#sweet boy doesnt understand that saying things out loud even if you think it's obvious can be so beneficial
sasubaeuchithot · 7 months
will kh sasuke ever tell naruto how attractive he finds him?
of course! knowing him, it'll be said very bluntly out of circumstance where such a thing was brought up, and it'll fluster Naruto to no end, which in turn will fluster sasuke because of course he finds Naruto attractive, why is that such a surprise???
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beann-e · 3 years
mattsukawa cheating is my religion , now follow me blindly
You’ve had a crush on mattsukawa for a while now but, you could never bring yourself to say anything
Maybe it was the way he spoke and was so sure of everything he said , maybe it was the way he towered over you and his dopey smile would show whenever you finally got him to relax and laugh after a hard game
you weren’t sure all you knew is that at this very moment you’d rather die then not tell him how you felt after so long
It’s been clawing at you for months this feeling you could never describe.
He was interested , he had to be , it was obvious in the way he would wrap his arms around your waist, his eyes looking from your lips to your eyes in a rush and even when he would tell you how beautiful you looked regardless of your matted uniform after a hard day of school while walking you home
You took a deep breath gaining all the confidence you’d never had . footsteps quick as you made your way down to the benches
Your eyes wide as you stared down on the male sitting in front of you on the bench his face stuck on the match instead of looking at you when you walked over
“ oh hey y/—“
“ I like you “
his body froze as everyone else on the court stopped moving at your small outburst it came out louder than you wanted it to but you’d gotten it out so now you had no choice but to keep going
you simply had no choice there was no saving yourself now
“ I like how your always making jokes about anything I say , how you walk me home after a long day or even when it’s just raining“ you looked to the floor
“ y/-“
“ I love how you —you —I just I really like you mattsukawa “
you brung your head up to face him as he sat still almost frozen on the bench his body stalled like he’d never taken a breath before in his life
His head whipping to look around the gym fast as his breathing stuttered “ bab— I swear —- “ his eyes were pleading “ it’s not like that “ his face fell before his head dropped “ shit — that was my last strike too — baby please I”
you turned trying to pinpoint who he was talking to as you heard a loud cough sound throughout the gym “ y/n he um “
iwaizumis body was fast as he grabbed you directing you out of the gym trying to move you quickly as your eyebrows creased . Body falling when you heard small laughs erupt from the team
“ don’t worry about that ok —how about —maybe just go home today y/n yeah ? “
“ but I —why “
he sighed as he closed the gym doors behind him eyes darting away from your own to look anywhere but at you “ h-he’s got a girlfriend “
your heart dropped
“ he um —their laughing because we were just joking a few days ago if you knew or not “
“ what —what “
“ mattsukawa was the only one who was telling us we were wrong and that you didn’t have feelings for him and that you knew he had a girlfriend and he was just being— being nice to you “
your body shuddered
“ look y/n i’m sorry —he —he owes us yen “
“ you made a bet on if I liked him or not “
“ well I mean technically we made a bet on if he would strike out with his girlfriend — he’s cheated 2 other times that she knows of but yeah —i mean when you put it like that— we kinda sound like assholes“ he laughed
“ because you are “ you felt your voice breaking holding nothing but pure pain
“ look y/n it’s not our fault you didn’t know he had a girlfriend —i’m sorry really i am but —“ he felt uncomfortable shifting his weight from foot to foot
“ oh god he’s never gonna wanna hang out with me again “
“ uh yeah— it’ll be awkward yeah “
you turned on your heel head to the floor ignoring iwaizumis protest for you to calm down and come back
“ hey watch ou— “
pulling your head up quickly but not quick enough to see the broad chest you’d bumped into your butt hitting the ground in pain
“ ow “
“ shit “ his voice was rough “ you good ? “
you shook your head even more tears threatening to fall as you broke finally
“ uh look —person—dude—I don’t know who you are“ you heard as he clapped “ honestly don’t give a fuck but your sitting on m—“
his eyes widened in fear when he met your glazed ones tears spilling down onto your chest
The silence cooling the air and bringing even more pain to your body as you thought back to every small action you mistook as love
your fingers shaking as you wiped your cheeks your hands flying to shield your eyes shaking your head at the now wet collar of the shirt you wore
body freezing when you heard a loud sharp inhale
“ so—sorry I jus—“
he groaned as he pushed you off his leg that you’d fell on without even noticing much less seeing that he’d somehow fallen with you to the ground “ uh look —I just wanted to get to practice and —your crying and shit and “
“ like I said i’m sorry “ you stood wiping off your uniform and smiling up at the boy who stared at you anger and pure disinterest hidden in his eyes trying to hide it behind his new concern for you seeing your sad eyes matched your half made smile
“ huh guess you’d be kinda hot if you weren’t covered in dry tears with snot running down your nose “
your eyes widened before you used the sleeve of your jacket to wipe your nose and face fixing your hair and clothes smiling softly
“ hot now ? “
he scoffed putting his hands in his pockets before nodding his head at you “ cute — what are you doing bumping into people in volleyball territory anyways crybaby ? “
you ignored his statement not in the right mindset to deal with it only laughing “ uh — funny story actually“
“ well you should do anything in your power to lift up my mood after you just assaulted me —a devoted ,caring, early , hardworking team member — so try me i’m not a very ‘ funny‘ person “
“ well — I thought I was walking out of here with a boyfriend “ you laughed face turning straight when you looked up to see him looking down at you with a confused and annoyed look on his own at your sudden pause
“ ok .. “
“ that — that was it “ you smiled “ that was the funny thing — that was the joke “
“ oh “ he shook his head in understanding “ that shit was trash please don’t waste your mothers obviously difficult birth delivery and become a comedian— you’ll bring shame to everyone that has the name y/n before you have a good show “
“ wow uh mood dampener huh “
“ no I just don’t like useless shit wasting my time “ he sighed “ look who are you here for anyways — you an oikawa stalker too “
“ no I was here for mattsu “ you scoffed “ he probably hates me —shouldn’t even call him nicknames “
“ if he hates you he’s an asshole “
he shifted on his foot trying to pay attention to you closely “ lemme guess no one told you he had a girlfriend — not even him“
he played with his backpack straps “ typically — likes to play the field anyways likes to— keep his options open I guess “
“ asshole “
“ yeah — I guess “
“ god and I really thought I loved him I thought I was gonna go in there tell him I liked him and just — walk out with a boyfrie— “
“ sorry princesa life doesn’t work like that “
“ yeah “
“ sucks though but trust me you’ll get your sweet revenge in a few seconds “
“ h-huh “
“ yeah give it a minute I know what i’m talking about“ he nodded at the volleyball doors which made you turn around to see it from his angle hoping to see something different other than just doors
“ as much as I hate everyone — they still seem to try to talk to me and incorporate me in things i don’t like and —would rather not know“
your eyebrows furrowed “ and “
“ and I’m a flat out asshole and people still talk to me — like your doing now — his girlfriend did it too “
“ why would his girlfrien— “
“ mai please — please I — it doesnt have to be like this “
the echo of the gym doors slamming open took you by surprise as you watched mattsukawa race out after a female who wore the same uniform as you
“ mai please don’t — don’t leave like this “ he laughed lightly “ baby — babe we can fix this please“
“ tell that to the other 7 girls who swear their in love with you mattsukawa—8 making the love confession I just saw “
you folded into yourself at the words the boy next to you rolling his eyes and yanking you gently into him his hand coming out to play drums on your head while you two watched the scene unfold
“ what — but I — I don’t love them I love you — I just got a bit “ he shrugged his shoulders “ a bit bored —come on it’s normal “
“ well I guess you could say the same goes for me “
“ no your — your lying you we’re hap— “
“ I was lying this is just helping me break up with you honestly — I was bored of you too—it was a matter of time before I broke it off really — I almost broke up with you at your match the other day but even I was like that’s too much pain after you’d just lost 2 sets to karasuno “
