#susie gilbert
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Otis Phillips Lord, Edward Dickinson’s old friend and a judge on the Massachusetts supreme court, had studied law at Amherst just before Emily was born and during the first 18 months of her life. He had graduated in 1832, and Amherst had conferred on him an honorary doctor of laws in 1869. He was married to Elizabeth Farley, a high-minded descendant of John Leverett, president of Harvard. They were childless and lived near the Witch House in Salem. The Lords used to stay at the Homestead, and after Edward died, “the dear Lords,” as Emily wrote, continued to visit. The judge appears to have come on his own for a week in October 1875, when Emily, far from reclusive, spoke of his visit as being “with me.” Mrs. Lord died in December 1877, on Emily’s 47th birthday. Over the next few months, Emily turned to the handsome widower – not as a father but as a suitor of sorts. Later, a granddaughter of Dickinson’s confidante Elizabeth Holland suggested that Lord’s tenderness had “long been latent in his feeling for her.” Dickinson expert and Mount Holyoke College professor Christopher Benfey has asserted this possibility more strongly, suggesting in his book A Summer of Hummingbirds that the attraction went back to the summer of 1862, when Lord came to Amherst as commencement speaker. Eighteen years her senior, his gray hair was shading into white; his expression calm and contained – not a man to exact attention, though his grave and upright bearing subdued others, not only the guilty, as he passed judgment. Lord looked stern “as the Profile of a Tree against a winter sky,” Emily ventured to say. He appeared as rigid as Emily’s father, but she had a way with elders of this sort, breezing through their barest branches. Her amusing darts disarmed men of law who were accustomed to wither lesser beings; the drafts of her letters to Lord are witty, confident, open, and playfully physical – hardly the way modest women were meant to behave. Gossip had it that Emily’s sister-in-law, Susan, had been taken aback to break in on the supposed recluse, the image of white-frocked chastity, in the judge’s arms. Lord’s niece Abbie Farley claimed to have heard Susan deplore that embrace. Emily, the niece is reported to have said, had not “any idea of morality.” She was bound to take this view, for Miss Farley, aged 35, was the judge’s heir. She and her mother, Mrs. Lord’s sister, were due to inherit jointly $23,000. Together with another niece on the Farley side (due to inherit $10,000), they kept house for the judge. If he remarried, he would have new claims. “Little hussy,” Abbie fumed over a copy of Emily’s Poems decades later when questioned about the celebrated poet Abbie had once known. “Loose morals,” Abbie remembered. “She was crazy about men. Even tried to get Judge Lord. Insane too.” To Emily herself, Lord’s love was “Improbable.” It would have been unthinkable in her father’s lifetime: his carefully protected daughter permitting such license, and with his old friend. The voice of judgment, “I say unto you” thundering through the startled air at morning prayers, had cleansed impurities from the minds of Edward Dickinson’s listeners. As Emily put it humorously, “Fumigation ceased when Father died.” Now, four years on, that voice no longer ruled. In her late 40s and early 50s, she found herself free to partake of the forbidden tree. With Lord, Emily was unafraid to speak up, inviting a glint of humor she called “the Judge Lord brand.” A smile broke when she teased him with the solemnities of courtroom language. “Crime,” “confess,” “punish,” “penalty,” “incarcerate” were the words she applied to his supposed trial of her as a wanting lover. “I confess that I love him,” she has to admit, but cannot pay the “debt” she owes him. Can her “involuntary Bankruptcy” be a crime? Will he “punish” her? “Incarcerate me in yourself – that will punish me,” she makes bold to suggest. Flashing repartee of this sort exploded into intimacy within months of Mrs. Lord’s death. That year, 1878, there’s immediate talk of consummation. She wasn’t shy when she drafted her letters to Lord: “lift me back, wont you, for only there [in your arms] I ask to be. . . .” He was her “lovely Salem”; she, his “Amherst.” Weekly letters, directed to arrive on Mondays by the judge’s habits of punctuality, bonded Salem and Amherst. Emily’s “little devices to live till Monday” – attempts to concentrate on work – gave way to “the thought of you.” So she said to herself, if not to Salem, in a penciled scrap that breaks into verse celebrating the nature of love (fleet, indiscreet, wrong, and joyful). As a single man, it was no longer proper for Lord to stay at the Homestead on his now more frequent trips to Amherst; he and Emily met in the parlor. There, they held