#swamp beach
justdownthecreek · 2 years
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Fontainebleau State Park, Mandeville, LA
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captainhunnicutt · 1 month
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PART 2: Please enjoy the most chaotic game of "I Spy..." I have ever played. Here is every time I've been able to definitively spot that damn jar of dirt after its first appearance at the end of S16E15 - The Merchant of Korea. Part 1 can be found here.
Again, yellow circles mean that no doubt it's the jar of dirt given that it's found on BJ's side of the Swamp. Green circles mean it looks like the stupid jar of dirt but why in the hell would it be with Charles' belongings?
S10E6 - Wheelers & Dealers
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S10E7 - Communication Breakdown
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S10E12 - The Birthday Girls
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S10E13 - Blood & Guts
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S10E14 - A Holy Mess
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S10E16 - Pressure Points
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S10E17 - Where There's a Will, There's a War
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S10E18 - Promotion Commotion
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S10E22 - That Darn Kid
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S11E4 - The Joker is Wild
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S11E8 - The Moon is Not Blue
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S11E14 - Give and Take
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S11E15 - As Time Goes By
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S11E16 - Goodbye, Farewell and Amen
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Part 1
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powerlineprincess · 2 years
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South Carolina Gothic. 2017. K.A./Lux Hill
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splooosh · 1 year
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The Crisis in the Dark
Steve Beach
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asatroende · 1 month
As someone who believes that if we want to actually revive an old religion we have to take it into our own hands to write the new stories about the gods and beings of the world (because other people Will use them for fiction anyways so might as well have religious people write about their religious figures) I think the best part about that process is figuring out what you want to Say with the story
For example, really simple; asatro but we know that evolution is real
We know a lot of things about dinosaurs and how our planet has developed and so where the myths we have doesn’t say anything about it we have the huge privilege of mythologising the meteor that killed the dinos or my favourite extinction event that made mammals happen
Another example is evolution, because evolution is real, we know this, yet the myths say that humans were created
It’s fun to think about how maybe humans evolved just like we did but that ask and embla were still created as the gods specialest little guys and they’re some kinda supernatural human+ (human max, zero sugar) not as an über manch but in a fae way
We get to write about this, we have such a huge privilege to write about science the same way that they wrote about science!
We just Get to do that!
Isn’t that great?!
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forestgreenivy · 6 months
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A foggy day along the Waccamaw Neck. The first picture was an incredible view. Driving above a thick cloud hovering over the Winyah Bay in Georgetown. Pictures can’t really describe how vast and strange this phenomenon felt.
Then a beautiful view of that fog over the marsh lands spanning from the Waccamaw. Crazy that I can casually grab lunch somewhere so beautiful.
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chimeride · 2 years
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knightofleo · 11 days
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hollowfairybabybat · 13 days
Older rich daddy. I kidnap you and dolly, take you to a tropical location, get the best weed, take care of you and make you do dirty nasty things.
i fucking hate the beach sm like you dont understand
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modwyr · 2 months
even ignoring the west coast/east coast divide between the different companies behind fallout, i think setting the show in the west coast is just really lazy and boring. there's the entire country of north america to explore that we have barely even touched on, and instead of setting it in any of the billions of other possible locations, its set in familiar territory. is that the best these people could come up with?
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greetingsfromuranus · 6 months
ok my game is gonna be like the sims x tomodachi life x petz, its gonna have a really detailed character creator and you can share your creations online so anyone can download them, its gonna have sims-esque behavior editor but i need to play the sims first to get a better idea of how it works, the characters you add to your little world are just gonna run around like they do in petz, and its gonna have animal crossing type graphics, think n64 but slightly higher poly count than most games. most of it is gonna be from the characters because this may kanker model is already a solid 1100 polygons and thats pretty high for what im goin for
also they can get killed and die but they come back the next day. ill add a "plot armor" slider when youre creating a character so you can decide if they can die or not (you can also put the slider in the negative direction making them die and come back multiple times a day)
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perennial-bee · 2 years
reading about eunuchs and how they went from being forbidden from participating in community to being welcomed, and not only welcomed but elevated, promised a special title "better than sons and daughters," affirmed and blessed by Jesus and given the word of God freely... weeping........
