#sway 4.0
eemamminy-art · 4 months
You have turned me from a Zenos hater into a Zenos ambilaventer keep posting and you might manage to turn me into a Zenos lover
If you already hated him though is me drawing him really going to make that big of a difference? 😩 Like I know I give him a fat ass and extremely delicious nose in my artwork but now I feel compelled to give you my tedtalk on why I like zenos lmao
This is about to be really long and also contains spoilers for stormblood, shadowbringers, and endwalker
This might surprise you but I like Zenos for his characterization and storyline in the game itself! The fanart is just kind of a bonus. He's one of many examples in Stormblood of a character that is shaped by their experiences, though I think it's not told as successfully as it is for like, Fordola, Arenvald, or Yotsuyu, because a key part of his backstory was locked to a short story in a print-only book (which I think is out of print now). The most you see of it in the actual game is this blink and you miss it line from Lyse at the very end of 4.0:
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(Dialog from the quest "Stormblood", patch 4.0)
What really, really appeals to me about Zenos though, is that he is the personification of depression and that really resonates with me. He has anything he could possibly want, he has accomplished a great many things, but he feels completely hollow inside. He's miserable. He slaughtered countless Domans including their leader and felt nothing, commanded to do it by his father because (as shown in that short story) he only ever was acknowledged to even exist to his father when he practiced violence. So it's a given now, that's what's expected of him and that's all his life is. He's completely desensitized.
He finds one thing that makes him feel alive, that is the warrior of light challenging him, and it becomes his sole focus. Nothing else matters but chasing that high, because every single other thing is a low. After being bested by the warrior of light for the very last time, faced with probably prison for his crimes, he decides to die by his own hand on that high note rather than go back to the drudgery and misery that is everything else.
It's why in endwalker he can be swayed to do something good at the very, very end. He doesn't have a moral compass because he was shaped into an attack dog by his father, he sees "righteousness" as an excuse for war. Because I mean, what else is Garlean propaganda but righteousness from their twisted perspective? He asks Jullus if he would be happier had he a good reason to kill so many garleans after killing his own father— he makes it plain that death is death and there is no justice or good or evil in his eyes. He did have a reason, and it was that his father's use of black rose would likely kill the warrior of light, the only person or thing that gave Zenos any joy in life. Later, it was that Fandaniel dangled the idea that the warrior of light would be attracted to the slaughter and would come running to stop him so he killed more people during the civil war after the emperor's death. But he doesn't need to say that that was why. The reason doesn't matter, he knows the action would not change no matter how it was justified. Even if it was a "good" reason, death is death.
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(Dialog from the quest "The Time Between the Seconds", patch 4.0)
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(Dialog from the quest "As the Heavens Burn", patch 6.0)
I often see people take Alisaie's part in that scene as her convincing him to be a better person but that's really not what happens. He knows if he takes that action that others perceive as good and helps to stop Endsinger, he could have that high again in facing the warrior of light one more time. He could find joy and meaning, even for a fleeting moment. Then once again end it all because he fears returning to the low monotony of life. It's all over his dialog, especially in Endwalker. The dialog at the very end where he asks the warrior of light if they feel fulfilled, I know is meant to be a bit more of a meta question toward the player themselves, but I'd like to think it's Zenos comparing how different his outlook is to the warrior of light's. The warrior of light has many things keeping them going, whereas Zenos is drowning in despair with only one bright spot that he is constantly chasing time and time again.
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(Dialog from the quest "Friends Gathered", patch 6.0)
those three tiny lines can hold so much zenoswol yearning in them AAAAAAAAAAAAA I AM not well
I personally still feel like there was room for him to survive that and to be gently guided into more and more good and try to undo some of that conditioning but I think he might be too polarizing of a character for him to become a permanent ally in canon. Much as I would love to see that! I have to wonder if the mentions of him in the 6.X patches that bounced between positive and negative were testing the waters, but I will leave my tinfoil hat aside because this post is already WAY too long lmao
I understand why people dislike him: they think he enjoys murder because he does it without "a good reason", they don't like how obsessive he becomes toward the warrior of light who is an extension of the player themselves, they don't like that in Fandaniel's scheme in "in from the cold" Zenos is the one inhabiting the warrior of light's body. Totally get it, totally understand.
I'm just saying I see the complexity to him and I find it compelling. Just as I found the overwhelming grief and despair that motivated Nidhogg or Emet-selch or Elidibus to be compelling. I think what people miss though when you like an antagonist is that feeling empathy toward them means you don't feel empathy toward the people they harmed, or that you somehow agree with what they did. But really, I just love seeing these characters that are faced with such tragedy or misery that they start to lose sight of right and wrong. They're driven entirely by emotions. For a story where emotions are literally power, I think it's a really interesting angle to take with the antagonists of that story.
Man, where was I going with this? 😂 I just love Zenos... I don't think I will be convincing anyone to like him who doesn't already, and that's not at all my intent. I just thought I'd share my perspective a little bit after getting this ask!
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dreadfutures · 4 months
Bloodied and Broken Reading Order
Inquisitor Lavellan gets a second chance to find hope for herself and for Thedas.
Ixchel became Inquisitor at only sixteen and suffered greatly under the yoke of responsibilities and expectations. Her only comfort was the family she made in the Inquisition—a family that dissolved after Corypheus's defeat. After the revelations of the Exalted Council, her despair and loneliness get the better of her, and she ends her life. A desperate ally uses the end of the world to resurrect her and send her back in time. She is determined to save the world or die trying this time. She doesn't expect to find true hope, and true love, along the way. 👉 TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ? A summary of Ixchel's whole story.
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Every Fic Reading Order
Required reading denoted by a star: ⭐
[0.0] Lead Her through the Darkness - [WarpedLegacy] | Oneshot | A nameless feral child discovers a beautiful shape on a ruined wall, and the Hero of Ferelden gives her a name. Gift by BECAndCall/warpedlegacy.
[1.0] Two Handed | Incomplete | Ixchel, at 16, becomes Herald and everything goes downhill from there. Abandoned at the moment. Not required reading.
[1.1] Ruined Empires and Dust | Drabbles | Stories of Ixchel and Solas during and after her first Inquisition. Not required reading.
[1.2] The Vallaslin | Oneshot | During her first Inquisition, Ixchel is offered vallaslin as honor for her deeds. Solas warns her about their true meaning, but they mean something else to her. Not required reading.
[1.3] The Hope of Fen'Harel | Oneshot | Ixchel's Trespasser confrontation with Solas. They were never lovers, but she is still his heart. Not required reading.
[2.0] Dead Pasts and Dread Futures | Complete - Part of Series | Ixchel dies and is resurrected, forced to go back to the Inquisition's beginning and stop Solas. She struggles with what she thinks is a futile mission to sway Solas from the din'an'shiral, and she grapples with mental illness that never went away. Time travel fix-it, diverges from canon after Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts/ Here Lies the Abyss. REQUIRED ⭐
[2.1] Fade to Blue | Oneshot | A Solavellan smut scene from Dead Pasts Dread Futures that I expanded on and posted separately. Not required reading.
[3.0] The Brave Guide | Ongoing - Part of Series | Ixchel grapples with the power she's accumulated and the consequences of her policies as Inquisitor. She works closely with Mahariel to explore the nature of racial and class politics, and the nature of the Blight. REQUIRED ⭐
[4.0] Part Three TBD | Unreleased | After Ixchel says goodbye to Solas in Serault, she undertakes The Descent - and her final confrontation with Corypheus.
[5.0] Part Four TBD | Unreleased | After Ixchel steps down as Inquisitor.
[5.8] the road seems too wild for mixing it with blues | Oneshot | Sometime in the future, Ixchel and Solas travel to Cumberland as tourists, unknown and unbothered by the world, and enjoy a slice of life in the city. Not required reading.
[5.9] The Day the Dread Wolf Wed the Brave Guide - [ExaltedDawn] | Incomplete | After Corypheus's defeat and Ixchel's retirement, she attends the Arlathvhen with Solas and receives a non-traditional bonding ceremony led by a Dalish friend, Talenna Ethera.
[6.0] it ends, or it doesn't | Multichapter, Complete | At the Arlathvhen, while Ixchel is getting married, Felassan discovers a conspiracy against her. He, Merrill, and two other Dalish characters, investigate a nearby ruin and reflect on the meaning assigned to the past, and the decisions that will decide their futures. Not required reading.
