was. When he noticed Steve was holed up in his room all the time, he unceremoniously barged in and announced that Steve was becoming a man and rich or not, he'll have to know how to do stuff around the house. The first thing they ever did together was fix a leak in the attic and Steve watched as Wayne worked, fascinated. He handed him the tools he asked for, moved where Wayne directed him and when they were done, Wayne put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed, a comforting gesture he'd never known from his father. "Look at that, son," Wayne said and it took Steve a second to recognize he was smiling, a foreign expression on the man's face. "We did it. Not bad. Many people think when something's broken, you just toss it. Me, I like to think you just need to figure out how to fix it."
Steve's head slowly cleared with the help of his guardian angels. He mentioned to Claudia once that his mother loved flowers and that she would have hated how overgrown the garden became. The next day, she knocked on his door and when he opened it, he saw her standing there, smiling, gardening tools in her hands. She tossed him a pair of working gloves. "You should wear something old, dear," she told him, "we're going to get dirty."
Wayne sometimes took Steve to his other job, he worked part-time in a garage and fixed cars. Steve loved observing him, marveled at that skillful pair of hands. No matter how hopeless the car looked, Wayne always rolled up his sleeves, patted the hood of the car and turned to Steve. "Let's take a look how to get this girl running again, shall we?" Nothing seemed impossible when Wayne set his mind on it.
It was also Wayne who noticed Steve struggling to get his emotions out and suggested to force them if they feel like sitting inside his body - he found a few martial arts clubs in the city and wasn't even surprised to learn that Steve joined them all. And Steve wasn't just good - he excelled at all of them. There was so much rage and sorrow in him, but also discipline, fear of hurting someone after he'd cost this world his parents. The knuckles on his hands were often sore and bloodied from rigorous training, but the quiet in his head was so worth it.
But the greatest gifts his angels had given him weren't the flowers, the cocoa or the way to ease his restlessness. There were two more miracles that found their way into Steve's life, one from Claudia, one from Wayne.
Claudia often spoke about her son, Dustin. She loved him dearly and always worried when she had to be away from him for a longer time, she never told Steve any details, but apparently her husband wasn't the best father around. Steve learned so much about Dustin even though he never met him - he was apparently very smart, had a crazy number of hobbies and always tinkered with something or other. He loved radios and Claudia was certain he'd end up inventing something revolutionary. And when Steve met the kid, he immediately understood, he was full of promise and brightness that Steve never had. He was a few years younger than him, but he was smart and for some reason Steve couldn't identify, he found Steve worthy of his friendship. Steve gained a younger brother he never had.
The second miracle came into his life when he was fifteen. Wayne seemed troubled one day in the garage and, after Steve commented on how uncharacteristically clumsy Wayne was that day, the older man shared that his stupid brother got himself arrested for armed robbery (Steve's heart skips a beat when he hears that, fortunately the younger Munson didn't hurt anyone but what if...) and his nephew was coming to live with him now, but he lived in an one bedroom apartment, not enough space even for himself, not to mention for a teenage boy. He might need to take a day or two off, to figure out if and where to move. Without thinking, Steve offered the Harrington mansion. "It's not like most of the rooms are getting any use," he shrugged, trying to sound nonchalant about it, "and the trust is paying for the bills anyway. It will be no bother and you'll at least be able to save some more."
And just like that, Eddie moved in. He was sixteen, lean and dangerous looking, with unruly dark hair and even darker eyes. The beginnings of their relationship were rocky at best - Eddie saw Steve as a spoiled rich boy and Steve frowned at Eddie's petty crimes, wondering if it ran in his blood. It's not like they even tried to become friends, Eddie blared metal so loud the banister kept shaking along with the stairs and Wayne gradually ran out of apologies, but Steve didn't really care. Anything was better than the quiet or the pity.
They attended the same school, only a year apart, and Eddie ostentatiously avoided him in the halls. He started playing in a band with a few other students and made it his life's mission to piss off as many people as possible. Except it didn't pay off one time when he annoyed a group of jocks into waiting for him behind the gym. Steve saw their backs, saw a narrow passage, an unsuspecting man (no woman this time, no frightened child behind them) and his body moved on its own. Eddie's eyes were wide when Steve stepped in front of him and blocked a punch aimed at his cheek.
In the end, Steve had a split lip and a black eye, but Eddie was safe. When the jocks finally realized it wasn't worth it, that Steve was way more dangerous than he seemed, they dispersed and Steve slid down the wall, the fading adrenaline leaving his legs feeling like jelly. Through his labored breathing, he didn't hear Eddie walking towards him before he leaned into his personal space, touching his cheek to assess the damage. "Are you crazy, Harrington?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "The fuck made you do that?"
Steve shook his head, tried to get up and failed. "I didn't...you don't deserve this. Nobody does."
Eddie stared at him as if Steve grew a second head. "I don't? Even if I'm an asshole to you?" he asked, his tone teasing in spite of the serious look in his eyes.
Steve snorted and immediately regretted the decision, his chest hurt from a punch he failed to predict. Hard to keep track of them when it's five against one. He'd have to do better. "Even if you're an asshole," he smiled at Eddie and with the smile he received back, an invisible barrier shattered between them.
Eddie helped him up, slung Steve's arm over his shoulders and, as he was washing blood off Steve's face in the high school bathroom, joked that scars would make him look way more badass. "But don't worry, Stevie," he said, the name slipping through his lips with surprising ease, "a badass pretty boy is still a pretty boy in my book. It won't ruin your image."
They became inseparable from that point onwards. Eddie still blared metal all over the Harrington mansion, but this time Steve was with him in his room, yelling along the lyrics, arguing about their music taste. Eddie slowly openedup to Steve about his dad, about the life of crime, no home whatsoever, and Steve shared with Eddie how he watched his parents die, how guilty he feels every day for having all that he has. They still had their separate friend groups in school but when they came home, they would find each other, Eddie leaning against a spade and rambling about the most recent rock and metal releases while Steve tended to his mother's roses. Dustin often joined them and Steve gradually found himself smiling again, especially when Eddie and Dustin found shared love for Dungeons and Dragons. He had no idea what they talked about, but he enjoyed their heated discussions.
Some time later, Steve and Wayne convinced Claudia to move in the mansion with Dustin. She had been a single mother for some time now and the city became more and more dangerous, Wayne always had her call once she arrived back home, but the waiting never got easier. In the end, Dustin tipped the scales in favor of moving and with this final addition, the large house started feeling like home. Dustin and Eddie spent hours at the huge dining table planning campaigns full of adventure and magic and either there was something between Wayne and Claudia, or Wayne miraculously learned to iron his own shirts and scented them with lavender. A group of local kids, Dustin's friends, even started coming over for the campaigns, Eddie graduated and started working in the same garage as Wayne. Steve and Dustin went to the local college, both for engineering, as if their found family was more important than pursing anything and everything they could do. They even persuaded Eddie to take up come courses on music theory, his band was still small but Steve and Dustin attended every single show and raved about his voice and guitar skills. For a while, life was good.
