#sweet home x reader netflix
pinievsev · 7 months
Hi I saw you added sweet home to your list, could you do Any fic or something where the reader hurts his ankle or something and hyun soo and his monster are being overprotective please?
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Cha hyun-soo X GN! reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, S2 spoilers,kinda comedic
A/n: I know this is probably not exactly what you had in mind but I wrote it in school. Again.
Note: bold: hyun-soo monster side.
Normal: hyun-soo
Italics and (): (hyun-soo in his head )
Bold, italics and (): (hyun-soo monster in his head )
You ran after Ah-yi, who had decided she'd ran off to chase some kind of monster while hyun-soo had gone to look for necessities.
She slid under a tall metal fence, you definitely didn't fit under that. You made the drastic decision to jump over it, and as you landed, you twisted your ankle.
"Fuck." You groaned and stood up with difficulty. "Ah-yi?!" You called for the young girl you had been chasing. She appeared from behind a tree, running towards you.
"Yes?!" She asked, her adorable smile on her face. You've been calling out for her for the past half an hour. Yet that's all it took. You inhaled sharply to compose yourself.
"We need to get back home, hyun-soo will be back soon too" you tried and to your surprise she agreed fairly quickly, she yawned and made grabby hands at you.
You sighed but picked her up, hissing at the pain that shot through your ankle in the process.
It took some time, and the kid had fallen asleep in your arms but you made it. As you neared, you made out hyun-soo's voice, looking for the both of you.
You limped your way up the stairs, careful not to wake Ah-yi up. "We're here." He immediately rushed to you. "Where have you been?" He whisper yelled at you.
"She ran off to chase something." You explained handing him the child.
He carefully took her to the small room behind him and tucked her in by the corner. You followed him slowly, closing the door behind you. You sat down in the opposite corner, a groan escaping you as you felt your ankle stinging.
"Are you okay?" Hyun-soo asked, moving to sit by you "I'm fine, just hurt my ankle it'll heal." He reached out to examine it but you pulled back "let me see?." He asked as calmly as possible
You shook your head "I'm okay, really."
"Let me see." You looked up, his eyes now a piercing blue colour unlike his usual calm dark eyes.
You threw your head back, resting it on the wall "Fine." You said gesturing to your ankle.
He checked your ankle, once you Looked back down, his eyes where back to normal and he was wrapping it with some gauze and tape.
"You should be more careful out there." He noted turning to look at you once he had finished his job.
"I'm sorry I was trying to get to Ah-yi. My ankle was the least of my worries at that moment." You defended yourself.
"I understand, but if something happened to you i-" (we.) "We don't know what we'd do."
You chuckled at the "we". You'd gotten used to his monster, you treated him like a friend and You never kissed hyun-soo while he wasn't in control.
You smiled and hugged the boy "I'll be more careful then. Promise." You assured. You felt him peck your cheek, then he leaned back, eyes closed and leaned in to kiss you.
You placed a finger over his lips "open your eyes." And he did. Just as you expected they were blue. You raised an eyebrow, and in a second your hyun-soo was back.
You pecked his lips and messed his hair a bit.
(Just once!) (Actually, shut up.)
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dyaz-stories · 6 months
stars around my scars || Cha Hyun-Su x Reader
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word count: 1.2k
warnings & tags: so soft, fluff, angst because it's sweet home, hurt/comfort, kissing, touch-starved!hyun-su, a little suggestive but it's not too bad, hyun-su needs a hug and he gets that and more eheh
previous one-shot · next part
A/N: this can be read on its own or read as a part of the little hyun-su x reader series i've got going on at the moment! no particular context needed for this one, but i wrote it in like two hours so i hope you'll enjoy it.
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Hyun-Su sits at your table like he’s not sure he has the right to be there. He’s been less cautious around you lately, less distant, now that he knows that you accept him wholeheartedly for who he is, all that he is, even the dark, ugly parts that he tried to keep from you. But sometimes, when he is in the space that is so clearly yours, he still makes himself small, as if he thinks you’d kick him out if you remembered he was there.
It doesn’t matter that you invited him in and insisted he stayed. The fear that you could change your mind at any point, that the longer he’s around, the more he risks showing you a part of him you won’t like, that’s what sticks.
When you sit down across from him, he notices your eyes landing on his bruised knuckles, sees your brow furrows. Sheepishly, he removes his hand from the table.
“Doesn’t it hurt?” you ask.
You ask that a lot. Worry a lot. Selfishly, he likes that you do.
“It’s fine,” he replies, voice quiet. “It will heal.”
The wounds won’t get infected, they won’t kill him, and they’ll go away eventually. So, sure, it stings as long as they’re open, but he’s long stopped bothering with cleaning or treating them. Who cares about his pain anyway?
“That’s not the point,” you say, reaching out for his hand. He doesn’t resist when you take it in yours. How could he? Your fingers are soft, gentle, your skin is warm. It’s like he melts into your touch, like his muscles turn into lead.
It also makes him greedy, makes him want to know what it would do if you touched him more, in different ways. Inside him, the monster stirs, and Hyun-Su forces it back down.
You lift his hand and blow on the wounds that mar his knuckles. The gesture is childish, and despite himself, a smile breaks on his face.
“That’s not going to change much.”
He notices belatedly how fond his voice sounds. He’s usually so careful not to let it be so obvious, but you just surprised it out of him. If you notice, you don’t let it show. Instead, you roll your eyes at him — until you get another idea.
He looks at you in bemused interest as you lower your face towards his hand. And then he realizes what you’re doing, and his heart skips a beat.
You glance up at him, a silent request for his approval, before you go any further. He doesn’t know how to give it to you, doesn’t know if he should, if it’s safe.
He also doesn’t take his hand away.
Your lips press gently against his knuckles, and it sends a jolt through him that ignites his whole body. He can’t see himself, but he’s sure he’s blushing. When you meet his eyes again, he averts his immediately, swallows, clears his throat. But then he feels you open your fingers, letting his hand slip from your grasp, and he tightens his hold on you at the last second. He cannot bear the thought of losing your touch, not just yet.
“That—” His voice cracks. “That does help.”
“Oh,” you say, and then your thumb runs over his hand in a soft caress. He exhales, long and slow. He’d do anything for you not to let go of him.
When you stand up, his head shoots up, eyes following you like a puppy — only for you to get closer to him. You roll your lips together, still searching his expression for approval. You trace a wound on his shoulder, one he doesn’t even remember getting, if he’s being honest.
“Would it help here?” you ask.
Hyun-Su’s whole body is buzzing with the absolute, desperate need to be touched again.
All he can do is nod.
You lean in, kiss his shoulder, and he closes his eyes. He wants to drown in you. He wants you to run your hands over his body, he wants to touch you so bad, and he hates himself for remaining so still. But then you touch his cheek, trace his jaw, and he’s so infinitely thankful that you do what he can’t.
You’re the one who’s not meeting his eyes this time, as your index finger brushes against his bottom lip. There’s no wound there, they’re just chapped, and yet…
“How about here?”
He’s almost shaking in anticipation by now. He thinks he’d kill to be kissed by you — he knows the monster would. But again, he just nods.
So, standing in front of him, between his legs, you cup his cheek in the gentlest of ways, like he’s precious, and you kiss him again. It’s soft, gentle, just lips against lips.  You make a delicate sound when you part from him, and he regrets the loss of it immediately. It must be why he blurts out, before you can move any further “It still hurts.”
Your eyes go wide for a second, before a smile stretches your lips. He only gets a second to ask himself if he asked for too much, if you’re going to be disgusted with him for daring to ask, if—
You kiss him again, a little harder this time, nose pressing against his cheek. Your hands move to the back of his neck to support yourself better. Hyun-Su feels you part your lips, feels your tongue against his mouth, and that is when he loses it.
He’s happy that you have your eyes closed because, even though he feels fully in control of himself at the moment, he’s not sure which color you’d see in his just now.
He pulls you into his lap, hands on your hips at first before he moves one of them, just a little, to the small of your back. You’re all over him now, body against his, scent overwhelming, your taste on his tongue. The apartment would be quiet, if it wasn’t for the sound of your mouths together, and for the rush of his blood in his ears.
You gasp quietly into him, your teeth catch against his bottom lip and it makes him shiver. He dares then, caught in the euphoria of it all perhaps, to reach up to touch your face, long fingers stroking your cheek. His skin is on fire everywhere you touch it, but he wouldn’t give it up for the world, and he finds itself praying it never ends.
Yet it does, fairly abruptly, when he realizes, suddenly, that he’s falling. On instinct, he wraps his arms around you to protect you, and then the two of you hit the floor. The chair had to have tipped backwards at some point, without the two of you noticing.
There’s a moment of stunned silence afterwards, before you let out a quiet laugh, hiding your face in his shoulder.
Much to his surprise, he hears himself laugh as well. It just feels easy to do, when you’re in his arms. His heart is still pounding, his lips are tingling, and his breathing is shallow, but he’s feeling emotions he hasn’t felt in years.
He’s happy.
Deep inside of him, the monster takes a step back, satiated.
For now, anyway.
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i've really loved writing this and i'm quite happy with the end result, especially for something i wrote so quickly, so i hope you liked it too! please let me know your thoughts either on here, in tags, in an ask or reblog the fic, it means the world to me and it lets me know you want to see more, so it keeps me motivated!
next part
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24hlevi · 7 months
— nsfw alphabet
cha hyunsoo (sweet home) x fem!reader
summary: a nsfw alphabet with hyunsoo
warnings: language, nsfw,
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
hyunsoo usually falls asleep before any aftercare can be done, because he just gets so worn out and tired that he basically just plops on top of you and passes out. if he lasts longer without falling asleep then he’ll get you some water or anything you need.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
hyunsoo’s favorite part of your body is your hips and thighs, which he grips incredibly hard and sometimes leaves bruises on your skin. favorite part of his body is likely his hands, they’re quite skilled with all the video games he plays.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
when hyunsoo cums, he lets out the prettiest groan mixed with a whine you will ever hear.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
hyunsoo has always dreamed about getting a blowjob while on the mic playing video games, but he has yet to admit it to you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
hyunsoo is not experienced at all, but with some help and encouragement, he learns fairly fast.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
missionary or cowgirl, as long as he is able to see your face while he's fucking you, he's good with it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
hyunsoo is a more serious person in general, so he's more serious when having sex, however, he might chuckle at a joke or when you struggle to get his belt off.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
let's be honest, he probably doesn't groom much down there, it's not like terrible or irritating, but there's definitely a patch of hair.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
sooooo romantic when it comes down to it. he just wants to hold you and make you feel loved even if he gets rough with you, he's still incredibly romantic with it.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
hyunsoo definitely jacks off when you aren't around and he's horny, if you leave a piece of clothing in his apartment he will hold it close to him while he does it to be reminded of you and how he wishes it was you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
praise, duh, overstimulation, edging, maybe some roleplay
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
in the privacy of his apartment or your place strictly
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when he sees you wearing his clothes, when you’re cooking, when you pull on his hair while kissing, lots of things
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
anything where he is hurting you physically, he can degrade you to some extent but his hands are not hitting you in any shape or form, even on the ass
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
hyunsoo doesn't have a preference, he loves getting head as much as he loves eating you out, he surprisingly knows how to use his tongue almost expertly against you
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it really depends on his mood, most of the time he is pretty slow and more romantic with it, and then there are other times where he is just blowing your back out into the mattress
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
hyunsoo doesn't like them that much, he likes to take his time with you and have a nice buildup, so unless he's randomly horny at some point, it's not gonna happen
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he’s open to experiment to some extent, he won't try anything really crazy but the more normal stuff he's okay with. he doesn't take a lot of risks, either
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
in the beginning, like two rounds and he's done. now, he's up to a steady four before passing out beside you
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
he never had toys at first until he met you, then he realized how fun they could be, he definitely prefers to use them on you than having them be used on him
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
hyunsoo is not one to tease that much, unless he feels like it, then his hands are grazing across your body and waist while he mumbles what he wants to do into your ear. he loves when you tease him though
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
hyunsoo is pretty quiet, letting out a few occasional groans or whines, but he gets louder the closer he gets to cumming and will get so whiny and just starts babbling about how much he needs you
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
hyunsoo loves when you're on top as much as he loves being on top, he enjoys seeing you above him working yourself and him to an orgasm to the point he will flip you over just to pound into you
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
it's definitely on the higher side, because of him never having the opportunity to actually have sex instead of just jerking off, so be prepared in the beginning especially for him to be constantly asking for you
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
super fast, like once he's done he is done you won't get anything from him after that. he won't wait to see if you're asleep he just passes the fuck out with his arms around you
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imagine--if · 6 months
══⋆✰* Dating Cha Hyun-Su Includes: *✰⋆══
A/N: In honour of the second season of Sweet Home, this was mandatoryyyy 😁 just started off with some relationship hcs first but feel free to send some imagine or other headcanon requests through my inbox for Sweet Home characters if you're into it! These headcanons cover season one and two. Enjoy reading 🖤
Warnings: Sweet Home series spoilers, mentions of violence
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🩸• Starting from the beginning of this monstrous series of events, the most likely way you'll meet Hyun Su is at Green Home a bit before the monster outbreak and apocalypse comes along. All you'll see of the quiet, sullen young man is his weary, unfocused gaze that briefly trails up from the ground to glance up at you in acknowledgement as he bumps into you somehow while moving into his apartment in the complex. The only sign of his interest in you from first looks is his stare lingering for just a beat longer than he'd usually bother... and that's about it. Boy's too shy and broken and tired to feel like he's good enough to do much else, let alone have a shot at even being friends with someone like you, so he'll just admire you from afar every once in a while and leave you to live your life while he despises his.
🩸• HoWeVeRrR-
🩸• The apocalypse unleashes its hell before much else can happen, and before you know it, you two are out surviving in a ruined world riddled with horrifying monsters and mutations, hiding out inside Green Home as you form the group together with the rest and try to fight off the monsters inside the building along with it infecting and warping others into gruesome, inhumane figures.
🩸• This boy's absolutely damaged and drained from all he's been through before moving to Green Home, and so it takes a lot of energy for him to slowly, slowly break out of his shell and reach out to you in return. But he will. He just needs time and patience, and Hyun-Su will find himself making the tiniest amount of small talk when you're together with the rest of the surviving group in the apartment complex. Or, most likely, it'll be him giving you most of his food when you're eating by silently and gently pushing it over to you, no eye contact, no words.
🩸• Before you, he didn't have the slightest will or reason to live, and so the only idea he can think up while dragging himself around the wreck of Green Home along with the rest of the group of survivors is to follow you around and protect you. The way he wants to die is for you, shoving himself into the way of the monster or whatever else the danger is to take him instead. Hyun-Su's absolutely fine with that idea...
🩸• Until he starts falling in loveee- 😏🖤
🩸• Everyone gets used to the sight of this boy following around after you like a moon-eyed puppy, having a tall, slightly dropping shadow trailing behind your own whenever you go somewhere to find food or weapons or whatever you've been sent to find. From Season One, where Lee Eun-Hyuk tries forcing him to do everything and using his monster side as an advantage, if it involves steering clear of you or putting you in any danger, boy's had enough. Hyun-Su will defend himself in his own quiet but intense way, his dark glare bleeding into Eun-Hyuk's with a few mumbling words of a threat before he wanders off to find you again.
🩸• Hyun-Su does consider trying to completely leave you alone, since everyone's aware that he's dangerous with his monster brimming to the surface from inside of him and his other symptoms and dangerous instability being infected, but it feels like the worst form of torture. He's alone again, in a world grimmer than the last, and he has no idea what to do with himself except feel like crying and telling you everything about everything when you sit by him and ask him if he's doing alright.
🩸• I think that this guy would be mega touch-starved after living in isolation for so long after all the bullying and tragedies with his family, so having you as a comforting voice of reason and warmth is something he can't help but melt into after you've been unspoken friends during the apocalypse and doesn't have the fight left in him to reject you if you try to clean bloodstains and patch up his wounds after a nasty confrontation. After that, it's safe to say that out of the whole group of survivors together in Green Home, he'll always be naturally apprehensive and distrusting towards them all, but if it's you that's trying to point something out or is worried about something; let him go get his weapon, he's coming with you.
🩸• His general aim and instinct is to protect good people and be some source of help and comfort that's been so unfamiliar to him personally, but with you, instinct is boosted 10000000% because it's you. You're too good for this world, way too good for him, and if you die, he dies. This concept basically becomes something Hyun Su isn't even fully aware of until the point where you might almost die somehow being confronted by monsters with the others, which is where you'll witness himself having a full-on freak-out in his mind and using all his strength and darker, monstrous side to come out on top to save your life.
🩸• After the danger's gone and you're alone in a quiet room to recover and process what happened, that's all the time you need to make it official, hugging him tightly and thanking him, while Hyun-Su shakily pats your back in return before giving up and hugging you back equally as tightly, staying in a protected embrace as long as time will let you.
🩸• There's so much raw love and trust and protection in a relationship with Hyun-Su, it's unbelievable 😭 he's so clingy and sweet and ridiculously romantic in private with you until you point it out, which results in a blushing red sight and not being able to look you in the eye in bashfulness for about a straight hour before he gets over it. In public, it's still obvious that you're together, with smaller signs of affection and togetherness like holding hands, or doing that coupley thing where you whisper together in the back corners of rooms or give each other brief, subtle looks that say everything you need to understand what it means and where to run or go or something.
🩸• At first, he is a little reluctant to get too close to you because of that lingering fear of accidentally hurting you or his monster side popping out to ruin everything, but with some time and small steps, he'll eventually give up trying to be overly cautious and let him be wholly soothed by you, which was the biggest relief of all for him.
🩸• But just as you're getting properly closer and in touch with each other as romantic partners as well as best friends and survivors in this mess together, his monster alter ego personality will find it the perfect time to mess around with his head and find a way to overpower Hyun-Su, meeting you properly in the process.
🩸• Now, his monster side is a whole other story when it comes to personality, but if you think that means you'll be left alone or hated or something, think AgAiN, and then again, because no :)
🩸• Hyun-Su's monstrous side is darker, daring, dangerous, and with you, madly possessive and protective. I mean, he won't even try to hold himself back from taking things to extremes and spilling as much blood as necessary if he gets a weird vibe from someone around you, or if someone outrightly tries to attack you. Even if it's a monster like him, there's enough threat in thrashing them through a few solid walls and leaving some biting words behind before stalking off.
🩸• Monster Hyun-Su's a massive starer by the way, so those unnervingly blue eyes are going to be a sight you'll have to get used to, like literal inches away from your face when you wake up, studying you for wounds, or just studying you in general. There's something about you that's just so fascinating to him, and this side of him literally does not know what boundaries are, so he's all up in your face studying you in curiosity with a soft but dark smirk on his face, while you're just "😐"
🩸• Kind of gross but Monster Hyun-Su has the weirdest affection ever. Like, he enjoys feeding you when you're hungry, mostly questionably bloody-looking things until you get it in his head that you're not Hannibal Lecter and just want a breakfast bar or something 😭 and when this guy goes to hug you, it'll be ridiculously tight, sometimes his wing breaking out of its shell to wrap over you, which is kind of sweet. Until he goes to kiss you and it's not a kiss at all, it's more him living up to his monstrous reputation by licking at your skin like some kind of dog until you squeal and push him away, which he always finds hilarious. Meanwhile, normal Hyun-Su's mortified 😂
🩸• Normal Hyun-Su and Monstrous will most likely make an agreement between them to make sure you're kept alive and as unharmed as possible, protect you from any sort of danger, so if you thought you had a shadow following after you before the split between them, you've got a much more threatening one now, so it'd be very hard for much damage to come to you at all. And good luck if you want some time alone to wander and think by yourself, because if he doesn't straight-up follow you out with no buts like usual, he'll be watching you somewhere close at all times.
🩸• I feel like Hyun-Su's monstrous side would find it funny to make you jump, like falling down out of nowhere from a building or something right in front of you when you thought you were alone or something stupid like that. You'll give him an annoyed glare of protest, and he'll just smirk smugly and teasingly with a fake-innocent shrug of "something wrong?"
🩸• To sum up the whole. predicament you've gotten yourself into here, falling in love with Hyun-Su would pretty much protect you from ninety per cent of the apocalyptic mess of the world while being showered with all the lost love and affection and longing he thought were dead along with all the rest of his hopes and energy from the beginning. And then to keep you on your toes, you've got the monstrosity inside of his head coming out at random moments to obsess over you before Hyun-Su can come back to reality again. But whoever's at the surface, and wherever you two are, he'll always, always be there watching you and with you, one way or another.
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quack-quack-snacks · 6 months
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Floating Above Those Dark Skies
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Sweet Home Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
Pairing(s): Cha Hyun-su x Fem!Reader Summary: Living with the love of your life and the girl you love like a daughter is perfect. Except for all the bad parts. Warnings: Season 2 spoilers! Follows the dialogue of the episodes relatively strictly (I know some people like that but some people don't so it's a warning), Reader being like a second mother to Ah-yi, Hyun-su being a great big brother/father figure, slight talk of previous suicide attempts (The National Suicide and Crisis Hotline is 988. There are so many people who care about you and would love to help you. You are not alone), injuries, underage drinking (but they're in the apocalypse so who cares), canonical death, hurt with comfort, the appearance of (soft and kinda ooc) monster!Hyun-su, no use of (y/n), reader has the nickname "Lucky". Word Count: 17,132 (wow, what a doozy)
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Hyun-su led the way as you all walked to his home. Halfway there, Ah-yi complained about her feet hurting and it was then you noticed she had been barefoot this entire time. 
‘We definitely need to fix that,’ you thought. 
Before Hyun-su could even open his mouth, you crouched down and extended your hands out to her. She rushed forward to jump into your arms with a tired smile. When you straightened back up, she rested her head against your shoulder and was out like a light within a few minutes. 
“She seems to like you a lot,” Hyun-su whispered fondly as a gentle smile laid itself on his lips. After making sure she was secure in your arms, you smiled back at him and dropped one hand from holding her to hold his hand. 
“I guess I’m just a toddler whisperer. I think she likes me better than you,” you joked and he let out a scoff while squeezing your hand.
“Yeah, sure. Whatever,” he told you in an offended tone you could tell was fake by the smile threatening to break his facade. 
After a few minutes of comfortable silence as you walked, you asked the question that had been burning in your mind since you saw him again with the girl in your arms. “So… who is she?” 
He let out a heavy sigh before pushing a tree branch out of the way for you to walk through since your hands were full. 
Always the gentleman.
“She’s Seo Yi-kyung’s baby.”
You let out a quiet gasp. “What? But she hadn’t even been pregnant for half a year? And this is at least a 4-year-old child!” You whisper shouted at him, completely shocked by the information. 
“I don’t fully understand it either, but I do know she’s hers,” he assured you and you let out a sigh, your eyes wide as you tried to process the information. 
