#sweetest anonymous
shkika · 24 days
this isn't anything really, but i just found out about vv1 (or w1 idk how its supposed to be typed) and i think they're super cool! you don't have to respond to this i just wanted to say that they're a cool creature :)
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Thank you!!! Thank you so much it means a lot it really does.
W1 accepts all the love and kisses you give it I promise!
It honestly means a lot to me that I've seen quite a few systems really enjoy W1 or resonate with them. It makes me incredibly happy.
Oh also! W1 and VV1 are used interchangeably on my blog, but the tag for this beast is #w1
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canisalbus · 1 year
Vasco makes me so happy c': his soft eyes, warm tones and just everything about him makes me feel so warm UGH. And I adore his clothing style too. He just seems like such a sweet lad oh my! Thank you for sharing your beautiful characters with us <33
Thank you! I'm glad he brightens your days! ;_;
I keep thinking how doglike he is in the way he acts. He's excitable, emotional, humorous and has a certain freeness to him. He may get sad or angry occasionally but bounces back quickly. He's friendly to everyone unless given a good reason not to. He loves his favorite people fiercely and unconditionally.
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banksreads · 2 years
men who can cook>>
(ps this keeps getting updated)
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john tucker (Off Campus Series)
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Zade Meadows (Cat and Mouse Duet)
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Tristan Caine (The Dark Verse Series)
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Tobias King (The Ravenhood Series)
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Kai Mori (Devil's Night Series)
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Nico Russo (The Made Series)
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Josh Chen (Twisted Series)
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Tristan King (Lingus)
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Raphael Visconti (Sinners Anonymous Series)
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Declan Kane (Dreamland Billionaire Series)
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Beckham Sinclair (Black Ties and White Lies)
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Garrett and Ryder Viper (Den of Vipers)
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Knox Eden (The Edens Series)
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Jasper Vale (The Edens Series)
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Zeno De la Croix (Corrupted By You)
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Joey Lynch (Redeeming 6)
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Jameson Miles(The Stopover)
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Tristan Miles (The Takeover)
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indiaalphawhiskey · 3 months
sometimes i think about your gapt au and get so excited and happy 😁😁😁 so i come back and read the snippets and get even more excited!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ even before being finished and published your stories bring me joy so thank you for that
Oh, my darling! 🥹🥹🥹
Thank you so much, you have no idea. I’ve been in such a writing funk recently, and it’s felt endless, and I think about all the time I’m “wasting” and how much I want GAPT AU to exist, and how worried I am that it never will.
The kindest thing you could have ever said to me was what you just said. I’m glad whatever I have written has made a little bit of an impact, ❤️❤️❤️ thank you for being so kind.
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oflights · 4 months
love how much you love bg3 and also looking forward to the fic because i'll read anything you write despite me not really knowing what bg3 is tbf :))
just out of curiosity, do you think you'll ever write drarry again?
ahhh thank you!! haha this is the sweetest kind of message to get tbh. bg3 is a video game and it's completely fair not to know what it is 😂 i was def not expecting it to take over my brain like this!!
i definitely think i will! first, because i left the gilmore girls AU almost finished, like really close, and i hate leaving things like that unfinished. i also had really fun ideas i never got to and i know i want to circle back to them at some point!
the issue is that i tend to need to burn through whatever inspiration i have at the moment and follow the brain worms, so to speak. i stopped writing the gilmore girls AU so close to the finish line because i could feel it starting to drag and become really difficult as i wanted to write other things, and i didn't want to do the idea a disservice.
so i don't know when the drarry switch in my brain might flip again, but i don't feel done with them at all. just very consumed by bloodweave at the moment 🥲
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jgracie · 4 months
imagine calling Jason "my sweet boy" or "my perfect boy" HE'D MELT
YES he is such a sucker for praise 😭 even tho it is something he’s trying to outgrow and get rid of he still can’t help but want to be praised every once in a while 😭 i think especially post memory loss when he finds out he did all that for camp jupiter just for them to not care AT ALL and replace him w percy immediately (i will never not be mad ab this 🤬) !!! because it’s like if helping to defeat kronos himself isn’t enough what more can i do? so u always have to remind him that his best is enough no matter what anyone says 😣 def teared up the first couple times you called him that too ☹️
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uniiiquehecrt · 6 months
Pre Ragnarok Thor used to be playful at times. Post Ragnarok Thor is a full on himbo.
