#smart sweet pea
peachesofteal · 7 months
Can we please please please get some more Simon x single mother au? Possibly him helping in the garden/ keeping emmaline out of trouble while Mom works in the garden
Light on - single mom/neighbor fic Simon Riley/female reader 18+ mdni / mild sexual content
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“Ow! fuck!”
Your hand jerks, drawing back to your mouth with a hiss. 
“What is it?” He forces himself still, staring daggers at where the tip of your finger has started to leak blood, a thick drop dripping down the side before you bring it to your mouth, lush lips wrapping around your injury. “Are you alright?” His tone is tightly controlled, even keeled, nonchalant, but on the inside, worry gnaws away at his stomach, chewing through the organ until it’s spilling free and running rampant through his body. 
“There’s a piece of glass in here.” In the garden bed? “Some of the other tenants, hang around up here at night. They usually leave bottles or cans behind.” The worry turns to anger, a simple plan slowly taking shape in his mind, a strategy to find the rooftop partiers, and ensure they never leave glass in your garden again. 
Emmaline cries, nose and brows wrinkled in irritation, and you turn to coo at her, finger still half in your mouth. 
“It’s okay, little pea. Just give me a second.” She continues to fuss, and you sigh, wilting like one of your own little flowers, left too long in the sun without water. You blink, and it’s like you’ve shed your sunlit skin for an exhausted shell. Oh, sweetheart. I know it’s hard, but you don’t have to do it on your own anymore. 
I’m here now. 
“Can I?” He asks softly, warming at how your face lights with relief. 
“Yes, please.” You point to the bottle that’s tucked in the side of the backpack, and he unbuckles her from the bouncer that you lugged up the four flights of stairs earlier, even though he had texted you an hour before and politely suggested you wait for him to be finished his phone call, so he could help you. 
You went up anyway, much to his displeasure. Displeasure, that he had to swallow, permanently. 
You’re not his. Not yet. He can’t be disappointed by resistance or refusal when you don’t even know all the ways he can be there for you yet. He knows you’ll learn. You’re a smart girl. His smart girl. 
Emmaline lays nestled in the crook of his elbow, slightly elevated on her back, and he pops the cap of the bottle easily, rubbing his index finger against her cheek to trigger the reflex that will open her mouth. When it does, he keeps it at the right angle to ensure the formula doesn’t flow too fast into her belly. 
“You’ve done this before.” You murmur, reaching into the backpack for a band aid. You’re studying him, tracing over his face, his hands that are nearly the size of your baby, and he can feel the scrutiny, the curious intensity of your gaze. 
“Had a nephew. I was around a lot, when he was this age.” He had a brother too. And a mother. A sister-in-law. A family. 
Emmaline gurgles around the nipple, and he slips it free, sitting her mostly upright, giving her a gentle pat on the back amid her protestations, little grunts that he’s sure she means as ‘feed me’ and ‘more’. He waits for you to ask him the dreaded questions, the focus on the word had, the inevitable conversation about loss and family and pain, guilt and grief that can make a man feel like he’s been buried alive. 
You don’t.
Instead, you simply say, 
“Emmaline had a dad once, too.” 
It’s nearly 2100 when you knock on his door later, baby monitor in one hand, two amber colored bottles in another. 
“Hey. You busy?” His heart does a double tap inside his chest. Bad timing, the worst. Your sweet mouth is slightly open, hopeful, teeth parted just barely to reveal a flash of tongue, and his jaw clenches against the wild need that catapults through his veins to his cock. What do you taste like? What do you feel like? You motion to the monitor. “Just went down. Figure I have about an hour before I pass out myself and could use some adult time.” Shit. The duffel bag next to the door practically speaks for him, irritatingly reminding him he has a plane to catch in less than two hours. 
“I can’t, I’m about to head out.” Your brow furrows, confusion churning into understanding within a moment, disappointment flickering across your expression before it smooths out. 
“Right. Okay.” 
“I want to.” He hurries the words. “But I travel… for work and I have to be on a flight in a few hours.” You’re already half turning away, slinking off to your apartment, giving him a soft agreement as you go. 
“Sure, yeah.” 
“Wait, sweetheart,” You startle at the pet name, eyes going wide at the inferred affection. “when I get back, let’s… have a drink.” You nod, and he smiles a real smile, barely tugging his lips upward, probably hardly visible to you. The kind of smile he’s been wearing around you these past two weeks, the kind of smile he tries to give Emmaline when she stares at him. 
“Alright, sounds good then.” Your key finds your lock, and he steps out into the hallway, trapping your gaze with his own. 
“You girls be good.” He says, a parting instruction, and a bashful, bewildered smile of your own curves across your mouth. 
“We will.”
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charliemwrites · 7 months
Part 2 of charmed serial killer Simon. (Part 1 is here.)
This part is heavily inspired by this particular Badjhur audio “Surviving the Slasher” from, like, a long time ago. Where he’s a killer. Easier to find than expected, thank you masterlist. It permanently has a room in my pea brain, no rent, utilities included.
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You’re out with your little friends again. Simon scoffs to even call them that. You give them so much more than they even try to give you - support, encouragement, time, energy.
One of them has a shitty deadbeat boyfriend that’s throwing a flat party, so they’ve dragged you along per usual. You’re still swearing off alcohol after the last time you went out - when you got a ride home with him. So you’re totally sober when the rest of the idiots suggest “investigating” the abandoned hospital on the other end of the block.
You go with them as the only fully-sober one, but spend the whole, stumbling trip trying to convince them to go somewhere, anywhere, else.
Apparently the boyfriend fancies himself something of an urban explorer because he knows just how to get in, bragging that he’s going to start some stupid internet show looking for ghosts there. You end up getting knocked into a half dozen times just trying to keep your woozy friends from getting tetanus.
It doesn’t take long at all for someone to suggest hide and seek. You try adamantly to put your cute little foot down - reminding them that it’s dirty and structurally unstable and there could be people just trying to camp out in peace in here. You’re adamantly ignored and your friends scatter.
And Simon starts to hunt.
Oh, he wishes he could have seen your face when the screams first started. If you recognized the shriek of Addy, the one who yanked you away from a proper apology when you first bumped into him at the bar. Wonders if you felt anything when Simon stabbed her boyfriend in the stomach and sent him stumbling away to incite more terror.
Of course you did. His pretty little chatterbox, coming to the rescue as soon as you heard their cries.
You get yourself lost trying to find someone, anyone. He picks off your group one. By. One. He finds you trying to triage a nasty slice to Heather’s thigh. She was talking shit about you just two days ago to Addy.
And oh, how brave you are, trying to stick with her to the very end. All it takes is one well-placed throw and you’re scrambling back as Heather burbles blood.
He takes a single, loud step towards you - and you bolt. Such a smart thing, you don’t even glance back to see if he’s following. He’s not; there’s still trash to take care of.
You find one more friend - one he doesn’t mind so much, mostly because you just met tonight. She’s crying, making a fuss and you’re trying to soothe her while still focused on escape, letting her cling to your arm.
Simon starts herding you both towards an easy exit. A few well placed foot falls here, a jaunty whistle there. He loves watching your big eyes dart toward the noises, how you get low like a bunny hiding in brush. Always put yourself between your new friend and wherever you think he could come from.
Your friends’ blood is beginning to dry when he decides it’s time to wrap things up.
He appears in a doorway, and you shove at your fellow survivor, make her squeeze through the rusty door first. You’re just starting to follow when he snags you around the middle. You yelp, feet kicking at air, tugging at his soaked hoodie sleeve.
He shoves your back against a wall and presses close, the flat of his knife against your pretty cheek.
“What did we learn tonight, hm?” he mocks.
You’re flinching away, but know better than to struggle or scream. So clever.
“W-why are you doing this?” you ask.
How sweet, that you can’t understand the motivations of monsters like him. He indulges you.
“To teach you a lesson,” he answers. “Get better friends.”
You look furious, even as tears well in your eyes. He coos over them, tugs the bottom of his mask up enough to lick them as they fall down your cheek.
“S-Stop, that’s - that’s so gross,” you hiccup, pancaking yourself to the wall.
He snorts in amusement and tugs his mask down again.
“Now, I know you’re a good girl with good manners, so let’s see them.”
You blink at him, eyes soooo big. Don’t understand what he means.
He tuts. “Say: thank you, ghost, for teaching me a valuable lesson.”
You press your lips together in a tight, pouty line. He wants to bite them. Instead, taps the point of the knife against your jaw. A silent threat that’s he’s still debating if he means.
But you manage to get the sentence out, stuttering, voice breaking halfway through. Mm, he’s missed hearing your gratitude. It’s almost sweeter this way than all the times you said it in his car.
“You’re very welcome, sunshine. Now, off you go, before I decide to teach you something else.”
You don’t hesitate when he steps back. Peel yourself off the wall and wriggle out to freedom.
Simon chuckles. What a fun little playdate, he’s so glad he let you go that first time. He’ll have to arrange another one soon.
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crushmeeren · 8 months
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🍓Kirishima SFW & NSFW Headcannons
Everyone involved in this fic is aged up/18+; continue scrolling or block if you aren’t into it
Warnings; daddy kink, praise kink, rough sex, hair pulling, mentions of choking, throat fucking, pussy eating, vaginal sex, Kirishima spits into readers mouth and you swallow that shit happily, cream pie, sweet aftercare, sleepy sex
Note; I’m in love with Kirishima, I’ve been writing a lot of headcannons lately but I simply could not resist the urge to write about the overgrown puppy that is Kirishima. Enjoy this meal with me 🍓
Eijirou who is the actual human embodiment of a ray of sunshine (he is the definition of golden retriever energy—you know if he had a tail it would wag non stop, definitely smacking the shit out of you)
Eijirou who you met for the first at the gym—you were uncomfortable & unsure of what you were doing when this mountain of a man with bright ass red hair came up to you so shy and explained how to back squat without hurting yourself (this fucker had the sweetest smile, despite his sharp teeth—but Jesus Mother Mary & Joseph—you thought you would fall to your knees just looking at him)
Eijirou who stuttered and turned pink every time you asked him to be your spotter whenever you saw him at the gym, until finally he asked for your number (you were gonna ask for his if he didn’t do it first—you definitely did not fist pump afterwards)
Eijirou who is a heart stopping amount of stacked, but is the biggest softie you have ever met, who gets overly excited to play with your dog-wrestling with him and cuddling him (you swear your dog now loves Eiji more than you, ever since you moved in together they’re two peas in a pod- much to your chagrin)
Eijirou who is really smart — okay maybe not top dog when it comes to book smart but he is street smart and exceptional at reading people, who always knows how you’re feeling even when you don’t say anything (it’s always a relief that he can tell when you don’t feel like talking)
Eijirou who is oblivious to how he looks, who has a shit ton of of instagram followers—not because he tries, no it’s because he started posting pictures of himself at the gym just for fun and unbeknownst to him everything he posts is like a goddamn thirst trap (he only realizes after you point it out because you’re starting to get jealous of all the comments but he always says he only has eyes for you)
Eijirou who almost never says no to you, who always goes with the flow, an easy smile lighting up his face, who lets you pick out the movie for date night more often than not (you make sure to pick something he likes anyways)
Eijirou who really likes cherry twizzlers, who has literal hearts in his eyes whenever you buy him a pack every Friday (he coos adorably at you when you hand him the bag saying you’re so sweet to me pretty girl, I love you so much! How did I get so lucky??), who shares them with you anyways
Eijirou who loves to wear athletic clothes—but also likes to dress punk?? (he’s very diverse), who has his ears pierced (two on each lobe), who looks otherworldly when he wears nicer outfits (you definitely make the joke about his clothes looking better on your floor)
Eijirou who is best friends with Katsuki, (you’ve shockingly been able to become close to him as well), who often plays video games online with his friends (Katsuki, Denki, Sero, also Izuku & Shouto), who likes it when you sit on the floor between his legs while he plays
Eijirou who purrs like a cat when you scratch his scalp whenever his hair is down, who lays his head in your lap while you watch TV so you can continue to play with his hair, who falls asleep halfway through the movie because he feels too relaxed
Eijirou whose presence is calming and friendly, who makes you feel safe, who everyone likes (you’ve never heard a bad word said about him—you’d curb stomp anyone who did)
Eijirou who has made you feel more loved then anyone else you’ve ever been with before, who fills your chest with a warmth so intense your eyes often sting with tears—who brings you your favorite food or drink out of blue, who makes you laugh so hard your stomach cramps (he’s the funniest motherfucker you know)
Eijirou who has become your other half, like a limb you didn’t realize was missing all this time, who becomes your husband, who becomes the father of your children, who you share a love with that only comes once every five life times (you know you’ll never love anyone else no matter what comes your way)
🍓NSFW Headcannons Below🍓
Eijirou who kisses you so softly, lips sliding with yours lazily as he lets out little sighs, thumbs slipping under your shirt to tease the smooth skin over your hip bones as you straddle him—until he lets his sharp teeth snag on your bottom lip, chomping into the flesh there, wrenching a startled gasp out of you (he sucks on it apologetically afterwards)
Eijirou who has a thing for letting you dry hump him (while you’re both still clothed), head thumping back on the couch cushion, fingers tight on your waist, flushing, groaning, eyes fluttering shut as he helps you drag your clit back and forth over his cock—dick throbbing painfully from the friction through his jeans
Eijirou who has a switch that flips once he gets to a certain level of aroused, who tosses you onto the bed effortlessly, caging you between his arms, who grips your jaw tightly —forcing it to pop open (he spits possessively into your mouth, telling you to swallow it baby girl, which you do gladly)
Eijirou who loves the feel of your hot, wet mouth sucking his cock, who gets you sitting on your calves on the floor, back against the mattress as his fingers hold the back of your head in place, so he can fuck your throat, who keeps one knee up on the bed next to your head as he thrusts, groin tightening when you look at him with teary eyes (he murmurs lowly baby girl s’good at sucking daddys cock aren’t you? —Your pussy drools)
Eijirou who eats your pussy from behind, soft tongue consistently licking at your clit, fingers stretching your pussy as your face is shoved into the sheets, ass in the air for him, your belly flutters warmly as he smacks your ass with his free hand (it doesn’t take you long to cum like this)
Eijirou whose cock is thick, and you’re talking thick thick, enough that he has to get you dripping before he can get his dick wet (but you love it, the stretch is almost an overwhelming pleasure)
Eijirou who has a daddy kink, who makes you beg for his cock when he has you folded in half—knees almost touching your ears, he teases your pussy with his tip telling you condescendingly you gotta ask daddy nicely if you want to be split open sweetheart (you absolutely do sob daddy please)
Eijirou whose chest gets slick with sweat (hair always falling from its spiky position when you start to go at it), whose moans raise in pitch when he can feel your nipples slipping over & over on his pecs as he fucks you, the sensation making pleasure blister through your limbs, pussy fluttering which makes Eijirou cry out
Eijirou who has a filthy deep stroke, who pants & whispers toe curling praise in your ear but fucks you like he’s trying to carve out your guts, you weave your fingers through his hair, tugging sharply as he moves, (pussy s’good to me sweet thing, daddy loves fucking you, such a tight little thing)
Eijirou who growls under his breath when he fucks you from behind, sliding his cock back in your pussy all the way to the root, forcing a choked sob out of you, who is brutal from the get go, pelvis smacking wetly against yours
Eijirou who makes you cum instantly, wailing please daddy just like that! when he threads his fingers through your hair, forcing your neck back at a sharp angle, activating his quirk just enough on his left hand so he can leave bruises on your hip (oh? right there angel? that was a big one wasn’t it baby, so good cumming for daddy — voice dripping in your belly like honey)
Eijirou who pulls you up into his lap, back against his chest, hand around your throat as he bounces you on his cock, who makes your back arch as he bites on your shoulder, whining lowly as he cums, whose cock you can feel pulsing as his sticky release fills you up (fuck daddy, love when you cum in me — that makes his eyes roll back)
Eijirou who has you limping to the shower afterwards, but he washes your body, rubs your lower back, who tells you how much he loves you as he carries you back to the bed in a towel, who makes you giggle as he pokes your ribs when you change into one of his large T-shirts
Eijirou whose face you pepper with kisses when he climbs into the bed with you, who lets you wake him up in the middle of the night to ride him sweet and slow, foreheads pressed together, breathing the same air, limbs heavy with sleep, who cradles you against his chest when you eventually fall back asleep
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ad7red · 1 year
Hey!! Can I have Peter and his gf who's not rlly smart but catches a mistake Peter made in his hw and teases him but he doesn't mind? Thanks xx!
smarty pants | peter parker.
bf!peter parker x reader
this has been sitting in my inbox for a WHILEE i am sorry!
not proofread, no warnings
you had just bombed your math quiz and you could not feel any worse. math just wasn’t your thing, ela or history? sure, but math and you were never getting along. and that was a fact.
the only person who might’ve been able to raise your spirits was your one and only genius vigilante boyfriend, peter. which led to you vigorously knocking on his apartment door like you did many times, expecting to be greeted by a familiar peter, instead being met with his aunt may.
