#swtor landscape
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Nathema adventures. I've aborted the whole thing later, tho, because it just sucks, and I hated it. But at least the landscape is nice
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vahloksekelle · 7 months
:: dantooine
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:: keep thinking about this scene in my head, of an old blba tree over a river on dantooine.
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darthtater15625 · 25 days
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hoth is just so prettyyyyy
also kudos to the people who designed massive areas like Hoth. Like someone had to go design cool little areas that almost nobody will see on the edge of the map and JUST BECAUSE they make a super cool chasm with a crashed ship at the bottom. The amount of time and effort put into this game is just mind-boggling
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wvyld · 2 years
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hoth was nice
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landscape: makeb mesa (x).
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nists · 2 months
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zelsisi · 9 months
How to Properly Kill an Emperor...With Your Problematic Sibling
So this is set in SWTOR during Echoes of Oblivion with Outcast's brother OCs Cuyan (Jedi Knight) and Kaden (Sith Warrior). I’m glossing over things here, it's not supposed to be exactly like the Echoes of Oblivion. I changed some things for the sake of this story considering it's on the OCs and not the story itself.
Also! Hi Outcast! @outcastcommander Been awhile vod! We need to talk more again, only if you want tho. I hope you like this piece (yes it was me as the anon asking lol)!
Here's a preview:
When the two heard what was going down here, of course they wanted to help. Except for very different reasons. For example, Kaden wants to put his former Emperor into the grave for good, afterall a lot of things in the galaxy is his fault. The blue eyes of his brother seem to twitch a bit as he catches the thought through the Force. Meanwhile, Cuyan wants to do it for a multitude of reasons. One to help Satele, the former Grandmaster of the Order and the one that helped him down the road he was on. Two, he hates that he agrees with his brother for wanting to just finally put down the major pain in the osik that is The Emperor. So what if he also wanted to get even for all the bullshit he’s been through? It's not that major. Who is he kidding though? Definitely not his brother who obviously caught wind of the thought through the Force and just gave him a look with his white eyes.
Regardless of why they’re doing this, the fact is that they are doing it. Running head long into danger. Again. For the thousandth time at least. A fact that both have been…quite vocal about as they board the ship that holds the ailing bodies and minds of Master Satele Shan and her students, who they find fairly quickly after carving through the Emperor’s Servants and the Scions.
Both of them kneel and close their eyes, using the Force to go into Satele’s mind. The landscape there is of stars and barren landscapes. Illusions of enemies long dead arrive causing them to fight back to back. The brothers activate their sabers, the glow being the only light close enough to them than the stars. Both are fairly aggressive but Kaden is more honorable in his fighting as he jumps from enemy to enemy, emitting force waves and force slams as he goes. He doesn’t take every opening but that’s his way, better to fight honorably than to take a cheap shot. Cuyan, on the other hand, while he does jump around from enemy to enemy, he’s a bit more…dirty. His fists and feet and head, aided by the force, become his secondary weapons. Every opening he sees he takes, even if it's cheap, his style greatly contrasting to his brother’s.
As the fight winds down, Cuyan’s footing slips on an unstable piece of the area as he dodges to the side, leaving him open to a strike which is quickly intercepted by Kaden’s off hand saber being thrown to throw off the strike. The blue eyes sharpen towards him as they deal with the last of them, “I don’ need your help!”
“Clearly. Tell me brother, how would Kira react if you didn’t come back from this?” That shuts up his brother real quick and Kaden can’t help but feel smug at that and gives a small smirk, “Regardless of your capabilities, this enemy is more cunning than most. As you and I have seen first hand as he was the Emperor of the Sith, saw the way he consumed Ziost, and then saw what he did as Valkorion.” Cuyan’s blue eyes go wide as they go through a wide variety of emotions. The fear of being raised by the Sith so much so that he left and later killed the Emperor as a way to face his own demons. The utter failure he felt after Ziost was consumed, he was a Jedi Knight wasn’t he supposed to save as much as he could? And the utter loathing that he felt when he returned inside his own head after killing him as Valkorion. The final part causes a shiver to run down Cuyan’s spine and he realizes how glad he is that his head is free from that…being.
