brysmaleidols · 5 months
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Troye Sivan
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sviancontrast · 1 year
El Rincón de Svian/Svian's Corner
Bienvenidos a mi pequeño rincón. Soy Svian y estoy escribiendo un par de librillos que más adelante quiero traducir al inglés. No sé muy bien como explicar lo que voy poniendo por aquí, pero espero que encuentres algo que te guste.
Organización del blog a través de etiquetas al final del post (tal vez me haya dejado algo sin clasificar)
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Welcome to my little corner. I'm Svian and I'm writing a couple books that later on I'd like to translate to English. I don't really know how to explain what I'm posting over here, but I hope that whatever you'll enjoy whatever you find here.
Blog organization using tags at the end of the post (I might have left something without tagging)
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writing stuff - cosas sobre escribir
progreso del libro - book progress
reblogging useful info - reblogueo de cosas útiles
poll reblog - reblogueo de encuestas
reblogging masterpieces - reblogueo de obras de arte
asd stuff - cosas del TEA
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444names · 2 years
ukrainian names + the entire wikipedia article on "autobiography" in german BUT excluding "y"
Abertung Absche Alblern Albstagia Alig Alinko Alizig Allem Allo Anamenten Andemerie Anden Anjam Anter Anterbior Antertig Antlia Antsion Apolen Apopät Arstinna Arte Athensche Aufahmana Aufis Aufka Augen Augenen Augnia Aula Aums Ausgaben Ausgen Austona Aute Autobion Auton Auts Avher Bedr Bedregen Beischt Beksisia Bektiogra Bektiost Bereilia Berent Berko Bers Berstgra Besanna Bewma Bezufas Bihr Biogrid Bion Bombraus Borpole Bort Braf Brisan Bucheit Buchrstig Bzunde Bändenke Büch Chariffer Chrt Danesch Dangen Danurgen Danzgände Darschre Darvit Dasse Deis Deldel Dellega Demoffen Dena Denis Denn Deren Dich Dichm Dierstint Diesch Diestona Dimara Dins Diven Dmia Dminne Duktik Echar Echsen Ecsit Ehelmen Eigung Eina Einas Eindhe Eing Einksank Eische Eisse Eitelin Eitenneum Eitten Eitzen Ekana Ekargent Elensa Elit Emilena Emilim Ephig Erden Eren Erena Eriedron Erlers Erliker Erlit Ersen Erzhief Esse Estiv Eues Evges Evgl Evhungsa Fige Fika Finer Fort Fragen France Frata Fren Führo Galleisco Gass Gatas Gatten Gegt Gendere Gesche Gess Gessen Getrunem Ginet Gotals Grafie Grafik Grauto Gunden Gung Gunklung Göschelme Hafiewis Haltese Hance Hannen Hatschen Hedonst Heine Hell Hellt Heren Hergab Hischii Hissank Histia Hlagon Hoffer Hosla Hörfas Ider Immen Imref Inden Inenn Ines Inetam Inetwis Inkung Inte Irieh Irisprägt Ivand Izolfe Jahm Jahmen Jeanden Johan Johda Johdander Jula Julichs Juria Kafin Kalia Kata Katen Kathieben Kation Katutond Khre Khrissen Kina Kins Klanen Klaver Kliche Klung Klungese Kole Kondeona Konfen Kosla Krien Lagewfole Laris Lebe Legoriell Leispäiss Leren Leuton Leutors Levhendhe Liliacht Linn Lion Liten Lubov Mach Maki Malt Mana Maricton Marsterst Marwar Maten Matsit Matten Maximan Maximen Mech Mechlote Memerift Mihrtazie Milicht Milo Mitliche Mits Nachris Nadigerd Nasta Nasten Nata Nataleksa Natiogibt Natung Nikana Nisser Nutor Nutorgab Odaben Ofern Offt Ofjous Oksa Olegen Olen Oleria Olerrs Olhen Otter Ottum Oxan Palich Palt Pergin Pert Plationen Plav Polies Polit Polo Pombrosla Pron Pronen Pros Prosten Proße Prunte Prägt Randlunde Recsij Reibung Rein Reinie Reten Roksa Roksand Rolo Romar Rosie Roson Rostes Rous Rousland Rozal Rozij Rusen Russan Samer Samesen Schaft Sche Schern Schria Schrt Seaums Selen Semachert Sent Serfung Serina Sers Sert Serzis Siente Siken Sion Siza Soes Sogra Sonslana Sozav Spana Spann Spiechne Spros Stalien Stas Stasse Stehrna Sten Ster Stges Stioson Stivers Suaragder Sublav Subomit Subov Svia Svian Tagen Tataltsa Tatia Teta Tethenis Thentesta Thorwans Titena Todenklav Trohne Troßena Twarkas Töner Underna Unksin Valen Valetro Valtsia Vasten Verderfas Verspie Vert Verzieln Vgebes Viden Viderin Vielt Viken Viktumen Viliana Viogrin Viter Vitrache Viturkana Vitäts Volexane Vomehrt Vonasten Vorpolen Wachen Wahrossch Wariele Weichlien Weithest Weitädte Werer Werge Wier Wisel Wuch Wucheist Wuchre Wundenna Wuro Yaki Yaktenen Yarhiss Yegonden Yehrij Yehtlizav Yelleres Yevhunfer Yevkolg Yospektie Yulaftten Yulark Yulassit Yulich Zeicher Zeusla Zeutolo Zeuzeit Zhafigen Zina Zinlicht Zoir Zufacht Üben
