#sweet pea x poc reader
melo-yello · 5 years
Zero (Sweet Pea x POC Reader)
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Pairing: Sweet Pea x POC Reader
Warning(s): fluff, self image struggles, cursing, a lot of goofy ass nicknames
Summary: Reader is a River Vixen flunking Trig and a certain Southside Serpent so happens to acing that class.
A/N: Season 2 is my fav. Even tho 1 has a better plot. This takes place right after the transfer when tensions were still high. I was feelincrumby about sucking @ Cal 2 so I wrote this. I'm a big fan of the tutoring in secret thing. But this time Pea's the tutor. This is just part 1 I'll be updating soon.
The swish of stapled papers across desks echoes around the silent Advanced Trig classroom as Mr.Larings comes down your row. He offers disappointed huffs and sighs to each student he passes. Simple affirmation the class has seen better days.
“I warned you guys this test was a real doozy.” He says doing his best to lighten the sober room.  He really didn't have the whole ‘I love to fail kids’ math teacher vibe.
Mr.Larings is a stickler for the rules, but he's also the kind of teacher to hand out cookies when the class has a B average.
You flinch back as you lay eyes on the paper in front of you.  The bright fluorescent lighting illuminates the red ink sparkling like stars that your sad excuse for a test.   
“I expect more from a River Vixen, Ms.L/n.” Mr.Larings says shaking his head.
He turns to  the dark haired guy in the desk across from you. The large broad shouldered boy has a harsh half sleep look on his face.
“Good work.” Mr.Larings hums handing him a paper with a near perfect score written in green.  
He sits up and just nods folding his paper in half as the math teacher heads to the front of the class.
Your mouth falls wide open as you stare in awe. This Southside Serpent has been taking this class less than two weeks nearing the end of the 2nd term and he just aced the hardest test you've had all year. And he sleeps half the time.  
Holy shit I might be dumber than I thought.
“If you're wondering how to breathe you exhale next, Pep Squad.” The dark eyed gangster sneers at you as the bell rings.
You let your embarrassment fade into irritation as you gather you bag with a huff and head for the door.
“Ms.L/n. A word?” The middle aged man sighs motioning you toward his desk just as you make it to door. The southsider steps around gasping with a childish grin on his face as he steps into the hallway.
“Mr.Larings I've got vixen practice and Cheryl will kill me if I'm late ag-”  You swallow the rest of your sentence when he gives a stern look over his glasses.
“I suggest look into a tutor. If you fail this next test I'll be forced to recommend you are suspended from the squad.” He says regretfully shrugging his shoulders.
“Bububbbbuubuubut?” You mutter as the horror of losing your spot on the Vixens really sinks in as he ushers you out the classroom door.
Sure this math class has been kicking your ass but it couldn't have been that bad.
Could it?
You've never flunked a class in your life let alone get kicked off the squad for it. You'd be a total laughing stalk of Riverdale High.
God, my parents will kill me if they ever find out.  
You rub the soreness from the back of your neck as you walk out the locker room trying to burns holes through the tile with your e/c irises. The next test is in a few weeks and you need a tutor if you are going to come anywhere near passing.
Who could do it?
Cheryl's a math whiz, but she runs the squad.
I'd never hear the end of it.
Ronnie and Betty are out.
On the squad too.
Archie's no good unless it's music or punching and tells Ronnie everything.
Jug's more of English ner-
You collide with what has to be no less than a brick wall. Either that or a small freight train. You determine this by landing firmly on your already sore butt with an 'umph’. A quiet snicker from above disproves both hypotheses.
“Watch Where The F-” You pause as you lay eyes on the closet math geek himself offering a hand with a peeved expression settling on to his face.
“You ran into me, Sis-boom-bah!” He groans impatiently.
Every nasty rumor about the Southside plays though your head as you swallow your insult.
How they're the ones going around pulling knives on people.  
Or how they're the ones selling and making the drugs.
Or how they're the ones that bring all the crime to this side of town.
Or how they're the ones that teach their kids to rob you blind before they're out of diapers.
Ok that last one is just ridiculous.  
Not that you really believed that stuff,but it just kinda came to mind.
Small town gossips just tends to linger.
Like all of sudden you needed more of a reason to be wary of 6’4” guy drenched in sweat in a dimly lit hallway.
And now it's written all over your face.
“Hold your applause a Southside Serpent is gonna help you up, and you can bet your short short covered ass I've got better things to do than have you stare at me like I'm gonna kill you.” He huffs stretching his arm a little further.
“Like I'm scared of you, Jockstrap!” You scoff scrunching up your face as you take his hand as he pulls you to your feet with little to no effort. Like you weighed nothing.
His hands are surprisingly warm and soft but have the slightest worked in roughness.
You reluctantly snatch your hand back in order to save your dwindling pride.
“Could've fooled me, Spirit Fingers.” He deadpans drily waving his hands as he rolls his dark eyes and steps around you to make his way down the corridor.
“In your dreams, Corleone-wannabe.” You snort heading in the opposite direction.
You could have sworn you heard the faintest laughter from the intimidating teen as you head to the parking lot.
The full coverage concealer is put to the test of a lifetime as it attempts to hide the heavy bags left under your eyes left from the all nighter you pulled to take on your Trig homework. And you still barely finished problem 1.
Your usual preppy look is replaced with a loose NASA tee and some comfy bleached out ripped jeans and your favorite f/c sneakers. Your messy curls are up in two loose puffs and your ears are sporting some wacky dangly planet earrings.
You snatch the circle lensed shades from your dashboard as you stumble out of your truck. forgetting there's a step between the door and the ground. You fall forward into the parking lot pavement only for a strong warm hand to catch your wrist just before impact.  
“Jesus, Poms Poms, it's a little early for a death drop face first isn't?” Your brave Serpent rescuer snarks sounding a little out of breath.
Did he run over here?
“Yea well, it's a little early for witty banter too, Harley Davidson.” You huff twirling to face your knight in checkered flannel.
“Nice to see you're ungrateful all times of day, Teen Spirit.” He hums arms crossed with a slight grin on his face.
“You know I have an actual name, Black Parade. It's Y/n L/n.” You smirk mirroring him. A playfulness creeping behind your eyes.
“Well Y/n, I think you forgot to say ‘Thanks Sweet Pea for not letting me faceplant on the pavement’.” He smiles gesturing for you to speak. You snort as you make no effort to stifle laughter that bubbles up as you hear what supposed to be his name.
“Come on, Fight Club, Seriously is that the best you come up with?!? That's just ridiculous, Sweet Pea!?!? What's it really?!?” You manage to sputter between laughs wiping a tear from your eye.
His warm smile falls. He stiffens and fixes you with a bone chilling glare as he squares his shoulders. You back into your truck door as your laughs turn into coughs.  You can feel a burning heat crawls across your brown cheeks.
“I meant uh thanks, Sweet Pea.” You smile forcing yourself to stand straight and look him in the eyes.  
“There you go again looking at me like I'm gonna bite your head off.” He sighs rolling his eyes as he walks toward the front doors.
“Gimme a break, between inverses and memorizing the unit circle I barely got an hour of sleep last night. I really need a tutor.” You say sprinting a little to catch up with his long strides. He could easily out pace you, but he slows to match your steps.
“Are you asking me to tutor you? Also we're on Pythagorean identities.” He corrects giving you a concerned but amused look as he swings open the door.
Your eyes widen as you realize what you said.
You have just given a serpent all he would need to screw you over. Not to mention he doesn't particularly like you.
Oh my God, Nevermind I'm definitely dumber than I thought.  Who casually tells a hot stranger that they’re flunking math.
You facepalm.
Wait 'hot stranger’?
“No no no I just...I was uh a ...just umm-” You swallow your muddled explanation as you spot Veronica and Betty walking down the hall in your direction. You latch onto Sweet Pea's toned arm and manage to drag him into a side hallway out of sight. You make sure to hide yourself behind his broad frame just in case.
“L/n you're batshit. You know that?” He laughs watching you spazz out.
You place both hands on your hips and fix him with your iciest glare yet. You find yourself staring straight at his chest. You shift your gaze to his eyes without a crack in his resolve.
“Get this straight, Beanstalk. I need your help, but can't tell another living soul what you're helping me with! It would end me! Not any of your friends. Not any of mine. Not the team. Not the squad. No One At All.” You hiss.
“You know, Bring It On, even though it's ‘super sexy’ being dragged off into secluded parts of the school with you against my will you're not in the position to be making demands. I haven't even agreed to tutor you let alone named my price. Just so you know outting some demanding northsider brat about failing math isn't even a page in my burn book.” He smirks down at you as your hot air goes cold and your confidence crumbles.
“Sweet Pea... will you tutor me?” You whisper staring at your sneakers and kicking at the tile.   
“Didn't quite catch that.” He says straight faced leaning in with a hand cupped around his ear inches away from you.
“Just tutor me...please... I can't flunk this class . I'll do anything.” You huff wrinkling your face in defeat and disgust at being reduced to begging.
He backs away smiling with from ear to ear as he walks to the corner of the small breezeway.
“I've got a free period at 3rd block. I could look at what I'm working with at the back of the library. And after I access the damage then I'll let you know what my precious time is worth.” Sweet Pea shrugs dragging a hand across the nape of his neck and drawing your attention to dull ink on the right side of it. The black snake catches your attention for the very first time. Your teeth easily find your bottom lip and pull themselves across.
“Yea yea that works for me.” You say as you brush pass him shaking any kind attraction from your thoughts and sashaying out into the hallway.
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Heureux Me 'oe
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Request: Yes or No
The tilte is Happy (french) with you (Hawaiian)
(Y/N) closed the car door behind him, staring up at the school. His mother gave him a smile, checking that he looked decent.
"E nānā i kaʻu keiki." She cooed. (Y/N) smiled, a small laugh escaping his lips.
"ʻAʻole wau he kanaka hou hou, mama." (Y/N) adjusted his backpack strap. His mother nodded.
"Allez, ne sois pas en retard." His mother ushered him towards the school. (Y/N) sighed, walking towards the school. He already missed the breeze and smell of the ocean. (Y/N) entered the school, already getting stares. He wasn't sure whether they were bad or not. (Y/N) entered the office, greeting the woman.
"(Y/N) (L/N)? Here's your schedule, dear." She said, handing him the paper.
"Merci, he lā maikaʻi iā 'oe." He mumbled, earning looks of awe from nearby students.
"Excuse me?" A girl tapped him on the shoulder. (Y/N) turned around, looking at her and her friend. They both sported a cheerleader uniform.
"Where are you from?" One asked.
"But you have a french accent." (Y/N) let out a soft chuckle, unaware of the blushes that grew on the girls face.
"My mother is from France." He explained, not sure if he said that correctly. The girls hummed, nodding.
"That's so cool-"
"Ginger, Tina! What the hell do you think you're doing? Get your asses in the gym, now!" A redhead instructed. The girls scrambled off. (Y/N) blinked, watching them go before looking at the redhead.
"And who are you?" She questioned, flashing a smile.
"(Y/N)..?" She was intimidating.
"Well, (Y/N), I'm Cheryl Blossom, the head bitch in charge here at Riverdale High." She introduced herself.
"I have to get to rehearsals, ciao!" She spun around, almost smacking (Y/N) with her hair. He missed Hawaii even more. He sighed, understanding half of what she said. (Y/N) walked out of the office, entering the hallway again. Everything was so.. Bunched together. His old high school was more open, more windows, more outdoorsy.
"You seem lost. How'd you end up in this dump?" A boy in a beanie asked. (Y/N) looked at him. So much clothing. Oh right. It snowed in Riverdale.
"New here.." He mumbled, making a mental note to beg his parents to move back.
"Nice tat. It's Hawaiian yet you have a french accent, what's the deal?"
"Parents." (Y/N) replied, subconsciously touching his tattoo.
"You poor poor soul.. Let me see your schedule." The beanie guy said, grabbing his schedule.
"I'm Jughead, by the way." Hawaii was crying out his name. What type of name was Jughead?
"I'm so sorry... You have first period with Reggie." Jughead patted his arm.
"Luckily, we have lunch at the same time. See you then." Jughead walked away.
"Mahalo no ke kōkua.." (Y/N) huffed, looking over room numbers until he found his first period. He entered, glancing at the teacher.
"Vous êtes le nouvel étudiant, correct?" (Y/N) breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, someone he could talk to. The teacher laughed at his reaction.
"Ne pas avoir une bonne journée?" She asked.
"D'abord, une fille rousse me gifle presque avec ses cheveux puis je rencontre un type bizarre." He told her, shaking his head afterward.
"Cheryl Blossom et Jughead Jones, oui?" She laughed softly as (Y/N) nodded.
"Tu t'y habitueras." She assured, looking over her seating chart as the bell rang and students shuffled in.
"Does anyone sit beside you?" Miss Louise asked. Reginald shook his head.
"Pourriez-vous vous asseoir à côté de lui?" (Y/N) nodded, walking over to the male and sitting down. Miss Louise stood up.
"We have a new student joining us for the rest of the semester, everyone please welcome (Y/N) with open arms, he came here from Hawaii so let's help him get adjusted. As for today's lesson.." The guy beside him leaned over.
"Hey, I'm Reggie." He whispered. (Y/N) looked at him, flashing a smile.
"Are you-"
"French and Hawaiian." (Y/N) confirmed, looking back at the board. Reggie hummed, nodding.
"You do any sports?"
"Surf in Hawaii, here not really." He replied in slightly broken english. Reggie found it cute though. His eyes trailed down to his tattoo. It started at his shoulder and got to his wrist. At the top, his tattoo seemed to be tentacles that reach to his elbows, following that were various other sea creatures and shells. Reggie gently reached over, tracing the turtle. (Y/N) didn't seem to mind, plenty of people liked his tattoo. (Y/N) heard the bell ring, preparing himself for the long day ahead.
"Hey." (Y/N) looked up, raising a brow. Jughead and his friends sat down at the table. (Y/N) took a bite of his apple, glancing at the others. Jughead quickly introduced them.
"How was your first day?" Betty, Jughead's girlfriend, asked.
"Maikaʻi a hiki i kēia manawa." (Y/N) replied, smiling afterward. Betty nodded slowly.
"That's... Good?"
"He probably insulted you, I know I would've." (Y/N) shifted his gaze onto the two boys sitting across from him.
"We know, babe." Fangs said, smiling at his boyfriend. (Y/N) thought they were a cute couple.
"Have any girls caught your eye, yet?" Toni asked.
"No interest."
"You're gay?" (Y/N) nodded.
"Well, have any boys caught your eye?"
"Not yet." (Y/N) gave a smile. He liked her. She seemed cool. The fact that (Y/N) liked guys perked Sweet Pea and Fangs up. Betty seemed to catch on.
"Pea and Fangs could probably tell you who's interested and who's not since they're poly." (Y/N) blinked, cocking his head.
"They'll be with more than one person." Betty summed up.
"Ah, c'est bien." (Y/N) said, taking a large bite out of his apple. Some of the juice dripped down his chin. He wiped it away, calmly chewing. Sweets and Fangs stared intently at him.
"Hey, (Y/N)." Reggie greeted, hands moving onto his shoulders and starting to massage.
"Salut, Reggie." (Y/N) greeted back, looking up. Sweet Pea and Reggie glared holes into each other, only breaking eye contact to watch (Y/N) throw his food away.