each other while the air about them fanned the question of marriage. In August and September of 1880, he practically lived in Amherst. During this time, they may have entered into some kind of private engagement. Softly, her thin hand is offered to him in response to what she calls “your distant hope.” He leaves saying it had been a “heavenly hour.” How sweet was his candor, she wrote. His racy talk, familiar to colleagues on the bench, called out an unfamiliar side to Emily. “I will not wash my arm,” she said, “twill take your touch away,” and again: “It is strange that I miss you at night so much when I was never with you – but the punctual love invokes you soon as my eyes are shut – and I wake warm with the want sleep had almost filled. . .” The question of marriage came up more seriously in November and December 1882, after Emily’s mother, also named Emily, had died. Eyeing the poet’s thinness, Lord teased her as “Emily Jumbo” (the famous elephant, Jumbo, in Barnum’s circus had recently appeared near Amherst). She tossed the joke back. “Sweetest name, but I know a sweeter – Emily Jumbo Lord. Have I your approval?” He assumed that she was now freed to live with him. He replied, “I will try not to make it unpleasant.” She was touched that he could invite her into his “dear Home” with “loved timidity.” Her answer, as often when she was moved, almost falls into verse. “So delicate a diffidence, how beautiful to see! I do not think a Girl extant has so divine a modesty. You even call me to your Breast with apology! Of what must my poor Heart be made?”
 Lyndall Gordan, Lives Like Loaded Guns: Emily Dickinson and Her Family’s Feuds, excerpted from a reprint in The Boston Globe
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chumchimmy · 9 months
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what if.... I mash together my two hyperfixations together........ that are completely incoherent with each other.......
Gilbert Garfield x Deltarune
or as I like to call it
GilFieldRune (GilfieldRune?)
Art made with jspaint.app cus its really fun to use :D
(au currently being made in collab with @mvunpoll)
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iconic women characters
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moviesandmania · 1 year
TRANSFUSION (2023) Reviews of Sam Worthington crime thriller
Transfusion is a 2023 Australian crime thriller about a former Special Forces operative thrust into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him. Written, directed by and also co-starring actor Matt Nable, making his directorial debut. The Altitude Media Group-Deeper Water-Madman Entertainment co-production also stars Sam Worthington (9 Bullets; The Last Son; Fractured;…
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oceanusborealis · 1 year
Transfusion - Movie Review
TL;DR – It is a film trying to explore some essential issues. However, it felt like we only got a surface-level analysis.     ⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3 out of 5. Post-Credit Scene – There is no post-credit sceneDisclosure – I paid for the Stan service that viewed this film. Transfusion Review – It is one of modern society’s great tragedies, actually no, not a tragedy, embarrassments, that we send people…
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firstfullmoon · 2 months
“I need you more and more, and the great world grows wider. . . every day you stay away — I miss my biggest heart; my own goes wandering round, and calls for Susie. . . Susie, forgive me Darling, for every word I say — my heart is full of you. . . yet when I seek to say to you something not for the world, words fail me. . . I shall grow more and more impatient until that dear day comes, for til now, I have only mourned for you; now I begin to hope for you.”
— Emily Dickinson, in a letter to Susan Huntington Gilbert
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petaltexturedskies · 4 months
Oh Susie, I would nestle close to your warm heart, and never hear the wind blow, or the storm beat, again. Is there any room there for me, or shall I wander away all homeless and alone? Thank you for loving me, darling...
Emily Dickinson, from a letter to Susan Gilbert written c. June 1852 featured in Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson
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taraxacvm · 2 months
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I was rereading Kaze to Ki no uta and I've realized that over the years I've changed My two ocs, Ayumi and Susie, to be inspired by Serge and Gilbert overall relationship (expect they're lesbians, live in the modern times and are a different flavour of toxicity)
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What do you think about Emily Dickinson’s love life?
Hi! Thank you so much for your ask!