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giuseppepiredda · 1 month
Sarai felice soltanto se riponi la tua completa fiducia in Dio e non nell’uomo che è fallace
Sarai felice soltanto se riponi la tua completa fiducia in Dio e non nell’uomo che è fallace Davide, il re e dolce cantore d’Israele, ha scritto queste parole di questo Salmo: «Beato l’uomo che ripone nell’Eterno la sua fiducia, e non riguarda ai superbi né a quei che si svian dietro alla menzogna!» (Salmo 40:4) Davide aveva sperimentato personalmente cosa vuol dire confidare nel Signore,…
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10blue10 · 7 months
HTTYD World-building: History
(Disclaimer: I have shamelessly stolen the names of real historical kingdoms and people in medieval Norway and Germany for my fictional history. Every real person I mention here has been dead for centuries so I doubt they’re gonna complain.) 
Geography and Prehistory 
To the east of the Barbaric Archipelago lies the continent of Nordaustheimar (lit: ‘north east realms’). This continent is comprised of three subcontinents that collided with each other, forming two mountain ranges, as shown here: 
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For centuries, the land to the west of the Drakefjall Range was inhabited by various Nordic tribes. These in turn fought with and conquered each other, founding an ever shifting mix of petty kingdoms and lineages. The number, borders and even names of these changed over time, but when the Unification Era began in 872, there were about seventeen to eighteen petty kingdoms. 
History of Noregi 
The five or six petty kingdoms in the northern region consisted of Halogaland, named after the Haloga tribe. This kingdom was the most northerly. To the south west was either two kingdoms, Møre on the coast and Raumsdal further up the Fimbulodda river; but these were also sometimes combined into one kingdom, Møre og Raumsdal. To the east of MoR was Throndheim, and to east of Throndheim was Söndmör. In the south was the kingdom of Firdafylke. 
Halogaland was the ancestral home of the Vikings who would later settle Berk, in around the year 714. The original settlers knew that their homeland was named after the Haloga tribe, so they called themselves Halogans, which soon became Holagans and eventually… Hooligans, thanks to rapid linguistic drift. 
In 872 CE the king of Throndheim, Harald I Halfdansson, aka Harald Fairhair, began a campaign to conquer and unite the petty kingdoms surrounding his own. Thirteen years later, in 885 CE, he successfully unified them into a single country, which was named Nordvegir (North-Way), and eventually Noregi. 
Harald was crowned the first king of Noregi, and ruled for 47 years until his death in 932 CE. His eldest son Erik ruled for only two years, from 932 to 934 CE, before succumbing to illness. His second son Haakon ruled for 26 years, from 934 to 960 CE. Then the line of succession switched to Erik’s eldest son, Harald II, who ruled from 961 to 970 CE (9 years), before Haakon’s grandson, Haakon II Sigurdsson, ruled from 970 to 995 CE (25 years). The throne was briefly held by Olaf Tryggvason from 995 to 1000 CE (5 years). Then the sons of Haakon II, Erik II and Sweyn, were co-rulers of Noregi from 1000 to 1015 CE (15 years). Sweyn died in 1016 CE and Erik II continued to rule Noregi until 1024 CE. Erik II and Sweyn were kings of Noregi when Berk trained dragons. 
