#swinging my bat at the nest day 1 baby
tskva · 1 year
lae’zel haters won’t survive the winter
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lilapilla · 2 years
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#you ever see a post that is the equivalent of swinging a bat at a hornet's nest?
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ckret2 · 5 years
Mutant Dorat (Part 2)
This is part 2 of a commission fic for @sableghoste. You can read Part 1 here, but if you don't wanna read that part: the premise is Ghidorah is three juvenile dorats (cat/bat/snake pet things) and Rodan is a horrifically mutated baby dorat rescued from a military experimentation facility. And then they flirt. It’s nothing but Baby Monsters Being Cute fluff here, folks.
Cast of characters, ME-319 is a Xilien dorat breeder/caretaker, Noodle is Ichi/Ghidorah’s middle head (because I refuse to dignify him with a respectable name), and the "new arrival" is, of course, Rodan.
I ain't proofed this because it's already pretty late, it'll get proofed when it goes up on AO3.
Day three of the new mutant dorat living in ME-319's aerie.
Every time she glanced out of her office, he was easy to immediately spot. For one thing, among a sea of sleek golden serpents, he was the only one covered in dark rough rocky chunks.
For another, he was almost always alone.
When the other adolescents chased each other around in a flurry of excited activity, he tried to join in; and every time he did, they moved out of his way en masse, like a school of fish fleeing before an approaching predator. Whenever he flopped down to rest, the others gave him a wide berth, even getting up and scooting somewhere else to nap if he was too close.
It was just like she'd feared. The poor escaped lab experiment was just too different for the other dorats his age to see him as one of their kind. At least they weren't aggressive with him—but for a social little dorat, this kind of isolation wasn't any better.
ME-319 was worriedly checking up on him for the tenth time that day when she saw, for the first time, another dorat getting close to the mutant. Who was that—Noodle? Yes, that was Noodle. Huh. She'd never noted him to be particularly curious or courageous. Was he trying to figure out what the new arrival was?
She got up from her desk and stood at the door to her office, one hand on the latch as she watched out the window, waiting to see how this turned out. If all went well, she'd let them be; but she had to be ready to intervene at the first sign of violence.
She hoped this went well.
Okay. This was the third day the new arrival had been here. So he wasn't one of the temporary visitors that came in with owners for an afternoon and then go home. He probably going to stick around for a while.
It was time.
Noodle was going to make his move.
He couldn't risk letting anyone else move first. Sure, they were avoiding the new arrival for now—but sooner or later someone else was going to notice his gorgeous golden eyes, or realize how wonderfully intimidating those copper-black spines of his were. Noodle wasn't exactly what one would call a catch, what with his flaky scales (itched like nobody's business) and his rather under-developed tail spines. Not like, say, Pineapple. Mister Pine-"Wow I Haven't Even Noticed How Hot My Big Sharp Tail Spines Are, Let Me Swing Them All Over The Place And Get Them Stuck On Everything"-Apple. Jerk. If he took an interest in the new arrival—or, heck, anyone else between Noodle and Pineapple—he wouldn't stand a chance.
His only chance of getting close to that fine set of wings was by beating all his competition to the punch. He had to make his move.
So he waited on the fringes of the mob of playing kids—they were all avoiding the new arrival (for now)—until the shared frenzy of activity had died down; and then, while the new arrival was flopped down tiredly, grooming his spiny hide, he scooted in.
He was uncomfortably aware of others watching him as he approached the new arrival. If this didn't go well, he was going to draw everyone else's attention to the new arrival. He'd better get this right the first time. He had to be the most attractive, the most handsome, the most amazing and impressive—
What if the new arrival was into flights instead of spinetails? What would Noodle do then?
Don't worry about it. Just keep going. Stay on task—
Oh he was looking at Noodle.
Noodle—who until then had been slinking stealthily down low, neck and long tail practically slithering across the floor—jerked abruptly upright, staring. Oh. Okay. He had the new arrival's attention. Good! That was what he wanted! Exactly as planned!
The new arrival tilted his head curiously.
Should Noodle just—just start, then?  He raised a his tail uncertainly but didn't try to rattle its spines just yet, not sure if he was supposed to just go for it or if he was supposed to wait for some sort of signal from his audience. It always seemed easy when the elders did it. Maybe he should have followed some of them around to find out—
The new arrival let out a harsh greeting caw, launched himself up in the air, and dove at Noodle claws first.
