#sweetest baby waffle ever 🥺
lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hmmm... Whatabout modern!chubby!aegon learning that the reader has issues with eating? I feel like that could be an interesting little story. Like nothing all that serious, just that the reader often skips meals to get to work earlier, or they cook Aegon dinner but don't leave much for themselves, because they want to make sure our precious babyboi is well-fed but don't care too much about themselves.
Aegon would notice this after a while, and lemme tell you he is NOT having it. Aegon grew up very spoiled, he's never been pressed for time when it comes to eating, nor has he ever dealt with food insecurity in terms of wealth (i.e. he's always had enough money to have 3 meals a day).
So Aegon decides he's gonna learn how to cook, so that he can wake up earlier than you and make you breakfast n things like that :)) you notice, and 1. It's the sweetest goddamn thing ever and you just wanna squish his chubby cheeks and give him kisses for it (cuteness aggression is a real thing, people), and 2. Seeing him in the kitchen with his stupid little apron, puttering around like a housewife kind of drives you CRAZY.
Maybe the reader literally pins him onto the kitchen counter and takes him like that, apron and all, while he's covered with sugar IDK
Aegon also becomes a bit of a hobby-chef because of this, which I think suits him so well. Little babyboi making a bunch of different dishes, asking the reader to try them out with a worried look on his face (he really values your opinion! 🥺). You always tell him his food is amazing though. You might hate seafood beyond belief, but when this boy makes you salmon the reader will eat the whole damn thing and tell him its michelin-star quality.
I can imagine he also puts on a bit more weight because of this. He's always been fluffy, but he maybe starts becoming a little insecure of himself? Like he doesn't quite know if you mind him being a little chubbier. That worry doesn't last long, cuz within 5 seconds, you're back home and squishing his cheeks and belly and laying your head on his soft thighs, and he realizes he really doesn't have to worry about it (with maybe some sweet reassurance from the reader?? Idk I love that shit istg 👀👀)
sorry this was so long! I just love hobby-chef chubby!aegon so I figured I'd spread the idea like a virus lmao 💚
GRRRRR bestie this is everything, some fluff for our fluffy boy <3 the detail in this was everything, I hope I give you justice!!!!
Seconds, Please?
PAIRING: Modern!chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,357.
WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder, mentions of self-inflicted fatphobia, swearing, dry humping, smut, size difference kink, hint of food play.
A/N - I need this domestic chubby man in my life so bad, please. apologies if I changed or added a few things, it all just came to me in the moment AHAHA <3
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Domestic bliss was true, and much to your cause, you were reaping the perks that naturally came with it. Aegon was a loyal, committed partner, a considerate soul, that although many underestimated his capability in a relationship, had proven otherwise...
"Babe, you barely ate your dinner last night, and now you're off to work without having eaten a proper breakfast-" He'd worriedly confessed, remaining seated at the small, circular dining table, his mouth partially full of syrup soaked waffles, as he obediently devoured the last gulp of his breakfast.
"Aeg, baby, I only just managed to whip up something for you. Couldn't leave my big boy to starve now, could I?" You tease, as you hastily gather your belongings in your tote, cutting his soft "but" as you bid him farewell, planting a fast, hard peck on the top of his short, platinum hair.
Aegon, much to his guilt, had only just recently begun to notice how little you ate, in comparison to him. The more it played with his mind, the more sinister the thoughts would become.
Had you developed an eating disorder, that he was so blissfully ignorant to all the signs? Allowing for you to endure such a thing...
Or was it, that you had grown ashamed of his overgrown size, that you felt the need to starve yourself?
Mayhaps, the stress of work and having to care for Aegon on top, your appetite had grown weary and lesser? All because he was selfishly indulgent with the affection and attention you spoiled him with...
He stopped midway to lifting the fork into his mouth to devour the final piece, closely gazing at the slice of the delectable waffle on his fork, that you'd so thoughtfully cooked for him, before throwing it back down on the plate shamefully. The intense guilt he felt brewing in the pit of his stomach, made it feel sinful to finish it. How could he, whilst you went about your day hungry? Connecting the dots, like a pieces to a puzzle, he'd noticed how recently fatigued you were, always desperate for a nap or an early night, often having finished work late from the law firm. These past few weeks, you'd been worked to the bone. The more he dwelled on your frail appearance, he'd come to realise just how weary and thinner you'd grown [not losing an abundant amount, although enough to see how loose your clothes had grown], along with the difference in size between yourself and him, was quite noticeable.
What would others think? That he was the culprit for his girlfriend's malnourishment? Him a 'greedy hog', binging and consuming everything and anything edible on sight, of course, there'd be none left for you to eat. Many of your excuses ranged from not feeling hungry at all [your mind too preoccupied with endless amounts of deadlines], or that you were too tiresome. And in the moments that you'd spared to eat, your appetite was shortcoming, and often you'd plea for Aegon to finish off your leftovers. Now he felt even more woeful, unlike before, the guilt would devour him inside out.
In conclusion... You were too good for him, he did not deserve you. Something needed to change, he did.
"No more fucking around, Aegon, fuck-" He brutally thought to himself, as he arduously heaved himself up: belly sated and full, a pudgy, sticky hand instinctively patted over his belly, as the other grabbed the dishes, placing it in the sink. He was intent on changing his outdated habits.
He could not do much to change his appearance overnight let alone in a few hours, nor was he keen to, if he was being frank. He knew you were quite fond of his new-found softness, having not complained thus far, he was not overly big. Your affections towards him would prove just how desirous you felt, on your behalf: the way his plush body would smother and pin against you when either of you felt a little frisky. And during the cold, winter nights, the way his extra padding and natural body heat would radiate, acting like insulation, as he held you tightly in his thick arms. You felt so incredibly secure. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he refused to take that away from you.
It was time he took charge...
"Aeg, I'm home!" You tiresomely call out, breathless as you walk in with your brimful bag and more paper work clutched desperately in your hands, more than what you had initially left home with.
Yet, no response in return.
You slowly linger through the hallway, as you remove your heels, adjusting the papers in your hand, before walking down.
"Aegon-" You worringly repeat once more.
Aegon was often at home most days of the week, for his family owned a wealthy, accounting business. Growing up rich and dependent, it seemed that Aegon grew accustomed to this comfortable lifestyle, and you truly couldn't blame him, he had no part. Although, his parents financially supported him even till now, and provided maids to attend to his needs during his youth, his parents remained absent: often he'd express his discontent with them, and rightfully so. However, he'd just messed up a huge investment opportunity, and was temporarily suspended, thus, he was at home for most of the time. Sitting around, finding solace in snacking to get by the long, lonesome hours, as he eagerly awaited for your return from work. Nonetheless, you had a soft spot for him, and tried to go above and beyond for him, to prove he did not need them anymore...
"In the kitchen-" He loudly yelled, followed by thunderous clangs of metal pots/plates. Your nerves began to set in, was the meals you often prepared for lunch and left in the fridge, not enough? Perhaps, this time they were not tasteful enough for him?