As I've said here, there have been many speculations about Emily Dickinson's love life, though she never married. Some of these possible love interests include Charles Wadsworth, Samuel Bowles and Judge Otis P. Lord, but more interestingly, in my opinion, Susan Gilbert, Emily's friend and sister in law.
Susan and Emily lived in the same town and attended the same school, Amherst Academy, as well. In 1853, Susan had married Emily's brother Austin too.
It's no secret that Emily and Susan were close and that Emily confided in her and valued her opinion. In a letter, she's compared Susan to Shakespeare as well. There were more than 500 letters, most of them expressing "strong homoerotic feelings" (as said by Lena Koski in The Emily Dickinson Journal)
In modern media, their relationship is portrayed to be a romantic one, rightfully so based on the evidence and letters between the two. Emily wrote passionately to Susan, and trusted her too.
To this day, scholars debate whether Emily and Susan were romantically involved. Though I've not dedicated nearly as much time and research towards this debate, I believe that there was chemistry between the two that is much more than friendship. Honestly, it's difficult to label what the two had as "sisterhood" or just "friendship" when there are so many romantic connotations behind the letter. In my opinion, Emily has perfectly captured the essence of true love through her letters to Susan, and expresses it beautifully.
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dovand · 7 months
P.G. Wodehouse characters on panel shows
Because I had A Thought in the jerver (Jeeves x Wooster server) and had to expand it to Many Thoughts, owing to my normalness about both Wodehouse and britcom :)
Long & incredibly niche post (x"D) under the cut!
Preface: Characters covered vary and I may not be entirely accurate as I have not consumed as much Wodehouse as I'd like. Polite discussion entirely welcome (and, in fact, desired)!
Jeeves would do well fact-wise but, owing to the fact that he does not watch the show and thus does not understand the format, would, on attempting to make a joke, be klaxoned to hell and back (possibly via goading by Alan). Unless he very carefully managed to dodge the goading he would not win and would be very bitter about it
The Elves would absolutely adore him btw. There'd be a behind the scenes photo of him looking puzzled/slightly scared while the Elves who are there on filming days all pose around him and grin at the camera
Would never forget to use his buzzer (regardless of how embarrassing it is) because he feels bad about interrupting. Would be very much unnerved by Stephen (obviously) and perhaps a little intimidated by how flamboyant he is. Aisling Bea would like him I think
Wooster would have no idea what was going on but would be endearing enough to make up for it entirely. Sort of like Johnny Vegas. He would have to be stopped forcibly from going on long rambling anecdotes a la Gyles Brandreth. If the host is Stephen he will not be paying any attention to anything being said the entire evening. Might win entirely by accident because he's saying nothing remotely relevant & thus is never klaxoned. (Though tbh he might have a heart attack before even starting the show on account of seeing a man who appears pretty much to be Jeeves wearing colour!)
Would get along well with Bill Bailey I think—agents of chaos the both of them. Alan would make fun of Wooster for being posh (a la the way the panel usually makes fun of Stephen). Would do very well on live demos. Stephry would adore him & he would not know what to do with it ("why is campier Jeeves so enamoured of me?"). Sandi would LOVE him. Might bring a blue whale plushie along for emotional support
Ukridge (and here my Wodehouse knowledge starts to thin) would very confidently be very incorrect but would be so charismatic about it that the Elves would forget to klaxon him until he was done speaking. Almost Rhod Gilbert-y levels of accidentally-on-purpose annoying (see: Rhod claiming that it gets totally dark at night in Denmark for like 5 minutes). Gyles Brandreth-levels of ability to talk at length. He starts spontaneously filibustering in the middle of the episode
(A.K.A. 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, but the full acronym is so much more fun)
Jeeves wins. Obviously. He would be guest team captain I think, and he would absolutely carry. Jon would be awkward the whole episode because he's being outperformed by this weird posh guy. The jokes about Jimmy being weird and non-expressive and android-like would be redirected at Jeeves and he would just kind of stare blankly at them
His mascot would be something very simple or something very strange/non-humorous (like. Not even a lucky fancy pen, just a fancy pen that writes well that he can use for the working-out). He'd get the conundrum immediately
If Joe Wilkinson was on to do A Bit you'd be able to see him looking confused in the background the entire time
Wooster is hopeless. Maybe if he's on a team with Jon or Jeeves he'd be able to scrape some points but, realistically, he's drawing on his paper the whole time. He takes to the mascot-ing with abject glee & does very well with that. Panel is not sure whether to make fun of Jimmy or Wooster for being posh. Russell Howard would like him
Would be delighted by a Joe cameo. Would be very polite when requesting his letters and/or numbers. Would delight Susie Dent
Ukridge is in Dictionary Corner fucking shit up. If he knows how to work PowerPoint then he's got a PowerPoint to back up his little bit of standup; if not he's got hand-drawn posters. Nobody is quite sure what he's talking about. There's something about ungulates in there. Possibly a mention of cellular respiration. He spends the whole episode asking Jimmy for money. He gets on with Joe.