Kaden sighs lowly as he deactivates his sabers, “Regardless of the past we’ve had, we both want to see that bastard dead. So watch my back, I’ll watch yours.” His hand becomes a fist as it hovers over the area of Cuyan’s armor where his heart is. It's a gesture they used to do as kids before they…made very different life choices. Cuyan freezes and watches it, clearly remembering the gesture but still tenses up. Whenever one of them had touched the other recently it was because they were fighting. Kaden pulls back. He doesn’t know if the touch would even be welcome or if he’d allow it. Both of them turn away from the other.
“How touching.” The brothers whirl around at the familiar voice to see Valkorian. Their eyes narrowing and their sabers activating in near synchronization as they spit out. “Valkorion.”
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translothcat · 2 months
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wip for a couple of ocs I dont think ive shared before? shes some sort of alderaanian princess/nobility type [not of any importance] and she cares more for spending her days sitting around in nature as she's always felt a 'connection', including to the crystal she holds in her necklace. [more below the cut]
then comes along this jedi guy [padawan or knight 🤔] with his master [+ maybe some others] for some diplomacy mission thing regarding her family. these 2 end up spending some time together, maybe he's meditating in the same beautiful landscape she likes to spend her time in. they get to talking about the force and what the jedi is, because she doesnt know much about all that. it turns out that she has a natural connection to the force, and probably couldve been a jedi in different circmstances. the crystal in her necklace is actually a kyber crystal, and wouldve been used in her lightsaber.
his deployment keeps him on alderaan for a while, and the two become friends of sorts. he's able to teach her a lot about the force and what it means to be a jedi, and is even able to run through teaching her some jedi teachings [lol words] such as showing her to use his lightsaber.
I think he ends up in some sort of long term deployment there serving that royal/noble family which is why theyre able to spend so much time together. I also want them to have a romantic relationship. its set in some kind of rough old republic era-y time, so tensions are low, and there isnt as much strictness with the dont fall in love thing [my interpretation comes from this forum comment on jedi marriage]. so I dont think he needs to actually leave the jedi order or anything. he just gets to stay out there and do his own thing pretty much, maybe occasionally going back to the order when needed
^most of this is p much just typed out for me LOL if I wanted a proper post shouldve probably waited for it to be less wip. oh well lol
also I still need to name them. im thinking maybe something like amira or mira or myra or smth [I really liked my swtor sith being called amara. but I cant steal that lmao]. the jedi is modelled similarly after an old oc I had but it was when I was first choosing my name so I wanted to test out candidates and he's. just named after me. but his surname was Drondolo I kinda like that. whether I use it for him or maybe do smth with that old oc again
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ospreyeamon · 2 years
the current in the river is not the current in the sea
In SWTOR we are given a Sithly equivalent to the Jedi’s iconic parting well-wish "May the Force be with you" in the form of "May the Force serve you well." This illustrates an obvious contrast in the ways the Jedi and Sith view the Force and their philosophies more generally. The Jedi emphasise the importance of selfless service and hold the Force in religious veneration; the Sith prioritise personal goals and consider the Force as more a neutral aspect of existence rather than intrinsically divine. However, I think there is also a very practical reason for these different modes of engaging with the Force.
When the Jedi say they serve the Force and follow its will, they mean the Light-Side of the Force. Not the Dark-Side. If you asked them about allowing yourself to be guided through the galaxy by the Dark-Side of the Force acting out whatever you believed its will to be, you would be hard pressed to find any Jedi who would tell you that was anything other than a terrible idea. From that perspective, the Jedi’s difference of opinion with the Sith is as much about which aspect of the Force to engage with as how to engage with it, if not more.
The Sith would broadly agree with the Jedi that allowing yourself to be directed by the Dark-Side of the Force is a bad idea, though their explanations as to why it’s a bad idea would probably be quite different. The Sith don’t consider the Dark-Side to be some grand wellspring of Evil (barring the occasional fallen ex-Jedi in possession of Serious Issues). Rather the Dark-Side is, shall we say, wilful. A current that, if you don’t watch and correct for it, will pull you into a riptide and cast you out to sea.