And then it wasn't.
The crime wave gripping the city never relented. It might have evaded the Harrington household for a decade, but things changed when Steve turned twenty-three.
First, the man who killed his parents was finally found - and then set free for insufficient evidence. Steve remembered him, he would know his face anywhere, but the court didn't believe his testimony, he had been a child, a traumatized one, and there seemed to be something behind the curtain, pulling on the strings...
And just when Steve thought he'd explode with rage and guilt that never left, only slept underneath his skin, the garage where Wayne and Eddie worked got robbed. Not only robbed - Eddie was fortunately off for the day, but the intruder stabbed Wayne in the stomach as he was escaping with the money. The hours in the hospital were slow and painful, Claudia sobbing and holding Wayne's unmoving hand, Eddie as pale as a sheet of paper, Dustin bombarding the doctors with questions that had no answers.
Steve couldn't wait any longer, couldn't take the lawless cruelty of the city anymore. He hugged all of them before excusing himself, finding the most inconspicuous black clothes and a silly bat cowl bought for a planned Halloween party and slipping quietly into the night. He watched the security tape, memorizing the culprit's movements and if he ran the recording through a testing software of his parents', no, his company, who could blame him. Who could blame him for the other things he did that night.
The culprit was found beaten up and tied before the door to Gotham PD. Police commissioner Jim Hopper spoke harshly against vigilante justice in his speech for the media, but with his adoptive daughter often visiting the Harrington mansion and being dropped off home by Wayne, he might have privately admitted that he'd buy the vigilante a flask of finest whiskey if he ever met him.
In the end, Wayne survived, although his rehabilitation was slow and with a lot of hiccups. Dustin, Claudia and Eddie were too preoccupied with watching Wayne's every step to notice that Steve spent more time alone now, often disappearing in the night and coming back in the morning, dark circles under his eyes, suddenly only wearing long sleeves which sometimes failed to cover the bruises. His costume was well hidden from everyone, it was becoming more and more famous in Gotham's news. The media dubbed him Batman and he didn't really care. Eddie told him once that bats were really metal, whatever that meant, and showed him his newest tattoo. So yes, he didn't mind the name. Batman made him think of Eddie, of everything and everyone he cared for. He needed to keep them safe from the shadows.
Until the lack of maintenance betrayed Steve's secret. His window squeaked when he climbed into his room, still in the costume, and he must have underestimated how on edge both Dustin and Eddie were. They basically kicked the door in, armed with a candle holder and a small statue, both from the mansion's corridor. They all froze, staring at each other, and when Steve tried to explain himself, stumbled over words in terror that his family would judge him, Eddie shushed him and hugged Steve, firm and warm.
Steve never expected to hear the next words: "Let us help."
If they were inseparable before, now they were a single unit. Dustin was set up with a surveillance system rivaling the ones used by government agencies, guiding Steve on his night prowls. Eddie covered for Steve's absences and always stayed up until he returned, treating his wounds and taking notes of the weaknesses in his armor, his weaponry maintained Steve's ride of choice and was always ready to drop everything and pick Steve up if something went wrong. Which it often did.
There was an unspoken understanding between them - don't tell Claudia and Wayne. And when Steve explained to them, shaky and worried, that he wanted to bring people to justice but couldn't bring himself to kill anyone, he wanted to kill the man who took his parents from him, wanted to kill the man who hurt Wayne but could never follow through and now he was terrified of crossing that line, Eddie just nodded and whispered "I hate to admit this, but I'm so fucking glad you're saying that, Steve."
More would join later.
Robin, a dorky prodigy at the Harrington company who graciously covered for all the missing items and welcomed the challenge of adding experimental features to the set that definitely wasn't vigilante gear.
Nancy, an aspiring journalist who had a nose for crime. She and her partner in crime (or crime fighting) Jonathan collected anything and everything to expose the biggest players in Gotham's criminal underground and if they sometimes exchanged information with Batman and his mysterious comms person, it was for the benefit of all.
Their friend Argyle ran the most popular pizza place in Gotham, had ears everywhere and wasn't afraid to share any rumors that Batman might find interesting.
Commissioner Hopper who begrudgingly taped a plastic bat onto a reflector and when Steve showed up to investigate, he chuckled and muttered "well, that was easy." The trust didn't come immediately, but it was worth it.
The kids from the Dungeons and Dragons party grew up too and started pitching in.
The quiet artist Will drew designs for Steve's weapons and armor and spend hours arguing with Robin over how to find the perfect balance between making a non-lethal weapon and make it look like one.
Athletic Lucas planted trackers on the highest and most unreachable places in Gotham, utilizing his love for parkour.
His little sister Erica turned her interest in poisons from detective stories into experimentation with various antidotes.
Max studied optometry, the interest spurred by an eye condition she was treated for as a child, and threw herself into designing the most functional interface for Steve's visor, showing enough information to be useful but not impeding his range of vision.
Jane had almost a supernatural knack for identifying places of suspicious activity in the city. Most of it could be explained by her listening in to her dad's conversations, but sometimes she just pointed to a map and whispered "something is happening here. Something bad." They never doubted her.
Mike could find any and all clues in newspapers and court documents. Where he once used his creativity to craft stories for his friends, he was now meticulously focused on the tiniest hints, connecting nearly invisible dots until he uncovered the most obscure branches of criminal underground. His attention to detail was unparalelled.
Eddie asked Steve once why he chose the bat costume in the first place. Steve just smiled at him and said: "A guy I really respect told me once that bats are metal."
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liesmyteachertoldme · 1 month
You are the hero you've been waiting for.
Like clockwork, the WHO has just declared Monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern.”
Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to our rapidly declining world can see that we are headed for another (if not a series of) planned events. It will be fascinating to see how many Americans will submit this time around.
When we pulled back the curtain on COVID in 2020, few were ready to see what was being revealed. Today, most people have come to terms with the heartbreaking fact that we are the target of a very dark, anti-human, anti-nature, anti-family, and anti-God agenda. Those who have yet to see, don’t want to see. As they say, “ignorance is bliss.” What they don’t tell us is, blissful ignorance has an expiration date. Soon, even the mask wearers will be forced to see the harsh reality they’ve helped to create.