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thinkingotherwise · 9 months
Hi hello
NPC series fan here again, hehe. Hope you're having a great day✨
I've seen that there's already a new one in work, but I wanted to ask if requests for the series are still open, because I've recently finished 4.0 Fontaine archon quest and Silver is so very husband material I can't👉👈
Thank you in advance💕
Thank you for requesting again and I'm sorry that it took so much, I had quite a busy last few months and couldn't focus on writing. But it's finished, and as it’s here before the new year...
I'm wishing you and everyone else reading this Happy Zhongli Day and Happy New Year 🌌🥂🎊
As for the story I totally agree that he is so... have you seen the suit? surely made of husband material And just a little thing, because I can’t let Hoyo do that to us, some events from 4.2 are nonexistent, they didn’t happen. I don’t want to remember them, therefore they didn’t happen
Silver x Fontaine! Bubbly! reader
I'm a sucker for French terms of endearment Mon chéri - my dear Mon cœur - my heart / sweetheart
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Your day off fell on a nice day with a little cloudy but sunny weather, you simply had to take advantage of it. You decided that while spending your afternoon with your overworked man, you might as well go out before the end of his shift. Because of that, you spent your late morning shopping to your heart's content and talking with a lot of people who appreciated your positive personality. When the clock was nearing dinner time you walked out of the Chioriya Boutique with a bag, now havier by the new purchase. Observing the nearest area while deciding where to go next you noticed the familiar black and golden dress and matching hat and immediately your eyes searched for the two attendants who never left Navia's side.
Your gaze fell upon your dark blue-haired husband and you marched up towards him humming to yourself. Coming closer and closer you noticed another two people they were having a conversation with. Seeing as it may be important you stopped and waited for them to finish.
Feeling the non-stop gaze of someone Melus and Silver looked around and when their eyes fell on you you grinned widely and waved at them. Melus nudged his colleague on the side and grinned teasingly while Silver tried to fight off the smile that came to his face whenever he saw you.
After a short moment when he collected himself, he turned back to the conversation. At the same time, you raised your chin up to the sky and started cloud gazing to pass the time. You continued on humming and softly swaying from side to side.
Finishing their talk with Traveler, Silver turned to his companions. "Demoiselle Navia, Melus, Traveler and Paimon, excuse me for a moment." He finished with a slight bow.
Navia looked at Melus questioningly knowing they noticed something before. He, in return, tilted his head in your direction pointing that his friend was taking a short break to see you.
Moving your gaze back forward, your eyes met your husband's, who was walking towards you. Seeing that, you smiled involuntarily and ran up to him. As soon as he noticed you running he opened his arms to let you jump into them and embrace you tightly.
The moment your body collided with his he hugged you tightly lifting you just enough so that your feet left the ground.
"Bonjour, mon cœur." "Bonjour, how is work going? Hope I didn't disturb you much."
Silver let you down and took hold of your hand. In response, you tightened the hold momentarily.
"Don't worry, you didn't disturb. I told you previously that I'll always acknowledge you as soon as an opportunity presents itself." You hummed in response happily swinging your hand that held his.
"As for work, it was fine, not too much trouble today. Now I want to know where did you come from, were you shopping?"
He asked eyeing the bag that you held in your hand, while the other one was holding his. You started nodding your head.
"Yes, I went on a little shopping spree, I found some things that got my attention. Oh! I also have something for you but you'll see it later, for now, it's a surprise, mon chéri."
"A surprise, you just love to spoil me as much as I do you."
Silver then quickly turned to look at Demoiselle Navia and his friend. He sighed softly and sent you a small smile. Seeing that you let go of his hand and gently placed the shopping bag down next to you.
"I'll be seeing you soon."
You took off his hat with one hand while the other tilted his head down by the chin so you had easier access to place a sweet kiss on his forehead. You then quickly placed the hat back on top of his head and tucked in some of his stray hair that fell out of place.
"Don't work too much, mon chéri. I'll be waiting for you at the restaurant when your shift finishes."
Silver smiled at you widely nodding at your words.
"Don't miss me too much, mon cœur." He added kissing your cheek.
You picked up your bag and as your husband gazed at you lovingly you quickly came up with an idea and took advantage of his distracted self. Placing you free hand on his cheek you let it stay there for just a moment before snatching his sunglasses and placing them on you. You grinned at him and left a quick peck on his lips before running away.
He sighed deeply at your antics and was ready to go back to work without his signature glasses but as he turned towards Demoiselle, who observed the whole situation, she waved him off letting him off of work early.
Not thinking twice he bowed slightly and turned in the direction you ran off to. Then Silver started chasing after you quickly catching up and colliding into you while his arms trapped you within his embrace. Your laughter filled his ears and he joined in right after placing his hat on your head.
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aeroblossom · 1 year
inverse operation
[◇ arlecchino/furina. written before 4.0 archon quest. enemies to lovers.]
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any mortal in possession of a good deal of enmity against the divine, must be in want of a victory.
The Knave's hands, dark as cinders, clawed and fearsome, are known for being neither gentle nor loving. The rose stalk fitted within the space between her index and thumb would have been glad to meet its end through a simple wilt, but that is not enough to put on a show.
There is currently a soldier grovelling at her feet, head on the ground and trembling in submission to her. None of the quivering words that exit his mouth satisfy her.
Some excuse about too many casualties, something about retaliation from locals, some nonsense about the Traveler, her ears had tired of them.
One turn, one toss of her long hair off her shoulder alerted the youth of just what kind of mood she was in. He opens his mouth to speak, but nothing leaves except a high pitched yelp when clawed black fingers curl around his throat. Despite being equal in height, the walking, breathing threat of a woman already has him lifted into the air as he attempts to untangle her fingers from his neck, gasping and thrashing in the process, crying his pleas. With each sound he makes the fingers only tighten.
"Remind me, your name?" she says (demands, forces, orders).
"V-Viktor, Lady Harb–ing…"
"A nice name," came her reply which didn't seem to be addressed to him at all. "Tell me, Viktor, what is our mission here?"
"To… t-to…" he chokes out.
"To kill that lowly criminal of a god," she completes his attempt. Her other hand moves to her back, the rose clutched by her fingers still. It gave the whole scene a touch that would be a pleasure in a romantic context.
He wondered, for just a millisecond, if this was a future tactic she was testing for later use.
"You tried. What else, Viktor?"
"The what?"
"The–" the grip tightens, "Gno–"
A snap and a crack.
"...–sis ."
A body falls to the ground with a thud. A sigh leaves her lips, her heel coming to rest on his back, crushing into the still warm body.
Empty eyes narrow, wander across the scenery of the back of the base. She raises her other arm into her line of sight. A small crackle sounds, smoke rises. Flames begin to consume the innocent flower.
She drops it by the stem, and it lands onto the recently deceased thing on the floor. The Pyro vision reacts, flames feeding each other till a larger one replaces both.
Embers and flames will consume one another to form a bigger fire, a kind of unifying embrace. That was precisely the ideal she set forth for the House of the Hearth.
However, when flames come into contact with water, one triumphs over the other. Whether that be the flame vaporising the water, or the water dowsing the flame. Usually, it was the latter.
Recently, Arlecchino has found a special sort of interest in the former — in triumphing over, consuming, annihilating that which would normally do the same to you.
Platinum blonde hair sways in the gentle breeze coming in through the window, the young feline woman bent over her desk picks a stray hair out of her mouth as she pens the letter in front of her. Ghost writing for the Knave.
To kill the god Focalors, wasn't it?
A death threat could never have sounded so pretty, so alluring. Seductive enough for one to almost give into it. And it was said, anyone could tell, both meaning and not meaning the words involved.
Anyone else, anyone with a sane bone in their body would be careful in their approach to the God of Justice.
Arlecchino very famously does not have a sane bone in her body. That's why Lynette knows only she could make a calling card sound this capricious.
When she's done, she hands it to Freminet for delivery – to Lyney, who would then personally place it in Arlecchino's hands. This routine of doing things was almost symbolic in a way, and she thinks for a spare moment about how Lady Furina would have enjoyed watching this kind of thing in an opera.
The symbol of the thorny black rose crosses her mind for the last time as she gives Freminet the letter.
Besides, wasn't it rather strange to send the one that's supposedly your enemy, the thorn in your side, a calling card disguised as what is essentially a love letter?
Or at least, that's what Lynette thinks the purpose is, staring at her writing utensils on the desk.
Hm, maybe she's not sure a tactic is all it really is.
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ehe-ttenandayo · 9 months
The Navia Arc
A quick story of how hard I simp for characters I like and I’m now a Navia main.