"Hey, baby-" He warmly coos, as he walks over towards you, planting a soft kiss on your flustered cheek.
"Sorry, I've made a bit of a mess, not used to where everything is. I promise, I'll clean it up once I'm done-" He pleas, as he walks back towards the oven where, what appears to be a freshly made pizza is brewing.
In silence, you gradually examine the surrounding and Aegon, himself. Although the kitchen was a rightful mess, used plates, sauce, chopped vegetables, pepperoni slices, and shredded mozzarella strands spread all over the counter, like some deconstructed art piece. And Aegon, donned in a white apron that was now completely soiled, with a smidge of what seemed to be flour across his cheek, your heart was full. Placing your bag just before the entrance to the kitchen, and the papers on a clear, clean spot of the dining table, you walk towards Aegon slowly, still focused on the sight before you.
"Aeg, W-What's the meaning of all this? Did you get hungry again? Was the lunch I made not enough?"
"No, no, Y/N. You've done plenty... In fact, more than enough, it's just-" Having wiped his hands clean with a dishcloth, his hands had reached over securely gripping you by the sides. Guiding you over towards a seat by the dining table, you sit down, as he plops himself on the seat beside you, as he pulls your chair closer towards him with ease.
"Y/N, I've noticed how little you've been eating these past few days. And if I'm being honest, it's worrying me, my love-" His soft, fleshy hands reach over to grip yours, firmly holding your small hands in his, as his thumb strokes your skin.
"I-Is there something I should be concerned about, because you know you can tell me anything, right? I-I just want to help you." His low voice breaks, stuttering with concern, as his troubled eyes remain fixated on you.
You can't help although smile, as you now return the gesture, giving a reassuring squeeze of Aegon's soft hand.
"Aeg, please, I am fine, truly. You have nothing to stress about. It-It's just work, I feel like I have no time to waste doing anything really. And I guess, I've been more focused on making sure you've been fed and tended to, than myself before work takes a hold of me... I just didn't want you to think I'd neglected you. Forgive me."
"Fuck, Y/N, what are you to be sorry for? I should be the one apologising... I've been such a hog, so blind to everything you've done-"
"Aeg, please-"
"Seriously, baby... You are just-[sighs], you're just a little too good to me, but I'm willing to change. That's why I did this, trynna' learn to cook for us, princess, so I can be the one taking care of you for a change..."
Nonetheless, Aegon remained true to his word. The home-made pizza he'd so lovingly yet chaotically made that night was a complete success.You teased whether he'd cunningly ordered out and acted as though he'd actually made it.
"Aeg, this- this is seriously so good. It's fucking delicious-" You excitedly exclaim in between each mouthful, as he anxiously awaits for your response by your side. At first, he was in denial, exclaiming that it was just out of niceties, or his beginner's luck in the kitchen. Although, pleading your case, like the competent solicitor that you are, your compliments earn an immediate, genuine smile from Aegon. Beaming across his plump face, his cheeks blushing a subtle tinge of pink, as this was a first for him, and rightfully so, it was an ultimate success.
In the months coming, Aegon had grown a hearty passion for cooking, especially because it meant he could provide for you. In his spare time, he'd been searching for various popular recipes/dishes he'd heard of. Other times, he'd ask for your preferences, finding out your favourite childhood meals, eager to reminisce your youth over dinner.
Eventually, he grew more confident with his skills and even began taking risks. Daring to cook meals with ingredients, he knew you were not typically a fan favourite of, and would avoid at all costs. He often always joked about how your eating habits resembled to that of a toddler.
As he was grown spoilt and with a cultured taste, he was acquired to most things, having dined in various, fancy restaurants and fed a range of diverse cuisines. Whereas, yourself, you were not so indulgent with different delicacies and palates. He was eager to change your mind, for he was not a picky eater at all.
You'd awake to your alarm that you'd set for your daily morning walks, blaring at your ear-side from the wooden bedside table, only to stretch and be met with a cold, empty bedside and Aegon missing. Although, the faint ruckus that followed, opening the bedroom door, to a distant bright, yellow light beaming from down the hallway from the kitchen, you'd follow, only to find Aegon hard at work in the kitchen.
"Sorry, princess, did I wake you up? I just was about to cook you something for breakfast and lunch on the go. I was just thinking to make you some salmon tonight for dinner, baby. I know, I know! It's not your favourite but I found this recipe, I'm really eager to try, and I thought you'd might like to... You know, helped to expand your horizons a little."
Although it took you much convincing, Aegon noticed the disdain look on your face, unpleased by his plans, you still caved in. Those puppy eyes with those cheeks, were irresistible, you could never deny him. And yet, Aegon's cooking never ceased to disappoint you thus far, so why turn away now? As much as you had been dreading the dinner, feeling your appetite growing weaker throughout the gruelling day at work, Aegon's salmon dish was shockingly delectable. The richness and zest of the salmon infused with the spices, combined so tastefully and the texture was just right, you could've sworn you'd moan, a visceral reaction from how good it was.
"Aeg, baby, what sorcery is this? How am I enjoying this, you know how much I hate seafood...And yet, this could so be worthy of a Michelin Star!" The bewilderment set in stone in your voice, as you politely cover your mouth with your hand. Aegon always made a habit of waiting for you to eat first, before tucking in himself. He was always anxious for your approval, only to be met with countless compliments, you felt like a broken record.
"Really, baby? You mean that?" He persists, as he picks up his own cutlery, keen to unveil the taste.
"Trust me, Aeg... If I didn't like it, you'd know for sure!"
Eventually, Aegon took the reins of cooking, which much to your relief, meant one less thing to worry about, even if it took you a while to get accustomed to. Aegon insisted that you should continue to focus on work than having to feed him regularly.
"I'm not a little child anymore, Y/N, let me show you how well I can take care of the both of us now."
Although granted on your days off, after you'd have a decent, well-earned sleep in, you enjoyed helping him around the kitchen... It was a hard habit to break of Aegon's when it came to the cleaning aspect, he was a tad lazy and slow, so often, if given the chance, you'd help around washing, drying and packing away dishes and ingredients. Cleaning up his mess along the way, as you closely watched him from the sidelines, a true professional in their mastery.
It was only in these intimate moments, that you'd notice Aegon had grown a little rounder, more softer around his edges. The subtle double chin beneath his jaw was more prominent, and his jaw line now fading with mounted with flesh, his cheeks looked slightly more plump [the urge to kiss and nibble at them became exponential], and the apron he'd worn so often, how tightly snugged, barely able to tie from behind, as his stomach had protruded even more beneath. His figure could not be hidden, and yet, it made you fall for him even harder.
Aegon immediately noticed you openly eyeing him out, too deeply distracted by his figure, as your eyes fluttered over every inch of him.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What is it?"
Hastily snapping back out of your lustful thoughts, you felt flustered, being put on the spot like so. You hadn't even realised that Aegon had caught you, perhaps as you fell into silence, observing him strongly kneading the dough, preparing to trial out his attempt of focaccia.