“So, is she a monster-human mix as well? Is she like you?” You asked. You hadn’t noticed the way Hyun-su snapped his head towards you because you were too focused on the girl in your arm, letting out small breaths that tickled your neck. The way you said the sentence was so unlike anything he had heard before - especially relating to talking about monsters and neohumans. You sounded so soft, not an ounce of judgment or resentment in your voice. You sounded like no matter what the answer was you wouldn’t treat her any differently. You would adore her just as much as you were in that moment with your face buried in her hair as she let out quiet snores in her sleep. He gave a soft smile at the thought. 
“I think so. She's grown so much since I first met her. Her actual age is around 5 or 6 months.”
“Wow,” you breathed and he couldn’t help but marvel at the way your voice embodied adoration and your smile was so bright it set the sky on fire despite the sun falling over the horizon. “That’s… wow.”
The rest of the walk was spent in silence. At some point, Hyun-su’s hand moved from holding yours to circling your waist as you hugged Ah-yi to your chest protectively. Eventually, the three of you arrived at a dock where a large boat was parked. 
 You weren’t all too surprised to find he had lived on a boat for the past half-year but you couldn’t help the small part that didn’t believe him when he told you. 
He hopped up onto the boat first before helping you, careful not to wake Ah-yi. After the two of you were safely atop the boat, he led you to the captain’s quarters and helped you lay the girl in your arms down onto the nest of blankets and sweaters assembled to make a bed. Her dress had dried surprisingly quickly on the way to the boat, the only thing left to be damp was her hair.
 You weren’t so lucky.
Your clothes stuck to your skin uncomfortably but you refused to complain, giving a - hopefully convincing - smile to Hyun-su when he saw you detach your shirt from your chest with a grimace. He walked away for a few moments and you sat down at the entrance to the captain’s quarters, resting your head against the door frame until his soft footsteps brought your attention back to him. He stood in front of you with a pair of folded clothes in his hands. 
“I have these if you want to change into some fresh clothes. I don’t have any towels but this might help.”
The hesitant and shy look on his face made a smile break out on your own. You gave him a nod and took the clothes from his hands. You didn’t comment on how they were exactly your size but it made your heart flutter. 
“Thank you,” you told him genuinely.
He nodded back at you before pointing to a door inside the quarters. “In there is a bathroom for whenever you want to change. I’ll wait for you out here.”
You nodded and turned before the smitten smile overcame your face stupidly at the thought. He just said he would wait for you and you could feel your heartbeat quickening alarmingly while heat rose to your cheeks. You walked into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror. It was kind of scary. You hadn’t seen your reflection in a few months, never venturing into any areas with cars and rarely going near water. All the mirrors in the women's locker room back at the stadium had been broken after a monster outbreak and the monster breaking all of them because she was ‘too ugly.’ 
You honestly almost forgot what you looked like, but you were beautiful. You had always thought of yourself as a relatively attractive person but never the kind that would make someone turn their head. Now, you found yourself unable to look away. Your skin was glowing, whether that be from the sweat collecting from the walk or the water, you didn’t know. Any blood that had collected on you over the past few weeks had been rinsed off in the lake and you relished in the feeling of being clean of it for once, despite how the stickiness of the wet clothes you were still wearing still made you feel a bit dirty.
Snapping out of your amazement, you quickly took your old clothes off, replacing them with the ones Hyun-su had given you. It was a simple pair of dark gray sweatpants and a maroon short-sleeved shirt. You took off your unbearably uncomfortable socks and replaced them with the soft wool socks he provided as well. Now dry, you exited the bathroom to see Hyun-su had stuck to his word and was waiting for you as he leaned against the door frame of the room, though this time in a different, dryer outfit. 
“Hey,” you said softly to get his attention. He looked over at you and smiled when he saw you all dressed and dryer than before. 
“Hey,” he whispered back. He held his hands out for you to give him your wet clothes and you did reluctantly. He walked over to the edge of the boat and laid them over the edge so they could dry before returning to you. “Well, you should get some sleep.”
As if his words were magic, you suddenly felt the events of the day hit you like a truck and you yawned, nodding your agreement. “I think that’s a good idea.”
You gave a quick look around the room before deciding to sleep next to Ah-yi with your head using a part of her ‘bed’ as a pillow.
Hyun-su winced as he saw you settle against the hard floor of the boat and walked forward without thinking. He gently grabbed your shoulders, lifting you and then settling you against his chest while you sat in between his legs. 
You blushed but said nothing as you settled with your cheek pressed against his chest, his heartbeat echoing against your ear and calming your nerves.
“Sleep,” he told you and tightened his grip around you. “I’ll keep watch.”
Your tongue felt heavy with sleep as you spoke your next words with a slight slur. “But what about you?”
He let out a soft laugh as he heard your breathing even out almost immediately after your sentence ended. He let his head rest against the wall behind him as he kept his gaze on the door.
“I’ll be okay,” he whispered as he briefly looked down at your peaceful sleeping face. “As long as you’re here with me…”
~A Week Into The Apocalypse, In Green Home~
It had been a week since the apocalypse started, and you had barely seen Hyun-su. The way the other residents and survivors treated him caused you to be so angry. You were thankful that at least one person - Eun-yu - didn’t treat him like a monster. 
She wasn’t much different though, considering she still avoided him most of the time. 
It was after the reappearance of Yi-kyung and the failed mission to retrieve medicine for Ji-su and her surgery that you got the chance to talk to him for more than just a quick goodbye or hello. 
“All alone?” You asked him as you approached the staircase. The candle in your hands burned a bright yellow and smelled of cinnamon sugar. His head looked up at where you were approaching and nodded as you settled yourself on the stairs with him. Although he appreciated you trying to give him space and sitting a short distance away, he couldn’t help but wish you were closer. You smiled at him and smoothed your hands along your pants when you were seated. 
“Are you scared?” 
The question through you off guard. Giving a quick look around the room, you didn’t see anything that you would consider to be a threat so you weren’t really sure what he was talking about. 
“Of what?” You asked, tilting your head in confusion at the boy. 
He mirrored your head tilt with a confused look of his own. Inwardly you laughed at how the two of you must look like confused dogs when their owners told them a command they didn’t understand. 
“Of… me?” He questioned again and a small laugh left you when you finally realized. 
“Oh, Hyun-su,” you reached over to gently grab his hand as you looked him deeply in the eyes. “I promise you I could never be scared of you.”
He looked down with a small smile at that and you could see the small hints of red on his ears and cheeks. 
“So, I’ve been meaning to ask you,” you started and gently released his hand. He immediately felt cold at the lack of your added warmth. “I never tried because I wasn’t sure if you even wanted to talk to me, but is there a reason why you never came by? Even after you were given a choice to leave the quarantining room?”
He paused as he thought for a moment. “I thought you didn’t want to see me. You were the only person not put on guard duty so I figured it was because you asked not to.”
You let out a sad sigh. “Shit, I’m sorry. I promise that’s not what happened.”
He looked up at you with sad, confused little puppy eyes. “It’s not?” 
You shook your head. “The first, and only, time I was put on guard duty, I tried breaking the lock on the door,” you told him and looked away sheepishly. 
“Really?” He asked after a moment of stunned silence. 
You nodded in assurance. “After that, Eun-hyuk tried to do whatever he could to keep me as far away from you as possible. I was hoping that would change since you got out but now I know why it didn’t,” you smiled at him sweetly and he felt the heat rise to his cheeks so he looked away. “You know,” you continued. “I always saw you stop by my door right before you would leave, but you never said anything. Was that also because you thought I didn’t want to talk to you?”
“Partially. It was mainly so I could just see you before I left. Every time I thought I was going to die I thought about returning so I could at least try to fix whatever was happening,” he told you. Now he was the one who looked sheepish as he scratched the back of his neck. “I always backed out at the last minute though.”
You smiled and scooted closer to him on the stairs, moving down so you were on the same level and making it so only half a foot of space separated you. “I guess I was like your lucky charm then, wasn’t I?” You teased and lightly bumped your shoulder against his. 
“Yeah, I guess you were.”
~Back To The Present~
It had been about a month since you reunited with Hyun-su. You’d grown closer to Ah-yi in no time. She looked up to you and it seemed she just needed another girl in her life to have around. Your favorite part about growing closer to her was she had upgraded your honorific from ‘Miss’ to ‘Unni’ which made your heart clench adoringly every time.
The first time Hyun-su decided to make a trip into the city to collect some supplies, he was so hesitant to leave the two of you alone. You promised you would protect Ah-yi and yourself with whatever it takes; that seemed to be enough for him to be comfortable enough to leave. He never lost his hesitancy to leave the two of you alone despite each time he came back the two of you would be fine.
The most recent time was no different. You sat on top of a large, red, metal shipping container with Ah-yi as the two of you drew using the chalk you were fortunate enough to find a few days ago.
“That looks beautiful, Ah-yi! You are such a good artist,” you praised her on her drawing and she visibly beamed. It was a simple drawing of some flowers and her, you, and Hyun-su. It was clear it was made by a child but it was so beautiful in your eyes. 
“Thank you, Unni!” You ruffled her hair which she squealed at until you noticed Hyun-su walking towards the two of you with a smile on his face and a hand hiding behind his back while the other supported a red bag over his shoulder. “Oppa!” Ah-yi exclaimed and you smiled at her excitement. 
He rounded the corner of the large container and brought the hand hiding behind his back out to place a pair of pink shoes on the top. Ah-yi gasped while you had a big smile on your face. 
“Come on!” You urged her and she sat on the edge of the box so Hyun-su could slip the shoes onto her feet with the cutest smile ever on his face. Once the shoes were on, he held his hands out for her and she eagerly jumped down, having full faith that he wouldn’t drop her. Once he set her down, he reached his hands out for you to take and you gave him a funny look. 
“What’s wrong, Lucky?” He voiced his thoughts with a confused tilt of his head. You rolled your eyes at him while smiling. Your heart fluttered at the nickname. He’d started calling you it more often since the two of you reunited and yet it still gave you butterflies.  
“I’m okay, I can get down by myself,” you reassured him and turned around while you slowly lowered yourself from the canister, your front facing the metal. 
You heard Hyun-su softly breathe out a laugh from behind you before a hand grabbed onto the back of your shirt and pulled. You let out a yelp as you felt yourself falling only to land bridal style in Hyun-su’s arms. You clicked your tongue in faux annoyance and crossed your arms while he tried to hide the smug smile on his lips. 
“Going full ‘knight in shining armor’ mode, are we now?” You teased him and he blushed, pointedly avoiding your gaze. Suddenly, your stomach dipped as you felt him pretend to drop you and your arms wrapped themselves around his neck while he looked at you with another self-satisfied smirk.
“Well, it looks like my ‘princess’ needs her ‘knight in shining armor,’” he said softly as he looked away from you and you slapped his chest. He kneeled down when Ah-yi ran up to him. Knowing exactly what he was offering, she used one of his extended hands along with yours to help prop herself onto his shoulders. Hyun-su regained his grip on you as he grabbed the red bag he had set down and stood back up to his full height before starting the walk in the direction of the boat. You rolled your eyes, knowing any protests about him carrying you would be brushed off. Instead, you just snatched the red bag from his hand, placing it on your lap and holding it tightly to your body as you gave him a challenging glare. He just rolled his eyes with a fond smile and continued walking. 
The three of you made small talk as he carried you. Ah-yi explained what you and her had done while Hyun-su was venturing off and you chimed in every now and then with a comment. Hyun-su explained how he saw a peculiar monster today.
“It was like a mermaid with wings.”
Then, you both went on to explain what a mermaid was to the child. 
When you arrived at the boat, Hyun-su set the both of you down and Ah-yi started pulling you to the edge of the boat. You laughed as you walked up to the contraption. It was during your first week that you made the efficient self-fishing machine. It was a relatively simple mechanism that was made of a bunch of fishing poles and a homemade weight sensor. Whenever one of the poles was tugged on by something in the water, the device yanked it up and whatever was attached to the hook was left dangling in the air. 7 times out of 10, the hook was caught on litter in the ocean or a monster that was able to detach itself but there were the 3 times where you would catch a fish or two and the three of you would share it for dinner. 
It became a bit of a game for Ah-yi and yourself, guessing if the day would end with a fresh meal or a degrading empty can with barnacles growing on the side. 
As Hyun-su smiled at the two of you, he walked over to the stairs leading to the roof of the captain’s quarters and sat on the top, watching the sunset. No matter how many times you invited him to join the two of you, he always refused. It was nice you had a special activity to bond with Ah-yi over and he used that as his excuse every time.
It wasn’t even 10 minutes later as you were skinning the rare fish you’d caught with Ah-yi watching attentively as you explained the different anatomy parts to her that Hyun-su noticed a familiar face climbing the steps of the boat. He climbed down and started walking over to her while the two of you stayed distracted. You only looked over and noticed the two when you heard their footsteps. You carefully set down the knife and fish, wiping your hands on a stray towel beside you, and stood up to walk over beside Hyun-su. Ah-yi followed up behind you, grabbing onto the back of your shirt shyly. 
“I came too late, didn’t I?” Yi-kyung asked from in front of you as she looked at the girl shyly standing behind you. You decided not to answer considering you still weren’t sure how you felt about the whole situation of her leaving her child. Instead, Hyun-su answered her question.
“Not at all. You’re here now, right?”
She looked down and you could see the guilt and regret on her face. Slowly, you turned around to face Ah-yi. “That’s your mommy,” you told her and she looked at her hands shyly. “Why don’t you say hi.”
You lightly pushed her in the direction of Yi-kyung and the woman kneeled so she was face to face with her.
“Hi there,” you heard her whisper to the girl while you stood up to your full height. You wrapped your arms around Hyun-su’s waist and leaned into him while you watched them interact. Yi-kyung brought her into a hug and you smiled at the relief that settled on her face. 
Over the next few months, you and Hyun-su traveled through the city together, occasionally going back to visit Yi-kyung and Ah-yi but mainly wanting to give them the privacy a mother and daughter should have. It was adorable to come back and see the markings on the wall increase where Yi-kyung marked her daughter’s growth every day. Everything seemed to be going perfectly for the family of two.
Up until that day.
You had an awful feeling in the pit of your stomach for the entire day, feeling as if something bad was going to happen and you needed to get back to the two girls on the boat. When you shared your feelings with Hyun-su, he didn’t question it for a second, immediately going with you to rush back. 
When you arrived at the boat, you found a teenage girl covered in blood wearing the same dress as the little girl you’d grown to love while sitting on the bed blankets and jackets. You walked slowly towards her and she snapped her head up when she saw your feet enter her vision from where she had her head hung low. You kneeled in front of her, tentatively reaching a hand out to hold her cheek and she leaned into it.
Just like Ah-yi always did.
You let out a shaky breath as you finally voiced the question. 
She nodded, her eyes filled with fear.
Fear of resentment.
Fear of abandonment.
Fear of your fear. 
You just let out a sigh, whether it was from relief or surprise, you didn’t know. What you did know was that this was your Ah-yi and you would love her no matter what form she would take. You wrapped your arms around her and brought her in for a hug which she returned immediately. Relief coursed through her body so evidently that you could practically hear it. 
“It’s okay. Everything’s okay,” you dispelled her fears, bringing her closer and rocking her as she cried into your shoulder and told you what happened. You smoothed down her bloodied hair, not caring about how she was staining your clothes with the blood coating her. 
Once she calmed down a bit more, you gathered a rag from the bathroom.
“I’ll be right back, okay?” You promised her and she nodded. You turned and left, closing the door behind you and giving her a playful wink through the window which she giggled quietly at. Hyun-su followed you as you walked down the stairs of the boat and to the edge of the water. As you kneeled down to dip the rag into the lake's water, you started asking the questions on your mind about what Ah-yi told you happened.
“How did they even find this place? How did they find out about her being mixed?” You asked Hyun-su. His lips twitched into a small smile when he heard you refer to her as ‘mixed.’ He remembers you telling him the reasoning behind it like it was yesterday.
“I don’t like the word ‘monster.’ I always associated the word ‘monster’ with someone who acts evilly and neither of you are like that. I know you’re not entirely human anymore but I refuse to call you monsters. Human or not, you are still a good person.”
It was the moment he had set it in stone that you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. 
“I don’t know,” he answered your questions. “But I have a bad feeling about the whole thing,” he paused momentarily before continuing. “What do you think we should do about the whole… touch thing she has?” He asked you and you frowned in thought.
“Well, I don’t think we should do anything. It’s a part of who she is and she shouldn’t feel the need to be ashamed of it. I don’t necessarily think she should use it on people, least of all those undeserving of it, but she can learn to control it. She doesn’t have to live in fear of herself.”
Just as Hyun-su was about to reply to your heartwarming statement, the two of you were interrupted by Ah-yi screaming and crying from the boat. You both ran in the direction of the scream and when you got there you saw Yi-kyung with her head down as blood dripped from her eye while Ah-yi was rubbing at a wound on her forearm. 
“What’s going on?” Hyun-su questioned in a panic. Seeing the bloody knife on the ground as well as a bloody pencil, you pieced together what happened. It seemed Hyun-su did too, if his sigh was any way to tell. “Why did you have to do this?”
Yi-kyung let out a few heavy breaths as she breathed through the pain coursing through her eye. “I’m her mother. No matter how she changes, or what form she takes… I need to recognize my little girl. I won’t ever lose her.”
It was then you realized the wound Yi-kyung inflicted on Ah-yi was black. You let out another sigh, anger, and understanding fighting for control of your emotions as you realized the purpose of her actions. She may have had better intentions behind the action, but how she carried it out was not the way to go. 
As Yi-kyung rose and left the scene, you sat down in front of Ah-yi, carefully reaching for her left arm where the wound had already healed. You gently used the rag to wipe down her arm, then her other arm, and then her face. You wiped down all the blood that tainted her smooth skin while she sat there silently, most likely in shock by what just happened. The domestic act, despite the violent acts that brought it about, brought a wave of emotion over Hyun-su as he watched the two of you. 
It made him realize how much he wanted a family with you one day. 
After Ah-yi was all clean, you gave her a pair of clothes to change into while you and Hyun-su went to the opposite side of the boat to talk while you waited for her. When she came out, you walked over to give her a hug which she gladly accepted. She squeezed you just as tightly as you squeezed her. You wished you could engrave it into her brain that you would never, could never, be afraid of her. 
Afterward, she went to sit on a barrel, swinging her legs back and forth while you watched her and leaned against Hyun-su’s embrace. It was all so calm until Yi-kyung appeared from the boat’s stairs and walked towards Ah-yi with purpose. Ah-yi, still angry at her mother for what she did, hopped off the barrel and started walking away but was stopped when Yi-kyung’s hand wrapped around her bicep and aggressively pulled her back. The woman shoved her daughter’s hands into a pair of pink gloves connected by a rope that she placed behind the girl’s neck. 
“Don’t take those off no matter what. Understand?” Yi-kyung told her daughter. You rushed forward, feeling anger simmer beneath your blood at the sudden display of aggression she started showing toward her daughter. 
“Hey, don’t you think this is a bit extreme?” You told her, standing in between the two girls. You felt Ah-yi grip your shirt from behind you. You could tell even if her body had grown more, she was still used to her childhood ways of having you protect her. 
“She’s my daughter, I will do as I see fit,” Yi-kyung told you sternly before swiftly turning around and walking back down the stairs of the boat, leaving the three of you alone. 
You turned around to face the girl and sighed when you saw her speed-walking to her sleeping space in the captain’s quarters and locking the door behind her. You and Hyun-su decided to just set up camp outside the door, leaving her alone for the time being so she could sort out her thoughts. 
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of Yi-kyung panicking. You instinctively looked around, looking to protect Ah-yi until you realized she wasn’t there. You rushed to stand up and ran to where her mother was breathing heavily and pacing back and forth.
“What’s going on? Where’s Ah-yi?” You questioned and she turned to face you.
“I don’t know! I was looking for her this morning and I can’t find her anywhere!”
“Shit,” you muttered to yourself. Your thoughts were racing, trying to think of any place she could possibly be. When you finally landed on an answer, you started walking off.
“Where are you going?” Yi-kyung called out to you and you scoffed, not bothering to face her as you continued walking. 
“To find your daughter.”
When you got to the garden dome, the rusting doors were firmly closed unlike the previous times you were here with Ah-yi. Not deterred in any way, you rammed into the doors, successfully sending them flying open. You winced at the loud noise and walked in. 
“Ah-yi!” You yelled out, praying your instinct was right and she was here.
“Go away, Unni,” you heard her soft voice tell you from further into the garden. 
Sighing, you walked closer until you saw her sitting on the grass flooring while playing with a flower. 
“Ah-yi, why don’t you come home?” You tried but she just shook her head. When you realized she wasn’t going to say anything else, you walked closer.
Imagine your surprise when she scrambled away from you, desperate to keep the space between you two. 
“Ah-yi, what’s wrong?” You asked gently, stopping in your tracks to give her the space she desired. 
“Don’t touch me! I might hurt you!” She exclaimed fearfully through a sob and you cursed her mother for putting that image in her head. Taking another slow and gentle step toward her, you internally cheered when she didn’t move away. You took more steps toward her until you were sitting right in front of her and your hand reached for hers. 
When she pulled back, you gave her the best reassuring smile you could muster. “Sweetie, I know that you won’t hurt me. I promise.”
She hesitated but when you reached for her hands again she let you take them. You gave her a smile and squeezed her hand before pulling her into your chest. Your arms wrapped around her shoulders and held her tightly while she started crying more, her body wracking with the violent sobs she let out. 
“I just don’t understand why she hates me so much! Those men hurt me first!” She sobbed into the crook of your neck and you softly caressed her hair, brushing the loose leaves and grass strands out. 
“I know, I’m so sorry she did that to you. You definitely didn’t deserve that,” you reassured her and lifted your chin to rest your head on top of hers when you saw Hyun-su leaning against a wall while watching the two of you with a frown. You used a hand to wave him over and he slowly walked over so he was sitting about a foot away from the two of you. You looked back down at her and kissed her forehead lovingly. “I don’t want you to be afraid of yourself. You did what you had to do in that situation and no one is blaming you for it. Your mom is just…” you hesitated, looking to Hyun-su for support on how to explain the girl’s mother’s actions in a way that wouldn’t drag her name through the mud any more than it already was.
“Your mom was just worried,” Hyun-su intervened when he noticed your pleading gaze, bringing a hand to rest against Ah-yi’s back comfortingly. Ah-yi jumped a bit, startled, but otherwise didn’t do anything. “It was a shock to her to not only see you grow 10 years older in a few seconds but also to see how you dealt with those men. She didn’t want to lose you.”
“You mean she was scared. Scared of me,” she argued.
The both of you stayed quiet for a minute before you spoke again. “I know it doesn’t seem like it now because of what happened yesterday, but I promise you she loves you,” she started crying again and you just hugged her tighter to you. “And if you don’t believe me, at least know that I love you.”
It was the first time you’d expressed that to her in words and she looked up at you in surprise. 
The pure innocence and surprise in her tone were enough for a genuine smile to break out on your face. 
“Of course,” you told her sincerely and brushed her overgrown bangs to the side of her face. 