It all began with this
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That smile, that damn smile...
From then on, all my saving plans were set.
There were, however, some obstacles in the way. 4.0 Arrived in an elegant manner and I was primo-less. The version featuring Lyney, Lynette and Freminet as the first playable members of the Fontaine cast, a flashy show and powerful kits backed up by the first Archon Quest and a Story Quest were strong enough to sell the trio and attempt to sway away my primogems. But when I least expected it, I saw her again.
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Source: Fayato.
She swayed me back (obligatory mention to detective paimon, I loved that bit). Not only she helped us defend Lyney, but she also had a big role during the Secon Archon Quest, settling her as one of the characters I wanted the most from this Fontaine roster.
But there was a problem, I had no Idea of where she was going to be released, and there was a certain character I had to get.
Because, you see, I love Hydro 5 stars; ever since Childe’s release, the hydro characters have been winning hard when we talk about visual effects. The water particles are one of the best effects this game has to offer, and every single new 5 star just does it better. I’m grateful to the possibilities that Childe opened for future hydro releases, and up to this point I am set on collecting every single hydro woman.
You see where I am heading, but for now, let’s talk about version 4.1.
It was the hardest obstacle to my savings, to put it simply. We learned a lot about the Fortress of Meropide and Wriothesley, we're okay in that department; but it also put a certain judge under my radar: Neuvillete was a character I wasn’t interested, but the more I met him the more I liked him; his story quest is, up to this point, my favorite of the Fontaine series and it took every ounce of strength to not pull for him. 4.1 ended and my primos were safe, with a bit less than 170 pulls in the savings, it was time for 4.2.
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Aaaand I pulled for Furina on the first day.
I had a couple of reasons to not do it, but I did it. She’s a 5 star hydro woman, I can’t go back on my word; I don’t pull for archons, but she isn’t one; I failed the 50-50 to Keqing, now I have Furina guaranteed; that was a mess, but I don’t regret it, Furina grew on me ever since her appearance in the first archon quest. She’s such a good character that I have nothing bad to say about her.
However, when all was said and done, my savings where in the dumps. The Starglitter and the new region were my only hope. It was time to read leaks and prefarm her materials (despite never doing it before), farm primos… and get a welkin.
It kind of worked out, almost exactly 16k primogems and 30 pity meant I could at least get Navia, but whenever I try to simp I go for the weapon too (and this one is an axe for heaven’s sake, of course I wanted it). There’s something I haven’t told you, and that is I tend to lose my 50-50.
Cue the night of Navia’s arrival, and my first 50-50 win of the year.
All that simping and rituals worked! She was home, and I could try to go for the axe, even if I failed, it meant I would get a Mistplitter, and we know that weapon is really good. There was nothing to lose… Wish x10. Raise pity. Golden flash.
Two Verdicts one after the other.
The public howled, my heart skipped a beat, celebration trumpets on the distance. It was bliss.
And then my brain wanted more, trying to max my sucrose (at the time C2) constellations, that meant to spend 30-ish more wishes using the starglitter, resulting in 5 Candace (Previously C0), no Sucrose, but a second (third) golden flash.
I won a second 50-50, and am now an owner of C1 Navia.
It’s settled, I am now a Navia main. Click, level her up to 90, click, maxing talents as much as I can, click, click, max her weapon, refine it because why not, and it was time to do her Story Quest.
It was amazing. Navia’s character progressed and showed us how she fights despite her recent losses, showing why she’s the leader of Spina di Rosula. Her character shone in the best way possible and her resilience is inspiring.
After doing the story quest, there was just one more thing to do, get her BiS Artifacts and make her a solo beast.
Nevermind, that was the worst domain experience I’ve ever had since farming for Xiao. These three weeks were hell, I tell you. That domain hates everybody, but here and there I could scrap some nice substats and get lucky rolls. I need a break, though, and it’s a good time to focus on leveling up other characters now that her banner is ending.
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Current standing, she still hits hard so I don't complain.
Waiting for her was worth it, and I’ve been having a blast all this time. In the future, I will come back to her domain and get her better stats, and who knows? Maybe I’ll try and get her second constellation too.
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Source: Gaming with Abyss
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its-raining-cats · 1 year
Idk how many of my followers play genshin impact but the 4.0 trailer came out this morning and I Must Scream.
More ramblings about the special program and trailer under the cut bc I have a lot to say. Seriously this post is LONG.
Trailer thoughts!!
I’ll go into thoughts on the scenery/environments/aesthetics first
As usual, it looks incredible. Genshin really knocks the aesthetics and environments out of the park. The city and the world outside it look beautiful, the underwater is full of life and i know I’m gonna get lost in there for hours. The seal(?) looking things are cute, even though it uh. Looks like one of them might be a ghost. The ruins look super interesting, and i think i spy an oceanid? We’ve been getting quite a lot of lore on them recently, between the Realm of Farakhkert and the most recent event. They’re almost definitely gonna have a part to play in the archon quest. It also showed us what appear to be some of the new world bosses, the crab-looking thing and those dancing robots in the second half.
Before i go into thoughts on the story, I’ll just start by saying that I’m really looking forward to where the story is going. Sumeru’s archon quest was leaps and bounds above Inazuma’s (in my opinion,) so I hope they can keep that momentum going.
Right from the start, they’re presenting quite a few plot threads in the trailer. The prophecy about the people “dissolving into the waters” is certainly foreboding.
There’s also that structure in the stormy water surrounded by ruins that we see twice, and some kind of creature (possibly an oceanid?) that doesn’t know who it is, followed by someone (Lynette, i think) saying “the water is gradually swallowing our memories… it won’t be long until it swallows us.” This is definitely connected to prophecy, and given the memory thing it’s probably related to the possibly-oceanid.
What is the Oratrice? All they give us is that it has a consciousness when it’s probably not supposed to, and it can talk in coherent sentences. I’m guessing it’s related to the clockwork robots in some way, maybe controlling them and causing them to go rogue?
Some clockwork stops, Navia comments on the rain, and Lynette quite literally dissolves into the water. Is the “Oratrice” the one causing the prophecy to come true?
I’m already betting on a Sabzeruz Festival-esque 0 to 100 where everything goes from ‘fun cute having fun experiencing the culture’ to ‘what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck’ real fast.
There’s the secondary conflict, Fontaines fucked up justice system that’s been hinted at for so long! The spectacle of the courtroom, baby. The Gang Becomes Enemies Of The State Part 4.
In the scene where the Traveler and Navia are surrounded by the Gardemeks, Traveler doesn’t seem to be doing so hot. You okay, buddy?
And also Childe. Mister Worldwide is back. Surprise bitch, bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.
As for characters, it sounds like we’re gonna be meeting Focalors pretty early. Still can’t tell if she’s an ally, enemy, or something else entirely.
Looks like Navia will be featured heavily in the early acts! I love her aesthetic, especially the parasol in the overture teaser. She seems to have beef with the way the government/judicial system is running things. I’m considering pulling for her on aesthetic alone, but I already have good Geo units so that might sway me.
Lyney and Lynette are intriguing. Lyney is a 5-star while his siblings are both 4-stars. I was expecting him to be a catalyst unit tbh, the bow is a bit of a surprise. They’ve both got cat motifs, but Lynette is the only one to have actual ears and a tail.
Freminet! If they actually manage to make The Bell good on him… hats off. It’ll be interesting to see what his relationship with his siblings is like. Lyney and Lynette are such a duo, so I’d guess there’s probably gonna be some tension there.
Neuvillette seems to be taking an antagonistic role, but is that just the nature of his career? He’s seen in the audience of Lyney and Lynette’s show, so maybe he’s not a total hard ass when he’s not working, but for better or worse (probably worse, at least early on) he takes his job seriously. Villain or adversary? We’ll see.
Clorinde makes a brief appearance! I’m 90% sure I’m going to pull for her. I love her design and I need a good electro unit. I can’t tell if she’s an antagonist or not, she seems to be fighting Navia and the Traveler, but a few shots later she’s destroying the Gardemeks. We’ll see!
Also Navia using Whiteblind and and Clorinde using Iron Sting hmmmmmmmmmmm 👀 dare I say it.
I also spotted Charlotte a few times, but she didn’t have much of a presence in this trailer.
No Arlecchino, Sigewinne, or Wriothesley yet, but what’s this??? It’s Childe with a steel chair!
All in all, the trailer was really good. It’s got me very excited for the new areas and story, and was just put together really well. They’ve come a long way with their version trailers.