But people mistaking / aligning his past playful behavior with his current himboness is what makes me pull out my hair.
"He was always a himbo!" NO HE WASN'T!
I’M JOINING YOU THERE 😭😭😭 Thor was PLAYFUL. He was SASSY. He was FUNNY and good-natured and kind and knew how to navigate situations to lift people up again. But Ragnarok!Thor and Love and Thunder!Thor just hurt me. The way he shattered that glass temple without a thought in the L+T introductory scene hurts my soul....
The only films I will defend as NOT disrespectful and out of character for Thor are “Infinity War�� and, surprisingly enough, “Endgame”. (Both of which are unsurprisingly the ones NOT DIRECTED by our favorite daffodil man.)
But I mainly say that because Infinity War!Thor is in league with the original 2 Thor films, characterization wise, just with a darker tone, more fierce temper, and an entire insanity arc + revenge quest in tow... and Endgame I give a pass ONLY to Thor himself, and the things that he says and the actions that he takes. Mostly: the excessive drinking, food consumption as a stress reliever, and the concept of trying to escape his real world through a fantasy of some sort... (though I DESPISE the video game gag. It should have been actually anything else.)
The issue I take with Endgame is not Thor, but how the world and the characters surrounding Thor react to Thor from the first second to the last. They’re constantly making fun of him, belittling him, not including him in any team planning, blaming him for the snap, not trying to help him stop his blatantly obvious self destruction, are otherwise are openly and callously disgusted by or uncomfortable by his being there in the room for the aforementioned self-destruction, and that’s not talking about ABANDONING HIM FOR FIVE YEARS when everyone NOT NAMED TONY should have known better. (And I guess Clint because they weren’t ever close and Clint had his own heavy stuff going on.)
Steve should have checked in. He’s the leader and was Thor’s closest friend on the team. Natasha should have checked in, because she always USED to try and check in, and was taking charge of the team at the time. Bruce should have never left Thor completely in the first place, because nobody would understand how vulnerable, unsteady and in a dangerous place Thor would be in, mentally, emotionally and physically, than Bruce “The other guy spat it out” Banner, who let me remind everybody was THERE DURING THE LAST THREE TERRIBLE TRAGEDIES TO SEE IT FIRSTHAND. Rocket doing his own thing makes sense but then AT LEAST have him act with some level of patience towards Thor because he clearly was able to during Infinity War, and he would know better than anyone else (not named Bruce) how Thor is feeling and how awful it is.
And before anyone says “well they were all going though their own stuff and couldn’t be there for him” then I raise to you that Natasha was almost obsessively checking in with everyone and actively trying to keep things running, and Steve was hosting an emotional support and therapy group for post!snap victims in Falcon’s stead. Bruce was doing god knows what. The only person actually indisposed was Clint and he and Thor weren’t ever even close to begin with. And if you say “oh but they probably blamed him for the snap and that’s why” I just need you to really think about that statement and how awful that is, because they’re supposed to be his team and his friends. His earthen found family outside of the Jane crew. And even if they did blame Thor because they don’t know about Peter Quill and Gamora (who I’m sorry but I love Gamora; the snap is ENTIRELY her fault.) then that STILL doesn’t mean they can just ostracize and abandon the man and his people for five years because they’re mad.
I also take extreme issue with the cinematography team and the editing team for that film for deliberately making Thor the butt of the joke during the “how do we get the stones” scene in particular. (when Thor would have been the most valuable team asset. You know. Because he researched them and the glove made for them was made in one of HIS territories with HIS space metals.) and probably also that stupid “I think I’m having a panic attack” line because nobody says that. Otherwise, the man is drowning in his own despair at best and actively suicidal at worst because of everything that has ever happened to him the past 10 year phases 1-3 run, but yeah sure I guess that’s funny. And not unbearably heartbreaking.