‘I guess I should trim those soon,’ you thought to yourself. 
“How could I not love you? You’re amazing!” You teased her lightly and she grinned at you. “You’re like a daughter to me, Ah-yi. I can’t see a life in which I wouldn’t love you.”
She dug her head into the crook of your neck again at your words. 
“I just stopped crying,” she complained with a whine that made you laugh. “Don’t make me start again!”
“Okay! Okay,” you caved and leaned back to look at her again. “Why don’t we go home now?” She hesitated for a moment before nodding decisively. 
The three of you stood up and you offered your hand to Ah-yi without a second of hesitation, something you could see in her eyes she appreciated. 
“Ah-yi,” Hyun-su said as the boat came into view in front of you all. You’d stopped by the lake where you saved her all those months ago on the way back and spent a few hours there. Both of you could tell she didn’t really want to go home yet so you extended the day as long as you could. 
She hummed and looked over at him from where you had her propped up on your back in a piggyback ride. She had stepped on a rock and dramatically complained about it until one of you just decided to pick her up and bring her along. 
That someone being you. 
“I…” he hesitated and you freed up a hand to reach over and give his hand a reassuring squeeze. “I need you to do me a favor. When we get back, I need you to go easy on your mom.”
You could feel her body tensing on your back, not expecting his words to be that. You quickly intervened. “We don’t expect you to forgive her anytime soon. Hell, I don’t really expect you to ever forgive her, but I think we both agree that you should give her another chance,” you told her. She huffed and rested her chin on your head childishly. “We’ll talk to her whenever we get back and tell her what she did was wrong, but she was only trying to keep you with her.”
There were a few moments where Ah-yi stayed silent as you walked and you got nervous about what her reaction would be until she sighed. 
You sighed in relief and smiled. What you wouldn’t tell her is that the ‘talk’ you would be having would most likely be a screaming match between the two of you while Hyun-su tried to be the mediator. 
It had been about a month since that day and you’d stayed with Ah-yi and Yi-kyung for about half of it. The rest of the time, you and Hyun-su traveled through the city together, enjoying the feeling of being free with each other and occasionally spying on the soldiers of the stadium when they went out on their supply runs. 
“I have a bad feeling,” Hyun-su told you one day while the two of you were washing a muddied shirt in the river. 
“Let’s go check it out then,” you told him, standing up and wiping your hands on your trousers but he held his hand up. 
“I… I don’t think you should come with me.”
You looked at him, feeling shocked and slightly hurt but masking it under a calm exterior. “O-oh. Oka-”
“I just mean it feels dangerous. I don’t really know how to explain it,” he interrupted you quickly, hesitantly taking one of your hands and squeezing it reassuringly. 
You gave him a small frown. “But I don’t want you to be in any danger either.”
He smiled confidently at you and stared deeply into your eyes. “I promise I will be okay. Just stay in the shed until I get back. I’ll be back in a few hours at most.”
After a moment of hesitation, your eyes flicking between the broken down shed behind you and Hyun-su’s dark mocha brown eyes, you nodded in agreement. He smiled at you before turning in the opposite direction and starting to walk away. Just as he started to get out of arm's length, you tightened the grip you had around his hand. He turned back to you, tilting his head in question but your head was down, your eyes focused on his hand where you gently played with his fingers. 
“Please return to me,” you whispered, barely audible to him and he sighed. Taking a step forward, he wrapped his arms around you, one resting on the back of your head and the other around your waist. 
“I will, Lucky. I always will.”
Eun-yu walked down the empty street of the city, darkness clouding every corner and making her jump at every noise. She wasn’t nearly as experienced as you when it came to venturing off alone and outside of the stadium so it was all new to her. This was her first time out of the stadium, let alone all by herself, and she had barely any idea of what to do or where to go. It all started when she was waiting for you at the exit you used to go through when you went on your personal expeditions. 
She wasn’t dumb. She knew you were leaving every day and trying to hurt yourself, yet every day you came back safe. Maybe a little broken and bruised at times, but alive nonetheless. Despite the two of you not being close, she still cared about you more than anything. You were the closest thing to a friend that she had. She was positive you didn’t remember this, but she had helped comfort you one night as you cried after another - but also thankfully your last - attempt to leave this world. You told her about the force that kept you alive, protecting you from monsters and from yourself. You told her about how you blame yourself for Hyun-su’s disappearance and how he was most likely dead. You told her everything. Afterward, you ended up passing out in her embrace and sleeping the entirety of the next day away while she stayed by your side to ward off anyone wanting to wake you. 
Once you woke up, you seemed normal. The same expressionless look on your face as you went on with your day. It stayed that way for a long time. Eun-yu tried her best to do subtle things to help you; to make you feel more wanted and make you blame yourself less.
Until one day, you never came back. 
You leaving and never returning is what led her to be standing at the exit not even a week ago, feeding some of her rations to a small stray kitten. It’s what led her to stay there even when Chan-young approached her and asked her what she was doing. It’s what made her stay even after a young girl she hadn’t recognized revealed herself. It’s what made her stay despite the pleas to go back inside from Chan-young and allowed her to see the woman she thought had died show up and take the girl with her. 
It is also what led her here, all alone looking for you or the girl or Yi-kyung. Whilst finding you was her main goal, she would be satisfied with any of the three. 
She lost Chan-young somewhere along the way after he was poisoned by the girl accompanying that old man but she didn’t let that deter her. 
Now, in the dark shadows looming over the alleyways she walked through, a long metal pipe clutched in one of her hands, she searched the abandoned city with the need to find you forcing down any fear she was feeling. The unoccupied hand had an old piece of clothing wrapped around it, protecting any dirt from getting into the wound where she protected Yeong-su from that soldier.
She often wondered if you knew how much you inspired her to be brave and protect those around her.
After some time, she found herself standing in front of a large greenhouse. Most of the windows were broken and she could see the plants inside had overgrown their once pristinely gardened form, but it was gorgeous regardless. The moonlight shone through the broken glass and cast spotlights of glimmering luminescence across the vegetation. She took a moment to admire everything, noting how you would’ve loved a space like this until she heard a growling sound from behind her and her guard immediately went back up. Moving the pipe so it was tightly grasped in her hands like a baseball bat, she held it defensively and slowly crept closer to the source of the growling. The large crater in the ground made her sick, reminding her of the tragedy that happened less than a year ago when the government tried to kill as many people as possible in order to ‘save humanity from itself.’ 
As she got closer, she raised the pipe over her head, ready to strike at any moment. The growling of the monster got louder as she approached and she prepared herself to swing until-
“He won’t attack you.”
Eun-yu turned around, facing the new voice and seeing the same girl from before. She lowered the pipe, letting it hang loosely at her side as the girl took slow steps toward her. Since she was almost positive this girl would have nothing to do with you, she instead asked about Yi-kyung. “I’m looking for Yi-kyung. You know where she is, right?” The girl stayed silent, gradually getting closer as she continued with her measured footsteps. “I have to meet with her.”
The two girls stared at each other as the younger girl approached. Silence stilled the air until it was broken.
“Mom… the people… they’re all bad.”
“Did you say ‘Mom’?” Eun-yu questioned, her face portraying her confusion and shock.
‘She couldn’t mean Yi-’
“You’re no different,” the girl concluded, taking her last few steps forward more quickly and launching Eun-yu down into the hole behind her. Feeling the ground disappear from below her feet and the wind rush through her hair, she screamed. 
A scream.
A scream was what stopped you from continuing your washing of Hyun-su and your clothes. You snapped your head in the direction of the noise so fast you were worried you got whiplash. Unconsciously clutching the current piece of clothing you’d been washing in your hands, you started sprinting in the direction of the noise. As you got closer, the area around you got brighter and you noticed it becoming increasingly more familiar to you. It was when you saw the familiar metal canisters that you realized you were near the boat.
It was also when you realized the boat was on fire. 
You gasped as you saw the flames licking away at the deck in the distance, pushing your body past its limits as you forced yourself to go faster, faster, faster. You were beyond terrified at the implications the fire had.
‘Was this the bad feeling Hyun-su had?’ You asked yourself. You tried your best to stay as positive as possible until you got there but it was difficult with all the possibilities swirling in your mind. However, there was one possibility you clung to: while the boat burning was bad in itself, maybe nobody was on it.
When you got to the stairs of the boat, you climbed them as quickly as you could, ignoring the pain in your foot when you slipped down one and ended up stepping on it wrong.
‘That’s a problem for later.’
You got to the top, not seeing anybody in the burning embers surrounding you. Quickly covering your mouth with the still-damp piece of fabric in your hands and thanking yourself for unconsciously holding onto it, you ran around the top of the deck, looking for any signs of life while simultaneously praying for none. Seeing nothing, your mind ran at a hundred miles per hour as you tried to decide if that was a good or bad thing. 
“Cha Hyun-su!” You screamed out, the use of his last name representing your evident panic. “Seo Ah-yi!” It was when you circled the captain’s quarters that you saw a familiar lean body. “Seo Yi-kyung!” 
You rushed forward, sliding down to your knees as you reached her and turning her onto her back. You winced as you saw the burn marks and ash littering across the side of her face. You brought the wet clothing down from where it covered your mouth and nose, quickly replacing it with the cuff of your jacket as you used the wet fabric to cover Yi-kyung’s nose. The fire caught onto your pants and you scrambled to put it out, letting out muffled screams into your sleeve as it burned your skin. 
You watched as the small baby monster you knew to be Ah-yi’s friend approached you and Yi-kyung. You were mainly confused about why it showed up here willingly, usually, monsters were terrified of fire and would avoid it at all costs but that didn’t seem to be the case. 
“Go away! Get out of here!” You screamed at the baby but it just babbled at you, running up to you and setting out the fire on your pants. Then, it began to circle around the two of you, using its body to roll out any fire that got too close. You quietly sobbed, your tears feeling like ice against your flaming skin. “Thank you,” you whispered to the small creature, feeling so grateful yet guilty for the way it was putting itself in danger for you. 
Suddenly, as you felt yourself fading out of consciousness, the exhaustion from the run over, and the pain in your foot getting to you, you heard a familiar voice call out for you.
Eun-yu screamed out as she fell until she quieted, accepting her death to be by falling down a large hole while not knowing if her only friend was dead or alive. Just as she lost all hope, the sound of something whipping through the wind above caught her attention along with a familiar large wing made of bone and muscle only. It was only for a moment that she caught a glimpse of the boy’s face before his arm wrapped around her body and they shot up. 
Reaching the top, Hyun-su swung around so his body would take the brunt of the fall and they crashed. Sliding across the concrete, he used his wing to slow them down as much as possible and keep her as unharmed as he could. Barely taking a minute to breathe when they came to a stop, Hyun-su opened his arm and rolled Eun-yu off before standing back up. 
“Cha Hyun-su,” the girl tried, struggling to lift herself from the ground. Receiving no response as he continued walking toward Ah-yi, who was watching curiously from the other side of the crater, she tried again. “Cha Hyun-su!” She finally made it to her feet as she screamed.
Hyun-su let out a breath. He took a moment to force his eyes to return to their natural state instead of the endless void that would consume him when in his monster state before slowly turning around to face her.
“Are you really just gonna leave like that?” She asked him, more quietly this time as he faced her. His wing flapped lightly at his side, whistling through the wind in an ethereally beautiful way. 
At least, that’s how you would often describe it.
“Were you expecting a hug or something?” He asked her in a blank tone and she looked at him with exasperated annoyance. 
“Yeah, I was. I expected at least a ‘Glad to see you. How’ve you been?’” She retorted back at him, getting angrier by the moment at the completely blank look on his face. 
“But I’m not glad to see you,” he told her and she couldn’t help but expect it. She knew they weren’t close. Nowhere near as close as you were with Hyun-su. You always tried so hard to make him feel included, to fight for his rights even when Eun-hyuk kept you as far away from him as possible. After you tried to break the lock of the door that one time, he gave strict instructions to everyone who had a guard duty that they were not to allow you near the room. You would always leave Eun-hyuk with the same phrase after each failed attempt to see the boy.
“You’re a coward. You won’t go up the stairs to retrieve the residents’ items yourself and then you treat the man who does do it like scum. I can’t believe you.”
It was what made her like you in the first place. While she knew you and Hyun-su had known each other for a brief period before the apocalypse, she couldn’t help but admire how you stood up for the boy without a second thought. She was pretty sure she realized your feelings for him before even you did. 
“You weren’t supposed to know how to leave the stadium. You should’ve just stayed away,” Hyun-su’s voice broke her out of her brief flash of memories. 
“It was you all along…” she started, taking a stuttering step toward him. “That night with the rope… all the times she tried to kill herself… it was you who saved her, wasn’t it?”
By the lack of surprise or questioning on his face, she knew her answer. They stayed silent for a few more seconds, Eun-yu waiting for an answer and Hyun-su trying to provide one. Though his face remained monotonous, he was trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t give her too much information but would satisfy her concern and need to know. 
“We crossed paths. I figured since we weren’t strangers I might as well help her out. I know what it’s like. She doesn’t deserve that kind of a death. That’s it. Nothing more,” he looked at her, making sure his words weren’t just floating in one ear and out the other. “You understand?” 
Without waiting for her to respond, he turned around again, rolling his eyes.
‘I have to get back to-’ 
“That’s bullshit and we both know it!” Eun-yu yelled from behind him, interrupting his thoughts. She took fast purposeful steps toward him as she continued to speak. “You’re in love with her, she was your everythin-!”
Hyun-su brought his wing down and scraped the concrete behind him, only a few feet away from where Eun-yu was standing. She held her breath, waiting for his next move and cursing herself for the shiver of fear that ran up her spine at his actions.
‘You would never fear him like this.’
Seeing him not make any more moves, she tried again. Prying her feet off the floor from where the strange acid was kicked up by the large appendage, she started walking again only for Hyun-su to slam his wing down again. This time, the toe of her front boot had melted off and she could see the black socks she wore underneath peeking through. She mentally slapped herself for how the breath she let out was shaky. Forcing herself to peel her boots off the ground again, she tried to take another step when suddenly a hand latched onto her bicep and pulled her back, sending her tumbling to the ground. 
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” The large man, Ho-sang+ asked. His shoulders were draped with a homemade camouflage outfit made of grass and hay. The man raised his shotgun, aiming it toward Hyun-su who had still yet to turn around. “You monster piece of shit, what are you doing here?” The boy turned to look over his shoulder at the new voice. “Get gone!”
Right as Hyun-su turned back around to keep walking, Eun-yu spoke up again.
“Wait!” She scrambled to her feet, intending on running over to Hyun-su but the older man grabbed her shoulders and held her back. “Cha Hyun-su. Cha Hyun-su!” He came to a halt again and it was enough of a tell he was waiting for her to continue. “She…” she began, hesitating to tell him this in case her gut feeling was wrong. “She’s been missing for months. Do you know… I mean… is she…” She couldn't force herself to get her words out, only able to speak in between shaky breaths as she started to think of the worst possible outcomes. If her gut feeling was wrong and you weren’t really with Hyun-su, she didn’t know what she would do.  
Hyun-su turned back around to look at her over his shoulder. Keeping eye contact with her for a few moments as he debated whether to tell her or not, he relented.
“She’s alive.”
Turning back around, he could hear the breaths of relief Eun-yu and the older man both released, albeit for different reasons. 
Following Ah-yi, they both walked away from the two humans. He waited until they got to the edge of the river to start talking.
“Why did you do that?”
“I don't like her,” Ah-yi responded.
“So why don't you like her?” He pushed, 
“Every human is the same. She’s no different,” she yelled angrily before her voice dropped to a mumble he was just barely able to hear. “The only human to be an exception is Unni.”
Hyun-su looked at her when she stopped, the anger being shown clearly on her face and he was confused about why she was so riled up. The quiet atmosphere was only interrupted by the hooting of the owls in the nearby trees. 
“I was curious about humans at first… because both Mom and Unni are human. So I said ‘hi’ and they…” She took a shaky breath in before continuing. “They hurt me. They yelled and they pushed and... and they hurt me too. And they killed all my friends and monsters!” She screamed out, her voice heavy with raw emotion. “Leaving just me.”
“They were just scared,” Hyun-su tried to soothe her anger and pain as her eyes filled with tears. “Afraid of losing someone.”
“Then I'll give them a reason. Show them how scary it was,” her heavy breathing slowly evened out and Hyun-su sighed. He knew you would be able to help her with a situation like this better than he would. From the very first day, you always seemed to have a way of calming her down and helping her through the more difficult times.
“Let's get out of here. Yeah?” He suggested as tears began to fall down her cheeks, hitting the pavement below with an imperceptible plop. 
“There's no place for me. My house is gone,” she told him. 
“What… do you mean?” He asked after a few silent beats. 
“I… no longer need you. Not you, or Mom…” she paused to calm herself but couldn’t stop the sob that came with her next words. “Or Unni. Not anymore.”
Hyun-su let out a slight gasp before sprinting in the direction of the boat. He hoped his suspicions were wrong. He hoped Ah-yi wouldn’t do that to her mother.
But he knew she would.
He’d heard the countless nights you spent with her in your arms as you consoled her and reassured her about her mother’s love when she was positive it no longer existed. He knew how much she hated the woman who gave birth to her, hated her for the love she once had but lost on that fateful day. 
Hyun-su ignored the sharp pain in his lungs as he sprinted toward the boat, cursing lightly when he saw the fire engulfing it from afar. Finally reaching it, he ran around looking desperately for Yi-kyung and screaming her name. 
It wasn’t until he found both her and you lying on the ground that his panic started to take over. 
“Lucky!” He screamed, running towards you and dropping to his knees. He quickly picked both of you up, the weight not a struggle for him but the positioning of your bodies being a bit awkward. He ended up with Yi-kyung on his back piggyback style and you being held in his arms like his bride. Seeing the small creature passed out only a few feet away, he picked it up too and put it on your lap as he walked off the boat, letting the home full of memories burn itself to the ground forevermore. 
Hyun-su walked towards the swan boat about a quarter mile away from the boat. Gently setting Yi-kyung down first, he placed you down with your head in his lap. He cursed himself. He couldn’t believe he had just left you alone. He couldn’t believe you would go into such a dangerous place willingly. 
But then again, he couldn’t be surprised. You were like that, so selfless and kind. If you saw the boat on fire you would never allow yourself to stay behind while there was a potential of the people you loved being on that boat. 
He was thankful you at least were smart enough to cover your nose and mouth when you were there. The ripped and slightly scorched shirt covering Yi-kyung’s mouth was one he recognized to be yours. And although it wasn’t a great replacement, he saw how the cuff of your jacket sleeve was loosely placed over your own mouth, slipping once you’d fallen unconscious. 
As he was picking the bits of seared wood and singed fabric from your hair, a small whisper of his name drew his attention behind him to Yi-kyung.
He turned around, making sure not to jostle you around too much as he looked at her. Her face was burned, fresh wounds scarring the flesh of her cheeks that would forever alter her appearance. 
“Are you okay, Yi-kyung?”
“It’s all my fault it’s like this,” she started. Hyun-su stayed silent as she continued. “I just wanted her to be safe like you were,” she whimpered, it was unclear whether it was from the pain on her skin or the pain in her heart. “All I wanted was for her to…” she sobbed but no tears came out yet. She was dehydrated and wounded and it was clear she wouldn’t make it without medical help they no longer had. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” Hyun-su refuted.
Yi-kyung groaned as she sat up, leaning heavily against the edge of the swan boat. “I should’ve killed her.”
Hyun-su’s eyes widened at her words. While he knew that was what she had wanted when her baby was first born, he didn’t know it was still something she thought about. 
“In the back of my mind, I always had that thought. I know she must’ve felt it when I had those thoughts,” she breathed heavily, her breaths sounding gritty and labored. She looked at the girl lying in Hyun-su’s lap, feeling angry, regretful, and jealous, but mostly grateful. Grateful she had at least you to look up to and show her the way when she couldn’t. “I know she would always tell her about how she hated me,” she pointed at you weakly. “I know she always saw her as more of a mother than she did me.” 
“You’re wrong,” Hyun-su protested. “While Ah-yi loves Lucky, she needs you as her mother. I know because I was there too through all those days,” he looked down at you, eyes still shut and sweat clinging to your skin. “So was she,” he breathed out a sigh and looked back at Yi-kyung. “You said you were a bad mother, but you know that’s just not true.”
“The fault is all mine,” tears fell down her cheeks as she spoke, a soothing touch to her wounded face. “I was the one who made her like this,” she blamed herself, Hyun-su’s reassuring words either not registering in her brain or being completely ignored. “No, this is good,” she accepted. She knew her end would be soon. “It turning out like this is for the best. This way, I… I don’t have to kill my daughter.,” she sobbed.
“Were you really going to kill her?” He asked incredulously. At her lack of response, he continued. “Why? You’re her mother! So why?” 
“I don’t deserve to be,” she cut him off. “I could never be worthy of her, not when I treated her so differently than you did. Than she did,” she explained. She couldn’t fathom saying your name, feeling unworthy of being near you when she always had those terrible thoughts of hurting her own flesh and blood. You had always treated her so much better than she had, treating her like your own daughter, whether it was by blood or not. “I had the same thought hundreds of times. ‘Why is she cursed like this?’ Why?” She started sobbing again, the guilt and blame she put on herself for the past year torturing her soul. “It’s all my fault. My awful thoughts and desires turned her… into a… monster.”
Hyun-su scoffed. “Yeah, so what?” He looked at her and the surprise of his words stopped her crying. “Are monsters really all bad?”
Yi-kyung sighed and just as Hyun-su was going to continue talking, the soft babbling of the baby monster sounded out again, drawing both their attention to the mini creature. He gently picked it up, holding it in his arms as he spoke again. “This one saved you. Saved both of you. Saved you because you’re family…” his eyes filled with tears but he refused to let his voice break. “You see, monsters feel and recognize people. Because they were human once too.”
He hugged the monster to his chest, and the conversation ended when Yi-kyung faded out of consciousness. 
The group sat around the campfire, Ha-ni snuggled up against Chan-young’s side while the other two sat alone.
“So, which is it?” Eun-yu asked. “A brother? A boss? A dad? What are you to each other?”
“Why the hell does it matter? Just eat and get lost,” the older man evaded the question. 
“Um… why don’t you come back with us? You’ll be safer there,” Park Chan-young offered and Ha-ni’s head perked up in excitement. 
“Are we getting married then?” She asked, moving closer to his side and resting her head against his shoulder.
“Uh, that’s… that’s not what I’m saying,” he repudiated. 
“Safe? You guys have just been lucky,” the older man rolled his eyes at the suggestion. “That, or you don’t know better.”
“I think you might be underestimating some of us.”
“I don’t trust humans, okay?” He concluded.
“I’m not surprised. But you don’t trust monsters either?” Eun-yu integrated herself into the conversation once more. “And what about her?” She asked, tilting her head at Ha-ni. “You trust her?” He didn’t respond and it was silent for a minute. “Sure seems like it.”
