#svu episode reviews
pigeon--lord · 1 year
Been rewatching Law and Order SVU keeping it playing in the background while simultaneously doing homework
And so I am on season 11 episode 5, and I just love how Dr. Huang was absolutely done with the perp in court (~33:26)
Like usually he is all about following the rules (except that one episode, but then he still followed the rules by turning himself in so eh) and keeping quiet to observe others. 
IDK, maybe I am just tired, but the way he just says at the perp trying to tell everyone in court how being a pedo is okay and  how it should be normal to touch children and Huang just sits there with the most I-am-so-done-face and just blurts out: 
“Because its rape, that’s why.” 
My man was really done with all the nonsense perp of the week was spewing, the audacity XD
That got a chuckle out of me....  
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thisismehappy · 1 year
Olivia's Apartment: A study with terrible gifs
Season 15/Early 16
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Seems like the back door leads to a bedroom, but you never see it so that's debatable. Brian said it was a small apartment which would seem to imply one bedroom, but it's not explicit. When Noah has been with her for four months already, she had his crib in the living room which also kinda implied there was only one bedroom. When she opens the door for Melinda there are not big lights in the hallway which we'll look at more later.
Late Season 16
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Partway though season 16 the crib moves so that it's visible through the back door which is a little confusing. Is that a bedroom? Is he sleeping in a little vestibule area? In this scene there are now the big lights in the hallway that we see when Elliot shows up in OC 2x03.
Season 17-19
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Partway though season 17 the back door starts showing a shelf instead of a crib. We only ever see a bedroom in this apartment in season 19 and it's Noah's. It opens to a little hallway that has a couple of doors. The implication I assume is that one is the back door we've seen since season 15 and the other is Liv's room (never seen). When someone knocks at the door she goes through the one that seems like it's the backdoor to the apartment. But when she walks through it there's a chair and an end table but when she lets the lady in, it's the same shelf we've been seeing since season 17. (The Munch scene is from 18 and the scene with the lady is from 19 right after she walks out of Noah's room.) Also, when she lets the lady in, the door is brown instead of white like it is when Elliot shows up later, but I think we can say there were some upgrades over the years.
Season 22
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As far as I can recall we don't see much of the apartment in 20 or 21 and if we did it wasn't much different. The apparent in this scene is pretty much the same as always, but I like that Liv's idea of decorating for Christmas is to just drape light over things. This looks like essentially the same furniture as when Elliot shows up. Same TV stand and couch I think and the same lamp the TV too, but there's a new giant fancy one in the next scene too which is maybe why it's brighter lol.
OC 2x03 (SVU Season 23)
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Okay I thought this was a different apartment which is what started me on this whole road, but upon further review, it's the same one. The door is different (could have been upgraded) and as far as I know this is the first time we've gotten a full view of the hallway. But idk for sure about that. Someone let me know if I missed it before. Also, the walls seem whiter to me but it could be lighting or she painted. They were super white in season 16 though too. So if she painted, she's done it at least twice. I just realized it didn't make it into any of these gifs but the ugly brown chair Elliot sits in has been around since season 15. In the first shot we see when they're unpacking the apartment, it's there. I like to think it was Brian's chair that she adopted when he left. (No real reason except I enjoy the idea of Elliot sitting in Brian's chair lmao.) The lights above her kitchen island are a little different too I think, but again just could have been upgraded sometime. It's also just way cleaner, but maybe she was going through a phase. (Re: the brown chair. I thought I remembered seeing it in the new place but I only have 24x10 downloaded so far and I couldn't find it so I'm not sure if I imagined that or if it's in one of the other episodes.)
The 500th Episode (later in Season 23)
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This looks like a completely different apartment to me. Now it is possible that the mystery door from Noah's hallway leads to an intensely long hallway that doesn't stylistically match the rest of the apartment, but it seems like maybe this is when she moved. Or the first time we would have seen evidence of it. I think this hallway could work with the new place as far as style and size. As far as I know, these are the most recent 3 times we've seen Liv's apartment, but I could be wrong about that so if anyone's still with me let me know if you've seen other things that support or refute this idea.
@rahleeyah - Just in case you're interested lmao. You were right about the apartment in OC 2x03. I think we were just seeing it from weird angles which threw me off lol.
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humanveil · 9 months
what is your favourite law and order svu episode and why does it win over the others? (your answer needs to be a 4,000 word essay w normal margins 12pt times new roman font 1.5 spacing min. 7 peer reviewed sources and chicago style citations)
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whumpslist · 1 year
A bunch of answers 4 and recap
Hi everyone,
I’m sorry for my lack of answers, I’m trying to keep up with the current airing whumps’ lists but also completing the finished shows’ one and the new seasons’ episodes’ ones:
* The current airing shows’ lists are all updated: Law & Order SVU, The Flash, Magnum PI, Taxi Driver; I’ll soon watch Carnival Row and update it with the first two episodes aired as well;
* I am doing a whumpslist for Will Trent, which is currently airing, and the books by Karin Slaughter the TV show is based on, I'm still undecided whether to publish it or wait to complete them all. What would you prefer?;
* I have to update the Titans' list with the first part of the fourth season;
* I’ve finally updated the Prodigal Son's list with the second season (I will reblog it right after this post); The Boys' one has already been updated with the third season;
* I’ve recentely updated Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan and Strike (TV show and books) too, and posted a new K-list, The Veil;
* I have started to watch the second season of The Witcher (I’ve watched the prequel Blood Origin and enjoyed it so much);
* I have K-drama The K-2 list to complete from... forever, I will gather my courage to finish it and goodbye one of my favorite character; same for The Musketeers, only a bunch of episodes left to review...
You can find all the lists and the links into the Whumpslist’s links Sheet here. Plus, I've made another sheet to include all my gifs, short clips and audios posted as Tumblr allows only a certain amount to links into a single post.
-- . .- -. .-- .... .. .-.. .
Meanwhile I’ve received many messages, I’ll gather the answers here into a single post.
Have you ever seen doctor who or torchwood? cuz they have a lot of whump, especially jack harkness
Doctor Who would take an eternity to be watched from the first episode, besides it’s not my kind of show so I’ve never watched it. Neither Torchwood, and that’s because I don’t like John Barrowman very much.
in your endeavor post, what ep was the second to last gif from?