Onto the rest of the program!
I really appreciate that they didn’t put an oxygen/regular stamina bar on underwater swimming, and the fact that they did that specifically so players can explore to their hearts content without having to watch a meter every second is really nice. Just from seeing them talk about it, it’s clear that they’ve put a lot of thought, time, and work into the environment, movement, and pseudo-combat in the interest of keeping the experience fun and user-friendly.
Arkhe… I’ll have to experience it in-game. The lore implications are interesting, but I’m not sure how I feel about it’s supposed effect on gameplay. I guess it encourages players to try out Fontaine characters, but I’m not sold on it just yet.
In that fight with the baton-wielding Meka… I saw that red crossed out plus symbol above the health bar. We are so fucking back. We are SO FUCKING BACK. They laughed at us when the rifthounds came out. They laughed at us when the black serpent knights came out. Who’s laughing now. VIVA LA SHIELDS, MOTHERFUCKER.
So this strange energy source was invented “over 400 years ago”…….. and the fact that it’s called an “annihilation reaction”……… suspicious.
A machine that harvests people’s belief in justice and uses it to power everything in the city…… man there’s no way this could possibly end up leading to corruption in the judicial system.
Praying to every god imaginable that they don’t fumble the morally gray characters.
I won’t go into detail on the state of my wishes at the moment but… hoo boy. These banners are not being very nice to me. My pity is high but I only want the four stars. Pain pain pain.
The Icewind Suite boss looks so cool… I love the figure skating inspiration.
“The first underwater areas you reach are actually shallow seas. Since it’s the travelers first time diving we wanted to make sure the underwater experience is comfortable for players :)” oh I just know they’re gonna send us into the Mariana Trench later on. Wether it’s one update from now or five, it’s gonna happen. And I’m gonna be terrified the whole time.
MULTI LAYER MAP THANK FUCKING GOD. Better late than never.
The 16th… my computer is probably going to be out for repairs then :’) maybe when natlan releases I’ll finally be able to participate in a launch day.
This post went on way longer than I thought it would. If you read all of my ramblings then uh. Thanks I guess? Have a good day.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
St. Louis brewery, Schlafly Beer, releases their newest variety pack, The Weekender.
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Press Release
ST. LOUIS, MO (May 15, 2023) — Schlafly Beer, the original, independent craft brewery in St. Louis, announces the release of a new variety pack, The Weekender. This pack includes a variety of crushable summer beers, thoughtfully bundled with fan favorites and new styles. The Weekender offers two exclusive brews – Hazy Getaway IPA and No Bounds Brown Ale – alongside Schlafly’s year-round Kolsch, and a seasonal favorite, Raspberry Hefeweizen. The 12-pack includes three 12-ounce cans each of the four beers.
“We wanted The Weekender to fully embody the fun and carefree nature of summer and to bring a pack that’s easy to take with you on summer getaways, camping trips, picnics, and trips to the beach. These beers offer a little something for everyone, for instance, Raspberry Hefeweizen is refreshing and fruity –  it’s a great beer for people who don’t think they like craft beer, and the Hazy Getaway IPA offers a lighter take on IPA’s at 110 calories while keeping the juicy hop flavor IPA’s are known for," says Schlafly CEO, Fran Caradonna. “With most of the beers ringing in under 5% ABV, it’s a sessionable selection for summer.” 
The Weekender Variety Pack features three 12 oz. cans of each of the four beers, including:
Kolsch (ABV: 4.8%): Done properly and with distinction, this definitive golden ale is fermented with a yeast strain from Koln, Germany - where Kolsch originated. The result is a slightly dry and subtly malty brew with the delicate aroma of an ale and the clean finish of a lager. 
No Bounds Brown Ale (ABV: 5.6%): The perfect blend of American and European malts to create notes of caramel, biscuits, and subtle hints of honey and chocolate, balanced with hop bitterness from American Ale yeast, allowing the malts to shine. 
Raspberry Hefeweizen (ABV: 4.1%): A true fruit beer - not a fruit-flavored beer, this brew uses real raspberries during primary fermentation. This naturally yields a pink, hazy-colored brew with citrus aromas from the wheat and a desirable flavor that is neat and tart. Low in bitterness and not overwhelmingly sweet, this is our brewer’s summer water.
Hazy Getaway IPA (ABV: 4.0%): At only 110 calories, this golden IPA sways to the lighter side, but is still packed with juicy hop flavors with an unfiltered haze.
The Weekender 12-pack is available across Schlafly’s distribution for $17.99 as well as at Schlafly’s four brewpubs: Schlafly Tap Room in downtown St. Louis, Schlafly Bottleworks in the Maplewood neighborhood of St. Louis, Schlafly Bankside in St. Charles, MO and Schlafly Highland Square in Highland, IL. 
About Schlafly Beer: Schlafly Beer, St. Louis’ original independent craft brewery, proudly brews a diverse collection of beers throughout the year. Our brewers use numerous hop varietals, malts, grains, fruits, natural ingredients and yeast strains from around the world to make every Schlafly beer unique. As part of our commitment to sustainability and our communities, we collaborate with local suppliers and neighborhood partners. Schlafly is a go-to across the Midwest and East Coast, and is a staple at countless fine establishments, backyards and basement bars. Join us at The Schlafly Tap Room, Schlafly Bottleworks, Schlafly Bankside and Schlafly Highland Square, as well as on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. For a full listing of Schlafly beers and the beer finder, visit Schlafly.com
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Lines of Asymmetry
From a distance we look roughly symmetrical, but we’re not completely – our faces might look odd if they were. Many of our organs must develop asymmetrically to take on their correct shape or move into place. But where does this asymmetry come from? These human cells are growing on circular stages under a high-powered microscope. Tiny 'bones' of actin (highlighted in green) in their cytoskeletons develop chirality – that is, they twist in a particular direction. Researchers find a group of proteins which sway these actin patterns. When they block the activity of profilin 1, for example, the direction of the actin swirl changes from anticlockwise (top left) to clockwise (top right). This switch is reversible (bottom left) and doesn't happen when blocking a similar protein, profilin 2 (bottom right). With these roots of asymmetry discovered, researchers may now trace lines of asymmetry throughout our development.
Written by John Ankers
Image adapted from work by Yee Han Tee and colleagues
Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Nature Communications, February 2023
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sunkeeperxiv · 1 year
FFXIV Write '23 Day 2: Bark
A heated but brief encounter with a Lupin after battle.
Stormblood (4.0) spoilers/timeframe; ~950 words.
Daca’li threaded through the crowds behind Lyse as they made their way through Ala Mhigo to the plaza where the Doman contingent had made their camp. Around them the Resistance were celebrating the city’s liberation, shoulder to shoulder with the Domans and the Eorzean Alliance, with carousing, drinking and dancing lasting long into the night.
Daca’li found himself less than eager, after all the events of the day, to join in the most raucous of the celebrations. Even as joyous as they were, every shout and cheer, every congratulatory clap on the back or enthusiastic expression of gratitude, had jangled against his nerves until he’d elected to find a quiet, secluded balcony to observe the celebrations from. Lyse, however, had tracked him down and requested he come with her to properly thank Hien for his timely arrival. That would likely be a less chaotic meeting, he reasoned, and so he accompanied her there.
As it happened, the Doman contingent, or what part of it hadn’t already filtered out to join the wider celebrations, were no less enthusiastic in their celebrations than any of the other soldiers. Conversation and alcohol flowed freely in equal measure, and more than a few of the soldiers were in the later stages of drunkenness.
They were halfway across the plaza when one such soldier staggered past Daca’li, weaving unsteadily around and behind him— or, attempting to, at least. The knock to his shoulder Daca’li could have forgiven, under the circumstances. The sharp pain that began at the tip of his tail and shot straight up his spine, he was less tolerant of.
He whirled around, teeth bared, to find one of the former Ferae Domitae swaying from side to side behind him. The soldier had already divested himself of all his Garlean armor except the dark, sashed trousers, and he was expending a great deal of effort on holding a tankard steady in one hand, without much success. He looked down at Daca’li as if only now realizing he was there.
“Out of the way,” he slurred, waving the tankard at Daca’li wildly enough to make it clear it was mostly, if not entirely, empty already. “Make way for a mighty warrior of Doma.”