“ bab— “
“ have fun mattsu—chan it was not nice at all no kind words all bad reviews “ she waved before exiting and leaving him in visible pain
his body shaking as he turned to look down the hallway eyes heavy on yours a soft smile developing on his face “ y/n “
you jumped as you spoke “ mat-“
“ what um —what are you y’know doing out here “ he blinked between you and the other male voice growing accusing and territorial “ I thought you went home “
“ no I “
“ another love confession huh ? “ he laughed” that quick? I thought I would’ve at least had a restart —or gotten some time to say yes “
“ huh “
“ I mean you like me right “
you shook your head in a yes the male next to you scoffing speaking lowly to himself “ still“
“ so now that i’m free do—do you maybe want to uh want to hang out “
you smiled moving towards mattsukawa as the boy above you slapped your head harshly sending you flying back into his chest again
“ holy fuck mad dog chill out why are you slapping ‘em —being so rough with my admirer —fucking lunatic “
he growled at the boy across from you before speaking “ you have class don’t you — think it’s uh english right ?“
“ I mean yeah but I would like to tal— “ you shook your head “ wait how’d you know what class I have “ you shook your head even faster when you thought back to earlier “ AND HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME EARLIER I DIDNT TEL— “
his body going warm at his earlier slip up he was hoping you’d forgotten “ how about you get to it “
“ no I “ your eyebrows furrowed at the male you were about to get your long time crush to ask you out why would you leave “ no I— I don’t want to walk out of here empty hande— “
“ well how about you do walk out of here with one “ your eyes shot up to his in confusion ok now you had no clue what was going on and honestly just upset with the male in front of you “ huh—huh “
“ a boyfriend that was your joke right ? you wanted to walk out of here with a boyfriend and you thought you would fall in love with him and shit “
you shook your head in confusion “ I —I guess “
“ ok then your free to leave happily — baby your walking out of here with one —go on “
your heart went crazy “ excuse me “
“ your talking too fucking much — ‘ts annoying me I said “ he got rougher with his words he tried to be nice but it was obvious you weren’t one of those people who understood unless it was dumbed down for you
“ your walking out of here with a boyfriend — a good one and we both know this assholes not one so you can only guess the only other person in this hallway is your new boyfriend so shoo shoo — you little pest go to class i’ll take you home“
you felt as he grabbed your shoulders pushing you towards the doors and not turning back around until he watched you walk out
energy shifting as soon as your body was out of earshot and snapping to the taller male in front of him “I liked ‘em first dipshit“
his shoulder bumping into mattsukawas forcefully causing the boy to stumble back “ ill be damned if you fuck with em’ before I do — especially if you don’t plan on giving em’ the best “
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Side Track Opinions Part 4: Patton
(Only three boys left! I think Patton may be the side who I’ve seen the least analysis about with regards to his playlist, so I’m excited to look a bit deeper)
1) Campfire Song Song: I don’t think the lyrics are very deep with this one 😂 You’ll find that a lot of Pattons songs talk about growing up, so I just find it fitting that a childhood song that probably brought Thomas a lot of joy is Patton’s first song.
2) Turnaround: Both Patton and Logan have songs from The Little Prince on their playlists, so my mind instantly goes to Logan. The song feels like Patton trying to get Logan out of his own head (““Straight (Straight), how can you be so straight? Life is everything but straight (Straight)” “Now, why don't you sing out loud? The tune you keep inside?”) He loves Logan a lot and thinks that sometimes he takes life too seriously and doesnt have enough fun (“Turnaround, and put your pen down”). Patton wishes Logan would relax and just enjoy life sometimes because he worries that taking everything so serious can be harmful (“How can you be so shy?” “Don't say hello, say hi”).
3) I Got a Name: Patton has trouble with Thomas growing up, we know this from the most recent episode. He worries that life is moving too fast and that he doesn’t know how to handle the change (“Movin' ahead so life won't pass me by”). Despite this, he has so many memories of Thomas’ childhood and he holds them very close to his heart (“I've got a song, I've got a song, And I carry it with me and I sing it loud. If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud”). Even though he cherishes these memories, he still thinks hes foolish to dwell on them and doubts he will ever be able to get over those memories (“Like the fool I am and I'll always be” “They can change their minds but they can't change me”).
4) Oranges: This song bothers me... Not in the fact that it’s a bad song or that its hard to understand, but it goes against everything we canonically know about Patton. While on first glance its a silly song about the words oranges and chocolates not rhyming with anything, its deeper meaning is actually more so about hiding away ideas and being afraid to make use of them (“How we take our ideas and put them in storage, But peel back the rind, who knows what you'll find”). If the song is supposed to be conveying Patton’s emotions, then I’m just confused. This song makes me feel like he wants to try out all of Thomas’ ideas and love every part of him, but we’ve seen his distaste for Remus is very obvious (“If you don't open a chocolate, who knows what you get”). I’m still on the train that Patton is the reason creativity split in the first place, so him saying things like these just make absolutely no sense...
5) I Don’t Wanna Pray: Although Patton takes religion very seriously and bases a lot of his morals on his faith, he has some doubts about whether religion can be the answer to everything (“Help me to the sun, hey I'm looking everywhere” “And now I don't wanna pray, no I say I don't wanna pray, no”). Patton has also begun to realize that God has created everything in the world, not just good and love, but also hate and pain (“I love my god, god made love. I love my god, god made good. I love my god, god made hate. I love my god, god made bad”). Perhaps this is shows his willingness to start accepting the darker parts of Thomas.
6) New Soul: Oh this is such a Patton song... Of course theres the obvious: Patton is Thomas’ inner child and encompases a lot of those feelings from Thomas’ youth. He hasn’t quite figured out how to function in Thomas’ more serious, adult life (“See I'm a young soul in this very strange world”). Then there’s lines like “Hoping I could learn a bit 'bout how to give and take” and “Finding myself making every possible mistake” that just feel so Pattony. He’s so lost and confused anymore when it comes to guiding Thomas in the right direction, but he tries his best. We can see that in the newest episode with him trying his less ‘assertive’ guidance. Despite this, he knows that he messes up all of the time and he feels awful for it. Everytime I listen to this song I just think of the “I’m sorry.... Again!...” line from POF.
7) Better Together: Oof... This is a tough one because its so loving and sweet. I find it hard imagining Patton singing to only one person, so I just like imagining him singing to Thomas, Roman, Virgil, and Logan. Patton, as we know, cherishes all of the memories that Thomas has created and that all of them have created together (“Our dreams, and they are made out of real things. Like a shoe box of photographs” “And all of these moments Just might find their way into my dreams tonight” “I believe in memories”). I also though it was super interesting that the song mentions “sepia-toned loving” because Patton’s room has a sepia affect when we see it in Moving On and I think this Patton’s nostalgia and this song go together very well.
8) Vienna: This song is so sad, but so sweet... To me, it’s pretty clear that Patton is singing to Roman (and obviously Thomas as well). He worries that Roman dreams too big and works way too hard in an attempt to acheive those dreams (“Slow down, you crazy child. You're so ambitious for a juvenile” “You've got your passion, you've got your pride, But don't you know that only fools are satisfied?” “Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true”). Patton wishes that Roman would be able to relax and just enjoy what he already has because he knows that Roman will only burn himself out in his attempt to accomplish everything he wants to (“Where's the fire, what's the hurry about? You'd better cool it off before you burn it out” “You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need”). Basically, Patton loves Roman, but worries that some of his dreams are impossible to reach and that is hurting Thomas.