Ha-ni, noticing how the atmosphere was turning strange and uncomfortable, interrupted. “Let’s go with them. Let’s go together, teacher, hmm?” She insisted, leaning forward in her seat to emphasize her wants. “Hey, let’s go!”
The older man looked thoughtful for a moment, considering his companion’s words before noticing something in the distance. 
“What are you doing here?” He screamed accusingly, raising his shotgun threateningly toward the figure approaching. 
Hyun-su walked forward. Yi-kyung was tied against his back using the long-sleeved shirt you used to cover your mouth in the fire meanwhile you were held in his arms, cradled against his chest protectively. 
He raised his head slightly to look at them, continuing his stride forward despite the threat of the gun in front of him. 
In the blink of an eye, Ha-ni appeared next to Ho-sang as he held the gun and moved his arms, forcing it to face the ground just as he pulled the trigger. It hit the rocks harmlessly and she looked at Hyun-su curiously. 
Taking a deep breath, he slowly lowered himself to his knees and placed Yi-kyung on the ground after untying her. Keeping you in his arms as he rose again, he held you close as Eun-yu rushed forward. Stopping just a foot in front of him, she looked down at you in shock. She reached her hand out to caress your cheek but stopped herself at the last second. 
“Please help,” Hyun-su begged and Eun-yu lifted her chin to look at him. “This was the only place I could turn to.”
Both Chan-young and Ha-ni walked over to where Yi-kyung was lying on the ground, kneeling down to properly assess the damage on her body. 
“How did she get like this? And the kid? The girl who left with you?” Eun-yu asked before looking down at you still in Hyun-su’s arms and finally allowing her fingers to skim along the feverish skin of your cheek as she whispered your name, stunned. “And what about her? Is she okay? Why isn’t she awake?”
“First, let’s get them both inside,” Chan-young stopped her questioning before Hyun-su could respond. Ha-ni helped him prop the woman on her back, fully intending to bring her into the trailer until a gunshot sounded. 
Eun-yu froze in shock, paralyzed by seeing Hyun-su stumble back with a gunshot to the shoulder. He fell to his knees once more, his grip on you loosening but refusing to let go. He gently set your lower body down onto his lap, his now free hand going to hold his wounded shoulder while the other held your upper body to his chest. He ignored the anger that stirred in his chest when he saw how close the shot came to your face, just missing by a few inches. Clenching his eyes closed tightly and blocking out the sound of everyone talking and screaming around him, he forced the familiar feeling of his monster down. When he finally looked up and opened his eyes he saw Eun-yu holding Ha-ni against her chest with blade centimeters from her neck. 
“- and I’ll cut her fucking head off.”
Ha-ni scoffed at her words with an annoyed smile but didn’t try to fight back or move away. 
“Way to prove my point about humans,” Ho-sang told her, not lowering his gun. “Pulling this shit after I saved your life is rich.”
“I said I’ll take him with me. I said I’ll take them so just… what's your problem?” Eun-yu begged the man, tears forming along her waterline as the situation continued to go downhill. 
“You’re with monsters,” Ho-sang explained, glaring at her from his spot. “That makes you a threat. And you call yourself human? Jesus.”
“You call yourself human when you just almost shot a girl in the face? He might not be human but she is!” She screamed at him and continued when she saw the flicker of guilt in his eyes. “And what makes you special? How can you be sure you’re gonna stay immune?” She questioned but he stayed silent. “What if you were to start showing symptoms? Seems a bullet is your only option. Since monsters have to die.”
Hyun-su groaned in pain before trying to stop her from baiting the man. “Stop it,” his words were spoken weakly as more blood spilled from his wound. He covered it with the fabric of his shirt, trying to avoid getting as much blood on you as possible but the splatters of blood across your forehead and cheeks told him it was already a bit too late for that. 
“And her?” Eun-yu continued, ignoring the boy’s warnings and protests as she started to speak about Ha-ni. “Could you put a bullet in her?” Her words were spoken softly but Ho-sang heard it loud and clear. He stayed quiet again, not willing to speak of the situation he feared the most. “How about I save you the trouble?” She offered.
“Oh, yeah. So this is who you are,” he finally spoke, nodding in disdain at her actions. 
“Stop it,” Hyun-su tried again but again was ignored. “Don’t do this Eun-yu,” he begged. 
Suddenly, Ha-ni grabbed the wrist holding the knife to her throat, and twisted it away from herself, spinning around so the knife was now in her possession and the tip was pointing directly at Eun-yu’s neck. There was a collective gasp from everyone watching and Ho-sang lowered his guns in shock. “Ha-ni!” He yelled at her as she stuck the point of the blade in Eun-yu’s neck, causing a trail of blood to leak out. 
After a moment of tense silence, she pulled the knife away and dropped it to the floor where it clattered against the rocks loudly. Pushing her forward, she walked over and entered her car, entering it and called for Ho-sang to join her. 
“In this life, we weren’t meant to be,” she started, talking to Chan-young as her companion got into the car and started it up. “Maybe the next one. Get rid of the girl though.”
The group watched as the two drove off before Chan-young turned to Hyun-su. “Are you okay to move? How’s your shoulder?”
Hyun-su pulled his hand away, the wound already having closed and the blood surrounding it was the only reminder that it was ever there in the first place. He nodded. “It’s okay.”
Chan-young took a few steps closer to him before kneeling beside him and looking at where you rested in his arms. The pain from your ankle and slight burns showed on your leg but you luckily didn’t seem to have any difficulty breathing or major damage. “And her? Are you still okay to carry her?” 
Hyun-su nodded once again while he moved his empty hand to once again rest under your knees and stood up. “Yes, I’m okay.”
“I think we’d better go. Monsters may have heard the gunfire,” Chan-young concluded and walked behind Hyun-su as he started the path to his chosen destination, whatever that place may be.
Eun-yu kneeled down to grab her bag and knife before looking back at Hyun-su. “Let’s go.”
He sighed as she started to walk behind him, taking a moment to look at you and make sure you were alright before he followed. He would have to wipe his shoulder down and clean the blood from your face before you woke up. He didn’t feel like worrying you about his injury just yet. 
Sighing once more, he turned around and started to follow the two. 
They arrived at the destination Chan-young had brought them to. It was a hospital, or at least it used to be. As they got inside, there was broken glass everywhere and scratches from an unnatural creature lining the floor. It was clear it was no longer the medical place it used to be. 
Setting Yi-kyung down on the hospital bed they found, Chan-young turned to Hyun-su and asked, “What happened to her?”
“A fire started where she was staying,” he started to explain, still holding you since all the other hospital beds they could find were not exactly clean. At least the one Yi-kyung was lying on didn’t have any blood stains on it. He didn’t mind though. “I think there was no way out. She was already unconscious by the time I made it in.”
“It’s carbon monoxide poisoning,” Chan-young concluded from the evidence provided before standing up urgently and turning to Eun-yu. “Something like a small gas tank should be lying around. Go look for some,” he then turned to Hyun-su who was getting ready to stand and help them. “You should probably stay here,” he told him and Hyun-su stayed silent for a moment as he looked at you in his arms before nodding in agreement. He moved to lean against the wall as the other two went off in different directions to search for the gas tank. 
After a while, there was the faint sound of someone yelling, “I found one!” Soon after, both Eun-yu and Chan-young returned to the bed, the boy carrying a gas tank in his hands which he set up next to it. Expertly, he plugged the tube into the tank and turned the air on, testing the pressure and how much oxygen was left in the tank. 
“Does it work?” Eun-yu asked just as the arrow pointed to ‘REFILL’ and Chan-young sighed. “What? What is it?”
“It’s out of oxygen,” he explained.
“So what happens now?”
“Her organs will start to fail without… without a steady supply of oxygen,” he told them before his head fell forward. “Fuck me.”
“Enough of that crap. Is there any other way?” Eun-yu begged, unwillingly to give up so soon. 
“It’s already too late.”
“Don’t say that unless you’ve tried everything,” she told him seriously, she then moved over to start picking Yi-kyung up by her arms. “Park Chan-young, help me carry her. Let’s get her to the stadium. We have to leave now,” she ordered but he didn’t move and Hyun-su just buried his head in your hair emotionally. “I said help me carry her!” She sobbed, setting her back down when he still didn’t try to help her and covering her face with her hands. 
The group just finished moving both you and Yi-kyung to another room, this one finally having another bed that wasn’t stained with blood and smelling of a rotting corpse. Chan-young helped Eun-yu carry Yi-kyung to the room while Hyun-su held you close, only letting you go when they found the bed for you to lie on. 
Despite how his monster body protested, he allowed Eun-yu to have a moment alone with you and Yi-kyung in the room, choosing instead to wait on the bench outside. He saw through the crack in the door how she held your hand gently and spoke words he couldn’t hear. He watched as she set your hand down across your stomach and retreated from the room to sit on the bench with him, leaving an empty seat between them. 
“Are you feeling better?” Hyun-su asked her once she sat down. She sighed quietly and he took that as her response. “We did the best we could.”
“Are you comfortable with this?” She asked him, not understanding how he could be so calm in a moment like this. “Is leaving her to die like that really the right thing to do?”
“Now that I think about it… I think it’s what she wanted,” he construed and she turned her head to look at him. 
“Her boat was deliberately burned, but she chose to stay aboard.”
“Why, though?” Eun-yu whispered. “Why would Yi-kyung do that?”
“I wanna ask you something,” Hyun-su told her and she stayed quiet as she waited for him to speak. “How’s everyone doing? I’ve tried asking Lucky but she always gets really quiet when I do.”
Eun-yu’s lips quirked up minutely at the familiar term of endearment but the memory of her grief overwhelmed it. She took a few deep breaths to compose herself before answering him. “Hye-in and Su-yeong are dead. And Yoon Ji-su, too.”
Now Hyun-su knew why you would never talk about it, why you would always get quiet and have that far-away look in your eyes when he asked. He always figured you just didn’t know, that maybe you got separated at some point, but somewhere deep down he knew that was just wishful thinking. While he hated that you didn’t confide in him, he understood where you were coming from. Even a year isn’t always enough time to heal enough to talk about something so tragic. 
“Just like that, they’re all gone,” she continued in a whisper. He turned his head away from her as a tear fell down his cheek before she spoke up more loudly this time, masking the emotion in her voice with false confidence. “Now let me ask you a question,” she said. He turned to look at her but she was looking in the direction of where you lay on the hospital bed, head tilted to the side as you breathed easily. “How is she doing, really? Is she better?” Her voice almost broke as she unwillingly thought back to how you were feeling during your time in the stadium but she was able to mask it with a cough. While she was hoping you were doing better now that you were with Hyun-su and hopefully didn’t blame yourself for his disappearance anymore, she had to be sure.
“She’s doing good. She still has her bad days but overall she’s doing better.”
She breathed a sigh of relief, a single tear falling down her cheek. “Thank you.”
He turned his head to look back at her and saw she was now staring at him. “Hm?”
“You brought her back to me. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t at least see her one more time. If I didn’t make sure she was still alive. So thank you.” 
He nodded. “Of course.”
“I also,” she continued. “Want to thank you for returning to her,” she shot him a watery smile as her eyes brimmed with tears. “God knows she deserves it.”
When you woke up, the first things you saw were the blaring lights of the white lighting fixture above you. Groaning, you brought a hand up to cover your eyes and turned your head only to gasp when you saw the burned face of Yi-kyung on the bed next to yours. Quickly throwing your legs over the side of the bed and standing up to check on her, you let out a yelp of pain as you stepped on your wounded ankle and crumpled to the floor. 
Breathing heavily, you cursed yourself before hearing the sound of fast-paced footsteps entering the room you were in. You leaned up on one hand and saw a face you’d longed to see for weeks. 
The girl snapped her head to where you sat and gasped out your name, running toward you and crouching down. She grabbed your arms and helped you stand up, making you sit on the edge of the bed so she could check out your foot. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked, concerned but all you could think about was the woman breathing unevenly on the bed behind her. 
“Fine, fine,” you said dismissively, only half listening to her concerns. “How is Yi-kyung? Is she okay?”
Eun-yu slapped your arm lightly. “You were passed out for half a day, let me worry about you.”
You gave a small chuckle at her words, reaching your arms out to wrap around her shoulders. “It’s good to see you, Eun-yu. I’ve missed you.”
She exhaled slowly, wrapping her own arms around you and letting herself relax in your embrace. 
“Wait, what am I doing here?” You asked as you softly pushed her away from you. “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at the stadium? Are you okay?” You gasped, firing questions at her like a machine gun prior to grabbing the sides of her puffy jacket sleeves and pulling her a few inches closer as you looked her over for any injuries. Other than the small wound on her neck, she seemed to be relatively unharmed.
“That doesn’t matter right now,” she scolded lightly and lifted your wounded and swollen ankle up. “First, we should fix this up. I’m sure there’s some tape or something around here,” she started to walk away but turned back to look at you. “Don’t move,” she scolded with a finger pointed at you accusingly. You held your hands up in a surrender motion and laughed. 
After a while of looking around the room, she walked back with a wad of medical tape in her hand. You watched in awe as she started to expertly wrap your foot with the medical tape in a way that would help keep it in place. Noticing your stare, she explained. “I used to do ballet. I sprained my ankle and had to do this every day.”
“Well lucky me then,” you told her with a smile that she returned once she finished. She then cut the ripped pant leg off at the knee and cut the singed parts off. Using the burned-free part of the fabric, she gave you her hand to squeeze as she poured the clear liquid inside a bottle of vodka on your burns. You screamed and stuffed your sleeve into your mouth, both stopping yourself from breaking your teeth and muffling your pained noises. After finishing disinfecting the wound, she got to work on wrapping the cut fabric around your burns to prevent any further dirt from entering it.
Breathing heavily through your pain, you grabbed the nearly empty bottle of vodka after she set it down and lifted it to your nose. 
It looked like vodka.
It smelled like vodka.
Taking a sip, your face scrunched up in displeasure. 
Definitely vodka, although something was off. 
“Why is it so watery?” You asked her. Eun-yu’s head snapped up to see you bring the bottle to your lips again to take another sip. 
Grabbing the bottle away from you, she smirked and brought the bottle to her lips, drinking the last of the liquid while you whined. After sighing overexaggeratedly, she smiled at you and handed the bottle back to you. You shot her a glare “For one, when are you ever going to find a steal like that again? Had to make sure it lasted!” You laughed. “And second, regular vodka is too potent to use as a disinfectant by itself, you have to water it down so you don’t burn away your nerves.”
She secured the fabric with the medical tape and tapped your knee to signal she was finished. She helped you down from the table and let you wrap an arm around her shoulder as you limped over to the bench outside of the room. You thanked her just as you saw another familiar face appear around the corner. “Park Chan-young? What are you doing here?”
“Ah, you’re awake! How are you feeling?” He asked instead of answering your question. 
“I’m feeling okay, my ankle hurts a little but not too bad,” you told him with a smile before it faded and your head turned to look at Yi-kyung through the still-opened door. “She’s not going to make it, she?”
You heard the two of them sigh behind you and you let out a shaky breath. Tilting your head up, you tried to stop the tears from falling. 
It was silent for a while, the only sounds were the ragged breathing from Yi-kyung in the next room until Chan-young spoke. 
“Cha Hyun-su, was it?” He asked and your head snapped up to look at him while Eun-yu who was sitting beside you didn’t even flinch. “That’s the monster that killed Mr. Kim, right?”
You opened your mouth to ask what he meant when Eun-yu spoke before you could.
“It gets on my nerves when you use the word ‘kill’.”
He sat down next to her and leaned forward in his chair with his elbows resting on his knees. “Well, nonetheless, that’s how it went down.”
“Your curiosity will cost you someday,” at his silence to her words, she sighed and continued. “Mr. Kim was displaying symptoms.”
The news of this story was no surprise to you. While you weren’t there when it happened, you do remember how Eun-yu had relayed the story to you only a few nights after the incident. You didn’t know she knew it was Hyun-su though, and to be honest you felt slightly betrayed. 
“I don’t know when it’d begun.”
“Wait,” Chan-young started, gasping at the new information. “But why didn’t you say anything? You were branded as a murderer.”
“The Chief and I have had… a long-standing grudge. Yet we all lived because she opened the stadium to us. I can’t deny that. I just couldn’t screw her over like that.”
You quietly gasped. Despite the information not being new to you, you hadn’t known the reason she never spoke up was because of that. 
“Lee Eun-yu,” Chan-young said softly.
“Eun-yu, you shouldn’t have done that to yourself,” you scolded her quietly. 
“Don’t get me wrong. That wasn’t the only reason,” she continued, leaning back in her seat. “I didn’t know it was Hyun-su, but… either way, I didn’t want to tell Crow Platoon.”
Oh. So Eun-yu didn’t know it was Hyun-su. That definitely made you feel better than the idea of her knowing this entire time and just not telling you. 
When a sudden gasp was heard from the room Yi-kyung was in, all of your heads snapped up and Chan-young and Eun-yu rushed into the room. You stood up, hopping over to lean against the entrance when you slipped. 
Just as your hand missed grabbing the frame of the door, you felt an arm wrap around your waist and pull you back up. Turning your head to look at your savior, you were surprised to see Hyun-su with his arm supporting you and Ah-yi standing beside him, looking at you with just as surprised eyes as you were at her. The boy moved you so you were propped up against the door frame before he stepped into the room. 
“Could you step outside for a moment?” He asked the two as they stood beside Yi-kyung’s bed. They hesitated but eventually made their way out of the room. As Hyun-su walked up to the woman, leaning over her as she breathed raggedly, you wrapped your arms around Ah-yi and brought her into a hug. 
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry,” you expressed your condolences before pushing her away just enough so you could see her face. “How are you doing?” You asked her as you caressed her cheek and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. 
She shrugged her shoulders, looking away unconvincingly. “I’m fine. She hated me anyway. I only came for Oppa.”
You tsked and brought her back into your embrace. “You and I both know that’s not true.”
She didn’t respond and Hyun-su turned back to look at the two of you, motioning for Ah-yi to walk in. As she passed by you, you smoothed down the back of her hair and squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. 
Hyun-su walked past her, letting her have her final moment alone with her mother on her deathbed. Instead, he walked over to you, wrapping his arm around your waist to help you walk as you all moved further down the hall to give the girl some space. Once he decided it was far away enough, he moved you over to the wall so you could lean against it and stood beside you. You leaned your head against his shoulder, wanting to give and gain comfort from the action. You all stayed there, silently, for a few minutes until Ah-yi walked down the hall. 
Hyun-su popped off the wall and she turned to face the two of you, mainly Hyun-su as he started to speak. “Why are you out here already?”
You leaned forward, grabbing onto his arm to support you as you looked at her. “You should stay with her a while longer,” you insisted softly. Her eyes fluttered down to where the medical tape peeked out above your shoe and the pant leg was taped in place around your calf before she fluttered her eyes back up to yours. 
“Mom’s not going to die. So stop crying, please.”
The way she said it gave you a bad feeling and the clattering that came from the direction of the room didn’t help to ease it. Hyun-su turned, making sure you were balanced before rushing over to the room. You glanced at Ah-yi before heading that direction as well, having Eun-yu and Chan-young help you.
“Yi-kyung!” You heard Hyun-su exclaim just as you all got to the doorway. When you looked into the room, you saw Hyun-su on the ground with Yi-kyung held in his arms while tears fell down his cheeks. 
You covered your mouth in horror as your own tears started to form. You stayed there, supported only by the door as you all cried over the loss of your friend. 
Your eyes shot open when you heard the sound of bones cracking. Her head was thrown backward and her back arched to the point where you were sure that was the bone-breaking sound you heard. The skin on the left side of her body started to turn black, almost as if ash had been painted across it. She started thrashing around, her body contorting inhumanely and her skin releasing a dark, unnatural smoke. As she rolled onto her stomach the bones in her back crunched loudly and she shot up. 
You barely had enough time to move out of the way before she ran into the door you were leaning on. Disoriented and dizzy, you couldn’t bring yourself to focus on what was happening around you until you heard the ringing of a gunshot and Yi-kyung’s half-monsterized body fell backward at the waist. 
“No, don’t do that!” Hyun-su screamed, rushing forward and moving Chan-young’s hands away while he held fast to the gun. 
“It’s too late for her. She’s already gone!” Chan-young yelled at him. 
You looked back at the woman to see the gunshot wound already gone, now covered with the same black markings that covered one half of her body. “H-Hyun-su,” you whimpered weakly and both men turned to look back at Yi-kyung. You let out a soft sob as you saw the tear slide down her face. 
“Yi-kyung,” Hyun-su whispered and she raised a hand toward him. Reaching for him, she started to walk forward before her other arm, the remaining human arm, reached out to grab her own hand, almost as if to pull her back. “You guys should go back,” he whispered to you all. “Take Lucky with you, she can’t walk on her own.”
“No! Not without you!” You protested but Hyun-su didn’t turn to face you. Eun-yu looked at you hesitantly before turning back to him. 
“What about Yi-kyung?” She let out through a sob. “How could she turn so suddenly? She wasn’t showing any symptoms.”
“Her daughter did this to her,” he explained hurriedly.
“Ah-yi…” you whispered in realization. 
“She turns people to monsters?” Chan-young questioned, still aiming the gun at Yi-kyung. “Monsterization is uncontrollable by humans.”
“She’s not a human,” you said lowly. 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Eun-yu screamed at you just as Yi-kyung rushed forward to jump out the window of the room behind you. 
“Leave! Now!” He yelled at them before jumping out the window after her. 
“Hyun-su, no!” You cried out, trying to lift yourself to your feet to no avail. Eun-yu and Chan-young, ran to the broken window, looking out as you continued to struggle. “Eun-yu!” You screamed at her and she turned around to face you with widened eyes. “Please! You have to help him! Don’t let him get hurt, please,” you begged her.
She nodded, determined. Turning to Chan-young, he nodded at her and they set off in the direction of the stairs to the bottom floor. 
You sat against the glass doors of the room Hyun-su was resting in. For the first hour, you were in there with him, holding him while he cried. After he fell asleep, though, you decided to give him some space. You waited outside, leaning your head back against the cool surface of the glass with your uninjured leg bent and held to your chest while the other was extended outward. 
Down the hall, you could see Eun-yu watching you until Chan-young approached her. You looked away as you saw them staring at you. Both had sympathy lacing their gazes that you couldn’t stand to see. Sympathy meant you had something they felt sympathetic towards. You didn’t want to think of what that thing was. All you wanted was to be back at your shed, doing laundry with Hyun-su while Ah-yi sat down on the edge of the river bank with her feet dipping into the water. 
But those days were over, at least for the time being.
“What are you gonna do now?” Park Chan-young asked Eun-yu, her gaze still locked onto your form curled up across the hallway. 
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I found her, and she’s alright. That’s good enough for me. I know she’s in good hands with Cha Hyun-su. I don’t want her to come back to the stadium with us. Not when she was so miserable there,” she told him, thinking for a moment before giving a conclusive answer. “I’m gonna wait for Hyun-su to wake up. I’ll wait with her until then. Then I’ll say my goodbyes and return to the stadium. You?”
