#suzume i love u...
loopeyfluff · 1 year
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minsarasarahair · 1 year
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“Hey, you. Are there any abandoned places around here? I’m looking for a door.” ↪ Iwato Suzume & Munakata Souta (Suzume no Tojimari)
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just blocked and unfollowed someone for putting Makoto Shinkai slander on my dash. your name is literally The Movie Of All Time, and suzume made me feel emotions i haven't been able to stop feeling for days. it's this serious to me
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mofffun · 1 year
Translator's note on suzuracles post-wedding dialogue
It's hard to direct-translate Suzume's tone indicators to English so I could only do my best to imitate her playful tone at the end of each sentence (even though the content/first half is serious she kept the lovestruck persona ending it in "wah~!")
This passage is a bit difficult to me so I checked the dictionary twice. I spent a long time on Suzume's last line. I can't be sure if it is i-u-hou (the speaker) or i-u-kata (the tone+diction) but combining Suzume's tone I think it's the latter one. And, "tsumi". I'm aware of the better-known from W as "sins" but the word has duality and what is sinful may not be illegal, what is illegal may not be sinful (off-track). And we are talking about a morally grey character.
The most intriguing suzuracles to me is, they might be the closest in position in terms of sacrificing their personal self for their country, to present a public persona yet they could never confide in anyone, not even to each other, especailly not, even though they knew the other is in the same position as themself. Yet, they have lived under the same roof with each other longer than they did with their own family. That real? not real? love into hatred? hatred into love? into mutual understanding? The quantum state of it is the most captivating to me for them as foils.
I think Suzume is conscious in keeping referring to Racules as "Racules-sama" instead of in second person to keep a distance between them. Let alone "anata" in the "[my] husband" sense. It's okay to love "Racules-sama", it's easy to play the innocent captive of "Racules-sama", but she has seen Racules. Late at night, in between schemes, behind polite threats. Can one fully hate a worthy opponent?
ラ 「間に合わせだ。売ったところで二束三文にしかならない」
ス 「私を何だと思ってらっしゃるの!?私とラクレス様の愛の結晶に、値段などつけられませんわ」
Racules is testing Suzume. He has no need to play games with her. He knew she was there for Toufu to profit from the start (alt-shugod aid to Toufu in wake of Wrath of Gods).
Translated: Hold on to the ring (game-changer item)
ラ 「…時に君の正気を疑うことがある」
ス 「無理もありません。ラクレス様への愛が、私を狂わせるんですもの!」
ラ 「愛ではなく、憎しみだろう。スズメ・ディボウスキ」
Racules is letting himself show, if a little, if vulnerability, to gain her trust? Suzume DYBOWSKI. DYBOWSKI. THIS MAN CALLED HIS NEWLY WEDDED WIFE HER FAMILY NAME. He knows Suzume will always put Toufu/Dybowski before him or Shugoddom, but she's the only one he can count on now. Because she said it herself, her devotion (to "Racules-sama") is mad unwavered.
ラ 「国のため、道具にされ続け、それでも正気でいられる道理は何だ」
Convince me Racules is not talking about himself. Do, try.
ス 「…トウフの女は、地に足ついてこそ。信ずる道を、踏み外したりはしませんわ」
This line is so hardcore?? More importantly, I can totally see Kamura-san's delievery. Quiet at first, the cold in her eyes, then the naive switch grin at the end!
ラクレスがふっと微笑む。 ラ 「やはり度し難いな」
Suzume managed to make Racules smile! It doesn't specify if he was amused or relieved Suzume caught his metaphor. This is what we are talking about the actor filling in for the script. Then Yano-san's performance can be interpreted a thousand ways based on each viewer! A more literal translation of 度し難い is "beyond help". I think it can also mean the person is beyond salvage as in nothing can change their determination (positive). Racules is talking about himself too! if wryly!
Translated: "you are part of my plan. don't ever change."
ラ 「その指輪は、太陽を浴びて輝く。目を焼かれぬよう、気をつけろ」
Racules-sama, can you be more obvious. Put the wedding ring under the sun to read my secret message, just like I did with what Vetaria left me in my spin-off. The fire imagery!! (re: inferno, re: takamina's "he who shines on the world must burn himself to do so" tweet!!)