Moving more into headcanon, I think most Sith believe the Force to be a thing of many wills rather than a single unifying one. The Dark-Side in particular is a giant overlapping patchwork; living people, dead people, living planets, dead planets, temples, artefacts, memories, fates, and a host of other things all reaching out through the Force exerting themselves on the universe. Some of these wills may align with your own, some of these powers will be helpful, but others are antagonistic or dangerous. Which ones depends on who you are and what you want – navigating, bargaining, and coercing your way through this landscape is a tricky business. Ultimately, the safest part of the Dark-Side to tap into is nearly always going to be the part connected to yourself, fuelled by your own passions, because the emotion and will are yours.
Following the will of the Force in this context is following the siren call of the creepy holocron whispering that you should pick it up, succumbing to the corrupting aura of the Dread Masters, or drowning in the final wishes of the restless dead. If you can’t impose your will on the Force, you run the risk the Force might impose its will on you. You need to have a firm grip on who you are and what you want if you plan on channelling the power of the Dark-Side.
That lack of the assumption of the Force’s benevolence is why the Sith’s farewell can be interpreted as "good luck staying on top of that tiger you’re riding". It doesn’t make sense to call upon the Force for guidance and protection if you believe you might have to fight the Force or whatever’s living inside it for your soul at two in the morning.
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kemendin · 1 year
how do you take such good screenshots? I've always struggled with taking good ones myself
The short answer is - practice, persistence, in my case some photoshop, and a healthy dose of luck when it comes to timing things haha. Combat screens especially are very hit or miss (pun intended) in games like SWTOR where there's no pause button, so I just spam the screenshot key and hope for the best. I promise, for every screenshot that I post, there are 10-40 others that did not work xD
But for a more practical look, let's take one of the Ibis ones I just posted. Here is the original screenshot vs the final version:
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In terms of in game setup, paying attention to the camera angle and where the ambient lighting falls is very helpful. You get a feel for what angles look best on a character, and you decide what your focus is - do you want their face/model to be centre stage, or is it more of an overall composition, maybe with a dramatic back silhouette? (I love back shots honestly, maybe because I'm usually looking at their backs as I play).
Make sure your character isn't lost in the background, some environments can be way too busy for character-focused shots. Sometimes you'll need to move/rotate, sometimes it just takes choosing a more contrasting outfit if you've got one.
Also, play around with emotes/expressions if that's a feature of the game you're in! I have some staple emotes I'll fall back on, and again, you'll get a feel for how to time them if you do it often enough.
As you can see, I do a fair bit of post-processing on my screenshots. I know a few folks use reshade in game for shaders and depth of field - I found it wonky when I installed it, so instead I do all of that after the fact in photoshop.
Typically, I'll crop a screenshot, especially for more zoomed out shots, and sometimes rotate the angle for a more dramatic effect like the above. I love adding depth of field with the lens blur filter, though it can be finicky to make sure just the character is selected, requires a lot of patience haha. And then I'll play around with things like contrast and colour grading. For the above, I actually didn't do a lot of colour tweaks, and I just made sure to enhance the highlights a bit to make things pop. I also added a motion blur effect on the blaster shot. Sometimes for landscape style shots I'll add the black cinema bars, like here, for that extra oomph, other times a shot's fine without them.
So yeah, there's a lot more that goes on here than just hitting the screenshot key - a lot of time spent posing, adjusting, re-doing, and then going in and editing after. As with any art form, patience and practice are truly your friends!
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icescrabblerjerky · 11 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by @senseandaccountability THANK YOU!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 200 exactly! I did not know this until I just went and checked.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,222,468 - I too have been at it for a long time, about fifteen years (and there is more of it on other sites lol)
3. What fandoms do you write for? Rusty Quill Gaming, Baldur's Gate 3, SWTOR (and other star wars related fandoms), Dragon Age, The Magnus Archives, Final Fantasy XIV, uh... and lots of little one offs for books and tiny podcast fandoms.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Mbmbam Archives (mbmbam/magnus crossover) with 949 (this still makes me laugh so much)
Seven Days (RQGaming, Zolf/Oscar) at 458
Sex, Death and Plants or: Four Seasons Total Landscaping (RQGaming AU, Zolf/Oscar/Grizzop) at 425
Willing to Wait for It (RQGaming, genfic) at 394
A Little Help (RQGaming, again Zoscar) at 384
Rusty Quill Gaming folks are super super supportive and awesome and I'm forever grateful they went on my dumb journeys with these characters with me.