"You should come to practice after school, (N/N)."
"Or maybe he'd rather hang with us instead of with a mutt." Sweet Pea said. Reggie moved around the table and Sweet Pea stood up. Archie quickly got between them.
"I'm not scared of you, Southside trash." Reggie snarled.
"And you think I'm scared of a fleabag?" Sweet Pea shot back. (Y/N) blinked, wondering what the hell they were agruing about.
"He doesn't wanna be around druggies-" Sweet Pea shoved Archie aside, lunging at Sweet Pea. Archie huffed, trying to pull the males apart, only to get pushed back again. (Y/N) picked up a strawberry milk carton, opening it and drinking it. Their fight was none of his business. Fangs, Jughead, and Chuck pulled the two apart after a minute. (Y/N) looked at the two bruised up males, unimpressed.
"What is going on?" A school staff member asked before pulling the two away.
"That's either detention or suspension." Fangs mumbled.
"It's not gonna do anything, they'll just fight after school." Veronica pointed out. (Y/N) finished his milk, checking his phone.
"I love how unbothered you are." Toni laughed softly. (Y/N) shrugged, throwing the empty carton to the side.
"Ce ne sont pas mes affaires."
E nānā i kaʻu keiki - Look at my son (Hawaiian)
ʻAʻole wau he kanaka hou hou, mama - I'm not a freshmen, mom (Hawaiian)
Allez, ne sois pas en retard - Come on, don't be late (French)
Merci - Thanks (French)
he lā maikaʻi iā 'oe - Have a good day (Hawaiian)
Mahalo no ke kōkua - Thanks for the help (Hawaiian)
Vous êtes le nouvel étudiant, correct? - You're the new student, correct? (French)
Ne pas avoir une bonne journée? - Not having a good day? (French)
d'abord, une fille rousse me gifle presque avec ses cheveux puis je rencontre un type bizarre - First, a redhaired girl almost slaps me with her hair and then I meet a weird guy. (French)
Cheryl Blossom et Jughead Jones, oui? - Cheryl Blossom and Jughead Jones, yes? (French)
Tu t'y habitueras - You'll get used to it (French)
Pourriez-vous vous asseoir à côté de lui? - Could you sit beside him? (French)
Maikaʻi a hiki i kēia manawa - Well until now (Hawaiian)
C'est bien - That's nice (French)
Salut - Hi/Hey (French)
Ce ne sont pas mes affaires - It's none of my business (French)
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lazyunicorn03 · 5 years
Ohh She Fine
Sweetpea x POC! Reader
Social Media Imagine
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serpentqueenz · 6 years
I Swear She’s an Angel | Ch. 2
Sweet Pea x OFC Mika
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Summary: After a fight with the Ghoulies, a bruised and bloody Sweet Pea just wants to lick his wounds alone, but Mika interrupts with her trademark attitude and powerful presence. He can’t stop thinking, FP was right, maybe Sweet Pea has really met his match this time...
Warnings: none, typical ansgty SP.
Author’s note: thanks for all the likes and loves on our first part! Feedback is always appreciated.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4
It’s a cold, dark place where Sweet Pea feels he stands. Not physically, but where the Serpents have taken him.  A static zone closer to hell. He finds himself questioning every single fibre of his being when he can’t tell the difference between his own blood on his fists and that of the Ghoulie he just handled. Jughead had told him time and time again that it was some kind of soul-split he experiences that tears Jughead between the Northside and their pit on the Southside. That was the worst thing about it all. That Jughead was usually always right.
Sometimes, Sweet Pea feels bad.
Most of the time, he just feels tired.
He leans against the sink in the back room of the Whyte Wyrm with one hand steading himself and the other running under cold water. For a moment, he’ll let his eyes stay shut, praying for some sort of moment of peace. But rarely there is ever a moment of peace and he’ll wait in here until Fangs decides that it’s too quiet out in the bar and he needs some sort of entertainment.
Sweet Pea will do anything to break apart from the fight the Serpents just won against the Ghoulies and the guilt that follows it, even if it means standing out here alone. He decides Fangs will just have to find his own distraction.
He hears the door click open and soft footsteps building behind him. “Hey,” starts a voice, “Jughead sent me out here to see how you were doing. I kind of gave him shit for caring so much because Jughead Jones doesn’t seem like the kind of kid to care about anything and then there’s the fact that everyone says you’re this huge badass but, I thought I better listen to the son of FP Jones. And besides,” Mika says with a laugh, “Toni might be tiny but she cares about you and she’d probably kick my ass if I didn’t at least check.”
She’s hurried and nervous, he can tell, but Sweet Pea exhales loudly, keeping his concentration on the running tap. He wants to be alone but he knows by now that the Serpents don’t do anything alone. Even to get the back room for a moment alone was something that he had to convince Fangs about and now, that was short lived. “You can tell Jughead to shove his concern up his ass,” Sweet Pea says, still refusing to look at her. “But you’re right about T,” he hides a smile for his best friend. “Tell her I’ll be out in a moment.”
“So you have a weakness, huh?” Mika says, still standing in the doorway. “Toni Topaz, your very own Serpent Queen.”
“Seems like you walked in and already joined the ranks -”
Mika cuts him off. “Seems like someone’s a little pissed off because I stole his title of ‘Second Serpent Queen’, were you hoping for it? Or did I steal your little crown?”
Sweet Pea’s breath hitches in his throat and he’s torn between turning around to fight back or letting it go. But his heart beats a little faster as he stumbles for something to say. “Nah,” he replies instead. “I think Jughead already won that title.”
Mika laughs softly and it rings around him with a sense of relief, “Was that a joke?”
Sweet Pea just shrugs as he continues staring at the water.
The words; “Are you okay?” hang in the air above him and his eyes shoot open before he stretches up, putting his guard up as well when he turns around. Mika brushes her hair back behind her ears as she looks to Sweet Pea with worry in her eyes. He notices that she takes two steps forward before taking one back and instead, she puts her hands in her jacket pockets and shrugs.
“Am I okay?” he repeats.
She sighs loudly and rolls her eyes. “You know, Jughead really talked you up when he was giving me the deal on you, I don’t know, but a big guy like yourself really oughta learn how to communicate… spell it out with me, C-O-M -”
Sweet Pea cuts her off; “I know how to spell!”
“Do you know how to talk?” she challenges.
Sweet Pea shakes his head and groans at the sink. “Just not used to having newbies around…” he mumbles.
He can feel her standing behind him before she makes her way to the sink, leaning against it with her arms folded. “You might need to ah,” she says waving her hand in his direction, “Put something on those splits and tape them up. Just a suggestion of course,” she adds nonchalantly, “I’m sure you know exactly what you’re doing.”
Sweet Pea exhales loudly before turning to look her in the eye. Most of the time, people tend to step back when he’s so close but he could tell that she took the challenge, straightening her own back and raising both of her eyebrows. “By the sounds of things, Mimi, you know exactly what you’re doing.”
“I’m just trying to be nice, Sweet Pea,” she almost hisses, looking at him. “But I can see that’s not something that you’re accustomed to. Here’s a tip; brass knuckles are not only for the aesthetic. They might just help out your little problems with injury. Spread the word.” Mika shoves past Sweet Pea, letting her nails dig into his shoulder, leather snapping along the way. “And don’t call me Mimi!”
His voice catches and he feels his hand tense, he takes a deep breath. “Mika!” he calls.
She stops with her hand on the door handle but turns her head to look at Sweet Pea. “Hmmm?”
He swallows whatever pride he had left, closing his eyes as he speaks. “Look,” he says with a breath. “I know I’ve been kind of a hardass. I’m just going through some shit, you know?” he says honestly, regretting it in an instant.
Sweet Pea wishes he could take the words back, swallow them down. Not look so fucking weak in front of Mika but he feels the tension in his spine give up just a little more when she lets go of the door handle and walks back towards him.
She takes a few steadying breaths with him and he notices it. It’s in the way she moves her hands at the same time as he does and she meets his eyes. “Going through some shit?” she asks gently. “We all are.”
He laughs a little bit as he rubs his neck. “Yeah, I guess so.”
“Everyone goes through shit, you’re nothing special.”
Sweet Pea manages a laugh. “Way to make a guy feel special, ya know?”
She lifts her shoulders and gives Sweet Pea a wink. “One in a million and all of that shit, yeah?”
“Something like that. That shit is reserved for the romantics. Like Jughead. Not my thing.”
Slowly, Mika spreads her fingers out, flexing them in front of her before lowering her hands to where his were at his sides, reaching out for his bloodied hands. Sweet Pea almost retracts from the touch, wanting to recoil. Wanting to strike back. Not understanding the touch at all. But when her fingers lace with his, he finally feels steady. He finally feels like he’s back grounded on the Southside. “Now, Sweet Pea,” she says, stern look in her eye. “Are you okay?”
Sweet Pea feels a pulse in his jaw when he’s asked again but her eyes keep him in their zone. “Now I am,” he tells her honestly.
Mika smiles at him before tilting her head to look Sweet Pea with a smirk, “As for being a hardass, it’s all good,” she shrugs.
They pause in the moment as Sweet Pea feels his guard let loose. “And why is that?”
Mika bites her lip before looking at him sideways. “Because you might be the hardass of the Serpents, but I’m harder. And the Southside can’t show you all the things I can.”
“Is that a promise?” he asks.
Mika tightens her grip a little more when he watches her body curve to move away with him. “Promises are for the romantics too, keep that in mind.”
Sweet Pea follows Mika out with his hand still in hers and wonders just exactly how those lips might feel. And if she believes that promises are for the romantics, how many has she broken?
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puffyam1yum1 · 4 years
I personally find it disgusting that you cater only to black readers😕 it’s not fair to other readers at all
Girl I- what the fuck is wrong with y’all ( this isn’t the first ask I’ve gotten that has the same context) ? Huh ? I personally don’t give a fuck how you feel😐 you inconsiderate spoiled fucking brat. Do you know how many fics that I’ve read that only cater to yt reader ? There are so many fics from you to choose from so why tf does mine matter to you ? {Do you ever have to type x yt!reader into your search bar ? I don’t fucking think so} Is it because my writing’s that good to the point where you try to coax me into writing yt reader ? Honey I understand the world bends and caters to your needs but I fucking don’t ; my writing is for black women, poc , and any one else who wants to read it ok sweet pea? Gtfo of my ask with that nasty ass spirit you have ok. I AM NOT A YT WOMAN THEREFORE IM NOT COMFORTABLE WROTING YT READER SORRY NOT SORRY
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merakiaes · 4 years
(Characters and fandoms for which requests are open are below the cut so if you don’t want to read the guidelines, you can just scroll down there. However, I do recommend you to at least skim through the “I don’t write”-section to make it easier for both of us!)
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If you make a request, anonymous or not, you have to leave a comment on your fic. (Read more about why here.) Even better would be if you reblogged it to help get my work out to more readers!, but I will settle with a comment if you, for some reason, don’t want to reblog. 
This means there should always be a minimum of one comment under every requested fic I post - if I see that this isn’t being followed, I’m going to stop writing requests. Simple as that.
With that said, don’t bother requesting if you’re not ready to make this exchange because that’s just unpaid work. 
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Specified and inappropriate/illegal age gaps. Example, an underage student and an adult teacher.
Specified body types.
Body image issues & ED’s.
Male reader.
POC reader.
Specified physical features. (Hair colors, eye colors, etc.)
I try to stay as neutral to physical appearance as I possibly can so that everyone gets an equal chance at emerging themselves into the role, no matter the reader’s ethnicity, height, build, and so on.
Writing plus size!reader and writing about eating disorders and body immage issues is too triggering for me as I, myself, struggle with body dysmorphia on a daily basis.
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Don’t be too vague with your request. For example, a request asking for a fic where “the reader is a character x’s sister”, or "the reader is shy” or”sassy”, is not enough for me to go on. I need a scenario, a plot, an action, an endgame, or a dialogue prompt.
Contrary to the previous point; don’t make requests with too much detail or too long of a timeline, either. I don’t have the energy nor time to write requests that are spread out over eternity and that would end up being as long as a novel.
When requesting prompts from my prompt-lists, ALWAYS include the number and name of the list, not just the quote. The lists you can request for are the following:
Fluff Angst Smut Kiss Hug Common tropes
Don’t get pissy if you request something and I kindly tell you that I don’t write that kind of thing, whatever it may be. I’ve had to deal with this a lot lately and it’s really annoying. All writers have their own, individual preferences, and that’s their right.
Keep in mind all that is written above, and feel free to send several requests if you want to guarantee that you get at least one of them done - some things are easier to write than others and I always appreciate having requests to pick from depending on my mood and current motivation.
Requests are currently open for the following fandoms and characters. Please send in requests!
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Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Luke Alvez
Emily Prentiss
Penelope Garcia
Matt Simmons
Will LaMontagne
Clyde Easter
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Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Peter Parker (Tom Holland & Andrew Garfield)
Loki Laufeyson
Scott Lang
Bucky Barnes
Stephen Strange
Jack Thompson
Bruce Banner
Eddie Brock
Helmut Zemo
Darcy Lewis
Daniel Sousa
Logan Howlett
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Nathan Summers
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
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Paul Lahote
Leah Clearwater
Edward Cullen
Charlie Swan
Mike Newton
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Derek Hale
Jordan Parrish
Peter Hale
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Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Ben Solo
Armitage Hux
Anakin Skywalker
Poe Dameron
Padmé Amidala
Young Han Solo
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Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Jim Hopper
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Sebastian “Bash” de Poitiers
Leith Bayard
Louis Condé
James Stewart
Prince Henri
Mary Stuart
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Geralt of Rivia
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Lincoln Burrows
Alexander Mahone
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James Conrad
Reg Slivko
Earl Cole
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William Lennox
Sam Witwicky
Robert Epps
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Eric Coulter
Peter Hayes
Tobias Eaton
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Fred Weasley
Draco Malfoy
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Remus Lupin (young & adult)
Hermione Granger
Bill Weasley
Ron Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Severus Snape
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Sandor Clegane
Jorah Mormont
Edd Tollett
Jon Snow
Gendry Baratheon
Jaime Lannister
Sansa Stark
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Ben Miller
William “Ironhead” Miller
Francisco “Catfish” Morales
Santiago “Pope” Garcia
Tom “Redfly” Davis
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Tommy Shelby
Arthur Shelby
John Shelby
Finn Shelby
Alfie Solomons
Ada Shelby
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James Norrington
Will Turner
Jack Sparrow
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Luke Crain
Steve Crain
Theo Crain
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Dan Torrence (Doctor Sleep)
Detective David Loki (Prisoners)
Floyd Lawton (Arrow)
Smitty Ryker (Hacksaw Ridge)
Captain James Nicholls (War Horse)
Sam Drake (Uncharted)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Rick Flag (Suicide Squad)
Nathan Prescott (Life Is Strange)
Sweet Pea (Riverdale - first season only)
Jace Wayland (The Mortal Instruments, 2013)
Murtagh Morzansson (Eragon)
Jason Lee Scott (Power Rangers, 2017)
Jesse Zeklos (Vampire Academy)
Matt Campbell (The Haunting in Connecticut)
Nick Jones (House of Wax)
Ludovica Storti (Baby)
Reid Garwin (The Covenant)
Tyler Simms (The Covenant)
Fezco (Euphoria)
Feel free to reblog this to spread the word!
