wishingstarinajar · 9 months
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At least he's a little grateful.
Thanks for the unexpected Ko-fi and sweet words, ClassySansy! I really appreciate it!
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melonsw33t · 1 year
Chapter 3 pt 1
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swapfellgreed · 2 years
Swapfell!Greed Info Pin
This is the official blog of the Swapfell!Greed AU, created by @wishingstarinajar. Here you'll find Swapfell!Greed related art and fan art, answered Asks, and other things. This blog is rated 16+ due to certain types of content.
The blog and its contents are currently under construction.
✦ Main tags:
#greed sans | #greed papyrus
#Q and A
#swapfell!greed fan art
✦ Asks: Open through @wishingstarinajar. Feels free to ask about the characters and AU though spoilers will not be shared, sorry.
✦ Trigger warnings: This AU contains sanscest, and a bit of sansby. It also contains character deaths, violence, dub-con, mentions of addictions, and injury. Posts that may contain trigger content will be tagged appropriately, but do let me know if a crucial tag is missing. ====
⦾ Okay interactions:
Making gift | fan art about Swapfell!Greed. Please tag or mention @wishingstarinajar or @swapfellgreed!
Shipping the characters and creating headcanons. (Please be aware that canon ships exist in this AU and that I will not participate in non-canon shipping and/or headcanons.)
⦾ Not okay interactions:
Creating AU versions of Swapfell!Greed characters or the AU itself, or roleplaying as Swapfell!Greed characters.
Shipping any of the adult characters with underaged characters and vice versa.
Making and selling Swapfell!Greed merch without discussing it beforehand. The same goes for monetizing videos containing Swapfell!Greed-related content.
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox! Swapfell (Purple) belongs to Kkhoppang (KH)
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maiuoart · 6 months
How rare exactly are healers in Swapfell red? are there any left at all?
Extremely rare; Almost legendary, infact!
There have been rumors said that Poison(SFR!Muffet) has them hoarded. But others have told stories that The Queen raises the human young and trains the certain Green souls for healing to use in her Army, just for them to die off no sooner they leave the palace out of age... Or even that they are sold off in their version of a Black Market.
Or, that the healers are just in hiding in every aspect of every space you walk; But too afraid to show their true colors in fear... Or they are just waiting for the right idiot to come along and sink their tainted fangs into.
But, honestly? Magic is magic; Everyone can learn what they want to do if they have some desire for it ;)
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cowtale-utau · 2 years
I have a weird obsession with the seven deadly sins so here is a thing. Added virtues just cause.
Undertale Sans/Ace – Sloth / Patience
Undertale Papyrus/Lief – Envy / Kindness
Underfell Sans/Chisel – Sloth / Temperance
Underfell Papyrus/Spur – Pride / Diligence
Underswap Sans/Scout – Gluttony / Diligence
Underswap Papyrus/Piper – Sloth / Humility
Swapfell(Red) Sans/Whip – Envy / Temperance
Swapfell(Red) Papyrus/Coyote – Wrath / Diligence
Horrortale Sans/Tender – Greed / Kindness
Horrortale Papyrus/Cook – Envy / Patience
Swapfell(Purple) Sans/Doc – Wrath / Diligence
Swapfell(Purple) Papyrus/Flint - Greed / Diligence
Fellswap Gold Sans/Haze – Pride / Diligence
Fellswap Gold Papyrus/Cirrus – Wrath / Kindness
Underlust Sans/Shine – Lust / Patience
Underlust Papyrus/Calico – Gluttony / Charity
Dancetale Sans/Shuffle – Envy / Charity
Dancetale Papyrus/Foxtrot – Pride / Diligence
Outertale Sans/Saturn – Wrath / Diligence
Outertale Papyrus/Mercury – Pride / Kindness
Farmtale Sans/Sage – Wrath / Patience
Farmtale Papyrus/Thyme – Greed / Diligence
G!Sans/Aurum – Lust / Diligence
G!Papyrus/Viridis – Greed / Temperance
Bermudatale!Sans/Archi – Sloth / Kindness
Bermudatale!Papyrus/Pelago – Gluttony / Charity
Total Counts Just Cause :
Pride - 4 Envy - 4 Gluttony - 3 Lust - 2 Wrath - 5 Greed - 4 Sloth - 4
Humility - 1 Kindness - 5 Temperance - 3 Chastity – 0 lol Patience - 4 Charity - 3 Diligence - 9
Interesting that the sins were relatively balanced in spread while the virtues are very much not. I struggled with some of these, but I do have at least a tenuous justification for all of them.