9) It’s You I Like: This song is for sure about Virgil or Thomas. I’m leaning more towards Virgil because the next song is also about Virgil. Really all I have to say is that the title says it all. Patton is ready to accept Virgil for who he is, problems and all.
10) Little Shadow: THIS SONG IS IMPORTANT! Patton is the one who brought Virgil out from the dark sides, or at least convinced him to leave for good (“Little shadow, to the night, will you follow me?”). I think this could be a big reason why Janus and Virgil have a lot of bad blood. Janus used to be Virgil’s source of comfort and protection, but one day Patton just decided to fill in that role and do it arguably better? I’d be pretty butt-hurt if I was Janus too. That explains why Janus was honestly such a jerk to Patton up until the end of the most recent episode when Patton accepted him. I think Janus realized just what Virgil must have felt like way back when Patton accepted him. Janus realized that he wasn’t good for Virgil like Patton is and that had to have stung... I guess we’ll see what happens between those two in the future...
11) Sad: What do yah know? Another Virgil song! This one was actually confirmed by Thomas to be about Virgil so that makes it easier to analyze for me 😂. Patton wants to help Virgil get over his pain and history with the dark sides, but he doubt if anything he does is helping (“You're just too good at being sad. I'm just a Band-Aid on a broken heart. Yeah, I'm the best at making you laugh for a breath, and you're back in your head, you're so sad” “Don't know if I'm hurting or helping” “All I wanna do is take the sad from you, But I can't and you wouldn't let me anyways”). It’s sad, its sweet, its very Patton.
12) Oh Heart: Thomas has a crush! Basically this whole song is Thomas singing about being in love with someone and him begging Patton, or his heart, not to make a fool out of him. I imagine Patton get’s really confused and jumbled up whenever Thomas is in love because love can do that to a person! It’s really cute and I honestly overlooked this song on my first couple of listens through the playlist. Here’s just some cute lines I liked: “Who am I kidding? You're the one” “Oh heart, Oh Heart, stop making a fool of me” “You should look at me. Look at me!” “I'm going to make you laugh again”. With this song and Jumpstarted from Roman’s playlist, I’m starting to see just how hard to handle Roman and Patton may be whenever Thomas has a crush 😂
13) The Flame: This one seems really deep, but for the life of me I cannot crack it. To me it just feels like Patton telling Thomas that no matter how dark things get, he can always look to his heart for the answer (“But hold on for your heart to beat inside To be your guide”). I honestly get really creepy vibes from this song. Like Patton is trying to get Thomas to ignore all of the dark parts of him and instead just keep listening to him and him alone (“There will be times that grow darker with the dusk, But light will still remain in us”). This song is just interesting to me because it feels like one of the first instances where Patton believes he has all of the answers and doesn’t need the others help. But truly, I’m not sure what this song is about.
14) Landslide: Did someone say time to cry? Cause it’s time to cry! This is a PERFECT song for the ending of POF where Patton admits to being afraid of growing up and changing. I think this song is Patton singing to Thomas about these exact fears (“Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?” “Well, I've been 'fraid of changin' 'Cause I've built my life around you, But time makes you bolder, Even children get older, And I'm gettin' older, too”). It’s honestly like this song was just written for Patton and it makes me wanna cry every time I hear it.
15) Float On: One word... REPRESSION! Not much to say other than Patton ignores all the bad things that happen to Thomas and just tries to act like everything is okay. Not a very good thing to do, but very on brand for Patton.
16) With a Little Help From my Friends: Another song that I hate to take at face value, but I don’t really have any other ideas for what it means. Whenever Patton is feeling down or in a slump, he looks to the others for comfort and support. Think, Logan giving Patton the cat hoodie at the end of Moving On. Those are the kinds of vibes I get from this song.
17) What Makes the World: (edited because I was looking at the wrong lyrics) Basically Patton thinks that love is the answer to everything (“Love makes the world go 'round”). No matter what, no matter how dangerous or serious a situation is, you should always trust your heart (“Oh, I heard to turn away a neighbour, Is living without danger, But that ain’t so”). All in all, Patton has a very unrealistic view of society. He tends to always see the good in people which can be a bad thing sometimes.
18) Somewhere Over the Rainbow: You thought the last song was foolishly optimistic... well youre in for a shocker with this one! Patton basically just goes on and on about how great the world is. I’m honestly starting to wonder if Patton is even capable of criticizing the world and the people in it. It seems like the only thing he can criticize is Thomas. Also, like I said in the last song, I think this creates an interesting dynamic between Patton and Janus: One loves the world world and only ever sees the good in everyone while the other despises it and sees the bad in everything.
19) Golden Slumbers: I feel like this one is way too short to get a huge idea on what it’s about. It seems to me like Patton is just comforting Thomas and reasuring him that things will be okay, despite the changes that are happening in his life.
20) So Long: AHHHH THIS SONG IS SO CUTE! It’s very fitting as Patton’s last song as well, based on the events of the last episode. If you can come up with an argument that convinces me that this song isn’t about Janus, be my guest, but it’ll be hard to do. In the song Patton basically sings about how Janus can be a pain in the butt and really get to him, but they work well as a team and he wants them to stay together as a team (“I won't get too sappy, I had no epiphany, I just enjoy your company” “You test my nerves, It makes me stronger. So can you bother me a little bit longer?” “Because it's been so long since I made a friend like you” “I could dot the I's and you could cross the T's, Cause letters alone are lonely”). Basically I love them, they are great, they are best friends now, and that after credit scene still has me shook over how quickly they just became friends. We stan our divorced dads 💙💛
(Sorry this took so long guys! I’ve been procrastinating! Let me know what you think 💙)
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itsthatsillygoose · 5 years
Kit, a raggedy ass analysis
I wrote an analysis of forthbeam last week and y'all we're dragging the others to hell saying they weren't as complex so let me prove you wrong starting with Kit ft. a lot of Ming. If u want my summery Mingkit analysis it's the last paragraph on this post but I'll post it separately too:
Something that really intrigues me about kit is his capacity for other people’s attention. We see through out the first series that Beam is quite a ladies man and is seen many times trying to hit on the stars of the university but for Kit this is rare. Aside from Pha, Beam and Forth, Kit is rarely seen interacting with anyone one else closely and think that speaks volumes of his personality. He may be stubborn and sometimes aggressive but I think deep down he's compensating for a lack of security, all he really wants is that resounding feeling of safety and he finds that with in the tight knit friendship between him, Beam and Pha; and perhaps that’s what makes his relationship with Ming so infatuating.
Ming is the very definition of what Kit seems to avoid, he is bold and loud, clumsy with his feelings, a stranger. He's a player and doesn't need that sense of security like the other which seemed to be the biggest red flag to kit during their development. Imediately when the two first properly meet there’s a sense of surprise from the shorter when he finds that Ming still remembers him, and straight away he throws up his guard. Through out at least the series so far it's almost like Kit wants himself to hate Ming or at least he feels like he should; he knows Ming is everything he seeks to avoid and so he tries to act accordingly. He constantly seems frustrated around him but rather than being agitated by Ming, I think what's really bothering him is himself and the way he can't help but yearn for these moments of having the other around. Doesn't make sence right? Surely he'd be happy if he actually wanted to see him? Well you'd figure, but perhaps it causes Kit such anguish as he knows while having Ming around he loses control and he doesnt want to give him self the oppertunity to get to know him or like him as even just a friend,,, and so instead he snaps at him. Again I think this was a really subtle and lovely way of displaying Kits issue; he truly is an increadible example of head vs heart.