Noodle yelped.
They tumbled to the ground in a tangle of wings and claws.
Abort mission abort mission he was not prepared for this! Wrestling was way farther than anything he'd planned for today! He was not trained in combat! He was hardly even trained in running around in circles! He was not an athletically inclined child!
He barely managed to whack the new arrival off of him with his tail and scrambled for the safety of the watching crowd.
Stupid stupid stupid STUPID stupid. Ohhh wow he looked like a loser now. That was it. He'd ruined his chances.
No—no, it couldn't be too late. He refused to accept the possibility. If the new arrival wanted him to prove himself in combat, then he'd learn how to fight. He knew the kids that got into scraps most often—he could spar with them. And once he wasn't terrible, he could try again.
In the meantime, if anyone else got close to the new arrival, he'd just have to sabotage them. Right? Sure. How hard could it be.
He shuffled off behind the chains dangling off the nearest low nest to watch the new arrival from afar. He'd righted himself after their brief skirmish, glanced around—for his battle partner? For someone else to fight?—then apparently had given up. Now he was flapping his way up to a higher nest. Instead of getting in, he latched his claws into the chain linked bottom side, dangled from the bottom of it, and swung back and forth, chirping merrily to himself. Wow. The power and grace. He was so acrobatic.
One way or another, Noodle was going to seduce him.
ME-319 winced as her newest dorat lost his grip on the bottom of the nest and tumbled to the ground with a squawk. At least he didn't seem harmed; he rolled over, shook his head, and fluttered right back up. And his short confrontation with Noodle had ended before she'd needed to intervene. He was fine. She forced her grip on her door handle to loosen.
Still. It had taken three days for one of the other adolescents to finally work up the nerve to try to befriend him, and he'd immediately scared him off. Why? Was he as scared of the other dorats as the dorats were scared of the strange mutant? It was possible—she had no idea what kind of experiences he might have gone through before he was rescued and brought to her. Between his physical deformities and the fact that he clearly hadn't been socialized by other dorats, she couldn't pick up on any of the usual body language she used to determine her other dorats' moods.
After that disastrous first meeting, maybe ME-319 had better prepare herself for the possibility that her little mutant was always going to be a loner. At a minimum, she doubted that Noodle was ever going to express any interest in him again.
If you enjoyed this fic, I'd appreciate a comment or reblog! Part 3 coming... eventually.
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writing-fool · 4 years
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(This is a female version, because it includes Head Boy and Head Girl moments. If you wish for me to make a gender-neutral or male one, please don’t hesitate to ask)
This pal, Seungcheolie, is a total Gryffindor
Like I’m talking, poster-child Gryffindor, courageous, extremely kind, a great leader figure. This boi is a Gryffindor seventh year AND Head Boy (because the teachers love him)
Friends with Jeonghan, the Slytherin prefect and ppl used to not understand why because Jeonghan’s a total pranker and Cheolie looks so straight-laced but oH BOI can this kid surprise people
Has snuck into the kitchen to steal biscuits, without consequences because hE’s HeAd bOY
Doesn’t cheat for any tests tho cuz he IS kinda straight-laced
Does everything for his 12 best friends (and kids because he’s SUCH A DAD), especially for Jeonghan because Han’s a lazy bum
Also the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Chaser, cuz he’s not necessarily fast on his broom (hence why he’s not a seeker) but his aim is great
Also practices a ton after class, because once Seungcheol wants something, he works so incredibly hard for it
His pep talks are so, so good
Younger Gryffindors (and kids from other Houses) look up to this guy because he honestly is one of the most reliable students ever and he’ll always solve the problem either with his own power, or with the help of his amazing friends
Once, when Chan was still a little first year, he was bullied by a first year Ravenclaw, and Coups sat the guy down, gave him a good scolding, and for the rest of the year, the dude was surprisingly nice to Chan (turns out, he was kinda jealous of Chan’s flying skills)
His grades are mehh, he passes with the help of Wonwoo and Joshua (and also Mingyu, who surprisingly has a knack for Potions) and usually gets an P if he does fail
He’s not dumb AT ALL, just can’t write long essays for the life of him and honestly doesn’t value grades all that much
He’s somehow very good at Care of Magical Creatures and was good Muggle Studies (a subject which he dropped because he’s a half-blood, and that just doesn’t make sense)
Seungcheol gets to know you in second year, because you’re his partner in Herbology
And while he is a decent student…well, he hasn’t got the patience to deal with,,plants for Merlin’s sake
You, a fellow young Gryffindor with whom Cheolie hasn’t spoken with yet because the gap between your teeth is really frickin adorable and omg you’re actually really good at Herbology and you’re cute but also girls wth
You’re well…a total wild card. Unpredictable, fiery and uncontrollable. But you’re surprisingly gentle when you have to be, so you and Seungcheol quickly become friends after that Herbology class.
