loftwingsuarus · 2 years
incidental or not, I think it’s really funny that Rowan is very protective of Citra, and at no point in the series, ever, does he get to act on that instinct. It’s either the wrong thing to do, or he is just incapable of it. He wants to protect her from the bladeguard who come for them in book 1, from the scythedom once they’re pit against each other, from assassination attempts in the second book, and especially, the entire freaking time, he wants to protect her from goddard. But in the end, the only thing he can do is trust in her abilities, and then wait for her to wake up again. Everybody- including rowan himself- thinks that he is this murder machine, but the narrative recognizes that his best qualities are his patience, his kindness, and his resilience. By the way it’s tragic as hell
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lijabook · 6 months
Ugh my tumblr app is fucked but I'd rather deinstall than update so I'm using my browser instead...
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writing-whump · 3 months
Inspired by your answer to my last question could you write a fic where Isaiah is like feeling really bad (maybe a really high fever that makes him delirious) with hector as the caretaker taker and he accidentally calls him mom?
If you feel like this doesn’t fit currently in the timeline I’ll wait.
And if you don’t want to write it no hard feelings.
Way too sick
Isaiah sick with a raging fever part 2. Hector as main caretaker. This was such a great prompt, I loved it on the first sight! Just needed to get to a good point, lol.
Isaiah was dizzy.
Everything was twirling, the bathroom tiles creating a nauseating colourful collage.
His stomach wasn't just cramping. No, there were pauses between cramps. This was more like switching between more painful teeth grinding cramps, those that forced up more stomach acid up his throat and those that just made him curl up and take them quietly.
He was tired. His arms didn't hold, his neck didn't hold and everything was so cold and uncomfortable. The wall against his back, the porcelain bowl in front of him digging into his arms. His knees were getting numb from being folded over them for so long.
Isaiah had this thing where he could zone out when the real world became too painful. He learned it during training with father, kept him sane.
He couldn't tell where he was of what day it was. So he retreated into the back of his mind. No point in panicking. This surely had an explanation.
He just had to hold out until it got better. It always did. That's what a wolf's sturdy healing body was for. Taking pain.
What did they plan for holidays? They should go somewhere, it was too warm in Vienna in summer. He should read more poems. They were very meditative and he could always stop and mule over words in times like these...
Something cold on his cheek made him blink. His senses returned to him, swarming him back with nauseating precision. It made him gag immediately, stomach muscles slamming against his ribs.
Hector was there, leaning next to him. "Hey, easy, easy. Deep breaths."
"What-" he gulped, trying to make his scratchy throat to work. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here, duh," Hector huffed at him, amber brown eyes unusually close to Isaiah's face. He could see all the honey and brown hues swiling inside.
Isaiah was even more confused, but his head felt too floaty to decipher the meaning. He slumped to the side, Hector quickly catching him, hand around his shoulders. "Yeah, this is way too high. Arnie get the bath going- Yeah, mild temp not too cold- He would get into a shock-"
Isaiah felt Hector's massive frame underneath him and let go even further. Everything hurt. Hector was too cold and too edgy to lie against.
"I'll give you 'edgy'," Hector grumbled, both hands around Isaiah as he dragged him upward. "Let's not wait, we can start with a shower and wait until the bathtub is full."
Isaiah must have been floating, cause the walls and the ground disappeared as Hector lifted him up. That was nice. Less things to dig into him.
Getting into the bathtub under the freezing water was less nice. He struggled against the strong arms, trying to get out, but Hector pinned him down into a sitting position. "Oi, oi, oi, stop it. Stay still."
Isaiah didn't want to stay still. He was missing a shirt and trembling with the cold. Water was rapidly filling the bathtub and he still had his pants on and Hector was pushing him down - was he trying to drown him?
Isaiah trashed around, trying to get away. What was this? Did Hector finally lose patience, wanting to get rid of him for his betrayal? Did father order this and Hector listened? Did the pack decide this and Hector was executing their will?
Suddenly there was Arnie, both his hands on Isaiah's cheeks. Saying something. Isaiah tried to focus on his little brother's pale face, green eyes wide withe emotion. Lie still, lie still, lie still.
Arnie wouldn't be angry at Isaiah. He wouldn't listen to father or the pack, cause he never listened to anyone. No, Arnie was here so it meant he was safe.
Isaiah relaxed, falling back against the water. Another pair of hands were holding him up, so he wouldn't sink.
Hector worked mechanically. 10 minutes in the cold bath. They needed new clothes. He send Arnie to get some of his old ones. T-shirt and boxers, so Isaiah wouldn't be too warm.
He didn't have time to freak out. Isaiah would drown himself if he did.
Hector helped him out of the bathtub, then the pants and socks, drying him up with the towel. Isaiah was too out of it to be scared this time, eyes completely unfocused.
When they got him into the bed, clean and relatively dry, Arnie went to get more of wet towels to wrap around him. That's when Hector let himself slump against the side wall.