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Hey every talented artist and amazing writers ヾ(•ω•`)o, yesterday when I got back from college, I found one of my old sketchbooks with unfinished comic strip I drew from May 1st, 2019, as I am working on when I'm in highschool as I inspired by Underfell, Hazbin Hotel (Pilot), and Afterparty (2019) as I fused three of them together at breaktime or going to the club on Friday but it's more like a D&D version with a dash of Swapfell version & details a bit when I draw. When I saw my od comic strip I sketch, it is reminding me of Greed Ring & Pride Ring mixed together when I added with smoking clouds and several of factories on the first page. I am hoping all of you like my old and first, yet unfinished comic strip and I hope all of you have a wonderful and enjoyable day with your friends, your families and your loved ones! Oh! And here other of my old unfinished comic strips I sketched with several of creative and inspired moons as I inspired with The Owl House and Star VS The Forces of Evil in high school in 2019 when I in club on Friday as I wanted to added with several of details I wants. (●'◡'●)
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eye-cri · 4 years
Tagged by @fayemichaels​!! thank!! 
Rule: Name your favorite character from ten different fandoms and then tag ten different people 
I’ll admit,, I’m pretty biased.
Zeus Brundle from Wizardess Heart
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Hollyleaf from the Warriors franchise She deserved better :(
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Swapfell Sans from swapfell There NEEDS to be more fanfic of him 😩
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Mammon avatar of greed from Obey me
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Hidan from Naruto 
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Jean/Leo from The Niflheim I love these two equally and i am still sad that their game got deleted too :((
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Leonardo/Oz from swd?Oz (also a equal love from me) look,, i think that it was weird that they decided to make a dating game off of a story for kids but the plot was really good! Had the “starting story” been different and Oz hadn’t been involved at all it would have been better.........and i’m in my feels for this game too
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I’m probably gonna take a long time deciding who to tag lol 
@chlowobenzene​ @ghostnightbride​ @donetorhasslichliebe​ @peachyminpha​ @wizardessfleur​ @explosiveglitterqueen​ @nadia-the-wizardess​ @dark-wizardess​
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franstastic-ideas · 3 years
I like to picture that, since gold is the standard currency for Monsters, they wouldn’t entirely understand the humans’ fascination with it and why they’d care so much about things being real gold or not
Ok, so, I really, really like to think that when the monsters make it to the surface, all their Gold gets converted to the standard currency of where they are, and it turns out that it’s worth a lot - meaning even the least wealthy monster in the Underground had very little issue in finding a place to live and setting themselves up for a stable life.
However, I can definitely see the monsters being so confused over bills and stuff. It’s... just paper? Why all the fuss over paper??
I actually like to think that in the Undertale and Underswap universes at least, like... lusting over money is such a ridiculous concept to them. Yes, they use gold as currency, but there’s also so many other ways monsters can get what they need or want without resorting to violence if they don’t have money.
Heck, even in the Underfell and Swapfell universe this system is in place - there’s trading, there’s competitions, there’s non-lethal FIGHTs, going on quests, completing tasks, so many different things to do to get that thing without using money...
My hostility towards human greed is definitely showing in this response, I know.