I loved looking deeper into these two as they appear to have such a typical dynamic of cat and dog, but I really think the second series explored so much deeper into their personalities and character. I think what is really being portreyed by these two is so much more than just a spunky journey of two boys in love. Really I think that we delve into dealing with the concept of searching for trust and a sense of clarity in not only someone else but yourself too. I do think that kit is perhaps the “protagonist’ of this idea. Ming is very much the big scary monster in the dark for him. Whether Kit had had partners before or not I'm unsure but I think the reason why Ming really affected him so incredibly was that he’d never been loved in such a way, so shamelessly and intensely, especially by someone like Ming. Someone he’s so unalike in so many ways. Really I think their arch isn’t about Ming breaking into Kit's abrasive character but rather Kit searching for truth and a reason to believe in ming and the insecurities on both ends of that.
We see many times that kit is appalled by Mings ways, for example the way ming had so many ex partners, this was such a big piece information to just be brushed over; infact its exactly what knocked kit so far from feeling like he could reach out and grasp onto Ming. Again referring back to before, I think kit really yearns for a sence of safety in everyone he brings close to him, a place to relax, someone he can trust enough to not hide behind his front; he doesn’t care to be played with or used so seeing that ming would throw away his past relationships so readily perhaps triggered that insecurity as he rightly so doesn't feel that sense of security with ming. He appears unpredictable to Kit, almost as if he throws his feeling around carelessly, but we know this isn't true and that in fact Ming is increadibly predictable.
We see more of this when Kit storms away at the beach telling ming to stay where he is (which he does). Personally this is still one of my favourite scenes as it's fucking bursting with emotion and crammed with developing concepts i've already mentioned but it really does just get me every time. There's so much to unpick, it really was the turning point for the two- at least in my eyes. It admittedly does just appear as if Kit got short tempered and barked at Ming who then got upset and sulked, but really the scene is a lot meatier. It was really a big eye opener for kit as though neither of them spoke about what happened, it really felt like they both knew Ming was proving to kit that he takes his word seriously, and isn't afraid to commit to him. Kit seemed guilty when the scene returned to him and the others drinking but when Ming was dragged in by another friend Kit seems shocked realizing he probably would have sat there all night if it had played out that way. Maybe he assumed ming had gone back to his room but the fact he didnt was such a slap in the face. I love this cause Ming stares at him sadly, knowing full well he's proven a point. Kit knows he's upset Ming and realises that rather than Ming not taking the idea of a relationship seriously, perhaps he himself was the one dismissing any chance of something real, some clarity. Maybe he was his own scary monster in the dark. He knows full well that Ming is harmless or else he wouldn't have appeared so guilty when returning to the hang out without him.
The whole beamkit scene where beam pulled a doozy on us and pretended he and kit were dating is another obvious telling of his character, (nines expressions in those few seconds were fucking ace btw, the absolute utter panic swirling into sorry eyes, then a punch in the gut and finally regret) in those few moments alone its obvious that he knows he's done Ming wrong, but if you really look closer there's a whole ugly ass betrayal hiding in there. In the chat they just had in a prior scene, Kit makes a point out of not wanting to get hurt by Ming leading him on only to ditch him for another person, but what did kit just do to Ming? Huh?¿?? Exactly, its easily missed but it's an awesome detail i picked up when diving into this and i have to say it was another perfect example of Kit being flung between head vs heart. Kit's been trying so hard to get Ming to use his head rather than his heart, but by using his own head to try and protect him self Kit's only gone and done the exact thing he was so afraid happening to himself to Ming. I think realising this he understands that even though they're so different and worlds apart, they're both just dumb fucking humans and he shouldnt be so hard on Ming, especially when Ming's been nothing but loyal and honest. Perhaps Kit is scared of committing but he's projecting that onto Ming because he doesn't want to admit it, he only sees what he wants to see because thats all he knows after putting up a front for so long when ever his emotional well being is threatened.
Honestly Kit's really just been his own problem this entire show and he really ought to sit the fuck down and let him self live 👏🏻
Thought it was endearing when he took Pha out so he could get drunk. Obviously getting wasted to forget your problems isn't particularly endearing, but like i said about Beam last week, it makes him feel more human. Especially when Beam shows up acting like the whole beamkit couple thing was a joke (when it clearly wasn't) and Kit's just like fuck you you're so annoying. Smh he really is boo boo that fool. He's just so completey oblivious that his best friend in the entire world is head over heels in love with him, so gullible just believing what ever the fuck anyone says. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt seen as he was drunk but Idk it just tickles me that he's always so tense and always so on guard yet the level of dumbassery is just,,,, how's he gonna be a doctor when he's literally a raw nerve on fucking legs. Bless.
He really lets things bother him, but he's much more readable than beam which we know even just from Phana knowing right away what was up. The fact he hid from Ming when Ming entered the bar(?) too really emphasized how completely not as hard as nails he is despite how he tends to act tough. Thought that was a sweet detail in unravelling Kit's personality and how Ming seems already to have completely knocked his walls down; Kit's not even trying to act like he's unaffected anymore.
We all joke about Beam being an emotional wreck but fr kits really not that far behind. He deals with everything horribly and always seems to make shit worse for both himself and Ming. He just wants what's best for everyone but sometimes that's harder than it looks and he really proved that. He goes into panic mode if Ming so much as breaths in his direction which actually does the complete opposite of intended as rather than seeming tough and cold, it just shows Ming that Kit's easily flustered around him, EG, HE FUCKING LIKES HIM, KIT JUST WRITE IT ON YOUR FOREHEAD AT THIS POINT. He thinks he's so mysterious fr, boy the whole world and it's goldfish has you sussed, who do you think your fooling with that attitude?
Can't not mention the kiss and how sweet that was on Kit's end. After all that mess and acting unaffected, as soon as he sees Ming move towards him he imediately melts back into his big softie boyf as if he'd been waiting a life time to kiss him. He literally called him a 'bastard' seconds before, if that ain't some sort of chaotic then what the fuck is he. Jkjk, back to the point, Kit does this thing where he lies to him self, C O N S T A N T L Y. He's forever telling himself that he's in control, he's forever telling himself that Ming's out to get him, he's forever acting as if he doesn't want anything to do with Ming, but this scene was so satisfying cause it really just ripped everything he'd been pretending to be from right underneath him. He kissed Ming so readily and for the first time in the relationship he actually seemed put together and calm and in control. He's never known what to do with Ming's attention yet here and now with his lips on his all he could do was reach out and grasp on to his 'scary monster in the dark' (Side note i absolutely fucking adore how Kit's gone from being so rough and brash with Ming to being so ridiculously shy after the kiss. I think it's forced him to face facts and he finally realised there was no point in keeping up his walls. Ming knows now, theres no need. It's sweet showing his vulnerable side for once, this is some healthy character development i can get behind.)