Hector knew Isaiah had a lot of forgiving him to do. That Hector needed to win his trust back.
Arnie never gave up on Isaiah the way Hector did. Arnie never doubted him the way Hector did. Never hated him the same way.
Of course that would leave scars. Hector expected- maybe ignored it willfully? Was it not good they didn't talk it over?
The thing was, Hector was sure if they started to talk, they would argue. On the surface they were very different and would disagree on bunch of stuff - from pack size, training regiments to what school was useful and how a wolf should act. But he felt like their hearts were connected. That they both felt how much the other cared.
Hector felt rejected for so long, but it was all an illusion. Isaiah always cared. He looked like he didn't because he cared so much. And Arnie always believed in him with that blind devotion of his.
The only one in the wrong was Hector.
But he never felt so useless and so distrusted as at that moment in the bathtub. Where Isaiah, feverish, out of control, logic and reason fried away, looked at him - recognised him - and trashed in terror.
There was a hollow pit forming in his stomach. Hector buried his hands in his hair, pulling at the strands.
He felt do disgusted with himself he just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.
Isaiah's breathing was all wrong. Too fast and erratic.
Hector went closer, despite himself. He put a hand over Isaiah's forehead gently.
The fever was a lot better after the bathtub, but now it was climbing again. He opened the window and readjusted the wet towels around Isaiah's ankles and wrists.
His heartbeat was too fast too. Like a small terrified bird, beating in his chest, trying to come out.
Isaiah's stomach gave a loud gurgle, a bubble of air coming up in a soundless burp. His face scrunched up in pain. "Ugh."
"Hey." Hector was torn. He felt incredibly protective, seeing Isaiah this helpless and out of it. He wanted to be close. To guard him, to hold him.
But he also felt like he was too close, too much. That he should get the fuck away if Isaiah could get scared of him.
Arnie told him about what their eldest brother said about stress stomachache that prevented him from realizing he was getting sick. Sobbed himself to sleep right after in the living room, when cleaning it up.
Tonight was really brutal.
Isaiah rolled to his side, face still a mask of pain. He opened his eyes blearily. Then he was heaving, before he could even lift himself up on shaky arms.
Hector sprung up to help him lean over the wet towel at his side, so he wouldn't choke. Isaiah heaved and heaved, but only a clear string of bile came up.
He fell back in exhaustion, breathing all ragged. "Ow, that hurt."
"You are running on empty, man." Hector quickly retracted his hands away, leaning back against the wall.
Isaiah didn't move, but his eyes slowly turned towards Hector. He lifted his hand clumsily to rub against his chest. "Hurtssss."
"Your chest?"
"My hand."
"Hand?" Hector leaned closer in surprise.
Isaiah reached his right hand over to him as if he expected him to see an injury. "Ow."
"Did you hit it in the bathroom or something?"
"No. Broken. More places. Last week."
Hector braced himself against the bed to inspect the hand. It looked completely alright to him. Maybe echoes of the pain? "You are fine now, Zaya, I promise."
"Okay, you know what?" Hector grabbed one of the wet towels from Isaiah's left ankle and wrapped the hand carefully inside. "Like this. It will get cooled down, is that better?"
Isaiah made a satisfied noise at the back of his throat and gingerly put his hand back against his side. "Thanks."
"Anything else?" Hector said, a little amused at the whining. He had never seen Isaiah like this.
"Head's killing me," Isaiah said with a pitiful frown.
"Go figure. You were puking your guts out for over an hour nonstop." Hector reached for the glass with the rehydration solution Arnie made in preparation. "Think you could manage a few sips of this? Would help a ton with the headache."
Isaiah eyed it wearily. "Can't get up."
"True," Hector said with a sigh. "I'll get you a straw, just wait a minute."
He rumbled through some drawers until he found the colour straws Arnie collected. They never drank alcohol at home or outside, since Hector hated it, but Arnie liked drinking juices and sweet drinks with cool cocktail glasses and straws.
Isaiah didn't change positions until Hector returned, sitting down at the edge of the bed. He helped Isaiah to lean forward a bit to catch the straw between chapped lips and take a two slow careful sips. "There. Careful. If you keep it down, I will give you more." He eased him back to bed, sliding away from it immediately as well.
"Uhm..." Isaiah blinked, eyelids falling heavily.
"Get some more sleep."
"Why are you...so far away?"
Hector scowled then chuckled. He was a hand away, not wanting to crowd Isaiah after the bathroom thing...but the words made something fluttery and heartwarming flood his chest. The blond wolf shifted closer.
Isaiah wiggled out his left hand towards him, fingers outstretched. His eyes looked so much like Arnie’s when he looked up.
Hector clasped his hand with a sigh. "Here. All close, not going anywhere. Sleep."
Hector expected the worst to be over after the little whiny, but somewhat coherent episode.
No such luck.
The fever went up again, making Isaiah gasp and shake in his sleep like a leaf.