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chaneajoyyy · 3 years
I’m having a shitty day, can you point me in the direction of some T’Challa fluff? Preferably new-ish stuff if there even is any.
I hope you feel better and that this list helps🥰. Now I don’t like how the tag situation is in the search bar for t’challa fics especially but this is what I got (they probably won’t tew many new ones🥴
-seduction, a day with the udakus’- @dramaqueeenamby
- teenage fever series (with after dark)- @writingsbyash
- make a baby- @songficsbyrissi
- takia, untitled t’chakia fic ask, ask box fic 3, can you feel this (with slight angst), it thought you had forgotten, t’challa’s 12 days of christmas, misfit wakandans- @eerythingisshaka (search: masterlist)
- one i’ve been missing series (with sweet suprises and simpleness)(with slight angst)- @iliketowrite1996
- hc: how t’challa courts you- @iwrite4poc
- father and husband!t’challa headcanon, erik and t’challa bonding as cousins, t’challa x teasing reader headcanon, t’challa’s personalty, t’challa x sick!reader-okoye’s and t’challa’s first kiss- @readinginsilence100
- sunsets- @joannasteez
- new queen; love, wakanda; the throne, i understand, wakanda in bloom, tell him- @avenging-fics
- father’s day with t’challa, first i love you with t’challa, off to college series, unwrapped- @ororowrites
- golden girl, fingers dipped in gold series, early morning  concerts, signing lessons, i’ve been going, his sixth sense, nice & comfortable , you may, comfortable, possibly, up and alert- @supersizemeplz
- moments like these, two pea in a pod, bounce, quickie, nominee, 73 questions, family vacay, gonna love me, birth pangs (slight angst), new look, abdulisms, make it last forever, picture perfect, dance with my father, pick up, divas, wearable art gala, act up, night out- @bribrisback
- helpless, you rock my world series, miss me not series- @airis-paris14
- queen by spring seriest, t’chall missing you, t’challa needs your fingers in his har, “imagine: t’challa helping you find more peace by bringing you into meditation, wakanda now bath salt baths, and tantric sex”,   @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers (scroll for poc reader)
- #19: “...the paint’s supposed to go where?”, father’s daygifts, strong like you, mother’s day- @wakandanblogger
- how many kids they’ll have and how they’ll act (with erik and m’baku)- @ourwakandanerik
- imagine that youre stress-baking because the team hasn’t returned from a mission yet, and t’chall teaches you a new recipe; i’m glad you’re mine, expecting? series (with “can you just leave me along? and “why is there a pregnancy test in the trash?” prompt), delete that footage!, sleepless nights, elegance series, ndiyakuthanda- @fandom-what-ifs
- imagine erik telling everybody your good news..., killing a little time...- @wakandanmoonchild
- baby talk- @haechvn (scroll for black panther x reader)
- the gala, best part (slight angst), he’s the one series (slight angst)- @non-stop-imagines
- a joyous secret, is this love?, focus, lucky, see you again, treat yo’ self, training, the doctor and the king, goddess series (with “his whole world”), a wise queen, deleted footage, drunk in love, the king does your makeup, black pather trinity parent drabbles (with m’baku and erik)- @black-mcu-imagines 
- how he acts when he’s sick: t’challa i’m fine” udaku- @akimi-youngblood
- wash day, language- @supremethunda
-baby on board, pet dog, half on a baby- @sisterwifeudaku
- when in morroco, pointless (slight angst), stall, come again?- @laketaj24
- being apart of the dora milaje and dating t’challa would include- @black-panther-imagines
- sleep, romantic-  @zxddy-panther
- more preciousthan vibranium series, t’challa x  black!mutant!reader series (date with a king series?)- @blackandfair
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missingrobin · 3 years
blog and request rules!
hi loves I just wanted to clarify some things before I reopened my requests and continued writing
- This blog is a safe place for poc and lgbtq+ individuals, any hate or disrespect will not be tolerated
- none of my work has been uploaded to ao3 or wattpad so if you see it there it's not there with my consent unless I've said otherwise
Formula for a request
genre (fluff, angst , hurt comfort,) + character(s) + prompt and/or general idea
-Please do not send in a request without looking at this first!
-Also the more specific you're with the request the easier it is to write so please give me a few details
- I will not write hardcore smut, non/con, suicide, teen pregnancy, incest, adult/minor relationships, race fics ex: black!reader x ___ my reasoning for this is I want everyone to be able to see themselves in my fics regardless of race but I definitely respect seeking out fics with your race, and public figures
-I will write character deaths, poly relationships, male, female, non binary readers, spoilers, generally most SFW topics, soft smut
steve rogers | bucky barnes | thor | loki | wanda mazimoff | natasha romanoff | bruce banner | peter parker
Legend of Korra
Asami Sato | Korra | Bolin | Kuvira | Kya | Eska | P'li | Ming-Hua | Suyin Beifong | Lin Beifong | Opal | Wei Beifong | Huan Beifong | General Iroh
Zuko | Katara | Sokka | Suki | Toph | Jet | Mai | Ty Lee | Azula
Archie | Jughead | Toni Topaz | Sweet Pea
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington | Billy Hargrove | Robin Buckley
The Maze Runner
Thomas | Newt | Minho | Frypan | Teresa | Brenda
Jasper Hale | Rosalie Hale | Emmett Cullen | Edward Cullen | Alice Cullen | Jacob Black | Leah Clearwater | Seth Clearwater | Paul Lahote
Harry Potter
Luna Lovegood | Neville Longbottom | Ron Weasley | Ginny Weasley | Fred Weasley | George Weasley | Sirius Black | Hermione Granger
My Hero Academia
Shoto Todoroki | Izuku Midoriya | Katsuki Bakugo | Ejirou Kirishima | Tamaki Amajiki | Hawks | Dabi | Tomura Shigaraki | Shouta Aizawa | Kyouka Jiro | Momo Yaoyorozu | Hitoshi Shinsou | Mina Ashido
Send me a request!
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urwarriorangel · 6 years
<3 urwarriorangel’s writing challenge <3
hello my darling angels! i have started a writing challenge because i want to read more of what you write. i’m calling this a challenge because that’s what i’ve read others call it? rules are listed below! all submissions will be read by yours truly and (if they follow the p basic rules) i will post them all on a masterlist! i will reblog them and give you feedback because that’s what should happen regardless and also i love you guys! (gif not mine!)
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*no rape/incest/underage sex/etc.
*if you choose to write smut, you must be 18+!!! the characters you’re writing for must be 18+!!
*must be character x reader! you can write for multiple characters, but it still must be a reader insert!
*it’s first come first serve for characters, meaning there are character limits. multiple people can write for the same character, but they are capped. so please message me as soon as you see a character you want to write for!
*only one prompt per fic! (bonus points if you use any of my original prompts lol!) (also prompts can only be used once)
*triggers must be tagged. if there are any triggers in your fic, you must have a trigger warning. i cannot emphasize this enough.
*fic should be at least 500 words, if it’s longer (which please make it as long as you’d like!) you have to add a ‘read more’
*must tag me in the fic and use # urwarriorangelwritingchallenge <3
*fic should be a new original, not an old piece being resubmitted or a part of an already existing series. (you can write a series for this challenge if you’d like!)
*bonus points if you’re a poc!writer with a poc!reader <3 <3 <3
*you must respect the sexuality of the character! if you would like for an lgbtq+ character, their sexuality should not change in the fic. thank you!
*please send me a message with the character(s) you’d like to write for and the prompt!
example: damon salvatore + “i don’t know how much longer i can go on”
~the masterlist will be posted on august 13th! (if this goes well aka if people participate i would love to do this more often!)~
categories allowed:
anything your heart desires. if you’re going to write fluff please keep it compelling! add a few different styles together! give me some angst, some smut. make it a mystery! i mean absolutely no disrespect to those who write/read only fluff, but personally i find fluff a little more fun when it’s got multiple components! (if you write only fluff, please go ahead and write fluff! i will read it and i’m sure i’ll love it! these are just my personal preferences!)
i love aus very much, so please don’t shy away from them!
characters & prompts under the cut!
characters (five slots for each character)
agents of shield
al mackenzie antoine “trip” triplett daisy “skye” johnson grant ward jemma simmons lance hunter leopold fitz lincoln campbell
brooklyn 99
amy santiago charles boyle gina linetti jake peralta raymond holt rosa diaz terrence jeffords
buffy the vampire slayer
angel buffy summers cordelia chase rupert giles william the bloody aka spike
criminal minds
aaron hotchner david rossi derek morgan elle greenaway emily prentiss jennifer jareau luke alvez penelope garcia spencer reid
billy russo frank castle jessica jones luke cage matt murdock
chandler bing joey tribbiani monica geller phoebe buffay rachel green ross geller
game of thrones
arya stark benjen stark daenerys targaryen eddard stark jaime lannister jon snow khal drogo robb stark samwell tarly sansa stark tyrion lannister
gossip girl
blair waldorf carter baizen chuck bass dan humphrey nate archibald serena van der woodsen vanessa abrams
harry potter
draco malfoy fred weasley george weasley harry potter hermione granger remus lupin ronald weasley sirius black (young) tom riddle
hawaii five-0
adam noshimuri chin ho kelly daniel williams kono kalakaua michael noshimuri steve mcgarrett
jane the virgin
adam alvaro jane gloriana villanueva petra solano rafael solano
lucky number slevin
slevin kelevra
bruce banner aka hulk brunnhilde aka my valkyrie queen bucky barnes aka winter soldier clint barton aka hawkeye drax aka the destroyer erik stevens aka killmonger gamora aka um need we say more? janet van dyne aka wasp loki aka loki m’baku aka you already know mantis aka mantis aka a fucking cutie may parker aka ailf nakia aka loml okoye aka incredible badass peggy carter aka kickass peter parker aka spider-man peter quill aka star-lord pietro maximoff aka quicksilver sam wilson aka falcon scott lang aka antman shuri aka an angel stephen strange aka dr. strange steve rogers aka captain america t’challa aka black panther thor aka thor tony stark aka iron-man wanda maximoff aka scarlet witch
new girl
coach nick miller
pretty little liars
aria montgomery caleb rivers emily fields ezra fitz hanna marin jason dilaurentis mona vanderwaal noel kahn spencer hastings wren kingston
francis mary stuart nostradamus sebastian
archie andrews betty cooper cheryl blossom fangs fogarty fp jones fred andrews jason blossom josie mccoy jughead jones kevin keller malachai charles!reggie mantle ross!reggie mantle sweet pea toni topaz valerie brown veronica lodge
alec lightwood clary fray isabelle lightwood jace herondale lucian grey magnus bane simon lewis
teen wolf
allison argent chris argent cora hale derek hale isaac lahey jackson whittermore jordan parrish kira yukimura liam dunbar lydia martin malia tate peter hale scott mccall stiles stilinski theo raeken
the 100
bellamy blake clarke griffin echo finn collins jasper jordan john murphy king roan lexa lincoln monty green nathan miller octavia blake ontari raven reyes wells jaha
the originals
davina claire elijah mikaelson freya mikaelson hayley marshall kol mikaelson lucian castle niklaus mikaelson marcel gerard rebekah mikaelson
the vampire diaries
bonnie bennett caroline forbes damon salvatore elena gilbert jeremy gilbert katherine pierce malachi parker mary louise matt donovan nora hildegard olivia parker tyler lockwood stefan salvatore sybil
alex summers aka havok charles xavier aka young!professor x erik lehnsherr aka magneto hank mccoy aka beast jean grey aka phoenix logan aka wolverine peter maximoff aka quiksilver ororo monroe aka storm raven darkholme aka mystique
prompts (once someone requests a prompt, i will update the list! list will be updated once a day, if multiple people ask for a prompt in between updates, i will give it to the first person who sent me an ask. i realize that there are more character options than there are prompts, i did this because i don’t think too many people will participate. if we ever run out, i will add more prompts! example of request: klaus mikaelson + “give me a chance”)
1: “ give me a chance. ”
2: “ not you again.. ”
3: “ leave me alone. ”
4: “ i don’t love you anymore. ”
5: “ why do you hate me? ”
6: “ i lost the baby. ”
7: “ i thought you loved me. ”
8: “ i don’t need you anymore. ”
9:“ i can’t believe you! ”
10: “ we can't keep this up forever. ”
11: “ you’re a monster. ”
12: “ i hate you. ”
13: “ don’t leave me… ”
14: “ you’re a disappointment. ”
15: “ don’t die on me– please. ”
16: “ i never meant to hurt you. ”
17: “ are you upset with me? ”
18: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
19: “ i’m going to kill you! ”
20: “ please don’t hurt me like this. ”
21: “ thanks for nothing. ”
22: “ dont call this number again. “
23: “ why did you spare me? ”
24: “ you need to leave. ”
25: “ i’m sick. ”
26: “ i’m dying. ”
27: “ i wish i’d never met you. ”
28: “ i thought we were family!”
29: “ there was never an us. ”
30: “ so that’s it? it’s over? ”
31: “ i fucked up. ”
32: “ i came to say goodbye. ”
33:“ he’s dead because of you. ”
34: “ i don’t deserve to be loved. ”
35: “ about the baby… its yours. ”
36: “ i’m so in love with you. ”
37: “ dance with me! ”
38: “ isn’t this amazing? ”
39: “ i wish we could stay like this forever. ”
40: “ will you marry me? ”
41: “ i’m pregnant. ”
42: “ i need a hug. ”
43: “ you’re special to me. ”
44: “ i’m going to keep you safe. ”
45: “ do you trust me? ”
46: “ can i kiss you right now? ”
47: “ you’re cute when you’re angry. ”
48: “ i’ve liked you for awhile now. ”
49: “ let’s have a baby. ”
50: “ we’d make such a cute couple. ”
51: “ i want to take care of you. ”
52: “ can we cuddle? ”
53: “ it’s lonely here without you. ”
54: “ i can’t stand the thought of losing you. ”
55: “ shut up and kiss me already. ”
56: “ are you flirting with me? ”
57: “ is that my shirt? ”
58: “ how did we get here? ”
59: “ you own my heart. ”
60: “ you’d be a great dad. ”
61: “ you’d be a great mom. ”
62: “ i want to protect you. ”
63: “ what's the matter? ”
64: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
65: “ did you do something different with your hair? ”
66: “ is that a new perfume? ”
67: “ stop being so cute. ”
68: “ you’re making me blush! ”
69: “ you’re teasing me again… ”
70: “ this is why i fell in love with you. ”
71: “ you’re the best! ”
72: “ they’re going to love you, don’t worry! ”
73: “ oh, are you ticklish? ”
74: “ of course i remembered! ”
75: “ you’re one hell of a girl. ”
76: “ you’re one hell of a guy. ”
77: “ are you jealous? ”
78: “ hold me and never let me go. ”
79: “ stop hogging all the blankets! ”
80: “ lets run away together. ”
90: “ catch me if you can! ”
91: “ i’m fine. ”
92: “ are you drunk? ”
93: “ are you high? ”
94: “ we can't go in there… ”
95: “ give it back! ”
96: “ well this is just great. ”
97: “ don’t touch me. ”
98: “ not sure if you could tell, but i’m not exactly a people person. ”
99: “ this was fun— let's do it again sometime!”