History of Sviannaland 
The six petty kingdoms that comprised what would become Sviannaland (named after the dominant ethnic group, the Svians or Sveans) were as follows: Sogn on the border with Firdafylke, Hedmark and Oppland to the south east, Hordaland to the south, Vestfold and Värmland to the south west. 
This region was actually the last to be unified, by Eric the Victorious in 970 CE, after defeating the king of Noregi, Haakon II, in battle. The petty kingdoms that traced their ancestry back to Sviannish roots united around Eric and crowned him King of Sviannaland in 970 CE. He then ruled for 25 years until 995 CE. 
After that his eldest son Olof ruled for 27 years, from 995 CE to 1022 CE. Olof was the king of Sviannaland in 1010 when Berk first trained dragons. 
History of Danemark 
The six petty kingdoms in this region during the Unification Era consisted of three regions north of the Danskrelfr, and three regions south of the Danskrelfr. In the north east was Geirstad, in the north was Vingulmark, and in the northwest was Rogaland. In the south east was Hadeland, in the south was Agdir, and in the south west was Westmar. 
They were united in 936 CE by Gorm the Old, who named the country after its dominant tribe, the Danes, and the fact that the petty kingdoms lay on either side, or border, of the Danskrelfr, or Danish River. Gorm’s claim to the throne was that he is the great grandson of the legendary warrior Ragnar Lothbrok. 
He ruled from 936 to 964 CE (28 years), whereupon he was succeeded by his son Harald ‘Bluetooth’ Gormsson, who ruled from 964 to 986 CE (22 years). The throne was then held by Sweyn ‘Forkbeard’ Haraldsson, from 986 to 1014 CE, making him the king of Danemark in 1010 when Berk trained dragons. 
History of Sahsisk 
To the east of the Drakefjall Range lay the other half of the continent, with the countries of Sahsisk and Sapmi. The lands of Sahsisk consist of the territories of several tribal confederations, which are the Alemanni, Bavarians, Thuringians, Frisii and Sahsisk tribes. In the 3rd and 4th centuries, the Sahsisk confederation fought and conquered the others, giving their name to the ‘unified’ country that resulted. Despite this, the other tribes still persisted. 
In 772 CE the Frankish Emperor Charles began to invade and conquer Sahsisk. The war ended thirty years later in 804 CE when Sahsisk was brought into the Frankish Empire. Records suggest that the motivation of Charles’ conquest of Sahsisk was to punish them for their annual marauding expeditions to Frankia. 
Sahsisk (as in the country) became a duchy of the Frankish Empire, but for 76 years it was ruled in absentia by the Emperor, via appointed Frankish dukes. The first native Sahsisk duke, Otto the Illustrious, was appointed in 880 CE. He began the Ottonian Dynasty, which lasted up until 1024 CE when Henry II died without an heir. Henry was Duke of Sahsisk for 29 years, from 995 to 1024 CE. 
History of Sapmi 
The original native inhabitants of the western half of the continent, the Sami tribes were pushed to the northeastern corner of the continent by the arrival of the various Germanic tribes that later formed Sahsisk. There they continued their traditional nomadic lifestyle. They could trace their lineages back to 11 different nomadic tribes, who in turn were separated into various clans. 
The eleven tribes include the Akkala, Bainouk-Samik, Busami, Inari, Kemi, Kildin, Lule, Pite, Skolt, Ter and Ume (*all named after IRL Sami languages). They formed a loose confederation, with the different tribes migrating through each others’ lands and frequently intermarrying. This both helped to avoid inbreeding and fostered a shared community despite their nomadic lifestyle.  
(Eret’s clan, the Owl Claw clan, belongs to the Akkala tribe.) 