"N-Nothing, Aeg, I-I just noticed, maybe you need a new apron... That one looks a little worn-out, and slightly uncomfortable."
Your meek attempt at subtleness was poor and Aegon knew exactly what you'd meant. He knew he had grown, putting on a few extra pounds since exercising his new found hobby, although he was foolish to think you would not notice. You should be disgusted by him, even in his efforts to tend to you, he was selfishly gorging himself. Had he no self-control?
"I get what you're saying, Y/N. I feel ashamed too, for the way I've become, I-I'll try to get out s'more and maybe I can go on those morning walks with you?" He bashfully looks back down at the dough he'd stopped kneading, trying to talk firmly with you.
"Aeg, please! That's not what I meant at all!" You urge, as you hastily leap off the chair, bounding towards Aegon as you instinctively wrap your arms around his thick waist, your small arms just barely interlinking.
"Don't you ever, ever think I could be ashamed of you, Aeg! Do you think that low of me? I love you, and if I'm being quite honest, I think I've actually fallen for you harder..."
You playfully look up at him, your head resting just below his broad shoulder, as you perk your eyebrows up and down teasingly, gesturing for something more.
"And what exactly, do you mean by that?" He questioned, as he finally covered the kneaded dough in bowel, waiting for it to rise, before turning to face you.
"Well, I mean your as soft as that dough, your cheeks, I could just squeeze, and those lips- Gods, your lips, Aeg-"
You tug him by the apron, gesturing him to lean down, as you plant a soft, long kiss, your tongues entwined as your share a passionate moment. Just as you'd expected, his lips felt so soft and moist, you had the sudden urge to gently bite down at his lower lip, and helplessly you did, tugging at it. Earning a cocky smile streaming across his face, you let go, aimlessly gazing up at one another with desire.
"Hmm, tell me more, princess."
"And this belly-" You grab a firm hold of his flesh, slightly jiggling against your rapid motions, as you eye his physique below and back up towards him, his attention following you.
"It's just calling for me to straddle you, I can't help but imagine how good it would feel to ride the fuck out of you, and these thighs- You've been so busy in the kitchen, stuffing your roasts and gorging yourself, you've forgotten about little, old me. You don't miss filling me up, big boy?"
Immediately, in such a swift motion, Aegon turns to steadily pin you against the counter instead. His full undivided attention, solely on you, licking his lips as though you were some type of dessert he'd just feasted his lilac eyes upon, as he presses his solid mass against you, feeling yourself helplessly squirm beneath his tender pressure. Adjusting himself in the right position, it didn't take a genius to realise, someone had grown a little excited by the realness of your words, and in sync, you felt a throbbing, familiar ache coursing from deep within your inner thighs.
"Look at what you're doing to me. Do you think that low of me, that I would forget my little princess, hmm? Your needs come first, always."
He plunges his soft face deep within the crook of your neck as he sucks on your floral fragranced skin, with each kiss he felt eager to devour you, you were certain by his harshness that he'd left a trail of fresh marks. His hands snaked down your waist, below to your ass, sensually massaging at your cheeks, as he pushed your body deeper into his, specifically your lower abdomen region, where you felt his bulge poking through his seems, desperate to be inside of you.
You felt your body slowly pacing up and down against Aegon's stocky frame, one of his thighs, found their way in between your legs, parting your entrance. You began to mimic the movements as you would if straddling him from atop, as he kept you supported, rocking yourself backwards and forwards against his clothed, chunky thigh. The friction beneath and Aegon's groans so close against your ear, was unnerving. You could sense the trickles of wetness beginning to ooze out of your eager cunt, soaking your sheer panties beneath.
"Aeg-Bedroom-" Moans in between your breathless words, you felt too feeble to form coherent words, as you felt his swollen gut, pressing deep against your breasts, flashing them upwards. One of your hands remained firmly tugging and pulling at his short, platinum locks, whilst the other dug nails deep into his meaty flesh, leaving a trail of marks behind.
Without hesitation or thought, Aegon picked you up with such ease, carrying you over his thick shoulder, you felt puny against his strength. Earning a small, light giggle from you, he felt invincible. Oblivious for what was to come, it seemed Aegon was keen to show you...
Just before he'd rush to make a beeline for the bedroom, he stopped by the fridge, opening the freezer door, and instantly grabbing the frozen tub of his favourite chocolate ice-cream.
"Better not waste this, we can definitely put it to some good use."
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris @chompchompluke
253 notes · View notes
georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Victim of the Circumstance, Part 1
Summary: You were not looking for love. You had it, and it was the best thing that had ever happened to you. And it was taken away. Leaving you grieving with two kids. But you finally made it to Florida and the place he had always to retire to. Living on an orange grove when your precocious daughter befriends one of the construction workers. James Mace was not looking for love. And he definitely wasn’t looking for kids.
Pairings: James Mace X Reader
Rating: 🥺
Warnings:  mentions of a character death, loss of a parent, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.7K
Series Masterlist
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“Mommy,” your littlest love runs full force into your bed, her giggly little face squishing up against your back.  “Mommy!  It’s time to wake up, Benning has got to get to school,” for four years old, and someone that didn’t go to big kid school, she was the mother hen.  
“I tried waking him up, but he said he’s waiting on you.”
“I know, baby,” you groan, taking a quick peek at the alarm clock.  You had five more minutes to sleep.  But that child that was tapping on your back was the best way to wake up.
“I’m up.  I’m up, baby,” sitting up in the bed, you take a deep yawn, stretching.  Your sleepy eyes looking at your angel that required little to no sleep.  “You want to grab some orange juice from Miss Hazel and Harley?” 
“Harley is asleep,” she crawls onto your bed, and in your lap, giving you the sweetest kisses all over your face.  For a child that had never met her father, she acted just like him.  “But I can get juice from Hazel, I can.  Did you know they’re starting the build today?” 
“I did, and I also know that Harley built you an orange juice stand.”
“Really?” She squeals, her hands going into a tight ball and her eyes squish close with how big she was smiling.  She shakes her fists around with excitement.  Her whole body wiggling around with her movements.
“Yep, so you better go get our juice.  I’m going to wake up bubba and make breakfast.  Hurry back, okay,” she jumps off the bed, darting to the door and off to the store to bring back some fresh squeezed orange juice while you go wake up your son.
Opening the door to his bedroom, your late husband’s dog lifts his head up from the floor.  “I know.  He’s getting a new bed soon.  It’s not my fault he hit a growth spurt, and grew you right out of the bed.  Don’t look at me like that, Cannon.”
“Mom, quiet.”
“Benning, it’s time to wake up.”
“Sissy came in here before the alarm, and now you are,” just like clockwork, both yours and your son’s alarm goes off, and he grabs his phone, turning it off.  “Nobody can get any sleep around here.  I don’t sleep as well since Cannon can’t fit on the bed, and Mirabelle won’t quit screaming to wake me up.”
“She’s just like your dad.  Early riser.”