The question is, how bad does it have to get before we, the people, get off our asses and do something? Where are the men of this Nation? Where are the fathers? If you’re one of the few who have given your life to this historic moment, God bless you! If you’re one of the millions who have yet to stand up and speak out, what are you waiting for? Seriously. Gloves off. 
What we’re facing is nothing new. The masses have always been controlled by small groups of narcissistic tyrants. Go back as far as the cradle of civilization and ask yourself, “How did they do it? How did a few fat and flimsy royal types overpower thousands of behemoth slaves in an era prior to guns and surveillance?"
Answer: Mind control.
Not much has changed since then. However, what has changed is significant! Today, we have the ability to share information, person-to-person, on a global scale. The very technologies that are being used to destroy us can also be used to sustain us. What we have at our fingertips no people in history have ever had access to. We have the ability to be the first generation to stop history from repeating itself. Social media can be used as a weapon or as a tool. It is a bullhorn that can be used to amplify your voice or theirs. To spread your truth or their lies.
I’ve always found it fascinating that The Holy Bible states, “In the beginning was the word,” and that the very first amendment of the US Constitution is about the protection of free speech. Our voices matter. YOUR voice matters. Now more than ever! Are you going to allow another round of assaults against your civil and human rights, or this time will you say something? Will you allow the discomfort of disagreeing with your friends and family to stop you from doing what you know is right, or will you stand in the fire in the name of love and life? Contrary to the plot of every Marvel movie, there is no superhero coming to save us. For well over 30 years, I’ve been studying the work of Joseph Campbell, who dedicated his life to mapping what he called The Hero’s Journey. What Mr. Campbell discovered was that there’s a common thread within the stories humans have been sharing since the beginning of time. It goes something like this…
An everyday person is confronted by a challenge between life and death. A challenge far too big for them to handle… or so they think. They set out on a quest to find a hero with the strength to take on the challenge. Along the way, they endure trials and tribulations that push them beyond their personal boundaries of self-imposed limitations. What doesn’t kill them only makes them stronger. Ultimately, what they discover is, “the force is within. I am the one.”
This is your journey. Your story. You are the hero you've been waiting for.
Mikki Willis Father / Filmmaker  
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cyberfell-redux · 1 month
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Amidst the decaying glow of New Ebott, NeuroSynth Innovators stands as a symbol of hope despite the growing shadows of corporate greed.
The building itself is a large tower surrounded by a blindingly white plasticine walls infused with the strongest barrier magic that can be made. Though a marvel of modern architecture, it's appearance is not what makes it so remarkable.
Founded by the disbanded members of the Royal Science Commission, the very monsters rumored to have created the core, NeuroSynth Innovators was born from witnessing the terrible misuse of their inventions by humans and misguided monsters alike. Though monsterkind once shared their inventions freely with humanity, believing it would strengthen interspecies relations after the barrier fell, they have spent the last century watching their inventions be twisted into tools for surveillance and destruction.
Disheartened to the verge of falling down, many, though not all, members of the commission decided to start over with a new goal.
Dr. Alphys, a pioneer of cybernetics known for both her brilliance and reclusiveness, is accredited with founding NeuroSynth Innovators. The mission was simple: develop technology that would uplift humans and monsters alike, ensuring the betterment of all not just the elite few. Moreover, by beating other corporations in the tech arms race and getting their inventions patented first, they could fight against the seemingly endless monopoly corps held on lifesaving technology. With broad research fields represented, from their flagship neural chips, to cybernetic augmentations that connect to the soul for human and monster use, to cutting edge healthcare innovations NeuroSynth Innovators rose to the top of the heap faster than anyone could have hoped.
While some belittled their mission, the time and care they took to work with the highest ethical standards and the extra costs incurred by that care, it was well worth it to the rest of the world. This was designed to be technology for all, and their passion was dyed into every detail.
Although founded by monsters in response to human greed, NeuroSynth Innovators has always welcomed like-minded humans into their ranks. Indeed, the different perspectives and unique areas of expertise has been vital to their ability to make tech that works for more than just monsters. How they ensure these humans truly believe in the mission is unclear, the entrance exam is benign and simple, but not one attempted saboteur has made it past the lobby in the last 20 years.
With their quick rise to success and bleeding heart mission, this screening has been one of the most critical elements to their success. While not all monsters believe in the mission, indeed many monsters have turned to all manner of crime in the last century, humans have always been the best liars with the most to gain from their failure.
While bridging cultural divides has always been a priority to NeuroSynth Innovators, this has drawn the attention, and subsequent hatred, of those who saw their technology and beliefs as a threat to their own power...
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atundratoadstool · 2 years
How would you do a modern adaptation of The Invisible Man?
The big thing I'd want to do, regardless of whatever other details of the setting/story end up altering, is to keep Griffin's sense of alienation/isolation at the forefront and to keep the audience's access to his POV carefully controlled. I think the particulars of the characters' misadventures with locals and turn towards violence can vary a lot, but what I think actually makes The Invisible Man fascinating beyond being an exercise in a sci-fi "what if" are the ways that its title character is/is not visible to the reader and feels himself to be cut off from humanity even before he erases himself from it.
If what you mean by "modern adaptation" is an update of the story to the modern day, I honestly think that having him remain an impoverished, embittered, paranoid, self-medicating graduate student isn't all that hard a transfer to make. What would be a little more interesting to tackle would be the ways that hearsay and newspapers work together to craft the public's vision of the invisible man and how one might transfer that into a modern age of surveillance and technology (Can Griffin function as an independent researcher undetected when most research is online? Does the difference in socmed rumor/24 hour news further distort his story?) I'd also be interested in how to configure Thomas Marvel or an equivalent character as having similar outsider/off-grid status. I'd also make very very sure that the murder of Mr. Wicksteed is not directly shown to the audience but is assembled--as it is in the novel--via inference and witness accounts.
Overall, I guess, the thing I'd want to push to the forefront is the degree to which Griffin's POV is never quite handed to us directly and certain aspects of him remain a cipher even to the audience. I think that's a thing that can come through regardless of the shift in medium or setting.
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republicsecurity · 8 months
Latwoski Mark 6 Chastity Cage: The Apex of Paramedic Control
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In the ever-advancing world of paramedic technology, the Latwoski Mark 6 chastity cage stands as the epitome of precision engineering and control. Developed to meet the rigorous demands of the Paramedic Corps, this device is not merely an instrument of physical restriction but a marvel of sophisticated design and relentless innovation.
Lead Engineer Dr. Richard Latwoski: "The Mark 6 isn't just about physical constraints; it's about mental conditioning. We've designed it to be a seamless part of the paramedic’s identity. It's not a limitation; it's an empowerment, ensuring our paramedics are at their best, always."