You'll have noticed this gradually got less formal and is slowly making less and less sense. That's because as i'm writing this it's 5:40am and the brain juice is running low but the next bit should be a pinch more coherent sorry,
What i love about Kit and Ming's relationship is the whole role reverse as the series progressed. At the beginning we see Kit, part of a solid group of friends and he's comfortable and confident where as Ming's just a new student at the university, finding his feet. We expect him to perhaps be naïve or immature, and yes he's a little clingy but really Ming is one of the most stable characters going and exactly what kit needs despite how he first appeared. Not once has Ming changed his goal of pursuing kit, not once has he fucked up, not once has he ever panicked. Ming- even though he's sulky- is really quite mature with his dealing of Kit. He's honest and really does what ever he can to make it work. I loved the example of this where he backed off after the kiss. It was so so sweet considering how clingy he usually is, and it really shows he takes great time and contemplation when considering Kits feelings and that he has a really deep understanding of how Kit's mind actually works and how he may react. He backs off knowing Kit likes his space and that maybe he over stepped the line pretending to be black out drunk, but again i really love this as this creates that safe space and feeling of clarity that i keep bringing up as it meant kit could reach out in his own time and really come to terms with things without any pressure. It meant that for once Kit would have to make the move to communicate and take a step in their relationship and i think for Ming to take that initiative to really somewhat place their fate in Kits hands for a while was really quite sweet and mature of him. We stan our emotionally healthy engineering boys fr. We come to realise by now that perhaps Kit is actually quite bashful and somewhat of a baby dear when it comes to emotions, charging head first into anything but initially losing his footing right off the get go. But Ming is stable, he is collected and cool and surprisingly gentle. Its really quite tell tale that kit spoke so much about ming maybe lacking in commitment when really he was the one too afraid to commit, he was clearly insecure. This arch really was kit heavy and though i already said what i think their arch focuses on, i just want to add that it also explores growth and becoming a better person because of a relationship. They bounce off eachother in such an interesting way, and so intunely that they cant help but work. Kit never knows what to say or how to approach ming but its okay, Ming has that covered and always comes to find him. Ming's very flirtatious, and kit and easy to fluster. Kit needs time and Ming is patient. All these little north and south traits really just pull together and i love how these two were written with such harmony. I know I've delved way deeper than was ever intended for these characters but i think we shouldn't take for granted the complexity of such a wonderful thing.
This is the reason why i think 2moons2 is miles ahead of 2moons the series. Aside from the cringe music, over dramatic zooms and lingering shots which can sometimes make it difficult to watch, 2moons2 really seeks complexity in each character and i admire that itch to bring them to life as i feel 2moons was increadibly 2D in this aspect. I only really believed in Kit when i watched that series, but 2moons2 really forces you to believe and invest in every main character and i just think as someone who writes that it's rather lovely.
What are your thoughts? Do comment if you have time, I'd love to hear more on these two :)
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asplashofvodka · 7 years
B.A.P. Party Baby NYC 2017 Fan Account
So it’s like 80 years late buuuuutttttttt I figured I might as well write down this fan account to continue with the tradition. I’m going to put concert, hi touch, and photo together into one. Gifs and photos included, pray for your internet.
Alright, so I came into the city late the night before the concert and met my 2 friends for a relaxing night. Sadly I had to work that day so I missed some of the earlier fun. We stayed near Grand Central for a change this year. We hung out in the lounge of the hotel for a while and just joked around most of the night, a much needed precursor from what was gonna be the day from hell.
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So while we enjoyed our night for bit we actually had two of our friends lining up before us that we were planning to join a little after midnight. When we were just about to leave she actually called us and told us that security had made them all leave because it was too cold and they didn’t want anyone getting hurt or anything. It was nice because it was FREEZING that night, and if you’ve never been to Terminal 5 it’s right near an underpass and next to the water, not the best combo for camping out. 
SOOOOOO onto show day!!!!
We lined up around 6 a.m. … we gave our friends a break since they stayed out. Steph, Megan and myself were nice enough to bring hot packs for majority of the line cause everyone looked like a popsicle. After the line was split up we actually got lucky enough to be interviewed for the Fomo Daily video, thank god a lot of the awkward stuff got cut out. <_< 12+hours in line wasn’t so bad for the simple fact all of our friends were in line with us.
So fast forward to concert time.
Our view.
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Real life right here. I’ve never been this close for a concert of a group I hardcore stan. So although we were in the corner of the stage we had… an eventful, let’s say, evening.
I have to give props to the DJ B.Shoo cause he just had to go and pull out songs we weren’t expecting. I honestly can’t even remember what the song was but all of the people in my section were LIT. There was actually a staff… possibly manager standing there and he started to record the crowd. Where that video went, the world may never know. So he leaves after he records and then another Korean staff member shows up and stays by the curtain we’re in front of. Normal enough… or so we thought. 
The DJ’s set ends and the intro video starts playing. Cue all the craziness and excitement. While everyone is going insane over the video, my friend Megan and I both notice people appearing one by one behind this curtain and we start to lose our shit. Honestly, it was like, “Oh, I think I see someone behind there… oh look two more… SHIT THERE’S 5 OF THEM…6 NOW!” All while this staff member is laughing at us. 
First song was the Hurricane Remix. I’m not a huge EDM/House person so I can go along and tolerate it. Lol 
Next was BADMAN. BITCH YES. JUST YESSSSS. This remix is still hands down my favorite. I was hoping they were all gonna hit the choreography flawlessly like last time but alas Himchan. First he was too early and then completely forgot what the hell he was doing and actually slipped off stage while laughing at himself. LMFAO Jongup and Zelo still killed that choreo IDGAF!
After that was No Mercy and BANGX2. I honestly couldn’t even tell you what happened during this cause I was too hype. The only thing I remember was the long ass staring contest Daehyun and I had for NO DAMN REASON. NONE WHATS SO EVER and none of my friends noticed it, but it is in photo.
I’VE BEEN WAITING MONTHS TO HEAR FINALLY HEAR THAT’S MY JAM AND DO WHAT I FEEL LIVE. I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED AT ALL. I FUCKING LOVE THESE SONGS. I was ready for it, my friends were ready for it but the staff member was surprised as hell at our enthusiasm. He was thoroughly amused by us.
Dancing in the Rain is always a cute song, you can’t hate it.
The dress code pick happened next. That was an interesting 5 minutes. So, Himchan is my bias, not secrets there. I was dressed for a Himchan pick is all I’m gonna say. My friends thought it would be hilarious to SCREAM AND SHOUT for him to pick me… from not only next to me but also in other spots down the front where others were standing. -_- Guys,pls. At one point they screaming so loud and pointing at me that not only was the staff member DYING AT MY SUFFERING but Youngjae and Daehyun started to look over to our area and I had to duck and hide behind people. Let’s not ever… nah no. It was a cute little segment though, I totally would’ve spilled my drink on Himchan too if I would’ve been that close too. Them feels are seriousssss.
I believe it was Jongup, Zelo, Youngja in terms of order but my feels were attacked so I can’t be sure. 
Zelo decided that the year 2017 he would return to his sweet and innocent appearance after fucking the floor last year. Thanks, bro. Appreciate it. The song is actually really cute though and I need the recorded version, get on that TS.
I have this deep deeeeppppppp LOVE HATE with Youngjae (mainly love but still) he didn’t have to come for life this way. I didn’t need it, didn’t want it, I just wanted to live peacefully that day. His solo…. I literally found the corner of the banister, rested against it, covered my mouth in amazement and didn’t move for the duration of his solo. He didn’t have to remind me why he’s bias 1.5 like that. Jesus. Also I need that studio version too.
Fermata, I Guess I Need U, and Body and Soul… Im not even gonna try and explain the level of I CANNOT reached.
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Skydive, Young Wild and Free and Wake Me Up in a row… OT6 FOR LIFE. FUCK ME UP. They killed it and us.
Now for Wake Me Up apparently we did a little much. As if we didn’t go hard enough for the other two songs, us continuously doing the choreography got us recorded during Wake Me Up… by the staff… who also turned out to be one of their managers. At first he tried to sneakily record us but I caught him and laughed and he stopped. Then he did it again and didn’t care that we saw him. Which he then scurried to the backstage area as soon as that song was over. Yeah….