Cheol tries out for the Quidditch team that same year, and he gets in immediately
You’re ‘recruited’ in third year when one of the previous Beaters graduates and well…let’s say the Cap back then saw your potential when you broke Anthony Wilson’s nose because he slapped your ass. Sorry not sorry.
Anyways, moving on,,,
You and Seungcheol are pretty close, like not best best friends (because jeez 12 ain’t enough?) but you speak every day and you lean on him a liiiiiiittle too closely whenever you two are in the common room at night
Because he can’t really sleep because of the stress he has sometimes, taking care of his kids and all (doting father y’all) and you join him sometimes
Over the years you’ve grown into a comfortable rhythm of lulling each other to sleep in comfortable silence in the common room
The first time you woke up in each other’s arms was….well…//blush//
Because he is your friend but he is also really handsome and his lips are so close and he’s cute when he’s sleeping no don’t touch his hair and oh dear why are you still lying in his arms get out get OUT
But you get used to the limbo of flirting and touching casually to the point where you instinctively cuddle up to him by the fireplace at night and he strokes your hair
You accidentally did it around his and your friends once because…he might’ve been the only one you pay attention to in the room ooOOH do you have a crush
So now the school ships it because Vernon, bless his heart, can’t keep his mouth shut
And you like him, you realise that in like, fifth year you smart cookie, awww but you don’t want to lose the comfort of having him around and hugging you like his
And Cheolie’s got a big, fat crush on you too
Because he’s been watching you on the sidelines, growing up into this really wonderful, sunny person with some baggage and way too much care for him and your other friends
It doesn’t help that you’re stunning, gorgeous and have you seen her on the Quidditch field when she swings the bat with so much precision and-
Jeonghan and Jihoon: choke him with a pillow because he’s a SAP but it’s kinda cute
So y’all start dating…eventually, somewhere in sixth year. Like, you guys are celebrating after finallyyyy winning a Quidditch match against Slytherin (suck that, Wen Junhui)
And you and Seungcheol end up drinking a liiiiiittle too much Firewhiskey
Not to the point of being drunk, but like, to the point where y’all just a lil too honest drink responsibly babies
It’s pretty spontaneous tbh, like you end up celebrating and hugging and next thing you know you’re sitting in a corner with him by the window
Sighing and leaning your head back to feel the cool touch of glass
“I like this,” you whisper.
“Mhhmm…I like you.”
Cue double, triple take because wHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
And Coups is just like “No, I-I didn’t mean it?” but then suddenly you become visibly disappointed and he’s like OKAY MAYBE SHE LIKES ME OKAY WHAT 
And you’re just kinda flipping your shit because you don’t know what he wants but you’re really close to confessing 
You don’t notice you actually kinda start hyperventilating
Now Seungcheol is panicking too because he doesn’t know why you’re panicking and ohmygod what why hoooow
But he kinda is too tipsy to think so he just trusts his instincts and kisses you to calm you down 
And you’re too surprised to kiss back and I’m sorry to say it,,,,but that was not the best first kiss
Like full-on smooch, smack, poof, grab the face kiss that lasts 1 second
But after the initial surprise you’re feeling a bit more bold and calm how do those emotions work together? Honey don’t ask 
So you start kissing him whilst smiling into it, and this time, yess so nice
You guys kiss for another 2 minutes, at which point the crowd has turned their attention to OH MERLIN IS THAT CAPTAIN SEUNGCHEOL AND OUR BEATER?
You get shy and hide in his chest while he spins his back to the rest of the room, shielding you but also pressing you against the window
And you start giggling, because it’s kinda funny
He giggles with you because have you heard her giggle it’s adorable
You guys are unofficially dating after that evening, but Seungcheol asks you on a proper date to Hogsmeade two weeks later
Back to 7th year…you guys are Head Boy and Head Girl
Even though the other Houses are kinda salty that it’s two Gryffindors AGAIN, they have to admit you guys make a cute couple and really good Head Boy and Girl
So, y’know “Actually, good for them.” -random Ravenclaw, not pressured by Jeonghan to support y’all or anything. Nope. 