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wishingstarinajar · 1 year
Plz help me. I'm a staving traveler looking for sans bellies to feed my hunger plz help
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Dinner is served~
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melonsw33t · 2 years
Sneak peek for a comic I'm working on that features @wishingstarinajar 's Swapfell!Greed skeles, Rum and Haze! Check out the rest of their stuff!!
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maiuoart · 6 months
Do you have any more ideas on how sans (swapfell red) were like as a kid?
if not that's okie :)
No no no... I do; I very much do!
SFR!Sans, as a child, was such a handful...
It's not because he wasn't disciplined; Not because he was seeking attention; It was literally his Soul desiring to follow what he was made for.
In my verse, he was literally made to become a cold killer.
Unlike Russ, Sans was only thought up of as a mere second thought; Nothing much was processed besides; 'Back up plan 2'
Gaster in this world, was aiming to take the Royal Scientist River's spot. He seeked with anger, jealousy, greed... He aimed with malicious intent; Which both boys gained, but sadly San's had the main blunt of it.
So after things were said and done; Both Papyrus and their adopted father, Lizando, fought fang and claw to settle Sans however they could during his toddler stages. He was a terrible; Literally scratching and biting everything and anything up. Toys, books, his own adoptive Sister, even Russ & Li themselves.
Sans bit so much, they actually invested in a special muzzle for him...
Occasionally, they found Sans killing small creatures... After they saw how gleeful he was about it, gaining small amounts of LVL with it, the two took the steps to correct it. Sans was gaining psychotic tendencies neither one wanted to have...
Sans showed the desired signs Gaster had originally wanted; Up into his young tween stages. He was gifted more than Russ with the killing and no remorse senses. Sans' soul was a dull dark grey when he was a baby; Something so rare for a monster child, even in their realm.
Thankfully with a General as your adoptive Father; Safe to say he had more ways to help Sans target this--... Oddly aggressive behavior in a more than healthy way.
│Sans was taught early how to wrestle; He adored to and rough house with his siblings. He really enjoyed doing it with Papyrus since he'd always hurt Alphys too much. But as Russ got 'lazier', not wanting 'to play', Sans turned to Alphy and going easy for her, in order to get her up to 'His Level'. │Learned how to control his strength at that stage; But when really upset, he has gone into a blind rage. │After the blind rage from his 5/7 age range, where a toddler was much easier to handle, and realizing he had actually harmed the ones he loved; That woke up Sans own internal thinking and realization to become someone better. Hasn't had a blind rage since that day. │Sans was always praised for things he did accordingly; And at first, he reacted negatively to it all... Hated the praise! But as time went on, he slowly enjoyed it.
Still, Sans learned the language of swearing, cussing, and everything else from Russ' friends. He would curse like a lil'sailor, not caring who was around. That stopped when Sans found a better role model, even if for a short while.
Once he gets into his teen stages; He really starts to even out and has the goal to become a General, like his 'Father'. Sans has called him as such, and has the dream to becoming a Duo General with Alphy's.
Alphy's and Sans have always battled since; Be it sparring together, simple sibling rivalry, or even a simple discussion. Those two were the best of friends and shared many likes and teased the other for their dislikes when Russ was no longer available and Li got killed.
But still, Sans was a lil'troubling with how eagerly he wanted to kill and rip anyone apart if they so much as showed him their eyes.
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vrnicky · 3 years
Okay, idea!
Edit: i just put this ``8 ways of the papyri to give loveˊ ˊ lol
Since i have seen that- people always use Papyrus as my weakness, which its true-
And i was thinking already in having ""pets"" of papyruses! But instead of just me having bunch of skeletons, they have their own emotion that connects them with me! ..besides that some may be the sins lol
•Papyrus, the classic.. pardon me but he is my Hope, he just needs to be by my side to give me that little light i need everyday
•Underswap Papyrus i just see him like Sloth, he is the one taking care of me taking good naps, breaks and sleep because man, my schedule of sleep sucks
•Underfell Papyrus, i see him as.. Pride, If i always told myself i don't deserve something, he will kill everyone he deserves to kill because he is the one making sure i truly love myself because i am worth and i really deserves everything
•Horrortale Papyrus, i know his brother would take a better place of Gluttony but im not in that aspect actually, is more about how he would want me to eat the three times the day because sometimes i "forget", he is there to help me!