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detectivestucks · 5 months
Don't worry babes, I'm not going anywhere. I got plenty more smut left in me. 🤣
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redstone-sun · 1 year
I had a feeling railroads weren’t probably a bigger thing in the game, but I can’t remember myself 😂 Just sounded fun though! He is def the type to get his hands dirty though, you’re absolutely right. He does give me evil capitalist vibes tho 😂 I could also see him attempting to run for like. Whatever the equivalent of a leader there is, like some kind of minister I thinkkk? (<- Doesn’t know how politics work). But otherwise just dips into a bunch of things. Has a bit of wealth in multiple things, ya know? Invested in more than one place idk. And of course has his hobbies
REGARDLESS god yes his relationships with people and the way he sees people in general is absolutely amazing. I love that huge disconnect he has with everyone, lives life so differently from them and mfs a sociopath and can’t genuinely work with people for shit. They might work FOR him but I’d be surprised if he ever worked WITH someone. I wanna punch him in the face 💛 ~ sweetest-honeybee🐝
oh yeah i had him run for mayor in one fic of mine bc that totally fit, looking for power over others and prestige
and i agree he isnt one to put all his eggs in one basket in terms of money, he definitely has his hand in all sorts of trades, even the less reputable ones like spirifage and gaoler's honey
a point i made on the 77-2 discord was that yes he's alone by choice he also goes out of his way to still mess w grian and mumbo, so he still wants SOME connection even if its just asserting his own authority and harassing people. that was what was fun about writing the grandest performance is bc hex gets fucking owned by mumbo. yes its fun that he gets punched in the face but i bet he gets punched in the face a lot. what mumbo does is point out that hex has NO ONE. if hex got dawnstruck or turned into jack, NO ONE would look for him. no one would care about him as a person past HIS use to THEM. he's doomed himself to this life, and yes he enjoys it but sometimes i wonder if he ever realizes he's holding onto this life with only his fingernails and as soon as anything goes wrong he is fucked.
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orpheuslament · 1 year
btw in honour of unreal unearth day im curious about ur thoughts on hozier thanks
i love him soooooo much i saw him live + met him afterwards in 2019 & it was the best moment of my life
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heehoonies · 25 days
Jake is so-
jake IS so 🥺
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verreprincesse · 28 days
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Anonymous dreamed: “There you are, Princess-to-be.” The figure was cloaked in shadows, his posse in different areas of the shopping area. They had been told to wait the blonde out, to wait for her to separate from the castle before trying anything. “What’s a little mouse like you doing so far from home?” He stepped away from the wall he leaned on towards her as one of his men grabbed the maid with her. They all were large, looming men who had been paid to do a job. Quick as a snake he grabbed the blonde’s wrist and pulled her against him with a leering grin. “Ah, I see why Charles likes you so much, you are a cute little thing. Maybe I’ll have a taste while we wait for the other half of our money.” He clasped a hand over her mouth, a rag pressed to both her lips and nose. “Your stepmother says ‘hello’ by the way.”
She had gone into town to buy a few gifts for Charles' parents. She wanted to make something, a gift to show her gratitude for everything they had done. She was a titled lady now. Her father's title to be more precise, had been given to her, yanked from her stepmother's greedy hands, and bestowed on Ella like a warm blanket. Even though she would soon be a princess consort it was nice to have something that was hers. Something she would be bringing into the marriage instead of just her name.
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She had let the head maid know she would be taking her personal maid, Mary, with her and to let the family know where she would be. She promised to not be long. It was nice to be among the shops as a customer for herself instead of picking up for her stepfamily. To indulge in the side of herself she had buried for far too long. She did buy herself a few items that caught her eye and something for Mary too. Ever since the countryside, she had gotten close with her maid.