“I should get back there,” he decided. “I’ve been gone for too long.”
She nodded in agreement. “Yeah.”
Chan-young gave a final look back at where you sat now with both your knees bent and your face buried in your arms. “Send them my regards, both of them,” he told her and she nodded up at him. “I’ll see you at camp.”
With a moment of hesitation, he turned in the direction of the stairs and started walking toward them. 
It had been a couple of hours since Hyun-su fell asleep. Eun-yu had dozed off about an hour ago but you couldn’t bring yourself to shut your eyes for too long. So you sat there, your eyes staring off into the distance, unfocused and blurred. It wasn’t until the sun started to set, the light shining through the blinds of the windows and casting a golden orange glow onto the tile floor that you snapped out of your daze. Carefully bringing yourself to a standing position, you turned around, opened the door, and walked through. Your eyes immediately went to where Hyun-su was previously lying down, but when you didn’t find him there, you panicked. Raising your eyes, you let out a breath of relief when you saw him sitting on the bed next to the windows, leaning back on his right arm and swaying slightly. 
“Hyun-su?” You asked softly but received no response. Walking closer, you saw his eyes were closed as he continued to sway. It seemed like he was barely conscious and his body kept falling right before he caught it, over and over again. Reaching the point that you were standing right in front of him, you reached up to place your hand on his right cheek, a feeling he immediately leaned into. “Oh, lovely,” you whispered. “Let’s get you back to bed.”
About to pull your hand away from his cheek to clear the pillows and blankets piled on the bed behind him, you stopped when his left hand shot up and grabbed onto your wrist, keeping you in place. Confused and concerned, you brought your other hand up to hold his other cheek. “Hyun-su?” You asked. “Are you okay?”
He slowly opened his eyes and you gasped once you saw them. 
You’d only seen him like this once before and it was after he protected you from a particularly strong monster. Halfway through the battle, all of his mannerisms changed and he moved completely differently. It wasn’t until the monster ran away, Hyun-su covered in its blood yet not a scratch on him, that you saw his eyes. 
You weren’t scared. You could never be scared. 
Not of him. 
Never of him. 
But it did surprise you. 
After he returned to his normal self, he told you about how he tried to never go into that state of being because he wasn’t in full control. Despite the honest way you told him he would never hurt you and that you trusted him, he still kept the monster side of him tucked away as much as possible. 
It seemed that wasn’t the case right now, though. 
“Why are you here?” You whispered to him, your voice not at all accusing or scared, not even a little bit tentative. 
“You don’t want me here?” He questioned. It was so strange to see Hyun-su’s body and hear Hyun-su’s voice but know it wasn’t him, at least not completely. 
“I didn’t say that,” you told him, your eyes lightly scolding him in a way that made his lips quirk. “I just asked why you were here. Is he…” you hesitated, still unsure of how to fully phrase questions when he was in this state. “Are you okay?”
“He’s hurt. Let him rest for a bit,” he explained as he leaned more into your palm. His grip on your wrist hadn’t been all too tight to begin with but it still softened to a loose hold as he kept eye contact with you. 
You nodded at his words, brushing your thumb along his cheekbone and your lips curving into a subtle smile when his eyes closed contently. “Is that why you’re here?” You whispered, not wanting to break the calm atmosphere. His eyes opened again and he stared at you. “To help him with the pain?” He nodded and you sighed. It wasn’t the physical pain on his body either of you meant, and you both knew that. The pain of losing Yi-kyung, and then losing her again at his own hands was too much for him. It most certainly would have been too much for you, so you couldn’t blame him. Not that you would have anyway.
He tightened the grip he had on your wrist and gently brought it away from his cheek before releasing it completely. He turned his head to look forward in the mirror in front of him and used the hand once holding your wrist to move the collar of his shredded jacket away from his shoulder. You winced as you saw the wounded skin there, bringing a hand up to do something but hesitating. Instead, you looked around the room before your eyes lit up as you found what you were looking for. You released his face from the hand still holding his cheek and turned around, taking a step forward with your good foot. He leaned forward, leaning off his right hand and using it to grab ahold of your wrist. You looked back at him. 
“Stay,” he said simply and you smiled.
“I’m not going far.”
He held onto your wrist for a while longer before softly sliding it down to the tips of your fingers and slowly releasing you, all the while keeping eye contact. You felt the heat rising to your cheeks and turned before he could tell how flustered you were at the simple action. Taking another step, you tried to hide the limp in your walk and mask the pain on your face as you grabbed the materials and returned to where he was seated. Setting the medical supplies down next to him, you reached for the pillow behind him and took off the pillowcase surrounding it. Grabbing the mostly empty bottle of rubbing alcohol, you poured some onto the pillowcase before using one hand to pull the collar away to reveal the dirty wound underneath. 
You raised your gaze to his eyes only to find them already looking back at you. “This’ll probably sting,” you told him sorrowfully. You waited a moment for him to acknowledge your words but he just continued to stare at you with a blank, yet almost soft, look. You used your other hand to hold the alcohol-soaked pillowcase and bring it up to his wound where you carefully started dabbing away the blood and dirt. Looking over at him every few seconds to see if he was in pain, you found none each time whilst he didn’t take his eyes off you. Once the blood was cleared away and the pillowcase was thoroughly stained, it was clear to see the wound was much smaller and less serious than it originally seemed. A fact that made you sigh in relief.  
Before you could reach for the bandages to cover his wound with, Hyun-su grabbed your waist and pulled you to stand in between his legs. 
“Wha-?” You started to question but stopped when his arms wrapped around your waist in a hug. His head turned to the side and he rested it against your stomach. It didn’t take long for you to return the hug, albeit a little confused and startled. 
“You know I love you, right?”
The sentence sounded slightly muffled, and you weren’t sure which version of Hyun-su was speaking, but regardless, you answered, “I know.”
His arms tightened around you, a comforting and promising squeeze. “And you know I’m never letting you go again,” he paused, turning to look up at you. It was both a surprise and yet not when you saw one of his eyes was still the bright blue he had in his monster form, but the other had returned to his natural brown. “Right?”
You placed your hands on his cheeks, leaning down to leave a tender kiss on his forehead. 
“I know.”
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Helloo! I was wondering if you could do a hysun su smut (I love him so much😔) one where we are eun hyuk’s sister and we are secretly with hysun su and the others don’t know cause eun hyuk is and eun yoo are very protective of us since we are the little sister? Very specific sorry LMAOO😭
Cha Hyun Su x Fem!Reader
Genre: Smut
Warning ⚠️: Vaginal sex , Fingering , rough sex, Sneaky sex , name calling
Small summary : You met Hyun su when you were heading up to the roof , not paying much attention as you were to busy texting your big sister Eun yu , she told you to come up to hang with her since she didn’t hang with Eun Hyuk , as you were walking you ended up bumping into a tall male figure , catching your phone before it could hit to ground , as you quickly give the guy a quick sorry , your body soon becoming stiff as your eyes become mesmerized , soon after you and Hyun su started to hang out which lead to you soon dating , during the apocalypse you would seek off to see Hyun su when everyone was asleep
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It was around midnight or so , you didn’t really know but you knew that everyone would be asleep , slowly getting out of your sleeping mat as you quickly but quietly stand to your feet , turning your head left and right as your eyes scan around the quiet room
Everyone was asleep, letting out a small sigh of relief as you slowly crept past both your brother and sister sleeping figures , your body coming to a complete stop as you see Eun Hyuk turn over to his side back now facing you as you let a small shaky breath , slowly reaching under his pillow as you grab a hold of the keys from beneath it as you quickly head towards the door
Taking the last few steps towards the rooms door as you quickly open the door closing it silently behind you , turning down the hall as you quickly head towards the room your brother kept Hyun su in
You hated to see him locked up , you didn’t like how your brother , Eun Hyuk would treat him as if he were a animal, always keeping him caged up unless him wanted to use him for something
Then there was your sister , Eun Yu , since no one knew about your relationship, she had her moments where she would stare at him without him noticing , how she would become nervous when ever he had a mission, Hyun su may have never noticed but you .. YOU DID , and it pissed you off at times
Shaking the thought out of your head as you let out a small sigh turning down the hall as you walk towards the end of the hall coming to a complete stop as you turn to your left as you come face to face with a caged door
Using the key that you held in your hand as you make sure to check your surroundings before putting the key in the lock turning it slightly to the right as you hear a slight clicking noise , making sure the coast was clear once more before slowly pushing open the door as you head inside the room closing the door behind you
Once you closed the door as you face inside the dark room , the moon light peeking through the dirty window as it had small smudges that allowed the moon light through
Stepping further into the dark room as your eyes start to slowly adjust to the darkness , coming to a stop once you were in the middle of the room , looking around the large room as you didn’t notice Hyun Su’s figure
Opening your mouth to call out for Hyun su but before you could say anything you feel a presence behind you causing your breathe to be caught in your throat as you feel a slight shiver run down your spine
In seconds you feel strong arms wrap around your waist as you soon become relaxed realizing the familiar scent as Hyun Su’s as you slowly turn to face Hyun su as you stare in his brown eyes, becoming confused as you see his eyes filled with lust
Letting out a small gasp as you feel his strong arms pick up your small figure within seconds, slowly walking for his small make shift bed as his places you down eyes never leaving yours , slowly leaning in as his lips slowly connect with yours
Lips slowly moving in sync as he removes a hand from your legs slowly running it up your bare legs as his hand moves up your school skirt , stoping at your slight soaked panties as Hyun su lets out a soft groan in the kiss
Using one of his fingers to move your soaked panties to the side causing you to let out a muffled moan as you feel the cold air come in contact with your soaked and bare cunt , using his same finger as he starts to play with your wet fluids for a few seconds before pushing his finger past your wet fluid’s slowly entering your needing hole , pulling away from the kiss as you let out a loud gasp eyes locked on Hyun su
“So wet for us” Hyun su says as he looks down at your soaked pussy
Watching as Hyun su slowly looks up at you causing your body to shiver as you feel your cunt tighten around Hyun Su’s fingers .. his eyes were pitch black as he looked at you with a crazied look
Without giving you enough time to process what was going on as Hyun su’s finger starts to move in and out of your soaked pussy at a fast pace causing you to let out a moan as you keep your eyes locked on his only causing him at add another finger as he picks up his pace
“H-Hyun su” you moan out loud quickly covering your mouth with one of your hands as the other grips at Hyun su’s small blanket , eyes never leaving Hyun Su’s
Watching Hyun Su’s head slowly moves to your thigh licking a long trail up your bare thigh stoping once he was at your inner thigh as he slowly moves to your cunt , as he smiles with amusement
Slowly moving his head towards your dripping pussy as he start to give your clit slow and soft kitty licks as you let out a gasp hand never moving your mouth as your back arch’s off the bed
After a few licks he violently starts to suck at your clit as you let out a moan , your free hand moving towards Hyun su’s hair as you grip tightened slightly pulling him closer as you feel the vibrations of his laugh against your clit causing your mind to go a bit fuzzy
As you tried your hardest not to make much noise to afraid your brother and sister would hear , as Hyu su continues to suck at your clit as his finger violently attack your soaked pussy as you soon start to feel a knot form in the pit of your stomach, using all your strength as you try to push Hyun su away only causing him to hold on your hip tightly with his free hand
After a few seconds you feel your self cum over Hyun Su’s fingers as he slowly pulls away from your soaked cunt , his lower face now covered in your juices as he shows off a insane smile , as you try to come down from your high not noticing as Hyun su quickly pulls down his sweat pants along with his boxers
His cock standing tall as he grabs your thighs pulling your body closer as he climbs on top of you , looking deep in your eyes as you let put a gasp
Letting out a soft moan as you feel Hyun su push his harden cock in side your soaked pussy , once Hyun su was inside your soles cunt he quickly starts to go at a fast past causing you to let out a loud moan
Completely forgetting that your brother or sister may hear you since Hyun su room wasn’t far from the sleeping are for the others , as you feel Hyun su thrust become deeper causing your mind to become fuzzy as your eyes starts to roll to the back of your head
“Shh, you don’t want to wake your brother or sister right..” Hyun su says in a taunting voice as he lets out a low groan as he feels you tighten around his cock
“Oh you like that idea you dirty whore” Hyun su says as he starts to pick up his pace going at a inhuman speed as you feel a knot forming in your stomach for the second time
“C-c-cummin” you managed to moan out as your arms wrap around Hyun su pulling his body closer to yours as his thrust became deeper than before
After a few more deep strokes your felt the knot in your stomach snap as feel your self cream over Hyun Su’s hardened cock but Hyun su didn’t stop causing you to let out a loud moan
As Hyun su unwraps your arms from his neck putting them over your head as he holds them in place with one hand causing your eyes to widen a bit as you try to get your arms loose , letting out a deep chuckle as Hyun su starts to pick up his pace as you start to scratch at his hand as your eyes start to water hot tears running down your cheeks
“N-no m-more H-Hyun su” You moan out as your back arch’s off the bed
“Just take it , yah” Hyun su groans out as his pitch black eyes stare down at your crying face letting out a soft chuckle
After a few more violent strokes you felt the familiar feeling in your stomach as you feel Hyun su cock twitch inside your soaked cunt causing you to tighten around his cock , after a few more thrust your both came as you let out a loud moan
“Seriously, my baby sister”
As hYun su quickly gets off you, you quickly grabbing the blanket to hold up to shield both you and Hyun su half naked forms , as your both look towards the door
…It was a angry Eun Hyuk
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sweetvoidstuff · 5 months
Chain the change
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Cha Hyun Su x Reader
Summary: Tensions rise as Green Home votes to evict Hyun Su.
Autors Note:I haven't written stories in quite a while, but I have the desire to pick it up again. English isn't my native language, so I welcome any constructive criticism. Particulary with the titel.
the next part, kinda
The tense atmosphere in the room was palpable as the tenants of Green Home Apartment gathered for the crucial vote. Whispers of uncertainty echoed, and the weight of judgment hung heavy on your shoulder. Demending on this vote Hyun Su would be thrown out or even worse.
Mister Kim's sudden outburst shook the room, his face contorted with rage as he screamed at the other tenants to rid themselves of Cha Hyun Su. The atmosphere, already tense, reached a fever pitch as fear and confusion spread like wildfire. Whispers of disbelief and unease swept through the gathered crowd.
Amidst the chaos, Hyun Su stood at the end of the room, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief, trying to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Mister Kim continued his fervent tirade, demanding that they take matters into their own hands. "We can't let him ruin our lives! We have to get rid of him now or he will turn and kill us all!" he bellowed, his voice echoing in the confined space. Hyun Su, the center of this storm, stood amidst the turmoil, his eyes wide with disbelief and fear. The room held its breath as the realization of the severity of the situation dawned on everyone. Hyun Su struggled to find words to defend himself, caught between the accusations and the impending decision that could change his life.
It was in this moment of tension that you, a bystander until now, felt compelled to speak up. Amidst the chaos, you stepped forward, breaking the silence with a declaration that sent ripples through the room. Standing firm, you declared, "If you're going to throw him out, then I'm leaving with him." The room fell silent, all eyes turning toward you. Your statement hung in the air, a challenge to the collective judgment of the tenants.
The gravity of your words added a new layer to the already charged atmosphere. The tension in the room transformed into a palpable conflict of emotions—fear, anger, and uncertainty mixing together. The decision now rested not only on Cha Hyun Su's fate but on the willingness of the community to confront the consequences of their actions. Not just one, but two lives on the line.
Hyun Su, taken aback by your unexpected stance, tried to interject. "This is unreasonable," in a hushed wisper he argued, concern etched across his face. "What if I turn? What if i become a monster and hurt you?"
Your response was unwavering. "If you're a monster, then all of us are. Listen to what they say, what they are willing to do!," you proclaimed, your words echoing with defiance. "I'll stay with you till the end, whether that's until you fully turn or if it costs me my life. I won't abandon you." Hyun Su, torn between gratitude and concern, tried to reached out to you.
The room erupted into chaos, the revelation sparking heated debates among the tenants. Some questioned the logic of such a decision, while others began to grapple with the profound loyalty you displayed. Mister Kim's hostility turned towards you, his anger now directed at anyone who dared to oppose his extreme proposal. He advanced, his face contorted with rage, but before the situation could escalate further, Hyun Su stepped between you and Mister Kim. The room held its breath, the confrontation reaching a critical point.
At this moment blood began to trickle from Mister Kims nose. First slow but soon a stream of blood ran down his shirt. The room fell into a hushed symphony of gasps, the ominous precursor to a transformation. Eun Hyeok, attempting to calm the panicked crowd, pleaded for reason, but the tenants, gripped by fear, were hesitant to listen.
Hyun Su's own monster stirred, responding to the threat. His eyes turned black, his voice, now laced with a dark undertone, with a smirk he questioned, "I have a question. Am I allowed to vote? If I go, Mister Kim has to go with me, right?"
Eun Hyeok, sensing an opportunity for reason, interjected, "You don't have to do this. Quarantine might be the best option here. For both of them."
Eun Hyeok, taking charge in the midst of the chaos, directed the tenants to assist in quarantining both Hyun Su and Mister Kim. The room shifted from pandemonium to a controlled frenzy as the tenants reluctantly followed Eun Hyeok's instructions.
Hyun Su and you walked side by side towards the makeshift quarantine room. You felt a strong urge to comfort Hyun Su but hesitated, mindful of the other tenants surrounding you. Instead, you decided to take his hand, a silent gesture that spoke volumes. Your fingers gently intertwined with his, and Hyun Su's initial surprise was evident on his face. However, as the warmth of your hand enveloped his, the surprise transformed into a grateful acknowledgment. In the midst of uncertainty, your touch became a lifeline, a tangible reassurance that he wasn't facing this ordeal alone.
As you entered the room, a mix of trepidation and gratitude painted Hyun Su's expression. The solidarity you showed, both in words and actions, had not gone unnoticed.
Gently squeezing his hand once more, you whispered words of comfort, "We face it together, Hyun Su. I'll be back with food later. We'll get through this." Hyun Su nodded, his eyes expressing a blend of gratitude and relief.
Inside the quarantine room, the air felt heavy with the anticipation of Mister Kims transformation and maybe even Hyun Su's that loomed ahead.
Inside the quarantine room, you maintained your grip on Hyun Su's hand until the last possible moment before reluctantly letting go. Your eyes conveyed a silent promise: I'll be back. Hyun Su nodded, gratitude and understanding mirrored in his gaze. You reluctantly released Hyun Su's hand, a sense of reluctance evident in your eyes. "Take care of yourself in there," you said, your voice soft but filled with genuine concern.
Hyun Su managed a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you. " I never expected someone to stand by me like this.
With a final reassuring glance, you left the quarantine room, the makeshift door closing behind you. The hallway outside seemed quieter, the echoes of the recent tumult still lingering in the air. As you stepped back into the hallway, the door closing behind you, the weight of the decision lingered. The small act of holding Hyun Su's hand, you couldn't shake the weight of the decision made and the potential consequences it held for both Hyun Su and the community.
Meanwhile, inside the quarantine room, Hyun Su took a deep breath, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Gratitude overwhelmed him for your unwavering support, and hope flickered in his eyes as he prepared to face the challenges ahead. The makeshift quarantine became a refuge, a space where the unknown awaited.
Back in the hallway, the other tenants exchanged glances, a shared uncertainty written on their faces. The community was at a crossroads, and the decisions made in the coming days would shape the fate of Green Home Apartment.
As you ventured away from the quarantine room, the weight of your commitment lingered. The promise of bringing food later held a sense of normalcy in the midst of chaos, a reminder that even in uncertain times, small gestures of kindness could make a difference. The journey ahead remained uncertain, but for now, Hyun Su found solace in the fact that someone had chosen to stand by him, reach out to him, in his time of need.
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imyourbratzdoll · 6 months
Hii so I want to ask if you could make some father peter x female reader ( innocent of course) dating headcanons?
Or how he shows his dominance in a natural way. Like making sure that she eats, always walking with his hand on her waist etc. Maybe spice it up if you want.
hello! thank you so much for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips (deactivated)
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You never expected to be with someone like Father Peter, it felt somewhat sinful. But he was also so sweet and dominant. 
He’d always make sure you were well-fed and warm. He wouldn’t let you go a day without the finest of things. You’d find nice chocolates and gourmet meals, alongside handpicked flowers and pretty dresses. 
Father Peter would always like to show his dominance, especially around others. You’d get chills whenever he’d gently place his hand on your waist, guiding you. Or when he’d pull you close, pressing you against his body so you know who you belong to. 
Your favourite would be watching him through hazy eyes as he’d sit and play poker, a cigarette lit between his delicious lips. His eyes would find yours and you’d feel your stomach erupt with butterflies as he’d wink at you. 
The best part was how jealous other women were of you, Father Peter would pull you onto his lap, pressing you against his hardened length to show only you could make him feel that way. It was why your relationship felt so sinful. 
No one could ever see the marks he’d leave beneath your clothes, never marks of abuse or harm. Only ones of pleasure, it was a secret between the two of you. 
Your second favourite thing about Father Peter was when he holds you, he’d pull you to your secret spot where there was a perfect view of the stars. You’d watch them, cuddling into him with so much love and adoration.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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queenjang21 · 7 months
•high school hyun soo x yandere reader
•warnings: yandere, gore/blood, bully, manipulation, dead
Cha hyun soo was your only friend, and you were his, even when he started to get bullied, even if he told you to stay away from him, you stayed by his side, resulting in you becoming a target, but you didn’t care, you were strong enough and you fought back.
you only stopped fighting back when they threatened to make hyunsoo’s worse, since then you try to take more hits than him, he didn’t deserve that you were only ever nice to him, even before the bullies, its why he became your friend, he heard there was a girl who was mean to everybody in the school, she never talked and would yell at you for even looking at her, he thought he could be her friend, and he was right.
you looked up from your desk and were ready to glare at the person who disturbed your nap, but was taken back by the most beautiful boy you’ve ever laid eyes on shortly after that, you became friends, hyunsoo knew you mean to anyone that wasn’t him, but he never knew it because you liked him.
hyunsoo grew to love you in the time he spent with you, and it became more every time you’d stand up for him against dohun, it was obvious that hyunsoo had gotten depressed after everything, even noticing scars you knew weren’t inflicted by his classmates.
you got angry, and wanted to shout at and beat dohun senseless after making such a wonderful, cheerful boy do such things to himself, but you knew it’d only make his situation worse, so you held back, it was getting worse day by day, and you didn’t know how much longer you could handle this, after a harsh day, when he leaned into your touch, you confessed, telling him how much he pained you tosl see him in pain, how much you wish you could teach thosegl guys a lesson, and how much you loved him and he returned your feelings! you’ve never been happier, and hyunsoo too.
it was summer break, and you noticed hyunsoo had been smiling more, how his scars faded away, his genuine smiles that were reversed for you, hyunsoo had to leave their date early, something happened to his dad and he needed to be there, it was already late at night, so you followed him, it wasn’t the first time you followed him, you had to made sure he was safe and you were glad you did, you noticed how a girl from your school, jihyung was it? found herself next to hyunsoo, and she started to talk with him.
hyunsoo was getting uncomfortable, but the girl attached herself to his side, completely ignoring his protests, your blood boiled, how could she do that to someone?! someone that belonged to you?! surely she knew about the two of you? everyone knew that the two losers were dating and you wanted to hurt her, in a worse way that she was hurting what was yours.
you saw the woman grab his face and leaned towards, him, her hand on places that it shouldn’t be, when you jumped out of your hiding spot, you grabbed the pocket knife you always kept with you just incase, and stabbed it into her head, you pulled it out and did it again, but in a different spot, then again, and again, and again-
she fell to the floor, unresponsive and you smiled, she was gone, but now hyunsoo was looking at you, he looked scared, even more than he did when he first got bullied
“y/n?” his tone was careful, but undoubtedly scared “what did you do?!” when you walked closer you tried to explain yourself, but he backed away “she was a human being…no one deserves something like that!”