“I don’t want to talk about him,” Mirabelle never got to meet her dad, while Benning remembered everything.  Everyday it was a battle of missing him.  “Get out, so I can get dressed.”
“Waffles or pancakes?” 
“I don’t care.  Mirabelle likes waffles best.  Just make her happy.”
“Maybe we should go back to…”
“Mom, dad’s been dead for four years.  I’m fine,” he didn’t sound fine.  The closer it got to his birthday and his dad’s death day, the worse his attitude got.  He hated going to a family counselor.  Hated talking about something that ‘he couldn’t change’.  And all you wanted was your happy boy that got excited to call his dad and talk about the new ultrasound pictures of his sissy.
“Mom?  Go, take Cannon with you.”
“Come on, buddy, let’s get you fed, too,” you give your big boy one final look before going into the kitchen.  Looking out the window quickly to see your excitable girl telling Hazel about her dream you were sure.  Feeding the dog, and packing Benning’s lunch, and starting breakfast all at once.  
“Miss Hazel, and then there was unicorns that exploded into butterflies, they did.  What are you doing?” 
“Squeezing out the orange juice.  These are your mom’s favorites, Clementines.  I always sneak a couple in there for her.  Did you see your orange juice stand?” 
“Uh huh,” Mirabelle responds, starting to peel an orange to have as a snack, watching the woman that had changed your life.  “Is uncle Bill going to be there,” Hazel taps Mirabelle on the nose, starting to laugh.
“You better quit calling him that.  And yes, William is going to be the foreman.  Harley put your stand under the oak tree so you get lots of shade.  And maybe you can entice those workers over to the store for sorbet.”
“Do I get commission for that?” 
“Yes, all the sorbet you can eat.  Here,” she hands the little girl her jug of orange juice, and Mirabelle swipes a small jar of marmalade, “I saw that Mirabelle.  Are you out already?” 
“Yep.  I’ve been eating marmalade sandwiches.  I’ll be back after breakfast.  Benning is very crabby today.”
“I know, angel, William and Casey are coming by for supper.  William will talk to him,” William Miller had been a godsend for your family.  Was one of the few men that Benning would even open up and talk to.  William just got it.  Of course, you being married to someone in the military you didn’t, or so your son constantly reminded you of that.  
“Okay, I can’t wait to see uncle Bill.”
“You better stop,” Mirabelle gives your landlord a chubby handed wave as she walks back towards your house.  Giving you a wave when she spots you looking out the window at her. 
Smiling when a full plate of waffle was sitting at her chair, and she hands you the jar of marmalade to open.  “Why hasn’t Benning eaten?” 
“Bye, mom.  Bye, sissy.  Sorry, I’m going to be late to the bus stop,” gone were the days of kisses to you and Mirabelle, and a walk out to the bus stop.  Independent and not needing you or his sister anymore, so he thought.  But you needed him.  Needed him to quit growing, and to turn to you when he was missing his dad.  His dad was his hero, and now all he had left was his service memorabilia.
“Hey,” you scream at him, handing his dry waffle to him and his lunchbox, “if you would stop laying in bed listening to music, you could have breakfast with us.”
“I’ll just eat this.  Sissy, you want to put some marmalade on this?”  With the biggest smile on her face, Mirabelle spreads out a layer of the sticky jam, handing it back ot her brother, and he does in fact give her a kiss to her head.  “Thanks,” you say his name again, but he walks out the door, leaving his sister to pout, missing him already.
“You want marmalade on your waffle, too?” 
“Yeah.  I want my Bubba sitting in that chair tomorrow.  That’s why I wake him up early.  He never wants to spend time with me anymore.”
“That’s because you’re four, and he’s nearly twelve.  Here, baby, eat your waffle.”
“I want some coffee, too.”
“Absolutely not.  You can settle for orange juice.”
“Miss Hazel put in a couple clementines for you.  She said they’re your favorites, she did,” they were your favorite.  Adding just the perfect balance of sweet and tangy to it.  Miss Hazel knew how to make you happy.  It was the little things now.  Including that messy smile you daughter was giving you from across the small kitchen table.
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Mirabelle squints her eyes as she looks over to the men that were breaking ground on the newer and bigger store.  She hasn’t been able to spot her uncle, but there were people everywhere, and not one was looking at her stand.  They were clearly hot, it was springtime in Florida.  She was hot, and she was drinking her product.  How was she ever going to make money or even make commission of the sorbet if they didn’t buy her juice?  
Getting fed up with being annoyed, she marches over towards the build, more like skipping because she had a plan.  Getting almost there before she’s scooped up.  “Let me go!  Help!  Kidnapper!  Stop it!  Uncle Bill!”
“Ow,” the man complains when he gets smacked on the head.  “Easy kid.”
“Uncle Bill!  I’m being tortured!”
“Hey,” the man finally says again, and Mirabelle leans back to look at him.  Noting his Miller Construction shirt and she taps on the print, “You can’t be here.”
“I can.”
“No, it’s not safe.  No kids allowed.”
“Because this is a construction zone.”
“Because we’re building something.”
The man’s eyes narrow at the little girl, and he finally sets her back down in the dirt, squatting down to get eye to eye with her, “You’re the little orange girl?” 
“I’m not orange.  See,” she points at her skin, starting to giggle.  This man was silly.  There were oranges close by.  He could tell that she was not the same color as those.
“No, you’re the little girl that Will told us about.  That lived in a house beside the grove.”
“Yeah,  see,” she points over at the house, and he spots the adorable little orange juice stand.  “That’s my house.  I live there with my mom, and my brother, Benning.  She does nails in there.  Sometimes will work in the store instead of Miss Hazel.  And that right there,” pointing at her stand, she turns to look at the funny looking man, frowning.
“That is why I am over here.  I’ve been there all day.”
“It’s nine in the morning.”
“Exactly.  I’ve been there all day, and not one of you has come to get juice. I am saving my money to get a new doll because my poor mom can’t afford to buy me one.  Hazel and Harley have her working like Cinderella, and she barely has time for me.  And you guys are out here making all this noise, and getting parched, and I have what you need over there, but nobody comes over there.”
“You’re good.  You’d make a great car salesman,” the man turns back to look at his crew.  It was too early for lunch break, but if this was the child he was told about, he didn’t think Will would be angry that he stopped her from coming onto the site.  “Fine, take me to your stand.  I will get some orange juice.”
“You will buy some orange juice.  This is a business after all, it is,” holding out her hand, he gives it an odd look, before taking it in his own.  Letting the girl guide them to her obvious stand.  “This juice is made purely from clementines, this one is blood orange, it’s great for vampires, and this one is tangerine juice, and this is what we have every morning navel with four clementines in it.  Which would you like?” 
She was a character.  Big vocabulary for such a small child, “I’ll take your special with navel and clementines.”
“Here you go, mister?” The tiny child hands him a cup of orange juice.  Watching his every move to see how he like the drink, while also needing to know what to call him.  Her hand goes to her hip, and she juts it out to the side waiting.