Hi Anon, I suppose you mean the post of January 12th. It’s from Endeavour 1.00 “The Origins of Inspector Morse" when he’s listening at the Rosalind Galloway’s disc.
Ooo have you watched ER I’ve wanting a whump list for John Carter
Sorry @marahm30, I’ve never fully watched it back in the days, only some (whumpy) episodes already reported into The Whumpapedia.
I love love love your lists! Do you think you'd ever do Stargate SG1? I have a list of the daniel whump eps from the first handful of seasons, I'd be happy to help if you wanted to make a list
Maybe, @ravenwingdark, but surely not in the foreseeable future, my hands are full.
would it be possible for you to do Rise of the teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Series and the movie? I saw that you had done the 2003 version and was wondering if you would do the 2018-2020 one
You’re mistaken, @the-true-alpha-04, I’ve never watched nor compiled a list for it neither I will do it in the future, sorry @rachealwolf25.
Clay Spencer
Nope, as I’ve already answered it several times: I will not do a list for SEAL Team, I've only made a gifset for episode 2.17. Despite the potential, it’s pretty lacking in whumps (even if the last season had some improvements). The ones shown are widely reviewed in The Whumpapedia, though.
Do you know any good Chloro Man scenes from shows?
Interesting trope, Anon! Not one of my kind, so I can’t really recall some specifically, but I report it in my lists when it happens. Maybe you can use a selected filter to serch it into The Whumpapedia, though.
Could you do whump lists of…Forever, TVD, The originals, Legacies and other crime sci-fi shows?
It’s highly unlikely it will happen, sorry @anonymous-persona, especially the vampire shows, because of the immortality things, whumps are almost pointless...
Hi! would you be able to make a list for the Mandalorian? specifically pedro pascal’s character! thank you
I’ve thought of making one while I was watching it, but they are just a few, plus Pascal always wears the mask and it’s limitating.
do you know of any whump from All Saints, the '00s australian medical drama? the stabbing episode whumpypepsigal posted was amazing, but the whumpapedia doesn't have much to offer for more... i don't know if the show just isn't very whumpy or if it hasn't been combed through yet, but maybe you'd know, or people in the notes would? thanks!
Nope, I don’t know the show. After receiving your message, I’ve looked for it but I was unable to retrieve it. Please, let me know if you have more luck.
That’s all, folks!
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fizziepopangel · 1 month
Tell Me Your Thoughts, Reindeer: A Baby Reindeer Review
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It’s Fizziepop! And we’re back at it with the reviews!!!! Today we’re talking about Baby Reindeer, a seven episode series on Netflix written and directed by Richard Gadd. Now, this show is based on a true story and contains some heavy topics so please read this review with caution and while I do highly recommend this show, please, please watch it with the content in mind as it does contain violence, SA, and depictions of severe mental illness…. But as for my review, for those who feel up to the read, let’s get into it!
Ok, let me start with the basis of the show. Richard Gadd wrote and directed this mini series to depict his experience as the victim of stalking and sexual assault in a real way. The scenes and narration and characters are all gripping as they depict a raw tale of trauma using the character Donny Dunn to tell the story of Gadd’s own experience with the issues. While there are many shows that depict topics like mental illness and SA in real ways (Law & Order: SVU, Big Mouth, Shameless, The Upshaws, Grey’s Anatomy), Richard Gadd’s Baby Reindeer shows a more unseen side of it and even shows the idea of stalking in a unique way.
In the show Baby Reindeer, bar server and struggling comedian Donny Dunn meets a woman named Martha Scott. Martha is an awkward, rather average looking woman who wanders into this bar looking depressed. She immediately takes a liking to Donny after he takes pity on her and offers her a free drink after hearing that she couldn’t afford one. This small act of kindness causes Martha to come back. Again. And again. And again. She becomes a bar regular, and though he knows that most of the things she’s telling him about her life are most likely untrue, Donny does some harmless flirting and makes a few jokes to brighten her day… But Martha takes this meaningless joking and banter seriously and suddenly Donny’s harness flirting becomes a lot less harmless.
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Martha becomes more than a regular. After a flirtatious joke in front of the other bar workers, Martha takes it to mean that Donny wants more from her and her seemingly small crush at that time begins to spiral into pure obsession. It begins as her flirting a little more aggressively, but soon becomes cyber-stalking his facebook page, then showing up outside the bar and forcing herself into different aspects of his life despite Donny slowly becoming more and more uncomfortable. In all honesty, there are times that Donny seems to almost invite her into his life, sometimes out of pity, and others because he enjoys the attention she gives him, but as things begin to turn into something more than he’s capable of dealing with, he does attempt to stop it. He tells here they’re just friends, even breaks up with her in hopes that ending the relationship she’s made up in her mind with him will keep her away from him…  But in line with her obsessive behavior, Martha continues to show up, continues harassing him online, and even resorts to public humiliation at points.
Now, in the midst of dealing with Martha continuously leveling up her obsessive behaviors, the situation Donnie is also being reminded of trauma that he experienced prior to meeting Martha and he is being forced to relive it with each new twist and turn in the downward spiral into madness Martha is dragging him into. But as things come to a head, we find ourselves on the edge of our seat as we wait to see how far Martha will go to keep her precious ‘Baby Reindeer’ (her affectionate nickname for Donnie), and how far Donnie will go to get himself out of the situation he’s found himself in.
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Baby Reindeer is an amazing reenactment of Gadd’s own story, and if you enjoy British dramas and/or shows that are based on true events, or even just psychological thrillers in general, I think you’ll really enjoy this short series. I personally would watch this mini series again and I will absolutely add this to my list of recommendations!
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fat-fem-and-asian · 10 months
Dagmara Dominczyk Filmography Review w/ Links Dag has had a great career! I think you can see her shift towards more interesting and prestige projects as she gets older, especially in the past 5-ish years, which is really interesting. Movies w/ her Polish accent have a ★ in the title, ♡ denote my favorites. If a movie isn't included, then I didn't want to watch it or couldn't find it lol. Additionally, I watched most of these projects on soap2day or flixxer!
Keeping the Faith - I could not find her in this? I think she might be improperly labeled on IMDb. Please send reinforcements and watch this Ben Stiller/Edward Norton/Jenna Elfman religious romcom.