Corky, for reasons* that go entirely unexplained sits quietly next to Ukridge in Dictionary Corner for the whole episode. He is not mentioned by name once. People in the YouTube comments are asking who the weird silent guy is & if anyone else can see him & if it's some avant-garde Bit that they're doing. Someone says they wish that they'd've tried this Bit out with Jimmy
(*He's emotional support)
Archie Moffam starts crying
Mock the Week
Wooster is entirely unfamiliar with current events. Lends a Milton Jones air to the whole panel. Dressed similarly to Ed Byrne; they are both made fun of for wearing waistcoats
Jeeves is not asked onto the show because he would start doing actual fully-fledged political commentary and being so good at it that nobody would feel comfortable interrupting him
Ukridge would have either Egg Scramble (i.e. Ed Gamble) or Milton Jones vibes for reasons I cannot explain. Would get distracted by the flies & start trying to catch them in his hands
Corky is too soft-spoken to get a word in edgewise
Would I Lie To You?
Jeeves has an excellent poker face & ability to distinguish truths from lies, rendering him excellent at parlour games. Unfortunately he does not understand what there is to be enjoyed in them & as such is only invited on for one episode. He does get into a good little argument with David about something horribly pedantic, though. Also Rob makes fun of him by doing his O.O face into camera and Jeeves entirely misses it
Wooster is great at telling stories but horrible at lying. Everyone loves having him on because he tells a captivating story but it's so so easy to tell when he's lying. Might team up with Lee to annoy David. Rob really likes him. Starts spinning on his chair when they're doing pick-ups, distracting everyone
Ukridge is pretty good at playing. His comedic rant abilities rival David's, except he's not actually really trying to be comedic. All his stories end up being about Schemes & he writes them down during the episode planning to try them. People think this is a bit. It is not.
Only Connect
Jeeves is far too literally-minded for the connecting board but he does remarkably well on the rest of it. Victoria pokes fun at him the entire episode for being posh. He does not notice
Wooster's mind works in such mysterious circuitous ways that he's actually rather good at the connecting board. Unfortunately he is bollocks at the rest of it
Big Fat Quiz
Jeeves does not do very well. Too much pop culture for him
Wooster also does not do very well. His mind is like a sieve except the sieve has very big holes. Or maybe even no holes tbh. So basically his mind is like a sieve if you took the mesh out and all you have left is the metal loop around the top. Essentially he remembers nothing about anything. He brings homemade* sandwiches for the snacking segment. He is goofy & delightful enough that he does quite well be he is not invited back on account of performing so terribly. He does wear a spiffing outfit for the occasion though
(*i.e. Jeeves-made)
Ukridge does surprisingly well. He does start talking about his schemes though. He tries to get Jimmy in on them. He does not succeed
Corky is apparently the only chap who reads the newspapers. He does quite well!
Reggie Pepper also reads the newspapers but he is too busy being inexplicably hot while phoning people from bed so he only gets the barebones of most stories
(I don't know if this really counts as a panel show, but what the hell.)