•Mafiafell Papyrus, why a mobster? Because he rocks. He is Greed, again, not in the bad way, he want me to think bigger and fight for my goals! Of course, he will and can use some trick under his sleeves but he want me to do it myself
•Mafiatale Papyrus, i see him as Envy, all the other with good intentions with me but he still is unsure of what to help me with so he is envy of the others, that doesn't mean he wouldn't help me. The thoughts of everyone being better than me are always there so he is the best to help me stop those because im.. unique
•Swapfell red Papyrus is Lust, again, not bad way, yes, i could have use a lust Papyrus but since its not about exact lust im gonna to with swapfell red. This man could hear my self low esteem thoughts and get really mad because b*tch you're awesome??? He would help me with my low self esteem
•Fellswap gold Papyrus is Wrath, why? Because probably he is the best to calm mine, i see Fellswap gold Papyrus the type of person to drown his own emotions and in a moment just explodes with rage. That's why he want me to let out everything i have swallow to no show emotion and that way my chest could feel lighter than ever
And that's it! I know what more i could add! And counting.. there's 8 Papyruses i have to draw lol because yes, this is something really cute and wholesome to me!
Another thing, yes, they're connected to me by my emotions in short, classic Papyrus is the one with a strong connection with me!
The inspiration is from this! Hopefully i would draw whatever stupidness i think of with this!
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mischief-rei · 4 years
Pre’lude de Vénéneux
Soft bantering could be heard below the swapfell house between Momo and one other; someone Noire didn’t recognize at all. “Why can’t just ask PapPap? He nice person. He helped many get own body when they had none,” Momo tried to rationalize. There’s a groan. “Because I can’t trust him to not get in my way! He’s fuckin nosy! All Judges are,” a voice snapped back. Noire slowly levitated down the steps to the half way point. His sockets narrow in mild amusement. What the hell did they think HE happened to be? “PapPap and Nor have same role. Momo don’t see point to this. They’d do same thing as PapPap if mess with their lab things,” Momo once more tried to rationalize.
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“Yea, but clearly the numbskull here doesn’t seem to care nearly as much since he’s left it abandoned for so long. He hasn’t been down here for years. Look at how thick the dust is,” the voice points out. Momo couldn’t argue that logic. “Besides that, this timeline resets so much as it stands. Even if I mess with their machines, they won’t remain messed up nor will enough time pass for them to notice too many changes being made. Your ‘PapPap’ is lucky in that regard. Resets are rare where he’s at now,” the voice persists.  “Why so determined to leave Momo?...Before, Zima said didn’t care what body they’re in,” Momo asked suddenly. Zima. Well now, Noire had a name to tie to the secondary intruder. 
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“Because I’m tired of seeing my timeline suffer. I know I can make everything better for them, but I need my body to do it! I can’t just reset the place while stuck inside you! And I refuse to let Rei ‘handle’ it all on her own again. She’s the reason why we’re glue together and the reason behind so much other nonsense that COULD’VE been avoided if she used her brain instead impulsively acting on her own!” 
And there went the reason of their insistence. Noire is conflicted. He knows he should intervene, especially for Momo’s sake, but this human...isn’t like the Frisks’ or Charas’ he’s met thus far. The majority were greed filled. None of them particularly cared about what happened to the monster race or human race as long as there was something to entertain them still lingering around. There was also the issue of not being the scientist in the family. The lab was handed down to him by his father, but Valentine tended to use the space more and had the knowledge for it to boot.  Simply put, he couldn’t perform the same procedure and re-stabilize this Chara’s body. 