Key Features:
1. Dual-Chamber Design: The Mark 6 boasts a unique two-chamber structure, isolating the testicles and penis, ensuring both comfort and security. The material, a blend of lightweight yet durable alloys, contours to the wearer's form, providing a snug fit without discomfort.
2. Self-Cleaning System: A state-of-the-art self-cleaning mechanism ensures hygiene and sanitation. Nano-cleansing agents are released at specified intervals, eliminating the need for manual cleaning and reducing the risk of infections.
Paramedic A32FA: "The Mark 6 isn't even more then the other belts; it's a mindset. It's like having a constant reminder of my duty, my purpose. It keeps me focused, sharp, and entirely dedicated to my patients."
3. Health Surveillance: Equipped with an array of sensors, the Mark 6 continuously monitors vital signs. Heart rate, body temperature, and other physiological metrics are seamlessly integrated into the wearer's health record, enabling real-time health surveillance for timely interventions when necessary.
Researcher Dr. Evelyn Torres: "The real breakthrough here is the integration of health monitoring. We're not just restraining the body; we're ensuring the wearer's well-being. It's about merging control with care, a paradigm shift in paramedic technology."
4. Lightweight Construction: Crafted from advanced composite materials, the Mark 6 is exceptionally light, allowing for ease of movement and comfort during extended wear. It ensures that wearers can carry out their duties without being encumbered by unnecessary weight.
5. Pleasant Sensation: Designed with wearer comfort in mind, the inner lining of the cage provides a soft, almost imperceptible sensation against the skin. Wearers report a subtle, calming effect, ensuring a focused and composed mindset even in high-stress situations.
Testing Participant B17X4: "Wearing the Mark 6 was different, but the sense of unity it creates among us is undeniable. We're all bound by the same rules, the same dedication. It’s not just a chastity cage; it’s a symbol of our shared commitment."
6. Tampering-Proof Security: The Mark 6 incorporates cutting-edge security measures. Its tamper-proof design and biometric lock mechanism guarantee that once worn, it cannot be removed without authorized intervention, ensuring strict compliance with paramedic protocols.
Lead Psychologist Dr. Sarah Mills: "The psychological impact of the chastity belts and the new Mark 6 cannot be overstated. It's creating a unified mindset, a shared ethos among paramedics. They're not just wearing a belt; they're embodying a commitment, a calling. It's fascinating to observe. And its what we want in our Conscripts and Personell."
7. Seamless Integration with Armor: When worn with paramedic armor, the Mark 6 integrates seamlessly, connecting via an anal connector and diaper function. This integration not only enhances security but also ensures optimal functionality, allowing wearers to concentrate fully on their duties without distractions.
In the world of paramedic service, where precision and control are paramount, the Latwoski Mark 6 chastity cage stands as a testament to the Corps' commitment to excellence. With its unparalleled features and seamless integration, it symbolizes the fusion of technology and duty, ensuring that every paramedic is equipped to face the challenges of their noble profession.
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mariacallous · 2 years
I meet Malcolm Harris, voice of millennials and anti-capitalist crusader, at a Brooklyn coffee shop, suggested by his publicist for a book-tour interview. He goes for a guava croissant along with his $3.75 drip. He hints this is not an endorsement of a bourgeoisie micro-luxury, but an ironic jab at the media tycoons of Condé Nast who are picking up the tab.
Harris, a spry 34, is generating considerable buzz with his book, Palo Alto. He knows the town and the tech industry it sits at the heart of well. He grew up there, was schooled there, and even learned journalism at Palo Alto High School under Esther Wojcicki, mother of the (recently retired) YouTube CEO Susan and former mother-in-law of Sergey Brin. His antitrust lawyer father took on Microsoft in a major trademark case in the mid-aughts. But as an author, Harris is less into forging a first draft of history than using research to promote his preexisting point of view. “It’s not a work of journalism,” he says of his book. “It's a Marxist history.” 
Whatever you call it, Palo Alto is epic—an unrelenting 700-page indictment of capitalism, California, and the town that railroad baron Leland Stanford named in 1876 to honor a tall tree that still stands, and soon after made the home of his new university, which still dominates the region. Some might view Harris’ book as a companion piece to another doorstop-sized chunk of tech rejection, Shoshana Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. But Harris thinks Zuboff’s book overemphasized the surveillance part and went too easy on the capitalism. “It doesn’t really get to the global political economy,” he says. 
Harris’s book gets there, in spades. In his sprawling, colloquial narrative, history isn’t a sloppy progression but a nefarious plot serving capitalism’s theft of people’s labor and dignity. His touchstone is the system by which Leland Stanford bred racehorses, which combined genetics with a novel emphasis on pushing horses to run faster at an earlier age than was the custom. (Kind of like Move Fast and Take Things.) Harris applies this “Palo Alto System” as a metaphor throughout, branding everything from venture capital to Tiger Woods’ training methods as inhumane descendents of Stanford’s original sin. Of course, one might argue that, having been nurtured in the town’s famed school system and its tech community, Harris—a deft wordsmith and an effective marketer—is himself a product of the Palo Alto System.
Harris has no problems digging up more villains than a thousand Marvel-verses. There’s Stanford, of course, and the first president of the university he founded, David Starr Jordan, who allegedly murdered Stanford’s widow. (At least that’s what Harris thinks.) The university’s early psychology pioneer Lewis Terman not only promoted eugenics-based IQ tests, we learn, but also slept with his students. Harris even attacks well-meaning leftists like congressman/activist Allard Lowenstein for working too deeply inside the system. (Harris heaps scorn on the Grateful Dead wing of the protest movement; he’s the guy at the SDS meeting who screams at the stoners in the back of the room.) More recent scoundrels include Silicon Valley’s vaunted founders. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are smelly “jerks,” he says, but “more meaningful as personifications of impersonal social forces.”
Harris has a genuine supervillain, though, in William Shockley, the Nobel-winning physicist. Shockley, father of the transistor, Stanford professor, and founder of a Silicon Valley semiconductor company, was a racist bully who fully deserves Harris’ one-word summation: asshole. 
Hold on, I say to Harris, wasn’t Shockley such an outlier that his nastiness led eight of his brilliant engineers to abandon him and start their own company, Fairchild, and from there populate the Valley with other upstarts like Intel? Wouldn’t that mean that the modern system of VCs funding startups—and ultimately, companies like Apple and Google— was based on a counterreaction to the white-supremecist ethos that Harris finds tucked away in every corner of his hometown? Harris pushes back on that theory. “They made chips for bombs!” he says of the “traitorous eight.” 