More information can be found in this post: https://www.tumblr.com/10blue10/733694485598502912/according-to-dean-deblois-httyd-is-set-in-our?source=share
Recap Timeline: 
714 CE - the Hooligan Tribe of Berk is founded after leaving Halogaland. 
772 CE - Frankish emperor Charles begins his conquest of Sahsisk.
804 CE - Sahsisk becomes a Duchy of the Frankish Empire. 
872 CE - Harald Fairhair begins his unification of Nordvegir, aka Noregi. 
880 CE - Otto the Ilustrious is appointed Duke of Sahsisk. 
885 CE - Noregi is unified under King Harald Fairhair.
932 CE - Harald dies and his son Erik becomes King of Noregi. 
934 CE - Erik dies and his brother Haakon becomes King of Noregi. 
936 CE - Gorm the Old unites the Danish tribes into the country of Danemark. 
961 CE - Erik’s son Harald II becomes King of Noregi. 
964 CE - Harald Bluetooth becomes King of Danemark. 
970 CE - Haakon’s grandson, Haakon II Sigurdsson, becomes King of Noregi. Eric the Victorious unites the kingdom of Sviannaland. 
986 CE - Sweyn Forkbeard becomes King of Danemark. 
995 CE - Henry II is made Duke of Sahsisk. Olaf Tryggvasson becomes King of Noregi and Olof I becomes King of Sviannaland. Hiccup Haddock III is born. 
1000 CE - Erik II and Sweyn Haakonsson become Kings of Noregi. 
1010 CE - Hiccup trains Toothless and ends the Hooligan-Dragon War. 
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purushottamjr · 5 years
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Say what u feel. . . . . . . . 💙 #delhi #svian #DU #SBSEC #india 🇮🇳 @incredibleindia #tll_vlogs #delhibloggers #india_everyday #tllvlog_quotes #TLLVlogsquotes #delhiscenes #delhi_diaries #saturday #scnz https://www.instagram.com/p/B1oe53NHqpo/?igshid=1t94ewnktft2d
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immortals-malec · 2 years
netflix putting troye svian on nick and charlie’s mixtape playlist means they’ll put it on the official soundtrack for later seasons, i’ve connected the dots. 
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dacieng · 3 years
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Svian Head Drawing :)
Time it took: 2 hours 29 min(*1 revision)
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Why do insect Avians have 4 arms?
because insect have sux limbs nout countingf w=ings so since insevt svians are bugs they have six limbs too, thereofre they have four arms rto fit the bill
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0day-archive · 4 years
not to be l*svian on main vut . aughhfhhfhsjxjskfjmd
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#shrishti2k19 Demo Dance performed by #SVians in #SaraswathiVidyalaya💞💞 Rocked it⚡⚡ #choreography #RoshanNaz #saraswathividyalaya #dancelife #adhvaithkrishnabs https://youtu.be/tXsxRxMA1MY (at Saraswathi Vidyalaya) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WmYQMAvUA/?igshid=h1x35yr1b4c5
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brysmaleidols · 3 years
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Troye Sivan - “You” video out now
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svianvietnam-blog · 4 years
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(via 06 Dấu hiệu cảnh báo cơ thể đang bị thiếu protein nghiêm trọng - SVIAN Tảo Spirulina Việt Nam)
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444names · 1 year
russian forenames + periodic table elements BUT excluding "t" and including "s"
Abalis Abarislay Abarosprom Abarseon Abiesip Abilavesip Abislavse Abislaw Aborasium Abrasim Abros Adisamasy Agados Agafaksa Agafanislav Agafnis Agafnislay Agafoksa Agafoksila Agafoksium Agaforassa Agallasiky Aganiesil Agarseor Agavks Agdannasium Agorosen Alegorasha Aliyarse Anaislavgus Anasip Anesium Anieslay Anisladika Anislav Arassium Arbis Arisa Ariscaliana Arisla Arisladymy Aronislav Arsenium Arseya Asenasium Asevim Asika Asilium Asillasivy Asium Assilladana Assimole Aurislay Avassil Avdiyarseon Avdos Avdoslah Avenieslav Aveniessium Avenisla Avennasy Avesiv Aveslada Aveslar Avessia Avgus Avgusladium Avguslah Avguslav Avguslavika Avguslavror Avguslaw Aviyesium Avksa Avksana Avksanadium Avksen