5. Do you respond to comments? Always! I hope! I know sometimes I miss them when I'm away from my computer but they are definitely always read.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Mmmm, angsty-est?? I'm not one really for angsty endings, although I like angst in all the other bits. Probably the fic I wrote where Zolf is mourning Oscar. I honestly can't remember what it was called.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Sex Death and Plants ends in a massive polycule and the take down of a fascist asshole billionaire so I think it deffo qualifies as the happiest of my endings :D.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm LOL. Never directly. I have reports of people who dislike what I write but they never tell me to my face for some reason, it always gets around to me, usually about two years later, on the underground.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do. I love writing smut. I don't write very graphic smut as a general rule but most of my fics will have one or two scenes in it and I've done a couple of kinktobers. Love it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've got a couple. One Dragon Age/Lucifer crossover that I wrote specifically for a friend. One aborted Firefly/Dragon Age Crossover that lives on FF.net I think if that site hasn't destroyed itself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had enquiries about translating some into Russian but I've never actually seen if they followed through.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! Quite a few actually. Some of them haven't been published :D.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I should say Zoscar. So I will. I love them your honour.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Gods I got a comment on my old Rebels fic "Talking to Strangers" and I read it again and went "this shit's good I should finish it" but that would involve me actually watching the rest of Rebels and I don't really watch TV any more and it just ends up being too hard.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and character voices, I think - at least for fic. I have a lot of fun trying to make what characters say feel like it could be lifted directly from the source material but isn't.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Description. Fucken' hate it. I'll do it but I'll moan about it for every single sentence.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Very risky IMO and not something I'll do any more although I used to when I first started out. These days I'll write it in English but indicate which language it should be in in other ways.
19. First fandom you wrote for? If we wanna get technical I wrote my first fanfic when I was about ten years old. It was Sherlock Holmes fanfiction (the stories, not the series, since the series didn't come out for another twenty five years lol). Self insert time travel fic. I may still have it somewhere lol.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? I love all my fanfictions equally (I really don't care for Mbmbam Archives). No that was a joke, I really do love all of them, my favourite tends to be the one I'm writing at the present moment. That said honourable mention should go to The Nature of Crystal (G'raha/WOL smut) because that one just arrived fully formed in my head one morning and tickled me.
I'll tag @feralkwe, @wishflower4, @zombolouge @makesometime and anyone else who would like to do it!
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Dear SWTOR devs,
Starting from Onderon in Onslaught, every landscape looks absolutely fantastic. Onderon, Mek-Sha, mindscape in Echoes of Oblivion, Dantooine enclave, new Manaan area, and now Ruhnuk - all are stunning. But it would be nice if I didn't need a NASA computer to run the game on high settings to appreciate the scenery at more than 10 fps.
a player who doesn't have a NASA computer.
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
“Our of habit” from the kiss prompts for any of your swtor pairings?
Thank you for the excuse to write RotE-KotFE interim Keme/Jorgan :D
Aric was already up when Keme rolled out of bed. And judging by the coolness of the sheets, had been for a while. Their schedules were usually more in sync, but she'd been up a few extra hours last night.
Keme shook herself awake more as she stretched, the movement making the too-big t-shirt bunch on her shoulders. She ran a hand through her hair as she headed for the kitchen. She needed food. And caf. Not necessarily in that order.
Aric met her in the kitchen entryway with a mug in hand. "Heard you coming," he said, handing her the caf and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Late night?"
Even half asleep, long-formed ritual had her leaning into the kiss as she hummed confirmation around her first sip. "Beniko passed along some more leads on where Vitiate might've got to. I wanted to at least skim 'em in case any were time sensitive." She wrinkled her nose as the second sip of caf had her more awake. "Sorry if I woke you."