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starseungs · 2 months
speaking of “your name” tho i feel in love with that anime way back in 2018 so i watched it religiously when from high school to college but i love “weathering with you” the most now, still “your name” brought me back to watch anime movies again and i was really going through that specific phase where i wanted to write a series with those movies from “your name” “weathering with you” “fireworks” and “suzume” with minho, jeongin, changbin and hyunjin HAHAHAHA but i got too lazy they will never reach the light of day. nothing just sharing 🫶🏻
well this is fic is probably gonna please you since the ost of fireworks is also one of my inspos for the story !! its part of the playlist i made for the fic (will link it on release but i think i alr sent it to you last time)
i would LOVE to read those fics if u bring them back 🙇‍♀️ especially weathering with you aaaaaa !! personally my favorite anime movie is "a silent voice (koe no katachi)" ... it just hits rlly deep for me i will never not cry watching that movie as much as i loved dissecting the components of the storytelling
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dullorangepulp · 4 months
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P4 & P5 Femc's, Suzume Asakawa & Rei Kurusu!
Info under cut
I wanted to try my hand at creating hypothetical femc's. Not like genderbends of the protagonists (though i always love seeing those), but entirely new characters with different personalities, kinda like Kotone Shiomi from p3p.
I had 3 main philosophies I tried to stick to when designing these gals; they should hypothetically be easy for the player to project themselves onto, they must have the opposite colour scheme of their male protag counterparts, & they must have the opposite personality of their male protag counterparts. Just like Kotone!
I'm kinda bad at explaining, sooo I'll just try to walk u through my design process. Let's start with Suzume!
for Suzume, since purple is the opposite of yellow, i decided to give her a purple colour scheme. Since purple is often associated with royalty, I thought she could be based on the himedere archetype in anime! & what else is the most himedere-hairstyle other than twin curls?
With her design now defined, I moved onto her personality. Im aware it's kinda a debate as to whether or not persona protags have personalities, but personally? i think they do, since they're characterised somewhat consistently across the animes/spin off games (chadrukami & joker having tons of troll dialogue options in p5 strikers come to mind as popular interpretations), so for the sake of making suzume more interesting, let's just say she has one.
Suzume is elegant, prideful, posh, regal, classy, vain, arrogant, & snooty. She takes a lot of pride in her appearance, & loves being the center of attention. Which, considering she's the leader of the investigation team, gives her the perfect excuse to continue stroking her massive ego
In the TV world, Suzume fights with a fencing sword. She accepts her role as the team leader very quickly, & leads her team in a way that can only be described as very.... um.... "authoritative". The best way I can describe her style of leadership is like this; she gets the investigation team to do most of the work beating up shadows, & then she swoops in to get the last hit & steals all the glory! She sucks so much, i love her <3
Suzume always strives to be the best at everything ever. She needs to be better than everyone around her, she always needs to win, because no one likes a loser. & if she's the best, most charming, charismatic, prettiest, & talented girl on planet earth, surely people will HAVE to like her, right? Surely, everyone will HAVE to turn to look at her.... right?
Despite how much she tries to hide it, underneath that perfect princess-like facade is a vulnerable & insecure girl who thinks she needs to be perfect all the time to make up for how unspecial she truly is. She grew up alone & detached from everyone & everything around her, which caused her to be isolated from the world around her. She's basically just drifting through life until she arrives in Inaba. Her princess-like attitude is a mask she puts on to try & get people to pay more attention to her. In Suzume's mind, all attention is good attention. Doesn't matter if people think she's the sweetest angel on earth, or a huge bitch, so long as they look at her. So long as she sticks in their minds forever. So long as they never forget about her again.
Also, she sucks at cooking. Like, she's really bad. Cooking is the one skill she just cannot seem to perfect. She tries to hide how bad she is, to great comedic effect, but. People find out eventually. & uh... it may or may not end with the entire investigation team getting food poisoning. Suzume's cooking is so bad she makes Yukiko look like Gordon Ramsey by comparison.
Ok enough about her, let's move on to Reirei!