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"Let's check this store out!" Ella exclaimed, tugging her maid along until the voice in the shadows stalled their feet. "Pardon?" She gripped Mary's arm tightly, her mind beginning to race. "We don't want any trouble, Sir. We are just shopping for my family." She didn't like the man's tone, nor his words. She wasn't advanced enough with her own magic to do any real harm to the man, so instead she took a small step back in hopes of getting closer to the crowds, to find some safety. She would push Mary to safety if it meant one of them could get away.
As if the man knew what she was thinking, Mary was wrenched from her arm and Ella was pulled to the man. Panic coursed her veins and she struggled. "Let me go!" The burning panic turned to ice-cold fear when he mentioned tasting her. No! Only Charles was allowed to be intimate with her, only he knew of her spots that made her melt. "You're vile! You can't have me!" She yanked against his firm grip but the moment she felt the rag against her face and the sweet-smelling chemical she knew she was in trouble.
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She screamed for him in her head and as the chemical swarmed into her body she heard the man's last words, falling into the terrified hole her stepmother would always make her feel. She should have known her stepmother would retaliate by having her title taken, from her income stripped from her hands.
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weirdlythneederina · 1 month
🌊 Hey there, just a quick note to remind you that it’s okay to take things one step at a time. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, but that’s where the beauty of new possibilities comes in. Trust the process, even when the path isn’t clear. You’ve got the creativity and the courage to turn unexpected moments into something extraordinary. Keep moving forward, and know that the twists and turns are just part of your unique journey. 🌊
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Awwww! 🥺🥺🥺
You have no idea how much that means to me! Granted, I've gotten better at managing this double life, but I'll admit it's been kind of challanging having to juggle all these different blogs, my other platforms, and stuff outside the digital landscape XP
But I'm not gonna stop! Nuh, uh!
Truth be told, I love to create and share my creations with those around me, so yeah, it gets hard sometimes, but if my art brightens even one person's day it's all with it! :3
So thank you Anon 💐🩷
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remusjohnslupin · 11 months
Hello. long time follower here. first, I was so happy to hear that you came back to tumblr after a long absence. I saw your (and your husband's) sporadic posts over the years and I found out that you have kids now! congratulations!!!! <3 when you two were most active, you both were still dating and basically dominating the silmarillion readalong on behalf of teamedain. years pass so quickly. anyway, I just wanted to say it's so good to have you back and your hatred of ---
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This is honestly, genuinely, sincerely, the best message I ever received here. I teared up because when you talk to me about Tolkien + nostalgia, you hit me in the guts, OK?
I REMEMBER OUR SILM READLONG CHALLENGE! And how TeamEdain dominated because lbr here, Edain is the best. But the whole thing was so awesome; there were so many great discussions, creative works and friendly competition. And for that, we have to thank @askmiddlearth.
Yes, James and I were dating then, we are married now. We have two children actually, and a third on the way. He works a lot more hours than me, so I don't see him coming back here any time soon. But I will definitely relay your message to him. Because if you think adulthood responsibilities and fatherhood diminished his passion for Tolkien, you are wrong.
We would never lose sight of our, as you said, beloved Professor's work.
As for the garbage-that-shall-not-be-named... I will leave you with a Tolkien quote to explain:
“The Shadow that bred them can only mock, it cannot make: not real new things of its own. I don't think it gave life to the orcs, it only ruined and twisted them, and if they are to live at all, they have to live like other living creatures.”
Our beloved Professor's (Eru) works and the amazing adaptation by Peter Jackson (Valar) created something amazing.
And the Shadow (Amazon) ruined and twisted it, and what we have in the end is a gross Orc (Rings of Power.)
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snoopyracing · 2 months
hi!!! just wanted to say for a first time SMAU writer I wouldnt believe that bc that's literally one of th best SMAUs I've ever read, the posts, the tweets, the msgs, the progression I'm really excited to see what you come up with next
omg thank you 🥺 this makes me feel more confident for part 2!!
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stinkrascal · 2 months
i looooove that brie is super powerful right off the bat. power fantasies my beloved (/gen)
🙈 thank you anon, she truly is the power fantasy oc of all time for me
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