“James Mace.  Everyone calls me Mace though.  Mmm,” he takes a long drink of the juice.  Licking his lips after the taste.  “This is really good.”
“Has anyone told you that you look like a shaggy dog?  Harley and Hazel used to have this shaggy dog.  You look like that.  How are you ever going to find a wife with hair like that?  And this is Florida.  You know it's going to get hot.  It makes more sense to cut it off.  It’s too hot.  Summer is almost here, it is.”
“You don’t like my hair?” Making a face of disgust, she fake retches, and she shakes her head no.  Mace takes another drink of the concoction before squatting down with her.  “You never told me your name.”
“Mirabelle Nova Syverson.  My dad gave me the first name.  My brother gave me my middle name.  I guess my dad gave me my last name, too.  But him and mom did agree to Mirabelle.  Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?” 
“Yes, now stop distracting me so I can do that.”
“Okay, tell your friends about me.  And also we have the world’s finest orange sorbet in the store.  And today’s juice will be one dollar for one cup or three dollars for two cups, Mr. Mace,” Mace chuckles, pulling out his wallet, and rifling through the bills.
“Just Mace.  How much money do you lack for your new doll?” 
“She’s a really nice doll.  She’s going to cost me over one hundred dollars,” Mace gives her a grin, pulling out a twenty.  “You're my first customer. I can't make change, and I don’t even know how.  That’s big kid math, and I’m four.”
“Keep it, kid.”
“Keep it, Mirabelle.  I’ll be back around lunch, and make sure to bring some people with me.”
“That would be greatly appreciated.  Tell Uncle Bill I said hey,” Mace starts to open his mouth explaining how there wasn’t a Bill on the crew, and the little girl points at his shirt.  “Uncle Bill.  He’s not my real uncle.  He married my aunt Casey.  Casey is my dad’s little sister.  He tried to date my mom at first.  Well his parents Hazel and Harley wanted him to.  Mom won’t date a military man ever again, no thank you.  I will see you in a few minutes Mace.”
“A couple of hours, darlin’!” Mace gives a yell to the little girl who stops her retreating and looks at him.  “A couple of hours.”
“Fine, only if you come back tomorrow with better hair.   It’s too hot for that much hair.”
“You’ve got a deal.  I’ll bring you lots of business, too,” he gives her a nod and she bounces back to the store to help out with Hazel while Mace returns to the build.  Already wiping his brow from the heat.
“Mace, this isn’t kindergarten,” William looks at his newest member of the crew, “Where have you been?  I told you to follow me.”
“Met your niece.  She’s selling orange juice.”
“Ahh, the little princess.  My parents let that child rule the grove.  Watch her.  She’ll talk you out of a lot of money,” Mace chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.  Mirabelle was not some ordinary four year old.  She was smart.  He wouldn’t call it business savvy, but she was something.  “What did she use on you?  A trip to Disney is her favorite.  She likes to use toys and pouts.  Oh, one time it was to buy her mom a new car.”
“A doll.”
“You’ve been had by the sweetest little con artist,” Mace turns and looks towards the store, watching the little girl start to stack oranges on a rack.  “Don’t take it personally.  Kid’s never had a dad.”
“He ran off and left her?  What kind of father does that?”
“Easy,” not that it was anyone’s business, but Mirabelle was quick to get attached to men.  Craved something that kids in her twice a week pre-k talked about.  “Her dad didn’t leave them on purpose.  He was deployed, and was killed.  Her mother was pregnant with Mirabelle.  He never got to meet her.  Wait until you meet her son.  He remembers his dad.  Hates men, and he’s a moody, almost pre-teen.”
“Why do you say he hates men?” 
“Their mom and I went on what I thought was a date,” William laughs, shaking his head.  “She was under no such impression.  Worked out well for Benny because he hated me.  Until I married their aunt.  Now he tolerates me.  I’m not trying to take the place of his dad.  He didn’t trust me, he didn’t like the fact I was military either.  Neither did the wife.  Casey was a bit scared after her brother.  Keep an eye on that little girl though.  Make sure she stays out of trouble and doesn’t get hurt, and I won’t get so mad at you for not shadowing me, okay?” 
Mace gives his boss a head nod, and follows along with him.  He didn’t know what to expect moving to the sunshine state.  Definitely didn’t think working on a construction crew and finding a four year old going on thirty was in his future.  But here he was.  Tickled at how even talking with Mirabelle was entertaining.  It was the most he had talked in years.
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“Mirabelle Nova Syverson!” Hazel screams, looking through the store.  “Mirabelle!  Mira…” she looks out the side door, seeing the girl with a lunchbox coming out of her house.  “Young lady, when you leave you have to tell me where you’re going.”
“I went to get lunch for me and that guy.”
“That guy?” 
“Mhmm, Mace.  It’s lunch time right?  I can go back?” Hazel answers yes, and Mirabelle runs as fast as her little legs can carry her back to her stand in the shade.  Wiggling her legs around and pulling her jugs of orange juice out of her cooler as a wad of men come towards her.
“Uncle Bill!” William rolls his eyes, but waves at the little girl, “I can’t serve them all alone.”
“You going to pay me?” 
“Nope.  I’m four.  You make more money than me,” standing beside the little girl, he pours while she takes money.  Making excuses about change, and how she can’t subtract yet before the line dies down, “Mace!  This is my uncle Bill!”
“Nobody calls me that.  Nobody.  Just her and her brother, so don’t start.  Oh, you eating lunch out here, little bit?” 
“Yep.  Mace, I brought you something,” she excitedly says, pulling out her lunch box, and taps on the cooler.  William’s mouth drops open, gawking at her, “Casey packed your lunch, she did.  I didn’t need to bring you something.”
“Remember what I said,” William trusted Mace with his niece.  He just didn’t trust his niece to not get too attached.  He knew where you stood, and your need to be alone ‘for all of eternity’ because you had already once fallen in love and now your priority was the kids that Sy had left behind.  And still that angelic daughter of yours was still wanting something she had never had before.
“So my mommy doesn’t know, but I took her meal prep for this week,” laying the glass container on the stand, Mace waves his hands no, “It’s just Tuesday.  Mommy works from home, so she makes her lunches for the week.  I didn’t ask, but do you have allergies?  Owen in my class is allergic to peanuts, and Neveah is allergic to eggs, and Simon is lactose intolerant and his belly blew up like a balloon when he ate my real milk yogurt.  That has yogurt in it, can you have yogurt?  And there’s eggs and almonds.  Oh no!  And cheese.  I’m sorry, I really didn’t think this through.”
“Mirabelle, you’re fine.  Last I checked, I’m not allergic to anything.  So you’re bringing me lunch?” Giving him a shrug, her legs kick around before opening her own box complete with a marmalade sandwich, chips, and a cupcake.  “I can share that with you.  Me and mommy made those last night.”
“I don’t want to take your cupcake.  So this is what you do all day?” 