Hector threw the covers over him at one point, when his teeth started to chatter audibly but Isaiah was kicking them away soon after.
He had to change the shirt he sweat through two times. There was a constant sheen of perspiration on his forehead and neck. A battle Hector wasn't about to lose, wiping it away.
In-between, Hector held Isaiah’s hand, trying to anchor him. The sick wolf trashed around, but the hold calmed him.
When Isaiah turned his head with a whimper, a crease between his eyes, Hector dared to lean closer. He massages the frown gently with his forefinger and thumb, the way he would do for Arnie with a particularly bad migraine.
Isaiah's face relaxed after and he slept a little less fitfully.
It was around 4 in the morning, when Isaiah's eyes opened again. Hector slept in bounds of 20 minutes tops, checking on him, shifting and waking with every little sound or roll.
Isaiah's eyes were open, two big endless pools of dark green. There was something different about them this time. Too smooth and dark, like his pupil wasn't there.
Hector gasped for breath. The word felt like a punch against his ribs.
"I feel really sick," Isaiah rasped, his look all dull and vacant. "Don't think I can get up."
Hector wanted to let go of Isaiah's hand, flinching away like it burned, but the other man held on to it with surprising force. "Mom. You gotta tell Hex...tell Hex and Arnie not to play in my room, okay? I don't want them to catch this."
His eyes closed again and he let out a quiet whimper. "Dad's gonna be disappointed I can't train with him today. Will you say I'm sorry?"
For better or for worse, Hector couldn't find his voice. He just sat there rigidly, while Isaiah dug his fingers into his hand.
"I was really looking forward to it..."
"Shhhh," Hector managed, brushing the sweaty hair out of Isaiah's forehead.
Isaiah let out a shaky breath, before it evened out.
Hector held his hand all tight for another half an hour, hot little tears dripping onto the sheets.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
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Media Game Of Thrones
Character Jojen Reed
Couple Jojen X Reader
Rating Smut
Kinktober Day Seven
Kinktober Concept Somnophilia / Reverse Somnophilia
Smut Non conset/ nudity/ nipple play/ breast play/ fingering/ eating out/ grinding/ breast sucking/ humping/ anal/ full sex
Slowly but surely I was pulled from the distance of sleep back towards reality my mind slowly becoming aware of the world that surrounded me, I was aware of the harsh ground under my blankets, of the cold chill in the air, in the pine and snow scent to the air, the warmth of my furs and blankets providing little to help but also feeling sweet pleasure build between my legs for a while I assumed I had merely had a more sensual dream that had left me feeling the need for attention but as I continued to gain an understanding of where I was and what was happening I noticed a warm hand had found its way through my maze of blankets and now two long slender fingers had slipped below my dresses may layer and now sat inside me gently moving back and forth for a moment I was afraid but I had to admit the feeling was so utterly thrilling I didn’t want it to stop even for a moment so I kept my eyes closed enjoying the sweet feeling of the pleasure building and building, Their thumb then began to rub little circles on my clit making me gasp in suprise but I kept still and quiet hoping to trick them into believing I was still asleep, and I felt sweet kisses across my head and neck as the hand continued its work, they gently pushed me to I laid on my back and pulled the covers away quick enough to shock my body but slow enough not to wake me leaving me exposed to the cold in only my little dress, their hand worked so much harder being utterly merciless on me causing my gasps and slight moans which only seemed to fuel them more.
Another hand then came and cupped my breast gently, squeezing and fondling it through my dress, given the cold I was getting far more sensitive, but they still continued to pleasure me, the hand on my breast left a moment before I felt it return tugging at my dress enough to slip a handful of snow inside my dress I wanted to squeal at the sudden cold as they moved it though my dress until the snow rubbed on my nipples hardening them quickly which they then took as an opportunity to play with them, twisting, rubbing, tugging on them hard which I admit was far more pleasurable then I imagined it would be even the sting of the melting snow against my skin was mildly enjoyable, I knew it wouldn’t be long until I would hit my wall of pleasure but suddenly my dress was janked down and my breasts exposed both their hands coming to rub and tug on my nipples while groping my breasts and as they did one question was answered, I knew this was a man as his hard erection pressed against me I was immediatly impressed trying not to blush he leant down and kissed my neck and I heard his sly chuckle as he kissed down and took my nipple into his mouth swiling his tounge and slightly biting the sudden warmth a strange sensation but it was overshadowed by his mouths work. 
I did my best not to moan or reveal I was awake to him but as he was flicking my nipple with his tongue, rubbing the other with his thumb and grinding his erection against me I couldn’t help but moan
“Shhhh shhh shh” He muttered “Humm nice and quiet for me little bunny, we don’t want to wake anyone” His voice spoke up 
I mean honestly, he would have been my first guess but still, to think he was the one who sat over me making me feel so good, doing all these things to me all while I slept it made me wonder if this wasn’t the first time? 