So after that Zelo came back out and take us the hormone increasing dance (2014 concert goers should remember that one). No one knew what the fuck they were doing it was hilarious.Check on starts playing and all of sudden my friends and I start to notice that BAP is gradually looking more and more to our corner, which for the most part went kinda unnoticed for the other half of the show. Now I’m not gonna say they saw it, but I can say for a fact that manager posted it on his instagram that same night. (which also took me a whole week to find ) But the next bunch of songs were the fun ones Spy, Feel So Good, Be Happy and Carnival.
They did their usual goodbye talk before performing B.A.B.Y *thug tear* That was supposed to be the end, but it wouldn’t be a BAP concert without an encore. They did BANGX2 again. 
Now it’s time for the Hi-Touch and photo op shenanigans. 
They had everyone with Hi-touch go first, they turned it into a whole damn exercise circuit. Just what everyone wanted to do, climb 3 floors, come down and go back up. But anyway…  So the panic was real guys. So the order I can remember was Youngjae, Zelo, Daehyun, Jongup, Yongguk and Himchan. Literally my death in the beginning and end.
So before we get to go up to the guys the staff is doing their annoying “phones away,” “don’t give them presents,” “hurry up” speeches. I roll my eyes and continue walking to the guys. 
Youngjae is first. Lord jesus I wasn’t mentally prepared, but my makeup was still in tact. *bless you Laura Mercier powder* He is the only dude I know that is ALWAYS ready before the damn fan that’s meeting him. He was already eyeing me before I got up to him. His usual smirk followed by a cute smile after I hi fived him.
I was actually proud of myself this hi touch cause I was able to look at and actually hi five everyone this time while still mentally dying.
Next was Zelo… he’s tall as shit… why? Anyway he smiled and I high fived him and went on to the next one.
JUNG. DAEHYUN. What’s your deal, bro?! So I get to Dae, I was prepared this year to feel close as fuck to him as always. Apparently he was not and made it obvious… VERY OBVIOUS. So I get to him and look him dead in his eyes and this boy legit goes O_O and looked shocked as al holy hell. I actually tilted my head a little and giggled at him and he kinda recollected for a second, but I felt victorious for once. 
Megan 1- BAP - 3 Years
Anyway… onto Rude Boy Jongup. So he was right after Dae and ISTG I don’t know what was going on that night but he too felt the need to look at me with a squint but from under his fringe so I was confused.
Next was Gukkie! He’s so cute and friendly at hi touches. He looked so good though, thank goodness I’m not a Guk stan. That’s like instant death.
So last but not least, Kim Himchan.
We’re going to take a little mental journey to understand this. So Himchan is last but he’s not behind the table like everyone else. He’s actually at the outside corner, so if you’re walking towards him you can see him straight on not an angle. 
Ok so as I’m done hi fiving Yongguk, I turn so I can face Himchan, normal course of action right now. Would’ve been a quick go through had when I turned his hand be ready for a hi five and he would’ve been looking at my face.
Till this day this part gets me all flustered and gets my nerves going. *deep breathing*
So I turn slightly to see Himchan checking me out in the most shameless way. This man is a greaseball and I KNOW THIS. BUT NOTHING. NOTHINGGGG COULD’VE  PREPARED ME. So he’s checking me out, at least from hip/thigh area and slowly pans up to my face and then proceeds to bite his lips and smirk at me and then put his hand up for a hi five.
For reference Himchan’s face was basically this Xuimin gif. 
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Like… how does one act normal in this situation. Well if you’re me, you try to give off the most controlled shocked face and act dead inside so you don’t get arrested.
For reference
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So I high five him and proceed to high tail it the entire fuck outta there as quickly as possible. I made it to the hallway where I then had my breakdown, still couldn’t speak and explain anything then though. 
If you had photo op they made you go allll the way back up stairs and pick your groups. Two of my friends are Zelo bias so they weren’t even gonna attempt to take a pic with each other. lmfao So we found this other group of girls and I deadass went and asked any of them if they were Himchan bias and luckily no one was. Then this staff comes over and is like “Who wants to be line leader?” I was like fuck it i’ll do it. I get to be the first person to pick a spot duh! So I tell my friends to line up behind me so they can get to their biases before the other girls and they do. So we get downstairs and we’re dying all over again cause now we’re the first people they see in the line and as soon as the group thats with them leaves, Youngjae and some of them look over at us. Great,
I look Youngjae in face again, smile and casually walked and stood in between him and Himchan. My other friends got lucky and all got to stand with their bias too. *YAAASSSS* Now, I had made it a mental note to stand a little bit away from them cause I have a butt and didn’t want to bump into one of them. All I would need to haunt me forever. Despite all my attempts, I did end up bumping into someone… I don’t even wanna know who cause I’m traumatized enough from that day, lol But a girl was rushing to kneel in front of me and I scooted back just a tad and bam… leg or something. I’ve never readjusted so fast in my life. The picture was taken and I took off in a diagonal for the gift table cause we left our stuff over there. (One of the staff was not happy about it but we didn’t care) There was amusing shit that happened on the other side with my friends Daph and Megan but I can’t even begin to get that story correct. All I know is Daphne booked it for the table while I was waiting for her and had BAP in hysterics. 
Then as we were leaving we told the manager we would see him next year and ran out of there as fast as possible.
Also here’s Himchan’s face in our photo… which I conveniently compared it to the FSG face for you.
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If you find the full i’m the one in the red. 
‘twas a hell of a night.
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choisgirls · 8 years
RFA boys + V with MC being a teacher and all that comes with it. Like, for older kids a specialized knowledge about a certain subject and knowing teen stuff, and with little kids being up on all the latest "kid" things and always looking at (cont)
(Cont) toys and picture books and singing silly songs. And of course, the grading and lesson planning and kids who give problems and stress that comes on top of that. But she really really loves being a teacher and won’t give it up.
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(Combined because ofsimilarity!!)
A/N: These requestsare so pure and I enjoy them so much but ive never seen how a teacher preparesfor anything so i went based on what a few things teacher friends/my dad told me and howi interact with my siblings and stuff ;A; ~Admin 404
           -The two of you act like such kidsyourselves, but he absolutely loves it, you teach younger children and he cansee how soft and sweet you are to them!
           -He actually enjoys some of the coolkid gadgets you check out for your class
           -That cool robo-dog toy? He wantsone now
           -He’s actually sat in on a fewclasses of yours his butt actually fits in the little kid chairs
           -The little tikes love him to death!They like to tease him about dating you
           - though they all think he’s akid too just in a higher grade ;A;
           -But sometimes kids can get rowdy,and he knows this
           -When you come home stressed out,from kids misbehaving, he’s always there to lighten the mood! Tells you storiesfrom when he was a kid, full of silly sound effects, and he’s even borrowedpicture books from his mum to show you childhood pictures! It embarrasses himsometimes, but he knows that you enjoy the imaginations children have so itcan’t hurt to tell you, right?