“hey, there sweet pea! peter won’t be home for a while, but would you like to come in and wait in his room for him?” you nodded while thanking her, being in his room would help remind you of him.
she walked you to his room, though being here so many times you know the place like the back of your hand.
when you walked into his room you were welcomed with messy algebra homework as well as half-done history homework scattered all over his desk.
you hopped down onto his undone bed and patiently waited for peter to come back to tell him all about how math was the worst subject known to man.
after what felt like forever you finally heard the bedroom door creek open, with the curly head following.
“hey, sunshine? how are you?” he said while placing a kiss on top of your forehead. you pouted before responding, and that’s when peter knew he was in for a doozy.
“terrible! peter, i failed my math quiz!” flapping your arms up and down for emphasis. peter patted your shoulder, his way of saying ‘i’m sorry’.
“c'mon, it can’t be that bad” peter was sorely mistaken. it was that bad.
“i got a 25%.” he made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth, as though it physically hurt him to hear that grade.
“i mean, whose bright idea was it to come up with trigonometric functions? when will i ever use that in my entire life?” you began to rant. the grade was irritating you considering you’ve never gotten lower than a c in math.
“okay, come show me what you need trouble with.” peter said while pulling you up from his bed and leading you to his untidy desk.
you told him what was confusing you and he thoroughly explained it, but you couldn't seem to focus with that history homework on his desk.
“it's italy.”
“which country did the renaissance begin in? you said germany but it's italy.” he quickly scanned over the question again, skimming over the small paragraph before it.
“you got me, good job smarty pants!” he wasn’t sour or bitter about it all. if anything, he was happy, he knew how much it would mean to you if you corrected the smartest person you knew.
“i am a bit of smarty pants aren’t i?” and with that both you and peter started to explode in a fit of giggles.
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xiao-come-home · 20 days
Giggling, kicking my feet, spinning in circles over Boothill...
Just imagine, S/O in a creative field, and they've been preparing for an event where they get to show off their work..
Except, they've been doing it in secret because they don't feel confident and they're unsure if people would stop by for them..
So cue S/O's surprise when they suddenly bump into Boothill at said event—maybe even burst into (happy) tears if he praises their work.. I just know this man's the sweetest for his S/O ;;;-;;;
YUEESS anyway this got kinda long but take it 🫡
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You knew the day was coming - the day so, so important in your career that could possibly shift everyone's opinion about you and your hard work. Day after day, more preparations were made, and people who assisted you kept patting your shoulder as you walked by, already congratulating you.
Yet, amongst all of the joy - your hesitation was certainly present. No one close to you knew about the event - not even the closest people, not even Boothill himself, who was your significant other. Even though so many already praised you - just what meaning does it hold if no one actually shows up to the event itself?
The lack of confidence and worrying were the only ones that bothered you to no end - which, Boothill noticed immediately as it was not your usual behavior. Not only were you constantly busy and away from home when he finally got back, but you were constantly stressed out. He tried not to pressure the matter as you were unwilling to talk, but that's Boothill we're talking about - which means - time for Boothill to snoop around and find out himself.
Today is the day. The day you anticipated so much, but also dreaded to finally have it happen. You hop onto the stage, and gasp at the amount of people below. You can't count the amount of eyes that gaze at you, and people seem to be genuinely impressed at your work - applauding loudly, causing you to tear up on stage.
That's a shame you haven't noticed the familiar cyborg who's been watching you the whole time, smiling widely to himself.
Once the official part is over and the festivities begin, people swarm around you to ask you more about your work or actual interviews, but you gently excuse yourself for now under the excuse of being tired. Surprisingly, the crowd goes away, but they'll surely be back...
You breathe in and out, shaking your head from all the attention, but suddenly, you bump hard against something and your hands automatically cover your poor nose; the pain makes you cry under your nose a tiny "oww," just what the hell is that pole here? Was there one before?!
"Ouch! 'm sorry sweetheart! Thought ya would finally notice me, but not that kinda way..." Boothill's voice reaches your ears and you open your eyes in the span of seconds, "I can't believe ya didn't tell me about all of this! A god dang event just for you, and those little motherfudgers that barely let me in, let alone get closer to ya—"
Boothill takes your hands off your face in his, pressing a soft kiss on your nose, "I didn't know my sweet pea was so smart," his voice gets softer and quieter, eyes gazing into yours, "I'm so proud of ya. I really wish you've told me about this, so we could be properly celebratin' this together."
You no longer could fight your tears and let them run down your cheeks, "I'm sorry, I didn't— I didn't think anyone would even show up," you sobbed, "I didn't even know if I could get through this if—" your sentence gets cut off by Boothill's fingers pushing your chin up and staring at you with ungodly amounts of love in his eyes.
"Silly you," he wiped off the tears with his hand, "of course they'd come. They did. So many people are here just for you, admirin' yer work and almost fightin' to say a word to ya. I know ya often doubt yourself, but, as you can see," Boothill looks behind you and see people fawning over your projects, "there's no need for it. You deserve all of this, sweetheart, even if I can't understand a single fudgin' word. You put yer entire heart into this - I see it, love."
Boothill's words only make you cry harder, wrapping your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly - but this time, your tears are those of joy.
After calming down, you sit nearby with Boothill next to you. Sparing him a glance, you confusingly mention the new hat he's wearing, "Ha! Took ya long enough to see! It worked as intended - ya didn't know it was me back there, in the crowd!" He exclaimed proudly, sending you a smug grin.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
Peeping Neighbor | J.M.
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ꨄ Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
ꨄ Summary: Mr. Miller is your neighbor and he keeps calling you at the worst time…what could he possibly want?
ꨄ CW: smut! 18+, minors DNI, peeping neighbor! Joel, perv!joel, age gap implied (Joel’s late 30s and reader is early 20s), phone sex, mutual masturbation, pet names, reader watches porn (wxw/wxm) toys used, size kink, foul dirty mouth Joel.
ꨄ WC: 1.7k
(Technically this would be no outbreak!Joel, lived long enough to see smart phones be a huge thing.)
Let me know what you think! Enjoy!🖤
There was nothing good on TV this late at night and you knew that, but you flicked through the channels anyway, hoping something would jump at you and get your attention. Nothing did, it was all boring shit. You turned the TV off and suddenly your room was almost pitch black, the street light outside casting an orange glow against your bedroom wall. As you laid there looking at the ceiling, your mind wandered and before you knew it your hand was opening your nightstand drawer and grabbing your vibrator, going down your shorts. Slow and soft rubs buzzed against your clit while you thought absolute filthy thoughts. You were just getting into the motions when suddenly your phone was buzzing on your nightstand.
10:17 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
For fucks sake.
"H-hello? What's up Mr. Miller?" you sounded a little out of breath and frazzled. shit.
"Hey sweetheart, sorry I know it's late, did I happen to leave my tape measure there from earlier when I was helpin' your dad? I can't find it anywhere.."
Was he serious right now? Why the hell was he worried about a fucking measuring tape this late at night?
You scratched your head and sighed a little too loudly. "No uh, I'm sorry Mr.Miller, I haven't seen it, I'm sorry." god dammit you just wanted to get your rocks off and go to bed.
"Okay, thanks darlin', I appreciate you lookin' for me. Have a good night." He hung up before you could tell him goodnight, weird.
The app of all your saved favorite dirty videos you watch on a burner account, you know exactly which app, was staring you dead in the eye. You clicked your burner account and scrolled until you found your favorite girl on girl video you bookmarked, and your hand turned on your vibrator once more, pressing straight to your clit. The moaning, the kissing, the pussy eating was making you squirm with burning hot pleasure under your own touch. Crazy what a two minute video can do for you. You could see your orgasm approaching rather quickly when once more, your phone starting ringing and the call was flashing over the dirty video.
10:25 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
This is a joke.
"Yeah, Mr. Miller?" there was no hiding your panting this time, or your snappy tone.
"Jus' wanted you to know I found it, was in my truck." There was something else he wanted to say, he was too cheery over a fucking tape measure.
At this point you didn't even turn off your vibrator, why lose the momentum when you were so close? It was however, very distracting to focus on what he was saying.
"Mhm, yeah that's-that's great I'm glad you found it." Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull and you almost let a moan out when he said your name.
"Is everything okay, sweet pea? You sound out of breath..and what's that buzzin' sound?" Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You quickly cleared your throat and turned off your vibrator, tossing it to your side. "Oh! Yeah, I'm fine, just doing some stretches before I go to sleep. Buzzing? I don't hear anything, must be your phone. Well I'm glad you found your stuff, but I really have to get some sleep. G'night Mr. Miller!" You hung up so fast he didn't have a chance to say anything.
Sighing deeply, you put your head in your hands and started giggling softly. That was so close. You grabbed your toy one last time and turned it on, pressing it to your soaking wet clit again. Finding another one of your favorites, you watched closely as they started making out, the guy moving down her body and sucking her nipples as he fingers her.
You bent your knees and moved your vibrator up and down along your overwhelmed bud and soft whimpers escaped your lips, eyes screwed shut pretending that was you getting your nipples sucked.
10:31 p.m: Joel Miller Calling
There was ZERO way you were answering for the third time. No, kindly fuck off Mr.Miller. You sent the call straight to voicemail and went back to looking through your catalog of videos. A notification popped up along the top of your phone saying you had one new voicemail. Curiosity got the best of you and you wanted to know what he said. You pressed the phone to your ear and listened closely to the message, vibrator still going against your clit.
"Hey sugar, I didn't get a chance to tell you what I got to see when I went to my truck. You should reeeally be careful with leavin' your curtains open. I was walkin to my truck when I caught a glimpse of you playin' with yourself. Now, It's not a big de-"
You didn't need to hear anymore. Your face was hot with humiliation mixed with anger. You turned off your toy and sat up in bed before you dialed his number back. Who the fuck did he think he was? You heard him pick up the phone and you didn't give him one millisecond to fix his lips to say hello.
"Who do you think you are leaving fucking voicemails like that on my phone?!" you harshly whispered, not wanting to wake up your dad upstairs Joel chuckled and that only pissed you off more.
"Listen to me, pretty baby and listen to me good. I'm gonna help you get yourself off and you're gonna accept the offer because let's be honest here, I've heard you moan my name before when I've come home late and your windows are wide fuckin' open for the whole neighborhood to hear. Now, you dirty lil thing, are you touching yourself right now?"
You never knew your face could get so hot until this very moment. Suddenly all those times you were moaning his name as you were orgasming came rushing back to you, and there was many of those nights. He was attractive, a good face to picture while you came, you admit it. Part of you wondered if this was a joke but the other part wanted to believe he wanted this too.
You took a deep breath and laid back down in your bed, closing your eyes gently. "No, no I'm not, just laying here."
"Ok, I want you to turn on your lil vibrator again like I heard earlier and put it back where you had it, against that pretty lil pussy." His tone was low and seductive, it was hard to stay upset when he sounded so hot.
You did what he said and pressed the buzzing toy against you, moans slipping from your lips. "oo-oh it feels so good Mr. Miller" you whined and pressed harder against the toy.
"Mmmm does it bunny? Would it be better if I was there using the toy against that wet clit of yours while I fuck you? Hm? My hard cock pumping in and out of you while I pinch those pretty nipples of yours and watch you swim in pleasure. Tell you how gorgeous you look wrapped around my cock while I fuck you so good your makeup is running down your face, would you like that baby?" His teasing tone was met with the sound of a belt being undone in the background behind and that added to the images floating in your mind.
"Yes I want that so bad, your cock filling me up to the brim, and I can't take all of it because you're so big. Make me take it all and shove your fingers down my throat before you kiss me, putting your tongue in my mouth. I bet your big cock would feel so good going in and out of my tight hole, Mr.Miller." you breathily respond as the pressure builds in your stomach and goes straight to your clit.
He grunted in pleasure as he took a moment to picture that, and he was breathing heavy now. "Wh-what do you think of when you're cumming sweetheart, why do you say my name? Call me Joel baby."
"Because you're so hot, Joel. I think about riding your face until I cry, I think about fucking you before we'd go to sleep, when we'd wake up, pretty much whenever I'd get a second alone with you. I see the way you undo your belt in your driveway as soon as you get home from work because you want it off so badly and all I can think about is you spanking me with it. " you were being so vulnerable with him, you didn't mean to go into such detail with that answer.
"Fuuuuckkk you naughty girl. You're so fuckin' nasty, I should've called you sooner. Yeah I bet you taste so sweet baby doll. God damn I'd pin you to my face until I'm done eating that pussy. I'd love to have my beard covered in your sweet juices, just glistening before I kiss you to let you have a taste. You want me to spank you with my belt? Throw you over my lap and kiss your ass cheeks before I spank the hell outta them, fuckkk-" he groaned out and you could tell he was close.
"Joe-l I'm gonna cum, i'm gonna fuckin cum right now, oh m-" you squeaked out and you went silent as your body shook with your orgasm. Soft whimpers danced through the phone into Joel's ear and it was enough to send him shooting his load all over his lap like a goddamn water fountain. He was loud when he came, he was cussing and grunting over and over. You laid there in bliss as you listened to him come down from his high, the grunts dying out softly.
"You dirty girl you, I've got cum all over my thighs and stomach. Next time you're feelin' like this, come over. Not like I'm super far." he joked and you laughed with him, replaying what just happened. "I will, Joel. Thanks for the fun. Get some sleep, maybe I'll come over for breakfast tomorrow." you hinted and he gasped slightly. "I better be ready then, shouldn't I? G'night pretty baby."
11:02 p.m: call ended.