100: “ i didn’t do it! ”
101: “ i did it… ”
102: “ i don’t remember that! ”
103: “ well that’s pretty rude of you to say. ”
104: “ get that thing away from me! ”
105: “ you owe me. ”
106: “ do you believe in aliens? ”
107: “ do you believe in ghosts? ”
108: “ are you hitting on me? ”
109: “ why are you naked? ”
110: “ you did what?! ”
111: “ you have… superpowers? ”
112: “ why are you bleeding? ”
113: “ where did all these puppies come from?”
114: “ don’t make me come over there myself! ”
115: “ that wasn’t funny. ”
116: “ this tastes horrible. ”
117: “ this is delicious! ”
118: “ are you mad at me? ”
119: “ stop ignoring me… ”
120: “ i love that show too! ”
121: “ can i borrow that book of yours?”
122: “ let's blow this joint. ”
123: “ let me help you with that. ”
124: “ take that back! ”
125: “ wanna go see a movie with me? ”
126: “ no way, that’s so lame. ”
127: “ what are you listening to? ”
128: “ i brought you your coffee. ”
129: “ don’t fuck this up. ”
130: “ run! ”
131: “ lets run away together. ”
132: “ i haven’t slept in four days… ”
133: “ your turn to do the dishes. ”
134: “ was i really that drunk? ”
135: “ was i really that stoned? ”
136: “give me back my phone! ”
137: “ you’re an asshole. ”
138: “ are you cold? ”
139: “ this place gives me the creeps. ”
140: “ i swear my house is haunted. ”
141: “ did you hear that? ”
142: “ it’s just your imagination. ”
143: “ just how stupid do you think i am? ”
144: “ stop being such a baby. ”
145: “ go back to bed. ”
146: “ are you okay? ”
147: “ i can take care of myself just fine.”
148: “ thanks for helping me back there. ”
149: “ since when have we ever been friends? ”
150: “ what on earth are you wearing? ”
151: “ i can’t feel my legs! ”
152: “ stop texting me weird stuff so late at night. ”
153: “ put me down! ”
154: “ there’s only one bed… ”
155: “ it isn’t what it looks like! okay.. maybe it is… ”
156: “ how did i lose it? ”
157: “ i read your diary. ”
158: “ this is awkward. ”
159: “ didn’t you read the sign? ”
160: “ do you think you can teach me that? ”
161: “ bite me. ”
162: “ make me. ”
163: “ fuck me. ”
164: “ stop teasing me so much… ”
165: “ do you like it when i touch you like that?”
166: “ okay.. this is new. ”
167: “ want to head back to my place and have a little fun? ”
168: “ you’re in trouble now. ”
169: “ what a pretty sight. ”
170: “ bend over. ”
171: “ on your knees. ”
172: “ the food looks great but.. there’s something much more delicious i’d like to eat right now. ”
173: “ lay back. ”
174: “ take off your clothes. ”
175: “ well, fine; just this once. ”
176: “ i’m waiting. ”
177: “ you’re so beautiful. ”
178:“ as you wish. ”
179: “ first one to make a noise loses.”
180: “ you have no idea what you do to me. ”
181: “ if you’re bored; wanna have sex? ”
182: “ i've wanted this for so long. ”
183: “ car sex looks so much more easier in the movies. ”
184: “ can i touch you? ”
185: “ open up. ”
186: “ no strings attached. ”
187: “ already? do i really have that much of an effect on you? ”
188: “ mine. ”
189: “ the nights still young. ”
190: “ we can't do that here! ”
191: “ behave. ”
192:“ what did you just say? ”
193: “ good girl. ”
194: “ good boy. ”
195: “ come here. ”
continued nsfw from misc sources
196: “are you going to come here, or are you going to make me come get you myself?”
197: “don’t look at me like that, you brought this on yourself.”
198: “stay still, squirming will make it worse.”
199: “keep count. if you lose it, we’re starting over. understand?”
200: “go get me the cane.”
201: “take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
202: “open your mouth. i’m putting the gag in so your screaming won’t alarm someone.”
203: “did you disobey my orders?”
204: “i thought i told you not to touch that?”
205: “have you finished everything i told you to do?”
206: “if you don’t stop acting like this, i’ll be forced to use different tactics.”
207: “your skin turns so red under my palm.”
208: “bend over the back of the couch.”
209: “you might want to bite something, the whip has a bite to it.”
210: “come here and bend over my lap.”
211: “i’m tired of your smart mouth.”
212: “you’re really hot.”
213: “oh, don’t mind me. just enjoying the view.”
214: “you know, those/that ______ of yours are/is pretty distracting.”
215: “hot damn.”
216: “so, you come here often?”
217: “well, well. my night just got better.”
218: “is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”
219: “you have got a great ass.”
220: “hey, i’m open minded.”
221: “you enjoying the view over there?”
222: “keep sweet-talking and this could go a whole new direction.”
223: “don’t be bashful. you know you want to.”
224: “you can have me any way you’d like, baby.”
225: “you wanna move this conversation someplace more private?”
226: “i’m off in a few minutes, you know.”
227:“it’s been a long day. why don’t we help each other unwind?”
228: “i think it’s about time we stop avoiding the obvious.”
229: “i’m gonna be honest with you. i’m really horny, and you’re really hot. can we fuck? like, now?”
230: “i wanna see you get naked.”
231: “you like how i bend over for you, huh?”
232: “you’re getting me all worked up.”
233: “what do we have here?”
234: "i see someone’s happy to see me.”
235: “play your cards right, and i just might have to put you on speed dial.”
236: “you like that, don’t you?”
237: “how do you want me?”
238: “i’m sure we can put those lips to better use.”
239: “i want you. right here. right now.”
240: “god, you’re perfect.”
241: “i really like a man who’s good with his hands.”
242: “i’d be more than happy to show you a good time, if you’re looking for one.”
243: “i saw that. you just checked me out.”
244: “you look real good in that suit/dress/skirt/outfit.”
245: “you wanna help me out of this ___?” (insert article clothing here.)
246: “can i keep you?”
247: “you’re such a tease.”
248: “oh my, looks like i/you dropped something.”
249: “i love it when you talk dirty.”
250: “i can’t stop thinking about your hands on me.”
251: “i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear.”
252: “i really want to take you home and get you out of all those clothes.”
253: “it’s like you want to ruin men/women for me.”
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fvngsfogarty · 7 years
dating headcanons | | [ sweet pea ]
a/n: this sort of reminded me with the first imagine i made with reader being josie’s sister and the other daughter of mayor mccoy, so have more of poc reader. but i hope i did justice to this headcannon list as it was inspired by my first imagine. the fangs x male reader imagine should be coming out sometime on monday or this week after editing and depending how busy i am or jinxie is to post it. remember you can now request moodboards, the rules can be found here. but gender neutral and male verisons can be requested of this if you’d like as well. feel free to send in requests as they are open !!!
anonymous asked: can i have a headcanon where you’re mayor mccoy’s other daughter, josie’s little sister, and you’re secretly dating sweetpea? please, i love your writing
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First thing first, you are very well known around Riverdale since your Mayor McCoy’s daugher and Josie’s sister so everyone knows you
You are slightly more rebelious than your sister and you do your own music rather than join in your sister’s group even though sometimes you made a few guest apperances
Meeting Sweet Pea when Southside High merged with Riverdale High as you helped Veronica and Kevin welcome them
You didn’t seem to mind the serpents as much as your sister and mom who thought they were bad news
So your mom, Mayor McCoy gave a whole big lecture about staying away from them
However that didn’t seem to work very well since Sweet Pea was in a lot of classes with you
He was a bit suprised when you actually helped him out with things since he thought all Northsiders were cold like Cheryl
Eventually it lead to you being at your locker when Sweet Pea asked you to go to Pop’s with him along Toni, Fangs, and Jughead at first
But soon falling for him after he took you home from there even though your mom wasn’t at all happy which lead to an arguement
Remember that you’re more rebellious? Yeah, you decide to go against your mom’s rules and start seeing him in secert
Sweet Pea sometimes lending his jacket to you while you two ride to Whyte Wyrm since you told your mom a lie about going over to Betty’s
Spending as much as you can with Sweet Pea when you can because of your relationship
He likes to hear your newest singles that you come up with and tries to play on your bass but failing terribly just to hear you laugh
Turning down any dates that Cheryl insists that she might’ve found someone for you
Becoming friends with Toni, Fangs, and Jughead even though your sister thinks it’s weird
GIF CREDIT: fyeahriverdale
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melo-yello · 5 years
Zero Part 2 (Sweet Pea x POC Reader)
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Pairing(s): Sweet Pea x POC Reader
Warning(s): It only gets fluffier, more goofy ass nicknames, and tons of cursing/mild confrontation
Word Count: 2,3k+
Summary: River Vixen Reader is flunking Trig but a certain leather jacket clad math wiz is here to help her out.
A/N: I kno 3 or 4 weeks is a lot longer than soon but it took a minute to get it the way I like it but it's here now so 🙌 Comment and I'll add you to the Taglist.
“V that's what I'm saying Arch is loyal to fault letting him into your world won't scare him away. Tell her B.” You affirm walking out of your 2nd block English class. You toss Betty a light elbow to get her attention. 
“Yea Veronica, he's kinda blind like that. He'd stick by you no matter what you do.” She spits shooting Veronica a death glare before out pacing the both of you. 
You trade glances between where Betty was standing and Veronica with her head down. 
“What just happened?” You question placing a hand on her shoulder. She sighs heavily.  
As if his spidey senses went off Archie appears out of nowhere snaking his arms around her waist and pecking her cheek. 
“Hey Ronnie. Hey Y/n. What's up?” He chuckles. 
“Nothing just that my best friend hates me.” Veronica says leaning into him. 
Well my work is done here, Archie to the rescue. 
“Ronnie that's not true-” is all you hear as you take the perfect opportunity to sneak off and meet up with Sweet Pea even though your inner gossip was dying for you to stay. 
He doesn't seem like he has much patience for waiting. 
You ease into library without so much as a sound. The place is practically a dead zone. You are sure you spot a couple spiders packing their things and leaving. 
A quick snort escapes you as you stifle the swelling laughter at your own joke. 
“Hey Wilber, I'm over here.” Sweet Pea says waving three shelves down by a window in a corner. 
“Hahaha. Did you come up with that all by yourself, 21 Jump Street.” You snip back sitting across from him as you hand him your homework. 
“Would you prefer-Jesus Y/n?!?” He nearly shouts with his jaw slacked as he lays eyes on the cluttered first problem on you homework, “You weren't kidding about needing tutor. Hell maybe a miracle worker is better match, Helen Keller.”
You roll your eyes to stare out the window as you twirl a curl around your finger while balancing a cheek on your fist. You try your best not to look as hurt as you feel pressing a stoic anger into your features instead. 
Even strangers could tell I'm stupid. 
“If I'm too stupid to help that's all you had to say.” You mutter wishing this kinda stuff didn't make your head spin. 
“A dumb cheerleader what a sur-” He paused catching the expression on your face. He could tell that he struck a nerve. He has definitely hurt your feelings and for some reason he cared.
“Fuck you pal, but that's what I'm good at! Thought I was good at the school thing too but APPARENTLY NOT! If I wanted to get made fun of I would've just asked one those stuck up assholes from my side of town so they can at least gossip behind my back.” You yell as you stand slamming your hands on the wooden table. 
Sweet Pea stands, looking just as indignant as you. 
“What the hell gave you the idea us Southsiders would be any better, Y/n! We're just people!”
“I didn't ask the Southside! I asked you! And I guess I thought you of all people weren't mean for sport!”
Sweet Pea's face holds its waning rage for a moment longer as his gaze meets yours. Neither you or him willing to back down. 
He sits snatching up the pen and turning attention back to his corrections on your homework. 
“Hey,” this time his voice much softer than it has ever been directed toward you,  “do you have your test? I need to see all the things you're doing wrong if I'm gonna have you ready for the next one.” He sighs apologetically with his eyes trained on the page scribbling away. 
You clear your throat and his eyes gaze up to meet yours. 
A look of shock settles on to your features as you search his dark eyes for a hint of sarcasm. You sit down and gingerly pass him your paper. 
“You really think you can?” You question waiting for him to pull the rug from under you so you could storm out. 
“Shit, I taught Fangs square roots, didn't I?” Sweet Pea grins over confidently taking the test and flipping through it as he slides your homework over. 
“You know I don't actually know who that is?” You say blankly as you try to imagine what a guy named Fangs would even look like before looking at what he'd done to your homework. 
“Not the point. The point is you're in good hands.” He nods. 
“Alright, Allstate. As long as you know you're gonna have to do a lot of explaining.” You say screwing up your face as you try your best to make sense of the corrected work. 
“That's okay I like being right,” He smiles before looking up at you, “...and for the record I don't think you're stupid.”
You just nod so glad that your embarrassment couldn't be seen on your brown skin. 
“Okay your biggest problem is that you've swapped the trig functions reciprocals. Like you put sine with secant and cosine with cotangent.” He says slowly pointing to the first couple test problems he had started to correct. 
The majority of the session is spent with him re-explaining concepts and reworking the test. 
The bell rings as you stuff your papers in bag. The idea of  passing Trig seeming a little less impossible. 
“What do I owe you, Grease Lightning?” You say putting a firm negotiating face on. Doing your best to suppress the smirk that keeps trying to work its way on your face. 
“Hmm you'll probably being needing help at least 4 days out of the week. I don't do weekends or Fridays. So 25 for each session and an IOU biweekly sounds fair to me?” He says extending his hand for you to shake. 
“Why the IOU?! What the hell is that good for?...I'm not that kinda-!”
“Don't worry Ms.Prude and Prejudice I'm a serpent not a sleaze. They're not interchangeable. It's just for leverage.” He cuts you off with a pointed look. 
“What kind of leverage, Gangsta's Paradise?” You hiss with crossed arms with your lips tight. 
“Considering you hang out with Cheryl Blossom queen bitch of screwing the Southside over at this school and Veronica Lodge the master manipulator that even lies to her friends forgive me if I don't trust you or your judge of character, L/n.” he says confidently. A smug grin spreading across his face.  
You feel a rebuttal crawl up, but swallowed it just as quickly.
As rudely as he put it, he had a point. For an outsider looking in there's plenty of room for suspicion. 
“Rude, but true. What does my judge of character say about you then, Pea.” You shrug extending your hand to him. 
“Just that even Pep Squad Prima Donnas get lucky...Insanely lucky.” He nods taking your hand in his. 
“How long does it take to pick a lock, Sticky Fingers. We're gonna get caught.” You whisper peering out the boys locker room door then back at Sweet Pea finally prying open the last locker. 
“Get your panties out of a wad, Malibu Barbie. That was seven lockers in less than two minutes.” Sweet Pea says tying the cords of five party poppers to the inside of the locker door. 
He takes a step back surveying his handy work. Seven lockers hold a special surprises for the football team, alternating between party poppers and those popper firecrackers. Sweet Pea tilts his head to the side and extends his hand palm up to you. 
“I think, Mantle gets the firecrackers too.” He nods as you hand him the bag. 
“So is this how you tell all the pretty boys you have a crush on them?, or just our beloved team captain.  Reggie should be faltered.” You laugh stuffing a hand full of poppers in your pocket for later. 
“As if, drug selling rich assholes aren't my type, Y/n. This is how you tell Northside shits, no offense, there are consequences to chaining our bikes together in the parking lot without getting suspended at the same time.” He says emptying the entire bag inside before shutting the door tight. 