Daca’li flared his ears and clenched a fist, flicking his tail behind him in an effort to soothe the throbbing tip. Behind him he could hear Lyse telling him to let it go, but he was in no mood. “Y’need to watch where you’re going. My tail ain’t a cobblestone.” All the tension of the past few hours had vanished, coalesced down into one point firmly centered on this one clumsy, unlucky soldier.
The lupin bared his own teeth in response to Daca’li’s silent challenge, puffing out his chest. “I slew many Garleans today, small one. I suggest you show me the respect I am due. I could give you a demonstration of my might, if you need convincing.” His words trailed off into a deep, unsteady growl. Daca’li could feel the vibrations of an answering growl rising in his own throat, could taste the familiar sting of blackened fire at the back of his tongue. Still, he was the Warrior of Light. Hero of the people. He couldn’t quite allow himself to vent his frustration at the fool in front of him, no matter how tempting it was or how satisfying it would be to throw him directly on his own stub of a tail.
Not without proper provocation, at least.
A circle had formed around them, some soldiers murmuring to each other with worry and others cheering and hollering. With his fellows urging him on, the lupin only grew bolder, letting his jaw hang open in a snarl. When that didn’t serve to scare Daca’li off, he threw his tankard to the ground and stepped forward, voice sharp and harsh, almost a savage bark. “Well!?” Daca’li’s response was to drop his own jaw in a loud hiss, fully ready to send the fool flying.
“Makutsu!” The name cut through the din and chaos of the crowd with ease, the voice itself not as familiar as the tone of command it carried. Hakuro cut through the crowd with ease, followed by Hien, and fixed his disapproving gaze on his subordinate. The difference this made in Makutsu’s posture was immediate; he leaned back, clearly taken by surprise.
“Lord Hakuro! I was defending my honor, sir—“ Hakuro waved his hand dismissively.
“You are picking a fight with Eorzea’s Warrior of Light, Makutsu. Liberator of Doma and Khagan of the Azim Steppe. The only thing you have less of than honor is brains. Go find your tent and sleep off your drink.”
Daca’li relaxed somewhat, feeling his bristling fur stand down as Lyse put a calming hand on his shoulder. “I could have… handled that more graciously, I suppose,” he said, softly. Hien laughed heartily behind Hakuro.
“There is a great energy in the air tonight, my friend! I doubt any of us are in possession of our best judgment just now.” With that he turned around, motioning for Lyse and Daca’li to follow them somewhere quieter. The crowd dispersed slowly, many of them bowing or saluting before Daca’li as they passed, despite having called for his trouncing only moments before.
Daca’li took a deep breath and followed. It was a decent enough reminder, he supposed, to keep his head about him, even here. The soldiers around them could relax and celebrate, their battle fought and won, but he could hardly stop being who — or what — he was. The Warrior of Light. Their hero.
His tail still hurt.
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roamanddiscover · 1 year
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Book Summary
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Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West Book Summary
Wicked is a novel by Gregory Maguire that has become one of the most popular books and musicals of all time. The book is a retelling of the story of the Land of Oz, focusing specifically on the character of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba. The story explores her life from birth to death and how she became known as the Wicked Witch of the West. Set before and during the arrival of Dorothy Gale, the book provides a deeper insight into the politics, religion, and morality of the Land of Oz. As the main character of the novel, Elphaba is explored in great detail. Her transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West is the central focus of the book. Maguire provides an in-depth analysis of her motivations and actions, painting a nuanced picture of her character. The book challenges the reader's assumptions about who is good and who is evil, highlighting the complexities of human nature. Aside from the character analysis, Wicked explores a variety of themes, including politics, religion, and morality. The Land of Oz is used as the backdrop for these issues, with the novel providing a critique of the idea of good versus evil. It encourages readers to question their assumptions and think more deeply about their own beliefs. Since its publication in 1995, Wicked has received mixed reviews from critics but has a strong following among readers. The book has been praised for its creativity and originality, as well as its complex characters and thought-provoking themes. However, some readers have criticized the slow pace and lack of action in the book. The popularity of Wicked has led to several adaptations, including a hit Broadway musical. The book and its adaptations have become popular choices for book clubs and literature classes. It has even spawned rumors of a possible film adaptation in the works. In terms of ratings, Wicked has a 3.52 out of 5 rating on Goodreads and a 4.0 out of 5 rating on Amazon. It remains a beloved and thought-provoking book that continues to capture the minds of readers around the world.
Book Description
Wicked by Gregory Maguire is a novel that retells the story of the Land of Oz before and during the arrival of Dorothy Gale. The story is told from the perspective of the Wicked Witch of the West, Elphaba, and follows her life from birth to death. Throughout the book, readers get to delve into Elphaba's life story and learn about how she became known as the Wicked Witch of the West. An exciting part of the book is the detailed plot that showcases her involvement in the politics of the land of Oz and her relationship with Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. Maguire's vivid writing depicts the Land of Oz as a fascinating and complex world -- from the magic to the political environment where powerful figures hold sway. Readers get a glimpse of how Elphaba's unconventional beliefs clash with those of the mainstream authorities, leading to her quest for power and bigger goals. Her motivation and actions are explored, hence offering readers an opportunity to consider a more nuanced view of the character. The book is imaginative, thought-provoking, and thrilling, and provides a refreshing perspective on childhood classics. The clever reimagining of familiar characters captivates readers and leaves them wanting more. It is an entertaining and captivating read that presents issues such as politics, religion, morality, and the struggle of good and evil in an intriguing way. Without a doubt, the book's central character, Elphaba, is wonderfully fleshed out, with rich detail as to how her character arcs into what readers know as the Wicked Witch of the West. Readers thus get to experience her journey as a complex and layered character, giving insightful depth to the Oz story that transcends the standard good-versus-evil trope. this is a book that is a must-read for any fan of the Land of Oz and those looking for a thrilling and captivating read. It is a book that brings the childhood classic to life in a new light.
Character Analysis
The character development of Elphaba is the primary focus of Wicked. The novel depicts Elphaba's transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West and the events that led to her becoming one of the most notorious villains in literary history. The story explores Elphaba's motivations and actions and seeks to provide a nuanced view of her character. Throughout the novel, Elphaba is portrayed as a complex character, with both positive and negative traits. She is an intelligent and independent thinker who is not afraid to challenge the status quo. However, she is also fiercely opinionated and can be stubborn and unforgiving. Elphaba's transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West is a slow and gradual process. The novel shows how her experiences as a social outcast and her encounters with various characters, including the Wizard of Oz and Glinda, shape her worldview and ultimately lead to her descent into darkness. The novel also explores Elphaba's relationships with other characters, including her sister Nessarose, who becomes the Wicked Witch of the East, and Glinda, the Good Witch of the North. These relationships are complicated and often fraught with conflict, adding depth to Elphaba's character. One of the most significant themes of the novel is the idea of redemption. Despite her seemingly evil deeds, Elphaba is portrayed as a tragic character who is ultimately seeking redemption for her past mistakes. This concept adds complexity to her character and challenges the reader's assumptions about good and evil. Wicked offers readers a complex and nuanced view of the character of Elphaba. Through her transformation into the Wicked Witch of the West, the novel explores issues of identity, morality, and redemption, creating a thought-provoking and engaging story.
