scootsstuff · 4 months
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SweetieLoo art for funni
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ponydoodles · 5 years
Real smooth scootaloo... {@raptortraining }
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incorrectmlpships · 5 years
Sweetie Belle: *to Scootaloo* No offense, but fuck everypony that’s ever hurt you, you’re precious and didn’t deserve that
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mlpshippingcentral · 5 years
Puppy Love
In which Scootaloo is an oblivious gay while Sweetie is a pining gay, too angsty for her own good.
Also known as; my excuse to write about Sweetie’s shitty parents, plus my headcanons involving lanky Scootaloo and smol Sweetie and my headcanon that Sweetie Belle and Rarity were born in Canada.
You’re welcome
After they get their Cutie Marks, the Crusaders start having sleepovers a lot more.
Most of the times it's at Sweet Apple Acres, so Apple Bloom won't be late to do her chores, though a couple have happened at Rarity's house or Scootaloo's Aunt's.
This time, though, is different, because not only is this is the first time they have been allowed to have a sleepover without adult supervision, but it's also the first time they've had it in their tree house.
The days building up to the weekend are full of excited chatterings about what they can do, such as staying up past midnight, a simple goal, though one they've never actually accomplished, and using their telescope to stargaze and hundreds of other ideas.
They all bring their sleeping bags into the tree house, and set them up.
And it's here where Scootaloo hesitates. Because up until tonight, in every sleepover, they've been sharing a bed together. It's not a big deal, just that nobody actually has a guest room.
And now they can sleep as near or as far from each other as possible.
Which, of course, isn't that big of a deal, she reminds herself, eyeing her best friends as they undo their bags, and, after a couple of second of deliberation, puts hers right next to Sweetie, who eyes her curiously for a moment.
"In case we want to talk to each other" she shrugs, feeling oddly embarrassed about it, but Sweetie just lights up and smiles.
"Good idea, Scoots!"
The Pegasus hides a smile by fiddling with her sleeping bag, and sees Apple Bloom staring at them, with the most exasperated expression on her face.
"What?" She asks, but Bloom just mutters something about 'needing another room' and turns away.
They do not stay up until midnight, but they do get pretty close and they do stargaze, so Scootaloo is willing to call it a win.
She wakes up at some indeterminable time, shaken awake by the feel of hot wind on her face. She blinks blearily, and almost yelps when she realizes she is muzzle to muzzle with Sweetie, who is sleeping peacefully.
She leans back a bit, ignoring the pang of cold that hits her when she does. She would back up completely, except that Sweetie's hoof is on her leg, and moving would probably wake her up.
So instead she closes her eyes and tries to ignore the thoughts telling her there's no better way to fall asleep.
Sweetie Belle is passing through town when she sees Tender Taps, and stops to say hello.
"Hey, Tapps, did I hear something about you being chosen for entertainment for the Grand Galloping Gala?"
"Yeah!" The colt smiles, demure. "It was so crazy! I still can't really believe it!"
"You are the best dancer in our town."
"Yeah, thanks to you and your friends. Speaking of which" he pauses, tilting his head at her "how are you and Scootaloo?"
There's teasing in his tone, but most of it is genuine curiosity, and Sweetie doesn't know what to do with that.
"We're fine" she says stiffly "BFF's, as always."
"Oh" he looks contrite for a second, but, before he can say anything else, another voice chirps up from down the street.
"Hey Sweetie!"
She has to take a second before answering "yeah Scootaloo?"
She doesn't say her friends nickname, because Tender Taps is already grinning like a foal who won the lottery.
Scootaloo is at the very top of the street, which is more of a hill, with an incline enough that Sweetie has to crane her neck a bit to meet her friends eyes.
"Watch this!"
And then, she's off, pushing a hoof off the ground and buzzing her wings to move her scooter along, she shoots down the hill like lightning, before flipping, head over hooves, with the scooter, just to bring the wheels back down to the ground again and brake a couple of feet in front of Sweetie.
She had heard about this trick, heard about Scootaloo practicing this, and that practice clearly paid off, going by the cheers and whistles rebounding the room.
But Sweetie's not paying attention to them, because she's already moving, closing the distance in seconds to throw her hooves around her Best Friend's neck.
Sometimes, it surprises Sweetie how small she is. Apple Bloom is an Apple, all tall and muscular, while Scootaloo is all lean and lanky, so she always looks tiny next to them.
Despite this, even though she's the second smallest in her entire class, and has to literally tilt her head back if she wants to talk to Bloom face to face, she forgets how absolutely tiny she is.
And then there's moments like this, where Scootaloo easily lifts her back hooves off the ground and Sweetie lets out a surprised squeak, which prompts a laugh from Scootaloo, who places her back on the ground.
She feels dizzy and warm and is acutely aware of everypony watching them, so she takes a small step back, so that they're not basically touching muzzles, and for a second, she thinks she sees Scootaloo's face fall.