“she hurt you! anyone who hurts you should be dead, and what she did to you? i should’ve made it hurt more” hyunsoo kept backing away, until he finally got the courage to run, you sighed and ran after him, you didn’t want to hurt him, but one time wouldn’t be so bad…you grabbed a small piece of wood laying on the ground, and when you caught up with him, you hit him, hard enough to make him pass out.
you tied him up and put him in your car, driving home and putting him in your room, but you weren’t done for the day, you tracked down dohun’s house, he was asleep when you entered the room, you took a knife larger than your previous, and slammed it directly into his heart, you would’ve preferred something that hurt more, but this had to do, then you drove to hyunsoo’s house, you only needed his mother and sister, his dad was already taken care of, poor thing got ran over by a truck driver on his way to work, you were already planning to do this, but it was just a bit early.
once you were finished with them you headed home, just in time for hyunsoo to wake up, he winced at the pain in his head, when he looked up, remembering what happened as he locked eyes with you, he realized he was tied up and started struggling, “i’m sorry about the restraints, are they hurting you? i can take them off only if you don’t try to run away again” you sat down next to him, he was breathing heavily, struggling to free himself from the tight grip of the ropes.
it took him a few minutes to stop, he was exhausted and started to cry, you wrapped your arms around him to try and comfort him, for a moment he seemed to forget the situation, and what you had done, he leaned in to kiss you, seeking comfort that only you could give, but he pulled away, leaning away from you, “someone will look for me…they’ll find me…” you sighed and moved away “anyone who could rescue you is already dead, give up, your parents, your sister, even dohun is dead, no one will look for you, cause no one else cares about you the way i do, they’ll never give you the love that i do” hyunsoo felt his heart drop when you mentioned his family, it was true that they didn’t care for him anymore, overhearing his sister tell her friends how much of a freak he was, and “no, i don’t have a brother!” even his parents not giving him as much attention.
the only one who did seem to care…was you but you hurt people, you killed his family, and you killed that girl, you didn’t even break a sweat, how could he love someone like that? “you’re right” he lied “i’m sorry i said that, i…love you” but you weren’t stupid, you knew everything about hyunsoo, right down to his lies, does he seriously think he can get away with this? you won’t hurt him, you’ll only teach him a lesson, there is a part of him that still loves you, and you’ll just have to bring it out, you left alone in a separate room for days, only bringing him food and drinks, and sometimes letting him have a shower, he tried to be cute to you, but you knew he was only toying with you.
you would tape his mouth shut and lock the door while bringing another boy over, you felt sick as you flirted with them, they didn’t deserve your attention, but hyunsoo was a brat, and needed to get himself together and it was working, hyunsoo could hear every flirty remark you made towards them, and it made his heart ache, he thought he shouldn’t love someone like you, but you were his only happiness for months, how could he let someone like that go so easily? he tried to pretend it didn’t hurt, like it didn’t feel like his heart was torn to pieces everytime you wouldn’t even look at him and when you went inside weeks later to bring him water he broke, tears in his eyes as you didn’t even speak this time, he looked at you and begged, for the first time, to look at him, to give him attention, to love him again, he loves you, and now you’re the only one he has left, he’ll do anything for your attention, you would be lying if you said you weren’t feeling heartbroken too, you wrapped your arms around, vowing to never make him lonely again, never to let him feel that way when you’re around.
because he made you whole, he made you feel things you never thought you could, so you will latch onto him forever, if it meant feeling like that for your entire life.
Written by : 0X1-L0VES0NG (wattpad)
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kuebandungs · 23 days
Sweet Home Imagines : 01
☆ Lee Eunhyuk x fem!Reader ☆
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That's all you could do since two hours ago.
You're too scared. You're alone in this world. In a strange world that you never imagined will become a reality.
"Drink it."
Someone's voice next to you made you look up. With puffy eyes, you looked at him. The man with glasses crouched down to be at eye level with you who was sitting on the stairs.
"You can join the others in the gathering room. I'll ask Eunyu to accompany you later."
He stood up and was about to leave after placing a bottle water next to you. However, you held his hand, causing the man suddenly stop and look at you.
"Can I come with you?" you asked.
You could see that the man was looking at you in surprise. But he quickly neutralized his expression back to normal.
Finally you got up from your place and followed his steps.
When passing through the corridor which is the gathering place for the residents of this apartment, you suddenly look down. You were too afraid to respond to the various looks they gave you.
"Come on."
You only looked up when this man took you into a room with a CCTV monitor screen and an old sofa in the corner of the room.
"This is the CCTV room. No one comes here except me and certain people."
You nodded slightly at his explanation.
"You can rest on the sofa while I do my work," said that man.
Your eyes watch the movements of the man who is now sitting in front of the monitor screen. He looks very focused, as if he immediately forgot about your existence in this room.
Your gaze now looks to the other side. With slow steps you went towards the sofa. You sat and stared blankly at the view in front of you which was the man's back.
As the seconds pass by, your eyes start to feel heavy. You suspect this is the effect of fatigue after a day of running away from the terrible creatures you encounter and also because after all this time you can finally feel the softness of the sofa you're currently sitting on.
Until finally you actually fall asleep on the sofa.
You didn't know how long you have been asleep, until when you open your eyes you saw an empty room. You stare at the chair which has now been abandoned by its owner somewhere.
You looked down when you realized that there was a plaid shirt covering you. You remember that this shirt is the same as the one worn by the man with glasses before.
"Already up?"
The voice sounded at the same time as someone who had just entered the room.
"How long have I been sleeping?" you asked while changing you position to sitting.
"About 3 hours. It's dinner time now, take it."
"Uh... thanks." You accept the bowl of food from him.
He nodded then walked back to his seat in front of the monitor.
You noticed that his shirt was still in your lap. You cleared your throat slowly.
Your sigh succeeded in making him turn his chair to face you. "Um, this.. is yours?" you said showing his shirt.
"Yes. Just wear it if you feel cold." He turned his chair back towards the screen.
"Who are you? I mean, what's your name?"
Finally, you can ask questions that have been languishing in your head since beginning. Since this afternoon, as soon as you managed to set foot on the ground floor of Green Home Apartment, this man was the first to greet you at the bottom of the stairs. As if he already knew that you were coming. But now you know that this man must have noticed your arrival through the monitor screen.
"My name is Lee Eunhyuk. I was the one who made the announcement yesterday, so that the residents could come to the first floor to protect themselves from monsters."
You suddenly remembered the male voice coming from the building speakers. No wonder he sounded familiar when he spoke.
"Thank you, Eunhyuk," you said smiling sincerely.
"It's nothing. I should be the one thanking you," Eunhyuk replied.
You looked at him confused. "What for?" you asked.
"Thank you for surviving and fighting to get here. I'm really grateful that you're still alive, (Name)."
The curve of your lips is appeared again. Your heart feels warm knowing that someone cares about you. In fact, he is a stranger you have never knew before.
Your smile slowly faded, as a question emerged in your head.
"How do you know my name?"
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pinievsev · 7 months
Heyy i saw u have ur requests open for sweet home and OMG I NEEDED TO REQUEST SMTH CUZ THE LACK OF FANFICS IS INSANE.
Could you write something with park chan-young? maybe reader or oc (whatever you prefer) helping him to get on that bus in ep2 and then them meeting later on again?
i never requested anything so i hope this makes sense lmao. Thank you alr and btw ur account is amazing!
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loose knots
Park Chan young X GN! older sibling of
Kim Su-Yeong & Kim Yeong-Su! Reader
Genre: Fluff (maybe angst)
Warnings: maybe some cussing, reader smokes . (This is sweet home we're talking about)
A/N: I honestly have no idea what to title this but I stayed up all night watching as much of S2 as I could to come up with something. (Bro reader doesn't know Chan young's name for most of this and I hate using "soldier or officer for him but idk what else to call him. So take a shot for every time you see those words in this.) (AND THANK YOU!!)
© The-Lemon-Boy on Tumblr
You sat in the back of the truck with the remaining survivors of your "group" from the green home.
Eun-yu currently had a gun pointed at one of the officers in the front of the truck, basically forcing them to take you all back to the green home apartment complex.
You understood that she's trying to find her brother, but she's basically killing all of you.
The truck stopped Infront of the apartment complex, most of the building collapsed onto itself leaving a giant gap in the middle of it.
You stayed back as she went inside, hoping to find Eun-hyuk. Watching as ji-su held the gun pointed to the officer, just like eun-yu did.
It all happened quickly, and now you were tied up in the building,you felt the second officer, that was instructed to tie you loosen the knot on your restraints.
"i kept the knots loose. Find a safe place once we leave" he whispered to you and got up, sparing a second glance towards you to make sure you heard him, and left once you nodded.
You looked up, hearing someone coming your way. "Is that?.."
"Ms. Im." Eun-yu finished for you, she walked past you, ignoring you all. Leaving you confused. Hadn't she turned?
You watched as they hit her with the truck, and as that asshole of a soldier was about to light her on fire, his head got impaled with some kind of tentacle.
And you heard something you hoped you'd never hear again. "I can't see!".
You remember when hyun-soo had come to help you and your siblings, you remember that monster, and how it almost killed you. You remember having to keep your hands over your sibling's mouths.
You untied yourself, just like the soldier had said, they were loose and easy to undo.
You got up and slowly walked outside, everyone following you just as slowly, you saw the same soldier that tied you, about to shoot the monster, he glanced as you and you put your finger to your lips shaking your head, telling him to be quiet.
He simply nodded and pointed behind him, at a bus. You led everyone slowly there, and a guy, you never caught his name despite living in the same place for so long, began trying to start the bus.
It worked after a few times but the monster had heard you, the soldier began shooting at it and ran after the bus.
You held onto the door with one hand and extended the other to him, he reached out and after a few tries he caught your hand and you pulled him onto the vehicle.
With a quick "thank you" and a nod to you he took the wheel. And you drove off.
You sat next to the broken window. Looking outside. You turned to eun-yu who sat opposite you after hearing her call your name. A cigarette in her mouth and one in her hand, extended to you. You'd somehow become friends.
"want one?" You nodded and took it with a thankful smile. She handed you her lighter, a green one. You recalled it being sang-wook's.
You placed the cigarette between your lips and lit it, giving her lighter back. She moved to sit next to you, so the smoke wouldn't stay inside the bus.
After finishing your cigarette you fell asleep.
You didn't know how long you had been asleep for but you awoke to eun-yu shaking you.
You exited the bus, following eun-yu, you didn't know why, but you trusted her so you didn't ask her.
You jumped, startled after hearing a gunshot coming from the bus. You ran back, seeing the same man that had started the bus turning into a monster.
The weird man that had entered the bus midway poured some kind of alcoholic liquid on the floor and as soon as the now turned man saw his reflection on it, he started wailing.
It was the most blood curdling scream you'd ever heard, you covered your ears and kneeled down next to your little brother.
As if realisation had hit you like a truck you looked around frantically searching for your sister. The soldier stood Infront of you and your brother, as if to protect you. You looked up at him, tears threating to spill from your eyes.
He looked at you. As reassuringly as he could through his own teary eyes.
Ji-su grabbed the thing that the man had dropped, some kind of explosive? And lit the monster on fire. Killing it.
Once it's screaming stopped you rushed on the bus Yeong-Su right on your trail. You looked around and saw your sister, laying on the floor, lifeless.
"Su-Yeong!" You screamed running towards her kneeling on the ground. The tears actually leaving your eyes. You held her to you with one arm, wrapping the other around your brother who was now crying uncontrollably.
"Su-Yeong..." Your brother cried through his sobs.
You let her go, still crying. And picked up your brother who was screaming for you not to leave her walking outside where everyone was. You shook your head and most of them looked down, holding themselves from crying.
But the soldier. He walked up to you, placing a hand on your shoulder. "I'm sorry.."
You shook your head, sniffling "don't." He nodded and walked off, you all followed. Your brother still screaming for Su-Yeong.
You're now in the stadium, next to eun-yu screaming for ji-su. She simply smiled at you and nodded. You took a deep shaky breath in and hugged eun-yu to you, covering her eyes and looking away yourself.
You heard the chunk of the stadium finally break off. And crush her.
You stood up, pulling eun-yu along, you needed to find your brother.
You sat in the makeshift base the platoon had made for the survivors with your brother. Zoned out. Until you heard the alarm go off. Roll call.
You stood up, holding your hand Infront of you, lining up against the wall with everyone else.
The soldiers checked everyone, and the same soldier that had brought you here stood Infront of you. He nodded but you didn't react. He moved along checking everyone else.
Once the roll call was over. Your brother ran off to play and you sat back down. You had nothing to do. You felt weak.
Eun-yu walked past you, waving slightly. You waved back. She was strong. She actually did something. Unlike you. You felt useless.
You saw an old lady struggling to lift something. You stood up and helped her. She thanked you telling you where to place the box. Once that was done you bowed to her and left. You walked around your living area, helping people as much as you could.
Out of the corner of your eye you so the same soldier again looking at you, once he made sure you'd seen him he walked off. You followed him.
He led you behind some kind of staircase. And made sure no one was around before talking.
"I'm Chan young." He said a smile on his face. You scanned his face, he had a nice smile. You noted.
"y/n." (I hate using that.) You replied.
"are you okay?" He asked you placing a hand on your shoulder just like he had done back on the bus.
"as okay as I can be. Are you?" He sighed, looking down for just a moment but you saw him.
"i guess I am. It feels like we're stuck here, my duty is to protect the survivors and it's like I can't even do that properly"
You shook your head making him look at you with a hand on his cheek. "you should focus on protecting yourself as well. Physically and mentally. The conditions we live in are not easy. You of all people should know. I understand you want to protect everyone. But if anything happens to you, no one else will."
He stared at you, processing your words. This is the longest he's ever heard you talked. Your voice was calming to him. As much as what you'd just said to him.
He didn't know what to say. He just nodded at you. "Is that all you know how to do?" You joked, your hand still on his cheek.
"nod. You've nodded at me at least a dozen on times in the past week." He chuckled.
"i just, I'm not sure what to say to that." You laughed. And lightly patted his cheek a couple of times before dropping your hand
"you don't have to say anything, just think about what I told you. Chan young."
And with that you were off.
From then on he'd always speak to you when he had time. You'd sneak off at times and talk, about anything. Your lives before the world you know today. Your feelings. Through that, he found you were good at giving advice and even if you didn't know, you always helped him calm down, or forget anything negative that was pestering his mind.
Right now you sat on your "bed" looking at your brother playing with a baseball down the hall.
"can we talk?" You looked up, seeing Chan young Infront of you. You nodded and got up, following him to your usual place, one of the secret paths chief Ji had told you about.
You stopped not too far away from where you entered, the only light being his flashlight.
"what's up? Did something happen?" He shook his said at your question and with a *click* the light disappeared. You stood confused.
"Chan you-?" You got cut off, feeling his lips on yours. He pulled away after you didn't react turning his flashlight back on and apologised.
You reached down and turned it off again, making the first move this time. He immediately reciprocated the action.
It was soft and sweet. As if you were a fragile porcelain doll that would break at any point.
But he knew you weren't. You were much more than that. You were the person that helped him through his troubles. The person he'd grow to trust the most during the time you'd spent underground.
"thank you" he said quietly, nearly unheard. But you did hear it. And smiled. "Thank you." You said, putting emphasis on the 'you'.
You heard a light chuckle coming from him before he connected your lips again.
You couldn't possibly imagine what would've happened if he hadn't tied you up loosely back then. And you didn't want to.
A/N: and yes. Ladies and gents I thought of a title.
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dyaz-stories · 6 months
hands shaking from holding back from you || Hyun-Su x f!reader
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summary: Spring is here, and Hyun-Su offers to take you out on a date, which soon leads to more between the two of you
word count: 3.5k
warnings & tags: some fluff, angst because it's sweet home, kissing, heavy make-out session, gets pretty suggestive but never explicit, monster!hyun-su makes an appearance, the pronoun 'her' is used once in reference to the reader
first one-shot · previous one-shot
A/N: to give a little context, reader and Hyun-Su were in high school together, reader was only there for a year before going to another high school, and therefore has no knowledge of the bullying which hyun-su was a victim of. this one-shot can be read independently (there's nothing intense plot-wise that requires having read the other parts), but I do recommend reading them for context.
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There is something strange about spring returning in a forever changed world. It had been so fitting, the apocalypse starting with winter, when everything was dead and desolate. Now, nature is starting to bloom again. The streets should be filled with noise and people, and you should be studying for your exams. Instead, you’re rationing your food, and you haven’t been outside in forever — you don’t need to, now that you have a knight in his torn hoodie to make sure you have everything you need.
Hyun-Su truly is the silver lining in the situation. The only good thing in the world as it is. He’s been more confident around you lately, more at ease. Still, it surprises you when he comes by on a sunny afternoon, and offers, with this soft, cautious voice of his:
“Do you want to go out today?”
 You’re putting away some fresh fruits he picked for you, and you turn around in confusion.
“What do you mean, out?”
‘Outside’ is dangerous. ‘Outside’ is a place you only go when you’re desperate, and you plan as efficiently as possible, to ensure you spend the least amount of time there. ‘Outside’, everything is a threat, and you can only breathe when you’re back at the house.
‘Outside’ regularly takes Hyun-Su from you.
Sure, he’s around a lot more, these days, but he still has to leave every now and then. You’ve come to understand that you’re not the only one who relies on him, but he hasn’t provided an explanation, and you haven’t pried. It burns a little every time he leaves, and yet…
And yet, the fear that he wouldn’t answer if you asked is worse. The fear that he might not come back if you didn’t let it rest. The fear that if he had to choose, he wouldn’t choose you.
“It’s nice out,” he answers, and you notice him retreating even as he’s still speaking. “But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to—”
“No, I’d love to,” you cut him off before he can doubt himself further. “I just— Wouldn’t that be— dangerous?”
“Oh.” He smiles, and it’s mesmerizing. It’s not the bright, joyful smile you were used to seeing, back in high school, but being more subdued doesn’t make it any less genuine. “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
There’s no cockiness in his voice, just confidence.
“Then… Sure. I’d love to go out with you.” And you’re not usually the type to say that, because you don’t have the guts for it, but you feel comfortable enough with Hyun-Su to lean towards him with a playful smile. “It’s a date then?”
He lets out a brief, surprised laugh, then glances down at his feet while his cheeks and ears turn red.
“Sure. It’s a date.”
Even if you were the instigator, you still feel your face burn at how soft his eyes are when he looks back at you.
He looks at you like you’re one of the seven wonders.
You see him lick his lips as his eyes fall on yours. You could always take the step to fill the distance between the two of you, but Hyun-Su rarely initiates, so you want to give him the chance to do so. When he does, it’s always so soft and so careful, like he’s afraid of breaking you. After a few seconds, he clears his throat, looks away again — and it’s alright. You won’t rush him.
“I’ll go get ready,” you hum, stepping out of the room.
You miss the way Hyun-Su follows you with adoring eyes.
When you emerge back from your room, Hyun-Su is waiting for you, and you follow him, heart rate spiking when you go through the door. Being outside again, without the need to go get some specific and vital item, is— strange. Your eyes dart around you, constantly taking in your surroundings. There are surprisingly few monsters, compared to the chaos that was early winter. In front of you, Hyun-Su walks casually, seemingly without paying much attention to what is happening around him. You trust him, you really do, but there’s you still find it unnerving about that.
When you jump at some faraway sound, that turns out to be just birds flying away, scared by your approach, he offers you his hand, an amused smile on his lips. He might even suppress a laugh, but you can’t tell for sure.
“Is that okay?” he asks you softly as he closes his fingers around yours.
He treats you like you’re made of porcelain.
“It’s much better,” you reply with a smile, even if you feel a little sheepish.
For a second, he stares into your eyes, before he looks away and lets out a deep, long exhale. You don’t question him, just give his hand a squeeze, hoping it comes off as a silent reassurance.
He squeezes back, then pulls you with him as you keep going through the city.
“Is there— Is there nothing here anymore?” you ask. It feels like you should have seen a monster by now.
“They’re here,” Hyun-Su replies casually, like monsters aren’t a death promise. “They just know better than to approach.”
You swallow. You understand what he doesn’t say — they know better than to approach him — but it’s not that much of a reassurance, for you. You quicken your pace to stay closer to him. It says a lot about how far he’s come that he doesn’t jump when your shoulder brushes against his.
“They’re not all dangerous,” he says. You know he intends for it to be reassuring, but all you can do is grimace in response.
“They might not be,” you answer — you remember a flash of wings as an unseen monster ripped the snake-like creature that was trying to enter your home —, “but it’s not like I have a way of knowing which ones are safe and which ones aren’t.”
There’s a long silence as Hyun-Su keeps walking.
“But isn’t that true of humans, too?” he asks you in the end. He sounds so— sad, and yet you don’t know what to tell him to make it better. He’s not like them, you want to assure him. You’d never conflate him with the ones that tried to murder you — but it’s not like you can forget about them altogether either. Being wrong about trusting a monster, being wounded once could sign your end.
“It is,” you reply slowly. It’s especially true in this new world, where humans have dropped all their inhibitions. “I guess it’s just— Humans have been less of danger to me, you know?” A brief laugh. “But it’s not like I’m running after them either, right? I haven’t stepped foot near the shelter.”
Your dad didn’t trust the military, and you’re distrustful of authority. There might be strength in numbers, but you wouldn’t feel safe being surrounded by men with machine guns while you have nothing.
Hyun-Su hums at your answer. It does seem to have brought him some comfort, and yet you feel the need not to leave it at that.
“You know I trust you, right?” He freezes and turns to look at you. “Both sides,” you insist. “I know you’re safe.”
His lips part as if to say something, before he closes them again and his Adam’s apple bobs up and down. Finally, he nods.
