vveedwacker · 2 years
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Swani and Pythius
they are very close, when Fran and Pythius would visit the coast sometimes Swani would also go with them from Sekk.
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sderiggiblog · 1 year
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Pictures and Stamps of the Dinosaur from My Friend Koriri: The Creators of Dino Mecard
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qingwaaa · 6 months
Literally my favourite magical girl
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@tangledinink Ausahjdgjskd hi 🧍‍♀️
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doomduck · 2 months
【LIMITED-TIME RELEASE】Yuzuru Hanyu's full performance at Notte Stellata ...
Life is hard. Monday's suck. But swanyu is forever.
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pinyatapix · 3 months
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Some months ago when the Penacony update came out i made a promise to myself that if I got Black Swan then I would draw her and Kafka kissing and uh yea. Calling em Kafswan. this was the first time I drew two people kissing lol. Happy last day of Pride Month DOT team synchronicity yuri yippee—
I haven't even played this game in months I was so burnt out that I intentionally skipped Boothill the guy I wanted most so I could break free from the gacha addiction cycle of pain lol. Also I apologize for the 3 people who follow me for not posting anything in nearly a year for some reason rip
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deceiver-a-day · 1 year
Parting Ways With Berelin Swani
• [x] gets you farther from Berelin Swani 
• [x] breeds regrets
• [x] leaves you to struggle on your own
• [x] prevents your voice from reaching those who care for you
• [x] strips away your protections
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purbesh · 6 months
Purbesh Swain
Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy. Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy Purbesh Swain Celebrating holi with Skyy Skill Accademy
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Y’all it’s 8 minutes to 11 o clock and I’m watching the OG Lorax and I’m just feeling a weird new emotion??? Like what is this???
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tangledinink · 1 year
I'm sorry,,, are those STITCHES in Swanies legs????
They're technically scars!
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crguang · 18 days
I feel like there’s a lot of sacrificing for a joke in hsr, which is definitely annoying especially when it just…doesn’t make sense, tonally and just logically. And I really do wish we found out more abt the TB, and I would’ve like even like a tidbit from firefly since we talk to her sm, we even play as her at the end. Or maybe get an offhand mention abt how she’s not supposed to tell us bc of the script or smth . I def agree w you, I cannot take the ipc seriously, bc there’s all this stuff abt how they’re doing stuff for their own benefit and profit but idk the stuff w the stellaron hunters and them is just so goofy, like it doesn’t make any sense.
ok so, I was looking thru ur blog and I realized I sent a message abt two-ish weeks ago, tumblr probably ate it smh. I was just saying how it was silly that Kafka’s wanted poster literally says she likes coats on it, and her bounty, like that’s it. Shes so sjsjshbsbddbbewv. And I also came up with another fic idea, like Kafka in an idol/band AU, but also I think her being an actor w the other stellaron hunters would be funny. But yk if I ever get around to writing anything instead of Kafka just living in my brain, who would she be in a band with, I was think abt using some of the characters from the animated before the show starts thing, but the instruments just don’t go together. Also I think I need to work on writing Kafka in general, bc she’s so complicated and it’s fun but I also overthink things too much.
And the leaks were unfortunately right abt 4 characters on one side. I’m not as devastated as you ofc, but hopefully I win my 50/50. Hjskalskskskndn I will cry if I loose.
also, no need to apologize for ranting, your rants always make more sense than mine, and I really enjoy your thoughts. -🌠
i agree with you 100%!!! missed opportunity with firefly and the tb reconnecting it could have been so nice. and omg i think i read that ask, it sounds familiar but i have so many (most are really old reqs, the recent ones are the event reqs i keep to answer eventually) and sometimes things get lost or i’ll click on the notification, answer in my head, then go do something else and forget to actually post my reply, im sorry😭😭 but YES i was thinking of kafka’s description in the game and while i know its the objective writing of the game and not the ipc, i find it funny to believe that whoever was in charge of her wanted notice thought she was hot as fuck because “dashing” and “beauty” in the same sentence is crazy work. her bounty is even funnier bc im wondering how they found out that she loved coats like😭 did she steal a bunch (she did), are they rlly monitoring her credit card and seeing all the purchases of expensive coats, is she always found in a store— what is it?!