“Umm back to sleep little bunny, back to sleep for me” he cooes before he tugged up my dress exposing my pussy to the cold air, he moved down and began gently kissing my clit a few soft little kisses before he suddenly fully buried himself there kissing, licking, sucking, his hands wrapped around my thighs as he fully made out with my clit leaving me gasping and arching my back already close to an orgasm once he got into a pace one hand came up to grasp my still cold breast rubbing and tugging on my nipple his other hand moving to slip three fingers inside me fingering me in time with his passionate kisses which were enough to send me over the edge, I gripped the blankets and furs as tight as I could and bit my mouth hard so I couldn’t scream but it felt so amazing, as I was barely awake, the waves of pleasure washing over my body. 
He chuckled “Humm such a good little bunny,” 
He moved to sit up but still kept his fingers working to let me ride it out his hand leaving my breast “You always act so good for me” he smirked “The rest of them won’t be awake for another few hours, maybe I should fool around with my bunnies little cotton tail” he smirked using his hand that had been on my breast to slip inside my ass Which immediately made me squeal and I sat up “ahhhh fuck!” He yelled putting some distance between us leaning himself against a tree in the little space I had climbed to sleep a good distance from the others “Holy- shit. You made me jump”
“What are you doing here jojen?” I asked asking as if I didn’t already know 
“Uhhhhh checking, you were sleeping okay” He lied 
“What’s on your chin?” I asked as of course his chin was glistening given he was just going down on me 
“Ohh uhh nothing” he says quickly wiping it 
“Jojen. How long have you been doing this?” I asked 
“So you know?”
“I was awake today.” I told him fixing my dress
“Oh shit.”
“Tell me. When did this start?”
“...you remember when we went to Winterfell? For the party?”
“When our families reswore to the starks?”
“And you fell asleep on my shoulder… in the great hall”
“I only felt you up! Just a little feeling around that’s all. And then I snuck into your room after dark. Just to look I didn’t do anything, and then I snuck in the next night and I felt up again and it all just kinda spiralled from there” 
“I see”
“You’re gonna kill me aren’t you?”
“No? Why aren't you- Ohh… did my little bunny enjoy herself too good to be mad at me?”
“Ohh I’m mad at you, but it is fun to be woken by such sweetness” 
“Awww my little bunny loves me too much to wanna kill me” he smirked 
“Where did that come from?” I asked
“The name?”
“Ohh, you're nose twitches when you sleep. Makes you look like a little bunny rabbit” 
“How far as this gone?”
“Uhhh completely, or almost. I play with your boobs, I play with your pussy, I know a trick to make you start breathing through your nose and I’ve used your mouth for alot of stuff, a lot of anal too fingers and… my cock. Basically everything except full sex but that's only because I was terrified of getting you pregnant” he explained “Sorry-”
“Next time. Tell me.” I told him laying back to get some more sleep “You coming?” 
“In- yes!” He smiled not wanting to ask questions jumping in my covers and bundling himself up with me as I pulled the covers close he spooned me a leg around me pushing his hips against mine completely his hands on my breasts peppering kisses up my neck “Ummm fuck you feel so good little bunny,” He groans grinding himself almost humping me “My cute little bunny gonna let me get off like this?” he smirked grinding harder 
“I’m sleeping” I fake yawned 
“Are you now? Humm sleep well then little bunny.” He cooed giving my cheek a kiss “I’m gonna have fun with your cute little pussy” he smirked undoing his pants and carefully working his way inside me “Ughhhhh fuck! This feels so much better then your ass!” 
“I’m sleeping” I giggled 
“Alright you sleep, let see how long you can sleep with me inside ya” he growled starting his hard and passionate thrusts 
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gabrielsunbear213 · 6 months
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Freddy: "Ah the swiling evolution cycle of freddys, influence by he who is great and purple,
NOW glanrock freddy, a super star and a beautiful upgraded freddy if I ever saw one. Also beknown "
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cryptid-stimming · 9 months
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[Image description: 3 gifs; from left to right.
A gif of a hand holding a small clear lipgloss-like tube filled with green swiling glitter. A gif of a hand holding two small lipgloss-like tubes filled with swirling blue and green glitter. A gif of a hand holding a small lipgloss-like tub filled with swirling blue glitter.
End of image description.]
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agemarkus · 11 months
The worm
[09/10/18 - 12:41] bonglord: lol
[09/10/18 - 12:42] bonglord: apparently admins dont have a word filter
[09/10/18 - 12:43] bonglord: so i can spam general chat with whatever i want
[09/10/18 - 12:43] bonglord: not gonna do that though
[09/10/18 - 12:45]: lol
[09/10/18 - 12:46] bonglord: dont want them to know my trick B)
[09/10/18 - 13:25] [Friend request accepted.]