“I can share,” she gives him a little growl, placing a chip beside him before eating a bite of her sandwich.  “I know how to share.  I don’t have to share with Bubba, but I know how.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to miss Julie’s so I’m not an awkward turtle and don’t know how to interact with kids my age.  I’m still an awkward turtle and still pull my awkward balloons because I just have adults, and Bubba.”
“What are you talking about awkward balloons?” Mirabelle smiles over her full mouth, placing another chip beside him.  “I don’t understand the balloons.”
“It’s just what mommy does when we’re in an awkward situation.  She pulls invisible awkward balloons from the sky.  The more she pulls the more awkward it is.  She’s a good mommy.  Um, do you like oranges.”
“They’re okay,” Mirabelle’s eyes go large, and points at the orange slices in his container.  “They’re fine.”
“They’re the best.  I can name all the ones we have here, I can.  Hazel said if Casey doesn’t give her a grand baby that I’m the one that gets the grove, she did.  I like going out with Harley in the evening and he checks to make sure that the workers did everything right.  It used to be smaller, it did.  They built it.  Uncle Bill doesn’t care.  Casey is a nurse.  She doesn’t have time, but me?  I pay attention, I do.”
Mirabelle is able to talk and carry on a conversation all while eating.  Hardly stopping talking, but it was a nice distraction for Mace.  Not having to worry about the things in his own mind, just see things from the eyes of a four year old.  
“Oh!  How much money did I make?  Mommy is wanting to take me and Bubba to Disney World, and I need spending money.  I’ve got to get a new lanyard.”
“I thought you wanted a doll?” 
“Well, yeah.  They have those at Disney, too.  I…I…I…I don’t have a Cinderella doll, yeah.  She’s missing from my collection.  Dern.  It’s getting hot out here, and don’t tell mommy that I said dern.  And I will see you tomorrow, but it’ll be when I get back though with school.  Mommy picks me up at two, so I’ll be here around 2:30.  Also, there’s yummy orange sorbet in the store.  Tell everyone to get some, and if I’m not there, because it might be time to meet my bubba at the bus stop, just tell them to tell Hazel that I sent you.  I get a commission.”
“You swindled me for money, you little toot,” with a shrug of her shoulders, she gathers the boxes to stuff in her lunch bag.  “Mirabelle?”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?  I’ll have some more orange juice.  Have a good day.  Hazel will have to help me carry this in.  Goodbye!” 
She was a mess.  Complete mess, and she knew it.  One day of knowing the little girl, and Mace was wrapped around her chubby little finger.  Clearly had been around people that were older than her because she spoke like an adult.  No kid should grow up without a parent.  Mace would know.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @softsatnin @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @elrw24 @midnightramyeoncravings 
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
mommy 🥺🥺🩷 i don’t have much to say today for now, i’m so happy you’re feeling better about what happened… if you ever need to talk about it again i’m all ears and will keep reassuring you that it’ll be okay 🥺🥺 i believe in you my love 🥺🩷
we had pretty heartfelt conversations last night and i still can’t believe mommy is my girlfriend 🥺🥺 i feel like i wanna talk about you to literally everyone 😭 sometimes i just wanna hit close moots’ inboxes with how much i love you but then i remember i have to be less annoying dushfjsjfj i love you mommy 🥺😭🩷🩷
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we never included kkura in our moodboards yet so i thought i should start doing it because she’s our bias too 🥹🥹 actually even just including her in the moodboard makes me wanna write for her again~ hehehe
the reason why i went for this moodboard is because while our conversation was heartfelt… it was also… hehehehe 🤭🩷
my beautiful girlfriend 🥺🥺 i feel like i had so much to say about how i felt and still feel since you fell asleep but i can’t express it well… i miss you and i’m so so in love with you 🥺🩷 everyday i wake up and it’s like i realize again that my girlfriend is the most beautiful talented kind and soft person in the universe 🥺 i love you so so much and i don’t know how to explain it i just feel like tingly and on a cloud 🥺🥺 my mommy is the best… i love you 🥺😭🩷🩷 i hope you sleep well my sweetie pie 🥺🩷 mwah~
baby~ 🥺🥺🩵 i appreciate that we were able to talk it through last night it bothered me so much but now it doesn’t even phase me 🥹 at the end of the day what happened isn’t a reflection of who i am and those people were jerks who took advantage :/ they can all kick rocks tbh you’re the sweetest person in the world 🥺🥺 i can’t believe someone so beautiful soft and sweet and strong is actually my girlfriend!! 🥺😭😭 you’re like a little mochi donut i wanna keep you in my pocket 🥺🥺🩵🩵
we did have some pretty deep and heartfelt convos last night 🥺🥺 i still can’t believe we’re girlfriends like woah i love my baby and my baby loves me back 😳😳 we fit together so well too~ 🥺🩵🩷 omg it’s so hard to resist the urge to run to our moot’s inboxes and be like “*twirling hair* so there’s this girl i’m reaally into idk if you’ve seen her around or anything~ 😳😳😳” dkshsjsjs 😭😭 i love talking about you it’s like i said before i’m always waiting for the opportunity to bring you up in conversation i feel like talking about you isn’t enough i need you in my purse like a good luck charm 🥺🩵 i love you so much my baby~ 🩵🩵
i am SO obsessed with this moodboard oh my god it’s so perfect our tyunkkura 🥹🥹🥹🥹 and a cute little kitty ice cream waffle like omf this really is so us I LOVE IT 🥺😭🩵🩵 it seems like you had a lot of fun writing for sakura last time i’d love to see what else you have in mind for her 🥺🩵
hehehe our conversation was very heartfelt but also very…,,, 😳😳😳😳🤭🤭🤭🩵🩵
my baby 🥺 it’s so funny how we can talk to each other for hours and hours and still find things to talk about and still end up missing each other i love being by your side and i love being your girlfriend so much i hope i’m someone you’re proud to call your girlfriend too~ 🥺🩵 i’m so in love with you cherry, i really am 🥺 i’m so thankful to be with the kindest most patient beautiful softesr warmest and most welcoming woman to ever walk this earth 🥺🩵 the moon and all her stars have their favorites and we must be one of them if she worked her magic just for us to meet each other at the perfect time 🥺🥺🩵 you make me feel so light, like a feather or a cloud 🥺 my baby really is the best~ i love you so much hehe my cutie pie >//<
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taegularities · 2 years
hiiii, i’m new here so just a warning this is gonna be a long one 🙃 okay so i just wanted to say I FUCKING LOVE YOU RID!!!! I actually cannot stress it enough i have fallen in love with your writing, your art is so beautiful, and you know what makes it all a 100xs more enjoyable? your kind nature, YOU’RE SO KIND <33 i kinda scrolled through your account a bit after reading a few chapts of cmi and you’re the sweetest lil honey the way you take so much time to respond idk it’s so endearing to me mayn i’m in love w u 🙈.. i have fallen into a trap named rid and i fear you’ll never be rid of me (okah ahhh this is embarrassing, unfortunately my jokes don’t reach level kim seokjin butttt oh wells i tried :)
Anyways now that i’ve given you a lot of my attention (😅) let’s give some to cmi eh?! I’m currently on chapt 3? but first off CMI JK!!!!!! i’m sorry but he’s mine forever i adoreeee him. He’s a silly lil man but he knows when to be serious and he cares for her so much 🥺 right from the beginning girl chap 1 i’m telling you he’s her lovr boy from day 1 no one can change my mind.