“None taken. What is your type then, Sweets?” You say shutting a locker or two and heading for the door. 
“Oh just the know it all, stubborn as hell, loudmouth type with the most obnoxious sense of self entailment and the shortest fuse imaginable and most importantly someone who pretends to be a total hard ass but actually is a complete softy. Oh, not to mention they probably think they're absolutely hilarious and are not.” He says shutting the remaining lockers before smiling at you with a self assured grin. 
His dark brown eyes met yours fiercely like he's daring you. 
“You just described yourself, Romeo.” You snort rolling your eyes to the back of your skull and shaking off the creeping gooey feeling in your chest.
In the past couple of weeks this has become your unspoken game. One trying to rattle the other.
“What can I say the heart wants what the heart wants,” Sweet Pea shrugs now standing over you. 
You don't budge. You just bat your eyelashes and place a hand on his forearm. 
“So helping me pass this next quiz is a work of philanthropy and on the house because that's what my heart wants.” You say flashing sly grin up at him. 
“Nice try, Casanova. Not a chance you're buying lunch plus a dessert.” Sweet laughs eyeing your hand as he opens the door.
You snatch your warm brown fingers away and step into the hallway.  It's almost empty save for a couple kids at their lockers. 
As you step out you spot a certain football team captain shutting his locker and eyes landing on you.
Uh oh.  
You skid back into the taller teen behind you as Reggie locks eyes with you from across the hall. His eyes nearly glow red as he makes his way over to the closing locker room. 
“THIS BETTER NOT BE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!” Reggie shouts glaring over your head at Sweet Pea. 
“DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE TO YOU, MANTLE.” The taller teen fires back tugging you behind him. 
“I'M NOT TALKIN TO YOU, SNAKE! N/n, is this bag of dicks bothering you?!?” Reggie's tone softens automatically when addressing you. 
“Reg, I'm fine! Mind your own fucking business!” You scowl trying to push pass Sweet Pea.
“YOU MAKIN MOVES ON N/N IN THE LOCKER ROOM, SNAKE!” Reggie threatens poking Pea's chest. 
“And Even If I was, Mantle! SHE'S A BIG GIRL SHE CAN MAKE HER OWN DECISIONS! WHAT THE HELL YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT!” Sweet Pea growls pushing Reggie back a couple feet. 
“SO YOU ARE SLUMMIN IT WITH THE SERPENTS, NOW, N/N! WHAT MAKES YOU THINK FOR A SECOND YOU'RE GOOD ENOUGH FOR HER!” Reggie spits in absolute outrage before trying to charge the leather clad teen.
Sweet Pea cracks his knuckles and steps up to meet the football player head on. 
This isn't gonna end well.
You roll your e/c eyes. 
Shitheads. They're both complete shitheads. 
As soon Pea moves from caging you behind him you step right between them. 
“One more word, and Weatherbee won't be your biggest problem, Genie!” You glare at the teen in the Letterman. 
All of Reggie's former vibrato fades to worried irritation. 
“You Wouldn't Dare, N/n!” He scoffs. 
Sweet Pea just trades confused glances from one of you to the other. 
“You know I would, Genie. I've got her on speed dial.” You smirk at him with you finger poised to press the call button. 
“You're such a little asshole sometimes.” Reggie says rolling his eyes as he backs away but not before taking fingers to his eyes then pointing them dead at Pea.
You nod heading toward the cafeteria as the bell rings and the hall starts to fill up. 
The tree of a teen doesn't move until someone nearly bumps into him. Sweet Pea catches you by the shoulder causing you to slow your pace to his. 
“How, N/n?” He questions completely baffled and a little impressed. 
"One, only Genie calls me, N/n, Sweet Pea. Two, call it a way with words. Beauty doth soothe the savage beast. He means well he's just an ass." You say shaking your head giving him a look like he should have known better. 
"One, it's music doth soothe the savage beast not beauty. And two, Genie...OH GOD! Is that mouth breather your ex?" Pea fake gags pointing finger down his throat. 
"Oh fuck no, hard pass. Reginald Mantle is my cousin. We used to take baths together and everything."
Sweet Pea's brow wrinkles as he hits you with a confused dark brown gaze before giving an unsure nod. 
"School Spirit, why are you giving me that clueless as hell fa-Oh yea! You're a southsider." You smirk at his confusion starting to make perfect sense. 
He rolls his eyes and gestures to the white turtleneck covered by that dorky RHS polo as if the mandated Southside uniforms weren't a good enough reminder. 
"My Uncle Beau, who's basically my older brother, married his older sister, Frances, before we were out of diapers. We grew up together and when we hit middle school Genie thought I wasn't cool enough to hang with him anymore and started picking on me. Frances found out and we haven't had problems since. Its kinda old news, Poindexter." You shrug handing him a tray.  He dodges as if the plastic is poisonous or something. 
"You're not slick, Princess Morbucks. Even with your failed attempt to bore me to tears with a bullshit northside history lesson, last time I checked we agreed on Pop's and this ain't it." Pea smirks pointing at the double doors out of the cafeteria. 
"You're a real pain." You tossing the plastic trays back on the stack and exiting the caf as he holds the door before following. 
Neither of you notice half the room of southsiders and northsiders alike watching your bazaar interaction. 
Taglist: @dreamsfromanemptyteacup @anninhiliation @consultingkilljoywinchester @thecraziestcrayon @teesimagines @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Heureux Me 'oe
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Part 2
Request: Yes or No
(Y/N) answered the phone with a small smile, glancing at the group of friends.
"Pehea ʻoe, e ka pēpē?" His grandmother's sweet voice relaxed him.
"Makemake au e hoʻi." (Y/N) replied, sighing. His grandmother laughed.
"Hele mai i ka wā hoʻomaha, pēpē." His grandmother said. (Y/N) could hear a ukulele being played in the background. He smiled gently.
"Haʻo wau iā 'oe.." He mumbled, touching his necklace. His grandmother sighed softly.
"Haʻo wau iā 'oe kekahi." (Y/N) looked up, hearing two beeps. His mother waved at him.
"l aloha iā ʻoe." He said, standing up. (Y/N) waited for her response before hanging up and walking over to the car.
"Bye, (Y/N)!" Veronica and Betty called. (Y/N) gave a small wave as he got into the car.
"Comment était ta journée?" His mother asked, driving away.
"Boring .. deux gars se sont battus pendant le déjeuner." (Y/N) told her, staring out at the road. The traffic wasn't as bad as it was in Hawaii. God, he missed his home.
(Y/N) sat on his board, watching his father attempt to teach his mother how to surf. (Y/N) chuckled and shook his head, looking forward. He moved the board so he was facing away from the waves, getting ready to surf. (Y/N) quickly hopped onto his feet, balancing on the board as he caught the wave. His mother cheered but her cheering turned to laughter when a wave knocked his father off his board. His father resurfaced and splashed his mother a few times. (Y/N) rode the wave with ease, getting to shore. He smiled, glancing at some people who were cliff diving. (Y/N) let a friend burrow his board before he sat on the sand, watching everyone. A stray dog ran over to him, tail wagging.
"Aloha." He greeted the dog, giving it pets and scratches. The dog took off, chasing some birds. (Y/N) chuckled, watching it run around.
(Y/N) got out of the car, staring up at the house. He frowned, entering and heading up to his room. He put his bag down, looking around at the boxes.
(Y/N) smiled, putting a new picture up among the other ones. He heard music in the other room, following it and watching his grandmother teach his mother how to hula dance.
"Va chercher des oranges pour ta grand-mère." His father said to him. (Y/N) nodded, picking up a basket and heading outside. He went over to their orange trees, picking them.
(Y/N) sat down on the bed. Georgia didn't have any good beaches like the ones in Hawaii. Riverdale didn't feel like home. (Y/N) lied back, staring up at the ceiling. The doorbell rung and soon after (Y/N) heard his mother call his name. He stood up, heading downstairs.
"Votre ami est ici." She said, moving to the side so (Y/N) could see Reggie. (Y/N) furrowed his brows, stepping outside. He reached out gently touching Reggie's bruised temple. Reggie winced, tilting his head away.
"Sorry." (Y/N) mumbled, dropping his hand.
"Why you not home? Ice helps." (Y/N) cocked his head. Reggie pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head.
"I don't.. I don't want dad to know.." He whispered. (Y/N) blinked, realization setting in.
"Come in! Come in! We have tarte aux pommes!" His mother said, urging them inside. She led them to the kitchen, taking out some apple pie. (Y/N) opened the fridge, grabbing an ice pack and handing it to Reggie.
"Demander s'il en veut!"
"Je ne sais pas comment!" (Y/N) replied. His mother clicked her tongue.
"You want a piece?" She asked Reggie.
"Sure." Reggie nodded. His mother served them with a smile, nudging (Y/N) as she walked by.
"Il est mignon! Lui demander de sortir!" His mother said, winking.
"Mama!" (Y/N) huffed, watching her walk away. Reggie stuffed his face with the apple pie, glancing at them.
"Ignore her." (Y/N) mumbled, crossing his arms.
"You like it here so far?" Reggie asked. (Y/N) shrugged.
"I miss Hawaii.. My friends, the beaches.. Even school. This don't feel like home.. In Hawaii, everyone is ohana." (Y/N) told him, playing with his necklace.
"Maybe you'll go to Hawaii someday." He shrugged, smiling. Reggie returned it.
"Sounds like a fun place." He said, placing the ice pack down. (Y/N) nodded.
"I've been to France for my cousin's birthday. It is also a fun place. Bigger than Hawaii, that's for sure. Des gens très gentils." (Y/N) played with his necklace. Reggie watched him.
"Did you leave a... A boyfriend behind on the island?" (Y/N) laughed softly, shaking his head.
"No, no. I broke up with my ex a year ago.. Very much single." (Y/N) cleared up. Reggie hummed, nodding.
"You know, there's this diner called Pop's.. It might not be Hawaiian or french food, but it's tasty. Wanna come with me?"
Pehea ʻoe, e ka pēpē? - How are you, baby? (Hawaiian)
Makemake au e hoʻi - I wanna go back (Hawaiian)
Hele mai i ka wā hoʻomaha, pēpē - Come during the break, baby
Haʻo wau iā 'oe - I miss you
Haʻo wau iā 'oe kekahi - I miss you too
l aloha iā ʻoe - I love you
Comment était ta journée? - How was your day?
Boring.. Deux gars se sont battus pendant le déjeuner - Boring... Two guys fought during lunch (French)
Aloha - Hello also means love (Hawaiian)
Va chercher des oranges pour ta grand-mère - Go pick some oranges for your grandmother (French)
Votre ami est ici - Your friend is here (French)
tarte aux pommes - apple pie (french)
Demander s'il en veut - Ask if he wants some (French)
Je ne sais pas comment - I don't know how (french)
Il est mignon! Lui demander de sortir! - He's cute! Ask him out! (French)
Ohana - Family (Hawaiian)
Des gens très gentils - Very nice people (French)
Oui - Yes (French)
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melo-yello · 5 years
Bloodie Knuckles
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Not my moodboard
Pairing(s): Sweet Pea x POC Reader
Warning(s): swearing, angst, fluff
Summary: Y/n has got an axe to grind and some missed placed rage. Who better than Sweet Pea to help her out.
A/N: This takes place somewhere in season 2. I like my Sweet soft but tuff around the edges so be prepared. Also reblog or comment and I'll add you to the Taglist.
Word Count: 4k+
Wrappers and loose leaf pages decorated the floor around your feet. The awful mood that hung on your shoulders since receiving the worst news of your life only seemed to pile higher and higher.  
“Where the hell is it?” You curse ripping yet another item form your locker and tossing it to the tiled hallway floor.
The pastel pink snake plushie flew from the top shelf.  Sweet Pea had won you that on your last trip to Midnight Park , a cruddy little amusement park just pass Greendale barely worth the trip. The small theme park had been a home away from since you guys were kids. Fangs and Pea would compete for prizes at every single booth while you and Toni took on every coaster in sight.
Naturally Sweet Pea would take you there as a first date. Insisting Pop's just wasn't special enough. After taking down three 8 year olds, a 12 year old and two 14 year olds in a water gun race Sweet Pea presented you with the goofy pink snake with enough charm to rival his own.
The teddy usually proudly positioned at the top of your cluttered locker now lay on top of your dingy white canvas high tops.
The longer you searched the small confides of the metal walls the more your temper edged over its peak.
You slammed the now empty locker enough force to rattle a few beside it. It rang up and down the corridor. The mob of teens rushing to morning classes almost shrieked to a standstill to find the source of the abrupt commotion.
“Jeez Y/n, are you okay!?” The former lead pussycat turned river vixen asked placing a concerned hand on your shoulder. One of the last people you wanted to see at the moment. All too easy of a target to lose the full weight of your rising temper.
Cynical laughter erupted from your chest as you turned to face her. She had no idea the unbridaled flames that wait behind that glass smile you gave her.
“You would know wouldn't you, Popstar Princess. Or are you too busy to care about what happens to the Southside?” You quipped down at the girl who barely made it past your shoulders.
Out of the corner of your e/c eyes you see Toni and Fangs turn the corner just in time to watch the scene unfold. You shrug.  Your rage in every sense was grounded.
Toni knew that wild look in your eyes all to well. She tugged the taller serpent down and whispered something to him. Fangs simply nodded and pulled out his phone. He exchanged a few phrases and then hung up all without his eyes leaving your face.
Too bad you couldn't bring yourself to care.
“What's that supposed to mean?”
Hostility steeping dangerously hot between the two of you.
“Oh just that your Mom is doing great job of screwing over the Southside!” The venom that had been boiling in your veins finally slipping over.
“My mom is just doing her job!”
“I'd sure as hell hate to see what it looks when she doesn't!”
“What is your problem?”
“Don't even get me started. Shit, even you aren't that blind, Primadonna?! Let me see I can't pick between her being a hypocrite or forcing me and family out on the street.”
“Y/n, I'm so so sorry it's jus-”
“But tell me how does she possibly fit the time in her busy schedule to pull all nighters with Sheriff Keller in sleazy little motel rooms.” You hissed pulling your ring clad hands into a tight fist.
Each finger arrayed in metal and cheap gemstones. Your h/c curls hung freely as a menacing glare settled onto your features.  
Astonished gasp sweeps through the crowd.
“What the hell are you trying to say?” Josie's remorseful confusion melted into furious indignation.
Wild eyed embarrassment made its way onto her face. Your lips curl in sneer as you clear your throat. Before the words could leave your lips grunts and curses rippled from the back of the mob of teens.
“Move the fuck out of my way.” Rang the gruff voice of the tall dark haired serpent pushing his way through the crowd  and glaring down at anyone who dared to question him just to plant himself directly behind to you.
A firm warm hand grasped your shoulder. His touch nearly cold compared to the searing heat broiling just below your brown skin. You glance long enough to meet the soft pleading expression that played across his features.  
For a split second your confidence crumbled into conflicted confusion. The hurt just below the surface peeking through. A lapse in your molten fury that was cold and vulnerable revealed itself to his piercing deep brown eyes.
“Y/n. Don't.” He warned gently. A simple request to leave that night where it was.
To leave that night at Shady Palms a memory. A memory swallowed in secrets. Secrets that didn't belong to either of you. You both just witnesses to one of the many lies that litter this town. A lie on the Northside two serpents were never supposed to see.  