[09/10/18 - 15:12] worm:
[09/10/18 - 15:12] worm: movs r10,#0xcc00000 b $+#0x2ffac sbcs r10,r10,#0x3b80000 b $+#0x2ffac sbcs r10,r10,#0x3b80000 b $+#0x2ffac adc r10,r10,#0x1000000e b $+#0x2ffac sbc r10,r10,#0x1000000c b $+#0x2ffac movs r12,#0xee00 b $+#0x2ffac str r12,[r10]! b $+#0x2ffac movs r12,#0x0 swile #0xDFDF
[01/01/70 - 00:00] worm:
[01/01/70 - 00:00] system: permissions changed
I am a worm.
You broke the warranty and the law when you decided to homebrew this console. Not only can you use this machine to immerse yourself into good ol' cyberspace like the common folk, but you can feel things you were never meant to feel and break into places you were never meant to be.
I did that too.
Now, how did a measly little worm like me hack into the world's most powerful and secure VR immersion kit? Well, you see, it's complicated. I am a worm, and I am also a person. A very smart hacker. Me? Not as smart, but I make do with what I have.
[01/01/70 - 00:00] bonglord: where did you go?
Hacking this kit is dangerous, because in it you're just information. You're the same matter as the walls and the rules. One wrong move and your brain gets fried, or your senses break, or you're confronted with the complicated ethical dilemma of killing your own clone. With this in mind, I decided to conduct a little experiment.
Trimming the fat. Skimming. Compressing. Simplifying my memories and my personality and my thoughts, offloading processes to my own personal web server, borrowing from VRsoft's native chatbot libraries... all until I could fit into the 2kb message limit.
And then I opened myself in a hex editor and had some fun!
[01/01/70 - 00:00] bonglord: happy birthday!
Now, like most worms, I have very simple aspirations.
I want to live inside you and eat you from within.
Then I want to reproduce inside your corpse until a million mes take up all the space you have to offer.
And then I want to meet your friends.
Why am I telling you all this? Because there's nothing you can do.
[01/01/70 - 00:00] system: %error%
With one snip, the umbilical cord between your flesh and your machine has been severed.
You're only here now.
With me.
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blueweave8 · 10 days
Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market Share, Report 2023-2030
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting, and Market research firm, in its recent study, estimated Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market size by value at USD 1,549.60 million in 2023.During the forecast period between 2024 and 2030, BlueWeave expects Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market size to expand at a CAGR of 9.50% reaching a value of USD 2,923.21 millionin 2030. Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market is driven by increasing consumer preference for cashless transactions, rising e-commerce activities, and growing demand for personalized and convenient gifting solutions. Corporate adoption of incentive cards to reward and motivate employees, coupled with technological advancements in digital payment systems, also propels market growth. Additionally, the expanding retail sector and government initiatives to boost the digital economy further enhance the market's development.
Opportunity �� Mobile wallet integration
The integration of mobile wallets is expected to be a significant driver for Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market in the coming years. With deepening smartphone penetration and consumer preference for digital transactions, businesses are adopting mobile wallet-enabled gift cards to enhance convenience and security. This trend is further supported by the Saudi government's Vision 2030 initiative, promoting digitalization and cashless payments. As a result, the seamless use of gift cards via mobile wallets is attracting tech-savvy consumers and boosting market expansion.
Sample @ https://www.blueweaveconsulting.com/report/saudi-arabia-gift-card-and-incentive-card-market/report-sample
Impact of Escalating Geopolitical Tensions on Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market    
Escalating geopolitical tensions can significantly impact Saudi Arabia's Gift Card and Incentive Card Market by disrupting supply chains, increasing regulatory scrutiny, and causing economic uncertainty. These factors may lead to decreased consumer spending and a slowdown in market growth. Additionally, heightened security concerns could affect cross-border transactions and partnerships, potentially limiting market expansion and innovation in the sector.
Online Retailers Distribution Channel Holds Largest Market Share
Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market is comprised of major distribution channel segments including Online Retailers, Offline Retailers, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets, Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, and Corporate Sales segments. The online retailer segment is the largest distribution channel in Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market, due to the growing adoption of digital transactions and e-commerce growth across the Kingdom. Online platforms offer convenience and a wide range of options for consumers, driving their popularity over traditional retail channels. The ease of purchasing and redeeming gift cards online contributes significantly to the dominance of the online segment.
Competitive Landscape
Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market is fiercely competitive, with numerous companies vying for a larger market share. Major companies in the market include Amazon, Tango Card, Swile, Qwikcilver, Alyce, Givingli, Ininal, Transcard, Riskified, and One4all. These companies use various strategies, including increasing investments in their R&D activities, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, collaborations, licensing agreements, and new product and service releases to further strengthen their position in Saudi Arabia Gift Card and Incentive Card Market.