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starfxkr · 1 month
trailer park!reader sending videos she took while bouncing on trailer park!jj’s cock to him when he’s at work just to fuck with him and that lands her a punishment when he gets home.
the second jj came through the door you knew you fucked up, you wanted him riled up but you didn't expect a punishment like this.
maybe it wasn't a smart idea to send him videos of you bouncing on his dick like your life depended on it, but you were so needy all day and he had to know, he absolutely had to.
when the first message went through he didn't respond--it was a video of the two of you on the recliner, his strong hands gripping your ass cheeks to keep you steady--and clearly that wasn't enough. so you kept them coming. bent over the couch, in the cabin of his truck, out on the boat. each one getting longer and more graphic.
when you finally get a response, it's not the one you expected.
you better be ready when i'm home.
you weren't, there was no way you could be ready for his fat cock bullying it's way into your ass with nothing more than a thick glob of spit.
"please i'm sorry, i-i-" you're cut off by his fingers entering your mouth, pulling you up into a severe arch while he grunts above you.
"don't be sorry now, you asked for this." another set of fingers come around to hook into your mouth, letting him use it for leverage as he fucks you whining and squealing into the couch.
jj forces you to look up, a cruel grin on his face when he leans down to kiss the top of your head, "smile for the camera sweet pea."
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
my fruity ass is missing nail!tech mikasa and her pretty fem gf 🥲🥲🥲
I miss my pookie wookie too and I cannot stop thinking about (y/n) spending day at work with her, cutting up! 😭 (also, side note: I’ve decided that the reader is going to be a lash tech in this au! So sorry for the confusion!)
content warning: lots of fluff and banter, humor, sexual jokes, kissing, pet names, mentions of alcohol, (sweet pea, baby)
working with your girlfriend was always an interesting experience. The Sugar and Spice Haus, her salon, had been a staple in the city for quite a few years. People lined up for miles around to get their nails slayed by the finest tech around. But ever since you decided to work alongside her after completing your certification to become a lash tech. You’d opened up shop with the spare space she had and it was more than enough to profit off of and perfect your craft. The two of you saw average of at least twenty customers a day. Which sounded minuscule but they paid amicably so it made up and with you being the only ones there, it was a pretty hectic workload. So you’d have to keep yourselves entertained oftentimes to avoid burning out and needless to say, things were a lot of fun! And sometimes….
“Hey, baby. Can you grab me that brush over there?”
“Nah, ion want to.”
“See how I’m treated in this relationship? Just awful..”
you played a little too much! It wasn’t uncommon for your customers see the two of you joking around as you worked away to fulfill their beauty needs. Lively music playing throughout the room, complimentary drinks and little candies offered at arrival and of course, two fine and funny women to keep them entertained throughout the services. Oftentimes, your customers would ask questions about how the two of you met and what your relationship was like. And not once would the two of you give a completely serious answer. Mikasa was definitely the one with the sarcastic mouth and quick witted responses. She’d just say things that were unintentionally funny but would have everyone laughing. You on the other hand loved to joke around and clown. Your infectious laugh and smile always the highlight of hers and everyone else’s day. It was always a good time..
“This bitch stayed in trouble, y’all. Every day, she was in detention..we sitting in class, hear comes the speaker: “Mikasa Ackerman, can you report to the principal’s office?”
“And your ass only knew because you were right there beside me. I remember one time, she almost got suspended because she told one of the teachers she was built like Hank Hill and the crack of her ass went all the way to her neck. Whole class busted out laughing. That woman was so pissed, I thought she was going to strangle (y/n). I swear, she’s such a terrible influence.”
immediately sending the two of you and your clients into hysterics. When one would finish a set, if the other was on a break, you’d ask each other to examine your work and it always, without fail, elicited a smart mouthed response. “What do you think of these nails, (y/n)?” “I mean…they aight. They ain’t all that.” Lying through your teeth and unable to keep a straight face because they’d be the most gorgeous set you’d ever seen. “Listen, you wanna take her home with you? ‘Cause she’s aggravating.” Pointing to you and staring at her appointment at the time, who’d tell you two that they couldn’t imagine either of you with anyone else and that you were perfect for one another. There was so much love and laughter in your relationship that it made the long days pass by like a breeze. There wasn’t a moment that was dull or boring with the love of your life around. When the later crowd would come in or on days you’d serve alcoholic drinks because the guy who was licensed to do so would be there, it was even more entertaining and the conversations got even crazier!
“That frozen mango margarita looks so damn good. I’ll get one after I go on break. (Y/N), get my wallet from the back.”
“Unt uh, I ain’t getting you that. It’s gone go straight to your coochie and now we gotta close down early for the day.”
“See, you talk too much. That’s your problem because why are you telling my business?”
just enjoying every bit of your time together. Most people would despise working with their spouses but it never felt like work when you enjoyed what you done and who you done it alongside..after a long day, you’d be in the back, counting up your earnings and being all affectionate. Sitting on her lap with her arms coiling your waist as she rested her head on your shoulder..glancing over paperwork. Meanwhile, you counted up your earnings for the day. “I had fun today.” “So did I, I’m so glad you’re here, sweet pea.” Mumbling into the crook of your neck as she kisses you and the sentiment is the exact same from you. Since starting there, you’d never smiled so much while working. She made your days easier and much more enjoyable. And truthfully, Mika felt less lonely with you around. Loving every second of that time you got together. Giving each other soft, subtle kisses right there before finishing up and heading home for the evening. When you had the love of your life by your side, it was always a good time and when you loved what you done for a living, it never truly felt like a day of work.
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springwitch26 · 6 months
green like her eyes (part 1) (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
part 2
summary: you and melissa enjoy smoking weed together to blow off steam from work. this time, things get really steamy.
warnings: sexual content (18+), recreational marijuana use, some emotional/romantic story elements (fluff? more like intense mutual pining), trippy scenes and a general dark aura at times but it's cute
notes: i'm back! consume drugs responsibly, folks. this story is different from my usual content and loosely based on an ex-situationship lol. part 1 sets up the relationship between mel and reader, and part 2 (hopefully coming in the next few days) will feature some more sexual tension and smut. comments and feedback appreciated as always 💚
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melissa never would have guessed that you were as young as you were when she met you. unlike other teachers your age, you had a natural air of maturity about you. you were confident but not cocky, passionate (but not annoyingly so, like janine), and smart but not smug about it. in a word, you were cool. and melissa was hooked. with the natural chemistry between the two of you, you became fast friends.
you never meant for melissa to find out about your extracurricular interest in marijuana, but it just slipped out one day. you were too comfortable around her to hold anything back.
"god, what a week it's been," you mused, sitting on her desk as you watched her pack up for the weekend. "i just need to curl up on my couch, put on some netflix, and maybe smoke..."
"smoke what?" she asked reflexively, and you knew she was a keeper.
in the conversation that followed, you and melissa made plans to smoke together that night. what started as a fun experiment soon became routine stress relief. you'd go over to melissa's house every friday night and make full use of the weed from one of her many 'guys'. because melissa cared about your safety, she never let you drive home. you'd just have to sleep over. and since she wouldn't let you sleep on the couch—'the last thing ya need at your age is back pain!'—you would just have to sleep in her bed. with her.
with the introduction of this shared interest, your relationship with melissa became much more intimate. for starters, melissa's touches were always bolder on friday nights. while she wasn't shy about touching you sober—drifting her hand along your lower back as she brushed past you, rubbing your shoulders when you looked stressed in the breakroom—the touches were different after a joint or two. hungrier.
where you were a giggly and whimsical stoner, melissa was definitely a touchy one. you two would sit on her couch, practically on top of each other while you watched movies or played video games. you'd talk animatedly about whatever was happening on the tv; she'd watch your face and trace featherlight patterns on your thighs. and your belly. and maybe also the swell of your ass, when she thought she could get away with it.
she always could.
after the success of ava fest, the two of you were on top of the world. tonight's would be the best sleepover yet.
"we got lots to celebrate, sweet pea," melissa had covertly whispered in your ear as people filed out of the gym. you knew what she meant and your face warmed, causing you to look away bashfully. melissa thought you were the cutest thing.
when you let yourself in the front door that night, you were met with the mesmerizing sight of melissa rolling a joint on her kitchen counter. she smirked as you faltered in the doorway, eyes lingering on her working fingers. she rubbed the flower between her fingertips, and your mind betrayed you with a filthy image.
"y/n? you comin' in?" melissa's amused voice brought you out of your trance and you kicked your boots off, closing the door behind you. melissa didn't miss the way your skirt lifted and swirled with your movements.
"looking good, chef schemmenti," you gestured between melissa and the joint-in-progress. at this she smiled, trying not to stare at your breasts and legs as you moved closer in that damn outfit.
you leaned against the counter across from her, making sure to push your tits forward while doing so. you winked at melissa, whose cheeks had turned a shade pinker, and motioned for her to continue rolling up.
"thanks, hon. this stuff's supposed to be top-shelf. gelato, i think they said," melissa's south philly accent was clear as she spoke.
you smiled in appreciation. melissa knew you liked to research what you smoked before you got high on it. you picked up your phone to look up the strain, but then you saw melissa bring the paper up to her lips.
her tongue darted out and drew a line across the paper, allowing melissa to seal the joint. she held eye contact with you the entire time, and you swore she could read your mind. it was like she knew you were thinking about her tongue sweeping through your folds and circling your bundle.
you knew it was wrong; it had to be. she was your coworker, and so much older with more experience in every aspect of life. but that was exactly what attracted you to her.
"whaddaya say? wanna light this one up?" melissa held the joint up to your line of sight, an amused glint in her eyes.
minutes later you were standing on her balcony, huddled together to keep the wind from putting out the flame. melissa took the first hit, blowing an impressive cloud of smoke from her full lips and into the sky. you felt dizzy watching the way her lips curled into an 'o' around the smoke.
when she passed the joint to you, you were determined to prove yourself. you took a long inhale, and in seconds you were coughing furiously. melissa chuckled under her breath, but reached out to rub your back. her touch felt electric.
"you okay, hon? i would call an ambulance, but this community doesn't need to know what ms. schemmenti and ms. y/l/n do behind closed doors," she joked, drawing circles on your back.
"yeah, i'm alright," you rasped out, brushing tears from your eyes. "my lungs just need a break." melissa paused a moment at that, looking deep in thought.
"do you trust me?" she finally asked after a prolonged silence. you nodded firmly, staring deep into her probing eyes. they were as green as the trees in her backyard.
melissa took another hit of the joint and leaned in, and before you knew it her mouth was on yours. her tongue swiped along your bottom lip, and your lips parted to welcome her in. she blew a steady stream of smoke into your mouth, and you accepted it greedily.
"there. feel better?" melissa whispered as she pulled away from you. her pupils were blown, and you felt high on the look she gave you alone. you both grinned.
the rest of the session went that way. melissa would take sizable hits of the joint, then shotgun the smoke into your mouth for you. you didn't touch the joint for the rest of the night; if you wanted a direct hit, melissa would hold it up to your lips while her other arm rested on your waist.
melissa was right about the weed being high-quality. you felt like you were floating in her arms as she held you by the waist—keeping you upright in your disoriented state. as she finished off the last of the joint, you looked out at the woods behind melissa's house. the trees seemed closer to you now, and you felt like reaching out and touching the branches as they danced in the wind.
"honey?" melissa's soft voice echoed in your head and you turned to face her. her eyes seemed to swirl and sparkle like emerald pools. but there was also a dark edge to them, reminding you of the beckoning woods.
"let's go for a walk."
though it wasn't your typical pastime, you quite liked walking while high. your legs moved on autopilot, and you could hardly feel them carrying you across the dark earth. there was a walking path through the woods behind melissa's house. you strolled side-by-side with the older woman, leaning on her for support when your balance failed you.
"mel, look!" you grabbed her hand and stopped on the path, your other hand pointing up to the sky. "it's a full moon! pretty, right?"
"beautiful..." melissa responded, not at all looking at the moon. her gaze was fixed on your face, which seemed to glow under the moonlight. when her finger stroked the back of your hand absently, you shivered and looked back at her. the expression on her face was soft, even peaceful. with her mouth forming a half-smile and her eyes slightly unfocused, it seemed like she had finally dropped her guard. realizing she had been caught staring, melissa quickly pivoted.
"i always liked the sun better, though," she said as you both resumed walking. the moon's shine weakened then, as if obscured by a cloud. melissa stole a glance at you, noticing how your hair looked a shade darker in the dimmer light. she wanted to stroke it, hold it up to all different colors of light and watch its hues and highlights change.
"huh. why?" you wondered aloud. melissa considered your question a while before answering.
"because you can't run from it," melissa said plainly. "i never liked hidin' in the shadows. you can do that at night. but then the sun comes up, and it's bright and warm, and you can't stay down. you gotta wake up and be somebody."
you heard her words in every corner of your head, her deep voice flowing through you. maybe you were high, but there seemed to be a strong force—almost like gravity—pulling you towards melissa. not just physically, but mentally. you wanted to tell her how smart she was, how charming and powerful and fucking sexy. you wanted to tell her that she was the sun burning brightly at the center of your world.
unfortunately, in your hazy headspace, you couldn't find the words to express all this to her. but you sure tried.
"and the sun is hot and fiery, like you," you almost whispered the last two words, but melissa caught them. she brushed off the compliment with a low laugh and a squeeze of your hand, still clasped in hers.
"sure, hon," she murmured. then you started to feel the stirrings of a rainstorm. cold droplets of water kissed your head and ran down your torso, and you looked to melissa for guidance. by now, you two were pretty far from melissa's house; you'd need to head back soon to avoid getting soaked.
melissa gave you a nod and you both began to run back towards the house, the wind howling in your ears and water beating steadily on your joined hands.
to be continued...
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bloodwrittenballad · 9 months
Bobby’s Got It Goin’ On | Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: When Jake takes it too far, you step in
Warnings: Smut, oral (reader receiving, bc in my mind, bob is a pussy eating king!) fingering, consensual groping, blowjob in a car (0/10, do not recommend doing this) protected sex because!!! it’s a must!!! swearing, lil tad bit of angst, sexism? Hangman being, well, himself. Also, I suck at titles and summaries 🙃 18+ ONLY, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. And please, let me know what you thought! Reblogs and comments are so very appreciated and help us fic writers <3 Xoxo, Parker
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If there was one thing you knew for certain about Jake Seresin, it was that he had a loud fuckin mouth. And quite the talent at opening it at the wrong fuckin times. Like now, for instance. You and the crew were all at The Hard Deck, hanging out and celebrating getting through another long work week. Things were going well, you found yourself perched next to Bob, as the two of you made easy conversation.
You liked Bob, a lot. How could you not? He was sweet, smart, handsome as ever loving hell… Only issue, was he probably didn’t feel even the slightest bit same for you. That was okay though! Because in the end, you’d rather have a friendship with him than ruin it by telling him how you felt only to be rejected.
It was better this way, regardless of how bad it hurt or how much pestering you’d get from the other squadron members to just confess you feelings.
Pushing back the slightly depressing thoughts, you continued your focus on Bob, who was getting rather animated as he told you a stories from his childhood and teen years. Head thrown back in laughter, you couldn’t help but to gently slap his arm, a habit you had developed over the years and could never quite shake. Most people would have found it annoying, but not Bob. Never him. He found it endearing, plus… he couldn’t deny that the skin to skin contact was nice. You were so soft and warm, so, so… perfect.