Avksencium Avksephium Avksia Avksilic Avksilvel Avksim Avksimon Avksip Avksium Avreliyesip Avroseodik Avrosladmir Avroslav Avseabnov Avseadomium Avsel Avsela Avsena Avsenria Avseodymium Avseph Avsevivy Avsim Avsium Avundislan Avvaksium Avvasium Avvasy Beliscalina Berislanion Bisladakir Bonisla Bornis Boroslan Borosph Bradis Broseadium Broselina Brosilina Caranasip Carbislay Carines Carismir Cerados Ceseada Cesey Cesikir Cesivy Cesla Cesladium Ceslavks Ceslavsip Ceslaw Ceslay Cessia Cessium Chaislah Chesily Curoslay Daidaisan Daismium Damasilady Danesilin Danislavrey Danismir Darbiesium Darislanium Darismir Darosium Darossil Difonisla Dislav Dmiros Dubnislay Dysprosy Ekhasil Elifaks Elisla Ermasia Eurasip Frashall Frasilay Frasy Garisa Genisa Genislavva Genrislav Gnerbisa Gneseabor Gnesia Gnisla Grisladrey Grislan Hailanies Haismilay Hasilavel Hassilodium Heslav Heslavenas Hosladen Hoslana Hydrosphium Ilanisla Ilavks Inesip Inessip Iodysph Irassilay Ironnassana Ivasium Josip Josium Josladmium Joslav Joslavsium Josmur Josproslan Jossia Jossium Ladarisla Lavrossip Lekaksium Linadosy Lindros Ljubisla Luraislaw Maarinasil Manies Marassa Marassip Marisalenna Maroslay Marosmir Marosph Maseabonia Masevold Mashafan Masian Masium Massa Massilvenna Mermashail Minese Mirisandy Nadifonisa Nadronislay Naisa Naisca Nashalium Nashashan Nasik Nasikl Nasilavrey Nasim Nasimerium Nasium Nassikha Neodisa Neseph Nesey Nessip Nessium Niesladim Nineodiyes Niscalum Nisla Nislan Nislanilody Nislavivy Nislavudium Okseon Oksil Oksimily Oksip Oksium Olenasip Olinashasha Osikh Osily Osilya Osium Oslada Oslan Oslana Oslanian Oslanica Oslavdelia Oslavenna Oslavid Oslavksel Oslay Osmilo Osmily Ospholik Ospromium Osprora Ossangendim Ossivan Panasia Plasium Plavksamena Polgavks Prasilvele Prasily Prasip Prasium Prosla Proslaw Rachessilya Radislavena Radonislan Ranies Ranislaw Rasip Rasium Rasivanya Rassa Rassillium Rhodysph Rhossium Romiras Rosium Rosla Roslanium Roslaronium Rosprom Rossa Rossium Ruslasha Ruslassik Salevold Salybdenaly Sambomira Samborium Samium Samvrelinad Sangerfon Scalevolav Scall Scania Scanya Scarium Schailvelid Schenum Schne Seabom Selifa Sennada Seodium Seody Sephium Sephorinum Sevia Siklin Silan Silanium Sillium Silomilya Silonna Sneodium Sneon Sneonya Sneoranina Snermir Sneslav Snežan Snežanna Snežanya Sobamvrel Sobel Sobelavda Sobelidium Sobid Sobida Sobielekh Sobijah Sobijar Sobium Sodel Sodey Sodon Sodonir Sonya Sophium Sophodolium Sopholena Sopio Sopiod Sopiodymine Sopion Sopioniil Sopium Soppery Sulfury Sulifana Sulinum Sulium Sullia Sullikya Sullium Sveler Svelic Sveline Svell Svellan Svena Svenadmium Svenia Svenium Svenkako Svenum Sverid Sverium Svermir Svery Svesil Svesip Sveslavudis Svian Sviana Svianiesium Svium Svivalom Svivy Urisladium Urosium Vaksam Vaksip Valiscadium Vanis Vasha Vashaily Vashalurom Vasimofey Vasip Vassallium Vassilim Venismina Verislasium Vesim Viyesium Vlanies Vlavks Volganyaksa Volomirosim Vseleria Vsena Vsephia Vsimerinery Vsium Yaksip Yeras Yeselenka Yeseon Yesey Yeseya Yesiana Yesila Yesium Yesladium Yeslav Yessamir Yessilium Yulinasium Yulis Zorismury Zorus
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giuseppepiredda · 3 months
Riponi la tua piena fiducia solo in Dio se vuoi essere costantemente felice
Riponi la tua piena fiducia solo in Dio se vuoi essere costantemente felice Davide, il dolce cantore, re d’Israele e Profeta dell’Eterno, ispirato dallo Spirito santo, tra le altre cose ha scritto queste parole: «Beato l’uomo che ripone nell’Eterno la sua fiducia, e non riguarda ai superbi né a quei che si svian dietro alla menzogna!» (Salmo 40:4) Davide con quelle parole proclama che tutti…
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10blue10 · 11 months
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According to Dean DeBlois, HTTYD is set in ‘our world’, but with dragons. However, also according to Dean, there is an entire archipelago that doesn’t exist in our world, and a ‘Hidden World’ of crystal caverns that also don’t exist in our world… so I decided to do a bit of actual world-building and created this continent. 