“I feel safe with you, too,” he says. The sentence catches you by surprise, almost makes you want to laugh, because— who in their right mind would think you’re a threat? But Hyun-Su says it with such gravitas that you can only assume that there’s something that you don’t know about under there. Truth be told, there’s a lot you haven’t talked about with him. He’s not talkative, not anymore at least, and it’s hard to know which questions you can ask before reaching a painful subject. And there are countless of these, for everyone, since the Apocalypse hit. “Come on,” he adds after a few seconds. “We’re almost there.”
He pulls you towards a half-broken down outside staircase. You can’t make your way up on your own, so he grabs you by the hips to help you up, and you let out a surprised yelp when strong hands pull you close to him, his chest against your back, to lift you up. Immediately, his body tenses up and he stills, which means you’re all too aware of how close he is now, of his breath on your neck and his body against yours.
“Sorry,” he says. “Is that okay?”
Gosh, he’s sweet to ask, but you’re really happy he cannot see your expression right now.
“It’s fine,” you squeak, “just caught me off guard. Don’t worry about it.”
He seems to hesitate for a second, and oh, you’re so aware of his fingers on your hips, before he lifts you up as if you weighed nothing, first on his shoulder, then easily higher, so you can grab the bottom of the staircase.
“All good?” he asks once you’re up there.
“All good! Do you need—”
But he’s made his way up before you can finish your sentence, and you blink. Right. Some people are athletic.
“Go ahead,” he says, gesturing towards the stairs. “I’ll catch you if anything goes wrong.”
It shouldn’t feel reassuring, should make you think that you’re at risk, but you meant it when you said you trusted him. Knowing he’s there to watch over you… It’s like having your own personal guardian angel.
There are no issues, however, and you soon arrive on the rooftop — which takes your breath away. This had to have belonged to someone with money, because there is a whole garden there. Overgrown grass, flowers, and even a few trees. Birds are chirping, and it feels… Well, it feels like the kind of places you’d go to laze around on a sunny afternoon with your friends, like an actual park. Being secluded and high up, it is however much safer than any park you could actually go to now. When you turn around, you’re met with an impressive view of the city. It looks peaceful from up here, just a quiet spring day.
Then you notice that Hyun-Su is staring at you, and what you see takes your breath away. He’s smiling. Actually smiling. Wide and bright.
You’re quick to look away, embarrassed by the emotions you’re sure are obvious on your face. Tilting your head up, you let yourself receive the sun.
It’s been a long time since you’ve been this happy.
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Hyun-Su often feels that, when he’s with you, all he can do is stare. He likes watching you when you’re at home, going about your day in the house, or sitting by a window and reading. It makes him feel so— welcome, knowing that he can just be there, with you, and that you’ll never mind his presence, never ask him to leave.
Never ignore him and pretend he doesn’t exist.
It makes him feel like he belongs, being around you, makes him feel at peace.
Or, at least, it did, because the emotions swirling under his skin right now are much more complex than they used to be.
He met you, or met you again, in the winter, when you were bundled up under coats and scarves and layers upon layers of clothes. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed the change in your wardrobe lately.
It makes sense, of course. Days are getting warmer. Not only is there no need for you to keep wearing pullovers and disappear into huge coats. But the way your clothes are hugging your body these days, how they accentuate your curves, how your t-shirt rides up to reveal the skin of your stomach…
He can’t say that it makes it more difficult to be around you, because he doesn’t think that anything could do that. You make him feel like he can breathe again, like he’s finally coming up to the surface after spending ages lost in dark waters, not knowing which way was up and which way was down. It’s just that it— takes a lot of place in his mind.
He can already barely stop thinking about you as it is, knows that the Kid and Yi-Kyung have noticed already how his mind always seems to wander away from them. This, though, this is a whole other can of worms. Because he doesn’t know how to act about it. Doesn’t know how you’d feel if you knew. Doesn’t know if you’d look at him with pity, if you’d tell him you never want to see him again, if it would disgust you.
Yet, no matter how much he tries to stop himself, he always comes back to staring. You tilt your head up towards the sky, close your eyes.
You’re beautiful.
If he was another man, he’d walk up to you to wrap his arms around you, he’d whisper something in your ear, he’d kiss you.
Just as the thought crosses his mind, his leg twitches. It takes him a second to understand that it’s not just an involuntary muscle reaction. Inside him, the monster is swelling, clawing its way up towards the surface.
If you don’t do something about this, I will, it whispers inside him. And let’s be honest, maybe that would be for the best, because what could you do? At least I wouldn’t be afraid to touch her.
Hyun-Su tries his best to force it back down, to ignore the sting of the words, but the monster refuses to let up. Finally, he takes a step in your direction, then another. The closer he is to you, the less the monster puts up a fight — but it still refuses to go down completely.
You turn to look at him when he reaches you, tilting your head in quiet questioning.
Hyun-Su feels himself lifting his hand to touch your cheek, and it’s so spontaneous, so natural that he can’t really say who’s in control there. Your skin is soft under his, and as he leans in to kiss you, he cannot forget how fragile you are compared to him. How one wrong surge from the creature he harbors inside himself could end it all, how careful he needs to be.
And, when his lips brush against yours and you kiss him back without hesitation, he’s reminded of how you either don’t know that or don’t care.
There must be something in the air, because without thinking, his hand comes to your waist, then the small of your back, pulling you close to him. Again, he can’t tell if it’s the monster making its own decision, or if it’s just natural and he’s just doing what he truly wants to do. Both thoughts are worrying.
But you’re not aware of all the questions going on his mind, and all you do is tilt your head up to give him better access to your mouth — and it makes his pulse rush and his mind goes haywire.
Normally, he’d know better. Right now, he feels your hands, trapped against his chest, gripping his hoodie and pulling him down towards you, just a little closer, because there isn’t much space left between the two of you anyway.
He tilts you back now, still without thinking — there isn’t enough space for that in his mind at this moment, not when it’s so filled with you you you — hands firmly holding you against him. His tongue pushes against your lips, and you part them almost immediately, welcoming him in your mouth. His blood is pumping, his whole body feels scorching hot, and you’re right there, running your fingers along his jaw and over his neck, leaving burning trails everywhere you touch.
His tongue intertwines with yours and he feels, more than he hears, you whimper into him.
Immediately, a sense of urgency forces him to pull back. One second, he’s pressed against yours, the next, he’s taken two steps back, and your eyes open in confusion.
“Are you okay?’ he asks, searching for a way he’s hurt you, anything indicating that something’s wrong. But all he finds is swollen lips that you press together as you glance away from him.
“Um, yeah, everything’s fine,” you mumble, and it takes an embarrassingly long time for him to understand what kind of noise that was.
He’s immediately desperate to hear it again.
He brings you back against him to kiss you once more, and there it is, coming from the back of your throat.
He’s not sure what happens, who initiates what, if he’s in control at all, but soon he knows that your back is against the grass, and he’s above you, kissing you just as fiercely. Your hands are wandering now — his shoulders, first, then his arms, then tracing the muscles of his chest and down to his abs. He wants to respond in kind, wants so badly to feel you, but the second he moves his hands, fear assaults him again.
“Is that—” He breaks the kiss to look at you in worry. “Is that okay?”
He illustrates the question with the softest of touch on your skin. You let out a brief laugh — not a mocking one, though.
“You really don’t have to keep asking that,” you say, and your eyes are adoring. Then, when he stays still, you push yourself on your elbows to press a kiss to the corner of his lips. Then his jaw. Then his neck.
Hyun-Su can only stay there, frozen in bliss, as you pepper his skin with kisses. Finally, as you’re reaching his collarbone, you take his hand in yours to bring it back on your body, and then you lie back down, allowing him to take the lead now.
His hand is shaking as he slides it under your t-shirt, all of his senses overwhelmed with need. He wants you so bad, he has a hard time understanding it. Kissing you is familiar. The way your body arches against yours, pushing into his touch— isn’t. His immediate want for more, more of the sounds you make, more of your body, more of you, that is all new, too.
He feels feverish as he mirrors your previous actions, kissing down your neck and lingering in one spot when he discovers it makes you whimper. Now that you’re not muffled with his mouth, your sounds echo louder, and they’re music to his ears, in a way that fuels the fire you’ve lit inside him. His hips press down into you, and a jolt of pleasure jolts through him, which when he realizes that he’s—
He tears himself away from you for the second time, stumbling back to end up just a couple meters away from you.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, “sorry about that.”
You sit up, looking a little confused.
“Are you okay?” you ask softly.
It’s his line, and it takes him a while to piece together what you could mean by that. It’s not like there’s any way for you to hurt him. If anything, you should be disgusted by him. There’s no way you didn’t feel him, which means you know he’s hard. But you’re just looking at him in concern.
“Sorry,” he repeats. “I shouldn’t— I shouldn’t have—”
“Hyun-Su,” you call gently as you scoot over towards him. “It’s all good. I didn’t— um— I didn’t mind. But we— we can stop here for now, if you’d rather.”
Inside him, the monster protests vaguely, but this time Hyun-Su has no issue sending it back to the abyss it came from. He’s overwhelmed, heart beating erratically, and he doesn’t know what would happen if things kept going. He wasn’t in control, not really, and he— he can’t risk it. Not with you.
“Sorry,” he repeats, feeling miserable.
Slowly, you put your arms around him. There’s nothing suggestive about it. You’re just doing your best to bring him comfort.
“It’s okay,” you whisper. Your fingers run gently through his hair in appeasing motions. He rests his head against your shoulder.
He’s not alone.
You’re just there, talking to him, touching him, right against him. You’re not doing anything to move away, not looking at him like he’s some mistake, and it feels like his heart is trying to jump out of his chest.
“Thank you,” he mumbles.
Your fingers still for a moment, before you go back to your ministrations.
“For what?”
And, God, the fact that you don’t even know, that you don’t even realize everything you’re doing, everything you’ve done for him since that first day when you spotted him in the street and ran after him…
He draws in a trembling breath.
“Thank you,” he just repeats.
You don’t ask any more questions, just keep gently playing with his hair.
The sky’s blue, the birds are singing, the town is quiet. It’s just you and him, sitting in the grass, on the rooftop.
If someone were to miraculously pass by and see the two of you there, they’d probably think that you were, indeed, on a date.
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okay, I hope you're enjoying this little series! I'm not sure what I'll work on next. i know i'm eventually going to write smut for them, though it's going to be very soft because... well it has to be between them lol. someone has also said they wanted to see them tackle the world together a bit more, so I'm also thinking about writing a one-shot where they meet ha-ni and ho-sang, because i thought that ho-sang's intense dislike for hyun-su could imply they've met before. anyway, yeah, i have a couple different ideas.
i would really appreciate it if you left a comment, whether here, in the tags or in a reblog, and tell me anything you're liking in this series! interactions really motivate me and keep me writing :)
next one-shot
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24hlevi · 6 months
AAAAAAAA URE TAKING REQUEST??? 🥹 one for eunhyeok pls, just a sweet fluff(or an nsfw if ure okay with that) i miss him sm, u can do anything with it i’ll take anything 🤲🏼
i literally am in love with eunhyuk so how about...fluffy smut 😍 thank you for requesting 🫶
— so beautiful
lee eunhyuk (sweet home) x gn!afab!reader
genre: smut
summary: eunhyuk comes home from a rough day at work, knowing he's been distant and not noticing your needs, and all he wants is you
warnings: language, nsfw, praise, soft sex, fingering, p in v, unprotected sex
minors do not interact
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the second eunhyuk walked through the door, you heard a long sigh from the walkway entrance. you knew eunyoo was gone doing something, whatever it is she did whenever she was out of the apartment, so thankfully you two had the place to yourself.
"jagiya," eunhyuk called out once he slid his shoes off his feet.
"in the bedroom!" you responded, putting down the book you were reading as you sat on the bed.
eunhyuk walked through the bedroom door and a small smile immediately lit up on his face upon seeing you on the bed. he took his flannel off and tossed it on the ground next to the bed before he crawled into the bed next to you, his arms quickly wrapping around you and putting his face in the crook of your neck.
a short chuckle came from your lips at his actions, one of your hands playing with his hair. "rough day at work?"
"mhm," he hummed, nodding his head slightly.
a comfortable silence filled the room and just when you thought eunhyuk was going to get up, he started to leave little kisses on your neck. they started out light and soft, but soon enough he was biting down on your skin, with your own teeth between your bottom lip as you struggled out words.
"what're you doing?"
eunhyuk pulled away from your neck, looking down at you and seeing the blush on your face made him smile a bit. "i thought maybe we could spend some time together, since eunyoo is gone and we have the place to ourselves," he answered, his hands holding your hips.
"are you sure? what if she comes back?" you questioned worriedly.
"you know when she's gone it's for hours, we'll be fine," eunhyuk replied, his hands starting to trail down to the hem of your shorts. "i know i've been distant lately, and i want to make it up to you."
his words were true, he had been being distant with things seemingly getting worse at his job, but you would never admit you were getting needy because of it. however, it was obvious by how your hips jerked upwards when hyuk's fingers grabbed your shorts and slowly started to pull them down.
eunhyuk noticed, obviously. he was coming home either so late or so early that he would immediately fall asleep as soon as he hit the bed, leaving you to attempt to make yourself feel good, but it wasn't the same. which is why he was so grateful when his boss said he could leave a little early, so he could spend time with you.
he pulled down both your shorts and underwear, then spreading your legs apart with his hands, seeing how wet you were. "all this for me? i've hardly done anything yet," he said almost teasingly.
you were unable to come up with a response, too embarrassed by how aroused you were just by him finally giving you the attention you needed, only to be interrupted by a moan leaving your lips when he started to circle your clit with his thumb.
his other fingers were dragging up and down your slit, collecting your slick on his digits, his eyes peering at you before he inserted a finger suddenly, making you let out a louder moan than the last. your hips bucked upward again, and eunhyuk used his free hand to hold you down, slowly starting to push his finger in and out of you.
"hyuk," you whined, your hands gripping the bedding beneath you.
"mm?" he hummed, looking at you with a teasing smile. he loved watching you unravel before him, he adored the way your face contorted in pleasure every time he made a movement, he could stay here for hours if he could. "you look so pretty like this," he said, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh before slipping in another finger and picking up his pace.
you writhed around under him, moans leaving your lips freely and without any care of others possibly hearing through the thin walls of the complex. his hand held you down from your hips bucking upwards, and your back arched when he curled his fingers inside of you. "fuck- don't stop, p-please- oh my god."
eunhyuk watched you with a small smirk on his face, his fingers thrusting in and out of you at a quick pace, and just when you were about to cum, he pulled his hand away. you let out a loud whine and opened your eyes to look at him, seeing him undo his belt and take off his jeans and boxers in one swift motion and immediately hovering over you again.
he moved some of your hair from your face, kissing your forehead before slowly slipping inside of you. he let out a low groan as he sheathed himself all the way inside, putting his face in your neck again, his warm breath hitting your skin. your arms wrapped around his neck as he started to thrust into you, little whimpers coming from you right into his ear.
"fuck," he sighed into your skin, his hands grabbing your waist in a tight grip. "it's like you were made to take my cock, baby." he began to pick up his pace, leaving crescent moon shapes in your skin from how tight he was holding you.
"hyuk," you moaned loudly, eyes squeezing shut and clawing at his back. you couldn't help the noises coming from you, it just felt too good for you to even think about being quiet.
"so good for me, just for me," eunhyuk mumbled, leaving kisses and bites on your neck. "i love you so much, baby. you're so beautiful taking my cock so well."
you writhed around under him, whining at his words feeling the knot in your stomach building up higher and higher towards release. "do-don't stop, please- fuck! hyuk please please." your nails scratched at his back.
he used his free hand to reach down and start rubbing your clit in quick circles, smiling into your neck at your moans getting louder. "so good, baby. you're doing so good, fuck."
one particular thrust of his hips had your eyes rolling back, your back arching up against him as you tried to speak. "c-close, fuck- hyuk please please."
"cum for me, baby," he told you before kissing you deeply.
moaning into his mouth, your legs shook and convulsed as you came around his cock, your nails digging into his skin. he pulled out of you and immediately laid down beside you.
"you okay?" he asked softly.
you nodded your head as a response, rolling onto your side and cuddling next to him while leaning your head on his chest. he grabbed the blanket and pulled it over the two of you, glancing down at you and kissing your head.
"i love you," he said quietly.
"i love you too," you replied in the same voice.
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Black eyes
I apologize in advance for any spelling or grammar mistakes and how poorly written this is.
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Sorry Eun-hyuk, but I really need to get to my room. Carefully I slip past everyone trying not to get myself notice. Nobody was really guarding the door to the stairs, so if I'm quick and silent I can sneak upstairs. With my axe on my back, I slowly open the door after I unlocked it.
It made a little noise, but nobody came to investigate. I let out a deep breath when I finally closed the door fully behind me. Okay, that's done. The only thing I have to do now is get to my room alive and in one piece. I look up at the many stairs letting out a sigh.
Up to the thirteenth floor, I go.
I feel bad for Hyun-su that he has to do all those stairs every day. Every time I complain about it to Eun-hyuk he just brushes it off. It's the only way that everybody can survive. Risking someone's life for your own is just selfish and wrong. I try to convince him to let me go with Hyun-su, but he won't let me. It's like he doesn't want to risk my life even though Hyun-su and I are the same.
I took a break from walking when I came to the seventh floor. Until now I haven't heard or seen anything that could attack me. Maybe the monsters left the building seeing that they couldn't find someone to kill.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard something from behind me. It sounded like something was coming up the stairs. Carefully I walked to the banister trying to see if something was coming. It took me a minute, but I saw what looked like a shadow coming up the stairs behind me.
Whatever was behind me was just one floor behind, so I had to think quickly. The door to the seventh floor stood open so I quickly slipped inside. Leaning my back against the wall I try to listen if I could hear it coming this way or if it would just pass me.
I held my breath when I hear it coming closer, but it just stopped suddenly. A frown came to my face when I just stood there a minute not hearing anything anymore. Did I imagine it?
Slowly I came from behind the corner looking into the stairwell.
Nothing was here. Carefully I fully came into the stairwell looking upstairs if it had passed without making a sound. I couldn't hear anything. It's like it disappeared in thin air.
A soft voice came from behind me together with a hand on my shoulder. A yell came out of my mouth while I spun around to see whoever was behind me.
"Hyun-su?" I breathe out holding my chest.
He was standing behind me with his spear in one hand and his backpack on his shoulders.
"What the hell are you doing here? Are you following me?" I question looking him up and down.
"I uhm I." He stammered avoiding eye contact with me.
"How did you even get out of the backroom? Eun-hyuk never let you out at this time of the day."
He scratches the back of his neck before looking up at me.
"Mr. Han saw you sneaking around with your axe, so he asked if I could go after you just in case." I slowly nodded my head.
"But how the hell did he convince Eun-hyuk to let you out?"
He opens his mouth to answer but quickly shut it to think more about his answer.
"He didn't. It was his turn to stand guard. When nobody looked he had grabbed my stuff and let me out." I just know Eun-hyuk is going to be angry when we get back to the first floor.
I shook my head, putting my arms over my chest.
"You don't have to worry about me. Just go downstairs and take a rest you're already exhausted as it is, and I don't want you to make it worst by babysitting me." With that, I turn around and began my journey again to my room.
For a few seconds, I could only hear my footsteps, but that quickly change when another pair was heard behind me. Looking over my shoulder I saw Hyun-su walking behind me.
"Hyun-su, go. I'll be fine." I noted turning around looking down at him.
For once I was taller than him and saw him looking up at me with his big puppy eyes. "I know. But it is something I want to do."
He answers still looking into my eyes. It's the first time he let his eyes stay on mine for more than just a few seconds. I let out a sigh already regretting my decision.
"Fine. Just don't push yourself for me."
He gave me a nod telling me that he understood what I meant. Silently we began to make our journey further up the stairs. It was already late in the evening making it darker than the stairway normally was.
The both of us were quiet trying to hear if something was there and trying not to alert any monsters that we were here. A few times we stopped in our tracks thinking we heard something, but it always seem to be nothing.
We were both just on edge walking around in the dark like this. Finally we reached the thirteenth floor. It was only a couple more steps before we would reach my room safely.
I was just hoping that the monsters had to sleep too and is doing it somewhere far away from here. When we reached the door I quickly unlocked it and walked inside.
It was weird to be back here after these couple of days. Everything was just like I left it like there weren't monsters running around killing everyone in their paths.
Turning around I saw Hyun-su standing at the door looking down at his shoes.
"You know you can come in, right?" I asked making him look up at me.
"Y...yeah I.. I just. Never mind." He mumbled walking inside and closing the door behind him.
I walked to my bedroom, grabbing a backpack from somewhere on the ground. Looking around I began to grab some clothes that were laying around, before walking to my closet. I stop walking around when I pass my mirror.
The girl in front of me was covered in sweat, dirt, and blood. Just putting on new clothes is not going to help a lot. My eyes when to my bathroom. I could easily take a quick shower.
Throwing my bag on my bed I walked to my door to talk to Hyun-su. He was looking around but quickly turned to face me when I called his name.
"Hyun-su, I'm going to take a quick shower to get rid of all the blood and stuff. If something happens give me a yell okay?" He nodded his giving me a soft okay.
I'm so happy I can get this dirt off of me. The dried-up blood has been itching in some places. The shower felt like heaven after all those days covered in dirt, sweat, and blood.
Wrapping the towel around my body I carefully stepped out of the shower. I turned around to look at my clothes when I saw that they weren't there.
"Shit," I mutter out realizing in had forgotten them in my room.
I tighten the towel around my body before opening the door. I look at the bedroom door and saw that it was half closed and I couldn't see where Hyun-su was, which mean he couldn't see me.
Trying to be as silent as I can be I walk to my bed grabbing my shorts and two shirts.
Suddenly the hair on my neck began to stand up, making me quickly turn around. My eyes widen when I saw Hyun-su standing just some inches away from me.
His eyes were covered in the black color I have seen before, together with that big smile on his lips.
"Hyun-su, what are you doing?" I mutter out, putting a tighter grip on the towel.
His head tilted to the side, just like a confused puppy would do.
"Can you get out I need to change?"
I took a step back hoping to great some distance, but it only made him a step forwards.
"I wonder."
It was still his voice. It was still Hyun-su's voice. I know that, yet it gave me the creeps when it came out of his mouth.
"What?" I asked confused moving further backward. 
"I wondered for a long time why he held on." That sentence didn't help me figure out what he meant. I swallow thickly before speaking up.
"You have to be more clear if you want me to know what you mean." I was still walking backward not liking the closeness between me and him, but that was cut short when my back hit the wall behind me.
"He doesn't want to give in. And I was wondering what the reason behind it was." Is he talking about Hyun-su not turning in a complete monster?
I know that this was his monster side and it had taken over him completely.
"Maybe it is because he's strong enough to resist." A chuckle left his lips before shaking his head.
"Maybe. I don't know honestly. He was close to turning in the beginning but over time it change. I don't think the reason behind it is because he wants to help those ungrateful people downstairs."
Not everyone downstairs is ungrateful for what he was doing.
"Well, if you ever find out you can let me know, but for now I don't care. Now, if you would like to excuse me I need to get dressed."