Bob continued to blush while you giggled, “wow, Bobby, I never would’ve taken you for such a bad boy!” If his cheeks weren’t already as red as a stop sign, they certainly were now. “I wasn’t! Really! Just a… ya know, had a bit of teen angst, I guess.” Bob muttered, not being able to handle how goddamn beautiful that smile of yours was. “Well, teen angst aside, I think some trouble looks good on you. Kinda rouged. Chicks dig that, ya know.” You spoke with a soft smile, one that didn’t quite reach your eyes as you thought of him with any other woman than you.
Bob wore his usual lopsided smile as you said that, his skin feeling even warmer now. Jesus, you were so perfect. This moment was so perfect. Until it wasn’t.
Hangman, being the ever present thorn in your side, just had to go and ruin it. “Y’all wanna know what else chicks dig?” He spoke with a shit-eating grin as he plopped down beside you, making himself more than comfortable but not at all welcome. “Not really,” you huffed out through gritted teeth. A devilish smirk blossomed even wider on the blonds face, “chicks dig a man who’s tough and confident, unafraid to take charge and get shit done. Like me, sweet pea.” Jake ended with a wink, something that shouldn’t have pissed you off so much. But it did. He always managed to get under your skin in a way no one else could. He just had that effect on people. Obnoxious.
“Well, maybe some women aren’t into that,” you shot back. “Maybe some of us like a quiet, down to earth, gentleman who doesn’t boast about how supposedly great he is.” Jake barked out a laugh, his eyebrows shooting high up and almost into his hairline. “Damn, girl.” Jake whistled, “ya got fire in you, f’sure. Gotta find the right to manage that. Some prissy, sissy of a man ain’t gonna be able to tame it. Like Bob!” Said person looked up at you sheepishly for the first time since Hangman had crashed your little party. “Bobby here wouldn’t know what t’do with all that you got goin’ on, he uh, he just ain’t built for it.” Okay, so now you weren’t just pissed. You were fucking livid.
“And what the fuck do you know about anything, Bagman? Huh? What’re your qualifications to be making such claims? In fact, when’s the last time any of this macho bullshit actually worked on a woman? Cause ya wanna know what I think? I think you’re just an insecure little boy who acts like he’s gods fuckin’ gift to this world, like he’s got it all goin’ on for him. But you don’t! You can sure as hell act like it, but we all know you don’t. You wanna know who does, though? Bob. Yeah, that’s right. Bobby’s got it goin’ on!” By this point, you had stood up from your seated position so you could feel like you had a bit more of an upper ground, as you glared down at Jake.
Bob, who still hadn’t uttered a peep since Hangman’s interruption, saw how close you were to hitting the man and gently decided it was time to divert from the situation and led you outside. His hand, strong but gentle on the small of your back, guided you throughout The Hard Deck until you both found yourselves under the pale moonlight. “God!” you groaned angrily. “I mean, who the hell does he think he is? Such a prick! Like, I get it, you haven’t been laid in a while but fuck don’t take it out on people who don’t deserve it! It’s just so, so, so fucking frustrating. Aren’t you frustrated? I’m frustrated! No, I’m pissed! Oooh, I’m so pissed. I could go in there right now and punch him right in his stupid f-,” You stopped short in your rant, the pacing you started somewhere along the line coming to a halt.
Bob was just standing there, head bowed, not saying a word. “Bobby?” You whispered gently, mentally cursing yourself for your tangent now when you should’ve been making sure he was okay. Opening your mouth to speak again, Bob cut you off. “Did… did you meant it? W-what you said. I-in there? Or was that just to get Hangman off my back?” The shake in his voice made your heart crack in two, but what truly broke it was the look on his face. So unsure, so pained, so scared that it was all just a big fat lie.
“Bobby, I-” you started, but was once again cut off. “It’s fine, I-I uh, I get it. I do. No hard feelings. But, um, thanks for taking care of Hangman.” Bob went to pass out, presumably to his car so he could get the hell out of there and save himself any further embarrassment for tonight. Before he could make it far, you grabbed his arm, tugging him back towards you and pushing your lips to his. Bob left out a soft whine, immediately melting into the feeling of you.
The kiss was soft, warm, delicate and messy all at once. It was everything you ever dreamed of, it just sucked that the events of tonight were what led up to it. Pulling away, your hands went up to cup his face, locking eyes with his in the compassionate embrace. “I meant every single word, Robby. All that, and so much more.” Bob broke out in a smile, with you following not far behind, before he surged forward and connected your lips once more. This time in a much more needy and demanding kiss, with his and your hands roaming each others bodies.
A soft moan left your lips in a tiny squeak, Bob pulling away with a satisfied grin. “Maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private? Don’t really feel like sharing those noises with anyone else.” You gasped and gently hit his arm, like how you had earlier. “Bobby! You dirty dog! I cant believe you… but yes. Yes. Let’s go, now. Please.” Bob couldn’t help to laugh at the display of utter desperation from you, as he led you to his car. The second you were inside, a full makeout session ensued. You ended up on his lap, albeit with some struggle because his car was tiny, but you made do. Grinding on his growing bulge, you moaned widely, his tongue darting into your mouth. “Fuck, Bobby, take me home. Want you to take me home and fuck me so bad. Will you, please?” You whined and begged, and what kind of man would he be to leave you so needy like this.
After you were safe and secure in the passenger seat, Bob wasted no time on stepping on the gas as he made his way back to his rental. After the mission, many, if not most, of the original crew got a transfer. Yourself included, though unlike Bob, you’re place wasn’t as nice. That didn’t matter though, it was all small details in the end. Because now you not only had the best of friends, but you finally got the guy. And said guy was taking you home to fuck you.
The drive wasn’t long, but damn, did it make you needier. You weren’t sly in the slightest, as you snuck your hand slowly up Bobs thigh, climbing higher and higher, stopping just below where you so desperately wanted to touch. Bob gave you a look, eyebrow quirked, lips in a smirk. “This okay?” you whispered, just to be sure. “More than okay, darling.” He confirmed, and that was more than enough for you to launch your attack. Unbuttoning his pants, you make quick work of pushing down his boxers as far as they would go before his hard and ready cock popped out. Your mouth went agap at the sight, suddenly feeling drool looking at the edges of you lips as you took in the length and size of him. He was huge! “Holy shit, Bobby, you really do got it goin’ on.” And with that, you took him into your mouth.
He couldn’t reach all the way in, so you made due by streaking the rest of him. Occasionally groping his balls, which earned the heavenly sound of his moans. You continued bobbing your head up and down, savoring the taste of him and the way he swore. “F-fuck! Yeah, yeah, just like that. Taking it so well, j-just like a good girl.” You moaned at the praise, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second. Then, before you knew it, the car came to an abrupt stop and so did the blowjob, as Bob gently grabbed your cheeks and lifted your head. “As much as I’d love to come in your throat, sweet thing, I’d much rather continue this inside. Where I can really treat you good,” he said with a wink. Oh, god, he was so fucking hot.
The two of you managed to stumble inside, hands never leaving each others bodies as you nipped and sucked at any possible exposed skin, groping and grinding and messy as he led you to his bed and practically tossed you on to it. By the time you made it to his bedroom, both of you were almost fully nude, aside from the underwear you wore. Which were fully soaked now, by the way. And damn, did Bob enjoy the sit. Sinking down to his knees on the floor, Bob grabbed your legs and scooted you forward so your ass hung over the bed almost completely. “Fuck, s’wet f’me,” he mumbled against the skin of your thighs, your ankles now hanging over his shoulders.
He worked his way up, pressing kisses to the soft skin, loving the way you moaned and begged for me. “You want my mouth or my fingers, darling?” He asked, and the smirk he wore when you screamed, “both!” only widened. “If it’s both you want, baby, then it’s both you’ll get.” And with that, your panties were gone in a flash as he tore them off and dove right in. “FUCK!” you moaned loudly, your hands frantically clutching the bedsheets. “Yes, yes, yes! Oh, right there! Fuck yes!” He’d barely begun, still only using his tongue, as he lapped at you like a man starved. It was heavenly, the warmth of his tongue and the speed at which it tortured you with bliss.
Minutes, maybe even hours, fuck who knows how long went by with him in between your thighs, just licking and sucking and slurping at what you had to offer before he asked if you wanted his fingers yet. Of course you had screamed yes again, but it was all garbled and mumbled from the pleasure you felt. Bob chucked between you, the vibration a heavenly feeling on your clit. The added sensation of not just one, but two fingers prodding at your sensitive hole had your mind swimming in pure ecstasy. You knew you were close, and his fingers speeding in and out of you mixed with his tongue on your clit only brought on that freeing feeling. Bob must’ve felt the way you clenched around him, the way your thighs shook, and masterfully continued his work. Drilling his fingers inside of you and bringing your clit to rest in between his puckered lips had you exploding into a dazzling glow of orgasm you’ve never felt before.
Bob stayed between your thighs, fingers slowing down as he coaxed you through your orgasm. Once he knew you were good, he gently pulled his fingers out and tapped your thigh in a way of telling you “good job”. Climbing back onto the bed, he smiled down at your fucked out figure. The way your eyes were glazed over, your naked chest rising and falling. It was a beautiful sight to behold, and he was so lucky he got to be the one to do it. You smiled back at him, before slowly getting up so you sat on your knees with him on the bed, hands stroking up and down his arms. “As good as that was, and trust me, it was really good, I want you to fuck me for real now.”
Bob didn’t need to be told again, he bolted towards his bedside table, almost ripping the drawer out as he searched inside the messy compartment. “Aha!” He said victoriously, holding up a condom. You smiled softly at the man, who despite being a literal sex god a minute ago, still had the capability to be the goofy dork you’ve had feelings for forever now.
“You ready?” he asked earnestly once he got the condom on, you’ve never been more ready for anything in your life. “Just hurry up and fuck me, Floyd.” you said breathlessly, and that was more than enough for him to pounce on you like his life depended on it. His lips met yours in a flurry once more that night, the taste of you not gone from his mouth as he all but attacked yours. The tip of his cock met your folds in a blissful roll of his hips, making you gasp. Needing him inside you desperately, you grabbed his cock gently and helped him slowly guide it inside you, breathing out a sigh of relief once he filled you to the fullest. On your back, you laid there, allowing yourself to get used to the feeling of him. Bob, ever the patient man, didn’t move an inch until you gave him the go ahead.
Once the coast was clear, he was like a beast, snapping his hips at an unstoppable force. It felt so good, like all your nerves were set ablaze in the best way. Your ankles wrapped around his waist, your hands scratching up and down his back. The way he was bent over you gave him perfect access to your tits, to which he took full advantage and brought one of your nipples to his mouth. The feeling had you clenching around him like a viper, his hot tongue dancing around the sensitive skin of your breast brought you close to the edge again. His thrusts were hard and wild, but calculated, hitting the perfect spot every single time. You were both moaning like animals, swears and praises and the scent of sex filling the air as you fucked each other into the night. “Fuck, Bobby, m’so close. Wanna come with you, wanna come with you so bad.” you whined out, and Bob can’t think of a time in his life where he’s heard or experienced anything sexier.
“I’m almost there, my girl, fuck, so close. Just hold on f’me like a good girl, can ya do that? Can you wait like the good girl I know you are?” His voice was so gruff, deep and full of ecstasy. “Yeah,” you managed out in a high pitched whimper, something that made Bob’s cock twitch from inside of you. With a few more deep strokes inside you, he was ready, and he knew you were too. “Let go, baby. Come with me, fuck! You better come with me, baby, know you can.”
And so you did. And it was glorious. Earth shattering, mind blowing, you name it. Your skin was hot and sweaty, and you shook like a goddamn earthquake as you came, Bob not far behind as he experienced his own orgasm. Moaning wildly, he collapsed beside you the second he pulled out. The two of you lay there, breathing heavily, minds reeling from the most amazing and intense and powerful sex both of you have ever had in your entire lives. Once the two of you caught your breaths and energy enough to move, Bob cleaned the two of you up before pulling you into his arms. You laid there, head on his chest, looking up at him in pure fascination and wonder.
Yeah, Bobby’s definitely got it goin’ on for sure.
And Hangman can fuckin’ suck it!
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
Have you seen how I met your mother?
If not look up the olive scene with lily and Marshall that's how I picture James and sirius explaining dealer remus and autistic reader to their dates/friends at a party
Idk why, but I imagine dealer!remus and reader dont look like they should be a couple at first glance, and James and sirius look like conspiracy theorists telling people that they're the superior couple
aesthetically you and remus confuse people.
you’re all bright colours and whimsical outfits and he’s more muted and practical.
sirius and james however, think you both fit like two peas in a pod. and they’d do whatever it takes to convince others of it too.
even random strangers.
which is what they’re doing now. you’re all out at a pub, a typical friday night when sirius decides listening to queen in the apartment is not enough- he needs to, ‘feel the music in his belly.’
you’re in a long, mauve skirt and a pink top to match, while remus is still in his work slacks and a new t-shirt, that’s plain white.
“you’re dating?” one of the bartenders ask, full of surprise when remus passes you your drink and stamps a kiss to your mouth.
“don’t they look sweet?” james maybe had one mimosa too many.
“i’d have never suspected,” remus cringes, already knowing what’s to come.
you giggle into your drink when sirius gasps.
“mate, they’re made for each other!” he goes off listing how you’re like sun to remus’ cloudy days ‘sometimes, rem it needs to be said,’ he adds that part in case remus feels offended.
he hasn’t the heart to.
james pitches in on how, “remus, he’s practical, kinda stoic and smart and so is she! they both like the same things, which is hard to tell by first glance but they’re practically cut from one body.”
the bartender is confused by james’ choice of metaphor, but you and remus know what he means.
you’d explained to him, in one of your many many breakdowns of aspects of greek mythology that it was postured that zeus had cut humans in half because they had two faces, and two pairs of limbs, and that’s where people got the idea of soulmates.
he turns to you after he says it and you give him an encouraging smile which makes his dimple pop out- happy to have used the information you shared correctly.
“i don’t know why they have to do it every time,” remus mumbles, hands around your midsection as he stands behind your seat.
“they’re having fun.” you shrug and james and sirius really are, it’s when they start stopping random persons to involve them in the conversation that you’re going to have to worry.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
Ellie Williams x fem!reader
Summary: While working, Joel comes in and tells you that your girlfriend, Ellie, was injured on patrol.
Contents: Slight misogyny, injury, swearing, angst, fluff, unconsciousness, playful banter.
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Everyone in Jackson had a role, a purpose. Naturally Ellie was assigned to patrol and scavenge. Ellies strength was admirable, she was smart in combat, strong and immune, it was obvious why Maria put her on patrol. But you hated it.
You were never a natural fighter, more soft in nature. You were assigned as a glorified babysitter, taking care of toddlers during the day while their parents went off on errands and jobs. So you knew very little on combat.
Ellie loved that about you, your kind sweet and carefree nature, you seemed so fragile she had this urge to protect you ever since she first saw you chasing down a run away five year old, smiling and laughing as mud and snow splattered on your clothes.
You loved the kids, they loved you back. The small day care building always filled with childish babbles and bubbly giggles. You loved your job but you hated Ellie's. The idea of your girlfriend running from clickers. Shooting and climbing in abandoned building, death lurking round every corner.