good and evil. Maguire uses the fantasy world of Oz to create a setting where he can explore complex and controversial themes, while also providing a creative twist on a familiar story. The characters in Wicked are not simply black and white; they are complex and multi-dimensional. Elphaba, for example, is not simply a villain, but a misunderstood character with a tragic backstory. Maguire uses her character to challenge the idea of good and evil, as well as explore themes of power and corruption. Religion also plays a significant role in the novel, as it reflects the different views and beliefs of the different characters in the story. Maguire uses the novel to critique organized religion and its impact on society, as well as explore the concept of free will and choice. In the novel, politics plays a significant role in shaping the world of Oz. Maguire uses the political landscape to explore themes such as corruption, tyranny, and revolution. The characters' actions and decisions are driven by their political beliefs and agendas, and this leads to consequences that affect the entire land of Oz. Wicked is an intelligent and thought-provoking novel that challenges the reader's assumptions about good and evil. Through its exploration of politics, religion, and morality, it offers a unique perspective on a familiar story, and its complex characters make it an unforgettable read. good The novel, Wicked, challenges traditional notions of good versus evil and offers a nuanced view of these concepts. The character of Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, is not portrayed as wholly good, and Elphaba, the protagonist and Wicked Witch of the West, is not simply evil. Instead, the characters are complex and multifaceted, and their actions and motivations are examined in depth. The novel questions the role of morality in society and challenges readers to consider what truly makes someone good or evil. Through its exploration of politics and religion in the Land of Oz, Wicked also offers a critique of societal power structures and the way they can be used to control and manipulate individuals. The novel encourages readers to question authority and to consider the consequences of blindly following those in power. Wicked offers a thought-provoking analysis of good and evil, morality, power, and society. Its complex characters and themes make it a popular choice for book clubs and literature classes, and its long-lasting popularity speaks to its enduring relevance and impact. and Wicked is a novel by Gregory Maguire that takes a spin on the classic tale of The Wizard of Oz. The story is told from the perspective of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, and follows her life from birth to death. Elphaba is born with green skin, making her an outcast in society. She attends a university to study magic, where she meets Galinda (later Glinda), a beautiful and popular girl. Despite their initial hostility towards each other, the two become friends. The novel explores Elphaba’s life as a political activist and her opposition to the Wizard of Oz. The novel also presents a critique of societal assumptions of good and evil; it introduces the idea that what society views as wicked may be good, and vice versa. The book's exploration of religion, morality, and politics has sparked interesting debates and discussions among readers. The characters in Wicked are richly developed and complex, with motivations and personalities often shrouded in mystery. The story takes place in a detailed world, where animals with human intelligence exist along with magical technology. These aspects make Wicked a unique and entertaining read. The book has received mixed reviews from critics but has a strong following among readers. Many praises its originality and creativity, as well as its thought-provoking themes and complex characters. However, some criticize the book for its slow pace and lack of action. Wicked was first published in 1995, and since then, it has achieved enormous popularity. It has been adapted into a hit Broadway musical that has won several Tony awards. Fans eagerly anticipate a film adaptation, although no official announcement has been made yet. Wicked is a well-written, original, and intriguing novel that takes readers down a unique and fascinating journey, leaving them with interesting ideas and questions about society and the world we live in. evil In Wicked, the concept of good and evil is challenged and turned on its head. Instead of a clear-cut division between good characters and bad characters, the novel presents a more nuanced view of morality. The character of Elphaba, who is commonly known as the Wicked Witch of the West, is not simply evil. Instead, she has complex motivations and actions that cannot be neatly categorized as either good or bad. The novel explores the idea that what is perceived as evil may actually be a response to social injustice or a necessary action in the face of political corruption. Elphaba's actions, such as her rebellion against the Wizard and her attempt to save the Animals of Oz, can be seen as heroic rather than villainous. Furthermore, the novel suggests that the characters who are traditionally seen as good may not be as virtuous as they seem. Glinda, the Good Witch of the North, is initially portrayed as shallow and self-centered. As the story progresses, however, her character becomes more complex and it becomes clear that she is just as flawed as any other character in the novel. Wicked challenges the simplistic view of good versus evil that is often presented in fairy tales and children's stories. It encourages readers to question their assumptions and consider the complexity of human nature and morality. . If you are a fan of the classic story The Wizard of Oz, you must read Wicked. This novel provides a unique perspective on the events that led up to Dorothy's arrival in Oz. It is a thought-provoking exploration of political turmoil, social injustice, and the complexities of good and evil. The character of Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, is fascinating and complex. The reader is forced to question their assumptions about what makes a person good or evil. Elphaba's motivations and actions are explored in depth, painting a nuanced and complex picture of a character that has been reduced to a caricature in previous adaptations of the story. The Land of Oz serves as a rich backdrop for the exploration of themes such as religion, power, and morality. The reader is invited to consider the consequences of blind adherence to religious doctrine, the corrupting influence of power, and the high cost of political maneuvering. Despite its serious subject matter, Wicked is also a fun and entertaining read. The characters are engaging and the story is imbued with a sense of humor and whimsy that will keep readers engaged from start to finish. - Strong and complex characters - Exploration of political and social issues - Critique of good versus evil - Whimsical and entertaining Whether you are looking for a thought-provoking read or simply a fun and entertaining story, Wicked is a must-read. With its rich characters, complex themes, and engaging plot, it is easy to see why this novel has become a classic in its own right.
Wicked is a notable novel that has been subject to a variety of opinions from both readers and critics. Generally speaking, it has garnered polarizing reviews, with a strong following among many readers, while some critics have criticized the novel for its slow pace and lack of action. On one hand, the book's critics have commented on its leisurely pace, finding it laborious and tiresome to read. Some found the novel too long, while others felt the novel was rife with fluff. On the other hand, there are those who praised the book for its complex characters and thought-provoking ideas. In particular, Maguire's exploration of the political, religious, and moral issues of Oz has been commended for providing a nuanced view of the world. Wicked's strength, however, lies within the characters it portrays. Elphaba, the main protagonist, is an intricate and captivating character that has been praised for her depth and complexity. Meanwhile, Glinda, another prominent character, has also garnered positive reviews from those who appreciate her character development throughout the novel. while Wicked may not be for everyone, and despite some critics' opinions, it still has managed to captivate, inspire, and provoke thought among a majority of its readership, ensuring it remains a popular and relevant piece of literature today.
Wicked, the novel written by Gregory Maguire, was first published in 1995. Since then, it has gained immense popularity and has become a must-read for anyone interested in exploring classic fairy tales and children's stories from a different perspective. The book has spawned several adaptations, including a hit Broadway musical, and has become a cultural phenomenon. The novel is part of Maguire's series of novels that reimagines classic fairy tales and children's stories from a darker, more adult perspective. Maguire took inspiration from L. Frank Baum's book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and decided to explore the backstory of the characters, particularly the Wicked Witch of the West. Wicked's unique approach to storytelling and its critical and thought-provoking themes made it an instant hit among readers. The book has been praised for its originality and creativity and has become a popular choice for book clubs and is often studied in literature classes. In addition to the novel, Wicked has been adapted into several formats, including a musical that premiered on Broadway in 2003. The adaptation remains one of the longest-running Broadway shows, and it has won multiple awards, including three Tony Awards. Wicked's success has also led to rumors of a possible film adaptation, but no official announcement has been made as of yet. Wicked's popularity and success can be attributed to its fresh and unique take on a classic fairy tale, its exploration of complicated themes, and its engaging characters. It is a book that has managed to capture the imagination of readers and will likely continue to do so for years to come.
News about Wicked
Wicked has been a popular book among readers since its publication in 1995. Over the years, there have been rumors about a film adaptation of the book. Fans of the novel and the Broadway musical have been eagerly waiting for any news on the movie. However, despite the continued speculation about a movie adaptation, no official announcement has been made as of yet. Fans of the book and the musical can only hope that it will eventually get adapted for the big screen. It's not uncommon for books to be adapted into movies. In fact, Wicked is not the only novel by Gregory Maguire to get a film adaptation. His book Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister was adapted into a TV movie in 2002. Many fans of the book are excited at the possibility of a Wicked movie because it would mean getting to see the story come to life on the big screen. The musical has already been a major success on Broadway, and a film adaptation could introduce the story to an even wider audience. Only time will tell whether or not a Wicked movie will ever be made. Until then, fans will have to content themselves with re-reading the book and watching the musical on stage.
The ratings for Gregory Maguire's Wicked have been mixed, with opinions varying greatly between readers and critics alike. On Goodreads, the book has a modest rating of 3.52 out of 5, with some reviewers citing slow pacing and a lack of action as reasons for their lower ratings. Others, however, commend the book for its complex characters and thought-provoking themes. On Amazon, the book has a higher rating of 4.0 out of 5, with many readers raving about the novel's originality and creativity. They praise Maguire's ability to provide a nuanced view of the Land of Oz and its inhabitants and his exploration of deeper themes such as morality, religion, and politics. Wicked has proven to be a polarizing read, with some embracing the book's fresh take on a classic tale while others find fault with its slow pace. Despite the mixed reviews from critics, the book has gained a loyal following among readers and has become a popular choice for book clubs and literature classes.
Book Notes
Wicked has captured the hearts of many readers through its originality and creativity. The novel's thought-provoking themes and complex characters have propelled it to a popular choice for book clubs and literature classes. The Land of Oz has been reimagined into a darker and more adult perspective, attracting readers who are looking for something unique and out of the ordinary. The book has been praised for its unique take on the classic tale, offering a refreshing interpretation to a well-known story. Wicked explores the concepts of evil and good, challenging readers' assumptions about what makes a character "wicked" or "good." Read the full article
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allycryz · 2 years
Vitrum 3/7
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[Read Chapter 3]
Nerys x Haurchefant / Nerys x Aymeric x Estinien / Nerys x Thancred x Y'shtola / Other Pairings
Rated E / 4.0-4.55 Spoilers
“Are you alright?”