actor au stellaron hunters would be really fun… you could also just put then in a band together for the idol/band au because i do think they’re the people who understand her best. the thought of kafka and jingliu practicing together is so funny because jingliu would hate that woman like GDJFBFNG her arrogance would have liu clenching that instrument so tight
i dont think you should worry about overthinking when it comes to writing, it can be a weakness because then you focus too much on details and forget the big picture, but personally i also think j too much into things when i write characters like kafka especially. when every genuine emotion is in the twitch of a finger, there’s kinda no choice lol
“im not as devastated as you” is killing me but its true… im the biggest victim of this banner system bc if i dont get my swanie i’ll @)&$(&)@)£<£#%. i hope u win the 50/50, unless i lose mine in which case i hope everyone else also loses <3
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peterborough-scapes · 1 month
Swany River
Witness the elegant beauty of two Trumpeter Swans as they delicately feed on the river's edge in Peterborough.
©2021 Ken Oliver
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sderiggiblog · 2 years
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Meet the Squad from My Friend Koriri
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On October 14th  1322 a Scottish army led by King Robert I  defeated Edward II of England at the Battle of Old Byland.
Many people are unaware that The Bannockburn did not end The Wars of Scottish Independence, they were to run intermittently for years to come. Seen as possibly the most important of those encounters was the Battle of Old Byland in Yorkshire on this day in 1322 when the Scots once again faced their English foes – but this time on English soil.
Robert the Bruce now took his army of 20,000 mosstroopers ( marauders who operated in the mosses, or bogs, of the border between the two countries)and clansmen through the west marches and laid waste to the areas round Carlisle, Lancaster and Preston before marching across the Pennines through Swaledale and Wensleydale where he could and should have been ambushed and stopped in his tracks by any competent defender of the easily defensible passes. Bruce joined forces with The Good Sir James Douglas at Northallerton and received the news that Edward II was staying at Rievaulx Abbey, about 20 miles away.  Bruce conferred with his generals, Douglas, Sir Walter Stewart, and Sir Thomas Randolph and discussed the possibility of capturing King Edward and bringing this long drawn out war to an end.
An audacious task was given to Sir Walter Stewart the hereditary High Steward of Scotland, who with 300 mosstroopers was to break through to Rievaulx Abbey as soon as the English line on the lip of Roulston Scar was broken by the Scottish Army. Bruce ordered Sir James Douglas to light more fires and increase the amount of smoke to conceal his movements from the English commander the Earl of Richmond.  Bruce concealed two thirds of his army in clumps of trees below a gully which led round the rear of Roulston Scar.
Edward thought they were safe from attack, his armies having taken up a defensive position atop Roulston Scar, the plateau. The vantage point offered unrestricted views of approaching enemies, with the seemingly impenetrable sheer cliffs giving them the confidence to think they would be able to ward off any approaches.  Bruce though,  concealed two thirds of his army in clumps of trees below a gully which led round the rear of Roulston Scar.  The Scottish King sent a group of Highlanders to scale the more lightly defended cliffs to the south, a medieval track still known as Scotch Corner
Back in Rievaulx Abbey, King Edward and his close cronies the Le DeSpensers were sitting down to a meal in the quarters of Abbot John of Rievaulx. I say meal, but such was Edwards confidence he was safe it sounds like more of a feast as accoring to The Lanercost chronicles 'two swanis roastit, divers fowls, Salmonys and other fishis with divers pies of meat and fruitis and sweetmeats. A Tun of Claret wine and a keg of burgundy wine with the best abbey ale.' They were fated never to finish that meal, that pleasure would fall to Sir Walter Stewart's men.
Bruce with his infantry light cavalry made their way largely unseen, onto Shaws Moor and there in front of them lay, unprotected, the encampments of the English Army.  Bruce formed his men into three arrowhead divisions and with the trumpeters blasting out the charge he led his men in an all out thundering gallop, his Lion Rampant Banner flying bravely in the hands of Scrymgeour his standard bearer and with a great cry of ' A Bruce! A Bruce!' they came galloping out of the smoke and smashed through the English lines causing widespread panic and destruction.
Even a tightly disciplined army would have found it difficult to withstand such a charge. The demoralised English mostly deserted their posts and ran for their lives but some salvaged what honour there was for England that day by standing their ground even though their stand was useless. What casualties Bruce's army suffered that day came from the arrows of the few English archers who bravely stood their ground before being hacked down.
Bruce's Standard bearer Scrymgeour took an arrow in his arm which did no real  damage due to the chain mail suit. Backwards and forwards, Bruce's force charged scattering the surviving English troops. No quarter was given and the English casualties were horrendously heavy. Finally only the dead and the victorious Scots remained in command of the battlefield.