I was about walk past him when he grabbed my shoulders slamming me into the wall I just leaned against.
I could feel it break the moment my back and head made contact with it. I wanted to fall on my knees because of the hit on my head, but his grip was so tight that he held me up.
"What the hell?!" I hist grabbing with one hand one of his wrists.
"There is something about you." While he spoke his grip tightened on my shoulders making it seem like he would break them any second now.
"Something is hiding behind your eyes." My breath began to quicking, while the room began to spin around me.
"He knows."
Shut up I hiss at the voice in my head. This isn't the time to come out now.
"If I don't he will hurt you or maybe kill you." I shook my head trying to get the dizziness out of my head, but it didn't really help.
"I don't know what you mean," I answer back hoping he would back off.
The answer I got was his hand gripping my throat slowly squeezing it.
"Hy...Hyun..su thi....is...is...nt.... y... you." I choke out digging my nails into his hand that was only tightening.
"How do you know huh?! You don't even know me enough to be sure this isn't me."
A gasp left my mouth when I felt myself being lifted up from the ground.
"I spe...nd eno...ugh tim...e wi.. yo..u to know th...ath it is...t tr...ue." I gasp out feeling how with every word he tightens further and further.
"Why are even spending your time on me? Normal people stay away from me. Are you just hanging around me to use me like the rest of those idiots downstairs?!"
I could feel myself slipping away.
I had to do something before it was too late.
I'm sorry Hyun-su.
I place the hand that was holding his wrist on his chest, making him fly backwards through the door. He came down with a horrible cracking sound. A deep breath rush through my lungs the moment I hit the ground with my feet.
My eyes when to Hyun-su who was still laying on the ground emotionless. Coughs left my lips while I took a few steps toward the door, but came quickly to a halt when I hear laughs coming from his body.
Without even giving him a chance to stand up I shut the door locking it. I'm pretty sure he could break the door if he wanted to, but this was all I got for now. Taking the clothes from the ground I quickly put them on before he could come in.
My whole body hurt while I was putting them on, but I didn't slow down. When I was done I stop moving and try to listen if I could still hear him. To my surprise, it was completely silent except for my ragged breath.
Did he leave?
Did he change back to himself?
I lowered myself to the keyhole to see if there was anything I could see, but everything seemed to be normal. I can't stay here forever.
What if they send someone up here and Hyun-su is still not his normal self? Or what if he's stupid enough to go out by himself? I'm pretty sure his monster side doesn't mind fighting another monster seeing last time he wanted to kill one.
Biting the inside of my cheek I began considering what I could do. I can still heal if he would do something to me. It would be better if it was me than somebody else. I let out an annoying sigh before taking the door knob in my hand.
It would be smart if I had a weapon on hand, but there was nothing in my room I could use to defend myself with. Besides my axe is just a few steps from where I was now. I don't want to kill him with it, but I could use the blunt end to hit him if it was necessary.
Okay, this is no big deal.
Carefully I unlock the door before opening the door slowly. I poke my head out first to see if he was near, but that didn't seem the case.
Did he just leave?
With slow steps, I walked completely out the door hoping I could reach my axe before something could happen. I had taken only a few steps when I was tackled to the ground.
For the second time today, my head hit the something hard. I began to thrash around trying to get away from Hyun-su who seem determinate to hurt or even kill me.
At one point I had managed to push him off and to crawl away, but he quickly grabbed my ankle dragging me back to him.
It was a struggle for the both of us, but at the end he had pinned my wrist next to my head while sitting on top of me.
For someone who doesn't has a lot of muscle he's damn strong.
"Get off!" I yelled trying to get my wrist free from his grip.
He shook his head still with that smile on his face.
"I want to see them!"
"What?" I asked completely confused.
"Show me your eyes."
What is he talking about?
My eyes are open...
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He let out a laugh.
"You think I'm stupid!" His grip on my wrists tightened with every word.
"Show me!"
I shook my head refusing to give in. I can't let him find out. He would know that I have lied to him this whole time.
"Hyun-su stop! This isn't you! You're letting your anger control your actions!" I yelled, but my words didn't seem to go through him.
I have to find a way to snap him out of it, but unlike the last time hurting him doesn't seem to help.
A scream left my lips when I felt my left wrist snap underneath his hand.
"This is the first of many if you don't show me." He hissed putting pressure on the broken wrist.
A gasp left my lips when I felt the bones grind together.
"O...okay! Okay!" I sobbed looking at him from my wrist.
He needs to snap out of this, but hurting him doesn't seem to work anymore. I watch him lean closer and a thought came to my mind.
When he was close enough for me to reach him I push upwards placing my lips on him while closing my eyes.
I could feel his body freeze and I thought he would push me off, but he did nothing at first.
I felt his grip grew weaker around my wrist so I quickly sat up higher putten my hand with the un broken wrist on his cheek.
A few seconds after my hand touched his cheek I could feel pressure on my lips. I have no idea if this was the real him or if the monster was playing games with me.
Slowly I pulled away from him opening my eyes. He was breathing hard with his eyes still close.
I was scared if they would open I would see black, but when they opened his eyes were back to normal.
A confused look was on his face, but it quickly changed to a shocked one before he pushed himself off of me moving far away from me.
"I. I didn't. I'm so sorry." He mutters out looking at me.
I shook my head sitting up completely now with my broken wrist in my other hand.
"It's okay," I whisper giving him a small smile.
He shook his head standing up.
"No, it's not! look at your wrist!" I stood up wanting to walk closer to him, but he just took a step back shaking his head.
"No, don't. You should stay away from me like I have told you befor. You are hurt because of me! I'm the monster everyone is afraid of."
I wanted to speak up and argue back, but before I could even utter a word out he ran to the door grabbing his backpack and weapon before leaving me alone.
Without thinking I ran after him hoping I could calm him down.
"Hyun-su wait!"
Hey, it’s been a long time since I posted something 😅. This is a oneshot with the original character from my fanfic that I’m still working on. I think I’m going to wait until season two of Sweet Home to post it. Because I’m curious how they will continue it. Plus I want to see if my ending is going to end up well with the beginning of season two.
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quack-quack-snacks · 6 months
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Cat Mug (A Reason to Live)
My Navigation and Masterlist
My Sweet Home Masterlist
My Cha Hyun-su Masterlist
Pairing(s): Cha Hyun-su x GN!Reader Summary: When Hyun-su first arrived at Green Home, the only plan he had for life was to end his. He never would have thought his plan to end his life caused by the lack of any reason to continue living would lead to him finding one. Warnings: Slight season 1 spoilers, self-harm (both the reader and Hyun-su), suicide ideation, smoking (weed), illegal smuggling of contraband (weed), and comfort. Word Count: 2,728 Extra Notes: Cannabis is highly illegal in Korea. This is set in an AU with no apocalypse/monsterization.
When Hyun-su first arrived at Green Home, the only plan he had for life was to end his. 
It was a few weeks into living there that he came to the terrifying realization when the blade of the weed chopper flew inches from his face. He didn’t actually want to die, he had just lost all of his reasons to live. 
Most of his days were spent inside his apartment, testing different video games for companies until his eyes dried up to the point of tears and his head throbbed in pain. The pain was a welcome distraction that helped keep his thoughts averted away from the disaster that was his life. He didn’t even have a cover or bed stand for his twin-sized mattress. It lay on the floor of his small living space, placed directly under the windows so he could watch the stars right before he fell asleep.
The stars were his only solace in this wretched world that took everything from him. Everything was gone because he offered a few quarters to a boy in high school that he tried to make friends with. At first, he blamed all the unfair treatment that he was subjected to on anything and everything around him, but after a while, he started to think it was his fault.
Maybe he was being cocky when he offered Do-hun those coins.
Maybe he was worthy of the bullying he put him through.
Maybe he deserved the way his parents blamed him for being bullied.
Maybe he earned the way his sister was embarrassed to be related to him. 
The more those thoughts circled in his mind, the more he started to actually believe them. The more he started to believe them, the more he started to hate himself for everything.
His life was on a steep slope leading to a pit of despair until he met you. 
It was around 6 p.m. on Friday, August 21 of 2020.
For you, that meant you were heading back from the grocery store after stacking up on your food for the next week.
For Hyun-su, at least on this specific Friday, it meant he was heading back from testing a game for the video game production company Syx Arus. He wasn’t in the best mood. The game was a total bust; glitches around every corner, the gun wouldn’t shoot for the majority of the time he tested it, and he ended up getting paid half of what he was promised because of his feedback being ‘too blunt and disrespectful.’
He was walking through the hallway toward his apartment with his earbuds in and his head down. His hands were stuck in his pockets as he tried to focus on how the loud music hurt his ears and not the frustration building inside him. Because his attention was directed elsewhere, he completely missed seeing you as you stood in front of your apartment door. You had been shifting the grocery bags in your hands around so you could have a free hand to unlock and open the door but let out a gasp as you felt a tall figure bump into you, sending the bag full of a carton of eggs and a loaf of bread onto the floor. You let out a wince as you heard a crunch, positive that at least a few eggs were broken. 
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry!” You heard from behind you, turning around to see a boy. He was tall, and his hair was a dark brown, almost black, unkempt mess on his head. He yanked the earbuds once residing in his ears out and you could hear the loud music blasting out of them before he paused it on his phone. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you reassured him before your lips curved into a slightly teasing smirk. “You just cleared a hand up for me. I should be thanking you,” you let out a little laugh as you finally had a free hand to slip your key into the lock of your apartment door before turning it until you heard that familiar, satisfying click, signaling the door being unlocked. 
 Just as you pushed the door open, he spoke again. “Do you need any help?”
You smiled at him over your shoulder. “Sure, could you just grab that bag?” You gestured with your head to the bag on the floor holding your broken eggs and dented bread and he gave an enthusiastic and adorably determined nod as he used one hand to hold the door open for you and the other to pick up the bag. You walked in, quickly setting your groceries down on the small dining table you had just outside of your cramped kitchen. You turned to the boy and took the bag from his hand, walking to the sink as you took the carton apart to inspect the damage. To your surprise, there wasn’t much. Only a few eggs were broken, and although you would need to put them into a different carton because the broken eggs had spilled onto this one, you still wouldn’t need to make a second trip to get more eggs. 
You turned to peek over your shoulder and saw the boy standing awkwardly outside the door to your kitchen, rocking back and forth on his heels as he looked at the miscellaneous decorations you had hanging on the walls. You breathed out a small laugh before walking to your pantry. Without turning back to look at him, you asked, “Do you like tea?”
“What?” He asked, not expecting the change from silence to a soft-spoken conversation.
“Do you like tea?” You repeated, finally turning back to look at him, two boxes of different tea flavors in your hands. “Or are you more of a coffee drinker?”
“Oh,” he replied, looking kind of stunned by your question. “Tea is fine.”
You gave him a smile at his soft-spoken words. Although this was the first time you had ever seen, let alone spoken to, the boy, you could tell he was not much of a talker or an expressive person. Setting the boxes of tea on the counter, you took out your kettle and started filling it with water before setting it on the stove with the fire turned on high. As it started to boil, you took out two mugs and placed them down on your kitchen’s bar counter where two bar stools were stationed on the other side. You gestured to one of them after setting the mugs down in their respective places and he hesitantly sat down. 
“So,” you asked as you walked back over to where you set down the tea boxes, picking them up and bringing them back over to him, hiding them behind your back for dramatic effect. “Lemon and ginger,” you pulled one box out from behind your back before quickly realizing it was the wrong box and frantically trying to switch the boxes before he could see the other flavor, an action that caused his lips to twitch in a slight smile for a moment before disappearing again. “Or spiced chai?”
“I’ll do the chai,” he decided and you nodded with a smile. 
“Good choice.”
You placed a spicy chai tea bag into his cup - a mug with a cheesy meme of a cat wearing a ski mask sitting on top of a burger on the front saying “cat burger-lar” - and placed your choice of tea in your mug - a plain white mug that said “World’s Best Grandpa” on the front. 
Waiting for the water to boil, you reached your hand across the counter to him in greeting. After introducing yourself, you asked, “I haven’t seen you around before, are you the kid who just moved into 1410?”
He nodded his head as he took your hand. “Yeah, I moved in a few weeks ago. I’m Cha Hyun-su.”
“Well I apologize for not bringing some cookies over sooner, Hyun-su,” you told him with a teasing lilt in your voice. Your eyes fluttered down to where his hand sat in yours and you did an almost imperceptible double take when you saw the scars littering his forearm beneath his black hoodie sleeve. When he noticed you saw them, he gently took his hand out of yours and tugged his sleeve down before standing up. 
“Thank you for the tea, but I should be going now,” he told you abruptly but politely and turned towards your door, intending on leaving as fast as he could, not wanting your pity or anything of the like. 
“Wait!” You called out after him and he turned just to see you quickly pouring some of the, now boiling, water into what was going to be his cup, running over to him, and giving it to him. When he looked shocked and confused, you gave him a lopsided smile. “You thanked me for the tea but you never even got to drink any.”
He looked back and forth between the mug in his hand, warming his palm through the ceramic wall, and your eyes, warming his heart with your soft gaze. He didn’t see any pity, just understanding. It was strange and he couldn’t possibly understand how you could feel his pain. 
“This is your mug,” he stated bluntly and held the mug back out to you but you just gently pushed it back towards him.
“Take it. You can give it to me next time,” you promised.
Next time.
Your words bounced around in his mind, banging off the walls of his brain until they settled and he gave you a slight nod. You walked him out the door, waving him off as he walked down the hall towards his door. 
Next time.
It was now Tuesday, August 25 of 2020, and you hadn’t seen Hyun-su since your first meeting. You were a little worried you had scared him off with your possibly too forward advances and how you’d seen his scars but decided to focus on the positive and just thought that he probably had a life of his own so he wouldn’t be roaming through the halls every day, waiting to bump into you and break your eggs again just to talk to you. 
Although you kind of wish he would.
It was 7:06 p.m. when you walked up the stairs of Green Home, sunset. You intended on heading to the roof and smoking for a bit so you would have less of a chance of being caught by anyone. As you used your shoulder to push open the doors leading to the roof, you saw the boy you’d been waiting to see for the past week standing on the edge. You let out a sigh and leaned against the wall.
“Kind of a lame way to die, is it not?” You called out to him and he flinched at your voice. Your eyes widened as he leaned farther toward the edge for a moment before regaining his balance and looking back at you. You sighed once again before giving him a sad smile. Popping yourself off the wall, you gestured for him to follow you as you walked around the entrance of the door to the stack of boxes leading to the roof of it. Hopping up, you turned around to hold a hand out for Hyun-su to grab as he followed you up. You turned back around to settle yourself down on the edge of the small box housing the exit to the stairs and dug around in your bag as Hyun-su settled down next to you. Letting out a little cry of success as you found what you were looking for, you pulled out the small mint box you used for storing your blunts. It was relatively safe and if anyone ever asked for a mint you could always just pretend to be really protective over them. That way you were just an asshole, not a criminal. 
As you pulled out your lighter and held the blunt up to your lips, you noticed Hyun-su staring at you. You tilted your head to look at him and held the blunt out for him to take. “Want some?” 
He shook his head, looking down at his lap. “I don’t smoke cigarettes.”
You gave a small laugh at his ignorance as you lifted it back to your lips. “It’s weed actually.”
His head snapped towards you comically and you laughed more, interrupting yourself again as you tried to light the spliff. “Wait, but… isn’t that illegal?”
You gave a small shrug as you finally lit the edge of the blunt and took a hit before replying. “It is. Why, are you gonna tell on me?” You leaned over slightly to bump him with your shoulder as you teased him and he vehemently shook his head no. 
“No, I just… I never would’ve thought you’d be the type of person to smoke marijuana. Kind of surprised me.”
You let out a hum of acknowledgment. “Well, I wasn’t originally from Korea, I lived in the States for most of my life until I moved here when I first turned 18. This is the last I have of the stuff I bought with me. Took a hell of a lot of work to sneak it past border control.”
He looked at you in a type of awe that made your lips tilt up in amusement. You would’ve never thought someone would look at you like that after you told them about how you illegally smuggled marijuana into a country that made it highly illegal. The slight movement of him tugging his hoodie sleeves over his hands caused you to release a breath of air before you directed your attention to where you were given a beautiful view of the sunset right from your spot on top of the building. 
He watched you as you took a hit from the blunt and released the smoke from between your lips. At that moment, he couldn’t think of anyone more beautiful than how you looked with the sun reflecting its last golden rays on your face. And to think, he would’ve missed this if he had taken that step forward just a second before you arrived behind him. “I was in a plane crash when I was 12,” you told him and his eyes widened in surprise. “It was… bad. There was a lot of fire and chaos just everywhere,” you glanced at him nervously and looked away when you saw him watching you intensely. You focused your attention on stubbing out your blunt on the rough concrete you sat on, no longer in the mood for a quick high. “Both my parents were on the flight with me, and yet - by some miracle doctors still haven’t found an explanation for,” you rolled your eyes in frustration at the thought. “I was the only one to live out of us. Most people on the plane ended up passing away with only a few coming out alive.”
Hyun-su wanted so desperately to grab your hand and comfort you but he couldn’t bring himself to lift his hand off his thigh. 
“For the longest time,” you said as you fiddled with your sleeve, rolling it up for him to see. “I hated myself for being alive when they weren’t.”
When you finally had your sleeve rolled up, he could clearly see the physical evidence of your guilt and pain. When he looked back up at you, he was met with your eyes looking back at him with that same look of understanding hiding within the lines of your pupils. 
Maybe you did understand.
“I know what it’s like to hate yourself and to want to take the pain away, but I promise you,” you reached out to grab his hand and squeezed it reassuringly, doing what he couldn’t all those moments ago. “It does get better.”
When you smiled at him, he couldn’t help but give a smile back, his lips tilting up to show his appreciation for you and your words. “Thank you.”
You shook your head, not letting go as you returned your gaze to the setting sun, the stars taking its place in the palace of the deep abyss in the sky. “Don’t thank me, just live.”
Maybe he did have a reason to live after all.
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hello, could you do one where eun hyuk is jealous because yn is being very nice to hyun su. which leads to rough sex. If it's not too much trouble, thank you 💕
Please don’t think anything it much to ask , I take all request , they just might take a while to be uploaded 💕
Eun Hyuk X fem Reader
Genre : Smut
Warning ⚠️: Jealous sex, Rough sex, fingering , choking
Summary: as sun Hyuk noticed how close you were with Hyun su he decided to keep a distance after he started to have a weird feeling whne every he saw you smile at Hyun su , he want the type to be jealous right, well it’s been three days and Reader grew tired of Hyuk not talking to her so she heads to his room to try to talk it out
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It’s been a few days since Eun Hyuk last talked to you , your not really understanding what was going on , as you tried talking to him with the last three days but all he did was give you a cold shoulder
When ever you tried to cuddle with him in bed , he would lay at the bottom of the bed or completely move over towards the couch , not sparing you a glance as he places his glasses close next to him and goes to sleep with out a problem, while you barely get any sleep
If you tried to give him a kiss he would turn his head the other way , not looking at you for the rest of the day , sighing as you try the think of a reason for his sudden change but not being able to think of one as you decided to try to talk to him about it
Heading down the hall as you slowly approach his small room, well the security room that he turned in to his to keep a eye on everything in Green home , taking a deep breath as you slow grin the knob , pushing open the door as you walk into the room closing the door behind you not bothering to lock it since no one was allowed in here but you
Looking around the room as you notice Eun Hyuk sitting on his bed , eyes closed as his glasses siting safety on the table next to his bed , slowly walking toward him as you stop once your on ot a feet or two away from him as he soon feels your presence eyes slowly opening as they stare at you with an unfamiliar expression causing your to freeze in your spot
Eyes now watching as he slowly stand to his feet , walking lay you as you rain hear a lock on the door causing you to wonder what he’s up to , but before you could turn around you feel Eun Hyuk soft huge hands slowly raises your arms as he grabs the bottoms of your shirt , quickly lifting it off of you
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Slightly shocked at Hyuk as his hand softly but slowly grabs at holds at your right breast soft rubbing your harden nipple though your laced see through bra as he lets out a soft groan as his thumbs rubs against your nipple
Removing his hand after a few seconds as he turns your around to face him forcefully, picking you up with strength you didn’t know he had and you walks and tosses you on top of the bed
“Strip and lie down”Eun Hyuk says as his voices becomes deep and full of list watching as you remove your skirt , lifting your bottle had as you let them drop to the floor , grabbing at your laced ring as you pull them down , again lifting your bottom half off the bed as your panties hit the floor , now leaving your in just your bra as you stare at Eun Hyuk , felling as your soaked pussy tightens around nothing as you wet fluids slowly leaking into the sheets
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Taking a few seconds to look over your body as Hyuk slowly climbs on top of you , using his wet tongue to pick a long wet trail up your stomach, in between your huge breastfeeding and he licks up you neck stoping once he was close to your mouth
Pulling away from your half naked form as you let out a soft whimper from the lost contact , wathcing as Eun Hyuk stands to his feet’s quickly stripping from his clothes eyes not leaves you once
“ Seems you need help remembering who you belong to” Eun Hyuk says in a cold tone as you let out a soft moan , it was his first time using this tone with you and you hated to admit that you loved it
Watching as he climbs on your naked figure , letting up your right over his shoulder as he pushes hhis whole 9 inch harden cock past your wet fluids as you feel his , your pussy tighten from the sudden pleasure you were feeling your , you let out a loud moan
Pounding at your soaked pussy as Eun Hyuk uses his Dee hand to grab at your throat causing you to let out choked moan as you back arch’s slightly off the bed
“Look at you , fucking slut , does Hyun su fuck you like this” Eun Hyuk says with the say coke tone as he lets out a small groan as you tighten on his dick
“You want him to fuck you .. is that it, like I didn’t notice” He says as he continues he fast thrust , pushing his hard cock deeper in to your walls as he start to hit your sweet spot , eyes rolling to the back of your head as your start to scratch your nails at his back
“N-no , Eun Hyu-uk” you cry out in a moan full of pleasure as his thrust start to become more color causing your brain to go fuzzy as he laughs at your fucked out face
“How do you think he would look if he sees us like this ..hm..fucking whore” Eun Hyuk says as his thrust starts to become more sloppy as you start to feel a knot forming in your stomach
“P-please..slow d-down” you cry out trying to get Hyuk to slow down a bit as you couldn’t process your thoughts as your body starts to feel weak
Slowly removing his hand from your neck as he starts to rub fast circles at your clit as your feel the knot in you stomach finally snap as your backs arch’s off the bed soon much it could hurt as you moaned out Hyunk’s name louder sure that everyone on the first floor heard it as he thrust a few more time sun your messy pussy as he soon comes deep in your womb , staying that way a while before slowly pulling his soaked dick out of your soaked pussy as your let out a shaky breath and soft lemon , body shaking slightly as you start to feel empty , eyes refusing to open as your drift off to sleep with a tired Hyuk beside you
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