The kindness in his expression could undo her. She feels her edges fraying, ready to come apart entirely. Lies sprout fully formed on her tongue, and turn to ash at the slight narrowing of his eye. Right. Right. There is no sense in lying to him. Never was.
“No,” she admits. “I’m scared as hell. What is it you need to tell me?”
“I just wanted to know if you’re alright.” Thancred shakes his head. “That’s all. I didn’t mean you to think-”
“It’s okay. I’m a little bit on edge.”
His hands find hers, caging both between his palms. He is warm, he is always warm, and the familiar grip wraps around her like a favorite blanket. Nerys holds herself taut in case she sways completely towards him. Just throws herself into his arms, just for a moment, just for a second of comfort.
Read Now
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nothwell · 2 years
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Thank you to Jane for this thoughtful review of Hold Fast!
I would have given this book a 3.5 rating because of one of the plot developments, but I actually had to give it 4.0 because . . . Morgan Turner. Actually, I give Morgan Turner 5.0 +++. It's that plot point that keeps this from being a total success for me.
I just finished Oak King Holly King and loved it so much that I picked up the author's back catalog and immediately started on this book. Hell's bells, it turns out I loved this book even more than Oak King Holly King.
I do have serious issues with parts of this story, but those are outweighed by the fact that I have not only found a new favorite author, but also a new favorite character. I've only had a handful of such favorites (all of them in books by K.J. Charles) and now I have added Morgan Turner to the list. This character alone brings this book solidly into the next level for me.
[...] OK, so that's out of the way - now let's talk about the essence of this book. The character of Morgan Turner is just delicious. He is wound tighter than a 10-day clock (and for very good reason) and his intelligence, forebearance, sense of dignity and inner strength make for an incredibly compelling character. There is the hint of "insta-love" about this story (or at least "insta-lust") and yet it's at such a different level than 99% of typical mm books that you can feel the frustration, the pain, the turmoil that Morgan is going through trying to keep his life on track, take care of others, and maintain societal standards. He compartmentalizes in a way that feels so authentic (and incredibly heroic). He is not perfect, he can be haughty, his aspect is often cold - but none of it takes away from how much I love his character. He is utterly fascinating. It is quite compelling to read how he continually beats himself up about his sexuality.
"A better man would resist temptation, but Morgan knew himself to be a mediocre man at best."
Mediocre my hind foot! He is head and shoulders above everyone around him.
As with Oak King Holly King, the author flips the typical (stereotypical?) dynamic between the MC's so that the socially sobordinate character is anything but, including sexually. The initial sexual encounter was portrayed brilliantly from the initial kiss to the climax - it was compelling, provocative, urgent, everything I could possibly want for the first time between these two. If I didn't love Morgan before, I was completely lost after that.
“Slut,” Morgan whispered.
OK, kill me now. Evelyn is one lucky bastard.
Again, as with Oak King Holly King, there is a plethora of really great secondary characters, a strong representation of differing sexualities, superb humor, and vividly evocative scenes (I can literally see Percy looking at his watch multiple times during the surgery scene - brilliant. Percy is a superb example of a secondary character that turns out to be so expertly woven into the overall story that he is actually essential to the arc of the story.)
“If you intend to sway me with hysterics,” Percy added, “I won’t hesitate to dose you. Such a scene would do him no good at all.”
That is just so . . . Percy.
The essence of this book, this story, is the tortured soul that is the utterly exquisite Morgan Turner and the deliciously painful and drawn-out unwinding of that 10-day clock. No matter how I feel about the unrealistic turn of plot towards the end, I would devour this book again in a heartbeat to be able to read and experience the feeling invoked by Morgan's story.
Hold Fast is a gay Victorian romance between a whaling harpooner who inherits a baronetcy, and the estate agent tasked with turning him from sailor to gentleman - available now wherever fine books are found!
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digeethegenie · 21 days
The Night Before
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Day 02 - Horizon
Stormblood (4.0) - Lv. 70: The Measure of His Reach. CW - Death
The still winds of the Ala Mhigian night whistled lightly as Yujo stood out in the lookout of Porta Praetoria. In front of her stood the gross majesty of Castle Ala Mhigo. Once the home of a mad tyrant king, then the headquarters of the Garlemald occupation lead by Gaius van Baelsar, and now the place where Zenos sat in waiting for the upcoming attack.
As early evening gave way to night, the searchlights that surrounded the castle lit up and began to patrol the skies, swaying too and fro in an almost poetic dance that suggested nothing of the imperial rule that gripped this land.
A show of force, Yujo thought. She figured there was no way they thought that the resistance forces would be leading an aerial strike on the palace. This had less to do with the attack they had to know was coming, and more as a statement of Garlemald's right to rule- and abuse- this land.
It took a moment of her standing on the parapet to realise she had her pistol out. A small hand gun, just big enough to fit in her hand and take a standard six round of bullets. This left her a little perturbed. How long had she been holding her gun out for? Was she that desensitized to all this that it had become as second nature as if she had absorbed the information from a soul stone?
A cursed soul stone, one that not passes down knowledge and understanding, but instead fear, hatred, and sadness?
Her mind began to wonder before an intrusive recollection of the image of Ilberd's half-crushed body lying sprawled out on the grounds of Baelsar's Wall caused her to step back. Then the rest came, like a procession of dead soldiers shambling down stream unto oblivion; Papalymo, Meffrid, Yotsuyu, the Qalyana broodmother's daughter, Conrad…
All their hopes and dreams, dashed to nothing and left to sink into oblivion whilst she walked foreword towards… what, exactly?
With those sorts of feelings and emotions, what sort of mechanist's soul stone was she making for the next mechanist to take up the gun?
"Yujo? What are you standing here for?"
Yujo had enough sense to holster her gun before she turned around to see who had asked that.
It was Alphinaud, holding a tray with two crude, military issue mugs with steam coming out of them.
A paused hum of thought went through Yujo's mind as she tried to think about just why she was up here in the first instance. Then she remembered.
"I was on lookout." she said plainly, opting to omit the part of that statement where she admitted that she had not been doing much in the way of actual looking out.
Alphinaud frowned, "Yujo, your shift ended an hour ago."
Yujo blushed, "Oh-" she spluttered "Seriously? Am I that out of it?"
"I think you are in serious need of some sleep." Alphinaud laughed as he walked towards the lalafell and handed her one of the mugs.
Peering into the mug, Yujo saw the chocolate coloured drink inside the mug and recognized it for what it was. Hot cocoa. Alphinaud had been practising making the signature drink of their deer departed friend in his down-time. Something to do when he was not being swamped in the business of administration of a whole theatre of war.
Yujo didn't envy his lot. Just on the cusp of 19 namedays and managing the lives and futures of so many. If not for everything the two had been through together she would have never allowed him to put himself out like that.
Though, given Ser Aymeric's recommendation to the post, she had to admit that her opinions on the matter didn't have that much weight.
"You were absolutely lost in your thoughts." Alphinaud said with a sigh. "What's on your mind?"
Yujo took a sip of the drink and let the heat of the drink escape her mouth as she sighed.
"I was just thinking about how we got here. And also about Papalymo."
Alphinaud's eyebrow arched. "Papalymo?"
"Well, not just him but everyone who has been killed during this whole stupid mess."
A note of "ah" came out of Alphinaud's mouth as Yujo took another sip of the drink.
She took a breath, "It doesn't get any easier, does it?"
"I know what you mean, yes."
The two stood there as they remembered the people they had lost on their adventures and their dear friend in particular.
Yujo's head slumped. "I know he said that a smile suited me better but…"
Alphinaud only nodded.
Aware she had taken the mood down somewhat, Yujo looked at the drink before downing it in one go. The heat in her stomach caused her to ball all of her energy up as tightly as possible before letting go in a jubilant scream that took Alphinaud by surprise. She clapped her cheeks with both hands and shook her head.
"No, he's right! We have a job to do, and I have a score to settle with Zenos."
It took a moment to recover from the lalafell's sudden turnabout but as his companion's yell echoed off in the distance he began to smile too.
"Yes, you're right but that means you really need to go to bed. I went to the infirmary to check in with Alisaie and she is positively spitting fire at the fact that she can't take part in the attack."
The two shared a well-meaning laugh at the sight of Alphinaud's sister growling as she was stuck in the infirmary back in Rhalgar's Reach.