Third Watch - Accessible on Tubi Procedural about first responders - Dag plays a morally dubious counselor that one of the EMTs gets the hots for. I actually beg everyone to watch this for a gorgeous shot of Dag over a voiceover "this chick is hot. if liz hurley and that other european chick who was in that one bond movie had a love child, this chick would be it" fair description! Rock Star ★ - Musical drama where Dag plays Tania, PR for a rock band and their resident hot girl. She's not in it a ton, but she's got a great scene where she gets to make out with Jennifer Aniston. Spoilers + transphobia CW - it's revealed midway that Tania is a trans woman, and while not really played for laughs, Mark Wahlberg's character is uncomfortable around her afterwards and she's effectively removed from the plot. The Count of Monte Cristo ♡ - Free on Youtube hell yeah! Dag plays Mercedes, the primarily love interest. She appears in the beginning scenes and after the 2/3 mark, but is pivotal to the plot. she's in some really gorgeous dresses and i assume the crew loved her because she looks fantastic the entire time. also, super great deleted scene here @ the 7 minute mark. They - On youtube! Unfortunately dull horror movie. Dag plays Terry, one of the adults experiencing night terrors based on childhood events. She only appears in a handful of scenes, but has a solo scene around the halfway point. It's alright? SVU ★ - On Hulu and Peacock. TW for CSA and graphic depictions of murder (its SVU). we all know SVU. if you don't im sorry you've missed out on the epic highs and lows of watching people get the shit knocked out of them and for a detective to connect it back to some random man they knew in high school. Dag has a prominent guest episode role as Kate, appearing at the halfway mark as a Europol agent who helps one of the characters track down a child trafficker. A lot of her walking around gorgeously and what's frankly, a great performance! She plays sensitive but firm detective very well. On Hulu and Peacock. CSA tw- suggestive images are shown of an actress who was 19 at the time, but portrayed at 14.
Tough Luck ★ - On Tubi. Please watch it. Honestly, I think worth the watch just for how weird it is. Dag plays Divana, the female lead and wife of a circus. owner. you read that right! there's a plot twist and i won't tell you what it is, but just know. i did not see it coming. On Tubi. Please watch it.
Bad Apple - I'm not even sure what to say about this movie? Dag plays Gina in a crime (?) thriller. She's sprinkled throughout the movie and is the main love interest for some guy. I genuinely enjoyed this movie but I'd suggest watching it under the influence of something to maximize the viewing experience. The Five People You Meet in Heaven - on vimeo Religious made for TV movie set in the 1940s/50s. Dag plays Marguerite, the main character's wife and oh my god she is so pretty. she's so gorgeous and talented. what was i saying? its set in a boardwalk? okay. i'll even ignore the weird racist subplot with like. a genie. sometimes we have to pay the fucking bills okay. 24 - on Hulu. Who the hell made this show up? 24 is a drama series where every season takes place in 24 hours and every episode is one hour of the day. Insane concept. Dag appears briefly as an evil lady - she's got a gun and looks great and wears some gorgeous earrings. Trust the Man - 2000s romcom! Dag has a brief role as Pamela and goes on a date with one of the male leads, there's a follow up scene where they talk briefly. Not a lot of screen time, but you know. If you're in a bad romcom mood. Mentor - on youtube Dag has the lead female role as Julia, a graduate assistant who's romantically involved with an older writing professor. She is great in this, injecting a bunch of charisma into a fairly bland film. Lonely Hearts - Warning for Jared Leto and moderate violence. Drama based on the real life murderers Martha Beck and Ray Fernandez - Dag plays Delphine, one of their victims. Dag is once again, a real talent and can truly transform what's on the page. She's got a brutal scene where she confesses her pregnancy to Salma Hayek that she executes perfectly. Also, she looks absolutely stellar in the 1940s styling. She appears around the 2/3 mark, which I recommend skipping to to minimize your Leto exposure. Helena from the Wedding - On Pluto Tangent time! My friends on discord and I made this horrific little fake movie universe called Going Down with all of our favorite middle aged actresses (including Dag and Melanie Lynskey). and who is in this? Melanie and Dag! They're paired together and have nice chemistry in this indie drama. It's pretty slow and they're scattered throughout the film, but I still recommend watching for Dag's microbangs.
Higher Ground ★ ♡ - on Roku. Do not. ask me about this film. don't even bring it in my vicinity. Dag plays Annika, the best friend to Vera Farmiga's religious main character. Dag is fantastic, she's witty and charming to Vera's more demure character and they are super homoerotic. Like Tough Luck, I actually beg you to watch this. The Good Wife ♡- On Amazon for free. Lawyer procedural - Dag has a prominent guest role as a lawyer(?) for a South American company. Honestly she's not given much, but I love her suit. I mean, its the good wife, it's like pretty good. Suits - On Netflix and Peacock Dude this is the show Megan Markle is in? Huh? Anyways - Dag has a brief role as a woman who faced sexual discrimination in her workplace. She's only got 2 scenes, but she's like...there! Felix the Painter -On Vimeo A short film about a struggling artist, but more importantly, Dagmara looking stunning and speaking french. Go girls! On Vimeo Person of Interest - Free on Amazon - TW for domestic violence Dag plays a woman helped by the main characters in escaping her abusive husband. Not the most creative role ever, but Dag does well with the stuff she's given, especially in a really short timeframe. The Immigrant ★ - On Pluto - TW for domestic violence and nudity. Dag has a minor role as Belva, one of the burlesque performers working for Joaquin Pheonix's character. She's only got three scenes, two in the beginning and one closer to the 2/3 mark, so not much to say, but a good film overall. Jack Strong - On Tubi A Polish drama featuring her husband Patrick Wilson, Dag plays a FBI agent going undercover in Poland during the Cold War. While Dag's role is fairly minor, her real life history as a Polish immigrant who fled to the US due to her father's political ties makes it worth the watch. It is, however, NUTS that she didn't actually get to play a pole. what the hell guys.
Boardwalk Empire - On HBO Dag has a guest role as a drunk bar patron. She's engaging to watch and I mean, it's Boardwalk Empire. Worth the watch. Let's Kill Ward's Wife - On Youtube A dark comedy film made with some of her friends and husband, Dag plays Ward's wife and does. guess what. get murdered! She's insufferable (but ngl I was on her character's side), which means she did her job well, but jesus. I could not stand this film.