Jeeves takes everything literally and is very polite to Alex during all of the tasks. His prize tasks are almost all underwhelming except for one that is accidentally genius. He is so single-mindedly focused during studio tasks that he looks like he is about to murder someone the entire time. Surprise tasks/extra rules that he didn't notice prompt him to stare blankly into the middle distance. Greg is baffled by and attracted to him in equal measure throughout the season. The fanbase is very starkly divided on him. He probably wins the series but not many episodes
Wooster is a sort of Mike Wozniak figure. Endearingly baffled the entire time. Moves in an odd but captivating manner. Committed to the bit. Starts telling anecdotes while he's meant to be doing tasks. Absolutely delights Greg. Is probably lifted up in a studio session at least once (a la Jacaster)
Archie Moffam continues crying
Ukridge wears his mackintosh to studio sessions. He is overly familiar with Alex, who looks despairingly into the camera every time he is manhandled or asked to help with a Scheme. Every prize task is either an opportunity to get Greg in on a Scheme, or to offload things he does not need from previous unsuccessful (i.e. all) Schemes. He gets second place and is pleased as punch about it
That's about all I have at the present moment. Perhaps I'll update with more characters once I've ventured further into the House of Wode. Tootle-pip for now!
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blushing-birds · 2 months
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Sue - forevermore! / Susan Gilbert Dickinson / from Dickinson /
Dear Susie - I send you a little air - The "Music of the Spheres." They are represented above as passing thro' the sky. / Letter to Susan
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ghost-bison · 10 months
Rules For Requests
No hard smut, but I will write flirting/kissing/soft NSFW
I can do y/n, cross-ships, crackships, rare pairs... As long as it's characters I'm willing to write for
You can send your request in my ask box. I'll only answer if you're polite and nice, though
Length of the OS may vary with inspiration/characters I'm writing for
Try to give me at least a little bit of information so I know which direction your OS will take
I'll write about (almost) any ship as long as it involves at least one character in my list
Good Omens: Anthony J. Crowley - Aziraphale Fell - Gabriel - Beelzebub - Furfur - Hastur - Muriel - Shax
Doctor Who: Donna Noble - Tenth Doctor - Ninth Doctor - Martha Jones - Rose Tyler - River Song - Fourteenth Doctor - Rose Noble - Shaun Temple - Eleventh Doctor - Amelia Pond - Rory Williams
Broadchurch: Alec Hardy - Ellie Miller - Beth Latimer
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - Negan Smith - Carol Pelletier - Michonne Hawthorne - Judith Grimes - Beth Greene
Project Blue Book: Michael James Quinn - Allen Hynek - Mimi Hynek - Susie Miller
Teen Wolf: Derek Hale - Malia Hale - Allison Argent - Stiles Stilinski - Scott McCall - Lydia Martin - Isaac Lahey - Peter Hale - Theo Raeken - Liam Dunbar - Kira Yukimura - Cora Hale - Braeden - Kate Argent - Chris Argent
The Vampire Diaries: Lorenzo 'Enzo' St. John - Damon Salvatore - Bonnie Bennett - Elena Gilbert - Rebekah Mikaelson - Malachai 'Kai' Parker - Alexia 'Lexi' Branson - Tyler Lockwood - Elijah Mikaelson - Niklaus 'Klaus' Mikaelson - Caroline Forbes - Katherine Pierce - Matt Donovan - Stefan Salvatore
The Sandman: Morpheus 'Dream' of the Endless - Robert 'Hob' Gadling - Corinthian - Death of the Endless - Desire of the Endless - Matthew - Lucifer Morningstar - Lucienne
Once Upon A Time: Regina Mills - Emma Swan - Zelena Mills - Mary Margaret Blanchard - Henry Mills - David 'Charming' Nolan - Rogers - Lucy Mills - Robyn Mills - Alice Jones
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power: Catra - Adora - Glimmer of Brightmoon - Bow - Scorpia - Entrapta - Mermista - Sea Hawk - Perfuma - Swiftwind - Frosta - Mara - Castaspella - Angela - Micah - Double Trouble - Madame Razz - Light Hope
The Haunting of Hill House: Eleanor 'Nell' Crain - Theodora 'Theo' Crain - Hugh Crain - Olivia Crain
The Haunting of Bly Manor: Dani Clayton - Jamie Taylor - Viola Willoughby
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ofgoldandblood · 4 months
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❝ SOME WOMEN FEAR THE FIRE. SOME SIMPLY BECOME IT. ❞ ⸻ inspired by catwoman (dc), riza hawkeye (fullmetal alchemist), susie diamond (the fabulous baker boys)
tw: death, murder, bullying
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• full name: morgaine diana fox
• nicknames: siren (codename) ; baby & angel (by marco only)
• gender: cis female
• pronouns: she/her
• age: 33
• date of birth: 29th october 1991
• zodiac sign: scorpio