Green is the opposite of red, so while I deffo wanted her to be green, i didnt just want her to be green. I wanted her to have more colours so that she wouldn't look too boring. So, I decided that the secondary colour could be pink! This gives her the spring colour palette, which I think fits her very well. I know pink is already one of Kotone's colours, but hey, surely she wouldn't mind sharing. it is caring, after all
Rei has basically the same backstory as the og protag. She was a normal girl, living a normal life, until she was arrested & falsely accused of assault for protecting a woman from a violent drunkard. But the difference between Rei & Ren is in how they cope with being sent away on probation. While Ren puts on the mask of an unassuming, stoic, & shy boy who tries to avoid conflict, Rei has a different approach. She elects to completely lean into people's perception of her, & dons the mask of a tough, ruthless, cold-hearted delinquent. Her design is specifically inspired by sukeban fashion, which actually hasn't been seen since the 80s , but I thought it was fitting for Rei. Plus, I actually have a reason for why she dresses in an outdated fashion style.
The true Rei Kurusu is extremely shy. So shy she can barely talk louder than muttering. She's always been very socially anxious & hates putting herself in the spotlight. She used to hide her face behind long bangs to avoid looking people in the eyes, before she cut them to look more tough & unapproachable (she still mostly avoids eye contact though). Due to her immense shyness during childhood, she didn't have any friends. She grew up with a fairly limited view of the world, & as a result, is behind on a lot of modern trends. This is the kind of girl who only plays retro games on an old console, & who actually still thinks female delinquents in japan dress as sukeban. Yeah, she's kinda stupid. I still love her tho <3 my stupid little gal.
While her inability to look at people when they're talking may come off as rude, Rei doesn't mean any harm by it. She always tries to be nice & polite to everyone, even those who are mean to her, she just... can never seem to get over the hurdles of actually interacting with people beyond simple pleasantries. She always holds people at an arms distance, never wanting to let them in.
Anyways, her facade fools everyone save for only a few; her fellow Phantom Thieves. As the leader, Rei doesn't want to hog any of the spotlight or glory. She thinks the other members are far more skilled, strong, & talented than her, so her leadership style is basically to give orders from the back, while letting everyone else get their chance to shine. She's fairly hands off, only stepping up to the challenge if her team is really knocked down, forcing her to take over & finish off a Shadow with her shinai. Otherwise, her amazing teammates can handle it themselves.
Also, Rei constantly apologises for the smallest of things. Knocking a glass over, or stepping on someone's foot, or just slightly bumping into them, she's always quick to blurt out a "Sorry!" first, even if she's the one who got bumped. Doesn't really help her keep up her delinquent persona, though, so her classmates fairly quickly figure out that she's not actually that threatening. Deep down, she's actually just a really sweet dumbass. A female himbo, if that's even a thing that exists.
ok thats all bye
(doodle reqs open!)
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cod-z · 1 month
When you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
Hello hello!!! How are you??
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OH- Hi— *is trying to act normal because I love your work* I’m good! How are you? I’m in the Philippines at the moment, vacation with family and one of my best friends, so I didn’t see this till now 😭
Have so many songs but at the moment I’ll go with what I repeat for now:
• Hayloft II - Mother mother
• All 2 U - Helluva Boss
• Suzume (feat. Toaka) - RADWIMPS
• Ghost - Confetti
• League of my own - Alibi Music
Link are added if anyone or you wanna listen 💜
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heavenlyakin · 1 month
when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers or moots (positivity is cool) 💖
I love doing this!
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liquorisce · 2 months
Is there any manga you can recommend to someone who’s otp is eremika and that likes your fics?
OMG I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!! tysm for asking!!!
So since you like eremika and my fics (i really am honoured thank u) I am gonna rec some stuff with themes that I am drawn to: (cws in red)
Scum’s wish: it's a story about 2 high schoolers trying to sate their intense feelings for other people, with each other. there's a lot of great elements about loneliness, hunger, desperation to be noticed, a certain willingness to throw away your self respect because of the intensity of your desire etc. i'm super drawn to these themes so you might see them pop in my fics! cw: nsfw, character ages not mentioned i think but they're in final year i think so 17-18?
Hirunaka no ryuusei: I used to write fic for this manga! that's how obsessed i was with this. even now i find myself wishing for an anime of this one. This is a love triangle shoujo manga. So this starts off with a high schooler- suzume- who moves to tokyo and develops feelings for her teacher. At the same time, she develops tentative friendships, one with a boy who falls hopelessly in love with her. I recommend this manga EVEN if you don't like the teacher x student trope bc you might enjoy where it ends up. the characters are really well done, the emotions hit hard. and it can also be cute and funny at times!