The Deuce - On HBO Dag's got a brief role as a. adult film consultant? and wears a pretty turtleneck and has curly hair in this 70s drama. This is where she met Maggie Gyllenhaal, who would go on to cast her in The Lost Daughter! Also, apparently Dag's scenes were heavily cut down in this episode :(
Abe - On Youtube Dag plays ARIAN MOAYED's wife. It's a drama about a half Israeli, half Palestinian family. Unfortunatley, in light of Noah Schnapp's actions surrounding the genocide occuring in Palestine, I would suggest you not watch.
Prodigal Son ★- Free on the CW Drama series! Dag has a small guest spot as an assassin called the Nightingale. She looks great and gets a fun fight sequence! The Assistant - On HBO Maybe this film was good? I don't know. I was hunting for Dag and she got ONE LINE at the VERY END. Mattmac jumpscare halfway in and his big sad horse eyes.
The Lost Daughter ♡ - On Netflix Drama featuring the Olivia Colman! Dag plays Callie, pregnant sister in law to Dakota Johnson's character. I watched this movie when it came out and did not recognize Dag at all! She's scattered throughout and I barely understood this film, but, oh Dag. Her Jersey(?) accent was a beacon of light to my confusion.
We Own this City ♡ - On HBO- Warning for graphic violence and police brutality. Biopic about the Baltimore Police Department's Gun Trace Task Force and the horrific corruption that took place. Dag has a supporting role as Erika, a FBI agent investigating the Task Force. Not a super prominent role since the show balances between flash backs and the investigation, but a well made show that's very worth the watch. She gets to play a flute. The Accidental Wolf ★- I did not see this but Arian Moayed wrote and directed this? Succ supporting cast I love you! You can find Dag presenting Arian an AAM award here. My Love Affair with Marriage ♡ ★ Dag plays the lead in this funky animated film about womanhood and marriage. Honestly on first watch it wasn't my favorite, but I've really come to love it's weird musical numbers and plot. Dag has a great vocal performance as Zelma, she really has some magnetic quality to her voice. Succession ♡ ★- On HBO Dag plays Karolina Novotney, head of Communications in this drama series. The show is a little slow and honestly not for me-- can you imagine. No, Succession is the series of all time and she plays THE Karolina Novotney, hot lesbian and resident man hater. Give me a scene where she isn't glaring Tom down. Go shivlina, go girls, I'm a fan. She delivers a fantastic and subtle performance, particularly in the fourth season. I love you Karolina Novotney. Bottoms ♡♡♡♡♡- BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dag plays a milf Priscilla ♡ - On HBO. Dag plays Ann Beaulieu, Priscilla's mom. She's pretty wonderful in this as well and gets to show off such a wide range of emotions. I love anything period piecey and Priscilla is a greattt film that actually engages with the crazy power dynamic between Elvis and Priscilla. Love Miller's Girl - On Netflix This movie was nottt for me, BUT. I loveee Dag's character in this. She's a mean horny lady named Beatrice and I swear to god my mind was REWIRED hearing Dag say "Or are some cunts....remarkable?" Honestly blows everyone else out of the water since they're doing these godawful Tennessee accents.
Congrats if you made it to the end of this review! Feel free to message me or send an ask if you watch any of these.
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marvelousgeeks · 5 months
Chicago Fire Season 12, Episode 1, “Barely Gone,” is a bittersweet homecoming that almost feels like the beginning of the end, even if that’s unlikely with the show. With Law and Order: SVU’s track record and the One Chicago universe still performing as well as they do, it sometimes feels like these shows could go on forever. Still, there’s something intrinsically sad about the episode, and it’s not just because it preludes two character exists with one happening within the show’s forty-minute run. 
If, for instance, this is the start of the show’s curtain call, then I personally wouldn’t be mad about it. (I spend almost every episode too stressed out about character deaths, and I’d like to pretend they all live happily ever after.) But Chicago Fire “Barely Gone” does what the show does best, and it reminds us of the prodigious heart present inside Firehouse 51. The show is hard to escape, largely because of the dynamics and part of what made Season 11 as frustrating as it was is the sheer absence of these more somberly wholesome moments. 
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rahleeyah · 1 year
My wifi wasn’t totally working last night so I missed about 15 minutes of the svu episode. And tbh because over on Twitter everything was negative and my wifi situation being so frustrating I think I made too many snap judgements about the ep. Now that I’ve come over here and have you doing what you do best aka making my brain think with different lenses about different scenes and character interactions I def like what I saw of it a lot better! When I rewatch I’ll be like see now Leah’s perspective was this and think about it that way. Sometimes snap judgements come from confusion as well I think…
Anyways this was just a thank you for all your posts and your ability to make me rethink things in a good way! You do that a lot for me! Have a happy Friday and a good weekend!! 💕💕
Thank you so much for this!!! The morning after dissections we do here are so important for me bc we move through forming opinions in stages. Our knee jerk responses don't always hold up as we discuss and consider and review and that's true of all of us, and it's ok!!! An evolving perspective based on developing information is healthy. We should all allow ourselves the grace to process things and change our minds. I've been thinking about this all day and turning over everything everyone is saying in my head like a rotisserie chicken.
One thing I wanna mention is that this is the start of an arc. And for the first time in a very long while we have a writing team that appears interested in consistency and following up on the threads they've woven into earlier episodes. Olivia didn't solve anything in the Bronx bc she's just getting started, she'll be there for two more episodes. Elliot wasn't there in this episode (spoilers look away if you don't want) but we know he's gonna be there in episode 12. Noah was unintentionally cruel to his mother at Christmas but last night we saw him telling her he loves her and that he wants to stay with her - what do you want to bet the Noah arc this season culminates with him making it clear she is the mother he wants? Olivia has been hurt - tho not nearly as badly as we thought she was gonna be based on the promos - and we actually get to see her react to that, and it feels like she is gonna dig deeper into her trauma before she finds her way out.
This is cohesive, long form storytelling and I love that. No, every question doesn't get answered right away, it's unfolding across multiple episodes. That's a good thing. It's something we've been missing, as we've spent much of the last few seasons begging for some fucking follow up on literally anything. We have been trained not to trust that they're gonna follow thru bc they didn't, but the new leadership is making itself known and I have faith.