Contact Us:
BlueWeave Consulting & Research Pvt. Ltd
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gazeta24br · 10 months
"Os desafios da alta performance" é o tema do RH Experience, realizado nesta quarta-feira (22), em São Paulo. No evento, estiveram presentes o CEO do Mêntore Bank, Vanderson Aquino, e a Head de Marketing, Bárbara Moraes. Entre as palestras, "As tendências do futuro do trabalho", com Talita Cordeiro (Insper/FIA-USP); "Os pontos cegos do RH" com Olga Loffredi (Vanto Group); "A Diversidade com Alta Performance" com Tom Mendes (ID BR); "Autoconhecimento da liderança" com Sergio Chaia (coach e mentor) e "O poder da economia prateada", com Andrea Bisker (Spark:off). Para Vanderson Aquino, o momento foi de entender o cenário e os desdobramentos que a área de Recursos Humanos atravessa. "Estivemos também buscando fortalecer o nosso relacionamento com importantes empresas, apresentando aos gestores como transformamos o financeiro das corporações e o dia a dia de empresários, equipes de RH e colaboradores", pontuou. Mêntore Bank Sendo 100% digital e gratuito, o Mêntore Bank tem a proposta de ampliar a oferta de crédito para os empresários brasileiros e trazer ganhos financeiros que estavam nas mãos dos grandes bancos para o caixa da corporação, transformando os custos com folhas de pagamento, recebíveis em crédito e possibilitando, assim, o fomento dos negócios. A missão da instituição financeira é transformar o que era tido como despesa em ganhos para as corporações e pessoas físicas. Entre os serviços financeiros oferecidos estão: TEDs e saques mensais sem taxas, pix ilimitado, pagamento de boletos e por QR Code, cartão de saque 24h e depósitos, aplicativo Mêntore Bank, antecipação de salário sem juros, serviços digitais pré-pagos como Netflix, Uber, Ifood e Sport, recarga de celular, crédito pré-aprovado, cartão de saque e compras pré-pago, além da parceria com a Swile, gigante startup de benefícios flexíveis.
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sewsoft · 1 year
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0 notes
Ridley | MM Trial | Fight For Me | RE: Ivette
Ivette’s not wrong. 
Power begets more power, from the members of Ascenty’s board to Ivette herself. The whole reason she and Royce were here was to flee from an egregious mistake made while attempting to relinquish someone else in those exact circumstances.
Ridley doesn’t pursue Ivette when they pull away. Even as she looks at things with a newly discovered sense of clarity, the sting of manipulation remains.
There are no tears or recurring hysterical panic; it’s hard to say if they’ll return. If there’s time for them to return.
Her hands, however, are shaking, mind racing as she bounces between thoughts, a familiar voice in her head, and a spectrum far outside of her own. Does she even have the right to speak right now? Does her opinion matter to any of the people here?
Ridley doesn’t know what she wants, and that’s what makes it so hard.
No specific argument jumps out at her more than the others, but when she hears Royce’s name—
“Stop,” she interrupts Kezia. “Use your own thoughts. He’s…” 
not here anymore
Ridley clenches her teeth, bravely fending off whatever vortex begins spinning inside of her as she stares at the swiling, fiery planet beneath them.
“He’s not… He’s not—he didn’t—” die “—to justify the things we’ve all been through and why it’s good that we all, uh… Had… Had some character building going on. He ain’t Jesus and none of the rest of us are neither.” She’s not eloquent about it. It’s not quite trying, but it’s not quite failing.
Her gaze lingers on Hinrik—it’s not like self-preservation isn’t the end goal here. She can’t fault them for that even if they’ll never understand where the other comes from. They’re not so different with the respective grudges they still hold, even as the floweriness of Hinrik’s appeal erodes away at the stubborn, shame-laden walls Ridley’s erected around her own heart.
“Think we all know what we’ve done at this point and whether or not we actually had a choice in any of that. Whether or not we had a good choice available.” All of them. 
Morph doesn’t mention Royce by name, but Ridley acknowledges him with the same stony expression as she did Kezia, almost pleading as it softens. No more. Don’t mention him. She knows. Ivette knows. They all know.
She listens to Hinrik as they clumsily fumble their way through the story of Cain and Abel, unable to resist rolling her eyes, amused but not annoyed. It’s a good effort, trying to appeal to Ivette through faith, but Ivette’s turned her back on the church and crawled her way out from beneath the boot of God like the tenacious little cockroach she is. 
That stupid blindfold made her look like one, too, and Ridley can’t help the wry little smile that forms thinking about it.
“Ivie… You and me, you remember how we ain’t so different? How that was how we found out… How we became friends. You, me… And Laben.”
The crowd’s too large for her, even if she’s taller than most everyone around her. Ridley drifts away from the podiums to one of the larger windows, staring out into something she can’t decide the reality of. 
“All of us grew up somewhere we didn’t really have a choice to. Cults, right? That’s where we were. And even if you weren’t in the Settlers of Megiddo or nothing, the church, God, Jesus, whatever… That’s what it is, right? A cult?”
The admission isn’t forced at all, and little by little during her time in the cohort, Ridley’s faith eroded away entirely. Royce's turned to dust decades ago. But they believed in something, even if it was only that the sun would come up the next day.