Fruits basket: Another one that I have written a couple of fics for! Furuba was pretty popular esp with the reboot anime that came out a few years ago so maybe you know this, but man does it go heavy on the angst. It's about an orphan who stumbles into a really old wealthy family that suffers from a curse. There's such good stuff here: forbidden relationships, repressed desires, self-loathing, innocence and pain. Make sure to grab the tissues if you pick it up! I liked both the anime (2019?) and the manga. The characters are very very well done!! Tons of deep characters with great backstory.
akatsuki no yona: I must admit I am not caught up with like the last 20 chaps or so but I was super obsessed with it. It's got a wonderful FMC- princess yona- who goes through a really nice growth arc. the chemistry between her bodyguard and her is TO DIE FOR! and tbh i consider this a huge inspiration for whenever I want to write something that conveys devotion. Nobody does it like Hak. And yeah lots of gorgeous men. Pretty art style. Highly recommend!
Ok now I'm going to recommend some stuff that may not be to everyone's taste, but I feel like there's a running theme with what I'm drawn to, so here it is. There are several works of CLAMP that I really adore:
They are super well known for CardCaptor Sakura, and that was one of my faves growing up. CCS is quite tame but has a really strong ship with some of my fav elements: soulmates, fate, i-will-do-anything-for-you vibes. Syaoran x Sakura and also Touya x Yukito was a huge obsession of mine back in the day! (There's some fics on my ao3/FFN if you are curious what I used to write a million years ago lol).
Now tsubasa reservoir chronicle is a very twisted and at times confusing multiverse manga with the same characters as CCS and some of CLAMP's other works, and i know this is a controversial take but i loved it. I tend to read works for very specific reasons, like the angst or the doomed relationship vibes? like repression, unrequited love, a sort of unhinded tendency to sacrifice others and the self in service of your lover is very much a vibe i am drawn to even at the cost of plot loopholes. so you'll find a lot of that here. the plot summary: syaoran travels across different worlds and dimensions to find princess sakura's memories, without which she is an empty shell (she has no memory of him). there is a really stellar backstory to this that is honestly (for me) uncomparable to anything else i have ever read.
Another manga (from the 90s lol) by the same group is Tokyo Babylon which is a really short manga featuring a teenage onmyouji and his twin sister and his strange relationship with a much older "veterinarian". The series has a lot of occult themes and i think for it's time received good reviews for its portrayal of queer themes. It's a manga for the weird ones lol... It's very angsty, and mysterious, and has a tragic ending. cw: Age gap
Other manga/anime that I like that are somewhat aot-esque (to me) in their exploration of character and social commentary are: fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, heavenly delusion and psycho pass!!
enjoy!! do let me know if you end up reading / watching any of these <3
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seokmins · 9 months
i forgot i can't send asks to your main 😔😔😔 but i love the fact that you're suzume posting because that movie is so good ♡♡♡
what's better than that movie though? you ♡♡♡♡ ilysm ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
anyways ignore the time that i reblogged said suzume post from you, it's complicated (extremely derogatory) (spitting in the eye of the closest god)
this has been your semi regular reminder that i'm always so mega fond of you and you're so so beloved to meeeeeee
I hate using my main for receiving asks 😭 💀 omg yes i wanted to watch suzume asap but didn't get to til the other night and ofc i have to go on here n hyperfixate real quick 😭 it was saur good and beautiful! Also help 😔 ✋🏼 I'd never ignore u also I am not judging u but I love to peep at ur tags 😂 anyways I hope ur doing good xanthe my beloved and happy early new year ~sending u sm of my endless love n support ur way!
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plushie-sentai · 11 months
King Ohger and Donbrothers for the ask thing
❤ Favorite Male: JERAMIE BRASIERI!!!!