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through “The Body Stitchers” guest cast
Alicia Coppola as FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand Rob Nagle as Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor Tobias Jelinek as Bobby Griffin/Wolf Matt Kelly as Justin Tucker/Clown All are back from “Monster”, that delightful Easter Sunday season nine episode.   Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna Back from “Game of Drones” two weeks ago.
Teya Patt as Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask Kerrie Blaisdell played this role in “Monster” so this is a change.
Patt is currently part of For All Mankind as Emma Jorgens.  She appeared in episodes of Weeds, Review, Fresh Off the Boat, Lost ‘n’ Found, Girlboss, Casual, Fear the Walking Dead, The Rookie and How to Get Away with Murder.
JD Cullum as FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins Cullum was AAG/ASA John Redfield in Judging Amy and Lloyd in Grey’s Anatomy.
Appeared in episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Married with Children, Lois & Clark, Bodies of Evidence, Can’t Hurry Love, Campus Cops, Smart Guy, Sliders, Chicago Hope, NYPD Blue, LA Doctors, Sliders, Ladies Man, Dead Last, Frasier, 24, Charmed, ER, Medium, Weeds, Law & Order, Lie to Me, The Wizards of Waverly Place, Mad Men, The Event, The Newsroom, The Mentalist, Bones, Code Black, Aquarius and The Orville.  
Cullum is the son of actor John Cullum, who was Sen. Beau Carpenter in Madam Secretary, Big Mike in The Middle, Holling Vincoeur in Northern Exposure, one of the rotating defense attorneys turn judges in Law & Order SVU and David Greene in ER.
Derrick A. King as Michael Jeffries Was Luke Will in The Pre-Quarter Life Crisis and Rev. Isiah Johnston in The 4400.  King appeared in episodes of Betrayed, Solve, Call Your Mother and The Game.
Adrian Elizondo as Philip Guerrero Appeared in episodes of Shake It Up, Austin & Ally, Talents, Astrid Clover, Only Children and The Pet Psychic.
Antony Del Rio as Alexander Hughes Del Rio provides voices for many animated projects, including He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, Rugrats, Star Wars Resistance, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power and many others.  He was Jeff Tobey in Bunheads and appeared in episodes of Rosewood, Major Crimes and Hannah Montana.
Written by:  Adam G. Key & Frank Military Adam George Key co-wrote "Monster" with Frank Military, "Searching" with Kyle Harimoto and “Land of Wolves” with Justin Kohlas..  Key also played LAPD Officer Harrison in four episodes in seasons 11 and 12.
Military wrote or co-wrote "Little Angels", "Deliverance", "Lockup", "The Job", "Greed", "Betrayal", "Crimeleon", "Vengeance", "Out of the Past" Part One, "Rude Awakenings" Part Two, season four’s finale "Descent", season five’s premiere "Ascension", "Allegiance", "Spoils of War", "Black Budget", "SEAL Hunter", "Rage", "Unspoken", "Unlocked Mind", "Revenge Deferred", "The Seventh Child", "Crazy Train", "Uncaged", "The Silo", "Monster", "Line in the Sand", season ten opener "To Live and Die in Mexico", "The Patton Project", "Better Angels", "False Flag", "A Bloody Brilliant Plan", "Code of Conduct" "Raising the Dead", "Through the Looking Glass", "Indentured" and “Down the Rabbit Hole”.  
Military also appeared as Donald Kessler in "Raising the Dead" and several other episodes in photos.
Directed by: Suzanne Saltz directed "Outside the Lines", "Murder of Crows", "Sundown" and “MWD”.
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lo-diehards · 1 year
Law & Order "Open Wounds" -- A Solid Episode; Great Performances from the Waterston's & Hugh Dancy. Hopes For Season 23.
Spoiler alert, if you haven't seen the 22nd (reboot 2nd) season finale of Law & Order, do not read anything other than the title if you don't want to be spoiled; otherwise on with the review.
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"Open Wounds" (Writers: Rick Eid & Pamela Wechsler (teleplay), Gia Gordon & Ajani Jackson (story), and directed by Alexander Hall), is one of the few select episode since the reboot started that somewhat has that 'Law & Order feel' that we liked from the old days. The crime itself is related to a hot button issue that is the 2nd Amendment and the almost daily mass shootings in the United States; this episode had a moment or two that seemed kind of preachy but it wasn't over the top, one-sided and/or shoved to the viewers in my view, something that a lot of the other episodes seem to do.
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The underlying stories are where the magic for this episode is; the return of Jack McCoy's daughter Rebecca (played by Sam's actual daughter Elizabeth) and we actually see a layer besides ambition in Sr. ADA Nolan Price (Hugh Dancy). Jack and his daughter - who is the defense attorney on this case - obviously were on different sides of the case and of differing opinions, which isn't helping their still-strained relationship. By the episode's end after her client is found guilty, Rebecca seems to still not be able to find forgiveness to her father; she literally left Jack standing at the curb as she hops in a taxi and takes off after telling Jack his grandson would be going to Columbia Law School.
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Elizabeth Waterston brought her A game to this role and this will be the first episode since "The Right Thing" that we've seen Jack/Sam in any other capacity than "the DA with little to say." Since this reboot started Jack McCoy seems to be wound down to have something pithy to say about the case as he enters or exits are room/building and/or the occasional angst towards a decision Price has made. Sam Waterston's best showcase (and his 400th episode on mothership) in a while, he actually felt like the old Jack -- I really hope the writers continue to incorporate him into the stories more; if Sam is supposed to be portraying McCoy as the new Adam Schiff (Steven Hill), then Schiff had way more input/dialogue and presence on cases.
Meanwhile it'd be remiss not to mention that this episode also showcased Hugh Dancy's talent a bit more, it was refreshing to see him portray Price as something more than just an ambitious prosecutor who at times finds sympathy for the defense in spite of the law. During the cross examination of the defendant, he goes to pick up the weapon in evidence used in the homicide and he clearly begins to be visibly affected. Price saw the aftermath of a mass casualty event back in the episode "Camouflage" as well as in the crossover premiere "Gimme Shelter," he saw a witness gunned down and the guy bled out in his hands. It's this that I've been somewhat hoping for, for both the character and the actor. There is still a LOT more work to go with ADA Price that the writers need to do, but this is a step in the right direction. I hope they don't just drop all of this next season; mother ship is not SVU where the characters lead the story but these little bits and pieces help the stories and that's what made the original series so great.