“How about we grab some snacks then we can try that corkscrew thing I was telling you about.” You giggle pulling Pea's blazer onto your shoulders as you both exited the motel room. Hiding away the lacey f/c bra from the outside world as you straighten your black pencil skirt and shuffle into your shoes.
The defined h/c curls that crowned your head and elegantly framed your face at the beginning of the evening were now ruffled and slightly frizzed.  Strong thick fingers had worked themselves in and out and around them. Pretty much ruining the style.
Not that you could complain. His methods were proving to be quite satisfactory to say the least.
“Baby, if I knew all you needed to be absolute freak was a room at Shady Palms, I never would have waited for a special occasion to bring you here.” Pea laughed tucking his hands into his slack pockets not bothering to button the top half of his white dress shirt. He wore the red trail of hickies down his neck and chest with pride. His thick charcoal locks were smoothed back and out of eyes. Making those chocolate irises even more captivating.
Sweet Pea finally dawning something without leather or a snake on it.  
You didn't look like serpents tonight.
You just looked like teens. Teens with trouble in your eyes and hope hidden behind every smile. You almost looked like you belonged on this side of town. Like maybe you crept from your bedrooms as your loving parents held each other in their own bed as the tikes slept soundly down the hall and your golden retriever curled up on the edge of your bed.
The only tell of Southside on you both was the serpent ink.
You shoved the giant teen and nearly tripped over your creme colored pumps.
“You still can't walk in those things?” Pea snickered offering his arm to steady you.
“I wear them to keep up with you. It's not my fault I've got to look like a giraffe to do that.” You grumbled while accepting his arm and tucking yourself into his side.
A smirk settled on his face genuinely happy to welcome your warm frame close to his own. You rest your head on his shoulder.
“A sexy ass giraffe.” Sweet Pea chuckled.
You couldn't help but laugh at him and how matter of factly he said it. A snort escaping your throat only made him laugh even harder.
“Right this way Mayor McCoy.” The hardy voice of Sheriff Keller rang out as he stepped into the hazy fluorescent light with a self assured grin on his face.
The laughter died in your throats. Your feet cement themselves to the ground. Pea slid his hand from his pocket and laced his fingers into yours. You pressed your palm flush against his.
A silent promise of loyalty.
Not matter what.
Mayor McCoy shook her head latching onto his arm.
“Oh come Tom, how many times do have to tell you. Call me Sierra.” She giggled tugging a puppy dog eyed Sheriff Keller into a room a few doors away from where you and Pea stood frozen.  But not before she pulled Keller’s lips down to hers.
“Shit?!?” Pea muttered as you both stared transfixed on the Mayor and Sheriff tangled around each other.
Both watching as the door shut to the cheap room.  Waiting for the click like it was permission to breath. With that the tension in the air fizzled.
“I really hope they don't need anything from the vending machine.” You snickered awkwardly looking up at Pea doing your best to resurrect the bubbly energy of before.  
Sweet Pea took the bait as he pressed a kiss onto the back of your palm and wrapped his arm around your soft hips.
“I don't think Skittles come in a self righteous flavor yet so we're safe.”
Your steps retake the aimless trot to the machine glittering in the moonlight at the corner. Little jokes tumble back and forth from your lips to his. Leaving whatever those two were doing in that room.  Leaving the illusion of the North side intact.
Here was so Safe. And so Honest. And so Pure.
You snatch yourself free from his grip pressing the overflowing emotions back down in their bottle.
“Are all you northsiders that dense? It seems that our beloved Mayor McCoy is busying putting in overtime screwing-”
“Oh Fuck You, Trailer Trash!” Josie screamed pushing you square in the chest ruffling the grey tee with sleeves cuffed and blood red script reading Try Me Bitch.
You stumble back.
Ooos ripple from the surrounding crowd.
“Take it back, Pussybrat!” You demand stepping up to her.
“Why should I! Hey maybe you tell your parents to pay their damn rent and they wouldn't have these problems when someone actually does what their job.” The mob continued to instigate.
Your chest tightened. The rapid drumming of your own heartbeat filled your ears.
“You'll be lucky if you can stand after saying that shit to me!” You snarled her sweater dress filling your fist and drawing back with the other.   
No hesitation.
You swung full force only for your body to be snatched backwards and slung into the air and finally over an impossibly broad shoulder.  
“What the hell!”You bark trying to shake yourself free from the constrictor grip Sweet Pea had on your hips.
His signature scent of cheap cologne and wildflowers gave him away immediately.  
“Josie you okay?” Pea mused ignoring your protests as he helped her to her feet.
“She sure as hell won't be if your let me finish what I started. Put me the fuck down!” You growl slamming your fists into his back over and over again.
“She's sorry too.” Sweet Pea shrugged making no indication he even felt your hits.
Josie just nodded waving him off as she straightened her mustard mini dress with off the shoulder puffed sleeves.   
A steady ache in your fists made that clear he was unphased so you stopped.
“You can bet your pretty ass I'm not.” You spat wiggling in Pea's firm grasp.
He kissed his teeth and turned away from her as the crowd parted letting him through. No one was willing to chance the absolutely definite asskicking they'd get if they didn't step out of his way.
Your curses circled the hallways as he rounded the corner. It wasn't until he stepped inside the empty gymnasium did he place you on the ground.
“You crossed a line back there.” Sweet Pea scolded staring down at you in utter disbelief.
“No Pea I didn't you made sure of that!” You huffed crossing your arms glaring back at those disappointed dark eyes.
Don't gimme that look.
“You know what I'm talking about! Shit,Y/n! We made a promise not to say a word. That was not your shit to unpack!”
“Someone had to pop the wannabe teen idol's bubble! She was gonna find out eventually!”
“You didn't do that for her! That's not why you said that shit! You had half school watching! THAT IS NOT HOW YOU HAN-”
“LIKE HELL YOU DID, L/N!” Sweet Pea shouted throwing his hands in the air. His own temper flaring which only fueled yours. Sweet Pea cut his eyes away from you.
“YOU HEARD THAT COCKY LITTLE BITCH, PEA! YOU HEARD HER CALL ME TRAILER TRASH! SWEETS, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE ONE ON MY SIDE!! AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT CARES THAT THE NORTHSIDE IS TRYING TO SNUFF US OUT!” You raged eyes wild as you press your curls away from your face and those e/c eyes of yours settle on the ground. The shame of it all beginning to set in.  
“I heard it and any other day I would have chewed that brat out, but I'm not standing by so you can total McCoy's ass and get suspended. Babe who else's side could I be on? Why do think I tossed your crazy ass over my shoulder? You've got to chill you're starting to sound like Jones.”He snickered rolling his eyes doing his very best to lighten your mood.
But the tension pressed into your features didn't clear.    
“SWEETS I'M SERIOUS! IT'S LIKE THEY'RE TRYING TO ERASE THE SOUTHSIDE! FIRST OUR SCHOOL! THEN OUR JACKETS! THEN OUR CLOTHES! AND NOW OUR HOMES! THEY'RE TAKING EVERY PIECE OF THE SOUTHSIDE FROM US! Before we know it ...they'll be...nothing left.” You fumed stepping toward him and taking his hand in yours halfway expecting him to pull away.
He didn't.  
Instead he curls his warm fingers around yours without hesitation. Perfectly surrounding your hand so naturally as if his were made to intertwined with yours.  
“Gonna take a wild guess this doesn't have shit to do with Josie.”
Your words stick to the mucus that starts to coat your throat. Eyes glassy now, you just nod as you try to swallow the lump forming in your throat.  
He always could read you like an open book. Hell most people could but he was good at it. All the hidden meaning and subtext were child's play for him. He just knew you.
Pea's your even match. He always made you feel safe and like nothing could get to you. Like the world just couldn't knock you down. Like as long as you had each other there wasn't anything that could tear you two apart. That you didn't have to cry if you didn't want to.
But not now…
Everything just kept crumbling. The hot tears you'd been sealing away since you tore that eviction notice from your door stung at the corners of eyes.
“Aye Y/n, we're fine. We're gonna make it Serpents always do.” He whispered confidently pulling you into him and your head to his chest gently stroking h/c curls away from your face.
“Sweets, I'm sorry. Just sorry. So fucking sorry.” You muttered wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. Trying pull him as close to you as possible. Anchoring yourself in his frame. Hoping to hide every fallen tear in the fabric of his black shirt. Teeth tearing into your bottom lip as you beg yourself to be strong.
"No you're not Baby. What did you do? Why are you apologizing?” He hummed trying his best to just hold you. Hold onto your trembling form while you unraveled in his arms. Wrapping himself around your broken parts so he could brace your fall.
Vulnerably for you was the hardest. You hated to let him see you break down and hurt and cry. Giving him part of the weight of the pain you carried always gave you pause.
Could he still love me when I break.
Could he still love me when I fall apart in front of him.
You had a tendency to hold it all in usually until it all came pouring out. Sweet Pea gently rubbed circles into your back and tangled his fingers into your soft h/c curls.
And waited.
“Yes I am.  I'm so sc…so scared. Sweets, I'm sorry because I'm scared. I've been so scared for days. I haven't been sleeping. Barely eating. I don't have anywhere else. Sunnyside is all I've got. I can't go anywhere else. Aren't you scared, Pea? I'm terrified. I haven't been this scared in a long time. I was trying to be brave. I wanted to be brave for you, for Cass, for the serpents, for everyone , but… I just can't. What are we gonna do?! Fuck I can't be some foster kid! What if they take me from all of this. All I've ever known! What if they take me away from the serpents! What about Cass? What about Fangs?! What about Toni?! What about Jug and FP?! What about you Sweets?! I Can't Lose Everything Again! I Can't Lose You! Fuck Keller! Fuck the Mayor! Fuck My Folks…fuck them…they.” Your voice hitched in your throat. You couldn't bring your lips to form those words.
You trembled steadily.
The morning after your older sister's graduation. The stillness of the small metal house.
The quietness.
Completely uncanny. No fussing baby brothers woke you that morning. No 4 year old sister to throw a fit as you move her toys from the middle of the hallway floor. No smell of burning bacon and oatmeal filled the air. The loud curses traded between your mom and her boyfriend never came.
The tidiness. Like it had been professionally cleaned. Just an empty trailer and 10 year old.
A freshly sober big sister sat on the rickety sofa with an unopened beer next to a crumpled sheet of notebook paper. Her diploma tossed on the far side of the room. She just stared at the place where the tv should have been. Your little fingers unraveled the wad of notebook paper only to find a half assed letter.
I'm done waiting for him. We're Leaving. Cass will take care of you.
Good Luck, Sweetheart.
scribbled in your mom's handwriting smeared with her signature peachy pink lipstick. Just below that a dingy 20 was taped to the page. Hot tears barreled down your cheeks as Cass stood snatching the beer from the table.
You latch yourself to her wrist. Pleas for her to stay rip from your lips. Snot trailing down your face as she freed herself from your grip.
“Screw them! Princess my ass! What the hell does she think a 20 is gonna do for the rest of your life!” She hissed slamming the trailer door.
The motorcycle revving and spraying the loose gravel by the trailer as she sped off out of the Sunnyside. You sat sticky faced with your knees tucked to your chest on the steps and prayed that someone would come back home.
“You don't have to say it. Baby, I know. Trust me I know.” Sweet Pea breathed unevenly as he squeezed you gently. He held the same tension in his shoulders as you.
The last couple days Sweets had been busy doing jobs for the Serpents. Pulling gigs well into the night. A welcomed distraction from the mass eviction of Sunnyside Trailer Park.  
His home and the home of over half the Serpents.
His family.
Everything was falling apart.
The look of ruin that flashed across his aunt's face only to be replaced with solemn hopelessness sent chills down his spine.
Everything you both had ever known was teetering by a thread and you had been trying to shoulder it all by yourself.
You had hidden your terror in texts and in silly jokes and songs when he called. Assuring him that the Northside couldn't phase you. No matter what.
You lied and he believed.
Moments like these made it painfully clear in the grand scheme of this war between North and South you were still children who knew too little and whose voices didn't matter enough.
The silence was almost suffocating.
“Baby, you don't have to apologize,”He paused to cup your face in hands just to be sure your eyes met his, “We're all pretty damn scared. I've had knots in my stomach for days. I thought it be easier to ignore this bullshit. Wait for it to blow over, but only seems grow.  Shit's hit the fan. Every time the Southside makes a statement it's punished. Drowned out like we don't deserve this town. Like we couldn't possibly know what this town does in the dark. The crime. The murder. The theft. The drugs. Hell even the psychos. Somehow are all thought to be spawns of serpents. Like all the demons of this town must be ours. But if their honest with themselves every monster that haunts this hell hole is of their own making. Lies are the only thing holding everything together. But we won't roll over and die. They can't tear us apart. Or scare us into submission.” He spilled out as if he'd been holding his breath. Pea bit his lip as a tear or two dribbled down his cheeks. His deep brown eyes holding such a courageous fear.  
Like he was too afraid not to be brave.  He had somehow managed to push all his fears and his worries into unadulterated boldness.
“Pea look at us we're a mess. Cryin and shit.” You smiled brushing a tear from his cheek.
“Baby, I'm not afraid of what I feel. You shouldn't be either.” He teased pressing a chaste kiss on your lips which was probably salty and snotty and gross. He made no indication he cared. He just returned your weak smile.
“I'm trying. It's just hard you know.” You mumbled placing your forehead against his chest.
“I know. I know. You did pretty good.”
“Really, Y/n. Just don't attack anymore cheerleaders. I think they put people off the squad for that shit.” He chuckled lifting your chin and placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I owe her an apology, don't I?” You wince rolling your puffy e/c eyes and taking his hand. Sweet Pea shrugged.
“You told like half school about her mom's affair so probably.” He nodded following you to the doors to the hallway.
Before you could reach them; the gymnasium doors swung open to reveal a very worried Fangs, Jughead, and Toni.  
Your faces still wet and tear streaked. Especially yours.
“So this where you love birds ran off to.” Jughead snarked the worry peeling off his face.
Fangs without hesitation pulled you away from Sweet Pea and into a bear hug.
“Oh Y/n,”  He cooed then held you by the shoulders scolding you, “What hell is wrong with you?!? Picking fights with the mayor's daughter?!? You wanna get rounded up all over again?!”
Sweet Pea snickered at the over affectionate serpent, but he still shifted to catch your expression to be sure Fangs wasn't upsetting you all over again.
“Sorry Fangs.” You smirked sheepishly.
Fangs nodded and pulled you in for another hug before letting you go. Toni shoving him eagerly aside.
“Outta my way, Mama Bear.” Toni said meeting your eyes with a burning ferociousity.
Toni's fairy-like stature was entirely inconsequential when she hit you with a face like that. Just a reminder she was very capable of kicking the ass of anyone in the room.
She traded death glares between you and Sweet Pea.
“Toni, I kno-” You cleared your thought to offer an apology, but she cut off with a hand.
“That was really stupid and-”
“And I shouldn't have done that.” You sighed hanging your head. Your temper had put Sweet Pea's shame.
“AND really bad ass!” She smiled punching you in the arm and then hugging you.  
“Get over here Pea. Thanks for snatching up this crazy bitch.”
“Somebody had to.”The larger serpent just cheesed motioning for the other boys to join the hug.