She probably had. SpecForce careers weren't known for making people heavy sleepers.
"Don't worry about it," he said. "Anything promising in those leads?"
Keme sighed and scrubbed at her eyes with the heel of her free hand, as if she could removed the memory of Ziost's bleached-grey landscape from her mind. "One or two with a slim chance, and Theron's running them down, but my gut says they're not gonna go anywhere. It's like he vanished." She leaned her head against his chest. "I hate this, Aric. Knowing he's out there, that there's a threat that needs dealing with ASAP, but not where to find it."
"Hey." He pulled her into a hug, careful to give time so she could hold the mug out to one side. "We'll find him. Evil like that can't stay hidden for long. And then we'll deal with him."
She snorted, muffled against his shirt. "Just like that? The Sith Emperor?"
"Just like that." Aric rubbed her back, the soft weight of his chin atop her head grounding her. "This is you we're talking about, Keme."
Keme snaked a hand up to cup the back of his neck as she tipped her head so she could meet his eyes. "And I've got you watching my back, so we're basically unstoppable."
He chuckled and leaned down to rest his forehead on hers "Exactly. So enjoy the day off." He stole a kiss. "Stars know when we'll get another."
She snorted as she stepped back, setting her mug on the counter so she could stretch again. "I'm half expecting this one to get interrupted..."
Aric watched her with a small smile before commenting dryly, "I think I know the answer to this, but what're the odds of me getting that shirt back?"
Keme grinned. She'd been wondering if he'd say anything. "You have other shirts," she said coyly. "And it's comfy, smells like you, and I think I pull it off better."
"So pretty low, then." He met her smirk with one of his own. "Not that I'm gonna argue that last point."
"Not even a little?" she teased, letting a significant look linger and trail along his arms.
"No contest." The words hovered before a purr and a growl as he moved into her space again with a single stride and pulled her close.
Keme was already rocking up on the balls of her feet to meet him as Aric kissed her deeply. His fingers slid into her hair as hers clenched in his t-shirt, just slipping under the edge to graze his stomach.
Their comms trilled an alert summoning them to the Senate tower and they broke apart with matching growls of frustrations.
"Guess I jinxed us," Keme grumbled, resting her forehead against his jaw as they both caught their breath. Figures. Can't we have one kriffing day?!
"You can make it up to me later." Aric kissed her temple before reluctantly easing back.
"And then some," Keme promised with a wink. "Since you're, ah, more put together, mind grabbing somethin' for us to eat while I get dressed? Otherwise my stomach might drowned out whatever they wanna talk to us about"
"Sure thing, boss."
There was a glint in his eyes that almost made Keme say screw the alert, but she shook it off with an effort and went to get dressed.
Aric handed her food when she reemerged, smirking at the hint of his shirt still peeking from under her uniform jacket. "Ready to go see what new crisis demands our attention, Major?"
She took the food, passing him his jacket in trade, and grinned back. "Long as I have you with me, Captain."
He leaned into the kiss she brushed against his jaw. "Always."
And knowing he meant it was almost enough to keep her in a good mood despite the lost day off. She watched him slip on the uniform jacket, hiding those arms from view with a pang of regret and irritation.
Hopefully they'd have time for that making it up to him sooner rather than later.
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wvyld · 2 years
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monocytogenes · 1 year
Ammyyyyy from the SWTOR Character Ask Meme, can you tell me about Isra and Pravin's answers for the following questions: 1. What is [character]’s favourite event, & what do they like about it? 9. What do they regard as their culture, & do they distinguish between their culture and heritage? and 13. If there were a Commemorative Statue released of them, what pose would they be in?
I presume this refers to the recurring ingame events, sooo--
I played Pravin on the Bounty Contract event and man, that is his SHIT. Post class-story I imagine him getting by outside the Empire through doing a lot of private security and investigator work, and bounty hunting is really just that plus the "capturing fugitives" bit. He'd always use the drink option and bring them back in carbonite in lieu of killing them, lol.