❤ Favorite Female: Morphonia :)
❤ Favorite Pairing: Red white and royal blue baby B) (Jeramie gira and Yanma)
❤ Least Favorite Character: racules. Sorry besties he’s just kinda there but I don’t hate him most of the time
❤ who’s most like me: my bestie said Yanma when he’s not angry so I’m goin w that djdjs
❤ most attractive: j. Jeramie. Are you sensing a pattern
❤ three more characters that I like: RITA!!! Love me some nonbinary rep it actually makes me so happy. Suzume rules and I miss her v much excited to see her return. I absolutely love Grodies design also so he gets a mention
❤ Favorite Male: this one is so fuckin hard how dare u but if probably Sonoi even tho I could also say Tarou and Sonoza and-
❤ Favorite Pairing: Sonotarou. Duh
❤ Least Favorite Character: Sonoshi. Fuck you what’s up w the fucking ear wax glitter shit. Freak
❤ who’s most like me: Tarou. It’s the autism
❤ most attractive: Tarou and Sononi :) they’re all lovely tho
❤ three more characters that I like: SONONI!!! Her relationship with the concept of love kills me. Also Kaito cuz what the fuck is his deal I love him. I already half said Sonoza but. Yeah he’s my fucjin guy
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battery-low · 2 years
some movies/series i have seen/want to see
first slam dunk
blue giant
mary and the witch's flower
sirocco and the kingdom of winds
rascal does not dream of a dreaming girl
the tunnel to summer, the exit of goodbyes
the girl who leapt through time
‌wolf children
boy and the beast
mirai no mirai
summer wars
in this corner of the world
metropolis anime
your name
children who chase lost voices from deep below
5 centimeters per second
the place promised in our early days
weathering with you
garden of words
little nemo
‌fist of the north star
vampire hunter d
vampire hunter d:bloodlust
wings of honneamise
ninja scroll
macros plus
the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya
the disappearance of haruhi suzumiya
serial experiments lain
the case of hana & alice
the piano forest
night is short walk on girl
okko's inn
millennium actress
i want to eat your pancreas
a silent voice
liz and the blue bird
kimi no iro (releasing: 082024)
the heike story
dog of flanders
angels egg
giovannis island
night on the galactic railroad
to the forest of firefly lights
a letter to momo
josee, the tiger and the fish
summit of the gods
kodoku no gurume
time of eve
panda go panda
patema inverted
kabaneri of the iron fortress
big boys
small lights
old enough
begrijpt u nu waarom ik huil
schindlers list
colourful (1999)
colourful (2010)
‌anthem of the heart
‌banana fish
‌terror in resonance
short peace
500 days of summer
summer ghost
chungking express
goodbye don glees
one day
office space
lost in translation
manchester by sea
blue valentine
paddington 1, 2
neon genesis evangelion
end of evangelion
evangelion: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0+1.0
le otto montagne
the bear
met mes
call me by your name
beatiful boy
beau is afraid
chainsaw man
white lotus
band of brothers
monster anime
master keaton
to your eternity
miss hokusai
‌your lie in april
march sweeps in like a lion
‌a place further than universe
the perverts guide to cinema/ideology
yuki yukite, shingun
everything everywhere all at once
the hunchback of notre dame
jojo rabbit
love exposure
in the mood for love
in bruges
midnight gospel
‌god father i,ii,iii
‌death parade
one punch man
mob psycho i,ii,iii
vinland saga
bee and puppy cat
‌violet evergarden
violet evergarden (special)
violet evergarden (movie 2019)
violet evergarden (2020 movie)
‌anohana the flower we saw that day
scavenger reign
over the garden wall
‌bojack horseman
‌better call saul
‌breaking bad
‌game of thrones
‌moonlight kingdom
‌freedom writers
a sun
handmaids tale
carnival row
7 samurai
kingdom of heaven
a brighter summer day
past lives
perfect days
dear zachary:a letter to a son about his father
time still turns pages
silent love
monster (movie)
get out
poor things
fionna and cake
on the count of three
sensitive the untold story
the creative brain
‌the whale
memories of murder
taxi driver
after hours
a clockwork orange
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
‌requiem for a dream
‌children of heaven
‌my sisters keeper
‌hachi dogs tale
the big short
‌perks of being a wall flower
‌into the wild
‌good will hunting
mishima: a life in four chapters
what's eating gilbert grape?