"And the thought of the both of you cooped up in the infirmary upsets me for a number of very good reasons."
Yujo laughed, "Oh, come on, Alph. It's not like we'd think up of anything nefarious, if we had nothing better to do."
"Promises." the elezen joked before he finished his own drink and left, wishing the Warrior of Light goodnight and repeating his recommendation to go to bed.
After saying she would be right behind him, Yujo turned around and looked at the castle. The smile faded as the enormity of the next battle returned to her mind.
She turned around walking away from the sight before pausing to look at the castle one last time and then turning to leave.
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vilevampz · 4 months
Moonlight Waltz
Under the starlit sky, we danced beneath the ethereal glow of the moon, its pale light casting a magical aura around us. The night air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming jasmine, adding to the enchantment of our secret waltz. Our souls intertwined in this sweet, surreal trance, and your laughter, like a soft melody, mingled with the rustling leaves as we swayed to the silent music of our hearts.
I locked eyes with you, those eyes that once sparkled with life, and spun you around. The soft fabric of your dress fluttered like the wings of a delicate butterfly, graceful and light. I dipped you ever so gently, and a big smile formed on your face, the remnants of your beauty shining through the night.
Closing my eyes, I kissed you tenderly, savoring the moment. You let out a passionate moan, a sound that sent shivers down my spine. As we embraced in our fervent kiss, I inhaled deeply, the invigorating scent of formaldehyde filling my senses, making my heart race. This intoxicating aroma made me crave you even more.
I reluctantly pulled away, and as I did, I wiped the decaying pieces of your skin from my lips. The texture was both unsettling and familiar, a reminder of our undying bond. To the world, you might be a corpse, but to me, you are my world, my everything. I whispered softly, my voice trembling with emotion, "Our love is eternal, as I promised all those years ago."
We continued to dance, the silence of the night enveloping us, the stars bearing witness to our undying devotion. In that moment, amidst the tranquility and the whispering wind, our love transcended the boundaries of life and death, a testament to a bond that even mortality could not sever. *This is a short horror story and purely a work of fiction* Copyright Notice: © 2024 Peyton Coonfield. All rights reserved. Creative Commons License Notice: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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doglok · 5 months
【咬人猫x咬人喵】Genshin Impact Hip Sway Dance 4.0- Queencard! 一直想尝试一下帅气的角色!这次仆人终于让我能挑战一次!还和“姐姐”一起圆满了一下仆芙cp,芙芙真的太可爱了,能cos她 ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nb_wlYN6Pw
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silvaswiftcast · 1 year
FFxivWrite2023 Prompt #27: Sole
Characters: Silva Cataracta, Ricmorn Cataracta, and Hien Rijin
Rating: General
Notes: This scene takes place sometime between the ending of Stormblood Patch 4.0 and the start of Patch 4.1. Silva and Hien are not together yet, but they know there is an unexplainable connection between them. Ricmorn and Hien have already talked about it and he is fine with seeing where it goes. Silva is still in denial that she has romantic feelings for him because feelings/emotions are complicated. This is also a scene that will be going into my longfic about them, but will look different by the time I get around to writing it!
Content Warnings/Additional Tags: Pre-Polyamory Relationship (V Relationship), M/F/M relationship, Playful Teasing/Banter, Mentions of Childhood Trauma.
Silva walked around the barren plot of land marked off by high stone walls as Ricmorn and Hien talked, their voices fading into the background. Her long tail slowly swayed from side to side, deep in thought. She never knew this existed behind Kienkan — the training grounds obscuring the view for the most part. It was almost a shame. A part of her surprised the young lord didn’t request the walls to be knocked down as renovations continued in the Doman Enclave.
That was until she learned the reason why they remained standing.
“I have a request for you, my friend,” Hien told her as he guided them into the space. “I would like for you to build me a private garden. You would have free creative control over it, and when my duties aren’t so heavy, I would be more than happy to assist you.”
A private garden and the young Lord of Doma offering to help her make it… Who would have thought? Not Silva, that’s for sure. She couldn’t believe her horns when she heard the words leave him.
And yet, the more she roamed around, the more she could visualize it in her mind. Lush greeny and vibrant, fragrant blooms. Tall sakura and Far Eastern wisteria trees provide shade and cover from the elements, filling the air with their sweet scent as the breeze catches their petals. A winding stone pathway to walk freely on and leave the plant life undisturbed and benches to sit on and relax. A small koi pond with lily pads and horsetails decorating the calm waters. Maybe even a few patches dedicated to growing local fruits and vegetables all year long.
Gods and Kami knew she could transplant a lot of her own seedlings and saplings from her rooftop garden in Kugane into this one with ease. Unbeknownst to him, he would be doing her a favor.
It would look beautiful — a place Hien could claim as his own and rest without being bothered by his duties.
“So… what do you think, Silva?”
The Au Ra turned around at the sound of her name, her train of thought breaking. She blinked, finding curious hazel and sky-blue eyes watching her, heat flooding her cheeks when both men chuckled.
And the smirk Ricmorn wore only made it worse.
“A-apologies, Hien!” she stuttered, shooting a quick glare at her husband before giving her full attention to Hien. “I was elsewhere for a moment. Could you repeat your question for me?”
He dismissed her apology with a wave, offering her an understanding smile. “Nothing to worry about, my friend. I was wondering what your thoughts were about undertaking this not-so-little project I suddenly sprung on you,” he explained, taking a few steps closer. “It’s quite the challenge — starting from the ground up. And I know you and Ricmorn are still on a break from your Warrior of Light duties, pray know I wouldn’t fault you for turning the project down.
A soft hum left her. “I must say, I’m still surprised you came to me first for this. And I won’t lie to you. I already have several ideas on how to fill this space.”
As if she wasn’t used to challenges.
“Fair!” he laughed, amusement shining in his gaze. “But when I think of someone who has a great deal of knowledge when it comes to botany, you are the first person who comes to mind. One who is highly recommended by several members of her family.”
The unexpected compliment made her heart flutter, a rush of warmth filling her chest. She looked off to the side, toeing the point of her leather boot into the dirt. “The lot of you flatter me,” she mumbled. “Over a hobby, nonetheless.”
“A hobby we all know you take great pride in, my dear,” Ricmorn added, crossing his arms. “Something you have spent years perfecting.”
“Something that I used solely as a distraction from my troubles and depressive thoughts,” she corrected.
And yet it was something she continued with — that she loved. How it reminded her of better days with her mother, feeling the dirt crumble between her fingers and toes. Watching in pure childlike wonder as seeds turned into rich green sprouts, sprouts turning into lush plants sprouting colorful vegetables.
The joy glowing on people’s faces as they shared anything extra from their harvest to those more in need in their little village in Doma was something she would never forget.
How she still did that today.
“But… that’s not the only reason why I enjoy gardening, not anymore.”
Ricmorn raised an eyebrow, his beige tail twitching. “Sounds as if you’ve already made your mind up, Silv.”
“Perhaps,” she mused, taking another look around. “I’d certainly have my work cut out for me on top of everything else — helping to rebuild the Enclave, running all over the star for gods’ know what, personal matters.”
But she knew already there was no time limit on this project, that she could take her time with it and make sure it became everything she envisioned. She didn’t want to let Hien down. He meant so much to her. He was…
A friend — a very, very good friend. Not a handsome man who had somehow wormed his way into her heart and mind over the last several months and decided to stay there, plucking at the delicate strings of her feelings and thoughts.
He could never be— They could never be more than—
“You said I would have creative freedom to do as I please with this space, and there’s no rush to have it finished promptly, yes?” she asked the young lord after clearing her throat. She silently prayed the lilac blush staining her cheeks hadn’t deepened.
“Yes to both of those things,” he confirmed.
Silence fell over the three as she thought about it for several more minutes, even though… her mind was mostly made up the second he asked the question in the first place. Silva had her reservations about it, sure. The idea of staying in the land of her birth for an extended period after the trauma she’s suffered here as a child — a trauma she was still processing and trying to lessen the sting that came with it. It would be unhealthy for her to simply avoid coming here at all costs. She had family and loved ones living here, people who cared about her, not to mention her Warrior of Light duties, should Hien need her.
And something in her soul told her she would be here quite often in the future…
She took in a deep, calming breath before looking at Hien again. Hope, curiosity, and… something she couldn’t identify shimmered in his pretty peridot eyes. Whatever it was, it made her heart do flips inside her chest.
“I’ll do it. I’ll make you a garden that will rival the ones in all those Doman folktales we grew up with.
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