           - also lowkey shows up aroundsnack time when he visits because he freaking loVES THE JUICE BOXES AND COOKIESMC CAN HE HAVE SOME TOO
           -He knows how difficult teaching canbe, his parents were teachers
           -SUPER. HYPED. When he found outthat you’re a HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA TEACHER come on y'all i saw the chance so itook it
           -You actually went to school!!!! Foracting!!! That’s amazing! He’s a natural so he didn’t have to
           -He tries to come to your class atleast once a week to give the students some tips (since he’s in the field andsemi-famous and all)
           -He dropped out of school and hadbad experience with teachers so he was actually really iffy about your job atfirst
           -But the first time he watched youshine because of your passion for helping these teens, he knew you belonged inthis career
           -But when you come home from a longday of teens being….well….teens, he feels so bad
           -He was a rebellious teen so hethinks he can help talk to them about listening and respecting everything youtry to do for them he kept them for two class periods one day lecturing themabout how much respect you deserve and the kids all literally cried and huggedyou at the end of it jfc zen what did you sAY TO THEM
           -Always there to wipe away yourtears, whether they be of joy or sadness, when your class puts on plays. You’reproud of your students but he’s always 10x more proud of you because heY MC YOUDID THAT, LOOK
           -She thinks it’s so cool because!!!!The two of you can both really appreciate literature
           -It’s like a personal little bookclub between the two of you, always talking about themes and deeper meanings
           -Not to mention she lives for thedrama you over hear in your classroom come on we all live for gossip everynow and then dont judge me or jaehee and you can teach her all of theyounger lingo which she uses to understand a few of the interns at work
           -When you’ve been up for hourstrying to grade papers, she’s always there to help with them
           -Mainly because she wants to avoidyou bashing your head against the table because they’re all writing the samethings over and over again
           -If she comes across something she’sunsure about in her readings you’re the first person she asks
           -Love love loves helping you pickwhich books your students are going to analyze next
           -Not to mention!!! You always haveall the newest books in almost any genre because of your job and!!! She alwayshas something new to read!!!!
           -If your day was rough though, she’sgot coffee at the ready for you, the two of you are going to sit down and justrant about anything and everything that happened because hey kids can bestupid, she’s not gonna tell on you for pointing out the obvious
           -He finds it absolutely adorablewhen you come home covered in paint, glitter, marker, you name it
           -Calls you his masterpiece what asap
           -Not used to being around kids buthe visits your kids as often as possible
           - they paint kitty whiskers onhis face sometimes and you’ve never seen him smile bigger
           -They once asked him to build atower out of blocks with them and he took over the entire project, made areplica of the C&R building
           -When the two of you are at home,though, he refuses to admit he enjoys it there with the kids. Complains aboutpaint on his white shirt, why are kids to loud, they’re so energetic what theheck, etc etc
           -Always buying cool new toys andcraft things for your classroom- he knows how teachers are paid and he justwants to help out. For you. Not for the kids. its totally for the kids dontlet him fool you
           -He never really knows how tocomfort you if you come home from a hard day with your class, so he usuallysits with your head resting against him. He listens to you rant abouteverything that happened, running his hand through your hair to let you knowhe’s listening.
           -Never ONCE has he asked you to quityour job. He thinks teachers are important and should be treasured, and he seeshow happy the kids make you every day- he could never ask you to give that up buthey mc if you ever wants kids of your own, he’s got you, wink wonk
           -Teacher? lmao what’s that noteveryone is a freaking genius saeyoung shUT UP
           -You were a high school computerscience teacher, and hello MC i could be of service saeyoung pls
           -He came in as a guest speaker oneday and none of the students could keep up with what he was saying??? What’sall of this?? Mr. Choi can you please dumb down the lesson???
           -By the end of class though,everyone (including him) were just drawing stupid pictures on MS paint sigh
           -He’s actually really excited thatyou teach computers to teenagers!! Computers are great, MC!!! You can teachthem to hack! no saeyoung thats not what i do, thats you
           -Sometimes he’ll play dumb and askyou for help with his computer just to hear your teacher voice (it doesnt workoften because you KNOW he knows what’s wrong)
           -“MC, you can be the teacherand I’ll play the naughty student *eyebrow wiggle*” he walks in with aplaid skirt and knee high socks what a fucking doRK
           -There are days that the kids justdon’t listen and do whatever they want, and it frustrates you to no end. Someof them were wrestling and broke a monitor once, and you had to call Saeyoung,break down and cry on your lunch break. He’s always there at the end of the daywith blanket forts and HBC to get you away from all electronics even for alittle while
           -The next day though, he hacks intoall the computers in your classroom and scares the students into payingattention because what person doesn’t freak out when someone starts listingtheir personal information on their screen???
           -High school dance teacher?
           -Are you his soulmate MC becauseit’s really feeling like it
           -He’s a dancer himself! (though hedoesnt practice it often)
           -So he always offers to be yourpartner on days you’re teaching couple’s dances!
           -He can tell how much effort andpassion you put into helping these kids learn the art
           -You absolutely radiate warmth andexcitement if your class holds a recital
           -But kids will be kids, which meanssometimes there are attitudes thrown around
           -Some days you feel as if you get norespect, and they do whatever they want to do, and it breaks not only yourheart but your spirit as well and he will not stand for it
           -He’s very good at lecturing, andseeming nice with a threatening undertone. So when he catches something likethis happening, you can bet he’s in front of the class, pouring his heart outabout how much respect you deserve for all of your hard work and they shape upreal quick every time this happens. So he kisses you on the forehead and letsyou keep teaching
           -You work with little kids all day?
           -Why would you wanna do that toyourself jfc
           -You’re always looking at cute, kidcrafts and he kind of wants to try them but he’ll never tell you that
           -Very very afraid to visit yourclass because? He’s scary, he doesn’t want the little kids to be afraid of him
           -But they WEREN’T. AT ALL. He couldfeel his heart melting at how much they actually liked him like holy crap MC iwanna come visit every day
           -The two of you are the power teamat story time, everyone is completely enthralled with the story, voices, andhow you act them out
           -When you first told him that youwere a teacher for little kids, it made complete sense to him. You’re so sweetand kind and patient and bubbly and it just cliCKED WOW MC YOU ARE A TEACHER
           -But kids have tantrums, and shortattention spans, and they’re very stubborn, so if you have a rough day, youactually have to calm him down instead saeran you cant threaten the childrenits okay im just tired ill be fine
           -The two of you have naps on thoserough days, he’ll rub your shoulders to help you relax, and he actually goesout of his way to look up things for your lesson plan the next day!