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bcncwcary · 4 years
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my boi greed. his design is originally from swapfell kh (swapfell purple?)
but i rp this brat on twitter. hes a lil druggy muffucker what does anything for some g. or acts like he does anyway.
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0netype · 6 years
Greed [Swapfellcest] [1/?]
SO HERE’S A SUPER SELF-INDULGENT THING--I went through the Swapfell tag on ao3 for fontcest fics and I got through about half (like ~180/300+) and not even one?????? of those fics??? was about the purple swapfell bros getting it on????
I had an insatiable thirst and, while i’m still hoping there’s some fics hidden in the half that I haven’t searched yet, I decided to write some of my own in the meantime B’) ................,,,,... it uh....... it sorta became a longfic along the way............ so if anyone else out there is liking the idea of BlackMoney, dear god please come talk to me about them because I’m So Into It RN.
Rating: E Relationship: (Purple) Swapfellcest [BlackMoney] Chapter Wordcount: 1317 Summary: There are certain things Papyrus wants that he really shouldn't be allowed to have. Getting them anyways goes well about half the time. Chapter Index: [ x ] [ 2 ] [ AO3 Link ]
CONTENT WARNINGS: mentions of prostitution, wet dreams
Papyrus jolts up in bed, soul pounding in his chest and gasping his brother’s name. This is more or less par for the course when it comes to his sleepless nights. He has nightmares frequently—wakes up drenched in sweat with his bones rattling like a wind-chime five nights out of seven—but this is different. He’s still panting, still perspiring, still every bit as run ragged as he is at the end of any old nightmare.
What makes it out of the ordinary is that, this time, he’s also sticky with cum.
He stares down at himself, sheets bunched up underneath him thanks to his restless tossing and turning. His shorts sit low on his hips, sagging down far enough that his crests are exposed, bones chipped and yellow even in the meager light coming in through the slips in his blinds. Papyrus reaches a hand out towards his pelvis and tugs at the fabric, wincing at how it clings to his bones. Even now, there’s a residual glow underneath his clothes. Confirmation of what woke him so suddenly.
He dreamt about Sans fucking him.
Papyrus figures he should feel something about that beyond the dull sense of surprise he’s currently experiencing. That’s weird, right? It’s weird that he feels no shame or embarrassment or disgust?
But then again, with some of the clients he’s had, letting Sans use him would be an upgrade.
Besides, it’s easy enough to explain away the dream. He’d come home from a long night of offering himself up, body worn out and sore. He’d barely had the foresight to ‘port straight up to his room instead of walking in through the front door and facing his brother’s wrath. Exhausted, he’d wiped himself down with some discarded clothes laying on the floor before slipping off his sandals and his hoodie and tossing himself face-first into his mattress. Sharp spasms of pain shot through his blind eye as he blearily calculated his earnings, sleep wrapping in around his skull.
He’d also been thinking about his brother.
Sans had gotten rejected from the Guard again, coming home enraged at the ‘injustice’ of it all. Papyrus hadn’t been able to keep himself from laughing outright at the predictable outcome and the ensuing mass of projectiles that had been tossed his way did little to stifle his snickering. He’d told his brother time and time again that it was his awful temper and thinly-veiled bloodlust that kept Alphys from adding him to the ranks—and with good reason. The Guard would never get anything done if one of their own went around dusting monsters left and right.
In any case, it’s easy to see where Papyrus’s subconscious might have gotten that twisted. A simple thing to replace a snarling monster gripping his arms forearms tight as he plunges violently in and out of Papyrus’s cunt with his brother’s crazed grin and vicious hold.
… it’s harder to ignore the shiver that runs up his spine as he thinks of it.
“Papyrus,” Dream Sans had growled, hilted so deep that, even awake, Papyrus swore he could feel the ghost of his touch thick and heavy within him, “I’m going to break you open on my cock.”
Bad porn dialogue really.