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The Finale get's a B grade from me.
Season 23 Hopes:
I said this in my franchise opinion post so I won't rehash all of that but in season 23 (3rd for this reboot), there definitely needs to be a change somewhere in the leadership in the writer's room - the timing would be perfect for Dick Wolf/NBC to rebuild it after the WGA Writer's Strike - if they hope for this series to remain on air for a while longer, because what is being delivered every week currently is not it. Where is the discussion? Where are the issues that we face today? Where is the banter between characters that doesn't feel forced or lean one-way or the other politically? And where are what these characters stand for? Particularly the ones we should be rooting for and can't seem to.
Where are the characters from the original run? Cutter, Rubirosa, Robinette, Carmichael, Green, Logan? Milena Govich and Elisabeth Rohm have both directed episodes but have yet to appear as the characters they once portrayed on screen. That would help this reboot to see some familiar faces other than some at the defense table.
On the other side of that; can the mothership characters participate in the crossovers SVU/OC seem to continue to do? Sam Waterston has yet to appear on SVU since the reboot return (aside from Gimmie Shelter); Peter Scanavino (ADA Carisi) has yet to interact on screen with Sam. Carisi is often said "his boss/the DA" but has not actually appeared on screen with him and vice versa. Peter could showcase Carisi on mother ship.
One can only hope.
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hithelleth · 1 year
For the fandom year in review: 1, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16
Favorite fictional characters this year Remy Scott from FBI: Most Wanted, Elendil from TROP Favorite books read this year: Archangel's Resurrection (Guild Hunter, #15) by Nalini Singh Wrapped In Black (The Original Sinners #6.4) by Tiffany Reisz The Gangster and The Doctor (Magic and Steam #2 & 3) by C. S. Poe
Favorite movies of the year Enola Holmes 2 (2022) 20 ans d'écart (2013) (I watched so few movies this year, I have a lot to catch up on.)
Favorite TV show episodes of the year SVU 24x9 (rollissi wedding, duh!) The Rookie 5x9 Yellowstone 5x6, although I think it was the season 5 premiere that got me thinking how the fuck is this particular freaking show of all the one making me grin like an idiot. TROP 1x3, 5, and 8 (5 if I have to pick one)
Favorite villain of the year Well, that's either easy or hard to pick, depending if you count our completely unsuspecting-but-absolutely-very-sus-Halbrand-but-oops-actually-Sauron a villain??? I know, I know, Sauron=evil incarnate, except, well' nothing is evil from the beginning' and TROP delivered on this tenfold.
If not, then Robert Kamdar (or Kemdar? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) from The Cleaning Lady. Hats off to the writers for the story arc and the actor for pulling it off. He really was a villain-villain that I hated but loved to hate.
Favorite m/f ship of the year Gladriel/Elendil, Galadriel/Sauron, Elendil/Miriel from TROP Thony/Arman from The Cleaning Lady (but also Arman/Nadia, a bit yeah.) Always Beth/Rip from Yellowstone Rollisi (obviously) (oops, wait I was supposed to just pick one. Well, you know me. :D)
Favorite f/f ship of the year I really, really could ship Nadia/Thony (and of course Nadia/Arman/Thony but alas I'm gonna have to do something about it myself if it's gonna happen in fandom-ish way)
Favorite m/m ship of the year Um, so this fic sold me on Sauron (Annatar)/Celebrimbor and now I'm not okay. And, this other fic is very much selling me Elendil/Valandil (from TROP, obviously not from the Silm), ahem.
Whew, this took me a long time. But thank you for indulging me, it was a lot of fun reminiscing! :D
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so I accidentally watched like 5 episodes of Chicago PD while in Florida (while killing time) and so I was like ‘oh I like SVU, maybe this won’t be bad, seems like a good cop becoming corrupt story’ and nope. Nope. cannot do it. every other episode you’ve got two teams of 10 people each shooting up a city block with AKs on a typical Tuesday at noon for one drug dealer. they walk out dressed like they’re about to invade Kuwait as average detectives. based on this show, the city is always one bad afternoon from turning into mad max. and the writing is just bad for a procedural. like I live here. there are not gang shootouts in river north next to some of the most expensive restaurants in the city/country. the Michelin reviewers were not dodging bullets like it’s the matrix. not to mention these cops stop traffic violations all the time……..unrealistic.
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agentcable · 3 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 23 Ep. 14 "Video Killed the Radio Star"
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SVU is investigating a radio show host and author who has been accused of molesting the wives of wealthy and powerful men he has met at various events. Rollins goes undercover to gather information, but the investigation takes a turn when Weber brags about having sex with the widows of his alleged victims. This leads to a murder investigation.
The episode is dedicated to the memory of Ned Eisenberg.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Benson and Langan attend a charity event where they encounter a drunken radio host named Bob. Bob tries to proposition Benson, but she is not interested. The wife of the event organizer intervenes and talks to Bob.
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Meanwhile, Langan notices the woman's discomfort. Bob takes the stage and attempts to solicit donations. Later, Bob harasses the woman and claims that her husband owes him. he then proceeds to rape her.
As Benson is leaving, she runs into the woman and notices that she is upset. The woman claims that she will be fine and that she had too much champagne. Benson looks suspicious.
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The following day, Benson brings donuts. The Kaplans arrive and Mr. Kaplan demands Bob's arrest for his actions towards his wife. However, Mrs. Kaplan opposes pressing charges and regrets coming to the precinct. She requests that the police inform her husband that there is insufficient evidence to charge Bob. Benson instructs Rollins to devise a pretext to bring Mrs. Kaplan back in.
Ellen is asked by the police to sign some papers. Benson speaks with her and she explains that Mitch is protective due to his mother being mugged. Ellen is concerned that if SVU pursues Bob, he will retaliate against Mitch on his show. Benson reminds Ellen that Helen was assaulted and minimizing the situation won't help. Ellen proceeds to tell Benson what happened.