You knew she was immune, her immunity calmed your nerves a ton. But immunity didn't protect her from people. Due to your kind demeanor people often assumed you were gullible and timid so they tried to take advantage of that. You couldn't count the amount of times you'd clutched your hidden pocket knife when someone approached you.
People in fucked up situations become morally grey and inhumane. Willing to do anything to achieve they're end goal. And it was horrifying, you trusted Ellie with your life, but you didn't trust others.
"Miss Y/NNN" a small squeaky voice pulled you from your chance. A small brunette girl looked up at you, doe eyes filled with tears, puffy cheeks and a snotty nose.
"Oh, What's wrong Nora? Why you crying huh?" You say bending your knees and crouching to her eye level.
"Miles won't share his toys cars with me-me. He says- He says I'm a girl so I can't play with cars" her words were rushed, small sobs and sharp intakes of breath between words. "Oh I'm sorry sweet pea, I'll go talk to him, why don't you go colour for a minute and I'll get you a car, yeah?" She sniffed, wiping her snotty nose with the sleeve of her cardigan and waddling towards the colouring table. Sighing softly you turn towards the group of boys pushing small cars on wooden tracks around on the floor.
"Hey guys, you've made Nora quite upset, can you tell me why you did that" you spoke softly, sitting down next to the group of 4 year old boys.
"because she's a girl. And these are our toys..." He mutters moving the toy car and bashing it into his friends.
Thinking on how to approach this you start talking. "In Jackson, everyone shares, the other day I was food shopping and your mother shared some of her vegetables with me. You see if you want to be a big boy you have to learn to share sweetheart. Nora might be a girl but she can still like cars."
He looks at you "So if I go give Nora a car, I'm a big boy?" He questioned, looking comically puzzled. "Yeah that would be really nice of you honey." You say an encouraging smile painting your face as he begins to wonder towards the brunette girl, two toy cars in his hands.
"Y/N." A deep voice sounded from behind you. Quickly getting up and turn around "Joel." You said to the man whose frame took up the majority of the doorway. "What's up?, usually you don't come visit me during work." You added, a smile graced your face at the welcome visit from the man.
"Uh, Ellie came back from patrol and she's not looking too good. She was shot with an arrow in her shoulder, it wasn't bad by itself but it sent her falling forwards and she hit her head, she's out cold." He explained to you, the worry written on his features soon matching yours. You felt your heart drop, a sense of dread overcame you.
"Oh shi-" you cut yourself off looking at the distracted 2-6 year olds, "shoot." You finish "where is she?" "She's in my spare room, I patched her up she'll have a headache when she wakes up and have to rehabilitate her shoulder for a few weeks, thankfully." He answered.
" my shift ends in five, Gia should be here for her shift soon, you mind staying here till she shows up?" He sends a nod your way and you immediately grab your jacket and bag leaving the middle aged man with the group of fifteen toddlers. If you weren't so worried about your girlfriend, you would've laughed at the situation. Joel miller with a crowd of children, completely hopeless. Poor man.
Your feet hurried as the sight of Joel's house came into view. Hurrying up the porch steps, swinging the door open, quickly throwing your shoes off, dumping your backpack on the ground and rushing upstairs.
Opening the spare rooms door, your breath caught in your throat as the sight of your unconscious girlfriend laying on the double bed, bandages rapped around her shoulder, a patch on her head, covering what you can imagine Is a large bruise. You moved forwards, perching on the mattress looking down at Ellie.
Her face looked calm and serene, her beautiful brown hair falling Infront of her face, her soft lips had a small split in it. You kissed her cheek, tucking her hair behind her ears. You looked around the room, your eyes focusing on the rocking chair pushed into the bay window. Getting up and pushing the chair closer to her sleeping form.
You say on the chairs floral cushion, reaching forward and grabbing her hands. Absentmindedly your fingers began to trace the veins and scars on her hands.
"hey.. HEY." Your body jolted up abruptly, being startled awake by a husky voice. "Ellie..." Tears welled in your eyes as you stood up and cradles Ellie's face.
"you are such an idiot, so so reckless and stupid..." You mutter gazing into her eyes, you saw her lips quirk up in amusement. "Don't smile, you're in a huge amount of trouble, missy" you say sternly, raising an eyebrow at her when she rolls her eyes playfully in retaliation.
"sorry, miss Y/n" she mumbled pouting out her bottom lip, mimicking the kids you work with.
"Oh shut up" you reply, you lean down, gently pulling yourself closer, and tenderly push your lips against hers. A sigh leaves both of your mouths, relief evident in both the softness of the kiss and in the happiness of Ellie being okay.
She's okay, she's alive. Of course she's alive, your girl is so strong, she'd never leave you.
Ellie breaks the kiss murmuring a soft "c'mere" and patting the empty spot next to her on the bed. You scooch yourself over to her, resting your head on her uninjured shoulder and nuzzling into the crook of her neck. Her hand reaches out and cradles the back of your head, dragging her hands through it, softly combing and detangling.
"I'm alright beautiful, I'm all okay. I've been through too much shit to let an arrow fuck me over. And I could never leave my pretty girl alone, you're stuck with me sweetheart, you're never getting rid of me, for as long as I can help it.
I like this one more than my last one. I hope you enjoyed this mini-fic. If all goes to plan then I should be uploading some head canons later too.
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bakubunny · 9 months
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praise kink dialogue
here’s a list of various phrases i’ve found and reference often split into praises and what I would consider encouragements. i keep them together for ease of use. i’ve also broken down my process a little bit below that. these have been accumulated over time. many are fem! gendered because that’s what i write most often, but that’s easy to change.
“Good girl.”/“good fucking girl.”
“You sound so pretty when you cum.”
“I adore your obedience.”
“You make me so proud.”
“I’m so proud of you.”/“proud of you for taking my cock so well/(insert action.)”
“You’re a pleasure to use.”
“You know how to make your [dom title] feel so good.”
“You’re so beautiful when you struggle for me” (or pick an action)
“You’re the most valuable thing I own.”
"You open up so nicely for me."
“Quiet my love, I want to hear how wet you are for me, it’s intoxicating.”
“That never gets old, baby/(nickname).”
“Trying to buck up, kitten? Okay, baby. Take the reins.”
“You know just how to please me.”
“You love being a good (nickname/title) for me/(dom title), don’t you?”
"Those are such pretty sounds/I love hearing your voice."
"You're such a polite slut when I [whatever feels so good she stops bratting]."
"It makes me smile when you drip like this before I've even touched you."
"You look so silly and cute squirming like that."
“Such a good little listener.”
“You’re so smart.”/“That’s my smart (nickname).”
“There she is.”
“I love it when you cum for me/(insert action).”
"I think if you beg a little more sweetly, I might be convinced." (This one presents an opportunity for bratting so caveat orator)
"I'm sure you can get out of that restraint; such a big strong little toy."
"What you're doing with your [hips/eyes/voice/whatever] is so deliciously slutty."
“I love the way you look when you’re on your knees.”
“You’re the best good girl.”
“I love the effect I have on you.”
“I’ve been waiting all day to put my cock in you.”
“You’re a treasure.”
“You look absolutely perfect, all for me.”
“Look at you. Such a good little/pretty little (insert title or whatever).”
“You’ve waited so patiently.”
“You look so precious/(insert adjective) when you’re needy.”
“I love how eager you are.”
“You’re so good to let me take what i want from you/(insert action).”
“How could I say no when you asked so nicely?”/“How could I say no to my sweet girl?”
“Fuck, you’re so tight/big/wet/hard/etc.”
“That’s my girl”/“Atta girl”
“That feels nice, baby? Good. You deserve it.”
“That’s it, just let go. Let yourself feel good, (nickname).”
“Good girls/boys don’t cum. Can you be a good girl/boy for me? I know you can do it.”
“You’re safe with me.”
“Say it/Do it. [dom name or title] wants to hear/see you.”
“Try again.”
“Ask for/tell me what you want.”
“Come on, you can do it.”
“Don’t be shy.”
“Use your words.”
on degradation: it’s also pretty easy to take a praise and make it humiliating or degrading if that’s what you’re going for. adding a degrading nickname/title is the most obvious way to do it, but some of my favorite ways are more subtle. using a condescending tone of voice, an aptly timed praise when the receiver is doing something gross/typically seen as humiliating or degrading, etc.
don’t like how something is worded? take it apart and rephrase it the way your character might say it.
phrase i found:
“Quiet my love, I want to hear how wet you are for me, it’s intoxicating.”
used for different characters or whatever:
bakugo: “shut your fuckin’ mouth, wanna hear how wet you are for me. ‘s perfect, princess.”
kirishima: “be quiet angel, you sound so pretty and i wanna hear it. fuck, you’re so wet, baby. i can’t get enough of you.”
aizawa: “hush, sweetheart. let me hear your pretty little pussy. it’s fucking intoxicating.”
praise & degradation: “shut the fuck up. let me hear how much your pussy loves it when i use you. that’s a good whore, listen to how wet you are. such a nasty slut, getting off on this.”
daddy kink: “shh, shh. quiet, sweet pea. i want to hear how wet you are for me… it’s such a pretty sound.”
etc. etc. etc.
i hope this is helpful for some of you! i threw this together pretty quickly, so if there are any really good ones i missed, feel free to add them.
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tagging @dcsiremc because you were interested in seeing this <3
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kitthepurplepotato · 7 months
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Chapter 5 - Never enough
Summary: Y/N goes out with Kyouka for a flat hunt. Izuku gets smacked in the face - Once by a random teen and once by his Sweet Pea.
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of a toxic relationship (in the past).
First Chapter Master List
Kyouka comes over a few hours after Izuku leaves; he didn’t really say goodbye after your conversation in the bedroom this morning, which was quite surprising and he also left an untouched sandwich on the table, filled with his favorite stuff, which is also… well… really fucking weird, but okay. To be fair, there is so much happening all at once it’s easy to go all silly, especially at 5 AM in the morning. Maybe it took him so long to make his sandwich he ended up being late and instead of bringing it with him he just left it on the table. Even though, Izuku must be aware that he owns a cat so leaving food on the table isn’t the smartest idea. Thankfully, All Meowt is the laziest motherfucker the word has ever seen and jumping on the table to get some nibbles is way too much of a lbother for him, hence why the food is still in tact.
Sometimes you wonder if All Meowt is even a cat; he doesn’t scratch furniture, doesn’t eat anything he needs to work for, barely jumps on anything and he’s just… a part of the furniture. A furry little sofa pillow. He’s also really smart as somehow he knew you are the one who messed with his automatic feeder because to this day, he didn’t even approach you once when Izuku wasn’t around. Except when you sleep. Then he cuddles. He probably hopes you stay that way forever.
“Okay, I managed to get a viewing for flat 2 and flat 4.” Kyouka mumbles to herself after putting her phone down. You look at the girl incredulously. “Don’t look at me like that, I know flat 4 is pricy as fudge, but with my current salary, I can afford it. I won’t have a bunch to spend for a few months but if I make it to the top 10 next year, it won’t be a problem!”
You know Kyouka like you know the back of your hand; there is no reason to even look at flat 2 at this point, this silly woman has already decided to get that fancy ass flat and there is probably an extremely ridiculous reason behind it.
“Be honest with me…” You look at your bestie, trying your best not to look judgmental. “Why do you want that flat?”
Kyouka looks down at her hands, her cheeks ruddy from embarassment. “My favorite rockstar lives in the same building… you know the one with black hair and the sick angel wing tattoo.” Kyouka answers while she plays with her bangs like a stupid school girl.
There it is. There it fucking is.
“So you decided to spend all your life savings for a few minutes of neighborly banter with your Bae.” You really can’t believe this silly woman.
“Oh my god, you are literally dating your favorite hero, sorry if your stupid love story made me believe in fated love!” She yells and you can’t help but laugh at that.
“Hey, it didn’t cost me anything to fall in love with him though! Plus we are not official yet!” Now it’s your turn to be embarrassed.
“Oh fuck off, Izuku wouldn’t even poke you with a foot long pole if he wouldn’t want you to be his fucking wife in the next few years. My bro isn’t playing around. He’s had enough of that shit when he was young.”
Well, that’s a new information.
“What do you mean?”
Kyouka sighs.
“It’s not my place you tell you this and to be honest I don’t know too much about it, Katsuki is probably the best one to ask but… there was this girl, right after high school who was all over Izuku after his first debut. We told him to stay away from her, we warned him that she’s only after the fame and the money but Izuku was so happy to be liked by someone in a romantic way he didn’t fucking listen to any of us…” Kyouka’s eyes look really sad as she continues. “Izuku was always a sweet boy so most people only thought of him just as that; a boy, not a man. This girl was different, I give her that. I fucking hated her. We all did. Except Izuku.” You really don’t like where this story is going. You can feel the betrayal in the air, it makes your stomach upset and your heart bleed. “After a few weeks Izuku couldn’t even wear his own clothes. She started to point out every geeky thing on him, the shirts, the shoes, his hair… she wanted him to change into something he wasn’t. She even made a comment about his baby fat. Katsuki almost exploded her that day and Izuku stopped bringing her over after that. Things got worse after as Katsuki wasn’t there to reprimand her. I don’t want to say more, Y/N. Ask him. It’s not my story to tell.”
You are rendered speechless. There are so many emotions swirling inside you; fury, hatred, sadness, then there is the urge to protect, the urge to call Izuku home so you can tell him how much you love him and his quirkiness… it’s so much to take in, so much to think about…
“Let’s go before we both start crying.” Kyouka ruffles your hair and motions towards the door, ready for the adventure.
You try your best to keep your focus on the beautiful flats. You look around for flaws, ask the right questions but you are not really there; your mind can only think of Izuku, about how alone he must’ve felt while dating that terrible human being, how humiliated he had to feel around his friends in those clothes he was forced to wear… fuck.
“I’ll walk you home then I’ll come back to do the paperwork.”
She doesn’t need to say any more for you to know that all your thoughts are written on your face.
“Don’t be sorry! You helped a lot. Really.” Kyouka smiles. You are so lucky to have her.
Izuku is not with it at work. He makes a lot of mistakes and he gets punched by some “random extra” who shouldn’t even be able to touch him.
There was a group of teens making a ruckus downtown. Izuku and Katsuki were out on patrol when they saw them yelling at a poor old man, asking for money but somehow Izuku managed to get hit by one of the kids while he was too distracted with his own thoughts.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Deku!” Katsuki yells at him with a red face. “You just let that fucking extra have the time of his fucking life! Hitting the number one fucking hero in the face! He probably thinks he’s the coolest fucking dude right now and has zero motherfucking remorse about what he’s done!”
“Because you were any better, you burned that kids face! Do you want to get canceled?!”
Izuku is frustrated. He can’t do this anymore. He can’t just let Katsuki step over him like that, not anymore…
“Someone had to do something about it! I had to clean your fucking mess up because that’s what friends do, you absolute fucking moron!”
“Since when do you consider me as a friend? I thought I’m just a nuisance.”
“Stop with the attitude. I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. You won’t push me away. Don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made when I was a kid. You know it more than anyone how much it fucking hurts.”
“I’m sorry, Kacchan.” He can’t take it anymore. The tears fall, his body shakes and moves towards Katsuki on his own and Katsuki catches him just in time.