"You should show that to Rainbow Dash" is what she says, and she brightens again, zooming off to find her idol.
Sweetie Belle can feel Tender Taps approach her.
"Don't say it" she says.
When Aunt Lofty sends her in to Carousel Boutique for more wool, Scootaloo isn't expecting to overhear a conversation between her Best Friend and her sister.
"How do you know you love someone?"
It's Sweetie's voice, but it doesn't sound right, all muted and nervous, and, oh boy, that is not a conversation Scootaloo should be overhearing. She looks around for a bell to ring or something, but, for all her professionalism, it seems that this never occurred to Rarity.
She eyes the door up, wondering if she can come back at some other time, but Aunt Lofty really wanted to finish her scarf, and this was the only place that would have this kind of wool.
A pause, and then Rarity's voice "well, that all depends. For some, it's sudden, while others, it's more . .  gradual."
"Is that what it was like? For you, I mean."
"No, no. She crept up on me."
The sentence is barely over before Sweetie is saying "me too! At least, I think she did? I never really noticed until recently, but . ."
Scootaloo frowned. She? Sweetie had never shown any interest in any fillies in their class before. She knew her Unicorn friend had a crush on a couple of colts before, but outside of that, she had never shown a special interest in any females before.
Unless . . .
Scootaloo's mind dragged up a picture, of Diamond Tiara and Sweetie Belle, deep in discussion, heads bent together. They had been talking about their parents, Scootaloo remembered. The two had found common ground in the fact that their parents were always gone for some reason.
She found herself wishing she had entered that conversation, not so much as to complain about her parents, than just to break up the strange closeness the two had.
Which was, of course, ridiculous. Sweetie was allowed to like whoever she wanted, right? It shouldn't matter to Scootaloo if her friend had a crush on someone.
"I, uh, I don't think she really likes me in that way though" and Sweetie sounded so dejected that Scootaloo fought the urge to round the corner and hug her.
"You don't know until you try" Rarity said, doing an admirable job of filling in for Scootaloo, who just wanted to comfort her little friend.
"But we're coworkers! It could mess everything up! Besides, Scoots has never shown any interest in girls before and-"
It's around there that the conversation fades away from Scootaloo as she carefully backs out of the boutique and onto her bike, any thought of the wool far from her mind.
Instead, she climbed aboard her scooter, and raced away, stopping when she was far enough away and collapsing on the ground.
She isn't sure how much time passes as she lays on the ground, staring up at the sky, painted gold and pink by the sunset.
Sweetie likes her.
Sweetie likes her?
Sweetie likes her!
Sweetie likes her.
What in the hell is she going to do?
Well, first off, a voice that sounds remarkably like Twilight Sparkle in her head says, do you like girls?
Scootaloo doesn't even have to stop and think of this, as it's a solid yeah. She remembers crushing on Princess Cadence when she was smaller, and a brief infatuation with Gabby.
She is, in her Aunt's words, the ultimate lesbian.
Okay, so, do you like Sweetie?
Now this, this gives her pause.
She remembers when she first met Sweetie; she and her parents had just moved from Oatstralia, and she had just discovered that bullies existed here in Ponyville too. Awesome. She had decided to take the traditional route and keep her head down, and don't talk to anyone. And yet, the day after she had decided that, a Unicorn had moved down from Caneighda to be with her sister more.
She and Sweetie Belle had known each other for a long time, longer than they knew Bloom at least.
She remembers the chill she had felt when she pulled away from Sweetie that night in the treehouse, of seeing her rushing across to congratulate her on her awesome trick the other day, eyes bright and grin even brighter-
Oh hell.
The Gay Panic is starting to come in strong, and she now understands why Sweetie wanted to talk to Rarity about all this, because she has this overwhelming urge to run to her Aunts, because surely they'll know what to do.
Maybe she can ignore all this, and it'll just . .  go away?
She closes her eyes and immediately Sweetie Belle jumps into her mind, a Sweetie with slumped shoulders and teary eyes as she stares, defeated up at her Best Friend.
Immediately her eyes snap open again, because, that's not happening. She will not hurt Sweetie, she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she did.
Then she groans, because that was so cheesy and she is so, so screwed.
Apple Bloom walks into the tree house, looks at the two of them, working in complete silence, not looking at each other, and immediately walks back out.
"Ah've got chores to do!" She says in response to their questions and objections.
Sweetie can understand, though. Celestia knows, she would rather be anywhere than here right now, basking in the awkwardness she had created, because she is too awkward to talk to her Best Friend.
This is what you get, a part of her says, you want to make things complicated? You have to deal with the awkwardness.
"So" Scootaloo says, breaking the silence at last, and Sweetie immediately wants to curl up and die, because that is Scootaloo's this-is-gonna-be-so-awkward tone of voice. The last time she had used it, she had brought up why Sweetie's parents were never around. The time before that? Apple Bloom's parents.