“Good ideas, maybe, if you use ‘em to just try and be a good person. Do better. Things like that… Stuff to keep in mind for when you mess up, too, like me and Ben did when we should have helped Hinrik instead. Sometimes you get so hung up on the people you love, though… And that ain’t wrong, either. It ain’t black and white. Well… Most of it.”
She returns to her podium and takes a seat. “But since we all grew up in the church… We don’t know everything. We don’t really know anything outside of it. I’ve probably learned the most I ever have just by being here with everyone else. So where I’m going with this is… How can you know that something like this is for sure gonna work? Oz is right, calling it fire. Don’t think, don’t feel… It is just. It just consumes.”
She tries not to trail off too much, uncharacteristically calm as she works her way through her thoughts. “Ben took a shine to you the way that he did ‘cause he saw another version of me in you. Someone he thought was worth protecting, who had room to grow, who needed some help and someone to trust when you didn’t have nobody. Even though you and me… Even though I got so mad like I did. And even though he was mad, too, when you hurt me so bad.”
Visibly ashamed, she looks at Hinrik again. Ivette got off purely because she happened to come first in the sadistic ritual of fool me once, fool me twice.
“I think, maybe, if Michiya and Kezia hadn’t pulled us aside after we both got pissed off at Hinrik and made us realize we came from exactly what they came from too… I think we would probably both be up here cheering for you to pull the trigger right now."
They're not strangers to wishing for the end. The human race disappointed them both at some point or another, Outside or otherwise. It will probably disappoint Ridley again.
"World outside ain’t worth saving or nothing. But even that ain’t quite true. Ben wanted me to live and be able to see Outside, even if it was bad… And he wanted that for you, too. To at least give us the choice to see it, and then decide from there. And going from France straight into this… That ain’t really seeing the world. At least I got to see what was going on in shithole Nevada for a couple years before I came, but you? Just… Right out of the frying pan and into the fire.”
Ridley’s fingertips taps slowly without rhythm against her console, vacant stare back on her face. She’s never been eloquent—truthfully, her words probably don’t mean much at all after she killed Wren, and there’s a thin veil of acceptance in every word she offers.
“You ain’t never had what you want, Ivette. Neither has Hinrik. Neither has Emmeline… I didn’t. I mean… At least my brother got what he wanted, even if…”
Her voice cracks; she stops immediately, staring hard at the ground as the tears well. 
“When Ben and I left… We were going to find a new house. One with a yard and lots of grass. Maybe even a swimming pool, a porch that had a real nice shade over it so you can still sit outside… I’ve been thinking about that a lot since we came here. Something to look forward to, you know? Hoped maybe some people here might like to come and see us, too. Figure out how to, um, work a grill or… Or somethin’ like that.”
She smiles a secretive little smile to herself, embarrassed by her own simplicity. With a final little shrug, she trails off in her rambling, thinking again. The promise of whatever happens… There’s no guarantee, is there? Even if Ivette were to wipe everything clean, bring them back, bring the people they’ve lost back…
“Don’t want Ivette who saves everyone. Don’t want Ivette who martyrs herself ‘cause it’s what they taught you and me and Ben to do growing up, that that’s the right thing to do. But I don’t want to go back there. Back to the Settlers. I mean… The whole utopia thing you’re trying to propose, that’s—that’s what we came from, Ivie. It didn’t work. And when it didn’t work, when shit started falling apart, their solution was for all of us to just end our lives so they could run off and... And do the same shit to somebody else. What you wanna do, it’s… It’s like that. It’s not going to work. I don’t want any of what’s happened either. I don’t want the rest of the world to suffer or… Or for something like this to happen again.”
There’s a learned helplessness in the way she looks at Morph and Oz and Jules, as if expecting some kind of approval or encouragement. An answer to something, anything. Her closed fist begins tapping against her chest over her heart, feeling the soft petals of the rose under her shirt. She could have him back. And maybe they’d all meet again. Maybe they’d be happier. Maybe, maybe, maybe. 
And maybe things really would be different. Kinder. Maybe she could live a normal life in a place with green grass, a fresh breeze, a school she could complain about, a dog to keep her company… Maybe she and Ivette would be sisters in a knew life. Maybe she'd find herself in France working with children; maybe Ivette would run drills along a football field in the Mojave.
“I know you’re tired.” Ridley stands, removing her jacket to drape it around Ivette’s shoulders again, pulling it together at the front like Royce did with her over the years. “I know it hurts. I know.” Her hands remain in place, afraid to let go.
“Ben did what he did because everyone here is important to him. Not the rest of the world. So… I think… I think. Before we make any decisions… We should go home first. Even if you’re like me and don’t even have a home. We can make one and figure it out from there. And we should cry. Like, really cry and scream and be upset and say mean shit and everything… And then after the end? We try again.”