And mccccc i acc love herrr, she has the vibes where she’s like ‘ugh i hate you🙄’ whilst her insides are totally squealing overwhelmed with butterflies, pls she’s so me in that sense. My lifestyle isn’t in anyway like hers but somehow someway i manage to relate to her she’s such a comfort to me i can’t explain it :( her inner monologue it’s like she just gets me, the over-thinker in us 🤧 so thanks for bringing her character to life :))
Also, i’d say i’m v good at reading characters, predicting stuff here and there but for the life of me Rid, i cannot read jk. he’s impossible. One minute i think oh he knows he’s in love the next i’m like ??? are his thoughts just as jumbled as hers? He’s just so ?:?/?/?/? Either way they break my heart and manage to piece it all back together in one.
and YOUR SMUT???? oh your smut is oh so delicious! like the ‘jk knitting his brows together and aggressively hmm-ing’ kind of delicious. YES. YES. YES. however.. i’m hoping for dom mc to come out. she was teased the teeniest tiniest bit in chap 3? and now i’m just a tad curious.
Also them talking about percy jackson and me currently reading percy jackson 🤭
AND all the star talk has me WEAK. i LOVE STARS, i love the sky, they’re such romantics, he’s such a romantic, a dreamer, he’s perfect god i’m such a sap
also really random but we have the same mbti Rid :) and then i got curious about who’s your bias bcs i have this thing where i believe you bias who reflects your personality most and we literally have the same biases and bias wrecker 😭taegikook will be the death of me 🙄😩
(okay so bcs i’m anon i stil want you to remember who it is everytime i post feedback so it’s Riaaaa. maybe i’ll add an emoji? 🐈‍⬛? yeah i’ll go with the 🐈‍⬛)
thank you for writing i’m excited to read the rest of the chapters i’ll be back with an update hehe and hopefully a better review and less waffling. love yaaa 🫂
- Ria🐈‍⬛
WELCOME THERE, RIA! please, i love your energy already, it's nice that you weren't too shy to reach out <3 and with a seokjin joke right away? cmon, that's so sweet 😭 i'm so happy you have been enjoying my blog, me AND my stories, like, what more do i want 🥺
YES YES, cmi!jk has my entire heart. i don't think i've ever felt so close to a character i wrote, so he just means a whole lot to me (and hopefully, to cmi readers as well) – he's silly, and he'll get sillier. reading him won't get easier either, and as you'll see, oc is gonna have a hard time doing so, too hahaha buuuut he's adorable and i love him :( same with our overthinking baby, oc :(((
AH YOU LIKE THE SMUT? lmfao i've been having a hard time with it, so it's good go know i'm not entirely failing and you're enjoying it :'D sub jk, yes? we'll see 😌
ahh yes, the star talk. you said you're new here so you're not used to it yet, but i love my stars and the sky (a little too much), so you'll find talk about it every now and then, in most of my fics 😭 honestly, i even tried to lessen that bit in cmi and replace it with flower stuff... there's a lot worse out there in my masterlist :')
your name and the 🐈‍⬛ emoji are so cute, babe !! drop by anytime 🥺 and i'll be waiting patiently hehehe i'm so happy they're comforting to you, and super excited to hear what you think of the rest 👁 enjoy it and welcome again, lovely 💕
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earth-to-ezra · 2 years
good morning liz <3333 a hundred and one hugs to you, because you’re the greatest!
when i tell you i wake up and almost automatically go to your account PLS i’m grinning you’re so sweet <33 i hope you’re asleep right now though, you deserve lots and lots of rest!
YOU SAID SCREAMJNG AND BLUSHING im cOOING YOURE SO ADORABLE ILY AHH but pls gjdkfkkd i’m the worst at cod it’s terrible 😭 but it’s okay bc there’s only one spot at the top and it’s reserved for ✨you✨ <33 still rooting for u for when you play with everyone ur gonna defeat them all 😎😭
noo i will buy you everything aND show you around! AND A CARD FROM YOU? 🥺🥺 brb gonna cry in happiness in the corner <3333 i bet you’re the best at drawing! i’ll cherish that card forever and ever and EVER 😌❤️🥰 question though: what type of snacks do you like when you watch movies? :))
and hdjskfkskd if i added another blanket i would’ve melted LIKE THE WAY I MELT BC YOURE SO CUTE ahfhsjfjdh (also PLS NO!!! you’re the prettiest, shhshh this is final) (how about an hour forty? if i were to meet you i want to spend the LEAST time driving to get there and the MOST time spending my time with an absolute gem of a person <33)
aND LIZ FJSKFKD PLS was it fair and square???? 😭👀 we must go back and check BC LAST I REMEMBER I WAS BACKDD UP INTO THE CORNER not complaining AND I WASNT GIVEN ANY MORE THAN TWO CHOICES (whicu of course i chose what i chose because i KNOW you’re the most beautiful person inside AND OUT) we’ll see about your winning streak i am determined to win one at the very least 😌😌 watch out bc im gonna sneak attack you with a hug and declare myself winner!
alright alright i’ll msg you later bby liz (no bc u using bby is genuinely the cutest like <33 yes u go being the youngest and calling everyone baby i loVe it) i really do hope you’re getting rest and having the nicest dreams :)) i’ll bother u later i suppose 😄✨
— 🧇🧇☀️ more sunshine waffles to remind you how amazing you are <33 ily sunshine!
GOOD MORNING BBY :)) two hundred and two hugs right back, because YOURE actually the greatest!!
ahhhhHHHH i scream every time you compliment me or express love towards me s t o p youve put the biggest freaking smile on my face 🥺🥰
noooO im not adorable!! thats you!!! and im literally the worst at cod so we can be bad together and improve together 🥰 im definitely not gonna win myself but i appreciate you rooting for me love 🥰
nooo!! i buy you everything and you show me around 🥰 and yesss a card from me :)) im okay at drawing maybe good i think 😂 but i hope you like it either way!! ummm chocolate covered twizzlers!!! or like a chip or something like that :)) i can also go for popcorn but im extremely picky 😂 you??
no meltinggg!!! im not cute YOU are <33 (no youre the prettiest and THATS final) (two hours!!! solution to that, just spend more time with me 😌)
IT WASSS FAIR AND SQUARE!!! I GAVE VERY FAIR OPTIONS AND THERE WAS NO CORNERS!!! (and you won that time unfairly you cannot win with cuddles thats unfair ive been cornered 🥺)
okiee ill talk to you later bby waffle 🥰 (idk what youre talking about everyone else is bby i am not 😌😌) i got SOME rest 😅 but its okay!!! :)) ill talk to you later 🥰
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knoxa1ways · 3 years
Special things that they do with you :)
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Hi hello :) I'm pretty new here... so if things turn out weird here I apologise :P I'm just writing fanfics for fun and I hope I can meet new people ♡.