King Robert then led his horsemen to the edge of Roulston Scarn and ordered his trumpeters to sound the Rally.  Down below in the Gully the English and the Scots turned their heads towards the clamour of the trumpets, to see Bruce's host on the escarpment and with a roar of triumph, Douglas' men surged forward and the English army dispersed , some in flight, most in surrender when Sir James Douglas ordered that, with victory secured the Scots gave quarter.
Those captured included many English Knights including  The Earl of Richmond who it’s said surrendered his sword to Sir James Douglas, who presented the prisoners to the Bruce,  gave him a tongue lashing by for his treatment of the Scottish Queen and her fellow female prisoners while she was an English prisoner. Bruce had Richmond hustled away under close guard as a valuable Hostage, it would be the start of 2 years of confinement for the English Knight, he remained in captivity until 1324, when he was released for a ransom of 14,000 marks.
So what of Sir Walter Stewart? His men were first heard and then seen by Edward's personal guard as they thundered towards the Abbey at breakneck speed. Edward was hustled from the Abbots House, mounted on his grey charger and with a close guard of twenty men galloped away from the scene of his humiliation to try and take ship at Bridlington. Leaving over  100 of his bodyguard to sell their lives in buying him some time to escape. This they did do and delayed the Scots sufficiently to allow their King to slip away. 
He was pursued by Stewart and fifty of his men for many miles but in the darkness they lost Edward as the day drew on and darkness fell.  Edwards horse became lame and He was forced to seek a fresh mount at Pickering Castle where a day later his grey charger became a prize of War and was presented to King Robert.  Edward eventually arrived at Bridlington and requested the keeper of the castle to provide him with a ship to take him to London.
There would be no easy escape for King Edward, he must have been dismayed when next day he looked out to sea and spotted  three long sleek Scottish galleys, this was no marauding Scots army content on a raid into England, this was a well thought out campaign, which must have taken some planning to have arrived with naval support.
Escape by sea was impossible, no trading galliot could outrun these greyhounds of the sea.  Information was then received that the Scots were approaching the outskirts of Bridlington, and without further ado Edward and his guards then high tailed it to York narrowly escaping capture twice, but losing his shield in the process.  The reputation of the fortified city at York meant the Scots did not attack it, and Edward was never captured, he and his party made their way to the safety of Burstwick in Holderness and from thence to London.
Bruce later returned this shield to Edward as an unspoken challenge, Fight or Negotiate peace! Edward did not rise to the challenge and this later was one of the reasons he was later deposed.
The numbers involved in the Scottish invasion are open to question, I’ve stuck at 20,000 as a reasonable number for a planned “excursion”  Bruce’s biographer, John Barbour, known to exaggerate at times, put the figure at, in my opinion a ridiculous 80,000.
It would be another six years before any lasting peace between Scotland and England was reached with The Treaty of Edinburgh–Northampton, it brought an end to First War of Scottish Independence, which had begun with the English invasion of Scotland over 30 years before. 
The Battlefields Trust has more about the battle on their web page, use the links on the left for all the info, some may differ from a wee bit mine, but the gist of it is the same. 
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jagi11 · 2 days
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It feels like that sometimes. They’re my children
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You can consider it a Part 2 of Lil Jag’s redesign announcement. Including in order from top left - Tsuki from Black Vow AU, Birdie from Sea Breeze AU, Swanie (her fic is still in the making but you might have seen some art of her already!), Prince from Butterfly Agenda and Mr Penguin (Maria’s one true love 😤). Also Tomoyo and General (from my first tbmr fic) but she wanted to take the pic and she didn’t want to engage in such childlish actions
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allur1ngs · 8 months
hi melody! sm has happened this pass week so sorry update me on ur life - 🦢
HIII SWANIE I MISSED YOU<33 i think the main thing on my mind is that this girl i was talking to late last year just texted me back yesterday after ghosting me...😭 idk how i feel about that tbh but other than that i've been busy busy!! got lots of work unfortunately T_T
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vveedwacker · 2 years
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Another side character from my in-development comic C/C/C
This is Swani, he comes from a line of Tiruts who breed specific traits in order to achieve what is known as "show breed" status. So he has longer fur on the face, end of tail, and end of horns.
He was born into "royalty" and served under the territory ruler of Sekk for most of his life. he was born with gigantism, a highly sought after and respected trait in Tirut society.
He is also Frans partner
My Patreon
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