“If you want to talk, I’m here. Eijirou is here too. You are not alone anymore.” Katsuki mutters into his hair, his fingers deep in Izuku’s curls. Katsuki has changed so much in the last few years; if anyone would’ve told him he’s gonna be cuddled by Katsuki while he cries for the stupidest fucking reason he would’ve laughed in their face.
He knows he’s being an idiot. Y/N loves him, he can see it in her eyes when he comes back after a long day of work, he can feel it in her touches, in the food she makes, in the way she smiles when Izuku cuddles her from behind… he also knows his Sweet Pea loves him the way he is and he has no reason to doubt himself with her but Izuku can’t do anything with his insecurities; he’s been told so many times how weird he is, how unattractive his home wear is, how his unruly hair makes him look like a child and he doesn’t even want to start talking about his “annoying” clinginess.
Maybe he should’ve told her to finish that commission instead of asking her to go to bed with him. Maybe he should’ve let her cook the food alone or ask her if she needs help instead of clinging to her back like an oversized koala. Maybe he should’ve slept on his own side of the bed instead of suffocating his Sweet Pea with his heavy arms. He went overboard. Even his perfect Sweet Pea needs some space. Maybe that’s why she wants to move out. She loves Izuku but Izuku is too much as a boyfriend… he’s too much, he’s always too much…
“Go home, Zuku.” Katsuki sighs into his hair. “Go home and sort yourself out. I fucking hate seeing you like this. I want to blow your face up.”
Izuku can’t help but snort at that.
“I love you too, Kacchan.”
“Fuck you.”
You get home around 2PM; you managed to find some All Might shaped chicken nuggets in the store which you decided to air fry today with some lovely fresh veggies you found in the little market you love. Oh, and rice. Izuku needs more than a snack when he comes home.
Thankfully you manage to finish cooking by 3 so you decide to sit down and finally start working on your commissions; there isn’t much to do, just a few sketches, so you should be done by the time Izuku gets home. Thank god no one commissioned anything detailed, otherwise you would be fucked; there is no way you can do a full, colored drawing in this mental state.
For your surprise the door opens around 4PM; Izuku is already in his civilian clothes, freshly showered, hair still a bit wet.
There is one thing you realize now that Kyouka told you about his past; Izuku’s civilian clothes are quite plain compared to his usual style. It doesn’t sit right with you but that’s a problem for another day.
Today’s problem is…
“You are really early, did you forget something? Want to eat before you go back? I made you something special!” You jump off the chair right away. Izuku looks at you like this is the last time he sees your face; you have no idea what’s going on but you really hate that look on his face, that’s for sure. “Oh my god, please tell me this is not that part of the fanfiction when the hero comes home and tells his wife that he’s going a year long mission to America. I’m not ready for that yet.”
For some reason, Izuku looks guilty. He lowers his eyes, suddenly finding the design of the floor extremely interesting as he fiddles with the sleeve of his jacket anxiously.
“Just a short day, nothing to worry about.” Izuku smiles but it’s fake. So fucking fake it makes you want to gag. “Were you doing a commission? Don’t worry about me, I’m not even supposed to be here, so just ignore me.”
Red flag. A big, fucking red flag. Something happened and Izuku is not telling you jack shit about it.
“Izu, what the fuck, I’ve been waiting to have a few hours with you for a whole week, I can’t just ignore you. With the amount of hours you work I have all the time to finish this fucking scribble, but I only have a few hours with you.” You reprimand, a little bit offended. Just a little bit. Teeny-tiny bit. “You also left without giving me a kiss. You need to give me double kisses today. Also, look at the food I made for you!” You run into the kitchen and come out with the All Might shaped chicken nuggets. You show them off proudly, jumping up and down with the excitement. “Look! It’s All Might! And chicken! I put the magnet that came with it on the fridge, I hope that’s fine! There are 10 different magnets to collect, I’ll try to get them all!”
Suddenly, a loud sob escapes Izuku’s mouth, but it’s not his usual ‘I’m so happy so I’ll cry a river’ kinda sob, it’s the one full of pain and misery. “Izu.” You put the food down on the table to approach the shaking man now sitting on the floor. “I’m sorry do you not want to eat All Might? That’s okay, Izu!” You mutter but Izuku jumps into your words.
“Y/N, stop.” The sound of your own name sounds so foreign from Izuku’s mouth you almost choke on your words. “Stop. It hurts. It hurts so fucking much, I can’t…” Izuku starts to sob again and you are not too far behind him. Without knowing, your tears start to fall, joining Izuku’s in the puddle of misery on the floor.
“What’s wrong, baby? Please, tell me what did I do wrong. I won’t do it ever again, I swear…”
“I know you want to move out. You don’t need to pretend.” Izuku jumps into your words between two loud sobs. “I know I’m impossible to live with, I know my love is toxic, it’s too much too soon, I’m… aware of it and I can change, I can give you space, fuck, I can sleep in the agency if you want me to, I don’t care, but please, don’t leave me. I can change, I can do anything…”
Instead of words you decide to use your hand to tell him how fucking annoyed you are. Because honest to fuck you thought someone died or Izuku is dying or the world is on fire and these are his last words… the sound of the slap is loud in the quiet room but it makes Izuku listen and hopefully he’ll forgive you when this is over.
“I don’t want you to change, you dumb little… waaah!” Great job, Y/N. You are doing fucking well. You slapped the poor sobbing guy then you called him dumb. Great start indeed. “I fucking love you and your nerdy little ass, I love the way you geek out over the stupidest thing, I love how we are glued to each other when you’re home because that’s what I also want to do, thank you for fucking asking, I love those super silly t-shirts you’re hiding at the back of your drawer and I can’t believe you never wear them by the way, I’m not leaving you, I’m not going anywhere, I want to be here, with you, every single second, I can’t believe you really thought you could get rid of me that easily, Midoriya Izuku!” You have no air left by the time you finish your sentence because you forgot to breathe during your rant. “Don’t you fucking dare to change for me. I fell in love with YOU, not with some impostor. Tell me what you want. Do what you want. Act as silly as you want. I’ll probably only love you more, even though it’s quite impossible.”
The silence is deafening. You can see Izuku’s brain going into overdrive. He looks completely lost.
“The notes on the table…” He mutters as he motions towards the notebook. He looks dumbfounded.
“Kyouka is looking for a new flat. I was helping her.”
“I’m an idiot.” Izuku mumbles, mortified. He even forgets to cry.
“Yeah, you are. My idiot boyfriend who I love so dearly.” The words slip out but it’s too late to take it back; you look at Izuku with a terrified look on your face, ready to be reprimanded but Izuku looks at you with nothing but wonder, eyes shining from tears and finally, from happiness.
“Say it again.”
“Say it again.” Izuku’s hand reaches towards you. Needless to say, you take it.
“My weird boyfriend, Midoriya Izuku.” You giggle to yourself. If this would be a fanfiction… ahh, Nevermind.
“I love you, Sweet Pea. Please, never change.” Izuku is all over you, not even caring about the floor being the most uncomfortable surface in the whole entire building. You can’t really hold yourself up with such a heavy weight sitting on your shoulders so you both end up stumbling backwards with a loud yelp followed by a bunch of giggling.
“So what does my boyfriend want to do today?” You mutter into Izuku’s neck between two kisses.
“I want to watch an All Might movie in my silly All Might onesie I’m hiding in my dresser while I eat the silly little all might chicken nuggets my perfect girlfriend made for me.”
Your smile is so big it actually hurts your jaw.
“… Only if I can borrow a silly All Might shirt to match with you.”
Apparently, that was the right thing to say; Izuku is about to combust from the happiness as he attacks your mouth with violent happy kisses.
“Have I told you how much I love you?” He mutters into your lips, already knowing your answer.
“Only a few thousand times but it never gets old.”
“Is that a challenge I hear?” He smirks with such confidence it makes you shiver. You did that. You made him feel that way. Oh fuck, this new Midoriya Izuku is really bad for your heart.
“Might as well be.” You grab Izuku’s hair at the back of his head and yank him forward for a heated, deep kiss. Izuku yelps but he doesn’t let you have all the control; this is Izuku’s day, he’s is completely unhinged and so are you.
The food got cold by the time you managed to untangle from each other.
And fuck, it was so worth it.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Some explanations for the this chapter because I feel like it’s needed:
- 1. Midoriya does wear merch, but mostly black ones with a logo on it instead of the super loud, super colorful ones he would prefer.
- 2. Midoriya’s mum said in one of the chapters that Midoriya has never had a girl over before which is still true; the girl was never officially introduced to Inko as Izuku knew the way the girl was treating him would make his mom really sad. Inko has a slight idea about what happened thanks to Katsuki but she was spared from the gruesome details of it. Izuku doesn’t know his mom knows about it.
- 3. No, they didn’t do anything cheeky on the floor. They were just kissing, you dirty little potato.
- In the next chapter, we are going home to Izuku’s mom! I’m so excited!!!!
- I got a beautiful Deku figurine. I try not to talk about my figurine obsession anymore but I have to show this one off. I genuinely didn’t think I’ll be able to get my hands on this one because it’s an Ichiban Kuji (it’s like a lottery but with anime merch) Last One prize, but here I am, I guess. 😂
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TL: @garfieldthomas @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover @yao-ai
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hotvinimon · 8 months
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Akaashi Keiji x reader
A/N : Akaashi is oblivious. Reader wants more. Images are not mine. Credits to the owner. Likes, Comments and re-blogs are appreciated. Please don't steal my work. Enjoy ;) Warnings - English is my second language.
Master List
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Akaashi was really smart, ended up being your last resort as a tutor, thanks to your dismal relationship with physics.
You found yourself in the library, with your oh-so-beloved boyfriend as your tutor. Instead of cracking down on physics, you were busy examining every angle of him while a pencil hung precariously between your nose and upper lip.
Suddenly, a booming call of your name rudely jolted you from your daydreams, and there was Akaashi, giving you a worried look.
"Sweetheart, are you okay? Did you even hear what I said?"
You mumbled, "Y-Yeah, yeah," in a feeble attempt to pretend like you were paying attention.
"Teaching you physics is like trying to stop Bokuto from playing volleyball." Akaashi sighed.
You snapped back, "But that's impossible!"
"Exactly," Akaashi snickered.
It took you a hot minute to catch his drift. "YAAHH!!! That's just mean," you pouted.
Akaashi sighed, "Alright, alright, sweet pea. If you can solve this problem, I'll reward you."
"Really?" You perked up. Now that he finally had your attention on the work, he won't let it go waste.
"Bingo," Akaashi confirmed.
After 17 minutes and 36 seconds (not that you were counting), you proudly showed your completed work to Akaashi.
"Kei, it's done. Where's my reward?" You leaned in closer.
Akaashi smirked. "At least let me check if you did it correctly."
To Akaashi's shock, the solution was spot on. You couldn't resist your triumphant "My reward, Keiji..."
Akaashi chuckled and leaned in a bit. Your cheeks turned as red as a tomato, and you leaned in closer too.
He handed you a candy and said, "Here, a candy for you."
You stared at his hand and then back at his face. "This isn't what I wanted," you declared.
Akaashi looked puzzled. "What do you want, then?"
You stuttered, "Well...um, something more."
It took Akaashi a moment, but then it hit him.
"Yeah," you blushed.
Akaashi fumbled for another candy and handed it to you.
Maybe he wasn't that smart after all.
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V- Chan's Dilly Dally
Hey guys <3 I really hope you would like this. I was gatekeeping this for almost a week. But here it is. Requests are really appreciated. For joining taglist, please let me know in the comments below
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Jealousy of Mine
pairing; Cc walker x nerd fem reader
summary; Forgiveness. Never an easy topic, and never an easy decision to make. CC used to joke that forgiveness was just one of those things that people talk about to make them sound like a god like they had something so hard they deserved a trophy or some sort of accolade. Cc liked to think she was smart, not nearly as smart as her peers, but she probably should have known what had happened at the party wasn't going to magically disappear any time soon. Cc had a habit of treating events like these with the least amount of importance, which irked her family to no end and you as well.
words: 7k+
Warnings; Green-eyed Cc walker, confrontation, angst with fluff, sexual tension, 18+ content, smut, Cc walker being the cutest person on earth.
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The music was almost too overbearing was what flew into CC's thoughts as she stood next to a few of her teammates, who had thankfully taken her aside and began to talk preparation about the next game that was against the high school ravens. It was a big game with a lot to ride on, and it wouldn't be exaggerating to say that was what had been running in CC's mind all week. Constant prepping, much to your annoyance.
Cc found her eyes wandering as she thought of you, a smile forming on her face at just the thought of you and your perfect smile. The way it was so sweet and radiated warmth. An Angel sent from heaven just for her. Her eyes met the large crowd and she couldn't help the deep twinge that littered her stomach as she caught sight of the sea of multitudes. Bright almost flashing lights met her eyes and she quickly excused herself. She had left you earlier with Wyatt as you both had gotten way too involved in nerd talk. As much as CC loved you she would rather barf than talk about Pokémon and how they almost crashed the stock market.
She had whispered she'd be back into your ear and you had nodded, all eager eyes focused on one of Wyatt's friends as he produced a pack of Pokémon cards, all freshly new. Needless to say, all you had done was kiss her cheek distractedly had and turned back to the group. "Oh come on James I just want one look!" Cc could hear your voice even as she began her walk through the crowds. Her nerdy girl, she almost chuckled at how cute you were. With your secret stash of Pokémon cards and English country novels.
After Cc's much-needed conversation with her teammates, head filled with soccer strategies her eyes moved to seek you out.
After Cc makes it through the sea of teenagers back to the small group of nerds she left you her face crumples as she eyes Wyatt who seems to seek his sister's eyes, his shoulders moving as he seems to point to the bathroom, pointing at his watch and signaling the number 10. 10 minutes. You had been gone 10 minutes. Cc inwardly cursed at her brother, of course, he wouldn't think to check on you. After all as special as Wyatt was, he was still a boy. A boy with no knowledge of high school parties.
CC's blonde brows crease, eying the hall full of young girls waiting in line for the bathroom, all with red cups filled with reeking alcohol. Cc can't help but feel a twinge of anxiety as she makes her way. You usually don't go to bathroom at parties, part of your rules you had set for yourself, you didn't like being by yourself, much less in a bathroom with girls who now would eye you with envious eyes as you walked down the hall, CC's arm draped over your shoulders.
It was no surprise that you were no longer need to most of the student body, now you were CC walker's girl, everyone knew that. And it didn't exactly cause friendliness affection. Cc moved through the crowds, feeling like furnace from the way heat of the people around her.
She managed to make it the door, knocking on it before asking loudly over the nauseating music. "Y/n? Sweet pea are you in there?"
It was Jessica who spoke from beside her, Jessica was a friend of yours from debate club, she creased her brows, surprised at CC. "Y/n said she was going to find you about five minutes ago? She went that way" Jessica pointed torwards the back yard. Cc sighed, getting even more restless as she had not laid eyes on you for more than twenty minutes and she could practically feel her protective instinct kick in.
Once out back Cc eyed every girl, and it was only when she felt Wyatt behind her, eyes looking for the same person. "Have you found her yet? It's not like y/n to be without either of us" Wyatt spoke, his own anxiety bouncing of him in waves.