But for all his verbiage, Harris falls short when it comes to proposing remedies for the wage exploitation, racism, ecological carnage, and suicides he sees rippling outward from Palo Alto. He doesn’t provide a prescription for ending capitalism, short of waiting for its horrors to reach a point when ragtag survivors will finally pull the plug on it. He does have an idea how to fix Palo Alto, though.
Brightening as he speaks of the concept, he wants Stanford to return its 8,000-acre campus to the 614 people recognized as remaining members of the Ohlone, which once indigenously prowled that very turf. It’s a tall order, he admits. But giving back the campus, all of it—the football stadium, the Hoover Tower, the palm trees, the hospital, the Memorial Church, the classrooms, the buildings named after Gates and other capitalists who donated some of their ill-gotten gains to the university—is “low hanging fruit,” he tells me. I opined that this was fruit even higher than the tallest branch of the Palo Alto tree. Even Harris admits that the university is unlikely to embrace his idea.
I’m actually in agreement with a lot of Harris’ critiques of systems that reward harmful market power (and of course I am with him in condemning shameful behavior toward people who are from indigenous communities, Black, or Asian). While proponents of the status quo claim that Silicon Valley is the engine of wealth creation, income inequality is worse than ever, with the Bay Area a case in point. But my preferred solution is to constrain capitalism rather than employ Karl Marx’s playbook. I realize that significant change is difficult when the most destructive forces have the money and power to thwart reform.
But while we struggle to improve conditions for those not lucky enough to afford Palo Alto’s Craftsman homes, can’t we at least acknowledge that some of the technological benefits that have sprung from the system, tainted as it is by over-rewarded founders and exploited workers, have made our lives easier and richer? Even the scary technology of the moment, generative AI, has potential to perform amazing services for all walks of life.
Harris will have none of this. In a typical passage in Palo Alto he writes, “There’s no emerging artificial superintelligence that will automatically arbitrate the thoughts and claims of people. There is just capitalism, an impersonal system that acts through people toward the increasing accumulation of capital, the amassing of exploiting value.” Iconic words from the guy whose previous book was called Shit is Fucked Up and Bullshit. 
Before we break, I ask Harris if he has a favorite gadget or service. Is there something that has emerged from the evil Palo Alto System that has brought him joy? He sheepishly pulls out his Android phone and shows me Recorder, a Google app for capturing and transcribing conversations in real time. He shows me how it captures a dialog and even identifies different speakers.
My first impulse is to agree that this is an unalloyed marvel. But then I recall a Google gambit of some years ago. In 2007, the company released a service whereby dialing 1-800-GOOG-411 from a cell phone or even a landline would connect you to free voice-based directory assistance that helped you find local businesses. While this ad-free service seemed like a miraculous freebie, it was actually a way for Google to capture millions of human voice interactions to train its algorithms. Users weren’t getting something from Google—they were giving something to Google. Once the company had what it needed, it discontinued the service. I imagine that the Recorder transcription app might be doing the same kind of thing for Google right now—exploiting our labors in the guise of helping us out. Still, despite its agenda, the service seems damn useful. So much so that it’s impressed even the most unforgiving of anti-capitalists. As does the guava croissant. “Pretty good!” says the Marxist.
Time Travel
Harris rejects the popular narrative that the hippies started a computer revolution. But as he knows from reading my book Hackers (which he generously cites in Palo Alto), some pioneers of the personal computer had their roots firmly embedded in the anti-war movement. I wrote extensively about one of them, Homebrew Computer Club moderator Lee Felsenstein, who also designed the famous Osborne computer, the first portable.
Lee dropped out of Berkeley in 1967, and began alternating between electronics jobs and work in the movement. In 1968, he joined the underground Berkeley Barb as the newspaper’s “military editor.” Joining the company of such other writers as Sergeant Pepper and Jefferson Fuck Poland, Lee wrote a series of articles evaluating demonstrations—not on the basis of issues, but on organization, structure, confirmation to an elegant system …
He insisted that demonstrations should be executed as cleanly as logic circuits defined by the precise schematics he still revered. He praised demonstrators when they smashed “the right windows” (banks, not small businesses). He advocated attack only to draw the enemy out. He called the bombing of a draft board “refreshing.” His column called “Military Editor’s Household Hints” advised: “Remember to turn your stored dynamite every two weeks in hot weather. This will prevent the nitroglycerin from sticking …”
Felsenstein had his effect. During the trial of the Oakland Seven, defense attorney Malcolm Burnstein said, “We shouldn’t have these defendants here … it should have been Lee Felsenstein.”
Ask Me One Thing
Simon asks, “Which of the FAANG companies do you think is most at risk of being caught on the back foot by new and emerging tech?”
Great question, Simon. A lot has been made of Google being jarred by Microsoft’s quick embrace of OpenAI’s technology. (And by the way, the FAANG acronym needs an M in there—Microsoft’s market cap trails only Apple’s among tech firms.) But Google has been working on these and other exotic technologies for years. Speaking of Apple, one may question why its Siri assistant can’t converse as eloquently as those new chatbots from OpenAI and others. But I don’t think that will affect the company’s business much. The long-term threat to Apple is that augmented reality devices will replace the need for screens, like the ones in iPhones and Macs—and that’s exactly why Tim Cook and company are exploring AR glasses.
Meta, though it does have a considerable investment in AI, has a unique problem among the tech elite: No matter how good generative AI is, the company’s core mission is to connect people, not to connect people to well-versed robots. So that’s a problem. 
But since you use the “N” in your grouping, let me throw out this curveball. Maybe the entire entertainment industry will be disrupted when AI makes it possible for anyone to generate things like fantastic movie-length videos from prompts or an engine that translates words to visual scenes. Google already has an experiment along these lines. In the long term, one might even imagine that you could cast these productions with representations of living human actors (assuming they will license their images). This might be bad news for Netflix, unless the company gets ahead of that curve.
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tapuwadangarembizi · 1 year
Tapuwa Dangarembizi - How can industries benefit from using sustainable energy sources that are renewable and do not deplete natural resources?
Throughout history, industries have continued to be recognized as the culprits responsible for the constant degradation of our fragile environment. They consume massive amounts of nonrenewable energy, lowering our precious natural resources to the point of exhaustion. Their constant operations cast an unsettling veil of pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, perpetuating the effects of climate change's wicked cycle. The repercussions of this terrible pattern are undeniable, with catastrophic weather events, the gradual demise of the polar ice caps, and the alarming erosion of biodiversity becoming increasingly common.