Nordaustheimar (literally ‘north east realms’) would be a continent to the east of the Barbaric Archipelago. It is comprised of three sub continents all mashed together, with two mountain ranges, conifer forests, open grasslands, rivers, lakes, hills and valleys etc. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to depict it all without the map looking like a crowded mess, so just take my word for it XD. Also, for the sake of convenience there are only five countries on the map, when realistically there would be more. But you’re not here for realism! 
Noregi is the equivalent of Norway. The language is Norse (had to work it in somehow) and the people are called Noregians (NOR-RE-GIANS, but you can pronounce it NORGE-IANS if you want). The capital city is Atsetagard, but the major trading port is Gullaborg. The majority of the population inland lives in scattered farms and villages across the country, whereas towns tend to spring up near the coast and along the Fimbulodda. Dragons tend to avoid human settlements, mostly due to being killed by farmers trying to protect their herds of sheep. Hunters still kill them and harvest the remains for resources to trade, and many Noregians fear dragons as vicious, unpredictable beasts, despite rarely seeing them in person. 
Sviannaland is the equivalent of Sweden. The language is Sviannish and the people are called Svians. 
The capital city is Lofudstathir. Culturally and economically, Sviannaland isn’t much different to Noregi. Along the border there are towns and villages of mixed heritage between the two countries, and their attitudes towards dragons are pretty much the same as Noregians, for the same reasons. Due to being sandwiched between two other countries, and a history of back and forth invasions, Sviannaland maintains defensive fortifications along the borders and has a mandatory conscription period. 
Danmork is the equivalent of Denmark. The language is Danish and the people are called… Morks. Just kidding, they’re Danes. The capital city is Kunungard. Danmork is the second most culturally diverse country in Nordaustheimar, with a mixture of inhabitants and influences from Noregi, Sviannaland, Sahsisk and other countries in the southern continents. North of the Danskrelfr, the culture and ethnicity is more Nordic, whereas south of the Danskrelfr, it is more German. Indeed, Danmork has stronger ties and alliances to the country of Sahsisk, across the Drekifjall mountain range, than it does to Sviannaland. 
Sahsisk is the equivalent of Saxony. The language is Sasiskan and the people are called Sahskans, or Saskans. The capital city and major trading port is Kuningburg. The country was colonised by an empire to the south looking to expand their reach, displacing large populations of the native Sami. Sahsisk is the most culturally diverse country in Nordaustheimar, and also the most mercantile. They form yet another node on the expansive network of trade routes across the continents of Nordaustheimar and Sudheimar. 
Sapmi is the equivalent of Finland, and home to the native Sami. Various nomadic tribes once lived across the western half of the continent, but were pushed back to the northeastern corner of the continent. Sapmi is technically their land, but Saskans have built villages and even towns in that country and there’s nothing the Sami can do about it. Whilst they used to simply drive off dragons trying to hunt their herds, many Sami have turned to trapping dragons instead. This gives them more resources to trade with their ‘neighbours’. 
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