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Art Credit to Steve Beach
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Kells: HOW?! Tell me HOW you have lived THIS LONG and DON’T KNOW HOW TO SWIM?! And WHY did you ask to go to the beach if you knew FULL WELL that you CAN’T SWIM?!
Mercy: I can watch the sunset, I don’t need to swim!
Kells: I’ll- I’ll just get you some arm floaties. We are NOT going to the beach with you unable to get in the fucking WATER.
Mercy: No, no arm floaties, my boyfriend said he’d teach me to swim when we return from the trip.
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got inspired by @fatal-rewrites-warriors ‘s interaction drabbles so I’m stealing their idea and writing some for my own cats!
here’s the first one for the two brown furred sisters Chestnutfur and Ratclaw!
The soft, yet familiar sound of clacking beads was what woke Ratclaw up this time. The warm Golden Moon sun shone through the hole in the roof of the second warriors den, warming the rocks and sand and blinding any warrior who faced it directly.
Ratclaw could hear her sister shuffling about as she continued beading whatever necklace or bracelet she was making. Quietly grumbling, she lightly pawed at her sister’s nest. “Chestnut ‘s nap time…go back to sleep..” Chestnutfur lightly swatted at Ratclaw’s paw before going back to stringing the beads onto the necklace she was making. “Sorry Ratclaw but no napping right now for me. I gotta keep my paws busy.” She said quietly, quite lost in thought. Ratclaw rolled over sleepily to face her sister. “Yeah well I need to keep my paws busy too, but you don’t see me doing it during nap time.” She stated, playfully batting at the necklace Chestnut was making. Chestnutfur hissed and swiped at her paw, but there was no malice behind it, only mild irritation. “Yeah well, I don’t hunt all the time and teach classes like you do. Stop being annoying. I love you, but stop being annoying.” she hissed, not looking at Ratclaw and instead opting to focus on the necklace.
“What are you making?” Ratclaw asked, already knowing the answer. She leaned in close, peeking over her sister’s shoulder to watch her string on the colorful beads and shells onto the woven string. “I’m remaking Ferndawn’s necklace. He broke it recently while out gathering building supplies.” She stated, beginning to tie the ends of the string together. “How’s he been doin’? His sisters? There’s so many damn cats here in Shell Colony that I don’t see them everyday like you.” Ratclaw knew that it was entirely possible that her sister hadn’t seen her kits at all that day, with them being adults with their own jobs in the colony. “They’re all doing good. Kestrelwater has been out exploring, Twigswoop has been out running around and finding me extra supplies, Yarrowspeck has been helping out mom and Dustspot with herbs, and Ferndawn has been helping out Larch with teaching Artichoke about crafting. Wasn’t Artichoke originally training with you for hunting?” Chestnutfur was idly fidgeting with the beads of the necklace, almost as if contemplating if she should add anything else to it for her son. “Yeah well, Artichoke didn’t think that hunting was right for her. It's fine with me as long as she’s happy with whatever she does with her life. But that’s good! With your kits, that is. I'm glad they’re doing alright.” She said, claws digging into her nest at the mention of her former trainee. She really didn’t want to talk about her former trainee right now.
“You should sleep.” Ratclaw stated, attempting to change the conversation topic. “I will eventually, but not right now. I still need something to occupy my paws. Might just steal the feathers tied to your tail to repaint them.” Chestnutfur joked. “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m going back to sleep.” She said, curling up in her nest and resting her paws over her muzzle. “Sleep well sis. Love you.”
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mermaidbracket · 1 year
Having that Umineko bg for the finals is cruel (if it was on purpose)
Tee hee
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