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isaiahsky · 7 years
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Here's a true story of how two bestfriends, a boy from the East Coast, and a girl from the West Coast, ultimately ended their relationship, because one fell in love with the other. Enjoy. Her name is Lindsey. We met eachother years ago in Shreveport Louisiana. Every day we grew increasingly close to eachother, became bestfriends, and evetually shit got real and we started fooling around, assuming the title "Bestfriends (with benefits)". Details of how we moved to diferent sides of the map are irrelevant, thats a totally diferent story I can provide upon request. Lindsey and I remained very close ever since we separated, even on occasion flying to the other person's city for a visit. We'd book a hotel, toss up the DO NOT DISTURB sign, have incredible dirty sex all over the room, be as loud as we wanted, and let the unfortunate housekeeper worry about the mess when we went out drinking and shopping. We had always crushed on eachother, never at the same time, which is why we never dated. So instead of being frustrated about that predicament, we just fucked we got over it. Around April of 2017, to prevent things from becoming complicated, we came to a mutual agreement to just be friends, no more emotions, no more sex, just friends. It was hard at first, but after several sessions of masturbation a week, i managed to somewhat tame the sexual urges, and disarm the nuclear warhead of sexual frustration in my pants, AKA my penis. Long story short I dealt with the drought, but i digress. In August of 2017, Lindsey made plans to fly to Tampa to see her grandparents for 2 weeks. I lived in Destin at the time so it was 7 or 8 hours away from where I stayed. She asked me to take a few days off to go see her, and ofcourse I did. We were both in a budget, so we made agreed to be simple and made arrangements to just hang out in my hotel room, watch movies, have some drinks, snacks, and catch up, etc. So as planned, towards the end of her trip, I went down there and spent three days with her. Day one, I pick her up from her grandparents' house in the suburbs, take her to my place 10 minutes away, and show her my room. 5 minutes into the evening she decides to start groping me, leading me on, giving me signs that she wants me to fuck her like a rabbit on Methamphetamines. This presents a problem for me. We had a conversation prior to this little vacation about just being platonic, which she is obviously disregarding. What she failed to understand at that moment was, I had made every effort to move on, and get over any feelings I had for her. And I did so successfully. So when presented with hot familiar pussy that Id been craving months before, I was absolutely uninterested for that reason, but also for one more unobvious reason. Small, probably predictable plot twist, I met a girl in mid July named Kelly. Let me be clear, I tell Lindsey almost everything about my life. Everyone has their secrets, but ive always been honest with her. So prior to my trip to Tampa just to keep her informed, I told her about Kelly one day. "Hey, I met this girl, blah blah blah, I dont think it will go anywhere really but, I really like her." She was jealous initially ofcourse, it was to be expected, but we talked it all out and she handled it well and everything was great. Lets get back to the situation in Tampa to see her. Shes groping me and flriting, even straddles me, fishing for me to kiss her and initiate some sticky foreplay. Its slightly awkward for me, because im not very experienced in the rejection department when it comes to getting my dick wet. Im not the prettiest guy in the world, so when a cute girl throws herself at you, you better pull out the fucking catchers gear. I didnt know how to go by letting her down without hurting her feelings, so i just kind of avoided the subject of sex. So when she tried something i just kind of brushed it off and giggled, or joked about about something random. For the most part she caught on with the message, and it was fine at first. But from her behavior, and the more and more she tried to make advances, the more aparent it became that she was actually still interested in me for more than just sex. It doesnt make sense now, but day two I confirmed my theory when she started getting emotional. She randomly started crying and asking me why i wont touch her, or be sweet with her like I used to be. I explained that nothing was wrong with her, its just not what i wanted anymore. After trying to talk her down the entire day, my answers weren't good enough. She was convinced she was doing something wrong, she became really frustrated with herself, and at this moment i am completely unaware to how to help. Eventually I started getting annoyed. She began doing shit that kind of freaked me out. For brief example; we would be relaxing watching a movie, im trying to ignore the bad vibes and help her have some fun. Something funny in the movie would happen, id laugh, look at her to see if SHES laughing, and shed be staring at me with tears on her face trying not to cry. Multiple occassions this occurred. And its fucking awkward. Maybe I was being insensitive, I get it, shes sad, but we both spent money to be there together and i wanted to make the best of it. Fast forward to the 3rd and final day together. We day drink from the morning until maybe 7pm. The advances and emotions persist. The entire afternoon she was severely bipolar, which i expected this but its okay i just want to relax and be drunk. She cried and cried, and then the next few minutes shed be really happy again and dancing, whatever. The entire time I know whats really bothering me, but im too afraid to tell Lindsey how I feel right now. So i hold my tongue and pretend to be okay. I know she remembers i like Kelly, because she kept referencing her. Asking how she was doing, or shed crack jokes about her when i spoke of her. Classic jealousy, completely obvious. Fast forward to around 7 or 8pm of the evening together. We finish day drinking, somewhat sober up, and track down a Texas Roadhouse. We get to our table, order a drink or two, and have a casual conversation while reflecting on the past couple of days. We have an honest conversation about our feelings: "What are we?" "Can we ever truly just be friends?" "Let me tell you what I think." And overall just communicating as friends about the future, and how we can fix this shit hole situation. Finally we actually had a good time together, and it was mutual. It sank in that i was just not interested in her like I used to be, and that we would truly never be together. She still let out a few tears, but like a man i comforted, and we overall enjoyed our last meal together in the same state. Fast forward to the parking lot after dinner, where shit hits the fan. Its relatively empty. I go to the passenger side of my car, open the door for her so she can get in, but we are still engaged in our heart to heart conversation so we end up loitering for awhile. I light up a cigarette, lean back against the car, and she wraps her arms around my torso and just kind of rests there, head on my chest. Ive got one arm around her and one arm free smoking my cigarette. Boom, imagery. We stay like this for a long time as i chain smoke a few cigs, just talking, and finally the conversation somehow shifts to me denying her any sex/affection/intimacy, whatever. This time its okay because she is calm, shes being understanding with every potential controversal thing i have told her over dinner. I believe she can handle this converstaion. She asked me for total honesty, she could tell there was something i didnt want to say to her and it was important she knew what was diferent. She knows i like Kate, but im still a single man, so why am i being so distant with her physically, than i have been in the past. THIS IS WHERE I REALIZE THAT BLUNT HONESTY IS NOT OKAY WHEN ADDRESSING A JEALOUS GIRL WHO IS IN LOVE WITH YOU. I wasn't mean at all, i very calmly and respectively told her exactly what the reason was. I sighed deeply and said "I cant do anything with you, and ive been distant, because all i can think about is Kelly." This may be an outdated reference, but in maybe 1 second, she went from my sweet, calm, understanding bestfriend, to full blown going Jersey Shore on me. She started screaming at me, telling me that she cant believe this, etc etc. Telling me how every time she tried to move on and be with other people, she always felt guilty and cried because even though we werent together, she felt she was cheating on me. And here i am doing the same thing, but im thinking of Kelly, not her. So she put everything i ever did for her in question. Was it truly sincere? Did i ever really care about her? The whole fucking works. During all of this she is sitting on the concrete indian style just ranting relentlessly, and she procedes to get comfortable. I KNOW she plans to dig in for a decent duration because everything that was in her pockets, one by one she starts slamming it on the concrete around her, all in all making a statement to the world that says "fuck everyone and everything." Im a stubborn bastard, so from the time she started flipping out on me, to the time we finally get in the car and leave, like a man, i was still propped up against my car smoking, letting her lay into me with her insults, and ridiculous questions. All i did was stare straight ahead fed up. And I ignored her. She was pissed at me for the obvious reasons, i was pissed at her for freaking out, when all i wanted was to be honest with her. We are adults, let alone we werent even dating, id barely expect this reaction from a distraught girlfriend. But i get it, im the guy, i played with her emotions, now im getting burnt. We finally get in the car, maybe 11p, not once did i say a word to her throughout the whole car ride. At this point im ready to drop her ass back to her grandparents' house so i can check out half a day early from my hotel and drive back to west florida THAT NIGHT. Thats how pissed i am. Im still tipsy, exhausted, but the only thing i want to do is take an 8 hour trip back to my personal bed and sleep all day. But i cant take her to her grandparents' place, she still has some personal belonging in my room. We get back to the room, she climbs in my bed and pouts until she falls asleep. IN MY BED. So what do i do? Ofcourse I refuse to get in bed with her. So after 5 hours of debating on packing up all of her shit for her, waking her up, and taking her home, just like my entire highschool career, i sat at the desk, laid my head down on the table and went to sleep. Woke up that morning at 11, checked out at noon, took her home, still not one word was said to eachother by the way. The first and final words she said to me was "okay drive safe" no goodbye hug, no apologies from either sides, no attempt to fix the situation. She walked past me, i got in my car, backed out of her grandfathers driveway, we looked at eachother one last time, and i drove away. To this day, we still don't speak, the end of a relationship with a girl ive know for a fifth of my life. Love will make you do dumb shit for reasons you cant comprehend. But be careful when you go to tell people how you feel about them. It can really play with their heads and you can lose someone dear to you in the future because you dont know how to keep your mouth shut. Lindsey if you see this, im so sorry.
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