The police officers watch some of Bob's show and are disgusted with his rant against trigger warnings. Benson is not concerned with his politics. Can they prove that he raped Ellen? There are rumors that he pursues other people's wives. Rollins volunteers to go undercover at a book signing, with Carisi as her husband.
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Rollins flirts with Bob, and he takes her into a back room to have a drink. He tries to have sex with her, but she resists. Bob claims to have killed a man who tried to stop him and left him in a dumpster. Despite his advances, Rollins reveals that she is a private investigator hired by Mitch Kaplan. She says her husband is calling. She will talk to Bob tomorrow. She and Carisi walk away. She whispers that Bob is a murderer.
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Benson removes Rollins from the case, saying that she put the Kaplans in danger. Rollins wants to help prove Bob's guilt. Benson is concerned about Rollins. Rollins assures her that it is her responsibility. Benson is cautious and believes that Rollins is hindering her relationship with Carisi. Rollins acknowledges that Benson may be correct and promises to be cautious. Homicide has discovered three potential cases.
Rollins meets with Bob again. He questions her about why she pretended to be married. She tries to find out what happened to the Kaplans. He wants to double her pay so she can work for him. He wants her to get Ellen to admit that it was a set-up and he did nothing to her. He attempts to seduce Rollins again, but she remains uninterested. He warns her against betraying him. Carisi and Benson express their disapproval. Meanwhile, they have identified the victim as Kenneth Cross, Flynn's law partner, who had an attractive wife.
Carisi contacts Rollins and advises her to leave immediately. She says she has to go see a client. Bob tries to touch her, and she pulls her gun on him, turning him on.
McGrath has allowed them to check this case out, but he is not thrilled. Fin thinks that McGrath has a signed copy of Flynn's book. They review the homicide case, and it's possible that Lola is involved. Rollins cannot take calls from Bob right now because talking to her could blow Rollin's cover.
Fin and Velasco speak with Lola, who reveals that Bob was deeply affected by Ken's death. Lola had a friendly relationship with Bob, who was married to Martina at the time. Lola questions whether Bob had any involvement in Ken's death, noting that he will do anything for attention. Fin asks if there's anything else she needs to say. She responds that men often keep things from the women in their lives.
Carisi suspects that Boby may have fabricated the story. Benson requests a wiretap on Lola's phone. Rollins receives a call from Bob. Carisi wants to arrest Bob, but there is not enough evidence. Benson believes that Rollins should try again.
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Bob gives Rollins $10,000 in cash to find out who she told about his involvement in a murder. She denies telling the police, but Rollins realizes that Lola contacted Bob. He recorded the conversation. Lola asked for advice on how to respond to the detectives. Rollins stated that Lola is blackmailing him. Bob told Rollins that Lola and Ken were seducing married men and blackmailing them. Now Bob is backtracking on the murder story, as Lola is trying to blackmail him. Rollins tells Carisi that he is the only one she trusts while she is still undercover, despite Carisi's disapproval. Benson assigns Fin and Velasco to watch over Rollins.
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Bob requests a massage, but Rollins declines. Rollins asks if Bob wants to hear what her contact in Vice has said. He denies beieng on anyone's radar. He firmly denies any involvement in Ken's death, but suspects Lola may be falsely accusing him for financial gain. He expresses frustration with the situation and seeks information on Rollins' level of involvement. He wants to permanently remove this woman from his life. Rollins claims she can do anything.
Benson believes this constitutes probable cause. Carisi disagrees, stating that it is not yet sufficient. He is considering hiring a hitman. Velasco has experience with this. Carisi concerned about the possibility of entrapment. Rollins mentions that Flynn introduced the idea.
Bob is impatient as he waits for Velasco. They go for a ride and ask for the hit to be made in code. Bob hands over money.
Benson and Carisi talk to Lola, who claims she has no idea why Bob would order a hit on her. She denies knowing anything about her husband's murder. Lola accuses Bob of killing Ken and telling her afterward. She claims that Bob threatened to harm her if she didn't comply. The ADAs are never satisfied, according to Lola. Carisi attributes this to people like her. Benson requires Lola's assistance.
Velasco gives Bob a fake photo of Lola being killed. Bob pulls out a gun instead of paying and demands the phone. He tells them they're all going for a ride, but then admits he's just messing with them and pays Velasco. Suddenly, a group of police officers arrive on the scene. Bob claims that the gun is fake. The detectives, as well as Bob, are arrested by the cops.
Bob's lawyer argues that no crime was committed. Bob asserts that he is not a criminal, but the others are. He is surprised to learn that Rollins is a police officer. Bob claims entrapment.
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Flynn has pleaded not guilty and posted a $1 million bail. Ellen intends to disclose the rape to her husband before appearing before the grand jury. Meanwhile, Bob claims that his wife had feelings for him, but Mitch made her falsely accuse him of forcing herself on her. He also discusses Amanda's personal life. Bob alleges that he manipulated Amanda and that NYPD pressured Lola into framing him. Suddenly, Mitch arrives with a gun and accuses Bob of raping his wife. The police are called, and Mitch shoots Bob twice on live air. Rollins is left in shock.
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ecsundance · 5 months
2024 Sundance Film Festival – Here I Come!!
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Hi there! My name is Ryan, and I am a freshman in the graduating class of 2027 at Eckerd College, currently undeclared, and I love photography, films, music, and going to concerts. Hence, the photo above that I took at a concert I attended. 
I am taking a Winter Term class along with other film enthusiasts and we are learning all about Indie films (short for Independent films) which are films not produced under the major Hollywood studio labels. The class ends with a trip to Park City, Utah to attend the 2024 Sundance Film Festival and I can’t wait!
In preparation for this event, we have been reviewing all the films that will be shown at the Sundance Film Festival. On examining my choices, I realize that from a theme perspective, I overwhelmingly prefer the science fiction genre. Of the twelve films I chose, five of them are science fiction. The remainder relate to some of my personal interests of music, comedy, mysteries, and drama.
Feature Films (5):
Freaky Tales, a bizarre fiction film that includes action, adventure, comedy, and drama all wrapped up in one. It is composed of four stories that somehow get tied together. The stories described appear to be totally different except for the fact they all are located in Oakland. I am interested in how they get tied together. Whether it be sequential or if everything gets put together at the very end.