• sexuality: bisexual (male leaning)
• place of birth: new york city, ny, usa
• residence: a one bedroom flat a ten minute walk from the bastion ; also has a room at the bastion where she stays most nights after working late
• occupation: singer at the bastion’s private bar & assassin
• aesthetics: red wine, silver daggers, louboutin heels, grand pianos, diamond earrings, city sunsets, red velvet, lipstick prints, handmade friendship bracelets, leather gloves
• faceclaim: young michelle pfeiffer
• voice claim: michelle pfeiffer
• height: 5’ 6”
• build: average
• eyes: blue
• hair: blonde
• piercings: both earlobes and right helix
• tattoos: her mother’s birthday in roman numerals on the inside of her left wrist
• scars: a four inch horizontal line on her left hip (from being cut with a blade)
• style:
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• positive traits: confident, fearless, patient, resilient, versatile, resourceful
• negative traits: reserved, stubborn, ruthless, flirtatious
• mbti: entp - the debater
• likes: piano music, getting free drinks, chocolate, reading, art, old films, watching the sun set
• dislikes: being interrupted, beer, bitter foods, being underestimated, extreme temperatures, getting up early
• phobias: arachnophobia ; ophidiophobia
• hobbies: reading, singing, target practice, visiting museums and galleries, going to the cinema, writing love letters
• skills: sharpshooter ; knife throwing ; expert in hand-to-hand combat ; can speak fluent english, german, and italian
• other: -
• mother: madeleine louisa fox (née gilbert)
• father: archie christopher fox
• siblings: aurelius michael & andreas william fox (twin brothers - five years older)
• love interest: marco romano
• food: ice-cream
• drink: red wine
• time of the day: night
• weather: cool and sunny
• colours: red ; black
• songs: anything jazz, blues, classical, or indie rock
— morgaine was born on 29th october 1991 at 1:26pm to archie fox, a stockbroker, and his wife madeleine, a biologist. she has two older twin brothers named aurelius and andreas. she was born and raised in the west village.
— growing up, she absolutely hated her brothers. they were the bane of her existence. they’d constantly bully her, take her belongings, and their father wouldn’t bat an eyelid. but her mother was far more sympathetic. the two of them spent a lot of time together whilst archie was constantly preparing the boys to follow him in the so-called family business. madeleine taught morgaine a lot about literature and art and about the ever-changing world around them as well as the important rule for young women: never let any man push you around or tell you who you are.
— her mother would always have the radio on when she’s was cooking and morgaine soon found a passion for singing by listening to old songs and learning the lyrics. she was a natural vocalist, but would never sing in front of her brothers out of fear they’d find something else to pick on her for.
— morgaine, although interested in art and literature, found school a bore. she hated learning pointless things she knew she would never use again and even though she remained popular throughout her education she didn’t particularly care for the other girls she knew; they were all fake and bitchy and talked about nothing stimulating. she did, however, attend all the big school parties at the more wealthier kids’ houses just to piss off her father and get drunk.
— morgaine also participated in kung fu lessons in order to learn self-defence. it was a way for her to get stronger and let out her frustrations. she once roundhouse kicked a boy in the face after he derogatory comments to a fellow student who was always getting bullied for being a nerd and whilst morgaine got in huge trouble she was proud of herself and the student she helped remained eternally grateful, the two of them often sitting together during lunch. nobody else dared mess with her after that.
— madeleine was supportive of morgaine’s endeavours to pursue a singing career as she could see how much is meant to her daughter and how passionate she was about it, but archie wasn’t happy. he wanted her to do something that would bring her wealth and abundance (or so he said, but morgaine knew he only wanted her to be as miserable and as infamous as he was), but she stood her ground. both he and her brothers were disappointed; they said she was throwing her life away, but morgaine only replied that she was actually wanting to live a life and not wanting to be pulled down into the depths of depression and stress by some mundane lifestyle. of course, archie was less than pleased and when morgaine had graduated high school he gave her an ultimatum: go to college and get a real job or leave home and never come back. morgaine chose the latter.