better days
king of staten island
schindlers list
meet joe black
we are who we are
cowboy bebop
nr. 10
dead poet society
ghost in the shell
ghost in the shell sac
memories 1995
the vince staples show
matrix i,ii,iii
star wars visions
castle of cagliostro
my neighbour totoro
spirited away
howls moving castle
kikis delivery service
the wind rises
whisper of the heart
the cat returns
the boy and the heron
tales from the earthsea
from up on poppy hill
castle in the sky
nausica valley of the wind
porco rosso
princess monoke
ocean waves
only yesterday
pom poko
grave of fireflies
the tale of the princess kaguya
the neighbours yamadas
gauche the cellist
when marnie was there
red turtle
samurai shamploo
tales of the unusual
the face of another
rin daughters of mnemosyne
afro samurai
paranoia agent
bullet in your head
american gangster
american psycho
eyes wide shut
mind game
if beale street could talk
a time to kill
killers of the flower moon
the iron giant
tree of life
blue eyed samurai
twin peaks
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frida--y · 10 months
Get To Know Me (King-Oh Villager Edition)
Tagged by @t-u-i-t-c
Which kingdom would you like to live in?
I think the weather in Toufu would be perfect, I live pretty much near fields and agriculture so I'd love it a lot.. and also FOOD!!!!!!!
What would your occupation be?
I would be proud to be a vendor or be the one to decide on crop rotation.
What food from any kingdom would you like to try the most?
What do they even eat in Gokkan.. I feel like Ishabana would have amazing pastries n Shugoddam would have amazing bread.. I want to try everything from everyone.
Who is your favorite ruler?
Racles 🥺🥺🥺
Who is your least favorite ruler?
I don't really have a least fav, they’re all great! I will say at least in the beginning, Himeno was in last running n I didn’t necessarily like her intro episode. Hurts to say she still is… but I love her a lot.. she’s has had GREAT scenes n I love her dynamic with everyone, she’s had the most distinct dynamics with the squad I feel like.
Dream royal wedding that you'd like to attend (Ex: Gira & Jeramie, Hymeno & Rita, etc.)
Hilarious that there has been a canonical royal wedding in the show. I should have been there, I should have married Racles, leave Suzume alone, her and me could annoy Racles to death. Oh the actual question… Gira n Jeramie would be one for the ages, so the story goes.
You're arrested by Rita. What crime did you commit?
Illegally acquiring Moffun episodes in HD.
What is your favorite Shugod?
Honestly, Kamakiri. The added detail of Kamakiri posing like it’s doing the “ohohohoh” laugh when it’s the praying mantis is so perfect I smile everytime I see them.
Human partner or Bugnarak partner?
What form of entertainment would you be obsessed with? (Ex: Moffun, Racules' livestreams, watching Yanma's hacking battles, etc.)
Racles' livestreams……………………………………………………………………………………..
Tag someone:
no need to do it if you don’t want to
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I went to london last week and saw posters in the tube stations for suzume and looked it up and apparently it came out last year? But suddenly this past week I keep seeing stuff about it. And I KNOW I didn't see it before because even from a single promotional poster I knew id want to watch it. I'd have watched it if I had even the slightest bit of info. Your posts now would've made me want to watch it. Did this film come into existence for the first time during my trip to london or what??
Haha, the film came out in Japan last year, but just released internationally on April 14. I know where I'm at in the US it's playing tonight and tomorrow still, but it had a pretty limited international release. So that's why everything kind of exploded all at once about it! I definitely recommend getting to a theatre to see it if you can (and if it's still playing in your area), and if not, checking it out when it has it's home release :)
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i am in tears. 「すずめ (suzume)」 by radwimps (ft. toaka) is definitely kiri's song!!!
beneath the cut are my interpretations of how the song fits kiri!! i may interpret the songs oddly but u just need to know that this song is so KIRI. AND I LOVE KIRI. AND I THINK PEOPLE NEED TO LISTEN TO THIS SONG!! (AND MAYBE WATCH THE MOVIE IF IT'S UP YOUR ALLEY)
also, this post is almost 1k words long because i ramble a lot 🏃 i present to u : me screaming and crying incoherently at a wall about another fictional character
"time is a sleeper, wind the soft skin, the star is a cradle, people are a mirage."