Sweetie has learnt to fear that tone.
"So?" She echoes, deliberately innocent as she eyes the door for a quick escape.
"So I've been thinking" Scootaloo says "about you and me."
You know what? Forget the door, Sweetie will gladly take a hole to swallow her up in.
"You and I?" She repeats, correcting it slightly, because she at least pays attention in English.
"Yeah" Scootaloo smirks slightly, before it falls "I think it's time we talked about our, uh, friendship."
Sweetie screws her eyes up tight, pulse in her head as she tries to think her way out of this one. But, this, this is it. And Scootaloo clearly knows that she knows what she is talking about, going by how awkward she looks.
Well, if this is the end of their friendship, at least she should be honest about it.
"I'm sorry" she whispers, tears pricking her eyes. "you were never supposed to find out."
Scootaloo tilts her head, meeting Sweetie's eyes for a fleeting moment before looking away again "why not?"
"Because we're coworkers" Sweetie says miserably. "If I told you, things would be awkward between us, and then things would be awkward between us and Bloom and" she cuts herself off with a sigh "you guys are my first friends" she admits "I don't want to lose you."
"You guys are my first friends too" Scootaloo admits. "but who says things have to be awkward between us?"
"I- uh- what?"
Scootaloo kisses her.
It's brief and messy and as awkward as this conversation, but she does it and Sweetie is left standing, stock still, staring at the Pegasus, who has the same look of bafflement she does.
"That was my first kiss" is all she thinks to say, because why not?
Scootaloo laughs, loud and still nervous "yeah, me too."
Then she kisses Scootaloo, using her magic to pull her down to do so. It's more than she imagined it would ever be, and she feels oddly giddy, bouncing on her hooves slightly as she does so.
They pull apart and she grins up at the Pegasus, who smiles back down.
"Why" Scootaloo asks, laughing "didn't we do that sooner?"
Sweetie Belle laughs.
Small notes!
For the record, Canadian Sweetie Belle only came into existence because I wondered about Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks, and it turns out their accents are midwestern or Canadian, and Canadian Sweetie was the greatest thing I have ever heard of ever. 
Plus, to me it would explain why Apple Bloom had never met Sweetie or Scootaloo before Call of the Cutie, which is especially odd since Ponyville is such a small town and they have the same class. So, they had both just moved there recently. 
Australian Scootaloo, is, of course, a given due to her heritage, but they move around so much she never really had time to develop an accent. She moved in with her aunts after they put their hooves down and demanded that Scootaloo be allowed to stay in one place long enough to make actual friends. Scootaloo thinks her parents are amazing and that nothing is wrong with them constantly leaving her, getting defensive if anyone has any word against them. Despite them missing her cutecenera by several months, she still enthusiastically greeted them and forgave them immediately
Sweetie’s parents, on the other hand, drift in and out of her life. They often take long, amazing trips without her or Rarity, leaving poor Sweetie feeling like they don’t want her and desperate for any attention, leaving her to cling to her sister for support (why she’s always at Rarities instead of at home). After they miss her cutecenera, she basically turns her back on them
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yourgympartner · 7 years
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They're canon in my nextgen This occurs when they're teenagers, so Ace is a small colt at this time and Ruby Red was just born
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prideponies · 7 years
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Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic are both sapphic and they’re in a relationship with each other!
(Requested by Anonymous!)
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(Aged up for both of them) Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.
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♢Well, there is a problem. Sweetie is more upclass than Scoots. I mean she is Rarity’s sister for Luna’s sake! I see them as just friends.
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shys-critter-cage · 3 years
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[Image desc. A drawing of a soft grey-pink pony with a white pillow. Her hooves stretched to the front of the frame to appear as though she is taking the photo herself. She has heavy eyeliner and eyeliner scratches across the pride of her nose. Her hair is a short, medium length side part flipped tward the left side of her face. The hair is deep purple with a thick pink-purple stripe. End image desc.] ‘tis my art. This is Hawk, shes an mlp Sweetieloo next gen and a vent character
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Sweetieloo gifs, requested by an anon
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korgikardigan · 9 years
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My children
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feminist-fluttershy · 11 years
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best friends til the end.。.:*☆
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princessmuffinart · 11 years
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For the Scootabelle fans. :3 (No more collages until school is over. XD Give me some requests if you want.)
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princess-pinkie · 11 years
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Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle for ask-pinkiecakesthefilly. 
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hart-ungalled · 12 years
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In my headcanon, Apple Bloom gets her cutie mark and leaves Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle behind. Neither of them get their cutie marks far past teenhood, and they make a trend of it and became hip cutieless lesbians, because cutie marks are for plebs who are tied to the constructs of society. 
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feminist-fluttershy · 11 years
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so i like to think that scoots is a trans girl and doesn't feel comfortable shopping by herself, so she gets sweetie to go with her and like sweetie is super supportive of her and stuff
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