— morgaine soon found herself jumping from bar to bar, singing across the city and having no kind of stability. her mother was sending her money in the meantime, until she got on her feet, to pay for rent and groceries. morgaine didn’t know what she would do without madeleine. at 26 she found an opportunity to go to london to start her career at a prestigious hotel named ‘the bastion’ and, with her mother’s full support, she immediately snatched it up.
— upon arriving at the bastion she was taken under the wing of elowen de gavre, a fellow singer. the two lived together and quickly became like sisters, even solidifying their relationship and trust with friendship bracelets which they never took off. morgaine always thought she’d never have made it in the bastion of it want for elowen and knows that she can rely on her no matter what.
— morgaine never intended to become an assassin, but with being surrounded by a certain class of people and with her beauty, charm, and martial arts skills it became inevitable. she practised incessantly when it came to shooting a gun and knife throwing, but soon became an expert in both, even going as far as having her own custom silver knives made.
— her job as a singer payed well and she loved every moment of doing her favourite thing in the world, but when morgaine started taking on contracts her income increased and was able to start paying her mother back (despite madeleine’s insistence that it wasn’t necessary) and was also able to move out of her room at the bastion to get her own place nearby. her first job as an assassin was to dispatch a wealthy gentleman who had been breaking the rules of the table and thought he was getting away with it and whilst she was nervous morgaine decided to have fun. she seduced him at the bar where he spent most evenings and accompanied him back to his apartment where she slit his throat and stole some valuable pieces of jewellery from both him and his wife. she heard on the news that the police only suspected the murder was a result of a break in and robbery and nothing else came from the investigation. literally getting away with murder gave morgaine a high and is constantly chasing that when she takes on a job.
— after getting unwanted attention from men who were disrespectful, sexiest, and generally terrible people, morgaine thought she would never find someone who would love her the way she could love them. until she crossed paths with fellow assassin marco romano, who was highly skilled, incredibly handsome, and had a heart of gold. he also frequented the bar a lot and watched her sing. she fell for him pretty quick and not only did he help to bring out her softer side, but she helped him to be more confident. the two soon became a formidable pair.
other muses: e. crowe / d. montmorency / r. thorne
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diferencialesbica · 6 months
I have thought of it all day, Susie, and I fear of but little else, and when I was gone to meeting it filled my mind so full, I could not find a chink to put the worthy pastor; when he said "Our Heavenly Father", I said "Oh Darling Sue"; when he read the 100th Psalm, I kept saying your precious letter all over to myself, and Susie, when they sang - it would have made you laugh to hear one little voice, piping to the departed. I made up words and kept singing how I loved you, and you had gone, while all the rest of the choir were singing Hallelujahs.
Carta de Emily Dickinson a Susan Gilbert (fragmento), abril de 1852
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moviesandmania · 2 years
TRANSFUSION (2022) Sam Worthington crime thriller - trailer
TRANSFUSION (2022) Sam Worthington crime thriller – trailer
Transfusion is a 2022 Australian crime thriller about a former Special Forces operative thrust into the criminal underworld to keep his only son from being taken from him. Written, directed by and also co-starring actor Matt Nable, making his directorial debut. The Altitude Media Group-Deeper Water-Madman Entertainment co-production also stars Sam Worthington, Phoebe Tonkin, Susie Porter, Jeremy…
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a-ramblinrose · 1 year
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IN JUNE 1852, Emily Dickinson sent a letter to her friend Susan Huntington Gilbert, who was away from home teaching mathematics at Robert Archer's school for girls in Baltimore, Maryland.  The letter was carried and delivered to Susan by Emily's father, Edward Dickinson, on his way to Baltimore to serve as a delegate to the national Whig convention.  "Why cant I be a Delegate to the great Whig Convention?" asks Dickinson in the letter's postscript. "Dont I know all about Daniel Webster, and the Tariff, and the Law?  Then, Susie, I could see you, during a pause in the session."  Placed for Susan to see when she first unfolded the letter is Emily's tender instruction, "open me carefully - "
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