enderwalk · 4 years
okay for sbi what are your headcanons about their relations to each other? are the boys all biological siblings (besides tubbo of course), with the same mother or do they all have different mothers? ages and how close were they as children? i really like hearing peoples hcs lol.
ohhh here we GO thank you vi im gonna go insane right now!! 
so, im a huge fan of found families. i know that wilbur said that tommy, techno and wilbur are all biologically phil’s kids but he lost his rights to dictating canon when sally the salmon came into being. its my canon now <3 
ive been thinking a lot about their dynamics and who would be related to who, and who’s the eldest, and this is what i’ve decided for my personal headcanons:- wilbur and techno are twins, and yes people would think this means that my headcanon for techno would be pretty boy anime techno. for a while it was, before i considered that they’re both piglin hybrids (you have no idea how excited i got when i learned that wilbur is derivitive of “wildbor” which is a medieval nickname meaning wild boar). they switch up who is the oldest depending on the situation, and to steer blame from themselves. 
- being hybrids and not fullblooded piglins, i can imagine they were exiled from the nether as children. villagers were terrified of them and refused to house them. phil found these two children, scared and alone and different, and couldn’t bare to leave them out in the cold. wilbur and techno remember living on their own in a snowy tundra very differently - techno embraces the cold and later on establishes the antarctic empire, even builds his retirement cottage in the snow. but the cold did something to wilbur. he's still always so cold.
- they were very close as children and wilbur, being the dirty crime boy that he is, would often steal gold from villages for him and techno. wilbur stole the crown that techno wears now, but they refused to admit to phil where they found it. phil knows exactly what happened, and he’s been banned from several villages because of his boys. phil had hoped that wilbur would be the good one since he wasn’t as violent as techno, but oh boy was he wrong. 
- tommy is adopted, and was clearly an only child before he was taken in. he has only child energy (coming from someone who is an only child). he’s the youngest, obviously. i also think it’d be really funny if tommy is the reason techno hates orphans because techno is very attached to phil and was worried that his dad would give all of his attention to tommy and not him. he used to threaten tommy whenever their dad wasn’t around, he eventually came to like the kid. he still bullies the shit out of him though. 
- phil also hoped that tommy would be the good kid. he was very wrong. he keeps asking himself how he manages to adopt all these young criminals. tommy learned to steal from wilbur and more often then not is very bad at it, and gets in insane amounts of trouble. he learns how to wage wars from techno and learns how to fight. he learns how to lie from wilbur and how to close off your emotions from techno. he adopted the worst traits from his brothers, really. he looks up to techno - the legendary blade - and wanted to be more like him. 
- techno has oldest child syndrome and even if he acts aloof and uncaring towards his brothers, he would die for them. even if he acts like he wants to punt tommy across the room at any given moment, he just wants the kid to be safe. he couldn’t keep wilbur safe, and now tommy is exiled, so he clings onto his dad and gave him a compass to his retirement home, knowing he only has one life left. 
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crimson-chains · 4 years
the among us comics?? are so?? cute?? i’m sobbing this is my favorite thing all day!!
Awww, thank you very much, I’m so happy you like them ;w;
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buckyegans · 4 years
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glowberrycave · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if i could one of your gifs as a header on my blog (with credit ofc!!) your blogs are lovely by the way♡
yes absolutely! thank you for asking!!
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elleroodles · 3 years
got tagged by @lizziechase to write some stuff ty abbie i love writing stuff
write some stuff in your handwriting:
lowercase and uppercase alphabet
your url(s)
the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
a song lyric and/or a quote
tag some folks’ urls :-)
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no pressure tags: @yancys @swordofviolets @kateharper @celestialakko @stars-n-light
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buckyegans · 4 years
emma i want you to know that
and i think that you
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buckyegans · 3 years
21, 32, and 40 for you 💗
song that reminds me of the moon! glassy sky from tokyo ghoul. that shit makes me cry real tears
reminds me of the color yellow! sunflower vol 6. it’s just such a happy song
song in another language! tuyo by rodrigo amarante or stay with me by miki matsubara
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buckyegans · 4 years
i love you violet have this
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buckyegans · 4 years
YOURE BACK YOURE BACK!!! you were dearly missed🥺 hope you feel better2$!.!;!2!!.!;!3?/!:!;!
hi !! and i missed you !! thank you vi <3
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buckyegans · 4 years
thank you for putting me on your pinned omg ily🥺
hi vi! i love you bunches
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