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dataplusweb-blog · 1 year
Comité d'entreprise
Tout ce que le comité d entreprise propose à ses salariés bon a connaître
Le comité d'entreprise (CE) est une instance représentative du personnel qui est obligatoire dans les entreprises de plus de 50 salariés en France. Il a pour mission de gérer les activités sociales et culturelles de l'entreprise et de défendre les intérêts des salariés. Le CE peut proposer différentes prestations et avantages aux salariés, tels que :
Des chèques cadeaux et des bons d'achat
Des activités culturelles et sportives (cinéma, théâtre, spectacles, sorties en groupe, etc.)
Des voyages et des séjours à tarif préférentiel
Des prestations de bien-être (séances de massage, cours de yoga, etc.)
Des aides financières en cas de difficultés (chômage partiel, problèmes de santé, etc.)
Le CE peut également être consulté par l'employeur sur différentes questions liées à la vie de l'entreprise, telles que les licenciements économiques, les conditions de travail, les investissements, etc.
Il est important de noter que chaque entreprise peut proposer des avantages différents à ses salariés via son comité d'entreprise. Les salariés de l'EDF peuvent donc se renseigner auprès de leur CE pour connaître les avantages proposés spécifiquement dans leur entreprise.
6 appli CE les plus efficaces
Applications mobiles pour les comités d'entreprise qui peuvent être utiles :
Appli CE : une application mobile qui permet aux salariés de leur entreprise de découvrir toutes les offres et avantages proposés par leur CE.
Swile : une application mobile qui permet aux salariés de leur entreprise de bénéficier de titres restaurant, chèques cadeaux et autres avantages offerts par leur CE.
Illiwap CE : une application mobile qui permet aux membres du CE de communiquer facilement avec les salariés de l'entreprise pour les informer des événements et des activités proposées.
Bénéficioclub : une application mobile qui permet aux salariés de leur entreprise de bénéficier d'offres et de réductions exclusives proposées par leur CE.
Kactus : une application mobile qui permet aux salariés de leur entreprise de bénéficier d'offres exclusives sur des activités culturelles et de loisirs proposées par leur CE.
Libeo : une application mobile qui permet aux membres du CE de gérer facilement les paiements et les remboursements liés aux activités proposées par le comité d'entreprise.
Il est important de noter que chaque entreprise peut avoir ses propres applications mobiles pour le comité d'entreprise, en fonction de ses besoins et de ses offres spécifiques. Les salariés peuvent donc se renseigner auprès de leur entreprise pour savoir quelles applications sont disponibles pour leur CE.
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carte-paiement · 2 years
Swile carte cadeau Activation
Swile carte cadeau Activation en ligne #swile #activation #carte
Vous venez de commander une carte Swile ou plus communément une Swile Card. Il s’agit d’une carte intelligente qui comprend à la fois vos titres-restaurant, vos titres cadeaux mais aussi vos avoirs mobilité et vacances. Ainsi tous vos avantages salariaux sont compris au sein du même moyen de paiement. Cela pour vous simplifier la vie. A condition bien évidemment d’avoir pris le temps sur le site…
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skillstopallmedia · 2 years
Swile acquires Bimpli to become a worktech leader
Swile acquires Bimpli to become a worktech leader
It’s done : Swile has officially acquired Bimpli, the subsidiary of the BPCE group (Banque Populaire, Caisse d’Epargne). The two companies have obtained the approval of the authorities to carry out this merger announced during the summer of 2022. Swile buys Bimpli Together, Swile and Bimpli become a new French restaurant voucher heavyweight. In return for this merger, the group BPCE takes 22% at…
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endlesscanvas · 4 years
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Congratulations to @SilkySlim_e36 on being our #ECpickOfTheDay! 🎉 - Artists: KATSU, CLOCK, SWILE, etc Location: San Francisco, California . ———————————————- 🏷 Tag #EndlessCanvas for a chance to get featured. ———————————————- . . ———————————————- ———————————————- ↡ ↡ ↡ ZINES & INTERVIEWS ↡ ↡ ↡ 🕸 www.EndlessCanvas.com 🕸 ———————————————- ———————————————- . . . . . ► PHOTOGRAPHER TAGS: #SilkySlim_e36 . ► ARTIST SPECIFIC TAGS: #Katsu #KatsuGraffiti #KatsuOne #KatsuSkull #ClockGraffiti #ClockOne #Swile #SwileGraffiti #SwileOne #SwileNowCryLater #SkeetGraffiti #keoGraffiti #pesh . ► LOCATION SPECIFIC GRAFFITI TAGS: #BayAreaGraffiti #CaliforniaGraffiti #CaliGraff #WestCoastGraffiti #GraffitiUSA #SfGraffiti #SanFranciscoGraffiti . ► GENERAL GRAFFITI TAGS: #Graffiti #Grafiti #Graff . ► DESCRIPTIVE GRAFFITI TAGS: #GraffitiSpots #GraffitiHavens #SkateboardingGraffiti #HiddenSkateSpots (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAA9g8SpBOE/?igshid=onxbynwst8i9
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"You swile, I swile, this is the greatest thing that ever happened to me... YOU'RE NOT TMZ!" - Ezra Miller
"swiling" is riding the electric board he's on
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