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However, in recent years, an evolutionary shift has progressively emerged, with industries becoming more aware of the pressing requirement to adopt environmentally friendly energy options. Among these, solar power has come to prominence as an economically viable and environmentally friendly option for industries that are seeking to reduce carbon emissions and foster a more sustainable future. This article explores the subject Tapuwa Dangarembizi — Why should industries focus on the usage of sustainable energy and reveals an abundance of benefits associated with incorporating solar energy in industrial settings.
Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Financial Savings
Solar energy provides enormous advantages to industries because of its formidable potential for lowering costs associated with electricity. Companies that use solar power to generate their own electricity can effortlessly offset a significant portion of their consumption of energy, which brings about immediate cost savings. Besides, the lasting reliability and low-maintenance requirements of solar energy systems allow for an extended span of financial savings, which provides businesses with profitable possibilities for long-term financial gain.
Technological Advancements and Integration
Solar energy technology is a fascinating area that is constantly pushing the boundaries of efficiency, storage, and seamless integration into smart grids. With the relentless pursuit of advancement, solar panels now have resulted in remarkable developments such as supercharged solar panels, cutting-edge energy storage, and creative surveillance mechanisms, all of which guarantee a steady and uninterrupted supply of power for various industries. Tapuwa Dangarembizi's deep expertise orchestrates the seamless implementation of these cutting-edge solar marvels, allowing industries to be at the forefront of environmentally friendly energy's stunning advancements.
Cleansing the Atmosphere: Solar Energy's Role in Mitigating Airborne Pollutants
Solar power emerges as the epitome of eco-consciousness, encouraging industries to embrace its ethereal benefits. By skillfully harnessing the sun's radiant power, businesses can break free from the shackles of fossil fuel dependence, effectively reducing hazardous emissions that contribute to climatic imbalance. The giving of this solar energy extends beyond mere carbon footprint reduction; it provides a beautiful ecological environment by cleansing our atmosphere from the harm of airborne pollutants. With water conservation and devotion to sustainability as its guiding mantras, solar panels illuminate a future teeming with green vitality.
Final thoughts
While certain business sectors are likely to have difficulties when setting up solar panels,  don't worry because experienced professionals with names like Tapuwa Dangarembizi are there to provide customized approaches that satisfy particular requirements. From preliminary expenses to grid integration, his knowledge creates unique solutions that ensure that there is no disruption to sustainable power. To know more about sustainable energy, don’t forget to read Tapuwa Dangarembizi - Why is there a need to focus on using sustainable energy?
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turojo · 1 year
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With the idea in mind and data being collected all that's left is to get the base... Really he shouldn't be testing fate right now. Paldea has strict policies for what Pokemon are allowed in ( which he is partly to blame for ) and getting permissions to allow the scientist who created a nature bending time machine and questionably lax morals to get a Pokemon for genetic tempering is ... far-fetched at best and worthy of Geeta revoking her tentative sanctions on allowing him back in the region without getting arrested if he 'cleaned his act and his mess' at worst.
...But if he really thought about it this was to make his job easier soooo-- That didn't take too much convincing.
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The 1993 gen one Porygon was only available at the Game Corner in Celadon decades ago. Doubt going there now will get him the specific Porygon he was looking for and if the business was still there at all for that matter. He could go to Kanto just to waste his time on some wild Yungoos chase ... or he could just go to the source and cut out the fifteen other steps. A flight, an exchange, a flight back and then done.
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Turo had just about rubbed the corner of his beard raw in thought. He did have a contact he'd been saving for quite the challenging moment thanks to a very important work oppurtunity long ago. If this wasn't the perfect moment then who knew what was. This wasn't exactly the "best behavior" he promised, but it was simply a means to an end. No moral standing that he even cared to believe in. Just business.
So with that he quickly secured the lab, directing his Rotom to lock networks and blackout any connection that can be used as surveillance or a trace back. He can explain it as a momentary black out should that be a point of concern. The lighthouse lab foundations were old after all and really no one but him in Paldea cared to know about equipment mechanics and jargon. He practically built the labs by hand.
Finally Turo even turns the lightswitch off as extra precaution and thumbed through his Violet book copy he's just about carried everywhere with him. Zolt had flickered close to him as a light source. Between the worn pages of age and continued reading was the occasional polaroid. He didn't care for pictures or keepsakes most of the time. The few he had of his lifetime were but a handful collectively; one of a young but straight faced Turo on his first day at the Academy, another of his graduation and-...oh there it is.
The pages stopped turning. There between Heath's words was his time at his first internship alongside forgotten faces. The photo itself wasn't important really and when he flipped it over a smudged but still legible number was on the back. He faintly remembered it was used as a secure line and very few times did it need to be dialed if only to ensure the project his team was working on was to it's funder's likings and specifics... The subject and the funder were heavily guarded and very secret. Some might call it a breach in morals but Turo could not be happier to test his abilities with technology and building an advanced suit for a genetic marvel and scientific breakthrough at the time. He might even call it the moment he found his true calling.
Hopefully the number still works all these years.
The rotom gave a snicker and retreated to Turo's phone as he raised it up to dial the number.
Means to an end and Giovanni Sakaki was all business.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Gene Hackman in The Conversation (Francis Ford Coppola, 1974)
Cast: Gene Hackman, John Cazale, Allen Garfield, Frederic Forrest, Cindy Williams, Michael Higgins, Elizabeth MacRae, Teri Garr, Harrison Ford. Screenplay: Francis Ford Coppola. Cinematography: Bill Butler. Production design: Dean Tavoularis. Film editing: Richard Chew. Music: David Shire.
The technology used in it may have dated, but The Conversation seems more relevant than ever. When it was made, the film was very much of the moment: the Watergate moment, which was long before email and cell phones. Julian Assange was only 3 years old. What has kept Coppola's film alive is that he had the good sense to make it a thriller about the consequences of knowledge. The real victim of Harry Caul's snooping is Harry Caul himself, the professional whose delight in what he can do with his microphones and tape recorders begins to fade when he realizes that technology is not an end in itself. It is one of the great Gene Hackman performances from a career crowded with great and varied performances. Ironically, the film that The Conversation most reminds me of today is The Lives of Others, Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck's 2006 film about eavesdropping by the Stasi in East Germany, which was praised by conservatives like John Podhoretz and William F. Buckley and called one of "the best conservative movies of the last 25 years" by the National Review for its account of surveillance by a communist regime. But Harry Caul is a devout Roman Catholic and an entrepreneur, making his living with the same technology and the same techniques as the Stasi spy of Donnersmarck's film -- capitalism alive and well. The film is something of a technological marvel itself: The great sound designer and editor Walter Murch was responsible for completing it after Coppola was called away to work on The Godfather, Part II, and the texture of the film depends heavily on the way Murch was able to manipulate the complexities of sound that form the key scenes, especially the opening sequence in which Caul is conducting his surveillance of a couple in San Francisco's crowded and busy Union Square. It's true that Murch cheats a little at the ending, when the line, "He'd kill us if he got the chance," is repeated. Caul had extracted it from a distorted recording, and took it to mean that the couple (Cindy Williams and Frederic Forrest) were in danger from the man who commissioned the surveillance. But at the end, the line is heard again as "He'd kill us if he got the chance," an emphasis that reveals to Caul, too late, that they are the killers, not the victims. It's unfortunate that so much depends on the discrepancy between the way we originally hear the line and the later delivery of it. Still, I don't think it's a fatal flaw in a vital and gripping movie.