It was only when Wyatt spoke that she followed to where his fingers pointed. And it was then that CC could feel her heart beat normally again as she caught sight of you. Only as soon as her smile came it was gone
You were sitting with Josephine March, looking a bit nervous. Cc had known Josephine since kindergarten, even pre-school. And even pre-school CC Walker had never quite gotten along with Josephine. She was sly, and spoiled to no end, and even now it took all of CC to even be on the same team with her.
The amount of times CC would finish practice with a bad taste in her mouth solely from Josephine had been enough to stop counting on one hand alone. Even recently Josephine had been treating CC like the scum on the bottom of her shoe, with too many saccharine smiles and backhanded remarks.
Now to see you sitting so close to her arch enemy it made her skin crawl and a feeling so vile take over her veins. "Why is she sitting with Josephine?" She practically gritted out, feeling her nostrils rise and her knuckles flex. Wyatt sensing his sisters discomfort only nodded, "I'm sure it's nothing. She probably couldn't find any of us and decided to go with someone she knew"
Cc chuckled sardonically at Wyatt's response, like you would ever intentionally go with Josephine march. You had been nice enough, kind enough to greet her when you met CC after practice, but you would never talk long enough to have a full conversation. Josphine probably didn't even know anything about you, other than you were the cutest person under the son, with your cheery attitude and lovely doe eyes.
Cc would be lying if she said she hadn't caught the way Josephine would eye you in the halls, her grey eyes would trail over you, like some sick pervy boy with no sense of decorum. Cc had seen the way Josphine would act around girls she found pretty, she would put on a facade, all false smiles and giggly laughs. All soft finger trailing over their arms. It made her sick, nauseous to death.
And now you were her victim. Yeah like hell you were. Cc eyed you, could tell that you were nervous, you were tapping your fingers anxiously over your red rimmed cup, which only caused CC even more concern. Last she left you had no drink in hand, and just the thought that Josphine had probably handed it to you with a soft smile and a charming, "oh it's no bother for a cute girl like you" had her walking past all the bodies across the yard. Wyatt's voice behind her, "CC wait!!"
It was like all of CC's sense were aimed at you, she could see the way your eyes skimmed the crowd, looking for her no doubt, anxiety laced in your eyes, but you were to kind to tear your eyes away from Josephine, and that was ok. Because CC would do the talking for you.
As soon as CC was near your eyes caught hers and your lip's upturned, your smile so wide and relief filling your eyes. Cc schooled her expression, seeing Josphine's obvious disdain when she caught sight her. Her pretty girl facade was out the door as quickly as it came.
"Where've you been pretty girl? I've been looking all over for you, you had me pretty worried" CC spoke, and she her body instantly calmed as you walked into her waiting arms, lip's immediately searching for her lips.
After a few kisses that made Josphine roll her eyes and gag you let go, "I was trying to find you but i got so lost that Josphine offered to sit out here while the party died down. She figured you would eventually come looking for me".
The words soured in CC's stomach. Just the way you had said it, all smiles, even sending Josephine your signature grateful smile, she had actually helped you, like she had saved you in some way.
"Oh it was no trouble CC" Josephine spoke, winking at you, "it was a pleasure to sit and talk a while with your special girl. She's as sweet as a button".
Cc could feel her lips twitch even as the words flew out of Josphine's mouth. She moved to press a secure kiss to your forehead, making sure to eye Josphine in the eyes, make her see the way her stern blue eyes were holding so much more than friendly banter. "Oh yes, my perfect pretty girl. She's one of a kind isn't she" she spoke.
Josephine only chuckled at that, like somehow through it all she had won something, like she had bested CC without her knowing. And it irked CC to no end.
"I'm going to find Wyatt, he looks a bit anxious" you spoke, eyes trailing to the boy who stood a few feet behind, worry laced in his eyes. Cc didn't acknowledge it, watching as you walked over to Wyatt, worry in your face as you began speaking to him. Now it was just CC and Josephine. Gone was the friendless that you brought with you.
Cc eyed Josphine with cold eyes, her brows creased and anger wafting out of her pours. "Stay away from my girlfriend Jo" she spoke, hoping the words would keep her steady.
The girl only eyed her, getting up and walking, almost menacingly, until she was flush against her, face to face. Blue eyes meeting cold greys.
"Have you ever thought that maybe it was your girlfriend who found me? Poor thing was so lost and looked so in need help, so I did what any gentlewoman would do, I helped her. Slayed her dragon that was causing her such despair, why? Because her girlfriend left her in a sea of people. Besides, I think she quite likes me. A few kind words and a couple stories about my humanitarian work and she was all over me".
Cc could feel her anger vibrating of her, just the way Josphine was so coy about it. She knew you well enough to know how good hearted you were, how optimistic and positive you tended to be. She used that to her as advantage. "She's got a kind heart. I see why you like her. Makes me wonder if she'd be the kind to cater to your needs." At this Josphine made direct eye contact with the blonde.
"Does she? Cater to your needs Walker? Is she a submissive little bitch?" It was said with such malice that CC could feel her chest erupt with rage and before she could advance any more forward she was pulled back roughly.
She was met with Wyatt, his calm words holding the rage at bay. "She's not worth it CC. Let it go. I sent y/n to go get the car. She doesn't need to see you like this. You'd be thrown off the team. Just think about it, the captain of the girls team causing a fight with one of her team mates?"
Wyatt's grip was hard on CC's jacket, almost like he knew just how much cc wanted to jump on top of the girl and give her a good black eye. After all Cc had given him one, on accident. She was incredibly strong for such a small girl. Holding in so much strength.
"You should really listen to your puny brother Walker" Josephine chided.
From her peripheral vision she could see Wyatt's face crumble, and maybe it was the way she knew only she could ever really understand her brother. For years he had been picked on, ruthlessly, relentlessly, cruelly. And for years CC had done nothing about it, had let him fight his own battles. But here he was, with his hands on hers, ready to help her, to save her. Well that was the last time anybody would ever cross a Walker.
"What did you call my brother?" CC growled out, blue eyes cold and frostbitten, words said between growls of pearly teeth.
Josephine only chuckled sardonically, a mini devil in the making, before using her index finger to pointedly tap roughly against CC's sweater, purposefully egging her on, practically begging her to make a move. Cc waited to hear that tiny bit of her consciousness, begging for her attention. Begging her to step away and remain the victor. Or perhaps maybe even her mothers voice, "CC we do not attack others!". But she couldn't hear it, no matter how much she wanted to. Josphine and crossed the line. First assaulting you in the most grotesque manner, and then making a pass at her brother.
For the first time since pre-school when Josphine March has purposely stole her pop rocks after lunch and proceeded to make her watch, unashamedly letting the candy pop CC Walker threw Wyatt's hand off her, before slapping Josphine match so hard across her face it ricocheted.
In hind sight CC should have known that everybody would be watching. Everybody. From the lowest of the food chain to the quarter backs of the school. All watching as Josephine let out a screech and held her now aching and bloodied nose, yelping and calling out like god himself had insulted her. "My nose is broken! Cc Walker broke my nose!" She squealed out. Cc felt her whole body go numb as realization hit her.
Everybody's voices weee loud, some of them congratulating her and others looking at the girl with wide set eyes, like they just couldn't believe that CC Walker could do that. Cc Walker remained still, eyes still set in shock. The party was far from reaching her ears, she thought of your face, how disappointed you would be. She thought of her mom, of her dad's disapproving stare. Suddenly Wyatt was by her side now, taking his sisters shoulders in his hand, worry in his eyes, "cc are you okay? Look we've got to go! Come on!" Right as he was dragging her away from the middle of the large crowd CC watched as you came in view, eyebrows creased and taking in the scene. It was obvious you had pieced it together; that or the fact that CC's right hand was bruised and red.
"Cc what the hell did you just do?" You managed to get out, and in a surprise turn of events you made your way to Josphine, bending down and asking her if she was ok, with those kind eyes. Well that just the icing on the cake.
"Are you fucking kidding me!" Cc spat, still being pulled away by Wyatt. "She doesn't know what she said cc! Come one let's get to the car and y/n will follow".
It was all a blurry haze as Cc was thrown into the truck and Wyatt finished the keys anxiously from his Pocket, his eyes filled with worry and confusion. "Cc do you just realize what you did!! I'm not mad at you for hitting her, she deserved it. But-" he grimaced, eyes meeting his sisters, her full blues beginning to water.
"You could have really hurt her CC" he seethed.
Cc could feel her emotions running rampant as she began to think back to your face, how confused and scared you had seemed upon eying her. Damn she had made a mistake. It was only then that the back door opened and you made your way inside, eyes distant and confused. Your voice soft yet rough. Almost as if you weren't quite sure to ask what had just happened.
"She's fine. Her brothers taking her to the hospital." You spoke, mostly making eye contact with Wyatt, who nodded eagerly, CC in the front seat with her knees to her chest and blue eyes red rimmed, like a child awaiting a consequence from her parents.
"They're not pressing charges are they?" Wyatt spoke, and CC could feel her heart still. She had never thought about that. Hell the Marches were loaded, they could press charges, end her soccer career in one choice.
It was your words that calmed her, "luckily I was able to convince them not to.".
Cc let out a soft laugh, of course you would still be saving her.
Wyatt nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Let's just get out of here." With that Wyatt pulled the car out of the driveway, the rest of the ride filled with nothing but breathing and quiet thoughts.
"You want to drop me of at home? That way you can take your girl home?" Wyatt spoke softly to his sister, who thankfully was looking more angry than scared.
"Yeah...yeah thanks Wy" cc spoke, giving her brother a thankful nod.
You remained quiet throughout the drive, almost like you were trying to piece together what could have happened to make your girlfriend that mad. You had known cc Walker to know that she wasn't so anger infused. You watched as CC remained motionless, blue red rimmed eyes taking in the night through the window, the wind whipping her blonde hair as the car drove.
Your heart suddenly felt conflicted. She was your girlfriend, and you trusted her with all your heart. Cc would never have done it without a fair reason.
The car ride was short and once at the walkers house Wyatt made his way out, moving to whisper something in his sisters ear before moving to press a kiss to her forehead, a sight that you weren't use to. Cc Walker was forever ruthless with her brother, Constantly making fun of him and belittling him, of course as lovingly as a sister could. but now you could see just how much CC Walker needed her brother.
Wyatt waved to you, saying goodnight before departing into the house.
You watched as CC moved to the drivers seat, remaining stoic and quiet, blue eyes moving to you, then the front seat beside her. "Aren't you going to sit? I don't bite" she playfully remarked. Only you didn't laugh, you couldn't find it in you too. Not when CC had chosen such a poor choice.
You remained quiet but chose to sit next to the girl, who looked relived that you did.
You didn't talk till you reached your house, the lights still off and your fathers truck out of sight. Leaving you to believe he was still out with his buddies. Cc turned you, hands still placed firmly on the wheel, blue eyes piercing holes into you. She looked almost annoyed, "Aren't you going to ask me what happened? Don't you want to know why I did why I did?"she was almost pleading with you.
It hurt you to even eye her red rimmed eyes. You could tell she was hurting. "I don't want to know CC" you let out, sighing and turning to her, a soft smile on your lips. "I really don't. I'm sure you had some justified reason" you mumbled out. Cc caught the implication, her blue eyes standing to attention, "and what does that mean? You think I didn't have a justifiable reason to sock her in the face?"
You blew out through your mouth, "cc can we talk tomorrow? I'm really tired and I would like to talk with you about this tomorrow-" you were about to tug open the door when CC's hand stopped yours, holding tightly.
"No! You don't get to leave! Because I did it for you!! I protected you like no one else does and you give me this!"
Cc was clutching into you fast, a look you've never seen on her face before. It was a wild type of look, a wild and rabid one. Like she was fighting some insane demons.
"You punched her for me? Oh really?? Cc!! Wake up!! You should know that you could have gone to jail! You could have gotten booked and had that on your permanent records!! Look-Cc-honey, I am glad that you felt the need to protect me. I truly am. But I am not happy nor do I condone the act of violence. I just don't-" and with that you got out of the car, leaving CC behind. You fished your keys out of your pockets, trying to find your house key. But it was then that you heard footsteps behind you. Frantic and loud.
"She called you a bitch! She made it seem like you were nothing but a piece of meat! Some slut that I date! But you aren't! You're my girlfriend and I love you! So I hit her! And I'm sorry it doesn't sit well with you but I did what I thought was right! After all you looked cozy with her when I saw you guys sitting there. You even let her get you a drink".
You hesitated, turning to CC, whose face was set in anger; her jaw slick and her nose flared.
You laughed sardonically, "so now you're pinning this on me?? Cc!! This stupid childish grudge you have toward Josephine needs to stop!! She was just helping me, I didn't even ask for the drink she gave one to me, and for the records do you think I am dumb enough that I would even drink it!"
Turning back to your door it was CC's words that made you halt.
"Yeah I think you are".
Hurt washed over you, you immediately met the blondes gaze. Her eyes cold and seeming to look you over, eying your lips and your cold cheeks that had become flushed from the cold.
"I think you are dumb if you can't even comprehend that what I did was out of love"
It was obvious that you both were not going to make any progress tonight.
"You think I was going to let her bad mouth you like that? Call you a slut? Ask how good you are in bed? Ask if you would eat her out? You think I would EVER let anyone else think about you like that?" Cc was close now, backing you against the door, her lips so close.
You could feel your heart race in your chest at how close she was, enough that you could count the flecks of blue in her Irises. Her breathe was tumbling out now, eying your soft skin beneath your neck, CC's lips aching to press against the skin and feel your pulse point beneath.
Cc remained confident as she eyed you, watching as you squirmed beneath her, her lips quirked up, "look at you, all pretty and all for me. I would never let anyone think of you the way she did...but me..." CC's eyes remained the same frost color blue, dialated and eying her with new hungry eyes.
"You wouldn't mind if I stayed a while would you? Helped you get ready for bed? Made sure the house was locked? Maybe tuck you in play with you under the sheets until I feel how soaked you are for me?".
You couldn't speak. Much less think of anything else but CC walked in your bed, touching you, panting on top of you like some wanton girl desperate for even an inch of you.
You only nodded.
Cc tutted her tongue, moving to rub beneath your jaw, her eyes watching your lips with such intensity it made your heart race and a second heart beat begin to pound underneath your jeans.
"I need words princess" she cooed, "do you want me to come in y/n? Do you want me to tuck you in all nice and pretty? Do you want me to make you a mess? My mess?"
You could feel your strength dissolving minute by minute, second by second, even as CC's fingers began to softly fall beneath your jeans, grabbing your waist and letting her fingers roam beneath your hot skin. Just the sensation alone was enough to cause you to blurt out, "fuck Cc please take me inside".
CC's eyes widened at the outburst. Her confident persona being lost for a second, you never swore. You were always sweet and kind, believed that that language was a way to express yourself rather than demean yourself.
"What?" She let out.
You were to far gone to even think about how whiny you just have looked, "CC take me inside and fuck me" you whined.
Cc stayed quiet for a moment before you reached for your keys, fumbling with them and opening the door and pulling CC in. Almost tripping on the dog bowls that laid near the entrance.
Cc caught you, her arms wrapping protectively over you. She was about to laugh when you shoved her so hard against the door, pounding on her and pulling her by her sweater, your lips immediately on hers, hands moving to grab her cheeks and run your fingers through her sweat soaked hair.