Gender neutral! <3
Characters: Yoimiya, Hu Tao, Yae Miko, Ei, Ganyu
Warnings: None :)
😟 I'm so bad at writing fanfics please forgive me
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-Sweetest baby ever I swear,,, 
-I need this in my life <3
-Please take care of her 
-If you hurt her I will be right outside your door >:(
-You’d definitely feel so loved, and the luckiest person ever
“Ah! There you are! I have been looking for you everywhere!” Yoimiya says as she grips onto your wrist, dragging you along the grey path of Inazuma city. “Yoi? What are you doing?-” She laughed lightly upon hearing your question. “Oh? What am I doing indeed! It’s a surprise~ You may have a train of questions speeding through your head right now, like ‘Choo! Choo!’ but trust me, you’ll love the surprise! Hehe~” 
She pulls you back into the house and hums a joyful tone as she saunters around the house with you trailing right behind her. She stops abruptly at your door and turns around and gives you a wide smile and a tiny wink. “See for yourself!~” she makes an exaggerated gasp as you put your hand onto the doorknob, and you laugh at her adorable attempt to make it seem dramatic. “Aw come on already I’m so excited to see your reaction! Quick! Open the door!” She whines as you open the door slowly, amused at her excitement. 
You take a look into your room and you break into the sweetest smile ever. Your room was tidied up! Additionally, you noticed that your room was decorated with some pictures of you and Yoimiya. You looked around and laughed. There was a small tent set up with your favourite snacks and drinks, and there was a fresh bouquet of sakura blooms. Its scent filled the room and Yoimiya smiled. “Come! Sit here! We have all day to do whatever you want!” She rambles on about how much she misses spending time with you as she intertwines her fingers onto yours gently. You never wanted this day to come to an end. <3
Hu Tao!
-She’s so cute omg…
-She’ll do anything to make you happy <3
- Please make her happy too <3
- “Darling…”
You woke up to a strange sense of excitement. You could smell a strong… sweet scent, and it made you so hungry. You immediately jerked out of bed to the thought of food but then realised that something was off. You lived with Hu Tao but she should be working… So who else could have access to the kitchen?! You gasped at the thought and left the room cautiously and sneaked your way into the living room when you heard a familiar voice; “Good morning, darling! How was your sleep?~” You looked into the kitchen and saw Hu Tao making pancakes and waffles. 
“But… Tao, aren’t you supposed to be working at the parlour today?” Hu Tao turns around, flipping the pancake in the pan and smirks. “Aww… darling! Sending me back to work already? Come on, I just took a day off to spend time with my most beloved, you can’t just say that! I was so happy when I saw that you aren’t working today and I took a day off! Turns out you just want me to go back to work…” She pouts, as she placed the fluffy pancake on a plate, together with the chocolate waffle that had a perfect scoop of vanilla ice cream. She passes the plate to you, giving you puppy eyes, expecting a reply from you.
You took the plate and shook your head vigorously. “No! I didn’t mean that, Tao.. I was just.. surprised! You don’t usually take a day off, and you’re a really busy person so I though-” Your sentence was interrupted by Hu Tao embracing you tightly. “Darling~ I love you so much… I’d do anything to spend more time with you. Come! Eat with me! These pancakes and waffles aren’t going to eat themselves up, hehe!~” 
-thighs. 😋
"Well, I was thinking that it's about time I leave the Plane of Euthymia to visit Inazuma, would you like to accompany me on a walk? We could visit Yae at the shrine." Ei says as she places the plate of dango on her lap. You gave her a glance, surprised at her sudden request, however you nodded your head in agreement.
Ei smiles sweetly, sliding her slender hand into yours. You felt her soft skin brush gently against yours and your heart fluttered. "E-Ei! Are you sure you want to hold my hand? Everyone would see and they'll say things about our relationshi-" 
"Hmm? Is that so? Why, I would love to tell the whole world that I am indeed in a romantic relationship with such a lovely person like you~" Ei interrupts, squeezing your hands. You couldn't help but to blush at her statement. "Come on, let's walk around together. Ignore what everyone says. It's just you and me today, alright?"
You nodded your head, and smiled. Ei was such an angel <3
Yae Miko
-Mummy? Sorry I mean, mum- sorry, mummy? Mummy?? Sorry. Sorry, mummy?? 
-y'all I would like my new necklace to be her thighs /hj 😍😍
You were reading a book you just purchased from Yae's Publishing House when you felt someone trace their fingers down your back. It sent shivers down your spine, and you were to turn around when at the corner of your eyes, you noticed a familiar shade of pink hair drooping down your shoulder. "Why, I couldn't help but to notice my favourite person reading the novel that I personally handpicked~ What brings you to this place? Hmm?" You felt the warm breath gushing against your ear. You blushed and backed away. "Y-Yae! W-What was that for?!" 
Yae laughs lightly. "Aw, don't be such a spoilsport, I just wanted to tease you. Are there really any boundaries between us two? I thought we shared quite the intimate and romantic relationship~" She says, cupping your cheeks and squeezing them. 
"Nouhh, I was jhust shurprised! Youh sqared muh!" You rambled, words muffled by Yae squeezing your cheeks. "Mhm. I see. My, how adorable you are, trying to explain yourself with your cheeks getting squeezed like this~" 
She removes her hands from your cheeks and laughs. "My, what a sight that was. Would you mind following me to Tenshukaku today? Ei wants me to get a few souvenirs for her, and it would be refreshing to have my beloved accompany me around these stores. You may also join me in the Plane of Euthymia with Ei. I'm sure she wouldn't mind someone as adorable as you joining me today~" 
-Cocogoat (Quoted by Qiqi)
-She's so cute <3
-She definitely has fluffy hair 😋
"Um, love… do you wish to go out on a walk with me?" Ganyu asks, blushing as she played with her hands. You stared at her, surprised. Ganyu was usually so busy, but today she's asking you to join her on a walk? "Uh… it's okay if you didn't want to, I'm free today so I thought we could perhaps go for a walk…" She says shyly after noticing your expression. 
"No… it's not like that at all! I'd love to go on a walk with you, I was just surprised, you're usually busy." You reassure her. Ganyu's expression brightened and she smiles sweetly. Both of you went further away from the bustling Liyue Harbor to a quiet area, filled with glaze lilies and many other flowers. The scent of the beautiful flowers filled your nose. Ganyu giggles as she picks up a few glaze lilies and makes a flower crown, and places it gently on your head. "You're so adorable in this~" She teases.
"I usually come to this place to relieve stress, and I felt that perhaps you'd like this place as much as I would, and I decided to invite you along." She continues softly, interlocking her hands onto yours. "Let's walk around, I hope you'll like the view."
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Aaaaa.... Sorry if this turned out wacky and stuff, Neither am I experienced at fanfiction writing nor am I good at writing in general, but I really hope my fanfics can at least make someone's day better <3.
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