The American Society of Magical Negroes is a satirical comedy. It looks to be a cross of Harry Potter and race relations but with a comedic twist. This is Kobi Libii’s feature film directorial debut. I am really looking forward to it as he writes and performs on Comedy Central.
The Babadook looks to be a standard sci-fi horror film where the monster comes to life. When these are done well they never disappoint. 
I Saw the TV Glow appears to be a combination of horror, drama, and the supernatural. However, any time a film contains the supernatural as this does, it also falls into the science fiction genre even if it is not called out. So this hits three areas of interest for me as in addition to sci-fi, I enjoy dramas and horror films.
As I like crime dramas, the Black Box Diaries appeals to me as it seems to be a cross between Law and Order SVU, one of my favorite dramas, and a dark autobiography as the writer investigates her own sexual assault. 
Shorts (5):
The Looming is a horror film and looks to be pretty scary. Sundance’s description states that Chester has dementia but when the virtual assistant, Luna, detects a noise, it becomes questionable. The pictures are scary and quite disturbing. I hope that I can stomach it. 
Dream Creep is another scary story where a couple wakes up in the middle of the night due to sounds coming from an unlikely orifice or hole in the house. I hope it is well done because a good scare is always worthwhile.
Object 817 is another sci-fi film. It sounds like a typical government cover up of the existence of aliens. These are the things I want to know. How long has the cover up been going on? Who in the government knows about it? How have they kept it a secret? And where in the world is Ural?
The Masterpiece appears to be a mystery where the tables get turned and the sellers become the buyers. I always love a good mystery that keeps me on the edge of my seat. I think this is going to be one of them.
The Lost Season is a sci-fi film but otherwise it is somewhat of a departure from the other films in that it is animated. It seems very mysterious as the Sundance Film Festival description is sparse, only saying, “Winter is over. Continue watching.” The corresponding picture is of footprints in the snow. I always love a mystery so this is right up my alley. 
Indie Episodic/New Frontier (2):
With my great interest in music, ENO is perfect for me. This film is a biographical documentary about Brian Eno. He is a British producer, composer, keyboardist, and singer and created the genre of ambient music. He is known for producing a diverse group of artists. These include David Bowie, U2, and Talking Heads to name a few. He has released over 40 solo and collaboration albums. I am very excited to see this film and learn more about him and his various creative processes. It states on the Sundance website that the film will include original interviews as well as much never-before-seen footage and unreleased music. I think it is going to be a very interesting film.
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Being (The Digital Griot) appears to be a very timely subject. With the advancements in artificial intelligence coming to the forefront of society, I wonder if this sci-fi film is going to have an ominous tone in addressing computers as in Stanley Kubrick's film, A Space Odyssey.
Two other films I found interesting and hope to make time to see are Will and Harper and Little Death. Hopefully, Will Ferrrell will put a humorous spin on a serious subject in Will and Harper. 
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While I’m not sure where Little Death will take us, I have always liked David Schwimmer and he has been able to transition from Friends to more serious roles.
It looks like the festival has a lot to offer this year and I am so excited to attend my first Sundance Film Festival. It should be a great time!
-Ryan McCormick
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causewhywouldnti · 5 months
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu: (and oc)
Season 22
22x01, they have a fascinating mask policy, wearing them while coming up to someone and once they are there, they take them off.
22x03, is there a backstory on Benson speaking Italian? Warner!!
22x04, Barba. I thought Carisi did well against Barba.
22x05, it is kinda funny that they always bring up that the perp couldn't bring it up.
22x06, I like this judge.
22x07, that seemed predictable.
22x09, Stabler is back!!!! Doesn't really make sense that SVU is handling this case. I like how Stabler introduced himself to Tamin and Carisi. He will definitely not behave. Benson watching this interrogation, just waiting for Stabler to blow. We get a roof scene, that hasn't happened for a long time. Way to rub it in about them not talking for 10 years. The acting is so good!! Well, Benson still has his back, so that’s a start. When Fin was talking about the one solid relationship, I know he meant Tucker, but wasn't her relationship with Cassidy longer? And she apparently did consider having his kids. That defense lawyer was kinda funny. That last shot was just perfect!
So from here on out it will be a svu and oc review.
OC 1x01, I like this intro. Don’t give her the letter… Stabler finally standing up for himself. Well, that was just rude at the end there.
OC 1x02, I didn't expect Benson to show up again in the second episode. I appreciate that we see Stabler grieve a bit.
22x11, Fin is very much butting in on Benson/Stabler. Not a fan of Garland telling Benson to keep her distance from Stabler.
OC 1x03, go Stabler, smug bastard as always.
22x12, Carisi constantly being mistaken as Rollins‘ husband/boyfriend is funny.
OC 1x04, Intervention! Worst timing to say "I love you". I’ve never seen that second part of the intervention though. Elliot has no concept of when people want to sleep.
22x13, I like that Stabler is acknowledged by pretty much everyone on svu. Benson and Stabler interrogating someone together is just chef's kiss!
OC 1x05, Elliot is an idiot (Not really, but that was stupid). Why does Benson tell him to keep doing it?!? (I know she doesn't know what he does, but still). So this is where the handholding in the hallway took place. I mean, I feel a little bad for Elliot, but only a little.
OC 1x07, Elliot and Ayanna seem to be good partners. I haven’t said it before, but I really like Jet! Wheatley really said that Kathy wasn't Elliot's love of his life.
22x16, here comes McGrath. Rollins and Carisi, finally! And Benson and Stabler at the wedding.
OC 1x08, I don’t like Wheately, but I like his understanding of Stabler and Benson. Elliot exclaiming he needs help rings true in so many ways.
Favorite Episodes: 22x09, 22x16, OC: 1x04, 1x07 and 1x08
Favorite Line:
"You were the most… single most important person in my life, and you just disappeared" - Benson to Stabler 22x09
"You’re still a stupid little Meatball" - OC 1x01
"Liv, you mean the world to me." - Stabler OC, 1x02
"He went, he didn't come." - Warner 22x13
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okay so confession. when Michelle’s svu episode aired everyone was freaking out at how dark and messed up it was and I was surprised because I thought it was going to be even darker and more fucked up than it was. Like based on what she said and the pre episode reviews I thought it was going to be. More. And it felt,,,, tepid? for svu.
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