AGGHSGADH this (to me) is kiri feeling like he, in all his lives, was idly living and being washed along as time just continues ticking and ticking, and he's constantly being forgotten and belittled by people who enter and leave and enter and leave his life so quickly....
and because of how "people are a mirage", he can't tangibly seek comfort in them, no matter how much he craves that human connection that keeps SLIPPING THROUGH HIS FINGERS WHEN HE TRIES TO GRASP IT!!!! so he turns to nature for it, "wind the soft skin (this feels like an awkward translation but i'll close one eye) / the star is a cradle"!! like.... nature is soothing, it's healing, it's nurturing, you get what i mean??
and idk how much of this is canon to his character, but i know that he had lived in the mountains before to run a lodge there, so i would say that he can seek solace within nature! (also he's the water omni lord, right, so if you put two and two together, it's not far of a stretch!!!)
if this tear answers your question of why i’m crying, it can't compare to the meaning of us finding each other
OH MY GOD. forming connections, finding people he can bond and share memories and feelings with, finding that warmth to hold and cherish and honour -- these are SO important to kiri, because of how much he has lost throughout all of his lives. because of the countless people he had to let go and the many regrets that i feel he had accumulated for eons.
and (this is a Big stretch) crying alone, which creates that image of hiding away; concealing this part of himself from the rest of the world, would not compare to being able to cry with the people he could form so many meaningful bonds and memories with. because even though crying is (sort of) inconsequential and momentary, the act of sharing pain with someone/many people is brimming with vulnerability and trust. and it's SO. SO. HEARTWARMING.
(oh dear i. am rambling a lot. i'll just share a few more interpretations of lines that stood out prominently to me, but jsut know that "i found a heart that trembles only when i touch your hand / how many meanings must we overcome to get there?" wrenched my heart out of my chest)
it could be stupidity, it could be ugliness, beyond what’s right, i want to hold hands with you / i want to live with you
"stupidity", "ugliness",,, it's like, "it doesn't matter how much of myself i'm expressing, it doesn't matter how raw and desperate and enigmatic i may seem, as long as i can secure this feeling of hope, relief, comfort, assurance, satisfaction, etc etc.... i'll be content," do you get what i mean???
and i'm not saying this way of thinking is entirely healthy, but it does reveal kiri's desperation to find some kind of... validation (??) that has been very blatantly shown to us before (eg. accepting the dark core)
idk, i felt like this was worth mentioning gfjghjshfg i hope this doesn't feel too ooc of him AASFFHG
precious memories i can’t recall, these are the thoughts that can’t be put into words. maybe, just maybe, that’s all this heart is made of
why do i feel like i've only been interpreting this song through kiri's,,,, not-so-positive sides.. because these lines could convey how his personhood embodies the accumulation of experiences and memories from his previous lives. like, he's lived through so much, and yeah it's possible for him to remember what happened in his previous lives. but every memory? every feeling? every person's face, name, voice, and every experience that he deems "precious"? (and i'm sure he finds all the memories precious)
it must hurt to not be able to honour and celebrate parts of his own existence that he can't tangibly remember...
it must hurt to know that that's what he must carry within himself, as someone who has lived through eons.
ok this one is... very, very farfetched and it probably makes sense to me only, but there's a vocalist for this song, right? (toaka!! she's phenomenal, and her voice is so mesmerising and clear...) there are also backing vocals (most likely sung by a choir?) that feel like the "kiri"s from the past, pushing present kiri forward, providing him with courage and conviction and hope, highlighting his voice filled with emotion, determination, an endless thirst for knowledge, a yearn to fully understand and accept both his present self, his past selves, and miserea, and a hope for a brighter, more promising future.
and though his voice may waver and he may be overwhelmed with his inner voice (and multitude of memories), he still wants to shine a light and celebrate the lives "he" had lived before, so he sings along with the many "kiri"s of the past!! (THIS IS MAKING ME VERY SENTIMENTAL, CAN YOU TELL)
also toaka's voice is so soft, so smooth, so gentle, so emotional... it's so KIRI!!! this is his singing voice, i rest my case.
andd..... with that being said, i conclude my lengthy and long-winded essay about why すずめ is kiri's character song and why you desperately need to listen to this lovely lovely masterpiece (that has been looping in my playlist for the past month)!! also watch the movie, すずめの戸締り (or just "suzume", i think), cuz it looks really promising!
that is all, have a kiri picture from the wiki (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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ok byebyee
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salsflore · 1 year
You are your f/o's are canon to me!
HII SUZUME youre so cute and THANK YOU, likewise... i will fight anyone who says otherwise about your ships. i love u
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