The ring of bell brought the full house moment to the end. The five of you headed out attempting to pretend nothing had happened and get to 2nd period on time.
Taglist:@sweetwatersnake @nongmac001 @wayward-river @baileyboo22
173 notes · View notes
melo-yello · 5 years
Pop Princess (Sweet Pea x Afro-Latina Reader)
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Pairing(s): Josie x Sweet Pea, Sweet Pea x Afro-Latina reader platonic, Fangs x cousin reader
Summary: Reader has been friends with Sweet Pea forever and is crushed when he gets with Josie over the summer. It takes place in the Labor Day episode because the pool party was cute.
Warning(s): swearing, pining, mild angst, fluff
A/N: Might do a continuation. Might Not. Depends if anybody's into it. Comment and I'll add you to the taglist. Feedback is appreciated.
Word Count: 26k+
You stand twisting the tops of Oreos free from their creme filling while licking the sugary filling from between them and stacking the chocolate cookies on one another as you stare vaguely at the two love birds sitting on the edge of the pool.
Her silky curls swaying freely as her sunny floral suit hugs her frame just right. Her deep brown skin shines in the hot summer sun like she's been sprinkled with her fairydust. Her acutely defined cheekbones shine with natural highlight.  
And there he is fawning over her.  His lips on hers. Hands gripping her inner thigh. Fingertips tracing the small her back.  
Her fingers lacing into his charcoal locks. Her hand gripping his sculpted bicep. Her lips curling into a coy smile when she draws back.
God they make me sick.
“Don't swallow each other.” You mutter shoveling a chocolate wafer in your mouth.
“Prima, maybe save some for everyone else.” The basey chuckle of your cousin followed by his firm hand on your shoulder coming much too abruptly startles you.  You practically jump out of skin and send the majority of the chocolate shells crashing to the concrete.
“Jesus Fangs! I was saving those!!” You scowl and turn with arms pinned across your chest.
“Y/n, you don't have to stare like it's the end of the world. Summer is practically over and you're over here pining over Pea's latest fling while bodying half a pack of oreos.” Fangs sighs placing an arm around your tensed shoulders.
“I'm not pining.” You mumble repositioning the bow on your sailor moon two piece. Your serpent tattoo proudly on display down your side tapering off at your hip. The suit's frills drawing attention to your curves in all the right ways.
“Suuuuure. Come on I need a partner for beer pong. Mantle and Andrews think they can take me.” He laughs elbowing you roughly in the side beckoning you to follow. You shove him away and follow behind.
“In their flea bitten dreams. Serpents can take a couple of mutts any day.” You snort stalling just long enough to take in surrounding party.
Toni right next to Cheryl. Kevin and Moose lounge side by reading and stealing glances from one another every now and again. Unsurprisingly Veronica and Betty sit side by side chatting away.
And Josie whispering into Pea's ear before hopping to her feet and sashaying away. His eyes never leave her frame. They follow her swaying hips as if he's in a trance. To say he’s head over heels is putting it nicely.
She better be good to you.
You thought narrowing your eyes and catching up with Fangs.
“Sweet Pea. You guys keep a lookout.” Jughead says in a hushed tone as he grabs the pliers and hops out of the parked truck. Hot Dog whines at the sight of Jug.
“Ghoulie bastards.” You mutter picking at your nails nervously as you shift in the seat next to Pea. Wordlessly Sweet Pea pulled your hand into his giving it a small squeeze. He didn't turn his eyes from Jug or Hot Dog. He just held your hand because he knew you needed him to and you were too macho to ask.  
For a moment you let yourself believe this meant more. For a moment he wasn't head over heels for a girl as close as it gets to northside royalty. and perfect in so many ways it makes your blood boil. And in that moment he might love you like you love him.
“Hiya Jonesie! Welcome back to the Southside!”
The snide hiss of Penny Peabody's voice pulls you from your teen fantasy and you tug your hand from Pea's.
Sweet Pea looks back into your e/c eyes with what just might have been slight disappointment. You grip the chrome bat tightly in both fists and sling it over your shoulder. He nods.
“I thought this mangy mutt might get you show up.” Penny sneers. Something about seeing that skank next a bunch of Ghoulies calling the dog you all helped raise after everything the serpents did for her and she still has the guts to call Hot Dog a “mangy mutt” set you off. Before you could even think you’re slamming open the door.  
“YOU’RE LUCKY I DON'T SMASH YOU MANGY TURNCOAT FACE IN!” You snarl climbing out of the truck and sliding over the hood with bat outstretched.  
“Oh if it isn't my favorite firecracker, Y/n L/n. Still waiting for Mommy to come home?” Penny cackles.
Before you could rush her and back up your threat the car door has opened and closed, and Sweet Pea's arms are around your waist. He holds you firmly to his chest. You squirm trying your best to free yourself so you can claw that wench's eyes right  out of her skull. Pea doesn't give any lead way.
“Calm down!” Pea says curtly into your ear.
His faint flower musk making it hard to concentrate on your already quieting rage. He had that effect on you and he knew it.
“Like Hell I Am!” You bark
“You'll get your chance. Just wait. Peabody's gonna get hers.” He spoke so firmly and cooly it unnerves you.
Since when does “let's burn this school to the ground” Sweet Pea wait?
Since Josie.
The calmness of the moment burns to ashes as deep green jealousy heats under your skin.
“Since when do you wait, Sweets?!? All that time on the Northside is making you soft!” It falls from your lips too quick to stop yourself. The unintended venom in your words hits him at his core. You could feel it in the way his body stiffens and breathing hitches.
“Sweets I didn't me-”
He let you go so suddenly you almost don't caught yourself. You swallow the welling guilt turning circles in your stomach. Just as you charge Fangs has your wrist and the glare he gives you practically turns you to stone.
Just like that Cheryl loses an arrow and hits Mordecai square in the shoulder.
You miss the rest of Penny's and Jughead's schoolyard taunts as your heart beats thunderously in your own ear drums.  
Shit. Dumbass.
Jughead is back to the car with Hot Dog. You hop into the bed instead of your spot next to Pea. Betty eagerly takes the open seat next to Jughead and showers the shell shocked pup with as much affection as he can take as we speed off. Further you guys get away the more the silence tapers off, and jokes and laughter fill the truck as you argue over who'll keep Hot Dog.
Naturally your ragtag crew makes their way to Pop's for celebration of a successful rescue mission. Jug and Betty left first. Something about her curfew and wanting to get Hot Dog home.
Toni and Cheryl slipped off next. Toni attempts offering some phony excuse before Cheryl interrupts to declare they are going to make love in her bedroom at thornhill.  
It was just you, Fangs, and Sweet Pea left, now.  
“Well I'm pretty beat.” Fangs yawns shuffling out of the booth to stretch.
The tension settles between you and Sweet Pea again. The light heartedness of the meal at Pop's has not wiped away your words from earlier. Pea's dark eyes meet yours with absolute certainty. He's pissed and you guys are gonna talk. Your brown skin crawls under his hot gaze.
“Primo, espérame! Puedo dormir en tu casa esta noche!” You shout racing behind the only line defense between you and Sweet Pea. You are more than sure your explanation would only make a bad situation worse.
"No! No no no! Tengo la compañía. Quédate por favor!”
“No worries, chicas. Y/n can crash at my place tonight.” Sweet Pea smiles catching your wrist.
“Have fun, Dorks!” Fangs beams hugging you before flipping Pea off and making a b line for the door.
You settle back into the opposite side of the booth with a uncomfortable grin smeared to your lips. Hands pressed between your thighs as you sheepishly meet his eyes.
“Jesus, Y/n! Breathe! I'm not gonna kill you.” Sweet Pea sighs rolling his eyes to look out the window.
“I know.” You exhale removing the slightest tension from your shoulders.  
He’s a lot easier to look at when he didn't have those nearly black eyes trained on you like he was going to kill you. His charcoal locks framed his face in just the right way.  His olive toned skin shines in the pale fluorescent light. You could easily remember why he makes your knees so weak and you forget all the witty things you want to say.
It wasn't always like that.
Sweet Pea was just another boy once.
The summer before freshman year changed that. The endless days spent at the quarry and the weeks spent learning the laws together. The days leading up to your initiation spent planning out your tattoo locations and wear you'd keep your jackets. The first time you told him and Fangs your dad hits you when he's drunk. The first time he saw you cry. The first time you realized how warm and soft Pea's hands were. How his shoulder were just starting to get broad. And how he was still bumping into thing as he adjusted to his new height after yet another late spring-early summer growth spurt. And the way he was looking down at you all of a sudden when you'd just been the tallest the summer before. You wouldn't  let yourself believe you loved him.
Not yet.
Not until it was too late.
That night you knew. That night you'd tell him on the 5th day of summer. He came in buzzing about her. Josie.  He didn't see your heart shatter.  You realized too late. You weren't really content to be at his side. You'd much prefer to be on it. But you didn't think you could ever lose him. Especially not to the Northside.
“Do you not like Josie or something?” He shrugs sounding like he had been stabbed in the heart. His words pull you back to now.
“No Pea. No of course not. She's pretty and talented and great...” You say genuinely as you can. He smirks at the the reluctance behind your voice.
Even though you can't be sure of her motives, you know that's she's an awesome girl.
She's perfect.
Hell even when her family falls apart she falls smack dab into a new one.  And here you were hanging onto the scraps you had left.
“I'm not shedding my skin for her, N/n. We're just having some fun.” He hums grinning a little bit wider than usual.  He probably doesn't even notice his face is doing it. It just happens when he talks about her.
“Sweets I'm happy for you.” You mutter with all the conviction you can muster.
You can feel your e/c eyes getting glassy and throat getting sticky. You start picking at your nails. You knew if he pushed anymore you'd break. You'd spill everything.
No. Not now! Just a little longer.
Just Not Now.
“N/n What's eating you?” He speaks so softly as his pulls your hand into his.
The only thing you can think of is how much Josie must love it when Pea holds her hand like that. Like he's holding the world. Like he has to hold the weight of all the pain that you have ever felt.
“Is Vic hitting you again?! CAUSE IF HE IS I CAN GO KICK HIS A-”  He huffs beginning to rise. His calm easily flaming into rage when came to your plastered Dad putting his hands on you.
You shake your head as you brush your thumb across the hand squeezed tightly around yours.
“Nah Pea. I've barely been home all summer. I was planning to go see him after the trial or something.” You give a weak reassuring smile while squeezing his hand.
Sweet pea raised a suspicious eyebrow.
“Pea, he's my dad. I've gotta make sure he's okay even tho he's a complete shit show.” You shrug. Now It's your turn to look out the window.  
“Hey, I get it. I mean I really do,” He chuckles bucking his eyes while the scene of his own mom kicking him out at 13 plays in his head, “I'll be your backup. You don't have to go it alone.” He breathes out deeply pressing his thumb into your fingers.
You can't help but let the butterflies flutter in your chest.
Pea in his own way is a knight. Always crashing in ready to help you conquer any dragon you'd face. In so many ways he's fantastical but extraordinarily human.    
But not yours.
A quiet hurt creeps back into your eyes. It doesn't go unnoticed.
“Pea, don't you have plans with Josie?” You laugh longingly knowing as their expiration creeps closer the more time he'd want to spend time with her. You might as well bow out gracefully.
You refuse to be the “serpent slut” who stole him away.
He had to really chose you.
Not halfway.
Not out of lust or pity or desperation.
But really pick you.
Sweet Pea's warm concerned smile fades as he draws back from you and places his hand in his lap.
“Why do you think I'd pick her over you. You know how much that hurts coming from you.”
You couldn't help the cool laughter that bubbles up your throat.
“Sweets, you already have! But Hell she struck first. I just didn't expect her to get anywhere with you, I guess. I always figured I had time.” You croak taking a hand to cover your mouth as the tears stream down each cheek.
God Not Now.
“N/n, you don't mean?” He breathed like he's afraid to say it. His face mixed between shock and disbelief.
The scene unfolding in your little booth in Pop's dinner is leaps and bounds away from what you pictured in your head.  This is not how It's supposed to go.
You nod pressing your tears into the cool leather sleeves on your folded arm across the table.
“No. No no no no. Y/n, You Can't. Not Right Now! Not Now!” He panics as absolute uncertainty muddies his features.
Your head snaps up indignantly. Puffy e/c eyes burn with white hot fury at his ludicrous request.
“Sweets, You think I haven't tried. I've been telling myself that since the summer after 8th grade. Pleading with myself not fall for someone I can't have. Not to fall in love with my best friend. Not to fall in love with the way you know just when I need you to hold my hand. The way your eyes burn when you stand up for what you believe in. The way you won't let me fall apart and shut everyone out. The way you pretend you couldn't care less about classes and getting a quality education ,but raved for a solid two hours about how you could finally take some honor courses after the transfer when it was just you and me. Sweets, I know how inconvenient this is. Trust me I do. But You Make It So Damn Hard To Not To.” You chuckle snorting a little bit at your own absurdity.
“Y/n.” He murmurs just staring at you wide mouthed and a little dazed.
You shuffle out of the booth pulling a crinkled five dollar bill from your pocket and setting on the table. You run out the door and whip your bike out of the parking lot before he has a chance to even get up let alone follow you.
Taglist: @reblogserpent @stray-bi-kids @chipster-21 @kimsamueldeservesbetter @madaboutlili @nongmac001 @exolinthedark
117 notes · View notes
melo-yello · 6 years
Cardiac Arrest (Sweet Pea x POC Reader)
Pairing: Sweet Pea x POC reader
Summary: Sweet Pea's birthday at the Whyte Wyrm and reader is trying to her best friend to see her as more.
Warning(s):Swearing(duh its a Sweet Pea fic), fluff, Sweet Pea being sweet
Note: This is my first fic so be sweet to me. I wrote this on my phone so be warned. Also I don't see Sweet Pea as the hella smooth type with a girl he actually likes so just letting you kno. A like and Comment would be awesome. (And I'll add u to the taglist)
Word Count: 3k+
Carefully dragging the black velvety mascara across your thick lashes you gaze into the bedroom vanity mirror. Confidence burning brightly in your e/c eyes. Your baby hairs laid with precision and your thick h/c curls tucked neatly into Bantu knots. On your lips, you wore blood red lipstick topped with cherry flavored lip gloss.
A certain someone's favorite flavor.
You fastened the clasp of your studded choker as you whip around to face your bestie gazing down at her phone sprawled out on your bed. You cleared your throat. The pink haired girl’s head snapped up.
“T, What do you think?” You hummed placing hands on your hips giving the outfit it's full effect.
Your serpent jacket purposely hung off your shoulders. The black lace bralette left your midriff and more importantly your serpent tattoo just above your right boob exposed.  A tight little leather skirt hugged your curvy waist while fishnets graced your long legs. Cherry red snakeskin stilettos decorated your feet.
“Drop Dead, Y/n! Drop Dead!” Toni smirked getting off the bed. Now standing almost 6’ in your heels you easily dwarf the petite serpent next to you.   “You think so?” You cheesed down at Toni biting your bottom lip.
“Y/n you're probably gonna give every guy in the Wyrm a heart attack.” Toni nods elbowing Y/n. “Shit I was going for full-blown cardiac arrest.” You shrugged following Toni out of the cramped trailer as you both burst into laughter.
You inhale deeply clearing every insecurity from your head as you glare with determination at the red neon lights. The entrance of the Whyte Wyrm erupted into catcalls and whistles as you and Toni step in.