Coups tends to ruffle your hair a lot, and backhugs as a surprise
“Cheol, my bird’s nest really doesn’t need to be made extra messy you idiiiiot!”
“I’m your idiot” winks 
“Yes and that makes it worse.” So you pummel him with a pillow
Backhugs and cuddles are still your thing
The sofa by the fireplace in the Common Room is your Spot™, but at least now you don’t have to hide anymore
Younger kids walking past “Oh Merlin’s pants look at them they’re so cute…I want a romance like that.”
Older students just grill y’all like oooOOoOohHhhhh
“Watch it, or you’re gonna get detention” is usually Coups’ joking reaction
While you just go *middle fingers up* and cuddle deeper into his chest
You help him with Herbology, even now, and your rewards are kisses
Really, you two are role-models for everyone at school, both as people and as a happy love story. 
One down, 12 to go…fuck why did I pick SVT to write for?
Hope it’s to everyone’s liking, please reblog, like, comment, follow, whatever if you enjoyed the weird headcanon. Jeonghan’s up next!
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feenyreadscomics · 4 years
Was tagged by @experimentaldata (posting on my sideblog) to do this game, so:
Rules are: list five fav shows, then answer questions about them. (Im including podcasts here b/c otherwise there won't be enough):
The Magnus Archives
Alice isn't dead
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Fullmetal Alchemist 2003
Daredevil (even tho i only made it to nelson v murdock)
What's your favorite character in 2? Sylvia. She's just like "yeah you're gonna help me or else" when she shows up, and then gets better from there.
Who is your least favorite character in 1? Well it depends if we are going off of a love to hate thing here or not. Cuz Elias js a bastard and I hate him so much.
What is your favorite episode of 4? Okay, spoilers for FMA 2003 and Brotherhood here: I liked the Fifth Labratory in 2003 a lot, and a lot of it is because I watched FMAB. This is where the tones start diverging, and a character previously thought dead is reveled to be alive. It was a genuine shock to me, and was super effective. I really liked that episode as a result, and having watched brotherhood before made the reveal even creepier.
What is your favorite season of 5? Uhhh.. season 1 I guess lol
Who is your fav couple in 3? Royai obviously has my heart, but an underrated couple are Al and Mei. Its obviously a juvenile crush, but I love their incredibly flustered dynamic. They are babies. Its great. (Also Lan Fan and Ling are a great couple, and a foil to Royai)
Who's your favorite couple in 2? Small cast, so there aren't a lot here, but I like Alice and Keshia! I like them resolving their shit! I like that Keshia forgives Alice, not for Alice's sake, but for hers! I like that they get a happy ending! There's a lot here.
What's your favorite episode of 1? Everything leading up to getting Daisy out of the coffin. The rib thing. I also like Jude Perry getting interviewed (but for one line in particular). The second episode of the show is also pretty great
What is your fav episode of 5? Nelson v Murdock. Too many feelings, cannot pick up show again.
What is your fav season of 2? 3. Its a good ending, and season 3 also has Alice! And having her and Keshia work together is great!
How long have you watched 1? Since December of last year.
How did you become interested in 3? Heard good things about FMAB. And it was free on Crunchyroll. And quarintine.
Who is your fav actor in 4? (I watched it dubbed, not subbed, so:) 2003's Lust had the best nuance and complexity. I liked that.
Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5? 2. It builds the horror elements better than TMA, and my stomach is a bit squeamish with Daredevil.
What shows have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3? I have rewatched FMAB with so many people, I think they're neck and neck? Its unclear.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? Heck I don't like this since its a crapsack world. Winry and Paninya seem to avoid a lot of it, I'd be them
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? Twin day. Its twin day. (Except wait, 2003 is connected to our world, so, triplet day? It's triplet day?) This actually hurts my head, so thanks for that.
Pick two characters in 1 who make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? *swings a bat at a hornets nest* What the Girlfriends? They were not set up well at all.
Overall, which show has a better storyline, 3 or 5? 3. Sorry but I can watch the first episode of FMAB after watching the show and have everything recontextualized. Daredevil could never.
Which one has better theme music, 2 or 4? 4, I guess? By default?
Tagging... uhhh... @morepopcornplease @wandering-sooty and uhhh... whoever would like to do this
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