Realistically I think he'd be wary about doing too much of that sort of work because it's super confrontational and he doesn't want to make enemies, but if the money's right...hey, some of those troublemakers must have long histories of pissing off multiple legal and illegal enterprises, right? And he likes the investigatory part. It's what he enjoyed about working for Intelligence--the relationship-building and social engineering; figuring out how to get people to disclose information or allow him entry to restricted spaces. His talent at it is kind of his superpower, and it really gives him a thrill.
Isra would be into the Rakghoul event. She's a badass sword lady patriot who sees her role as that of a protector and defender, so heading out to put down a bunch of monsters to keep civilians safe is her idea of a good day's work. She'd also definitely be game for helping the scientists get samples and such, and feel pride in the praise she'd receive for that.
9. THIS IS A GREAT QUESTION you know I love this shit and will worldbuild about it forever
I'll start off by saying that I do think there's such as a thing as "Imperial culture", in large part because the Empire is a society with its own distinct values, norms, shared history and myths, as well as mass media. Much of this goes back to the outcome of the Great Hyperspace War--Imperials view their nation as a great power that was subjected to a retaliatory genocidal purge, and this desire to reclaim their place in the galaxy and not be victimized again brought about the militaristic, high-control government they accept as necessary today.
Dromund Kaas and Ziost are the main centers of culture, and that culture evolves in an environment where the only real "outside" influences are those from assimilated member worlds. Travel for ordinary citizens is restricted. There's a China-style Great Firewall which blocks most foreign media. Everyone watches the same holodramas, partakes of the same cuisine, observes the same fashion trends (albeit with some variation depending on what social stratum one's in)--if you reference, say, a joke from a popular novel in front of a large group of Imperials, ninety percent of them will know it. (Coupled with their tendency to couch humor in desert-dry sarcasm, this shared media landscape tends to make Imperial jokes incomprehensible to outsiders. It's like five-levels-deep memes all the time.)
Pravin and Isra both have complicated relationships with Imperial culture.
In Pravin's case, he doesn't like to think of himself as culturally Imperial on account of having left the Empire, but he is. He absolutely is. It's a fundamental piece of his personality, no matter how much time he's spent in Hutt Space, no matter how well he's come to speak other languages, enjoy other foods, incorporate other fashion influences into his daily wardrobe. He still has that kneejerk annoyance response to breaches of etiquette, such as when people aren't punctual or address him informally at a first meeting. He still feels uncomfortable wearing shorts or sleeveless tops in public, even as he's donning loud patterns and leaving his shirts halfway undone. He still cracks up at the humor. But yeah--there's always an unease there when he's made aware of his own attachments, since it forces him to contend with grief he's not altogether ready to process.
Isra defines herself largely by two identities: as a Sith Lord, and as a zabrak. The former gives her a role and a place in Imperial society--that of a powerful defender of her country and its people, ordained through superior genetics and years of training--and the latter defines her as both the inheritor of Iridonian warrior traditions and an oppressed person. She's simultaneously privileged and discriminated against, lauded and looked down upon, an insider and outsider to the culture she was brought up in. Much of her teenage desire to connect with Iridonian diaspora culture--despite not having been raised in that community--was a means of contending with how much of Imperial culture is not for her, both in a practical sense (e.g. not being able to eat some of the foods since she's a carnivore) and through all manner of subtle exclusion (e.g. lack of representation of people who look like her in most major media roles.) She claims Imperial culture as hers, she has to, but always in a way that incorporates her racial heritage. She needs feet in both in order to feel whole.
13. Pravin would be doing a James Bond pose because I'm a basic bitch. Like, probably this one but instead of a gun he's holding a vibroknife.
Isra would have her knees bent, ignited lightsaber in her right hand at a low guard position and her left hand raised up near her head, fingers splayed to use the Force. Basically the longsword plow stance but one-handed.
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6: Favorite BGM/song?
(from these swtor asks! theyre still open, but i may be slow to answer)
OHHHGGGGGHHHHHHH the balmorra duo. "balmorra, the forge" + "the occupation of balmorra"
those two take my instant top spot i would actually conduct my entire life to the will of the balmorran landscape and that's honestly just fact.
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