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michaeldoak · 14 days
Beatkeeper: Guarding the Rhythms of the NFT World
Currently, the wave of digital art and NFTs is diverse and rapidly developing, and Bermuda Unicorn is one of the main platforms that combines creativity and innovation. Among the impressive collections showcased here, the Tribal Tech Maestro Collection is widely appreciated for the resource’s creative and culturally diverse NFTs. Among these, the most notable figure is the Beatkeeper NFT which represents rhythm and tenacity in the role of musical protectors in the digital environment.
Bermuda Unicorn: A Premier NFT Marketplace
Due to Bermuda Unicorn, the island has become somewhat of a venue of choice for influencers, collectors, and traders of NFTs. The algorithms utilized in the platform make it easier to perform buy, sell, and trade functions of NFTs with a concentration on quality and distinctive tokens. What defines Bermuda Unicorn however is its mission to continue actively promoting artists and art collectors as well as growing the art scene in Bermuda.
The Tribal Tech Maestro Collection
Therefore, the Tribal Tech Maestro Collection on Bermuda Unicorn is living proof of the meeting between artistry as traditional and high-tech as possible. Every piece in this group focuses on culture and the future, hence providing a rich experience that is a combination of sound and images. Especially, the Beatkeeper NFT is a masterpiece for this collection of art.
Beatkeeper: A Visual and Auditory Marvel
To learn about the Beatkeeper NFT, please this piece of art perfectly represents beat and music in their simplest forms. The image reflects the feeling of music, which is depicted in the figure of a character with large headphones on the head. The character’s posture, brandishing a staff, features surveillance or authority to the position of Beatkeeper, meaning the protector of rhythms.
Visual Analysis
The design concepts regarding the Beatkeeper NFT are rather interesting and provocative. The long lines are used, the intensity of colors is given, the viewer’s attention is attracted and at the same time, there are many details of the outfit and accessories that add character to the character. The headphones depicted in blue and white contrast the character’s mostly tribal attire, representing integration between the old and new generations.
Symbolism and Interpretation
The role of the Beatkeeper in the saving and construction of rhythm is not only visual but also symbolic of the problem of preserving and developing in the field of NFT. The staff that the character is holding similarly symbolizes authority and wisdom implying that the Beatkeeper is not a mere spectator but a maker and sustainer of musical treasures. In addition, the character’s stern look indicates a kind of obligation and interest, which reiterates the stakes.
The Significance of Beatkeeper in the NFT World
The Beatkeeper NFT is not only a piece of digital art; it is more than that; a representation of Arts and Technology in today’s world. With such art manifestations NFTs are teaching society not only to set new trends in assessing art but also to remember the protection of historical traditions and cultural values by using new technologies. Thus, the Tribal Tech Maestro Collection, and the Beatkeeper in particular, demonstrate how NFTs can actively incorporate the previous experience and introduce people to a new world of digital art.
The Tribal Tech Maestro collection by Bermuda Unicorn, and its piece of art, the Beatkeeper NFT, gives the audience a preview of the possibilities in the NFT market with the incorporation of tribal design and advanced technology. Thus, the Beatkeeper with its sharp visual metaphors and cultural implications tends to be the Keeper of Rhythms ensuring the integrity of the music and art in the conditions of further computerization. With the NFT market changing dynamically, Bermuda Unicorn is one of the leaders in the sphere and stands for innovation in art.
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asma-al-husna · 2 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Baari’ — The Originator, The Maker, The Evolver— on three ocassions in the Quran. He is the One who creates form out of nothing. Al-Baari’ creates with no model or similarity and evolves that which is in perfect proportion and harmony without any fault!
The Originator, The Producer, The Inventor
Baari’ comes from the root baa-raa-hamza which points to three main meanings. The first main meaning is to create and to form out of nothing and the second is to evolve, using pre-existing matter. The third main meaning is to be individual and free and clear from another, and from fault and blemish.
This root appears 31 times in the Quran in 10 derived forms. Examples of these forms are tabarra’a (“will disown”), baraa’atun (“is an exemption”), baree’un (“free”), and al-bariyyati (“(of) the creatures”).
Linguistically, scholars mentioned two concepts related to the root ba-ra-‘a: bari’a, which means to be free from or distant from something and baree’a, which means creation. In the context of Allah ‘azza wajal Al-Baari’means He is the Creator, the Originator, the Inventor who distinguished all creatures from each other by their detailed characteristics!
Al-Baari’ Himself says: He is Allah , the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names [Quran, 59:24] and . . . That is best for [all of] you in the sight of your Creator. [Quran, 2:54
The fly in the Quran
Allah al-Baari’ makes a parable: O mankind! Here is an example for your understanding, so listen to it carefully. Those deities whom you call besides Allah, cannot create a single fly, even if they all combined their forces, rather, if a fly snatches away anything from them they cannot even get it back; how feebleminded are the suppliants and how powerless are those whom they supplicate! [Quran, 22:73]
Allah ‘azza wa jall revealed specific knowledge to the Prophet salalaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, for example in the field of science, and the believers must be certain this is truth. In this ayah Allah al-Baari’ is challenging anybody, including modern-day scientists, to make a fly and they are not able to. A fly is a complete living being with a tiny yet comprehensive flight management, guidance, and surveillance system without turbines or propellers— a marvellous nano-technological design.
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Have firm confidence in al-Baari’.
Let this divine attribute of Allah ‘azza wa jall restore your confidence in times when modern science tries to divert you away from belief in a Creator. A Bedouin who lived in the desert and who expressed it most eloquently, when he was asked, How do you know your Lord? He said: If you see the camel dung you know that a camel has passed this way, and if you see a footstep you know that a person has passed this way, so the heaven with its stars and the earth with its mountain passes and the oceans with their high waves all point to the existence of the All-Hearing, All-Seeing. Let this inspire you in yaqeen (certainty) and faith.