But it had made him cum anyways, so.
Regardless, the dream means nothing. Even if continuing to think about it as his soul calms and the comfortable haze of orgasm dissipates is giving rise to all sorts of complicated, churning emotions. Papyrus is tired. He’s exhausted. Even if he’s never really slept much, it doesn’t mean he’s impervious to needing to shut down occasionally.
In the end, he isn’t interested in exploring the intricacies of dream reading while running on empty. Especially for something that’s not even that big a deal.
So what if he’d dreamt of screaming himself hoarse, clenched tight around his brother’s cock as he rode out his orgasm?
It doesn’t mean anything.
The pounding in his blind socket returns, body tensing at the pain. Papyrus turns over and forces his eyes shut. Sleep will come if he waits long enough for it, and maybe this time it’ll be dreamless.
But when the morning comes, and he’s still only managed to catch snatches of sleep in between long stretches of malcontent, things aren’t quite as easy to cast away.
For one, the filth in his shorts has gone an unappealing mixture of stiff and tacky. He spares a second to be remorseful over not having the foresight to clean up at night before shaking the thought away. It isn’t like he hasn’t woken up covered in worse from those nights where he skipped wiping himself down after ‘work’. There were far worse things than a little mess from time to time.
He rolls over in bed and peels the shorts off before tossing them to the side into a rank pile of clothing. Then he pushes himself up to his feet, pelvis bare and only an undershirt covering him.
Thoughtful, Papyrus tugs the hem of the black, sleeveless top down, as if to cover his indecency. He glances over at the figure he strikes in the dirty, full-length mirror laying unhung against his wall. Standing like this, still softened from sleep and looking bashful with his shirt pulled down over his bare bones, makes him snicker.
That good humour washes away a second later when a shout booms through the house, loud enough to jostle the sparse furniture in his room. “Papyrus!”
He freezes in place, images from his dream last night flashing through his mind in quick succession. Then, he clenches his phalanges tight into the fabric of his undershirt; hard enough that he can feel his bones scraping through to the other side.
What is he getting so worked up over? It’s only Sans.
One dream doesn’t change a thing.
“What?” He hollers, forcing past the feeling of his soul rising up in his false-throat.
“Pap, you ingrate,” Sans shouts back, mixing what should be an affectionate nickname with his usual irritation. It’s normal, comfortable and safe. His brother continues to behave as he always does and it’s enough that Papyrus untenses just the slightest. “If you’re up, then get down here!”
Papyrus rolls his one, working eyelight, “I’m coming, Sa—”
The words dry up. He gives a full-body shudder as a tingle of magic pulses in his pelvis at the memory of shouting the same phrase in his dream. He’s already standing in front of the mirror, so he can’t brush off the way a light flush of purple works onto his cheekbones as his body heats from the thought. Papyrus locks gazes with his reflection for only a second before he looks away.
He doesn’t want to think about what he sees in that expression.
“I heard you the first time!” He croaks, trying for normal but rankled with nerves.
This is stupid. This is so fuckin’ ridiculous.
The dream meant nothing, so why is he reacting like this?
Gritting his teeth and forcing his body still of its trembling, Papyrus turns away from the mirror and moves towards the pile of suspect clothing by the foot of his bed. He focuses on nothing but sifting through it, searching for something clean to wear. When his hand snags on a pair of long, dark grey shorts, he pulls them up to his face to sniff at them before deeming them acceptable.
Papyrus tugs them up his hips, slips on his sandals, snatches his hoodie up from where he’d discarded it next to his mattress last night, and strides to his bedroom door.
He gives one glance over his shoulder at the mess of clothing strewn about the place—a particular pair of shorts, newly covered in filth, among them—and promises himself that he’ll do laundry later. After that, he can put all of this behind him.
… probably.
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wishingstarinajar · 2 years
Which of your skele boys you like the most? :∆
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Original comic by SrGrafo!
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