You could feel every sensation of CC's lips, even as CC remained still, careful not to touch you. As much as she loved okaying the confident girlfriend that was as far had her part would go. It was all up to you now.
You began to trail your lips against her jaw, down her neck, letting your tongue trace her hot skin and flick her ear, kissing it until CC began to let out soft gasps.
Your hand began to wander down to her jeans, your fingers sneakingly almost menacingly trailing against the frantic, rubbing just enough that CC's hips bucked, her cheeks flushed and mouth letting out a soft moan. "Oh fuck!"
You smiled victoriously before pulling her in for another kiss, this time allowing your tongue to meet her own and at the contact Cc began to gasp, pulling you in closer and beginning to take your top of, fingers moving to pull the fabric of.
You didn't mind, still kissing the girl like your life depended on it.
"What...what time does your dad get home?" Cc spoke, you sighed Against her lips, "not till eleven. Poker night" you managed to get out, pulling away just long enough that you lead her to your room, closing the door and locking it for a more secure measure.
Once alone in your room you watched as CC eyed you, her face stone still, eyes filled with arousal but also something else.
"We don't have to do anything-I-I mean I really want to but I-I don't want to make you feel like you have too! I was just playing confident out there but I really am not confident-" she began to ramble.
You were only focused on how cute she looked, sitting on the edge of your bed, cheeks flushed and blonde hair a while mess. Her tongue running a million miles a minute.
You moved so we're sitting on her lap, moving touch your foreheads together. Breathing in her scent.
"I want it. I want you. Please CC"
That was all it took. Once you both were out of your clothes CC began to pepper kisses all over your neck, relishing in the way you seemed to moan at just the way cc was on top of you, hips meeting yours.
"Take off your pants. I want to feel you against me" you managed to get out. Once Cc managed to get out of her clothes she settled against you, relishing in the feeling of your hot skin against yours, smooth and soft.
"I love you" she spoke, her eyes moving down to your chest, and you watched as her eyes lit up upon seeing your breasts.
"Oh fuck they're even more beautiful than I imagined" she let out, she moved to eye you, "can I-" you laughed, let out a giggle before nodding.
"Well they are yours so I wouldn't mind if-" your breathe caught in your throat as CC's tongue traced over your nipple, biting it before pulling. Her eyes closed and looking like she was in heaven. Just the feel of Cc'd mouth on you was enough for you to whine, your moans seeming to spurr the blonde on even more.
"Yeah...sing for me just like that baby girl" cc spoke. "You're doing so well for me, you're doing so well sitting and letting me play with you like a good girl. That's what you are aren't you love bug, a good girl".
It was at that moment that the familiar jingle of the door made its way through the vents and your eyes widened, CC's mouth halted, her blue eyes widening. "Your dads here".
Immediately Cc bolted upright, finding her clothes and with the strength of a madman began to fix her hair.
You yourself began putting on some pajamas and it was your dads voice that made you let out a laugh, "why is the dog food all over the floor?"
Cc immediately shushed you, "if your father finds me here I will never be able to come over again! I'll die and my mother will have to buy me a gravestone!"
You only laughed, "just be quiet cc.".
It was your dads voice that spoke again, nearly shaking CC to her core.
"Y/n you here??"
Once you replied you moved to CC, taking your hand in hers.
"Thank you. For protecting me. I'm sorry I got mad at you. I just- I believe you are capable of so much. And I didn't think you behaving that way was evidence of that".
Cc laughed, moving to leave a few kisses on your lips, "I'll always be there for you." It was when your dad began to knock on your door that cc immediately flew out of your window, leaving so quick you forgot she was even there.
It was only upon getting home that CC truly felt stupid. She had managed to get in undetected so far, but as soon as she was halfway down the hall the lights came on and cc sighed. Moving to eye her parents.
Her mother eyes her with serious eyes, "care to share where you were?".
Cc let out a laugh, "I dropped y/n off at her house. We had a fight so we talked things over".
It was only then that Wyatt came near, whispering in her ear.
Her shirt was inside out
Forgiveness. Never an easy topic, and never an easy decision to make. Cc use to joke that forgiveness was just one of those things that people talk about to make them sound like a god, like they had something so hard they deserved a trophy or some sort of accolade. Cc liked to think she was smart, not nearly as smart as her peers, but she probably should have known what had happened at the party wasn't going to magically disappear any time soon. Cc had a habit of treating events like these with the least amount of importance, which irked her family to no end and you as well.
After all you had stormed into her life with your perfect scholarly grades and basic human decency skills, which included living life and knowing that reality happened. Cc could still hear your voice, "wake up cc! You need to realize that this is reality and you can't just sweep your problems under the rug".
As always you had been one hundred percent true. After cc had made it home after dropping you of and maybe having a bit of a heart attack after your father magically appeared home  also ruining her sexual fantasy she had made it home with a mind full of guilt and regret. Cc knew she should have handled Josephine differently. She should have acted with a sense of decorum, should have left with you and Wyatt in tow, having the confidence enough to walk away.
But she hadn't.
News got around fast and it was obvious that Wyatt had spilled the beans because the minute she had walked in her parents had been the first sight she saw. Cc had hung her head, watercolored eyes looking to the marble floor in remorse, but also with regret. After the whole fiasco that had happened during Christmas it was like Cc and her mom suddenly had a connection. Her mom was far less controlling, and in return Cc was more appreciative.  It was the feeling of knowing she had let  down her mom that seemed to shake her bones. Seemed to really make reality hit.
She was not a toddler making mistakes for the first time, nor could she pin the event of some crazy teenage outburst, because it was evident she had done it for a reason.  Her parents had sat her down in the kitchen, watching as CC sat down begrudgingly, blue eyes rimmed red yet again for an entirely different reason. Her mother had surprised her, instead of telling her of or looking at her with cold eyes her mother had took CC's pale cheeks in her hands, cupping them like they were the most precious thing that ever was on the earth. Cc knew that, because she had seen her mother do the same very thing when Miles had been born, and she knew her mother loved her with all her heart.  And that included her mistakes. "As a good mother should she holds room for all her children's mistakes".
It had taken her mother's warm soft cool brown eyes and her father's warm hand on her back and she had began crying. "I didn't mean to hit her...." Her mother bit her lip, moving to wipe some fresh tears from her face. "Wyatt explained what happened. We'd like to hear your story if that's ok with you sweetheart" her mother had said.
So cc told them everything. From the way jospohine had always acted toward her, this violent rage that resulted in clashing tensions during practice.  She spoke of the way she had spoke about you, and how it had ached and twisted at her insides even the thought of anyone disrespecting you. She spoke of the taunts and the way Wyatt had crumbled at the cruel remark. She spoke of the way her body had feeezed as her hand made contact with Josphine's jaw. The utter and crippling pain that had passed through her fingers, every tendon and bone numb.
She spoke of you, and your utter devotion of making sure no charges were pressed, of your anger at her for not treating it like it was the big almost monstrous deal it was. She stopped there, not wanting her parents to know how the rage had quickly turned into hot mouths wandering and swear words mirrored with delicious moans that still made her head swoon.
Her mother had remained quiet for a moment, eyes meeting her daughters dimmed blues. Her mother had got up, rummaging through the medical cabinet in the walkers prestige white kitchen, pulling out a bottle of Colloidal silver, and with soft hands moved to take CC's injured hand in hers. Cc had winced as her mother went over the bruised red rimmed flesh, "you've always been my firecracker CC" she had began. "But I'm not mad at you, while I think you should have acted differently, I applaud you for your protectiveness over your brother and your girlfriend. That doesn't mean I can shield you from the consequences, you will have to face the music, but if it's any consolation we love you and nothing, nothing you could ever do would make us view you any differently".
Now maybe if you robbed a bank or went to jail for credit card fraud we'd have to have a serious talk" her mothers jestfull eyes loomed into hers and CC let the way her chest bubbled over with laughter take her.
The punishment hadn't been severe, no use of the car for the weekend, and sadly no visits from you. CC's mom had been the one to call you, her mother had taken a shine to you after she had saw how hard you had tried to get CC to study for a test. She loved how persistent yet encouraging you were. You had a bright and almost jovial spirit. And maybe she just liked seeing the way CC's eyes would light up and her smile would rise at the sight of you.
CC's in jail for the weekend" she had joked with you on the phone. "No communication outside her jail cell".
Cc had rolled her eyes playfully and had stabbed her fork into her sausage, acting like a petulant child as her mother hogged her girlfriend. Part of the rule had been no talking. Any normal teenager would have thought that as house arrest or abuse of some sort, but seeing as it was only two measly days Cc didn't mind. And apparently neither did you from the way you sang like a canary with her mother, talking about designer antique sets that would lovely with the white kitchen.
Wyatt had been a great help, a rock that cc relied upon. He had been by her side since she was born and she was just learning now how amazing he was. He spent the whole weekend with her, playing video games that were way too nerdy and even kicking the ball around outside.
"Are you nervous about what coach will say on Monday?" He had asked, holding the checkered ball in his hands, omitting the very one crucial rule of the game, no hands. But cc relented, watching her brothers flushed cheeks as he rolled the ball in his fingertips. Cc brought her water bottle to her lips, wiping some of the water off her chin, her blue eyes hesitant to answer. "I have this feeling that the minute I walk through those doors is the minute something bad will happen. Is that stupid?" She had asked.
Wyatt had looked at her with those soft brown eyes, a look of understanding in them. "You're asking me that question? No C, it's not crazy. It's very real, very practical, very logical. I would be very terrified if you weren't feeling like that".
"But what if I do kicked off the team? You saw the party Wyatt EVERYONE was there. It will be the talk of the week, maybe even the year".
Wyatt had brought his sisters close to him by her shoulders, head leaning close to hers enough for eyes to meet.
"If you kicked off the team...then that's the price you'll pay for being a total badass".
A smirk over took CC's features, her blonde hair waving in the wind, "it will hurt. I'll doubtless end up without a soccer career."
"You do realize that your career will not be impacted slightly by you not playing for a few months?"
Wyatt swiftly ran away from his sister, moving to miss the soccer all that was aimed at him.
Sunday came around and CC had found herself busy babysitting, and surprisingly she didn't mind one bit. It had started out as a quick errand, her mom was making roast for dinner and took one look at the spice rack and she was getting her purse. "Cc be a dear and watch miles for me, he needs his lunch. I have some peas and bananas for him in the fridge" her mother spoke frantically as she kissed CC's forehead out of habit. "Oh and don't forget he won't eat it if you don't feed him with the blue spoon, not the green one the blue- oh and he will need a diaper change after that-"
Cc had only nodded to her mother, a trick she had learned before eventually her mother was out the door, car zooming past the street.  It had been a quiet Sunday  afternoon at home, her father was out, with the band as usual, and Wyatt had gone out with Ariana, Cc begging him with soft eyes to "have fun for her".
So that had left CC at home with Miles, who sat on his high chair, blue watercolored eyes begging his sister to feed him. Cc only smiled as she brought the food out, making sure to get the blue spoon in the process. She eyed the container, even smelling the baby food, a surprise look on her face.
I can't believe you like that Miles, it's icky. Icky baby food" she spoke, moving to tickle mikes cheeks. He laughed in return, his babbles turning into his newly baby English, his cheeks flushed as he looked at his sister, "Ceeeeeee food!" He whined out.
Cc only shook her head playfully, moving to sit down next to his high chair and scoop out the baby food, bringing it to her brothers lips. Miles remained still, eying the blonde with expecting eyes. Almost like he knew something was missing.
"Aren't you going to eat it?" Cc spoke, trying again.
Miles only eyed his sister, seeming to find it humorous as CC's eyebrows raised. "Come on miles! You gotta eat! Mom will be mad if I just let you go".
It was only then that Miles began to babble, his little chubby fingers hitting the high hair, "Ceeee go Zooom!" He babbled.
And suddenly it became apparent what he wanted. So cc doing her big sister duties began making the spoon fly and and zoom past the kitchen before landing in mikes mouth.
"Flight 456 you have docked" she out on her best host voice. Miles laughed, now eating the food. Cc sighed, moving to wipe his mouth. And it was only then that the house phone began to ring. With a sigh cc picked it up, holding it to her shoulder as she fed miles.
"Walker residence. Cc speaking" she began.
"Is it bad if I called just to see if you would pick up?" Your familiar voice filled her ears.
Cc couldn't help the large smile that filled her face, after just a single day of no communication after leaving you in a rushed frantic, while also walking home with the stinging way her body felt under your touch, your voice was very much welcomed.
"I thought my mom said you couldn't call me" cc began, eyes watching as miles eyed her as he sucked on the spoon.
I know I know, it's just-I missed you. After the way you left on Friday, it was hard to get you out of my head" was your response. Which had been true. There was no way you could get the image of CC Walker, face flushed and backing you into your door, her hot mouth leaving kisses down your neck. You had wished your father had been ten minutes late.
Cc felt her cheeks flush, her stomach filled with the white heat of arousal as she pictured how you looked when she left, face flushed and neck littered with fresh hickeys.
" I didn't want to leave, trust me  I would have taken you right there on your floor for your father to hear but...it didn't seem right. It felt rushed. When we do cross that line I want it to be slow. I want to take my time with you".
You flushed, feeling your face get hot. You looked a sight with your head on your pillow and phone against your ear, the direct definition of love sick.
"Oh trust me CC the feelings mutual".
It was the loud babbling through the phone that caught your ear, a small smile forming. "Is miles with you?".
At that Miles began to babble again, this time angrily as his sister had stopped feeding him, distracted.
"Okay! Okay! Geez kid" cc spoke.
You laughed, "he's impatient...like someone I know" you teased.
Cc could feel the beefy change as the line was quiet before your soft voice, "you nervous about tomorrow? I know coach said she wanted to see you in the morning".
Cc sighed, breathing out a sigh. Blue eyes tired. "I'm starting to wish we never went to that party. I'm going to kicked off the team y/n, I just know it. I feel it in my bones".
"Maybe that's not such a bad thing. And before you go off on me...this is a good consequence for you. Next time you'll remember your actions. Right cc bear?".
The nickname made her cheeks flush, "ok mom" she shot back.
You didn't know what got into to you, maybe it was the fact that you had spent your weekend with  thoughts of Cc but the words were out before you could stop them. You wanted to tease her, make her twist in her seat, just a little.
"Oh but don't you mean mommy?"
Cc nearly dropped the baby food, eyes wide and heart pounding. "Need I remind you a child is near" she began. Causing you to giggle. 
You laughed, "well I have to go, dads home. But I just wanted to call you and tell you I love you. I'll be there tomorrow at school if you need to decompress...in the girls bathroom, I'll wear my best skirt. But seriously CC, I'm always there for you. I know how much soccer means to you, so if you need me to come and sit with you or cry with you or laugh with you...I'm there. I'll see you tomorrow cutie bear." And like that the line was dead.
Cc remained gobsmacked, "your aunt is really pushing it kid" she spoke.
The minute Monday morning arrived was the minute that CC began to feel the impending doom. She thought of faking an illness, maybe a sore throat, a cough, but then she remembered your voice. The encouraging way you had spoken to her over the phone. Trusting her, having faith in her that she would face the consequences. That she was strong enough to.
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