2. Disassociate yourself from the bad.
Distance yourself (baraa’a) from the haraam and those who do bad, are corrupt, or cause mischief. But don’t stop there, distance yourself from bad first, then enjoin good and forbid evil. As a believer you should always be pro-active and strive for ehsaan (excellence) in whatever you do in society. Al-Baari’ said: Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islâm), enjoining Al-Ma’rûf (i.e. Islâmic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). And it is they who are the successful. [Quran, 3:104].
3. Know that everything besides Him is created.
The Messenger of Allah salallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: There is no obedience to the creation, in disobedience to the Creator. Obedience is only in what is good. [al-Bukharee] Be very honest with yourself and look at how many occasions in your life you’ve actually tried to please the creation instead of pleasing al-Baari’. Then renew your intention (niyaa) to strive for the pleasure of Him only.
4. Ponder the creation of al-Baari’.
Look at the morning or evening sun, at tiny insects, flies, plants, and flowers. Study science and do so with the intention of pondering His creation. Also seek cure in the places Al-Baari’ revealed to His Prophet, for example by studying the book: Medicine of the Prophet by Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyah.
5. Spread the message.
Use your knowledge of this powerful name to give da’wah to those who do not believe in their Creator. Ayah 73 in Surah al-Hajj is an amazing example for you to use! The Messenger of Allah salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to ‘Ali radiyallahu ‘anhu: If Allah guides a person through you, it is better for you than all that is on the earth. [Al-Bukharee, Muslim] Let this motivate you to daily carry out an act of dawah, from showing good manners to conveying even one ayah, as the smallest deeds can be part of Allah’s guidance of someone to Islam.
O Allah, Al-Baari’,we know that You create and form from nothing. Make us confident in our belief in You as the Originator of everything and let us worship you alone; guide us to obey You, distance ourselves from bad, enjoin good, and forbid evil. Help us ponder Your creations and appreciate Your power and greatness and give thanks to You, and maks us of those who carry the da’wah of Your Oneness to others in the best way, ameen!
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vadzoseo · 17 days
IMX291 Camera in Action: Improving Law Enforcement Efficiency and Accuracy
Modern technology is revolutionizing law enforcement organizations' operations, strengthening their skills, and guaranteeing a safer atmosphere for everybody. The IMX291 camera is one such technical marvel that's causing a stir in the law enforcement world. This blog explores the ways that the IMX291 camera is transforming law enforcement and increasing accuracy and efficiency in a number of crucial applications.
Knowing About the IMX291 Camera
The IMX291 camera, a cutting-edge imaging solution from Sony, stands out due to its advanced features and exceptional performance. Known for its high-resolution capabilities and low-light performance, the IMX291 camera is designed to capture clear and detailed images in challenging conditions. This camera integrates Sony’s latest technology to deliver superior image quality, making it an invaluable tool for law enforcement agencies.
Key Features:
High Resolution: With its high-resolution capabilities, the IMX291 camera ensures that every detail is captured with precision. This is crucial for tasks such as facial recognition, vehicle identification, and documenting crime scenes.
Low-Light Performance: The IMX291 camera excels in low-light environments, providing clear images even in poorly lit conditions. This feature is particularly beneficial for night-time surveillance and operations in dimly lit areas.
Enhanced Sensitivity: Its enhanced sensitivity allows for better performance in various lighting conditions, ensuring that critical details are not missed during investigations.
Enhancing surveillance capabilities
One of the primary applications of the IMX291 camera in law enforcement is its role in surveillance. Traditional surveillance systems often struggle with image clarity in low-light or challenging conditions. However, the IMX291 camera’s advanced features address these issues effectively.
Night Vision Capabilities:
The IMX291 camera’s superior low-light performance is a game-changer for night surveillance. Law enforcement agencies can now monitor areas during the night or in dark environments with increased clarity and detail. This capability is essential for identifying suspects, monitoring suspicious activities, and ensuring public safety around the clock.
High-Resolution Video Analytics:
The high resolution of the IMX291 camera enables precise video analytics. This includes facial recognition, vehicle license plate recognition, and tracking movements. With accurate video analytics, law enforcement agencies can quickly identify individuals, track movements, and analyze video footage for evidence.
Improving Investigations and Evidence Collection
Correct and detailed evidence collection is crucial for successful law enforcement investigations. The IMX291 camera enhances this aspect by providing high-quality images and videos that can be used in court and for investigative purposes.
Detailed Crime Scene Documentation:
When documenting crime scenes, every detail matters. The IMX291 camera’s high-resolution imaging ensures that all critical details are captured clearly, aiding in the accurate reconstruction of events. This detailed documentation is invaluable for investigations and legal proceedings.
Enhanced Evidence Quality:
High-quality evidence is essential for building strong cases. The IMX291 camera’s ability to capture clear images even in challenging conditions ensures that the evidence collected is reliable and admissible in court. This enhances the chances of successful prosecution and justice.
Optimizing Patrol and Response
In addition to surveillance and evidence collection, the IMX291 camera plays a significant role in optimizing patrols and response times. By integrating this camera into patrol vehicles and body-worn systems, law enforcement agencies can improve their operational efficiency.
Vehicle Integration:
Integrating the IMX291 camera into patrol vehicles provides real-time video feeds, allowing officers to monitor their surroundings and respond more effectively to incidents. The high-resolution video captured from patrol vehicles can be used for evidence collection, traffic enforcement, and situational awareness.
Body-Worn Cameras:
When used in body-worn cameras, the IMX291 camera enhances transparency and accountability during interactions between officers and the public. The clear and detailed footage captured by body-worn cameras can be crucial in investigations and for maintaining public trust.
Future Trends and Innovations
As technology continues to evolve, the role of the IMX291 camera in law enforcement is likely to expand further. Future innovations may include advanced integration with artificial intelligence (AI) for real-time threat detection and predictive analytics.
AI Integration:
The integration of AI with the IMX291 camera could enhance its capabilities further. AI algorithms could analyze video feeds in real-time, identifying potential threats and providing actionable insights to law enforcement officers. This would enable proactive responses and improve overall efficiency.
Smart Surveillance Systems:
Future developments may lead to the creation of smart surveillance systems that leverage the IMX291 camera’s capabilities. These systems could offer enhanced features such as automated tracking, real-time alerts, and advanced data analytics, further improving law enforcement operations.
In summary
With its outstanding imaging capabilities, the IMX291 camera is revolutionizing law enforcement by increasing accuracy and efficiency across a range of applications. The IMX291 camera stands out as a vital tool for contemporary law enforcement agencies, improving everything from patrols and reactions to evidence collection and surveillance. The IMX291 camera will play a bigger part in the future as technology develops, bringing even more improvements to the industry and making society safer and more secure.
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