“Take a look at, Babes.” An older serpent howled calling you by the nickname bestowed upon you for being the youngest member to pass initiation. Being low on family, having your dad, a former serpent, locked away, and desperately needing someone to watch your back made you a prime candidate.
You can’t help but roll eyes to the back of your skull and sneer. You weren't a baby anymore.
“Y/n I’m gonna go grab some drinks,” Toni snickered sashaying to bar.
Upon spotting the gang a devilish grin spread across your face as you practically glided to the pool table where they were waiting. Sweet Pea busy hustling a couple younger serpents. Judging by Fangs and Jughead’s slack jaws your outfit was a home run. Easily making your uncertainty wain a little more.
“Y/n Y/n Y/n Serpent Chic for sure.” Cheryl singsonged as you stood pulling your best femme fatale pose.
“I approve.” Jughead nodded in agreement.
“Damn Babes! Cheryl better watch out she’s not the only bombshell in Riverdale! You put Bad in Badass!” Fangs declared catching an elbow from Cheryl and a death glare from yours truly.
“Doesn’t she always.” Sweet Pea deadpanned lining up his shot and you place a hand on his broad shoulder and leaning in.
“Damn straight I do.” You tease speaking warmly into his ear just as he pulled back to pocket his shot. Hitting the ball much harder than intended Sweet Pea missed the striped ball he was aiming for by a long shot.
“Shit Pea! Is that all it takes to throw you off your game?” The smaller of the two opposing serpents taunted.
You took a step back giggling as Sweet Pea whipped around to face you. His imposing frame usually caused anyone with half a brain to slink back after invoking his wrath. Not you. Especially not tonight.
“What The Fu-” His frustration fades into shock as he takes in your attire of the night.
So much different than your usual baggy t-shirt, a flannel tied around your waist and some ripped jeans tucked into your boots. Your signature untameable curls slicked and smoothed into submission. Your heels boosting you pass shoulder level so you both met eyes.
You could tell he was searching for something…anything to say. Sweet Pea was a far cry away from the strong silent type which made this moment all the more hilarious.
Bullseye! You had gotten his attention. Your palms heat up ever so slightly.
“Woah!” was all Sweet Pea could muster as Toni strode up with drinks in hand. You snatch up three and sit between Jughead and Fangs handing them each a glass, but not before brushing past Sweet Pea and saying, “Sweets you better shut your mouth before you catch flies.” Your usual sassy attitude seemed to pull him back down to earth. He recognized the y/n he was used to behind your Southside siren facade.
“You can always shut it for me if you’re worried.” He snarked right back squaring his shoulders as he took a shot glass from Toni.  She took her seat next to Cheryl pecking her on the cheek as she did. Sweet Pea resumes his pool game, every once and awhile his deep brown eyes stealing glances at you. You’d make faces each time he’d let you catch him looking. Your cheeky friendship drove all his girlfriends wild often being the cause of quite a few break-ups. You and Sweet Pea have known each other for quite a long time. Pea had been there when your mom skipped town with your twin brothers when you were 11. He was there when your dad went on trial and got sentenced.  The two of you were inseparable ever since he turned up looking to join the serpents 2 years after you. You couldn't keep your ruby lips from curling into a smile at that memory.
An all too familiar wiry dark haired 13-year-old boy had taken quite a few blows as he made his way up the line of serpents. A couple to the ribs and two both shoulders and another straight to the face. Yet he was steady wobbling down the line. His dark brown eyes finally met yours and he stood straighter and laughed. Which came out more as an overconfident wheeze. “What are you supposed to be? Let me guess the Serpent’s very own junior cheerleader?” He snickered from behind a bloody nose and busted lip staring down at you. Your h/c curls completely untamed dangling just over your brows with a black bow with an emerald green snake dead in the middle peeking through the curls on the left side. An agitated grin pressed on your lips clenching your brown hands even tighter around the two bike chains woven around your knuckles. Squaring your shoulders you punch him dead in his stomach throwing the entirety of your 12-year-old body weight into him. His breath hitches as his knees meet slick grass. Blood spews from behind his formally curled lips. You had been practicing that hit for weeks. He kills over in an astonishing amount of agony. He glares up at your snide grin. For a second his eyes gleam with slight admiration only for his sharp jaw to met by your worn black canvas sneakers. “Welcome to the pep rally, Bitch.” You chime folding your arms across your chest as he curled into himself grasping his now steadily swelling jaw. “Babes! Watch your fucking mouth!” Tall Boy hissed lightly cuffing the back of your head before giving a shoulder tight squeeze as he nodded in approval.  
“Alright, boys pay up!” Sweet Pea said slamming a large hand on the table as he sunk his final ball. The two younger boys grumbled pulling crumpled 10s from their pockets and depositing two each into Pea’s awaiting palm. Sweet Pea beamed stuffing the bills into his jeans pocket.  
“Jones, Where’s your Northside Princess? She too good to celebrate with anybody other than the Jones or did her invite to my little birthday bash get lost in the mail?” Pea snickered pressing all Jughead’s buttons just for the hell of it.
“Actually Sweet Pea Betty is-” “Busy picking up the cake. I'm glad you missed me. I was starting to think no one noticed.” The blonde hummed placing a decent sized cake decorated as a serpents jacket surround by Sweet Pea’s signature flowers onto the pool table.
“Damn!... you guys know, I would have been fine with just a milkshake from Pop’s.” Sweet Pea grinned from ear to ear. His genuinely pleased expression traded between the cake and his friends and back again.
“It's not every day you turn 16, Sweet Pea! Happy Birthday.” Betty smiled handing him the Pop’s bag revealing none other than Sweet Pea’s shake of choice. A Chocolate cherry milkshake with two cherries on top. “Cooper, I could kiss you.” The large dark-haired boy gleamed pulling the northsider into a bear hug.
Your skin crawled with an unwanted heat. Jealousy boiling just beneath your skin.  You couldn’t help but wish to be in her place.
“Pea, how about you don't break my girlfriend?” Jughead jeered a little tensely seemingly just as uncomfortable with the display of affection as you.  
Sweet Pea releases her and Betty promptly deposits herself right next to her boyfriend.
“I'm fine, Juggie. Plus Sweet Pea you should be thanking Y/n it was all her idea.” The blonde nodded winking at you.
“Hey, it'd be a crime not to get a shake to top it off.” You shrug glancing away from him doing your best to keep your embarrassment out of your face. You had a rep of being a hard ass, and doing something so sugar sweet like this could ruin it.   Sweet Pea wasted no time sliding over the pool table and snatching you up from seat to swing you around. An overwhelming bliss fell over you as his toned arms wrapped themselves perfectly around your soft waist. The room nearly disappeared in the seconds you spun in his warm embrace. “Who knew the resident Whyte Wyrm gremlin could be a sweetheart?” He chuckled. Without missing a beat Pea planted a peck on your forehead as he placed you down. You couldn't have been more thankful that your brown skin hid the warm blush crawling across your cheeks. A goofy smile plastered itself to your face while you tugged down the fitting leather skirt that had rode up your hips. This display of affection didn't go unnoticed. Especially a particularly cheeky serpent in a sleeveless denim vest and a gray crew cut tee.
“Ok Pea!” Fangs snickered with a raised eyebrow as if he knew something no one else did. Sweet Pea’s dark brown eyes buck as the two serpents have a hostile silent exchange. That ended with Pea huffing and Fangs grinning wildly. Toni put a hand to mouth to hold her laughter as she saw the look of absolute terror flare across your features.
The plan to win Pea’s heart still could backfire.
God what if he rejects me.
“Let's just cut the fuckin cake.” Sweet Pea snarled as his usually olive cheeks were now rosy. He stepped over and snagged up the shake giving it his full attention as he slurped it down.
You glared at Fangs mouthing What the actual fuck, but he just cheesed playfully making goo-goo eyes and kissy faces.
Betty being ever prepared produced mini black party plates and plastic cutlery from her purse. She passed them around the circle of friends and handed Sweet Pea a plastic knife.
“Do the honors already, Birthday Snake!” Cheryl chimed impatiently picking at her nails. Toni rolled her eyes so far back you were sure they almost got stuck.  
“Who invited, the Powerpuff reject, again?” Sweet Pea sneered.   “Play nice you two.” You giggle passing out the sparklers from your shallow back pocket. You motion to Pea for his lighter that you know was tucked in his back pocket which he gives willingly. His warm fingers graze your much cooler ones as he places the lighter in your expectant palm. It takes all your willpower to stay on task and light the sparklers instead of begging Sweets to show you what his large warm hands could really do.
Fangs started to lead the usual birthday song as he stood waving his sparkler through the air as if he were conducting an orchestra. The small gang of friends can't help but join the over-enthusiastic goofball. Sweet Pea's mask of irritation fades into one of pure unadulterated pleasure. You weren't sure why every time he pulled a smile like that your heart melted but it did.
Bodies swayed in the dim lighting of the Wyrm to the yet another pop song. Fangs and you danced yourselves breathless next to Toni and Cheryl.
You lean against a nearby beam as a slow song filters through the speakers.
“Go get your man, Babes.” Fangs whispers nudging you toward the bar where Sweet Pea sat next Jughead with his elbows pressed into legs quietly chatting about something you couldn't quite make out.  
“How’d-” “One you're hella obvious and two Toni told me.” Fangs cut you off pressing a finger to lips before spinning you around and shoving you toward Pea and Jughead.
Your heartbeat at a rabbit’s pace as you marched toward what seemed like the moment that could end your entire life. Your palms became impossibly warm and sweaty. Sweet Pea smiled when he noticed you making over to the two of them.
That made it worst. You almost stop knowing if you get any closer you might melt. A full-blown puddle.
Pea was the only guy that could do that to you. His dark brown eyes trace your body as if he's hypnotized until you are standing in front of him.
Neither you or Pea speak. Your eyes locked on one another in an amazed intrigue. World's best-staring contest.
Jughead clears his throat while he excuses himself to get what has to be his 4th slice of cake.
You swallow the butterflies that had made their way from your stomach and up your esophagus. “Sweets?”
“Yea, Babes?”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes and he just smirked giving you his full attention. He actually met your e/c eyes and not the ridge of the deep plunge of your top.
“Do you...Do you think...you... wanna dance?” You peep chickening out as your nerves get the better of you. Suddenly your heels become the most interesting thing in the room as you stare down at them in defeat.
“L/n, I've got two left feet.” He deadpanned nervously rubbing the back of his neck as he stood up.  
“Oh, yea… I know I just...” You shrugged fidgeting as you pull on the lacey tassels hanging from your bralette.
His palm slowly came into view. You snap your head up to see Sweet Pea making the same goofy expression as you.
Slightly buzzed.
Each having thrown back their fair share of drinks tonight.
You take his hand pulling him to the edge of the swaying couples. He hesitates. Just long enough for you to notice.
As if he suddenly remembered where he was his hands found their way to your hips just as yours came to rest around his neck. Your bodies sway in sync with the steady rhythm of the slow Taylor Swift song.
“You remember when you were in love with her? I do.” He asked poorly holding back his laughter. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” You said shoving him just as you stop mouthing the words. He doesn't even budge. “You sure as hell do.” He corrected
“Shut the hell up, Sweets!” “Am I doing this right?” Sweet Pea hummed leaning to rest his forehead against yours.
“Sweets, how is there a way to do this wrong?” You snarked twirling the charcoal curl at the nape of his neck.
“L/n, you drive me fucking crazy.” He sighed biting his lip as he pulls you closer.  
“Where to Miss Daisy?” You quipped daring to look up and met his gaze. You can't help but give Pea all your attention. You're simply transfixed by the stillness of his eyes even though you can feel his jagged heartbeat and warm palms pressed into your exposed back.
“L/n you're a bad bitch!”
“Shit Sweets! It's about damn time you notice.”
“Trust me, I've noticed.” Pea grinned tracing a finger across the smoothed baby hairs closest to your ear.
“Watch it, Sweets, I might actually be flattered.” You joke moving to clutch you imaginary pearls.
“See what I mean?”
“Only if you show me…” You speak faster than you had time to stop yourself. Before you could think of some smartass joke to laugh your way out of it Sweet Pea's lips crashed into yours.  
You weren't exactly sure what you expected but it wasn't this.
His lips were soft and gentle, but somehow astonishingly passionate. He seemed like he was trying his very best not break you like he was holding back. You sling your arms around his neck tugging him closer to deepen the kiss. You tangle your fingers into his thick midnight waves.  
Sweet Pea paused just for a moment as he twirled the h/c curl at the nape of your neck. He nips at your bottom lip for entrance. You don't give. He became rougher this time biting forcefully enough to cause you to moan and open enough to allow him in. Your tongues battle for dominance. And for a moment you could have sworn you had won only for Sweet Pea to overpower you.
As oxygen became short Pea's lips snake down to your neck.  Sharp harsh stings followed by warm soft apologizes placed as his lips, teeth, and tongue travel down your neck.
Bliss fades into reality as words “SHUT UP AND DANCE WITH ME!” blared over the speakers. You break apart to see the look of warm confusion in each other's faces.
“Does this mean you like-like me, Sweets?” You smile batting your eyelashes up at him.
He lifts you from the ground with his muscular arms stretched around your waist.
“Don't think my tongue in your mouth could mean much else, but Hell Yea, Babes! Hell Yeah!” Sweet Pea beamed spinning you effortlessly in circles.
Fangs’ lips stretched in a grin from ear to ear.
“Toni, I did it.” He congratulated himself turning to petite haired serpent only to find her tongue deep in her favorite redhead. “Ahhh young love.” Fangs cheered downing a shot before heading to pick up that blonde too good to be true northsider that had hit on him earlier.
Taglist: @superhalsteads @nanilovesu12 @everheart12 @sensualan @hotstuffsgirlfriend @swordsandserpents @camerynleger @alejandra1358 @lexilouclealand10 @whitecanary1971 @forever-aimless @anime4lifr @just---fandoms @tired-eyes-fairy-lights @wanderlust-and-poetry @goldengirlgone @bitterplacebrokendreamsmaegan @daylightholland @sugerquill @viphlovesrock @katrodriguez99 @lu-nat @trunichole15 @beloved101 @ashsweets @chevycastiel1967 @defenselessdreamer @8thoutsider @strangelydead @alyssasanchezsworld @hellolonelydreamer @frenchvanilllas @thevortexclubposse @zombiedixon89 @zaarauchiha03 @maybeidontwannachooseaname @allipeavy21 @bansheequeen22 @jasontoddsdic @ginger-swag-rapunzel @janepetersonxxx @mama-kas @vibesense @emilie1993 @ambitious-phoenix @kasey-nghiem @serpent-angel97 @joni-tones @samberlyjones @maddistyles17 @thelighttomyadultolescence @williamf657 @funnymantears @cokamarie24 @sunsetcharter @littlelemonboi @sweetheart2013 @lovestephaniegurrola @sweetpeas-serpentprincess @majkasabrina @thatkenziegirl @sylviasheadintheoven @peter-b-pasta @forsycthe-jughead-jones-iii @neverlander1243 @kingleahcreep @blueeyedbesson @iam-superpotterloked @gisnotevenmyrealname @xjasam4lifex @miwetf97 @winter111502 @bbygrl111 @sweethershy @sweetpeas-sweetheart @blogslowlysublimecollection @kikii-stfu
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